GM RECEIPTS AND• EXPENDITURES. OF BEIM, cotnyrr FOR TUE YEAR, A.. D., '1848; t H Ativrroltii ELI.XJTEI) TO AD- A- Just and radii o tho acoounts of the County of 13erks, (rim tho let day of January, An no Domini, LOA tho 31st . day of December, A.• D. 1868, (both days inelndod) • having oratnlned the Homo, rospodtfully lay before the honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, the follow tut fltatoment and Report , to wit: CIIARLICB if. FRIIX, Ssq., Treasurer, , lieottpla Ann: (bllecter,r of County Tor, lo : • . . Albany., • • , Aolomon Iflostor, 18$15 on account $24;0 t$ Jesse &filler, 1847 on account 1.961 51 Daniel Yroy, lalt3 on account 2,003 24 ' Mince. .Jain Foos, tfill In full log 22 Ilcory Bolunnl►l, 11'07 on account 1,9 ti 17 Daniel 144‘VelltZei s 184.3 on acct. 90,75 • ~dmtfx. 'Wormy floyur, tt#l7lit full .• 2,077 15 Runty iloyor,lBoi on account 3,400 00 fiern. Kroamor, 1847 hi "full L. It. Kroauxer, ,Au aooount Rent Upper.' FM ward gaufrmltti, 1841 In full 72 (0 .11)1114 Bavnge,NlF4l7•lnltill : ' 1,745 (35 Wm, B.l(titiffinart,lo3B on accotint 3,454 35 .:,. -.---"5,260 23 • Iler111,111". I►ank+t PIJ on t 18 , 17 on account David It. Ronilg, ISO on accout Bethel. Elias 14 . 1o(oribacii, 1894 du 'o,ooout 779 39 &trod Longo!, 1807 In full I,hs7 47 Jarod bongo!, 18U9 on'accourit ?,775~00 5,111 84 Bojierlown. Ttionma Schooner, IWI7 In full:I 315 • tenoulati Hohoonor, 18 Bon acct. 1 WO 00 • I 1 — 1,145 31 rerknork. Cliristicitt Harting, 18 ( 17 In full Christian Ilartinif,lB34 on scot. • thernareon. J. Reaa paleoll, In full nitntottack, 1867 on aCcoant joioith Smith, 1841 on account r, Centre. (Margo R. Itonutilor, Ka in full Win. Pottelger, PM on account Volebrookdate. .Tool Ituthart, 1837 In full 293 93 Ji4col) fi. U 01,10,1801 on account 2,290 00 ---- 2,493 06 JoHoph Itautictibtolt . .lBo In full I 1,1511 t 7 Bunn, Klolgulna, 1869 on acct. 4,0'.0 ----- 5,25212 District Charles Wean,. 1t 15 on account ' 15 00 Homy ea. Fox; 1067 in full 37 3:1 Franklin Minor, 1808 on account 1,100 00 D•mil/mts. U. U. RW.0.01(10887 In full_ Lau as U. G. llattlold, 18cS on account 2,00 PO ---- 3,511 38 Earl. Itoubon M. Updogrovo, 1843 In full 431 01 Reuben If. Ihulogrovo,lBo7on pot, 710 00 I[. llruutbuob , 18t1.3 on amount 1,419.38 Ikeler. 4norntol lit„runk, 18117 In fun . 2,4:32 83 Ho do 186$ on account 2,272 40, ~( -- 4,735 26 Greenwleh, John Soham, 1+4071n full 2,732 01 Do do 1808 On nooount 1,500 00 ------ 4,232 0 Hitinburg. Wllltani,Koyeor, via on nooOtlnt A. tiliollenberger, I&38 on aeot. Ifetdelberg. Jonathan !mho, in, In full Daniel Aloyor, Ma la full Jnoob ll oohtol, 18117 In full ktlohaol J. Ifishor,lBoB on fleet. Heidelberg Lower. lion* GOrlturt, 180 In full Paula Urott,lB6o In full -- .1. G. hornbort, 1407 on noooopt I.:I1Jult Mooly, ;t4, on nocofful, - .I.teittelberft North. tirtunt, 1t447 In full Adam Stump, 186• I on acoonnt , John A. Adam, 11;3 Itt lull .1. B,llattorwook, 1847 In full, David Zolgonfooi, 1803 on neat. .Tefferon. tennolllnilninnuirster s lB6llln full 14aito Knoll; 1847 lu full John Vox, 1 . 8d3 ou uonnunt,' N'utzlown Borough, isaac 8; Ilottonsteln, 1897 In full 819 Isalto K. litaufror, 1843 on account 4y) n;1. - 1 , 2 89 80 • Longswanip. Michael /I, 1111110 r. MIS In tall ' Valentine Gelid, NW in full 1)0 ilo 1903 on 'account Ittaidenlra*. ,Toll SAW, 1807 on account John E. Mavoy, 18(;3 on account Artrlon: f." It. 0 'coil rldnr, 180 on account N. Klllntor 15 1 J7 In full Benj. Trixuttnan, 1808 on acct. .IPrat ta full Ll. ( l l Villiv i i t l y tog i t 4l l l B l . g l l l 7 U. 11.filgte1(1,1848 on account lif)rilfrnbceg. I)antetBpunglec, V 417 la fall Do, c o laW on account Otcy. Wm. C. Ditrr, IM7 In full DAnlol nueount Oriteialinee. Ihlll/4 Rnli•y. INI7 on account John W. Komi), 1801.1 on account - Porn, W tn. It, Plilllpy, 1917 In, full Ilultlumr, 1911 on account Perry. I'. B. Albright, 18(17 Inltill Alfred Drolbulbios, 18ds on ttent. EEO I). F. Drumboiler, 11388 Ric/mond. Bnlonon Minor, 1867 In full thti , oyor, 18G3 on noel. Ro'irson. lo3ol►h Mohr, ltkto on account 11. 'F. 1)10conson, 1a37 In fall Alborl, Doll, M 3 on account- Rlckla mt. Itonbon For, 1847 on account JOhn A. Angitailt, 18 on aut. incomlnan2r. Antos Solnoltl, 1866 on.accou►'t Elltt9 Saul, 1807 on ncoonnt Frank. Soltatohl, 1809 on It cot • &ring. Immo Y. Udall% IPnl ln lull Daniel Bath, 18,17 In Cull - John U. Ant., 1563 on,Roconnt • ,2liipthilcoos. Iloao3 Oxonyldur, 18 , 37 In Ind 3,817 Su Do do 18.8 on nooornit IM2 h. . rillpelOOCO)1 Upper. john Soltzhigor, ISM hi full liocirgo Moll, 180 in full 11114 'Valor, leeS vn Aecittit Upton• llornann G01g0r,1837 lu full A, K. %View, MS on acoount, Woatiffigton. 