RP.A.,DING, PA. wsp i nflimlep r lKl` griNallgetrattidir'Ettir, A 04411041.,, $14.4i4A411.E. limitoitht46tb iiifti Sr, POO. e 11470 * k ik'f. Wm, ,E 0 9V4 .tO 5 4 1 11 1 0 Kiltte ( liti;:s46 (14er iiousettiilaiiik;";okiosite the 81411105‘114111411 WASIIIII I IO I i TOE, 1., VI F i t ,oni ff.' llift4 i tells the I,ifidiepl wr mi, ‘ 0; tip present- dsy havo cote, mosseed•thekr mansions and indecent nit satfitikitiltWilittimi OPY'dfiqdtitgo'ilVitsh• 11 : 4 111 A ' Al l i d Pir ci Is` 9 , t,'l //ti n i 461 i,, 66 % t too Al terp? ns, oun i lryt, too tuueotion of our pooplo, .orepivatory 441) the open condosopation ,of all tilos°,principles ?f freofidiOlitifbArtig4 1 Ball i4l ,': 1 4 440 which ho endeavored to incu cato on all occatdboti, tUelesti (this .dispositiou ' l to make light of the examples of the griiii 'll"ittls.V9l9 havo, ,lit°Rti litlPro lit ;is speedy fisialithyt the' yolt4tt ttieloo of popular opinion, wo predict that thp day w i ilk ioot'e 0 itrhlsti 11,4159A1; ppcialiorsi swill °PikiltrirlidßigqiiPi7l'Pr,oo Achius ail op ti one ot corge i ashingtdn r bet, caude the: stand in the way of the col witnedinedt pif thilit. initriitloilidopctihes or I dfaiSlM:i l47l iiiisP4iiiii4liPu, #, , 1)on Platt, tho liodical editor of the Cinelanati'Comnierdialowlio uttornpted lo bo aftrightll6 Cl'Ohollits' during ate witty, but failed miserably, and almost atarwod his,piff9,l4iiroillil itiiforance of the man. nen In whiohltd. drawl auptslies, has o:writ., tonitigiettett Voti # - Ifilib,r , nobtirivrii'st? is How going tbo roii4e of iiie Radietti prqm s 10,twhish o l; ater mundry; alighting reata4lrafgard Ito the' Father 'of his Coutiwrhh, r fikf a :Ise' 61 the fql,lowln4 1 in g ii ht fit,. a ii , i l eorge tols a qutek.lemperect, profane man, vain of his person, partiou • arAppl 7 l)l9l IPlPtltosti So 114 of fox.lin nt• kg and tho heavy eatiAg i and thinking that accompanied that wild pursuit. In il wpilliikA; Awl ingsmna of that day, ho Lon A lijnor i lnoo) statestne,a,and Rol ors then emus n Europe. anti we know what they were. To make him FrIP ITFRVI CoA t ilictillbout Itim., That no ;Intl 1, pat rough long, 4voory, Mt hearten ng war without breaking down i that he rose above the potty intrinues of rsiSt t fr/A94 11 , Sillii bitter felon 1 that he bravely iota downlhq sword and retired, to private life, having, without fail, al. stay, , t; t glip the ,r,igbt, thing at the right emetic) make/ up enpughihir ea te ad?. mire aqtklovo without resorting to feeble liet, l l l lll P 194 11 if44litolliisrYt t .': Ildw.duolt flinger will , our .pooplo fol. low the load of men who slander thetest anqße.;Pr 41TiPriPitile, t attd who call th0,4 1 9,10011`,44 /yoga° Avith.idaath and'a coveriaxitiwith , liellri 0 ' .. , , ; It li ~.,,, I_ I f 5 LI . 7 -- 7 • ' ? 11 “'" Tna ilutiAlt e*AN‘b As wo predicted some days. since, the pride of sugar is rapidly declining 'in Cubit, Arid eitturtiO it . will de4line elan. whore. The sugar panio is over flinch noonoritkilin , ille large SiTaulators angel. pated, nad,theconeeqUenee'id that while 0 fertif 'llithri it lir; btien , i gtently profite d . theirOby,'.4iany others ;will ,lopo hoawily. For this class of persons wo have no sytoptithyo We rould lilt,? to see nil the , golniilini "Alla" li l t $OlO stork, liriish• ington, Chictigo;"tiliti elsewhere, so of. resitmilY , brokon't up , that •they ,would 'flosevillslo‘nttempti to twin money front the suVorings of, the poor ? and the i prep nikCYPP4:Ie(O9OFI ' An4 f") 1 111 dealqr j a who . I;ave not the opportunity 'to•knoW of tho operations of 1;1%9 speculators untilit I is. iod°latelti 'tlSthiti lost 'The ' "iiCiie'l' l Mletlo'n Got qo,pikip,ia 'at diAd t ,i of flour, of sugar, and of houso.ronts , in mirAstrge cities, shotild be • broken uPll,f i liW bir i bfl i g' rid i i sf nti' Ihtt ; tifid , ieite u.iiiit4ii Ae3s4 l W9 VII Pfiwor/ ', before the men of money, we hope the , tittio 6111‘como *hen ttio peot)l6 , 4ll'tako the' Ott6 Mid i tlisir l l bvi4 hihdi f "ttlitt ut'aito"eOi' i thietnilelves4i.tiliPl4. ,ha'iliits, rulers who will have the honesty and the cthiriorto ; I tiattiet 'the intetiosts of the trittigh 0 sV ty'il'e*slobil'efit vitio rtpr• 1 , imi tp I . f) ., 11 • INIIPAIPLItIno;49I4 I P , y iV Ibilroli,TonllPf ort,sel 'toff Men, , ahouldille tporintited •to email foittiteelowuritk.osattrily inereas . inifili i elsit64 ' iir'isio'i , iiii'Onti , or wilfully ruining the legitimate IMslitess of others, and , all 'allots' per!loss should bo made afilimiltnitits , laltstiisnnishittg. thtevoe adi l kitilhi re' I '' I '"' , ',' i' .. 4 . 4 31. 4 if i - 4 q • 15 * • ,. ;7044tAilliiiiri4' 14 f - 4;644' 44 • ' . .oitsutxutosci i 'Mutat. 2: • In the Ban*, a Conforlpee qouirnit tea-itf atrappabitecT, ble the Pciblie Crellit burim triqtht i mit It. , t, le eali4r - ene'd rep&rt e , a‘ niti Di A otlietio A turopristions Vine agreed to. • ' `i• 1 " • ' eimalatito Appapr,iatiop bill ivy; etuidditkl,,t 11111 ' Mr . i Morto d '. irtrivou tdrli d'lilt&tlad rhpealidg the' Tenure. of • Office act. - • 'X o t ri - opostion wag rejected—l eas 2', rid 8 pi iffiif Jo, 0,. 0 11 1 ,;.. fy ,,, : ..