Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 26, 1869, Image 3

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    I)AiLy EAGLE,.
It EA 1)IN G.. 1?..1 .
FEloo,',Utr '2O, /80
B.S 2" EDirrox— 1•1 P. AL
. _ _
N,evriot's intended for publiczo•
ow In the )d:io tit must be accompanied by
i,usponsi iic usual, as a guarantee of ein.
( "Ryon the part of the writcti The name
CH not be published unless BO tll3lrel by
the cot respondent.
Correspondents 6110111 d make their cent
irt and to the point. our
goro li WO limited for very loop; articles.
mite only on one, sttk of the paper, and
a s plainly as possible, without flourishes.
brnocnionas who fail to receivo the
r rgalitt ly, uIII roofer a favor by
av i n g wake at this ollice, whet . ° all coin•
piatntit of irregularity or lateneis of de•
l iv ery will in; promptly attended to,
Aura:7l9Eß; 3111 rellllClited to hand 111
their tulyortltirlitCllt9 14,9 011.11 y ill tit° day 119
Possible, nii Our rapidly increasing oircula.
non compels us to go to press 010 a 2p. in,
,--.. .
I:ixcitox.—Tho stockho dorsi of Au
-10,1,111mt Cemetery, hold an oloiltion on
Monday night, and elected tho following
men as trosteem for the yonr 1869 :
nstilol llorkert, Danlol Smith, Daniel
Lolobachl Daniel Ertnold and L. L.
1'1;0;4111.y Sof,o.—The farm of Georg°
Whinier, dee,l, in Oloy township, wits
said on Wednesday last, by Jacob If
A Uctioneer, at the averago rato of $2OO
l yre. Tito farm was sold in titre°
inlets—tho first, tho old homestead, of 70
arres,witli latildings,to Ammon Rhoads ;
the , e( onti, of 5 ney(ig, With buildings, to
hold Ifcrtioin ; and tho .third,• - of
neres, without buildings, to tiatnuol and
ticerge IC. Whitnor.
0 -
practice In vogue nt markets which de
mands speedy correction. Many per
sons before purchasing butter ard fro
(wetly seen drawing their fingers
through It. This outrage upon °lomat
nuhs has been tolerated for so many
years that it is becoming public nuts
auce, complaint is made by
those who do not indulge in the habit.
Alaritet pee; to owe it to thomsolves and
the community to put an effectual stop
to it. They should not allow any ono to
thrust his or her fingers into their butter.
a _
of Pythias aro increasing apaco. 'ahoy
sprung up like a mushroom, and prom
ise to endure like a thlstlo. In this Mato,
at the eloso of 1867, there Wore thirty
ono lodges; at the close of MS the
lodges numbered ono hundred and nino
tem far in the present year
cloven lodges have been institntod f and ,
cloven still await institution. Very few
of those already instituted have a less
nuinbor of members than two hundred,
and a largo majority nave over four hun-.
drod membors. A change in the initia
tory ceremony has recently boon made.
In the course of the ritual the .under- -
Airt of the ecocide(' candidate is remov
ed. While standing on his head his
ribs aro painted alternately in red, white
and blue.
Tni: Odd Fellows of this city aro mak.
lag great preparations tbr the grand pa
ratio of the order to conic off at Philadel•
phla in April. Reading will be repro
rented over a thousand strong; and there
will not be a finer body of mon In the
whole lino than the Reading delegation.
tiVspn.Nimn.—The nail worlts of Soy.
fort, IdoManua Co., have Hpeudod
oporations to make repairs and Improve
Tun coal business on the several
roads Is vory dull at the prosont time,
and but a very limited amount is being
transported. 'rho shipping ports aro all
tbxted up, and the market appears to
In thoroughly glutted.
~-.-..,11, -
CA,unvuLLY (rumling a munber Of
peach trees yesterday, we found the buds
moiling. Dissection showed plainly
that the sap had risen In thorn. A heavy
hest now would probably shelve the en
tire family of preserving kettles for the
whole of the season; It generally hap
pens that when fruit is cheap sugar is
dear. The vice versa of the case is
equally frequent. That both will bring
very high prices during the atuntneris
to ha apprehended.
ON Tux I scitmAsm.--Tho Order of the
United A merican Mechanics is increasing ,
guile rapidly in Pennsylvania. Eleven
new Councils tint) been instituted in
howaster 'county alone during the past
year. The State Councillor, George W.
Jenkins, has appointed J. K. Snyder, of
No. 8, Deptity for that county. The next
14‘4410n of the State Connull, Unioni, will
on the Nth of "A prilott Harris
berg. The State Council of the Senior
Order will moot on the stone day at the
weer place. TheyAxpect to occupy the
senate chamber.
l'aoseue - r.—i'rhe Schuylkill Ca
nat.lins 1,-on.filled with water and navi•
ottott vitt eotmitOnco on Mnrch let, but
N% the coal business remains dull
!berth not 'ouch prospect of activity.
Ism:m . l.l3ENTs.—A bout ono-half mile
north of our beautiful city there Is spring
ing up quite a little town, laid out by
Messrs. Wm. Umbenhauervutl Jno. Fry.
mire. 4heir plan numbers 116 lots of
convenient dimensions, besides a largo
hotel silo. They have already sold 40
of these lots to the following persons : .
PI to John Fisher, for $l2OO
" Daniel McKently, for 150
2" J. P. Kerlin°, 11 150
2 "William liimmelreich, for 150
3 " Francis H. Mee, 41 225
o Joseph IdelCentlY, 150
I " William Melt:eddy, " , 150
2 Cyrus Wortz, 11 150
" Homy Miller, $OO
" William Bixenstino, " 350
" Albert IL veeda, 41 150
baniol Gronits, /I 300
" Lori IC. Rothenherger, " 150
1 " Lewis Schmehl, .46 150
" Peter K. Rothenborgor, " 575
2 " Lowman Brockway, " • 300
3 " Jamb Itothenberger, 450
1 " Joseph 11. Scott, 11 200
Pollen APPAIIIS.- 44 W he stole) tho
1(5113 ?" Frederick Schmidt did ,at least
the two in his possession wore identified
belonging to Mr. Abredtani Shoup, of
Spring township. Tiro same gentleman
Ws had nix hams and four shoulders
stolen, only two of which have been re•
gained, and these the' two found in tho
pf+szession of Mr. Froderiok Schmidt.
tredoriok was remanded to prison for
trial At the next Quarter Sessions:
Philip Nelson (a colored boy) was ar
rested by officer Clay for using indecont
langarigelo n littlo girl: For being such
& naughty hey, Philip was lined $1.25,
,and ho Was required to promise to lot
3 1 10 girl alone in the future.
