VOL. IL-NO. 26. TItR BEADING DAILY EAGLE j KIIILIBILEID DAILY Di' It I T E &C() . • AT NO. 64?- PENN STREET. ADVERTISPMENTR IN81:1ITED AT BHA- 60NABLII'RATIA. • )11. JOHN STEPHEN ~ i 'enders his professional servtoes to the citizens of Heading. Orates: No. 201 NOIVIII SIXTY .87. tin b o ooneulted IJ► the gantllsh and der. ~ l a nguages, at all hours of tho day or irist, whoa not professionally absont. he 23-ern d&W ----------:-L--1- --- -----, JOB PRINTING. The Proprietere of the Daily Nagle 'anti Weekly ,Gazette ARM PREPARRD TO DU ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK PROMPTLY, NEATLY AND ,&T FAIR PRICES! , 'raving amplo facilities and goo,:t workmen thoy two onablod to oxo- •ato every variety of, printing do- 'trod by /MOP ANTS, MEOHANIOS, , AND BUSINESS MEN, 1313011 AI Books,• Pamphlets, Catalogues, Posters, Hared)Me, Programmes, Circulars, • Legal Blanks, Notes, Rem)lpts, - WO-Heade. Letter-Heide, Bill Cards, Btfte .of Fare, tables, Wedding Cards, Winos Cards, &0., %are confident that ali work entrusted to us will bo donti sada , factor 4 to the customer both ne to °Vila and prioo. . Ott lers by oxpross or mail will be pr otnptly oxecutod, Addross RITTER 8z CO. nun 1 , .1340L1 AND (GA.ntrE OFFIOg !Ma Pent Street, Reidings"Ps. use 11686 . . .„ ..... , . . . „ - . - • , • - - . ... . 4 . . ; . , • , . . .. , ; , „,..-._.,......„,_:, .....: . : • . ~ . ~....1 1 , AL. RE . It'- . . .. _ .... ..r.• .. ~/-.''':......",,......: . ' . , : 7 , ,' :, ,2 : ~ ._ ~..',"?......'%'.. , , . ;,., i .. , . . ' -• . . . , s, ,i , A.' - .. . ‘.4 'AA .1 1 4 ,11 . 11' . 711 1 V. 7 , ...4.„-,,,, 1 , L ... - I'7l. "'Ai , : • ' ;,\, ..':= = '• ' • . .. • ro, v. r.., e, , , A4 -, , , ,a -. I- ' ''....- ' ' _. -„. k , , ,,i,(4;4,, -.,, • I - -x.,, : ....-...---_,. -...., , • A A.. _ ,___ , c G , " .) F , , , ~.....„,......,•...:.•,_,,...,,_,...,.„...,,,,......7, , , , .. . . , , , , . . . .. , , CLOTHES IMI aeg 10 BOILER FOIt SALE. WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, ALL WAIMANTBD; DB M°KNIGHT'Sq HARDWARE STORE THIRD AND PRIVY SI& ENGINE AND IMPORTANT TO MAOIIINISTS AND 't MANUFACTURERS. The undersigned ofinr thr sale, at rea sonable rates, ONE OfIOILLATiNG MOINE OF JOUR BOOM POwint. ' ONE EIGIMITOREGO TUBULAR UP. EIGHT BOItHR: Apply at the A*& ,Ofiloe, er address .RITTER & 60,, sommitt. SPA OON I . 0 READING, *# AFTERN - . P LA. AND READING RAILROAD wntran ARRANGEMENT amANFOR OF PASSENORR TRAINt+ moßmnku 14TH, FLYS .. TRAINS DOWN TO PIIILADEI, Mk, passing Roatting, at, 7.30, 10.33 ,and ft 6 11.15 A. ~ ftnil 4.2 S and .35 P.ll. UP TO VOTTSVILLE, at itt.33 A. M., and s.litt atilt 0.00 P. Mk, • TRAINB WEST TO LEBANON & HARRIS. Western Express from New-York, at 1.03 A. M. and 1.50 P. M. and 10.19 I'. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at 7.13 A. M. and Mail Trains at 10.43 A. M., anti 8.06 P. M. On thniday, the down trains _pass Read. Jag at 0.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. 31, and up trains at 10.50 A. M., and 5.57 P. M. The 4.23 P. M. down, and 10.50 A. M. up, trains. run only between Philadelphia and Bead. bi Up g. trai Ili leave Philadolphia for Beading, Harrieb rg and Pottsville at 7.30 and 835 A. M. 1 ;V noon, and 3.50 P. M., and at 4.45 P. M. for Beading only. The 8.16 A. M. train connects with trains (or Tamaqua Wil- Hainsnort, Elmira, Puff. alo Niagara and ,Canada. 'The 8.13 A. bf.,andB.3o P.M. up trains from Philadelphia, anti 10.33 A. M., and 4.20 P. M. down trains, stop only at principal sta tions below Reading. 'loading Ascommodat ion Train :. Loaves, Reading at 7.80 A. M. returning from Phil. adelphia at 4.46 P. M. The Pottstown AccOmmodtion train loaves Pottstown at 0.43 A. M, Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. The - Western Express trains connect at' Hareis,burg with l Express trains on the I?enitaylvania Railroad for Balt imore,Pitta burgh and all potato West l and the 10.45 Mail train connects at Harrisburg tor Pitts burgh, Lancaater,Cliamborsburg, Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, W ilkesbarre, Williams port, Lock /Livia., Elmira and tho Cana anis. Passenger trains leave Upper Depot for Ephrata, Litii, Columbia and Lancaster at 7.00 A. M. and 5.151'. M. Through First-Class Con on Tickets and E'rnigratits , tickets at reduced Fares, to all the principal points in the North,Wast and the -Canada& With 16 Coupons, at 205 par cent. die. oouut, between any points desired, IdILEAGE TICKETS, Good for 2000 miles, botwoon a 1 oinks, at $52 00—for families and business-Traits. SEASON TIOKETB, Good for the holder only, for 8,9, 9 and 12 months, between all points, at reduced Faros. School Season Tickets ono-third loss than the above. Ate - Passengers will take the Express trains West at tho UPPER, DEPOT, and all other trains at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. 100 penal@ Baggage allowed each passon gor. Passengers are requested to purchase theft tickets before entering tho ears, as higher fares are charged if paid in the cars. Excursion Tickets, good tor one day, 1:1 7,80 A. Al. Accommodation Train to Phil adelphia, and return, at 42 66 each. G. A. NICOLLS, May 20 tienoral Onnerintendent. {~ READING & COLUMBIA RAILROAD. •. On and aftorThUra •:: day, Nov. 260, 10,1teugor ra no run on this road as follows: Leave Reading at . 7.0 n A. M. II II u 6.16 V. al ,Arrivo at Lancaster at 9; iti A. M. 44 " Columbia at 9.25 A. DJ. 4. " Lafteastetat 8.25 P. M. " st Columbia at 8.30 P. M. Leave Lancaster & Columbia at 8.00 A. M. Columbia at 8.20 P. M. 41 Lancaster at 8.25 P. M. Arrive nt Reading at - 10.20 A, M. " at Reading at 8.40 P. 81. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make close connec- tion at Reading With trains North and South, on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and Weston Um Lebanon Valley Road. No. 2 also makes close connection witiftrain for Now York. Tickets can be obtained at the offices of the Now Jersey Central ROL, foot of Lib erty street, New York, and Phila. & Read ing R. R. Thirteenth and Callowhill Through Tickets to Now York and Phil adelphia, sold at all the principal stations and_ baggage checked through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad time, which is ton minutes faster than Pennsylvania: R. R. Time. GEORGE F. GAGE, Superintendent. R. P. Rzavaa, G6n. & Wicket Agent. fob 18-1 m f7RYDER & CO.', blanaketurors of DR, STOWIIit'S Celebrated Toni° Herb Bittern.' Importor of WINES AND LIQUORS * Rlr t i lMo i l s o K ft e e s onts for DA UNRIVALLPP No. ).21. Borth Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. For said at tho Eagle Bookstore. _ nut 211- I= BOOTS AND SHOES REINHOLD & SOHOENER INo. 41 North Sixth BtreOt, yrtllE SUBSCRIBERS RAVE JUST ESTAII- '.l. lished a first-cla.ss Boot and Shoo-making establishment and store at the above stated place, whore they are able to accommodate oustoutors with the boat articles in their lino of business, and at lower prices than at any other place in the city. The following list of prices proves all we say : gen's calf boots, 400 and upwards. sn's kip boots, 8300 on'jiNarking shoos. 1 60 Men's iranoth calf Congress gaiters,box toesr,39o Men's calf cbngress gaiters. 2 25 kfon'is calf Balmoral:, • 200 Men's kip 4almora 0, • 180 Boys' calf Usattlol7l . 180 Boys' kip Balmorals, - Youths' kip Balmorals, 1 01 Women'. lasting high Polish. 275 Women's Congress gaiters, 75 to i5O Women's lasting Balmoral., DO Women's Morooco Balmoral, 00 Wowed Morocco shoos. . 165 Women's kid slippers. • 66 -Misses' lasting Polish, 145 Youths' gaiters from 'l5 eta. to 75 Youths' and boys' shoes from 30 eta. to 90 Mse, g lane stook of notions on hand and • for sale. The above priest! are fawor than at soy Otherthallar place of ballast to *9 rill. • Partioniu, attention Ii paid to all kinds of repairing:. REINHOLD to SOMENER, NO. 41 NOlkTri SIXTH STREET, Usors.lllll (10trIT HOMO reINTINO —gim a deeedstetx Job e t tifluteay else the "E f iepi ' umiamlnellto 16 , 14 Penis stro r "FOR THE 000 D THAT LAOKSASMSTANOE:FMTHE MONO THAT NEEDS RESISTANCE." litJ liti . COMMUTATION TICKETS, FOR THE PEOPLE. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST I READING, 'TA. REPAIRING. tit• REAWN PA. sorti 1i- E.A.ST RAILROAD. ARRANGEMENT OF IbIOSENGER . TRAINS, Ctmtmenciag Monday, December2totosql. gIIPP'No. 6, Matt 'Praln, 91(utvea Reading 103), iitivott All6ntown 13.03; at Now 'ork 3.50, P. M. No 7 Past mo, lenveA Road bur at 4.20 P. M., arrlvca,at Allontuvin6 l s3 NewVo}k, 11403, P. M. [l7 ‘.:2 datly - It s tto- and i s rim sally, except Juxulay, stoppingat all Way atationo botweon Iteading and Now York. EXPRESS TRAINS t Leave Rending at 0 0 11 41 II Arrive' tit Now York at, II et II 1 . • - 8.115 A. M. These trains ruin tare h from Pitts burgh to Now-York , itt' out change of Is cars,atopping only at el, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton Jut epon, Clinton, White House, Sothervill 4 Bound Brook, plaintleld and Elizaboth .- • The 5.44 A. M. train a daily except Sundays and Mondays.., • Tho 2.28 P. Ai, traina•:, n daily except Sundays. - The 131 A. M. add:_l,oo 4, M. trains run daily, West bound trains, low Notlt York, at the foot of Liberty street,,aft folloWst Leave Neio York. Arrive at Reading. 12.00 M. ' Mail No. Q, OA P. M. D.OO A. M. Expresa Train, 11.50 P., Id., 5.1 u P. M. Express Train, Ip.l9'l`, 51.1 8.00 P. M. Exuma Trani, 1.00 A,, N. Mall Train leaving Allentown at 7.20, A. M., stops at all Way Stations, arriving , at Reading at 9,10, A. M., running daily except Sundays. '1 4 The 12 M. Train from Now York, stops at all !Rations between New York and Reading, leaving' Allentown at 4.2 t, P. M., arriving at heading at 6 00, P, M., run ning daily except Sundays. The 8,00 P. M. train fryint New York, runs daily stopping at Klizaboth, Plata. fold, Sommerville, Junction, Ruston, and`' Bethlehem. arriving at Allentown at 11.45, P. M. passing Lyons at 12.29,A.Ma arriv ing at' heading at 1.(41/ A. lii.. Passengera aro requested to purchase tickets before entering the cars, sr 26 ets extra will be charged andlcolleetod on the train from all who pay the fare , to the Conductor. COMMUTATION iticKpas, gold for Twenty-six TOO, at 26 Per cont. discount between any. points desired. MILEAGE TICKET BOOKS for 2000 miles, good between c oil points on this or tho Philadelphia 4.0 flooding R. It., or ow Reading it Columbia It. ,It.; at, WM cosh for families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, ' • t;Ori"o, good for the bolder only, for Or , 13iXi nine and twelve months, at reduce rrotes. P. M. RIIMICNTII UT, Glonoral Ticket Agent. Jan 2-tfJ J. R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors, MANOUESTER, N. ft. Sold by an DrEncglata and Dealers • ' in Patent Medicines. H. BIRCH & BRO., Dr, A, 11. LIGHT, W. J. TIIIERWECIITHR, WILLIAM WELLS. 'Agents, Reading, Pa. may 819 O PITANS 9 COURT SALE. -= Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Writs county, will ho sold at pub. Ile vendue, on Thursday the. llth dsy of March, Á. D, 11;9, On the premises in filch mond iownsifip • Bells county All that certain Tram or piece of Land sltuato in Richmond township, Burks coml• ty, bounded by lands .of Georige Zwoyer, (3 Levi A Haas and Nicholas Hun or,contain lug 20 acres and 87 perches, strl l measure, live acres of which is undor ulturo and the balance woodland The improvements are a two story FRAME 110118. E, with back building, now in course of erection (the same to be finished.) Lute the property of .7"r et Zwover. deceit3Vil, Hale to commenedvat 1 o'clock in the at ternoon, when duo attendance will bo given and 1110 terms of sale madii known by _LEVI A, HAAB, AdoVor. fly Order of the Court, • , . Lava 11. Luise, Clerk. Also, at the same time and place, a lot of boards for fencing rails, COO p ties, a lot Of hay and straw, and several cords of wood. Conditions Mado known on the (lay of sale by ;i LEVI A. HAAS , fob 20-31,w) Administrator, B ANKING HOUSE. BITRIONG Sz - • BANKERS, 'Deafen In - U. S. BONDS & STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Hi r nAFT 8, ON NEW YOU IC AND PHILADELPHIA. 'Moran paid on all Depoelta. OPen at 0 a. fa. bon at 3p. m BUSHONC & BROTIIER.. fen. 14869 • ; WILL REMOVE.—I AM NOW CLOSING TT OUT MY ENTIKE STOCK of i MELLINBRY AND DRY GOODS, in order to ro•opon an on !ro now an d well solootod stock, at NO. 817 PENN STR ET, BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH, where I wit) pay particular attention to keep all the latest styles of LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HAT AND BONNET FRAMES, and a complete aasortment of everything pertaining to the Millinery and Trimming line. I express my most hearty thanks for past favors, and very respectfully solid the continuance of the same. Satisfaetion guaranteed. fob Wletd MRS. 0. D4RELLER. T HE NATIONAL ' • 1 STOVE, TIN AND HOLLOW-WARE Elf PORIUM OF TIME CITY OF READING. D. C. SCHNADER, 414 =PENN STREET, Would doll the attention of the piblle to hts large stook of Parlor, OfSoo and. Cooklnit Stoves. Ranges, Tin, Hollowware and HOUSte keeplog goods or every description. Itoowng and Spouting promptly attended to at the I lowest prloo. - Give blew # ugh • • . fell) SM • EBRUARY 27, 1869. " T 14'4 II 1 4 1_ 111 SELECT FAMILY BOARDING l SCHOOL. An English, Classical,;lllnthenint tido and Artist,la FOR YOU NU MEN AND BUYS I ' At Put Wow?), Mo»tgompry County, Pa. Theweend half of the elglitoonth anne al aesslon oontinont.e , l on W(41,100143% the SA (lay of Fobruary last. Pupils Iv. Op Wed at any thee. For Circulars address HEY. ONO. MILLICK, A. M. T References. Bin% Melgs, 23ehaerfor. Mann, I 1 ro.uth, Seles, Muldennerg, llutter,Stork, Conrad. Bomberger, Wylie, bterret, and Murphy. HON A.—Judge Lunloir, Leonard Myers, IL Russel Thayer. Benj. M. Boyer, 3`aeob Yost. and Mester Cltmer, ESQ4,—Jamea E. Caldwell, James L. Clan horn, J. F. & E. B. Orne o l awes Ilauk I hoik, Theo. G.,llogga, C. F. Norton L. L. Bonin, N, Grois Fry, - Miller , Derr, Charles Wamienuteher, • James Kent, Meter it Co., Jelin Wiest, ote. fel) 20-mmodft4mw 8.14 A. 11.-, 7.M A. M. 2.'28 A. M. 1,00 A. M. 11.00 A, M., 12.13 A, Al* 7.00 P. M. Important to Printeri 3 PRESSES FOR SALE. 1 • • A FINE CHANCE FOR MAGILL NISTS AND MANUFAC TURERS. • ONE ENGINE ONE BOILER TO BE SOLD CHEAP. The following machinery is offcreefor sale, at advantageous rates : • ONE. OSCILLATING ENGIINIC FOUR HORAN rowilit. • ONE EIGHT-HORSE TUBULAR up. RIGHT BOILER. I ' ONE LARGE CYLINDER PRINT , ING PRESS, GAZETTE , zE. • ONE SMALL WASHINGTON HAND PRESS. - ONE STANDING PRE'SS: Apply at the Adler Oflke, or address fIITTEIR 4c. 00,, Reading, P. deo 7 • HIE CRY IS STILL WAY COME I THE RUSH CONTINUE'S FOR BOOTS ANp SHOES. N. T.• OEIIO, FASIII9NABLB BOOT AND SHOE MAKER 058 Penn Street, .Reading f Pa I&I YON 1 D T trlVNer S a T se A orimint cfFine rA an N d Beal l ; Boots and Shoos id this city, also Ladies' and Children's Shoos of all kinds. Bob list of styles and prices: , Ken's calf boots, home made, !%i 6 0 to $7 00 I 44 kirk 44 , 11 11 , 3'o •,,, 376 kioyls 6r 1 4I .. ill . 2 4 5 0 41 276 Youth's 11 41 11 /50 " 2 2.' Women's kip lace hoote, 1 2.5 ' 1 176 Women's Goat, Polish, 200 " 27i Hisses' ts d 150 " 220 Mon'a Arctic,B 0' . " PlaloClutr.e,l 00 ' Women's" " 80 'Mao " II 70 Children's ' 14 dee.7 O S A. GRIESIIMEIII3 Extensive Grain Warehouse, • Now ready for PLRIIIIMEI AND CONSIGNORS, Who may wlsb to title Grain, fro. storage an 4 commission reasonable. Also, a superior stook of FLOUR AND FEED, &e., t h i s :Ti wholesa l eu t c i rl e t t attl o e w . Alto, a superiorlot Bnakwheat Meal, and rotating. o f fittiosNotin 211iyhth fit.lieadlximra NOTIO 4-#.A SSIG E 'S -ELI Becker, of the itownshlp of ' Malden. ereeh, In the tenoti Of herbs, ha Mg axe .enten an asslantneet 01 all his estate to jail a, yon, of the,entne place, fa trust for tho heeeflt of his ereeltore. Ott.h. Or of robrnery. A D. WO. •- No t le horeby glean, that all persons* having elalme on Patti estate, Wilk present thorn: end all persons owing an persons to said estetnorill *WO tinino4lASPJ4YotOßt to the undelsla tl ea. IMUN VOA; V-ftW • . • • . , !MEI JICHUSAILIZ - 311 Tun GOLDON. .lortutaletn the t Golden, I languish foTonO gleam Of till +by glory Elden In dtsturee and In dream t Illy thoughts like palms In exile, Climb np to look aml pray For n glimpia of that dear emlntry That Iles so far away, Jerusa!elt the Oololco, When t mmo! sets In the weal, • It seems the gate of WO+ y, • Than city of the blest I And midnight'{( starry torches,, Through Intefmeillate gloom, Aro waving with t hetr welcome To thy °lentil! home. Jortisa'etn tho Holden, Whore lottllo bey sing, (Por pain and eOrrow obltin Former tritintplilng! Lowly may bo thy portal, And (lark may hn thedoor— Tho Mansion hninortal ! tiod'e palace tortils poor, Jerehaletu the Golden, There nll Oar hints t hat flew-- Our dowel s bat:half unfolden, Our pearl4,lhvit t erase! to dew-- t A.itl a l theilail 1141-taisle, Now heal d notonger hem shall eome agale to greet As we are (It:tieing hear. Jerusalem the tieblen. , I toll on day by , nay Heart-sore ektoV l night with lodging, 1 stretch Iny bands and pray That, midst thysleaves of healing, My soul shallclad her neAt, • Whore the wieked cease front troubling-- The weary are' at rest. A STE ENT OVT WITTICD• Ait amusing case of marrying the wrong, and, at the same time, the right man, recently occurred in Milwaukie. The naines of i the parties aro suppressed', but the facts in 4 simple form aro as fol. lbws : Two youtg gentlemen—call thorn William and Henry—were in love with the daughter of a, wealthy . Milwaukieciti• s_en. The girl infinitely preferred Henry; but the parents could have nothing to do with hits, and urged the claims of, Wil. llanr. To please her mother the Young lady consented t marry William, hnd a day was arranged for the wedding t take place. The bride,with and a large gathe whom was Ilenry Tit w have,a w' City, Mo., who diani on theplaitl she was carried o savages and has I tremnivut. about, this wret, tn,itigato the hatr red skins into a love, we imagine. eoua years agb Robert tisee and his rher father and mother, ing of p i nts, amongst wero assembled in duo Ild woman in Jelftkrion raj taken from.ttie In: is supposed that many years ago by tho oat her reason'front ailisti4 a, . 1 , - 44,6.. 7 t 4.1,1 hed creature, will not ed of. pioneers for the lything. like brotherly wife jit:ed toget ur in New Orleans. Robert had a con:in named Hew, who also lived in the ~same house. 'Henry gained the affections of Robert's wife, which aroused the injured.lmsband's may, and culminated in their Fepnration, Robert's wife goit g with Henry. No ac• 11111 estrangemelt. existed beyond the separation.. he cousins even went &It ing and hunting todfotherat Pass Amebae, where Robert. shot Henry and surrender. ed himself to the I (Police authorities, int leging that the do, d.was committed acci• dent - ally:- • A few days ago Mrs. Uzee pre sented herself bore the Superintendent of Police in Now ?cleans', and brought a charge of wilful murder against her own husband, stating that she saw him shoot his cousin Henry; MO case is noW awaiting examination. accordance with the progratuMe , but no bridegrooth was there. Hour after hour passed, and 13611160 successful suitor failed to make hlii appearance, when at past, the - bride, after the fashion of these persons,...threvr herself into her mother's arms, declaring that she could never sus- Clin the insult, and thsat she would poison herself forthwith. She then went into hysterics. No ono could giye an account of Wil• liam or explain hie absence, and matters were, looking exceedingly serious and hysterical, when Henry stepped forward and laid that'he could not bear to See the glric, insulted, and therefore propoSed to taathe place of the recreant lover. No sooner said than done; the girl agreed to the arrangement to save her wounded pride, the mother to calm her daughter's sorrow, and the pair 'were united. All then went merrily] as possible, when, in the midst of the feitivitics, William, dtts ty, travel stained 'and fearfully excited, burst into the room. An explanation , was immediately de. mended, when ho said he had received a note from his affianced bride tolling him of an accident which'had befallen hie un cle, and urging hien to go and visit the poor old gentleman in his calamity ; pro missing him at the same time to postpone the day oftheir marriage. William hur ried off to his uncle, whom he found in excellent health, and who cursed him up in heaps for presuming to . think that en accident could have happened to him. 'lmagining something must be wrong. he hurried back to the house of his sweet• heart, when the truth Was told to him, and be 'diseilvered that H enry bad step ped into his shoes: The daughter' was asked to•expluin her note, which she did' in'a very lane way, and everybody at onee saw the dodge to get vid of the obnoxious - William, departed and .way.laid Fleury, whom ha vigorously , a4afiltedjand was summoned before the magistrate. Treace this story,. 10 CENTS PER WEEK. 110 w to Double the Gift Two ladies once, went to see a poor widow woman, for they bad .heard she was in great poverty and . sorrow, her only little child lying sick upon her knee. After the ladies hed been there some little, time, ono of them arose to go, saying, " I will think over your case, and see What can be done for you." "Thank you," said the poor woman, but she'shuddered as she said it for she thought that doubtless before they Ivotild come, the flickering fire upon the hearth would' have ,died away; and theii looked nt her little child, and ; thought that perhaPs the tiny 'spark of life might also noon go out, in pavery and atarYa. don. Just then the ot'oer lady laid lien hand gently uPoit the, woman's Nhonlder. •`I will do as'much'for you now nal can," said she, As she placed some. money in the woman's hand, "for I see you are in very greet need." And Otis - time that woman maid not a word, hut- s lier heart said " Thank you." . l hat poor woman •and lira to see better days, but 1110 will for ever love the lady who, in their hour of need, gave quickly. They will doubtless never forget the other lady ; she gavp th em RR much, perhaps more, but her_gilli NYUS so long in coining, that it lost half its YalMi on the way. • ltemen►ber, then, you who cniin'ot givo much, to givo quickly . ; for there is en old proverb, which .1 think is true, that sop, "lie who gives quickly, doubles the-gitl," °NUL—Only one drop of water at a time that had found its way from the mighty ocean througN the d)ko, and um slowly Wearing a little channel, Only one drop'. Only astray sunbeam ! Yet perchance it had' pierced some wretched abode, gladdening some stricken heart, or its golden light found its way through tho leaffbranches of some wild wood, kissed the moss coffered bank, where the tiny violets grow, and caused shades of biNtuty to adorn its lovely form, Only a gentle breeze I Rut bow many aching brows bath it fanned, how nuiny hearts cheered by its gentle touch ? Only one'stray bullet that pierced the noble soldier boy as he trod the lonely midnight round, faithfully gmtrding the precious lives intrusted to his'keeping, add the life blood slowly ebbed, out, and the life ebbed out, and the sunbeams fell on the face of the dead. Only it sentinel! And vet ono soul more had passed from its earthly 'tone ment to meet its reward at (ho•hands of a ►nercifi►! clod. O►,ly a drop of ink I And yet it car. tied the news of death to anxiona ones, at hoMo, and caused theAcar of anguish to trickle down the furrowed- cheek of a widowed mother: •► Owy frown 1 But it left h And, dreary ache hi Mot eliih l rri heart, and the quivering lips en d tearful eyes tog how keenly ho felt it. - Only a Emile I But eh I how it cheered the liroken heart, engendered a ray of liope and enst a halo of light around tho unhappy patient ; made the bed ridden one fctrgets its ngony far a moment as it dwelt .1n sunshine of joy and lived lit the warmth of its sunshine. GOOSE' WHEAL—SO:IIO 401111 i since, a' wild 'goose was shot in Washington l'erritory, and a . few grains of wheat were taken from his craw, Being very large and full, they were preserved and planted, The yield was found to he do great as to lead to its' propagation, until this variety, which iti known in 'the Terri• tory is the "loose Wheat," hss become r, standard, ono in that section of The eonntry. \ Samples of this wheat were re. candy sent to the Agricultural Depart• meat at Washingtpn, Upon examining the samples et the Inuseittn, i of which there are 00111 e 2,000 varieties, tlte mainc wheat was fotind, being one •of \ the samples sent froni k the Paris Expo)iiiic4i; and grd'wn in Cuellea, in Spain, A vim weeks age a young mats tni u Bannon, a detective, QlNabliville, Tenn:, was taken from a railroad train bye gang of masked men, since which time his fate has been a tnystery until Saturday last. On that (lay a negro fouud the . dead Cody of a white man in Duck Itivor, near Col ombia. 'This proved to on the. remains of the missing detective. A rope was around his neck, the end forming a noose, as if ite.liati been tied to something.. The hands were tied behind his back with a linen handkerchief. A valnablediannond ring was on one finger. .#4 was, evident. lit not murdered for Itikrunney. . .—The Supreme Court'- has refused to grant .ft writ of error in the onset of George S.' Twitehell, Jr.,-:convicted of the murder of Mrs. Mary - All the testimony in the case. with; an' argument by 'the counsel in writing was subnOtted, and the Qcurt .decided that there was .nothing for review by the higher Court. —A Chicago physicitut is accused by his wife of murdering new born infants for a livelihood. She says ho showed her one in a drawer with the marks of the choking around its neck. - 110 denlos the charge, 3 —A littlo boy re'r-ontly died , or hydro phobia on linng 'bland, though his moth• er persistently. sielted tho wound, hoping to extract the poison. '—A ontelnporary taps the intornneo agouti aro now ggb►ng to Wssliog;on ib large• numbers, brow Mr. Johnson'. " polic;" line nearly run outs !MI II El