Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 27, 1869, Image 2
'FIIE DAILY EAGLE. • • , • 84 . 7: 444 f t:4 ‘• • fv.S `‘ZO r •\A - . ' .• 4.% _ - • :: R AI) I NCI, PA • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY V, 181:19. 7=-3= TIIE Eagle Book Storo,. A nr.v,n office, DAILY EAGLE 1111 d READING GAZETTE & DEMo. CHAT have beeil removed tot. 54‘2 Penn street, Sehmucker House building,- opposite the Keystone House. How, J. D. DAVIH, of the Senate, and Representatives limy 1110,st and Rich, mond L, Jones, bare our 114 nits for favors received. THE X ItlW OADVOCT. Gen. Grant has refused to appoint Hx• Governor Curtin to a position in his Cab inet, to the groat indignation of Alex. K: McClure,' who made the request. In the courso of the conversation Gen. Grant said : " i ant not myself the rep• resentativo of any political party, al. though a political party elected mo." There is much indignation and excite ment amongst Pennsylvania politicians ut Washington on account of Grant's cool way of doing business, It was their impression that George H. Stuart / of Philadelphia, would ho tho man. , , A, special dispatch to the Philadelphia thill i etin of lust evening gives the follow. ndditional information: 26.—General Grant, in conversation last evening, said posi• tiveiy that George H. Stuart would not No ilito his Cabinet. He said, white Mr. Stuart'wes a man of ability and culture, whO, would doubtless acquit himself erect. Utility in any position, the state of his health, if there were no other reason, would preclude 'his taking a (Minot ap. poii4tment. Tho General talked very freely with his friends about his interview with Col. Mc• Clure, which seemed to have afforded him considerable amusement. The drift of General Grant's talk has loft the.ini pression hero that representatives of State cliques wllo wish to bring their guarrOa to Washington had bettOrtake warning. • In tho course of his remarks General Grant said ho didn't see what occasion there was for people to got into such a fret about his Cabinet, when they would know nil about it in a very few days. . HOUSE Olr 11113FIUGIEs «•o have received from ,the Managers the noose of Refuge tho annual report of that institution lot the past year. From this we learn that it is in a pros• porous condition, and was never more actively useful than at the present time. The only drawback to its future useful•• 11C88 is discerned in the fact that the btiildinga, designed for about _3OO white boys, are becoming too full, having abolit 418 inmates. _Thom is no prospect of a diminution of those figures, rather of their increase. For this thoro is but ono remedy— the buildings must bo oularged, and the managers present an unanswera• blo plea fur that enlargement. 'il►o House of Refuge is one of the best disciplinary schools in this, country cor• tainly, perlinps - in tho world, for disobo• diont and refractory boys and girls, and has brought thousands of them back to the good ways from which they were bo• ginning to stray, or bad . : etrayed, under tho management of feoble or worthless parents, or• under the pernicious induen• ces of the street. Of the .young people committed by courts , or magistrates to the custody of the managers, 625 aro white, 118 black -619 boys, 124 girls. The colors and sexes are separated, and in these respects the separatton is complete. All are at work about qeven hours a day, and in school four hours. The work done pays one•third of the expenses of (ho institution.. Of 66 buys iMlentured lout year, 61 are bound to litriners. A number of boys. and girls aro now ready for binding, for ) whom application should be made to Mr. Summers, Northeast corner of tieventh and Arch streets, Philadelphia. TRIG COUNTY PRISON. In looking over the County Account, just published, we notice that Joseph limy, Esq., received daring the year 18►1H, the snug little sum of $.10,022.11 for work on the county prison. This amount, added to that of the previous tear for prison extension, nets about ?►122,000. There is some doubts in the minds of , taxpayers of the county as to whether this mount of money has been properly expended, and these doubts are strengthened when we remember that the contract could have been fulfilled, entire, for $60,000. The question naturally arises—what was done with the extra $72,000? It may be that the Eagle will ho able to enlighten ►scupon this jm• portant matter. If so, let us hear The above appeared in' the Dispatch of the, 234 instant. Thi followingligures show the cornet amount ~expeu,dnd by the Conuty Commissioners i4l &•building the prison .extOnstott. Prison yards,ltaving and write r pipe, • ' t l / 4 2,658:71 Drains cintEstuble, 1,081.87 VostAnt•huuso, 1,200.21 Raising prison woll t fy: 0,886.80 Furnittfro in n©w prt'son, • 1,182.48 .Repairing old prison, ' 1,60,145 Total $18 1 ,671.70 The following articles were sold, being of rte use in I►uilding or repairing Old ire'► and brick, $050.50 This ►nest be deducted from $18,571.70, leaving. the stun of $17,012.14. To this last sum must be . added the cost': of the new prison extension, which was $70,680, making the sum of $04,402.14. Will the Dispatch publish tbo above in its columns, so that its readers are in- formed of the orrors• in their ligur . 