Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 26, 1869, Image 4
RECEIPTS AND .EXPENDITURES. or 111311C8 COUNTY 'FOR '['fll YEAH, A. D., 1803. rI 1 1l1; A I/1)17 1 01N ni,E(yrni) TO A 1)- .a.itia Anil not cif) tho itOCOUlli9 of the County of llnrkN,from tho Lit (lay ofdanuary, Nino Domini, 1!14.1, to Um Slat day- of December, A. 14, IMI . . (both days Included) having ex,gathml (1,4 mama, reepeethilly lay before the Honorable the diallgtai of the Court of Common Pleas, the follow. lugtt Htatoi»ont and Report, to wit (1114 /1././..1Y 11. lel€11"n, /frt., Vrrasitier, 71) &MA, from (I)llcetors :11(40 stall "(Wow, holomon PI dor, 1813 on act:aunt ,1 ( . 481 miller, 0:1;7 on account thmlol Froy, It H oa account Alarm. John 1864 In fuli I(Mi 'lt Monry BohinQhl, Poi on account 1,941 77 Dan oa M. Went zel, un acct. VIO 75 AntU limy !toyer, IPOI7 In full '2,977 13 ffuntyfloyor, IN? on account. 3,490 00 IK9 10 D. H. 'frowner, Ma In' ", D. U. If roamer, I tOid on account 3,3M;0U //crii / Edward 1>4.5 hi full JohnSavago j P•l4 full Win. 11. account Ilertirllte. ml account David It. ItiUi on Recuitt, 12111 ill E. 110,4 Ulcftfnbi cli, Voiq oil ItetOtll .IstreAl leitgvl, Isla In rim Jared Lengol, 1961 on account' \ Iloyertitoi. 'llionlitt+ schomi or, 1567 In foil Tltonnui tielomper; !Ski on neol firc6knoeb. Oafs!,litn Harting, 14;7 In molt i)litlellan Hart w► Rect. Cocrn«ron. 3,ltosi nolzoll t 11 4 ,44; In fon 11.u►lul )Book INI7 on account, Josoplt Smith, ItMott account • Ilre. (ioorgo It. Honehinr, 1807 it roll IYm. rOttelgor, 1843 on account o,lcbrortkdrite. Joel Altalinrt, 1447 In full Jaeob L. liable, 11-44 on (walnut. t'unirtr. ,Tosopri full Bonn. ISlolgithia, 18(;3 on acct. Matrici. Charleo IVoan, 1+345 on account Henry M. Fox, 18017 in full. 4franklin finer, 180 on account Doug/mtg. U,l it lul4, Iµd7 In fall U. U. Hatfield, 16d6 on account li , ►rJ. Reuben M. Ul►►logrovo, 18 k 1 in full 454 01 Reuben M. Utulogrovo; 1807 on not. 719 00 if. Iltvu►bnoli, 1868 on account 1,419 8 Vreter, liamuul Strunk, 1t3117 ln full 2,43 z Ari no do 1863 on accotn►t 2,172 41 Ureenwtelt. • John tioliaror, 1837 In fall. 2,731 01 Do do 1,918 on account 1,500 09 I,apthurg, Itoyacr, 1661 on account A, tiliollonliqgpr, lt 4 iP3 on acct. • Jonathan Lolss, fo in full 1)anlol Itioyor, 18110 In full Jim!) ileolitol, ISO] full Michael J. Flahor, It3tP3 on WOOL, JkUtelber(/ Lower. !Inlay Ourhut, 1130,1 hi full Dim Orott, In bill .1, 0. Lambert, IPO7 on nocount Ellinlt Steely, IB,tl, on Recount II idelberll North. Bolijantin Orneir, 1917 in mull Adam Stump, Irstk4 on aucouut lierrford. John A, Adam, is in lull • .1. B. Ilattnnveuk, 1817 In full, //AVM Zolgoquoi, 1,365:0n acct. Jefferson. MlchnoltlinnnelborgorplOin full loam Knoll, Mu In fun Joint Fox, 1b39 011 neount, Kutztown Borough, ' 'sane S. liottonstoin, 1817 in fall 8:19 r,f; IRano K. 81001r0r,1808 on account, 450 011 , f,ontiBuyoup. Bllclinol 11111111ot% (805 In full Valontlau tinlul, ISO In full Do tlo DV; on acCOUMt Mafat licreck. John 1E67 Oil account John E. Al►turer, ISIJS on account Marion. H. Oxon):Idor,1860 on account Intvid N. Killinor , 18'17 In Nil Benj. Thunman, 180 on toot. 4 1ttrut.tuiny. H. Waxunkorut, ISA in full , C, C, Kiln°, 18(17 In full I). 11, Sigfvltl, ISO On account • ifulilenberil. Daniel Spouglor, 1807 In full clo 1b63 on ttaount Olcu. lYnt. U. Carr, Pill Daniel (Attelcm, ISdi on aeonlint • OWe/ounce, David I 1 IL ISO on account , Jolu► + W, Kemp, Itini uu neeonnt Penn.,Mpg, ISO In full C. Balthasor, IWI on account Perry. I', S. Albright,' 184;7 In full Alf eil Drolbulblel, 1864 on met. • Pike. • 1). F. Drumliollor, Richmond. Solomon Minor, IRV/ In full Swoyur, we on noel .li4) . •eson. loplt Mohr, 184X1 On account B. F. Iltolcouton,lBo7 In full Alborg" 180 on!account Rockland. • Itonbon Fox, Isla on account John A. A niot [tilt, 1,8418 on acct. K►rxcomb:rurr►nr. Amos Sonu►ohl, lEIR) on account Elias Saul, 1867 on•necount Frank. Boinnolll, 18630 n acct. Npring. r. Itattler, 18611 In full Danlol Ruth, 1867 in lull John M. Art z, ISTA on noomint, 21//pchavon. Mos Oxenrittor 1887 in 611 3,847 80 .1)0 do i 1868 on account 1,802 ,21 , ,4 Titlpehoccon Upper.' John SoWaver, 164ki in inil . '2lt 4(1 (lamp Mott, - W7 infitli 1,123 74 ti r }aim ItobOr, t 1868 On Account 1,357 25 Iriiinii llorman Gee or, Itl7 In full 4,11;4 21 R 2n A. . Wise 18 4 o itcootutt, I 3,567 74 t -----4 ,4 M ll 5 , . Witshinaton. D. K. Kulp, ISCA to full :WO 429 isaao F. stealer ) 1$1)7 la full 731. lo Do do 1868 on tteoollllt , 2,115 00 I , Windsor. M. A. Sonora, 10i7 on account V) 00 R. J 4 11. lAlllcr, L& on account '2,175 01 ' Wo»iels(lorf. Lori Ganser, 10.17 on acoount Aaron Weller, 18.$8 on account , ItvADINO innHurd, Z.' IL Mauro., It4(i In full Daniel Habil, 1897 In full Do do 1803 on account' a ADI N YiOnd Myra. Edward Salinteck,lßl7on account /, 818 Jacob &hiller, 1863 on account 3,567 27 -- '4,415 97 livatutNa—Third Ward. I jadou gelittlor a 18J7 lit full Lo glo 1868 on Account lisAmmo—iiiitalA Ward, D. Halm, 1807 In (till 1,913 07 Do • 1833 on account 4,736 60 —:—.