„, litikrit4''VnAsetli i volq l'ariOne ) a 6 et 0 ta. .,,,e,, ..),‘ •e. uo, -, ( p. , 4 „ , „, : Jae' 4 i 2lV : titit . o l bll l Wrisiben•tatten up. In the 'louse; n number of bills Were passedPii , • 11 , ef ,: 0: I•.. . I • Ithe Bettitte atneiaments tit tbd bill re la, tb• the w cortifieitio of , ehe:eki by klitionatbatiltsvere Godeurred.iii :, also, the Senate . amendments to the'blll et-. ompting manufacturers of naval macliiii" etlfhtta ttoturA•A I i4l .. '4: . :4;. .4 4 Allkei!ltniferitheei report on the. Diplo-' matted piotorlitioits ifitlt • igrhod lb. ~ 'Uhf reread. trofl.ordered'on the Tub, , lieveredltibillf also otk ‘bb bill.relating to, reports of National ,baoki. , ( ~, !I *, • ' ',I , • A 'substitute for the Spanish sympathy resoilutidiivite adopted and eitint : to the gehtitOil:•The'first pail ottpteitekinythpa-• tby4itftwitottuftiteln itnaittrabit`tia:.theie alone for liberty,-and the second4tuthor , ;zee the President to recognize Ctiban Independence. Mon 0411 0 dig Supra the Um hio oti* ai t sec *um .rostk wli er thr ee 4 dol ore wok: to ei t o ed. prt 1114110ANUdgpmr , 4 , 4, 1 0. 1 K , I reopf.n.. 1 .% • lc Tir, movement , lot no ` instiniAndrew Jo do Governor of T 'lnnate h mak hniVregresr.. Four or fi 0 -papers have 40/40.41W9044-AMMI,-.4,44\ 1 100 pi -their eplu was. . 1 I!• 1. 41.1 N" Nosi4 : Tut whole "dahonsmedert clergy lo.,tha Vtirkish4"cupiri / ore , preaching , crusade against the Christians. The Pee plelre with them. At Stamboul a pop . , lulu linen preaphei bghlustr both Greece ' i andithe Sultan. 11W urges the people to dethrone the , preientgoiernmeet, unfurl , the llahomtnedan standard, and sa t o', the Corety from its enemies. " The /lurks, to a man; favor wnr, •• ‘ i • • • •\_ ' CIIEVAiriER. a Frouchman of noble ) birth, is .prepariug to make a hal loga voyage from New York to Europe. • gel is rin ptperlanced aeronaut,, nod bas bilt4ta a large fortune in attempts to,per• feet flying marlines, Should tOo -marck Of improvameat continue, we may ex port tp are poneispononnaiog quick eud safe,trips moou r7 seasop ,tieke.ta et , tecloced• Weer. I • r ,tcopt)44;tica'"(ed' ,J rath'er Atsinh'ini , . • -Et iton tutut tckamit'—ln , pe'rusing a titre* eheet 4lif-that ahanthion , of Itepub:l 'Unease) ) , the Father Abraham, of this', week, I found the following article t I . the first plsee he Ittatcif that '6111116 'print civil' offices of New' iYoilt; which hti enumerates ) are held. by Roman .Gatho• liligi g.to it9P OrocOP.lle tail fellawe t . : ",the v‘st,po tical po*er ftt holieyed to hipped in (he 1 tereet 6f,thie Viipiil Cliureli, le; 4filig fat its' inititetions'euVer . the'pOW li , kotlerl immtnise giants of valitable t r al,ostote,ia ,t,ise pity a*, weAl, no Inoney. e T 0 Chetah, in the fi ret ; ,plaeo,, controls 'the taxation :of. the city, property, and oeit the distribution• 'of millions' of rev iMucifiem 'thd tatiation'Y ~: , , I •,,, tWAltst,cs misertshle. suptegfugel; . What 'a ; natorai,dipplay of,,ignertmce I • The t IWO,64 l B;`Of.'whieh `his sheefis'the Oh.amt licin"deetitistlel With''using allaneani a4 , 4qt In their , power' to to, undermine 1 ti a y PORteqratic •Rarty,.. and ~allr, i things 1 rpg signally' foihd, they now tr otnp up an'd'bring forth ',one 'of the •Most tin !inittgatbd fulselioedi that over 'watt 'laid before ad enlightened peoPle, in thii forin , Intl', illoak, of llpligion i :and ,which has nn other foundation 2t ; trnth !Imola , the • fertile ead - imagitastito '''httitif ow; ii,-' than. . , , , ~ --. h... , .c.., .nt„., In the first place he thettva slur on the; .0, t i o s, Oily 01wnberlain itudttAtorig of 'r.t,py, York oily,, merk who have been t ed;iiteighed and Mit 'f6Und slanting't' . t tt ' so w hci i i ], ft s v e e ldie c* d4 r:- i,P otlt P'e'l l ' n 'a f ~their:n dPao d te ‘ g r i i; ' e ckata tp suetain the United btates Goy:: 1 eforilento And tool; care and rented houses, fOr‘the . henefit'of tlriiistiisnad children ' ,at hornet Yet .thece ' and +the' men . that' 'this "33663bistests• ichargeb ,with dishonll eaty and pilfering. Why? 13ecaus,e.Pey, aro Catholics Detneerati, ~,.And not sat t isfied thare,le:ge e s one atop further, ati ' boldly assertA:' that 'Alio'. Catholic Church secutet for ita inititatiori 'oat of the:, 'public , cotters immense • , grants . of i yainable ...lent , , estate • ,„; and moneys, Will the , editors of ,thi JobSt “talolited 'sheet"'. ifif f etm the phitlib' whisri those immense posseisiona 'are? r,,daes he requitals gentlW rotninder , of other cepnec mere valpahle?` Ho fOrgets that a short thug ago the Minim of God Was turned into MI nrietio'n matt flit• the sale of pews to ho knoeked , down to the highest bidder, tied the pastor returns an income of between.; (wonts nli4 thirty 'thousand depars,tl yeat,. l,)Occ, he forget also that a . c.eitnin denoMiniiiion of Now York City has properly whieli is estima ted tit thirty millions ot;dellatfi, and that the pooreat claw of people ere, mostly Catholics? Oh }l o; ,ho ages rif,, to forret all thiC, the reasen of Which ill .that ;Le' minittei and his' cOng s t i egatiedlit tkin 'lto ptibliettas, and' conse quently; do ,natter' how, mUch ,they,,ateal. (Pnrdon, I mdan , loan) or trecpaln, , it i t dsli' right in the yeii of this reneWtic • editor, Put in stead dflitirtink:lltt bhUradtei of . theSe 'gentletutin, •he semis .only to eleVate thgm and their, raligipa,,biglier; .f or if they, wen, the f "oompt millet. ,he na altos diem but to,ho t iliev would notte'allewed, to rotain'olliVe,.and PO overt to' the' 'city thaltitarest .6f MoneYscia(•their, hands?. n.lticli heretofore has lined titoileolels td . ''!honest It epuldleaueLholding : ollice be ‘forc them,,,lt Isio peoirPaitittfATPAllit9rt that nouircs its,adherente to sin le, out ellgton ) . of, iviiich. its. meddlers lot.' the ratatt'liart'likve-pricions little, to'.enalile it 'tek•gain' its and, t We ailviseißombastes in future.r.l.B.43 , ,q 4, Mster.° t 'l l ' at. ' ( if WI* 1) 0 KIPWS: YOry tittle, • Ittit in ts'et'nething-LAvhich sirv'ebnalYt6Aiiiilay isignotando--itiOrdet .i to rent hishspite Against a religion,-krhieh, has . withstood the hapaelts,and„pOTsecutions of, centu ries, and le now singled Out .liy . a paltry . Sheet whose name is 'lmrdly . litioivnt Out .pflts county,' butause.itts.;membcra' , fer , " (lie most part behitig , to , . ihtt Democratic artit.