= II TILE DAILY EACiLEt EFIADINC - 1, PA• FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24;, 1861. THE Eagle ' Book Store, ADLER office; DAILY EAdLE and REAWNG GAZETTE & DE3IO CHAT linVe been removed , to 542 Penn street, Schintteker louse building, opposite the Keystone House., /t. Democratic State I.ognititttee. In obedience to the desire of a majori• ty thereof, the Democratic State COlll iniitee are requelded to meet at nolton'a Hotel. llnrriaburg, on Tuesday, the 30th day of lilnrch,lB69, at 71 o'Oock, p. in., to fix the time of holding the Democratic *ate Convention. WILLIAM A. WALIACE, Chairman. DAvin CALuwid.u, Secretary. ANOTillelt THUUNT AT WOIMINO- DIJON. A bill i$ now before the State Senate entitled "An act further supplemental to the act relative to the elections of this COMlTlOnWelthil. " requires that all elections shall be held in the fall—thus doing away with spring elections. As might be exrctol, this bill covers a deeplaid purpose of the Radicals:to de prive the working diI 4 SCS ofttpopportu eity 10 deposit. !heir ballOts, amid to leavu the votlndg 'bl i the hands of wealthy Iltoli• cal idlers any can spare time to. be nt the polls at any hour daring the day, and their hirelings whose expenses are paid for the same ptirpose. Two sections of the bill are as follows: SP.o. 10. 4 1jor till elections holdon tin der this net tho polls Anil bo open be tween tho hours of six and coven o'clock A. M. and be closed ta 81. o'clock P.M. So. 17. None of the provisions of this act sh ill apply to the city of Phila delphia. By . this bill the workitigman, who can not lose time to wait at the crowded polls after 7 A. M., or after his dinner hour, must either lose part of a day from his employment or lose his vote. Between G and 8 Alock I'. M., actor the day's work is over, is rho time chosen by working. men to deposit their ballots, and ns the great mass of the toiling tax payers are Democrats', 'the Radicals hope to decrease the Democratic yak by keeping the work• ing classes away from the polls. It is part of their programing to take the power of our State and National gocrtiments out of the hands of the working classes and confer it upon n few aristocratic paupers, and this bill is only intended as an enter ing wedge for further encroachments upon the rights of the masses. We call upon our able Senator and Representatives nt Harrisburg to watch this bill, and if the Radical majority in sist on passing it, to show up its odious provisions and designs, so that the peo plo at large may fully understand the faithlessness and treachery of those who were elected to protect their interests, Our Wll!consln Letter. I, MENoSII.I, Wis., Feb. 20, 1860. Dm.in Bums: :44 do not think there is any State in the Union that has such a mixed up population as Wisconsin. It would be hard to toll ivhat the prcdomi• rant nationality of .the inhabitants In this place the (lermans and Nish con stitute throe•fonrths of the population, but Lit Neenah, on the kopposito side of the river, the foreign percentage is very different. The citizens of that place are mostly from Pennsylvania, New York and the V,astern States. And when wo look over the surrounding country we find it districted off into settlements, as if the early Settlers hell divided the couo• try amongst themselves by lot ; each no., tion taking that ,pait which had been allotted to them, and establibhing them• selves there, forming it nucleus around_ which has gathered so many large, pros.' porous settlement s of enterprising farm ers. Amongst the first settlers in this country was a colony of Norweigmis,who settled a few miles west of this, nt a place called Deumnrk. There were but three or font families of them at firtt, but they have now. become a large, wealthy settle ment, and have seine of the nicest and hest cultivated farms in the country. On the opposite side of Lake Winneba• go, is a largosettlement of half breeds. They occupy a district of the best farm ing land in the State, and they have he. come tolerably good farmers, ris ing generation have almost lost thedusky hue of their ancestors. The men, young and old; stand up as straight as an arrow, and aro tall and well proportioned. The woman are not so tall, and sown of them ate rather thick and chubby. Tho older women appear to take but little pride in their dross, but the younger ones dross with more neatness and taste, and some of them arc as good looking women' as you can find in any country. There is one thing that 19 retarding the progress of this country vory.,much, and that is the fictitious prices which are placed upon the farming lambi. This is. thriving some of the best inhabitants from this country to- rho States of Missouri and Hania.4. Property is not hold so high in the villages, hut farming land twelve and fifteen miles from any market, with but ordinary improvements, is held at from $lO to $BO par acre, and land near the Villages cannot be had for less than from $lOO to $2OO per acre, accord.' iag to location and improvement. These 'heroaro causing some of the farmers hero to soil their farms, and go into the titate of Missouri, where they can get as lood laud and as well located, for a much oss figure in a notch milder Ornate.