Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 18, 1869, Image 4
RECEIPTS AND ;EXPENDITURES. 07 BRANS COUNTY FOR THE YEAR, A. n., 186 g. • trilE AUDITORS ELECTED TO :AD- A. just and fettle , the amounts of the County 'or Bethe l from the let day ofJanuary. Anno Domini, ma, to the bist day of Deoember, A. D. 1888, (both Aiwa included) having examined the same, reateotfully lay before tl3O 'Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, the follow ing Statement and Report, to wit : CHARLES 11. PRIM Esq., Treasurer, lb 'Reoefple from Collectors of Cbutely Taz, , Albany. Rolotnon Mester, IEOI3 on account IWO 56 Jane Miller, 1867 on account 1,001 61 Daniel Yves!, lede on account 2,0 . 03 26 Alsace. John V 005,18503 In Nil • 105 21 Henry 130hmohl, 1007 on on 1,058 77 Daniel M. Woptzel, 1858 on acct. 020 75 Amity. Hoary Boyer, 1801 In full . 2,977 13 Ilenyy Boyer, 1808 on account 3,100 00 Ber. D. R. Krom n er, 1807 In lull 188 18 D. 11. Kreamer, 1808 on account 8,500 00 Bern Upper. Idward Kinn'Man 18b3 in full f John liavago_,lBB7 In full Wm. A. Kauffman,lB6llon account Berm.llle. PanMl Fllbqrt, 1867 on account David A. Koenig, 186 on socout hllae Dlofenhaeli, 1804 on nocout Jahul I,engel, 1807 10 full Jared Longo', IBM on account iloyertowts. Thomas Schooner, 1867 In full Thomas Schooner, 1858 on acot. Breeknork, Christian Harting, 1867 in full Christian Harting,lB6B on scot. Chernarron. 4. Rosa Delzell, IMO In full Daniel 'luck, UM on account Joseph Smith, 1808 on account Centre. Georgo R. Ronohler, 1867 In full Wm. rottolger, 113611 on noconnt Cblebrookflare. Joeil Hunan, 11107 In full Jacob L. fiabie, 1868 on aecOunt. Outnru. Joseph Raudenbush,lB46 In full Bonn. Melining, 180 on acot. ; I:M I (4a Marital Wean, 1815 on account Henry M. Fix, 1867 in full Franklin Miner, 1801 on account Doug G. G. lfatfleltl, 1t67 In full U., G. Batttold, 11118 on account Bart , 110uben M. Uptlogrovo, 18631 n full 454 01 Reuben M. Uptlegrovo, 1807 on not. 748 00 H. Brumbsoh l 1888 on account 1,449 88 Meter. Samuel Strunk, 1887 In full 2,48.1•89 Do do 1868 on account 2,212 40 Greenwich. JOhn Bohoror, 1 / 1 87 iu full it 4,732 01 Do dO 11368 on noootffft 1,600 U 0 Hamburg, 191111atn Koyeor, 1067 on account 125 f ee A. IThollenberger, 1958 oa acct. 1,c78 1,203 50 ' IleNtlberg, J otukthan Latta, tea in full Daniel ?Ter, 1886 In full Jacob tel, 1667 In full Nigher, 180 e on soot. Heidelberg Lower; Henry Gedld, PM In mull Dental Gratt, 1066 to full J. (I. Lambert, 1001 on aooonnt illtieb Steely, 11138. on nooount Heidelberg North. Benjamin Graeff, 19371 n full ♦dam Stunt!), 18C8 on account /----- , Hereford. - John A. Adana, 1860 in lull • J. 8. Butterwooh, 18011 u hall, David Zoigenfooe, 1868 on &cot. Jefferson. Mlolutellihrnmelhoraor,lB66ln full Immo Knoll 19071 n fttll John Fos, 1901 on account KiMourn Borough, ' less° Ilottenstoln. 1887 In full 1t 8311 88 Isaac &Stauffer, 1808 on account 450 00 Longtwamp Mlolutelf. Miller MO in full VV►lentl e o let, 1967 In full I Do , (lo lee on socount Afairknoreek. John Saul, le9l on aooount John E. Mauror, 1008 on account Marton. H. Ozenrlder, 1866 on aooount N. Kintner, 1887 In full" Benj. Trautman, 1838 on soot. • ilfaxalnivnit 0. Wilgonhorst 1888 In full U. G. mine, 1881 ' in full D. 11. Ellgtrld, 1868 on account • MuArenberg. , Daniel Spenigler, 1887 In full Do no lents on aooount Wm. C. Barr, INT I ull Daniel Lauoke, ltlCe d>Q aooourq Ontetounee. PaTin Beiry, VW on account, John W. Kemp, 1889 on account • Penn. J 637 in full C. Balthasar, Mon account P. 8. Albrlg i nt AO? lu full Alfred Drelbelblea, 1868 on acct. Pike. D, Dr• ltfainnumbollero, ncl, Solomon Miller,lB67 In fall Donne'llle Swoyor, DM on acct. • Royfe. ton. Joeepb Mohr, 1860 on Amount D. W. Diokonson,lBo7 In fall Albert Bell, 1868 bn sooeunt Rockland. Reuben T0x,1607 on acoount John A. Angetadt, 1868 on acct. Ceisoomttrhanor. Amos flotnnohl,l936 on amount Niles Saul, 1867 on sooonut Fmk. Botimehl,lB6B on nett. • WIN!. laaao Y. Bchller, 18603 In full Dante' Ruth, 10/57 In full John IL 1868 on account nipehoeeon. MOsee Ozenrider, 1807 in full 5,847 86 Do do DM on amount 1,002 94 5,710 10 Adpetiocoon Upper. John Elettainger, DM in ull lieofge Moll, 1007 in full Blias Reber, 1008 on liooount nerrnan Goa!, on in full A. IL Wise, 1 5 60 on 4000 tint Ifluhtngtost. D. U. Kulp, IWO ln full Isaac Y. Stadler, 1867 In full Do do 1058 on account t ~. TVlndio?. lA. A. Boilers, 1557 on account 230 co It. J. M. Miller, 1800 on amount 2,175 01 2,423 0 Wornelodorf. Levi Ganser, 1807 on account Aaron Walser, Ma on aooount Radoido—Fird Ward. t. 11. Maurer, Me in full Daniel Baba, 1007 in full RQ do 160 e on amount ADI lta-456coud Ward. *award Schmeck,lB67 on docount $4 70 daoob ¢ottuler, 1068 on account 8,667 27 ----- lisdoido—Third Ward. 4,415 Jaeob Schuler, 1867 in full Do do 1818 on account RIAMIIIII—Pburth Wall, V, Hahn, 1067 In full Do 1863 of account USADIWG-Nlin Ward. 11440.11 elder, 113b7 lu' 11 i3privr, MS out ocoount .1 k 42fiblo—ENzet ' Whrd. „, ' • •-) OW_ __1587 fn full , ••: 1 I : • •0. 166 1 5 on boo:tonal ~biov• ' t u • WlAlli-49ertutt/t Wo V • ICruientrout,l B B7lu 1,474 74 ao 183800 llt elif" • 81111ADING-RIOWi Ward, Jacob liinith,lBff on account 1,01 50 Joseph Maltsberger, 1935 in full J - 3.260 Ft . Maoism—NAVA Ward; Joseph Muthart, 185 In full • 201400 1./o do t 1866 In full ' 241 SI Jacob Smith, 1147 on account IMO 19 LI. LIMO Lauoks, 1808 on account 1,41 4 5 sms 'q't (Whole amount of lounty Tax rto'd .221,t180 IL) Hucksters' Licenses In and out of Berk, county. Hucksters in 'Jerks county await-stets out of the county DN. P • County Bridges. Penn Street- Drift . ° by contract and toll 1,353 75 Penn Street Brklite,Francla Dech• tel by toll 4,221 82 --- 2,095 50 Lancaster Bridge contract . 1,0;15 60 Do toll collected by Harriet Magnin) 1,672 5 0 Poplar Neck Midge by contract- 205 50' Do toll collected by Daniel isOyOr -- 3,065 . 7 6,377 15 !lambing Bridge by contract Do toll collected by Join Kottorcr ON 16 B°ll6l (Whole amount of toll Bridges $6,226 99) Fines and Coats 387 81 Prison receipts • ' 8,1392 27 amdllional Road Damages.. From George Iluyett; Born tp. Afiseclianeous._] Balance in the Treasury of last Year 32,242 70 Douglass Bridge Company 210 00 Franklin Belinitz,in Mil of Court costs Jacob Flnkhono, Qn acoount of Court costs De,y_sher Btiti, plank sold , B. lankly, on a c't. of Court costs Benj. Parc in, lfreati - of Althouso Bridge ComPany Pat, (Mere ice on Bond exchanged Harrison Epic?, Treasurer Leis , Bridge Company dividend Jacob 8. LivinLtood,Brickssold Albert G. Green, road damages refunded,from U. Tuipehoccon henry, bricks and old iron, /to lint; 40 Drelbelblcs, old lumber sold Jeremiah • Ilagenman money collected Co. agains t 72 (0 , 1,741 01 3,445 85 5,20 29 , 200 50 ,52S 00 - 723 DO 779 89 1,557 47 2,775 00 5,141 66 345 31 SOO 00 - 1,145 84 232 63 1,318 60 1,65113 2at 79 700 00 tVI 33 1,766 06 II Oil 4,021115 --- 1,033 6to 293 f)l3 2,200 00 RIWAPJTULATION OF ILICCIIIPTS son IEO9. Whnlo autout of County Tax re cotvcd 231,9 N 91 , Muckstere lioses in Borks CO. 1,020 50 County. toll bridges 5,225 89 Verdict, fees, fines and costif• . 887 9() Prison toceipts 8,602 27 Conditional road damages 10 00 Miscellaneous reeelpts 33,927 00 -- 271,774 40 2,493 16 1,160 87 4,090 '25 5.256 12 15 00 837 33 1,106 00 3,1)68 83 1,511 88 2,000 00 CREDIT. ' The Treasurer claims credit for the following orders drawn on him, to wit: Pritottliupoolore Order.. George Gehrnan, soap Vance & Landis, locke Drenefeer Co. tobacco Mitchell it Co, last, reeds, Ac Fasig, glazing L. Rohner, thread and notions Young & Summons, 'visiting committee. 24 00 Reading Gass Company -. 142 83 Keoly, lumber 8) 96 8. Summons, carpenter work 58 04 8, Summons, ex. to Ilarrisbnrg 7 00 J. Young & Son, coal 1,500 00 D. Burkhart, masonry 12 12 F. Wombs, smith work 52 10 J. L. Getz, printing annual re port J. Ganser, compiling, annual report. J. Ganser, miscellaneous ex penses • Ilinnershits & Dub)), soap, &e. Peter Stoinel, brushes T. Jackson, 1867 B.Biimmons,bedsteads for prison D. Engel, buokete E.Godfroy It Sons, shoemaker thole Barnhart & Koch, straw Haman it Snow, shoe patterns A. T. Stewart, blankets Gibson & Walker, Shoo lasts and trees Boyer it Sons, hailing 8. Hollonbanii, painting Kline, Eppiditner &Co. eras Leyreaster d: painting lion. Engler, last holders o , Retly & Co., lasts and tools 11. Hangen, sawing machine V. Groff, soap 11017 k & Shelter, lumber Strickland & 8r0.,' books Douglass & Conrad, repairing welt cutter J. L. Stioliter, hardware Ritter & Co„ printing Win. Rosenthal do O. Dauth & Son, tin ware and re rin6 14 H p . J ai . Rhgoads,inotions 208 28 G. It. Levan, lamps 11 80 D, F. Owen, printing 8 50 8. WINIt2OI, soap •19 49 Rambo & Heckman, plumbing 3 07 H. Hangen shoes 8 so A. It. Light, drugs 21 81 John Molinight, hardware 59 41 Bard & Reber, hardware 67 RI J. di 11. Miller, smith work 22 90 J. Ganser, Inspectors' meals 97 50 3,811 38 'AM $ 4,733 28 4,2' k 1 0 84 19 203 65 2,037 01 1,675 72 ---- 3,930 67 1,232 78 430 05 4.042 92 3,571 00 9,306 05 1,37 09 1,709 00 1,107 00 77 17 427 06 2,612 67 3,116 69 181 85 609 115 2,000 00 2,733 70 1,289 86 1,500 03 9,818 (12 037 00 6,265 62 1,320 44 8,521 01 - 4,848 Op 41* 00 9,029.15 2,919 00 8,998 18 n 05 5 WO 6/ ima 7s J.Gansor,matntaining prisoners Mant(facturinp. linsseirnan .1 .Kirk, wool chain ----..--• 7,033 13 9;204, 41 8,403, 57 5,003 - 0 .to. 6,149 Young, Altemue & Co., dry goodie tiefferlin k Fritz, chain &o. F. Winkelman, coloring yarn J. Clanger, carpet rage Diller Luther, revenue tax Levan & Dam, chain Coyle & Co. chain 11. Connard, loather • N. Glndfry & Sous de Ely & Hanger, do Q. A. Stookeoder do Lewis Lange, do • J. L. Moyer, do J. & M. De Long, do Heberly Qr !Rothman, leather A, D. Carrol& Co., shoe Ending F. J. Mokol, kat rounds Kutz 6 Arnoldb , hat rounds D. Lutz, Ido do 3,408 29 9,2NES 85 • 12,894 64 822 13 8,203 00 4,087 13 1,1123 00 3,133 00 CM 00 1,710 42 INT 34 •-•••‘:-.-.= 3,507 70 1,611 12 1,277 81 4,572 57 . ' .--------- 5,860 Officers'liblartes. Joseph Gasser, one year's salary Mannino Ganser do Thomas Will, met I year'p salary John Hoffert. do Jacob floholidy, do John AGI Toff, do W. M. Weidman. physician Charles H. Fritz, treasurer 03 00 2,084 43 2,688 49 5,117 99 1,497 25 1,207 20 MN 45 Inspectore w Expentes. David Huta, attending meeting J, Blaney Jonees, do D, EioKnight, do 8, aninmons, do Jacob Young, do H. Z.'Van Reed do C. 11, nut, do Total amount . I' Prison Expenses 800 00 1,198 00 338 78 1,783 78 033 61 5,223 03 4,240 47 10,102 13 • Principal Loans paid. Wholo amount of loans paid liderest Orders. interest paid on loans MatiOiery and Printers' Orders. lit. P. Dosring, 244 . 4n 1,123 74 1,U7 26 Wm. Rosenthal, J. L 4 Gots, J. nnabb Co,, Dispatch a Times, Samuel Lovan, J. IL Bassaman, D. F. Owen, =23733 1,118 21 d 1. ,067 74 -- 4,085 95 829 29 731 10 2,226 00 iebnalableal _Returns and Mileage. Jantiary Term April Term August Term November Term 3,283 39 Cbronere and Juglic4s l 'Niue:o,, John Fox, Coroner 87 30 Justices, of the Peace 133 73 Dr. D. L. Bieber, post mortem examination 25 00 Dr. M. Luther, post mortem ex.. &Initiation CU 00 1,130 00 1,152 CI) 24411 1,M173 1,741 X 2 3,10 i 3 &ion sr( es, City Spring Election Spring Election in the county Constables attending and noti fying Officers holding General Elec tion in October 1,071'30 °Moors holding tresidentlal Election in November 1,073 80 5,181 00 7888 2,082 88 2,770 03 1,018 07 4,,766 61 ---- 1,641 71 Assessors returning Ilet of voters 803 00 Assessor notifying day of appeal 1,478 50 1 . 5 50 57 Onaloblee Fees. Constables' fees in' Common wealth oases 1,100 00 1,804 00 9,101 00 1,231 56VA 03 'poi 5.4 Witness' Fees Wanes& foes In Counnonweslh Cases Road Rionaget. _Godfrey Great;ly, Greenwich AS to /110)101i411111/ 1 1., igOliberg 00 00 MI Whole amount of receipts Total Inco`mo Michael Sett:ll3oer U. Bern Jr.,Mfehrkel Ho ff man, do Joseph Shomo, Hamburg Isaac Bear, Born Carra t Heysher,U.Tulpehoecolt Jacob Moyer do • Jobn W. Deglor, ' do S. Hawkings, Maideneraek I J. W. Pegler, U. Tulpehoecon, P. °bob', Penn E. Snyder, Exeter 4,351 It (burl Erpenms Jan nary Term Abril•Term August Term November Term 1,023 50 424 00 1,750 50 Cbun.ty O f ficers' Salaries, Joseph Bitter, 1 year's salary as lanitar 1t court cryor Wharton Morrill, late diet. atty. E. Shearer, do Levi M. Gerhart, Clerk of Quar ter Sessions Michael' K. Boyer, Commission ers clerk SO 00 Michael K. Boyer, Commission " era clerk extra sessions lao 00 JftlllC9 B. Bechtel, corn. atty. 10,) 00 J. G. Glues, A. Hurt and J. 11014 , auditors • 800 nO Wm. Young, Co. Commissioner 800 00 Jacob Shartlo; do 600 0) Benjamin Levan, do 600 00 Jesse G. Hawley, auditing. coun ty offices Tobias Barb), sniumoningjurors W, B. ti t tosemer, prothonotary 741 75 G31(0 ME] 033 28 451 10 MEI 10 00 Mayor's, Aldermen's and Justice.' Fees. ilayor 510 54 Aldermen's 211 84 Justices 69 17 Triennial Asseiniienl. Trlennial as6o3sment expenses 1,%5 m 10 FO El 09 6 00 DA Bridges. Penn street bridge,Francisßeth . tal, 12 months , salary Rambo & Heckman, plumbing D. Sm ith, gRB Loymastor & Hulling, painting Visinual Focht, carpenter work . V. L. Dauth, E. Mahler, putting up lightning rods 10 00 100 00 100 00 221 11 4000 lA►►casler Bridge. Umlaut Maguire, 12 months' Sal- 659 56 ary E. D. Smith, gess E. Mahler, putting up lightning • rode Peter iloru, cleaning bridge W. J. Framo, hauling ground Elagiuci Focht, Carpenter work 41 00 613 8 - 33,927 00 493,027 03 Papiar Neck Bridge. • Daniel Boyer, 12 months' salary Iteutam Rachel, mason work 0.:l liakertKo.,llightning roils Samuel Focht, carpenter work Peter Drown, limo Daniel foyer, mason work &o. Ilatoburg Bridue. John Kottoror, 12 mouths salary 180 00 Whole amount of toll bridges 1,708.89 Refunding Orders. Ellas Dloffonbach, Jiotliol tax re. ' am= funded Nathan Miller, Windsir tax re funded Edward Kauffman, Upper Born miehaei It. WW I Longawamp tax refunded Wm. K. Philips, Centre tax re funded Daniel 'Jahn, Fleet Ward Bond ing tax refunded Jacob Schuler, Third Wardltead-' leg tax refunded Henry Wagenhorst, Maxatawny tax refunded 47 00 Solomon Miller, Richmond tax refunded 90 Isaac Helder, Fifth Ward Read ing tax refunded t 08 04 Joseph Muthard, Ninth Ward Reading, tax. refunded John FoX and others, Jefferson tax refunded Joseph Itaudonbueb, Catcall tax refunded Elias Dieffenbaoh, Bethel tax r 6 funded 43 70 49 73 140 99 0) 93 9 80 28 0 45 00 10 'CO 4:4? sA a 5 6 62 63 62 45 90 npstores at Special Court. John Fllohingor and Dan. Botloy 116 00 POOR HOUSE EXPENSES. Out door lottner«l Expenares. Frederick Mond, 2 coffins for Al bort Richard and P. Erb David Zlmmorinan, 1 collie for Faett Martin 11. Landis, 1 coffin for Sa rah Barkbach Georgo Lash, funeral expenses of Samuel Hartman Mark Solilotintin,l coffin for Jer. OK's child Adam Gerhort, 2, coffins for Isaac and wife of Barnet Gehret George Lash, funeral expenses for wife of Win. Moyer Henry Moyer, '2 coffins for L. Etnore'aiid Win. Williams Charles Henninger, 6 coffins for sundry persons • Paul 1 0 'bort, 2 coffins for Lydia Folk nd child Peter Aulonbach,l coffin for iloo. Bowe t - Franklin Molin,l coffin for Sam. Hartmnan's child Win. Klein. 2ooffins for Yerger's child and Thqmpson's child Raymond Mobil, 1 coffin, man's . name unknown ' Jacob Laub,l coffin for Benedict Hamburger Philip Eaglo, 1 coffin for Charles Evans John Martz, 1 coffin for Williain Hartman_ Jeremiah Beard, 1 coffin, man's name unknown 308 CR 58 80 49 89 91 40 117 28 18 35 5 10 14 42 70 00 15 00 170 50 83 00 14 40 104 17 99 B 78 700 28 91 89 26 4.703 60 7,101 61 Out-door Retie. Widow Sehmehl for self JeremiahMoore,for widow Peter • Wertz • Jacob Frick, for self Widow Gromes, for self 'Peter Marshal, for Cradlo Leo pold Lydia Drup, for,self 'Wm. Heffner, for Catharino Al i spach Amos Feagor,for John Feuer James Healyfor Jacob Plerntan Elizabeth Bane, for self Wm. ilmstead, for Mary . Ann McCarty Wni. Steiger. for self Mrs. liens, for self Rudolph Collor; for self Widow Zeller, for self Michael Kreamer, for Carolino _ ' Shoemaker Soloinon Millar, * for Ifolona . Bower Andrew Kurr, for Christian Sower Andrew C Painter, for self Benjamin Zimmermairor Rost ,na Shoiror Edward Sheafer, for John Wol finger Reuben'Endy, for y widow John Mullett Daniel Buskirk, for Elizabeth Ilittmah Wm. Hostor, for Stilly Glass • - • Jonas Miner,for Catharine Inbod Amoii E. Wells, for Rodgers fam ily Solos E. Wolla, for Irvine Nicholas Heckman, for sundry persons Barnhart h goal], for sundry persons , C. A. Grieserner, for sundry lam- Ries Peoeook ttc Orth, for sundry fam lies Augustus Korchncr, for salt Isaac Mohr, for Jacob Kushner Samuel Filbert, for Elizabeth Long • Daniel B. Wanner, for John IL (Blocs Peter Marshall, for widow New- Man Nicholas Jones, for Susan Ito mich Catharine Maury, for stilt Matthias Livingood, for Samuel Less! g Paul Blessing, for D. Line Elias Obold, for Jacob Schnell ,Tames Ilealy, for John Walker James Healy, for Isaac Hoffman Amos B. Wanner, for Catlfarine Long Aaron Gotz, for Mary Burns John M. Basting, for solt Amos B. Wanner for Henry Most Adam 'Stein, for Chas. Doward John Willhelm, ter Joseph Psf fenliorger John Kurtz, for .I;ddin Simmers John Ramp, for John 'rouse Andrew Kurr, for Caroline Field Elias °bold, for John Fisher Richard Holrmasterifor Barbara' Greatly S. S.-Unger, for Jacob Wingert • Jacob ruling & Son, for sundry persons Henry Kriek,for sundry porsOns Adam Stein,-for widow E. Hein, John Stoudt, for Catharine Ox Eliza Fisher. for' self Charied Goodman, for self - Adam Stcin,for Mrs.Loudonstim Silas IV. Fisher, for Sarah Swavely Jacob Butz, for Jacob Darter ! A. D. Hinunelbergor, for Sarah' Kerehner J. D. Wanner, for Susan Reonier Widow Sands, for self Fredorlok Latter, tor Barbara , Kling Hr and enry'''. Rhoads, for Sqsau WI. ----- 10.928 88 000 00 800 0) 000 00 1,15 00 51000 424 GO 100 00 20 00 8,319 GO 44 00 t 33 00 53 32 45 00 45 00 36 00 59 66 315 98 $A429 65 83,108 80 13,307,00 ( 1,133 OS 'J9 Si 93 25 132 52 145 OS 111E1 '2500 261 03 198 20 513 40 247 70 101 271 GMII MS 79 60S 70 Isaao Moyer, for Leshart Fittler John Strauss, for Mary A. Speng• ler Henry Bes.rd, for John Hoffman GetorgeLeh Boyer, for Catharino Gil- Elias Obold, for Mary Gable Franklin Ludwig, for Catherine Boughesebits Abraharn Kurtz. for Sam. Grove Ezra Reed, for Win. Williams Jonas Shatter, for John Wegger Wm. Williamson, for Catharine Rhoads Daniel Wanner, for Catharine Floot Daniel Wanner, for Franklin Floot Michael Miller, for daughter of John Spengler - Geo, 'Audi, for Matilda Ulrich Wm. Hose, for self Geo. Lash, for Mrs. limns° Joseph Muthart, for 11.0.11ilkert Ellaa Reber, for Rebecca Whit , moyer Jerernttill Moore, for widow Joint Wertz 294 5) - 1,82040 ' 1,624 14) 1,696 66 1,466 :16 ,--- 0 616 60 600 r 0 630 01 187 00 IMB Dry Goods. 0. B. Keller Kline, E:ppihimer & Co, Levan, Bubp & Co. A. W: Pottolger van & Sha C. Levan & C de o, David Keiser B. B. Brown Hinnersohitz &Bubp David Neff Jacob Bic el Yocum & Rousum 6 H. A, MI F. B. Flchtborn WM. Kerper & Son st C. 8. Birch John $. Pearson Co. I,dishlor & Were 75 00 37t 2t) 11550 5,565 83 P2O 35 11855 70 Salaries. George Lash, director A months salary Elias Mold, director 7 months salary JosephMuthard,director I year's salary Silas W. Fisher, director 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad, steward 1 year's salary Jacob Conrad, steward bal.Of left Michael Rlghtmyer,under stew. and Philip Eagle, steward on acct. Wm. R. Zeimer, under steward on account Amos Snyder, clerk In full to Mny Ist, 1/08 - W. 11. Fisher, Clerk on Root. • Dr. A. B. Dundore, physician 1 year's salary Dr. , Mader M. Nagle, physician 1 mitt's salary Livingood, atty. 1 yeartt. salary Philip Y. Gllham, engineer 1 year's salary John Denzel,baker 1 year's sal. 240 00 14 52 99 24 46 06 10 89 9 85 ELE3 420 60 210 00 48 3•) 2so 25 lu 00 a 75 3 57 588 8 ISO CO 17 80 290 83 12 23 300 9 16 512 72 ary John Ben sel,baker bal. for 1866 Frederick achutteri Gardner 1 year's salary Moses B. Biekle, blacksmith In lull Wm. Van Buskirk, blacksmith on account Wm. lloffer,laborer on fltrm on - account DrKeifer, teamster on acct.. trodDo do bal. 1866 Deterich, tea Meter on 180 00 45 28 20 00 /0 60 32 DI 51, C 5 account Christian Zeigler, tailor 1 year). PalarY John Pflo teacher in full Mary Whitman, maid' In full 43 61 21 92 , Groceries. Wm. Rhoads, Jr. Burkholder& Madeira Seiberling & Smith Ovaries Brinor Miratn B. (iota John D. Reiner 14 29 18 83 Mae and .Live stook bought. Simnel 6luldln, males F'o , l 00 Moses 13, Male, 1 cow and shoats 130 40 Rinehold & Schlott, 81 'deers 6,016 40 Snyder it Louth, bal. on rattlers on 1807 Abraham Bechtel, 61 sbeep 57 71 20 23 noes and halt. Benjamin Engler, shoes O'Reilly it Co., shoes • Jeremiah Bottler, shoes Franc)is Roland, bats Barks County prison, shoos And carpets 10 00 5 00 • 5 °G 10 00 Ooat and W7imlage. reocook & Orth, coal Aaron Getz, wharfage William J. frame, coal 'tear & Bro, & Co., coal 8 00 10 00 Whiskey and Vfnecar. Tobias Barto j Printing and Stationarp; Lawrence Getz, printing Vim. Rosenthal, printing Hitter A, Co., printing and eta= tionaryi Samuel qcohler, stationary 10 00 10 00 22 00 6 76 500 Grain; Flour and (binding drain. Hen=lft a Bro., grinding kfr#ln, 224 51 ilamuel Wertz, flour, grain and • grinding • 1,154 81 • , George Lash, corn 234 85 C. A. Oriesemer, flour , 464 97 Barnhart k Hoch, flour 890 29 Sam. Weitzel, flour and potatoes 407 20 James Z. Grimmer, flour , 00 Tobias 13arto, ohopping grain' 50 400 32 5 00 5 00 4 00 Altinq and Duzine. Isaac 8. lost Edelman & Loinbach Levan &Butz - 5 00 5 00 120 00 Tobacco. 1). P. Lash, It W. Rank D. G. Miller Brenieer, Mayor & Co. ' 2000 • 20 00 20 00 20 00 Hardware. Georg° Loroh t Co. ,Bard & Robor • , J. L. 84tohtor McGowan & Miltimore John McKnight-- 10 CO 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 30 00 Leather and Shott Findings. M. M. Dolong, leather Benjamin noch,leathor and shoe finding A. D. Harvey, leather and Shoo finding 10 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 Lumber. J. Keely Amos H. - Deysher Jaoob Deyeber Samos Healy - 2AOO 2000 10 00 20 00 Mopes el Tinware. Heller Breldeaton Charles V. L.! Danth 10 00 2000 Drug,. J. K. mammy J. Thitwealiter 10 00 tO 00 /U PO 10 00 Fiah and Salt. Aaron Geta,,e_alt Booklianurcep & Budd, fish_ (bal, on 186 a.) Koller Bitting, Bah ' J. K. Bonen; Dan and meat 12 00 20 00 201 68 MEI Mscellatteouq. Daniel 8. Schroeder, brick Slumber it Johnson, castings .I.W. Harper, binding order book Levan, Enbp k Co., queensware christian Sehutter, earthenware Peter Stelnel, brushes Williams & Altbonae. horse hire for Joseph Ittihad John H. Hershnor painting ex press wagon Henry Goodman, ilew express wagon and cover John spatz, medical attendance for Eliza (din F. J. Obert, pulling, grate bars and labor IMEM 35 52 20 PO 60 00 10 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 21) 00 Chrintlan Zeigler, Interest on 6500 for 1807 2000 2/JOO WOO 2000 2000 T. A. Willson & Co., clock Mrs. Mays Capallo, dandle wick More is, Taslcer & Co.,steam lids Peter Brown, lime Michael 'Rapp, Ball chains Lenbart k Ureth, steam ape fixtures Lewis Gable, laying brick Christian Rben, re.sOtting steps and sand stoues , , fi r ite Goorge It.' Levan, q eneware A. 8,. Koenig, butter Mellen t% Kinsey, ea tinge Dewalt Katz, seed w eat Charles B. Ritter, hor hire per Muthart Helms & German, brushes J. If, Hales, saddlery Auchenbaeh & medicaln Dr. H. M. Nagle, attend ance • Bolger & Becker, ready Made clothing John Reppleman, castings Henry Crouse, notions Daughter & Ringler, repairi ng threshing machine Frederick Latter, mall, hope and t beer- Aaron Getz, house rent for gardener 20 00 20 00 2000 XOO 2000 10 00 10 00 20 01 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 51 15 1280 1020 00 10 0 00 0 20 00 10 00 10 00 30 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Whole auPt. of Poor Rouse expenses $09,559 90 Aliseellaneoui ()runty Evrpenato. Joseph Henry, on prison oon- • •, traot • 57,060 00 /0 00 600 Diller Luther, excise tax 129 O Janie, D. Gettis,bridge contract. - 4,921 MP Engle dt Brothers, blank book and binding James B, lioChtel, extra Services and Coate John liennhiger, watchman at, prison 1 Benjamin Boyer, watchman at prison • J. Smith and others, labor at prison and water works Isiuto W. Harper, blank books and stationary 1), Smith, gas Elias Diellenbacii, extra work at Swatiara Bridge Jacob Wagner, watehMan at prison AmosWeller,Longswitmp bridge repair and lumber Wm. D. Althouse, horse hire ac. per soni.ls47 Thomas Hoch, Mouse prison ore to Court House John Eagle, money refunded stray horse sold John A. Wier, treasurer of Ike State .Asylum Daniel • Deterieh, rep a iring bridge at Deterichla mill Elias Reber, repairing bridge at iteber's mill John L. Snell, sink flooring in Court House Samuel Frarieig„ repairing bridges on BoyerstOwn road Nicholas Hunter, _ plank and _bridge repair. at Moselein Furman Sheppard, treas. of the Eastern Penitentiary - 1,186 85 F. C. Rutz sale. ash 48 John Flickinger, putting in coal in Court House. Jacob Young & Son, coal for Court House • • 4143 Christian Frees, book binding . 10 50 J. W. Wentz 1, hauling ashes 5 10 Joseph Henn°, delivering ap peal book to U. Tulpohoccon J. A. Ermentrout, county eup't for Teachers' Institute - C..Kreps, smith work on Black Maria Simon Dreibeibis, repairing at Onteleunce' bridge 106 70 George Merkel,repairingat Len hart's bridge Ssinuel Focht, work at , Court House B. Fox & Co., boarding Jurors April Term Soloman Close and J, Misseiner, making tax duplicates C. Eden, sand stone K. Boyer, making tax dupli cates 11. Summons and Schoener, ma- ' i kin tax duplicates Z.. 11. Maurer, making tax dupli• elites J. Yoting & Sons, coal for Court House Edward Havilland, In fall per prison contract 1,068 83 Rambo & Heckman, gas pipe for Court House Win. McNeil, services for bring ing prisoners from Phila. Joseph 6ohnable, _ repairing bridge at Flying Hill Jeremiah Beellta, attending prisoners Henry Graul, attending prison ere • Leyamater & Selling,painting at court, House H Geo : ell, work at Court House Peter Dingman do F. C. Butz, brushes &e. for Court House J. S. White, hauling StriCkland & Bro., stationary J. P. DAnth i work at prison L. Gable, paying at Court House It.Roohol,repairing Reed bridge F. Freed, blank book . J. C. Strotiooker, making militia. rolls • D. lister, viewing bridge at Winters' mill S. Summons, earpepter Work at Court House Samuel Upson, at col pens M. K.11103411*, recording militia ' roll IV.n.. Adam, viewing bridge at Griosemer'a mill. J. Ilinnershitz,repairingyoad to prison J, Wanner, viewing bridge at Griesemer's mill S. A. Stoudt, viewing bridge at Griceemer's null D. B. Zacharias, services Joseph Henry, wall and pave meat at Court 'louse 799 91 Joseph Henry, prison yard pave ing, water and gas pipes 2,638 71 Joseph Henry, ; building ' and trains 1,984 87 Joseph Henry, extension at Vagrant House 1,290 21 Joseph Henry, raising outside wall at prison 9,889 SO Joseph Henry, cupboard, tables, shoe benches &o. • 1,192 48 Joseph Henry, repairs; at old prison 1,610 13 D. H. Heideman, chairs for Court House G. W. Ilitokman anti J. Faber, Jury Commissioners D. Frey, repairing Altheuse's bridge ,„ Tobias Ratio, paper John Flickinger, putting coal in Court House B. Fister, Painting sign for Ham burg bridge. Win. 8. Young, Coin. , viewing • bridges &e,' • • ; ; Benjamin Levan, Com , viewing bridges &e. Jacob Silent() Com, viewing bridges /to. - J. Young & So , coal for court house J. H. Spatz, horse hire for Coip. Annie Greenwald, ; repairing bridge In Alhany township Albert Knabb, ice to court house C. S. Ritter, horse hire for Vera, Ir. Dunlap, labor at Penh street bridge J. F. Howell, city directory John Flickinger, Mug up at court house C. Fieed.blank book forOrphans' Court oMce • Thomas Hoch, running Black Maria. Philadelphia and , Reeding freight Albert Roland, working at lids - 1 on water works , W. F. Murphy & Son, blanks for Recorder's oMee Jacob Flnkbono, fox scalps Elias Dieffenhaeh, making' and putting sign boardaut bridges .7. H. Weaster steel pima Charles It. Fritz, stamps Strickland & Bro., stationary J. K. Snell, repairing heater at court house Simon Drelbelblea&Kutz,repair. lug bridges J. Schwartz, Wotan' and oth ers, fox scalps , M. It. E. Zeoliman, scrubbing &e., court house N. Zimmerman, charcoal Henry Raider, blank book and recording Treasurer's bond Lewis Neudorfor, repairs at court house • E. Scull, laying water pipe at prisOn and court house . 182 61 Joseph Ritter, taking Shutter and Heifer to house of refuge Joseph - Wenger, bringing Con victs from Philadelphia J. L. Richter, hardware .to. Wm. Heiler, P. M. box hire and stamps 626 Deficiency in State tax 784 68 Miscellaneous expenses 60,404 48 10 00 1n() 10 OJ 78 00 10 (0 10 00 10 00 300 3 00 600 500 aOO 10 IV 20 00 10 00 3 20 10 00 10 00 10 00 1,930 eit 2,60 80 8383 116 67 200 00 MOOO 850 00 76 68 275 00 560 00 320 CO 420(0 100 00 'i 100 00 150 00 75 00 765 00 400 00 2500 300 (0 0000 223 00 25/ 00 170 00 18 25 100 50 184,05 187 25 ;1200 6,169 83 212 76 1,808 02 1,117 1 46 6 8 2, 20208 13 le 5,002 24 8 38 256 99 il4ll 00 140 05 700 20 00 7,218 II" 204 42 627 4 508 80 17 50 82 00 89 28 729 08 270 80 22 CO 3400 6083 5 87 121 70 8,784 19 7A 94 Isao7 47 C 8 218 44 7, 86 880 43 800 413 75 BEOO4 C 3 03 00 01 480 15 141 41 48 70 829 30 81 90 181 43 100 00 876 89 98 93 80 98 7 80 355 12 542 88 31 37 179 44 89 10 240 97 313 ]4 309 94 GU 08 110 00 16{16 1151 . 00 165 89 482 24 10 80 15 98 4,60 0 80 28 42 17 89 Treasurer's Corn VI n q. Br nds exchanged,4lB,ooo at 1 per cent. 169 00 All the moneys paid out, 192,268 68 All the er mon e y received, money received, $271,774. 40 at liver cent. • 1,858 77 ire U 50- 1600 ---- • Bittenoo in the hands of thq Treaeurer---- 77,018 8202 170 00 Recapiftsiagots of Expeneee. Prison expenses Prineil le 200 irincipal Inane paids3;l9B 80 Interest on loans paid 13,397 90 Printing orders 4183 65 Constables'. returns 4G9 71 . `Elections turns 3,131 DO l inquests Coroner 261 06 Triennial assessment . • 1,955 70 Allsessing and returning lists of votablas 1,860 60 Constables' orders in Common- wealth Oases. 101 17 Itemi damages VI 50 Tipstaves at epeeist court 110 00 Court expenses . 6,516 f 6 Toll bridles County Moors 5,p4.1t) Prosecution and witness fans mq 70 Mayor's, Alderman's and Juan. • oss' orders 820 55 Refunding orders 16 Poor Menlo orders 33,559 06 MiscellaneousBo,4o4 43 Treasurer's commission " %4&1 50 Balance in the bands of Treas. 77,018 82 RI 87 8000 45 00 , 14 '25 0 68 0 11202 6 00 128 12 451 00 184 (V 4 12 10 18 48 28 49 78 00 21 00 27 0) 16 65 6 70 5 in Total 4274774 40 To the Honorable the. Judges of the Court of 'common Pleas of Berke County Tile Auditors respectfully report that they have Carefully audited and settled the aceonnts of Charles' H. Frits, Esq., Treasurer of Berke county. from the first day of January, ma r r y ,' the thirty•first day of December, lOW, (both days inclusive), and and a balance in tho hands of the Treasurer of Reventyleyen thousand ein elghteenllollars and thtrty•twoeentWekele ik fla). Witness tour hands at Beading tUts U day of Jantiary, A. D., 18 6 9.• , , . • _ JAMES BELL , L • r.l3:4vßyttuur, Andisari -Ain 00 111 44 129 99 18 85 80.6 46 00 1,475 64 ot al , '""fteas % Amount •! Inex stetted an t i pat 4 1%.._ the I' env.. t% 4 A ntontAt Du e j an i tieg tie y Ist, 1469. _ , EOM :60 f~5 Eel TOWIIBIIII'S. 403 03 1 , 81 68 10081 114 18 A tbatly, AlAttee k Aunty,. Item Beni, Upper Bethel, Meet:stock, Iloyertotyu, .Ctet ititryou, Ccatt re, coltibrookttele, District, 100 00 40 00 107 11 )20 90 6000 6806 FM Douglass, Earl, Exeter, tireenwieb, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Heidelberg, L. Heidelberg, N. Ile( (lord, _ J etTel sett, • Kutztown, I •ougswatup, illaidencreek, Marlon, liazatawny, Muhlonbor , Oley Ontaio , Penn Port . ) Pike, itobesen, R001(1010, Ruseotutnnanor, Tulpnl nocon,tril Tulpclineeon, Union, Washington, Witulsoe Woluelstiorf, EU 21 95 1300 ED 439 ~ 2 70 1 00 81 4 30 OS 5 00 1 25 Itanonsta: rirt4t 'Ward, Second IVaid, Third iVard, ..... Fotatli 1r ard, El th Ward; SI - ill - IVard, • • St vodlt Ward ( ElWith %Yard, ' Math Ward; 42 00 6700 1620 80 CO 9 00 '0 (0 14 40 OUTATANDIN• T3ll NT VA I CIIIIIIPS W1 , 14)1. Jacob S. Slioll 62 CO burg, 1865 J. W. Reed, Marlon, 11..V3 Nallte Dloffenbach, Bottle!, 180 Daniel Gebris District, 184;0 Harrison Oxeltrirter,Mitrion,leBl. 1 J. F. Mohr, Robeson, 1800 Amos Sob mold, Rusennthmatior IWO, ohms paid in full Jesse Miller, Albany, 1807 • 1 Daniel Filbert; Iternvllla, 1067 Reuben M. Uprlegrofe, Earl, 1867 Willliam Keyser; Hamburg, 1807 .1. 0.1 Lambert, HOMN) A g Lower, 1807 1,900 04 John Saul, Maltlenoreek, 574 to Daniel, 111..ruy, Out etamme, wcy, I lls pi Elias O. Saul, Itureomlunsuor, 02 07 M. A. goners, Windsor, 15 . .7 718 87 Levi Yensel,"Woniebulorf. 18.17 80 063 Edward Sehmecir, Reading be. annd Ward, MG !00 00 Jacob Smith, Reading Eighth -t Word, Itel 7 763 00 Jacob flmlt h, Reading, Ninth Ward, 1807 1,020 32 Whole ain't of outstand log taxed' 13 We the undersigned Auditors, do hereby eel , . My that the above account bi a correct elate. merit of the outstanding taxes, up toilets% dly of January, A. D.,7808. J AMER nEr,L. Auditors, I'. S. ALBRIGHT, Whole Atn't of Loans Or old, debts as'noar as could ho ascertainod Wit 01 We the undersigned Auditors, do hereby eon tlfy,t hat the above is a correct; statement of Oa whole debt of Berke county, on tho Seth day of December, A. D. 1808. It flu) outstanding tom i and the balance n the hands of the 'Treasure be deducted, the real county debt wilt, as twat as wo coal(' ascertain the same, maim to about sixty-one thousand two hundred dolliin ( w 1 , ) JAMES BELL, - P. 8. ALBIIL C IIiT , Auditor,. 15 00 15 65 $ CO 1 50 . 21.00 '•8 37 800 It 7B so 23 88 81 7tl 14 00 t 51 880 MEI 800 a 75 300 150 00 800 aBB 2: 00 2t`o 80 00 fob 20-4tw 11 OTICE.- THE SUBSCRIBER would inform his old friends and customers that ho has his (Aloe at N 0.21 Southbilxth street, near roan, whore he is prepared to tittond to ill kinds of collections from one dollar tnthousandi and all kinds ofoonvoyanoing dono at the stunts notice, ho also acts us Counsel for Aelmintstra tore la settling up Estates on roasonablo t(aust. fiIATTIII.AB I.IIONUIth, Alderman and Attorney at Let 42 00 08 Id 1 73 890 CITY HOTEL,• SOUTH SIXTH STREET, (Near Penn,) • ' READING, IW/huge' moderate. A. H. IC &MELT, Proprleimi. • sox 700 XB9 15 01 00 61 66 110 50 I 6 ()6 le 04 11 60 74 80 NOTICII—There will boa meeting of Bin FOR. TUNK BUILDING AND SAVINGS ARNO ATION of Reading, on the third Friday (the Ihth) of February, itt No. 28 North Fifth street, nt teolook P. M. Those who have not paid up their dues for the month of January, are requysteil tO 110 so at once to tho Treasurer, J. 0, Thotna%, grocer, othorwiSo their names will ho stricken jiff the lthoist. . 4 0 AlsOfl so wishing Information and share!, can do So by calling on the Treasurer, an only few more of the latter aro left for disposal, By order Of the Board. -J. ROSS M I LLER, Jan 11-td) Secretary 4 50 2 EO 17 CO 6600 sB5 600 EXCELSIOR BOOT AND SHOE STORE 68 15 1 25 10 00 1 643 6 42 $4 03 • (Next door to Lerch'a Hardware More.) 11ARWICK. & DRAKE, Bog to announco to the citizens of heading and vicinity, that they have now in Store, a very fine assortment of 87 09 6 . 73 GO 61 74 22 2:1 17 00 saes LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S ROOTS AND SHOES of all sizes, and of very' superior make, which they will soll , ,at tho lowest cash price!. They invite all to call and see their etc:Acheron purchasing olsewhero, Thoy have alsoa fine assortment of the hay styles HATS and CAPS, at low figures. xr All kinds of customer work manufactured in the very host style, at Short. notice. 750 81 00 110 15 12 701 Tho patronag6 of tho public) is respectfully to Hello& U un li•1y • 80,104 13 OM 83 24,420 65 laving a direct influence to the Pexte, give immediate relief. r,, , For' flionehitis, Alslhma, Cainrilt, Con, anniptlve and Throat Macau% raftm Us Aen WIRD WITH ALWAYS (1067.) 6VCCrit §INGEEB AND PUBLIC SPY. MiESS will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or ...opeaklug, and relletin( the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal Organs. The Trochee arc recommended owlpre scribed by physicians, and laye l had testimonials frOlll eminent men throughout the eountry. PI; ing an article of - true merit ' , and having prowl heir efficacy by a test of many years, eacb Y er Mills thorn in new localities In various pans of the world, and the 71-oehes are universally Po' flounced better than any other articles. OaerAtx only " BROWN'S BnOPCIIIAL Tomtits , " and do not take any of the fivrthless inglalicnt that may be offered. Sold everywhere. Jan ile-4m - NEW MEA't MARKET.' T rilllE underalgned having opened a now yIPIA 1. STORE under Library- Hall, corner of Y db and Franklin streets, respOolfruly aollelt a OP! of pubic patronaae, Aiwa} ajon hand a full of ply of all Wilde of 11i at , &there, SeraPPlei 4/ 1" tte„ at reasonable prices. AI orders promPt apd easterners served act heir louses. XlOO4l itAUDENBUSII A CORO. LEAMAN & LEE, • PILOT OGRAPIIE S, 538 no street, Howling, Pa. Zverything fn the Art 4409 cheap and nit, (feb *. w o° if - 4 0 Ca I= E 3144 :17 484: A4 )3141 44 6.11 i MI 3303 07 1 1 113%)11 74 0017 031 3171 411 S'3o:l 20,150 119' 134094 14 xus von Dir. Ist riot , IPO it ger, Ilatu. No. 800 Penn !Watt, Reading, Pa., MEN'S AND B01(8 1 E00'1% AND SHOES. ALBIN Cough,Oold, or Sore Throat, tQUIRCEI IMMSDIATE ATT&NTgIi BHOULD UK 011110X1W, JV AL LOWED TO VONTIVVE, rilation of the Lung*n P er• nhent Throat Affection, or Incurable Lung DWAIN) ii THE RESULT. own's Bronchial Troches, I 11Sl 16 L 4 6,5 3. 4 t , 101 - )44 201% 10( •:I'l7 lUsot, 431x` 101 l 1 .• 1 X st: IAI, CM „ 111. K 3tlN. 39 7.0 ” (,+ 113 61 40 , co 4t'Z.3 ;,5 ism 4, "", :114,7,r c)), 11111; 1901 „ " /ONO 21 12 41 657 t ' t hArti INC) I Y 14'6: :v IN‘ 32 (II ‘t 714 20111 C. 4. 9k, to :.'45 ',',:,, 2 `V f. 4 1714:1•2 3581 27i 2062 5.5 47313e51 141400 12.4 511 4015'24 8171 41 1%41 45 I CO ( 11)7s r;•' MI II; I cD9 671 ; 2167 It•I 2:4.11. 79 1 (ON 1114 71 t 2AI) MEI 11110 20 1(11 71 11M Co 2+l NI ,Sotl 1.,) 323-03 114 65 .020 94 14:4 114 924 40 1562 74 Mil