•. , !;i:,T 1:1 71 :',: • 1:, '.I li s Ati',,,i - mg Eiffi Tp:E.(l4fifp' , :SOMP,iyl . f l l .., WUDNESDAY I March 8. The Suffragwimendment"was ratified Missouri , f,,egislatnre on Monday. The vote was 28 to '9 in'the Senatei and 'l9 to 80 in Rini Meuse. The amendment hos nisi) boon ratified by the Nevada Le gislature; .•I i r, • ,••• • • ,;• The itepubliban caucus' of the United Statei House of Ropiusentatives was hold yeAteiday, and the following 'nominations' were' matter Speakeri , Jainthr4l. , Blaine; bf , fidainti; Clerk,' Mr. thi3 present •ineUrnbant ;•; • Sergeint-at-Arms,. Cot:: Ordway', 'the 7.present • incumbent; betirkee'peri 0, S.'Buxtdni dfiNeni Yorke d nomlnatien Wai nuide fqr Postolasteri , The Demooratio cameo •of the ,Monse yesterday: complimented; Mr: Kerr, •of Indiana, with the nomination for Speaker. • The :Boston fpoliee; authorities ; hero been directed • to' anp,prese all y public masked baUa, in that city, on and alter, the. 4th' • 'Two Pets 'Were 'Smashed and :several ' injured , 'by ,ivcollialon on the Madsen River Railroad yesterday.., Wood's bnilding r •inolading..4he Times newspapert9r4,Petnn., was burned yelitolax., t ' 1:40 loss 1.11:9);er 11P 1, • iif. , 1139 mantel tactory of Zerkela t actin at Lynnport, Lehigh county, waN burned on Monday night. loss • Municipal elottiona. were 'belit:o ,York State: yesterday. Ldebullt." and wkirti i (ferried by. theeloll4 l 9 ll :ti cans. Oswego-, (Stier% and MAMA were Carried by the Democrats. . • ft, AN l* lirathildol lo6 ' what-hY l :4l4 o ADar i * Mee,. rAp,4 proportion of sp rit, and , more, palatable than an now in use. ' The itetitte proper. P li"E d wA !Msts Wettitj e 0 dr: VA% a I Whitt I 1to• v p 0, 40;" a dark and gintinonsdecOotiOn. Mine Is the color of ingtedienta. The Buchu in my preparation predontitrittes ; the smallest quantity of the other Ingredients re ad. d o4l s to WIT: 4 4V/ lat l gnPue n pr o• tron a it 11 heo Wn to T roe. rp,ilin W - flu where& repro q Infla Mat! , I ste. this you, have-Abe knquiodk,e of the hagre. dibble and the tnOdeprprePtration.• Bening that yort Will Favor it wi th Di al, and that upon inspeon it w meet Wish approbation, With afe slog )of eon.. imence, I am, very resviet fully, HELMBOLD. Chemist and Druggist of Is Years , Experience in Philadelphia, and now locatcd at hi. Drug and Chem- Seal Warehouse, 591 Broadway, New • York. intim the largest Manufacturing - Ists in the World.) _ v; 'S 64 CEPETI I artiwiegualuted With Mr. H. T. Helm• hold;„Ito, ecenpied the Drug Store oppo 'alto m residence and, was successful in .condo leg the business where others had not Bent equally so before him. I have ,been favorably impresst‘d with his chard°. ter•and enterprise. , - WILLIAM WEIWITMAN. Firm of Powers it Weightman, Mann , facturing Chemists Ninth and Brown 1 , Streets:Philadelphia. IluLmipoLD'B FLUID ' ExTHACT Buctiu, for rl'emknoim arising from Indiscretion. The .erxhausted powers of nature:art:deb are 40. Conupataled• by so many allariefna syrup ,thms, among which will, be Wand ) Indispo ,sttion to Exertiou,•Loss of Atilmory Wake. Alines', Horror of Disease, or forebodings ) of.Ev 11, in fact, Universal Lassitude, Pros. tra 041 aryl 1 ,...,,11Eitik . .07. 1 . te„9 ) ?t , 9 l : / 1 49 49 en Is r, 1 Is ts*.rvmqy•r , ) i,,i, ~ , , 1. .e . Minion, once' liireeted .vililitir. 'MAW° ireakness,•requires the aid of Mod. s Vie to strengthen _sad invigorate the i stem, wlilph HEI,MBOLD , B EXTRACT RUCHU invariably does. Milo treatrke. t ;i t , submitted tei Collura:4o.km or - insanity 1 nsties. . . ,v t i sir • i fixtuset,t4l ' It?) ittr, t UMW, n affections vied; la Vti ale ,is Ml l e . :, k ri 1 1 0 ' r e e d s kri tot n Ag i nfori r , e • Vet 1 14 ) 1 1 1 ) 4 '; 81, ) 0 1 T :.yuppresstou, or„unstomaryi,Evacmations, ,Uleeratid bYgerdirds gtate Of tile InertiO, I tiit all complaints • Incident to the sex, , nether arising • fring a,iabite of disalpatlon, prudeneo, or ,Ilg the deelbse or. Oben go of • fie., •; , Ilea;laopete Vat;rt ExpeerAltwati, ear) butters' Rosa W.sau ,wllirafileatly ex terminate from the sirskinn Weaves arising mn habits of tlipkip lid ,} al little ex lenseolittle or no Chan o IA CUM 1- ontegleintieerie*tioslet ; &Bop e 1 'lp:weeding those curpl4l uteri,' a n rho remedies. Copeive andlifereitry' Well these . v il i Pilral !.' Lt•Y "r ”' V Aiavilikinii . moo ,0 COldt Ir .....T ,i a id ie l o d x l , Be fe iLs ipa e ref ° L t. m h° w ° h rg attle v r w .ca lle U t s b e e • r e r i il l. • lean ng, sod no Mager of how-longistandA thg. It is pleasant in taste end-odor, "Iw. ;Mediate', in action, and more strengthen- Ingthan , any of the preparations of Bark 'orlron. Thoso suffering from broken-down Ihr dullest° constitutions, procure the remedy nt once, The reader must be aware that, however slight oasesi l t lf i t i l i e e Ir h t e it I:I t o a %k n. of c g . 4 t4 . 1 , 2 40nith tilid inellitai,POWOile.' ) ' 'l' '' All , the , hbovollisesheSi require tile' aid of l il y; yetiiie4.llllolLß'lli E,X,TII4CT flu WI eeatliSlpitnetio.:: ;" 'IL; c; ) So by' D "gistb eVeryWhan; ; - Yr 00 —1145 per bottle, or 0 bottles flor.VM lellvered to,any adaresii. 100sorlb0 Synip ins Wall COMMllpleatiOns. I , ill r . Address 11. T. tIELSIBOLD, D and Ghoul teal-Warehouse, 6 01 Broadway, .Y. Air NONE ARE GENUINE U NLESS QONE 111' In streebehgraved wrpmer, with fae- simile bf mY.OhemicalWare ouse, flnd signed deb 2:1-21noodttwl EIELBUT PABIIa BOARDING bulloOL, An snip dlitableatj itatheiciAttdel;l3dien i • • tido and Artlßtio inetltutioti, • FOR YOUNG 'Dail `AND BOYS ! At Poltatow»i•Mohtgontery.thunty . ,•Pai Tlio sdetid,be)t ilia e fg4telm.titi. Minna et segillon reomrnetuied: -en Tredilegday; the 8,1 day of !February. but: rupthl re. aohedatNnyytime. , ForCiretdare address • • • . REV. ORO. I' fdILIJER/A, M. • • R0f0r4M13134: • rot ‘• REV, DM. ' Schtiarer. Krauch, Seies, Me tilenherg, llutter,Stiarki . Conrgtel;iloaitipvger,'W.olo, eterrot, utu Merphy. - •LtolltaW,UOntillt MtOrs M. 1113901.1 1 1i1t Eton.j. M.' !toyer, '.4413416'8. yost Mut Hleater Clymer. ESQ E. Caldwell. James L. Clug• .1 Horn, J. F. & tC. ii.Orne.lamei num Iltoe. Thco, Q. C. F. Norton. L. L.. inept, S. limas Fr o Miller nerr,l R i tttrit a r PROXI M, 1 0(0 11 R ) 4 44 '. 1 fel) 20-2nloo(iiimir GREAT FURNITURE pEPOT: SCHRCEDE.R . FaIX, Warerooni, corner Fifth and Washing ire t t , ( j',1 , 1 4)l*A civi?Y; . WAMINGi'd BELOW FIFTH: • TIM UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY Invite publio attention to their splendid stook 01 tirst-olase furniture now and constant upiN h o ueli -4 altfldnado l oftier to, stol • Among 'other Art.loll)3, gspcioiallittent.l9n le tovited to their rinfrutpassOd ; • ICTENSION DRESSING ( RU4E/ r t . US, DINING ROOM .CHAIRS, YrI X :, R FC A r t ? 7#I" 3 A !‘) 1 1 1 1EDSTEADS 'OF THE LATEST STYLES 4nd every other artio,le in their line of busi ness. Every idiot° is tuenufaqtured by themselves, it their admirab l y arranid manufactory, *lth tht 0 e gi pe rtmpg irked, and shill -01 mal e QIZ a n IRK in an timilypass ed mann - ka• s , , 4 1 1 T i l tr tittlriltiltiet o ( SAWING, and MOULDINGS. AU orders promptly exee*ted, and warmat fl a sivo,entbraottot. ag.. 10- , 101NRE ;OM( . • 'PEXBIfitATAPiitri ;1 • Are nori..offerlog a oplonalitstoolc of " SPAIN'O f `00009: • ri COME ANC SECURE GREAT BARGAIN., `444:l,fiVrii)lollhice.-4);16.":-: - 11. T. il RIM tiOLD I. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL ! Also prepared to exeouto altorders for =EMI Av.( iitted i'l • • EXCELLENT • IITS.: • 6 An .0 11 19r4 , 400 iitio o Y '6 0 r g9/445 ! ' FURNISIIING 600 D, iiiieg4 ici'iiiii4:iii e g ifilitc4'. , '.; - 1 3• 3 ,::,...31;...:,t —3,3. , ,; - ..‘...'i- i isit . ioxiadk-NDANE. 'ILEA If:, i 01(ttip E PE/ 1 44 , 1, ANN eta lamp: grainier: -% feb left Itti len tilts 1 0 1 °A , :/1 - 10/;'4l. • ; 3 3 .. 1 %,;140 ‘ k ' 3 . Z 11 ,1A . 11 . Y #11" r ti1 11: 1 1 71C ? 1 CENTRAL! PACIFIC RAILROAD CO4 Have fkildid'Elglit MutitlMA (10) 4 . ),Y. 1 40,4 1 Ckk OW. il4e,Vilurlng the ei/Oreat, yfilkr;vififl4 doing a 11Irge local passenger and trolgbt builneow. , , The thrOttlft , connection wI4, undoubtedly be eoluplaeil best litunknier,, when the through 'raffle will. be very great, rorty•thousand men arti'netv employed by , the two powerful ceinPaliteo In pristing forward the great TleltiOlafit highway to a Speedy 'completion. 'Only *OO tall tb : inaln ' to•be butlt, of which runstl) 'aro gradek . o.tid ready for the rails. First Mortgage Gold /loads of the, ion ih§illiip italfroad Company for sale at par ti 4 ,i4,rest, and First Mortgage Cold ends 0(410 Colltrid Paoltio .Itallroad, at ,03 and' trite res t. • 111.0)citidOl3d1 add aitoFot of boat bolido 4t a goals) in gold, t DBALERS GOirEiN TIES GOLD, . • „, No: 4o , soutH rum,' STREET, *iv Mary I IMBli trIiKtIOLDER ft AtiWgIIRA, ( 5. 'Tr.' Cioa4ier 11/114 asd TaB44lglii I§,t; . „, , ' npOlso, PA., , • • V giAlf,f4 f aLE ' ANI) IttTAIII:DEA,I4IIS. IN tiROCIEIII I %. tit;4l44", AND QUERNIAVAItII. • ` The largetit. and boet eelocted stock' of U hind of goods In our line to bo found in Ills city. r . i • . ___ Allteonslgninente to parties 'front 'h , die emit) promptly attendedtorat , liberal harges—the beet' of city rote once) given f dinned,. 1•' ~ • • '',-. '. , , ' ' COnutry Produce taken in exelom e for oods—or cash if deslred—for whl 'the argent market prices will be allow ). Ak large assortment of aii kinds do esti° end !inverted VINE GROCERIES lways on band. -Give us a triai and be eel" limed 14 hat we eau substantiate all wo ea : • ' • fob V. 2-4, . • ~ ' ...:_,--) • .......44_ , .., Eiii BOOKS I .% NEW 'B ()KS II 1011.1 followings .Ilook4 ' are 'effered , for .1 sale by RIT rm. ‘t, eQ.;.O tili4 Emil e y, Lioog. tap i r44sl2,4 3 enn titreet,':" '"' . l?,P 0 1 : ' , •11,1 ' 2 ;''' •' ' . i i , e ice. miiiiiii en rtiselesilini, 'Go ife and Campaigns of McClellan, t, 39 anorama 9f Profeseleue find Trades, 60 toss , Bookkeeping, ,' f •,, , ; • " 50 florae() and iftleY b en 'uncOnselons.lii -1 1 • nuance ' • • • ,_ • . . i litindlt,'4 , ,ilrlde, , •, •;.; - ~, - ',.,:. marantb ter Toting Puoiiio, • : hr)stinhe Greeting, . , • , „ to,Oos'4f dia.Daniel. i kof the If udson—lrring,' !)sock Stories, I)ermoris ler the peoVlo; , , ',_ • il.nergement Or Christianity, IMpartedBlster, " , xpoS'itten of U4lr'ortialianii,, ... , §mull noti l ke'on Great 12;tibjeCts '., •.' '. 59 uppertivecstie:iii Werke ,tioniViete s , , - ~,., 3ti ettersl,oo oh '' lino el ;;')-' ' 37 rorerbiai'liiiflosoliky,,_: aomi,Deatepfimo,lauatlred yearq nFo, 87 eek arid 75 remonVa Exineraitoitii, " 75 ours,o of Crailon, 70. 