— But still this country is fast filling up with population ; and I do net think there is any place in, this western country, that presents as good an optining for et.ter prising men who wish to Ombark in busi ness as there is at this Place. . Hero - is one of the best waterpo*ers in the world, in a town that is fast filling up with en terprieitts business mom ! and is surround ed by a agriculture! country, which is being rapidly developed. Everything heretespeaks for this place growth and prosperity in the future. I did intend to say something about the different manufacturing establish• stet ts io this place, but my spate will not allow me to mention more than one or two of them. The pail and tub man taastory of FI • emits iir the moat t* teasire. lie emplOys from 10:) to 309 men and turns out annually mote than a half million piece; of ware.. Ills work is yet fetly systematised. No one man the kaine piece 41 work' a second time. The lumher comes into' the saw mill at one'end of the works, in the .104, and travels from ono to another' .until it passes through more than twenty differ ent hands, when it lands in the store• house. finished ware ready to be packed for shipping.. Webiaer &Lawson have a large estab lishment in which they manufaCture 1104 1 spokes ?Ind Nikes fur ‘vagons, and handle:, for brushes and brooms. ','They employ over 800 men, and the amount of *or k they turn out annually is astonish ing. They - ship every day front one to re e ear loads of finished work, lkaides what they sell at home. I am going up to Fond du Lae in a few days, where 1 will write to you for the last time while lam in this State. MAC. Jr :4104 oddly to hear men now advo• eating universal suffrage and, the right to hold office by all without regard to creed, country or color, who a few years ago Sustained the Know-Nothing party and insisted upon changing the Constitution so as to exclude from office those born abroad and those holding to the Catholic faith.—Ex. 14 S 0 ea GitAras."—Whenover a newspa per is continually berating women, ridi culing "old maids," and warning young men against matrimony, you qui)/ rest as• sured that the editor is an involuntary bachelor, who can't get a good wife be cause no sensible woman will have him. )o any of our Reading cotemporaries "see the point?" GERALD' EAToN, who was sentenee(fe to death for dm murder of Timothy Heenan, in Philadelphia, has been eoehited by Governor Geary. Tim Cuban ladies in New York have formed un association for the relief of their countrymen who aro struggling fOr independence. Every truo patriot will wish them success in their noble efforts. STIL►, ANornmt : --The entire Demo cratic ticket wail elected in Cairo, on Tuesday. "Keep the ball roll• ME Wl4—The remains of Capt. Henry Wirz were exhumed from the Arsenal grounds 'Wednesday afternoon, by,, order of the:•,Piesident, and delivered to Lewis Schad() Ivho, it will be remembered, was ono of Ads counsel • they were taken to the untie' taking establishment of Aligns tus Purgderf, where they 'Were encased in a km1(11)10(3 walnut coffin, and will re• mein there' until to.morrow, when they will he taken to the house of n friend, and will not probably he interred for a ilay' or two. Wirz's body,after the execution, was placed in a pine coffin, similar to those used in the army, mid was evidently bur. led minus the head. When the remains were transferred from the pine• coffin to the walnat t lhe bend wai missing, and there was licit hing to indicate that it had been placell there, with the exception o HOW hair which was bound around With thread. There was flesh upon the left kg, whilst the right aria was entirely gone, all the rest being merely at mass of crumbling banes. A Timing affair occurred at l'i>rt De• posit, Maryland, on Saturday, in' which several persons were shot anu seriously if nut Wally wounded. It appears that a man u'amod Mackison, a notoriously lind tempered individual, made en assault upon, two young men named Ohr with a pistol, both of whom were s, vcorely wounded. A constable named !lows, who attempted to- arrest the assailant, was also shot and very seriously wound• ed, fears being entertained of a fatal re. salt. Maeldson was finally attested and lodged in jail. SERI/8 IN A 1311811n.