11, R. Kulp, Dial in toll /limo F. 14 todlor, 1807 In foil Do do MS ou account 11ludsor. . M. A, Sollora, 1807 on acoount 2 3 0 to R. J. M. 1111110 r, UM ou amount 2,176 01 • Tronsetsitori. Lev( Ganser, 1837 on account 103 On Akron )Voleor, 1813 on account 3,3t30 o 0 1,831 (0 RUADMO—First Ward; z. lt. Maurer, ltna la tuft 214 21 DAnlol Hahn, 1807 ln• full 1,343 7:1 • DO do 18(11 Oil account 1,7 U 82 livAmmo—Second IVarct. Ellwiktd 80hm001c,1267 on acoonnt NS 70 Jacob Sohnior,lBo3 on Recount 3,501 37 t • neAbiNO—Third Ward. Jacob Sohnloo B 4l in fun 709 SR Do do 1t3t)13 on account 2,001 53 RICADING—AueIIt 110.11atm, 18,17 In full - 1,913 07 Do 1868 on account , 4,131 IiVADING-IVA lrard. Pao() Holder, 1807 in full •Po do 1849 an account neiumm—Nblit4 Ward. Isaad Holder,lBo7• In full. Po •do UM on account RIADINO—SVceigh Want. W plain Nunontrout, 1807 in full 1,474 71 Do. (10 1808 on emet 4,015 21 5,455 OS lisAvixo—Eighth 111011. Jacob Smith, 1497 on Recount , 1,091 51 Joseph Untlzborgor, 190.,1 lu full 8,260 81 --- 4,341 8i HIS ItgAPlKO—Ninth, Ward. Josephllfuthacts 185 loi fat 207 00 Do do} In full .. Jacob 811)1008071ml account 'I" 85 • - Isaac Lauda, 101 on aocounit 1,011 45 -- 3,705 07 amount of Cannty Tax tealtre.ll,oSo 91.) liackders , LW**, ft} and out tf Berk. county. Hucksters in forks county •Ifuctstora out of kbo county DR. • Minty BrNO*. • , Penn Street 'Bridge by contract and toll ,• 4,353 75 ' I ' Penn Street Dildgeyrancle Ilecb.! . tel by toll • ~ ' 741 75 • , :--•-_.•. 2,055 50 I Lancaster Diltlgo contract ' 1,0450 ' • Do toll dollocted by liarrlet • • . Magulro 437 tO • 1 • • - - 1,07; s')' /tOplar Rieck Brldgo by contract 205 50 Do toll collected by Daniel - . • *toyer . , .337 78 • -- ..4,11.7 81 3,06 74 . limnburg Bridge by contract Do toll collected by John Kettercr• ' 373 St , 821 el (Moto amount of toll Bridges $5,225 80) Flues Lind Costa 387 81 Jenson receipts 8,601. 27 - anvil:tonal Road Damages. Frani tit:oil° Ilnyett. Bern tp. , , 4Visoellatwous. • Milano° in tim o Treasury of last . year. I 212 70 . 3 - 4 , Douglass Bridge Company - 210 00 Frhniclin Setinits,in full of Court " costs' Jacob FinkbOne, on [mount' of Court costs , Dowdier Btitiel, pitnik sold . 4: Rudy, on Ace% of Court costs -. lionj: l'arcrin, Treas. of AlthouSe liridge Company , I .105 00 Lewis Peat, dlfferenco. oa Bond ' exchanged - , • . Harrison Epler, Treasurer Lois' Bridge Couman'y div Woad' Jacob B. tivingood; Bricks sold Albert (Jr. Green, road (lineages refunded from U. Tulpolloccon Joseph Henry, brick* and • old . iron, ko WA 53 Utz ct Drelbelbies, oh! lumber sold 41 50 ' . . Jormaliah Ilagentnan, money collcoted Co. agalne, Moyer 06 tr 2 —.--- 33.027 00 6,877 lb PH 16, 3,r/Xi 00 -,---,..---. 3.001 16 200 50 525 00 7'2& 50 232 /11 1,318 (10 1,6'5113 251 73 700 00 801 33 ------ 1,756 06 11 0) 1,022 0 4,033 b 5 RECAPITULATION 011 RECEIPTS IVOR 18(It 4 . Whole amout of County Tax re ceived. :21,110 Hucksters Menses in lierke co. 1,020 ,50 nuoketeis lidencee out of Berke COonty County toll brlilges Verdict foes, linos and costs Prison receipts Conditional road damages Miscellaneous receipts i --- 1,95$ 33 CREDIT. The Treasurer claims °milt for the following orders drawn on him, to wit: Prison Impeder.' Orders, George Gehman, soap Vance & Landis, looks Bronoisor & Co. tobacco Mitchell & CO. last, reeds, &e D. It. Paalg, glazing L. Rohner, throad and notions Young & Summons, visiting eommittoo. 24 01 Reading Gass Company 142 811 (Cooly, lumber 8) 25 8. Summons, carpenter work 58 OA &Summons, ox. to Utarriabnrg 7 00 Ji•Young & Son, coal 1, 0 00 00 D. Burkhart, masonry . 12 72 F. WOBOllO, smith work b 2 10 J, L. Getz, printing annual' ro port • J. Ganser, compiling annual report. ' J. claimer, miscellaneous ex -1)010108 - itilllloll3llllZ 11t ROD, soap, &Q. Voter Stelnol, brushes T; Jackson, 1847 • ,B,Btimnion9Mlllteads for prison D; Engol, buokota H. Undfroy & Bops, shoemaker tools Been hart e,K0011,61 , 1111, llanian &Snow,' shoo patterns ' A. T. Ste Wart, blankets 6111Aon & Walker, 91100 lasts and trios - Boyer kBona, hauling 8. 11.oilonbaoh., painting Epplilimor & Co, crush Loymastor Li: Soiling. painting lion. Engler, ptstlioldors O'Keity & Co., lasts and tools 11. Bongos), sowing moonlit° • V. Groff, soap, Bolin & Shatter, lumber Strickland & Bro., book- Douglass .% Conriul, repairing welt cutter J. I..43tielitoi, hardware Hitter & Co., printing Rosonthal do C. Dauth & Sou; tin ware and re t pairing II: J. Rhoads, notions G. ti. Lovan, lathps 0. F. Owen, printing • - • .8. Woutzol, troop Rambo Le Bookman, plumping IL !Langan shoes A. IL Light drugs John liloKnight,Pardware hard & Bohol, hardware J. Le U. Miller, smith work J. Ganser, Inspector& moats ' ' 2,049 30 /25 00 1,07 d GO 1,203 50 EIEI 203 IZ 2,037 01 1,073 72 -- 3,9.74 57 1,252 18 • 41) 05 4 0P283 3,5/4 00 1,037 00 2.37 0/ , 1400 .00 • -"-,-, - 1,107 00 77 17 427 05 '2,1312 6,7 i 131 31 MO 31 2,0.0 01 ;1,733 70 1,591,01 2,8 W 92 911,09 ------ 5,235 U 2 1.32.1 .12 3,52101 • ---.4,818 OU .7- 430 ISO 2.040 15 OJ 5,398 15 H 05 3,153 75 ,----• - 7,033 43 2,2" it it a i mi 61 J.Ganser,malntalnlng•Drlsonors Mtn Vertu rtuo.._ nussoltruni & Kirk, wool chain etc. Young, Altman's Co., dry goods , • lintiorlln 4 Fritz, chain 4,e. • E. Winkelman, coloring yarn J. Ganser. carpet rags Infer Luthor, rovenuo tax Winn ROD, chain Coyle Fc Co chain • • Connard, leather , E.Codfry Sone do Ely 16 Sangor, ido A. StooWsticlor do howls tango, I, do ; J. L. Mover, • do • • J. M. be Long, do Moberly ,t &oilman, !mainly . ' A. 1), Corral& Co., shoe tlnakkg E. J.'idokpl, bat'roundß Kutedf Arnold, hat round D. Lutz, do do ------ c,603 0 3,409 2 1 ) . 9,..1% 3;1 12#91 0 sn )1 3,NS 00 ----- 4,097 13 1,125 0) x,l ,1I 00 -- 4,159 00 1,710 42 1,797 31 3,5)7 7d EEO 1;277 $t 4,572 51 6,R30 002 , ..iere iSigtOrtes. JosePh Ganser; ono year's salary 000 00 'termini), Ganser ' do 300 q. l'hotnas Will, ass't 1 yeor!s solar:sP 000 00 John Minot, tto 135 00 Jacob SahelMy, do ' - 510 00 John Groff, do ' 421 tiO W. M. Waldman, physician 100 00 Charles 11. Fritz, treasurer .20 00 Pk ' . • - Inspectors' Expenses. David Rutz, attontling mooting J. Glancy Jonees; • Ito D. Dleliniglit, ' do S. Summons, do Jacob Young, • do 11. Z. Vlill aced do C. 11. Fritz„ do 05 00 2,601, 43 2,0'33 Au -- 5,417 It 2 1,407 23 1,207 20 2,7,01 45 300 90 ]„1.100 3ti 78 -....- 7 ...- 1,763 V 633 01 1552.1 05 4,210 47 -10,103 13 Total amount of Prison ExDonee§ $ 3,&20 65 • Principal Lonna paid. Wholo amount of loans pahl Interest Order*, Interest paid on loans -- 5,710 1.0 2U ill 4013 74 1,33? 21 -- 2,755 .32 Slalionery and Alders' Orders: M. P, 'Jeering, 35 0) Wm_ Itosenpal, 301 87 J. L. Getz, 270 85 .. J. IC.uabb 0, Co., 311 fri Dispatoll a alines, 38 50 Samuel Lori n , f . .33 00 J. 11. Basso. qn. 35 00 , B. F. Owen,' , ~ 15 00 - 3 4,133 0, 1;118 9.1 3,347 71 - - 4,483 93 329 29 7.11 10 2,225 00 -- 3,2:k3 0 Ccongablea , Returns and Mileage. January Term Aorll Term • August Term . November Term 2,425 0 Coroners' and Justices' Inquests. John rox, Coronor, Jugtloos,of the Peace Dr. D. L. Diebor r po.likniortmit examination., Dr. M. Luther. post n2q*ent ex aininntion 3,W1 3 • Vection orkrs. City Spring.libletiou I 20 Sorlng Meatball' In tho county 513 40 Nonstahles attouding and natl. ' L. tying 217 70' Moors holdliig denerat Rice= than In October ' 1,071 so 'Officers holding Presidential lileetion In NOVOthbor • 1,073 30 3,131 93 Assessors returning list of Voters • il/kt 04 • • • •I r nottfyitg duy of appeal 1,478 !on bo • 413 - na '1 a 64' Fhes. Constables' foes in COrninon wealth cases 1,418 .----..--. -. 2,72 J 93 0,619 73 1,100 00 ),SOl 00 2"o° 763 63 \-.‘ 1,1132 2,001 5$ Irtsicaa , Res - Want* few In Cotacnonvirealli ease, Road Dantopei. Godfrey Greaely, Greenwich Daniel La n tm 1,. liolthohorir Michael Seltzinger U. Born Michael Bea J man, r., 410 ,r Wnoto amount of rocelpta Total income Joseph Shoino, Maui Cling ' ' ! 26 00 bane Bear, Bern • . : " lO 9 Gatrritneybher,ll. Trilpelloccon ' ,- 15 10. Jneoll Moyer . - do ' 17 kw John W. Insgler, 'do , . * 20 tio H. Haerkingi, Maldenereek . 15 to J. W. Dealer, p. Tulpehodeon, • 25 le I', Obold, rano • 10 0) E. Snyder, Exeter • - b 03' Court Erpe)l3fB, January Tom • April Tartu ' • 11 August Term. Noyetuber Ttirin 1,030 2$ 1 0 60 0 • 1, 1 '50 BO County Offlocrs Scitnrics. Josoph•ltittur, 'l.year's isatary ns janitor it ootirt.Oryor Wharton Morris, lato dist: atty. .E. Shearer, • do MOIL Gerhart, Clink of quar. tor Sessions , . • , Oa 13 Mer.ael K. Boyer, Continkiton era clerk . • KO 00 Idielutol K. Boyer, Commission • ems clerk extra session 4 - 6100 James B. 11001 d 01, coin, atty. 10) 00 J. G. Glans, A. linrr and J. Bell, auditors 30) e 0 Wm. Young, Co. Commlssionur bOO 00 Jacob :thartio, ' do &ln IX) WOlljalll4ll Levan, do . WO 00 Jess° 0, Hawley, auditing eniiii4 ty oflioes • 15 00. Tobin... Mut.% sounnonlogjoront - tlt '2O W. B.UriosOutort prothonotary 28 . 451 10 10 00 5,353 83 , 2trayor's, Aidernwa's a/1U Ja.glica Mayor nto tit • Aldermen's ' Mt Sl' ustAces ea 17 820 53 Triennial itssessntehl. • Tr!minim' asaesiment expenB9.9 IM3 70 k 7bll Bridges. ' 1,955 70 POstreet, bridge,Fianciallecit• tot, 12 months , salary: Rambo & neokinan, plumbing ,Sm it h, gas Loymaster & Bctttng, patnting Samuel Focht, carpenter work C. &. V. L. Danth, E. 511131116 r, putting up lightning rode 87 73 10 80 0 V) 5 00 103 00 100 00 , 221 74 ,' 40, CO /Ann :ter naafi& Harriet Maguire, 12 months)'sal ary E. D. Smith, gals E. litishlor, putting up lightning rods Potor Horn, cleaning bridgo W. J. Frame, hauling ground Samuel Focht, carpenter work Poplar Neck Bridge. Daniel lioyor, 12 months' salaryi 180 00 Reuben' ICaoliel, mason work 17 ISO llaker(Wo., lightning rodzii 200 83 Samuel Focht, earpontor work 12 23 Toter Brown, limo SOO Daniel !foyer, mason work (to. 0 ld 4P1,027 6.30 00 15,225 8,) ;1480 8,6( - 2 I.v 00 33;327 40 271,774 40 Homburg Bridge. John itotteror,•l2 mOnths salary 180 03 071,774 40 Whole amount of toll bridges / 1 703 39 Reit:luting Ortte,rs. Ellart Dleffenhach, Bethel tax re funded 45 9.8 Nathan Bliller, Windscr tax re- ' funded 20 00 F.,lwartl Kauffman, Upper Bern 10 9/ Michael 11. 'Miller, Longswamp tax refontivil 3'2 91 Wm. lt. Philips, Centre tax re funded 51 (5 ~ Daniel Ilitlin,,First 'Ward Read ing tax refunded 43 97 Jacob Schuler', Third Warilltefid- big tax refunded 21:93 Henry Wagenhorst, Mttxatawny tax refinviled 47 00 Solomon Miller,.. Richmond tax refunded 61 90 Isaac Irelder, Fifth Ward Read ing tax refunded SS 01 Joseph liintinird, Ninth Ward Reading, tax reftintied 14 29 John Fox and °there, Jefferson tax refunded 13 33 Jo'seuh Ratlenbush, Cumru tax refunded 57 . 71 Elias Dien'enbatili,Bethel tax re funded 211 23 ---- , Tip dares la Special Court. John. Flickinger and Dandieticy 110 61 1 / POOR, DOUSE EXPENSES. Out (foor ' , Valeria Expenses. Frmict'lek Riltul, 2 coffins for Al bert,ltieharil and P. Erb. 19 - 00 David 'Zimmerman, 1 coflln for Faott 5 08 Martin 1/. Landis, 1 coflln for Sa. rah Barkbach s'oo George Lasb, funeral expenses of Samuel Barham . 10 r 0 Mark'Schlottnan,l coffin for Jor. .• ox's child 3 00 Adam tierhart,.2 eoliths fer Isaao i' and wife of lial'ilet Deli rot ' • • 19 00 George Lalb , funeral 021,0160 s .„ for , •wife of i Win, M Ivor •, 19 00 ' Henry _Moyer, '2 eonias for L.' Enter° And Wm. W i ohms ' 10 00 Charles Ilenniiiger, :.1 cettins for sundry personB 2' 110 'Pant Filbert, 4 2 cOnlng fur Lydia Folk and ohild -' • 6 75 Peter Auleablich,l coffin. for Geo. Bower - .' 5 00 'Franklin 'Mobil,/ coffin for Sam. ~liartuitin'st o hild • *. • •-, 403 W. Klein. 2 eoilins 'for Merger's child and Thouipson's child '045 Raymond Mohn, 1 coffin, 'minds name unknown , 5 00 Jacob I'4lo,l.i:elfin rot Beneiliet M arsbit 'win. . 5,00 Philip lingle f l epilin 'or Charles ' Evans 4 00 John Martz, 1 eofiln for William , Hartman . • • 506 4Cromilth Beard, 1 cofilu o nauts ' name unknown • . 500 47 30 48 75 440 ;a 8i 05 fi 80 '2847 i 5 00 10 CO 423 72 20 60 Di 35 002 45 00 353 43 53 59 49 39 I 40 117 20 13 35 5 10 14 4•L • 70 00 15 00 170 r ) 03 00 14 40 .0 01 17 00 3 78 7,G9 2f; 1)1 32 25 WO 31 8 28 1110 3 50 19 41 3 07 8 i)0 21 81 59 41 67 bN 21 00 07'50 4.703 40 7,101 01 Out-annr 12clief. •. Witlow'Sclimula for self ~ _ . 20. 00 Jeremiah Mooro,for widow Peter • Wertz 00 Jacob Frick, for*self 20 0 0 Widow Cremes, fol;:iolf . '29 00 Peter Marshal, for Cradlo Leo. poll -. 10 e 3 Lydia prop, for soil'•, , ' 10 00 Win. Heffner, for Catharine Al. ttpach "io 00 Amos Feager, for John Veagei • 20 00 fames lloaly,lor Jacob Putrinan 20 00 Elizabeth Batts, for self,. 80 00 Win. I/instead, for Mary' Anti ' McCarty : - I. 10 00 Wm. Steiger. for self . 2 t 00 Mn 4. Haas, for self 20 00 Rudolph Coller(for self • 10 a) Widow Zeller, tot: golf ' , 10 00 Michael Kreamor, for CarOlino Shoemaker . il 00 Solomon Miller, for. Helena Bower 20 00 Androw Burr, for Christian Sonfor 10 00 Andrew C Painter, for self , , 20 00 Benjamin Zimmerman, 101 l Itosi. na Shelvor - 10 00 fin Edward Shoafor, for John Wol• 1 00 Reuben en Emly, for widow John 20 Boaohert 10 00 Daniel. ihiskirk, for Elizabeth Batmen ' . 20 00 IVnn llostor for Sallyt.l lass 10 CO Jonas Miner:for Catharino Inbod 10 00 Richard Adams, for for Samuel Hartman 20 00 Alnos E. Wells, for Rodgers fain. \ illy 12 00 Autos E. Wells, for Irwins . 20 00 Nicholas Bookman, for sundry persons ' 201 63 Bernhart ilt, Koch, for sundry Boraces '173 81 C. A. Griosemor, for sundry tam ' illes 41 20 l'oooook s Orth, for sundry BIM. 1103 ~,. 35 52 AugusttisqCovelmer, for self 0, J 20 00 Isaao Molir for Jacob Ittershnor 30 00 Saiptiel Filbert, for Elizabeth Lon /0 00 Dame B. Wanner, for John 11. Otto s 20 00 Peter arahall, for widow Now. man. 10 00 Nicholas Jonos, for .Susan !80. latch , 20 00 Catharino Maury, for self •'2O 00 Matthias Liyingood, for Samuel 'Lessig 1 'X 00 Paul Blessing, for D. Lins 20 00 Elias Obohl, for Jacob Schnell 211 00 James Healy, for John Walker 20 00 'James Healy, for Isaac Hoffman 20 00 Amos 13. Wanner, for Catharine Long 20 00 Aaron Gotz, for Mary Iltirns 20 00 John M. Etisllag, for self 20 0) Amos B. Wannur,fdr Henry Mast 20 00 Adttm)Stoin, for Chas. Doward 20 01 i Joltn IYlllitelm, for Joseph Pot. fenber,ror 10 00 John Kurtz, for John Simmers I 0 00 John Kemp, for John Youso 20 01 Andrew Kurr, tor Carol Inn Field 20 00 Elias ()bold, for John Fisher 2.1 00 Richard llottluaster, for Barbara Greath 10 0) J. S. Unger, for Jacob Wingert 10 00 acob Young & Son, for sundry persons . ri 61 15 floury Kriek,for sundry persons 12 89 Adam Stein, for widow E. Helms 10 00 John &mlt i for Callihan° osl, -- 01 00 Eliza Philter. for self 10 00 Charles Got/anion, for Solt W 00 Adam Stein for MN.Loutlenslim 10 00 Silas IV. Fisher, for Sarah Swavely .• 10 00 Jastsb Butz; for Jacob Danor 30 00 A. D. Illuonelberger, for Sarah Ken:Amer 10 CO J. D. Wanner, for Susan Reomor 10 00 Widow Sands, for self 10 00 Frederick Lauer, tor Barbara HMIs 10 00 henry J. lklioado, for Susan WI. • MIMI , r ' 0,140 (.15 103 00 00204 83 757.39 161 60 5 ta 102 60 ' 201 60 272 07 341 760 33 421 2./ 810 (.0 . 77 25 119 115 4367 67 90 33 55 23 05• ---- 10,03ti~60 83W GO :4400 53 00 53'32 45 00 ,'45 00 34 00 59 09 Xl5 98 33.103 30 13.397,9 d US 88 93 25 13i - 51 143 03 I 00 q 87 30 12:3 73 25 03 2500 261 03 I,tkXl 6 MEI 1(4 2 FO3 70 EZE 31 00 • 01 00 ' 5 00 te fanaP_Moyer, for Lonhart Fill ' 10 00 John Strauss, for Mary 4. Speng., - for 'teary Board, for John linifurnin tieorgu Boyer, for Catharino ttOtt Elias Ohold, for Mary Gable. leranklin. Ludwig, for Catharine Roughesehlts Ahrnhain Kurtz for Sam: Grove Ezra Reed, for lifni.Millianis Jonas Shelter, for John Wegger Wm,.Williamson, for Catharine , . ; Rhoads Daniel Wanner, for Catharine hoot Daniel Wanner, for Franklin Floot • '0 00 Michael Miller, for daiglitei John Sp ro engler •. • (100. Lash, for Matilda Ulrich' ~20,00 Win. Ross, for self . • • 10 00 Geo. Lash, for Mrs. Ileinuso.. 3 20 Joseph Nathan, for R.o.llillcort 1) 00 Elias Rohm for Rebeeen Whit. Jeremiah Moore, for widow 10 01 John Wertz VI /9 - 1029 40 • • lA3I rt 1, A 3 ; Loa ti 6,510 GO 600 CO 630 Ci w lel 4.14 Dry Goods. . 0.13. Keller 0 Kline, Eppllittner h Co. Levan j _llubp Co. A. W. Potteiger Lovqn a Shade C. Levan & Co. David Keiser 8.11. Brown 111nnereehlt zallubp David Nett ! Japol) Yocum a Renown H. A. Hoff F. B. Flohthorn Kerpor & Son C. S. Birch John S. Poareon (t• Co. Miehlor bloom 210 tN) 145 . 2 09 21 411 00 10 Si 2 65 1525 &da ries. Wow Lash, director 5 months salary iEllas ()bold, direct& 7 months salary gosephMutharcl,director 1 year's salary Silas W. Fisher, director 1 year's salary Jacob oOnrad, steward 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad, steward ba1.419111 Michael Rightuayer, under stew ard Philip Eagle, steward on aoot. Wm, 11. Ulmer, under steward on account Amos Snyder, clerk in. lull ,to May let, 1868 W. It. Fisher; Clerk cut acct. Dr. A. D. Dundore*, physielan 1 year's salary Dr. Mester M. Nagle, physician 1 year's salary Wm. Ltviugood, atty. 1 year's salary Philip Y. engineer 1 year's salary John Benzel, baker 1 year's gal. 420 80 210 00 48 3) 230 25 1U 00 6 75 3 57 SSB 87 ME 180 00 wry ...., John Bonzol,bakor bal. for 1885 Frodorlok Schutter, thirdner 1' year's salary /doses 8. Bloklo, blacksmith in full , Wm. Vah Buskirk, blacksmith on account Win. lloffor, laborer on farmt on Recount David Keifer, toauiSter on Root. • Po do bal. 1868 Alfred Deterioli, ,teamster on as:mount I ' Christian Zeigler, tailor I yoar's salary John PUG, teaohor in full Mary Whitman, maid in full Groceries. Win. Rhoads, Jr. ' Burkholder a ?Madeira Sotborlinq a Smith Charles BrWoe Hiram 8. Uetz John B. Reiner I Mlle owl Live clock boituhl. Samuol OuMtn, mules - 403 00 Moses 3. Il ioldo t oow and shoats 130 40 litnobold .t Soblotl, 81 atoora opl6 40 Snyder :it Loral', bal. on doors on 1841 Abraham 11001tt01, , 51 shooli 501 16 116 00 Shoes and Mts. Benjamin Vogler, shoos & Co., shoos .Inrumish BeMei', shoos Francis Boland, hate • Burks County prison, shoos and oarpots Coat and Wharfage. Peocook & Orth, coal Aaron Getz, wharfage William J. k'raine, coal ltcar & Bro. & Co., coal Wht.tkv and line Dar.. Tqbins Hart° printing and St u ntionary., T.-Lnwronon Getz, printing Win. Rnaunthal, printing itittor printing and stn. tipnary 1 • 0 Samuol licohlor, stationary • Gra(ri, Mir and „ Grinding /rain, , iTetutulg & Bro., grinding gran 224 01 Samuel Wertz, flour s . grain a id grinding ' 1,104 141. . (fuov•go Lash, corn 231 83 C. A. °Hamner, flour, it 461 97 Barnhart 1 1 4 Koch, flout '. 890 29 Sam. woitzoi, flour and i• 407 20 James Z. Grisetner, flahr ••• . 851 00 Tobias Barto, ohopulng grainl 33 50 1 . , Full i ana . pueclig.' Istuta S. boat • , Edeltrilln & Letnbncli I t otan d: Butz 128 00 Toh«cro. , • D. P. Lath ' H. W. flank D. a. MDlor Droniser, May r .t Co. klllirdware, Gorge Lerch ..% Co. lie ..1 A Reber , • .1. IL. &Willer • • , Mo owan tt Miltiniork Jot n McKnight . ' MI l eather and Shoo Findings. M. Datong, loat,hor ao dm hi ICooh,leatheratul shoo II Mop A. , Ilarvoy, loather foul shoo fl iltAg S. IC 41,ni JIIOO Same, Weld WIIII Vharl • P J, IC. . Wllll Fa h Will glib Aaro Getz, salt Book ammor & Budd, fish (bal, on l: .) Kollo .t . . Bitting, fish J. it, Scholl, fish and meat Mi cellancout. Dan of S. Schroeder, brick • Slumber & Johnson, castings . I.W. Harper, bind lug order book Levan Balm .it Co., queensware Christian ikibutter, earthenware Peter Stoinol, brushes will tams & Althonse, horse hire for josoolt Muthart 'John 11. Rersimer, paintingex. press wagon Henry Goodman, now exprosa wagon and cover Jottik,Spatz, mod teal attendance for Eliza Gin , F. J. Obort, pulling, grate bars and labor Christian Zeigler, interest on 000 for 18a7 T. A. Willson & Co,, oloOk Mrs. Mary Capallo, candle Wick Dior, is, Tacker k Co.,steam lids Peter Brown, limo Michael Rapp, Ball chains Unhurt X Grath, steam pipe fixtures Lewis Gable. laying brick Christian Ellen, re.setting steps and sand stones George K. Levan, queensware A. IL Koenig, butter Mellott Katz , ey, castings Deivalt seed wheat Charles S. Ritter, horse hire per Muthart Helms a Gorman, brushes 3: IL Brains, saddlery Auohenbach & Bro., notions Dr. U. M. Nagle, medical attend. ance Hoclo th lger & Docker, ready made John Rep ing pleinan, castings Henry Crauid, notions bsughter & Ringler, repairing threshing machine Frederick Lauer, malt hops and boor Aaron Getz, 110118 a rent for gardener Mil Whole am't or Poor Itonsemlpensoo $33,01? 00 Miscetlaseoug Cbunty Expenses, Joseph Henry, on prison 0011. toting 27,580 03 SN) -4 umber. , • oly Doyahor Doyahor . 'loaly nee and Tinware.. ;gain Holler twllret(Ogam 9 V. & Dinah figs. °Curdy m J. Thirwmaitor Diller Luther, etelso tax - • 1W 08 James B. tiettis,bridgeoantract 'MI 80 Engle .t Brothers, • blank book and binding , • 181 James it. liedittel, ostra sorvieca and costs • "MO Jolla Henninger, watchman at • I prison * - • lt2 49 Benjamin ,110yor`, watchman at prison • J. Smith and others, labor at prison and water works Isaac W. Harper, blank books .and, stationary, • N. D; Smith, gas , . Dieirenbaoh, extra work at Bwittlara Bridge Jaoob Wegner, watchman at priscin ArnosWellor tongs camp bridge repair andlumber Wm. D. -Al house, horse hire tto. per corriatkit ;. ' Thomas lloch,eonvoylng prison ers to Court House John Nagle, money refunded stray horse sold Jahn A. Wier, treasurer Of the State Asylunt • Daniel Deterick, repairing .bridge at Deterloles mill .; Elias Reber, repairing bridge at iteberis mill John I t . Snell, sink flooring in Court House Samuel ' Francis, ! repairing bridges on Hometown road Nicholas Hunter, plank and ' bridge repair at Hoselein •Furntan Sheppard, treas, of the Eastern Penitentiary k'. C. Bids , soda RA • John Flickinger. putting in coal ! , in Court House. - • Jacob Young tt Son, coal for Court House • Christian Frees, book binding J. W. Wautzel, hauling ashes Joseph bonne, dolivuring ttp• peat book to U. Tulpehoooon Ermontrout, county sup% for Teachers' Institute C. Kreps, smith work on Biro* !Karla Simon Dreibeibis, repairing at Ontolaunee bridge George Morkei s repairing at Lon. hart's britigo Samuel Focht, work at Court Ilouso E. Fox k, Co:, boarding jurors April Term Soloman pose and J. lillssenier, makitig tax duplicates • 0. E'herit 'land stone malting tax dupll - • H. Summons and Solitreuer, ma king tax duplicates Z. 11. 'Maurer, making tax dupfi‘ cotes .1. Young dt Sons, coal for Court House Edward Havilland, in full per prison contract 1,268 83 Rambo 1t Ileoktnau, gas pipe for Court House Wm. MoNall, services for bring-- lug prisoners from Philo,: Joseph Sob nable„ repairing bridge at Flying }dill Jeremiah Bechtel, attending prisoners Henry Graul, attending prison- 100) ioko3 '7B 00 10 CO 'lO 00 16 00 s i oo 600 600 5 00 10 00 ),8 0 0 rt 4,100 80 £t3 SI 110 01 '2OO 00 , 2)0 00 850 PO Id 88 275 00 boo of k 0 00 2 . 20 00 tlOO 00 15000 15000 75 00 76 00 400 00 2300 SOO 00 DO 00 223 60 ors Loymastor Solling,palutingat; Court House. t Goo. HMI, work at Court House Peter Bingoinan,do F. C. Butz, brushes tto.ltOr Court House .7. 8, Mitch hauling Striokiand 1t Bro.,stationary J. I'. Dauth, work at prison L. Gable, paving at court Bosse it.ROcholrepairing Reed bridgo F. Freed, blank book 3: C. Strohooker, making militia roils D. Flster, viewing bridge at Winters' mill • 8. flumlnons, carpenter work at Court House Samuel Stinson, stool pens M. K. illoyor, recording militia roll , W.p. Adam, viewing bridge at Uriesomor's mill. J. lliunersiiits, repairing road td prison J. Wanner, viewing britlgo at Urlosomor's 111 8. A.'Stoudt, viewing britigo at Griesomer's mill D. S. Zacharias, sorvices Joseph Henry, wall and' pave mint at Court House Joseph 'Wry, prholl yard pave ing,'water and gas pipes 2,058 71 Joseph Henry, Building* and trains 1,951 37 Josoph Henry, extension ht Vagrant nous° 1,290 21 Joseph Henry, raising outside wail at prison 9,8813 130 Joseph Henry, cupboard, tables, shoo bonehos to. • 1,181 40 Joseph Hew, repairs at old prison . 1,550 15 D. H. Heideman, chairs for Court House - .1 G. W. Bruckman rind q. Faber?: Jury, CommisslonlY 1..5 A . D. Frey, repairing , Althouse`s, • bridge • • . • . Toblawitorto, paper • - 1 ' Flioklngcr, plittiniffioal In Court House. - O. rioter, painting sign for Rath . hurg Wm, S. Young, `Com. Vlowl . ng bridges 40. ••' • Bonjamin Levan, Ctn. vlotylng* bridges /to, Jacob Shartlol Coin, viewing bridges /to. • • • .T. young & Soil ; coal for court house. - • . • J. H. Spatz, horse 'hire for Coin. Amos • Greenwald, repairing bridge in Albany township Albort Knabb, ice to court honso C. 8. Ititter.horso hire for Corn. F. Dunlap, labor at Penn Street,. brid go , T. F. Howell, eity'direettiry John Flickinger,: filling up court hohso • • C, Etood.blank book forGrpliao Court often Thomas 119.3 h, gunning Black. Maria. philadelphia • ' and • , Ileadhig freight . • • Albert Roland, working fi.t MU. ori water works, . f c F. Murphy Son, blanks for Recorder's office - Jacob /inkhorn), fox scalps . RHO Dioffonbrieh, making and putting sign, boards at bridges J. Wooster stool pens Charles if. Fritz„.stamPs Strickland it Bro.; stationary .3. K. Snoll, repairitig heater at court house Simon Drelbelbies&Rutz,repair ing bridges J. Schwartz, NVentzel and nth.' • ere, fox Scalps M. it. E. &minion, scrubbing ao., court house Ziinnierman; charcoal Henry Bolder, blank book and 'recording Treasurer's bond Lewis Noudorfor, repairs at court house IL Scull, laying Water pipe at prison add court, house • • Joseph Hitter, taking Shutter arid Helfer to house of refrigo Josoph (Gansor, bringing con. vints from Philadelphia J. L. Stiohtitr, hardware •ite. WM. Driller, I'. 71. - . pox biro 'and stamps Deficiency In State tax • MitkellaneOuS orponhes Treqsurer's Comml4siolis. Bonds exchangee,4lo,9oo at Iper ache,. - Alt the moneys paid•ont, 1428088 -at 1 4per cent. • Allthe money received, $271,774- 40 at %per cont. • "1, 358 77 To _ Balance id thehands of the Treasurer 2.17 00 170 00 18 25 160 5) 184 98 187 25 12 oo —7--- 0,160 83 212470 1,308 02 1,117 17 43 08 2,293 13 20 43 6,001 1 24 8388 25U In 7,218 23 141 00 148 08 7 00 2900 201 42 527 47 590 4030 17 3/ 60 83 28 WO OS 270 80 22 00 31 0) 6033 5 37 QM 3 I TGL t 9 7801 107'47 82 03 218 44 3 163 •000 413.75 880 64 \ • 63 90 03 01 r 480 15 141 41 48 70 ' 824 34 si' 96 \ 181 43 190 00 316 39 08 03 kV 08 7 So &Id 12 ail 83 31 ST 179 44 89 16 ME 813 14 809 94 633 18 110 00 10 fkl 189 00 165 89 ME 10 F>) 15 98 4 50 9 SO 28 42 17 82 0 ISO 43 00, no'oo' Reca.bitulatiost Q/ Eximitilea. • Prison ,expona es 2 1 ,129 .35 paid 83,108 80 Interest on loans paid • 18,897 06 Printing orders 1,138 65 Constables' returns 469 71 Election returns .3,131 90 Coroner's inquests 2Ol 03 1, Triennial assessment' • 1,055 70 Assessing and returning lists Of '' 1 Votablos 1,830 50 Constables! orders in Common., • wealth cases.. , 101 27 Road ditnages t , ill 50 ' Tipstavcs at special court 1W 00 Court expenses 6,516 40 Toll brids_es • • 1,738 89 County °Moore 5,5.5 83 ' Prosecution and witness fees 608 '791 , • • 1 Mayor's; Aldermen's and Just!. eest orders . 620 53 Refunding orders - 501 10' Peer Rouse orders 83,559 90 Miscellaneous , . . . 60,404 43 .. Treasurer's commission 2,483 20 Balance hi the hands'Of Treas. 77,618 g 2 .i... . Total .., R 71474. 40 To the lienorahle the *Judges of the Court of Common Pleas,of fifths County ; Tge•mptiters reSpectfally report that they have earefelfiy audited and settled the accounts of Charles 11. Ifrlig, Esq.. Treasure',, of becks County from the 'first day of .7iinuarY. MA. to the thirty-first day -'of December. 1868, (h6th clays friluslve), and find a balance in the bands of the Treasurer of seventy-seven thOuslind and' eighteen dollars and thirty-two cants, (677,018 m. Witness our hands at Reading this 30th . clay cff January, A. D., 18G9. • • ANDREW ,IM KURR./ 1 ~' , JE6 BICIA., AuditOrll. I'. 84 .itIfRIMORT t 200 DM 80 00 45 00 58 14 25 00 112 02 600 111Ei 14 40 00 194 91 12 10 /3 43 90 49 7tl 00 2f 00 27 00 10 65 0 70 6 0) 81 03 28 44 149 241 CM PA SO 15 00 1,475 44 Autount or 'rl the Tear, Toivxsuirs, 403 0) CI CS' 1 . .100 1t&13 " Alsace, Horn, limn, Upper Bethel, itreeknoek, ltortt►• Illy Rovertown, Cievnarvon, Cent ra; colebeogkdale, Ctitnrit, Obit liongittss, Earl, (INVIt w 104 MOM rlit Heidelberg, Heidelberg', N. liereforti, Jefferson. Kutztown, Lonaswainp, Jtaitionereek, Marion, M a x at away, ?ituidenberg, oley t thitelatinee, iseiTy s Pike, Robeson, Rocitinud, itnaeoininnanor, Spring, 'l`ttlpohtweon,Up ulpe)toce Oh, Unioti , Washington, Windsor, Womeisdorf, RitAtmini First Ward, Second Ward, Third 11'al~ri Potirtli Ward, &WWI Ward, Sevon li %Vara, Eighth Ward, Ninth Ward, 100 00 40 00 107 13 140 50 66 MO G 8 Cfr3 11 23 ItB 37 21 03 12 00 7 78 COM 1,180 45115 all q , 41 40 .10 N 5 10 1 CIO 81 45 3003 100 70 6 00 1 25 1 43 00 07 00 10.20 3000 000 6 (0 14 40 Ov rsTANDiso 'EA xas roil Dire ' P lilt L T.l' 1 Imlt4„ Ultarlos %Wean, District, ISIIS .11Lool) S. Saolitaillerger, hunt bur;., 134 1 ,;30 , 20 : J. W. Reed, .MA0011,1683 Oil 71, 1 Elias Diefroitbaoli, Bonier; 1k(0 28M op Daniel Goltris,'llistrlot, 1800'"'• 24 si Harrison Oxenrillorlllltrlon,lBl3o 1,30(1 42 J, F. Mold', rtobeson, 18410 x :I'l3 c,i Antos Boldnehl, Ititsoonilnannor 1 18430, shwa paid In full 111 ili .resso Miller, Ai ham', 1807 . 1,020 sl , Dariel Filbert, Doraville, f roraville, 1847 - 183 31 Donner( M. Undogrofo. Earl, 1:t17 11; , ,+1 411 Militate' iieyaeri I iillll lit) Ilt, 1847 , 552 71 J. (. Ltiallita s ,' Ileidolhorg Lower, 18(17 I'>no 01 John 13:tul, Maltleadrneic, 1887 371 c 8 Dante 111.. ray, Om i•loolim., 1817 e 54 DI Elllis G. Saul. it tit amal»aanor, 691 07 M.. 1. Solierti, WillliHor, 18 7 718 s 7 Loci Vailsol, IVoinels(lori. 1817 501 J EilWitlll 801luit.ek, Heading So. bond Ward, Itki7 200 Oti ,laeob Swill), Heading Eighth Ward, 1807 • Javoli Smith, .11 i ailintr„ Nialli Ward, 1807 , 1.10.9 ,Tz 62 06 11;00 16 651' 8 CO 1 50 21 00 -1 3 37 300 ii 75 23 ai 81 73 ]4OO 5 51 8 30 BEE 8W BM • Whole ain't of outstanding taxes t12,(1 Wo the undersigned Auditors, do hotrby ven ti(y that tito abovo acconnt is a corroot Aute. moot of thu outstanding taxes, up to timid. day of J aintry, A. D., 18a 4 3. ANT/It-NW