Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 03, 1869, Image 3
,• !C NN. A TUE DAILY EAGLE,. 4EA,T)IN_G. TA. • (Wif BAITION—Vi .1% M. • . COII74IIIIIICATION9 hal:11141ra for publim. OH 111 thOtAOLE must ba'ace.Orepagied by a re sponsible name, nt;a m*1 . 41)043 1 0( 04. eerlty on the part ef 103 writer., Thu name' will not bC pahushed unless scl deslred . lir the correspondent. c or respondents should wake their cOulf munlcations Mort and to the point. Our space sates limited for very long articles; Write, only on one Ode of the paper, and o s plainly s possible, without flourishes. OVIIRCRIMM4 who full to receive the T.Aets tegularly, will confer a favor .by leaving notice at this office, where all cotn• Plaints of irregularity or Inteltegq of 41e , livery win ho proniptly attended to. uvr.r.risstis are requested to head .in, their a dvertisements as early hi the dem,as 1 , 0 „0 1 ,1 0 , as oar rapidly increasing ciretila.' tton compels " 10 go to 11/PlB about 2 p. BRIEF 1411NTIOIC14..—Upr- 'latest tole . gr am from Washington,, 'revolved twot minutes and sixty ,eeconds beforo g oi n g t o otoo,annOuncos that tho Wa ti,;, o Company arrivod • safely at that, place. Tho odlot Is announced from ,Paris that fashion has determined le I abolish chignons. Whet 10'011 that will be—uiy country--women I Eggs and HastorSunday C011:10 011 010 28tb of Mareh,:thisyour. ' As April approaches, the host busidosi to look uftor—your,o,w, , , , winter whioh has Just &potful, • has bbon a benlison' to the poor—as the dart wow foriumately fgsy dad far ()e -tymon which wpro unfit, for out-door. labor. , It Is coneotiad hy,oi'ory:ono except our members of Cdunoll, that Moro aro too many loose bricks in 'our pfivothents - - tboao carried in bats only troublo the, heads of their owners. Travel to this town is 'not very brisk at prosont—as wo notice that theArains and stages are lacking their Usual lively lots of passengers: • , . Some silporstitous sear states that 'inr. Ovory foggy day ,in Fobruary, we will liar° a frost• in, merry May. , We hopo not—as tho foggy days In Ended rebrnary wore nimierons. • A large ,nUinber of piioplQ we're attract, od to tho depot last evening ti witness the departure of the Wauhington Hose ComPany, • • A row took pir‘eo 'in ti salenn ill 7th tAreet last night, alai hi,tho meleo a MO VIM knookod - down stairs., „ Ice, four inches, thick, was' cut this DeleCtiVO Lyon proceeded to' Harris burg this itiOriting to lIIVCSIIgato criniluEd Mfairs, . Market was largely attended this morning. No change In prices. Miller nod egimplonty. . ~ In . , Another baud is to be'orgaulzed this city. . • ~ A velocipede rink Will 1)6 opened in this city by 9 gentlemen frOin Now York. . ' , i. 'he Express_ Companies tiro doing a II ely business. , , • i . , • • , JadieB NV lin wait White a train of ,citre is eissinwat itifand Penn streets.'should not stand ; too eloie. ' We noticed yes• wally that a lady came • near being caught. i Now crossings aro badly needed at Second street mind Cherry alloy ; also at Second and ,Frankliii fiii*Clit'l , , . . • I.m raot waHNTs.—An example, of rho rapid growth of our city seen,by a visit to tlio. neighborhood of Eleventh and Elm Sts. 'Whore but a few months ago woro open , lots, neat and wag) . .. table buildings are now Hpringing up 1 every direction, and the streets are aliVti with the sights and Hounds of improve ment. Tho location Is high, boalthyAnd beautiful, and since rho attention of per- ) sons in want of homes has been attracted to the spot, building lots hate doubled, and sometimes ttobled, in value. Thom aro manylexoollont sites still unoccupi ed, bat .tho i onterprlsing societies known as building' Wtoolatlone will no doubt' moon secure thopt. '''NYater Is obtained from Wells, tho' pipes G,not having been laid in that vicinity. The Water is said to ho of oxcollont onality. Tho streets are not pavodi but the groand is Hp firm that thero hi comparatively little mud. 'The groat ad vantage H of the location, howoveris Its dry and elovitted position, from which the whole city can be seen; whilo at the samo time Um aseent is so gradual as to give 'but little trouble to team % oftbr tho streets havo bean proper ly mat The populatioW tiro goneraily. Indust ions and . 'enterprising!, 00rIlltillit and .Merleans of german dose:cut—such apo !anon as always unite solid thrift nation with alsonal comfort, and: such a popu lation as Is a beßoJit to any eommunit,y. Ws prodlet that' the, fzrowtli of mr•city in that direetiMi'wll I bo oxtremely rap- . Id, as spun SS the building -aliSOillatiOtiAi with their usual keen eye, to laminas-. and prolit, shall cowl - nem tho work of improvenumt there. II - carried on wi,th their mold ow:11*y Mu) ability, their. loiii oratlenti hi thl4 locality cannot tail to' 156 highly romunerativo. ' • ,I !. 11 VI SY MIIINATO N CO3l Tho symbingtort COinPtiny,'nebom; pulled by the Ringgold Band, left last owning for Washington,' to take part in tho fnaugural nerenionlevto-inerrow. paraded• In ;their .now uniform, which is the neatest and most tasty Of any firenteit's f4cittlpments tvo !lava over seou l .The overcoat is of dittlf., heavy, cloth With ajauitty cap.ooind bay seta ik hrass bu t tooo, instead. of the, nti, : m igliti r 1 4 4 0 40 1)04ons Th or i l gmborinl thicty, , men. 