--SOOIC 1 t ut cor respondent of the Country Centleman t cs timates the number of cloverseed In bushel tit '27,180,613, and of tiino'l►y at 31,130,117. PRIME &MINOS OF COINORENS. WASIIINUTON, Feb. 25.--la the Senate, it bill won reported,- providing I,r Board to consider the question of pre• venting obstructiOn3 of the hntbo ts of the United Statesl: The bill exempting manufacturets of naval machinery from e irtx was passed. The Army Appropriation bill was con , The Suffrage AmOdrnent was made the order for to•day. T. In' the House, hir. Kelley ' s hickel Cuinnge bill was passed. The conference report on the Diplo• pudic Appropriation bill' was presented, and rejected, and a new conference aiked, The conference repo'rt on the 4uffra g o Amendment was adopted, being the Sen. ntn proposition. Ttic Legislative kind Deficiency Appro• priation bills were considered. Mr. Rerion Minority Report in the • no.colled Frauds. Mr. Kerr submitted a minority report of the Committee• to Investigate Election Frn►4ds in New York. The report i 4 an exhaustive review of the majority report, and allows that the courts are free from all the imputations put on them by the majority of the committee; that the vot• lug was not excessive, but the reverse ; that tho repeating was done by ltepubli• cans, man for man, for every Democrat thus voting. It is very long, but without ohy effort at rhetor•icil display, giving facts 90 facts. —N. Y. Democrat. • MEMII:=MI A lhoomEn AN' AttB.—The Harrisburg Guard - says: Yesterday a bloomer ap• peered in iho galleries of the Senate and House, took a promenade in the rotunda, visited the Library and the. Executive Chamber, and appeared particularly an . x• ions to see What was transpiring officially. She was dressed in green plaid, a skirt reaching an inch (not by actual mama moot) below the knees, with trousers of the same materiat—,making altogether neat and jaunty appearance. C111111.F5 Axr,.of Crawfordsville, Ga., was found dead in his bed on Wed nesday morning.with his throat cut from ear to ear and his skull crushed in. An illegitimate son of the deceased by a mu latto woman has boon arrested as impli wed in the murder. Wh6i s arrestod ho *43 at the door of the wino belll4, about two hundred and fitly yards from the house. la the cellar a rest of tlio mur (lord man was found, and his pocket book, containing $47, in the possession of theyoulb arrested. The son had been severely punished .by the father ou the day precodius the mtirdcr, , Tno youngbters of - New York thought H to steal a !e on the eow-catcher of a lo comotive !rem the statiOt to the round house' but found themselves ou an engine booked for Poughkeepsie, and couldn't make themselves heard or get off until it stopped for water at reekekill, 40 miles away. Then they tumbled off fainting. pAcipo RAILROAD NEARLY 1550 Milcs Built. THE UNION PACIFIC R. 11. CO AND TLIN CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD --,C0., (lave added Eight Hundred till 00) Mlles to their lines during the current year, while doing a large local paseanger and freight bushiest). The through connection will .undoubtedly ho completed next snmmeK when the through t ru Me will be very great! Forty thousand men are now emplOyed by . OM two powerful companies In + . easlng forward the great national highway ,to a speedy completion. Only *OO miles re, main to be built, of which mostly arc graded and ready for First blortUage Gold l'aciflo littlltotul Comp and Interest, and P Bonds of the Central 103 and Interest. The principal and I tau pit)ablo In gold. =MOM TIES GOLD, ETC, A 4 '4l are e • No.' 40 SOUTH TIMID STREET, 7 nov -414w1T I P4ILADIMPRIA. BURIC HOLDER & MADEIRA, D , i B. W. Corner Irlffh am Washingloii me. HEADING, l'A. 1 IV lIOLESALE AND itETAII. DEALERS IN 1G ROCICHI ES, PItoVISIONI3, GLABI3 • AND QUEENSWARIt. Tho largest and best soletted stook of all kind of goods In our line to ho found in this city. consigninents to parties from a dis tance promptly attended to—at liberal names—the best of city reference given If desired. Country Pronnee taken in -exchange for goods—or cash if desired—for wblclt the largest market ,prices will ho allowed. A large assortment of all kinds domestic