44. The aluivo statement will bo sworn to by Josepb Henry awl the leounty sioners, TIIII MKXICAN BONDBOLDIRK are to. fttsed payment by tiio presentgor ern m eat of Mexico ) though- the rriMob •govern 7 went proMiscs to pay a trifling part of the alleged !slue of the bonds, at 501:06 indefinite lime. If.thertailiesis continue their present eztravagant rate of wal . diture, tho holders of United States bonds will ho in s similar predicament before many years. Tam latest Rio *deices say c "It is generally believed that Lopez has retired in a small Bolivia ; others are of opiniou that the dictator of Paraguay has eintutrked nu board au American man•of•nar." ' Juntre MOLT aye ho does not want a Cabinet position, on' account of ill health. Perhaps be had better wait until it is offered. "Not for Joe I" Tlln FRANKINO PRIVII,EOII.--Thsi bill 'oat passed by both houses of Congress fgrbidding the use of lithographic' signs turfs for franking Congreasionnl docu ments, reads ns follows: "It shall not be lawful for any cancer of the Government, member of Congress, or other person entitled by law to the franking privilege to oxercise said privi lege otherwise than by his or her written autograph signature upon matter frank ed, and all letters or other mail matter not thus franked by the written signature of n person entitled by law to exercise said privilege shall bo charged with the rates of postage which aro now or may hereafter be established by law." 'l7►is bill is still awaitingthe Presidents' signature. Ar b4PORTANT ACT.—The following Act has just been-passed by the Pennsyl vitnin Senate : An Act fto swecent and punish Me publi cation of obscene advertisements and the Gqanle q/' noxious medicines. . Svc.ll. •Be it enacted by tbo Senate and I.lbuse of Representatives oftho Com monWonith of Prinnsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of . the same, That from and after the passer of this act, it shall not be lawful to print or publish &aver' !laments of medicines, drugs, nostrums or apparatus for the cure oreetrot or ven mita disenses or for the cure of those diseases peoulierly appertaining to fe• males ; and if nay person shall print or nnblish, or procure to he printed or 1)0- lished, in any newspaper in thisStete advertisement of medicines, drugs or nee triune or apparatus for the cure of se. crot or venertal diseases, or for tbe cure of those diseases peculiarly appertaining to females, or shall by printing or writing, or in any way, publish an account or do. Iseription of such medicines, drugs, nos• trutns or apparatus. br shall procure the same to bo printed 6r, written or in any other way published, 'or tilanl: circulate or Institute any nal newspaper advertise• mont, writing or publication, every such person so offending shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof,' be tined in any sum not exceed ing one thousand dolliire, or he imprison ed in the county jail not *ceding six months, or both, at the discretion of the coutt. • Sm. 2. That if any person shall print or publish, or procure to be printed or published,in any newspaper in this state, any advertisement of any secret drug or nostrum purporting to be excLusive)y for 010 tin! or Miami t or it any druggist or other person 011411 sell or keep for sato or shall give t4,ity any such secrot drug or nostrum, purporting to be exclusively for the use of females; .or if any persons shall by printing or writing, or in any other, way, publisb , an account or descrip• lion of, any drug, medicine, instrument or apparatus for tho purpose of preventing conception or of procuring abortion or miecarriage t Or ellen by writing or print• lag in any eircular, newspaper, panipbtet or book, or iu any other Way, publish or. circulate any olpieello notke, or shall within this State! Itimp for salt' ur gratui. tone distribution any newspapa, circular, pamphlet or book containing such notice of such drugs, instruments or apparatus; or shall keep for sale oi gratuitous distri bution any secretVrag, noatrum or meiii• eine for the purpose of preventing On• caption, procuring abortion era iniscar• tinge, such person or persons so violating any of the provisions of this act shall be .deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction -thereof, be fined in any, sum not exeeeding one thousand dollars, or , be imprisoned in the eounty jai; not exceeding six months, or both at the discretion of the oourt. Provided, That nothing in this act contained shal l be construed to affect teaching in rogular chartered medical' colleges, or the publi cation of standard medical books. . TUB CIIANSEPOT litanixotui oe leNirP.usAt. Pitca.—The .destroying effect of the Chassepot rifle is so terrible that it is terrifying. oven those who are ,using it. , In his report on the fight which the French had recently with the Arabs, who were, as is knowd, - repulsed with great loss, Colonel Sonia, the commander of the expedition ' says the e ff ect of the Chassepot was really frightful. Tho car• airy of the Arabs wtts litterally mowed down .by the Chassepot btillets, Which reached them at a distance of about 1,000 yards. The_ jeurnalist who allndes to this feet says ghat the use of such weapons will Koehler or later' render all war im• possible. ' • PROOICEDINGS OF OONORMIS WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 66. In the Senate, a conference report on the Naval Appropriation bil was con• rimed in. Tho bill "to stronthett the public credit" was reported with amendments, by Mr. Sherman,, from the Finance Com; mime. ' . The confe * tencexeport. on the Suffrage anlonAtuent' Was Considered, And finally adopted, by a Vote of 89 to 11. Fowler, of Teunessder, voted with the negatives. 