' GeorgelloYer was drunk,at the corner
of Sixth' anti Penn streets. Ho was art
:listed by officer Kemp. The Mayor
tined him $1.25; and, made him also
promise to leave town Instanter. To all
of Which (Norge most heartily agreed.
Elias gchaeffer was gloriously drunk
mniewhero up town, and was taken to
t 0 Station House by officer Haggerty.
ko n good many other people at the
present time, Elias's financial condition,
like himself, was exceedingly and
be %ie sent behind the bare, '
11. C. Z.—Accept our ti,anks. We %%111
be happy to !►ear from - you often. •
• f t
Flan MAI Ti111:5.--Tho ,.
"Liberty" wiii
Who about ono hundred equipped mon
to Trenton, 'on tho occasion of their visit
to that city.• • .....
The Washington Hone Company will
take about thirty equipped men to tho
Inauguration. 1 _ •
A ItuAniNo 0n0n144- T Wo clip the fol
lowing from, the Philadelphia Bnllelin
of last eyening Mr. Bohler's organs are
attaining a wide•sproad celebrity ;
• Tho now ()Nun built by Mr. Samuol
Bolder, of Reading, Pa., for the Fifth
Street Methodist Episcopal Church, con
tains two ranks of keys (for the man
uals,) compass, 0 C to 0 in alto, or 56
notes. Pedals C C (I,to F-, 18 notes 'k 32
; stops, including coupling; register, t.e.
Tho design of the case is neat end im
posing, and an ornament to the church
hi Which it is placed. The organ will bo
opened on next WednoSday evening _by
a concert, which will consist of overtures,
&e., On the organ, by 11t (I.• Thunder,
and solos, trios, quartettes, &a., in,which
Miss Caroline McCalfroy, Mrs. Jas. Sim
mons, Mis.i llettio,'Aloxandor, MiB9
r. Briscoe, 0. W. Miller, \V. ' Foley, Dr.
IlliOnias and others will take part.
- -
lI~Mno 80.—Tho birthday of Washing
ton was duly observed by tho peoplo of
Ifitinburg in a quiot, orderly way. There
was no ringing of bolls nor firing of can
non, nor any groat oxcitoment among the
people. Business was generally stts
pqmloil, and during tho day tho citizens
waro entertained by the hamburg Cor
not Band, who discoursed patriotic airs
from their headquarters at Popp's Hall,
and at the principal hotels. In the eve
ning tho Junior Sons of America marched
in a „body to St. John's church, where
interestinsc addresses wore delivored by
members of the organization and others.
Tho choir of the church was in attend
ance, and rondorod patriotic music. Tho
church was &likely packed, and all
seemed pleased with the evening'a enter
tainment, Tho4unior Sono or America
is an organization of which the citizens
of that borough can jtistly be proud,
composed of the young men Of that town
and vicinity who cultivate a love for our
country anti strive to perpetuate the
principlos of • Domocratlc institutions,
as taught by such men as the Fatten of
our Country.
Rev. lsott, son of Dr. 'Mott, of
Hamburg, now pastor of a Methodist
church at Montgennery Square, was the
recipient, as New Year's gift, of a purse
well filled with greenbacks, from his
congregation, and mot satisfied with thus
testing their love Ibr a minister, thoy are
looking to an enlargement of his church..
A correspondent of the Christian Ad
vocate, In regard to the M. R:Churcli of
Hamburg, says: "This,station, in charge
of Rev. S. Cl. Grove, about 18 miles north
of the city of Reading, is It mission of
mercy, an oasis in the spiritual desert.—
Methodism is necessarily of slow growth,
. the wind of bitter prajudico and
the waves of ecclesiastical opposition
constantly against her. Any progress in
such a region must ho regarded as great
progremerelatively. —•
“Wo aro glad to be able to record, to
the praise of Divine grace, that oven
Dion the work Is progressing. During a
protracted meeting Just closed, in which
the Pastor was nearly wholly unaided,
nineteen persons presented themselves
for prayer at the altar, fifteen of whom
ilrofesscd conversion, and tWolvo of.them
united with the church on probation.
Ali of these persons were of adult
and several of thorn men. Previous to
this - addition the church comprised only
thirty.two mombers, so that the increase ,
Is about thirty-tlvo per cont.'
"Tho signs aro favorable for bright Limas
In tiro not distant future. Tho congroga-
Bons fill tho church, and the Sunday
school is In a most prosperous condition.
Thom aro usually about one hundred and
fifty children in attendance.
"The membership arc dev9ted, etif,nest,
thithful workers for Jesuspalmost with
out,an exception.
..4The missionary money appropriated
in sustaining the Uospol in such places Is
well spent, and will yield a rich return
if s s regards financial as well as spiritual
1,(!tllts. The Pastor Is beloved by all his
flock, and highly esteemed by the whole
community, however greatly they may
be opposed to Methodism,"
LETTER LasT.--The following list of
letters remain in the Post 011 ice, for tiro
wee': ending Fob. 2(ith. Persons ap
plying for any of those letters will please
mention that they aro advertised in the
Miss E. 11. Milieus°, Harriet Barlot,
Miss Jennie Boyer, /Miss Mary Burr,
MKS Marin Clouser; Elizabeth Clark,(2)
MN. Elvira J. Dorwart, Barbara Frank,
Miss Lbuisa Fisher, Elizabeth firing,
Barbara Hinnershitz, Annie Hamer,
Miss Annie M. Hyman, Miss C. Hollen
bach, Sarah llartman Sarah lines,
Miss A ipclia Jackson, Sal ah L. Jones,
Miss Emma Kline, Mrs. Santo Korn,
Miss Catherine Matz, Miss Harriet
Manses, Mrs. J. 11. 'Divers; Laura F.
