RE MONDAY,,FEBRUARY:22, 7 II34O.- THE ADLER find Ralf, 0R AT ' s Itlitilrfilb ( fA .1 Ati 542 Kin, oo WOOF) liousealheiNlintizoppoliteb the! Keys . ; t t o ir 4 . 4 f, bg) ,. et • X .•8 10 • tea 111 fro bt,r, . li vEt ,vitit4v 'When tittikograntivatturalotitlidhPtwalet dont of did Ustkaill Btatil, by.foho fraud, mattradiaWitkikliale..iituded Au. the Idea !WA, vonatigit wamiit last tat be ruled liytaldNaistoro-awittkiededtaittip of that oeihealitspillimies iat go:oft/revive* for whiolt efthdy aleiv bawl staving &FL 'many lossiopeadiA Grant tumitibuttit Audi fa tv, dindinidut their inligtaldemlipolie3ofiefi.itikidg power and Ike aNalthofltitooihole oath* into than."pAtttolatil Thef..,l44tot role Ch44aApitgalidt wertiin.inialintiai leaden, ' saititageilopele The evanfot tar* 4aat ieViliteethe have , woefully3lll,l4o43lol#4lssaialidd they not, look :upri4lue...leoemelpte.'of the l 'eaeltfitkagi.dirtted with , I , anxiety 04 how ,TAgiri iptilniatii.orttgthi generalimof Aloiniciliss)ll4lll.mca crest. Mizikowyeithp‘tiocirs do not trgatibi4P Lhas ./Hootatloat upon thopoopt4eNKAiiiipol i iikeAtope. mice. 1 0 oiitx9At,tlforActok *tip) creating a t o yfelokivijimity / Amp Arpgai t tt themaelrpo r millxi g h4 gerfillmi l Opp They holkiPVlNAMikligulYnktiltielllirni prove a 411 1 4 1 61A 1 0 itfiPlYttOt. o.ocSetitait mittoo Wkogogat y lii,p),R6l4 filled thwwitkslifummio MR*l l l, • eion t for tßoy see in hit brief romarke nothing like Ihntr rthrjrW.l expectedrunicifi=to'Wi Von, " ' been satiefibillellf not be answered until time halitikillq oped tho course whitlMMirtitata. tor interilkllblftifialvil6ai."ll9. l 4. Washlni rtienOldetetik46o4 Wilhite; more infilificeirltlebrilftlUMlnjttAtliq ' Man, is now lying dangoviaso ly ill at "Illtlititttr" . ""Thul his reediesy i itilwaiitfertatP Gen. Badbilipta ittAit'soetallt they lookl ItoldraclittslistttNebin 30W lug out tlibleticidgilisrivelipoited to I have:l incurred tho 'Orator efikirtifil, ordered Belleau to move his, (ANN , intd another part of thostwsdipittrtembnild• ing. ThoiPlitvd tritsimierYwmethod of wresting-fr0m(614114-,ady information:lbl regard Whiadtotal) infeatlohep 'and their( lugubriont erl litoGrippeat?abot& and( confidentiorpille(tifentiging? tpitiptsidefsa , The Donmafeignlthivingtitt6lhiiigUt& expect from Oraotorwntslmly - awalting future dateloinnetill. a 8 Theydresidtddy • to' the best 44if *air 4.1)11141 ;lei *04410 of the Radkialls inallixemourlioomitiy undbe the, tale•leif nidcsilotpapit their only hopo is that thotebeemicaßgillibrain 01168°10s with the mace th'eplmyotritidotl 9 !Again - at the liberties of theltliitftieliffYlS6plpind that GrAnVitili Wont /tit Bndicaliftik(titl9 . o67ktlaVedt r ded hits; Democracy drink to 40 1 41.00 t ^) i" .••••Nrimak_t_lL....__.l . Om/. 'eitAYtitlitiMidi*ill itltiid I,W InaugurlititinAlitraiivittittindlilg liiii objcotienttOtifitiiiistici Nrittili riki*lit be pidinlltto /. fond Mrlollls ,Ifilifve, i f resolved% t hliVis'a IliciA'Val);', ,c;g4' jg!'‘ whites wilPriti 6 ,lilkiiiilytd."'"Orlia her Grant wilts lotAithir be rac i diMl4l4, l is not kiiVw6 l . l- ittilikiT Siiiiii:iCiMii‘l6'; and a foiiiithliF t le4 / dikk 40 1 , AY'll lirk recognized as porlefilitiitliti V•Stiliil:4' lg.' gore if they could l nrErrarri;el. corned bl'ueit Wll6ll l liitalfleio 1 lul t it sisr signed tlieliiiiiiird6agiet l Y6' tfiniiii, iiiid the fattoliNlVAkir t s64444l4 ll itiOnt i itithirP_ 14-do..l_ , tniifioits.l rearratintsPisii4o6oNetaiiiiliiiiiikek urtlfartli (Ivo aid !no 'v , Tho African maillttraimaspwl4ch artived FA_Liverpoo e . 1. 1 _lyroriglA the crovichrltie Mk Pllctiitidi.' Isfililtitil . gale, whick4factlestekethrAillekti 13 . 6vAV. The Flo . ....: , Q lllll . 9. 1 . 