'The bill relating to. National Nankingreports, to prevent certifying of checka, by the bankkin certain cased, and to pro tect passengets- in Vessels, we e r eased. In the. Houso, the Ciril Ap p . )riation bill was repsirted: .The Defiaiency ApPropriation . , bit tval ! used. , COnferenee roporta on the Navel Ap iropriation bill and the bill for Coinpen• eatlon of . Deputy Collecteira and Aasel• lora were adopted. . The LeffielativeAppropriatioo bill gyres considered. 7 • 'A RECORT WAS reeeived At Corpus Christi, Texas, on tho 2d inst., to the of. feet that two hundred Indians had attack ed tho ranches of Tios Angeles and Los )1,16)5, on tills road to Brownsvi ll e, end 'slagghtered the entiro populetion, ntim• limns forty mcn, women and children. Troops were to once sent in pineal. It was sanniscd that the'lndians were die: Raised, bleileawcat4l,9jblerell) sod that the exient Pftbokr 04104 es Weil ted. •, • • DAOIYIO RAILROADi NEARLY 1560 Miles Built. THE UNION PACIFIC R. H. AND TSUI i CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., Have added Ilightliundred Mlles t° their lines during the current year, while doings' large local passenger and freight business.. The through connection will undoubtedly be completed next aumuier when the through traffic will be very great: Forty Abotitand teen are now employed by the two.powerful companies in'pressing forward the great national highway to a speedy complotlen. Only 400 miles re. main to be limit, of 'which mostly are' graded and ready for the rails. Met Mortgage Gold.lionde of the Union Pacific ilittlroad Company for sale at par and interest, and lint Mortgage Gold Honda of tho Central Pacific RailrOad, at 103 and interest. The principal and nteroet of both bonds are payable. in gold. ONALERS IN ..GOV LDIIII, N M I N ! ABOURI GOO., eD r4l. No,' 40 SOUTH THIRD. STREET, nov 7-d & wry I PHIL ADELPKIA. BUR EROLDER & MADEIRA, r, 8. W. 'Coriner Fifth and Waalangton.Bo. RE &DING, PA. WIIOLESALD AND RETAIL 'JEALOUS IN 91t00E11IES. PROVISIONS, GLASS AND QUIIENSWARE. The largest and best selected etock of all kind of goodwln our lino to be found In Ills °IVY. J• All coneignmente to parties from a ale. Lamm proMptly attended to—ut liberal charges—the heat of city reference given If•deeired. Country I}' deco taken In exchange • for goods—or. cash If desired—for which the largest market prices will ho allowed. A large itasortment of allkinds domestic In and Imported tlii* 41110011ftliSa always on hand. (live us a trial and be convinced that we can substantiate alt we say. fob , GREAT FURNITURE DEPOT. SCHIKEDER & FEMX, WarFoom, corner Fifth and Washing , ton streets, MANUFAOTOR r, rrAi =ROTOR 87• BBLOW MTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rlillE UNDEIRSIONED ins'PncrruLtir publio attention to their splendid stook of drrt-olere 111/allure non an d constant ly on hnnd, and made to order to nil outdoute re. Among other articles, espeoliti attention It invited to their an turPseeed I • EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, - • ROOM CHAIRS, - vriNTRE AND OTHER TABLE'S FIRDSTVAIT3 OF .110 S LATEST EITYLE3 and emery other article lu their line of bast- , nese. Every article is manufactured by themselves, in their- admirably arranged manufactory, with the most perfect maehinery, and still• fql mechanics, and finished in an unsurpnee ed manner. Also prepared to ciente all orders lbr CARVING, TURNING, SAWING, an MOULDINGS I All orders promptly e*ecuted. and warren ed w Adve entleadlon. sp. 10- NEWSPA PERS.-A law lot or old, newopa is, on hand at thla Milo, nil, which 01111013 °asap. Moltowan & Miltimore DRATAPas IN HAItIJWAItE, ic'utLEßr, ours, HOME FURNISHIEG . 000 t . METALS, TIN PLATES, SHEET IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY, &0., tto., &0., ko, No. ,612 PENN STREET, READIN6, PA ap 24- MAURDONIAN OIL TRIUMPHANT. • %vim ,n, Y U PLEASE . READ TIIIB Reading, Pa., Jan. DOM.—Mr. Wm. C. Nicotine, No. 264 South Fifth street, says the M. M.Oll is the only thing which has given strength to his broken arm—has need it In his family for Earache, Neuralgia, and frosted foot, performing in each case a wonderfully quick and radlcuti cure. E. FOX, Proprietor of Keystone House, certifies that three bbttloe of the 011 cured a strain in a Horse, valuing the cure it .I JO OO. HN KEMP, Policeman, says the Lon cured him of severe fracture of the culler hone. • ' The above natun persons are well)known in this 'vicinity, and areilviug witnesses. Havirtg furnished enbh ample•testimony at the Limos wo.advertiseoll with the FOUR HORSE CHARIOT, giving Owes popular open Mr • eONCERTtI, I deoin $ Ullll l terasar to add more names The Magic Macedonian OH Co. nil tbrtett, $lOOO, If any dozen remedies combined wiU fur. Wish as many gond cottificates from prowl. nont citizens in the oily and -vieinity ae those 'she have been cured' by the use Of tbe fdeedentart 011—eall PROF. ItATXO7IO, • t The German 104 flngliati leeturer of the Co:l v ry, stepping ot thelloyetone House and °lthaca bottle of the 011, or recoil ad co and treatment, free of charge. , • Also-Bold. by ' J.- H. J l cOurdy, l l.,lDoeter gtailefend 8.11. aterette. ado fa A,138103T g t , A NOTICE.—ELI .4):Deeker, of the toertehlp of Malden. ol l a Greek ft the Cconty of flarlm, havin age. Dated' alt aselynment 0 ita .his e_to John 8. Fez, of the sante place, I; _tru t for the benefit of hie etedttOte. en . eth. y of February. A D. llfith , 1 • r = , Notice le hereby given; that ell Derseee Wilde* elalros on cold estate. wlll y iresent them; and all pierSoue oeinsone totald v estate, will itialrhillrenloll _VII _eet tO th i t Ingrlfhtl ! J UN 0, 70.r4 ' VilYBlo . /OS. •, , . A - i l iftryToni, Altana Bith t liiiil r tiniAp zretwir . ACT DU IT. The iiimponk. avow L 0504.11.411, IMBEDS, BEEMEE.... , ~___ . • mons oe rninaseAtios.--neo) ',nattier Berrie, by distillatiOt Rids sok: outiebe eittracta4 men by Ilqtuir Obtained front tied, tieatidning very little eu; pyopOrtion Of lipids, and MOI than any now, In nee. The act that are by this'mode extracted , Ruche, as prepared by Drug ally, is of a dark Dolor. It is emits 'itsices the aoth. destroys this (its aetiVeprincA a 'dark and glutinous decooti , the oolor Of ingredients. The I preparation predominates ; i quantity of the other 'ogre& ded, to prevent fermentation; tton, it will be found not to Dire, as made in Pharmacopeia Syrup—and therefore can be tui where fever or inflammation exists: in this you have the knowledge of the 'ogre (Bents and the mono of preparettion. Roping that you will favor it with atrial, and that upon inspection it will moot with your approbation, With a feeling of con adonce, I am, very re!peetftiliv, It. T. II ELIIIIIdLD. Chemist and Druggist of 16 'Yeah' Experience fu Philadelphia, and now 'neaten at t il e Drug and Chem ical Warehouse, 891 Broadway, Now York. (From the largest Mannfuetuting Chem ... .. . lateiu t h o World.t lam acquainted ,with If. T. Helm bold ; he, uocnpiea she Drug Htoro oppo• site my reeldenee anti was suocesaful to conducting the huskies, where others had not been equally so before idm. I have been favorably Impressed with his charac ter and onterprtee. WILLIAM WI:It;LITMAN. Firm of Powers k Weightman, Menu factoring Chemists Ninth and Brown Btreete, Philadelphia. m no wrnAcv BUCHIL for weaknose arising fro indiscretion. The exhausted powers of nature which are ac companied by en many alarming symp toms, among which will be found, Ind hip°. etttouto Exertiou, Loss of Memory Wake. Milos& ?loner of Disease, or Poretxxlings of Ev 11, to foot, Universal Lassitude, Pros. tration, and inability to enter Into the en joymonte of sooloty. The Constitution, once affected with Ur! gaol° Weakness, requires tho aid of Med loin° to stropgthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLI)'S EXTRACT num; invariably:does. -If no treatment le submitted to, Consumption or Insanity ensues.' lIELDIDOLD'B FLUID EXTDACT Buono, in aitectious peculiar to Pontales, is une qualled by any other ,proparation, tie in Clilorosis, or Retention, Painfulness!, or anuprossion! of Customary Evacuations, .Ulooratedof Schirrus State of the Uterus, and all complaint* incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence, or in the decline or change Of ife. • 11111.31DOLD's FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIO AND lilraovaD Roan WAen will radically ox terminate from the system diseases arising from habits of dissipation, at little b x. wee, little, or no change In diet, no in. conventenoe or exposure ; completely au. porseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, tioPalva and Bleroury,inall those diseases, • Min 11111,WDOLD'Il FLUID EXTDAOT illlOOl7 in all dial:lases of the organs, whether ltt male or female, front whatever cause on. ginating, and no matter of how long standi. Ing, It Is 'pleasant in taste and odor, "lui r mediate" in action, and more strengthen . Withal; any of the propalatiOns of Bark or iron. Those suffering from broken4lown 1)r delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader most be aware that, however slight may be the attack of the above diseases, HMI certain to affect the bodily, health and mental powers. All the above diseases require the aid of a Diuretic, Illth l d l lQL.D l B EXTRACT DUCHU is the greatest Diuretic. Beld by Druggists everywhere. Prieto —41.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $0.60. Delivered to any address. Describe symp• tome in all communications. Addrebe 11. T. BEL 11110 1 01), Drun and Oltomlcal•Warehnaae, DM Broadway, N. Y. sie NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE Ul' In' etreel-engraved - wrapper, with fao-elmile of my 011emlealWarehonae, and signed deo &Wineoditwl H. T. 11E1.11BOLD. BEAU MONDE HALL 1 , • • t, I BUCit & 131t0”. -No. 543 IELUN STREET, Are now offering a splendid stock of SPRING GOODS. COME AND SECURE GREAT BARGAINS Sults made up to order in splendid style - EXCELLENT FITS. An onnurpassed stock of gents' FURNISHING GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMEB. CALL AND SEE. IS U C 1,1: & , . 8R0., - BEAU MO Njl j E HALL, No. 543 PENN BTUEET. fob 11311 CARPETS 1 CARPETS y B. 11. MARKLEY &A.10. , ,_ 111 i Pinns agree*, below Franklin, between Sixth and Seventh streets, ReePtio'lfullY inform the citisens of Reading and vicinity, that they are manufacturing the very best Ingrain, all-wool Carpets, ever offer ed in this *Ky. Latest kaiteLne and colon. Wholesale', and retail at Ifew York prices. We Invite the public t 6 Oxamine our goods before purchasingielsewhere, and save 25 per cent. Buy out °f lint class heads and Savo me. ,r. r •;"- D. 11. MARKLEY dr 0. - • r. pliresterday, (Feb. 2.5, i n th 1669,) bp -5,!:;• 1§ en one and two o'cloc,n passing .Penn Street from thO First.-National I .to Klein ,t Ertittndr , s atom 'A W;,j,PET containing twoen and $5O, a d , draft for containing n Jacob H. Heider, - for .` doh lib'oral reward will be paid on trl ation .the o ffi ce of the "HAW( AOLV." • fob £o.3td. STRIM Pate, Penholders, Load pen e lis and !Stationery of every lkind. at the BM WS box STOBB, No. 642 in:in street. ruble-le-4 , , . . / • IVY INSTITUTE. Co. • • CHESTER o PA. riIITE NEXT SESSION WILL JL emnmonoo April sth. 1&39, and contin. no twelve 'weeks. For information address B. Pd. HAWLBY, feb 20-Btw* 0. K. II &WLBT. • Lln. LOUIS DE !Uteri! minx, office and /residence, No. 'lit North Ninth street, ading, Ps. [fell 1741 m. do uble lfat . TA bfrel I, .Blo,liLtads ago,w eet. ing to this city from the) farm of James 8, 11111: The above reward will bo paid by leavint the same at 'TIIIB OlfF1()E. fob 1 . , • FREDERICK W. LAUER, 'Or i li JAIL," Cprafr 7014 cf;Wffskirigfon dere% Reading. Pa, eole Axon( for Berke and Lebanon eountle3, fortheeelebrsted ' SAMPSON SCALE .COMPANY. The roost reliable and durable &ales over plead before the pablie. OM and fee theta Ware pare/mine On* R r. upeelarlridutententi ulfeyeit to bluer*. lot almond-hand PLATFORM BOALE.B ea hand and tut sale cheap, tees 4- CWINTINAII 40:reteg i liii % 1 went ) &I Venn WA hi REGISTER'g NOTIQV..' , ro '. eizz, rotackcs ' VOYClffillif.D. . ~ NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN ' , that thtGfolloivint'acoonrita. iliiirti v i been flied in th e oboe *of the Regis t'i In' and for the coatity of: hark,, and the U. the same will be.•preeeXtbd to the Orphans , Court for confirmation, on 81tiardaf,"the 20thday of !larch next, at 10 o'elook"A.' IL at the Court Honso, in the City of Reading,' 1809, . . . , , • Flied January 73, Acconnt of W. H, Llvingood, Bxeentor of Henry F. Rohrer. deceased, Filed January 20. Account of John Say. !or, Jr., Adrnialetrator of Joint Baylor, Sen., deceased. Filed January 28, Artonnt of Samuel Waiter, Administrator of Tobiaa Moser. dtsoeased, Filed January 'N. Aeoonnt ofJohn Writs.. Administrator of D. W. Knabb, does& Filed February 3. Orociunt of W. D. Ms. ser and -it. F. Dioktl, Kxocutore of Samuel Eimer, doeee.sf 4 4l. _ ' Filed February 8. AooOtint• of Jaoob ' Schaeffer, Administrator of John Schur. •fer, deceased. 1 , lied • February o,_ Account of David Plank, Guardian of Mat 8. Jacobs. Filed February 8. Amount of Goorgo 8.• Toiler, Ounrdlan of Franklin Kaufman. Filed February O. Account of George Wendling, Administrator of Henry Wend. linj deceased. l lied January 10. Account of Verona Gunter, Administratrix of Francis 11, Claw ter,•deeeased. Filed January 10, Account' of Harrison H. Mester and Bonnoville K. limner, Mx octant's of John Christ Mester, deceased. Filed February 11 Aeoount of Joseph Quintet*. Adminietrator of Sarah Fuyder, deceased. . . Flied February 11 Account of Reuben 11. Seidel, Guardian of Elmira Yocum. Flied February 13. , Account of Daniel Hoist, Administrator of floury Heist, do ceased. Flied' February 17. Amount of Jacob L. Grimmer and Daniel L tiriesemer, Ad mlnlstratora of Eibtabeela Urlesemet, de ceased. • Filed February 17, Account of William Eisenhower. Administrator of 6=llolllor rel. deceased. Filed February 17. Account of John 1). Guldin, Administrator of llunnah Guldin, deceased. J. D. WANNER, ItsoisTan's Orsini , February 20, iSse-ltw ;', 4 TATE . AGRICULTURAL SOOl- N.llCTY.—Proposals for holding tbe annual exhibition, ot "the l'ennsylyania Stto Agricultur'al tidoletY h tieptember noxt, will be received by theundersigned 'until Tuemlay, March 17th, 1869.. A guaran. too for the performance of the proposi tion tendered will be liqpiire_d.The Mee will meet Wive Committee on the 17th of March. and ;decide upon location. Let• spould bo addressed to Amos IC. Hupp, IsorthumbArland,A.lll.(fignicer,Alluntown, or A. lioy M dantilton, Harrisburg. fob 20-Itiv • • ASSIGNEE'S SALR OF VAL- Anti BLATH_QUARHIEB AND OTH- Hit PROPhRTY ;—Will bo sold at public sale on Friday, tho 10th day of March, A. D., 1869 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the publio house of-,itioltard W. Seidel, in the borough of Hamburg. Derks, 000nty : All the right, title and interest consibting of two-thirds in a certain lease of a tract of Land and slate Quarries bolimeilug to Wm. -Kalbach and Jacob 11. Phillips, trading under the firm of Halbach it Phillips. - situate In Lynn townslitp, Lehigh county, Pennsylvania; bounded by lands of Ham. tiel K. Lute, Samuel F. Luts and others; containing about 11 Rem. On, the above Qremises are opened two'excellOnt SLATE; UARRIES in full working operation,that will readily yield a not profit of FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS per month, Also, on the above is a steam engine of twenty- Ave, horse power engine house; SU b3,1"118• foot; workshop, 80 by 19; warelteese, 20 by 40; powder house, 20 by , st; blackstnith shop, 22 by 16 and stable, 26 by 10 feet; railroad cars railroad truck from engine holm to bottom of Quarry, 275 foot, and oxtmuling from -engine house to work Shop, warehouse, tie„ DI foot, with all the privileges necessary for the convonlet on joytnent-of the same; dorriok v, Ire ropes, forcing pumps, blacksmith tools, /to. Thu above Loaso - ttears date,August 7, 18.18, and continues for a tem oTWENTY YEARS, with the prvillego of buying the whole tract of land with the appurtenances at-any pe riod during the first five years, at- the sum of fivo thousand dollars, and may be aeon at any time by oalllng on the Onderslgned. :no Slate taken out of the above Quarries Is of a very superior quality, and has ready sale. Terms and conditions made known at the time and place of sale, where also the 'Lease can be examined, BHNNTILLE Ditatit, Assigneo of Ka bitch it Phillips. The remaining ono-thir interest in the ahovo Lease, will be offered at the saute time and place. -- Will also be sold at public sale, on Thum day, the 18th, and Friday, the 10th day of March; A. D. 1869, commencing at, 12 o'clock on each day, at the Liquor Store of Hal bach Phillipa, in the borough of Ham. burg, aforesaid, the following personal propot ty, 3 0 gallons IltlOnougabels. whisky, 11 gal. lons barloyewhlsky, 3 gallon I Irish whisky, 4 gallon old rye whisky, 5 gallon bast Ho °hello brandy, 30 gallons cogotto, 103 gallons cherry brandy. 2D gallonspeaCh brandy, 54 gallows blackberry brandy, 55 gallons rasp. berry brandy,' 82 gallons pure Holland gin, 20 gallons Lisbon wino,Bo gallons Portwino, 110 gallons oldorborry wino.7ogalions black berry witto, 10 gallons catawba wino. 65 gal lons sherry wine. 4 harrols Rhenbarb,wlno, 70 gallons arommatio bitters. 10 gallons raspberry syrup, 12 gallons lemon syrup, 80 gallons preparation of gin 8 gallons candy syrup, 60gallons poppermint,l barrel elder, 1 barrel rectified eider, 40 gallon rye flavor, 6 gallons ooloring,2oo gallons vinegar,to five gallons kegs. 7 ton gallons kegs 59 half bar rels, 100 barrels , /4 twelve gallon liquor atands and spigots, 4 ono hundred and thirty gallon liquor stands and spigots, 2 copper liquor pumps , 1 flue gallon copper bucket. 8 --- copper funnels, I set copper measures, 6 liquor receiving tubs and fix- taros, 6, rectifying tubs, 1 desk, a lot of chairs, 11 ,totted, 1 stove, together with a large assortment of casks, bottles, demi .l°llll.l, jugs, coopering tools, /to, Torras and conditions mado known at the time and place oo b D of EN nt NR Vl y LLE MUIR. Assignee of Halbaoh .2, Phillips. At the same time mid place, the Ste.° and iteetifyltig House will be rented for the thrill of onto year. 1411) Puma; SALE OF REAL ES TATE.—WiII be exposed at Piddle Sale on Satiirdar thd 18th day of March, ISO, at the Heys ono lions% in the city of Read ing, all that certain TH ERE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and Lot of Urgnntl, 20 feet and 7 inches front, by HO feet in depth, lately owned and occupied by nr, Frank Moser, situate No. 44 South Eighth street, Reading. Tho dwelling is large and commodious, containing' ELEVEN FINE ROOMS and in excellent repair, having boon lately fitted up with all the modecn conveniences, gas, water, bath-room, range, heater, &o. A large amount's( the purchase money can stand on the . proper ty. Possestion given on first of April. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., when conditions, ac., will bei made known by, O.I I .SCHARFF': it, fob 20-ftw] Assignee. t A TTENTION-, SOLDIERS I .OF the lfilst Beg. P V. A meeting_ or the officers and members o f Companies E, O. K and, T, of said regiment, will bo held on tiaturday, the 27th day of February, at It o'clock A. k„ in the Court House, in the City' of Reading. Lint Col. (lee. F. McFarland wilt be present, end deliver an address and ,00ting in regard to the benefit of soldiery, o organize said companies into a Beneficial Society, for the good of every remaining member of 'said reg:- wont, and will exhibit's large Painting at tbe Battle of Gettysburg, is which said Regiment held an important position, which 'will ho great satibfaction for every one to see, and fti.o explain about the Book of tho Reginf l et which is almost completed. Col. Allen and all the officers of the Regigieist wain) present. All mum of said companies 4T6 TatilleAtett to see that their members will be la attendance The Drum Corps of said Reiritileat Will be le, attendance, to enliven the hearts of the rt. %mining memo re of said Regiment. , 'Dy COMbi ITT EB OP A rder of the RRANMIRWES: fob 20-Itir A SSIGNEVS SALE Or' PER 80NAI. PROPERTY.—WiII he sold on lerldaY, March 12th. ISITS at. I otolbok, P. • attho lIALFEfAY HOUillt, in the township of Maiderfbek, the -following personal property, o wit, Bede an Diedding. clinks, tables, stoves, carpet, shades and bliude, mirrors, wasp. stands, tinware, beircaes, chests, batters; bridles, saddles, forks and various Other articles. - Oonditions made Ithowa at the time at place by JORN R, VOX, Auctioneer Ell BeokOri Jong D. Ss mu. [fob 720-itw mAituipostra, VARIRE TIES) • ERANKLIN BYBEE?, ABOVE REV:pint. OPEN EVERY EVENING with a ftrst- W elamigoospaoy of ttlentodprtista. 'Jute. n Of NN.!;`' i )14G1140415' Wan 4then',, SLATE! SLATE! SLATE! 1.1 . Att, , or tASITION , . . . , • ....)• ' • i"' . l ' 0 . -"---4 . t ,- . „ ~.3 ., strina ra#ar OrWIRIBLit I ~,:,, ;,-;.•.:, . ~..vf, , \ ~ , i A' P., ~„ .• . •,1 = - =, i'‘;',•V • .4641.6.4. . ',=, ,‘ '=, • • , . . . , , ,14,7411 S,.E,,,Y4F.EQA:I), FAB IIIONAJILE BILEIIOIi ANT .TAILOR announcesto the °Mamie of Reading. that having removed his Merchant Tailoring establishment to the handsome store roots „ $O.OlB Penn street, ho is now pre • pared. with 'an inereaset , itook of goods and superior faellitles for manufacturing, to supply all with' FASIPiONABLE of the boat quality goods, gotten up in the • Adm . highest style: • IP GIENTS' UNDERCLOTHING AND 'PUR• , NISIIING GOOD§. + of every style and, varloty to suit the taste of all In want of anything In this line. . None but On beat hands are employed. low all work guaranteed. The patronago 011ie public; Is respectfully solicited. ,j . A.,111•18 S, STAFFORD, fob AM No. 615 Pobn Urea. INITIAL ENVELOPES AND INITIAL LET TER PAPER 45 CENTS A BOX . INITIAL lINVELOPES.AND INITIAL mu- TIM PAPER, et CENTS A BOX I INITIAL ENVELOPES AND INITIA / LET- TIM PAPBK, 45 CIiNTS 'A BOX. I 1 ' \ VOTARY'S MIST H 001/ A AI ItBDT,O JT PRZIS . AND HoLD- , VoLEY'SRST OoLD WINS AND HOLD , EREA FOLErS BI3T OOLD PENS AND IioLD. RES AT 11).A. FOLEY'S BES T (TOLD PNNE AND Il)LD HES AT sLoo. 1:11TITTE I)1J Al l AULl'## n. 41ERMIM Feb wH D AT IWRILYROY WANTS: Tit MORNING LIGIM—W. T. lAI bits ocenrod of ORR, I'ARNTER & CO. th agency for tho above named stove, whit, le mooting with unparalleled suttees wherever it nppeare. it combine." all the modern Improvements, such as rovonlble cross pieces, feodor doofand out off duos, &o. It hasextra largo OVEN, and Re it baker Is not snrintosed by any *dove lu tko mar ket. They t'itive all given the beat setts- Notion. I.3vory More warranted. The phtoe to get It la at No. Ith North - 'lllghtla street. HOOFING ANT) iII'OUTINO foul all klndo of light job work solicited and promptly attended to. Having had consider able experience in this line I feel sat isfied that I Oin produce work in the best manner possible, and at as reasonable imrtna as any other place in the city. To such as may favor me with their pat ronage I will say that the best of satisfae tion will be guaranteed. tbblG-2k1.3 W. T. RAIN, 20 North Eighth stroot REMOVAL! REMOVAL!: BARTO'S LIQUOR STORE', 1 lien been removed from the Keystone Build ing to tho new and elegant atom NO. 487 ,PENN STREET, Where ettatomere will find a very lorge stook of the boat end purest WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, &a., ever offered to the public of Reading. Alf the proof of the above that is required is trial. A share of Vatronage in no ioited. TOBIAS BAWfO. J f KEELY, • WHOLESALE - AND ILETAIL MCAT, IN LUMBER', READING, PA., 1 ' Keeps constantly on band and for sale at ,the • LOWEST PRICES, A ienerstl assortment of WAITE PINE, IIEIdLOCK, SPRUCE, CHERRY, OAK. ASH, CHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK AND WRITS WALNUT S CAROLINA? YELLOW PINE, ♦ND MICHIG AN PA} iEL LUMBER. Thoroughly eoesOned and under °over. ALSO, WRITE PINE, CYPRS.9I,. AND NORTH CAROLINA GREEN 81VArif:P'0ED4R SHINGLES. ildr Orders res'peettally solicited awl promptly attended to. Yor prteel, /to., Call at the NEW BRICK .`OFFICE, Ott Eke Corsa, otiburehane Pim. Streit, Or, address J. KEELY. Feb 2i, 1868-tfdi READIitIO FA, ,1 1 4 6141 EA0L11 9#lcli f e • 11 , 00,FL Nn' N B Ps ITIr GEM AND HOOFLANP'S GERMAN 'TONIC, ';rbf:4si4tat 'Winedlos for all Dlse twa or 44 tIVRR, 87:0MACH OR Droner ivi O,ROAA'S. ,IIOoPLAND'S,_GERMA , Is composed of the pure 'they err utedteinsilenvall frads) of lic • cotello making a prepat won, Ilia tee, anil entirely free /rein a lure qf any Aind, HOOPLANDsB GERM 1 is a combination of all th i s ingr e g iu, of MO litters, with the pti St condi', ti Santa Grilse iitm, Orange & , mild j , ° { of the most pleasant tom ag e,,enbittV''li 1 . ,..... dies over offered to tlio vubit c ..., t. t .. Thosepreferring a Medieine N fret t rt ,, 4 Alcoholie odinixturoi Will use • 1100 FLAN IVS 6Eit Xt AN • MI TER • Those who Blue no objection to th e bluaton of the Uhler's, as statett,wwi; They l'a'rljeAboNthillielßooti4(na:llytßigl:ToilloAitatiltr:E:trf°lo:l.r,c:o3ni.ll::: the Bitmo medioluai virtues, the etiol,„, t : i w een the wo being a inere mallet of th T e i T m o s n t i o c u b l i c i h tg , frosts a, variety et (li ly such as indigestion, nyspeams, x v , 10 `,5 nobility, etc., is very a t to lune ita 1• 0 , Alone deranged, atidelug as closely as it dote lot , the Stomach,' then bteemea Meted%, result of which is that - the pat ient. tlt t s . :l from several or snore of the follOVillig k 4 oases,: Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Ilk Fu nos ofi Blood to tho Demi, Acidity of the SW nach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust' for Food, Fulness or v Weight in the Stomach, Sour ll.lrtiottitionv Sinking or Flutt oring at tho Pit of the Stomach, Swimming 'of the Head, flurricAl or Difficult Jiroathing, Fluttering it the Heart, Choking Or §ne °eating sq• sation4 when in a Lying Pokla e, hi ; ,. noss of Vision, Dons or \Yam N ;Ior . the Sight, Dull Pain in the Dead, Deficiently of Perspiration iVellow• nosy of the hkiu end Ey4, p A in , in the Side, Back, Chest, himim, - 0t0.4 Stickball Vitishes of Hem, • Miming in ,the Flesh, Constant • mag io ngs Of Eillo and Depression o f . fkpiri to. . Tito sufferer front those diseases s4era:l oxerelso the greatest caution in the ts• Mellon of ti moody for his ease, parch sing only that %Welt ho is Bs:ittrol trey 1118 in i g ations•and ingn s 4, i t te d p 0,,,,, 9 truewrit, is skill full., compouzl• Oil, is tree from Inprintio iso dielle, anti has est eh shod e for Itself ank uttaion for Clio euro of three diseases, al 01114 (Connection Wu would submit Wit wall-known )41 Ino4lloB-- LIOUPLANDIB GERMAN BITIEtS }~ AND 1 - 1001PLAN1)'S OBliMA? , i TONIC, PUP:PA/tip By n►'. 0. /tf ! JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, P). Twenty-two yearn Illnee they tripe 0 4; Ott ()timed into thiti country froill many, dui IN which tithe thpy him nu. deubtedly performed ntortmot us, and lam. etlted Buttering humanity n, n ht vr a tt tent, than any other remeatc,. know n t o the public , These remedies will effectually curt, Liver Coral)laint, Jauedlco, li3ppepalt, Chronic or Nervone ItoblUty , Climate arrMea,ll)lsenBeoll= all lUtaeasea aria- j 4; log froth a I)l4er. tiered Ltvor, Flowitell or leteetlues 1.)EBIL11;Y, Reaulletto,- froin any Gauge whiner PIIOOTR4TION OP 27/E nB. indueec'Py Severe Labor, IfardBhips, Expostcra, evere, (tc, There la no mullein° extant equal to them retnedlee lit such came. A tone cad vigor is imparted, to the Awholutsyeitin, the 'appetite lc atrongthened, foal Is ee• joy'eel, the stomach dtgcata promptly,ths blond la purified, tho coruplexion bcceeles Hound and heathy, thu yellow tinge is eradicated from the oyes, a bloom it giro to the chooke,and the .'weak Mid tirni e• Invalid bocernos a strong awl healthy boing. PERSONS ADVANCED RI And fooling the hand of thno wolghlni heavily upon them, with nil an nitonthat ills, will find in the use of Ms IJITTEAN or the TON1(.1, an elixir that will huttli now life into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and arilo4'ot more youthful days, build up their shrunken forme unit give health tk n d • happiness to h& re. sluing yours,' It le a well•eatablishott tact that fully one-halt of tiro fen L i t .e portion of our pop elation are seldom in rho enjoy meld of good health 1 o r expreWoo, to UBO their own “nover fee/ well." Thy are latignid, devoid of all energy extreme. ly nervous, and have no appetite. To this elnsa of persona the BITTERS, or the TO141(), Is eupeolally recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE VIIILDBEN Are made strong by the use of either of theut; remetila They will cure every chti Of NIARAMIS, without fail. Thotisands of certificates have ao vs& toted iii the hands of the proprietor hit ap metill allow of the publication Cl ttt a few. 43 . 1i0a0, it will be observed, are an of note and of mash standing that go must bo believed. TESTIMONIALS, Hon. Cleo. W. Woodward, Otdef Jtudtee of the Supreme 'Cour I of foo PHILADDLPHIA, March le, ie "I And' lloorland's German Ilittei s' a i good tonic, usefulin diseasosofin digestive organs . ,sand of gust, ba. ofit in eaneS of cteb nd want of set , vows action in the system. yours, truly, MHO. W. il 001)WAED. ° . , HON J ) amos Thomplon;' , Judge 4I the hubreme Court of Penn ;Wats : rnttetustruta, April 23,193 "I consider' ifootland's German Bitter a vaivabie medicine in case of attacks of h• digestion or DySpopsia. I can certify it/ front my eutpericince of it. Yours, with respect JAMES TllOllll l ,BO /V , From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D. 0 Pastor of the Tenth Papist clturtvi,r 44 . ' Dr. Jackson—Dear Sir i I have been fre quentl) requested to connect myix' with recommendations of different kW.' of medicines, but regarding the Proct its as-out of my- appro rlate sphere I h ,±4114. , yeah all cases declined; but with a da l , proof in various instances ss, partlOularly in my owe atutlyof tbe oP falmies of Dr. Iloorland'it Uerlotto V tlel ' I depart for once from niy usual count?, express my full Convictir.o thutdor fog r ;,, debility el the system, uud &Tech - illy , for L:', Oempirrtnt, it to a stile ond tahgc , blereP ar ""l In some cases' it may boll but nsttill., doubt not, it will ho very benedeloi le g° l ' who suffer from the above enuseth Tours, very respectfully,' J. 11.,IINNIanDi , • Eightb. We w WOO ° tree ' ,• • From .Rev. E.,O.Fendlill, Alielood /fdlisr Christian Chronif . Or , I M:e I have derived decided benefit from 17 / gee of Moorland's blorman Bitters, from f ( , It my privilege to recommend thpl r iti meet valuable debilitynt] logo a" " ire tr.. from general of i f's' in diseii?i's sing from derangement of the Wet. • Yopra. truly. ' 15 - - , -, v ,. yo DAL& . CAUTION. floollandleAlerman Remedies aroto2l,,' totlettech Bee that tho signet o of C. • JACKB ON te on tho wrapper of cacti 3 thy Ali Mhelir4 ere 71cclun terfcit. rr', opal clrtiEß end ltrantiractorr s ir the Gemini Motile no tore, No. CZ ARC St:m6 Phllailellihts, Pa. allAtliZ.#B H. ',rime, Propro!'„ Formerly C. M. JAMISON ts:.l 4 SPerYl2, by An aft Dru and de ra mom • F., . 1110411411 BaTER'; tacos (or term e ) Us And 13 , , 10 . 4cone ttb zi cotictie 0di,447, N i`O,NR; NOTICE.