— 0,610 73 Ram:min—Fifth Ward. Isaac lloltlor, 16417 In full 1,10 0i) Do do 1635 an account l i tlol co RuAniNa—Sxtli W4fr 1, Diaao Fielder, 1867 in full iXI Do tlo 1868 on account BNAbl:4o—Seventh MM. Ennontrout. IRl7ln full 1,471 74 Po 'ao 1868 on noel COM 24 Itzmnao—Eiglath Ward. ittoob Smith, 1867 on acoouut 1,991 50 Joseph 51altaboriOr, 1698 in full 8.2e0 84 4,857 31 SitK An iiio Ninth Ward. .loaopli llntlntrt,ltou) in full .207 00 ' Do do'. 18511 in full 260 2.1 • Jacob "tonuli, 11'47 on account 1,290.89 butno I,nuolto,lt4 , lou itteount 1,011 45 .:_.- 3,705 07 • (Wholc amount of County Tax reo'd 021 - ,980,91.) HueToilers' , Liettumin and out of Berk: county, Iluckatees in liorku cotinty Hucksters out Of the county' DM Cbunly llrfilym .14 VOliik titrea lirlflgo by contract anti toll • • ' 1,333 73 Fenn Strout lirldge,FranclB Decll. tol by toll 1410 55 1,911 LI 2,005 :9; --. 4,005 5 J.ancaster Bridge contract 1,033 50 Do toll collcutcd by .11arrlet , It!Haulm 4 ; 227 B 2 Poplar Nock by•contraet Do toll collet:toil by Daniel ifoyer • -- 3,065 74 Hamburg Bridge by contract Do toll colleetett . by John Kottorer 6,377 15 (IV nolo amount, of toll Bridges 45,2:5 so) Phlox anti Costs 387 81 , Prison ITCH lAA • 8,692 27 emitlitional Road Drimrigres. From Jieorgo Iluyett. Bern tp. ---- - Pi 72 !!) ),741 9! ar(l6 35 5,24,0 29 Alisecllancous. • - llalanco In th j o Treasury of last • year 32;21.2 76 DOliglapii lirldge Company 210 00 Franklin'Sellallz l l a full of Court 200 515 00 co4tB Jacob linkinnio, on nctiount of ERE Con it costs Deyslier 5t11.7.01, plank sold , lin rl y, on avo't of Court. costs I'aryin, Trans. of Altliotiso Bridge Company Lewis Volt, difference on Bond oxclinmonl 1131.1151011 Epleh Treasurer Luis' Bridge Company dlylilonil 18001) H. Llvlngootl,_Brlelcs sold Albert, t,, iireen, road itainages refunded from U. Tulpalloccon Jouipli Henry, brleks and old iron, to Hinz Drclbelblea, old lumber sold . • • Jpremlali Ilageninan, money eolleete I Co. against Moyer 77,1 39 1.4 , 47 47 2,7 M 0 - !, 111 ,9i :.115 :11 SOO IXI - 1,115 31 2.12 5; 1 1 31 K 1 ; 0 1,351 11 Sit 73 70Q W) hOl 01 ------- 1,756 06 II 0) 4,022 lii -- 1,033 05 .293 I I 21200 0) IticcAriTur.ATioN OF ltcciurrs Yon 1868. ‘Vholo aulotit of County Tax re• celyed • 221,9 m i/1 Ilneksters licenses In Ilorks co. 1,020 50 Hucksters 11.0011 COS but of hockscounty County toll bridges fees, tines and costs Prison melpts Conditional road damages Miscellaneous receipts -- 2,183 90 1,154; s 7 I,ov ....) - 5,•1 ICI 12 15 011 1 4 37 3:1 1,100 O) -- 1,938 33 ),511 :14 2,000 (4 -- 3,511 3:1 CREDIT. The Treasurer claims credit for Um following orders drawn on him, to wit : Pthon Inspoolora , Ordcre. George linkman, soap Vallee & Landis, locks Brenoleer & Co, tobacco Mitchell & Co. last, reeds, &e D. It. Fasig, glazing L. Rohner, thread and not ion ‘, Young a - Summons, • visit lug committee. (P) Reading Gass Conti any 112 Pal Knoly, lumber e) S. Summons, carpenter work b 8 S. Summons, ox. to liarrinbn rg 7 CO J. Young & Sou, coal - 1,00 00 I). Burkhart, masonry 12 72 F. , lVeselte, smith work • 52 10 L, Uotz, printing annual re. port J. tiansco compiling annual repot t. .1. Ganser, miscellaucous ponsos Ilinnershltz & Bubp, 'soap, &c. Potor Steinci, lorttsheS T. Jackson, 1807 S.Summons,betlsteads for prison 1). Engel, buckets E. timlfrey & Soits, shoemaker tools " liernitart Sr, stracv Iranian it:-Snow, shoe pattern!) ' A. Stewart, Wan kots llibsott & Walker, shoe lasts and trees Bovor & Sons, hauling S. liollenbaolt, painting Kline, Epphilmer & Co, crash Loyuulgtur tt, Selling. painting lien. Engler, last holders (Pitoily & Co., lasts and tools 11. Hauge», sewing machine V. Groh',, iloil'a & Shatter, lumber Strickland 4 t•itro., books Donglass & Conrad, repairing welt cutter J. L. Si !enter, hardware latter & Co., printing Win. Rosenthal do C. Dauth & Son, tin ware and re pairing H. J. Rhoads, notions (4, It. Levan, !snips 11. F. Owon, printing S. Wt.:Mini, boar) Rambo &Beckman, plumbing 11.11angen ehocs A, li. Light drugs John McKnight, liardwaro Bard & Reber, hardware J. J.• 11. Miller, smith work 3. Ganser, inspectors' mealS Ulla --.---. 4,735 '26 1,'.132 01 125 00 1, 1 .78 50 -- 1;2113 61) :11 19 203 05 s ) 2,037 01 1,073 72 ----- 3,950 57 ERN 439 03 4.042 221 3,512 09 - 1,937 09 237 0') 1„0)00 - 1007 04 77 V/ 427 05 2,451'.: 67 --- r ------ 3,116 6'3 131 a 5 MO 35 2,000 00 2,733 70 --- 7 - 1,289'ec I .1 2hlB 02 031 00 MZE= 1,3241 42 3,521 61 -- 4,813 0(1 no 00 2,020 15 2,010 00 -- 5,'.'A13 I 11 ( 1 5 3,5 . 0 02 3,452 73 _ 7,0:13 V 2,211 it 5,1 1 ,3 57 J.U:tusor,mululatning prisonors Mit tttlacluring. lilon4elnitto tt Kirk, wool chain ae s . Young, Altoinoo tt Co., dry 5,6t;3 0 ;1,105 ['••) 11,241 a 5 U goods Meitorlin fi Fritz; chain A.m. F. Winkelman, coloring yarn J. (Jimmie, carpus raipl Miler Luther, revenue tax Levan tt Bubo, chain Coyle tS*, Co. chain 11. Conuard, leather E. (belfry tt:!