'The Band inado.a Ono' appearanco hi their hand- POMO uniform, and discoursed the most eloquent music,. • Wo ' , fool satisfied that no finer or' more gentleMatily-look , ing body or men will appear on parade at the lA- , - ;1,, __ e ' A VolotENDAnrm &TOUT. Fruit trees to the ;State, junfee m i ore or " less ( rota tusowevery yetti. Itls a Op ‘vortli fait 'that while great care is ob oe/3%4,in proporkyAfrAlog thew 1 4 111 -4 1 , Making good tieleotlenS, and while they blossom In the spring,litey IWO 'general- , ly unproductive. A movement is now on foot for the introduction of. .insect de stroying birds throughout Alto :Stutoi as they are the-only praotleal eradicators of Insocce.: !Vi . trious' lithet twain:4', have: been resorted to te destroy these enotnies of fruit treett i but they; have all preyed' abortiVe. -o MAI) llen.Z.A deg bolontilpg to Mr. Abraham Moyer, of Perklomen town ship, this county, : near the lino of /Jppor. l'rovideneo;wone Mad lath: Week, and bit a eon of Mr. Moyer, a lad of about fif teen years, pud ales) a ypung,epu , Atr. Miebael Filed, a neighbor. Wd under stand that tue animal exhibited pncleubt;, ed aymptonts of hydrophobia., ,Hortui 'lately ho was killed before hotOuld 'fret, away to do * furtber misehlor. •)Mtlik the boys Who :Were: bitten ilikV(i 1;0014140i, t o a Mr. Fry, An residing, Porkiomen tow ushiP, hag the repu tation of being able to cure hydropho - and other strange diseaso!lr—R ile -. town • . `): =BIE!S flutam—llaslnoss'on' 110 !' very dull still° proftept tinao. TOM in 110 t u}uolx pamonger frOrql t sokt but t 110 coal Is earclod. 12111111= ri a*All%44* Houser:—This therning about 4 o ' cloc k , at Are, , broke 'e t / 11 -:+-A - t#:.: fam i ghto: housObbelongin 'thldr • Aiterlok. eitliated ofln the'violnlty Vbirtteititilind' tlttkitil' . 4 . 4 t0i1d streets, and', beforeitAbo•- ret/A4 eottld render any, tilidstaneo tbe lislllK was consumed . 7'o alarni"Wisprolt- • ly oboyed bythtrfitiro AroAt3o , ooo t'' burr ditloty . vits - ekiterioni Inleetting up the bill 'ln' litittontvolitl• fetreft, nearly all like cotnponitat , turned', 11043wardi 'nib I r riontletilp.hueCeeded •in getting at the. pro biit todiate' to (Id' any-4 4 gooil._'; Tito hit ildingi l 2o .by. 1:4,. of-' • franiei and abont,-.400 Potinds Qr riard*H ttfget)ter with ail. ttto artioleirrr butcher' VoV;contains, *itieons_otned In aboitt.te'l ,ioittlies. 11q0..., is '' int , ;itifjoinitig ;stable and .'a ' i ”large, , ...barn, the stable boing away about 10 re'et and !the. arn about 2o i fpet. The flames had'; `oeitilltilttleated to tho stable, but were cot- tingnished bofore . waking" anY'progrem.. Tito tarn was saved .by, water having been thrown against the sides with buck..; dt-, ;tho roof being • covered with snow,' - awl As the. snot./ incited the root was kopt•wet and thus i tho 'flirt/ was kept. away. We could not imeertain how the time originated, but'it is surmised that it was caused bydaot ashes; lire hitving been in the tire plaeo last, Watt: The loss , :autouttfi to ab:ntt ti-190. No luau tine(); , ~ =I MO MI ' Our I.oesjpor4 Lettey, ;, :,. „ ~ ' ) tallEarciirr, March 8, 1809. Mn. EDITOR t—f,have nothing special to report fromAins direction, es, your reporter has.gathered all the rie,ws tbat transpired iwitbin the past few days.- ' The'titgle coma to a ds regularly With the news from t\ll,payts of the county, end, thus Wo are Dept iVell pas of ' • , Air. 'John I'ioutline') has coin plated 160 . improvements 'atihls hotel, and - is now: prepared to acegininodate guests with all (1,19 comtiwts they, Ina* desire., . . '.. Dr, I.ovan's woolen mill le.r4iniingit• fitillspood, ana;turni Out a large hinount • of Itoods diiily.„ - ! . .'r We ifeVe' heard; •of• 'the , api)oareeee opt ibalhotot iu our, neiglib.Oting yillagc r lait 4 'l*4 littliveoptitleeole the,etetv• : • , . • • The reactivity) in hotter condition- no* , slued frost hag not in, and farmers begin to .nonet lAA Am , - Our lirera win ' , smolt() I goOldoirle,li:Oadtie,Virf' 't he, belnyenon, iOf Vieli, 8114 tilis epting, a3 - ; - Riest T :the 1 owing. Was .doim, during. tho winter. , v laeetloet; lino, f o illsir 111 ;: t :e.;.V/% will 6ctknkljt•s ; eritio ,lx,oitll or, ljairvil kfe aieayNgOp V :,t i 5 •,i ir.lrAt. ME= Nmv.sPArisits for NllO cheat), 4 1300).c. Store, POllll Street. O- -1_ Co.AL OIL LOLL , EXPLoSION.--On 'Thursdaym morning a coal oil lap in the , cl Illatittlaetory of Mr. D. 8. li:rb,• at klyyprtown, Berke no., exploded, scatter ing the burning oil in ,every direction. A'number of hands were in-.the shop at the time, but brtittlately no ono' was in jured. Tim dames were tioon extinguish ed, Without doing 'Very considerable damage. TI r: MAN ABOUT 'l a e\yN-- is With his daily report ' of crime, of 1011 r, add of sport ; Lest It might offenu your eye, You'd best puss this noosenso by. PASOug along South Fourth street, vat • 'lie:treed a very,. dainty -Thomas. Cut on deavoring t'd eroSstho street, pleking his way along voryearefully until ho arrivod in • the middio of thou street, whoa .he found it utterly- impossible to avoid get. Wi ► g into the mud, and not wanting to Soil' his feet, ho turned and came back, preferring, we Suppose; to remain on the same side, rather than run the risic of drowning. In this ease It won ld have been well to get the '.shovel brigade at work. Out Sixth street wo had occasion to cross the street; but having. a little more courage than the aforesaid Thomas, wo 'persovered In 'Crossing, and arriving ht the middle, we found our understands high sink into thb mud Just about elx kuthefi deep. IAtt,WO didn't stick—we never do stick encouraged with the' 'hope that we could substantiate the link, we ,extrlcated °Omit, dOtermined to leaVe Councils. know that 'they should appropriate a little attention lit that di• rectum in the matter of tilling tip and putting tho street In a bolter omulition. linally arrived at Station No. 1, which revealed nothing now, and wo loft for', Station No.2,in the Ninth ward.' Just as we turned a col nor, we saw .14 moan comp towards us " something in limo style • hero presented by our artist, w,ho happened to'pe on the spot"— ..