6'46 •‘t • ' l O 5 - / ...ifo of •Jotfophlno, 30 Poottaiti -;of lkyltlOn ' ' 63 hlp and Shoto,. , , s'.etchus and Legends of the Rhine, 4on►bu's Constitution of Alan, , ',• ydrophohy • 'for the People ! Idvlng Author'4 of England, Ireland as I saw it, Lund hod, Leo,' Winelow'd Philosophy, - I , . !.ecturos for tho ylreelle, 15 i ' 'he . §lllror:tititr i' Vi It‘tnbtrs" Of a'll-itogarh r-, in Ludy, . w owlor on Hereditary Descent, IA ellate oui the Doctrine 'or co I vorsal .., 1 Solvatton, 1 cott's Poetical Works, k OR Me of ilolpf Qtliney#lll/011, 7 ire tiendrat Tayl4, A 7 ife of James K Polk, 117 ifo.of General P,4llitip t l, 'llitobeld'i; Life of Weslo , , ifo rinpf.ilito . qroone. • 1.; ifo Gun. Morton, lie of Murray. • • t , 1 30 Ife of -, '•• 1 GO ifo of 09 •t,t ot I hrutll4oil Min 'Monroe, — ' • 86 Afe of Uetl. lufayettp t , 67 IluetraitenA or tOe:P..itptblesr,,i r , ,,ri Li , (.7, 75 1 °fence ofrhronology, ' ' 50 ifeek4e , ft fotiAltpt, ., -,: •,. , t ,I , *, ),.a75 mean' nights, 1 50 =illy I'letures fropcklhoNllo, 25 attonale of Crime,i 1 ... 1 i .. 60 mate on the AttributeN,, ,62 ouitk Itusiiatf(l,' ' ''' '' • ' z ',' ' • ,' i . 65 illtustrated kilo of klunklle ehtllerle CquiDleto Works 1 - et)V2-. .! .1 ; i 'f i. ; 1 ' .4.. ...NIAN 01, .: __,........ „ .„..........„ it. 4 . 1 , --, ' ki:liiDOli ;TilltalPilANT. ti l i . ''inGA • - ~ , Ii PLEASE' iItEAD - THIS' V iiett 4100:,:Ju0.::i. , 1813D:•4.21r!;1iin. C. , round, o; VII south Fifth street: strysitho i Iti, Oil is the OnlY thing it , hichthoti given: trongth fb his broken arin-has used •it in• his: family ;fer. Icaraoho;• • Netiralgiiiii iltild; frosted kfeet4 : perfortidog. in each' ease a /poderfally.quiok and railloalonre. _ : • - -. N: FOX; •Proprletor 'of Royston() ifoueo' ortiiles that three bottles of , the Oil our eJ strain, iota' Horse. valuing .the our° fq t 100 : `i .'. ~ -- . • , , a4,:',: i, ;.; ~ J011 . 24' li,Elll'§-Pellcoman, says rho , Oil • tired hini:Of Weever() traeturo of the collar The ahnie nattuul_peraon are well known tnla - aria areibling wltnogsne. paving ternlahrti shah qutpip testimony L. 70 9 .1104 4 . 1 ,9:4 0 .'001 8 9- w 4 n, t. 1 , 1(1 , qu4tc.tovr; • ; 1 th.?isei)t,ottiv.r len3air ,3 3, 43,1 3 , 3 1074 „ . is ; c . . •,;.„ i } t been) it tiiiiiAsediFt4 2011;i0qIii5i,itikifett;' PO *MOP fortglt • • ' .ituYifejcii ie • 'etiks . eatiilitcOVll Isk git na balmy x 541 cert McLane t Or6lR Pont °Manna in the city and vt6 hoe who haVe been chred by the two of the 'AidedhAten 0 11 : • !••• • - FUQL /141r310A0.:— . .,‘ Who Gibratan'anit 'Enklwijoiatittqtc i i the voniveity,Attipotnir at the lE4yinAne, anti purchatte t t bottlb Of the f,pii adil t oe and troattuOyea oteharge." leo -=• Sold by 4. latothrdy • Ilbotc* t let atitt§`,l4ltev ' 001.18' ME Ita, A ~ A t . .. ' • ` • • • . ~ . „ • . . „ ' • ' 111 ?S t 'o.ARPititAl t , ,-, ,1 s"'' 4..141.-ugiv 81 041 1 8 r!tintrillfOtti; ow. tAintlisli,; between sixth ass 8 yenta streets; dllespectisfir Inform the ettlions of Asa** tririoloitY. that they are inennteototine the ;very Wit Ingrain; 141144hr0l MVotoveverotroic., l El . in this city . Litest knlteLno•Ond tblotkri Wholesale Mid' retail at Nair lark virleetti -. :ittlito the PObito to oxlialti* • -trot or to folthsWini oisoysittXa t , y c clin out, I,4cOrstvoitsp. , tk ypi , money, d.114m B. IL AtAitICLIIY & 00. =I ruivApzL , s,iff,A. 1;11=E;11:M/1==;I:=3 WM 59 68 IMI RR. ---:---I---.-----s ihi ... .;,' le '. --: Ira LL ./11 , •0161 • 4-, XPRitit , ' CE OE -; II ; I ; Y tii•V N , th. ,no•• - \ natio nts ,1 4. been d i nt_ •M. the ilete h . 1 4 il sod 0.. '%y of , rlce, Ie 1 rates w - ti , presto eit to V* st;e Cady fu r confirmation, on SttairdaY the . oak .cote Mute at, te osigack:A r it., „., = c urt in tbe ettyot Read ng. TAR T do•ci -,,, I.',- • :0; ''' nett Sanuary 23. Atooriat of W. U, F! Ltvin botl.'Exeritot•of Henry' F.'lloheer, de d. As, , li, 1, f . 4 :0 . • wi 1 Jpoor wt. IA 'Ant of John Say liit.' r., ',Mind istratO lOf John Saylor, ltlellWiaW.'o7, ' 4,4enni of *Eiiifliii; Viralter i ,44lintribtqatpr. of Wobtitti 4 141 Mfq• Aft14,0%.:4?-01 -01,0,1. .., .. • s:t. ee Wiled I litnnerii g %Vot Actavtd.ofJobarritz. Adeninis rator of D. , Enahh, deed, .VllO4 rebrnary 'ilk -,Aoeouut of %Y.: 1 4.. It sor and 11. li -.ll;eheLitoteoutorti Of:Satan Esser, dee:ear's). -• :fl.. ' 110 Eubruary - '3, , AocOunt of Jicob . 1 44101rof;fitilltItitst,rntor of John Schlatf fee deceased. ',, ' ' • . - Filed Fidirriaty - c. Abc(iiint of David Plank, Guardian of APO S. Jacob* l • Filed Vetirtiary ii, Accour.t of George S. y Met ileittedlan 'of Franklin. Ka'Nif alitei*' - Filed February U. 'Account of George Weioilline, Adniloistrator of Henry %Vend- Hug, deocased.! , , kited Jaiteary• O. Account of Verona 'Onntet,' Admicieiratrlx of tratiol6ll.Gon 2 . tor deceased. ; , - i . li • Flied Junttary 1 . •.%.copirnt of Harrison K 1114 , --, 1 , - - d Pe i - vino K.ll e -ter. NA- C 1 tiIOSIOr (111(i 4foime.-00 It. ••• ccutora of -lOlin Christ Motor, deceased. Filed February 11, AcenUnt . of Joseph Quintor, AdatiniAtator of Sarah Snyder; tiCecased, Filed February 11 Account of Reuben 11, Seidel, Guardian of Elmira Yocum. Filed' February I. Account. of Nola Iletkt, Administrator of -11unr4110181, do. ceased." •Fltell•Februafe II: Account of Jacob L. Griesemor arid haute) L. Grieeemer, Ad. m I nistrutors of ,Eilkalndh tyriesotner, ceased. • • r Wiled FcbrunrY 17. Account of William , Eisenhower, Administrator of Samuel Mor ro). deceased. Flledclebruaryl7. .A.44ount of 4nha ,Guldin. Administrator of Hannah Gitlin°. 4U:ceased: •• :J. D. WANNER, Reel•der., . .RlMlSTettia Orrice. February 20. 11419 41w QTATE AURICULTUB.ALSOCI ETY.—ProposoIe for holding the tuinual exhibition of. • Ulu Pennsylvania Agricultural Ploctoty Boptoutbor next. hol'oceivotl by iiol.unfleysignea unit( Tuostlay,;• March 17th i 18C.9„ A.::guntan. teo for? thq.performanco of tho proposi tion tendered - will he te'tiliire4.Tho k,43- will ineet,utivo tlintliiiittoc oil tho 17th'Qt March • owl sleoltiof upon it/match', Let. should ho nthires'aol to AtUOB h ICpllp, Noithutnhoriand.4.l l th t 4 ugokur.AlleOP P. or A. , llpyti Hamilton, Itarrlsburg. fob 2(1.1tw• • • . SLATEVSLATEI SLATE! SIAM T'S SA LE CA' V Al - ,1111.11 SLATE QUAIIttIEO "AND DTll= Att FltDrE t'rY=t all be bold at, public Sale cinieriday, tbo Mb day of March., A. 0. - .1(E9 tit oielOok lb the afternoon, at the public house o('4tlohard. W. tipthie), In• the borough or Hamburg, Burks county;All the lot, tioo .interwit conelatiogo of ty(o4 ilslB pal; Weer ant 1011t30 Of t% Ma- Of Land Mud Slate Quarries belonalithr to Wm, igulbael yawl Jacob H. Phlliimy trading under the Hum 'ofKalb/Loll it.' (*Wallin sittutto in'filuir township, Lebialti comity, :Pettinylven tut boUtuded by tumuli of Sam. H;, huts, immuel F. Lutz and cabers, ,contabiliq; abbitt 4 acres. lln tho above premises aroopi.noul two excellent SLATE QUARItilt4 In full )yorking operation .that lt readily yield A net profit of k 'HUNDRED DOLL/IRS per month, Alum, :on the above is a steam u gine of twenty. Ave power engine- lions°, Su by IF feet; svcirkshop,-30 by Itt,•'wareimusb, 21) by :40; ,powilor botne, l .2o by 2); bitteksmitlf plata by kit t una Stable, 20 by, In feet; 8 rub . o.al Cara talire tot truck f , mu unglue luousoto bottom of Quarry, 275 foot, and 'extend lig from engine house to work tvarbluMit4,ltti„' 350 foot, With all tint liv lieges necossary fur t h i.f con ve»lot otl- Joytnutit,of the same; derrick wire fi , forcing - pump (, blaulismillitools i Ito. he' above Leasou bears•ituto, August 7,18.18, and continues for a term of TWENTY 1 EARS , , with the prvillege prlnlyltig the whole tract, alma Wit It the appurtenances at any pe 'rloWdaring the II ru.t, Ave 3 wary, at the sum of Live thou anti (Mutant, mud may bo Seen' at any Dino by callll4 on tbui natlorslittied, The Mato taken out of the above Quarries IS of a very superior quality, and MI a ready sale, Terms and centlltions made known at the Woe and place of sato. where also the ,Leaso can be examined, 73 x. o /Of • 25 rAI lIENNEVILLE 11881 g wo of Halbach ' The reinalain One-third interest in the !aboyo Lease, wit by ,olfered at the time and plautiu,- - , • AVIII itleo.botiolil at publionale l on 'chars, 'day, the Pith,. and Vrtility, the luth day oi, March, A. f)., IM, comment& gat 12 o'clock 'intniatih day, at thu Liquor 'Moro of,loo. a3ls the. iough of iana bum uforesant, the RilloWing .poraonal pippin ty. Wo: • • ,•1 • , 3H galloini 1110nongalielit Whisky, 14 gm.. wliniky, 3 gallon, • Irish whiqycy: '4 gallon, out rye whisky, 5 gallon best Ito one I I -brit oily ; 80 gallon s uogutto, 103 tfUl lolls . 'cherry Orandy, to gallon. poach Orctllity. },tallotos,hintilkuerry brandy. 53 galioni 44 inirry bkainly, ip2,gallons.puto Holland ittn,• 20 'odious LisOoowltio,llo gitilon4 Portwino, Ki4lloinieltNyborry w c,7ilgal ions black perry,winge 10 gallons ettlawlkt witto, 03 KO lOUS sherry • wino, 4 nitsrels RtioubutO wino, 70 gallons arounnatio bitters, 10 &ions raspeorry'syrup, 12 gallons Ration s)rup, gallons preparation Ail gut lltfations.entiillf yrup, 80 gallons Pe pperinin t,l barrel oaten I barrel rectified older, 40 10L11011 rye ft.tvot,` ga I ions eoloi•I it g,200 gallons vine yr, Olive gallons hogs, 7 ton gallons kegs 50 hut Char. rels, 100 barreits, 14 tWelve 'gallon liquor stands and spigots, 4 - 0110 litindrust and thirtygallon'iltilA stit 'WS; and spigills,•„s int•ObefiltAtor fiumps,l tine' gallon' ttlifinst Innikot., 3. coypu . funnuis, I set copper. we:wires, 0 liquor recoil/lug tubs flint llx tures, ft rectifying. tabs. I „dusk, a lot of Idmirs, I settee, 1 fRoNo, together with a large assortment of cask 4, bottles, domi no, jugs, coopering tools, &e, Terins.nlyieunilittokti kticitth' at the thlui and place of a tie by. WENN EviLr,E LIEI R, , ,itislgnee of Ifalbaplt P 11111114: 'At the Pomo' ante and plum,' tink - lidrl). and Rectifying Rouse wilt lie Tented fol.' the term of ono year. • "fob 2041 V - - - • ! J. , READING I E •E • A-No • " • • TRUST COMPT:OF BEAKS COUNTY. Orgrtnized, July, 1867. Capita!, $130,000. , orto , ke; FgdurOadc 'Builtifn9;44 1D North Fifth - street, South-Emit Comoro! Court Ifircet.i .175 38 GO 1 1 35 IEI I 0 OFFICE MOUES ?to* 8 A, M. to 8 P. M. ; ~n _tes a : I • " J. PaiNaLgJoxEs, JAMES MoliszonT, AvatT,-arJa EI , A tt RanDO ,1)LI0011 tnr V eotri It, •_„.BiLl*OnT, v 1; . JONAS bnAtalin. J. T. vitteariair, I4tialta„, • ITIS 114gUIVE gALL ;A. kinds of property against loss or dam. age by lire at Yates altlosV AS'anit other rally ante ,Uowpany and ppon every plan known to ante Insurance kfonspanies,. • _ POrptiturd . , Pollutes issued' re(laitlaif nn renewal-and _upon !the amount of pr 4 e a i dhpoadn a o b A o l l r v l erned a tTye Mm. vittitegeeof•thte intitliOd tire worthy of the attention . of farmers and others having flest•Olass dwelling houede, barns snit toting builignge, in town ok conutry s as being ther eliettpost and safest. Poticlos for one, two, three, flve or, tnor4; yeariiltie for lets than Ono year; bawl and! no,ohargo tnnoe for Poi lo,y,and sdrvOy trliert rOnewed or when insnr uspetr.amtrenefery rat ft 0112 ottiercompanies. , • • - T4e oikizena of Ito:Wing 'anifliloinityk hitherto do pendent untinly•utien feteigre. odtopanles, have now rho privilege/ of et,, feetfug their 13euritnees le a hoe* inetitit.