41tilis ui tili l iiikri: . bla rive'', . :Ts .1100 / Da. . y li with 'await'' , lilli 6 Aird'iiiiiiels,' • two Kroomon, an lila fOrtrAr.hi OW the night of the 201h4bavaasel•etruelvon a sand 'WA / apt, i pmlymi t iep o q4.4., end whi6Wifitedd(ittAlil 1 liurr9unifoof by brokiffriiiiiteiti ielkll l )6 Valli useless thi laviviiimi and 'ltzvtputioatilivind. one of tleft, fito,llll o oo 11*, 11,04 , W4s f sZre e , bin d pt VetinFiti unfortunately -WI ,Plttie 11: I ist containing his mohisiossihaiikorico. The re Aw . till brit, paeliqboati V/ feet by i .,i t ut 9241144i,n,9) it i k make h • ‘. i ~ t , h 4,11 mit, , hy,wqre all, 20 in . , IVA o'ltbit OVirl boat.' MOH provitiviit,lllb.j , w4te.,s6iiiiiii exhaustirsiltAilteliotismyttoidrbtli, sktm water, vt it epokm, a , 044 . j . • .1 4 T ai l lor,_nam Thiiti' l 'iiiiit ! ,i i a v i e food was fothagOs . 1 e , i , 44ft:4m should kill SNIIVIYIADtb . dii • digi. - Th6 of • lot fell 4* aulorl4,omplEolufitiohnrite who, her i Ttai kt" t ito i nank , the cap I i t k . I A p k yglA la. three po 61' ~ t 1ne64104 , chl! hook fret? w . trikiii4in, iil 'h e t baited with rw ottSitiititinditi toirs some sown ' A WbUtge a s h j o t s i to devoured, rowa_mjakad.„„amd.,,,w4 thrown ois: i poard. - Wkifoiiii to, thi4 tlii crew and 'aVe : , i , s tulnieedflif itoree up some Nil ' , ltic,agtwfrdhi Word' body wltt , . . ~,* 'boo h i caitonOder rate . his f; I, y ! . zini r bo t topmttec, l ,; 4(0, flies wer Kis atio td.o.ymil , •i On thi , ' ' INDY fotnitOtt ly r eacluzliii litti di ItithrotheY were tratit Vitkiiili : th*Wok,imin sic by Capt. urron, oft si men u : w,_ Rti S. A. Paine, of '» . .-, , . • . .s. Copt. Ourrop topt; ow d % I N it i s,9l, whence eitifirSt6 it , illit .. 6' at KT 1 British saielditti:" 4 —trientftriam ncsiiiiirei nine darkihriiin AIM bidiViiitiriiii *hi* the, drigitd * ) ;l l )iis7 949FillOtoPiMi 1 4 9/ and iwkpOtrlp t ylop t il i lif il, visions litillii tlfo Mt It tame t i me. 0,110.) of , hii 11 , 311 .9 it 01) UM Wei. jibed old State, all of rshidh require BOOS Sal!ljjOi. WO bare "Nimes -744kr -General," an "Assistant State Li. AiMir:44 "State Histoiion," two lidairs Werke " •Thaplain of Senate," klier l" three Jai, 4, .iouse, " pri al of Botunchi l " thros„, Postman 01.,,er _il{beper i st34,.„o,Aa,,,,,,.„ tti offieers t ro IIiott,ORIAILIIV mile n ice:_ ysiiik_ ttpr j ely --, /Mt E 1 • •i 1 Thir!‘ tillto NO) aq ii, 9 lieere o ho ommonweal . ~ la e " .IdAbtaktPand liildir IV theer ei *MEd P liihiti3iliautiatlitillotelitiiiie !calve , ' r i tip tossiqp, i (Orpa t 919othit4 Itigp hell; Ada sttalings amountinito ; two ~911 three thousand dollars' more. 'When the Democrats were in power, the ga c tlif ' member of the Legislature was tttvutit a d n n o o w st s ca s, l ow ings. per T a h l e tu G u o m v , e w ri i i t o i r i " a s •,6i?, residence furnished and found; i of r his salary was $B,OOO and the (10iv r had to find his own residence. iit Ins Be rotary of State receives $3,500 rill um ; formerly he received $2,000 . I 4, uty Secretary receives • $2,600; I tilt 'utlL .s6( i ,Grounds ioth e ( 4 1,P i e n r a i n n 4 %! 1 1 a m . :Meth grass 'on State Rosso Hill, ties ,pptt,ti ittle trees, &c.,) $13,876 is op tfi was "bit ed n ; am fo e rine t r o lt about sl,ooo A c l e ,ooo r. • ilh ire expenses $220,000 is up* , itlitted ; formerly sowo $BO,OOO was the ..iii k m named for Legislative expenses., 'h's A utant General% Department re m:bet I approprintionio $6,000; for. / aferlY OA OfiAll e& & <ock Aple) or obt ddrififtdint.f l T AttaffeirGebt' 4 Att‘l t ,p4w receives $2,000; formerly he .receiirip nothing y in salary, but made 'firdniY coin the feed ho received in Com. diallille Ith cases, and these fees he still ii i telye . But, ergeligtedinq ipivod of a pt the comparisedi'lltatitetht the ref a t officeioWqrs ,rik .crrislArg,eyd, ' 111356' i o hol t isiffd ' 1- sitiOni ii Tow' 'yilesete i ed. ! flilio0:440410 ehf4tOtini ~. • .. o GOvernment nndor Radical rule /I ~ , .: t about foutlestpeorol,hal' ' .n . the 'EteitiodAti. VftirfelaWil ', Il ft .. • a ketifiIiPPPISIOPA.ItOOPin oliadnot , o dank . -,;4 ;ow ~ fi: fit I„,i, NA there is onuAtuitini IN4preo• pig - rine . bill that attritewour arlieular. i l tettiti .n. I Itlis fi liAtil .f °lot.; i i 1 1 PO ? d li t 4 k°l-I.