„ Ho canto at full Speed, with a thm,./..11....411 boys and a colored woman running after hisn, crying "stop timid!" We followed the exalted popuiSco out Ninth street, and having sat down on a curb to take it wo inquired as to the cause of the excitement, and found that a colored bradder had decamped from' tho' houso of At friend, and in remembrance of his' gratiindo for a night's lotlghig stoto p. bitiidfo of washed clothes which haul been' brought to the house the nightprovious & . 110 was overtakop and tho bundle taken from him. Ho plead 4, poverty " and cried for mercy, whoa pity was taken upon lir-Ind ho was let oh' without punish, out. Comingdown Penn street wo alio 'poor soldier on. a corner, grind. .riva • y at an old organ, WhiCh seemed to,bo doing its host, playing the OM of that old song, with a gusto,"o, sing it as we used losing it, fifty thousand strong," and nO doubt Ids thoughts Se ,40 again on the battle-hold whore' ho lost jsia arm; again he was lighting over, in his mind, the battle ; again ho was foremost in tho, charge, wounded, earned to the areal.. in, the ;ioSpital, and home. How molancho lx.ho was looking on his dubeliargo, pumper in a learn°, bangtog to tho organ, Just notioing,persons bow and drop a mite in his hand. Pool' fellow I South people deserVe better of their cO,tltdry. • =III POLief: ' A I'rithB.—. - 1 - olin . CUrroll had,' left the Station house yeaterdity,morn= lag, after IA sweet night's siumbe.r.— l'ostorday afternoon, howovor ' .he was lignitl ,on Penn street,' Most boentifullV ruid':gloriously - drunk.. ~Chia MoNail Wanted him to fulfil his promise to' the li.layor, to leave town, bid ,4 he'd be If he would." ' Consequently, ho again had the pleitsurp of a snuixe in his old 41.11114:Ws last night. liewined hoeamo• ho had no money to pay the lino imposed. • - Itehaol'Cassidity was drunk and (US ordehy IWl'renlillti above Sixth street. Airriisted by Officer Stellouborg - . hued 153.2:, and discharged. . Henry Mali* 'vas drunk in Bth street helpw : Penn at 4p Carly hoar this morn ing, and also attempted i.t) abuse Milder i.owis. The officer, however; provial too. mulch ;for hoary and :his, friend Major • Bonaine, and took them both to tho SCA tion house- This worning Major B. had (sorted Henry sufd left 4ltil I;PIMIIV/s. - 0 was thereupon sent• bblilita the berg beamfo ho eonlil;Slot pay the -fine din sed; 'Edward 'Loaf Wilf4 'arrested by Offieer firebug, on Seventh 'titreet below P ni, for drunkenness,, Ife had no ni.o-. 'nog and was retained. There were 11 lodgere'lAst night in the' n StattEni House. • '" • • r 4pio'ritira monument to the !stabklity tlntl'Bltfety of Savings Mid Ttuilding•As scOotions. 'l'o-flight tho last oleetton for 'ofiledis of the old German Savinge Asso ciation ::takes placo at Bentz's Saloon; (FlotO's) the association expecting to clorip its attain t; after having ft - Oh-tar. rie but the prorate& and. ,pr,(?y!sisms of sits constitution.- ,!, , • ghost,whiqhlo9 said mattes its tip, 410 , 111 Tame at •totirsville, near tho plaoe, AlviAto Miss. Beaver was murdeird a few .yelitik ago, hits not made' its at pearanee within tho last few, nights. Men aro Watch, and Ar ! alt" will not bring' ,Ahe mystery to r liglit; a dose of powder and lead perhaps A ;will. We wilt; ter furthor , Idevolopnonts." • " " .• . . . , • . •' . . ~• i , 1„ 7, . , o'•••••• VlNO*Ftif4 , ....e...i.on.wit .7•7, ,, , , , i.,:. -.....f.-7. , ,, , r. . ''S tiiPiN D.RN TT 111) - 1 .,, ...... —... ,-- , ,','-:), .i, - ' '•,, . , . 0 4111*431401441.- .... , r -- .. - .:: ,- z:Z.--' :- ads.-t^":: ••• l;i,24ti ~., ..,„ yt!-0113 _.', °'4a .a .U;RePtd.f9tDanS 114.816.1-' - ' .t4i.,i':!l'4l .1 . . ; - ; - 'll44eq . wzr, relt 5.,, ,4141 1 / I *, 1404, r 44 'strike on idontlay, 0 UM (wk. meworettio Colebrookdale liallroadaqt sl.7s:pei , day ; but it':' Is euppqae4 that ,tftey w.lllll go to work in & ' Wit & tiro for'Llio 01 wagost St SO'tior c4V..4 ,, ;:i.,1 . ", ,• ROW fIY puritanical cord respondent of the Disfiatch calls the hod Wel "hops" of our firemen ' , Rowdy 13a115," and stigmatizes the firemen themselves as "RoWdlos." Perhaps if property should, ever be in danger trout the, he will change his opinion when he sees the brave firemen gallant ly battling with the etirling flames which thriciten his roof and his household with dostriietieu, Our firemen, as a , 1 as, aro anything else but rowdies, and , we defy those Who malign them to Lind a lonleter, more. respectable, nnq More ordPrly tire deportment than that of which the pity of Reading may justly be prOud. If the Dispatch correspond ent had ,aeori the volunteer firemen of *Philadelphia, New„ Fork,. and 'Ait t iffir cities; a few yearn age,: het would:: eel .proud and thankful (bat the ,- firo ponies of his own pity are so diatinguislad ad for gentlemanly condpot. Firemen' like mirth and etijoymeht, and therwill bavO it, and so lentraft their enjoyments aro orderly, and not injurious to 'the' nubile at largo, they should be protected in them. 'had better 14 pluck out the beam from his owte.'eye,'" before he dattempts to cast out the motes la tho eyes of our gallant firemen.:, ,„ - • (Communicated.) - :11 - 11!:ItInpron t—Tilere , is a considerable Inquiry. as to what 'thb United' StatOtr authorities In Philadelphia intend doing with . tbe;case of Albt'rett, who ' - iVaa to . 