- flop, *oil organized, with'an adelato paid' in' hnd guaranteuti vele" ;rag as str*pg a. bads of atioarity as tha of any other company. The. adyantase fig dont beSinosa %%Mb tho' velapoy tat importance of keeping ewe pciteot the large sums paid for instfranOeS, id .01r. , eqbitten at home, 'WM ilvappoot a -vpd by l a J. PU1 4 2.101,,E JONES, Prasidetit; ; -• JAMES Vies President- Kn. AtieCkti'''Seer.etarY , and Treasuret.. - ang R,lgrartrUtif ' • ' • ' r , Nee(llee'Colipound Hemlock Fleeters 24ver fall 'in often " par' feet radical cum In acute oases or Olga . ; lu flaw t p*; Vi v eakaeas; tbeYpromptly • rollers, Atha littrabugo 41(i a toy Diseases, Weak Backs' lallaufluation et latioli . jeleorti)%• Atlite ityirpamia, *Mat% k elan (misfit of tbd LiVer, 11 Couzil an Astama. • . :„, genuina.eonio In yeitow volones, With DVlAtqcifriatno, in fay. trade mail ! ) an emr o ,—,3 sikt?s—gull anthem' `and- largo -- °tail at ~ anti emitJeadrb e Dade v • " 7 'to. H. KEtillalktortidglltittel_t:' 4/tirr Or sato by best Druggists Unit enffi 34tt 16-IVinj . • ' A ttilA i mew)! , .F# c • •: • ~ p • : k li MN ri , • JAMES E. STAFF PA4IIII.ONADI4I,t , RORANT TA Palit AllinOunees to the citosenti of Reading that havin removed:his Merchant ! I forin *OW , . • ~, . . ream, O. ` nn a rae he fir Ore pared. with an anomie • : 1 1 141111( A and superior facilities tor, i f OM to supply all with • • • ' . . . .. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, of the bilit quality goods, gotteu tqi in the bighecitAtyfer.,. 4 . ;1 „ - GEN'tdt . YUlt• NlBllll4Ol ,GOODS. of every etyla and 'variety to suit the Nate of ail In want ot anything In this line. -Niue but the' buil, hands aro employed. finf. all vital; aparatitp.4l Thßitpittga Of f 11° 1)111411 13 .4"i raVVl °i IV .1 t.L41, e 4 fah IBM , .;io. ela Man Street. ; ; L, IN EN i'ELOPEB AND TNITI AL LET TNINITIA; ;7 1 V11 } 1MS ° 1:113111Brit, LET . Ttiti PA ChA BOX. ENVELOPE 4 ANDINIrI ‘L LET ' TER PAPER. 4 3 (XXIII A BOX. , • ; • •I FOLEY'S BEST GOLD PENS ANv noLD k rOLEY'S BEST R AIT A I VAS AND nom) YPS tBE I SJ I :Y 1 1 1 411 1 1 1. 1tiS AND TIOLD ITS b FOL o y, A k ll9l Pal? :li',x SOLD AT EAfitir BOOR STORE* SOLD AT N OLE itnog STORE: SOLD AT EMILE BOOK STORE. 1? i 1 ;---) so: I 4. kf El. $ PENN STREET. El. PEN ( Tntu. O. 5i2 PENN 8 Mint ISM fob 20-Iwd W"AT EVERYBODY WANTS. The DIORNINO. lAtillT.—mr. - T. !LAIN ?PIN 60onrod of Oltit, PAINTER it CO., the egeney for the above named stove, which le meet mg • with unparalleled 1311CC988 i‘Ourever it appears. It combines alltthe ; modern Improvements, such as reversible cross Wefts, feeder door Lind a cut oft` o.! i ~' c (A 4 ; I ' s & it k '' dtlialo thilatte N, a 11, • Icatt. re ; Is not"surpassal by any stove In the ; I tuar- 1 .ket. They 'lave ail given the best 'eatls• :faction. livery stove warranted'. • Thb 'place to get it is at No. 24 North Eighth' ;et req. RU WING AND SPOLTTINU and all kind's .of light Job work solicited and promptly attended to. Having had consider able exp 'Ounce In this lino I .I'vel'sat hlleil that lain prOduce work In the bust loam= possible, gad, ,at its reasonable ,terms in miy other place in the city. To such as may Wow inc with their pst. i iromme I. will say that the best of dlitibitto - will be guaranteed. . • W. T. HAIN, fehld-21(1.) . 11/North Eighth street. I I, ;EtEnovALI •-• ,1 tiAlp ir dit I F LIQUOR . STORE. do/ boon removed from the Keystone Build tnat Li, the now and elegant stereo. NO. 437 PENN STMEET, ,Wherc customers 11111 fi nd very largo stool' of PIO best and purest WINES, BRANDIES, wilispEst ito., ever offered to the Rutin° of Readily. Al) the proof of the above that Is required le trial. A share st patronage is Anlinited. ;.'" I ! ) follyptitr. A.. J KIELY ) , • ;WROLEALE ANI► RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER.. • READING, PA., geOpii wastantly on hand and for sale et the LOWEST PRICES, A. fiem)FablerMPr,to,, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK ° , CIIEIy,Y, OAK, ABU, WIESTNUT, INDIANA IjLACE AND WHITE •WALNUT, CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, -ilike•witilokkapol • LUMBER, Thoroughly seasoned and under cover. A WO WHITE I'..p4x, 7 NOR id CAROLINA-OBERN 41FA UP CEDA R SHING - LES.:, ,-.•01(t J;; lir Orden) relpeettulty • 'eoltolted prehiptly attentio to; For 'Driven, to., cal! at ihe NEW BRICK OrFIOE, the Ms CoPo6o i pirinerth Elsa Pfsir Ilfrete s ; :s 4 W) n 9, 1 1;i *t ai l ) • 4 A. 18054011 • READING PA, : MAN ETOlijo • Thr zili r je tie r: 2l"6"thal ' olll 4 lo / 11b1 ::. 1 : 1441144 / 6 47: 8 - • . • JBGANA9. VI k . .. ,t, oh A I;' , GERNIAN -1111(4 4 - . 411 ,00mpescal or Alto 3mices ( 0 this,fitt4 • utedlefil wally :t.tm ed t, to hods) of Roots Ilerti9 so li t' ii. maklnii •a, preparation, highly tot _ait% tee; an fittlA:P/Y Av i rkre,olcoo( lo "44v hire of leyrilh l C ' \-' '! ' I "k4. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN l'ONie ; is ti,dbikibinathia or Ail ttle;inermi of the Hitters with the pure st , in , t ,,lit, &oda 04.ze Am, Osangto, ae., mo o „) q or the most plea ...ant an t i togreest4-1(14 mos °Nil &gored AGtbit mlhite,• • ~ s i( htt• . Thole prelerring a 3tediclii irt:4, 4 Alcoholic admixture , will use •NI ELOGFLLND'S ,01111 MAN BITTED ~\ Those who iittAki ao 'Oh) ee't tOri to tee _ binston of the lint ei s, 11N tIltilttl,1411(0,1 i IIOOPIAND'S GERMAN ToNt e i They aro both equally goo k l an o 1 . 61, , tits antllo medicinal vii tees, l i lt tlinire K. l tween the wo heloos n mere Mattel Of i.or tho Tonle behm he inost iltdataWe - : " 't , Thu stomach, 110/1i 14 4 iiiix,q „ i c.,. Bneb Ins liodiget4 lint, I)yvelo 3la, Net " v sf o !, Debility, Ote„ is eery ito to lotVo 14 rt., Lions d o r ,ikso riiTtdr. l .4c, tort— athieleg :'oll‘o Y Ot 01! qt. a x li . 11 1 0 utom , t .41 44 1) lliltVittl, it 1 4 'result or w i e i 4 that L m.iial l oh t ntr e (rem suvoral or more of I itu folletting,iT,l eases: .Constipation, Flatulence, Thwar t ' p i!t , Fu floss of Blood to the H, 1. ead Aciklit of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-blab: DisguSt for Food, Fulness (4 Weight in the Stomach, Nou, Eructations, clinking or Firm oriug at the pit •01 tin) Stomach, i \ s •-, , „ ...c, ' , '• . 