and imported FINE (IitOCERIES always on hand. Glyn us a trial and he convinced that wo can substantiate all we sag, fob n-11 GREAT fIIRNITURE DEPOT, SCIIIt(EDEIt . St, FELIX, Waroroom, oornor Fifth and Washing ton streets. MA NUFAC2'OI2 Y. IYASHINO TON 82 1 BELOW Firm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY I Invite public, attention to their Wendt(' Ptook of firßt-olase furniture now and militant ly on hand, and made to order to suit customers. Among other articles, espedql attention le invited to their unsurpassed OXTEINSION TAMN, DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROOM CHAIRS, rCI4) , NTHE AND OTHER TABLES BEDSTEADS' OE TIIE LATEST STYLES and every other article in their lino of bust noes. Every article iemanufacturedbythemselves it their admirably arranged manufaetary with the most perfect machinery, and akin ful meel , anics, and flubbed lu , an uneurpass ed mantor. Also prepared to execute ell eiders ior , CARVING, TURNING, SAWING, and MOULDINGS. All orders promptly executed. and warrant ed to give satisfaction. ap.lo. j\TEWSPA PERS.—A largo lot'oi old, newspn tiers, on hand at this office, which wil be sold oilcan. _ M:dtowan & Miltimoro ~, DEA) 11118 IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, HOUSE FURNISHING OOOIM. METALS, TIN PLATES, SHEET IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY, dm., &0., ho., tto, No. 612 PENN STREET, READING, PA. ap 24.- mACEDONIAN OIL TRIUMPHANT. wiLL you ritAAF. READ TlllB I Reading) Pa.,Jan. 1 17..1180.—Mr. Win. O. Krouse, No. 2cltiouth Fifth street. Says the M. M. Oil is the only thing which' Ilea given strength to his broken arin—has used it in his family foi Earache, Neuralgia, and frosted foot, -performing in eaCh can a wonderfully nil kik and radical cure, E. FOX, Pronrieter. of KeyStene Boni, certifies that three bottles of the Oil cur &t a strain in, a }terse, valuing the cure at 6100.. JOHN KEMP, Policeman, says the OH cured hint of a severe fracture of the colliir bone. The above mimed persons are well known in Nis vielnity, and are living witnesses. Having furnished such ample testimony at the times w o advertised with the FOUR HORSE CHARIOT, Hum polmlar oium qtr CO,IICERTS, I depth It unnecessary to add more names; Tho Dingle Macedonian Oil Qo. will forfeit $lOOO, If any dozen retnediel combined will fur. ttletias many good certificates from promt. Hootcitizens - In the city and vicinity ae those who have boon cured by theNtute of the MoodOniau Oil—call on . . PROF. RAYMOND, The German and Euglish_lecturer 6t the Company, mopping at the Hoyetene /10110 sad purchase a bottle of the 014 or metro advice and treatment free of eherge. Also Sold by J. K. hfoCardy, hooter Zlealer and b. 8. Btoveni:' (Jan 18 11111 r. CO•I'ARTNER9IIIr heretofore ei• isting bot. , .“!oit the sallatribeva. itaaor the drat IMMO Of Oro. W'. 131ISt1t~\t; .t CO., to this day (11$4crive(t by -Mutual coa. seat. GEO. GM). B. t;ONNARD, ALEXASIMII. JACOBS. Heading. Yelp. 20.15 9 , rob S'o.6td. At Pottstown, .if?ntgobiery County, Par The second half [of the eighteenth (tunn el session commenced oh Wednesday. the 341 flay of February 101. Pupils re coiveit at any titne. For Circulars add rets REV. GEO. F. MILI.EIt, A.. M. ho rails. onds of the Union ny . for auto at par et Itortgagp Gold acid° Railroad, at rest of both bonds iNMENT BECUIII =OEM sear Airy utai swim s TH• "TIIF lIILi If :ELECT FAMILY 110AlibING settoqi., in F:nglisit,Clas.Aeal, 3lnt lienuttical,SciOn tido and Artistic Institution, /Olt YOUNO MEN AND BOYS! References. HEW. I)RS. Dlelgga , Schaeffer, Mann, Mauch, Sofas, Mulilenhorg, Hutter,Stork, Collin& Bomberger, Wylie, tierrot, told Murphy, HUNS. judge Ludlow-, Leonard Myers M. Russel Thayer, Benj. M . Boyer, .acol S. Ynet and Illester Clymer. ESQ4.—Jaincs H. Caldwell. James L. CIT horn, J. F. E. B. Orne ; Jittnes Ilainllto , Theo. O. Boggs, C. Horton. L. llottpt, S. Gross Fry, MlDer Jr, Derr, Charles Wan netnticlior, Janes Kent, Santee C 0.,& John Wiest, etc. febl2tneotl/tAtim 11H. LOUIS DE-B.ltTl/ KUHN, Mlle° and 1./residence, No. 211 Nollll Ninth street, Bending, Pa. [fob 17-11 n. A SSIGNEE'S SALE OF , PER LISONAL PILOPERTY,—WIII bo sold on Friday. March 12th, IA;9, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at tho IiALF WAY Ilt)1.114E, In the township of Maidencreek, WO following personal property, to wit • Beds and Bedding . tableil.!stovcs, carpet, shades and - Whets, mirrors, wash stands, tinware, bureaus,• eliebts, halters, bridles, saddles, forks mad various oilier articles. Conditions made known