° l *.ed A' i 99, q did . not n it; untilnow , ripipt lugtalitirall mama emdrowini n ? vania. tilintothat4sre hoe Asostil beyon i quoili 6 ,7 l f Iti'llrilli l srov Allo, way tIS tiqufg H i e Itt, itt '; Ivy 41 Lowry's district, and receives '%fihtlß , ator's special attention. Lowry lot thiel•intlettian who, after the old thief, *gads 'r and rebel, John Brown, was hange wanted his body, so that ho might lant it in his garden and,orecka inloNlui . ept,pyrA., .I)qt, fwe, toot dlikeis t :: 'lag fit 4 I,tiktAppydptintm,- 0 ',.9oFilttio, - , , ; , , • ... , .b ro a . 0 4 _ 0 ,14..c111 . „ . r . .. 0 ygt,311.9..r q 4.1,.. 1 4 il 11411/Wlr ty.Rtr, okf . i " mice a 0 °rod iistitutp.: (l pi.% `Olt til whore little, nigtera ,, bo . il klabal .it and found I ' tat :the' , expehsti: of the puilie treasury I Where the Legit! I n r o ci l , t e r ili w i e ts a i i ( i t t io b w ori n t): 4. is , i stretch liOnb owor, no authority to -appropri stash I collar of the funds of the people .1,.; Air is like this, To charitable nnlitity ions—tlittpenciinil, &Wi le; Am. lain„ o Blind pis 4 i , 1 Attie Mottilt le, the lloube'o eftiges, t q Sol diers' i riiitidifilrobbbla . "&d.'4it(itirdifit , pultly i - . 8 r o &e r r o f? r bu tt: , o w S e t t a tg it r a t lend a 1 1 i i le t Wii: , ll , e il awl kothing Ae ll orp.obilgo a n or 'Ale* ' bite chltdren , ativfivattf ifi4titO.: .kiods,l tth e •i3kpetnie kir 1 tokttBl)4,sl:+iatil .4•7•111 h o P e d.OlA t Arii: A i'liAl.Y 4 ol ll , ;AO% i t ogeg PIVPAIIO4I , :the 8 to.fAsel ',wee 4 1 4 ' 6,1 1 .to the eommon School fund. , Thsi se • Onliftlid'ini9p;tklill,lt9 .I ) lSekiiC Vali a: white blitiaren. Aieouibinibio e i, ~8011601 nog _ good enoug h for. ,negro, ktlotkpl ? % . I. ' bA4B,,,.':'*?'„To / )01R,If.„iiiiit oh iil , itlicyo o , 9.. pi vi e, Cii?49l3, . 0415 Collet Ei for negro children t at does All Ilii•I mean?. Has the- WChristian Bel (U er ' IfltYiri l lill gr Pao #194 . )/ O . _ IA li . aoh of his Liu iau in PontyllyAalik, t9,ll9,emiipd cll at ho expense"oroht lie tie? It .deehl '. le i ha tktiVill A rr 440 e a l'' Atii ' l 1 A nit til 0" i gt l ita l tu igli s tatitttldintib gni ay. 001, it can estOlish ngd endow a Hily'lli .. Whitlit* teidoliatitik4bli to . To,,u) zimrir4 AL EXTQAVAQANOS. =1 Ai that CI ) 1816)1 81 1 • 1 ny ne . —. 77 - + i :rift UCIAT. AY[) 4;3 . litky B 41TA 111,719 lii V l l : ll ,,Po)i i i ) tiOV 4 CßA AliOlie .. l 14itItkto ' tWo .4 4 3 , 01; , 0"th0, States* as eon l a 7 o 1 nte4ibi4, elmlo.ltf tt110", Ow iilitoid Olt Bid V Ari' 60 t V Aholuguth of t tholllo.,Onitidei: ovifito rOf Seisegainbia...;'M4 ,. ' rogtieso and British Ikralt.o4k.: .n..tthiwattioining'constoAti .f.IA . I have for a iong.llo - 0'.014114. iiii , which is now hOt.:tkill, 'Ol r,i; I puma Piropts.4ollo, ) ftiothivi, titre in Now Yoy l 4l l ,:tk i el;k: i only r.ornaiiiinitiOW lettilkiPg' et r if the advance havul t ili .1 . , 44; osconco on . TheradaX ~ til ;,, " rt at.,Ple journeyrneo of • 'on moray afternoon veleta J ,-.‘. 4 . .7_4t.l_rz.___.Ltzt_t_ )s , ' t 0 ui I 4iIroiCARKIJIIMPL7I, t Pob.2o';''!!' ro Senate, tho'orieginioltni &Mt- Paisq°f l Yl Yik l ifgl4r l .) ',till r° l " ill . ' 'A discui tVifPVirBA94s4,4i esti otal IshiNal or laid itc tTl , laPtiffiro• SonatoraDoolittio, Dixon ) Mot % RobOrtsonl,ollolsxnadiflogiti°n a urged by Sonatora Oonkling; nd Sawyer. o House tho rdpo i tit of the Elea ! in in i tto o, giving, .tl4O ao&t.oftdelo m Now Mexi i cil9„gr. civives. wad. • Alliik4ttibagitt4 /1 Pailiani ( tht' r mooting of the Forty-firat Con .ol noon to thr i oa legickok i - on the arch. \n4len 3 Viib 'oda. t6A ; 1 1 1 )! oyt 1,, twltr; l ifinOt) reds 4of if h t fi It CS sp,ro; or 641 loo k , 9 117 or 014* :aftravnt ntlf% find anohi l soi "or right lo hold /p t . fie '6"itC4l 46f61.; a contrition of aorvittplo." It 'ik t9;limeitait*lbir d't iboio`k )10 WV . 11. - ----- 1 7 .1.14 JUN children of, rnint, °yip!, of . ioc to n, Zdoutgdnetry(lo tothty; ; l e T h o vo i ' If g.o. 11 aniLteiv yeartl, r iilViC )19. ,- Mid 4Wilkh Op 4 htii. len .focs rove roin . the tentt6 tifirh 64 #4O iedciTt' i l iglic 061 oil*, Mc at, .ml4l .' 1 . ~. 4 I t. *h of tri, . * "(41:1 1, i.)'/.11.T...'. 