Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 25, 1869, Image 4
--- nferiPTS AND EXPENDITURES. OP DEKKO 0011,1VVX FOR THE YEAR, A. D., 18438. rrilE AUDITORS BLROTED TO AD- A-just and aottloAtioisooontits of tho County of ilerihe, from the litany of January, Anno Donilnl, to the met day of December, A. 11. 1968, (ho days Included) having ezdmlned tho ame, rospoctrully laybotore tho itonOrable the Judges or the Court of Common Plese,thil folloW !ng1t Statement, findltoport, to wit CHARLES H. PR I X Req., Treasurer, 2b Receipt, frOns Colleclors of (bendy 7'ux, fo Albany. Solomon WM on aeoount lauTjon account Panto' Froy, 156$ on account Alsace. John F00a,16+36 In full lionry Babmoht, 19 1 41 on account Daniel M. Wentzel, MR on nett. Arn(ty. Henry Bow, MU In full llcnry Isoyor, Pol on account Bern. Kroamor, 1867 In full .188 111 D. 11. Kreamor,l334 On nocOunt, 3,508 00 Bern Uppei . Edward Kauffinan, DO Ilk tall 72 CO John littvago, 10371 n lull 1,741 RI Wm. It. liauffman,lBllon account 3,113 35 . - -- 3,2ri0 23 Ilentilite. Daniel lel Itnal, 1867 on account David It. KO,:n1g,15111 on 14000 A Elluu thefunbaeb, PM on acc9ut Jared Limp), It llu full Jared Lengol, V 364 on amount Thome Schooner, 1807 in full Thorne), Schooner, 110! on fleet, Tired:Hock. Christian Harting, MT in fall Christian Harting, 1+3(13 on Root. • Gtei•nm•con. t. Ron Uol7ull, Isol In full thinlol Buck 1867 on uttuount Joioph Small, 1864 on account Untre, (fuorgo It. lionolilor,lso7 in full Wm. FOttolgor, MS on account thlebrookaale. Jool MULIInrI 14(57 In full JAOOb IbAS on Account Omni. Josoph Hautkml)ll9ll,lB64 In full Bunn. Klulgulna, 18G8 Du acct. rizzin (Antrim% Wean 1663 on neooout Henry M. Vox: 1867 In full Franklin Minor, 11,808 on niXOUtit, Doliftlass. it. O. Rattle1(1,111011n full 0.0. Hatfield, 18680 n Account • Ear/. itoubon M. iplegrovo, 16661 n 451 01 Uplogrovo, 1867 on Act. 716 00 11. linunbach, 180 on account /1 4-19 iS 2,819 8D ' Samuel Strunk,i 807 in full ' 9,01 80 ' Po 41/1 le 08 Oh nobount 9,272 40 • ' 4 ) 735 20 Greene/4th. John Schttror, 1867 In full J) do 1669 Ou uCootint 2,731 01 1,500 ou 4,2:12 01 Hambuig. 1111116 in KoyHor, DO on 4006unt 125 00 A, 811011enbergor, 180 on scot, 1,978 ou ----- 1,203 DO Ite(detberk, Jone,thatt 1,0148, 1805 in full , 31 19 1)an101 blayor, 1800 in . full , 20305 Jitool) 11001'101, 1807 hi full' • 2,037 01 Allohnol .1. Flshor,•1808 on acct. 1,075 72 . Heidelberg Lower. • lOntt Gorltait, IWO In full 'Dan( I Urott, 1000 10 full J. 0. qmbert, 1807 on account NM& Steely, 1818, Da account Jleidelberg Norl/b. 11►4tJutnIn (Irma , 1861 In full 237 03 Atluut Stump, lda+► on account 1,70 J 00 • --- 1,197 04) Ilerefora. .lonn A. Adam, 1 In lull .1. H. Iluttorwook, 18.17 lo fall, David Zolgentooi, 1668 on Rea. Yeffenton. Mlchnelillminelbortier,lB6 l lln full Immo Knoll, 1867 In full John Fox, 184 on account ' Kuttio um Borough. EL ifottowitoln, IPra In full Immo K. Stauffer, 1863 on account hint/siva row, Michael U. 1.1111er.1803111 Valentino Geist, ma in Do do lael on account 3/aide/lova. John BAul, 1007 on n(woltut John E. lkinuror,lB6S on account Marion. H. °zanyl4cr,lB66 on account 1)nv1(1 N. ICllluan . ,lBa7 In full MO. Trautman, 1868 on ReOt. Ati.rainumy. 11. Wagonhorat, 18:ta In full C. O. Minn, 18671 n full 1/, 11. ititgfrltl, 1869 on account, Muhlenberg Daniel Spongier, I'lx;7 ln full Do do • PA;tl on account, Otey. Wm, U. Darr, MR In full Dantol Lauoke, lzkii on account (bactanner. Ditylil Isntry, 1601 on account John W, 'Comp, 1809 on neuonnt Penn. IVin. It l'lilllpq, ISO In full (3, IlAltIlaSer,"11);8 on nouount Perry. P. S. Albright., IN7 lu full Alfred Droll/01.405, Itield on acct. Pike. 1). F. Drumhullor, IS Richmond. Solomon Minor, 1W In full llonnevlllo Swoyor, MS on nod. Rohrgon. JOseplt Mohr, 1830 on account nor. Dlokonson, 1807 In full .Albort llpi,lBBB on account Rockland. • Reuben Vox, 1807 on account John A. Angatadt, 186 t) on acct. Ruscons&manor. Autos Elohtnolll, 1006 on account Ilas Saul, 1807 on account Frank, Hohruchl, tikki on acct. ring, Nano Y. filler, kW In full Mintol Ruth, 1867 In full John U. Arts, 180 on account 1 • Tnlpc/incoOn, MO3OB Oxonrldor, 1867 In toll 8,817 & 1)o lto 18813 on aoconnt 1,862 21 ridpehoceon Upper. John BM/Anger, 1864 In full 241 4) (loom° 111011,18 , 37 in full 1,123 74 nebor, BUS on account 1,387 23 Unio». • !Lerman golgor,lsl7 in full 1,118 21 A.B. Who, 11118 on =count , 3,507.71 Inishinglon. D. R. Kulp, 1060 In full • . , 322 29 ISM Y. Slodlor, 11307 in full 731 10 DO do Itlo3 On Account 9,24 00 3,225 39 Winator. R. A. Rollers, 1607 on account 210 00 B. J. K. Miller, 1868 on amount 2,173 01 Worn,ladoil. Levi Onnser, ffil7 on account iA2 no 10.ftron Iyoleer, 1648 on account 1,360 00 ,RIADING—First Ward. Z. 11. Daum, WO in full . 241 21 D' idol Hann. 1841 in full. 1,303 73 Do do 18412 on account 1,711 82 • RINADiricP-avond Ward. lwarel 134Arnaok,1807 on account All 10 JetoOn Bohuter, 1663 on account 8007 27 litoinino—Third Wank Jnoob 8011111'er, 1867 to full 7114 3.4 Do do 1808 on account 2,6;2 Al linAmO—Pbuli4 D. Hahn, 1007 lu full Do 1808 ou account 'tient Na—Wth Isaac Holder, 1807 in full ° I,loa 0) Do do 1803 an account I,NIII 00 RIIADINO-81x1h Ward. 16,a0 Holder, 1s1;7 In gill Do do, 1863 on noconnt It II ADi a-8611mM William Brmentrollt, Idf7ln full. 1,474 74 , Do do 18d8 on acc't 4,0}6 21 5 . ,44 Ik4 Riiantxn—fiYi7Mh Ward. Jacob Scott h, Pita on account 400141 MaitZiiorgOr v lSGS in Ain nototna--.Mdth Wart Jcph hirdhart, Is o * gol do • MN 11111111 Jg,cob Smith, 1,11100 account bane Laneks, 180 on' noeount 23 it0 0 23r 00 1,43() 39 1,911 4, /1317 Whole ameunt Of County Tax seem snwo "'hollers' Liman 1* and ouf of Boris oOlintV. hucksters in Herks County hucksters out of tho,eounty DR. ' • Cbunty Bridges. Penn street Bridge by contract • and toll • • .+, 1,333 73 Penn Street Bridge,Vrancls Bech• tel by toll • 741 73 2,04.60 paneastor Bridge contract 1,0r33 50 DO toll collected by Harriet Ilaguire • 637 (0 ---.6 MU 5) Poplar Neck Bridge by contrast 293 50 uo or to ll collected by Daniel 70 tioy 337 was 1,081 51 9,003 20 4,227 82 , 106 22 1,065 77 '• • 000 75 3,00 14 4,077 15 3,400 00 Hamburg Drift° by - contract 431 10 Do toll collected by John, Keitorer 373 51 824 01 6,877 13 (Whole amount - of toll Bridges .5,215 80) Flues and CON • 387 81 Prison receipts 8,092 27 Cbndillowil Rood Dantage.P. From George Huy cm Born tp. 10 00 Alliroellaileone. Balance In „ibe Troasury of last VCIVY 32,242 70 Douglass Bridge Company No 00 Franklin-Solittltz,in full of Court . costa 87 73 Jacob Finkbene, on aooount of Court. costa 10 tfi Dueller Stitzel, plank sold ‘ 609 4. lfurly, on ace% of Court costa 5 00 , lion). Parvin, Treas. of Althouse Bridge Company • 105 00 Lewis Boa, differenee on Bond exchanged . • 100 00 Harrison Eplor, Treasurer Lehi' Bridge, Company dtvidond 100 00 Jacob 8. Liviii , -b, od, Bricks sold 221 It , Albert CI, clreoli, road damages refunded from U. Tulpoliocoon 40 00 Josuph Henry,. bricks and old iron, ,te. . 63'J V; liutz it Drelbolbles, old lumber sold 1 • 41 50 Jeremiah llagentnan, money . collcotoi Co. against. Moyer 66 tt/ -- 33,027 00 3,691 PS 300 50 525 00 725 '5O 770 39 1,337 47 1.773 Od 5,10 81 313' i - 1,113 31 23/ 1 1,318 60 1,331 13 231 73 iou 00 ttul 33 1,766 06 11 00 4,072 6,1 4,033 65 V 3 90 '2AOO 00 ItecArtruLAriox on Rum PTA FOR DM. Whole atuout of County Tax to-, • cuivol' 211,950 91 11uokstera Monaca io'Xiorice 00. 1,020'50 I ') iluokatora liootioud old, of Berke, ft county MO 00 County toll bridges 5,211 89 Vertllot (009, noon and ooata Bs7 $0 1 , Prison to •elpta 0,002 27 f Conditional road damages Ft 00 <1 bilsoollancoua v 0401140 . 33,927 Iro -- 271,774 10 2,433 . 9U 1,158 87 i i 4,02 , 3 2a 5,M0 12 la 00 0 , 37 33 1,100 00 1,14'3 33 1,511 88 11,000 00 8,511 88 The Treasurer. claims credit for the following orders drawn on him, to wit 1 Prison Inspectors' Orders, George Oelitnan, Soap ' 47 30 Vim° & Landis, looks 48 75 Drenelser & tio. tobacco , 140 112 Mitchell k Co. last, reeds, ho 8,. 93 D. It. Faslg, glazing 9 60 L, Kohner, thread and notions 2.9 47 Young & Simian:ls, visiting committee. 24 01 Reading Gass Company 142 88 J. Yeoly, lumber 81 25 8. Summons, carpenter work 68 01 8. Summons, ox, to Harrlsbnrg 7 00 J. Young & lion, coal 1,&30 00 D. 13urkbart, masonry 12 72 F. Macho, smith work 62 10 • J. L. (biz, printing , annual r 4.. port 43 00 J. Qansor, compiling annual report. 10 00 J. Ganser, iniseellanootis exT pulses 423 72 Hinnershitz & Dub p, soap, ho. 26 60 ri, Y ',Btoluel, brushes - 38 33 `, . T JaCkson, 1867 0 62 • ' . 8 innmona,bodsteads for prison 63,62 . Engel, buckets 3 41.00 . Godfrey & Sons, shoemaker tools 43 . , Bernhart h Koch straw 50 Haman (9 Snow, shoo patterns •4 , /09 A. T. Stewart, blankets , 9 40 (Gibson & NVulker, shoo lasts and -, ,trees • 117 28 ' Boyer k Sons, hauling , 1333 S. ifollenbaoh, painting • , 510 Kline, Eppliiiiner it Co, crash 14 42 Leymaster & Selling. painting . 70 00 Bon. Engler. last holders 15 00 O'Kelly & Co., lasts and tools 170 60 H. ilangen, sewing machine 83 00 V. Groff, map. 11 40 (fobs & Shatter, lumber 11 01 Strickland & Bro., books 17 99 Douglass & Conrad, repairing welt cutter 3 78 J. L. Stichter, hardware 7 50 Ritter & Co., printing 20 91 . Wm. Rosenthal do 32 25 C. Muth it Son, tin ware and ro• pairing 206 31 11, J. ItliOads, notions 8 28 O. It. Levan, lampsll 60 , B. le. Owen, printing .. 3 50 8. Wontzel, soap 19 42 Rambo.& Heckman, plumbing ' 307 11. Ilangen shoes 860 f: - A. 11, Light drugs 21 81 John McKnight, hardware 59 41 Bard & Reber, hardwaro 07 1111 J. ki; H. Miller, smith work 22 94 I, . J. Clouser, Inspimotors' meals 97 50 -., 4,701 60 J.Gansor,umintainlog prisOners 7,101 01 i Manufacturing. Musselman (9 Kirk, wool chitin o, Yo 4t ung, Altoinus h Co., dry 0,149 63 goods )03 14 Betro o d th* & Fritz, chain ito. 602 09 F. Winkelman, coloring yarn 42 93 . • J. Oansor, Carpet rags 757 89 .- Allier Luther, revonno tax 161 66 • Levan ,2 Bubp, chain 5 to Coylo &0. chain , - 102 90 D. Cotin4rd, loather 201 60 EGollfry'd , Soucy do 272 07 ly it Sanger, ! do, 144 50 (24. Stoeksodor do '. 700 33 bowls Lange, do 421 25 • J, L. Moyer, do 810 60 J. h M. Do Long, do 77 25 Moberly & Steinman, loather 139 65 A, D. Carroll Co., shoe iludlug 43 67 F.'J •111okel, hat rounds 97 90 Klutz di Arnold, Wit rounds 33 53 ' D. Lutz, , o do 25 6$ • - 10,928 60 ---- E t l,lo ta I,2tri 78 ..430 05 1,01 . 2 22 3,572 00 1,037 00 FEEI 427 OS '4,612 67 3,116 89 EIBEI ettYJ 35 2,000 00 2,733 70 •'io 80 450 00 - 1,2F9 SO 1,500 op 2,818 62 I/51 00 6,255 62 1,326 41 3,521 81 4,818 03 450 00 2,0'20 15 '2,1110 tY3 5.3:18 la II 05 3,510 01 3,45/ 75 .".......6 , 7,033 13 ,201 It 844357 J,lOB 29 9,2,11 85 12,691 6 822 13 3,20 00 .----- 41,087 13 1025 00 3,133 00 --,- 1,139 00 1,7 W t/ 1797 31 -- 3,50 76 1,511 42 1,277 el 4,572 57 ------.---:- 15,850 I its 00 2,001 43 2,13&1 CI ------... 5,117 9 Officers' HulaAtt. Joseph (lamer, ono year's Imlay)? 'Tannins Ganser JThomas Will, &let 1 year's salary ohn Hoffort, do Jacob Schollliy, • do Jobn Groff, do W. M. %Feldman, physician Charles it Fritz, t reasurer Inveclors , Nrpenscs. David Hut'., attending meeting J. Glancy (fences, do p. McKnight, do Sutuniolis, (10 Jacob Young, do H. Z. Van Heed V. 11. Frit•z, do 1,497 21 1,107 99 2.701 .45 300 00 .1,135 00 811 78 1,761 78 638 61 8,123 03 4,210 474 -10,102 13 Total amOunt of Prison Expensos Principal Loans paid. Whole amount of loans 'mu interreet O. est paltl rders on loans kkationcry and friiders' Orders. M. P. Daring, 19 Win. Rosenthal, 3 07 31 J. L., Gets, 270 65 J. ICnabb Zt co„ 311 93 Dispatch & Titne9, 34 50 • Samuel Levan, 35 00 3, 11. Sassaman, -35 00 D. P. Owen, 15 00 ---- 1,134 0 0.710 10 2,753 39 -- 1,683 93 CionstabrO Returns am; Mileage.. , January Term 98 br. ,Aprll Torm 93 25 August Torm 134 42 kinveraber Term 145 ikl 400 71 2,423 01 Chroners , and Justicea' Ifigitcala, John Pox, Coronor - , 67 30 Jliatioes. of the Peaoo . 123 73 Dr. D4.L. Bieber, poet mortem examination 23 00 Dr. M. Luther, post mortem or. emination 23 00 1,83:(0. .e 3,W1 31 • • Election thylers,• City Spring Election 105 20 Spring Election In the county ,51.3 10 Constables attending and notTl- tying 217 70 Officers holding General Elec tion in October 1,071 30 Officers. holding PreSidentlat • Election in November 1,073 3) ---- 3,131 00 Assessors returning list of voters f 332 0 0 Assessor notifying clay of appeal 1,478 50 1,330 5) Mutates' :Etcs. Cifiligablail foes in Common wealth oases .of 4,415 97 2,770 PI 1,013 07 4,136 66 (013 73 2,001 00 VA 98 10132 &I 2,001 61 • (neos' Res IVitneita , foes hi Commonweal cams - Rout Danuir. Godfrey kireaal , Greenwich DauMl Lamm ,them Michael Seitzlnger, U. tiara Michael lioirmaii,Jr,, do 1,001 50 3,450 SI 1352 31 Wholo ttniotilit'of receipts Total Incomo CREDIT. :041141ph 13h014.0, Isaac Bear, Bern GarrADeyeher,U. Tulpehoocon Jacob Moyer do John W. DoglF, do O. Ilawkings, aidencrook J. W. Begley, Tulpelsoccon, P.Obold, Penn • N. Snyder, Exeter Cburt Expenses: , January Term April Tenn Auguet Term November Term Ctatalli Offloers' .Sirtorks. Joseph flitter, 1 year's salary as Janitor A court cryor Wharton Morrie, hate dist. atty. E. Shearer, do Levi M. Gerhart, Clerk of Quer. ter Sessions Michael K. Boyer, Commission ers clerk • Michael K. Boyer, Commission. ere Olark extra SCRAOUS James 11. Bechtel, con. atty, J. G. Glass, A. Karr and J. 8011, auditors Wm. Young, Co. Commissioner Jacob Shartio, do Benjamin Levan, do J(%so G. Hawley, auditing coun ty °Blocs Tobias Barto, summon ingjurors W. B. Uriesemer, prothonotary 11r , 1&0 1 ...----0--.. 1, 4 5) 50 63318 ---- . 3,583 83 Mayor',t, Ahlernien'a ctrui Justices' Feet. Mayor ' • :110 Si Aluerinotild 211 fit , Justices 6,3 17 620 -;',5 Triennial 11siessinent Trionnial assesslllunt expenses 1,9 70 - 1,153 7U • 7bll Bridges. Penn street, bringo,FratioisßG4ll. tea, 12 months' salary Rambo A Hookraan, plumbing 1). Smith, gas Loymastor 1k Boiling, painting Samuel Focht, carpouter work 0. a. V. L. Muth, • B. ?dishier, putting up lightning rods , Latuxister JJrid~ e. Ilarriot Maguire, 1 utuntbs' sal. ary E. D. Smith, Bass E. !dishier, putting up iiOttning rods Peter Horri, cleaning hridgo W. J. Frame, hauling ground Samuel Focht, carpenter work Pop/ur Neck Bridge. Dartiql Koyer, ltmoutlis' salary 180 co iteublan Kaohol, mason work ' 17 60 G. N. Baker&Co.,llghtningrods c..1:10 13 Samuel Focht, carpenter work t,12 3 Toter Brown, llino r "° Daniel Royer, mason work (to. 010 433,9'27 0) Ll 2 7 Hamburg Bridge. John Kottoror, 12 months salary 180 00 Whole amount of toll bridges 1,704 39 ' Refudding Orders. Ellis Dieffenbaoh, Bethel tax re funded 43 23 Nathan Miller, Windscr tax re funded . 20.00 Edward Kauffman, Upper Born 10 ND Michael 11. Miller, Longswamp ' , tax' refunded - • 32 01 Wm, R. Philips; ,Contra tax ro- • funded ' 31 f 5 Daniel Hahn, First Ward Read ing tax refunded _ , 43 07 Jacob Schuler, Third Wardßehd-, tug tax refunded 1 21 92 floury Wagenhorst, Maxatawny; tax refunded • ' 47 00 Solomon Miller, Richmond tax refunded 61 00 Isaac Holder, Fifth 114ird Read ing tax refunded ' 68 01 Joseph Muthard, Ninth'Ward Reading, fax refunded - ! 1i 20 John Fox and others, Jefferson tax refunded • 13 33 Joseph Itaudonbush, Cumru tat refunded 67 71 Elias Diegenbaub, Bethel tax re funded ~ 26 23 , .•• - Tips:arcs al Npectat Court... John Flickinger and Dan. Setley 116 0) 4271,774.40 • POOR HOUSE: EXPRNBE3. Out door Funerat Expenses. Frederick Blond, 2 coffins for Al bort Richard and P. Erb 10 David 'Zimmerman, 1 collln for nett 5 Martin H. Landis, 1 coffin for Sa rah Rohrbaoh 5 (loorite Lash, fUnoral expenses of Sainuol Hartman - 10 Mark Bchlotman,l coffin forJor. Ors 01111(1 3 Adam (ierhort, :coffins for Isaac and wife of Barnet liehret 10 George Lash, funeral exppnsos for .wife of Win. Mayer '0 j 10 tron*• Moyor, 8 comas for L,. Emoro and . Wm. 10 Charles Henninger, 5 coffins tof - sundry persons 22 Paul Filbert, 2 coffins , for Lydia Folk and child 6 Peter Aulcnbach,l coffin for Goo. Bower 3 Franklin Rohn , 1 coma for 6am. Hartman's child Win. Klein, 2coffind for Yergerls child and Thompson's child . 3 Raymond Mohn, 1 coffin, man's name unknown 5 Jacob Laub,l coffin for Beinulict Marsburgor 5 Philip Eagle, 1 coMn foveliarles Evans , 4 I John Martz, I. coffin for William ' Hartman 5 'Jeremiah Beard, 1 coffin, 1113101 name unkno*u 5 001-door Relief. . .., ,:-.. Widow Sl3lllllOlll for self 20 00 Jeremlahhlooro,for widow rotor Wertz • 20 od Jacob irrlok, for self 241 no Widow Orontes for self „ 0 0 00 Peter Marshal, 'for Cradio ' gold ...., In (4) LIMA Drup, for self . 10 00 Wm. Heffner, for Catharine Al spach 20 00 Amos rektor, for John Feagot 20 00 James Healy, for Jacob rler man 20 00 Elizabeth Dams, for self 30 00 Wm. Umstoad, for Mary Ann McCarty 10 00 Wm. Stu'ger, for self t (jO Mrs. Haas, for Rolf ' 00 Rudolph Colley, for self 10 co Witlow Zeller, for self, 10 Oo Mloliaol Kroamur, for Carolina Shoemaker Al 00 Solomon Miller, for Helena Dowor 20 00 Andrew , Burr, for Christian Sower • 10 00 Andrew C ralntor, for self 20 00 Benjamin Zimmerman, for nos!. na Sheiror lo 00 Edward Skoafor, for John llrol- Sugar 20 00 Reuben Eudy, for widow 4441,n . Deaohert ,l 10 04) Daniel Buskirk, for Elizabeth ' Hallitell 20 Oo Wrn. Roster, for Sally (Dass , 1( (0 JOnas Miner,foreathanne Inbod • 10 o Riehafti Adams, for Samuel Hartman „ 20 cv Amos E. Wolfs, for Rodgers faro ily 12 00 Amos g. Wells, for Trwlns 20 00 Nicholas Llcekmati, for iiiptilyy persons 201 Gi Dernlesort & Koch, for sundry . 000 00 800 0) 000 03 133 00 MO 00 421 oo • lyQ 00 20 3,3t0 OQ :44 00 83 01 53 3• 45 00 45 00 36 Q 0 60 0 313 03 428,490 65 33,108 30 Demosl73 St , O. A. Griesornor, for sundryfam ilies .12 A; Poocock &, Orth, for sundry fain lies 35 32 Augustus Korohuer, for self m 00 Isaac Mohr, for Jacob Kersliner - 40 oo Sanluel Tabort; for Lll;,itbettl on J. L Dan g tol Wannor, for John 11. 10 60 - Ottoo 20 eo --- Petfir Marshall, fOr widow Now- I 3.397 A man• Nicholas Jones, for S'usanak Ito. 1Q 00 Latch 20 00 Catharine Maury, fqr self 20 00 Matthias Livingood o for Samuel Lessig 20 00 Paul Blessing, for D. Line 20 00 Jliets °bold; fur Jacob Schnell 26 00 ames 'Daftly, for John WalKer 2/ 00 James Healy, for Isaac Hoirman 2Q Q 0 Amos B. Wanner, for Catharine ' Long 20 00 Aaron Getz, for Mary Burns 20 00 John M. Easlieg, for self 20 00 Pomos B. Wannor,for Koury Most 20 00 am Stole, for Ono. Doward .20 00 hn,Wiriltelin, for Joseph Pet. fenberger 10 00 John Kurtz, for John Simmers 10 00 John Kemp, for John Youso 20 01 Andrew 'CHIT. tor Carollnelleld 20 (xi Elias Obold, for John Fisher 2 0 00 ltic,bard Iloffinast er, for Barbara Greath • ~ 10 00 8.8. linger, for Jacob Wingort 10 01 Jacob Young & Son, for sundry persons •M IS , . Hoary Kriok,for sundry persons 12 so Adam Stein, for widow E. lfeins , 10 00 John Stoudt, for Catharine Os 2) 00 Eliza Fishor, for self ' 10 00 Charles Goodtuan, for self 20 00 Adam Stein,for hlra.Loudenstim 10 00 811 as .W. Fisher, for Sarah Swavely 10 00 Jacob Butz, for Jacob Daner 30 00 A. D. Himuiellnarger, for Sarah Kerchner 10 CO 3. D. Wanner, for Susan Roomer 10 00 MIMI Sands, for self . 10 00 Froderick Lauer, for Barbara ,811ng • t . 6 -- N. Mary J. Itboade, for .11u4an WI• 10 4an(l 5 00 26103 101 27 lEKI eco 70 _ 808 70 83 00 CO 00 b QV 49 00 46 00 10 00 45 00 17 00 20 00 1 15 c 4) 425 (0 10 0) q oo hake Moyer, for Lenhart Flitter John Strauss. for Mary A. Speng ler Henry lleard, for John [lottotan George foyer, for Catharine tilt, Lich Elias Obold, for Mary Gable Franklin Ludwig, for Catharino Boughesehlts Abraham Kurtz, for Sam. Grove Ezra Reed, for Wm. WiMauls Jonas Shatter. for John Weggor Win. Williamson, for Catharine Rhoads J. Daniel Wanner, for Catharine Flood J. Daniel Wanner, for Franklin Flood .1 Michael Miller; for daughter of John Spengler Gem• Lash, for Matilda Ulrich Wm. Hess, for self Goo Lash, for UM Minus° Joseph Mutilate, for 11.0 HiMere Elias Reber. for Rebecca Whit moyer Jereinlet% Moore, for . widow • John Wertz El 1.829 40 1,621 81 ' 1,696 s G 3 1,466 28 COO 0 0 030 0) 167 00 $ 73 &0 00 50 00 100 00 300 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 75 00 37, 2) 115 oo Dry Goods. 0. B. Keller Kliuo, Epp'Minor & Co. Levan, Bubo & Co. A. W. Pottehger Levan &Shade C. Lova]) ( 1 7, Co. David Keiser B. H. Brown ifinnersollitz aßlikip • David Nog Jacob Hiegel Yocum k Housinu H. A, Doll , F. B. Flolithorit Win. Kerpor & Son C. B. Birch - John B. Poarson & Co. Mtshloi & Moors • 210 00 12 52 90 2t 40 00 10 80 2 b 5 15 25 &Tories. Ucorgo Lash, cliector ‘ s mouths salary Elias °bold, director 7 months. salary Joseph Bluthard,d Imo tor 1 yont'.i salary Silas W. leishei., director 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad, steward 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad, steward bal.of lffi2 Michael Itightmyer,unthar stew ard Philip Eagle, steward on acct. Was. It. Muer, under steward CEMEI 210 00 48 30 230 25 lu 00 6 75 3 4 on account Amos kin) der, clerk in lull May Ist 18;8 W. 11. Fisher, Clerk on acct. 1)r. A. B. Mindoro, physician 1 year's salary Dr. Mester M. Nagle, physician 1 year's salary Wm. blvingood, atty. 1 year's salary Philip Y. Wiliam, engineer 1 year's salary John Bonze', baker 1 year's sal- 583 b .1 160 00 ary John Ilenzel,baker bal. for ISO Frederick Schutter, Gartlnor 1 ycar'a salary Moses fi, Illoklo, inackimith In full Wm. Van Buskirk, blaenotnith on account Win. Hoffer, laborer on farm on account . David IColfer, teamster on aoct. Do do bal. DAIS Alfred Dotertell, teamster on account, _ Christian Zolglor, tallorl yoaria salary John Pilo teacher in full Mary Whitman, mall in full 'Groceries. Win.itilioadio, Jr. Burkholder Madeira Heiberling Sc Smith • .1 Charles Miner Itiram S. Getz Joint B. Reiner 11,1 Mlle and Lim atock bought. Samuel llulUin, 111uIe4 SO) 00 Moses S. Diehl°, 1 cow 1111(181100W 1341 40 !Machold et Schlott, 81 steers 0,010 46 Snyder et Lorall, bal. on htuers ou 1807 Abraham Bechtel, 01 sheep FIRM Shoes and If Benjamin Engler, shoes O'Reilly & Co. i sl►ooa •lerc►nial► Behnet", shoos Francld Roland, In►ta Berke County tHISQO, uhoes nut! carpota Von/ and IV/Lai/age. l'coeock Orth, coal Aaron Gott, wharfage WlMaw J. Frame, coal Kcar it Bro. tt Co., coal MKT and l'lnesar. Tobias Marto Printing and Stationary. J. Lawrence Get 4, printing Wut. Rosenthal % printing Ritter Co., printing and Bta tionctry Samuel !feebler, stationary , Grnin f'iour awl Grinding Groin. - - ilommlg , /t Bro., grinding , gyain 221 61 Samuel %Voltz, flour,' grain and grinding 1,161 kli George Lash, corn 2.91 &S U. A. bleleaetner, flour 461 97 Barnhart & Koch, flour / t 11 1 1.29 Saul. Welt zol, flour and potatoes 407'20 James Z. tirhienter, flour 351 00 Tobias Barto, chopping grain 33 La lling and Dyeing. lecuto S. lost Edelman it Loinbach Levan &Butz 123 00 Tobticro, D. P. Lash H. W. Raul( D. G. Miller Broill.Ber, Mayor Sa Co. nardware. Ueorgo, L Loroll &Lo. Bard X 711 , 01)or .1. L. §tlolitor McGowan Miltlinoru John McKnight, _,lvrthfr fold .910 c rinditivc. M. 81. lioloaq, loather 13onjall1111K00,1eaDwr mitt shoe finding A. D. 11111'yoy, loatlu,r aLI i nlAue finding J. Koch' Amdii Doyaher Jacob Dayslair Jamo's Healy Stove, awl trn. Broblegain &Atelier , Williamilrettlegam! - (Andes V. & L. Ilautli Drugs. i .1. K. Yitothirilv I • William J. Tiiirw echtor ' ‘ .l I (1 teh 11(1 Sa h. • Aaron 6otz , sal Bookhaininor 4, (Old, fish (Intl, on 18e4.) v . lib! tor tc: ifittla4, fish! J. if. sown, tilh tut l meat 41114edb(111 Daniel S. Schroeder; - brick Shaaber & Johnson, castings .1. W. Harper, binding Order book Lovan Buhl) & Co., qtteensware Christian liehnt ter, earthen were Peter titeinel, brushes & Al thous°. horse biro for Joseph Muthart 4ohn 11. Her:Omer, painlinge press wit:lon Henry Goodman, new express wagon anti cover John Spat? med cal attendance for Elti Gin F. J. Ober't, ng, grate bars and lEtbor Christian Zeigler, interest on $3OO for 1807 T. A. Willson & Co., clock Mrs. Mary Camillo, candle wick Mor. is, Tasicer &Co.,stettui lids Peter Brown, lime. Afiehael Item Bail ehain3 Lonhart Gretif, . steam pipe fixtures Lewis gable, laying brick Christian Ebel], re.setting stops and sand stones George it. Levan, ( mummer° A. It. Koenig, butter Meliert& Kinsey', outings Dowalt KM; seed wheat Charles horse hire per Huthert"- • Helms & Gorman, brushes J. H. Hales, saddlery Aueltenbaell & Bro., notions Dr. H. 11. n end- RllOO Holger, As Hecker, ready' made clothing John Kepplenutin castings Henry Crouse, notions Daughter & Ringlet., repairing threshingimaelime Frederick Lauer, malt hops and beer , Aaron Getz, holm rent for gardener t i, 1 . . `I . . Whole ain't otPiitir Ifomo exponaca Ali.weihi;:ccuo Cpunty Expente*. Joseph itunry, nu prison con tract Diller Luther, oxotso tax 120 08 Names /1. Gettls,bridgo contract 1,821':i0 agle Brothers, blank book and binding • James B. Bocditel, extra services and costs John honninger, watchman at prison Bonhitnin ,Boy - or, watchman at 'prison , J. Smith and others, labor at prison and water works Isaim %V. 'Harper; blank books and statlouary N. D, Smith, gas Elias DiAnTentteh, extra work at 6watara Bridge Jacob" Waginr, watchman at prim% AmbsWoller,Lbngs wamp bridge repair and luinbee Wut. 1). Althous e , horse _hire ao. per com. 184 Thomas Hoch t _eoavey ing prism ers to Court Roust) John Eagle;' money rellinded stray horse sold John A'Wier, treasurer of the State • Ayivluill Daniel tiring Dietrich, rering bridgo BletrielPs will Elias Reber, repairing bridge at Reber's mill John L. Snell, sink Boot-14in Conrt,llouse Samuel Frame's,, repairing bridges on Boyerstown road.. Nicholas , Hunter, plank and bridge repair at, Moselean Furman Sheppard, treas. of the Eastern Penitentiary • 1,1t4i E. C. Butz, soda ash 48 Joint Flickinger, putting in coal Itt Cdurt ilouBe. 1 70 • Jacob Young •• flou t coal for - Court house ' 41 40 Christian. Frees, bookbinding 10 50 J. W. Woutzoi, hauling ashes 5 1,0 Joseph henna, delivering Beal bdok to U. TitipehocZon . 1 00 .1, Ermontrout, county sup't for Teachers' Instituto 'B4 45 C.- Kreps, smith work on Black . Maria 30 03 Simon Dreibelbis, repairing tit • r lintel:Lunen bridge • • 100 70 George Morkel,repal ring at Len hart's bridge a to Samuel Focht, work id Court House 1 23- E. ! Fox ..ft co., boarding Jurors April Term 1.1 00 Salomon Clout and .1, Missoner, Making tax duplicates 07 00* 4 C. Eben, .and atone 10 20 51. E. Boyer,, making tax-•dupl i. eaves 4 30 00 I,L,Summons and Schooner, ma- , kingtax duplicates :0 00 Z.ll.liiiturer, leaking tax aupll.. calm+ 6 (0 J. Young ,t Sons, coal for Court House 14 to Edward Havilland, in full per 'ninon contract 1,18 83 Rambo t& heeknitin, gas pipe for Court Itouao ' Win. McNutt, services for bring ing prisoners from Ph lia, Joseph: Sointablo, repairing bridge at Flying 11111 • Jeremiah Bechtel , attenuing- Droners Ho try,Graul, attending prison o Loymaster Selling,painting at' Court Pious() Gco..hell„work at Court house Peter Dingman do Ft C. Betz, brushes //cc. for Court House J. S. White, hauling Stria:llmA Bro. stationary J. P. Dauth, work 'at prison L. wnblo paving at Court house R. KoeiteLrepatring hood brid go F. Freed, blank book J. C. Stroheokor, making militia rolls D. Fister, viewing bridge at Winters' mill B..Bumnmns, carpenter work at I 0 00 ' 10 00 10 03 Tl 3 od 10 to IMI 10 00 10 00 3 00 300 5W 3 09 SQO 10 to IQ 00 340 1) 00 1001 is 00. 1,800 SI EU 5/ 5/ 81 86 245 13 10 59 110 17 AD 77 tl 4;9 151 81 15 21 591 29 27 09 99 73 30 90 as at 16 10 1,2 3G 24,21 -....r 2,190 /41 8383 EEG ECM 200 00 76 86 '275 00 1100 03 320 (0 24 MI 100 00 161 q► ISO 00 EOM 765 00 400 00 ‘ '25 00 Er= 9000 223 00 251 00 170 00 18 23 160 61 184 95 187 25 /2 00 0,11;9 83 212 76 1,308 02 1,117 17 45 Uzi '2,248 13 20 48 Court House Samuel Sanson, steel pens M. IC. Boyer, recording militia roll IVOI. Adam, viewing bridge at Grietanneris mill. J. Ilinnorshltz, repairing road to prison J. Wanner, viewing bridgo at GriestamerPs mill STA. Stoudt, viewing bridge at Uriesemer's mill D. S. Zacharias, services Joseph Henry, wail and pave ment at Court House Joseph Henry, prison yard pave hvg, water and gas pipes Joseph Henry, building and • trains i 3 0W1 37 Joseph Henry, extension at • \ Vagrant House 1,2:81 21 Joseph. Honey, raising outside wall at prison 9,886 m Joseph lieu ry, cupboard, tables, shoe lienches 4u. 1,102 40 Joseph . Henry, repairs at old prison 1,50915 D. 11. Heideman, chairs for Court • House 42 00 G. W. Brockman and J. Faber, Jury Commission° vs 120 00, D. Frey, repairing Althouse's - bridge ' 93 30 Tobias Bart°, paper 1 (3 John Flickinger, putting coal in Court House 0 Vi 8. Fister, painting Olin fur Ilatil bur:i bridge, 7 00 Win. S. Young, Coni. viewing bridges ao, 49 15 Benjamin Levan, Com. viewing • bridges Sze, 61 W !Jacob Simile, Cons, viewing, bridges Ae. 57 66 J. Young & Son, coal for court house 119 50 J. 11. Spatz, horse hire for Com. 5 GO Amos Greenwald, repairing bridge hi Albany township 16 Ot Albert Knabb, ice to court house II 60 C. 13. Hitter, horse hire for Com. 71 WJ F. Dunlap, labor at Penn street. bridge. 4 50 J. F. Howell, city directory a 50 John Flickinger, tilling tip at court how») fo C • Ficed.blank book fovOrphansl Court Mlle° 1 7 ( -1 ) Thomas Hoch, running Black Maria. 60 00 Philadelphia • awl Betiding freight a 35 Albert Roland, working at Kis• on water works 6 00 W. F. Murphy tk, Son, Menlo for R'ecorder's Wilco 1 . GU 15 Jacob Finkbonu, lox scalps 1 25 Elias Dicifenbaoh, making and putting sign boards at bridges 10 no J. 11, Master, steel pens 1 50 Charles It. Fritz, stamps 0.12 Strickland tti. Bro., stationary Si 93 J. IC. Snell, repairing heater at. ' court house 37 C 9 Simon Dreibelbles&Kutz,repalr ing bridges 873 66 J. Schwartz, Wcntzel tvilq Oth ern, fox scalps , 61 75 M. 4. E. Zechmitn, scrubbing 40., Amid house ' 22 25 N. ZiluMerinan, charcoal 1 •17 00 'Henry Holder, blank book and' recording TrAssuroar , s bond 23 83 Lewis NeuderCur, repairs et court houset 7 33J E. Scull, laying water pip° at' prison and court house ia4 Joseph Ritter, 'taking Shutter and 1101fe1l tit hons° of refugd 81 00 Joseph Ganser, bringing con viets front Philadelphia 110 15 J. L. Stichter, hardware /to. 12 713 Win. Hillier, P. M. box biro and stamps (1 93 Deficiency in State tax 781 63 5,002 24 8 39 2 7) 7,218 23 11l 00 110 03 700 2 . J 00 EMI 1527 47 b 96 39 17 W 321:0 83 28 720 OS BEI 22 GO 3i 0) 6033 5 37 ME 3,791 10 78 0 107 47 3'2 es 218 11 79 F 43 380 43 ti 00 413 75 MEI ••63 03 90 01 481; 15 111 41 48 79 829 ;39 GI 94 MB Ezra 876 89 93 03 tk) DS 7 80 355 12 612 83 J 1 37 i)1 MEI 318 11 309 91 623 03 1 ' 110 00 lici fi 12 1115 39 Mr 10 8.) 15 88 4 50 U iiii 28 42 17 82 IFllseellanoons expenses 2} . 0 , 41‘, , , , r . 641/0148 1 . 0114. Bonds exchanged, $16,111.,9 at 1 pot'cont.. IF:9 00 . All the moneysald out, 14204 88 at !4 per cent th:l 33 All the money re2etved, $271,77(- ;6 floater ' p cent. , 1,338 77 Total ---- 2089 Balance In the hands of the Trcaaurcr 77,013 82 MI 9300 17000 lit;"01) itithei(M 111 Erprn4(t9o Prison expenses 23,429 65 Principal loans paid • 33,198 Al Interest on loans paid 13,397 96 Printing orders - • - 1,134 6.3 , Constables' retitrnt ' 1 Wit'44llll Election returns 1 ' . °1 b 2 Coroner's limmistcr. • Triennial assessineUt 1,053 70 Assessing and returning lists 01 voiables ,1,880 30 Constables' orders in Common- wealth oases. 101 27 Road damages 291 50 Tipstaves at special court tin 00 Court expenses 6,510 i4l - Toll bridges 1,7..8 39 County calkers ; .5, 111 - Prosecution mid witness feed SOS 71/ Mayor's, Aldermen's and Just!. 'ens' ord e r sB2o 53 • nefundin g Order 3 _ ~ .50416 Poor 'louse orders 33,559 iyi Miscellaneous -60,101 43 Treasurer's commission 2,489 2.1 Balance In the hands of Treas. 71,c16 33 2 00 BM 3000 45 00 14 25 58 00 114 03 41 121 12 40 00 101 01 12 10 13 43 20 49 70 00 21 (x 1 21 a) VS (IS (LP 5 0) —,---. • Total $ . 271,774 41 , TO tho' Honorable the Judges of the Court of Com:non Pleas of Burks County: car N respectfully report that they haveefully' audited and settled, the accounts of Charles 11. Fritz, Esq., Treasurer of Harks county front the first day Of January, liwitl, to the thirty-first day of December, IS tooth days inclusive), and find a biannee in the h andy of the Treasurer of soventy . sevon thousand and e.lghleen dollars and thlrty4 wo cents ; (447,018 32). Wltneag our hands at Reading this 84th day of January. 4. I)., ltio, ANDIEFMKUHR .------- • • JAMES 8E1.1., Auditors ' • ,;. P.S; ALBRIOnT,/ _ 0303 11:1 4 1 143 30 Z UM 1,473 C 4 •33,6 F Y 7,5 O W Antenna, of TAX Azilt.Stieti ILltti Piklll b un the View) mitt Amount Dite Jan. ~ -14 wiry' let t MD. 194 83 No to` 143 49 TOWNSHIP:3.. 49 , 3 OJ 61 68 181$3 114 18 Albany, Alsace, Amity, • , Hem, 1 1 0 1 4 VPPet . Bethel, 110yertown, Crernarvon, Centro, l'untru, • District, Dotiglass, Earl, Exeter, Greenwich, Ilambarg, Heidelberg, Heidelberg, L. Heidelberg, N. Horeferd, Jefferson, Kutztown, Lon swamp, • Malitenereek, • Marion, MaXittawily,- Mulilenborg, Oley, Oatelitunee, Pena, terry, , I'lke, Richmond, Robeson, Rockland, Ituscombinalier, Toltiehoccon,lip Union, Washington, Windsor, Womeisilorf, IZFAratio " First Watkl,' second Ward, Third Ward k FOllllll Fifth Ward, Sixth Ward, • Seventh IVt td, Eighth \Vitra, Ninth Witt•il, 100(X) 40 00 107 13 120 50 ED GS OS ET3 MED 21 t 3 32 00 EEO BO OUTSTANDIW4 TAXES von Dlr. rnacwr Itt.tas. Charles Wean, Distilet, 1815 Jacob 8. Sholleaborgor, Ilani burg, UM J. W. Reed, Marion, 1863 Elias Diellenbaelt, Bethel. 1860 Daniel Gehrls, District, 1866 Ilarikon Oxelatider,Marlon,lBl6 I J. F. Mohr, Robeson, 1806 Amos Sehmehl, RuscembinanOr 1801, alma paid in full Jesse Ali iler, Albany, l&17 Dario' filbert, Doravlllo, Reuben 31. Updegrofe, Earl, 1817 Militant Keyser, Hamburg, 1867 J. G. Lambert, Holdullairg Lower, 1867 1 %V 0i John Saul, Matti enoreek, 18)7 871 68 David Diery, Ontelaunee, 1867 .38 91 Elias G. Sant, nna.nor, 601 07 M.. 1,. Sellers, Windsor, 18',7 718 87 Lee Nome], Womeisdort, 1807 30 9(1 Edward 8'311111(1°1c, Reading 80. Ooral Ward, it:67 Jacob Smith, Reading Eighth Ward, 1867 703 00 Jacob isimith, Reading, Ninth Ward, 1867 1,020 ;it Whole ain't of ( ntstanding taxes ••#1 ,',lll vJ We the under (geed Auditors, do hereby off. tify that the above account la a Correct m ft t o . meat of the outstanding taxes, up to theist day of January, A. 1). , 1860. ANMiEW JAMES llELLtahllters S. A 14 11 1110111.... tWhole Ain't of Loans or old, debtB as imams 'mold be tmortalited. t*t,S;l o3 We the undersigned Autlitora, do hereby ocr tify that. the above is a correct statement of the Whole debt, of Berko County, on the :filth day of ._December, A. 1). 1808. lf Wu outstanding taxes iind the halaneo In the halals of the Treasurer bo deducted, the real county debt will, as near as WO 00(1111aboortain tho s n ipe, antrum to about et xt y•ono thousand two -hundred dollars (#. 1 11,%0). ANDREW KURR, .1 AM Es HELL. ,Awiltera I'. 8. A1411111(idir„ • OEI DIM 16 65 3 00 „ MI el 00 3 91 3 00 11'73 g) 23 44:1 31 7d 14 00 5 54 a6O 12 18 3 09 t 3 75 3 (h) 150 00 2 CO EEO 200 '2 OO 30 00 MEI 2,(;,i 71 I fob 20-41,w W - OTICE.-Tlifil SUBSOIL' BET,/ Would inform Ida Ohl frlonds and eidotr n that ho hap lila 4111eu at No. 21 south Sixth te a m near roan 1 WSOVO ho prepared to ottOo'd to MI k halti Of (.4)lloettolie ttoni one dollar t•1t1 , . 011p , i „6 . and all kinds ofeonvoyanetu done at V at , m i lortes t, notice, ho ithio nein tts Column) foe 'tore ln sot Mugtill trAtatett on velll4o` aibt o ter ms . At T'r II AS hi ft; N (", AidorUitta and Attorney at Lat. CITY IIOTEL‘ t souTu sixriqx STREET, IfA. *..ChKrgos moderato. ° , atm 8 ' I- pAINTS, OIL AND otAss.----wEni twill Pure While bead, b'oater's EngliAll Pure White Lead, LibOrty Purci Whitt) Leatl, Pearl Pura White Lead, Red Seal t Rawl %Inc, French Glilikir, rill shies Anierloan 0111 4, all eizes, - Lliaieo 011, liitty, Paints, &0., (tat. For /sato chcap, and i till goils warranted as saia, by , MoGOWAN it MILTIMORE, oct 31-t( 612. reran tateet, VXCELSIOR BOOT ANb S[loll STORE 1.14 No. GOU Penn Street, (Next door to LoraVa Hardware Store.) HAIM/OK & FDRAIi E, Deg to announce to the eitian3 of Head ing that they have now in Store, it very thus e4aortment of 241W8 AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOEs. LADIES° AND CHILDREN'S ROOTS AND SIIOEB of all ShloB, AMI of very superior make, which they sell at the lowest cosh prices. They Invite all to call and see their stock before purithasing elsewhero. • • Thoy have also a llno assorttnont of the luteit styles HATS and CAPS, at low figures. Aa^r All kinds of customer work manufactured lu the very boat styllb . rtt. short notice. Tim patronage of lb() puhile is respectfully Hefted. . Oen 11-ly Cough, Cold, or Sore Threat, :tpflltEdi IMISDIATH ATTENTION AND BIfIQULD CIIIGOKED. Jr At, , LOWED TO CONTINUE, 'Motion of the Lungs, a per- Anent Throat Affection, or • Incurable Lung Disease lI 0,404 43 twain; e, direct influence to Oa paiia, Wye immediate Prettellitis • Asthnta, Catarrh, Coa stunptiva and Throat diseases. TAOOH6B Alx it.TBEII WM /I AmyAlai coon etT/Fi• SINGERS AND PUJILIC SPEAKERS will find Troches fseful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Spealiing and rellevinq the throat after nn un'usual exert i on i of the scribed by organs. The Troches aro recommgmled and pro• from eininent men throughout the country. De. PhYslelaus, and have had testimonials ing an uncle of true merit s and having prowl• theft' efilettey by a test of many yearn, each year, finds thofti In now loefilitle- in various part./ the world, and the Troches are, universally Pro' bounced bettor than any other art GirrAfs only "DitowN's linoxeffinf. Triocnis." and (to not take any of the worthless W 1 1 (1114 ' 1 ' 1 that may be offered. Sold everywhere. San 'A-4m NEW MEAT 'MARKET. undora 4 gned having Opened a new ?It q!, 1 STORE under Library Ilan; corner of kJ , '" and Franklin streets, respectlailv solicit a bhare 'of public patronage. Always on hand a full sulr ply of all kinds of Meat, Sausage, Scrapple, tt,e,• , no., at reasonable prices. All Weis pioulD") filled, and customers served at their Jan 29-;;moil RAUDENBUSII & CONRAD. SCOTT FO6TDIZY:AND IfACTIIN .- 31t01):—.Nortit Eighth Aft•iipt, fteficlin ~ It ' , r kinds of maphinorie AuU othor rot Ingo. 141kirliblt work by oxverlopeotl toooliin 1 '44. Eattorn work by the beSt r atton Maker. 3. Orders promptic thloil, on reaßonahlo Oat 10-6 m) BEYFERT 310 MAN US tc 00. ME • 1 0 n a. 81,89 41' 2005 261 2220 01 . 990 7y 5•:':01e8 - 110000, 5107 95' 3500 00 -4111055• ':3110233' 52/2 06 2775 00 • ; 166016' 1318 60 650 70 1%23 Or , 102017' 10'0 20. B‘ , l 33 4157 31 1 4022 (5 1 3211 501 2200 00 5665 771 4001 25 1459 63, 1103011 ' *l7B 711 2000 00, . 177407' 141038' 5388 1X); 2232 4336' 62. 1500 o,‘; 1 1713 08; . 1078 N.' 4873 70' 1673 72', 7527 95' • 3572 00 ..)i oe '9 153 1 1700 00 I 3063 25; - '2312 67 111 *OW ' 131301 c 45000 • 49 , 13 MI 037 00 1 5107 311 , 352161 1 . 4),)0 57; 2919 00 614915' 3152'76 i 5305 34m 67 1 10333 59' 9 .tai 35 1514 53' 3265 0, 4020 65 1 3133 00 43 0 41 301 1797 34 1603 751 1514 42 1 05i* 20! 4572 57 1 4001 41.1 2688 49 2748 02 1 1207 20 11x)6 571 328 7e 7379 716 421017 2739 971- 1357 25' 3705 641 1862 24 431336' 3367 71 42:4; 641 222300 , ' 2 740;;41 2175 01 , 1c,60 tkr 1360 00 1311371 1;42 al4l 41 5.4709 3.503 bi 839 74 017 03 3171 41 .3230' 24 2I 3507 271 206255 ; 4736 (•di 1001 00 ltl2 4015 21 ;117/ 41 11111 15 2',',1,150 35 1 i31,491 II (Near Penn,) A. S. ESTIratLY, reopeldor. LEM TITS RtIbULT% BrOPhtal Trooheg, 12121 OE ME l!oN 1 :4 tv 411; 41 Q I 0 (4 ',O k (%) 230 to 4 , 30 5 , 738'11 1163 61 405, w, I`\l7i 31473; 40,16 3q 1901 pi 1030 31 1279 Ni IA ri, WU Ili 0 ) - 1 44 % 741 !II SE WV o 41IM 4,4:04 900,n) ltAn 1273 3► 1014 r;. till 16' 0 3(41 2161 2NI 71) SP 1i5,656 .23 DM 830 20 01 71 2Aki 00 ,806 4' 3•23 111 65 ,020 94 183 31 923 . 43 652 74 NO 00