at the time and place by JOIIN 3, FOX _ Assigns° of Eli Becker, JOHN AUCLIMICOV. Ifeb puma; SALE O 1 REAL ES. be exposed at Public Sale on Saturday. the Lith day of March, 1809, at the Keystone House, in the MIT ef Read ing% that certain TintEE sTour BRIUK DIVICI.LIN(i HOUSE and Lot of Ground, 2to feet and 7 inches front, by IOJ feet In depth, lately owned anti occupied by Dr, Frank Rieser, situate No. 14 South Eighth street, Reading. The dwelling is large and commodious, containing ELEVEN PINE ROOMS and In excellent repair, having been lately fitted up with all the modern conveniences, gas, water, bath-room, range, heater, ite. A large amount of the purchase money can stand on the proper ty. Poßiosilon given on first of April. Sale to commence at 1 O'clock P. M., when conditions, ttc., will be made known by 0.11. tiellAEFFElt, fob 20-Awl Assignee. A"'ENTION, SOLDIERS OF .the 151st Regt. P. V. A meeting of the ollitiors and members of Companies E, (I, K and I, of asid regiment, will be hold on Saturday, tlielith day of February, at 11 o'clock A. M.. in the 4 Court House, in the City of Reading. Idea Col. (leo. F. McFarland will be present and deliver an address to the meeting in regard to the benefit of soldiers, and to orgenite said companies into a Beneficial Society, for the "nod of every remaining member of said rept, tnent, And will exhibit a largo Painting of the Battle of Gettysburg, in which said itegiolent hold an important position, shish will be a great satisfaction for every one to see, and will also explain about the Book of the Itegitnent, which is almost completed. Col. Ii Allen and all the officers of the Regiment will bo present. All officers of said companies are requested to two that their members will bo in attendance. The Drum Corps of said Regiment will bo in attendance, to enliven the _hearts of the re maining m embers of said ) A tekiment. By order of the COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. fob $lO ILEW A RD.—A double barrelled Gun was lost a few days ago, while com ing to this city from the farm of James s. Mi. The above reward will be paid by leaving the same at • TlllB O 1 FI(JE. tub 11 REGISTER'S :NOTICE. TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED, N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I hat tho following Caccounti have been filial in the (Anew of the Register, In and for the county of Berk 4, and that the same N; ill be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation, on iiAturility, the 20th day of March next, at 10 o'oloek H. at the Court Rouse, In tlic City of Reading, 1869. Filed January 23, , Mc:bunt of W. H, fAvingood, Executor of floury F. Rohrer, deceased, FllO6l January 25. Account of John Say. ,lor, Jr., Administrator of John Saylor, Sen. deceased. Flied January 28. Account of Samuel Walter, Administrator of Tobias Moser, 'deceased, Flithi January 29 Account of John Fritz, Admhtistrator of 1). W. Knubb, Filed February 3. Account of W. S. E. sor and 11. F. Ilickel:Executors of Samuel Esser, deceased, Filed February 5. Account of .7%eob seltactror, Administrator of John Schaef fer, deceased, Flied Fobrintry 0, Acconnt of David Plank. Guardian of Mau S. Jacobi+. Filed February 8. Account of George S. Yoder, Gum Man of Franklin Kaufman. Filed February 11, Account of George Wendling, Administrator O L f Henry Wend nog, deccrwed. Flied January 10. Accodbt .of Verona Gaiter, Administratrix of Frannie 11. Gan+ ter, deceased. Filed January 10. Account of Harrison Mester and Bonneville 1.. llte•der, E. mama of Jolui (Thrist Mester, deeetteed, Filed February 11, Account of Joinmh (Minter ~ Administrator of Sarah Snyder,VlCCellBoo, Filed February 11 Account. of Reuben It. Seidel, Guardian of Elmira Yocum. Filed February 13. Account of DalOW Habit,. Adminiotrator of Henry Heist, de ceased. Filed February 17. Account. of Jacob L. Grtomer and bantel 1., Urplsomor. Ad minlstratora of Xllzabeth blrieBetner, do -ceased, Filed February 17. Account of William Eisenhower, Administrator of Samuel llor T rel. deceased. Flied Fobrnary 17. Aneount of John 1), Guldin. Administrator of Hannah Guldin, deceased; J. D. WANNER, ItoglAter. 