McHaddon, ;Mrs. Sarah Miller, Miss
'Catherine Itedcay, Mrs. Itoley, Miss
AgneS Steininetz,Magdalona Richards,
Miss A nianda Steward, Mary A. Stevens,
Miss Alice Snyder, Mrs, Lena Solihll°,
Mrs. M. A. Shubert, Sarah Scott, Miss
Susan Shinier, Mrs. Honors Sheehan,
Sarah Ulrich, (2), Mrs. Millie Vendor
enter, Miss Etnina Wentzol, Mrs. Mary
Warner, Mrs. Rebecca Wise, Miss Anna
Mr. Amass, John Becker, Isaac Bar
ton, Samuel Bernhart, Charles Bartel,
Win. Becker; Win. E. Brown (2),
Chapman, 8: W. Charles, Frank irk,
John Diener, Alfred Eyrie!), A. P. Ey
rich, 11. B. Fisher, Jamos Fox, Felix
Oran], Thomas Geiger, John Hatter, Ezra
IL High, Nathan Hank, Essington Ham
mond, Unrritkon Ilinnorshitz, IL S. Her
bine John Huber, J. H. Houck, N. C.
lienitiger, Peter Minitel, S. W. Ilium,
John Hinkle.. William Herbst, Francis
Jones, Sylvester Jones, Henry Jackson,
Bomtovi'llo Klelllollloy, A. C. Kissinger,
Eli Koch, Adolph Kroskup, Kensington
ttt Co., Franklin Kalbach, Henry D.
Kondall, Michael Kauffman, F. B. toed,
John Locks, William D. Loinbach, Chits.
W. Messner, Charles C. Miller, Christian
Mah; Harris Montgomery, John Moyer,
,Joseph Moore, Adam Nicholas, John B.
Piper, Oscar Pahnor, Charles \ Relgort,
Aug. Y. llohrbnclt, bloorge W. Robinson,
Georg() C. Richard, John F. Rhoads,
Joseph Randenbush, Mr. Rowland, Z.
Rosenthal, Charles Stith h Jno. M. Stout,
J. Solomon it -Co., Jacob Smith, John
Stutzumn, Oliver Shearer, Oliver Solder,
Thomas Seibert, S. R. Seyfort, Henry
Schock, John Smith, William Schooner,
John Sharadin, Tate Bros., John Welger,
Thomas Wells, Peter 'Zacharias.
N. B.—Tho porson *bo mailed a letter
addreseed lion. M. C.-Hamilton• or Gen.
E. J. Davis, of Texas, In care of lion.
Sobuylar Colfax, Washington, P. C.;wil •
please call at the pestoffleo and got,it, as
neither of the parties. addiessed are. in
Washington, D. O. U •
FOUND.---A Lady's 't ictorine was
found by Officer Lawrence, and is 'now .
at tho 'Mayor's Office. The person to
whom It belongs can havo
,It by palling
ACOLDEICT.—Last evening, while
residing hi Maple alloy, was pro•
paring kindling wood; a place flow i n his
face and out a deep gash over his right
eve. Had it struck but an eighth of an
filch lower down, It might have ruined
his eye.
FOOT BMINED.-- 4 •A boy maned George
Selmsnk, residing in Minor street', and
employed at the tilled. mills of Seyfort,
McManus ct co., had, his foot severely
burned yesterday by 'atepplag on a hot
2 1-111 1 CLOCli P. M.
_.. __
A gtment Ttlit.NOUT attracted much. ats
tontion in Penn . street yesterday; atter
awn). Wwas somewhat like aLdray,
with a lover for locking the two ‘yhool
passing through tho bottoua, so as' to be
easily reached by the driVor. There
wore no aidoboardS, seats, or any other
protection against tumbling oil the frail
concern.' rho vehicle, and moat of the
harness of the powerful horso which, were of albrilliant red, remind
ing Ono of a stray comet of improved
This cart, or dray, is used for
breaking horses; but from its exceed
ingly fragilo uppearatito it - seemed to
us that the bro Liking would be on tho
auto of the which) if some •horses we
know of worn attached to it. W'o mako
this explanation for tho puiposo of (itt
deceiving those Radicals who grow on•
thushuitic over the idea tinit,it was 11
triumphal car, to be used by General
Grant ou the 4th of March.
„ -
A GRAND .I, , , TERTAINMEN:I` Was given
last . .eveningAbi the Athenai Society of
Pennsylvania Petnalo College,at College.
.Montgotuory county. Tho pro
gramme included music, charades, tab
leaux, recitations, etc., allot which wore
well rendered , and gave the highest satis
factioh to all who) were present. The
College is In a prosperous condition, and
under the excellent management of the
Prineipal, Mr. .T. P. Sherman, and his
accomplished wife, it Is daily becomingl
-more popular as an educational institu
tion for young ladies.
MouNT prOud eminence
is slowly but perceptibly decreasing in
height. The removal of building stone
from bobb sides of the summit had loft
the milt but about ten feet wide, and
from twenty to : Ilfty feet above the nu;
morons open qUarrles along its sides;
but, a visit to the top of the mountain yes
lerday, ahoiKed us that an, the great
destroyori Mad Invadod 'the crest also,
which has in several plates lost its rugged
outline, and become round_ and smooth,
with a reduction in height of mine ton
feet. The building stone from Mtiyeim
appear to lie of excellent quality, and
many of. them need no shaping, being us
smooth and square as though prepared
by the hand of a mason. Should the
present rate of improvement in our city
continuo, which we believe will be the
case, in, It' few years-Mount Penn will
boc43mo a smooth and rounded hill, un,
recognizable by those•who have not seen
it for some years past.
Tho beautiful chestnut groves on the
eastern side of the mountain tiro fast
botbro the caxo. - Their 4omoval, In
.our humble opinion, sadly mars the
beauty of the scenery; but in those pro
gressive days (ho ornamontal is almost
always sacrificed to tho useful. Still, wo
regret to witness the destruction of forest
trees, hind sympathize with the fabled
wood nymphs who floe from tho soand
of the WOOdtUatl i ti a e.•
Descending the eastern lido of the
mountain, we found..that the thousands
Of 'pretty and symmetrical young cedars
in the lend on the eastern slope had boon
recently trimmed, and the removed
branches had boon 'burned in heaps.