'haVglbien tried long before :this„ibr hle participation in . the 'alleged Witty • it' right pet Col. Alettin slynl libid:Proseoute4 tO the eqd„ef thh i , law, antlk the Government Isforrett's l ease T What - Js the matter in -Philadelphia? It haa. been i hinted MoxieWs friends tart $2OOO distrih n tiai ribnortainAnarters Nfe w nld settle the PROT, r ter:. 'lfow , is this, al , where:Ai, ;h0; inOunY,ln go ? 'Was It loXattd era tubgo dttili that ho Infd no nioneyl: , ' " 4 I,riqUlpEßr A (iitAND CONCHUt UV I)o Ned * by . Wititoealdilitary n 404; assisy y ,y, tie Aved lag ; lilt° nnorohox v ilt gene Opera lions°, on Monday ev vgAleit.; 13prooraunno In to•day's Eactt s. - '.%lPothe D4,01-rilonday morning a son' of. Mr. John Osble, residing at Morysville, near Boyeriown, was found, dead tin, his rom. .; Vhe deceased has' beet% an invalid from'ePllepsY for sever al years] and recently' muttered also from .typheld ,foyer. On 'Alonday while his attendants were absent from his room ho bolted the door on the inside, and ad mittance had to LA:gained by means of a isdder placed on the outside of the house, and .thence in throtiih a window. On •gotting into. his 'vein*, was found dead. Who young man mi, about 25 years of age. =ll=2= OUR. worthy to w ns m an, Mr. Fred. Lauer, receives the followlns notice in theill.stoit Commonwealth of Saturday t 18 'Tipw said that Gen. Pramsle E. Spinner,' United States Treasurer, will probably be appointed minister to some (Imm& court, He Is of Germanic ex traction, and' both writes and ,speaks the Germairlimguage with fluency. Awhile ago a German, who in nn extensive brew. or in Pennsylvania, Sent a letter ,to Gen. Spinner on the subject of the fitiatiteen•Of the 'country ; to which the handsome original of the taco on the fifty 000 notes wrote n lengthy reply in German, which' so pleased the Iwo% or 'that , !tont the General U barrel 'of boor! 4 Zirei tagbr. .1-pter" , . , • • 'TAM WASIIINOTON limtxtinwato. —The Harrisburg Pablo( of this morning containi tho following noticoof the W044)-: iiigionlioso Company's arrival ip that city last evening : , , 'The Recfplion 'lllO Washington Hoso Company of Reading, nonlbering about thirty.mou r accOMpa• plod by the Ringgold Baud Jof that city,' arrived last evening et half-past sight, °Week. They worojnot at the depot by committees from Um different, fire crow panieS of Harrisbtirg. (loners' Knipo, .Chief Marshal, soon assigned thent to a position a , among ouri)remen. They marched through our streets lathe order. published In the papers, the bands .play o'xdoliontly. The Ringgold Impressed all with their prolicionpy. • me washington Mae Company ,of Reading Vero the guests of tho-Waih, Ingo:al Hose CoMpany.. of • this city, who en tortsined them. In the most satisfactory Mention They oft for Washington this, morning. The State 6 1 rtl: 1,3 Oeitially compli; mentary, and speaks Yery Ilattoringly of the. al)posrance of the.• members of tho Washington and their -handsome uni forms, , ~--o" Spatrm.—To-daY is - a beautiful day, and one would think that Winter hits gone and Spring has come. We hoPei she Will usher in az:season of buslness` prosperity 'fir which - we can all give thanks: The country stands in a very• singular condition, sofar us its business intereSta uro concerned.r Its trade and connnerce may be altneSt immedlatelY renderou of tho"most - encouraging and profitable nature, or.they may be pros. trated tar belowthe loVel of stagnation to which they have :descended steadily within the last live year e. A little skill and inodetatlun lu the nibuinistration of piddle affairs 'are only needed to make everything bright and thriving,' anti' bring petioo and plenty' to places . when) those .vlsitlints are oddly needed, 4, little ( improdence, one or, two ugly fide'. takes, 'anal tho rultintis condition of things, with which the entire country, (more especially the. fieuthern section tipitor,) has been se , long familiar, will lf nip or all parties and fac tiolis.ntill,latt unite 4..b"tfiko advantage, 'loth() spirit or good Will; Of the offerings of. universal prosperitY, that are now! opened Wore us, Spring will be tbe` tetionf Col4rier of Wtalth,'Harmony an'd • • • - Atinf,4nn.—Wo leak* that two moll,` ono of , theny''h' - lineliatbi•, - Were arrostad at., Sinailig Springs. , fypsterday, on eharp'oc stealing chiekettC , . )1:3001olef f4wls wereletind In theltpi"., We refralit Worn ruentlopltilt Inames,,itnill. the galft.ol_ the parties le fully establliihtiil. I F you (rf , 411 your 40 riot and piat4lllo: tie free front rust, 40 riot lieip,tlitiqiii' woolen (Shiers. Artßtes of 400. 2 40, bright Iron will often rust when wrapped "in woolens. The beat prevontite of tuatt• is a froquerit applicatidit of the Ilittl ,of w l t i 'boiled pork. AO off" tiro groaisiti he ssienally, and keep the, w,espen in a 0 ton °Over. "An experience of soveral• 3T ro-warrants us in recommending thia treatment of arins.t' ' 'Aritiorpr's .011 is Amid, .but ; pork rind is cheaper, ittid"fre? sinently lipttur in preVetitingrwit. t , • roiNVIA STOLEN.—One night last Pleotilci` ioventy-fuur chickens yt,ere *toted. "fel* JatuesBWitrtz, in Cuntrittownslllo,ncross, the Seheylkill froinAttiading. No.traos4 of tite thieves hasbeen discovered:: , , , :OVA taro beard soma quitor to k , but Wo rellifir;itnow at; little about the Riots. of Utah tease L 'cOrres,PONlcAitt_ We suppose the thatteris tnif nano's:ti t tbb, (lovornment officers in PhibistalM t, do not presume to giltmimitat tkey OM' doing,—En.j !=M=== I;'=;Mi 1()., v.c Z ,- ; ft: rtt i fi4i inupt 'IEfOrtOS ' : — ../ 01 100‘ 4 0k* , i t 4.1011111 , 7 liPlcall, Paw __ ' .likt ,,% " . log '''•! • ', , t , / • (.Ikilit s iregithi p*tottir , . 61 . 11rit , cill mititi‘ made Ids , lam - =,. Vitt the Water . -...% ... we:m.low . ..titat* this " , ..'l`, r- v 1 .. ti D. ht .':1 bad the • . ,', eii . ,?., rn Oa tht, . t tha Was. tor '.430: , - ' ti mers shoulC ye been elected Itotth . phrposoof having himself Waled a Water uoinirdssioner. Said nth , oumosity#So the. 27th., cl 4 hiondikspi eistOhipt4;; Feb: t2t l 180, twwise;,o,l24 g knowin man eel ed a caucus of the Ite• bitolua. !members at tho Dolutooloo Iretl 4 ) ; , , " W w iri t ee t°vh(eza4sh!vktrrn okietui...-y,:ar voted in ...vow of Ever Hoch, eituw wales cue Witl9llt of °tiler mut wohld hot strike the bells Y al e ; end. poor follow,,"bo was left on in the odd; and thbrotO* ho has a rlght.til bowl Hip pWO lyithlelhto head. .: itoni ANON. Firtisft:'/WitliErt, = Tttle PletsxV iituj'atitutb,Ated . tittCon years, had.ti*i Of Ma fingers nearl.t- reaehed ot by iti4tt4 it in the cog wheels at the lirottlen' Mill ofMr. Bruinhahh, in South FilthAtt*t ' —•,_ ' a•ifxtritre , hayo, noticed 1 hat Within ot the p feW Weeks' a Mtge number of peo ple, su ff ering with Neuralgis, ltheuteatispu laud tlishases of a like nature. come to the hotel of Evan blighter to tie` mired. roe. steel; agent of Sayre% instant 'Pain Cure, -aptileli the medicine ;mil le OM oases g YLH relief, The bad weather has'eaused mires of Revere tattering; Espeela Ily • !von,' rheumatism and neuralgia; and the many oases performed by Sayre+B Instant 'Pain Cure should convince Any one that It is re ally a blessince tp humanity. Mr. Weldor deserves credit fOr his humanity in apply. lag the Pain Oat's without charge" to the poor and every one will wish( him ,bIIeCOSS in :t he , manufiteture of (this • excellent flati'ett's,)regetablo Hair Restorative took Alit tiyilt,PrOututp oipl. ; all 04441,, tore at tho New' Llampiihiro. State Fair. It ,atandscotifeisodiy without a rival through out the qouiltri, (milk) drivig ail other Preparations front the mirk t.--4/Wiihulit• P/i l'itpll t t yes, Ifeb 25-4w(l. NEWJADVERTINEDIENTS. - --- .4•Ft 4 , 9 1 119 3 .- , On ' 'evening of ite If et, at the dortitur,ollteitenth and ,I'Or.a, etreeta.: jlio owner etin ' turf* the eatto btapplyiet* at the BAkiLE is 44 Xl4 4 1 8 0 0f 9 1 ,fular 8-4td 1 4 . 4 tb . ' L CUAllBLAX,ptimatirltaitht and beet .iyorl4-1:12 pugs', ,Nylth several lino engrgylugs. Price bff omits. or .eltle ut the. EMILE lIO9I{ 8 ORR. mar • ail Pena struet. .• 117 — OTIOEI—The regular stated meeting of 111 - the Delubbr@to Assobiation will be held oft next • tiATURI)AY HVENING; (atb Saloon, No. Ull Venn tit rest, ()dicers of , the AssOblittlou will be eleeted , fori the ensuing year at this Intjatilig. A full attendance) le elpeeted. ISAAC It. FIBIIEI4 yrest. r 1 . 1. 71 1 4 AVAN Nun, Secretary. • • '• • utur-341t0 - , - . . , - DR. LOUIS Db BARTH FirlgtAtill?tESlDENCE.:,;No. North Ahab 400 Reading; Pa. Idea 8 Lib '.F, special meeting of tho. TIa t IDArRVI I ITI.Vt ? :, . Wlll'.be held 111 Ineuttzerl•nrorefioested to be present. Ity order,of R. A. HOWELL, Pest, mar 3-241 , _ - GRIND CONVERT • • • 01 , " :Winter Mit .11 ary Baud, AdSISTED BY THE • , IVEADING A.LENN:EitUIiOIt • • , - . AND • ' - t'Altll, AT TILE Keygtoue,. Op .itioxfpr, MARCH[ 8, isoto. • era., llouge,. .. _ 3111. ‘ J031tr1t WINTER. r, I ' . / 1 .91. T FIRST: ' 1, Overture, Barber tiuville, Ro..hilitl. Want NSTRA':' ' i S. (Aiorgi,, •rlor Wald, • U. llatier. 24..ENNEKC1101.1.. 8. Waltz' On Wings of Night. C. kqust. • . 1 OACIIKSTRA: 1 • 4.' Solo; • Sei•enud Chilled with i • the krest, li, latelluer, • MCC; li. RUOAD*. I , 1' , utigno, Nlppon anti .liippen, :lENNE i liciliOß. • • . 1 , 411 T bECONp, 1. Grand 6ploct WO from TrdVltltn, Vertll, %! 2., Terzette i 'I God is Love, . C. Rroutzer, 14E8410. t'. IigNINGEit, 0, B, lidloAD3 . • . — AND J. S. SCROEICER, Z. l'olkai tioWn Robin, N. Bousg net. rieeolo Solo 14 Sebastiihf lloehniain: • 4 . 43 1 0.114 thlr •Wittitiorer aus oat, . , . Mainland • C. Gayer., `, ,' .: .. ;tII.4ENNEttCIiOR.: .- . t , 51 Galop,' • ' StOl: Finch, ', -C. FAUST. Doors open at 7 o'clock—Colic:oft t•om• mottoes at 8 Weloe, . .Tiekets 40 tanatt;to all parts, ig the house, 'atm ha had at U. , C. lialtpler, No. WO Penn street, r, illosinger,' Itll roan stl•eat ainlifrOanAmhers of t ' * Band, mar 34,dd1.. , 1 , , .. • .. TUE NE}lt t . ,. ; -. • . „ ~ • • i •,., '. .i . • , • • 14 , • 14.0 . B I. I, - 1, .a • . ~• ;, , ~.,,.,• vote A1., - ORBI 'N AND 3 US:TION ,: or , . . ~ TILE PEACE4' • • '.'•41`001071,64 February )9111,14),:' .. • 91 , t•roll sato at the • EAGLE BOVK.,,STORei • . • 1-0 ' ' , 'lll lAit 'nn StroO, q r int4•l ' • : r tv ) „1 j„.•! ; • ! .1. rial4,4* & IiOLLOW USII, ,•,,:...-3 ,:, .-1 . it; ~, 1 ~".;111.1.,iit•T: • • or 1,..., . , ,:•); is , t; •.' A A• ; :,,•„. , JOBTAINTEUS '..) 1, ~ .;. it: ,', v, , ...i . . . • i :,i vi , r) r.l - I tit . 4 1 IF I• ' , . 1 452L1C0P Rl' b . Ltil , • .;,,•.,, 1.•;,,,, i •','i di '"AIkADING, PA. . .T: •J r' 4-iY — L, woo -5 , „ it f 1.,.. W44 ; o4,—•VrinTerllatel il ii infdrll9..agarl , tarlpF • rjo i t ot *oaa c t u o m. t ake . %h u e two Of!! • fitnali j bt iy,i u who .no b 6e•wm k geifekety.i-gms ,ba ktorl•liteifterl ,to obit-, preiht T o" 1/90!1,4 ono from 93 W VI liar week w 11.1,400141. Noun no ci apply lin ings.' *At teiVittnentled by.hi lily roxpoot i tit* Or,tiCutti.„ l A.' Catholle I * r f urred t 'lo* 1 11 ; Vattio4larit apply at_ 1 . . : .•,inft. :fc...,9' ' i i Tork OFFICE' ' • wifisi r, Ft:uthierBlo,o44l' , ' being eon vitivistli decision rif The City to, *loiter, tint election of %%river Couituis-1 Aiello tik linl 1869, villa illegal,. and iii t ,tliftt t tie uo Board kof WateriCom. It 1 • 9 1 4 0A 11 , ° City , or rionuitig;iii e x . • i p t tattil 0 0 .riku Of.aW, therefOro gives no -416-0-thut hie tritnittee on. City Property • belhglltdt . pkeil howl of all property Inikongrnt t ' ii oily of tin thug, mint °all 4 itimileatt it, ' Avatar, use or wa er, in taut, ,o! sittots 0 rta In In gto Wu 'IV ater.l3lo4 1 4 . imilm pl,ti ~; City mist' , bel tratiSaated 1/11tT i ghter tamitteo, alitell by tifie•fte,i I.l4oneiti '4 trot until tile tAe-ie,ttiw.. l i ftitry eta iti b . .r.! 4 , . '"• i • JolllVD.'2dolliti4. trio .• , . iiititiono Conficify PrOpetti; ' i g-rf -. V ' __....,..?,....., ._, , 1'..:,-,...t.....„... IL , ' ....4.11.4— . . , , llol t i T tiri l lNst l l 4.3 e l o v t, b 4 i t c' itri u n a g 9 4 [lt I vitottoligt , , il PosseesiOnfilfpn_lnaili -', A iiiißtifil • V \i, - u• "yam P Siirrenn street 7 - - -. :T - ,, - ;•• - - - IL . • ---- -- ----qO-+-•-• --- 7 4.....21 A 1 4 :DETWAN AND AtiVoimEy , . s ut t .4)y.etice No. its ;South Sixth X . Li 01. , - Sit ki int or collecting nuctimi: v_tYan6lng". l lolo,.• ut Um Saddest notiee. PA; Waite k$ eVt 11901 for Atlanta Mt nalikcrib, wetting tupreirlitteli onlimsfitiliblotorms,•• • anarchl-41 • . , = tf-,,. , :"i . t ;fit i4lt tt „ r,;N I .....-4,- i -.- ~.., ..'j 1 i1e,..e..7 i lit ' • i - 4, '4,4, r,•3",!:), ' '' 'Pl''''' '4 •'• ' ':l 4 . ti , lt ,4 ‘ (11 : -e., .• _ , -21 ova be . , told GERMA*MiIi EiT(4 l3l. Bti am, < 1.• ' ... ~'i L 0544 AT THE 4., „.' SHORTEST 'N(YritiE l A „ • 1.) )._ _ •.' . ..•- nit 4 xo. sr,NEisz - , TIIE4XORIC 4 ° B 8 1 1 , )lr i llUtill, RlC with' two - story back b din 'el age at. 1314',rente street, be toterva Nfighth *IA Ninth satiable for a Lod ge ; j4O tlttrd story ie arranged for a Lodge' ichtim; Avift to iiNDNRICK seIIULDT, tour 1-ttl ' t. 9 South Ninth street. TrO LUT.—SECOND STORY FRONT 1100/1 1 aultablo for onion pOrpoons of ittiv Apply to. DANIEL MILLER; No, 8 Routh 'Fifth el met, Readlog, l'a. mar 1-3tll N hereby elven that Alto to LI burs or FRINN DM IP al' Flan FIRE ENtlifilt Y, NO. 4, OF Tith CITY OP , READII4I," Intro app:led tb the Court of Cotntuon Pleas of ilerka County, for ri Charterer Incorporation by the above style and tine, avid Unit such Charter will be grunted by the said Court. on the Eighth day of Idaroli v lBtiti, unless atollelent reason 1)0 showit to the contrary, on or before that day. IV. B. (1141ESEM411,140thetiotary. tub Th-frudStrutr, , Like 'yoloano46llajthru tesue to the foul and fiery' contents the loop into. r . tsn'. roinoVo the Onus() of such ettffor tug it- is . onls . • tidoii;asary to vitailico' the Blood by supplying It with 118 'Zito 211)41'SRUlititat gNit6P O prOfectod solution •of the Protoxttje of Iron), tiO thie Offootunitv, and give -airength, vigor and new life to ttio WllOlO ity€4oW. , ' - . Extrgtel of a lelter front. AR! , S. •• •• ' ' Haul of it Orton, Leer yours t was "a; sufferer from Bolls so that my life bectunewearlsome through'' l their ;frequent (pent and persistent recur., retitle; finally a , carbunololormod in the Small of my back: - During its progress large .pteees of deeettlPosed fleVf Wore every day or two cut away, and t o pros. tration and' general dibturbanep of the system were great. , Before I had •i•ecov ered from this attack two smaller, olirbutt. ()lee broke - out hltihor Op, and 1 Was again threatened • With a , recurrence of the suf ferings to whioh I had so long hpon sub. iotod.'lt was. itt this % time 1 commenced taking the PERUVIAN HY IMP. • '1 contin. 1;04 tithing it until I ltud used'llve bottles; since then], have have hint nothing of the kind, 'for years 1 was no of the, greatest stitferers:;l)t her medicinesgave Meparttal and temporarytelleffbut this remarkable remedy, -with a • kind of lutultiVe sense, wont directly theroot of the evil, aod did its Work with a'theroughneAs worthy lot ite.bstablished . charactor.” • A tl2 piftro Pamphlet sent free; •Tho germinehas'surkauvieN Wray r'' blown in' the glass. J. I'. 141 N SIEIOIt Proprle_tor t ' • • , No:0 Dey street, New .fork. Sold by druggists generally. " . EMI= a _ • " Thu best kno n remedy ter ' ' SCROFULA, . io all Sts nntolfold forms, including Weal, ( ( Immo?, Apphifcsi 0411.illieufmCtmatteiplion. etc., N DR. ANtittlayl WATHR, infra 40101011 (4 ,kodine.Vithents a solvent, dim. covered after, many years of scientific F. march and, ettperlment.,For eradicating Intofers from the system it has no equal. Clkoulars seating). , _ • • , • • •J, DiNotnitm. drug 11 fey Street, Now York. Sold - bv[fob 8-4wilaw C, TEiOLIO • VRAYM BOOkS. 611,110L10 NAN VAL, 'KEY OP- 1114AV,EN. • H.lO OATHOI4C yA OE tit:CUM. CNBI;WIRANIcB SERIES: MrS-i :qIqI,II,I",IIHART's I • G (ADZ: IEIII ES Ity 1100N . 131W1 SERIES. ;.' T. ; . tig()l (X li()0 K I- If APO', VOICES. , 111 ,*41.1:44111 gellQO,l4 BELL., 1 • • ' •• -` • 1 0 011„811.1,g liY • & C 0. .) , ATIrfI*:VAG . slooli ' 14,0j • 4719 ,fitatect, Readelik6'. l'a, fob LUMBER I. 'LUMBER ! I .. ', r . 'itOAS - k . ItAtiri-FNBITSPr . Corner titti GO Opr 414 61!!!tet. (The first ZuMbisr , Ftp4 of tut a.,baow Oen 11 1 ) t .7.. TqX A•Cfrii i ; algAillitii AluilitosTl— ,V9Piv:lPWAlTl4lip IN TEM MTV. ; . 'wo ,havo , copt4o4lY 031 bonel v IV /MO A0004:flout af AU , Muds of Um plSvatell will bo dloPoliOd of at tho low° inarket pricen 10:4 1 1O4titteli tO full , Porch, efe. s AUG. F. got, COM. W, ItitUD batllBll, I s irto?.• 24.-trd • •••• • ~ t.! . ~. ~., _ ........ , .. .•.L....4:.....L:,::1 • ~ ,'.,) 0 . , 1 , _ .. .. „,,, ' FREDERICK :W; f TAAVER'; , 1 -'' e ” ' ' '• ' v 4 Clft'iri lA . tytk; ,, • •. • . iti fit tzl .‘.• i? Cbrster i It , • ct A t op elreelP, ending,Pa !, - 8016 Agtot tor„flitio and !Aebanon_,bettetict,. forthe celebrated . v.. .. ' ;': .'' WI §.Amr,aca ,spAziu COMP A NY. Tbelneet rellalidei::ind durable &oleo ever piaeed befere'the pubJle., • col and 04r ,tyiuk i ttOore purchasing oleta• Where. : i-0, (' . --•--- , Ill i p o p t r t iAr e O r up offered to buyerb. ~,..,. „, I) L A T'V, iilikt SCALER ~ yai b.arat 441,11er i aile'ebeao.. -(scot 4- • 'L •IL 6 • . E Ll Becker, ocklitt townehtp of Malden-, - creek, to theiot,y,of Berke. 'eg2, MAO aii,asqlgnipet or all hiewitate fo' 4o l iia .VoF l of:natoaine place, lit - tkast for , h . ottigit orbit' fkllttO re, on V.,1,1,1. day Of ' lL Viiel i g Y estart;tii " g # r 011. that all liektiOli A hftylng •thcitaoll e'finsp o snnA t lel4 o e w it iantge , i op t r O e ge n i t 4aWillacO, .11O e niollate n pynien sa to i theNi(erin nett. ; ft ll t. qt w ti . . jiALE ; IIIt-: 80NAL PtiO.PAratTY.—Will on' ltl irriday..littiraYtO.lnact at'l'd , olock, P. M., at the 11.061tWAY119USE. In the towpshlp otAlaidepireek,Ahe followlnepereonal, • 1 . ) „ 1 1141411 1 144 ° ..eitrptit.ihatles; pit:4olloa, intrrart4„wash.,. , 41tarititytinwitre: Pryans, chests - ,•Aslteri. hrtillep,sadenii. pica. vieyariag,Other attio)eit_i • VqwlKmanoma4cl.mnown at the time aia ,pletee tiy • JOIIN- ticl(tAX. .„> "!'Aiselgne, pl. Ell B • ey; ;Thilytil.ATosir,,4motfoneitir. . ((eb 26-41 W -• • - : • tVrtirstftll:4.%lAigii lot 01 a l ipew sp .l.l beta; on 11401: Ilk due omise, IMAM owl- AtillOittibeit+l% DZIOII=I lIEI DOIZS. /ME Nil= =UME==MM 014 4 ,11010 0 10 1014 :t. inotE t e, Itictl t ovair i krvicpt • Orrice;' No t N6I7PTIAIR.TH; ' . cad beStil it S an 'the Se AO felne i t i n s.„ Vhet or hip a y atorte* • deo dant • • •-k „ ~,.; • IVITANTRIX.i.A young rot of 17 or le y years, to:, learn the Chiroughly. •unly Alto Nears apprentiee. p renuleed: For Anther formadoi cddrons,_IIRINTRItIiMANIS PHARMACY, Soothe/46Sr Corner:of 'Tenth and_ 9f den Streets, Philadelp ll ta4 , • fob N.Stdi • xrl), l PlCle—Th ',undo/tied hare Me; .I.l_poisild of thu. 1.44uP A 1 xprras huolh o t. to mr. Branton V an Lea r,, y whom it VIII hereafter be mreied on, 'An ortirra for baggage td ihd (mu the tl e• Sixthwill ho lett ilit - Our *Moo * No. 3.) South Sixth etrOot, ris horettiforej fob 11-301 , ut, ft. p TER S SON.. LAiJitAte iIAMMILL t IMPORTETIA 4ND DNALEItti xN -" CHOICE lIIQUORS 4 : WINO AND SEGARS, 128 SOUTH MITI STREET, 1111LADELPHIA, _ (4, Ij4;,tarna':4, , C, u. r t . 4, GRIESENER'a Wt Extensive Grain Warehouse, Nor► reedy for ..?AlthiEREI AND OONEI,IGNOIIB. Who may wish 'to more Oraln, Ao. Roma awl aortuoisalon reasonable. Also. a superior stook ot • I ' - • • FLI3UR AND MAD ,&c Boreele wholesilto. And retail. it lower prleee tho.. eiti . be ptirobased eleewltere. Ale% a oupertorlot o , • Buckwheat Meal, and totatosa: .1 . . ~ • N orth . ofileo.los N Elighth St.:Beadinsi i rsi.: feb6., .' • alt — la r a :iiiili — iiili.l4lU - ill 6ii . . :OTAGER 41W buiLq. REAMOORIN MAIL A1684%0111 LINE, . ExteAdiid to Milton Station4elwed Reading nt Ba. Th., trl‘tioexly, Tuosday. Thursday and €atur day. Returns a anlo d aye and arrives at 1 7. -, t p ln arr° he follow slim r ed l ost %does: . . warn, onglersvillo, Adairotovn,Bphwartir. villa, Rea storm. ~ I BOYERTOWRVAIL ANRS'A'AOR LIRE Lemma 'Boyertown -at 8 O'eloCk. h. Th. Ar IiVOS at Reading at 10 o'olook, h in, Itehisning, oaves Reading at 23i p. in.. 'slim at Roy fldown at'T it. in. It serves Sttin rmille; Brum • eldville, areshville, Yellow II use. Rarivillo and toyervown; _. BKRNVILLII MAIL AND BTAUE LINE Leiwoo Ratko! :at 3 o'clock. a. w., arrival at Having at o, cloaks non. Returning, leaves Reading at 2 o'oloqk, p. !in. arrives at Ittlllorsburg at 9 P. in. servos Lei baohs. Dower rn, Berpylile, l Rehrersburg, Botha), Attipohogcon and Holsters Mills; BLUE BALL itAIL AND STAG! LINK Leaves Reriditpt 'ott 3 °witty Wetl»esday and FridaY at, B *CIA, lieturnlim leaves Bleßell on Tuesday, lituriqaP ftwipturda,y, arriving pt Reading at 4.1 i q olOog, In, it impolite main% Ware. IS, Ottnex i g: Hawravi svillo. Mudgy Oreek.,Terre Weaverli and Blue Pall, PIQVA MAIL AND STAtiK LINE , • LoaVqs Itoading , Qn Monday, Wednesday _ri Friday at .7 o'clock , a, to. Aarrives at Rending on ,Tuosday Thursday and Saturday at 5 o'clock, p. tn, Jetnipprl. Penn,. Book orsvlllo, Jrnanuo Furnado, organtown, Talbot vino, Honey Brooke; 'Oa ' • ridko owl South Herniltage. . LOBAOITSVILLE 13:40P AZIP MAILLTNE Loarea•Lobachrrille on !Tumidity. Thursday and Saturday at 48 i c 't i dock, a. il. Arriyes at o'cloo a. i Bondng at 0)i tn, Het ruing. Logy, ea Howlng at 234 o'cloo ,ip. nt..' /rives at Lo bachsvlll9 at 6 q'olook. p. m:it:80rY08 Almico,. Oloy and lobaohevllle. ' • , • ,' BBADINct TO COLUMBIA Daily by Itallrgad-.—LeAvoOtortiling at 0 ti. m. Arrivelnt 10;30 a.'En. ; Blies Fritz town. Roinholds station; 'Stavons,.iip rata t Litis, kranhOm, SPortipF 11111, andiev Silyer§prinp. • it,' I _ . VigBW(ifitiikEil TOiiilnDtittO Trl•writitly by t3tago—:Loyo's 6stohobter on Monday`, IVcinewaY Anil Filday at 7k. tn. Arciveg at litrdeboro lb. Returning, leuites Birdsboro - on Tuesday, ahursdaind Saturday at 7 a. m. Supplies °algae'sllo. Bluelleok Loos 'Wallace % 7.71041aud. don: vile and W est White and. READIRO It01)1430N • , p Sonal-waptli Stago-toaVos Reading. on Takoiax nturnay a1 k 7:30 R. la. 111114BiliVt3 attending at I-a. m. • . • RHAOINO TO ,110tiT • Sena-weekly by 'StrilrO —. l-igavo „Reading T -Tuesday and Saturday at Om a in. Arrives at Reading gt,,TAl•a t i;a: Supplies Addyip's layerlitkiwer Hi44dlbeFF; Ntiith Ikoldolberg, xrlok's mils and most.„ . • , , • :,1413ESPORT.T4, li4A. ' ' ' 1 Tri-weekly by Stose.