•3oits du Ely tt Sangor, do G. A Stooksodor tlo Loomis Lange, do J. 1,. Moyer, do J. tC M. Do Long, do nobody tt• Steinman, leathor A. D. Carrolt' Co. shoo finding F. Mokel, hat r4muls I(ntc Arnold, hat rounds D. Lutz, do • do t 522 13 3,243 (A) Erill 1 'ith 111 IN) 1,09 IN 1,710 4' 1,797 31 -- MO 7d 1,511 12 1,217 Ft .1,572 r,7 5,M0 03 00 %MI 43 '2, 1 ;53 II) o.olcers , Shows. Joseph Ganser, one year's salary !lumina (bonier do. Thoinas Will, ass't I year's salary John iloilbrt, do Jacob &minly, (lp - John 1/ roil', 10 W. M. Weidman. physician Charles 11. Fritz, treasurer - 5,117 112 1,497 2•i 1,07 0 45 SOU 00 ,::15 (4) 1113 is insuccters' Expenses. David lint z, attending meeting :11 00 J, Glancy Jonooe, do :-33 og P. Idolinight, - do 53 111, S. Sammons, do 45 00 Jacob Yon nttl • do 15 e 0 IL Z. Van Reed do :to 00 C. H. Fritz, do 59 Oft ----- 1,71;3 78 634 61 6 i l.•::1 05 4,110 415 - LOP,: hi Total amount of Prison Exponsos; Principoi Loans paid. Wholo =omit or loans paid Interest Orders. lntorost paid oil loans Stationery and Prieto's' Orders. -- M. , P. Drcring, ' 35 03 1V 11. liosont hal, :07 87 J. L.Dotz, 270 83 I. litiabb ist Co., , 311 03 Dispatch (% Tlnioa, i 33 50 Samuel Loran, 35 00 J. H. Sassainan, 33 00 13. F, Oivoh, 15 00 5,710 10 2,755 3,%,N 30 Onstubles' Returns and Mileuge. - • January Term 98 &; April Term 93 25 August Term 132 92. November' win 115 OS' - 3 ,t,M 01 492 99 4360 00 -- 1,95i,(13 (Waiters' and Justices' Inquests, John Fox, Coroner \ • , q :A _ J ttst lees, of , tint Pcace 1.23 /3 Dr. D. L. Bieber, post mortent examination 2 00 Dr. M. Lutitor, liost merlon ex alienation .2,30 75 1,711 32 3,291 31 Fier/ion Orders, City Boring Eluet ion Spring Election in On neinitY Constables attending and iwil• lying .111 PO Onleers holding General Else— ' Malin Oetonor 1,071 31 Ornaers .holding Presidential Election inNovelnlnir 1,073 30 3,131 00 Assessors returning list (it voters 1 353 00 Assessor notifying day of appluil 1,478 30 1,86.0 708 3,5 1,032 55 2,774 93 ---- 2,001 00 Constables' Fees. Conetztbloso (nag In Common wealth oases 2,001 52 117/neße Res Witness , foes in Commonweath cases • FOS 79 • go 79 Raaol Damages, Godfrey areasly, Ureeowleil 35 00 Daniel Latina, 1.,. Heidelberg' 60 00 Michael Seitzlnger U. Bern 5 00 a Thelm liorrinan, Jr., do . • 20 00 NM 08 IV hole amount of receipts Total inootno , jbsoidt Shorn°, Hamburg Isaac Hear, Hero Carr& Dopolice,U, Tut Lichoccon Jacob Moyer do Jolla V. Mgler, (to S. llasrjciuj;ri, Maitleueretk J. W. lloglio•, C. Tulvelmozi o col, 1'.01)01(1, Pont' K. hoydor, (bust Erpenses. Jab tut ry'Verm • Aprii Tofu • Astosq. Term 1 November Term 1,02) CKil 13000 ....--;-----. 1, 1 '50 50 °aunty ()Pierre ,'Valartea. Joseph Ritter, 1 year's salary as , laait or k court erynr 600 (0 Wharton Morris, Into dist. atty. 630 0 i N. Shearer, : do 187 00 Lovi M. Gerhart, Cleric of Quar ter Sessions • 830 73 . Mieland K. Boyce, Commission ers clerk6:o 00 . Michael K. Boyer, Commissioll - elorkextra sessions _ 50 00 James B. Bechtel, coin. atty. 10) 00 J. G. Macs, A. Ku rr and J. Mil, auditors 306 00 Win. Young; Co. Commissioner 409 GO Jacob Shartie, do 500 Da Benjamin Lisvan, do 500 CO Jesse G. !barley, auditing coun ty offices 75 00 Tobias Dart% sumnioninglurors 371 2) W. IL liriet, Mner, prothonotary 113 90 At --,---, 5,555 83 .11mlo's, Alacrinen'a and Justice3' Res. Mayor 510 51, Aldermen's 211 84 Justices 68 17 q4l 75 END 1,02 /V) EOM EMI 033 111 ME IWI4I -:1L11 10 00 rfila D'icitnia/ 4Etedlmuil. Triennial assessment expenses ],'.ASS 70 10 A) I ; (A) ti 00 Toll !Irk Penn streetbridgd,FrAuctelicelt• lul l 12 months! salary Rambo Heckman, plumbing L. k _gas Loyinaster & Selling, painting *unto! Focht, oltrpunter work (), a. V. L. B. !dishier, putting up lightning rods • 105 00 100 CO 100 00 t2I i► 10 (of 051) rid Lancaster Dtaae, furrlot Maguire, 12 months' Lial ary nza E. U. Smith; woo E. 11118111 or, upliglaiking rods IBM - 33,027 00 6e1i,027 03 l'otOr Horn, cleaning bridgo W. J. Frame, hauling ground Baumet Focht, earpontor work 'Poplar Heck Brifigc. I)antul iloyisr."ll months' salary gunbonChei, mason work U. N. Ilalicrd'Oo.,llghtningrodi Samuel Focht, earpontor work Puler Brown, limo Daniti itnyor, mason work toe. MO 00 G,11.5 t 9 357 80 8,692 27 VI DO 33,927 1.0 -271,774 40 Hamburg Bridge, 1 Joliu Kiltlore'', 12 months salary 180 00 Whole amount .of toll bridges 1,708 39 Refunding Orders. Elias Dieffenhaeli, Bethel tax re funded Nathan Miller, Windscr tax re funded Edward ICautfinau, Upper Born Michael ll.' Miller, Longswainp tax refunded Wm. It. Philips, Centre tax re funded Daniel Hahn, t first Ward Head ing tux roftuttled Jacob Schuler, it ird %Vardlteiol lug tax refunded Henry Witgenhordt, Maxatawny tax, refunded Solotlion Miller, Richmond tax refunded Isaac Holder, Fifth Ward Read lug tax refunded Joaeph Muthard, Ninth IVard Heading, tax refunded Join' lox and others, Jefferson tax refunded Joseph ltaudienbusb, Cumru tax refunded Elias Diettenbach, Bethel tax re funded Tipat«ves at 45'peci«1 Court: John Elteklnger and lan. Setley MOM 47 :30 1975 110 91 8) (),) » 80 24 47 45 00 10 CO POOR HOUSE EXPENSES. Out door Funeral 11Lper►aca. Frederick 'Mond,: cony; for Al• bort Richard and P. Erb 11 David 7,lu►n►cruuu►, 1 coffin for Faott Martin 11. LiooUs,'" collln for S. rah Itohrintch Heorge Lash, funeral expenses of Samuel Hartman Mark Sch lot man,l coffin for Jet% • Ox , a ehtld• Adam Uerhert, 2 coffins for Isaao and wife of Barnet lieliret' Ueorgo Lash, funeral expenses for wife of Win. Moyer Henry Moyer, 2 coffins for L. Einore and Win. Williams Charles Henninger, a coffins for sundry - persons ► Paul Filbert, co ffi ns for Lydia Folk and child Peter A.ulonlatch,l coffin for Geo. EtEl S) 2.4 tit 32 23 Bower Franklin :Violin I coffin for Sam. iittrtimm's rhikl Wm. Klein. 2e,olgns for Yerger'3 ehtlil and Tlionipson'a child Raymond Monti, 1 coilln, manta mune unknown , Jacob Lanl),l coffin for lionotliet Marsiml ger YhIIIjI Eagle, 1 eollln for Charles 2^o 31 8 28 II 99 3K9 19 42 3 07 8 GO 21 81 59 41 97 t+l 22 91 97 52 John Martz, 1 collin for Mut nuin Jorollliali 'loud, 1 coffin onan's natno unknown 4,703 7, U; 01 Offi-door Widow Sehumid for self JeremitthMotire,for widow Peter Wertz Jacob Frick, for self Itridow` G conies for volt' Peter Marshal, for Cradle Leo pold L3} din Drup, for self ' Wm. Heffner, for Catharine Al twitch Amos Psalter, for John Yeager JILIIIICS Healy, for Jacob Pierman Elizabeth flans, for self Umstead, for Mary Ann McCarty _ Yin, Rotor, for self Mrs. Haas, for self , Rudolph Collor, for self Widow Zellor, for 40 I Michael Nrcatner, for- Caroline Shoemaker Solomon Miller, for Helena Bower Andrew Hurl', for Christian Sower Andrew C 'Painter, for self Benjamin 'Zimmerman, for ROM. no, Sholrer. Edward Sheeler, for John Wet. finger Reuben Emly; for whloW John Boachert Daniel Buskirk ? for Elizabeth Halmch Wm. Hostor, for Sally Glass Jonas Mincr i for Catharine inboa ittehard Adams, for Samuel liartm ► - Am il os E. Wells, for Rodgers tam- Amos E. Wells, for Irw inS Nicholas Heckman, for sundry 6,110 65 77 21 139 33 43 67 67 99 53 55 2565 - 10.928 900 00 300 0 900 00 135 00 510 00 421 00 100 00 •4000 - 8,319 EMI person% licrnPort 8c Koch, for sundry it 2.3,4.29 05 ' C. A. Griesomer, for sundry flint. illes ' Peoeock Orth, for sundry fain ' lies Augustus Worolines., for if ol f Isaac Mohr, for Jacob 'Corsi' nor santuel Filbert, for Elizabeth 33,108 3') 13,197,03 Long J. Daniel Wanner, for John B. Ottoo Peter Marshall, for widow New man Nicholas Jones, for Susan no inteh Catharino Maury, for self Matthias Liyingood, for Samuel Losslg Paul Blessing, for D. Lins Elias Oboid, for Jacob Schnell James Healy, for John Walker 4 James Healy, for fella° Hoffman Amos B. Wanner, for Catharine Long Aaron Getz, 1.)!. Mary Burns John M. Bashmis, for self Amos B. Wanner,for Henry Most Adam Stein, for Chas. Doward 'John Wiilholm, for Joseph Pet. fonborger John Kurtz, for John Simmers John Kemp, for John Yews() Andrew Burr, for Caroline Field glifts Mold, for John Fisher MOW Holfmristor, for Barbara ' (=retail JB. Linger, for Japob Ningort acob yolog 4 Bon, for Sundry 1,13 S 63 CUB 25 00 261 03 it ; 420 1 . 1 4') persons 'teary grielc,for suadryfersons 4d4 tn ti Leith for ‘l,:idow . Ifolas John /R&M, ler f4atlgir Eliza Fisher. for Soli' Charles Gdodnifui, for soli' Adam Stoin,for Mrs.tioudensthn Silas W. Fisher, for Sarah Swavely 4seob Butz, for Jacob Daher 4.l).llitatpelberuer, fcle Eicgah lierchebi • S. p.lYanuor, for Susan Boomer widow Sand", for SOU Frederick Lauer, £O Barbara Kling floury tf. RnOnels o for Susan WI. 83114 101 27 M=== 2G C4l 10 10 {3F 0 17 t 0 Z.O 00 13 i 0 23 0 10 01 ,ow 291 61 ' 1,829 40 - 1,624 8U • 1,690 Od . . 1,400 ' ---- 6,510 60 tiN tis , 1,955 70 210 00 12 52 99 21 44; 10 /Li 2 di 15 23 426 80 22000 1 48 30 2 30 2,5 11l 00 6 78 3 67 588 8 ISO 00 1750, 290 S 3 12 3.3 3 00 9 19 MEE 160 00 004 14 118 03 11000 128 00 OHM MIM 31 52 00 W 00 10 00 MCI 10 00 20 00 20 00 liLN) 00 I 20 00 1 20 00 20 00 20 00 ^0 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 20 01 '2OOO 20 00 10 00 10 00 51 15 F 2 89 10 00 E;1 10 00 Liana Moyer, for Unbolt Fittlet* John Stratum., for Mary A. Soong , ler Ilenry 130Tii, for John iloiyulan George Boyer, for Catharine Wi th% Ella.§ °bold. for Mary Gable Franklin Ludwig, for Catharine Boughesehlta Abraluun Kurtz, Carlini% Grove Biwa need, for Wm. Williatns Jona* Shatter. for .I . 7l:ii , regger Wtn, Williamson, for C thurino Rhoads J. Daniel Wanner, for Catharine Flood J. Daniel. Wanner, for Franklin Flood IMiehael Miller, for daughter of 4 John Spengler ,Goo. Lash, for Matilde, Ulrich - Win. Mess, for sell Geo. lash, for Mrs. itemise Joseph Muthart, for 11.0.11ilkert Elias Heber, - for Rebecca Whit moyer Jeremiah! Moore, for widow John Wertz J)rU Goods., 0.11. Keller Kline, Eppilduter A Co. • - • Levan, Buhl) A Co. A. W. Pottolgor Levan & Simla C. Levan R. Co. • David Kotsor B. H. Brown iihmersolittr. David Neff Jacob Mega : • Yocum A Houma H. A. Hoff F. B. Fichthot'a Kerper Son U. S. Birch John S. Pearson Et: Co. Mlshl, A Moors , &dories. George Lash, director 5 months salary Elias MOW, director 7 months . salary JosepliMuthard,direetor I }Tar's salary Snail W. Fisher, director 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad,. steward 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad, stegard balm( 18.(12 Michael RightinYor, under stow. and Philip Baglo, steward on (Ica. Wm. It. Zeimor, under steward on account • Amos Sii) dor clerk in lull to May Ist, IS,IS' W. IL Fiser, Clerk on acct. Dr. A. B. Dimdoro, physician' 1 year's salary Dr. Mester' M.. Nagle, physician I year's salary Wm. Livingootl, atty. 1 year's salary Philip Y. Gilliam, engineer 1 pmt.'s salary, John Benzel, baker 1 year's sal. ary John Bon seLbaker bat. for 180 Frederick Mintier, Gardner 1 year's salary Moses S. •Illokle, blacksmith in full Win. Van II iskirk, blacksmith Ott account Wm, llotfor,l tborer on farm on account David Keifer, teamster on acct. Do do bal. 1840 Alfred Damien, teamster on account Christian Zeigler, tailor I \ year's salary John Elle, teacher In full. Mary Whitman, maid in full Groceriet Win. Rhoads dr. Burkholder a Madeira Botherling ti Smith Charles Minor LI I[lrtln S. Getz John I . Reiner CAture and Lire stork bought. Samuel 44v.Min, mules ' EV) 00 Moses S. 'Male, 'tow and shoats 110 40 Machold & Schlott, 81 WM'S 6,010 40 Snyder & Loruli, bat, at stoord on 1807 Abraham Bechtel, M sheep Shoei mid Huh. Benjamin Engler, shoos O'Reilly Co., uncles • •leroniiah Midler, shoes Franeig Roland, hats Berlin County prison, ellOOB and carpets Coal and Wharfage. , Peocook lt, Orili, coal Aaron Gotz, wharfage William J. teraino, coal hear & ilro, Zt. Co., coal Whiskey and Vinegar. Tobias Barto Printing and Stationary. I. Lawrence Getz, printing Win. Rosenthal, printing Ritter & printing and sta tionary Samuel Ifeebler, stationary Grain, /Nur and Grinding Grain.' llemmig k Bro„ grinding grain '221 51 Samuel Wertz, flour, grain and ' grinding 1,154 31. George Lash, corn • 031 S 5 C. A. Griosemer, flour CB 97 llornhart 2+2 Koch, flour 1 , 94) 29 Sam. Weitzel, flour and potatoes 407 20 James Z. Griscmor, flour 351 00 Tobias Barto, chopping grain 33 50 lii(tiny and Dyeing ifiailo S. Ichit Edelman & Lolubach Lovan & Butz nharco, D. P. Moll H, \V._ Hltlik D. G. I.lreniser, Mayor 490. Hardware. George Lurch tt CO. Bard Sr Robot. J. L. Stk..,liter ht•cGowan et MlMinor° John McKnight Leather and Shoe Findings. M. M. Dolong% leather Benjamin Kooh,leuther and ghee finding A. I). liatwey, leather and shoo finding . . , . i hloAcr. J. Keely Amos li. Deyelker Jacob floysher James Healy Pnveet and V1110(/) . 0. Ilreltlegam & Relit r William Brehlegam Charles V. Sc Drugs. T. K, BicCur William J. hiiweeliter Pi+h and gilt. Aaron Getz, salt Bookhammor & Budd, fish (bal, on IWO Koller 'C Bitting, fish J. K. Schell, deli and meat Himccll«ncouß. Daniel S. Schroeder, brick Shaaher & Jtihnson,. castings I.W. Harper, binding order book Levan Bubp & Co , queensware Christian Schut ter, earthen ware Peter Stelae', brushes Williams & horse hire for Joseph Muthart ' John H. Kershner, painting cm. press wagon Henry Goodman, now express wagon and cover John Spatz, medical attendance for Eliza Gin F. J. Obert, pulling, grsto Unr and labor Christian Zoigldr, interest on' Vioo for I Stl T. A. Wilson & Co„ oloek Mrs. Mary Capallo, candle wick Mori is. Tasker & Co., steam lids [icier Brown, limo Michael Rapp, Ball chains Le»hart k Grab, steam 'pipe fixtures Lewis Gable, laying brick Christian Ebel), resetting stop and sand stones George h. Levan', ( Dimmer° A. R. Koenig, butter Mellott & Kinsey, eastinga Dowalt Kutz, seed wheat I Char tlehs S. lit tor, horse hire nor Muart Wilms l Gorman, bin:4MS H. Mains, saddlery Auchenb M.alich notions Dr. H. agle, medical atteild twee Holger & Becker, ready made clothing John icemtleivien, oast( lhil HenrY Creme fictions Daughter & Thingler, repairing threshing machine Frederick Lauer, malt hops and beer Aaron Getz hottsq reel for imfdrner ~ _-- 1,475 ill t----- Whole ) emit or Poor liouso expenses 433550 8 Minellaneuto County &Tempe*. . • Joseph henry, on prison Col trte lA, • P. 10 .80 IP Diller Luther, cots() tax • - 12008 James It: tlctlfsjirldgo contract 021 50 Engtty Lt' Brothers', blank book end 'binding - 401 S 3, Joiner) IL Becht, et,, extra services and rests ' . . . 26%153 John Henninger, 'watchman at prison • , . . . '- In 49 .. Benjamin Boyer, 'tralchuta , Ot • prison - . , ' 403 03 J. Sinitli and others , lobOr at prison and water works .- 61 63 . learto W.• Harper, blank books and stationary , 100 SS E. 1), Smith, gas 114 18 Elias Diellenbaeh, extra work at Swatara Whig° , 100 00 Jacob - W4grtor, watchnitta at ' prison - 40,00 - A.MosWoller,Longs Altllif) bridge ropair,airil lumber 107 15 War.- I): • AlthouS e, hers° ' hiro Zte. per C0m.1&17., " , 120 50 ThOmasHOcli,convoying prison- , ors to Court Houso' 00 00 John Eagle, money refunded • stray horse sold , ' 63 . 00 John A, Wier, , treasurer of the State As lulu , - • ' . 11 25 %Daniel Dietrich rOpairing bridge at Dietrich's mill • 158 37 Elias Reber, repairing bridge • - at Itebor's mill • 21 03 John L. Snell, zink IloOring in ' Court Horton ,'; _ 12 00 Samuel Francis, repairing bridges on Boyerstown road • Nicholas Hunter,. plank and bridge repair at Mosolom . • 43 93 Furman Sheppard, treas. of the Eastern Penitentiary 1, - 160 93 l'-E.C. Butz, soda ash 48 John Flickinger, putting hi coal in Courthouse. t, Jacob., Young A Son ,Lcoal for ' Court Hods() 41 40 Christian Elves, book binding 10 50 •J. W. Wontztd, li:tiding ashes , 5 10 Joseph Honno, dolivering tip. peal book to U:Tulpehoccon J: S. Ermentront, county sup't for 'Poachers' Institute C. Krops, smith 'work on ,B i lirok - , Maria : /, , 30 03 Simon Droilrellds, repaid ig at ' , Dotelaunco bridge • • . I 100 70 George Merkel,repairlng a. Lon: hart's twittgo Samuel Foeht,• work- at Court House E. Fox A Co., boarding jurors April Term Solomon Close and J. MlSSoniet l , making tax duplicates ' (It Etion, 4and •st ono M. K. Rom, making tax dupli- CMOS • , I t. Summons mitt Schooner, Ma king tax duplicates Z.ll,llatiror, making tittdupli entes I. • J. Young A Sons, coal for Court House • ' Edward Havilland; in full per prison cOntract Rambo A Heckman, gas pipe for Courthouse Win, McNeil, services for bring ing prisoners front Phila. Josoph 801ms:blo t repairing bridge at Flying Hill Jeremiah Becht 01, i attending prisoners Ilenry Graul, attending prison ers lwamaker. tt, Selling,painting at Court Houso Geo. Hell, work at Court House Fotordlingaman do F. C. Butz, brushes Ao. for Court House J, 8, White, 1111 1 111 W Strickland A 11100., stationary I. I'.Dauth, work at prison L. able,,pavlng at Court Hoes° R. Koohel,repa tring Rood bridge V. Freed, blank book J. C. Strohcoker, making militia rolls I). Fister, viewing bridge at Win tot's' mill • S. Sunnuons, carponter work at Court Houso , Samuel Sanson, steel pens'; 31. K. Boyer, recording ndlitia roll I I W.n. Adam, viewing bridge at Griesotner's mill. ... J. ilinnorshltz, repairing road to prison J. WaMier, viewing bridge at Griestnner's mill S. A. Stoudt, viewing bridge at Gricaomer's mill 1.). S. Zacharias, services Joseph Henry, wall and pave• ment at Court Houso Joseph Henry, prison yard pave. ing, water and gas pipes 2,658 71 Joseph Henry, • building Rio lo . tans Joseph Hoary, , extension at Vagrant Idonsec Joseph Henry„raising . °Waldo wall at prison 1 9,886 00 Joseph iloni y, of Aboard, tables, shoe benches A, . ' , 2,182 40 Joseph Henry', 'epairs at Ohl prison, 1,59 15 D. H. Boidaman, chairs for Court Houso 42 00 G. W. Brockman and J. Faber, Jury (ommissiOne rs 320 09 I). Frey, repairing Althouse's bridge Tobias Dario, paper John Flickinger, putting coal in - Court lions° - S. lister, painting sign for Ham burg( bridge., Win. l ' S. Young, Coin. viewing bridges Ste, lionjamin Levan, Corn. viewing bridges .Ite, Jacob Shartie, Corn, viewing bridges lte. J, Young A Son, coal for court bouao J. 11. Spati, herso hire for Coin. Amos GroonWaltl, ropai ring bridge in Albany township Albert Knabb, ice to court house , C. S. Ritter, liooo hire for Com, • b F. D r iu dnlageP, labor at I' ollll street , , J. F. Howell, city directory ' John Flickinger, filling up at, court house C. Flee:1,1)11431k book forOrphanel Court office • , Thomas Hoch, running Black Marla. Philadelphia, and Reading freight Albert, Roland, , Working at pria. On water works W. F. Murphy A Son, blanks for Recorder's offico Jacob Finkbone, fox scalps Illias Dienenhach, making and ;putting sign boards at bridges J. 11, Weastor steel wills , Charles IL Fritz, stamps Strleklapd A Jiro., stationary J. K. Snoll, repairing heater at court house Simon DrelbelblesAKut z s repair. Jug bridges J. Schwartz, Wcutzel sad oth ers, fox scalps 51: A. E. Znehman, scrubbing Ac., court house )7:Zimmerman, charcoal Henry Holder, bleak- hook anti recording Treasurer's bond Lewis Noudorfery repairs at court lions° E. Seidl, laying water pipe at 1)118011 and court houso Joseph 'Ritter, i taking Shutter ehd Heifor to house of refuge - 'Jesopit Onnsot', bringing con • viots from Philadelphia J. L. Bth:rier, hardware Ac. Win. Briber, p. lit, hos hire and stamps ,: Deficiency 14 State tax lack) Inn) 10 M 78 00 10 (0 10 00 10 00 500 500 5W 500 500 10 (13 - :),) 00 • 10 00' 3 `2O , 14 00 10 01 . 4 10 00 lit3Do 51 55 - 73 52 57 245 13 19 53 ' 4',117 60 77 • 21 69 151 81 13 21 591 23 27 09 99 73 38 90 twi 16 10 172 30 21 24 2,190 8(3 765 00 400 00 25 00 300 CO 00 00 223 00 2,5/ 00 170 00 18 23 IGO 5) 181 05 187 '25 12 00 6,10 83 212M1 1,308 02 1,117 17 4568} 2,238 13 20 48 224 8 34 25 t ; 99 7,218 23 141 00 110 05 7 00 20 00 201 42 EOM • 691130 17, 50 3200 83 29 729 99 279 60 22 CO d 1 0,2 GU 83 5 37 MEI 8,761 19 78 91 107 47 33 (3 218 41 70 S4l 880 ;43 (3 00 410)75 880 Cl 63 03 90 01. 480 15 lit it 48 70 820 39 51 06 ]3143 100 00 370 39 99 03 b1:1 D 3 7 80 355 12 312 83 31 37 179 44 $9 la 249 07 313 11 809 01 623 08 110 00 16 95 139 00 105 39 MEN 10 8) 15 03 45') 0 SO 23 42 17 82 Miscellaneous expenses TrearttrWil einnmiBsionot. Bonds exelninged,4lo,9Jo at rpor cent. 169 00 All the moneyS paid out, 192,288 88 at 14 per omit. t 83 All the money received, +271,771r 4Q at IA por cont.! Total - 1,853 77 • ----- 2,480 20 Balance in the hands of the Trehsurer 77,018 :12 9 50 45 00 170 00 ----- Prisßnpxpewsen of Expenses. 0,125 Principal loans paid 33,19 s 10 Interest on loans paid 13,397 90 Printing orders L 1,134 95 Constables' returns _ 490 71 Election returnti' . l i 3,13 t 00 Coroner's inquests 1 2111 03 Triennial assessment 1,95,1 70 Assessing and returning lists of 1 votables• 1 660 50 Constables' orders in Common- , wealth cases. 104 27 Road damages '2.14 tliil Tipstaves at special court lid 00. C. , urt expenges •• , • o„rt co, Toll bridgos 1,4 , 8 '.....) County MileorS :1,5 5 83 Prosecitition and Witness fees 803 79 Mayor's. Aldermen's and Jnatt es& orders • 820 55 Refunding orders 501 10 Pbor House ordera, 33,659 96 ' Miscellaneous 6d. 4i Treasurer's comntissidti 2, 489 211 Balance in tho hands of Treas. 77,018 32 Total 4 274 .,774 43 Tot he 110norablo the Judges of MO COurf. of COmmon Pleas of Decks County ; The Auditors • respectfully - report Ithat they have carefully [(milted and settled to. accounts of Chalet( ll. itriz, 'Esq., Troasurtir of Berko county, front tho first day of January. 1868, to tbe thirty-first day of December, 1668, (both days inolusive), and dud a balance in t.lio hautly of the Treasurer of seventy-seven thousand and eighteen dollars and thirty-tvpaceuts, 477,01831). Witness our bands at f;eaillitg this 3001 day of January, A. D., IEr,S. 'ANDREW KURR, JAMES 11E414 Audit x4l I'. 8. 4 LIIRKiIIt • ... 2 b() 21 b 7 30 00 43 00 11 23 53 00 1190.2 0 03 128 12 49 00 194 91 I'2 10 13 43 '2ll 9O 78 00 21 00 27 01 7 1 6 6 6g 0 501 qo 24 it 129 26 QM BO Z 0 4600 AA taunt the V TOWNSIA Albany, A !save, Aux ity, • Born, Dorn, Dppo Babel, ' • liNelznoek, Mins' ltuj'urtow•t, thcrintryon CCntru, Colcbrooktl District, Douglass, Earl, E !cc t r, (Leen w ihmlut vg, Heidelberg, iloroloyd, ffE Jolter:Am, IC 4tOw Lonasn•anip itideiteree Ma xidawny Artililen bow - I unt~i lou nee, Pen Pik - • Richmond, Rolmion, Rockland, RE LIM 81 lb 11114`09liana Spring', . Tu 1 p oh ocetn Tulindloccoi; Union, IVash inp,t on Windsor, IVoineistiorf , IRRAniNo: First, Ward, r3evond Warti Third 'Ward Fourth' Wan Fifth AVard, Sixth Want, Svvont h %Val Eighth Wan Ninth Ward SW. I z 42 00 Vi 30 00 000 Mil UM re , TAstiN Fmiti:Nlll' Charier; Wen Jacob S. till I,NB 83 62 60 tatty, 1.4.'4 J. W. Ruud, • }Was Diction, Dantol Golly Harrison 01 J. F. Mohr, I Atllo3 Schole. leo, mlllOOll Jeatto IM MO Fllho Bonbon M. U ICu ' J. G. Lan . Lower, I&;7 John Saul, 111 David Bier; Ella* U. Stu A1..1. &Muni Levi Yonsel, Edward Sell coot! Ward, Jacob Sinlth Ward, 1867 Jacob Stu lilt Want, 1867 15 00 10 05 . 3 CO EEI 3 37 3 00 11 75 ,RJ 23 8:3 31 711 14 00 6 54 8 53 12 18 8 00 3 75 3 t) Whole ROM WO the nod tify that the haeht of the o' of January' IGO 00 2W 6a 2 00 Whole Ain't ai 11011 C C 2 ( 1 0 30 Oki. We the ttn( tify that the • whole. (104 0 Deteentivr, A arid the balm ba daduotaa, as WO o011(1 a• 81*(y•otto t ($61,,200),1 79991 1,981 37 1,290 21 fob 20 1 ,Itw 110' 07'I 'would hi II Mali° has 111, near Penn, w kinds of collo and all kinds notice, lie• al tore in aettlin 93 243 1 75 8 90 700 01'f EA) 15 (31 00 5'7 el; 119 50 51,0 tt.Cluirgos A. S. 10 01 11 60 71 59 4 $0 2 40 aug 8 piuisrrs, ! orill Puro Whitt) Letut Pure White L , Mass, sizes' 'Oil, Putty, Pit lall goods War BO 17 CO Gil 00 pet 31-tt 3 33 6 00 ExcriLsw GC 15 1125 10 00 1 F) 6 42 2403 .130 A, to ammun vicinity, that assortment of al GO I I 873 60 61 73 I 22 1 25 17 00 LADIES' AN SHOES of all e which they wil They invite all porehaelog elsi They have al styles HATS a -. 25 85 730 132 01 Ara'All kiwis In Ma you bos 31 CO n o patronag 'lofted. 110 15 12 70 8 25 781 68 30,404 43 :own'a Bronchial Troches, ilaving a direct influence to Rio ,) rts, give Immediate relief. .sa• Wench' is, Asthma, Catarrh, Cott Sitintpti o and Tiartust diseases. MAIMS ARE TM ED Wall AI.WAYB GOOD SUCCES9. RINGERS ,ANIt PUBLIC SPEAKERS a will find Trochee usetulln clearing t h voice who 3 f taken before Hit Mg O M r Spealtg n a il rel:er the throat after tit untiamil exertion i of the vocal (Alvin's. The .45. chcs are recommended and pro. scribed by phyal lams, anti have hail ton nne nlai9 from emluent m a throughout the country. B P : big an article of trno merit, nail having proves their efficacy by 4 teat of many years, each year Mule them In new localities In various parts of , / ti Me world, and he. Troo/ito are universally Pic' nouneed better halt any o t her... alticica' °nTmr( nIY l ' Bunwtog DilolielllAL TROCIIEB, " ant- I r i g b ob take 1 tiny of the worghlets imitalfoni llmt may be oaereil. Sold everywhere. - • Jan 3A-#m . —-- 4 i --------- NEW ?PIE under& 81`01tE \ and and Franklin s of publics patro ply of all kind • iko., at reasons filled, and oilo Jalig(3l-110d scor,r r 8110P.64N0r kinds or maohi work hy •• orl by the befit 1). a (Wed, on rem° crotloo34kl T.Azilorientictl putt Paii111311; I • ftr, Amount p u. ue .jft bg nary 1 *I I * !so% , I=lE2 , J. • " • 2 0 . • '4l :.11 El • ° Ei • • 1 sis 9 v00.1'21. 14416, 111 i 910 71% I \ll, 52;4i 3100 (x+' ( 5107 95,. 3.51.1ki Oks> Itl,l 1 1 / 41 41W 3j I ti I\ll r , 27•2'1.775 Qt, 21'17 Itlill,lt ! 1318 , 311 6.1(1 ;V' 5259 125 7k ; 1029 1 s tko %Al i t b, t o t til, S i 11•2..,14, k. . 4157 MI 4012 ' 131 15).‘ . NI! 2209 t',6• .1011.5 Q , tl 551;577! 410,1925, 154; 5.. 145:163 1 119k1 • 4478 711 2090 Ot , , 17571, 1771 011 14W mi f;:, s oss :\ II 2252 I I 34:`5 :41 4313G'_'1; 'l6OO a;;;.ti t: " 17.:3 0!* 1148.4+ 1 0 Cit j 1.p 1 4 ,`v 4373 7 0 ; , 1 6 75 7'.'l 1 .\ 1 ‘171. 7311:6 357'2 00i 3‘.)\'i 1700 oe; 1:17/ 30t1',.1 251 !111 2 ,117! it‘ 273$ 111 2.100 cv I • 770 1913 911 45009! 116.1611 4953113; 7 1 37 COI 10:t; `' 5197 SI!. 35111-14! 18.„ \ 693 571 3919 04 1 1 3117 V 8149 15 1 3452 71 406 T 033 49( 518.4 5; 1:01 193311 5111 ' 13'.1;41 1059 21 4514 tl. 0 - r z 219 40.201';5. 31 . 33101' Fs7 431;9 rv)i 1797 311 2579'2N 161179 1514 . 42: 65 &i 1151529 4572 571 190 111 496141 21:44 45i 2:72 11 . 11 2746 0.2 1207 21 15W R2l 10043 57 328 7: 4 ' Zl,s 73707: 1 ; 4210 47 3139 3: 1 '273007 1:07 25! 13:,2 -370564 isil 6 /312 3)47 741 711 C.: 12Sii 61, 2:ltn uo. s,lthq c,l 27U);)1: 2175 011 . 565 1560 WI 13C0 am :4, 3511 37 4512 4141 $4 5617 lA'S 3503 07 7l (4• 1 17 0 1 3171 41 32,10 21 220,00 34) xrts Fon Dii. 'strict, 135 tiberger, limit . 8:30 20 'fur lc», inis 461 71 lia);)11, Bethel ) 18k1 258 CO '; District, Ibo 6 28 Si ,uiritlor,MariOn,lB9o 1,109 42 °boson, 191111 3 63 ill, ltusennibiunnor At laid in full 114 113 A11)11113%1897, 1,020 91 t, lioritvillo, 1807 189 31 )11i , grofc, Earl, lti97 928 19 sor, Hamburg, 1897 A 5; 71 i ' bort, lloitiolburg I,M 01 titionCrook, 1897 374 GS 4in lolutilioU, ifo7 158 9% I, Ittiseuniliniatior, 1192 07 Wilitisur, 18.7 718 ))7 1Voniols(lorl, 191)7 00 99 nook, licatlitf u So. , 181;7 - ' 200.00 , flooding ,Biglitli 763 Oci Reading, Ninth • 1,020 :P2 I f outstanding taxes #12,077 01 ersigned Auditors, do hereby cer t bore account is n correct elate. tstanding Ittiteb, up to the ht thy I • J)., 1809. , DdlinV KURR, JAMES BELL, Aulltora, 1 1 . S. ALBRIGHT, If Loans Or 0111 debts _ . . sl37f. of tild be 119001'lltIllell ersigned Auditors, (10 hereby N I hove is a correct atateinont of the ilorks county, on the 80th day of D. 11;8. It the outstanding tai 'Co iiWise hands of the Treagartr i ho t al county debt will, as .near t ) ...certain t h e 8111110, ftnlol.lll to about ouaand :two hundred dollar, ANDICE lit KURR, , JAM I;18 BELL, A0(11tota • 'l'. 8. ALB UILIGT, I 11. - T1,,1E SUBSCILIBER 'Orin his old Mende and customers Mlle° at N 0.21 Mouth Sixth tilted, sere lie 18 prepared to attend to 01 lions from one dollar to osand!, I ceonveyanelng done at the shorted lo acts as Counsel for Atlmintslte.. T tip Estates on reasonable tours. ATTIII AS AlIgN 0 I(,' 1,, Alderman and Attorney a t-I.Tiw. i" --- --- - -j------ Y H °TEL, SIXTH !TWEET, 'Wear Penn,) READING, PA. odero.te. STEIII,Y, Promlotor. IL AND (ALM:3, --VIETH. vhi to 1,e11(1, Vostia ., B biborty, , um White Load, roll ad, Red Seal Pr6nell Zinc, Fiench Amprlcait Masa, all SUCH, ',limed For sale ohcap, end tnted as sold, by • MuUQW Ali it MILTIMOIIE, 612 Pena street: BOOT AND SHOE STORE No. t 9 Penn Street, lteadinv, Pa., (Next door' HAM o Lerch'et Hardware Store.) ICjK & DRAKE, o to tho oitizans of Reading and ley have now in Stem, a very tine MEIVB Ali BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES, A Ls°, ) CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND 08, and of very napalm. , slake, sell at the lowest en:sll prim. to call and see their stock before where. oa lin; asportment of the wog/ 1(1 CAPS, at low figures. t r f customer wale manufactured atylo, at short maim, I , i of the pubic is respect:l ll Y o• 1 Jan'll-ly' I Cough, Cold, or cord Theoat, ..qIJ/Itrdi I M M I E DIATK A TEETIOK INII) 811OULD /II: CHECKED ' IY AI., LOWED TO CONTIN f ) Motion of the Ming I 1 Per" anent Throat Afferttoo, or Incurable .Lung DINCENE 14 TEAT MARKET. ned having °pencil a new 741Y,AT r kibrarY Ala% corner of fifth recta, ry.epOostolly solicit ashore W 3 . nrwaya on hand a full flIP• of Aleut. Santiago, SeruPPlei ac. , I') Woes. MI order» promptly ,era served at their houses. ItAUDENBUSIi M CONRAD. t 7 DI~X AND 41, iiighth street, Reading. All , tety en(l other castngs. Mahlon I _aped machinists. ration wor k 6tfoxl4 Makers. Orders prowpt ll gde terms. f.B.If.YrXIST DUMAN ITS it 00. Jime l ;It% OE llql ' %.,, (1) TWA 1744 ;10 11;00 127.121 '1614 81, 16931,7. VIG7 It XsYll 3:i4;7 '2l 2062 55 (k 1411 Oo 1232 Sr 4015 21 3171 41 1,141 CS LEM `ON -----, MIN 14 53,6 ' 1 '.'s aIN rue . lIIISULT.