Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 20, 1869, Image 3

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sATCRONY, Fi , :I3[WARY. 2O , 1869.
_Anon count.
- _
EDITION-.-. 1.9 1.0 P. m.
To. Watling Railroad Cotnpany ip
eroling all extensive' 'keno wall along
sclitfylklll, below PotWownito pre•
pet the embankment from washing
T.0 . 1 .:11;1 And restaurant koppero
0 0 1)111 bear In mind .tbat petitions for,
aro' 11ow ready, and must bn
out and returned by the 15th pfri
}well, to the Oleo of the Cierk of
Q , l irter Semions.
s r , c os RtA l ott pt Cuunciti—dit to
(Sunday) evening, Rol% !!;ir. Mo.
.iitley, at the 2d Roformed Church, will
.liver a special Hermon, for , tho bonoflt
Mob of tho city. Tho 13.
11144. A merlea Will attend In a body.
111'i‘ro invited.
• 2_ -
11 1(1 Euu.—Mr. ER Robot, of Beni,
i„ o ur imaislon this morning
)I , :i 'i ET{ , which measures 8 by
ii1:110, That lion's a " bully" layer.
ut 3 iiin Williams sold hor howl() In Fronk=
is strat i to Mr. Engle, bookbliator, for
Sr. BARNABAS tlitunort.—llev. a. p.
1 ,randy wilt
iii)rrow officiate at f 4
noon at t. Barna 3
` baa
. liardi, to•i after
'dock. Soatti free. , - ..„
- .
[ i
persons Intending
',, go to WagitiO4ton with the Washing
,in llovo Company on the fourth of
WA, aro regnostod to report withoUt
1(.6o• to 1 1 1, (1. you Nelda. Those ro-;
~,rtilat bongo Fob. 23rd will ,pna it t o
heir advantago. ,
PERSONAL.—Prof. John Hart, tho (solo.
Sliakosporlan Reader, who favor:
,1 our citizens a fow years ago, with a
(rim of 1118 roadings, was a guest at
lkitler's Hotel yoitorday. The Pro
lia4 Just roturned from a tour
Ingh the northorn Part of tho State,
vhoro ho has" mot with . much success.
In stopped hero to sop a tow' liorHonal
( *matt We hope ore long he, will
pin favor us' with a series of readings.
far litr.t.—Tho White itunnors 7 4 l ßaso
all Flab will playa mat.% game with
ho Clipper Club, on Monday the 22di in
in 110(1 near the East Penna. Railroad
___ ib__
I 'sponimr.tsT CHUROII.—Rev. Mr.
'eters will deliver the eloaing lecture of
1111 course on the " Wordyloturesof the
ild Testament," to•nsorrow <Sunday)
Stinlect- 41 Jonah." Services
tilo . morning as usual.. The public
re respectfully invited. - 1
• OA. . ,
Tim Rev.' Mi. Rosonniffier or 'audits.
.r, will proaoh MM.. Matthew's Luther
a Churoh to-morrow (Sunday):morn-
Ig and ovoning, at tho usual hours.
y.—Thoro %aro 491 schools in llorks
aunty. Morawi numbor of months
oglit, 5 ; humbor of mato teachers,
I ; number of female toaehors, 127 ;
•orago salaries of maim per month,
.2.08 ; at'orago Rotaries of females, per
N0th,'2.11,81; number of mato sabot
, s, 13,711 ; avorago i number •of fomalo
liolars, 11,877 ; average numbor attend
,g school, 111,051.
A Mimi JANITARY.—Last month was
robably the mildest January on record.
ho lowest marking of the thormometdr.
as 17'; degrees above zero, on the
()ming or the 16th; highest 68 degrees
a the aftornoon of 9th. On seventeen
us of the tnnuth the thermometer
alleated . at 6 o'clock in the morning, a
uperaturo abovo the freezing point.
e WS thorn worn but eight days in the
tiara month of January when the t*-
orator° at the sautel hour was above the
tooling point, and on oloven days s c,
~ : sirely It ranged from 12 to 243 dogre a,
110 streets most of tho Limo Wing (ley-.
tea with anew.
FAIR AND FESTIVAL.—'rho howl' of
lorgantown Will hold a Fair and Fest!.
(for the ben,oilt of Ciornnrvon
Age, No. 557 1.. 0. of 0.. F.,) in Mon
+ntown Ilall, on Monday and Tuesday
venings of next week, the 22d and 23d
Ntant. .The Morgantown Cornet Band
ti been engaged and will discourse
runic during tine continuance of the
•air. Contributions are respectfully so.
'riled and will ho thankfully reedited.
•ii Counnittoo of Arrangements will
.lo every possible means to 1115k0 the
~ carrion one of interest and pleasure..
• --.
S lON CAN NIA COM PAN '.-At AU 0100-
• ,, n for °Moors of this Company,
014 In rltlladolphin, Fob. 2d, tho fol.
wing woro °looted for tho ensuing
Presitlont—John N. Hutchinson.
NfinLigars—lVm. H. Ontsunan, Jas. B,
liTarland, hiniol Haddock, Jr., Chas.
119y9r(1, J 0911114 Sparing, Jamas
(;. 8, Benson, .T. N. Hutchinson,
Ni. I'. Crosson, W. C. Longstrooh,
011 , 111. )vii, Adolphus Boinuthl.
Tre and So:Notary—Oscar
Tfo: rim IN Mimis.—lt has
itely been notod that tiro-damp explo•
Ids is mines havo all boon preceded by
great'fall in the barometer, showing
loh a change of attnosphorits prossuro
it° permit tho excessive escapo of the
, u 1 gas. This instrument has there
.r,) boon rocommended as an impor
^l adjunct in mining operations, and a
niter recently recommends ,ono filled
ith wator instoad of mercury ; a kind
apparatus well known to physicians
0%144,4 highly magnified indications
f-cliativ& of pressure.
. .. .
Nicow midnightih tpolody was' upon thp
Ire s' last night. ii eapt, Auks of the
lqr , iNtarines" Was horribly murderod
7 two. young men. who should have
nat homo at that hour of tho night.
GomippEns haVe UMW sovisral mAro
Allings aro ttkit o
the nose m ontn tho
li tttpla iu this olty
t. •
2 211 .5 0 F Finutumw. l -' Tho, 137th
• nuivorsaryof the Father of his Cotintry.
'curs oa Monday, and, wo ',are glad to'
ate that thelt will bo 4goneral ialziserv
'nee of it in . this city. • Tho fact is-ws
'ive entirely too few l-holidaytt .in this
. .quitry. Now that We aro gradually
~o ttbig back to tho custom of our rums
ors in properly:connuontorating great
rust days, At behooves all ot,us to join hr
ith spirit and zest and makothoso days
41 1,g to bo roinontliared In story and in
`,l` 4p banks, nicost of tho stares, and nut
ofourhiri/o nianufaeturing establish;
luents Will bo closed, and our oo to *lll
:Ake unto thoin.selvos R day of Volum°
and rei . reation. , erado of t o Firs
N putwont, Mr JohnD.ll4 , lishler Chief
gill %rs4l, wiil. tako plaeo at 1 ti'olook, and
'novo over tho following route : Up
Nit to I.liighth i ' up" Eighth to Washing
211, Washlngton to . Niath,..doivn
htfl Lb Franklin' down Franklin to
1,[114 down Fifth to Canal, tip Canal td
xtii, op Sixth to Chostnnt, down Chest.
rtut toThird, up Third to Franklin; down
toTront, up Front to Penn, up
Penn to Fourth, up Fourth to Walnut,
ti Walnut) to sixth down Sixth to
a"liington, lip Washington to Eighth;
Eighth to Penn, down Penn 'to
"rib' sotniterwaroh to Shah and Op
OLIM CLun.—several gentletnen re.'
siding In the vicinity of the Rolling„14111
of. the Reading Railroad Company, have
Just formed a "Giles Olub",for the par.
pose of improvlng themselves In vocal
musio. • Tho club meets tsyloea week in
the large school building justnreoted in
that thrlvirut settlement ! ,
Tim Senoorm oa Rnantrto
has 89 schools ; ten months hi the aver-
AltO iminber of Months taught; number
of female teachers, 82; average salaries
of male teachers per Month, $86.25; av
erage salaries of female teaohots per
month, 820.52; number of male Bohol.
are 8,197; ,number of female scholars,
8,215 ; , average number, of scholars at
tending school, 8,902, •
-. . •t . -- j
' • iipeoinl Report for thoilagio.
Hauntyno To.i.onntis' INeriftrim.—
The fi fth stated mdeting of the Hamburg
Teachers' Institute was hold on Monday
evening• last, in the High School •roorn.
After' the usual preliminary
• was disposed of, the Critic'sned was in .
Order, and Was road by Miss' Miller;
whose shafts of criticism Wore gracefully
acknewledged by those at whim they
wore , directed. A lecture on Elocution
was next announced, but the lecturer
being absent, the subject was. taken Up
and dlsooursed upon by several ,of the
teachers. One of the speakers A:narked:
that, in the grade in which ho was la
boring, ho found it necessary to gliveel
moot his entire attention to the assist
ance of the pupils in Mb prdnuttellition,
of the words, let alone, stress, emphasis,
modulation and definitions: Another
speaker thought more , attention should
be given to 'defining words In the reading
lesson, In the !Myer, grades.
A lecture then followed on, phonetic
spelling, which was instruttiVe and•ln4 ,
ten:sating, and must have irnprissed all
presCnt with the idea that in order
come a good reader, a thorough know
ledge of that subject is necessary.
, A recitation hi Geography was next in
'ideti Tho teacher distributed a nutn
her of questions on slips'Of paper among
the class, after which she called upon the
Inombors promiscuously for answer,
when a ratribling discussion followed on
the subject, °non member fooling at liber
ty to discourse on it, without , any appa
restraint,,untll the . President gave
notice of another lecture on mental arith- '
metic, when the subject was dismissed,
and, the looturckprooeeded with.
The lecturer dwelt upon the Impor
tance of tho subjoot generally.' 'I As a
means of disciplining the mind, and 'mak
ing ready reckoners, it •is invaluablei?'
and presented several, methods of-tench- .
Ing it.
This dorio, the President distributed.
on slips of paporn number of historical
questions, to be answered at. the. next
state A m ooti rigor tint Institute, When lee
turo wore appointed on History, Writ
ten Ithmetie and Orennuir, and the
meeting adjourned. 8.
bur WernerhvillerottTr. '„
WERNERBVILLE, Fob. 20, 1809: •
limy Hans :=Things are as usual
here, although have to report the sad
news of, Alio death of our brother Adam.
Yoh, whdisias a faithful member of' the
B. U. (H. F.) C. A. He was buried with
the usual cereinUnies pertaining ,to the
Order. • There was a largo turnout of the
members. Ho was, buried . at-the.Hain's
Church Cemetery on last, Thursday.
Brother Yoh died very suddenly, of a
disease unknown to us. . ,
. ,
Business in this part of the' county-is
aboat as usual, although it could be more
brisk, as tho markets h - our pastern cities
aro greatly depressed at present. I hope
it may soon be ".more favorablo for ship
pers along the line.
Cho School Directors of Lower
delberg went visiting the schools through
the townships this week. As., t general
thing we found tho different schools in
ekcollont condition (always pxceptions.)
The progress is rather moritoriods,,al•
though wo have a pretty good selection
of teachers. Wits have five 'months'
school and papa salary of $36 per month.
Our school board consists ,of the follow
ing members : Peter Spayd, 'John Bon
dor, John - Roll:nen, Chas. Spohu, Esq:,
Dr. A. Smith and O. M. Whbber. • -
Lectures have been delivered through—
out the whole township in all the schools.
The Lectures aro generally delivered by
Mr. G. M. Webber and Dr. A. Smith.
It Seems Very impressive-to teachers and
scholars, to give them a hearty. address.
Ilre found that in all instances it enlivened
thorn more or less. '
The Directors, atter driving awhile,
Ivey°, cordially invited to take a hygeinic
dinner with Dr. A. Smith. We all en
joyed an excellent dinner. After having
finished our repast, a few brief remarks
were made by Mr. G. M. Webber, expres-
sing thanks for the kind invitation and the
hearty reception by the inmatet of the
hou`se. Yours truly, G.
Our Port Olintou Letter. '
Port Clinton, Feb. 20, 1809.
Editors Eagle :
The borough election festerdaypassed
off quietly. .T interest
was not much
taken in it. ' The following persons were
elected, viz :
Chief Burgess—Sohn S. Rick.
Council—Sannel Boyer t Chas. Mattern,
Dr. Geo. W. Nice, E. J. Myth', Wm. Ro
nigh Constable—Adam S. Robinhold.
Judge—Effinger J. 'Main.
Inspectors—Geo. H. Robinhold and
John Schenk.
School Dire tors—Wm. C. Guldin, Ba
mnol C. Boye for 3 years, Jeremiah P.
Focht for 1 y ar.
Constablq , Adam S. Robinhold.
.Auditor- : -§amuel C.
Yours, , REPORTER.
SATURDAY,' Yob. 20.
The Governor of Wisconsin has vetoed
a bill, Passed by the Legislature of that
State, empowering minors to convey real
estate '
The Nevada Legislature has • passed an
amendment• to the State Cofiventioni
providing for biennial Legislative sessions
of 00 days each; also, a resolution asking
Congress to .yield Nevada the territory
south of Snake rich.
Trouble is apprehended in New drleans
between the Cuban refugees and Spanish
residents, and the Spanish . Conaul has
naked the.9overnor to' prevent diaterb—
armee. The matter has leen tpferred - to
the Chief of Polieei
,The goorgia . Rouse of Representatives,
on Thursday , adopted a minority' roport :
of tho Finance
,Comdiittee; centmring
governor Bu llock for *ending $85,.
000 belonging to the Bteti:4l without 'au-
thou of law.)
An Francisco despatch, speaks of
an increasing. mining excitement, and
says 54 companies, with a nominal capt.
tat .eggrogating $62,000,00, have boon
formed to • operate tho White Pino region.
;13 AIMING 110U8t.-11U8LIONO a
DANICKIIB, dealers In U. B. BONI'S 4ND
fir 00K, GOLD, so,vzn AND 00UPON8.
MUMS on Now Yak and Philadelphia.
Intaest Vold on, all d0p0909. Open at 9
a. Close at 81:i. m. • • • • i•
get ) *Pad*/ PVBU9o.iitti.goillisg.
Bowman or 1812.—The semi-annual
,payment of the $2O duo tho' ioldim
°too war of 1812, for tho luat half year,
cannot bo made by , the various County
Treasurers, owing to the:fact that tho
foreian the• State Treasury Department
have-not been able to make out the list
required by laW to be, forwarded to the
different counties. These lists, however,
will ,be 'completed soon, when • the old
veterans and the surviimg, widows will
receive their long waited, for pittance.
, tTursvne.—Durlng the last few weeks
several attempts have been made at steal
-114 from residents In this county. There
appears to be a gantrof those marauders
in this•vicinity, who are well known to
our citizens, We hope a sharp lookout :
will be kept to capture them, and trust
that they will receive the reward they so
richly deserve on their next attempt to
enter upon their nefarious mission.
, kmotaucil.
By the Roy. V. G. Hang.
George. Danwiddio to Mary E. Nation
both of Newport, Bond county, Illinois,
•By t h e tov. Thomas T Riegel*,
• DiTURK MILLICIL —OnJanuary 12th,
Martin 8. DoTiirk to Miss Emma It. Miller,
both of Oloy.
b'IDLEE—BOYER.--On Jun. 21, John
Fidler, of Marion, to Mary Amanda Boyer,
of Hamburg.
By tho Boy. Aaron Finfrock.
STRAITS--KBEITZ.—On Fob, 6, Cyrds W.
Strausolo Sarah S. KrOitz, both of Born.
Ville. -•
Hy tho RoV. C. 11. Loinbaoh.
MOIMMAN—GROII.—On Jun. 30, hand F.
Hoffman to Leah, Kato Uroh, both of Ma
LANDIB—KLEIL—On Fob. 6, Levi D.
Landis 'to Amelia 11. Kline, both Of Rich.
land, Lebanon county.
WANNER.—In this city, on the 16th
inst.,. Kate, /laughter of Andrew 8. and
Rebecca Wanner, aged. 2 years and 6
.._,MULD.-41a 'the 13th inst.._ at the rest
donee of Dr. Win. J. Thirwooliter, Jo this
J olty, *re. Margaret,*wife of !pinball. Mull,
aged Alyea** ,
—ln this city on .Saturday,
evening, the 13th inst., Daniel Flolithorn.
aged 81. years, 7 menthe; and 19 days, '
PAUTSOII,—In Centre township, on Jan,
_Anna Maria Pautsoh, aged 42
MILLER.—In Millersburg, Berke county,
on Feb, 7, Catliarinol tallier, aged 69 yoars,
6 months and 17 days.
POTTNIOBILL—In Upper iPulpehoceon, on
February 4, Charlotto, wife of Jacob Pot‘
telger,' Nod. 68 years, 10 months and 23
days. - •
SCIIOLX,,,--In Marlon, on Feb, 0, Nelly,
wife of leitiao Bohol', agodoB yoara,7 months
and 18 days..
Money Market. '
Ittit)liong Dro,, Ban!tors, No, 16, Aorta 6th
„ -
street, quota as follows
• RaAtuno, Fob. 20,,18e9.
Old U. 8. iPs 1881 *- • • ilay t
Olcl U B. s's 1802 - • , 114
NOW U. 8. 5-20% 1801, July and Jan. - • /10%
ow U. 8; s•2o's 1855, May and Nov. •! 112,
Now U.8:1805, new - • • • Ito
Now U. B. ii.2ote 1887, July and - Jan..- 110
Now U. 8.8.90'd 1808, - - -1 to%
Ten Forty Beale, - --- 109' Gold in Now York up to 12 ololook,- - 133,4
Gold in Reading at Busliong It Bros.; -1133 •
*once Mark Os. • •
Rite')lna, sob. 20, 1860.
FLOUIt.-.-Tho flour market continues
to be characterized by Irmo't* depression,
and witya total absence, of any shipping
demand', and a very
the trade. Them is no further yield to
note in prices, but it is the supposition of
dealers tliat it will decline before long, un
less tho news from. Etuppo shimid contin
uo to bo of a warlike clatuoter.
WlllbotT.-4110 amount of wheat brought
to the city this week, is much lesi than
if, was last week. • This may ho attributed
partly to the bad state of the .roads. But
by conversing with farmers, we find 'that.
•thorn is not much disposition to sell "now,
us they still anticipate higher prices. Sev
eral. lots worodaken yesterday, at $1.60 for
white wheat per bushel. We have hoard
otno sales in rod, ,:Ryo was talon at KO .
.per bushel. • ,
QATB l .—The amount of oats brought to
theoltithis week falls short of last week.
8o that the stook on hand is lithited. It
maybe hold back for higher 'prices. This
morning a lot ,was taken at t 1 cents, an
adVanop , of five cents on prices last • quo
COItN.--17,0t much corn was brought in:
Dealers anticipated an advanee in price:
Lots wore taken durldng the week 4. 1 t 85
Oents. •
LUlllinCli,—The lumber business• 'contin
nos brisk. The deinand is groat for next
summer's building material.. All the plan
ipg•millsaro running to their full capa
IRON.—Tho same can bo said of the iron
buslnoss of the olty. All our furnaces;
rolling mills and forges, aro iu oporationi ,
and Work on orders. The general cry is
"dull times," yet all our mechanics aro
employed. ,
Vihtto Wheat 1 6 10 \ nr per bbl., $l2OO
Ilisd ' 6 Extra per
per bbl 1100
Is a .. 10 50
CornOhop )
(now) 0 5
Corn (now 93
Beat Niddlinges l. Bo
Common, 90
Bran; • 40
Corn Metal, 1 80
Mao Wheat per bu shel , 1 6601 110
R o d 41 44 1 60, 170
Bye 1 40
Oats 60
Corn 85
I •
Reading Housekeepers , Market.
The attendance at the hovsekcepers mar
ket yesterday was largo, by both produ
cers and Consumers. Most of our people
beught:yesteroay, so that there was a slim
attendance this morning.
BEEF AND PORK,--A large lot of beef was
Offered' at prices somewhat lower than on
Wednesday last, .float sold at $l6, while on
Wednesday tsl7 per hundred was asked.
It could tie taken away at the close of mar
ket hours this morning for $ll, $l2 and $l4.
per hundred, Pork still seems to bescarco,
but as most people aro supplied, and the
psh season is. at hand, there is not much
demand. It sold at $l4 and $l5 per bun
d 43(1. 4 ,
Int —A large lot of Ash wore offered
T ere satins to leo great demand fop thorn
being much cheaper than beef, They ere
brought to the city quite fresh, and selling
off rapidly; dealers aro able to keep up" the
snpply • at prices almost pe low pe In
Philadelphia.: •
Burrlß-Fresh ddlry, -tp lb., , io
. Lump, • " 18
Canaan—Cheese ip lb:, 20022
Lzazt-:-Lard , i t Ib .; ' ' 24'
Koos—Eggs dozen, 28
'AyPitze — App es 1 peak, 2t435
• " ' • 'Dried V Quart, 12
Paramas— " Lb.; 20
lliasa‘-13oefsteak, round V b., • ',22
41 II sirloin, " ..... 20
16' • O.! r 1 "71 " 4 20
- • .. Beef rimit, 2
i s Beef d ried, 11 8 5
) '
66 Veal
chops )1 16
Outlets, : 11 23
• a .
~ ifiatton4, ,
66 * IFO2O
" . Pork, A' , .: cc 16020
- 14 • 11 ettat . 61 20
11 - • • sausage rest], . 1 11 98125
61 ' 66 rooked .11 28
0, s, , .0 ) 24
41 - Sliced BO
skomm ,
ina-- , 11 16
BIDZII-.• . . 61 18
Pouzzav—Ohlekena live, 16 --.
a dreased, . 11 18
it • , :Turkic% live, ii • , - •
" ," " dresse d, 11 20
" ' Obis:Mons live p pr" .60 aloo
P 0120,008 V buSheit 100 •
2'l-2 0`401.4)0K P. M.
24UCIA8 goos up in price as the article
goes down in consumption. The_ deal
ers Just now appear to take paricular
delight in being sweet ou their outdo-
To-monnow.—Eighth Sunday of the
year, and second in Lent. Pay's length,
10 hours and 57 minutes.
, . --
A trOVEBTY has appeared !nth° album
way, namely a space to introduce regis
tered eertillOat i cs of births, marriages
and deaths 14 etoptigulty to the likeness.
A tnErt:witil captured between Schuyl
kill Haveita4d Laudingville Thurs.
day of list,w k.
BOAD.—The reoelpts and expenditures of
thit; road for the fiscal year ending 'Octo
ber 31, 1868, were as follows :
Balance on hand per last re
port, 1 $ 5.1,674 15
Received fix= stockhoiders, 330,050 00
Received interest on tempora
ry loans, 1,285
Received solos of bonds, 03,231 13
" • • . $452,840 57
Tho expenditures during tho saute pe
riod were as follows, viz
Engineering and miseellatt=
eons expenses, $ •21,90102
Laud damages and fonolng, 81,371 81
Grading, bridging and chang
ing comity roads, ' - 283 0. 03 1 5
Coupons due and paid Coto=
ber let, , e
1 1,925 18
Real estate (depot lot in M
city of .Wilmington) ' 3,500 00
Rails for use of contractors, 5,000 00
Balance ou hand, 75,649 46
1;152,840 57
Of Ms balance 857,300 is loaned on call
and $18,349.40 is &potted in bank.
Cow IN A WELL.—Saturday afternoon
last a cow, belonging tc,;, , Thnothy'Shes,
fell into a Well at thvold Ilospital build
ing, at the upper 'etid of Mabantongo
street. The depth .of 'the well is 48 foot,
and the OW foil the bottoni. ' Ropes
and a block and laeltle were procured,
and the cow ,Was Tuled up alive, al
though severely b ttised. Pottsville
P. O. S. ov Ay—District President, L.
Sholionberger, of Camp 78, located at
Hamburg, installed Washington Camp,
No. 108,1. 0. S. of A., at Mauch Chunk,
Pa., on Thursday evening, Feb. 11th.
Tho surviving members of Company A,
2d Regiment, and all others who were in
tho Alexioan war in any capacity, aro re
spectfully invited to attend a nicotinic on
Monday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at
Krick'a Hotel, North Fifth street.
Tni firemen of Hamburg will parade
on Monday.
Tan Ivy lust Unto, Cheater county,
wllkopen ita next session in April sth,
1800, and continuo twelve weq,ke.
Olin neighbors of the' Dispatch have
Ordored'a now press,and Moir pnpor will
shortly!appear in a now dress.
• •I
son, Treasurer of the Reading Re-i
lief Society; acknowledges the receipt
of $3O, from Mr. John IL Naglo, froM
estate of Esther High, deceased.
REST. P. 11.—A meeting of the officers
and Inombors of Companies E. G. IC.
and,l; of said regiment, will bo hold on
Saturday, the 27th day, of Fobrnary, at
11 o'Olook A. M. in tho' Court Hotthe, ie
the City of Reading. Lieut. Col. George
V: McFarland will be, present, and -do
liver au address to the meeting in regard
to tho benetit of soldiors, - aud to organize
said companies into a Botioticial .Society,
for tho good of every remaining mem
ber of said regiment, and will exhibit a
largo Painting of the battle field of-Got
tysburg,ln which said Regimont hold an,
important pesition,which will bo a groat,
satisfaction for every ono to see, and will
also explain about the Book of tho Regi
ment, whiOh is almost completed. Col.
H. Allen and all tin) °Moors of the Rogi.
mont will be present*. All officers of
said companies aro requested to see that
their members will be in attendance. The
Drum Corps of said Regiment will bo in
attendance, to enliven tho hearts of the
remaining members of the Regiment.
FOLIOE AvpArns.-Capt. MoNall Ml
ports but 13 lodgers, who found shelter
at the Station House last night. He says,
everything is very quiet, but that tho
enomy have " retreated in good ordor."
The Captain's quiet but cheerful face
wore an unusually sad expression this
morning. He fears that our now moon
may wax and wano, and other moons do
the same, and yet police circles will re
main dull. Ills trusty Lieutenant, big
Dick (beg your pardon, for 'being so fa
miliar, Mr. Field,) has not had a hearty
laugh for nigh unto throo days, and wc),
begin to foar.for' thoso hugo sides of his.
The PoliewHeadquarters would be cheer
less enough without the broad face and
beaming countonanco of Dick. His pros
enco is always sure to drivo away an at
tack of the blue devils, or any other kind
of devils, that occasionally seize hold of
a follow of a convivial turn of mind.
Dick is a trump. But still with all such
pharming attributes, DieVa magnetic
Influence Is 'powerless at times to draw
one enthusiastic and spiritually•iitclined
citizens toward the corner of sth and
Franklin. And for two nights past the
Station House has presented a sorry ap
ponianco indeed. _Air. Lel:Anger could
well exclaim :
11 1 feel liko ono zato treads alone
Herne banquet hall deserted,
Whose lights are flog, whose garlands dead,
And all but me departed PP
So much for Police Affairs ' to-day
.Nouti verrons, as the Isnied Father
Ritchie used to observe.
11Anutsnuan, Feb. 19.
In the Senilta' Mr. Billingfelt intro.
duced a bill authorizing the Eagle Gold
Mining Company to levy an assessment
with the power to reduce their capital.
Mr. Connell one supplementary to am
act establishing a system of free banking.
Mr. Lindeman one to repel the act• to
improve the navigation of the Delaware
river; approved M rob, 1866, and . its
Mr. Davis one pre i enting betting on
elections, by allowing suit to be brought.
Mr. ,Turner, one supplementary to the
the Mechanics' lion law of 1836.
Mr. Woman read a bill changing the
time of holding elections in Reading to
October. •
'Mrs White called up his resolution, of
fered the'other day, in regard to postage
(authorizing the Postmaster of the Senate
to stamp letters, and thus 'abOlisliing the
franking privilege.)
A. long deb took place on the resolu
tion, during hich the Senate adjourned,
until Tuesday afternoon. •
The Hous was occupied in the consid
eration of the general appropriation bill.
A vote was taken:on a proposition to
crease the . 'salary of the: legislators to,
$l6OO, but it was defeated by 60 nays to
28 yeas.
• Tim appropriation bill passed finally,
and the House adjourned until Aonday
oveUing, at 71 o'clock.
}lin , Your, Atignst 15th, 1a37.
Allow tnolocall your attention to my
TRACT DUCHU. The component Marta are
Moos Ow PRYPARATIOII: BuOhU,illvaouo.
Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a
tine gin.- Cubebs extracted by displace-1
rnentby liquor obtained from Juniper. lier.!
ries, containing very ilttle sugar, a small
proportion of spy% And more paiatabio
than any now in use. ° The active proper
ties are by this mode extracted.
Buohu, as prepared by Druggists gener
ally, is of a dark color.' It is a plant that
omits its fragrance; the action of a flame
destroys this (its satire principle), leaving
it dark and gletinous decootten. Mine is
the color of ingredients. The Buohu in my
Preparation Predominates # the smallest
quantity of the other ingredients are tut
dod, to prevent fornientation; upon inspec
tion, it will ho found not to bo a Tinc
ture as made in Pharniaeopo3a, nor Is it a
Syrup---and therefore:can bo used in cases
whore fever or' inflammation exists ? In
thiS von have the knowledge of the in gre
dienis and the modeof preparation. A
Doping that you will favor it with atrial,
and that upon inspection it will moot iyith
your approbation, With a feeling ofbon
I am, very resectfully ,
Chemist and Druggist of 10, Years'
Experience in Philadelphia, and
now located at his Drug ana l Chain.
teal Warehouse, &A Broadway, New
• [From the largest Manufaetnring Chem
ists inithe World.l
lam acquainted with Mr. H. T. Holm
bold; ho, ocenpied the Drug Store' oppo
site my residence and was successful in
conduoting the business where others had
not been equally so before him. 1 have
boon favorably impressed with his eharao.
for and enterprise. •
Firm of Powers & Welghtman, Mann-
Ifacturlng Chemists Ninth and Brown
• . Streets. Philadelphia.
Ilefainotn's FLUID ErtuAoT Beene, for
weakness arising from indiscretion. - The
exhausted powers of nature which aro no.
companlod by so many alarming twin)).
toms, among which will bo found, Indispo
sition to Exettiou, Load of Memory Wake
,ulness, Horror of Disease or Forebodings
of 11, In feet, Universal 'Lassitude, Pros
trattoni said inability_ to enter Welt° eh-.
joyMents Of sootety
• The Constitution, once affected with Or.
auto Weakness, requires the aid of Med
icine itostrongthen and invigorate the
system, whiolt HItLMBOLD'S - I,:XTRACT
IIUOIIII invariably does. if no troatmost
is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity
ensues. • • -• •
llimunoLnotili.nito EXTRACT 11UOIlu, In
laffeetimis• peo ltar ,to Females, is une-i
• quailed by any other preparation, as in
Chlorosis or Itotention, Painfulness, or
Suppression o Customary Evacuations,
Uleerated'or Soliirrus State of the Uteros,
and all complaints incident to the thi'x;
whether arising from habits of dissipation,
imprudence, or in the decline or change of
life. -
IkOnovxe Ross Witsif will radically ex
terminate from the system diseases arising
from habits of dissipation,- at little ex
pense, little or no changp in , diet,' no in
convenience orexpesure f completely su
perseding those unpleasant and dangerous
remedies, Copaiva and Ileroury,inall theso
in all diseases of the organs, whether In
male or female, from whatever cause ori
ginating, and no matter of how long stand
ing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, lem
mediator In action, and more strengthen
ing than any 'of the preparations of Bark
or Iron.
Those suffering from broken-down or
delicate constitutions, procure the remedy
at once.
The reader must be aware that, however
slight may be tlio - attack of the above
diseases, it, is certain to affect he .bodily
health and mental pewors.
All the above diseases require the aid
of a Diuretic. lIELMBOLDfS EXTRACT
BUCIDI is the greatest Diuretic.
Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price
—41.25 ;per bottle, or 0 bottles for $0.150.
Delivered to any address. Describe syniii
toms!in all communications.
- - .
Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Druia'and
ClunicahWarohouao, 604 Broadway, N Yi
DONE UP in otrool-ongravod wrappor,
with fac-similo of my OhomioalWarohouse,
and signed
doe W-21noodawl H. T. lIELMBOLD.
Like the voloano, Bells give issue to the
foul and fiery contents of the deep into
rior. To remove tho cause of such suffer
ing It Is ,only necessary to vitalize the
Blood by supplying it with its 1.(/e Ble.
?Went, bum
(a protected solution of the Proioxide of
Iron) will do this offeetuallv, and give
strength, vigor and new life to the whole
system. •
Extract of a teller from REV. RICHARD S.
Eass, of B often, Nan.:
"For years I was a cuff 'rer from Bolls,
so that my life became weitrlsomo through
their frequent quent andfporsistent recur
rence; finally a carbuncle formed iii the
small of my back. During its progress
largo pieces of decomposed flesh wore
every day or two cat away, and the pros
tration and general disturbance of the
system wore great. Before I had reeov
ered from this attack two smaller carbun
cles broke out higher up, and 1 was again
threatened with a neurone() of the suf.
firings to which I had so long been sub
eeted. it was at this time I commenced
taking the PERUVIAN SYRUP. I contin
nod taking it until I had used live bottles;
since then I bate have had nothing of the
kind, for years I was ono of the greatest
sufferers. Other medicines gave mo partial
and temporary relief, but this remarkable
remedy, with a kind of intuitive sense,
wont directly to the root of the evil, and
did Its work with a thoroughness worthy
of its established clinraoter.”
A 32 page Pamphlet stint free. The
gonulnohas "PimuViert Bruer' , blown in
the glass. , 1
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor,
No. e'Dey struiet, Now York.
Sold by druggists generally,
' k i
', The best nownt.emetly for
in all its manifold forms; including Ulcers,
(Amex,. 1
__, Syphilis, Salt Rheum, Cimsumption,
etc., le 11. m. Manias' 10DINE WATER, a pure
solution of lodine without a solvent, dim
covered after many years of sciontilbo r•
°search and experiment. For eradicating
hnmora from the system- it has no equal.
Circulars sent free.
86 Day St r eet , New York.
Sold by all Druggists. tfeb 64wd8r,w
J. •
Would pall the attention of the pnblio tut Is
large stook of Parlor, Mice and Cook Lig
Stoves, Ranges, Tin, Hollowware and Howr.
kooping goods , or ovary •deseription. '-
Rooting and Spouting promptly attonderto
at the lowest prim G ive 10111 call.
fel) 11:941
,211411111NONSI er PASSENGER
- • Dgeßuns': lkrn, WS.
'FRIA, ,paasing Reading, at 7,5‘),, 10,05 and
11,15 ar„ and 4.25 and 0,33 P.
UP To POTWBVILLE, at 10.33 A. 3.t., and
5.50 and 8.00 P. M.
• - DURO.
Western Eipress from Nevr4ork,a4 1.05
A. It s and 1.50 P. M. and 10.191'. 51.
Harrisburg Accommodation Traliyail
A. M. and Mail - Trains at 10.45 Ay- ~ anit
r . 0.03,r. M.
On Sunday, the down train'
' Jug at 9.40 A. M. and 4.25 P.
trains at 10.50 A. M., and 5.571
The 4.25 P. 51. down, and 1
run only between ' Philadelph a and Road-
Up tr ins leave Philadelphia 'or Reading.
Burris urg and POttsville tit' 7.30 and 8.18
A. 11,, I ,50 noon, and 3.20 P. . anti at 4.45
P.M. fti Reading only. Tito : S I A. M. train
bonneoti with trains for wawa, Mi
llman° t, Elmira, Raffia Niagara and
The 8. SA. !A g ana 8,30 P. 51. up trains front
Philade phia, and 10.35, A.1,M., and 4.20 P.M.
doWn ti alas. atop only at. principal sta
tions he w Reading.
Readin , Aecouvinottation Train: Leaves
Reading at 7.30 A. M., returning from nu.
ittlelphia at 4.451'. M.
• The P dtatown . Aceonunotthon train
leaves Po tstown at 0.45 A. M. Returning
leaves P 1 iladelphialat 4.001. 51. y ,
The We tern Express trains connect at
namsbur r with ExpresB trains on the
romisylva la Railroad forßaltimore PIUS
hurgh and ttl points Wes t i aail t ho 10. A Mall
train, coo loots at , Ilarelsburg for Pitts
burgh, lane
aster,Cliambersburg, Sunbury,
Seranton f littaton, \V likesbarre, Williams-
RortiLoolc Haven, Elmira and the Cana-
as. ,
Passongo trains loavo Upper Depot for
Ephrata, - 1. tig,Cditnbia and Landastur at
7.00 M. ald 6.15 P. AL
Trough Coupon tickets and
nt g
Erants tibkots at rednood Faros, to nil
thoprinoll it points in tiro North,West and
MO (Wiwi 6.•
With 26 'ottpons t nt, 25 por cent. die-
Count, bat\ eon any points desired. .
(oott f 2000 miles, botwoon all 11Q1Sifi,
St sb2 00 for fituailieb t!ttd business firths..
Wed for the holder only, for 8, J, 0 and 12
months, between ail point' t ,-at reduced
Fares. School Season Tioltqts oae-third
less than the above. • •
arir Passengers will take the Express
trains West itt the UPPER D F. POT, and.all
other trains ut tlto LOWER or OLD
100 pounds Baggage allowed each passen
Passengers are requested to purchase
their tickets before entering the cars, as
higher faros are charged if-p a id in the
Excursion Tickets, good for one day, by
7.80 A. M. Accommodation Train to Phil
adelphia, andreturn, at $2 68 each.
0. A. NICOLLS, -
May 23], General Superintendent.,
Commencing Monday, Deceinber2lst,lßoB.
No. 6, Mall Train,
.It' lingffiloaves Reading 10. a),
. ➢i., arrives Allentown 12.05; at Now
York 0.50, P. bl.
No. 7 Fast Mall, leaves Reading at 4.20,1'.
M. arrives at Allentown 5.55; at NewYetk
10.65, P.A.-
Nos. 6 and 7, rail daily, except SinulaY,
stooping at all Way Stations between
Reading and Now York.
Leave Reading at
11 it
11 14
1,00 A. M.
Arrive at Now York at 11.00 A, M.
II 12,15 A.1),1.
Is • . 7.001'.
66 6.15 A. M.
These trains run through from Pitts.
burgh to Now-York, without change of
ears, stopping only at Lyons, Aliontown
Bethlehem, Easton Junction, Clinton,
White HOMO, Somerville, hound Brook;
Plait:Sold and Elizabeth.' I
Tito 0.44 A; Id. train rims daily oxcopt
Sundays and MMidays.
The 2.28 P. N. trains run daily except.
The /.31 A. M. and . 1,00 A. M. trains run
West bound trains, leave NOW York, at
tho foot of Liberty street, as follows : ,
Leave New York. Arrive at Reading.
12.00 M. Mail No. 0, OM P. M.
9.00 A. M. Express Train, 11.00 P. M._
IMO P. M. Express Train, 10.19 P. M.
8,;',0 P. M. • Express Tram, 1.00 A. bt.
Mail Train itinVll'; Allentown at 7.20,
-A. N., stops at •all Way Stations, arriving
at Beading at 9.10, A. hi., running daily
except Sundays.
Tho 12 Id. Train from Now York, stops
at all Stations between New York and
Beading, leaving Allentown at 4.20, I'. Id.,
arriving at Beading at 0.00, P, 31,, run
ning daily except Sundays,
The , 8.00 P. M. train from Now York,
runs daily stopping at Elizabeth, Plain.
field, Sommerville, Junction,Easton, and
Bethlehem, arriving at Allentown at 1t,45,
P. M., passing LOMB at 12.20,A. M., arriv
'Ng at heading at 1.00 A. M,
_ Passengers are requested to purchase
tickets before entering the cars, 25 ets
oxtra will be charged and collected on the
train frOm all who pay the fare to the
good for Twonty.elx Tripe, at 28 per cent
nlecount between any Witte desired.
for 2000 miles, good botwoon all polifts on
this or tho Philadelphia & Reading It. I.
or gho Beading & Columbia It. It:, ut 02. y)
ouch for families and firms.
good for no holder only, for three, elx,
nano and twolvo months, at reduced rates.
Genoral Ticket Agent.
on lye , t..:!;;;*31 0 n a a a n y ( s l alt i c o l v or
/ 11 asssngar Truins will run on this row(
as follows:
LoaVe Reading at • 7.0 i) A, M.
ti it a t
' curs P. M.
Arrive at Lancaster at '; ,9.15 A, M.
" " Columbia at t 9.15 A, k.
" " Lancamtcy at. . 8,261'. M.
" " Columbia at 8.30 P.ll.
Leave Ltineaster k Columbia at 8.00 A. M.
" Columbia at , 8.20 P. af,
" Lancaster at 3.25 I'. 11.
Arrive at Reading at ' 10.20 A. bf,
" at Reading at 5.101'. M..
Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make close cornice.
tion at Reading with trains North and
South, on the Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, and Weston the Lebanon Valley
Road. No. 2 also makes- olds() connection
with train for New York.
Tickets can be obtained at the offices of
the Now Jersey Central B. R. foot of Lib
erty street, Now York, and Phila. & Read
ing R. K., Thirteenth. and Callowhill Ste.,
Pniladelphia., 1
Through Tickets to Now York and Phil
adelphia sold at all the principal stations
and baggage checked through.
Trains are runby Philadelphia and Road
ing Railroad time, which is ton minutes
faster than Pennsylvania R. R. Time.,
~-,- Superintendent,
E.. F. Runyan, Clop. Frt. It Ticket Agent.
fob 18-1 m
WANTED.—Two good compositors at
. feb 18
'M OIIIcoOTE PAPEIt Pq,It•SALE at tho.EAuta
in order to ro-opon an ontiro now and w,oli
selected stock, at ", •
whore I wilt pay particular attention ' to
keep all the latest styles of
and a complete assortment of everything
pertaining to the Millinery and Trimming
line. I express my most hearty, thanks for
'past favors, and very respectfully solleit
the continuance of the same. Satishmtioa,
fob 111-10td MM. 0. B. HEUER:
FOtt SALE.—WiII be sold at, Private Sale,
the Stock Of J. RODGERS , BARBER
8110 P, with appurtenances, at No. 255 Penn
street, needing, Sold on account of going
into other business. . (fob 11 d
720A11,11N4.—A. gentleman and wife •cr
..utwos igle , gentimen can he accorntne.
dated with board at No, 497 Walnut atrecl.
TIM CHNArms, Aly A f,r,g , croß
A i l ifewl sTIV R al ifiti.rffeiptirw,
take pleasurO In informing the peopie of ReadiaL
arid vicinity Out. more Vutioulirly all good
Kousekeepersl that they ate mahufaeturing and
introducing aSoap superior to all others for the
tollowing purposes;
OVP—For Cleaning Paint, Wood work, Yu-
itiD—Tor Cloaniag (and Polishing at the
same t me) Metals of all descriptions.
llousekeppors can at once scd the great advan
tago of this, as it is entirely unnecouary to keop as
heretofore, Polishing Powders, Brick Dust. Sand.
Ashos,_&e., &o,
THIRD—For a Palm ox Path' Soa p. eseestillir
ih n na h li.ln e oa r ii, o t ii, h ,ru i a r ho o a a ns r d o pla a itai n n y tt:t ind re pu aa rl o til i s s o ny r st k a t i n el i ttpo rrin n tea thit
-For r the dteusitnd' and ono
other pu rposes for which soap is in constant use.
nd w hich it is imPossiblo to enumerate at this
L MX0710149 9011 lialtla HARMS! ?YANG SOAP
ror each and overy purpose above mentioned, To
bo used in the ammo manner as any other Hop with
this exception, that it only requires ONE-THIRD
the amount of our Soap to accomplish the same
cults as as others, and ONE-TIIIRD of the TIME
and LABOR saved,
WANTED, terry i'crion in Reading io,irg
dfanuhicturcd &elusively by. tlie lima kiwi* ..,
I Sonp 0)003 Arch ,Strsci. PlailadelpAia.
HARRIS •dt, 0 0 ~ Proprietors.
_. ay. Bens not.oss a MAI:MIRA, corner of Fifth
and Washington Strode, Solo Agents for Reading.
All NETS WANTED IN EV nu omit-somni-
The Soap is now offered to the Publio at the fol
lowing Stores I
Stan flor & Shonfolder, ' Yooutzt & Ilonsuln.
A. Pottuigor, liorbine A brow.
3. Sr B. Saylor, E. 0. Roister,
Hafer & Boono. F. B. Fiehthortli
D. Koisor, • . Ilinnenthits A Bubp,
J, Dundore, o,lleffellinger, .
A. Swartz, P. Shaeffer',
J. 0. Thomas, D. P, (troth A Co.,
F. Keifer & Bro., M. Keifer &Sou,
J. If. Hildoboitel, , • O. K. Boyer.
W. Stott, • ' J. Jardine.
R. liemmig, , . J. 'nigh, -
j 4. %qirt, J. Kline,
W. iroyor, • - Ott A Bolder.
_pass i ii . ilini•
?l a up
.SO A. ;Cup
fit' 7
t o r
5.44 A. M.
7.31 A. 51. -
2.28 A. st.
Together with a varioty of other Singing Book
foreohools. /to. may 7
Extended to Union Station—Leaves Reading at
8 A. tn., tri-weckly, Tueisday. Thursday and Satur
day. !Returns same days and arrives at 7p; m.
It serves tho following name& Post Onion:
Cumru, Gouglorsvillo, Adamstown, Bohwarts
villa, ltemnntown.
Leaves Boyertown'at 0 o'clock, a. ne,, Arrives
at Reading nt 10 o'clock, a. in. Returning, leaves
Itbading at 2:;i p. Arrives at Boyertown at 7
p. m. It serves Stonersvllle, Brumfleldville,
Oreshville, Yellow House, Eariville • an& Boors
Leaves Bethel at 3 o'clock, a. ro., arrives at
Reading at 10 o'clock, a. m. Returning, leaves
Reading at 2 o'clock p. m., arrives at M il lersburg
at 9p. in. It serves I,einbaohs, Lower ern, Bern
villa, Rehrordburg, • Bethel, Tulpolocoon and
Holsters Mills.
Loaves Reading on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 8 o'clock. a. in. Returning, loaves Blue
Bail on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ar
riving at Reading at 4j o'clock, P. M. supplies
Mohn'B Store,Knauer 0, Bowmaesville, Muddy
Creek, Terre Hill, Weaver's Mill antißlue Ball.
Leaves Reading do Monday, We nesday and
Friday at 7 o'clock, a. in, Aarrives Reading on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 o'clock.
p. in. It supplies Mt. Penn, Beckersville, Joanna
Furnace, Morgantown, Talbotville, Hone* Bro o k,.
Cambridge and South Hermitage.
Leaves Lobaohsvillo on Tuesday, Thur., and
Saturday at 6 o'clock, a. in. Arrives at ending at
9% o'clock, a. to. Returning. Leaves eading at
234 o'clock, P. in. Arrives al Lobachsville at 6
o'clock. p. m. ItlerVes Ala:40,010y and Lobaobs
Daily by Rath. ad—Leaves Reading at 6 p. m.
'Arrives at 10:30a.m. SuppliesFritatown,Reinholds
Station,Stevens, Ephrata, MillWayi %ills, Man
laeim,Sorting Landisv ille and Silver Springs.
• Tri-wookly by Stage—Loaves 'Westchester on
Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7a, in, Ar
rives at Birdsboro at p. In lieturntif i leaves
Birdsboro on Tuesday, Mi l e. and_ rday at
7a. na SuppltesGolger'a ills, Blue Roo s_Leases.
Wrohland, Lionville and West Whit
Somi-weekly byl3.tage—Leaves Reading on Tues
day and Saturday at 7:30 a. in. and arrives at Read
ing at 11 a. in. •
Semi-weekly by Stage—Leaves, Reading 'Tues
day and Saturday at 11:30 a in, lrrives at Amid
ing at 9:30 a. m.• StipipliosAddaruiTavem, Lower
Heidelberg, North Heidelberg, Kriclt's Milikand
Host. - •
Tri-weekly biStage—Leaved Leesport Tuejday.
Thursday and blaturdarat 12 tn. Arrive* at Lees
port, at 3 p. in. SupplieS Er/mitring) and
Tri-weekly by Stager-Leaves CoxtoWn Tuohy.
Thursday and Saturday at 9a. in.' fives at Con
. Own at 4P. M. Supplies Kirbyvillo, Moselem and
Tri-iveokly by Stago—Leaves Rehrersbarg Tues.
day, Thursday and Saturday atll a.m. Arrive, at
Rohrersburg at op. w. Supplies Winteterille
AT Tllll
No. 354 Peon Street.
Can licrbad