1 111 . t.6ant Tueas le not a single whisl lory in - - tion in Ind oni Id its . NI mane SW/ ;ving teL, (, am Le. Among them is the that. ti, lisqualified office-holders in the tin. reconstructed SIDASin 're A e. 4.4 itio .0 ,411p.rosident is expeed to return the fib bill with his veto 10-day. :Alll4 committee of nine Virginians have 14444"4 1) e 1et i r t t 'a r r it i u; It 'llD6tigYeis ' 1 t on hrgi bill. i . k ;l4+ lit sr Tx /.11()91.911 .i 8 i P' . . 4 The Illinois House of Representatives on Fri gtiWt t / PA .__hritt,l# 4 __ols4 ) restorci a ciesilvrpena tr. or ca.a ' : crimes.l , t:;. 1 ,, ; ', "! . .p , - ,1,.; ) 11 1,Lj,,,.1,rrfr-:ii it t I The iNtiditliegitillituft 'hali' tiOilAbiti its reso ution asking for the annexation of the DakcAirciloppptxx4 1. 11 'i 01 Ii - move Mexican - adviecs by way of .11avana re port coesiderisblewt4i-tity , AtilOrigtheyriy volutiooists in Mexico. Negrete capitir cd Pnehlaioo thelid butt /shot! evieotited it on tlie approach oitraOntieniiiiiops. An instrpcticlielpOneet, #41k,,d5.4.., jara, a d thief hatezoboottiA ; evititif•id* Thiscalit.lok i Niia lr ' itoll:' , ,i4W Aiiii : Martin Itheseklit ItlittlslvktfC.**vvY' loan one iliiropexobezte,Awrpga, /with; 11,9 rued Jaen; had "probotticed foi Baba Anna. Time Prqsident hill i pprlonpd )1?lliala, 11. DentPtieY; iiiiik Atediatvioi.ilei prison eitt'ini . tt 144.04414444 A-88.18t6 tle°ta k i ), k l A ',, o_ rk t . r , _ 4 0, : t i ltpt o c: It a 4 can. 1 th4nor Geary has renpited Gerald ilititim,))ut not decided upon filo length ffAii° tido ty of white men went to the f Col. Thos. Dickens, near Ra prings, Tenn., on Friday night, rdered two guests, named Hum. 'illtl.Ml ll l9JtE! 1 91 r e t - m 9 ": e PIVII4 y I)pi/ et*. 0.„01/.111, t 1 bfr: fi 4 14 f, (,) tddibV maq kin Black rivir,Tenn. ) on hurt ):ht. No lives are known to be and In Cir Dicitgp mato 4ue Ilifid'a day n lost. A w man was run over and killed by a nt Foram,. N. Y., on Batnr• railroa day. 14 1 1 by one dor mill at Gorham, Mo., blow turday, and one man had hie on. rpt,i t t. r }Pk• E= 4 .ari 141 MO- WA TED.—A good girl to do general h' URt. work. Apply At fob 224 t I d PENN STRIENT. NOT WC, No lady will be admitted to th i Washington hose Company's Ball to-niglt unless provided with a card s ,which can be procured from Lemon Buck. All 1 person who have purchased cards will call all got them before 6 o'clock this evenin . \ ):4: k , 3., /Mb ili-ltd 1:i t . :4 h. , ',' ,`i .) ,-ft• ili)} !o. 1 0 .—Ilembinkil5f ialdmei LeAke s A • NllO5, are hereby requested to attept the sta (xi meeting to be buld - on TUESDAY' EVVNL,NO (234 inst.), at ni o'clock: Bust. nee tjatlve to the seml•Lontennial Cole. 'bra n° will e laid before the meeting. v.' feb Win' J. N. ALTROUBR I Stio'y. TERY BLEO I I 4 RIV,L. Aid eicAteti" vo Trustees, a Treasurer and Boc. of thbAttlenkkeltllemeAry, lill, THIS Ev.htilstt as 1 teeoekVin he n street School' House. All iet ' rln t ard i tlP P fifft i ld i n ci , l4. ; lt4*. ' ict 4 ( l ' , ally. l Atfli . eiroula ‘, ..,)• RD.—For the,last Yew menthe at; ear. PartlethliV44ooo ttk llablvelyj tag We e and eninueroue reports uty * PtA od „ all each tfpt u gr s p t t m a &' it Pts h tr,e Atgta .4( 111 1 3 ~ 1 ! ACT ',Qt 1 1 11 Moo will p (eb Og ,—A 1 , 04 'A' 'n nSdnil ti f i ll !oo ° 41 1 1 1, 14 1: a l"161.1411 ` r t,, : 0be4,111 the Ba n lAO, fr HVOVO R l in iK a t . ill bo balii by rottirni gor giving loror i 1 thin of the 8 IW. 1 " 8a 1q ftwurall zit Lis . :' ' fob 7'4-ltd) Shoe Store, SU Penn tit 7, 7711 t e i ,J , E 111 4 ri CE le' her 7171 eby oven that the mom of 1, TUE PEIEND#MIP aTEAM MANE COMPANY, NO .4 OF THE 1 0 READ e , 7 . 0 : 4 A f eth ~ L . I.' ,ID , r 1 14;41) arta' o .1 7 t 0 b e a v it tli, 1 n W, ei l ierr,l• te4. ~ : , ou t o Er WA" , :I •, 4 . es e I t reale n to the eontram on er before that ' • m'a t t l ilPf4firF99lM4 l ll 4 ,-, at •. ' UT .• HOLDIIII a MAtilidit Ain't - MI ( r, ' ,'- . icorigiVe retia da washindall mi. i l 4 ', l ! : 1 RE &DING, PA. 4 )1 ; , i?,:tif .r. vii AwA l i k itie ii i clAtia i i ' 1 Vitooitauzsi noVlZONityfilliMV; v - q4 kilthgOe t **Mttitglii , l, t t ~, „il ' l l4Widi• . `y'l': , i 4, ts'tiaomm., .. .7 X . Frt. ill, 101Fliti lk t it b l A , .. f•olit 1 Slitt%trettifla lit l i lt , :., , :fir. ,i,l i 4 1 a i tun i . . ,o)13,0484 tnt.,„ AP, A/O'A, • 1 i ~,, )1 1 tl , , • i B* l olllo,Nti . ..l4l.LLi if I- ri1f,,'"31.411reii,....-: UM 11 A V 4 147 !I , 4 1 4 'IF e) .11 A !, N. 543 . PAIIV Aro oriapillo WoiloodifsWliff 10',0 1 ' -1.1141110 , f t Wou L t ,t r , r 1 r i -1 1 rNiv.vyirri 1 ,, •• , ,-. 4 ,i - COAE ;AND 8441.111111012AINDAGAIINIPs 4 •1 1 ,i fy , tsl4444.4tipmvapompindi male" RXCELLENT FITB. lii s .* if o IIPIVW .c'tllitlik/Ii 1',.. - J nfolur itese st ook of gents' ; , t, , tteit!rvil.l (1.11 1 , , t I, . : MI 101 1, , ‘ „ ft . , tk o % 1 , u , pkso)l.4 tr titift t - ra 4 loo l ' i . 1 "tra a - TIMMS • , rr,j 1 CALitiiii‘i*P 331 " ° , mvituali 4lWri4 ,y 1 1 Vri• 4 'i '` nov Nturi 1t VEII , f, f t I t ~j Or tilt A Niti ii e • t act f l u rsj,Limzuluu) itiliji___ , 4.)A 41 k, totalui "IP WT 4 ' rigif 14 14111111RIN ,it I ftb swirl, I errutriorq.• rri r, , ,, it;s,,,: 0 1144470 1 ,ii ?fA ' 1 " bita-lt 1 141 Art tor' Iry 41 dial - • • - Wit; BUM_ ij Or lealtp , NOW 1,4190.74 r ♦ , l 14, Mora It •t et► de► fel • • .. •?'/ILEI 'HILL ,-,: , 1-,,t ~ .•:,,,,i„.. ~ • i zbeer mitialqii , BoAsoine-eargoopi it ~..41 1, •,..: ~.. .• iiiitli st tettoi tebdtidwe4:::, 5a„.... - o•yrto ,oy , . , ye 1, ~ , ./4 . IA t cd, tii t . .40,16 tiart: Wa s 11114sliofnery s tbbittiV o • 'Pa, .. , ~ .. . ~ ii; ~ I , llTheritedondltat iii i.lo tiiiiit4ohtti tit u- Ba r s troxyg ot kßopy od it s ap ab ' .1" 01r ~ '• '; ,, t .WA 4 „0.1,0_ u a rii i pip, .1 1 ; ••••.•••,1 ,`•5-,: • ', Pfrlli I , MIN. Tolls. el" _AoWaoltor, • Mann T ICzalitti; Beet , Mlllll4lhlrAd , ituttanetorkf MtildVittfflt4tger i OA 44:bter 111 S: ilkAt Marpp .t ; t•lltf. f t ,; •..( HONS. nage tuAl i lir, Leonard. , aireti L lt 4 , 1 1 TbAydri BO I M. , l3orroilicoo th: • , I tm lu es e r. t i Xt U a l g ar lir joilitiolii.; . ol 2' iiiry ) ' i p, &INA a 6, ei Ornporaint43 lisattltou;. oTt s iv po,, AN: , &tong VP' Fi •Ifortoa :1+ , 14' i ( ''' tipl, - S. (cross. , F 1 . ,I , Itlller i I :WIC . L i it i ttg i,s iia s aj 11 .! ", . l i:12 4 :8 •1 0 [I :; ° , 4 01 b SEifudociCtimmo , 1 ,-;; pi. i 4, , i 4 j - ',I•--./. ° ,i i; 44.14-eil +.4 U otft,:' ' " ' ' '' • ' 440.18.6, p li. 491 e tt.a j l lit ft liPl A t iit I n" V ' ,- 44 : • ,0 11 !!. • I 4 itt,9 At§ppzis RA ir TIF4 OF so t 141, Vat , -Mitt° 'sold soi I s riil i aYA nfrak t AlA/ 11 4 at t maid Oq 4 / ,40 . Pe. Pl arg r aAq t filtair; %Wyk). pt•vw. ca„ot, Old /iKVtgritifilll‘ stands, . . bridles saddyw •Vattouti her Art ' • • Condl i t ; todifi Vitidn . znWirit j tar t ' a ti i imand piano b 1 8 0 1 llfrithgonqr 1,1 1 VDU Llol32ain''OP''lttAt ''.P.B-' .a. TA 1._.•,--JVIII bob_x po.s.dAymblip age On Bat rday.thO 130 day' Or tuareitr' • at the eystone nous% in the eityot to# kn_q,all. haSdettaltiTilatti3Ttptir 71 ti i DwEL .ING lIOUBB ;Mitt' LOE- el Or n , Weet, nd 7 Inches fr ont; by WO foot in depth, atoly otmed, , andcootuplea .by Dt, Frank loser, situate Nol;Ist droutk Ntightll street, Itteadink The dirittillet4: eentmodlodq bblitiin is . i t WOMB -an • lekbolle V- id VG), been late coill Ato kor' "410 it convent. - ~ ii , range, h ' ,;'4t 6, kt 1 i 3; roc , . V. re k B 62 :4P , Vli 4;t4 gr4lr'." s i d e to , .. ~ to 11, OO ' it ti" *hen obndipipplAp.ol)l be Astade kn by ; •-• ' u.u.BessAEWITE , fob 20/4twl . • Assignoe. ENID. = EN LD ,Ai t°ill 'iY.l-Or Iff3 gliletlog l y I A riles of th .0f sairtraltat( :OA Ado i l ly, rl li o the 27t daY of trsibrum'at'll o'olook A.. i i.; in the Co rt4lope , in , tht .Oily foi; ite_ . ingi Lieut o 1. tree. rr, hio'Far end w 1 e proseni and delver an ad d ress to the meeting into to the benefit of seldloiiiandit6 orlrinble del i rlif illto erfelie/laril Coolstry hit bid fo ory roma ning memstsr of ,saist, eire7 went. an will leghibit a Wel air lag o f the Bailie ¢f , Geltrshnta:th which satill 'Regiment beid an important position, which will bo a kOl4 batlsfaction for, ever, 0110 0 ece.., arid, rill o',e'xPla d about th'e look of the ttegiment, 141‘ almost completed.. Col. H. Allen' and %nfl 6 19 , 0 orthil itehltnehl will,be 'wrest:, ik t 011 tat i 4l oompilop are tong esten •to 4 /ft seethe th tweigi p i t 1 licit* ` s will ttendanc. The Dram *s 0 . cemen lots , in. attendabilk lii,Pn n A 4044,9 of their.- ,Anlning limb , °paid Regiment. -, PO ' NW V4 ll lodiNiZtßilitili.',:' 1 fhb' , i t ' , 'TT 178 .Tkil7B , . XX' ' ; ELL - Orr 213 ACom lintitkitit.trO Sitttinoolikli in roo wir, M I Foquirti t Hy up tHltipti , i ehle, w Ti o _,_, 8 tpik, 9 Hp 1,410. 1 r.0F fVn ii ihti, . nt /IV r. tHAIP 11 ,Plilaei le ft, 1 0 ,wakrt 9 pa /4 C 8 4 .0 t 9. 4, .0 , - . l l 7 4sc itu li r opts; . .0010.p ? r,uttL,a 03 , :.., .„ i f ',44..,- 1 1. 1 )t i . i. -4" t i NO• 885 i lika tirOt i s orivizat o ay, . Runt. viliKev • , ~ . trAtk ao, it, „ , ( ! i - , 1. RWASTEIVEV , IWTIbW, gct) Lopifirgitg7(rArri. N I • at the' following Iniebninti 104' IL 11.11 ed in the onion of the Rtigipt4m in .0 or the county or BMW, end that the • ' 11l be presented, to I,he Grphans' 1, 14 :, ri r continuation; on saturday, the ... ' id ,Of H4reg.nexti at 10 Woks* A, M. Ogle UrtifOtille, in the City of Reeding, lildes, ,11:, 4 ~ ,:t .• t -i, , •,, • ~•• a t kt ,114104 asininity'23, Anehtint . of m a l t ivilt o od sr x tPTA'?r l b ! It l l/ Frt Pg 9 P I t Tiff! J tuiryel, ' Aoboithtl of S Olik .: lior; stiLAdmisttpip t . o John '8 tor; ilillifi liti' , Atiobrit' 33f • Samuel a AdMi l n Y ilttiitot of Tobias Wiser, Ant ary 20. Account of John N'ritlt.. Adkinistnttor of D. W. Hnibb.i.decOdi ' ' ,..4 ' ' a , iletkiebruan , U. Account of W. S. Es .serF 6,443 li. W. Bickel, Executors ef Samuel Itsseri doceased. . . •,.• , ~ .; -Ftled Februlisit'-' It .l Aceontit'lif ' SOWS Stitlactfer, Administrator of John Soluief fe,r deeeasod. '' 11104 Vobruary 0, _ Account, of, ,-Davld I lititlilltitardian of Mao ti. Jambs. • --rued` February 8. Account of George B. Yoder Guardifit i : of Fowl& 48 1 0%nu l e ile Febkin rg 40, , A unit orusor • um 44m nistrator of Henry Won • lin , eased, led' January 10, Athount Of Venn& Ganter, *Onlinistratftit of Fklitiela ll,Ginti, b it • ter deoeased; K.fa .4 ! 4 ./, •. I , • ~, y , trit..yanuin7 10. Account of Harrison ter and Bonneville H. Illester, Mx of John Christ Mentor, dethaSed iiiklirer re A b galtilia l iiiiVall gl i nt eh. Filod February 11 ~ ocount of Reuben D. Seidel, e . .. I n,og V A lis ix tir,olMlis,l" .4 , Filed , ti ;, ry' ; pot Heist A. la . tot ror (airy Ares!. e eit • 11 10, Febrtiari 17. 'Account of Jacob L. Gri til er and ante' L. Griestimer, 44. etr it r e AS l 4 l P44 l - 0 ,40002g . , 'de; Filed February 17. A.- i . pelt 0 Aifiltani ewer Adniinpilfil a 'CU &Me/ irkr• , I, ~,,y1 , s 1 4.. • .' ,'./. 1 .,-. ?“•'' ied 0 417, -. . 4:4000i af,lobo D. ru llt U dognisttistor of Halitlith anima. T l tr. 1 ki ie , I vi i i , ..i r: 1 ,2 1 ' ,:it.r sr.* worrt 1 nan i t o , t triali tfirlitgek WWl*, It. , tt t 3 • gni t• 3 "'S'' 4M`-li , :CV t ! . . . . , A VS l s, i kic k _ t ' ll *.4isteminobs.,4l v t m a infA 30410arli"SialiTatIgi*.; „ flrtT 119 I :tt !I el 14 1 .04„ mow in /I d M R l ! tie 44 t *P-' kapߧA IN At,'lArkt NB. *OK ABI;o•V =BE /ow .t ' r. ,1 ME , '1 'al r? l ,4q Yl t tl/Y Fooi MEM •••; V , l( 3 “„.1 1:1 •,!? ,11.1 ,••• .! l ,lAll4ll..rif J ii • I : J•'i Aptt. i , t' j t I v., iL p D p A. RAGILA V• 1 Ito AT ilitatO 3 I - 3 -11111,; ; ;,34:3t i ' `;•3lA‘i 4 •,,•• :•ti 1 . fi =HI , El S 1. 1 "41 1/#0•1 t ' t 1 EMI ! tf Ili? . g ti p ,‘ 1 deb Li f if .) V. R , i I abrw Sate Olt tikte ,cc SA 041* of on tukti tAV MEE , • , , VIT - tiv If rob. , ----- --7s rtetltl:... qy ' •ItNkr4t" ..r IG.T-L . :A] red of ~ Re Alli • t tl: t' .• for thee, 0 , r 1 . e , , lii, i t ,•3 ..-, , I,t,it m $ , t in g ni IV. gel • f APO§ , • or it appear.. 4 b *es al r he •„. , . Imprevenicn • to. 8 40 fte alribilt . . woe, feeder door and out Mies, 1 li l . h i lt xtralarir OVEN, and as a baker ti 11 Every et it net .•‘ 1 , 1 n gfregg ar n gi v 9 ll 4 o t ` e at t c l i 4 k, ,rre p g e o Glie lAf! si : tu o ht . ini r .oi titt ir r ,4l fititee lfig sl i tt 4:: :) , e . r 'At a rbaork i v i lgted • . ~.., t li r a lltl i t mad at I 43411 pr ltrA"irffMrcd wild pqaan possible. tame any othpr pli in tile pity. Toe h sw i fter hop l ivi vtithdbelr pat. renege,' will . ray that the best of BAUM*, Eton will be guaranteed, I , .R. 'T. LIMN, 'febleiri4.) 20 North Eighth street. I- R* reti l tl l .7 fit" 311 °X A i'Myiul 1 , :::;, , 1 - lit A u rpirk Q ' advalwamil 4 111 1 , 1111 104 'P11 4 0.- 1. u L, 4. L... ipt / 8 .39 10 g.„ . iinio 4416.4i,m ih ~ s erlibl e u -nit. • now and elegant 'tore. .„ P i• O. ‘47 Plllll4 sinidap4 i ~ ,V . I ; ' Whin anekiri4ii• - 111 And aViia l Iri " ; I , , ge r iltoe . vi k 0 th•bestiand warns 74NiA BRANtiIS, (14 . 4116, 1] l i z teT i oir .7444 ,'.v.i v , , -,,, tA.v ~i 1 trid. uke pit at orj t • m rpliv a s ettt i Ve d itN e d 14 4 , ii , 1- I rL vti- .. wit ii, WilOt4tio Him issiriviikitt ,' 4., A HAM STOUT.' P Of. 1 .4 Ina Noreh Bia7 dho iges .nd. , &oles ~ also.* tOoteet Melfandttgaiga ryr , , . ery day. cari be frion(Ll are Inn. - ii . - , board. • ."* Zreitr , . r ~..0.. 40,,o r tienssilititi4OP:iir% . i 1,.. 0 16iat egraiMpmem .. oil& 'di: '- ',- : r 771'ic LAllVarkl-X4rocootyei t io v ii i ii. ; 1"; 4 011 0 eark • p — , -, mmumnavionTirlia . , , - , 4.i., , tkhorit to rAtt p ..i c;„ 4 „, L ; iugga it L i ii. ,, , ~1 1101 se lost sieve dryTirl, wlar=oe' - ... 4 . ally (rota the farm of ifontes It. The eboet re WIMI '111'4'1404 hy 1 44•1111111084,'!°moll I .., :c ~3 -, , I.s. it ,)•,i ' ' o , +, 1.• , ?1 , 1 1 g r " • 4 ."' - i•' , i • 41ti tar, ;1' t I $4441.41'40it woilists•La" " ~ •1•• I 11: 1 1 , • ; . • • , 1 - 1411 n 1 311,: (:1 1 - ! ; 1 8,:i),Iti l git h. 4iie, AOO .I • IE, t 146 IT)/ fit• ANl'l Ittelati ai I._tn ' I ,IIV4T 14 Pi! AND .110441 h 1 r .1 WEE Mil 5t , •34 SI;LJ ti p 11 '4 4 . • 1 ERtOK W. '14.6.1111110 1 ~ 't . t 1.1 ,9 1 ,LD JAIL ' ;. " , " `. " - A& WatAkgto* streett.' 41411(oifr , Pik,. ~ ,I fi: ,• : ;' ', '‘ ..:. ' 1,. $, ~/. .1 i •. :I f. f.,tetlYrW;l4oPckliOß,,iPiiMelt, , ~,,., . i • /Is ft , t .11 I.+ , f ON .80AL1I 0014P4NT %.,.;" I• . • ~... , , ll ,/ N I l 44,11111 n ' tt;ditioo;',Ppociffik, lii s , it rti - if ii • iliatudti l *A . f,l ° ,P,,. 1 1, . • • , • aflottPrittrl4 t9Pliff•M; 11 , ili , d, i0 ! "41 1 .01,1,0, . r4i l 44?i ; , . I I 416:11A111!POLL, 2f i-rt ~,1 e ORTERS AND DEALERS ()1CE.c.4.11' s 'TV • - 0 ;,:, • SOVTEUNIFrIPBTftWif:''I. MEI =III Magi MEE E l (1931 usa • LOR 8. A 1 S . r I, i sr OR AND SHOE MAKER 6611 has &wa s Reauqh /1!. i ite. Ale aide. 111 4,1?, Ara,.il 4.4 tr 9Y6 IMlV:ittel ri0.7,l 7b W 4l o4 l lsitiilt °° ~..• 46. 4 00 ,„.„, fp 41 '4 ' eo 70 • - 0 06ients 65 ded.T _ - • J'AJKAttia 131 itool ! sktLE AND NXTAIL DNALEIN IN ISE -Jut. , ':ii-tla ITM BE R 0 ,4 , . ,lit':l)V 1 : READING", rit4l , AV oonstantly on hand and for . sale I J • -'ir LOWEST PIiNTS p ' .'•'iltih I t.IW I A general assortment of p.m) ‘ltOe krill, lintLolotk, - sPitut.:N. A :11 -1 • . Li wtivisuity v f SOAK. ASH. 0120 1 010 1 1 1:40-,R J. I 1 I ~CM 4 DIANA E)ltf+iviyilylh if ,i ;I{. WALiallt dao A• • . i ,i 14 l.o.)0 1 kttrX - Y XL,LOW FINK, :, MI ; , 14.• g . ' A , t f mu 4 / Ms .I'tck WOO • •Dr, address • J. KEELY: Feb 281 1868-ttd] REAPING PA, 41 ~i • 1 ;§ • Pi; .1, important to Printers ~ ;011 t d 41 , 1,1 j r, , •)3 st e 3";',PRESSI.,6ILsk. „;,p2 t II tk Ili I I .1( It 1 =Bl '4l-IPIN'.E CHANCE FOR MACIII XISTS AND MANUFAO - TUNERS. - t f 40. t i -E ENGINE l :a I I• ; = 4S) ONE BOItIR Mil TO i 11g - SOLD CHEAP. . . • • 1 ..; ), 31111")): 1 1 1 ) 4 .i llte , ollowlog Inkobinery is offered for ' bide, at advantageous rates : ONH ; OSCILLATING iNGINIC OF OUR HORSE VONBIt. • ME EIGHT-HOME TCBULO UP )0,114 RIGHT BOILER. O ' NE r I LA A RGE 4 CYLINDER PRINT i,iMl3, INOMMATIA-ra CRC SMALL ;WASHINGTON HAND Ji PRESS. 101104 STANDING PRESS.' I • Apply a l t tho Adler Moo. or Oddroso • el" 7TIP 2170'i" (I .11,, GRIZIONMEIR'S. , , ‘ lB ;): Eatensive Grain Warehouse, ULM •`l,l iii.d . ttil i'3l4:3osl:illoi, , • Now 'ill Pi il v. rdilllEßS AID 'OOIIBIGNOBS. •'. ;•.5 . 17 , . '4O :4%1= t 4 st ormilto", 000; , . .'...41.1., s i ': , tillk .54%,ifit, eill tai *LOUR AND FRED, &a. , . - .;;'' l " driolialt _saiNtaldiktioir A__lloll. b* Porsiiewl slairaerc "Lev i 4 hilli , i , ( , ii. , • , *BB,l l 8M y i rf ri , I . vf 01. • _ IMO* et. Eimillisig,Ps. AVM MiOnN4N lifjOif / 41 (If gbly Reasoned and under °over. AWN re A.' knt,E 1111111' PINE, CYPRESS% AND ,RTR CAROLIN 4 GREEN SWAMP CEDAR INGLES. Mere respectfully solicited and y attonded to. )'or prlooa, W ?BRICK p w , 7 4 1 Comm efibsorth and Pine Streets MIEG E AND i 7 aib , uut DEPOT, ,c ' FELIX. .4 , oo ktia Waabin t . 9 .r CSC WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1. ergs tiiniiesiWs . pitarr tpl 4 . at to jil t 0 .nc; .1 inillti . o h IN TABLES, vigummusiu*tAki: , w. DOING ROOM CpAIRS I ~, , CENTRPA4D aid ii44l 'il BI P STI3DB .11:01116 biliklisittPmpl in and eiery other article in their line of boot. i 1 1 artfele iktoteodiet litttlikidikelvet,, le o e itdiroltabi t r e Alltr id i , ltorb L‘ 11'2 = P a e tfd flubbed in n unsurt: tliin 1 11 1 11 . —.. --•,----,•--- ! Also'prepared to execute ell onion ter CARVING, ," t ,TURNING, SAWING, pa MOULD' • All °Moro prom s ' ed to giro latilfao LUMBER! LUMBER ! ! BOAS , & RAUI)ENBUSII . • Ootiner 4th and Spruce Street. te (The/Ii et Lumber Yard on MA ILI Mow Penn.) ' , T B DEST;WIEAPICEIT AND MOST ) -. s. ,% ~ 1 .1 , i l e d Wo a 4.. ! , ' ',V Gls will 0 : I ose( O t 0 lowo•t. Inarkot pylo In gnentttion to Hutt purblinsors. AUG. . BOAB. ONO. W.IIAUDENDUs 11. lob. II -Ltd A; WETS 1 CARPETS I 1 B. 11.• MARKLEY & 00., No. lift Plum street, below Wrestling), betwpen Iltztit and Illeyeuth streets, Hesk . trlthetittliems oti*pil f and v Int , I , at' t ey ar manufacturing the varygroin. !PAP te a Wot after ed In his city. tow ft tgti l e — anill colors, Wholeeale semi retall,at New ork prices. We invite the publlo to examine our goods before i!urohasing elsewhere, and save 25 per oent. guy outM 4Ar e ifenv A mn i f foti money, 111-5 m _ B. H. MARKLEY & Co. ..; 4 1 , r, 111ANICINC4 DOM. . " t 11 ) ; 4 4(14 lAAk I 1 BUSIIONG & BRO„ i l • 1 D ANK ERR, ' t I Defilers In '. . 8..B l oxps & STOOKS, GOLD , .. BBL' 9;1: ~t' : t ''l VI i -.• ;‘) 2'. , `‘i (0' i ON I' NW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. !Interest paid on all Dopoaltl. Open fltt 9a. tn. ! C7ose ai Bp. In • lIVEgIONG & BROTHER. fob 14184. t 1 tr, • MoCtowan & !Edmore, pEALIIIII3 jilt, .1 e". HIA D WIA RE, a7lt3 I IS .Kf) OUTZERII d UNS, latßE FURNISHING 060 DO. BE tfli4T-§A,P7-11$4',T ttiildingilifittarialEi l ' l,i. SADDLERY, &0., &0., &0., &o. ,► I No. 612 PION STREET, READING, PA. &D 2 4 1.,( : *pi xixournumal, To, a1:713 ,t 7 &kW r- S E " oi sf ar=riZeliiiiiiiiir )t ' ll • 1 , 11..}BIROK & BRO I Di. lA. H. LIGHT, - 1 1 1 16 . ll E ityki r timir r Ittits:*l • • • i TA wz td • matils "Tr, ItkaiiiiiffiK:ool'' WWEREtiiii4 tiMP,M)§449IO . • ~.. ~,,: 1 1.44R if f Off i AnxtipoPfi:,.bri mgraiii r t ore f open an O . attre aew ati dwell ~ •,. " / " t *LitgalfalitUt' ii;o10 11 / Yit ,'": ' l' ' NO. 171 MN 8 4 TILBET A • lIETWEItS . ' 'S"`" 4 441 " :1 49PARP111 }•: , ;,,: i It II 4 li r ti ' • where w 1 pakilliontar attention to .1. keep afl the hioo.o ve.ti(rfl . 1 J , ' , '"'• ' -"----- ZADAtericitmerAjvpaguirmt_flili„l) xitAirWlßlßOOMMitMait=p liaitie g oafA i gu i ta ir l i g i oargat 101 . rie7xP eros Tniylnthst hoarty thanks for tOM f vora 4. an, 4 very respectfully aoSoft he Co thl. l lllPO of the same . Satisfaction guars teed. • fob 1 SSW , x xi fts. qapsur. i. V R I NATIONAIt? .. 8 - wpm AND HOLLOW-WARR } ER RH OF THR CITY OP READING.) f it C. 17CIIIM5ER 4 414 PENN STREET,: Would Can the _ itintlon of the publio to b ris *eh 9t wi t y rjlf th 0 l a r elitt i rM riVINI cavil, Anci l l W "I ' t ili r PrquiPti , eitenald to fob taw r . it. km . , E.eau. ,„ , rt., A . ..tpirill WiCa l gaigo u lia !i t , 0 8 cittil r s , Sit is urtonances, at No. 255041111., .; , it 101441 Readmg% SoKon itcoonat ttf , illft , JUN OSilitr N11M1141410. , . :,--_--a - , . '-'-•-...1. INO ro4v S i: I,„TviglAlll,o,‘, iiCM IL ;~.,11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers