Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 19, 1869, Image 3

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11l Ay, PioiitUAßY 19, 1869.
111110 DiTiO -Di 14 - P. M.
N A rtuAtteN will open on the &hey!.
canal on theist of Marc!' next.
'Cut; Proceedtngs of Igo Hamburg
Teachers Institute are crowded out to.
d a y, Will appear to-morrow.
Ors Irish fellow citizons, it is saidiare
lout to make arrangements for the ap•
owrinte celebration of St. Tatrielea
I) y.
Mg fine weather yesterday crowded
rvi r protnenaties with youth And beauty.
no w, II a, snows and prom
etolevi stay "to hum."
A li ons': became frightened at the ears
blgt e vening-at Seventh and Franklin
,treetq and But a desperate attempt to
Ns away. ho couldn't Nit."
i'ma.—The ladies connected with the
F i f t h street Presbyterian church ,are
mti.sing preparationa to hold a fair and
straw h er ry festival iliotnetinie in Juno
T HE f i r A t, day of April—gencrally pad
dfly—ig fast approaching. About 'time
fir those having bins to pay at that time
to look around and, Bee wrote the money
is to come from.
SALE OF BANK gilea . K.—Win ho 801 d at
pUblie sale, at the Keystone House, to;
Jogrow, Saturday, nt I o'clock, 58 sham
o f r u mors National Bank stock, by
Win. V. Lyon, Auctioneer.
1 1 1c0 II TIM KICK fti , A HORSE.—
Mr. {lever, yoplng man icsiding in
Maidencreek township, was kickod by a
horse, in the Ado, On Mont ay Ittst i f'rom
din effects of which ho died yesterday
to be found now•a•days. All is dull and
prosy in the city. Business wink i 6 be
alleeted by ninthly rortati And weAtlio . r,'
and both merchants' and 'cleats have a•
't I
quiet time of .
.1 11A IMIW. -.Jackson tithan, sq., Um
bought of Mrs. Seheitly the real estate of
Daniel Scheitlq, Big., situate between
nee and Walnnt In tbni}orough (AVM.;
borg,contalnink bnll4lng lotn ',int) 20
feet front. Tiye property,wan sold uppn•
private torms.!
ilt•stxrss.—On all sides tbe-nato
b li :y preparation is' heard. 'lqui t os of
1/11 , 311C88 nro overhauled and reno+atod,'
anti stock is cleared away antlitoW is dltii
pinyed, and evory . fresh day' s w9rk, be-.
tokens the expectations of a lively and
lucrative opening of tho year.
insnospr 'Hash
who keeps a Warding house. on 6tata .
street, Hamburg, foun4 on 50nd# niorn- 1
jug that his boarders hart • doentnpod on
the preceding' bigot, possessing them*
selves et' various artieles of,-
)4eging to Mrs,' Bast. They also got
pods on ramie pretenses in some of the
'Ores in that town. . ,
Quin a nilAUiller of People are !heeotri ,
ing fearfol•that s the mi d. wfmther. - tiro
Dow havinii.wiir k have the t efreet, if f bring
nig the hadO t nn't t daeront „Ai& trees
toi ' maturity bolero • the proper tithe:
They are of' the 'opinion that the cold
weather is Clot Yetlo'veil hlitl should there
he a sadden-change the craft in all firokiy
-I,lllty would bo iaOtly *Oxon,. and eon.
81.11uotitIrtheriiiVauld haa great
et' tt fa the comingiedson.' •
• .
T.lsrf.- 2 -We denbt', whoth'Ortifore is a
plane in.tho State where the ladies dress
Cftitli more taste than thoy_do in this city,
lint it takes tneney (o;keep up viiith,tlo ,
(milieus now•a;days. . n olden times, it
wag safe for t)ltir ofitodainta:cirbad-
Mances to embark on the'sea of' matri•
money; now ho must atop and consider
bvfore venturing LAI enterpriSe of tho
Mod. Aro wo right?
Two of titathtest mre t we have seen
far a long t no were presented to us ye's•
day by Mr.' Fred. Moors, proprietor of
tlia'Poun Street Marble Works,' above'
second. They were raised Ano
Moors himself iststyear, and though .
kept so long a time , are still as
fresh and sweet as itollgtl jußt PiOikOtt
from the tree, They. aro of the
hnownas "the Reading," and are *fill
worthy to bear the haute of our Waal,
fel city.
. . \ •
-The carriage of the Washington Rose
eolitpatty arrived last evening. It• IR
very prottily painted in' tho.boot style Of
art, do prevailing color Eking. carmine.
►; , titd and white stripes, Alas Portral
Wallington on the aido • badgos add to
the effect. ' The lookois Are richly' Oarv.
NI. The now sigilakianw ,Is au At rip
tiro feature, iao allso - j o ho,e, P sidol itilivip,,
which area oxeO lout pattern, Through
, put, the eaiTiage looks bOantiful hpd AllO
" Ambly Bevil' OtitiivollTObl proud, ', ..
StNitut:tr. 4tit 13114D0W is ::NEW .
Nouk.—A hasty glanco over the con
tents of.thienow work retreats agraph.
to, intetosting aty.lo of :writing by. the •
author, Mathew Halo Stidth,.••• It glteh,
a history of a nuistiber otthe notable:
men of gow York,:but we' notice par
ticularly that the most noted' Itadro,.
cool° In for the largest ,shain f .Pr 8 tI• •
Juno monnot to Radical .. t ' their
N'inwo, and espeoially Wit in 4 d o-
Wood, a bravo, lioneAt cud i lgatless .
llonics;rat, come • In for lust' Sul large A
share of abuse. With the exceptions,
the work is very readable, and gives
"no, Porhalia, a bettor ii insight . into Now,
York lifo and manners than is to be i i:
in any other book' that we know, 0,
' Miss N. A:111111than; is. at present ISO'
vaning the city for subscribers. C '-
POLICE AppAtita:—.The moon and sta
looked serenely dtiwit tipl rg tithivaity' 1 t!
night, at leinst in the earlier part the 'fj,';
and (boy tieetned to haVo a soothin ;eft,
feet, The policemen wont ibair.ri pia,
• peacefully, and quietly, and naught t00.,1
curred "to disturb the harmony' of tit*
otvaston." The Int gor portion of our peo
ple wont to their Mines earlit,. and were
as "snug as a bug in a tug" 16 the* bildii .
long bolero the um:Kiwi' hours" thciught,
of making their appoaranon: Solly
drunks, heavy drunks and fighting
drunks were not to be soon oh our•prin.,
cipal thoroughfares, nor In the betigetfc
by-ways and lam* of the, 'city. In tip
morning hours snow:and rata interutlng.
'fed, end descended gently to the earth.
.• This added to the peace ofour olty's Oa
main, and thus in our " Pelle() ItoPcirt.
'without special interest to-day. ~ , '
Thor° wore 10 Lodgers at thO , Station
liouso last night.
m i.ol
ehartcr of this institution, lips 4C beep !
renewok.l for twenty jears: It 'had man
vonilucteCi on a safe and profiltsl4
in' the pait;aod the integrity ana ksoOltOoi
qualification s ot'ita of aro a auffietenll
klarantees of its StlneStie in Ow fot,,O,tos
Largo and small gut tisetreoit
tlepotit, and paid on demand with inter.
est. It does not interfere with the other
banks of the city. 'The inatltUtlbd bone•
tits our city by loaning woody to blisitiesi
at a fair discount. .intar4tat is itisid .
at the Sato of 5 per cont.poroOtriontp or
4 per cont , for shorter per iods.
BOA.IID of CONTROLitaItIOI.44II-6 Biskra
of Controllers ' of' the Beading§elrOt
Distriot hold their stated' irionthlir theist
ing in the High *loot Halleonldonday,
evening, ireb. 15tb,(18(18.'
On Motion Skuil..Frissi I WitS 1 11Iti%
p3olnted temporos 4. thgrzese.- and 11,913 a
14. Monies tempers:sr mcretedry. •
The roll was called, - andlheltillbwing ,
members worfiptegent
Messrs. Boyer," Ilriper, Bisalkinner ,
Coyle, Denhavt, EclOrtts
SCOW. Fry, elet, GotrugslrfAbiwtfarif
Ilagonman .Jones,' Johnston, Keiser,
TAlim e Molenlght johnilit9lM-Meol,*
Mulligan, Neff; Richer(hiLillightifiges,i
holend, Bonney, Bhaabor, 80011, Rprech,
Umbonhauer, Valentine- 7 41. •
Messrs. Islarwlok, McKnight O. B.,atid
Walter, arrived at later peat bf- the eVe4-
Absent—W:lBBre. P 14111144 and &lea,
fer-2. p t..
Tho Chairinatt announced , ha• the fir tit
bUsineas in order, the election br Peria4,-*
tient officers for the enrting .year.
Preaidentrr-Mr. Ilagenman
tinted Jesse G. Hawley, Rag.' M. Haw—
ley 'declined, and nominated ,01
Richards; Egg.
On motion of Mr. I.TfigoOman;, : Mr;
Richards was eleete4, by agfiam,ation. •,
The,Prosident elect took the l Chalr,and
in a w remarlie thankedithettehrd•fer
the #.9oowed evidence titer hndgiyen or
tliplir confidence 1q him is their presiding
°Meer, • e
On , motion the; Board then.. proceeded
to the election of a BocrittalV • i „
Mr, Pry norntruited i lfdp X), :Berney, ,
and Mr. Hawley : nominated J. T. Vales.
tine, Esq. ,1 • • . 2 •
The roll was edited, and Messrs. Bri.
'nor, pokort, From!, fry, Gertiand e ronca,
Jeionlon,Leiser,Moßnight John,Wets,
cGowan, ' Mulligan, N'efi", itic)harde,
Rannoy, Shaaber, Valentino-4-17 Noted,
for Parnell.
,_,Meears. Boyer, Blissikurner,•'' Coyle,'
/10011 art, Ermentrout, illawley,
Mr:lnman, Leto, Riglitmyer, .Rolapd,
Bonn f Spreohor, I.lMbenhauer-14 voted ,
for Valentino. Mr.' Barnes wag, 'there.'
fore, declared (fleeted t3oocotary., , ,
On, motion, the, Board Proceeded to
elect a Treasurer. • . . .
Mr._ Brinor nominated rotor Jones,
nery.r Mr. Hagenman nominated Wai:
Ermentrout, Esq.
The roll was called,' and Mesers.
nor, Ermentrout, Ethan, Frees,, Fry,
Johnsten, Keiser, McKnight . John, Neir,
Richards, Roland, Rennoy,'Ffhatibet and
'Valentino-14 voted for. Mr. Jones. ,
Messrs. Boyer, Bisellininer, ,t.ioyle,
lenbart, Getz, Gornando '• Hawley, Ha
%Oilman, Lotsa, Moors, McGowan, Mulli
.Frani • Right myor,' Scull. Sprocher,LATm . -
'honbenor-10, voted for Mr. Ermontrout.
whOiyas thereupon declared dulytleoted
10ri , motion of Mr. liagenn3an, ' the
Tree4urer elect, was required to Ore
Nor to be approv'ed by the Board, in
the purn of $30,000. for the correct per
formance of hie duties.
On Motion of Mr. Roland,' the,:laywy s
Of the • Secretart And o'fc the' Treasurer'
Was,flXod at the - same amount, as. paid
last year, viz: #3OO to the Secretary: and
a 'commission to the Trot:bull of twO
,pereent, on alt tax oollekted
. 7 ; Oh motion of.. Mr. liagentnati, the,
Prosident was directed to appoint, .tha
St4Mding Committees for the .otisuing
The regular business then *Coining, biA
'tore the Board, the Secretary road tho
minutes of the last mooting, atid no'oh
jeotion being made, thoy wore approyo.
The City Superlutendont4 J.L.Barnes . ;
ropiocrted - two cases of whlpPi Mc doting
schtiol hours, and. Fitatecl that he haduiiot
onferded the rude retlUiring lttrq. to sus.
pond . the teachers committing the of;
,feneo,. hocause Moro wore' dertalo exteh.
Mating cireumst an (ski coo no o te(t yrlt ,th
trateSactions, , . and
,secedes he had net'
learned all the facts soon enough:Or:Ans.
' tity bhp in suspending for so shoit a time: .
.prevlot4s to tho meetims•ottlio BOO& •
On motion of Mr. Hawlpy r tho. Aggro
of - the Supeririterldent, in the)! cases . re
ferred to, was sustained by the Boards
On Motion of Mr.•Hagoninan, tho rose
intionadopted at•the lastineeting orate
, Beard, ,requiring suspensions of pupils
Croat aohool to be made aftor school
hours, was . rescluded. • . •
Reports of Standing Committela h i eing
thou In order; Mr. loreos h Chairtnad No
Sobool Codunittee, offered the fol
lowing resolution : , .
Resolved; That lane C. Wentzel,
zie A. Cotterell, Mary L. Zeller, Alice. R..
Bechtel, Carrie D. Slumber, Louisa Set
loy, and Bohecca Worley, bo excused
from furthor attendance at the Beading
Normal School,- their avorages at the soy
oral examinations being above the sten
dant required by the- rules: for the gov
'ernmont of said schwi,otititllng teachers
to •be ' excused. tithe resolution, was
adopted. ,
. Mr. Proos also prosonted the fell/ming
additional proviio to tho rosolution
`adopted recently , excusing tpaohers from.
ittendlog Normal School,. .
Provided, That such teacher shall have'
taught In the public) schools of this city
'fbr the 'three years next preceding tho ‘
time at Which such teachers may bo ox- ,
enstat Prom further attendanCe at the!
Normal School.
The proviso was , adopted. 1 '
Boland, Chairman Conimittee On
So dory Schools, presented the appli
oati ne of for permanent eer
; odes from the State Superintendent
of, Common Sohoble. •
bit motion of Mr. Brlner,tho officera or
tho Board were directed to sign thelotto
lhilons contained in the applicationit.
Mr. McGowan, from Conimittop on
rrlinaty Sohools, moved In ( 5 0inierit the
appointinent of Miss Lizzie, Y. McGowan
and Misa Clara Maxten, as teaoherit in let
WI id Sections.
Mr. Ilriner madO :certain Irides re 4
lative to tho appointrrlent of sat triaohof4i
and moved to Postpone the 'co, rapstlitift.
Disagreed to. '
Mr. ifawley moved that a special com
mittee of throe bo appointed-;-Mrs Briner
institute inquirles'as th
the Manner in Which not , / tvachOrit, al•O
sulfated, arid report the result of such
.Ihquirloa to the Board at the next meet.
, lug. I Agreed to.
*-- The President appointed the folloWipg
as the oqincnittee 4 1 14esers. Briner, joneal
,Ild *lllllgam, , . . , .
Thtt following bilis were presented by
,40 , atious conunitteq :.a
'BP:IT:6)111e Grow, repal ilbg clock In :
,Ikl BeCtion, • If 50
1040 t. J, Hessler, 2 wooden shades
.for 3d Section,
• r & Rieharde, putting
,stol ) ,0
3d Section,
Bid p
6,y et Ruckstool, carpenter 1
ii,'... , ..xiirk, &0., in 3d Section, - 12 64
; ,145hUAD. Schaeffer, carpenter work
• ;'3-1 62 d Section, .
Ifctln Vturistian, tax overpaid,
',Fred: Donbrink, ,keyo, and black
smith work in lat sWtion,
B tsedliower, Pink,&, Co., 1q day's • ..1-
' work in let Section . ' • '..•a 8 44
herd & :Reber, gate latcb, &a., In 4th
Seistlon, t ' 105
Hiram Fry, haullni . ashos in 4th
section, , 150
11% P.ll.eiter, Lumber, sth, Section, 381
3: IA Barnes, freight and charges
en desk r
H..'V t Illunliu, for assisting at Nor.
- mal School Oxamination,
B. A.'4reen, 8 dayslaaohing as a
aoostituto for Miss .1-144bson, dor.'
iljg ' 4,44,
Wm. R. Shadoll,ropair)ng, in
Section, . 5 23
John 10. Saell, ;stoves and repair.
fit n Oh motion c, (80'40
Golge !Argil :l 4 Co. inkjugs elates
450.'in 201. ; • , ;.2030
Martha Rhul din* WO. '
ipg jitt .I.t,t4tif.likit Idles 'guts ;
darts illness 40 ,
Loretta C. :loony, '`hhe ~ t 4 • daYaii • •
teaohLtur 'O4 INist.pN
Bur L • t f•• „, '64
. and moved that dire . Swavely.
tieap toted jaOresili of the aohoo ro4m
it the 'oOrner of Bth aud'lthigamin et t,
at a *salary of #3 1 3 a year.
, + . 3."• , tvve*Vr. , ll,•-•,'ls.,,wbs9t3vs`2
II 50
1 80
1 75
1 Oninotlon nf Mr; 4 7,,V i reee,tWarkblaet,
ro reia,rred to the oongartil,w mix Jo,
Wog, .. . CI i
I t ti On /motion of Min ‘lfteea, order* were 1
I directed / 4 , d, be drawn for tha tiallitiea 'ol`.
the! See tat,. and Vtissurgc t , Ti5:,11309 ;
tot Pkgi ejary's salary. and MOM ,for,
.'A i reSalutrere commisahm. 7. • v., .•..< tII• t• ,''. •
1 , •Y r ane i Committee® td"ilidt . 'lliikii
fitsh l and the schoola in la i t,4eo lA.,
Ir . , ta t they had attended o their ,
• atlas an round everything l ielteapt two 1
ptivlealif let and 24 , sectkons,,in
or i dir o'l4 opndition and,the dehodla 'Or
,W , 'The emninittees to vialt fi tkn 5/Um 1
i ebot.onatild not report: ,
•.. Mr. Jones, Treasurer for last yanr o pkia.'l
dented hie aooount,toOther 40%040 tint i
AlidliVe r report theroo4l,antl; 6 ntotten
'0'1 4 %4 1 . agonman, bAtli documents wore
referred to the new Finance committee.'
i • On motion'of - 10. Hagentnah, the sub
' jest o f f d delika for tho now school buildings
was referred to the new Committee on
Building and Repatre, with inatructions
AO re rt at, the next `.,doting, as to the
i ltin end, Cost of the desks suitable for
• ado tlen„ i
On motio n of lit. BOyer, it was resolv.
ed that When the Board ,' adjourn'
V , it ad.
I'tim' tilliieet again sin Friday
ONltery 2.4 th, inst. - L s,
'!Tini SeOretary road a proposition from
F: ill Co., to put heaters in the now
sebool' building lit Rim street and on
mettion or . Or. Boyer,`the' proposition was,
referred tp.i special ,Committee of five
ii)ernbers*,- one from each section, for
• 'lllO Preoldont appointed the .commit:
'tee si follows
ktoos; Boyer, Roland, Pry,h Hagori
man, and. Valentine. ' ~,„ . i , •'k
On motion, the lloard i adjouined.
'' , l' ' • 'JOHN L. BAltNitS, Secretary; •
HALL • Or .IfAsaioNar young ;friend,
JattlOS KU Stafford, fashionable wirchant
tailorlbas'rcinoved from, his eidatand to
, No:01 Penn street. James, we guarantee„
Sate p i a aPiendid 114 !Rd those o f our
readers lorho will call on Limn willgat sults
to their Satisfaction, both as to, quality and
price. Ho already has, pa hand a splendid
stook of Spring Goods, togektaor ,with - a
largo assortment " of gents' furnishing
goods. • ° , •
e •••
4 Iloard of Controllers-
EDITIttrEAoLE : Please Announce'
the ,wing Standing— Committees of
the Board of Controllers -of the Reading
School Diiitrict for tne ensuing year.
'JNO, S. RICHARDS. President. ,
reb,..10; 1869.
Norma/ Sehool—Saraiiel Frees,,C4isir 7 ,
man, J.. Lawrence Cletze Henry S. Eck
ilenry, ;Johnston,, Michael Walter,
Peter Jones{ Wm. MAighttnyer.
—J. Hageninan, Chair
toidtir J? T ,Valentine, l)aniol Shaaber,
Henri IS; Eckert, Jesse (1. Hawley, Wm.
I.l. , G&licnid; H. M. Banney.
grfitionari,Bchools—ließry Fry; Chair';'
tnan,Daniel'Errnentrotit, John F. Mpers,
Jiittieti Aolaiid, Wm' • .0. McGowan
DavidlT, l eff, Michael Walter. , r!
Secondary ScUels-- 2 Jarlies M. itetri'lid,
Chairinati l l• Nillianh H. Gernand, Chas.
B. ,Mel.Cnight, J. T. •Valentine, Henry
'Johnston' Jacob Bissilqinier, James Mot
PrinOrit Schools —jeakt G. Hawley,
ahairrnanitewis plrinoi,'Henry Fry, J.
Hageninan, Liora, Michael R,
Poy_tir t Daniel Shaaber,
Finance r- LeWis Briper,
Dpniel A'rinentrout, 1f..3f. Itanney, Un
viti 'Keyser~, John' B. Shaeffer, • Amos;
Phillippi, John Denhart." '
Buildirrg and Repairs
'Chairinan, Jactib R. Harwich,
illram Unibenhauer; -golomoti Sprech,,
try,l;Jacobc . .Bissikuiner, Charles Scull'
Su ilea jpbn F. Chairman,
Pin. Meclobtin, MiChael K. lloyer e .
lY':`,Mßli:9lght, Amyl' H. Liess, Jacob'
..Idaririek, (Amos Phillippi.
• , './tinfiers-i—James Milligan, Chairman,:
Seltinseti . preeher; William- Uinbenhan-,
'Charlps , Scull, .John B. Shaeffer,
Daniel 01016;101m Denhart.
Text' Hooo —.T. Lawrence Getz, Chair
man, Simuel Frees, Peter'Jones, h 4Ohn"
MaKiMit, , ; David Neff, Win.' M. Right:
-payer, Rabid Keiser. •
.• ,
No* ii s the 'best i time to prune gl
ne ape
vis., -. 1 '
~, -,...;.
"ii. - DaoKitis-HeAirso •..I. l t,t‘ritea.' 7 —We
have received the following communica
tleii' frOth 'bne who . signs himself ""A
Broken4learted Father." Wii'liike it
for granted that what fie pays is true, and
if `so, his r dhughter certainly acted very
imprudentlyt the time (and as the sequel _
proved' to b i i r
sorroWand i sbame) in tie
cep;ing the.° cort and' attentions of an
entire strangeroci matter whether ho Was
“dressed; as a gentleman," ' We forbear
further,comnient, but a honiily could be
written on what " it` Arokeit-Ilearted
Father" writes us, that might, prove said
tars and beneficial to a great many other
young ladies Rnd'er similacircumstances:
• . ::.,' ItEADINU, r ob. 16th, 1869. •
Ed.: l l?taiiny Earl' le :-,-1 am on the eve
of leaving Ileadiag forever, after tidying
lived here as man-and boy Pir over fifty
seam dit4 all throngli ' the villainy of
some Nil am, tin the guise of a, moo r who
has btought I disgrace • on a once good
name, and misery and alinine rote n once
happy fatnilV. -- -.-
I will give the particulars in the col
umnS'of your paper, in the hope that it'
maybe the means of saving som e other
family froth disgrace. ' • - i
'ln Otteller, of last year ,I had occasion
to go to 'Philadelphia for a few days; beam.
inginy tango' In. the upper,end of town,
iit,tharge'e r my only unmarried 'daughter.
00,Sup,day evening she attended church,
as 1100 •on leaving whieh ; she was es
t ertqdh A' party, dressed as a gen tl emani
ITholia opetipied.the same pew with her
iii 'chute 7 who asked if be could accom
'pony ke r home ? She accepted his'escort;
, and . iis it commenced riiiiiing she offered,
himthe loati of an umbrella, which she
•went iptothe' house to get for him. He
,followed,' er into the sitting room, where
he Aetna; her from liehifid; pressiali'd
handkerchief - to her faee l - when,„ oho in
atantly beeame insensible, in which con-
Aided the rascal effected her ruin. Thee
my pooilgirl recovered - hd consciousness
the villain had gone. leaving the umbrella
in the hallsway.
When I returned home my daugl4er
told me Of the circumstance, and over
since I have used everylexertioOpriVately
to find out 'the villain end bring 114 to
justice, but I 'am • sorry tO say without
success; and at the earnest reqiiest of My'
oor child, I am now About to leave
gending forever. . • : ; .1.
Hoping the publicati, u,ef this Will Piit
some of the young lad es ,of Beadingpr)
their gaard against suc infamous;seoun
drills whe,hover about , t•qr churches- ea-,
ticing,innocent girls to rain,
i.. 1 am yours, Mr. Editor, '
• . 'llfotteu Mar
llueboug lißre., BanketAl, 11%16, North But
~ ..t stroot, quoto as foll o ws
„ If ~../IJ Rita,e4lio, Feb 19 IEVA7
14 , i.1) . ., B f olll3Bl - ''. i . 1 'll2 7
Id , BO:40. 862 - .••- " •' , 'k u 114'"
New U . B. &an's, 1864, JulV and Jan. ,' , 110
Neo,U4. 8.5.20's 1805. May aped Nolo , . : 112
' l4 l o l B th w k u irto nlB S evr Julifi' Odjan. ••;‘, 1 1° 10 .
No • • ikr; 6 ( 1 18 111113 , .1 4 I - ~, ~
a ' 108*
4 lila* #oric up 4012 cvolggike —33
Gold id sOlng at Studpng a Brea., 4 183
GiNl t ' e pto BoILNFI Ron kit:Li - L=lm:
POi r T ri T 1% ilditettlNlßTl3 AND
1 ,11 TUBE . -.. The undersigned
otter Or, 116 repoaablii re,t4)o, ono, os t
olliatilog , ;mine of trodr-Itorsa L'Ower;•and
oat) Elgh -Florio Tubular Upright Holler.
Apply ut the Ammo Oleo or address'
iI T TER & CO.
(Old 17•1 1 10,1 Re4dlnfir_ell.
,• ," llNlADisq,,Ob..l9;iffiti
'1"•1 14
4101Phht Th ere liiiii' t an uneasy
'tie 414 ilis, latent* Circles yeate*lay itc,Con.
I 0. 4 14. 4 i 0 e 0. Shit !incitement ;reported in
"iiti.:Sliefiti;fl 4 ol( IcOrltt ataang the opera.
Atka itie4ool6 and gold. The ruskupon our
bond niarleilit•by;Xuropoan COptfalists der.
ilhitibb`buit44eo weeks has been it genuine
Wlagfull to the two rival oiliest', and the
(Meet of their? opinntlena hilniiiirlably felt
'lN i :the, li*;,42llirkot heeording to their'
leagettOtliy. In , the present ear the un
-1 :oettlilat condition which is yet* peiceptl-
bl iiitinil-tati:dechled upward tendency in
Mites ffer Loans, am pretty distinctly 'trace 11%11 etreet, and it he to b e cared
that SO, t,ektiler e ff orts will be do by
these publio disturbers to so fltietuti t te the
rates of golti t beds and stoOks'gea rally,
as to raake'. It dinioult to ascertain' their
-real Market values. It is (hiring these
times of Conn:don and disorder, of their
own creating, that they transact their Du
! milieu; Ibis; now harvest time, with thous
(Mil they are utihsually busy. ' • '
it hOO to no knouting hew far these influ
endes will yet affect the looal, Market, and
thrbugh it alto
,business interests of the
country., It wo uld be a very serious evil
just at the Opening of spring; when money
is uplver,o4)lyiagreat demand, If any arts
'peel Pealie eheald be . employed to add to
the usual stringency ; but if this bond
fever lasta NM foai that the prediction elin
earning it a,Week ago will be literally var.
pled, and ..that ; l!too muob •oreillt will
prove a curse' , to our country.- Under, an
increased dernand for money call loans
pAquoocl'ilt 3@7 per cont. On other scour.
itios. Street loans at, Falo por cent., ao.
, •. 1
Cording togrdeo. . .
. . Government Loftus wore depressed and
lower. state Loans were also weak. CI
Leans are a fraction higher, and the ne
,issues sold at 101. Lehigh Gold ' Loan do,
alined to 6914.
2 `llCading Railroad fluctuated between
40(t18y i —olesing at, 44- 1 6. Pennsylvania
Railroad sold at lis%—a decline of /, and
Lehigh :Valley Railway at 55;c,. 1234 wAs
bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad i 3
fotiL ittlo Schuylkill Railroad; 32% for C t
awissa Railroad Preferred,and 33 for Nor a
Pennsylvania Railroad. .
tFIR WINTHR WIIBAT enolt.—k prlVotte
letter from A reliable authority at Sall .
Francisco says the prospects indicate that
million acres of wheat will bp sown In
California this year. At IlftcOn Sacks of a
_cental ohgh,Wftloll is not alnivo the average/
' yield in that State, tho orop wfll amount to
the munificent ono of 25,000,000 bushels.
tolegra,ph'adviees us of allood in that
Stair, more severe in its offecti than any
that has been experionced there Sham
1e42, but Nie do not learn that the autumn
•and winterksown•wheat has Sustained any
serious damage. ' from present- appearan•
oes a oonsiderable portion of the surplus
crop of last year will have to be carried
over, owing to tthe aotivo cOmpotitliin
anions buyers lain, summer and autumn,
resulting the maintenance 'of prices
considerably abOVe tho scale at.i whloh 4 our
eastera markets and thoso of foreign corm
tNina havikaffortled any warrant. Some of
the now4ledged . Anoulatora have either
teen used u or at crippled, gnan-
Inally, by, uniform heavy lossos oa oiports,'
and thalpsiness at San .franci9bo Is gravi
tating baby into the hands of old and ex
porieuaocl Thus, at last advt.
eds;the ' , leading': Operator of former sea.
*iM p tiita year, till quite lately, kept
orntty. Much alOof_from Cho market, was
loading no lose than' i oloven Maps of" 13,050'
registered tons, or Considerably more than
411 etliere combined. • In this instance the
,apiforlsrivalmnt the bird and the "worrre'le
8411 opi,ol, einon dal -As a natur
al' donaeifuonee of the extreme rates at
whit* wheat has been held at Ban Francis ,
eo l frolgliti3 Ilaye' boon depressed 'through.
'cut the seatiOn and a good deal of tonnage
has been eoropelled to seek buslaosi at the
Onandlstands and elsewhere. It the los.
soessl . tho past six of .eight, months shall
be heeded, the .losses to outside Specula•
tors, rcaulting_from their own folly, will
,hot havelioon altogether without compen
sating influence in the future.' '
Tiirning to the eastern side of our omit&
'nent,the prospects for an lacreaseftrowth
of winter wheat are highly encouraging.
In Tenn6see and tho other liOrdor States
the breadth of land seeded is materially ln
oreased?while tho Aitiant is in a nourishing
condition. .Intelligenco from the great
whoa!, ; Acids . Ohio, Indiana Michigan
and Illinois is to•the ellen that the appear.
duce of the grain ,promises au, unusually
largo crop xtext your. Thoro is still noun)
dahgor ,font frost, but it is ovory day di
minishing' The . Opening of
,wring with
assuranoo of abundance is seldom followod
by disappointment In the summer. Good
crops amtgoneral,prosperity aro so closely
allied that the latter is almost certain to
follow. the former. „A, repetition' oven of
such crops as woo gathered last year
would do much to repal l i• the wastes of war.
;.__ New Y or k gnjpping List.
Tlw lieading Grata and Flour Mirky/.
. .
White Wheat lelOur por bbl., • 's2 00:
Roil " Extra .Ftitllly per bb1....,011 00
II 0 N.. 1000
CornChop(nOW) .4 1 1 5
Corn (now) ° Th.. 05
Itistmiddlloger,..4. , ..4 w ""1
Cominon,, i..., - i...,.00
Bran, ....i ' _ 40
Corn Meal, , 1 IBU
riarixb PlllOl3.
Whit° Wheat per.buishel, 1 SOW 00
'' 1 00C/1 70
Rya 1 40
0 its , • • of/
(Agit ~..",
n .", • • 85
• • 80
l'rodiwe Market.
There Is no felling off in the demand for
Cloverseed, and fUrther sales of 203 bush
els are reported'et $9 75010, and some from
seeondlandS at $lO 25. 100 bushels Tim
tilY sold at $2 75. The receipts of Flaxseed
are trifling, and it commands $2 02 per bus.
The flour market continues to bo char
neterlzed by great depression, and - with, a
total absence of any shipping demand l and
a very limited inquiry from the trace,
Rmall salesof Superfine at 15 000$3 23 per
barrel; Extra Family at $7 25(07 75; 1. , 0ou:
sylvaniado. do. at $BOB 75: Ohlo do. do. at
stl 5008 73; and fancy dots at $lO 50012 50.
We continueto quote Rye Flour at 0707 25,
but there Is very. littledoing In tfio artt
Prie,OSof Corp Meal aro nominal.
°Elia . 09troingsot Prime Wheat are small,
and this islho Only description wanted.
Small sales of Red at slBo@l 00 and Amber
0:t $1 MIL Rya lb steady at $1 5.5: Corn is
dull at yesterday's quotations. Sales of
yellaw 0119.089,C0nts and 600 bushels white
at 84 Cents. Oats are held firmlY and Earth
creates of Western wore reported at 750,0
4ave l he n r r l o ty o a r n o d d. M: i t y lt hi n s o ky fu is rtl d te u r n sa a l n es d
-ranges froglind.osl. , ••
„Mg and' Straw :Market.
• Up to this teeruing 28 loads of bay were
brought into the pity. Most olit, Was taken
to the press. It witataken at prices quoted
Readfag May Market.
. ,
Timotby ,
Long Rye Straw
Meadow Ray
orrEst,, PiH6, Poutiohlors. Lead Porto!
a 7 hhct Btnoouery of every kjnd, at th
EAGLE Bong BTosit, No, 512 ponn str ee t,
- (tga 10-1 w 4
$l5 16 0
O 0 for MIX) Iti;
IJ'O.) a I.
.. 11'03 " "-
— SteOllD
Iglicgt..4sPlts wad letter papor for. e3to
'at Eats bobkitors. _ •
, • , .
Oman lairr.-ahi following list of
letters remain in thii Nei °Moe, for, tho
week ending Feb. , lPtb. Peradni ap
plying ter any ot these letters wiltpleaso
monitor% that they are advertised in the
4 4 1)si tar 'norm t
MTS II A. Becht 1,
' Mrs litertha'Ffitering, ' •
Miss Elizabeth Boar o. .
Miss Caroline Heft, '
Miss Ennuis Hayne, :
. .
Mrs Hannah Mannar,
Mrs Mary S Itarbold, ,
Miss Emma Kramer,
Kate Koch,. ' ' - -
Miss' Martha Miller,
- Mr& Ildia And Phillippi, '
Mrs Catharine Reeee, .
Mho Susan Rhoads,
Amelia 0 *Minh,
• Mitts Raborta Seigfrled, .
Miss Sarah S Scherer,
Ilion M Sehaeffer,
Miss Mary A Wartinan,
' Mrs Sarah Walker,
Mrs Catharine 7orner.
Milton Althouse,
Alex Anderson,
Thomas W Arnold,
',MOOTS k Bird,.
Amos D Bearer,
Addison A Bowe,
0 It Illankonhiler,
John BarreK, .
John (7 BOViliVilli
Isaac Barrett,
,John Black,
. Michael Buggy, '
M Bogen; .
It B Beath, .
Dan S Clouser,
.1 M Campbell,
• Harrison Dippers!, ,
• JameifDeven,
' Isaac Deppena2) •
Samuel Dewees,
• Wellington Mindoro, :
M U Davis,
Joel Doisher, '
A IT Engel, ' .
William Engel,
Clement Fox
Frederick E Foster,
David 'Flex, ' .
John Farewell, •
Jos Pricker,
John Goulds,
Edward Gross, _
%ergo Harn,
Adam Hamer,
David. Hinkle,
Nathaniel Hawkins,
Warren -B Heller,
• John Johnston; •
. ~
' John George Karim t, (Ship) ;
David P Kauftnan, • '
Henry Krull,
Mr •Levenge, ', . ,
Farnell, (Mob, (4)
•• IfentY Mueller,• '
'John Miles,
Joseph Morgan '
• •Rev C.NteDowoll,
Tobias oody, , , ,
'williAin osot, , "
,lapies Ruth, , ,
John Ruthenberger Jr.,
'John A.Risser, ' ' •
, Levi Rico,
i i'Tornitin Russell, •
i)aniel 11. Sterner,
David E Snyder '
IA - Sellorried tic Co.; .
• John Stout,
John R Smith,
William' Seigfrted,
Chhrles H Smith,
Daniel Soul, ,
A G Toadvine, i
II °Vatter, • ' i •
Abrahain Wagner, , r,.
Frederick Werner, •
Isadore Wilson{' .
V Mr WilliaMS, ,
1 . • rotOT 0 lirtiontit, i,
4 8 It WaSt, , •
•' . '' '
krlOllOllIS Yoourn. . .
A LONG and bandsonto °halts, rnacio of
candy suspended from either and of the
show window of I. • Baia°, 030. Penn
street, attracts nineh attention. Tile
links are 3 Inches long, tho entire lenkelt
of the chain being 10 feet.
110osu occupied by Wm. Woisor, in Leesport,
for rent. Apply to J. tl, Thpiloy, Adler oMce,
Reading, , •
DANolittocia.--=Lumber should , not be
piled so aslu overhang the stroot. , To
day the 'hoards piled along tho street at
a lumbor :yard at Seoood and Franklin
stroots, were blown off by the high wind,
to tho great danget of , footriissongors,
espeelaltr'eldidretli passing under the
proloctlng of of the boards.
Tx the •Xonthly Gossip of - I,ippineote3
Magazlne for March, the following inci
dent is related with groat gusto :
"At a reoont lecture delivered at the Ly
ceum in Berks county, Pennsyl
vania, . Profosser X: stated that Saturn
had a ring - - BM thouband miles brood;
gi Manna I" Hans , Zimmerman wai l / 2
overheard to:exclalin, ti what for 'a fin
ger he must have!"
vhis very funny imam lly the very
funny editor lacks,. 'Mt, one essential,
(not,very material, we admit) and that
Is, truth! No such Incident has over
happened in forks county, and we do
not think there is a man by the name of
Hans Zinlinerznan within her borders.'
'We have a. plaiu r plodding people up
hero in the mountains, pretty well no
eustoined to tninding their own business,
and there is just as much intelligence
And retiaowat hero as in . tiny. other
county in the Commonwealth. At any
.rate, the penny:a-liners and sap-heads,
who do up the funny things for the Phil
adelphia papers and magazines, aro not
able to teach them anything that they
do not already know. Will you please
put that *in your pipe, and smoke it at
your leisure, - Air. ;Lippincott I
Ingiortant Decision.
.The U. S. Supreme Court, Chief Jus
tice Chase delivering the opinion, has de
cided in the ease of Bronson against
Rhodes,' brought up from the Court of
Appeals, of New York, that ;old . con
tracts must be satis fi ed with coin. When
the kind of currency le not mentioned,
then legal tende s are lawful in such con
nection. Mess s. Davis , and Bwayne
gave their ungti 'Hod cement, but Mr.
hillier dissented in great measure from
the opinion.
_ EM
Woulk - oall tho attention of the pnblio to his
large stook of Parlor, Office and Cooking
Stoves, Ranges, Tin, Hollowware and House
keeping good. of every, description.
Roofing • and Rpontlng promptly attended to
at the lowest price. Give him a call.
fob 18.4)td
XfOTlCE.TrAnadjourned meeting of the
Illstockholders of the Reading fAbrary
Company wilt be held ht Library Hall;
corner of Fifth and Franklin streets, on
Fridsy evening,the 191. h of February, at
W.,2dUItRAY WEIDMAN, Secretary.
"LireGOWAN 14ILTIMORE, dealers in
IIItILEDWAREi Cutlery, Guns, House
Varnishing. Goods, METALS, Tin Plate's,
Saddlery, /to.. Ito., Ate., he. No. 612 Yenn,
street, Beading, Pa. • (fib
T llLUMlLL, , .llnporters and
AND SEGARS, South Ninth stligot,
Philadelphia. (i. AN,
fob IS-, End.] G. C. HAMILL.
ri LOT 11 S WRINGERS, Step Ladders, ull
/warranted, at MoRNIORTIS .11AltU,
WARESTORE, TRIM ntp:l Pons streets.
fob 184mt1.
Of PASSENll lsli
.Bl4llll""Pcmsmix 1170, 1808.
PM 4, passs . .Wading, M. 7.50, 10.45 111t4
11.15 A. w adi .2s and ti.M P. 11. ,
UP To oyrravipas, at /0.85 A. 1.1.11110
SAO 0kt0115,00 P. IL
• EURO.. ..
Western IlirpresWiroin NOw.York, at 1.0
A. M. and 1,50 P. id. at 10.19 I'. M.
Marrlsbarg A.ceollimodation Train at 7.15
and Mail TOOns at 10.45 A. IL, and
0.051. hi.
On Sunday, the down trains pass 'head.
lug at 9.40 A. M. and 4.51$ • P. M and up
trains st, 10.50 M.', and 5 , 571'.
The 4.23 P. M. down, anti Mho A. Al. up
run Only between Philadelphia and llemly
Up trains leave Philadollohla for Reading,
:Harrisburg and Pottsville at 7,30 and 9.15
A. M., 1230 noon, and 8,30 P. 11., and at 4.45
P. M. for Reading only. A. M. train
connects with trains for Tamaqua, Wit.
1 lamsnort, Minim Buffalo, Niagara and
The 8.15 A.ll,,and 3,301,'. 81. up trains from
Philadelphia,. and 10.85 A. M., and 4.11 P. M.
down trains. Stop only eat principal eta.
Mons below Reading.
Reading Acconinnalat Om Train: Loaves
Reading at 7.80 A. 11,, rot i nciting front Phil.
adelphia at 4.45 r. M. -
The Pottstown Aeconntimit ion tram
leaves Pottstown at 0.45 A. 81. net urning
loaves Philadelphia at 1.001. M..
Thu Western Express trains connect at
Harrisburg with Ramos trains on the
Pennsylvania Railroad tUrltalt imoro, Pitts
burgh and all pohits Westland t be 10,45 Mall
train connects at Ilartfislifirg fort Pitts.
burgh. Laneatter,Chamborsburg, t4tlnbury,
Soranton, Pittston, IV Incesbarro, Williams.
iort, Look Haven, Rlinira and the Cana.
raesenger trains leave Upper Depot for
Ephrata title, Columbia and I.llllOllSt or at
7.00 A'. 3f. and 6.161'. M,
Through Fitstr;Class Coupon Tickets and
Emigrant& tickets at reduced Fares, to all
thoprittelptil points in the North,West and
the Canatlas. •
With 26 Coupons, nt 2 p'sr oont,, Ms
oonnt t bstwoon any points desired.
(,food ,for 2000 betwoon all points,
wt •5 OQ-►(o; faulilles and business firms,
tOoott for the holder only, for 3, d, 9 and 12
month% 'between all polnte, at reduced
Faro, School Sown Tickots Ond-thlrd
lose than the aboVe.,
44- Passengers will take t t he Expre”
trains West at the UPPER ompoT, all
other trains at the LOWER or OLD
100 pounds Baggage allowed each pas»on•
gor. • ,
Passengers are requested to! purchase
their tickets before entering• the oars, as
higher faros aro charged if paid in the
Excursion Tickots, good for one day. by
7.80 A, Accommodation Train to 1441 •
adoipbla i and retain, atla 60 each. ,
(io A, N
May 23] Gongral Buperlittondout,
, TS,
Oinintenaing Monday,. Dtcember2lBl,) , &3B.
RP( I g s, lttnag l it i +3 ,l l;
A. .4 arrives lentown 12.05; et New
Yip:lol.s9;P. M. ' •
Igo. 7 Irina Mail.leal , es Rending at 4.20 P.
M. arrives At AllentoWnls:ss'; at New York
10.45, m. •• , •
a n,a t,' no, • a R 11)4; 0 xecpt Sunday,
stopping at 411 Way StatiOns between
Reading and Now York. ,
Leave Reading at
it it
u al
Arrive° at Now York at
ThesO trains run through from Pitts.
burgh to , New-York, without Om ge of
earsotoppini only at Lyons, Allentown,
Iset 'anon JunotlOn, CHMoil - ,
White Howie, Smokylllo, Bound Brook,
Plainilohl and Elizabeth.
The 5,44 41. AL train zups daily except
Sumlash4 and Maildaye..
The 2.28 P. M. traps VIII, dally'fixeopt
Sul - Ways.
The 7,3111'. M. 411(1 1.00 A. M. trains run
West bourn trains , l eave New York, at
the foot of Liberty dtreet, as follows
Leave New Yotk. • Arrive at Hauling.
12.00 M. Mail NO, 0, Am P. Al;
0.00 A. M. Express Train, 11.601'. M.
5.101'. M. Express Train, Ih.lo P. M.
B.eo P. lit. Express Train,. 1.00 A. Al.
Mail Tlain leaving Allentown at 7.20,
A. 1114stotis at all WAY tSiatiotis, arriving
at Reading at 9.10, A. Al., running daily
'except Sundays. •
TO 12 AL Train froul Nevi York, stops
at all Stations between Now York find
Reading, leaving Allentown at 4.20, P. M.,
arriving at Estiging at 9.00, P. Ai., run
ning daily e'rwt
The 8.00 P.. M..train from New York,
rmul daily • stopping rit Elisabeth, Plain.
fold, SoniMerVille, Junction Easton , (1
Bethlehem, arriving at Allentown 11.46,
P. M., Nosing; Lyons A. 1220,1 A. M., arriv
ing at Reading at 1.00 A. M:
rime:lwo aro requested, to purchase
tickets before entering the ears, • a 20 as
extra will be charged and collected on the
train from all who pay the fare to the
good for Twenty-six Trips, at 25 per cent.
giscount between any points desired.
for 2000 miles, good' between nil points on
this or'the Philadolphialit Ilrading It It
or lho Beading Columbia at 1 1 62.60
moll for Ifamilteß and firms.
good for the holder only, for throe; six,
• ino and twolvo months, at reduced rates.
General Tioket Agent.
RItADINLI .k. COLUMBIA winatoth),
i ,
ar tioli pmEE On ti a n t y l 2! a fko o r r Tha
MA IN. r iaongrri r aWivill run on this road
as follows:
Leave Reaqug at
Arrive at Lancaster at
65 56 Columbia nt
" 61 Lanhaster at
" " Columbia at
Leave Laneahter k Columbia at -8.00 A. N.
:Cohmiblo, at • . P. M.
" • Lancaster at • 8.261. 141.
Arrive at Reading at, 10.20 A. M,,
' 1 git Reading at , • 6.101'. IC'
Trains Nos. 0 and 4 make close connec
tionlat. Reading 'with treble 'North and
Routh, 'on the Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, and Weston the,Lelninon Valley
Road, No. 2 ,also, makes ()lode conneetien
with train for Now York.
Tiekete can be obtained at the offices of
the New Jersey Central It. R. foot of Lib
erty street, New York, and Phila.'& Read
ing R. R. Thirteenth and Celowhill eta.,
Ps itadelpbl ~ i•
' Through Tickets .to .Now York and Phil
adelphia, tiold at 'gill the ntinelpal stations
and baggage checked through.
Trains are run by Philadelphia and Read
ing Railroad time, whiCh is ten minutes
faster than Pennsylvania R. S. Time.
E. F. Keay IR, Gtn. Frt. IlitTieket Agent.
fob 18-1 m 11
ANTED.—TwO good compositors at
feu 18
011 lee.
W i tliMlV;hi l lit hi liga tl 9 l l "l"
Lrlt AND Dille r 000D8,
iri oriler to re• ontiro now tin (.1 woll
oolOotod stock, at
where I will pay particular 'Attention to
keep all the latest styles of
.LADIEV,AIIBSEB' AND 011111111.1 7 3 PR
Ilste ass& lt 0—
and a_ cora)
_Jrtncl - ont of everything
pertaining to the Afillinery,and Trimmieg
line. I eapress My most hearty thanks for
test favors, and every respectfully Bolton
he continuance of the same. Satisfaction
fob 184111td 1111 S. 0. 11. HELLER.
$lO )2 w E a t s V l All t p o ..— fo Ae
w cl da lh y t e l n eprr w e i lgd e Clu
ing to this city from the terra of James S.
11111. The above reward will be paid by
leaving the same ab . rats ()Meg,
lob 11
• '
IOT i R SALE.—WiII be sold at Private Sale.
r the Stook of J. .110DC4151113 , 11,11111 ER
8110 P, with appurteridnef s. di No. 9.5.5 Penn
ictreet, Iteddirog. Sold oil account of going
UM/other btorness.. 10 . .) 11 tl
. P S OA. P •
W_A A Iro. ?44 6tmo u
IL " Y A A
take pleasure
icinity. t ut i more
the pimple of Beading ,
sett vore pastieniarlY all good
Housekeeperst tat they art manufacturing and
introducing a Soap superior to all others for the
following purposes , : - -
111189.\--Por Moaning "Petit, Woed-wort, Mos
N1)--Por Cleaning (and PAWN, at the
same t me) Motels of ilk descripttons.
Housekeepers can at once sea the groat advan
tage of this, 10 it is entirely unnecomart to keep a,
heretofOre, Polishing POwders, BriOlt Dust. Sand.
Ashes, Ac.,
THlRD—b`or. a Palm or Bath 'PstitP. peeiaily
where thorn are any impurities or sloths u on the .
hands, such as Paint, Ureaae of any hind. fluters'
I'OURTH and last—Pot the thousand and one
other purposes for which soap Is in constant use ,
and which it is tunDossible to er4reerate at this
for each and every purposo above mentioned, To
bo used in the same manner as any otber Soap with
this exception, that it only requires ONN-TIII l)
the amount of our Soap to areomplish the same re
sults as others, and 0: NS-THIRD of the TIBIN
and 1,A21101t saved,
WANTRI). ercry Peeson in hcaiiing Co fry
Il A It . lt I 8 ' E Alt 80 A P '
MiimOirtured 1 4 :,eclutirely by tA# (;rent Amerie
Soap (k 4,1011 Arch &nett ' Milady/tin.
It A URI SR 0 0 rroliriotors. _
ire UPRICiiOI.IItR A Mioints, corner of Fifth
And Washington Streote,•Sole Agents for Reading.
The - Snap is now offered to the rublio at the fol
lowing stores: \
Staudt? , Shonfolder, i:oeure ,It llousum.
A. Potteiger, erbloe & From,
J. ,ti D. Solorl. ' - . o.llelster,
Hafer A Doom), ,F. B. Fiehthorn, •
D. Keiser, _ "Ipnnershita A Buhl+,
J, Dundoro. .
li .
~( eirelfigor,
A. Swart:, - , . beefier.
. 0. Thotone, - I, , OrettlA co.,
F. Keffor A Bro., M. Keffor 4 Son, __.
J , IL. itildobo4l, . 4 y.t r i l ioipy.
W. Stott, , A lo,e.
D. Ilenntilg, lig ,
F. Doltart, J. Kline,
V. 'lover, Ott 4 Bottler.
6.11 A, Pit.
7,31 A. N.
2.28 A. Dl.
1.00 A. Al.
11.00 A, M.
12.16 A. /I ,
7.001'. M.
6.15 A. M.
Together with'd variety of Miter Singing Book
forsahoolp. Ata. nine tf
Extended to• Union Station—Lenves 'Rending at
Ba. ni.. tri-wooklY, Tuesday; lh ursday and Satur
day. Returns siring Jaya and artkves at ZP, tn.
It Serves the follovring naule4 est . °facia:
0014gICM)110, AtIA . MS ditti, Schwartz
vile, ItentaStown. • • .
J.en.ven Boyertowp at 1.3 o'oloc_k, a. in., Arrives
at Rending skt 10 o'clock, a, in. Returning, leaves
Reading at p. Arrives at Royettown at 7
p. in,. It serveir•Stonersville,
fireshrille, Yellow, house, Xarlvilla and Boyers
1.0 A. M. 3t.
9,15 A. N.
11.25 A. .
1.5 P. M.
8.30 P. 1.1
Leaves Bathe! at 3 o'clock. rt, rn., arrives at
Reading at 10 o'clock, a. tn. Returning, loaves
Reading at 2 o'clools,P, tn., arrives at iilillerobiarg
at 9p. tn. It servos Ltinbachs, Lower Dorn, Born.
'vile, ltglyorsburg, Botha!" .Tillpotoccon and
Hoisting mills.
Loaves Roiding on Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 8 0 Oleo k, a. tn. Itetutolng, leaves Blue
Ball on Tuesday, Thursday and' Saturday, ar
riving at Reading at , ii : / 4 o'clock, p. m. It supplies
Mohn's • &Or' , Rimier s, ligyrituuivi le, Muddy
Crook, Terre Hilt, Weaier's Mill and km Ball.
Loaves Reading on londay, Wed esday and
Friday at 7 o'clock, a. in. Aarrives at Reading on
Tuesday, Thursday_ and Saturday at 6 o'clock,
Q. m. It supplies Mt. perm, BeeTtersVille, Joanna
Furnace, Morgantown, Talbmvillo; Honey Brooke,
Cambridge and South Her
Leaves Lobachsville on Tuesday,' Thursday and
Saturday at 6 teoloot, a. rn. .Arriv4 at Reading at
9% o'clock, h. in. Returning. Leaves Reading at
2ii o'clock, p. m. Arrives at Lobaohoille at 6
o'clock. p. in. It servo Alsace, OleY and Lobactu
Daily by Railroad—Leaves Reading at 6 p. m. Arrives at 10:p a,m. Supplies Fri tstown,Roin h olds
Station Stevens, Ephrata. Millway, Litiz, Man
beita,trting 11111,LandisvilleandStiver Springs.
Tri-weeklY by Stage—Loaves Westbester on
Monday, IYeeinesdisy and Friday:kk a. m. Ar
rives at Birdsboro attn. m.: Rohl ng, leaves
Birdsboro on Tuesday, Tbuntday and Saturday at
Wallace, Supplies egers Mills,
Rck, Long's,
Uwohland, Lionville and Wmt White
Sarni-weekly by Stage—Leavesßeading on Tuor
day and Saturday at 7:30a. m. and arrives at Read
lng at 1 a. m.
Semi-weekly by Stage—Leaves Reading Ther
day and Saturdar 11:30 s Arrives at Read
ing at 9:30 a. m. applies AticialleS Tisvern. Ler
Heidelberg, Nort Heidelberg, Krlck ' a mills g i d
firs-weoltly by Stage , -.Leavos teemed Tuesda3.
-Thursday and Satgrday at 11 tn. Arrives at Lei: -
[kart at 3 P. in. Supplies South Evansville aid
Tri-weekly by Stago—Leayea C4Aiumn Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 9s, m. Arrives st. Cox
tewn eti p., n;1. Supplies R illoselem and
Tri-'weekly by Stage—Leaves RehrersburgTues
ta.; Tl.uraday ani Saturday Mils- tn. Arrive at
Bah rerob ur g at 6 p. m. BuppliesViutsugyill ea i u s :
1, . .
No. 351 *'enn
Can be bad