KURIL, AittlitoN. r. S. A I.Bit itiliT, Whole Aln't Of I.oans or old dolts as omit as could bo ascortaininf Vic the undersigned Atuiltoys, do hereby (fly that the shove is it oorre,ct statetuont of the, wholo dont of Boras ()minty, on thu 30th (lay (4 1/coauthor, A. D. lirk4. If the Outstanding tau( end the ['M i ane° n the hands 0.6 thu Treasura be doduotod, the real county debt will, Inn WO could ascertain the mono, unman to Who sixty-ono thousand two huntirod &Mani (011,V00), 1 ANDREW IMitit, JAMES And huh P. S. AL MUG HT, feb 1 40--It, • Q,.T- - TILE 'SU.I3SCREBER tifiliren his old friends and etiatninat 'that he lutitisNAleo at No. 21 Mouth Sixth farm, near Penn; Wlihb,is plbpared to attend to all Rinds of dolitiotionsi from Dile dol ex to thousands, apd alt kinds of oon voyancing dono at tth i gho not , • (mac°, ho also acts 'as Counsel for Adutinistrt, tore in settllng up Estates on reason able tormi, ' MATTHIAS MENGEL, ""Aiderinan and Attorney at Law. -------------- - gill 1.50 Out 2 OC G 38 2 00 200 SO .00 709 01 , 102 93 J2O 00 93 *25 I 75 8 93 CITYHH °TEL BOUTI.E. s t . 3IXTH STREET, 900 50 15 0100 ' (Near Penn,) READING, PA. ss..Clittrgeo moderate. N. usirianLy, Proprietor. num 0 57 60 119 50 5 (10 10 01 11 60 74 GO - NIOTIOH.—Thoro will be a meeting et FOH. 1.11 TUNE 'WILDING AND SAVINGS ASS,O4I. ATIQN of Reading, on the third Friday (the ISM) of February, at, No. 2.8 North •Fifili street. itt P 4 Velocleri hi. Those who MVO not paid up at!► ilium for the *Month of January, are refinaated to Flo'so at 6'161 to the Treastirer, J. O. Thonno, grocer, oticerwiso their names will ',be ntrlckka o 1 the list. • Also, those wishing.,lnforination and Aare, dan do no by balling on the Treasuror, as only few more of the latter are-loft for dlBnosai, qty order,of tlto /.10ard'i•• J. ROSS I+lll,l,Eit, • J'apll,td] • &Trebly 4 50 2 50 17 CO 6600 8 96 ' 6 00 ' 66 15 i 25 EXPtLSIOR.BOOT AND SHOE STORE r GOll rem& ftraetplteaditia, • • (Next'doo t rco Lercya kardwyra Store.) . HA R,W,I(IC & DRAKE; ) 1 /Jog to anhonnce toThe citizens of Beading null violnity, that they have now in Store, a very line aesortment of ' ' 10 00 150 0 12 84 95 3xoo 873 1341 01 70 t'2 2.S 17 00 25 85 LADIES'. ? AND CIIILDAEN'S 13OOT8 AND 8110E8 of all sizes, and of Vary superior make, which they will sell at the lowest cash prieo. They lo Ito all to call and see their stock before purchasing elsewhere. They have also& fine assorttnent of the latesi styles HATO- and CAPS, at low figures. arm' kindle 9f customer work manufactured iii tbo:Verk best ntylo, at short notice. • The patronage of the public is rospectrutiy - o (Jan 11-ly 730 1326') 31 00 110 15 , 12 70 o 28 781 68 60,404 43 V* 00 961 83 2,489 77,018 TIM nglitrl.T. Awn% pronehial Trochee, hayin g tt.dtrvot Indttertet3 to the Varle t giro tunocatuto ri ttet. ' tor Iftronahltja.- Asthenia, f'nearrli, Coe, ne auptivo and Throat disroors. • TROCWIS ARE MD WM . AMA ys ooob4rcctile. alliciEßS AND PUMA() SI'EAKERSA Wilt find Troches tuiefnl in clearing the voice - 00 taken before Singing or Speaking, and relievig the throat after an unusual exei lion of the organs. 'The Troches are recommended anti r e ' SOrlhiSil by physicians, and liave had testimonials from eminent men throughout the COMItrY• lng an article of true merit, and-haybig ilrotri their valency by a teat of manyyears, Cacti W I , finds' them in new locantles In various parts 4 ',.` the world, and the Treed, are universally r" . nonnced bettor than any other artletes:, ()emits only D litiewres mrseto AL TRocITTP, and do not thko 'any of thu worthless imiadlo 44 that may be (gored.; Sold everywhere. Jan 80-1 m . NEW MEAT MAR, tiEl. 'pug underslgned yiving openc4 new Mill: 1, STORE under IA rury 1101 i, corner of n and Franklin stroo ,roslkotfulli solicit a eloilv ro of puhllo patnage. tstyraya on land it full filP• ply of all kinds a( eat,klausage, erapplo..te" 840.. at reasonahlo p loci. All orders promPt/Y tined, anti ottatamersporved at their houses, Jell *ll.ll3Act /CA & cONILAIL • LEAMA t fil Ati:LEE, puoTocatApinuts l . i 538 rEitx street, Pa, Everything in tio, At dpilo cheap twit welh \ (fob COY x Asses and Ai tary Is eitul 111041 %milt intuit Dlieslart% , ISM). ...d cu ..='' 0 r. A &11137 401 i ss, 3141 44 Nitl 11:$ :3503 07 milti 74 11117 03 Mt it 3140;4 .1:11,15J 3lf 131,491.11 111 MI MEN'EI'AND BOW BOOTS AND 8110E5. ALSO, Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, :Quir t y o IMMEDIATE ATIVITIOVI ND'BROUI.D DE CJIECEED. IP 44 .• LOWED TO CONTINUE, *Hatton of the novo, apt , nnent Throat_ Aciection, or Incnrable Lumg DiNCBBO le I -1 ' • ;-':•• ; 3 :z? • • •z B l; - z ,Vt $l.; I, 65... 974 .. 1 . .1 \ 1 •,‘ 71N 1163 GI 4 12$ I \s) 4 , 4 k , I`k)4 Icro 127 ss, 1,)/2 9 /,1 .104 ~. v, ' 44 111117.. 2272 rtto %,•,1 i 067 ;;Is9 INi s 7}}C. , 1,4 ; NN,N N . 'ZOO X 1 1 10) (i!, 12;4411 107.1 m, 911; 2161 254,n 7v : all 1 I ;1 ,1 ,3N t t , • Mot .25 -- MB 741 0)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers