Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 04, 1869, Image 3

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. tr .
I • 4
' -- 44 • 44 ,
r AiliticorA. ,
• it :
_ v.,
- ---
yrßsr 8rar40r6..40,44
covairsiOmrionsAnteadeod for public/to'
(hal in tho RAO;,a p:tuet be ite.eomPanted by',
rosponslblo name) as a paranteo of si d;
ce rlty Oa Vic part Of the writer.'. Tlionntlhe
‘i i n n ot be published ul?lpsfso doll:01W
, the correspondent , • • , •
Correspondents Should tnaire Weir para.
mentratlons eltoito . and to 020 point;.. l Aur
• spool) Is too Ilinltid for Itong, attiolak
tYrlto only one alas Of the paper, , and'
A 9 plutulpno posa4l i lo, P l t G out dourpolkel:
osonironnn, Ira° , fedi to receive 'l4O
F.Aoti rdgulur4it.wo dt)ro,t' a fallai:lq:
leaving notice at tills collie e j wilero all Oro,
plaints of irregularity orAtitenesiot , de-
Ilviiry ttlli bo proornptly, attended tn.
• A ovsarketns are reancosted to band in
th e ir ovorttiements as '*7 4 ,111 tho clay tta
poisibte, 44 bar inepOsing 61ronla,-
(ion compels us to go•to preii about 2p, m;
, ring deposits In the Banking House of
utiehong ( tyro:, Ilave Inflei‘sed
beim; very inuo.nAt4tvlpt, Allan, ever .be.
„ •
BRI RP Arl NTIONS.-4110 ooya , are
Ing PooP 9 . •
{Valor .pipo is being laid to the how
aottlemont at the tailroaa
inmiN.' • • (~
woman's heart Is Ulla ate. moOn,'lt
should have only one Mari in it, ,
The cold elute with, which March wan
inaugurated wal of hort .Auratioir. If
yloitleti like •Joieph's• 4rosoing-gown
when ho broke, away , froui Poll
phar.Xesterday:wouls3 allewhere pass
!limier for, spring, • z 7./
TM now style of.bonittitle tole a 40ad
and two inehesof tibboh, ,failtened :with
hair pin. Iho bonnet, -be !Aridly
'for too, pot ornatlionto. ' -
squaw-too(' hoots 40,0964 appear to
ho coming in voguo ngahn,,'
Tho man who woo,Drought Alp ,wlth
.round turn says be doWt t like tho•coni
puny. Another says It is no. esir,t of,it
iglnclplo or diet to bebronsht uOn. '
The demand for 'dwelling
continuos. '. • .. _
Tho coal business tbe railroads'. 'spit
continuos very dull. . • , •
All over tcwil to-day •314 bOt
could :nting• of. ItitOreat ,Wrlte
shout. A. he (MO ittittikiroundi
Another;(l6 chnlet4 'of strOlllng ,bog
gars has VlSitea our tan) itYM it botioov,os
all to keep the bpi; ° Oooro of their ,
holism loalA4 ‘ . ' ;,. i
pasolinityiit loiciyifite'Ont4tainnionta,)
at liarrlabilig;, n opo be ivilkbeireeted
with crowded houses: )
To ConnEsPOliniettol..=- 444 %it 4 irtiPy,
finurp;" ShoOnnikolllllo 4 7Ao4 thkor•
tlclo on 41 ConArpOnlfiticAilt, l). at the hea4
of our local 'columns.
R thiitering ttotloo of yyour friblid'
do in .to Other's oqusilY'deSOOlpg,
who P:13 1 for tho saw° prlVllogo,.tt
RnPonT of inatl.inatry, dollVerod nq
collected by tho lottodAttlopt. pf'
Reading rQat Offle,cl • • •• •
No. merlon; copployeti;i ••• • ••• •`•••• u
delivery trips 41101,r1's- 8
I oollootion 2
'" 11 /4A1001406.(004;.3': gribiolB
wain ,cixo 302
neteol4ol . o; ~
letters returned 'to 1
• • 27•
u letters 1;: 17,027
it n0v1'141491; r I tag
, , ,••
. _ .
Loog:ur Youn st.Tont4r.s,—;llo stem,
to 'et sittohelli hbtl dorlte , .tk•ift hbittik ;in
i ,
railroad oars, ,WilHalskslllsli . ' OJAI* tut ilt
ntations, • has i 4porilCY ,: t Olitnn:inAl.'
l'hores' is a :tolarablktikte 4rd •aleist
this Of t rush. trayslers may - availl't ana.
soiyial; - tls a nmallollaini with a spring
..b whlob a satchel be coat may ilia;
fasteed to thoirlit If-a ' car `itilat, :',o3ils
will not onlysopi 41:44 . 11Abittig0; but Ufa
occUpa nCY of itio seat, for o pansongor.
It may be ursod that thlov will break
the chain grAg EtCe .tuAtohOl-' 0 4 113 `thq'
can hardlyklgiWithobt attracting atten
tion aud;roCal_in4, tlistr:ol4lr,aktervi 4 n
many .jor , the ' WiAtorti rail roads 1110 no
little chains aro usodv , nuCalWays sac
co:mildly. Tho arkigleqqats Littt a, dollar,
and is sold on ho rutaneligeittaltin at tho
Want but we al'o not awnro ) tliat • t to
boon introduced ornabouts u ithmaj ' t• t ia
moat tufed6ll: - z `l - '' .' - ..
Tg a west faglii9iiahtleitol i p o rsicy,
are of WO of tilliptlP. .t hat :-, ) AAA
burnished; hright'lON Mr:in#4: 8 1 4 011,
or orangs—VtliOA anYlitoneat. ,Tortoise
shell als9 is much wor.n i i anal soma ottbol
devices are OXtrell101)) utlique' aattliea . Stj
. • 4 ..i . ' \• 1 ':. 1. i. 11:1 I (~ • , ;.''' 1
1 ,
I 'a i if t-t -r- 1 - 1 4.11--.J
A STRANOTI OcounltnNe,-79 f l atP
front a letter 'froth' tiablitin,k)Wr tti yi
thoowoor of a stanir mill In that Stab!)
to his sister in this,c,tyctici9SPllPM ' '. • 4 q r.
count of tiOn'orthtfliiolif. *ink titir i b*%'ur .
ronces In the of shape
. as explosion that
tvo have ever...hoar di ob ilf Will WO dittibt
tio of Interest to engineers and otiers
%vim 11S0 tofu bolleys jp f li t 4 fvl it
'rho gontlethdll IVO* the 11511bild a
,..tont o f
past calttosi o n, iiiikletk 1 ico 1 1 11 3'
411 , malisho4 ,tink,patti,.;SAixtfintighineryi
w t 'hunt:lfni iiiingany person In ttmlbtilida ,
i rtg: ' ..
. .
At olg , a'aloolgiwthet intithitig•ott 4) I
243th,beforo dayylight,l arose and went to
the mill, which was then .tinning, hav
ing run all nigh4e I,lJ7lttftilltillitAN:
theft:l4as Marnligt4o Vgil 1 „IV,
whoin X. foudd,'lo. , * o t teoljTo Of .h
dulles t aail 0)01)ieg MDR&• beta '
who had been on watch; the fore' it , , ,
the nights. , -On 'enVililgil l i ,t,"' , l / 2 1 k ):f
apeod of the nittehtneiy • lib og 'ifs! ,
orate; . PhoijkliVikt'ifig: l itil , , a I:,is -
noticed that th a' iiettk s' p ir t t '1 • ttifdelf
prossucii;,'ThltatntitW l'lti • •
I went to the Atippty w01.,m0 water some.
limos runs ellen In tho 1 ' • 1 1 va a ,
, ,
and found tit , . if in ; .. .
mu.. wk, 0 . :
Puintri t... .. ... ‘ w v
n0dv.b06.fir0,„041.1.*',......;,,,,,-.),,,,, , ,- e-..,_ i ,
the engine, o r ikiipit I', ~., , 4id tut, aj
lire Qin:with: frittlifi r Ai' , o4o P l IOTtl
toffee to
fikifti *itt• Ra th
tl ,
iiitlpto exittnihkilie. ge 4rtne Wa k
1: being Merely 010 'v.,. •4cl • • " tWII
dioplabhig.fibtibi , it 'v , 0414 I _
nand. P•ltettitntitg Alinthtalt . .%,)2..A,A,.;
namooa the' p : *tog- '' ' I' '''
tl e'aliS Alt . .iittt, i4tokit#o944g: io.
or Wittee;l''. • i withrnmato , 'l.O "h of
it and pans onto stwilnprordsbrog, and=
'toed alamt ten feat loons aide,. front one
Aldo of,ii forward torufir of —l t3 / 1 146 OW
"as in the act of 'turning v% • it th .—
E l ta inti,ptep,ArktOrY,S t q , • Ta U ktrE'
w iti. ri
machinooind te• Oa .• I ''
..-- iy .
ton minutes ulnae I I ( , " rittAt'?"• "ra
Win an aw 41 TOpOit i art I wan 001180/OUS
of a MOW.. , ~, side ot'Anyiketo6 (whi
w " Olt ', :'' eusalftbf- Wand . 1 1 .
bloili, ' 1' , ' I then thought; turp ,
the' to to on vibleh A good over, lintlil i t
foil on MO'n.tillei'llifflatlltilli gidni ,
kboro being f:lollQor,thAte: The nOX4ikat
I ronomber (eldapt an attempt, to emir'.
- lane Jny,eelf;apd,Houip heat t onany AO*
WAS the calling, f,pg hew; hy I s tle PM
on watch, who tonnd'httneelf out on al,'
•,§troot tunterA,W4egf \lf StMVAIq)&IIO I A '
in plain wofda;lellthlehtlit ,1 W he lp me
out, atld, where., I wast )
, . ; ;;I *Plrt. 44
no ilaiigoreiria via% ' rio t AlAr lag
isaag the boiler hail liltg lObloi A a hole,
it " 146 AQIISIA O Mt.fII,4Ir,.*I.OI ; ,
sizing . of the . table, oium iipa ioN4 Tile
Wr3,l 4!. tt
ea ie reati t: no mitt lit t(411101 , . )
'started luit At artipsutth, Eii .
h • us the ca is b'f Up: etimidAt ' ..;,
!me ;Mama tO Isty roloatte firsis' • ,' i
, With the one that arnr-Atir ite tv'
spired by exaltWaat, be raked one , ,'
or the heavy kibleiltheitTSTetit . o_ s ttr•
ing bilad from =I 1.434, e 1, W
/Wel to Illyifett "Ad , :-. tl , . one . e
cleared i I saW \ to my , ~ + 7 , ~ • •
anil horror, thin the engbikl XI I. !:
t,lift_ 1, 'Wbele +,. %,, ndliif 'Mill , fag ,
niewll to oo , - - pieces and scattered
over an area, o vodka** of Iftglanflif"
40tfing only di/Sanwa wffilt tholg•ftilOlC
Wei. standing
.ftlenolarld'Uti• tin 'OA
Ibtindstlon, Ntltb ncarcelr 4, i ,
mat*. My eyot twero blowit !tilt of 41 *
wtdoh I got cleared bybuoon; And = tbe*F,,_ ‘ , •
weie a mambo* of Micah bra tseg iitt ine+'
With the scalding of • tilt fitSeett this .
ort Watch, thhirWas 01 Abe peradnal liV,
Mos anstalnod, 4 Tho 'thlid` man: Area
not-burl in tho least, althnugh the - room
wigs all blowri dawn and the li , Wstig4l,
hOlten to pieces beneathhim: , Tnbeil l
er grid ongine;:which watko,ll6o(7'(otten'e
large portable 030ra built, or tho largeski
portion of it, went a distance of 00;
'hutuired paces, dircustly,oveF ply stal#49 )
containing four horeeli ttiid`' t *o :mot; at
thellin e . Therd being
. plehty„of, water+
in the holler, Um tiro fitiarly. out, Dud not:,
boll: n motion, i cannottlamothemati
In :e arge, nor' Add: zany soluitoti` tif the,
Mye ry, exeePt that thoro :Iwast fin or.
thieftVo gas In the boiler, that lbakod
frorti:the main head; (which was directly
above the arch door and partly above'
water lino, and• Which had. nit** leaked ,for.
a, yet r.) The titelt door . being A 1014144
go was drawn, lqto tlib Ore bythe strong
draft' of the boiler, and I Ignited...the lire
then ;followlnir the , source of. i the - gas;
runinsido the boiler and Olsiiiied the lifc-:
plosion. The boiler itself ;waa . blown
Into qigt'aiiparate plebes. lam tea by •
n map that was' coming toward • tho :mill
'but Was yet a 'distance, that' fragments
woutatraight up as high, as he could se6.,
: -
•, -, pr Is said that tho loilowlpg Is (I , carp.
for hydrophobia : • 'lathe the wound eon.'
stoutly with hartshorn; give dilitted
titre° times a day ; the bartaborn deoent t
poses chemically . the Virus Insinuated in
the W011m); and Immodiatoly destroys lte
deleteriouenees: .°. , - 0 . , • ''
4 0 1860.
~., , , • from' altomrstillito—The 'Ghost;
• , ‘..J............,
, . !
Misnnev4r.m, Ma'reit tosql), ;
. .
Mn. EDITOR :—I read'amartioloinyour
popor a few days ago, ancl was very much
surprised to hear that thd .people of this'
quiet littio village'wore very Much scared
shout, the nightly appostranco of a' ghost,'
at or. near thd place that Miss. 'Adolaidol
Bavor was murdered, about, ton oarsy
ego; Your informant alseinforiiied you
that; Somo po'reenti would 100 ,willing to
trit'Oer to it, 4e,.• ~ " .
' • It* very Strange that' the. people 'of
Aide place know nothing about the apitit,
havint soon or heard tiothi4-'untli your ,
oorre pondent thought proper _to infc•rin
iis th ugh your paper. And at the same
time Uwould beg loavo to , inform you
that'the people of Moh ravi He aronot quite
'dopp_erstitionS as WO:if:111mM Irr,Or be
Vtelted by the rOport of Ate appearance
,4t,u, 'spook "; In our 'Village. tam in
()lino to think'-that your oorrespondent
, must have seeti,qn• perhaps tasteck.teo
mitoh)of a certain kind of sidtits,Soll in .
eoneouence beOme rather light in the
, i iippe story, and In this, condition was,
roaming about osator near the placo this
murder was connpitted,",Ml Some moon
light night, and'lnrisgined hie own shadow
to be , the dreadedpho.V. r 1)rollumo he
is the awn) correspondent _that inforthed
you 4 illt days provious, traveling on the
"spook" question, that di pthetla Waapre
'veiling to an 'alarming oxtont in 'utir
Itildst ; and on that occasion, the spirits,
*nest have had him under their influence
also, as thero has not been a single case
of diptheria in this village. Ho' lay have
thought , oraneaslos, Qf Which there WON
a W a
as ses, and in hill apiritutd cemlit(en
wrote piptherlak.
You kindly offered to ;send your 're.'
porter, to this plaetto, )evostigato, tite,'
ghost gisestion ;
,In or thk(t . , .1..
would; suggest that . .1 , 9,4, send : ym.til re-,
portiird membern company with some of
'thil sMedleal profossion, to'examlho' into
th'O'be Ith, habits ; Pico. of the c,orrespond
ot, 1,,i, Q wished, tp make yeti belleyti that'
the. plb of thlb place, wexo,all dying Of
dept la and fright, caused by the' ap
tlOftrithCo of the spiriGand see whether he
lity,etepiritually inclirted.,- , ‘ ' R 1 45r1ii %;
.1 1
. , 1 ECot&inimioliteiy, ~.
~„,,„ ,)
4 Mit. !EDITOR 34-111 'the Raglo of the
4d day of March I obSertred It 'caril lir
folation to the bleetionof„Water.,Cont ! ,
• elltsioners, signed :by John D. Morrie,
end after reading the santelloamo to the,
conclusion thatotittito was "much ado
about othing." ' Now this ' Anita, mall'
who In do thoso,awful (Cheat Orloa VC* a:
1 ::,
Ailthhb r of the SOlect CeuUell for the itiftt ,
! two ye rs, and haft, imon ,voting for 'tho
upprop lotions of monoy•totarry billhtc
Water epartmofici and ofily.,found mit,
that th mode tit electing Tt stOr l icet
plirtiti ors was illegal .Whe i ti he, for t 'd'
urp64 of having a chaitoo to )get! into
tho f • ard, wanted himself. 'elected.,
'Noll( f the Counellnien Waited '' tiliti .
'ther and it made ho differnoe to, him.'
'Win ,by his Influence the Olootion wps
po • Stpo od until the 27th „of ,February, l
l in
dBB9i a d In tho inoantime this romarky
able m n who made thittgretit diOtiev,ro4'
,juld t Republican membore L pf 'COon- f
- bils • oet at the corner., of Xitth Odd.
Ohs 'alley. for. the purpoee. or having ,
linise . noininatedffor Water :Comfriiit4 ,
siper. !, kt ,
.4 4
he the votofiitis taltOhletiiilool!
. 1;10%11 he votescoin chalk° or glohnnye
4 was not wanted; and:011-4 4 110' 22d
ti of
olrfkr h it o a
(;a a r t d tl o ro f ViAll ite la r rAttl i = ei t
i i ,
tlt• - nici beta , of llic BogO,powdoO to?
Ij haitl,vacancies,lntecollnce with the ,
'it telOtAesembly f •atel when the'comMit*
top were union aced ,_ this wise Man tbnud
filthsolft chairman ' of the 00'01th* en .
City Ptoporty; When he 4 otineolVed` the
idea that ho had 00Wer, Wiggler. the rfreof4
• nltrwanted him or not, tO acetate hlrdsoll ,
ilea htia and front of thti , WaterDenert.
'tuetititt das such , lio pu Vs' eitrilll4
paper, , th as , rho 4. Yanite', it ; )4
Attea roe ninander; let or, mkt; :' t'y,i
*Mee, ordwas law. 1,, , v, •„,.1.1 ~.., 0. f I.': .
ii Now, et us „look at the'Aet of AeSorn
blyitan 'take thel4iiitleman's plaitiCif'
,-100417,Whela ginitht`nd Itoff wero• Opp.,
ed-;, I satobsthgv' that, olootioa! fa': Tri,i4re',
• been illegal, mote not thitilW.O.ol4 001n.s.
Ipipiontirs that held ‘ over legal; and as
ablfg. as ithoro .was.,.ene legally deeted •
Venuoisialoner hi the Board t lie hgO . , us
liglit to lin the Boirrd. , ' ''" '• `' •'' „•••
' l ' ( pr.* to litrAii .1. - ;:_tiAtout, who hold
t ikee 0 ABB7OOO wair,,,logally ;In 'lke
Aaiir iAnd-when the Connell held , an
Ailiiottoult which Jktr t ,Atorritoiitid ; they',
•lußillo fight to Aoilehtt want' the gT.
: Why, it mos •xt Imponaeudation t 0... r,.
1911 1 ,444 ?inn went , t4t2plnt • them or ,
Alok„ at; pis pleaslireil well, Mr: StOist,
lioailitsrod in , sall;',rochrimendation told'•
eentAir, tho ''hfa 'r., l l,tpd he •swora . in.
lial and liolf as'' CS)Anit{ealonerly I and
liken' fri Iljalizbergity:W}di t tin s his res-,,
Iktikit ot4 which was. ace s - itly;'sl# l
,Board," add \ Thotriate, Ad ison Was 4)-
04RO kills plaetip tho .134p44, W.
galyttrzod neeer ng to law, and 0n 1
owst,a , mocting, - o the . Board on the 1
22nd A da of retirAaryi , lB69 • 44urtell' i
paiing Tailed tottiect t_l9 i Onettp,
ii . .:,rd had a egAti to•tha o i jleint
' Thiii ° We tid lloillid_ 0 Wiili Pry
• oiptolls to 'reooMnitti4 any persQVili,
for they railing to tildtAo tht 49',111.0
td:out , 'by tho :AbesirUl , itib'k F.'
, right was at attoutt. '' ' 7 .. • .''. .
4 a lkibtV . , 14 lON eboirman.of City Broiler. ;
tyrant Phltreiktits.SlWaysattot attest!),
Ahaliair a Calm, and I , ...i l itiOtlWPW,
pens that '11itti,,,4403r, - il: raeXWliiili
rptinollo.,,,i ‘,', ~,,“ )it,:mti* ,- t ,
il .'? t-,,,r, - 4,-, i.' 2 .-.,,at . 0: qo v;, 3,,,,-1. vl
• . ~,,-;,-?, ~- I ,4 '''' ,IA f!.. '', 'i'aj• ,
readers 1#.011411,0114611 , 14001141, V tad.
.bra,ry • HiU,l; ri it ."1, , . , , liOr
11eut741.4(01 , liiik,,W . t. l• . .;Tr • . o,'
If - W , U I/ WO Wigittritllryfamo,',. , :i
treph,l4o,l,.‘ :*. , 44 .4 ?ON 1.. r
a1f044114 . .3.,
1,4 !:•.1
N D ktt
. h.' : . 014,1
'43 'eoFpop
1 1/ 111 41 ." , 4 411 14 iltiV ° Ja i l
t ir, it • c ll 1 • , o ':
Dlelo lid Hit
,) Otits
in rrespdhilli ' : t.'•"..
laugh" 'it *WWI wtt, • • • t, :
. gloom everything mi • ri
corner sth oultb4rriinktirr
id sun` thy. , .• ' •
kysher,,, * vtiey' 661640
Inntelgit! In A s P/910mi'
.stid at' be corner or oth and
riquitraits as /the 0 shades , • sad tlv•
Wdbiiiiianing o ftilhr WI • • , WIC
i f
p Teens a goodtwiga '• ,ad ' ' hod
ft tratiAliat ORlce.;axitrence A Statio n . hi
:11110Aue# and asslstedblua to the
Houle -where lite rested- for the night.
Like tiiiicair other good fellows who have
41 10 000:the earne\tead . before , William
Via id very decid•pd atato of, hopefiunt.
Ooft,Y, this morningl i tt;which reason h 6
againent behind Lars.
hijohaill'MoDotio : kand Morris Foley
Wet* Otto Lower t • ,"- t, preparatory to
takilig their departdre , the far-off town,
of ; Urdshorn. TheiKoeistrture caused a
great deal of regret, , pecially to them
,001008; liiid to use , old saw they.
t c
*.,,,h, CP i
I their spirits up pouring spirits',l. The -time, &co and occasion
:bats .most wining afhict upon Michael
• and Morilo. Special Oilleer Rolandwin
ohior al i the depot, : took compassion
1/4 'ili OW and'• kindly advised then,
, h6ir,parting from Reading seemed to
.41.1.004 hem so much regret, thit'they
had: meteor.. remain . 'dttriug the,, o!ght ?
They 414 so, and 'took , lodgings at the
awl dhLeininger. ' This Morning each
htie a 1 :it fine 0f111,25i11111/ took 10
Ova of his Honor. , • ' • ',... •• ' .
i s John Drab+ was drunk. and dleonocflYp,
Ofthici‘ , Lawronceiook him In chtirge,luld
1tc01i . ..,0 bailog ho ,inoney• ' was sent:. ,behliid
1i , p a second time., - •,: - z.' • • •3 . i •
Ileinmig was drunk.-, Arreeted
,by Offloar.Relkel. Xta ng 'nt,,:,anoneY,,
he *a Atatriod. • ,
AValkplahqs thwold;pd story'? for
The balance ditn bo Had in the
t , i:kof some other day.
• . , ;
ijiti t arc DoWN.—Thorn *as' a break
Idown•of , coal vim At OA Walnut Street.
lirldgb (last nigh t . aolno
trouble` and delay, but no poraon• wau
Tirthun' ' '' VOlociPeileaup'?earafil on 'Penn
4Twit;t l ) ls tutlliing, Oaus nit quite tiii'mt.
°Rome*: .They wereniceiy 111014;9d :
by three SPitug men, all New. Torkera.
A trained elephant would „ note hairs at
trpoted ,iporo attentfbh'.• and - curiosity.
They disappeared around the Cattier of
Sixth -street, followed 'by au, adpoiring.
crowd.' The voiocipixiejs "the b . coming
Vahlolti 6 —Py bycycle. i , , • , .:
Ltd tlnoichri.—Wo are sorry io - learn
'that pUr Old friend Mr. +Lewis Nelinor, '
thinaerlf of, tideoity,lint nov/;4-osidhig•
in Pottsvlllediad'the misfOrtuno to have
his lOft ipit,hroken ih,Awp places below
italt l ,; nee' nn Tuesday 'blight. Ile i was
n I
,gril . o,:his - room at ihe, ,Aforchaiits!,
Opt 0 and trifiped -on: (ho 'stairs. His
malty friends hero are pained to learn of
•bialuitifinitupe, awl their wish Is, that ho
may tiben, be able ioliti Shout again. • •
Titri VI/Asutrzordrt.:- tit& nrtival of
041!)1V011ington Hose t ampany at, the
National Cant - tal i is thus Chronicled by
the Washington, correspondent of to-day fs
Philadelphia Pr'ese:
"FlOvertilAre organizations arrived tn.
rifEcMi ',Among them the Good Will,
Lire ,Coin Pliny, of Philadoiphia; - the
aunt ter. rencibles from Lancaster,
Pa. t anOLtho Washington Hass Ooni.
p,atiV, Nth Reading. The lattor was
nierlerrted by the 'MHO . Statos, , py e, of this, OW. Their para4O,
alonoL. en sylvattia„ avenue, carrying
, tcieoßiee mid aecompanied s by five bands
.'orttfoop' *as vary imposing.
', Tntitiolar ovening last, the D. GI: 0.
W. ~itiet.elled the following.offleere , of
DetierAlETtanklin H.. 0., No.: 11 I G
E. Wilson; P. Isaac Wititnitlit;
Flom Rose ; Pat. 1. BE''Bertelot ;
Estivph • 01,0 a o.Durknrt; W. D. 4.tneile,
t's • -
. i.StIOBiiiLJMANTARY iii inn i LitEOri..-
Tholl,:vOkitig herald ot piliatibth; Now '
4•21R0y. - Attgr tho folkiwlug compliments
`ryAlitykkolt to the Libertra visit to Tron.
,tom Igew,,jersoy lu the tnonth 0f pl .
,flext• e. • ), r ! • d.,‘ .1 , ~,,,(1,, ~,
1 ,1 , al, df
" Tfßltibbrty SteamiTlie Englue pooh
DIVIY," 'Po; 'kt Pt riteading, Penn., Nilli
V s liot Trnnto 3 tt on Thursday, 18th of 111sy',
next,: the are to bilj tijo guehts of the
ipulaWarebe l that city *fid a gay and fee-
V -6 '" 1 : 1 1:;1 1 P 5 Pl4lo l l4ted:___The Liberty
4 iite, . 1 0/IIPAnY s is, composed of some
,of t 0 33 40 toung men oaf Rending, and
,their, Ifutini tine" is (Me of the hindsom
est in thOC, ystono Stitt,o., Wo are ppg.,
8/411 (i
(4e Allitaci Wlth . stale of the lad:
,c tea 0 ,thb • ibertylind knoW them to be,
,t,rlf ps when on g lark."
'Hoitp romp A Ny.-- . - Att j t theeting of the
:00),e0rP'atilhe.differentAire43oxn pantos of
CO pity; held on Wednesday evening;at4
the 4teadin Hose House, it,was titian' ,
veil to-tender a rdeoPti6iftii:
•thd-Withhin, on Hosot i' Jnipagyoq thol4,
'tatAiiii,fitm Washington, on Fifthly &ro
bing; At' 4 o) , ( l ; p!ohnk.....CaPt. A. C. Greth
No chosen as Chief Marshal. The place,
off6 e
Mil Oracle and l:olite of procession
*i lk, ' 6in to4notr,oNti's daily papdrs.
l it
too M rebel haifeliosen the follow-
Ing kontlom nap his tilde a -
''s ,Rall:lbtA -.-Johtt S. Ralston.
41 Ili janr-Edwardirtilitik,
' ll . i .-J. Ross t i er.
•i• 1i ItrA•da ' iCea' •
~t•t• •• • f
~ 11,0 1
William Relit
„t 9 egn oh p-R. Paulding.
Qfl ,ItAi piligton—Winia 'Harper. " I ' l
!yg *pp/40in 'Mo ikht.
' l li. *Td--131e0rg044, taller.
flili)_` rt-H. R. flinnerahotr fi ” 4 10
( ;IWLletlll'ineet thittwening - at - the:
4'Rtiatiltig Wee House, tilfltike neoefmr i
*itil -
•.• • , t
11: rtt .. • - r
_.- .
1ta11, , ...1.,P. , i...%, — .
it urrAw.A.V—Yosterday; afternooilibo,'
tWeeri *WWI 5 6'01004 Mr.. Jacelf:sp, i ilt
*as throyin i eut of. hie,htiggy:OktUe; pi
Ater'"iir..lith' find Penrf 'streetCVOC of
i4j*.94; flu /the lea St. RIB: horse made as
,very.inidden turn, and heneA the AfitgA)
.dent.., ttlil.4erso ehen rad off dOiMipt!fd Fifth, awashiog s tho' blip Lt 1
1 0,,,P,P,tg1t doing anYinjury, c4l, 19;1, 2 ,1
elf. ‘‘, ' ,•) -',;t .. I
~.•.., , • !,-t . 1-------- '---40-- c.p.n0u.,•::•15 . 1 ‘ .1
••., 41/110,131% ?I .SERIOUS G6.OCFIDENT:`-^Ye,E4-
) teedalgi Viz, as the carriage' or life •
,Til cotripani *Us lefivieg,thß i
litiii _ , 4 t oki 9nd 'Buttonwood Sitio% in
,eQ1,41,1g ticirt:the steep hill :the mealat
iho tonguolcro un able totold ter bibici ,, l
the !awl : '
.wining fie much heitatioar
4heicfifttv to' turn Aip -Cornet of ' l,akh e
afi cli,
:tAar,fek9:, te a shO, brealituit Jii ,Al 4, I
elde . 'tithe - uildingoiling upl lluit`rds,,
r :ou l t r ., romteisuolisyy. pit
. n' • i 0 , • im M ight brutsft ti,l3 se,fi -
4 , •1•4p.) 3's t• ), 1 -,•.__ )' i . 1
, , , r ." • • S i , • , -,..r , L 1r
itioiliendaylast tho fielluaiin_g (moors
Qtrifebfish)ppirolo,Noi474, : ll. U. Cirri
:0.4a ;;:tftv IV,* installed{ by the'l6i. l . 0 4 1
,Wiv - V Milan . * Beyiqr ; 0...V.'; ,;..
••iff . c •;,U. Wne. - -,7poo..WhitirMl
0„ ,g (tt o• 0 4,1'. Deßayea"; 0. G., Hoiii l
A r o ~: ,1 . ,•!W D., David Bechtel. pito/ 10(
ail, l a tit) ',4402.....___.L•2 0 ,..L.,,,,.L.. • -IA tt t , ,th 111;1 , 1
%im; . IN tOTItAT% iftliA.l)l4l,
1 . )00 ',0 5 90,61f. at Rornksyrfroni. entrit .
4 1 0 ,
p rt,4:4 o wof Oft Othrrined. „ Agetiv 1
W . : , kgtiof gained itsfeisisiop.,;iol.Avor.
. t , i 4-Dirli:i4ieS; : neectlts CalneT bor.
dm 4 d!lt4rtiaa Kuhn halt gioilelttr 'JONI,
I ttlW - L 'l4p t sported' tht tha otri-..
,' w -,olo4,26infted
fo t o* ,t 1 kilitta6o 4 olllrlrisd by OW
tttestoro 41014:09 jp#40,11041:-
, i i piptiVcsaint. . - : .:.. • ,:t. v,
, .
• .• /41,;:' l'i...Litt
i . ' .1. W,. , :st • ' ' " '
.„ ,•,..„-rirollilig9 o : l,ok,4 l 4 l MLE:l ' W l t!
" lisysVsarlital•-•4IOXOP O .r
i a s a r (h in ole jur . 4 -... i , t ,.%t k , o robsA. .tit4. ril tgo 4
. /
_Jo:og zi. • • t n troopi )til 04%4*
KOStiit, rN ' si•oultsis dig. ' '
4ohnl'i 1 r"F t
Rlert(Vliibvin rit sonth o
441lKtiouble w4ll,4osehoAn,
t - , 0 . aneyutd •', t
An qt Gasorat'*
been - son ,
tend a t e ,t 4 81Ip .1f,.4 '''"':- 4
;;Rotainandit , Spencer ilantly k of the i
British VicsVita pier Cheyb,.ivali'ditift'-'
i c
;0, 4 0$:440; 1 the' ups e t ting °to. heac i
Attth s :rtri.-.' , 1 1 ,*‘ 11. • '," ,
:-i '4 v,iooB 'Oak Sagas report tlikietliV
pktieltkpkgfitaitlay last fOrti up tlia,„raile;,
rOaCloa tint titt, stoppd , it train of cars.
m, lliii93*
td. engine, and saltieptiso
ners9r, llie,'ofigincor mai . kailroad:-,eni-,
pkies. ; :,, ~, .- :.
.Itioseuban rFbels at Nits (au oro.Vqq,.
setive:: jt- lilts reporte4 tlii:re' that a
fit.pstriqr * esrgo of arms anal uni.
EqUiliiioll l , ornivde4 with men; ttrtivod'OV
ntopd igivid on the lOth . ell,, ,on the
mil , te,Ct t lhe. t .: ; ~ , : .., ~
tn„• TIIuRBDAY,MareII4.
Oene s r . td• be inaugurated
President, io•Any Washington is throng
ed i+ 4 ith vis itoraland delegations from all
parts of the Union to witneatt the inaug:
utiatibn.'_ i
Presidorit,Tehnson has issued n vale ,
dietory address to the people , of tho trni 2
tod St44:),S.' "ItAirttniloag flit.' our col.
uni,_74,f!liPt l ol 6 4.
, 'Vketielig;tiftgit 'yesierditi , (transforred
the,:einpuitrad, cif the ariay !to Sieorel;
' •
~1 The . .Neiv , triric coulnuittee to presentta
hog's° and ',, t Oubieriptionlet .sloo,oo't,o.
perfortnr.y4 do . ty .
yeiterday General (front's headquar
tera Washington.. • The emtne}ttea
e.Onsisted t • of..A. T. Steitart, Hatuiltoa,
'Nair, tf.' , Aspinwall audym. Scott.
• ,
tliptio, having interviowe with
Gederal Graty:i*ottercivi irerl Gpve,ru
or Geary, Bi shop Simpson, and Rev.
Dr. INvisl4on,'. pishop Simpson liresent
ed‘ho,genprat with n gold-headed etiiie
From ladies of rlialiimore.r, • ..
The ,Nytto:lsr4,inio, Legiplaturo . ratified ‘
the gattrago:Atuendment yesterday. '
The' WiSeotiiiid Senate had' imlefinitely,
`ptistpOnett thO flouse bill' to submitfe;
toi the people of the, gtate.
, The,. 11'4' S.:,ldenate conarreeTteileial
n'oMinall6tis 14torday, among. them
Arthur D. Markley as rutdini k t di e vonne:
48 4 e880. to r )ttie §ixth'' Pennsylvania,
, ~ • .. , •
. The,'):oaSu iy. 1 warrants ; issued ' daring.
FeliruniY lO''lttept the U9iternnthht 'nil
penses, amounted to $14,./10,500: : .... • '-..
'Tito inuidelittl; eleptlon at Rock Island,
ill,! on ' , Tito)ool, was • carried ~hy,,',the,
I:l6mi:l,6l:Ms. . i ,-.• ..t. -•• '' •
''' i the'Paidoni fpr Spangler end Arnold:
.„ .
were issued 'yest4rday. ' , ;• .
.z . •
.. - .sOhne. 11 , •itro ' leeway, sentenced to IG'
j:6ars i Imprisen tent for. counterfeiting
lei Now York, Iles been Pardoned by 6e .
President. •
' Col. VanCllor , an ex•nlderman; hat
~ •
limin held io tins • er in Clan4o Air 4404-,
,rig nt„Nti' Ofci 4aighters. ' Ono of OK*
it t
its . aliglitiy wou ded, ~,-
11 , '
W:ll4pp's f 0,4); i e ring estaNkelnueili, in
'Brooklyn, N. Y., burneil. yeatel.dai
'L465480,000. ; i
p9m4A1.00 . x. , 4 , 4A YOR BOyo AND GIRLS. t—
is well known h at THE LITTLH .GoitrO-f
Ati,lho•brllllaut i Vestern litiettlle, ) u c ,
Ridyr ei,i4ititiOnitiinn any of her Jitvoitib),
Ilittgazlne , 4n .stimi t world. This has. been:
• aintid'by inert 4 d ontorpVise.
~ , -,
~.,TlUSiMbliiitiorkor endeavoring to doublo‘
heir innitionsa ,Ol•oubition tills yeAr l Ara
. l'Vo4lOtfirminet), to send their Ilia aloe,
fro'o' f4Jl* . tb MO' intlit . lis--Jori it a yr, Februitry
• d Marelvaumbo a of 1809—ienuo to'everyi
. VAio vi , lll - liepd their hddresa before
6'iitAat ! ,9; s bl,,,iYiilliSt &dr — Onto in stamps
or return posta. Those, aro intended
. • somplos.iii . tho o w ho are pow tithing'
he blogittibe; l itil i s new, 011argod form.
ddrevaAlfrod .ii. owell & 0.0,;- tublisheph •
1 IthslOatte.,lll'; .: , ;1 ~ - ' ,
i ;
_______L- 9 __ ____..2i: l,
4 11,7M1T.--,-Ilre, hato noticed" that
no Pcl , q . cior we a large number of 'poti.:.
.10 sintering itithNouridgilliAitoutuotisui,
, nitdideastia ticAro nattiro t oMuo _ to tiaci4
0 1 tir,N i yau.' s ler to be olited: — PkOf:
tool; agent Of 13 re , s Instabt Tato .(;pro ,
, pplles the niedior, and in oneaseir giVetl
•olief. Tito bad y athor hoO4o,usod malty
oufes of 'Revere tip tiring, eakep lolly from
lutiuMittisill AA& h4uraigla, 01 'the mong
ooses porfOr Ma b y Sayre's,
,I stout Pain
OUre sheet obi co oily ode t int it, is yap"
i t
ally a blow illti , to iumanity,„ ply. bilahlel*
deserves orodit fol. Ills human' tY in OpPIYP,
ng the Pain Vitro without ()barge to the
mor, mid ey j oil , en will wlsh,him buocoas,
n Allo L ,okiiiinty?t ro 9f tilts, : oxdollent
.. odioiireit,* c'.'' ', i 4,, , ~ 1 , ,
~ ,•,..,t... , .k , • ' • '
(!parrpttlq . yegot blo liair,illestorativo 11 .
..1g OA Drat Preibluni over all emiapetW
.is s%t the NeW ji4opshiro Staii, Fivir ! ,,
tittinditobbiliii&lig ithout a rival through
out tho esinutry, a d is driving • all rcith4e
;i ,
I roOrhA ti,li 6 fio t tho maryot s .,4—Phllatiqk
likii44tbiteitiddeit. i ,ifob 25-livdit
. _ .
1 ,7 '4.IIO.WAD ' lEt. .11 1- 1 - filiglltiiTS,._ , , :
wO rittlriikr. rcomr - t , ERS or,
:i ~,, , io- tviit , or 111 E• u NO., I I 1, .
I'''' 4 .fiffTlO of the; edflersigne fi d:'
hetes,* orgy 0_f . ,t.11.3 c9lninlttee!. on.
i "l i'Pr 1:
1 1 4?)tfolr published to LITE: ,
S Y t Altif -1 / t it 311,' S c y p e l k,
..PVir i Pr t tile "j ilig"...r . ''
'ti i ili `. ittif% to bp thettitreeogu,ri
rty thelohglng to t 1
fttt • ', t t . tt• ~,,g e ,d. to, litelgtte Intrifl.
11 ,,i AI IPA lir Orson, the entire, .4 - "kw
14 1 )` til . 1 1 ; in rolierWl'.as: well was
4 . 00-000,, : i7 44,1 of Water Connnulatoug. , ..
41 te lt ,
.flPhhii , ttirlittlillVO learned 'f,ron2.the
•• ty 1 ir e ` Vilo Ilattelven rtat such t i e .,
11 ti o ' t !I t 1 notteei orilitra
n t h racy, he has Infornaed
`b e ano t; f the plnton, that the lloal.d.
or via ti) OA . , pit ners as at prosonttoonst
91 1
idltat4, i hr f t,
if o i ,o(l3r. having a ll t h e
0 1rOrillith ti t oonferred by the Ulty
halt at, Itina , cos up that bream.
, tfhtl'.,
~.jklayt' Aorty mt. tte 0.: . Itkit
... fy6 1 t to pnldlo hue)"
i•tp, 9 Is but one elf a Dome.
. 1 1 . . that salitumuralt;.
ised I:MEd:after the:
leo ; tket,4hecpubll-•
te o i. mil ling. Itija - ,
&of . .atr...fohtieu e t
t ity or effect, be.
AY6r/Igito Inc*:
1 0 IQ ter
tore, lila
4 ° • 150 : 0 0f MAW
ware o the
ns cons tutedobk
,o MmittO Wien City
td notooelltor`
•tlro,r what,
rtanontat of
proper,• zit m t
, to ettaft* a t
tat might. hot
Plitli b I t 0
'‘ le lc Vie -
It 111 • ,
)0 on CI y fro.
.. ..
,;;;.1-41.4 4:rho A...A. , - • t r -
IZUR ( litatit*Ot l iitk" - ' Oll th v g
Hare); lot; at. tit° qortier pf 21
re 'n ett:t o l. Thy rovolpr
yipiNalAv %Witt Ina 1G4(4 , I
* l4 Pfti li I, Olakt
titl es.;ll 1.?
94 4
'‘.. . .o . ' R t
5 4 1: 0 004 ; 4 4 . 4 .1 4N.T1 , r*Alt l4 X o '
~ P E.ILUI,ItIfpI4ItWi FrirlAB ( -Ott IVAiDI4III ,
SalcSlystiltlttcett to giYO satisfaction,
Ili biLL. map'
• J., „c4,„n u*.T z f
intir i=fd , . ;
S a zooA
eorner,of.Nintlit.atul 'Chestnut ‘ streeter,
,ffregfilr tellt L ,with' or with Out the sale
Of the (Jowls. The stand is a •iitery profit
able one:in/1110131y disposed of for want of
titue tO to.tlto hustness. possesSion
given. on the Mat of April. Apply to
Mar 4 1 54e0c1i2e,1,, ,r; On the,Prentises.
Cult—ink nutome s
the right and privildge according to their
Oliartor,to give'ont 1.60) shares Of stook,
Said number not yet being the
Direoters passed , n resolution that the list
of subscription Of sliere.4 shall net 40 01030 1 1
until 111 AL meet yaw the 24th day or , litnroh,
•184 m. Persons y. 441014 to take sham:VlA
said :AssoolAtten t natiVealk 0./Olur on` A. T.'
0. Keifer, l27Noyttrftlritli street, - or on L.
K 442 North Xipth
• Efiki 11l o-
Rol 8 Vc. o}
7 • ! • - ICI A. 110 WELL,
Ififtt 001' . '-, 114:10y of Firemen's Union,
MADAM it DE,oIIAgtILAY,DoM 'latest
AO& best irogt--18i'pages, wlth ovorn%
due *mg raving* , . hies 00 vepts t . Or. ape
at the , . : . . 111,4014tP00,..K 8 Itho.,
mar al-11,111 •' • ~ .. .. p , ll4,genu street.
•Noir t ''o'l"o,ll'Ztir,:.' , Areswaotveozga
held a luSXt 11¢,AAVRDAT .141(.1?_141NU.4413
March, 1 5 69,) at o l oloeic et elitelngera
8111 00 1 4 lift; 011 Pelle Otreot: Oflloore of the
Aefioolutlott lie,eluoted for the ensuing
yqair at thleArleet full atteudenoe is
oxipeoted. ' 'AS AV A. FIStIEJA t read.
ritTsB D. W.A*Ott,,SlDoKettlitY. • t
•• :mar 8-3tAt.' , • 1, •
0110.4.;,T.A 0 epenjal floot.leit Of the i.jE
art ; .iro ~ ,Cerepany will be , hod *ln
VINAO! )r ,KYNKI244v, Merck 4th,Alf
inembere aX.O refilltot to be plerb
~ X tyonlor of. • • AtoWs teat.
mar 8-2Olt ‘ . 3 j
• •
Winter's', military
ABB 8T U 1 . 1" TIIN
'1'#101r: OARI4 5.01101 , 1 1
IteystOne Opera House,
• otefitcH s,
, .P.tio#ll4mm
• •- ' • 1? cl •
3.• ( Choiitia',"!•' •" • 1/0 Wald, :,g.' . kt - asor.
1 241131•!1 (E ppitoR;
a. lino; =4:on ,Winge Of Night, IC: Paust.
L •• 1:•• • = .t
rim% ~.•
tltd•lr i k49ot,
.• • `:4llz..ibakititun.l)s.F44ohnor.• - .
5, eilortiiiy-N4itioloti4t!ppc9,
' t li)zkltratt lion.
.I;t4' l ' 44T"'HEPOND; •
Ai IGriliihaoHocitlon ftOIA Travidtap,"?.Vordt.
?": r, 4 6 ,.. I .;
6 .I 4 *,_: I OPVC 0 ' t ger.
lathsl.l.s6.l,33 . F.uttriuMß, C. It. 131 LOADS
liolkal Ira-gonignot.
poodle Slide
' YttTlltia t lloogolifi n. •
C'•Ohltas 4
lAa "f r'tp f
• 14,0tbitthi:‘ • /
5. Gais%), . C. FAUST,.
0 01 1 1 11•11))01V•0.11 o'Olook—Coooort, imply
t mon, oeo at,l4Polook, :
• i'Xlpkplif,s9.gegtoto.all ini•tH of th two Of,'
'coo 1)0 had at th Nadal zborkorid"lTO. 689
Penn, streetr:4l4nsainger, No. 611' Polio
14II'9519:51A•t101111uoltibilo of tho B ih ti , •
..-.... ••••T••• •••••MO AK
• , -r-- •
,• i 4
, ;701
~ . .I, i• 'EL t:','1,13 1 1.1. L .1_, i
•, ) ' ... 4 ' ---
tog' Aps.glosz- t hilip JusTxoss; OF
,‘ftT H, 1 • ,•••• - :
A pprovOd ligabtutO I 0 th, 18136;`!.
V...•.• . 1,, ~,, •47 , yl cf
t, 1.,.
I'rt • 1 , 3r,Pillitoltti tho ..- 1 ',, €
'' A l 4 a . : Pik ; ' . 4, a OIC ST eili'i
, . I
~ ,--- , thtt Pdtkiiiiiteot.
m' 13•41, 11. ,
trim' •,;1,..4th
. - wi
~ t ,!l
s!) 0..1:5
t i.l - : , . ,' '..•E ' t . .i W:l't t. 1 ,4, I
(~* '.-', I .
.. 1'`..10 , 2, • .;i1 c.. Ai 1. 0 .0,9. 4 i "4, ," 1 '
'I: , .: :I , i '. Pi: - • ,i '
:. tJ ;
~ i - ,01 ~ -, ...1!: ,s'.:` , )
Id !PI: T.. 4 t/21 1? t '
r m i tt o,
• , •
A , 1 ;.3
,-.''' ~ r.:n". ' .• ft ,,,
ri-14t1Ail .
.* 4 ...):, ' .7. '....'
1, ..' 11';
',11;',..fa 1 i;11 1,, , q , ..r :Ii•.1. i
As2l . .Cfnattr . rIREgT,
•Almli ViiX, ,, Witi di 4 h4;sit.t. 4 i t . 4 i 4 0, "
CD i',4
4 1 1 4 ;
Sgt iA i t
f li
1 1 1
WY .
leir til " WPr Talk , Vai-Af
V i I ' r 1311 AQ WO *CZ r it k:e!'
111 111 1
art et" ee 1 , In lid ttatil ' 0
FoR +ski. '. ; edatticsti by ts . o.
, it ~ .. , Molt the clot tii Iciw.
`-f I PO:. #‘l . ; 1 •,
:11' Ll'lN D . hioni,74 .
K , 1 / 1 , 4P1, 1 1 PrpTikty;
• '•
TtholVengreel bontaillingo t
om l 51 I 6411 13 tat j stirs!
8 1 . itagt.
111=4034trustit#:14 51iPennittig%
. .
IstAUMAN Wiliittel4,. .
~ ~., f- - .1:1' -1: , 7...1.1 , t• , ;. 1 i i 4 4‘.,-1 . ,4.. 7-----•••
L ' ..,''I.II(PORTIIIR4 11,a4p DEALEIP,S,,, t.
, . .IN f ,;-,P,,,1.t
128 SOU1 4 11 NINTH :4TitiET,
„ . , A;111 . 14.0 . 141i, Ili
_0.41: Itat*Airi v * , "‘". O. C.
- •
o•.#l.,? ,3 PF(! nah t!"::
4xtenslvo, Grain i•V,iehoinif-
. t ,
,• , /
*CV t t14.7.V1141 t. 44 Slot 011111 i. &O. etC4ll4.
I OciiirsOisSa realionrOp. 41so c Akeurirlot
nook al•
• .
Vilna& wholesale anti rota, sktlowit ilea
Aro talk\ '. be sisVoliasett else*hoto.' Also; al
superlorlot of
•,•,..4300.40it *4d Potatol& •
. -•
i31:1n8 1- Irol
Iboted on Igoxl.
ry 0u000041114,
lon (111ambap,,
°Moe, ;pa Novoi. *legit). Beading,FlL
• -f: •
AM*OI4 . O4 , IWILATUiIi 74 Si
•,. • • • .
li'xieridOd to 'Unionqlatlon-.ll4,ayes 14414.
8 a. in., tri-vreekly. Tuesday. '4 butmay anti
lay. , Returns same as - Y. and asslymq, at
t • l out i .l ,l i `
t sor . es tap M rut nOned Post Oglieit• ,
ID us ii.011410)11V,ll .4. Assamiito.stn* WOW.
illle;, oattlatolytk. •
_,_. , ,_,,,_ • '
l e
LOAV4III3O tittolfik - st 9' trOleek. * -1 , to: t it"
titres atiti og at iti4'41,404 a ? in, iteturn Inf.
loaves Ito 1111 AS) ,11.. F .„Avmosaylo.y!.
• rtbstn , at v.
~' It ari titoiletsvilip, top ;
'nettlV Mei tee ylite, Tajo!" house, That *We
• and boyars Myra. ,'". , ' - --• e• - . •,F •
BMINVIIAP AAA. ij,ro 0, T A (} U Lkt i r, '
.1 4 oa i roilil ' at' 0 8. oToI,, ooki a. ti., err veal
'.14,. , 1t Inv * t 10 so. Ai *Pi; : Atet4th Ali
leaves plat* 'oloo JP. MI arrives at
Milierskura 4 9it .• 0: ? t .selves Lehlbellt!.
',swag AI evh, tr I e. , 2 fiverabura. notatul
T0P0ce, 3 ,44 1 14 1 1 o. l +lo ll 11 F. ~, ,' •,
'rilaviltiteVidlnti oii liondayi We l dfioadai aiiii .
Lkidaz p4,13,6t00k b a eturnintt. lvas.
Mutt mil on Tnestial 11 t r ay andsallll4st
arriF(pg•atheidig4 g; 4 ,Volo9k. p. 04 ,tt,
• step lit( 410 . 14 4, iptee. jiatiqr B,showrglia.
evil a i lluddy er,O#ITOOto 4111, Wikavar it Mlll.
illi4x4 l 9.paki,_,. A,.
' ' :MIA 144.11 ' L I NT BTifi E LINE •.- .
•. Leea • Roadintr•O"MangtiY,, i'V.ednoialai
a_nu rids`, at T ce•itottili a In. Aartives tit
Reading on Tuesday; -Tb i t4 and Saturday
•at 5 o'eleelf;%ntilltittitt t. Pent'. 1404,:
amine, JelM a W1 t 1t 64 30. ntoirtvl Tel
yjlic. loner rot. l';'e oem to al if a
hermitage. • •'" 1 • 5.' , ": • • •^ --
LO Bollti i
. 044#40/0, 0i) mAILIN
te•ii(i - wimst p , :toiday, Thu ro
i t n,. a vas ? c r o p l eack,F 4J ., ! im.. AITLV6II4 ,
:adinTat 0 9 I Tlr is ttSIAPPIAIIi'. Leaves
Th - 1 ' • S' i f IP i Ask , Arrives at Le
otktt s V bS s go PL. f: Oa. 1,,X servos It„i'"an
, ley an Lo deasslike,"•:•- , , ~; •
•: , ;-•.'i •ItICAD11:411.24;0 OOLIMBIA:, -.-
, . IMitY 1 bi,•ltaiirhadiAditet4 . 11011dinit alli l l
•Me .., A trlietaltt 40:80 a t go. ~s atito lies Frits ;'
Itoinhtide Statiet i1ig 9 , 110 ,4,P rat % Ali if i'
Lillie mibeini 4 alte;
~nlisriu, anauvlllak g
Silver ptiatre;,-• ' _ , ' -‘: --
-, 1,,, , ~ , 1.Y.03 . Vitg, / i /I•Ot ' X'Ci4i4D B DORO.I.- •••'
' wri-itookiY 'bY S e tt , Loa W?stalitatai
on Monday.- Wildnesany and lift plat il i t 7 A: ler /
Ar dna At• , jlkOdlOro itt . It' i4 l alk itquill'
leaves 14,rdabarTinl' lusigiT ••I ""r a i-
Saturday at 'Vs, np teuppl o t Parr a
vnell,o4..l.44 l *.iiffallio• ar tulit; Lion
Alio and West Whitoenti, , it
, ~r4APUI4O V i lf 3 ON t 1 1. i
BoteletiktittimeT ' 'vim Readlnt cm
Tuead 4431.411
*ktt;tt. 4 ,_ ,12 ••,_, A • •i. ,'
li APING TO:ROST ?I` / t
IrotaitioltlY•tby ,, Staltot-Liioayoa. ,Iteidliii
Ta um) ay and. Flat rday . at. , I1:30 10 let :' . AttiViP
i gilte t Ma n tictße ta l 4, in i ti i t
i ffe ( I de4s n e l ik
IC! plOl MMus stql, pet.. , 0 v i „ ~ $ ' :
. ' , • LtESPORISTOOOi"' -
Tee-1006W ti , efale-ILoail Leesport Tuba.'
(MI Thfiraday &id Batlirday a 2 tu. Arrival,
at gpatiati at 3 lit.'42f 'l3ttPoll , ( &a* avatar ,
vii CandisiolW ri yii ,• 1 )).• i
- oorp TO,Vtgalt vziap
Tri-weer by taler4L44,4l ortoviT4o4-i„
day, Th n ay ar ;Rita nip at 8 a . ." tn. xrrivou
at vorto n 'at . p 4, ta t , unimitea itlzbyyllia
litogolemland,Y rataivillti.". 0 ) • ~. . ,
o,lill ATMS BU WI TO, Bent atentwo---
' '1 4 14-weofY ritgaiit i ailat Roliroytiburg
Tuoaday. SO ay and , tntimf at II a. m.
dy, is Hit Orspiiii i , ,111 / pi te. iievotee
iti t 6 t#A l C9 . I . ,11 ! 0 #1':!. k• , : 1 . ,„
, -
riKIN4)11011:18E. -
• 1
• • (A
y f r r i g ) } , ai r a ,C..1.,.,41,k A i ii*i vi - i .4 4 „,34
~,... ,
V fit CW 4;II4WWIM mi , ocianathS,ll3o,TA
sivvE4 Ai) 1.. g ouv ,q o x51• , .1 `.a....,. -,..
, •
~., ,„i , ,% , , 5 -, tl• 0.111/#40,010 1 r
.j. 4 ri.
ON il,4,lVlOlifiM*jil4 . :.' l l ' ELPilif t l4' ;
Ititerest, 0013 - A K- A ii item.--
Open hi . o a. tn. • '' * l . l . a 3/ (*ve at 8p.11" - , 4
, 4 ,, auswazio , 4l,BnotTHEß. 4 ---
fob. ideav ,, ,, a 1 ~,,,, o s,, 1 '
1.1 .1.• 0. ?ii , l 3 Illg•O Ni VlPsi 11 i
spe.74 ; RUM
7t1~4 'ate ortanw, townslig
orka county. d e •• • Testam
tary to the °stileo -t pe _ 00, • mva„,.
cedent have boon ,TAIIIItO. ._ A
be;r, residing umnshi . Now
hereby Itive i e s • Allmrwris Indeta
said 'estate plUW44 • Antittelim.
ate payment, mi
'present them, r • tASIMIIAA
sottletnent. 18A4.(/ UMMEL.
01;i 9 . : 0 7 ,i 1 4P r it:At ,•,• t . SAeou'.,
.34-•,s• .O.6aLIA
P4II I 3ONA w tTY •
•••ÜBLI4I :v ; • ::' . sat ,
N eale Ols Thurs. ", A 'JOIN.
derma ot. IQ) ,•„4:2001r • o„l.bitney e lit
It•Whslif• • . e peg
Yellow . .I;tlFp per
*nett ,
, I .
M y l 3 alpt.inlit llo h • i 314111
Frowz), tuur 0110 11 % I
with bed; 1 t Am - '
of t :X.: l
'aril on
of fit
V,v, ' v
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iii iLiiiiiiiiure
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Ito WS Dlosom..: l . , hoot putgal it.
o 'boatif 0
. k ~ • "k: tt4ttlikto ' '' t nollet•
oit - ' `) •'' • 1 . bli to afthot a
aro. Th are .• . • • at* le i hrtax
, I"•giali , " . ' 1 4
I)i li gV.
i l
..,„„ :,,...... ~,.,,r.-.„ .....,.. In nom
tad to 03 d • - v - • , , . n't •r.. to twin.
tpibor holt _ . z . • • math ';coo- *tato
' liAgot, rc and
b) Dia_ eta. k . '''''': ' '_, 1 .• • s ' •
D4CRNM • Uk At Co, Itroriqora,'
doorllyq „Ala *Io, etloah i cbuadoipb I
rI, 'Z'
g‘ k .,
VOR bc_sold at Private &►tee
t119_,449Vc,9147i' /401;ttlIARBER
tOy iwna tb6 Pqn.a.
sreettriAtpg4 v4 1 # 1114 t tot gains
JOAO crouinibe4 faa d
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en' el
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TO 4 1
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IL: ,tiPs.Cgt
ti .4 . 0 vi:filt
Tho,\PßlOßPlC.Makohinory is'offered for
1.„ frosmwo.,9o#4. wlytnifor
A' s A
°Nir g - J04 1 44 14 4% P . '4 l PiFig li 14 -
,OZin EXOPPrg I .
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{n4 ,Y 1
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0 )OA , 0-1 z
tit': V. , 11 ,c) .41W -
st l ;4,' S Vs : ',4l 4 , 0 4 1 4 ; PC.titt . 44:, kV
-Apply At the Adter OMoo, o r 11 dross',
doker--; 1 40 :// /4,14.
i[rRTD ill I"
a l l 4!..1: OA' :3: I ; ; ;gic •. , „o. ,
MiO4l4o,troro. of
Celebrated, Tso,‘,l[o/1 4 tilitteres
• I t -v1;11:2 3111,
- ..:.-‘, •Itpp i44Aitii
.0114 1 00:4000.1 4 ,00M5PtV#LtiD
...?,...., ; ,-, Ji site4(l..t.. 2, .),5,i , . , i,
' N0 t ).21 3X4lttrit • •
~-,, , , 9 , $ •;.-. ;vivig..idt ; - ,-P , .
141 - ;P t ittiotS6
~„AA . **l.l9 - • . _
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