-Leaves Leesport ' ties- IThursday and Saturday at.l2 tn. Ar Ives at OeirrtOli nit/ Willi SuppSef South E ans. vil Walla ruoittotrn.• ' ~ ~• • :, ; t COX OWN TO VlROlterltliali •- • _ Tr i -weekly by Stage—Loaves 'oxtown 'Eves day,'Xhursols7 and Saturday at a, in, Acrli'va at Qkttown at 14 ). In, Supplies xtrbyv_illo,• Afolialop,) arid Virgiusieill,o. , - }tOgittlienVO*p'SVOltOliEjlitflio Trl-rreekly by Staao—q,eavits Itehrorebitri Tuesiati Thursda, and Deter ay at,jl 8. tn. Arrives at 11.4ihrersharg at. 6' p..tu.' SupPllei Wintersrilla anti not. ~ • •, BANliptG-116118E, • ; BUSIIONO"!Iii BRO S, INyilora In .„ Ji9 n sPo: ( oo'ol{ 8; VOiato t MITA .AND OMYPONS.• • 1111 . 1: • ON Nkiir . Yd interestoo44 4Yl.lAposite. - • Open at o,a,c.fisi' • • cpse ((Op. n 13USIIONG foil. 1.1869 • THE CRY Is > THEY COME!' ;, 'T4v,ittiattuariniutti, ibx OOTS AND SHOES N. T.', GEM:), F A B WP N A I3 Lii 'ifoOf.4o,::** ittomit 653 Penn Streit' liroling, P. Nn 'HiP*4 4lll 4 l O i rll i tYt . 3 4 Finllrirliesi„ - ,41€.19t4,- , Shooo Ago city Mop Lskiiisuv du Child 0111104eu'o Shoos of 411 thulo. Bso ltht etylo3 Aricelo , Mosel calf boots. itosio otodo:P. 88 150 to 67 00 T. 191 860 II "815 B o r a •if • it'. It *t • I (y) it t.08:86 Youtleft , ;-1 .‘ 'ft" . 110* . 0 1 -9-26 .W02)1.0;1 0 0 81p laestbooto. - 1 11:1 " .1 76 IVolnors% CloOt Polish, •9 00 :2 10 11:3aeo' " " 1' • .3,21 Menlo ; PA • Plalpi,guntik „ ' ~• , s 00 A t oiles1 1 01:-. :=,l 14.1! • • nlivEtit4l7lv7, tev/41,;:t,',t114. I=Pitt)ilL E. 014141 a , ErE'REMITMMM ; lir 1 1)1V '. .P.i ,rE ; Or ffirr il ..A. . ~. 1 . ..i- - - 1 m _l. , .., A• , I . , ~ i t=„ .. !Sone Wit thous pviteli or ts ar wimiing ittwood. , : , 1 . . blotobed .N*, Upon • rxi=t vot ' ve K , . Tait teemed* DUDS Vit It= itylee --v 7t - TO • Lit i , Allalfr it liftiillllMO.llll dtllli_ollllllo l l havegoed ilk '1T1141011114, ...,4 le In. Mrs, dleetile left to MUM ,t , All have tlinnly warnlntln these rim plea, Blotches, WttergOlorte, Boils, 4op. per.eolored Pete es t eftla tr a4Ttat the Oalanatty hysluti te me Um 81.11ARITILIlletR D 4 OW, OAM A lIITANtB ROO A p Jsp t i s s : 4 tiAld A WITAIVS RCK) AND HURD J Sam eerotubi , leillelrsdril • lOW teeny have - the • l eim Allyphille In the system, M 4 In tbalF on eon. -template mauler), knowing In e of Or baneful Influence on the oonitttutlon. To such we my. STOP. Ewa euesocyourinit ‘Ol those Impulltleo I of theiteete4tl=. tebtlen. (which In of eases Is fiery in the eon etltutiollip hefor_e Vhvi kling misery on yeeteel( •attn olikpving. inlet Clam bottle.- , , ... . .; q .‘k _ —0••••• B,4I,IKARITAIOS . 0111( ~ • ..,,‘ • , ,:"4. . L ., • , . Mu Res? tleavain RIM LOT Mt* velle. kl" {dl Pispern , Artstai from IbitiVki .14• diserenotti t ' (11 Ventainetto Minim% no ilitesaii no liels eery. only ten Pitle tube takau to effect a um They are entlrelY VMakin ) Wring o small nor any unilleannti Mt% mitt win not in any wa y'lure the's lat Or DOW - l ob els' of the shoat iilleata.' ' rat: in from two to [our tlaya, and recent cane. in Viten • ty•four hours, Sant by mail, Pries-hale paokeue4 4% Fantle ft . • Hold by Hervey llireb b Iteivling;i . rn,, ana by Dre gg lets, . pitsbioND ill co,, rileatom dooti.lytli 818 Rabe stkael,Th delphla. LPOlt SALE...MiI be eold et Private We. 1 the Stook oU J. 1401*18111,13A111311R OP,VIth apperteniutoet4ll4 044 53 Nina greet, needing, AIWA On Loeb bet rung into other bustuees. (fob IC d • ‘tt r .! t Imporkalt : tiSTriutiera 3 PRESSES FOR ULE. A 11N CAlAktOridit, AU /AM NISTS AN'D MA.l4llFitO- ti TURBRO.::• ON TO By tiOJAP , () MAP. uuto4lutory t orolotl Ut oat% at adA ilk OyoviTitigs (MuOS(.74tsLATONV„',I4.ItRiNE 'HORSE ?OM. -i, ONN`NIGH.THONOI I I: . 4LIBULAR HIGH'T 'OITA% ts • $ I • $; • $ tu! Ji • ONE LARGE OXX,INDER PRINT ING PRESS, OAZETTO.4I7.II $, - I •A I/ ONE SMALL, AVAIONOTON HAND 'Pamirs; • .-• t ,•:, lONS ITFANDIpp 1 , 1 , 51 1 .• , Apply et the At Oftloeor address tirrncn P. • deo 7 , • K R y R. & :0.0 i!,=! t Mantifie4T4ntr( Oelebrated,:Te* , Herb titters. WitiES ~,,Al 9l ,B ol i4iten4,ol4;i, l o7#6lVALl,PD ziTal INS. ' 4 • rA. -.N0i',1,210`/111-.11!,..#4,1131"49 • • ior stdo 111 the 8i0,10441P1071t.,4%._ BOOTS AND SHOES ilonfriratr26Pue tux BEsT 40# ggvotgEßT I „ REINICOLD &ItAitteß • No. 44 North 540-stroot s i f rf 51 I' RILIVW4*, 'PA, t t L it t , r ti rinilli sussomutgavis MOW =TAB -e, listed a fret-emir wet andilitoo-making estabibkment Aid Ow ott the above dated place, where f ariprible to deeoguaedate euetomerd with 0 Wed Wee he Bleb line of buelaets. nd at lotto pith* tlleutediany other place In t he city. The followine lid of p,lees P 11144 411 we ray: °niece), De j: . , • Wow u 4 apwarde. 1- V kip en ) 4 1, 0 4 1 1 s omit) LI, nn 1 ., Wel orklfie shoes. a's it dill Cows* eiltart•leelt toes 1M eel p • arm Kw, tr ,1t,. % s:a en's! e ,; liit I 414 Ail 2 00 Men'? ip ate .ti 180 Boys saU sore e 180 te i ye kip ~,, cr a b , tA 1 Ifo ri f MU' it y pi , „ 41i 171 , i 1 " ) mexi:e ins -1 I brew ft,' t 375 ;omtomen a ncel lictixt,_,l alto 1 fil it'stll 1114 ril ' Women's Ml.* 4aaratto , 11 . f. 2 Wont's"' envie', °ski t , I t 1 l i ca2lp e kid obt‘ SO oaths' ra est hot vie lYst6 'L i !, ' t e. 90 AUo. a istge e br otottofinD lid and for sal, oz.wilAtolitomilgitti. anY • 4,14 1 1 c./4 kindiot trysmnit. . • I TXX. r , II 0 ... /.l #l3 4 MM t if- 1 . / 1 Nd.41 .- .NNITII"I3IXTIrt attil E!l=Cr=l=MEtt Tea! ‘Positivebutirii! I ; :c t. t ~~1:~ ;t =llll EMI r •. :.i , a t kirsam.l• ENOIVE AO OM S i+ C on Bottitil ME MEE A •••••••••• • tj! kit! • ' /!.,.//i,•I I i ,/irj Ell 23E 54, „ 1 :11;"":4441 Isupgrter of ' 4, • : 1 e j t , Il i ME Ini