111 iX ,, 11;Illartl i or,,!i!; ~ M IPllki - lOWA th e , :: . 1 , 11 ki ono r onlis et • J f il‘ t ma, '•, • . 4 4 i A * t , Irtg , ',K N . Dti, 'nese of Vision, Doty or Webs tv,l oo , , the Sight s; Doll Pahl in the Ileac', ' Delleioncy of Perspiration, Yellow. ' UMW of nu, Skin and Eyes, N H in the Side, Hack, Uhost, Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes ut Sete, Burning in the Flesh, Con.stant maej l ings of Evil, and Depresilon - of Spirits. • Tiro stiiroreVro - tilos() disetwo 0 1 1 0 1 ! , 1 °te .1W r oil oil Alt cantles la (he 14 ., Motion of a ti f tinned for tile ease, p urebi ,eing only that, 4y b ioli :lie itifiassured ci l , e his invectigationallfid impdrics p 03 5,,,,,,, - true merit, 18 skin' full, compound. I od, 18 free from, Window.. filve• ,dionto, and has est di rill ? ed,for Iteclf ft itp. ;litthloa :Or tlig ellft•pf tPllc'ittßAilles, 0 c" this conduction uli would noluall t he wwll.4.nowo I'o mettles— 1100FLAND'S O . IeRMAIV 1117711 • LI • 110014ANIPSIGIIRMAN I H, PEPARED DY Dr. UAL JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, P/, Tweitty-two years Innen they wore frn ints (Maud Into this country Irma titt• many t dnitl4. which nine they Imo doubtediy irfoyinr4i rcettrog, and but, B"1„ief i teoty , the v dx Th • „ fht l 4 , 141,1 i tu n Liv e 06 1; hh Ci o . rtlnts ility,' (MA& to arrlima,Discase o the Ridneyemal, ,all Disetteos ark- ing from a Phor• de.rati Livor, Ptounteli or Inteathick ' .1)14, 1 111LITY, Re:rutting from any Comte Iv/micro' 011(4 t#4 / 14 - orr. 1 0,4' 111/14:61$: - in(l.lu4v4 by Seccre Exposurr, Fevers, he, There tee no Int:Memo extant eijunl to titeA) r.anodies hi such eilfie%, A toile ADJ vigor is i •WIIONSY rite Appolltu liteontiLlionoti, food I+co joyed, the atotititen igeuts 1)100t1 t pllrintid, tllO COWItieXIOII beeolllo ,801111(1 anti bealthy,• tho_.yelloo t olge j, vratttented trout the eyes, a blown ,to eltveXv, ;mkt Ik„ uplt 4no, slitvaliddioNlTO if‘').s 3 Viki iitattlit 'being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIVE, . .. And feellog the lir• - (1 to unit, weighing lllizi.Vl4 Upon Weill, With Itll tin tilienduld HIP, Will t.ii'' ill tho oho of MP lIITTENt, or t h u ToNic. 31 ., vlixir that, vi.oi Wail urn • Itto"tikt ithlt,ii kiLi (nil; eetttbrit.lO it Ineavir tiro 011011.; , iota rirtlor 01 mote )outhini divo t . Inkii k iii)Voir oltrooltoo forogis and gtvo lionit suit 'ltarpinea to their It alying yotire• ,:l ,_. 11,1:3341 ' i ii ,'' , NOTICI4',. . . that it lea woli-eltattlottool tact fully • ono-tiati ot.t Ito Mouth) portion of our goll• plattOn two br.(toin ir _lit I ho eiiJoyliant :Of good Iteltlth ; 0 15.1.1,1 r expreg.ileu, ;to oho their on tt "tattot Net well." Ibe) Are languid, de ',old of ail pillutryt4treint• )y nervoue, and have no appetlto. • To thie elbss of 11611 , 010 t the DITTEKS. ; or the 1 /LONIU, le eapreinily reconnuendel. :WEAK AND IMLIVATIF. ell ILDREN I are InuieritNrit,Vtfie-tif4t'ttot eltliii:ol i tlithi reined es Hoy will cure et ery 00 , T f g l irt i ggllP "l l ". i MIA i /10 LIT" •ii littve fle fnall. Auteil 1u ,1110 band@ br.tlieproprietor, tad pp me will alloy. of (he' pilblical ion or bul r ti, few. i Lose, it will be observed, are 1110 of note and of such ht.ind.ng that they itriust be'beliel • ed ",rll'Aff, 'I LI 1. 4 t he T 1 M ON I A L 8.1 ,1114:,ii • ' .Hon. qSittrYfirWPF uwaru t f ortictrusisefivomyupreme Gburg of RI., 4.11(10.13 .intizituur.priia, March 16,1 E 1 "I find' lloollandis GUrnuin linters , 4.4 .4:sihe wino(0100, tuieful 01, 4114E14490nm igelitive oggaug, 044 la great ben• fllt in cusetibitldtin t , and want of ntr• 11011A - A4oolt 194_110 syst On.. i Trim's, truly, . 1 i GEO. 1. WOIADWAIID' . . ,Tiii JO 111:11 i —im,llion. James nompson, 4 . ‘ • Ado" 9, the touprems Cburt,o lith4tokti lo " 1 C Aprli Stg,ll-6 ' '1 consider Hootiandfe German Bitten' a valt«ible tnect(cine" in case of attacks of In. Algebtioa or' Dyspepsia. r can CO tify tbis ; from wy experience of it. , Ypurs, with respeek , j'/' ) i; I,) IJAMEIIIIIII,OI,IkbOti. I 'Fr R IYA:I I P,PPIO7 KVin,l4 , l l), 'P /tutor cif the Tenth Baptist March, Phila. hi: irdkieri--I)etir% Sit 1 have bete fte iquenti) retmeeted to' connect my •nsolt iwith recommendations of ditrereat rOf medicines, but regarding • the'plaetice 114,0ut of my noprif4sphere I Met: In 11110temitleollfiraj; nVithi 1 :proof in varietus instance'. sn a ratl94ltimyjn my own N 0149100 nfrt" /"Ine Or Ina ilobfilintl4l Verthlte T I depart for once from my, usual ulnae, Iry express my full conviction that for oval Ctl i tte qf thor vstem, and,opecially for ii flat, it ts safe atl4 valucar ill so pply b itsCOM eall•"P ,doubt • • jit trin isltothat iwhos ear fro tit 0 1314013. • Yours very respcctfully, J. 11. IiHNNABh, i Elghth, below Coates Sired • FIWP: ,n 4 Vot gr DP F P.R II 4 I , „ lostsistant /editor Christian Chronic* 1 041 ' • I have derived decided beneat from rrile 19 lit s i e )nse of looftand's German BlLtert l andie t Zietullict944i4 Ict ofromgoneteit t F o l fr m d4tee 6l ' ;eing from derangement of the liver. Yours truly. • g. ygNPA• I + 6 ' - =I fit - vip0,,,,,i, , ~.I1 ~ 4 I . "" 1., A l Alu , DI. ) - • tioonaums 007111 . SU iternetaai : e i n tergoited. Eve that the eignatu co of C hov . • ' • V -• " • ' f V. ) Ii • J F A 411*, fin irYM. 0 eke eder", v a f'! ~.. 4,11 N .- . • . A. , , ,. ,-; , 1 ' ,• . . • '44.'4Y4i 144 r, • v°l k`'!ii ItitteeiltilL If M. 80N A 0 in' mediliokiii nes. V i*liiiiiri4dlite an 4,1 f i (low ci nd e JleOlr Nbig ITTERS AVD