110918TUIVE1 °Pince:, Feint'fury 1;569.4t.w BEAU MONDE HALL BUCII & 111t0., No. 543 PENN PirumET, Ato now offerl4 ft splbotlitt stock of SPIUNG GOODS', COME AND SECURE GREAT RARGA tNS Suite mule up to order In apletulid style— • EXCALLENT FITS. An unsurpassed stook of golds' FURNISHING GOODS. NW:F.S TO SUIT THE TIMES CALL AND SE UCH Sc. BRO., BEAU_ MO filD_E HALL, No• 542 PENN STREET. fob 18d eTnat.. Paxe , ronholdora, Lead Pencils and Mangum). of (ivory kind. at MI Eaor Dona fiToaa, No. 812 Penn street. fob 10-Iwd • IVY INSTITUTE. enEet KR Co, PA, rrillrE NEXT SESSION WILL Cothhtortro Aptli bth 1839, and cblittu• ue tWalvB weeks. For lamination ad Irons F., M. UAW V fol)20-8tiy* AI IRWIA • tSIIIO'S ! I [ALL OF; eivENN STRKET I No. 0 : STAFFORD, A M. rastuomAutx MERCHANT T AMOR announce 4 to the citizens of Reading. that, having *Moved his Merchant Tailoring establishment to the hainitiome store room. No. 610 Penn street, ho id now pre pared, with elf increased stock of goods and superior facilities for manufacturing, to supply all with PASMONABLE of the host quality goods, gotten up in thO highest style. .. GENTS' UNDERCLOTHING, AM) FUR. NISHING GOODS. of every style and variety to suit the taste of all in want of anything in this line. None but the host hands are employed, and all work guaranteed. The patronage of the publio Is, respectfully soliolted. JAMII,6 t. STAYfollfl, fob 1641 No. 616 Penn Street. INITIAL IiNVI3LOPES AND INITIAL LET PAU EL O PESENTS A BOX. INITIAL ENVAND INITIAL LET- TER PA i'gß. 4CI , 3NI'd A BOX IMMO. EN MOM AROINITIAL LET MR PAPER, 4 OHNT3 A BOX. FOLEY'S ITST GOLD 1;13N8 AND TlOLD jilts AT Vico, FOLErB DEST GOLD PRNS AND WAD ERS AT SAGO, voLbirs BEST BOLD PRN/3 AND 1101,D• liltS ATtI.M. l'OLE1"8 BEl3l' DOM) PENB AND 114LD• MIIIIIM fit[t. BOLD AT JIAGLU ROOKBllift Nt). 542 pIDIN STRAW NO. 543 PUN N STRWIT NO. 541 PENN 8 fltllll r fob 2)).:11,41 F REDERICK W. LAUER, JAIL," aroter Filth tAingin Weds. Rtadint, Pa. Sole Agent for Berke and Lebanon countier, for theeelobratod SAMPSON SCALE COMPANY. Tho most reliable and durable Sualos ever Awed before the public. Call and eoo theta bolero purchasing elee whore. Sunoriorindueotnents offored to buyers. A lot of aooond-hand PLATFORM SCALES on hand and for sale cheap. (Rept 4 7 y AUMAN HAMMILT.•, 1 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS CllOlclE LIQUORS, WINES ', AND - SEGAItS, 128 S P OLTIII NINTH STREET, pinLADELPIIIA. bi. M. LAUMAN, G. C.,llehtuttA, rch. 9. lIAT EVEIMIOIir WANTS, The Vy MOWN ING I,IIIIIT.—W. T, II AIN has seen: od of °HU, PAINTER h CO„ the agency for the above named stove, which is meetmg . with unparalleled success 'wherever it appears, It combines all the modern Improvements, such as reverslble oross 'deco, feeder door and cut off flues, Scc. It bas extralarge OV EN, and as a :baker Is not surpassed bv any stave) in the MP. kot. They have nil given 1 tho best satis faction. Every stove warranted. The place to get It is at No. 9) North Eighth street. ItOOFING ANT) SPOUTING and all kinds of light job work solicited and promptly attended to. Having had consider able,' experience in this line I feel sat isfied that I (An produce work in the best manner possible, and at as reasonable terms as any other place in the city. To such us may favor mo with their pat. ronago•l will Say that the bust of satiate°. tlon will bo guaranteed. W. T. RAIN, 20 North Eighth street 4 , blG•thl.j R EMOVAL! REMOVAL!! • ' BARTO'S LIQUOR STORE ilas bean removed from the Keyatone_Bulld ing to the new and elogant Store. NO. 487. PENN STREET, Whore customers will find a very large stook of the boat and purest WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, /to., oviir offered to the public of Readily:. Al) `the- proof of the above that 13 required Is trial. A share of patronaroyingekliTo. SSI 0N E E NOTICE.-ELI Booker, of the township of .51niden creek, in the Woo) , of Berke, having axe. ented an assignment of all lets estate to bone Fox, of the same place. in trust for tho fit of his creditors. on Sth_ day of February. A D. 1809. NOM° to hereby given, that all persOne having embus on said estate, will present, there; and all persons owing money to said estate, will matte immediate payment to the'undersigitent. JOHN 15, FOX, . fel) 80-fltw • CARPETS ! CARPETS! I ARKEY 00. L No. 11111 P honestreet, below Frateklla, between dlatb and Seventh streets, an R e vi p 4 o in tf ty i . i rha nfo h m y h a e e i men ns a oß inktb g very best Ingrain. all-wool Carpet*. overtures-. (A in this city. Letesil kattetes and eolore. , Whelesale and retail at New York prices. V We Invite the publlo to examine mut octets d cave Per *fore purchasing ellewhers, and vont. Buy out of tint elves hees as says money. cl.ll4st D. a. MARKIi 00. TUE ,CIIY. IS STILL' THEY COME!. TtiI.RUSH CONTINUES FUR' BOOTS AND SHOES. N.j.:GEIIO, _ FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER 653 Penn Sired, Reacting, Ph. Hi& M iS elsOlPtil i va l n't tieFirVlnlit ri ti l l i v h ; Iloots and Shoot In this city, also Ladies' and Childkaa's Shoes of all kinds. Seer list of styles and 'Rases: Mea's calf boots, hoino made, P to 50 la to u ith, u 11 11 3(0 111 375 lloy's " . t " " .4 200 " 275 Youlltia ". " " 153 " 225 ' WomOn's kit loco boots, 125 4, 115 Wotuon's Goat l'ol lob, 2 t.lO " 275 Misses' ' " 14 150 " 225 Mon's Arctic,B 0) " rlaln Gums, '1 u 0 Women's" 14 24) Miss II II I 70 Oblldron's u ' 55 deo.? .. - J, KEELY, WIiOLESALE AND lIETAII, DICALER IN LUMBER. READING, PA., Hoops oliiiitantly on hand and sale at tho LowEST 114CES, - A general aaiertment,of WHITE. PINE, HEMLOCK, hPILCCE, CHERRY; OAK. ASII, CIMSTNUT, INDIANAIMACK AND WIWI: WApNU‘ra'CAROLINA YELLOW ME, ♦ND MICHIGAN PANEL LUMBER, Thoroughly seasoned and under oo.vor. AI/so, ' l l WJIITR PINE, CYPRESS, ANN 1) NORTII CAROLINA QREEN 1 . SWAMP CRDAI2 SAINGLES. Isar Orders respectfully solicited and promptly ( atteneted to. For pricOo, 4tc., call at the NEW BRICK OFFICE, On the Corner of Pearlls and Pine Street, Or 10(1re:is 8 ) J. K Feb 28, 188 Mt] READIN(i PA, Important to Printers 3 PRESSES FOR SALE. A 'FINE CHANCE FOR MACHI- T Nq3TB ANI) MANUFAC- , TUBERS. NMI ON ENGINE LEM - ONE BOILER TO BE SOLD CHEAP. The following machinery to offt - tred foi sale, at litivaatageons rates : ONE OSCILLATING ENGINE OF _ FOUR HORSE POWER. ONE EIMIT-HORBE TUBIJLAR UP, RIGHT BOILER. ONE LARGE - CYLINDER' PRINT ING PRESS, GAZETTE SIZE. ONE SMAIA. WASHINGTON HAND PR} 'S,§. ONE STANDINU ' PRESS. Apply at the Adler Office, or address RITTRR 41t. CO., Reading, Pa. i deo 7 n ,A. tiIIIESSIMIOWI3 V. Extensive Grain Werehouie, Now ready for FARMZRB AND 00'iiiIGNOREI, Who may wish to store Orate, de. Store se law oommteelon reasonoblo. Aloo, a seven or stook et FLOUR AND . FEED, Jac., .16reale 'wholesale sad retail, shower Dr le at Mao Pas bo purchamhi elsewher*. Also, -a. nperlorlot Buckwheat Meal, and Potatoes, 0ke,105 Nortb, Vieth lit,. lie id' 0E4'16 ES=MI . _ 1 1 u 1,_1'., E 1.01 A P, gOOFLAND'S GERMAN TdNi c. 1 , Thu Groat Remedies for ail Ilit.c/i Nc ,l, It( Ll MVP, N'f0.:11'..4 Cif On .pi t i lr: ' ~ 1 . 1 . 8 -: HOOFLAN LOS 01MM-\ N .•t; connntsed the pro tw, they itre matlieln tettaeo gmets) of It 0 0 t ra„,,a;;;4„lfttl+:, ialti 14 4 14 ; making a k‘reparetten, highly cone,tall' !Let', anti ent trely /rept ckeht:‘,. ' tare t;f, coy t IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONie 1 6 a combination of all the of lite bitter: , is I: the purest Notto (late Otatige, Ai., ' •01' the itinzit plea ea,, awl :WI eet.:.l . “ a " t tilry ever Wei en to tine )411,11e. „,, rkirin Metvitie Itte lir Alcoholic p ti dmixtu g re, willil t!t, 11 . 00114ANp'S V.IiMAN itITTER' \ i'lloso who have 1; objevt ton to th e co , blnalon of t Ito Hilt o on., as elated, u 314:4 noortax D'.:l 0 EIZMAN, TON le, They ai both e qually w ood , nlid c onk , the IMMO InediCinal N ,the ehei t tv k : tween wo being it meta into !et of the Tonic !wing he tubl The Stomach, front a rut toy at eat h rs 4 itntirre.A lon, llyspettsia, Ne r ,,„ 1, 4, 1 l)ebihty, etc., 13-VCry alit to /01%11 Inv tionA it erangett • , 1.;.; at hi zing . aa eloselyNibmptts aot.sll.L. r her m 011106), then tivvetnes re4ult of which is that the is , tiost g u n c ; frOiu ievcral or mote of the fe!lou lag ati• CUM ; Constipation, Flatulence, Illiward Fu nevi of Blood to the,lle.,ol, A o ld itt . of ,the Stcoinwh, Naw-ea, 1 - 1 est 1-hero,' rikon.t for Food, Fit 1 twos or Weight In tho Stomach, Sour Ernetationg Sinking or Flutt ering tit the Pit of the Stonfaeh, swimming of the ,liead, Monied or bitlicult Breathin4l Flottillug at the Heal t, (I)oliiiii; bittlimiti4l4,„, su rion, when •hi a Lying l'ostnr o, 1)1 1 , 1 , tic of of Nn.lon, Dots or Webs - 1.,,q0r 0 the Sight, Dull Pitta in the Bead Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow. , IiCY,S of Um Skin and I . .:yas, Pahl in thuSitie,l3:tek,Cliott, Limbs. . , etc., t;ttklden I•lu3hes ni Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Cont tattt magluings of Evil, and boirotilou of Splrlts. 'The sufferer from Itteie thseat - .es shour,i ex e ros,l 4 the greatek. , eatitioe hi the eh leetton of tt ri.metly for hla (ate, mat ,i n g only that Nshieh Ito is tuzettretl fray 111 Itivt-Lt iiatt lons rind itNtilrlea 1,0, !. . 0 ,, title Inert t, tq s!. ill fully cottil,Qultd, ed, lit lice !rum InJurioun Ingo if teat:, tntlft ha , . e,tatt pilied;fAr It , t'l f i t i t p. li t `alcut tot the cut U. 01 1 htake tlietw4. 'al this emu(' tloa v.') itotilf.l 6fibllit thole mil-kakm :1 !t• trxilles-- A 0 0 FLA AV .D . ki GERMAN 132 T T FPY GERAIAN PIiEI'A.P.F.I) BY lir. C. M. JACKSON, 1111.1.. A DELPHI& P), Twentygwo yeafniinco thby wore tlret Ottl oltwell Into till country from ooy many, din - 111 4 n'hiu h • tithe they kayo un. 41oubtedIv in' in: Inprcent anti ben. vilted" enifering humanity to a givatct tent,t.ban •uny opter reniedlc.i knovia to tbn nubile. • Tlicso ielnediep will effectually cuts Liver Contvtaint, Jaundice, 1 / 3 spepda, Chronic ot Nervous I/ability, Chronic Hi. all Dls.eases In!huff a Inbar dered Liver, Ftomacti or Intestine., DEBILITY, Resulting' from any ' CallBC telmtcrtr; PROoTRATION OF .211 F, on`i• TEM, influt Severe Labor, • irard6/43, ostu•e,l l'evera, There is nn medicine extant oq ts! to thexe youtcdleA lu tateli cases, A tone sill vigor h 4 Imparted to the wholesysttel, the appetite t► etrengthened, food 11 co• jnpod, the StOlitaQii lige[l,3 t romptiy,tho blood i 3 purified, t he complexion becomil sound told healthy, the yellow tinge It eradicated from the e:, ev, bloom is hit u to the cheeks,and the week end become 3 is etrung and healthy PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIME, 'And feeling the band of Utile *OBlll4 heath) upon them, with all its atleailant ills, will dna in the use of this HMO;Ito, or the TONIC, an elixir that will Imstnnew life into their veins. restore in a inesouro the energy and ardor or nior. youthful days, build up their shrunken teun and give health and happiness to their re• aining years. NOTHT. =I It is a well-established fact that fully one-hall orthe female port too of our pep• platten aro se.ltloniM m ii: the enjoyulent of good health ; )t clurcon, to eso their own "nave, Ivot arc languid, devoid of all . / nt rt;) i•xt ly nervous, and have no appct r To this clats of pet tons the IiITT1:10, Or the lONIC, is espccially recenuautatcl. ityr:Alt AND DELICATE: CHILDREN 'Arc made strOng try the 11: , e of either of ilirs They u ill car* every o. of MAitAS!ltis, without fail. Thousands of certificates have, ac umu• lilted in the hands of the propi 'dor, Jolt ap ,co trill al%ov. Of the publicAtion Lit a few. 1 uose, it Ny1:I be opit.rved, ate ion of note and et anch that they Inust'bo believed, TEsTimoiNJALs. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, ()(c/ Turlice of the Stwrone (burl of ItNI Pnit.ADl;Lienin, hiarch 16,18 " 1 find' 110017 nil's German Mums , It gotta tonic, useful TA in distme..o.ftb. digeative orions, .„„Caand of great no mit io - cases 01 &briny, and want of nes VOLta itetiOn in the system Yours, truly, (i.E.o. W. WOOD WARD." Hon. James Thompson, Judije of the but renic Ccnrt cf P t nneiArnige. Pe tr..nostrurn, Ain't :.1, 134 "I COnalder , llooliamrs German le Usti' a coMettle inn/lane In ease of attailis of in' digestion Or Dyspepsia. 1 cnn certify tbli from ni) experience of it. Yours, with respect, JAMES TnomrSON.' From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, RI D , Pastor of the Tenth Baptist ChverA, Ado. .. • Dr. Jackson—Pear 81r: 1 have boon roe fluent') requested to connect, my nsfro 9 with recommendations of difterentldati s, of medicines, but iegarding the practice - as out of my appro 'Nate sphere I lives in lm all es dtmlincti; b u t w ith i t , cite i v. proof in various instances an d particularly in my own ismily,of the cot , fulnee3of.Dr. lioutle.nd's tierthan bittorei I depart. for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that,/or gencsrvi 101114/ cif the system, and eiycirtly. for Isla I.'ornpO;int,il is a &Akan , ' valuableNei/Jo -0 0 . IR swill, eases it may full but unuallyi 1 doubt not ,It will he very bencile 1..• 1 1.0 thole who scrferifrom the above e;.'; es. Yours, very respectfully, . ' ' .1. 11. RENNARP, . • , Eighth, below Coates Street ' Fron Rey. E. D.Fendall, / / . ..4sistant Editor Uhrielan Cthronide. ( \ 2' : n . ' ' 1 have derived decided benefit fie , tbe use of ilootland's Uorinan Bitters, AO feel it my Privilege to recommend-thew ne A most valuable tonic Wall who are autfe44 from general debility of from diseases C. Meg from derangement of the liver. -- Yours, truly, _ . E. D. FENDALL ° CAUTION. • Ifonfiand'a (arman Remedies are. coo,s,' terfelted. Ece that the fignat el e of 4 %. JACIOJ ON is on tile wrapper of each h Ol tie. MI others art"lll"%counterfelt. Frio el pia Oflice . and n the Oman Me.lleino more, No. fact 0 ory ARO Street, P4ilaetelphia s VILA AMA'S 71'.11V 8, pi r leaf rot merly C. At. .1 At.dirsON a (1.'4 1- For 11611(1 . hy all w v ,,,t i ,t A s ,,d 11P4 , e1l in *sled (eines. - (3an 4, 18-IYe" 1 AITV , k