Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 15, 1869, Image 3

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    VI I ) AI A r 1 4 ; AGLK••
_ A
I: ,k 1) N (1; II A . '
•EDITION-43 1:0 P. M.
LA Di with a patriot open was on pon n tiaturtla, aftecnoOtt--ju3t. think, on
13th of February I
m eolhors of , Coiripmly A, First Regi
,„,,,,L ito4i4 - vo<i, aro regt-ile , l to moot at Au
this o VOil !fig.
11a• inn cm CoODMAN, who met with an
a octilgat a few (M ago, and, o f whi c h mon .
11't1,4 made in thO EAoLE, NVtIM 110 E Hiram
~,„„in , ,k o , formerly foreman of the .Ic/ter.
ho , it to all apiwaraticoti i.i not vory (loop
,„ the ground, awi . if tho present ,‘Vouthor
; 1 1 011111 la4t a abort I MP) lonicor to tako O;
„ lo w entirviy on, %%I. muktt not ho miirprlsocl to
f th •:r idou.4ll-; Inkforo March
itAypos, of Ilea(ling, a girl of
et.iiiv very Ito tr (Wing into
t h, Dolaware at Lombard stroot•wharf or
Tharo3) , night. Lioutonant Eilgar, of the
lov i„, c r. I her. She got astray
," qe,trelno,.; for lit!-r in _Post
sstl isfiti2l.
r tot:.,—On Saturday night as a lady
r ~.40,1 in front of tho Koyslone lionsom young
lain cam() towards hur and pnshod against
Slio thinks that ho wanted to pick her
I ,,ket. Ito had not, totoodad to pick her
rickety it iv a pity. ho Was not caught and HO
pilliisllo4l for his conduct.
3 1 wits() front what we hear, we should not
,nrprisell if taro sporting season this Spring
will h.) a lively one. There has boon quite an
inadu to. t h e list of trotting horses
01%11141 in our neighborhood, and to liston to
Oh) knowing ones talk "loss," we calculato
to be Milo to record some tall work.
Cium.-14 thoro reward for crow
Pentthylvamia? A friend, the other
satti he thou4lit there 1 ) 1;1'4 Mitch 111:11,1,13111
•,0 014 t as 10 1)0 01)1010t0. WllO 0111 01111 g htoll
11 , 1?
If them is lie such law on the btapao books,
,hoel4l not one he pa4ied ? Thu crow is a groat
mkt, tint we know of 110 good It does to collo
terlolance its 1104tructive operattons. What
d o oar-Wein . friends think of the matter?
AN Ivrite4 to the Dublin .Tharna/
Medicine, blipport of tho old notion that
. bettor with their heads to tho
math. lle 41a4 tried the exporiniont in the
' , A ...) of sick persons with 111.11'ked apd
inshts that Atm) are known to exist groat
cleetrie.ii Currents, always eros , 4ing in one di
rection around the oArth,'ana' that on r• noryous
..y,tolny are I 9 801111) inysterioni way (manioc:L
od with this bleetrical agent. Lot all beds
towards the loath 1.010,
k HEN 1 , 4 Mil tot ho too careful in entrusting
children to the taro or servants. Their ti rat
liNsions In vice and tut morality can often ho
tractd to the teachings instilledin their duc
tile minds by those to whose learo, in their
eminAer years, they aro contlided,and who, too
often eontnil their future destiny for good or
hill. In our rounds we frequently see chil
dren ailtlresse.l in the most obscene and pro..
Low manner, or draged in elegant carriage 4
and fashion dile clothits to hoeety and h a unts
at the owinion or which payouts would shut!
del in Horror. They cannot fail to he contam
inate.' It. e intact, and impressions form.
eil which can not he eirt,o(t.
- -..
I'.ksiuoS;-4. larper'B /ht.nzar
nrikes tho following authoritative announce
want in M.V,Inl to skirt.;
The twist reliable fiephifel in New York aro
ot the opinion that limners are going out 1 f
Ntyle. Tho regular round pallier Ina is too
commonly worn to be in tavor with tho lead
er 4 ot fashion. Yet all stylish made skirts are
oars OVCr,II tollrintre, and continuo to ho % , ory
bin adill4eitat behind. A now erinolino
L't I ;rand Vietorle Is provided with strips to
adjust the bust lo if the Nveitrer'ehooses, or to
divot's(' with it entirely. Insto:id of only two
Airtq, there are rumors of three or four sue
vos4ivo ones. At present two skirts prevail,
the upper one being quite long and—draped in
the most fanciful and intricate monitor. The
l'aris dressmaker, Worth, it is said, never
loops two drosses precisely alike. One has the
skirt looped behind only, another ai is Caught
tip at the sides, or moped In front, and others
ale arranged in folds both tit the, back and
hales. ".
CouNcll, MEETINu.—Both brAolieS of tim
Councils niot on Saturday. ovoning and t'o
mainod in famion somewhat more than two
hours, but transacted no business orally gener
al intere4t.
The Common, Connell appointed a Commit•
too on Conference on its behalf on tho 1)111 mak
ing an appropriation to tho , Department of
Highways, and the Select branch appointed a
similar ono on its behalf. The committee mot
and.aftor comparing views, reported in favor
of appropriating $30,000 to that DepArtindot.
, After the report of the committoo iVid boon
in ujo, the President of the Select branch de
cided that under the tifty.fourth section of the
charter no'appropriation Mould ho made to a
Department after the last mooting in January '
and as the mombors of Select ma not appeal
ami tho Presidont would not recede from the
position he had taken 110(11111g WAS olfoted.
After a protracted effort to indim, the Select
branch to act, Common Council passed a.reso ,
lotion of thanks to their •President mind "Clerk
and adjourned.
Com, IN I,oNnoN.—A corrospondent informs
114 that all coal sold to London, at least for do
mestic use, is put up in sackS ? ac
eh containing
about two kinutred pounds, so that eleven 'of
them will contain a ton. Each cart is proild
eit with a pair of stool yards, and tho purchas
er, whoil his coal IS delivered, selects two or
three saeks,'and has thorn weighed. ho
can he certain of getting his correct weight.
Another advantage is tliat the coal, instead of
being shot on tho sldowalk, to tho annoyance'
et pedestrians . , is carried at once to its destina
tion, without making any dirt; or dust. The
correspondont adds: "It appears to me that
the haek'plan of 'delivery pomossos obviowi
advantlges over •tho presont dirty plan Of
shooting the 4.0 41 on the r-idowalks.,
We publish the above as a hint to otir 'coal
dealers. NVtio 'will Lo tho Brat to tako it ?
Unless an improvement is inado in
the quality of the coal sold hy some of them,
however, a groat Portion ortflacontonts would
leak: outthrough the bags, unless they ware
of rely lino texture.
HAP I IST CHU RCH.— Rov. occuni
od pulpit in this' Church yesterday., In
the morning his text twits "The poor have the
(41spel preached unto them," and the rever
end gentleman proachedqi very interesting
sermon front the text,saying that it was a sure -
sign of being accompanied by tho Holy
Ghost, when it was preachbd to the poor as
well as the rich, without distinction. Ile also
presented the claims of the American Baptist
Heine Missionary Union to his hearers, lie
gaVO a short account of Its work since its
ganization, 37 years ago. Ile said that during
that time they had organized 2,00 • churches.
iu (ho western States, and: present they
were building, on an avoragt, ono church for
every twelve days in the year, and organiz
ing, 0110 church for every throe days in the
Year. At rho evening services he preached a
, ernion from the text,," Who then can bo
'used?" and was IR.40116(1 to, through
out his , discourse,. with the'
most profound attention by the
very lariso audience pro Sent, (every available
space being occuploi, the soatS and aisles, the
space in front of, mid the stops leading up to
the N111)4 010 even the vestibule of the
church being crowded with' a dense, 'nags or
huulh uman• Wings). At the close of The evening
services the ordinance of baptism - wits admin
istered to twelve candidat PS. tipeelal services
wilt he combined in this church' during . the
present week. Rev. Mr. Swaim will preach
again this evening.
CONJUMATION.—How it is Practised
easter cunty.—Tho • ago of superstition hat
nut entirely passed away. Even in I.ancastecii
countY;with its boasted intelligence; its acado--
mies,and numerous public schools, there still
remains among its people a groat deal of supeite
'Edition. The belief, in witchcraft is still attn.- many—but the belief that some per- .
sone can cure diseases by• words and charms,
or'rather by magle,provails to a much greaterr,
extent,, ~
a certaltrilliage, loss than half it score of
mileafrom this oily, resides a mulatto woman,
who pretends to bo able to cure byconjuration
"all ills that the flesh Is helr to," oven to cause
the blind to NO and the deaf to hear. Her
manner of effecting a eureof her patients may
not be nniuterestird to thcoie of • our readers
who aro not familiar With, this method of
"healing the sick." The swarthy Doctrosa orb
"Witch" places her hand uponthe' affected
part of tho patient, theW•gently rubs over it
either throe or nine times,ropeatiiig inaudibly
the mystic words or charial which is to pro
duce the miraculous cure:, while she is per
forming this operation neither the patient,nor
any ono present is permitted to speak a word,
otherwise the charm would be of no avail anti
would have to be repeated (olio effectual. As
the words which she uses can not bo hoard,wo
do not positively know what they are, but
having seen severalconiurer's bes, we could
make a very good guesS. 'Cher books
with ono exception all published in t:erinany,
nearly two centuries ago, and have been hand
ed down front father to son as great treasures.
They .are very scarce • aro entitled "Die
Ileilig Rung" ( rho tidy Art), and aro val
ued very highly by their fortunate (?) posses
sors. 'hero aro several ,editions of these
books all containing nearly the saute matter,
viz : charms for curing all kinds of diseases,
for allaying pain, stopping a flow of blood,
compelling thieves to return stolen articles,
preventing (witches from having power over
us, etc. Those books enjoin all persons, into
whose hands they may fall, not to pervert tho
information contained lin them fo evil pur
That such vile conjurations are 'practised in
Lancaster county is a disgrace to the present,
ago. And yet this fomalo conjurer has maily
patients not only among the most ignorant but
also among those of our people „who claim to
possess some intelligence. PeOprolloek to her
from far and near. A short" limo after sho
commenced practising the
,art, which
was some years ago, her house wits thronged
with patients from morning until evening ; it
boing difficult for thorn ail to obtain •atr audi
ence with her. Binco thou, however, her prac
tice has dwindled down considerably, very
row persons going to her home in the village
whore she resides. But she has a room at a
certain hotel In this city, where sho spends
Wednesday of every wook and whore those of
her patients, to whom that is, more eotivenikt
tan hor place of residence, visit her. We
s meth:lnes boar of cures effected bylher,which
if true, mlght-bo termed miracles. They are,
however, always at a di,stante from /win' and
upon persons unknown. Her practice at pres
ent In hor own neighborhood is limited to
pow-wowing for headaeho, toothache, (to., and
so strong is the faith of many that they really
imagine they have been relieved through her
maidpulations, Without faith, however, she .
assorts there can ho no cure. .tire also claims
to be able to conapol thieves to return stolen
articles and to have power over witches,
Whilo,thero are not nuipy, but still some
persons, who believe that 'this dark sorceress
Is ablo to do all that silo claims—them are a
great many persons ignorant and superstitious
onough to believe that sh%can do None of the
mystorious things clattnetrto bo performed by
her. Thaw any of tho citizens of Lanvaster
county P4ould believe in- stich contemPti ble
inu mnuffies is surprising when we - consider
tho opportunities they enjoy of obtaining in.
formation. But the facts are as we have
stated thom, and they clearly indicate t hat a
large proportion of our people are incapable of
thinking for thomsolves, and are consetplently
the victims of their incorrect notions and the
willing dupes of pretenders and demagogues,
—L«neader Intelligeker.
The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad—
Report of General Superintendent.
I respectfully submit the following report of
the :transportation Departniant, with its usual
statements, .for the year engling November
30th, 1808: <
Its expenses have been decreased ..'111,518,-
03, compared with those of the , year 18117.
Phis reduction has been effected (with an in
creased . service in coal, inerehandik and
passenger transportation, and with- three
additional branch railroads operated tl.i .
year. I
The rates of labor havejuled lower than in
the Preceding year, but the cost of the mater
ials, in the aggregate, has varied but slightly'.
The cost of repairing coal, merchandise and
passenger cars has been reduced since the year
1867. The thorough rebuilding and repairing
of these cars during that year left them in good
condition for the commencement of busine , s
last spring, and contributed to lessen the ex
pense of keeping them up.
The Perkiomen,4tich 'Railroad was open
ed six miles to CUllegevilrle, on May 8. 180,';
and to• Skippack, its present' terminus, ten
wiles front the Junction station on the man
road, :On August 10, 1808. Passing through a
rich agricultural and well populated country,
this branch road has already develope'd a
satisfactory and increasing business.
On July 1, 1868. we took charge of the Zerbe
Valley Railroad, fifteen miles long, extending
from Port Trevorton, on the light batik of the
tisquelationt river,' to the town of Trevorton,
in Northumberland county—since which date
a mixe Penal, freight and passenger train has
been ri n daily thereon.
And mr-SeptembPr 21, 18111. 'the Ent errise
Railroad was extended to Shamokin, a thriving
town in the coal region of the same name,eigh
teen and one-ball miles west of Ashland. The
trade of this region, wilt its numerous collier
ies and villages,. has given employment to two
passenger and mixed freight trains daily, by
which close connections are secured for Phila
delphia, Nevi Yolds)o4d, all poiips in the
Schuylkill Valley. , . 1 , .
Alt the expenses of working the three branch
roadsjust stated, are included fit the at!C01111tS
of _l
From the etuj of August, 18';8, whoa, th.e
Collieries resankd wot k after the two mohths'
strike of their hatids,, and until the close of the
current year, a heavy and *continued , demand
was made by the coal trade npoii our equip•
This demand promptly met so long us
it lasted. For thirteen weeks the coal tonnage
of the road'averaged 107,3 K) tons per week
'bud in'one weal. of September, 18GS,f 117,,970.
tons of coal %ere sent tn. mai het, besides the
ordinarylreight Inisiness, amounting at that
time to over 30,000 tons per week.
This heavy buSiness, sometimes amounting
to 2:i,000 tons per day, was passed with regu
larity and dispatch, with freedom front acci
dents of a serious -character, and without in
terruption to our passenger travel.
The Pottstown Accommodation passenger
train, alluded to in tily last report, has yielded
satisfactory rettuns.and affords increased con
veniences to,' the public. between Pottstown,
Philadelphia and' intermediate stations.
The passenger and mixed fright trains,
placed within the last few :yeal;.4 upon the
lateral roads , in 'our anthracite coal region,
continue to exhibit an increase in their busi•
ness, both local afid through. The.ze trains
are so arranged as to give double daily connee
tions to .Philadelphia, New York, Harrisburg
and intermediate points. '
Our rolling stock is now in good order; said
will be reasly to meet the demands of the trade
when the season opens in trio spring.
The businmss of the Dilemma Valley Branch
continues to increase in
passengers. With its large tonnage, and nii•
morons passenger trains, the double track be
tween Lebanon and Paliny'ra would greatly fa
cilitate their movement, and I beg to recom
mend this improvement, when practicable.
Four Igeothotives have been rebuilt, 'and
four others partly rebuilt, with four passenger,
and baggage ears, during tho past year—the'
whole cost-of which is included in the fol:ow
ing accounts.
U. A: Nwous, General Superintendent.
Reading, Pa., January 0, 1369.
2 1-2 O'CLOCK P. 31.
Maly ditnatzao.
Suit4rlAes 6 43 j. Sun sets'
• Da, 'ti lengtll 10 liouns '24;mlnutes. •
A(rfe of Thorribnieto
'',l 7 'VI*.
0 110ANIZAT1 I ON%--Tho now City: Councils
Will meet for organimithin to-morrow after-
noon, betlyeen the hours of one and four
11.tsm.t.tymt, the great magician, coin-
Menees his performances_ to-night,'at the Kcy,
stone Opera !louse. 100 presents distributed.
Go and see him.
___ a __—_
Breit & Jinn.; 613 Penn atrout,tue the thoit
foitableltini hi !Cowling.
businos mon of our county will do
well to remember that the time Is at hand
when the annual revenue assessments are to
ho made.
Br, a 6 1, Bizi).'rOlViint•tinniit of Spring iroodi
eNvvllea. Look mite:sl3 Penn 01. leut:_
Purr orvirE ArroINTmENT.—Tho Post
master General has . appointed Mt. Lewis
Heisler as Postmastof at .131wor i s Station, (In
the East Pennsylvaniti Railroad, in , place of J.
S. Releimer, reslo4.
- —1..--
Ir you %rant a good and cheap Spring -olit go
to Iluch A; Bro.'. rl3 Penn street. .
I'm ti Is Ft'LL.—Mr. 'Minims Schooner, Col . -
leetor of Taxes for the B rough of Boyertow n,
ha 4 pahl up in full to the County Treasurer,
Charles IL Fritz, E'q.,the taxes of that bor
ough for IStlti. A goo example. ‘,
SPIIINII.—BIIOII at Bro., 513 Penn street, alrcaly
mako an spring ~ uits. Excellent' atylei. 'pt,•n
tlid goo•IQ.
A Goon'Stanit:wrioN. —An exchange recunl•
' mends wOlting a new horse collar just before
putting It ' l on for the- tlrst time, and
' ,lusting thb litimes to suit the neck and shout-
H tleY3 and sett tog the horse to work, so as to
have the collar adjust itself to the proper
shape. • -
' POsT :110111EM EX'AMINATION. —Drs. ]mall-'
or and Nagle held a poet mortein oxaminat ion
on the" body of Levi Holler, bettor known am
1, ICnackor" Heller, on Saturday, which re
vealed the fact that ho died from natural
eauses,,and that no marks wore found on him
which ,otild } gave boon caused by hie being
Kicked or maltreated in any way. The jury
return d a vurdict in acfordanco with the
above facts. ..
liven A: lino., ;Al Penn strqk,irrve Jost reeeivnd
a splendid stook of Spring goods, which will 1111
wade up , ktiul disposed off int very reasonable
A 'NARROW ESCAPH.—On .Satuiday night, a
pas , zenger on the market train canto near lositr,
his life. AS the train approached Leesport,he
stepped on the platform 4 and as fife - brakes
were let down the sudden halt caused hits to
fall between the cars, ben, fortunately the bum
pers of the cars were together, which prevent
ed him from falling on the track, lie ~ vas
caught by another man at the same time; and
thus ho - escaped. Why do not people wait un
til the cars reach the station? We have often
maim' people crowd' on the platform before
the Pars stop. A little discretion would pre
vent Many accidents.
("ONE 'co.• hlis ltEs'r.—, Mr. Julius Von' Bon
horst died at , Misiller's Hotel, at 9 o'clock this
morning, after a bripf Illness, of inflammation
of the bowel 4 Mr. Von Bonhorst in his day
was one of the most noted Negro Minstrel per
formers in the United States. As a Banjoist
ho scarcely over had an equal. He was ono of
the favorites in the old Sanford troupe, and
many of our older readers will recollect the
excellence and superior of that ttouPe.
110 was generous-1)08116111Pa y
fault, and many
a silent tear will ho dropped to his 'Memory.
has; gone to his long home, and may his
rest be Toaceful,
\Vt notteeil several new suits on Penn stmt.,'
on Saturday, wlllch for the style and excellent
ftt, attraetell much attention. Theli came ft OM
linch t Bro., 5 Ir;Penn street. • i
Accinws,T.—Yestorday afternoon, a boy
about thirteen years of ageotatned
roe Gossler, sots of Joseph Gosslor, deceased,'
grandson of Andrew S. Gossler, residibg at
347 Penti street, met with a serious accident.
Between five and six-o'clock in the afternoon
a falso alarm of fire Was ridged, bringing out
the entire Fire Department. As the old flop°
}lose Carriage, now run by the Washington
Company, and which is the heaviest-of any
in the city, being bound with three quarrer,
inch tire, was being drawn down South Fifth
street, young Gossler caught hold of the rope,
(a reprehensible practice of Young
America) with the intention
of helping to pull it. The rope was
slack at't he time ho took hold of it, but was
immediately afterwards given a suddo jerk,
which throw the young lad to the gronnd,ono
of the wheels of the carriage passing over his
head, cutting a deep gash through his temple,
and otherwise scalping and bruising his head
shockingly, Ile was tirken to his home, and
Dr. Hunter summoned to dress his wounds:
Fears were at first entertained that the tem
ple wound might have affected his brain, but
his'Suind wils well c dlected tip to this morn
ing, and he 'snow pronounced beyond danger.
Such are the results of creating a false alarm
of lire.l
A Lawyer Foully 1:call With.
Putt,Anm.enlA, Feb. Doyle, a
well knownlawyer, was found itathe street this
morning badly wounded in the head. Ile died
in a few minutes after being carried Atijne.
No arrests have been made. The case Liliklys
all' 1.1--On ,1 he. 13th inst.. at tio residence of
Dr. Wm.,l.llhirweehter, in this cit ', Mrs. M A It
i; A III.:1, wife of Reuben Mull, aged 51 :ears.
The relatit - es and friends of th family ale.
reveet fully Milted to attend her funeral, front
her husband's residence at Sinking Springs, on
IVednesday, UM 17th init., at 10 o'clock, A. M., ;to
be interred at Sinking Springs Cemetery.
FlCilTilDitN.—ln tilts salty, on Saturday even
ing. the.l3th ,Inst., Daniel Ficlithorn, aged :1
years, 9 months and H) days.
Tho•rel calves and friends of the deceased are
vit49l to attend his funeral on Tuesday after
noon at two o'olock,from the residence of his son
Franklin 11. Flotation), No. 601 Penn Street, with
out further notice. Services at the huuso. In
terment at Charles Evans Cemetery.
None butt thomdeprived of this blessing know
of its loss. The pimpled, blotched and,,jettercd
egvered person looks upon a clear , smdoth skin
with jeatousy, -and inwardly desires the sumo.
Those whose systems aro tilled with the virus of
SCROFULA, and other eutnnertus diseases, can
not have good health. When the blood id im
pure, disease is sure to follow.
All have timely warning In those Pimples,
Blotches, Tett Ors, Sores, Molts, , Copper•eolored
Patches, Scales, ae. Avert the calamity by
purifying t he system whit tIM •
• ham 0 Scrofula. takes.a It: NU hold.
How many have the virus; of Syphilis In the
systmn, and in that conditiontontemplate mar
risge, knowing tittle of its baneful influence on
the constitution. To -such we Aty S)TOP. First
clean.e your Self of I host impurities ; of that
scrofulous infectiOn, (wrilelt int marry cases is
heredity in Iho constitution,) botor yon bring
ini-ery on yourself anti off*pring. 't lee V.V.)
per bottle.
Tiii MOST UHRTAIN 11,8,11HDY Evan Usso.
Yes A Posylve Core '
lb" all Divaso Ari ring !rem; Youthful I trli scretion.
Contains no Mineral rni itale•ttn e no Mercury.
Only Lon I iUsla ltt4 taken to effect f:tt cure. They
are entirely t•egetd Me, having' no ;intuit nor any
unple.tsaut taste, anti not in any war Injure
the etotoarlt otk boweis of the most delleate.
Citrus In frinu two to four tlay,t ' and recent/east;
In wentt - ifour honni,• Sent' by urtli. PI Ice—
Mole packagei VI, Female 0.
Bold by li trvey Birch, Healing, Pa., luta 113
lIMSMOND & Co., Proprietors
ttee:.6-Iyl „915 lisoo Street, Philadelphia.
11 P. M
1 0
B an — k ers :Ri. N 9K „,.1-111 1 4rjet. ! Like the vOleano, Dolls Ore 149n0 10 the foul
quote us" follows t and fiery contents of the deep, interior. To rer
ItaAnrrro, Fel), 15.4 move the oauso of such suffering It Is onl!i
114 surf to vitalite the 111004 by supplring it with
111 ) I 114 - Life Etertient,litos •'
• tto!.i
Old U. S. 6's IFt4 . • • •
Old U. 13.3's 1t 4 62 - •
Now V. S. 5.2ri, ISA, July and Jan.
Now U. S. 6-'2o's 1,911:), May and Nov'. •
Now U.S. isss, now
New tr. 5.5.20'51667 July and Jan. -
New U. S. 5-200,1%.4,-
Tun !Forty Bowls, . .
Gold lit ,gew Yhrk no to 12 o'clock,
Gold In Itosillntt at lit 4lnnur k Mo.:.
T 0 ; YSki-k-N-S.
NEW YORE, Augtu , ,t t th, 1417,
A lloN% me tO call your at tent ton tony pit EPA
The emolument part 4 are BUCURT LoNfu
vneno. an•
niper ries, V distillation, to forte a Ono gln.
Cohobs extracted by di.4placeinclit by liquor ob
tained front .fueiper Berries containing vary
little stigat„a small proportion ,of lilt it, and
more patiatalde th:in lttly IiOW , use. 7he active
properties ai e I+y this motto ex: meted.
Ituchh,ayprepat by Druggists gonerallk t Is
of a 'dark. color. It is a plant that Oto it s its tra
granee ; the action of a 1141110 dtstro) (its
active priniiple), le,ving it dark and glutinous
decoction. :11inli Is (Ito color of IngreAlentd. The
ltuchn in my eparat hin t edoniinates ; the
smallest quantity •of the other ingtedients aro
a,l,lott, to pi: r OM, fet utettlivatin ; upon inspee
lion. it will bo found not It) be Tincture, as
made in Pharinaeopwa, nor is it it By rap—and
111'1;0 - 010 call lie used in etises tt het o fever 01 n•
In this you intro the knowl
cdL;e of the ingredients and the mode of.nrepant
hoping that you 11 ill fllVol' it with a ti htl, and
OW orlon la.pi•ct ion it meet with your op
prohat Mu, With a fp. 111.1. t of confidence,
1 ant, vefy espial fully,
•l i. T. II ELNIIIiIT,D,
Chenii,t 1,:',1 , 2. 4 2: 1 ,t of le. l'eat'A•
unee t and now located at
1111 Drug and %Vat ehout,e,
it• av, New Yo t
(Flom the largest Nianttfact big ehenit z ,ty to
Zile W1)11t1.1
1 ant:
~. (itialitted itbilr. 11. I'. Withheld ;he
neeupitil the Drug, store opposite my residence,
and %in" stwee.4,-ftil in comittetitH,' the bushtess
ii hete otheiB hail not been uquall;y 80 before
111111. 1 bit''O 111'1'11 tilVol'llllly impressed with hi s
charzteter tilt t•rprise.
1,T.1.1Nt W1:1011T3i AN.
Firm of 1'01V4.1'9 1 g lit man, M tt (got
fu Chemists, Ninth and Brown Street's,
HEINIIOI,I.'I Pi.utn ExTitArr Itreitr, for weak
/W.IA au kIIW 12Ulll 111111 . -4_l'H kill. Thu li)t(lti
pow tn.:, of moon) which are neenliqlftlliell 1/V 1 4 0
many alarming ann u l;; which will 1)0
1 . 1111.1, 111111...18.-.LI 1011 10 1:\e1 ilOll, 1.08)s of ',llemo.
W et itt Illy 3.4 Horror of tdse.tsc, or Fore.
hodbors of Evof i hi fact, ei sat Lassitude,
Pryst t ion, and lnahil;ty to enter into the ell-
Jov i ment s
Tiw Uon,titution, once aireeted with Orgitide
Weakite , ,s, requires the .1.1 of Medicine to
-strengthen and Invigorate the iirlitout, which
II rit ALT invariably
(102'4. 11 110 tll , lll 1102111 1s submitted to, Consutup•
tiou or Insanit ‘ Y ensues.
H 001.0'8' ExTitACl` Beall o. in afPoc
peculiar It! Females, 14 immittalled by ally .
01 111'1' prepltrut 1011;118 in 011101'08 14, 01' 141te1111011,
I'llllll - 1110Vn4, Suppeession of Customary Evac
uations, ricerated or Sell irrns State of the Ute
-1111, 111111 till complrtints incident to ih n
. o ex ,
whether al 'sing Don t habits ot diisipat !im
prudence hl, et the decline or change of life.! 11L - mic AND Is.
ICOV Ell RUSK A1I( \VIII 111.1IleItlIV exterminate.,
from the system disease:3 arking fren4 habits ofl
dissipal loutat little expense, lit (le or no ,
change in ti'let, 110, - 111(1011 I'l . lllllllell 01 exposure •
completely impel sekilin4 those unpleasant apt?
dancrerowl remedies, Copaiva teal Merenry4 in
all these diseases.
, (Ist! tII:I,MItoLD'S FIATID EXTRACT 111111 U In all
diseases or the organs, whether lu male or fe•
male, from whatever canae origin ding, aml no
mat ter'of how tong standing. - it ps pleasant In
ta:ate and oilor,'!•linnuel late In aqtion, and more
qtre»gthening than any of the preparations of
or Iron.
TLoau sulfuring from brolcen•down or delicate
cons! itut Imis, procure the remedy at once.
The reader must he aware that, however slight
may be the att'ack of the above diseases, it Is
certain to affect the bodily health and mental
Alt the above cllseaqeg rlointra the aid of a
Diuretic. 1 1.1) , 8 ESTIt ACT BUCIIU la
the great e Marta le.
Sold by Droggist.4 every - where. Prim-141.25
per bottle, or fi tio tfes for st;.su. Delivered to
tiny add( 1)(:•1 . 11/A Symptoms in all column
idettt tons.
Address IL T. lIELMTIOLD, Drug mid Chemical
Warchonse, 591 Ilrofolway, N. y.
hi strcel-eaVraved winpper, WWI Me-simile of
my Chemical Warehouse, and signed
glee, 23-2nlet - i,Ltiv I 11. T. HELM BOLD,
, - --401Z1•0-
Among the many,
, restorat Ives which nature
has torpplicti to relieve the afflictions of human
ityt there ia'nernore favorite one for ft certain
eho±-, of diseases thr the "medical gnm"i of the
Cherry Tree; but however valuable It IN
/U 3,110 W(3l' to hail, to soothe, to relieve and to
cure, is enhanced tenfold by :Al:Milne aml
dicions eomblnatinn .With other Ingredients, in
tlf emtielves of equal worth. This happy mingling
exists to a remarimble,degree In
Dr. Wi.slar's I.l , tisa in of Wild Cherry,
Whose vitt no in curing Coughs, Colds, Pronolii tip,
Whooping Cough,' Croup, Asthma, Pulmonary
Affection, and Inelp:ent Coasittnption is illeS•
From BEN.). 11'iirrr,!:R, , Depot Master of
South B r o.\ 11410 n, .
"In he surin.; of B:ist Ny:1•; floor severely af
flict etl wit h u hard, dry cough, n ith its usual
CM1111:111110.001i 01 night sweats, Completely pros.
totting iny nervous stem, and•produeing such
aArlinitate l id,tt e of health that, after Mimi
114(110(11 add Ito no purpose 1 had given up all
lonni4 of uy reCOV eri it-31rtd also my trleinht.
At this sowc of matters I Wasi preyalled Upon
through the hilluenee of it lielghbOr 10 try Who
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and, before using
two bottles, the etfeet WllB 1111110 A magical. My
Cough tint irely left me, the night sweats (lest!) ted
me, hope nu .e more elate.' my depressed spirits,
!ma sO , lll 1 had attained n (nand ntrengt and
vigor. Thus has this Balsam, as has often been
remarked by persons conversant Willi the above
fact-, ilter.iity snat , died me from the yaWilillg
Y 0101•0141 111)el y to u•.•o thin for thepen•
chi of the u7lhrled, '
rnPrepari4l by NETII NV. FOW LE A: SON, IN Tre
ont sire et, Union, null tor sale by DruggistV
g l enerally.
nitres In In. very 141iout Mao
ill'it.llNS, SALT ItHEIDI,
It is prompt in act removes pain at once,
tiro most looking swellings
an l lons ' as by italic-11ms atioriling
ralief a comple te Caro l jai) 2-1 \yiht
I tinHnighty In the Haber
Fieretny wielded by c ea
Glorious In the stalwi 8111ainur,
Laughing at the Merin anti wave
Ileauteona in the palace pillars,
saving In the pointed rod.
As It brinto the4eadly lightning
gnelled and hat ntles, to thew('
But there is n gierto6 ePienee,
Where I take my grandest power,
Glvina to the RACE my surest,
Sweetest aid, in clanger's hour.
X6O! before me fly disease 4!
See the darkest hytlrto , bow !
he , ' ihu.rose of health and bettety
Take the palest cheek and brow.
Fie, dyspepsia! fly consumpt lon !
''es, all ills are trashed at length,
For 1 give what human nature .
Only ever needed—STRENOTII I
Shall 1101 in what great essence
I can thus vont - spirits cheer up!
Pallid, trembling, dying sufferer,
'Tis the famed "Psauvier SYnv
The PE HU CI AN SIIII7IEIB protected solid ion
of the Protor.ble of Iron, a new diseffery fig
Inedieine that strikes at the root of disease by
supplying the bloNl with its vital principle or life
The genuine has "PenevrAti Svnur" blown in
the glaszt.
Pamphlets free.
J. P. DINSNICtitE, Proprietor.
No :pi !ley St., New York.
$!11(111y all Druar4l,its
It is w stl knwv that the benefits iled veil from
drinking? of uie Cesea.:,3, Sal:Ale:lA and other
I . clebrated Springs Is principally owing to the
glint' the: C011t.4111.
De. 11. Astrlrc's lodine, Water
Ceetti.M3 Iththic hi the same Duets state that it lo
(rand in the:3,3 spring waters hut over 500 per
Cent, mare in (in.. Wily, containing iti it does 1 1 4
grains to each ounce, 0 isielved In pure wa
ter, ivithaut n snlvent, n 4114,covery long sought for,
in this eamitry tont ktreupe, and is the best rem
; taly in the tvorlit for ,Verninta, Cancers, Sall
Ulcers, anA all . Amato f. CirenlarS free.
NiMUlt E, Proprietor, - 3 I My street,/
New Y'ik, 401 , 1 by all rirttgitki (riOSN-Itnlt w
, 10 he MI st-rahtes I—Mtagatiteu and C'nfortit
nal e Voting Men.—Eiiayti of IVarningaud lust rm.
lion for Voting Men, who have abutted their phy
stet.' powerß, or wasted their sulNtanee In riotmo
liviug i atol fallen Viet line todivease, wit it Reports
on the !toward treatment and cure. Sent in
sealed letter ouvoloues, free of charge. Addresi
Dr. J. SICILIAN lIOUGIITON, froward Assoeht
tton, Philadelphia, Pa. [July
MOtleir Mt. e•kel.
(it protected solution of the Prottrkitio of iron)
will do this etTeCtually, givo ' strength, t igor
1111t1 lie le We (0 010 N9lOlO SyS(0),01.
Refract of a letter from Ray. IticitAat) s, E04:3,
B at ton. 141u,15.:
"For years I Nrlt4 a sufferer frourltolls, so that
my We became tin ough their fru
(pieta a
nd persistent recurrence; finally a car
buncle termed in the small of my baek. Paring
its progress largo pieces of decoutpOsed flesh
were every' day or two cut away, and , the pros
tration and general disterbance of the system
were great. Before 1 had recovered from this
at tack two smaller carbuncles brake out higher
up, end 1 was again threatened with a recut.
tenet) of the sufferings to which I had so long
been subjected. It wauvat this timo I commelwea
taking the PERUVIAN SY RCP. i continneti ta
king it ling! I had used live bottles since then
I have have had nothing of Mb kind, for years I
N‘IIS ono oh thegreatest suiferel s. tit her medicines
gave me partial and temporary relief, but this le
markable remedy, with a kind of intuitive sense,
%%cot directly to the root of the , evil,
its work w . ifit it thproughite69 molthy 01 its es !
tublislopt character,"
A3l pate Paniphlet sent -free. The genohn
has "Pi. at \ lAN SVRI. r" blown in the glass.
J. I'. pINSMORE, Proprietor,
• No. it De y street, Nvw lurk
Sold by drugglst3 generally. ,
'l•he' beg( known renmly for
In all it% manifold forms, including I7e( r$ Offi
ce es, 51.'411113, 4rtt Rlleun►, Cimstimpomi,
A NM:ll.i' !WM NE W . AT etn, a, pure bolution 01 Ind inn
without it solvent, liscovereti after many , ears
of seinntillo research and experiment. For
eradicating humors from tho system, it lito no
equal. Circulars sent true,
Sobl by all thipilsts.
take pleasure in informing thopeople of emit%
and vicinity, (but more particularly all goo,'
ilottsokoopors) that they aro uninulacturinft dr,d
introducing a Soap superior to all others for the
following purposes:
FllttiT—Tor °leaning' Paint, Wood•work; Mar
ble, ato, •
SECOND—For Cleanlog (and Polishing at thi
samo Limo) Metals of all dosoriptione.
Housekeepers osn atonoosodtho groat adVan•
tae of th,s,-alt it is entirely unnecossary to keep BA
hcrotoloro, Polishing Powders, Brick Dust, Sand,
Ashes, &c., &c.
THIRD—Fora Palm pr Bath Boar. especially
•vhere (herb- aro any impurities or stains upon the
hands, such as Paint, tirtaim of any kind, Printers . '
Ink &c. ~to. !,
POUB,yII and last—Par the thoutiiii:id and one
other purpos.s for which ion!), is in constant use,
and which it is itupossiblo to enumerate at this
for each and every purpose above mentioned, To
ho used in thesamo manner as any other Soap with
this exception, that it ohly requires ONE-Till IRU
the amount of our Soap to hecomplish the same re
sults as others, end ONE-THIRD of tho TIME
and LABOR saved,
WANTED. every Pereon in Reading to try
31,(;) Kid, (hired ,- Fxchigiretv 6p the Greg( A picric:
&lap (b.:103 Arch .S'rreet. I'hilodelphia•
II A RRIS dr, O 0 . , Ilropriotore.
43 - 4 - 13UAKROLPF,A A MADEIRA, Corner of Fifth
and IVasitingtOfi Strout?, Sok Agoral for Reading,
• " rin/
Tho Soap is now offered to the Public at the fol
lowing Stores:
Stauffer & 8110'1(01(1er, Yocum & Muslim.
A. Pottoiger, 4 Jlerbine & From,
J. & 11. Saylor, E. 0. lleiliter,
Hafer & Boone, F. B. Fiehthorn,
. Keiser, ° Ilinnershits & ap,
.1, Dundoro, C. Ileffel(inger,
A. Swart,,, P. Shaeffer,
J. 0. Thomas, D. P. troth & Co.,
F. Keffer & Bro., - M. Keifer & Son,
J. 11. Ilildeboitol, J. K. Boyer, '
W. Stott Jardine, '
D. llemelig, 3. High,
P. Dehart, - 'J. Kline
W. Boyer, Ott & Bolter.
NF \Y MEAT MAR li.Err.
rlll E underssgned having opened a new M P.AT
ISTORE under Library llull corner of Filth
and Franklin Htrects, respectfully solicit a shoe
Of pdblic patronage. Always on hand a full h‘lp.
ply Of all kinds of Meat, Sausage, Scrapple, 4.c„
&c., at reasonable prices. All orders promptly
filled, rind customei s Served at their houses,
'Jan 2t)-aniod UDICNBUSII
. 11. M A liK Y .‘zCO;. ,
No. 11S Plum s!reet i. below IFrankilit, be-
tween Sixth rata Seventh streets,
lirspectfully inform tho citizens of Reading and vi
cinity, that they are manufacturing the very beet In
grain. all-wool Carpets, ever offered in this vity,
tent patterns - and colors, Wholesale and retail at
New York prices. '
Wo invite the public to examine our goods before
puroinsirm eleewhero, and save I„5 per cent) Buy out
of first crass hands and Faye money
(1.11-3 in B. 11. MARRLEY & CO.
,Corner 4th and Spruce Street.
(The ill* Lumber litrd On 4(h scree!, below Tenn.)
We have coma:Lally on bawl a large asaort,
meat of all kinds of Lumber, Which will be die.
imbed elf at the low'e'st market -prlues In tt'suntl•
ties to itult purclamero.
AUG. F. 130A3. GEO. VV.
F 0). NA Gl
' ,
311 N U F
AcTu „,
v. IL .
The undorsigned offer for Bali), at reasonable
Apply at tho A ouni 011ie°, or address
ItlTTlillt Sr, CO,
One of the rnof4t readable bodlteoßbllebed. For
sale by RITTER k CO„
Eagle Book Store
351 Ponu street s 114:401ng.
lloy stivot, NVNV York
(fob 6-4 w d w
'OR 1:1:N --•A - , E..cona Story Room, tlt tho
k. , ,0ynt.,), of 1 - 111 an,t W itslitngtoa stwets snit
a tile tor a L odao ltco n
h or other
purposes. A pply
:•oon, to No. Fifth awl Washington sts.
)I111.1t; S.'tT.l..—\fill he soli% at l'obllo Sale, on
t :loth Vol). I;v9at ono o'clook%
tlt the ltey,tone llottso, Alll that eortaln lot
or ptroo of , rronntl with tho Ihroo mom. BRICK
P: Ltd Sti !IOU:N thereon, Nttuntetl on rho
South Eaatoi n twiner of and Ft•anklln
st reelq, Healing. Said lot, hohag X foot In front
and hit reel (101 l loon , or less. The liothle IN tillb•
Stant 131, 1111%1 tit; quito rocontly t hotouglil y
repai rot, and hai aII 1110 modern eon ven loneeS
with gas, range. Awl 1.,t1 h 0 0th
Tet ins will 1 , 0 nnt,lo.r.t,v.--
W. V. \ ON, Allki ion kbeAllii
GI:N;F:sc}: oFrIcE.
.11ist ()penetr.(r South Seventh street.
all etlice g, nl informal ion cam hll laid.
\V' ray , •pecial nttemtion to fill nballng gcattl
yiale help for la it - ate (Amino , : and laltels. Th(qe
Ito; , mitt boil) N% 011i(t tit) well by giving as it
call, all , e 1 ttom this (alive tt UI
come m ell rec , -allorlaletl. 11 r al•to farnimli tt tax
rot 010-,. mew., ~ ..11,11 itH clerl.4, bar
tendei -Itli MR11110110( SOICE.II
IValitetl, 11> rt . entlentall souleullat
111 %eats, tt situation as I%atelitalaft; 4:?1,11 VOlllO
11iLtItly leeounnen , leil to v influential eitltens of
t i t i tt CU v . A 1,%, n t u . ut v ouutry , ovt, eapahlo of
11011161 gelll9lo 11011,m 11011:. 111 1111`1 office,
•.:•••, south s‘eentli street,
jail :: i-31iIt1
NTEIII;` , TINt; toot and Shoo
I Mauntactot t,• , ‘ II Lnoxu nlltlrr,ih&' old ttrm
of " I.rl-: X L i ," oppo,lto tho market
hou'u', Itas untielgoac a tholough change, tho
itutlcrsinucd 1)1,0144 t:t4en tho \( 1101) killa.l 1411.
104 .1 )I.lllll', :mil 1% 11l tho
t.auu• tt ith much !no, unirstmlued
and to thogiunt, , id utttago of ltty ctudoinerm.
1 con-hict• a IP', My, theirtoto, to 111101111 all
tub frit.ll , l,-. :tn.( quaint Raul tile old rik
tl'ollv :c'nrl:tllt, that I At 11, 1:0C1) C(Ili011 oil
lit 114iI MI 111 IA N‘Otilen'ti and
chlltltrll • . hip, clot anti mu.
1 , 0000 ; (.11 it, I ;04 and
tiztio.iiir, 01 tilt l,luti 1 itho hate always Oa
bland tivinhot rult Show 01 , 40111er \%Ork Is
prOlll iltIV nittt cairfullt ntlemleil to, an t i shoes
IWO hoots at tow talcs rcpalrt , tl out
Milt 1101 ICO. 11;1111. Jul fyi past favors, Ow tin•
w , ul,l e• s olicit, it khan) of
piddle jiationa.:,,•. I'llll,ll' I,EISZ,
hoot and Shot , Manufactory,
No, O.'. :),Ittarc, Renaltig.
I ).\-!\ It IN lit d'•••1..
(I'll-2:t.N% 1
13L - PIIONG & 111 Z()„
11 A N E R
11calt\is hi
s. Ii )N Ds sTOCK,
N'Elt .1.N1) COITONs. -
IV I' ,
.N 1 t)Eli AND I'IIILADELNII,% , l Ihsvoqita
()pen (t , 9 (t. 1)1. Cle.l' (ft 3V.
i 1
WILL Y t HEAD Tills 1
14ttllittt, Jaw. N. 11 . Ili. C. lirousp,
N0..2”1 :.( , 1111) Filth , nut v tin. M. M. (111 tv
Chi. only t httlg \110(11 huv givoin strength to Ilk
btol;citIll'1»--1111, 11 , 110 it In •111-4 family for
akshe, Numt fywitvii fey' . f orm i m t.
Itt each t`ll , o it Ny( 1 11(1(411111 y quick mitt I lulled
cal it.
E. FOX Provvi , tor of stop. ‘ Iner4
that Owen ot thollll calc,l a 'spala in
vnlninn l hr vino at +,1(.41.
.1111 IN I . oll.•ptaim, t-ayi tho Oil earvii
him of a ,Havera Irut•tuit of t hum,.
Tho above, named put ~ ons ate 'well known in
111 ICillii3 itn4l RI (. living 1% 1111VNSP4. -
1111Villlf 1111'11 4 110111111111 P ( 1 0:3tlI110113 at tilt)
lotus V.'l) illiV4`lll 3111 l Willi thu
Ul )1 It ) I{ E
giving 111() , A3 poinilAr ;vet\ air
COM, 17.1tTS,
ilvem ;t y In add inoro
ilu Alaoodoffitui Oil Co. will fOllO
I ( }()
if ally‘h) , ,,) 11 will flu hi4h 11 , 1 .
1111111 V :4'ool et•l'l !Ile 111' 14 1111111 1 1 1'01111111'111 1'1(1%1111S
In tho elky.,no,l \ whiff • vm I hos() who have heln
cutest by ti tiNt. of N 1 1 1t11111111111/11-4.101 1111
Pito:. It.11)1()::1),
The (ici w rn coil 1:111(i , h h•ettirtrof (h i . Compa
Ily i sloppilig at l lto lit. —I ofic. 11010+0 anti purclut4ll
a Inl3llo of tho tlll , or rcrt•lv,t Itch'lC(3 mid I cut
hce of ( !mtg.!.
Al:.+A)-4 4 01,11,‘
'-' In the Orphans' Court of:Alert:a County. ,
1.;‘,1 e /i/n!,(/.9vot, late ol said coon.
ty (1(4.4.41 , (41:--To 9t:ff . • Itolfoittoto, l'ou'r Illntt
Ittnati o lacoh 1;11w:toll to One pet It too(•i ),
Itingatomt,ight et, hiti•l intturi”,t josevlC
Hoch., m,try titan wft4
MoN or, a n d 111(4 kitten died, leity.titu i.yul. tofir
ehliklt en, to 1$ kr: l,hnt lon ltt loot , Clara 1(loyo4.,
%Valium Moyer analA hut t : 1 1orcr,thotzalit
Nylji il l ll ni t ot t 1,1 itg lot no; livorgo
tittat4l,out, ( at ti,ti Inc BioLtOoll 11, n hOldt-0
died, Ie tv 011 . 0 (I,ll>l to : .111110.4 M.
Lyons; EliZaksth V.IIO NV/O1 V1111(111
"..M1 with
Chat It-. s •ityl:4•l', Q.lOl V. Ito (ItVit 1A•110 1111. (loat h
01 sntol 11111• , 1:110, 11 11;1 tight di 1141 run,
to wit : l'"); , 10 101 4 %V Moot' : - ;'pyher, .11(.xito,
(ler s=1)) ‘5 Illt (
Egf`llhal), Itobooc f, tilll , llloill tool With AtOttlialli
11011M11; Sat nit A. Eltzabellt Spykor, mot
Catlotrolo - •
Nol Ice 14 111 .. 11 . 1.',' cell, l h nt by v111)1t. of 1.1i(1
itbi,v(; It 4)1 • 444i1, nn 11)4014•4 11111 In' 10°141
on the tit , 1111 v. ~ 1 Ilia drepat-,c(l, to the
til Itoucling, fliq h.; eetAnty, fur the pal 'twat
of making tifitm to flli4l milting the helve anti
legaktf . .nt u:wittatives of rsatil ilectaleiti, or valuta
-11(1/1 or tinvtai,eternt or 11)4. 1(1.111 EAtitte, ias in
it 1(.9411u:41, awl that the 1111111 infinevt,
shall, nivel tet lb pat pe,eatert2al,) at, the al“Aa,
inentlcalell nlitee, 'flitirmlal, filo 18th (lay of
march, A, D., I t,, , ,)„1tt I e'rhwk in the afternoon.
at \title)) tine. and ',hut tile said partiem elm at -
tentl if tiws• pro
teh ) NV.II„ It. A1,111(11111'1,',
.IT . XE(LiTo its , KALE: OF VA u
4111.1.; LSTA 'f —On Wolin-tatty l'ob
rum y 211 11, I)-0, %%ill he 'OW lit jlll l / 1 10
tho 11.1 IA .4 1114'11(41 Of Gem Re Whit.
deep 6 .. o l, Inlfloy 11.10 p, Bel ka county,
tho Real E-litte, to ti it :
No, 1. A V A ARM, in 0 hivit slate
of cultivati/A, containing 112 act es, morn of
tt• a ti; 1,1111 , ! Strut and
ttllh 11111 I . olloki.lll}l 11111•1()%1ALIt.111`i t V 117.: 0116
tWO•Stilly 11111110 : - .,TON 1; 1/NVIA/1.1 NG, of
; firm% 0 mastic finish;, ono stnnu Swiss J ti trn,
tiro-story r.toitu Pig ity, lit/ go iratno.Wagon
House with Corn Ci /lis, too frame Carriage
llouseA, one f. aloe Wood I low/e, one stone. Smoke
floo H o %%11b1/...1 tine Sptlog of wittec
derncatti, and other Mt of the ifore
going inlin'ovcinent -, With the ((tricot, are in ex
cellent condition, , Thera aro two Apple 0 1 ...
of v.lllOll contains over h)) choice
ti ces ; itko, live 111'1, 0 1 1 4:1111lig -, 1)1•Iligti of W it t er ,
On the /yam.: v;itiatt yards of the,
linprrweinenth above described, arcs a lino vro
story i-tonq DiKell lug llouhe, Barn, Sittugh
ter firm -vomit other building-4, olth t Welk
of excellent V. 111.1.1 :11111 it
,) Wing 14/14:01V1141•11 Of
The above .le. , eribr :1 prolllhldB will be sold in
the Ns hole or in taper/de tract ii to stilt purcha
sers, as follov.4:
Ftnt-- 7 rf he orit;insi farm, conqisting of 70 acre",
wort) Nvith tins iniproyeinents flint above
,ecf. , 7l//-13 ,term , inorn" or tho Jast,
ttbovn dr , ir• t il,rrl 11111110V(.1iiviii
lU') I: ()I' /(." , 4, to 1.110
1111-, I , One 01 the 111,est and 1110 st dettirablo
farms In Ilot 'lh • e grounds sun minding
114 Won I(ii 1111: iitl'icii garlluue, aro
hettutiltilly Elie (Jill 111111 ill•COlitteti with dower
ing -liriiidterv, ft nit and oruttutental
trees, ,Ve. ii 1, located 10 t h e teitile vidley 01
()ley towii , 1111), 11c1;.4 Pottol y, tit the lermi»ns
of the flought-sville 'l•u tnl,ilce,n.milel North 01
DOORl:et•s‘ die, on 1 lje Reading and Turn
pike, 10 wiles E:e•t. of Reading, awl within half
-a wile Of the jilop(P.(11 int Ili ri!ti eminecting the
East Pertn-N Ivaula with the Philitdl3l
- and Rt.:R.lllu; Rail' 0.01 through this valley.
No. 2. A tract of land in Fail township, 1 utile
distant front sail faint, emitalltifllf 4 acres f
cultivated laud, awl 7 act es of CHESTNUT
I•I'IMUT '1 ho ilnlnnvelneits are a
• D'XELLIN Li 114 Stable and oilier
'with ntn cNeellent Spring of water.
No, ;•,, A 1•1 y T 1 t o t of CII.P,STI'itIT TIM
BER (if y(al ,);• it), (.oittai»lng 17 acres,
more or less. lit i t ;nu tint of 11 on Ore upon
11119 traef.
iirerCl',oll"; A% , hung t > the pipintsca
before (lay of ! , ale, ate ii,%itcg,t to call at any
81,10 to colninen(q. n t 12 o'r loPk noon, wln , n COn
(llttong ut r,alle wl!1 110 ITIRIIC known. .1.11)tnal
term; to 1,1o1.1!n-,Lti,
EAINE! , I *
U ,;1.1-3.4
tALD NE %i Sl'.ll'3 ler Fate et the GAzETTS
' - Oinee, NV. CI4 Penn atm.:C. • lieu Li
:,1:4'11103 - , Doctor 'Ziegl4.l
fiati 13