This necessary work, though somewhat
detracting from the rugged beauty of the
landscape, is still a great improvement,
and tho neatly trimmed young trees, in
their dress of "eternal green," aro a
beautiful sight, and well worthy of a
Plunging on, downward - through the
thick pino grove /it'll further down, wo
found, almost hid from view honpath its
gloomy shadow, piles of wood, newly
cut,, and, wo felt a Pang of rdgrot that
entx this sylvan'solitudo was desecrated
by the vandal hand of maw , A moun
tain•sido,,clothod in its natural verdure
of forest and tinderbrush,Or,Meared and
cultivated, blooming with plontiful
crops, 19 always. 'fa thing of beauty;"
but with Its trees cut down, its rugged
cliffs torn away, and its bare, gray rooks
exposed, It conveys only , a souse of
dreariness and barrenness, painful to
Walking homeward past the ore mines
of Eckert & Co., we worn pleased to see
that this enterprising firm have erected
new buildings on the alto of those de
stroyed by tire a few mouths ago, and
the steady puff of the • engine told that
" treasures for the use of man wore•be
in delved out of the earth". as usual.
From tho summit of Mount Penn, tho
city of Reading and its surroundings ap
pear like a beautiful panoramas, which
the lover of the picturesque can gaze'
upon with never-tiring pleasure. It
has boon too often described to require
further our hands—sunleo It
to say that it is well worthy of a visit,
and many of our pale-faced citizens and
fragile-looking ladies would be benefit
ted in health by frequent, walks to tho
summit of Mount Puna, Ni7llllo the view
from its top would amply, compensate
them for the unaccustmOd length of the
walk, which, instead o 1 a taskovould
soon become a pleasure.
THE WEATHEIL-0110 of our editorial
colleagues has requested us to localizo
the weathot this morning. A pretty sub
ject, truly; to write upon. We never yet
.wrote an article on a particular state of
the weather ' that it wasn't in some other
Particular statoWhon said article appear
ed. Wonder what the man moans by
delegating this stale, unprofitable, unin
teresting, uninviting duty 'to us-4, Our
colleaguo, feels glad that the feathery va
pors aro descending' to day. Wo aro
.on bacholordom ourself, and
haven't the notions peculiar to a hand
some yming follow who is expecting a
Tionediet's life to ho his before many
snows havo covered the earth With their
pure and beautiful white.pantles. Our
colleague is a lady's man, and is fond of
n fast nag, a dapper little clipper, a
largo, handsome butialo robe well tuck 7
edin, and a pair of rosychooks, kissable
lips and roguish oyes tucked under. Wo
haven't any such notions, but our col
loague hag. No wonder, then, that. he
likes the kind of weather that is our own
and our rondos to-day, and who mom
appropriately should have localized it?
When the spring time comes, the-season
for the birds to chirp, frogs to croak; and
babbling brooks and rivulets to murmur
silently along their tortuous windings to
the groat river and mighty ocean, when
we can go out into the green fields and
breathe the fresh air of tho country, then,
perhaps, the spirit may - move us,,land
•our thoughts odorous with swoot-scontod
flowers and the now mown hay, will fly
on the wings of the EAGLE to our thou
sands of readers. Till, then,
s we hopo
our collcagno will ,b.e mum on weather
topics. ,
Our Shoeinsik ervillei:Let ter.
Elli Toll DAILY w oqLhor
hero is changeable .I,llie° the last f©w
windy days.
Sugar made an advance, of 3 centk per
pound, and calico 161..3,4 cents per yard.
Hard times !
Capt. Thomas MoYer, of Shoemaker
vile, was the matt that i took tho first
beat front Shoernakerville to Leesport, to
got it loaded with pig iron. •
. Mr.' fear's horse ran away with his
servant, at H. IC. Miller's store, In Shoe
niakervillo, and ran to lqcihrsvillo before
ho was stopped.. Nobody hurt..
The "Grand Exhibition'l which west()
come off sonic time in March, at Shoe.
makervillo, (Lower) wont en a visit to
Albany torecrult,lbst itself In the moun
tains, and has not yet returned, and I ani
afraid it is froson to death.
Onto burglars, as Is supposod, broke in
to,Beaver's store, at Kutztown, and stole
three ooats, knives, and othar property,
valued altogether at 00. They had not
been arrogted at last amounts. • '
SAD AiTAIR.—On Wednesday even.
tog Mr. Daniel Seiler. of Kutztown, wag
on a gunning excursion, and bad loaded
his gun with a bullet for (ho purposo of
shooting a wild goose on a pond near the
borough. lie tired, bUt the 111153041
the goose,and glancing otiktritok a young
son ot, Mr. Ell Lengel In the head.' Ho
was riding by on a mule ttt rho time.
lie fell off the zuttle„gnii when found was
dead. Our reporter will visit Kutztown
for the purpose of obtaining full particu
lars of the sad affair.
iSt ORE PllOl4l PTNI:SS.-W
ger, Attain §tutup and Franklin' Miner,
Collectors for Centre, North. Midst
berg and District,'havo paid in full HO'
taxes for their resective townships for
Let the good work go on.
Teachers' Inst Unto will hold its regular
monthly mooting, in the High School
Building, at i 7% o'clock , . Ups ovoning.
Tho.usual prOgramino of an addross,
stituto" paper, discussions and music
will ho carried out. Miss Bookie E. 801 l
has chargo of the paper. Tho tatbllc are
alWays welcome visitors to these happy
gatherings of our teachers.
W. Y. Lyon, Auctioneer, ROM 3S acres
of land situated On the west slope of
Mount Penn, adjoining property of
Mester Clymer and Isaac 'Eckert, for
a 5,000, to6shong, Morkle th CO.
Ilitkvrrms.--The tecturo , of Prof.
John' A. Stewart was woll'attended last
evoning.—Snow six inches deep at 11
o'clock A. M.-----Sloighlng has com
monced.—Volocipodes for funerals aro
a failure.----. The best business to look af
ter-your'i own ,—Blind Tom opens at
I larrisbuig to-morrow ur
goons and tailors are much interested in
the velocipede mania, It suits both.—
Great numbers or young mot' now-a
(lays are subject ,to "trance," the result of
too much spiritualism,' Alow years ago
thoy would lniV:o beciftiesoribed simply
SS tight."—LOtko - No. 425, A. Y. M.,.
,will bo constituted at high morldian on
tiro Ist of March l in this city. .
Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts, declines,
to be a candidate for Speakerlot the next
House of RepresMltatiyes l , and Mr.
Blaine, of Maine, will doubtless ?eceleci
ed td thatliosition.
The No* York House f Representa-
tives yesterday tabled n iesolution, ask
ing Congrims to repeal the Tenure of Of
flee net.
The Minnesota House has concurred
in the bill removing the capital of Min•
nesota. The Governor is expected' to
veto it.
_ The resignation of Gorertior Brown•
low was formally made before the Ton•
nessee Logislature yesterday. -
A Spanish war vessetis off Key West,
watching the Perttrion monitors.
Five or six persons drank poisoned
liquor at a ball, near Alton, a few
nights since, and two of them have Since
died. -
A Pittsburg despatch says filo men left
Morgantown ou Friday last in a sliff,.
and as they have not been Lewd of since,
and the skill has beets found floating up•
side down, it is thought' they have been
drowned. •
It has been found impo3sibla to secure
a jury for. the trial of 'Grant fey shoOting
Pollard,'in!Riehmond, Vn., and a• panel
has' been ordered:front Alexandria and
Norfolk. t
A fire in leletoland, Ohio, on Wednes
day night, , destroyed $lO,OOO worth of
property. • A fireman was mortally
Two fires in New Orleans, on Wednes
day night, destroyed $60,000 worth of
The °dice of the County Treasurer at
Minneapolis, Minn., was robbed of $l,-
600 on Tuesday night.
Five i men were arrested in Jersey City
yesterday for robbing a farmer of $l6OO
Counterfeit $5 greenbacks Aro largely
Circulating in New York.
The will of the late, Jonathan Burr, of
Chicago; leaves $300,000 to local ehari•
ties, and $55,000 to his relatives. '
A female suffrage convention is in ses•
lion at Milwaukee.
HAttaxgauttG s . Feb. 2:5.—1n - the Senate,
an unusually large number of petitions
were 'presented, among which wero a
number against the ratification of the
fifteenth ,article 'of the Constitution of
United States, among them ,one from
cp.izens of Berks county, by Mr. Davis.
The following, among other bills, were
reported ; .
_fir. Connell (Finance), as' committed,
hill No . . 628, to authorize the State Treas•
urer to ekehange registered,Aonds 'for
coupon bonds.
Al3o, joint resolution No,. oh, provid
ing for the pnyment of expenses incur
red in the contested election of, Thayer
vs. Greenbank.,
The resolution was read and•agreed to.
Mr. Olmsted, from.,the Cotnmitteii on
the Judiciary General,- reported as com
mitted, bill We. '032, entitled, a supple.
ment to an net to consolidate, reviso and
amend the laws of this Commonweidth
relating, to penal "pr:oeeedings and plead•
,• • -
The Speaker
.pres`ented :a letter from
the Attorney General, which was lend,
as follows, viz : •
risauttsßuP.43, lfebtuacy. 17, 1860.
To the honorable the Senate of the,Noin
monwealth of Tennoluania :
The Attorney General in reply to (he
resolution of your honorable body, of tbe
date of 27th January, 1869, iVould re.
eetfully beg leave to report That in
his opinion the act of February 25, 1866,
repealing all taxes on real estate for State
purposes, is constitutional.
. Attorney General.
Mr. Davie, from the Committee on Ju
diciary Local, repotted, as committed,
bill No. 643, an act regulating- the pay of
jurors in the counties of Berke .and Le:-
high. , •
Also as committed, bill No. 6441Yti act
to regulate tbe compensation of certain,
officers in the county oi'Berks,
Mr. Davis, fromilie Comrnitten'tO whom
.was committed the registry low, 1:411 No.
8)2, a ree.olutivit ,proposing au amend.
IFIUDAY, Feb. 20
meat to the Con;tittitiott of the Comta: - u•
weuitti. ' !
3. - itlson, of •Sullivan,:an act to
provide toititionai,revenne for State pur
poses, impoMiig a, tax on distilled spirits,
petroleum, anthracite coal and boom'
companies, !Ind providing for its eollee
The resolution to' , pay:Paniel
was determined in the negative—yeas 14
. --nays 10.
A supplement to an net to amend eer
lain defects of the law for the more jast
and safottransmission, and secure onjoy•
meat of real and personal estate, approved
April 29, 1835. Passed finally. •
An nit to prevent and punish the pqb•
lication of obscene advertisements, and
the sale of noxious medicines. Pas Sett
A further supplement to an net to reg
ulate arbitrations ' and proceedings in
courts of justice, approved Match 21,
1806, makingtwo vddiets and judgments
on tho sauce title final and .eonelusive.
Passed finally.
A further supplement to isi'act to 4inti-
Ide . joint tenants, in common and adjoin
ing owners of mineral lands, in this Com
monwealth, to manage and develop the
same, approved April 21, 18,14, and its
several supplements. Passed finally. •
An act for the more 'convenient die
patch of the public business in the courts
. this 4 COmmonwealth. Passed finally.
An' act to repeal• an act to repoal the
fourth section of an act relattve to stachi
of incorporated companies purchased by
the CoMmonwcalth, acid for other our
poses,,approved April 3, 1816, • Paged
A further supplement to -an act direct•
lug the entry' IN liens for the principal
and interest duo totho Commonwealth
fOr lands held by - virtue of location, or
other office titles, approved May 26, 1861,
Passed -finally;
A number of bills were read in ,
and referred.
I. the !louse., an net relating to inter
est, and allowing parties to contract for
the,payment thereof, wai amended and
inferred to General Judiciary CoMmittee.
Joint resolution instructing our Sena.
tors in Congress and requesting our
Representatives in that,' body to use all
honorable means to prevent_ the-incor
poration 'of railroad companies 'by tto
General Government, passed finally.
House bill to secure the people of this-
Commonwealth against fraud in the sale
of, • patent rights being before Alto „House
on second readhig, after numerous
emendments,-linssed finally.
• Mr. Wilson reported Senate bill No.
216, afflict relaling to 'tonnage tax on
coke aafl crushed rock sauna, as'follows,
viz:. 4 • •'
Be it enmetel, That rrow nod DIRT
the passage of this act the rate of ton
nage tax. to bo paid by railroad and othti
transportation companies, on coke nod
crushqd rock sand; shall not 'be greater
than the rate fixed by law upon the pro
duct of mines. •
House bill No. 187, an sici to regulate
forfeiture ofpolicies. of life insurance,
and for the protection of. women Fog
sessing the same was next in ("pier.
, Adjourned . • without definite
!Jail tol'inorrow morning at ten o'clock.
lloolt Iliotio es
Tun LADY'S FRIEND Von MA W 4. - 21116
March number of• this "(lumen of the
Monthlies," opens with n fine stet+ engrav
ing called 6 '6ln the Fire, ight"—where fire
side dreams are taking visible but ether
lel shapes. This Is followed ,by the usual
handsome Colored steel fashign plate; and
by an amusing engraving of " Half an
Hour too Early" (at the party). Then we
have the usual large 111111lber of engrav
lugs devoted to the fashions, needle work,
~As to the literary contents, " Roland
I'4srke," the deeply interesting nOvelet by
the famous author of " East. Lynne," 'tint(
the ifiquant and romantic story, "Between
Two," are continued. Autos s Ow other.
contents we note 6 ' ThaStory of Two Stllll
- by Nora Perry ; " Gracie with? tho
Golden flair," a Poem by Florence Percy;
" Bertha," by Amanda M. Douglas;
fashionable intelligence, .to. Pub.
lislied 4 by Deuced t: - Peterson, Ile Walnut -
Street, Philadelphia, at ?)(2,5 . ) a year (which
alto° includes a ,large steel' engrkving),
lour copies, t 43. Five copies (11.nd One
gratis), Vb . Tkc IErICIII.O,
"The Saturday Evening Post," (find 'outs
. "Barretrii Vegetable Hair Restorative"
toolc'flto First Premium over all competi
tors al, theliew Hampshire State Pali% It
stand it confessedly without a rival through:
out tliti country, atitl la driving all other
Preparations from tho inurket.—iiiilatTO
phta Public L&ger. ', • .* tub 2.14 u d
lIELDER.On t ie 23d bf nabruary, lstom
Ilelder, aged 39 .yearB, 3 moat ha and 13
Cho rolafivio and friends aro respqrst
fully Invited to.attond the funeral, on yo ;
day afternoon, at 2 &clock, from hl s tote'
rosiclance, No. ' south Seomul Stroot,'
without furtber notice. .fob 25-ltd"
FLEMINI?I.—in 61'8 city, on the atii
.Oscar Nlemiug, aged year,s,• t
months and 7.days.
The reintiVe.i3 and friend's of the family,
and the memhers of the Ringgold Band,
(B. Henry, lie,ader) bf which deceased Was
al:amber, are Invited to attend his fuller,
al, on Saturday, afternoon, at I o'clock,-
from his Into residence, No. 37 Reed Alloy.
SeiviceS at the house.. Interment at
Charles vans Cemetery. fe 25ltd•<
STAUFFEIt—On the 2.3 d bf Folirnary,
Willie, only son of Joseph P. and Sallie J:
Stauffer, aged 3 years c l months and 5 days.
The relatives and friends are respectful=
ly invited to attend . 'lliO funeral, on Satur
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock,-(rota the rest
qience of his grandfather,Asaph Shenfel
dor, without further notice, !fob. 21-3td*-
m . utstton,rs VAII:IISTI s N S.:.
Go teo thei SHADOW PANTOMIME. with
the shadow of HEFTER'S BARBER 8110 P.
All the coma any is the;eaßt. feb
aril lielsoltl at niithe ealo on Sato rtla37,
February 210,1E69, at one o'clock, P. Al.,
at the HeyotOne 'House, ONE HUNDRED
SHARES of National' Union Hank Stock.
feb.23-11d:__ _ `: SherllT. •
1 - ) ll,h' JO/IN OTEIIIEN
fgluderl 'lila professional services to tho
' • • •• citizehis of needing.
• : 'No./07 zowta bIXTII-er.
Can be consultad:to Um 'English glut Ser. ,
tnau jariggage9, at all, horn s of the day or
night, nOt professlOnally-absont.
000-6140 M • • -
o la V t ru t ;l 4 1? ? 115 ( 1 1 1 1 1 4 eg
thovoto s lily. Only two yettra applentico.
mitt, 10,tottett. For Author intortnAtto , k,
outllwc4 Corner of TCntlt And QAtlell
Streoti, Indlattelptittt.
(SST.--Yesterday , (rob. 2.1th,1809,) bo• *anti MO oletOok, lu passing
across Pont% Street Cann the Ylrat National
Hank,to Klein & npnlhlinertA Store, A
I.ET containinf: between and L OO.
tit Wu draft for Ott Si on Jacob 11. 'tallier,
for which a liberal,rewas,l will by bald on
application to Alto oUlce of the ** Mt:A -" 'trf fob td-St t.
xrOTICE.—The untlersitmett Wive Ms.
pom•tt of their .1".ioott1 hxpress W1.91 , 10/4;4
to Mr. Ituntniott, by whOni it Win
bet onfter bu carried on.
oratlrA for battoptgo to and 1431 n tbo do
pots will be left at onr °Mao, o. 3 t3onth
Sixth street, its ItOretoforo.
fob 21-,Std) 11. 11, 801111 .t SON.
19wIng Becks aro offered for sale ILv:;
IttrrElt & CO., at the NAB - BOOR
STottE, 512 Penh street
Newman on Ftv,einotion t
Llfe and CampaiL7llB of Malenan.
Pclllol',ooll. of Prot . CBSioils and Trades,
lies' hookkeoping,
Itorace :mg May. on tineottscions In
fluenee, 1
Ilandit's hide,.
Aliment i tot ' I ming Peoplo,
Christina Greeting •
t•lorivziutlOLd MHO,
It RookOf i to II utisto,—lrt, hig,
Jon AS I SlOril`A,
Set moue for the ptople.
An arguintent for Chu Istianity,
Departed St:4er,
Exposition of U nh. ergtOIAIII,
Sutnil 1100);:i on Grunt Sulleuts,
'Tappet's Poetical Works complete,
Lintels to a Daught et,
Proverbial Philosophy,
Nitomi,itost on t a o hundred
, yeaes ago,.
Deck and Port, 1
Fremont's Explorat loner,
courtet of Creation, ,
qourso of 'Pints—Polloek,
Lilo of Josophintl
Poetical Works of the Davidson
Ship and Slant.):
:Notches an& Leuointsof the Rhine,
Combe's Constitution of Man,
Ilvdroohohy tot - the People,_ -
Livlag Alit multi of EnFland, , f
Hyland as I saw it,
Land and Lee,'
1V insiow's Philosophy,
Lot-Attires foe the Fireside],
TIM Silver Cup
Momol EA Of n!lnn gartan Lady,
Fowler on Itoreditary Deseent, •
Debut o on•lliti Doctrino of thilversal
~ 1 -
Seott's Poetical Works,
IA fa of John Quincy,,Atlins,
Lilo of Gonural Taylor,
I.ITo of Jaincs K. Yolk, \ ,
Life of General Pe timm,
Whitehead's Lifo of Wesloy, ~
, .
Lifo of Gott. NAthank' Greene,
Lifo of Gen. Murton,
6 1
LIM of idurrav,,i -
Life Of Silas IVright,
Life of (len. Pierce,
Lives of 'Madison and Monroe , . ,
Life of Gen. Lafayutto, '
Illustrations of the Parables
Derelict, of Phrenology, , .1
Mechanic's Assistant, t
Human Rights, 1
Family Pictures from 17114)‘ble i
national° Of Crime,
Austin on tho At tribtites, . •
Young Husband, 1 .
Illustrated Lilo of Franklin FCC
Sehiller's Complete Works I 'I 8,60
fob 22
NOTICE' ia Ifer4b) alum that the mein
FIRE ENGINE C PAN Y, 4, ot"rtiv,
CITY OF READING " have applirid to the
Court of Common Picas of -Borks County,
for a Charter of Ineo •poratioa by the above
style and Otto, and that such Charter will
bo granted by the said Usurt,On the Eighth
day of March, 1869, unless sufficient reason
be shown to i ho cont vary. on or berm o that.
day. W. 11. GRIESEMEE, Prothonotary,
lob :? . ?.-ointBmar.
None but those deprived of this blessing
know,ot its 1085. 'The, pimp Dal, blotched
:and tottered covered portion looks upon a
clear, smooth skin with Jealousy, and in
wardly doolreff the same. Those whose sys
tems aro filled witit,the virus of SCROFU
LA, anti other eutahcous diseases, cannot
have goodßoalth. When the blood is im
pure disease is sure to follow.
All Intro timoly,warning In those Pim
ples, Blotches, Totters, Sores, Bolls, Cop
pir-coltned Palettes, Scales,, to. Avort the
calamity by purifying thesystem with the
Before Scrofula takes a firm Mold.
How ninny have the virus of Syphilis
in the Breaelll, and in that condition con
templato marring°, knowing little of its
baneful influence on the efinstitution, To
such fro say STOP. First Cleanse yourself
at those impurities ; of that scrofulous In
fection, (which in many is bored.
Itary In the constitution,)bnforo you bring
misery on yourself and offspring, Pile°
$1.'2.5 per bottle.
Yes! A Posittve
irbr citt Diseases AriainOVrom YouIVO In
alscrell4fi v
Contains no Mineral, noinalsam, no Men.
enry. Only ten I`llls to be taken to effect a
tire. 'limy are entirely vegetable, having
0 smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will
not. In any tylty injure the stomach or bow.
els of the most dolleate. (Arco In from
two to four days, and recent easel ittlwon•
ty-four houra. Sent by mall. Price--M Jo
packages s'2, remain it 3.
Sold by liervoy Birch, Reading, Pa., and
by Druggists.
DESMOND & Co., Proprietors,
Ul5 Race ntrouti, V hiladolphin.
''ulolt ALE.--4WIII sold at Private Sale
the stock of J. .1101Kil:11S , BARBI:it
iltOt., ivlth appurtenaneps, at No. 255 Penn
street, fleetling. Bad on as tOf going
into other %mottles& (fob Il it
Like the volcano, 13olls give issue to the
foul and fiery contents of the dcop into
rior. To remove the oauso of such suffer
ing it ig.only necessary to vitalize •The
Mood by suPplying it with ita L(fe Rla
!men4,litol4. • :
(tt protected Sotutton of tho Protoxido of
Iron) wilt clo tide offeetuallv, and give
alreng . th, vigor and nett, We to tit l e whole
o.ttrilet of ,st teller from Rim: RICIIART,
, Ei»:s, of B Maus.:l
!, For years I w,as a sufferer from Bolin,
so that my life became wearisome through
their frequent (Lucit and persistent recttr.!
rbnce; k finally a eirbuncle formed in Life
sinall of my back, During, Its progress
large pieces , of decomposed flesh Were
every day or two cut away, and,• the pros
tration and general disturbando of the
system were great. Before I had 'recov
ered from this attacktwo smaller earbunr
cies broke out higher up, and I was again:
ti r
tb eatoned with ~11 recurrenco'of the suf.
fe .ings to which I had so tong been nub.
t. ted. It was at tide, time 1 Commenced.
taking the PERUVIN SYRUP, I ;MLitt
tied taking it until I had used fivo-bottles ;
since thew! hare have had nothing of the
kind, •for yoarq I was ono of the greatest
sufferers. Other medicines gave me partial
and toinporary relief, hut this reniarkable
remedy, with a. kind of intuitive ; sense;
wont directly to the root of the evil, and
did Re work - with a thoroughness worthy
of its, estabilehed eliaracter.)) , . •
A 32 page Pamphlet eont 'free. 1,. The
genuinchaei"Peativisa ItiTnur" blown in
tho glass. i
. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor,
. No."11Doy streot;Now York.
Sold by druggists . generally. .. .
Th6Postignoint romiltly for
In all its man ifoldlorma, including We rs,
f;ariters, Syphilis, Sall ./Vicumi_l:bnaumptio n,
etc" Is Du. ANDEBSI lODINE WATER, a pure
solution of lodine without a solvent; die
covered after .many years of selentille
eseareh and experiment. For eradicating
humors from the system it hits 'ho aqua
Circulars lent free; . .
86 Roy Stkeot, Now York.
Sold by all Druggists. • gob 6-4welitw
JOIIPPANTINCi -- Every degeription of 1(4
Printing noAtly executed of the "VALI".
Print a getahliehment.642Tenn street.
OPC24EVES? EvErofiCi with OM:
with oft aleAtetlittllsts.• Wore.
orel! benefit cif 744,9% 1414001k1
./C11•01IiI1L - • • 60 *Mt
SI:X.--Soltot)10 for sletoty
Pay* largo proiltr.—Adar6l., I. r vat s
at once,
"COSTAR," No. 10 CROSBY-BT. N.' N'
Nu it t ha
C 0111 I pi 11."
"111vep k Rosy Glow,to the Cheeks."
Ruby 'lingo tone 1,4)4. 1, ,
tai2oinove B tlll lliotehe% atoll l'r►'ckles,"
"The tho
13141 A YITIF 1 E
Bitter. Sweet and Orango RlOssome.
cr. (inc nottio t tII.OO--Thron for Koo.
liCO Hot tles sold to one day In N. YO'lly.
itir AU Drugglats_ln MI It.
(At ruing Alpe r Avg, c.'.4
"0 111,1 I' to i l )IYI I eat] 't etttn!sl It but
he tittl,l:or he neat right, otl and uot n box of
and it clued him,'. 1 • .
Thottmoola o f host's Kohl,
All'Uragg!ate In ItBA DINII soil 11.,
' ti 7
c. , ..$
aCoalarPa" Rat, Ronteh o tr.,Ertrrminatorg.r
dithatar's" /led hay Prieratileacitarß,, '
tbstar'a" (only purn) !meet Pougirp,
"Only Infallible Remedios known:'
18 yearn ootablittltott In NVNY Yoric.t ,
2,0210 lloxat anti Flasks nntnubtottirott
" 1 11 Ilownro 111 of ninaiimn Imllnti tin."
"All Drugglota in RICA DINO ecll them."
"CosTArt," 10 CrosbYSt., N. Y . .,,
Or, Jonn F, URN RI, (51teet”4101' to)
DIMAS BARNES it CO., 21 Park How, N. 1".
fob 18-dhw
Ilztondod to Union Rattan—Leaves Rending
at 8 a. m., trl - wookly, Tue:4l:ty. - 1
,111tasilay Blot
Hatay day. ltotutus Auto itsys and nrrt' nt
It servo tho folloWing rjumed Post Offices:
entnru, Gouglerev Me, Adamstown,lichwart 7.
villa, Reamstovrti. 1
Loaves Boyortown nt I) o'clock, a. in. Ar
rim at Reading at 10 o'tlt ck, a. in. Returning,
leave.) Reading nt 2Y J p. Arrives at 1,0) •
ortown at 7 p. in. 1r PerVettgenoisvillo. Prom
tloldvillo, Oresliville, Yell. w Ileum Earl villo
and Boyoreown.
Loaves Bethel' 14 1 o'c oek, a• m., alliYld
at loading at 10 o'clock a. ni. Returning,
loavos Rending at 2 o'clea , p. in., arrives tit
Milloriburg at 0 p. in. I servos Leinbardo,
Lower Born, Bernville, It diroteburg, Bothoh
Tulpohoccon and Relators tills.
[Aims Bonding on Monday, Wednerday and
Friday at 13 o'elook,a, m. sltoturning,'leavon
Blue Ball on,Tuosday, Thuri•day and Saturday.
attiring at Reading at 4',(,' e'elne.k,
_p, tn. It
supplies Moines Store, Knauer's, Ilowniona ,
svillo., Muddy " Crook, Terro IVocivor's MIII
and Blue Bull.
Leaves itcading on Monday, Wednarday
an 4 Friday at 7 o'clock, d. in, Aarrh es at
Reading on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 5 o'clock, p. in. It aupplios Mt. Penn, Berk
ersvillo, Joanna Furnace), Morgantown.
11 0 10 Y Iliooko, Catrihridgo and Booth
Leaves Lobachrville on :Tuesday, rlbursday
and Saturday tkt 6 o'clock, a. tn. Arrives at'
Reading at 9% o'clock. a. nr. -- iteturnlng. Leaves
Reading at 2% ni. Arrives' at hp.
kaeltsville at 6 e'clock.,p. tn. , Rearm Alsace,
Oley and Lobachsvilic.
Daily by Railroad—Mares . Beading at 6 P.
In. Arrives at 10.30 a. tn. Supplies Fritztown,
Reinhoids Station ? Stem's, Ephrata Minim'.
title, Manheint, bporting Hill, Landisville nut
Silver Springs. -
Tel-weekly by litage---Leaves, Vesteli ester
on'ldonday, IYetinefulay and Friday at 7 a. In.
Arrives at, Birdsboro at 7 P. ut. illetut taw:,
leaves Birdsboro on. Tuesday, Thur,day
Saturday at 7 a. tn. Supplies Holt:cep Mi 11..,
.111tteRock,Lop.O. Wallace. I.lwchland, Molt.
villa and Vest Whiteland, •
Aond-weekly bylitaga--Leaves Rending on
Tuesda - Y and Saturday at 7:30a. in. raw arriyt
at Readitig at 11 a. rn. . •
.Send -weekly by Stage— LORVCR Itvudintc
Tu_taitt.) and Saturday at 11:30 a in. A rriVPH
at Matting at . Supplies Atidani'a
Tavern, Lower Heidelberg, North Held ciberte.
lirlek's Mille and Hest.
TA-weakly by Sta'ge—Leeves Leesport Tues
day, Thursday onl Saturday at 12 in, Attires
at Leesport at 3P. tn. Supplies South Evans-.
ville;and Molitown.
. • -
Tri-weelii9 biBMgi—Leaves V9itown Tneg
ilt Thuradivitill Baturclo at 9 . u. m. Ailivell
it Cottstonti at .4 1!:
,m. loiumilios Hfilbrirille.
. oeelemAnd Vligmoville, • .
-I'd-weekly 'by.. Stage Leaves Itehrerl.burg
TilerliaY, Vint*day and Saturday at. 11 'a. ru.
Arrives nt Itehrorabirrg. at 6 p. m. Supplies
Wlnteravtlle and Heat,
Cornii 4th, slid - Spruce
(The litre I.u \ triblr Yard on W it., baoyl Penn.) .
. We haver constantly . on hand it largo
,Seeartnio tof All kinds of ll.umbOr,ivldch
:Will be
.taposod of at thq lowevt market
prices• • quatitlttoa to titilt,,pitrolitqfors.
MTG. F.. • ()Ad: 140,1 1 7,
Web., 241. d
co rn i m i when •oNorl for rtpliring 'leeks
14 roollty 'A thick, tough blin on Hs° cut.
5i436, ell ?Pbibtntha frr4 lon of 6forins
rtijn;.'while tho hiterieri.beltig renirara
itteify enft'arl olefttie: thlsliticiteolf to the
oxperiSien Cul • Coot rnotichi• •of I lio•' roof
wilhout aparatioiv I:rlcte. $1 par I,tx
the agents.: ' • ,