Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 15, 1869, Image 2

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14 1 1gle ),)!; Store, ADLER
GAZEM & DENIOCItAI have been re
moved to . 5'!2 Penn -Btredt,
Schniucker Houße building, op.
piimite the Keytitone 1101189.
the DAILY EAGLE will . luireafter
be charged at the rate of ten
cents a line for the first inser
tion, and five cents a line for
each -additional insertion.
'!'l►u following article, from "Brick Pottle
toy's Now York Democrat, expresses our lieu
tiinents so exactly that we publish it entire:
ID a few days the last of the Presidents , o
the United States, in nee t ordanee with, an,
agreeing to the Constitution of tho couistry,
will have vacated the Executive chair and
the destinies of America will pass in'.o the
bands of its lirYt Dictator. Aided and bucked
lin his efforts for power for hinoelf innd.plun- .
',der for his minions, by a parliament of thieves,
robbers, land grabbers plunderers, extrava
gant ariStocrats, tools of tyranny, and fit agents
fur the bonded slavo•holders of the land, it is
with a feeling of sadness wo look upon the fu
tore of aids country. It is with a fooling of
i t
drem or the peace, prosperity, and good name
of A rica that we lament tkle day' is so near
when to last of our constitutional Presidents,
or Presidents who believe in the Constitution,
and faithfully endeavor to uphold it, shall be
compelled in obedience to lawa made by the
,people, and tweeted by him, to leave the
chair of State in the halide of a man who baa
no polity, no aim, no ambition other that) to
please a tow mon who are his keepers.
We did not volt) that Andrew Johnson should
bo President. On the contrary, we "voted
against him, worked against him, spent money
against his election, did all in our power
openly, earnestly, and honestly to defeat him..
Not becauso ho was Androw Johnson, but
beennso he was the candidate of a very bud,
selfish, wicked, unprincipled party. But wo
have learned to resptV Mr. Johnson ;_to look
upon him as a statesman and a lover of his
' country. tVe have learned to admire Idm as a
p ros ident. Our sympathies have gone out te•
ward him front day to daY, ae wo have seen
him struggling against fearful odds, shielding
the last remnants of the Constitution and
liberties of the people, only by most wonderful
determination, tenacity, and regard for cons
titutional obligations, that the laws might live
though ho might die. Wo have learned
to respect him, for he has shown himself wor
thy Of respect. We have learned to regard hint
as the upholder of liberty,the law and the Con•
stitution, for he ltas proven himself worthy the
confidence of every man who loves the right
and hates the wrong. As he has defenld the
Constitution, others have made war upot hint.
As he has endeavored to protect the States
bleeding at the feet of power, others, by
gal enactments and unjust laws, have shorn
hint of all power to' protect, till he stands in
the political world a monument of better days,
proud, erect, and upright, as he has been de•
voted to liberty, a pattern for other statesmen
to emulate, a most terrible shame upon those
who, in warring upon him, have warred - upon
the rights and interests of the people who
elected them to servo rather than rob them.
When Johnson goes, the Constitution goes
with him. On the Fourth of March, when
he leaves the White Ilouse, the, last of the
Presidents leave; the first of the Dictators en
ter. There will be no more Presidents - in this
country till Democratic party comes into
power,' and elects men of boldness, pluck,
earnestness, and ddision of character, and
regard for constitutional obligations—mon who
will care more for the people than for a select
few who now boast their ability to rob the peo
ple of their earnings and States of
their rights at every whim and pleasure.
We blame Johnson for a few things. Wo
blame hint for ever having to do with that'
party of thievevatul tyrants who break mon
they can not bend. We. blame him for not,
when once he had the opportunity, breaking
the egg before the serpent was hatched, which
has coded itself about the throat of the Execu•
live, deprived him of power to protect . the
weak, or punish those who offend the laws.
We blame hint for not declaring Congress a
body of conspirators long since, and immuring
them. in some of the prison ships of the coun
try or, blowinu b them into the air. Wo blame
him for not taking the power from Congress,
by force if necessary, and :_holdingl it in the
hands of an honest man, rather than suffer it
to be taken' from kitn for the benefit oedi.ilion
est men.
B u t we have more . to respect, than: blame
him for, but trust the State of Tenliessee
at its earliest opportunity, make lam'. (lover:
nor, or return hinito \Vashington to lookAtior
her interests. There is life in Andrew John.
8,011 The day is coming when he will
have it in his power to settle with very many
of hid eneMies 'either directly, or by the Ilia,
etrorts, or interposition ofmen who, like
love their coutf,try'. s ,
Arrmas.----On .Thursday.. the Senate
Comniittee Indiail'AlfairS examined Col. J.
11. Leavenworth, Agent of 'the Canninehe,
Apacho and Melva Indiens, ' relation to the
attael,cintide by.(lH.•Cnstcr on the eanip of
111110 i . Kettle. COL Leaven statement
' contradicts Uen.Custer's repoi•On nearly every
material point. Ale .• 'said ' • there
were but thirty lodges •'
'when Custer reported. lifty-three,
“hat there wore, but to 20 warriors
and Custer.reported Itl3 'Cot, Loivedivorth,
,said that there were ikhout eighty-liVe wham'
and children and that the Indians all
agreed in'their assertioa.that twenty-eight. set
(hers were found by them tohave been killed-,
the white.eaptive woinaly the CoI
onet said,ttnist have been shot by-the troops;
as the Indians Ittlirnt that/she Was struck while
running towards the soldier's,. the linnet enter
ing her face 'and passing out al Ow back of ho
head.— rhitit. Ledger..
• These. Indium iige,nts should he pu't o
on 'the Prairie in a body,' so
Custer and his cavalry
have, a lair chance at them.' The 'sooner the
• are wiped '
out,'' as !be. In4inns
Kettle's band were, the bettor ,for both kite
Indiahs and the whites. Those Who ore
iar with the character t f Indian agents ge i ner.
ally, will know whether to believe Custer 'or
RI m3 . tosn L. Jones, FAQ:, hail our thanks
bound Copy of the Report of the Supe
rintendent of. Common Schools of Penneylra.
One of our employees has handed us a copy
of the Reading Times of Tuesday, 9th ifist 4 ,in
Which it is. stated that "tli . Eagle newspaper
was forced to go to,-New Jersey for-its eagin6, l ,
and Harrisburg for
,its boiler.". This state,
znent,as;Might be t expceted from such a sotirec i
is false. Th e boiler of the' Eagle establishment
was made in Reading, by, Diellert &
, Kinsey,
and Put in position by the same firm. The
engine would have been procured in . Reading
also, but for the fact that none of the proper
Bizo'coulia_ be had here, and it was found, after
the building wits in process of erection, that
there was no space to spare—TC:onsequently an
engine of a peculiar make, occep,ying very lit-.
tie space, was obtained elsewhere.
WA should not have been aware of this ink
statement had not an inquisitive employee
unearthed the ebpy of the Times containing it
from the depths of a pi to of pap , ..l in the
corner of our paclan4 ruo;o. A we :iappose
that very few people havu'r,:a4 the article, we
will not charge anything, for this notice of the
ONLY eighteen days more of Andy Johnson.
Praiso the Lord ! —Journal. ' '
i Praise the Lord, for what, neighbor? Why
do you wish to add blasphemy to your already
many sins of !wing a Radical? If these are
.1111 the kind of pritis6s yotk intend to chant to
the Lord, your chances 'tor over getting to,
Heaven are exceedingly slim I Praising the
Lord, because a man has nobly and fearlessly
Mono his duty, Ilt ing the fear of God and dire
' I
respect for his ()a h before him all the while !
It is the worst kitid of an insult to tho Great
Jehovah for any paper to contain such bias
phonons paragraphs, let alone one claiming
so much decency as the Journal, Ad whose
editor has been taught to believe in the conk
imndment, "Thou shalt not bear false wit.
ness against thy ,nfighbor !" ' ,
The New Mihaly Law.
The new Bounty Law, .reported by Repre
sentative 11. D. Washburn, from the CounniV
tee on Military Affairs, proposes to allow
every soldier,_
. sailor or marine (including
slaves and these recognized by Congress
au act of February 18th, 1862, for the defense
of Washington,) who have faithfully served
and 'been honorably discharged, the sum of
eight and one-third dollars per month for all.
the timo ho has served between April
12th, 1861, and April Wth, 1865. To
any soldier discharged for wounds re
ceived in battle, Or in the lino of his duty.
the allowance shall ho computed to the end of
the term for which ho enlisted. The unmar
ried widow, or if there be i nam,the ebildren,or
if none, the parents of every such soldier, sail
or or marine who has died shall receive the
sum to which he would have been entitled.
But in computing the bounty to a soldier,sailor
or twine, or his representatives, all bounties
heretofore paid, Or now payable,by the Lotion,
State, city, county, town or by any municipal
corporation of voluntary association, - and till
prize money paid or payable . 0 1 0 .b e
ducted, so that the aggregate; boutifiesliom all
sources shall in every case equal, and in`no
case exceed $Bl-3 for :cavil 'Month Of actual,
faithful service. But no ono who served as a
substitute, or who Wl.lB a prisoner , ofiwar when
he enlisted, or who was discharged on his aii•
plication, except to be, re, ,, enlisted,.transferiftd
or promoted, or who was discharged on the
ground of minority, sliall.l , l)l'r entitled to the
equalization of bonoty.
A DEmocnAnc INT.-Tho Democrats do
not get due credit always for Iliek interest in •
the cause of woman. The Hevolution'even,
cannot do them simple justice in that respect,
without raising republican dander and bring.
ing down upon it from , that quarter thkery. of;
" Copperhead,Copperhead l" But the
big from the' Now York . E.tipress, a radically
deniocratic organ, is worth 1 - oisidering, do
matter What motive was behinil it
"If St. Loris contains, as is r,eported, over
women who pay taxes on real estate
valued at fourteen and millions of dot
lars, how many taxable women does New York
harbor? And if everything that wears WM..
catedprnients (black, white or yollow,) wil'
be entitled to vote hereafter,irrespective of the'
wishes of the people - of the several states,why,
in all conscience, should the tax.paying women
be excluded from the exercise of the franchise?
'et the women clamor for the enfranchiSement
of' those of' their sex that pay taxes, That 600
step achieved; the whole distance at which they
',now aim, will soon follow."—Revolulion.
A 11'Asittst)ros /titter rays : "Among . the
valuableTpatents which have Tecently expired
and which the Go"vernment has .refused to re
new, is that of Col, lioe, whose.hugo printing
presses may now be manufactured by anybody
with capital onough. Hoe is sprightlin
gentous man, already. a ,
fame, utaliscouragedl and he. has conceived
several new machines, presses
_among them.
There will probably be no competition rith
hint in the.lloe press'-:--in this country, at
rate ; for the. Bullock press, whose processes
ard:more Annpla and more thoroughos thready
thelavorite: This latter, as you
,are aware,
prints on both sides of an endless roll, at. the
rate of sixty-011.db double iMpressions'a'aiin-
O t ioo Jute ox (loon rOttnitts.—A laugh•
abl e jolio 'was perpetrated on some Good
Templark in Wellihk,ton, Ohio, a few days ago,'
by some incorrigible wags. It appears that
while the Templars-were playing "'ren Nights
in a Bar Itootn t "in *the sOtio reprei!entlng a
jovialsct ilnjoying thethsclves in a' bar room it
was neeessiiry to have kbottle Jroin which they
were to drink. Usually it is the custom to
have water colored with brown • sugar, but on
this occasion the wag substituted the genuine
!.0) ( 1 rye," of which the Templars unwittingly
'partook, causing them io do., some splendid
acting. 'Pie 'eutertain t nent WaS voteil a 'bile•
eess. •
• Tnkuew steamer just: nitrouuceninto
f6r highway locimotionis a complete
sticeeSzt. The most- important improvemmit
having the tires of the wheels pilule
of thick vulcanized India rubber. •ITliere is
lessloss of power than With rigidtiresi,'and
the wheelves with no difficulty over plowed
ground. miff noise • and joltA me avoided. Tt
is found quite easy to guidq it even on the
crowded strects, , and to 44w. a heavy load up
a;gradient of 1 - in 12....
.Akc r F4 bocomouvE.!---The N6s , York Wiin
says - oot Mr. Moltz, after_ eight years labor )
has, produced a lecoinotk.e.lwhiCh h!3',' believes
Will' supercede the Use 7 of •SteAtu on rai4toads,
and relieve the public of tho ';.tv iprehenAii. of
dis a strous explo.ifons. . Th inachilLe is 'kelt in
motion icy levers acting on `viii eccentric; which
moves the wheels of the.. °light°. . Balancing
weights' and skin ,, s will iupply the - motive
power. 'The 'bode' ,,, , which is on exhibition in
New:York, cost the , inventor $13,000. • •
Ncrr PEsslos PADIENTs---Thc instal
ments olpensions to he }mitt .on the 4th Of
March next amount, in the aggregate,te fifteen
million of dollars. Theyttylnents - are larger
this .
than usual, owing to.the'_extra,wid
ows' pensions, moat' of which are (Inc in
" champion lady skater;?' of Ituffaloi
New- York, Miss Ad:► I.:oilbout.,! l turn3 out to,
ho a . yodng man named Callie o)rtis, who has
slice been arrested for seducing a chnifiber
u4ht What next
MoNDAY, Feb. 16.
linu. Caleb Cushing has returned to Wash
ington, with the treaty cipeintleof by hirn
reference to the Darien Sliip Can 1.
One hundred and fifty ineligible office liold••
era in Virginia were removed, by Gen .' Stone?
man on Saturday ) and their placea filted by
new appointments.
The. President, on Saturday, nominated.
Judge . Lewis Dent, a brother•in-lar of Gen.
'Grant, as Minister to Chili, in pla4e of (ten.
Kilpatrick. - ,
the position-ofarbitrator ayon a boundary
question between' cireit 13rit • and Portugal,
Las been accepted by the President of the,ll6-
ted States. '
The South American Republics have accept
ed the meditation of the United States in their
disputes with Spain. The Congress of Pleni
potentiaries is expeated to meet at Washington
in the Spring.
The - Democratic Committee of Franklin
county, Pa., have chosen delegate's favoia
ble to the nomination of Gen. Cass for Gov•
. The Eiliscopal Convention of Louisiana
:closed ita session, at New Orleans, on Sat,•
urday, having resolved to establish freed
iligns schools, and raise the Bishop's salary to
$5OOO. '
The President pardoned Sanford P.Con
over, alias Cht4-lea Dunham, under se'n,
teoce fur perjury in the .'Albanypeeitentiary.
Conover was a .witness in the Assassination
The report of the State. Treasurer of Louis
.iana for 1868 shows expenditures,in excess' of
receipts to the amount of $380,00.
Two war parties of Crow and .Blackfeet
dia l na.had a fight on the Yellow Stone river, on
Monday, with the loss of several killed on
both sides.
. It is rumored from Charleston that' filibus
tering parties, including Cubans, aro leaving
various points on the Georgia and Florida
coasts for Cuba.
Three men were killed by the explosion o n
locomotive at'llich Station, on the Union a
oific.Railroad, last Friday.
Three men wore arrested at •Odin, 111„. on
I Friday night, in the act of robbing the mails
while sei u transferred from 'one train
another. The theils.lave boon robbed at that
point for over a year. • • . .
Iniuse in Lewiston, hie,, was robbed:of
several hundred dollars' worth, of
Friday night.
Francis -McQuade, of Lowell . , Mais t ; has
been arrested on the charge °Omitting coun
terfeit foie cent pieces. • ,
• - /V fishing...boat was sunk by collision with a
pailsing vessel in Boston harbor yesterday. r , alid
two men were drowned. • • . •
'The Apollo- Hall Istind,,iitlier buildings, in
Norwich,Conti., wore burned- on Saturday:
night•,,„ oss -
Two elevator firm of Cottrill, & -Dickey, in
Cleveland,-Ohio, have failed 'with • liabilities
stated at. 5200,000, and assets $60,000., ,
A' heavy rain 6U:it'll prevailed Ahronghout
California part of last week, causing the most
destructive flo . Ods since.„lB62. Santa Clara
and San.J.otiqutn suffered most. Railroad add
telegraphic communication was interruptetrin
all directions. • In the mountains there was
deep sno,W, -, but the doleation of the Central
Pacilicjthilrciad trains lasted only a few hours.
There' Was a- slight. earthquake at San Fran,
else° yesterday morning,- „ - • •
South American advices lepOrt h revolution
In F.cuador, ex-President Moreno. havhig, sup
planted Espincis.a.. The rebellion in Bolivia
has been completely stipprossed. Tlaq . ellow
fever contindusito rage in Southey) Tau. •.' •
A bill was to have • heart presented in the
.Newfoundland Legislature, on Saturday, for
the entrance of*Nowfoinfilland into the Tio,
minioN) Confederation. .
• 11'ASIIINGTON,.Feb. 13.
lit the Senate, the credentials of Senators
elect Fenton, of Now York, and Stockton, of
New Jersey, were presented.. • 6 .
Stewaft introduced a bill , to aliow.of
natnializaticiii at once. Mr, Robertson intro
°used a,:onstitutional arnendtudnt providing,
for the decision of question as to the validity
of electoral voter:
The Judiciary Conitnitide reppited 'd - Natitr•
alization bill, making the 'term four years and
six months, and requiring application to be
made of the U. S. Courts or of the Register
iii Bankruptcy. . ,
The River and Harbor bill was recoinmit•
tedi -
In the 'House Mr. Hoo . per's relating to
the reports of 'National Banks was , reported
and passed; also the bill to,. prevent loans on
- United State 'notes.
The hill "to' prevent further increase of the
public debt'' was also liaised, with an amend•
utcnt reetifing.salcs of coin to be at public
audio t. ' •
'TheiScnate bill supplementary to the Na'
tional Banking law was diScussed, and an
evening session s waa held for,general (lobate.
11Y'1 ,E. CUBA, CABLE.
WIT! DRAWN. . . % • "
.. - I[o . kV I sFeb: M--,-- - Catitain Geieriil Dille° .
• .. • •
itis,,pst. issued an important proclainhtion.
fre-reeLtes that .wheretis the insurgents 116%4)
refused up to, to accept; 'the ipiimirty
proffered in his, •former .proclaniation - ; and
Whereas others are
. centinually joining the in
surrectionary forces, therefere the 'proclama
tion of amnesty is withdreWn. • The liberty of
the press is also . suspended for the time, and
theiortner censorship is. re-established, 1- } flie.
printing end distribution 61' mowspapers with
out.,permission from the. government autheri.
,des 18,..prehibited, ,: and • all persons guilty 'of
violatink the press law, and'all p4litical prison
'ors iii futard will be tried by cotittsinartial.
. Cu ii,q4 ltEvoi,wriox'.—rhe Diatio adiui ts
that the revolutiohists hold yos,sessioa ,of the
entire Norte Principe district, .except the
proper. , 'Seve.rahsecrot deposits of arms have
been discovered at Caideans.
Tho rebeli havo made thq ion) of 7.lotii
cartiguo their rallying point. Arrests of s,ts•
petted parties continue to be niade. Sevgral
AnuiricanS: and other .for.eignors aro - n[ll'6n
those now in emits:A
A Pitovint:NcE:paper.announeesthat a rope
iv . alker begin on the first of June the feat
of propelling a velocipede tliree'Oliousand
miles in thirty days,. averaging one'; hundred
miles a day, for a wager ofssooo, lltiring the
trip he is to ride the .Nelocipede_ one huudi . ad
and litly miles in twentyfour hourii and only
one trial will be allowed.
PgitsiA:--Advices from Persia state that the
Persian army; with-tho Shah at its head, has
gone to Bagdad. In the meantime, the Tgrk•
ish troops aro pushing to the Persian
frontier: • •
IJ thls(blON VA Y 1 EVHNING,iit Lanes l'urk, lit
7o'ulgek. . JACOB II; HAIN, frost.
al/NATHAN RE.111:11, Seet.y.
k'PEVIA I. meeting of the Reading Hose, and
• Steam Fire Etrgitte Cowpony will take .place
on TUESDAY EVENING, Feb._ le, DWI.' En:tines:3
Of importance to be transacted. A putictual - at
tend it nee of th e tetethers is respeetfully'requemt- '
uti. By order of the President. , % R
Fee. 1.5.4
TTENTION,COI•IPANk Al—ho inthnbers of
I company A, First Regiment Reserves, are
requested tdineetlit Aulenbach's Ilail,at,7 o'clock
this erenhip.' Nominations will be made for ofll.
cord of the' Company. A full attendance is re.
quested. _ _ _
'OSCAR R. CURl i n, Chairman.
...6110R(4E COIIIIIT, litCrtigr7/. it*
POARDIN(I.-L-A gentleman and wife or two
single gentlen Can bo accommodated with
turd nin at No. Di Walnut !street.
fob 134tdj
ZI'OTIVE.—A special meeting of the members of
the Junior Steam Firer Compton', No. SI Will'
bold at their hail eatoti.ty .yenin ~F ob.
ERMAN, at 1 1 ,4 o'cloek. : ell, ettendenc is re ,
2t j 1 1: JOIIN U. HU H,
• ;*-Becre atf:V
IVOTICH.--insAliountet t reetingd thArck
nhol4oreet the Reedit?, - ibrary 111 p will
be bete at Ltbrexy lElei ;:eorner i tof Fifth and
Firettkliit streets, on Trttley'liyen ng, the 19th of
February, at.% o'clock.
,•- ~ W. 74.41tuar weal:ma:l',
feblB-tddl . • georetary,
r •
FRANKLi* SA I REEt, iA.130,E
First appearanbe or )1155 MAGtitt MAIR 9,
Daniseuse and Vocalist. Also the DISTUAGTNP
MANAGER. , • - •
EVENINGS, Y0b.15, 15 &
100 .. P " E BENTB 100
Embracing Chamber' seta, Furniture, DreA.4
Goods, Elver-were, Jewelry, Float', Coal,
- Greenbacks, Watches, Ro., Ito.
ADWASION, 250t8.---;-- RESERVED SNATA, 35 018.
Doors open. at 7 o'clock. Tooommolace at ti.
Admission 15 cents to all parts of the llotve
febl;l-Itd.] IV. 11. STRICKLAND, Agent
fob 124t4i
-• • • OF •
. •
BCSIIONG'.& 1311.0
Nb,• 10 N . 011.111 .BINTII
fel) 10. 7 1wd ' •
10104 " i ffi t e ß W D liTV A B
i ( l t :( 111" VV IU h l ire ° 0 1
to this
city from the farm of James ti: 11111. The above
reward will be paid by-leaving the mine at,
11101 t SALE.—WiII ho Bold at Privet() Salo, the
r Stook of J. RODGERS' BARBER SllOl l , with
appuirtonnitoesott No. 255 Ponn etroot, Reading;
Sold on amount of going Into °Dior business.
foh 9 .
( I. IIOIA ' E LIQU(Jits,
G. IC lAu ra:o ,
E M;144_! 1 , . 1 pOO S'1 7 01. t. F
Jain '29 : • • . •
The undersigned', Committee on Ffnanee of' the
Corpofat ion of the City of ltentlina, id em pow.
°red to borrow the stun of •
for the purpese of enlargi the Water Wicks of
the said city, and the said Ciaininitteelibl.eby
give notice thatibey are prepared to bootie, Cer
tificates for the saute at six p er cont..interest; to
p . arties loaning niney to t leo, city ter the pur.
pose above named.' Person 4 desirofts of Iftii_est.
ing in this loAnywill apply to either ok the under.
signed. Corcitalt.teo, or to Will tatn*.ffeiden releft,
Bed ' City Treasurer. .FREDEHICKIAUER..
• DANIEL 311Lblelt •
Jan 1); ) , rtiii-I,so ' ' , Committee on Maw.
219 North Plfmth fiereeC
,Ebolee Wines and Eatables on band ; also, a.
;plod stock of Ales and Lager Deer. Lunen every.
day. All my frlends'aira invited to call. •
A fey boarders can be accommodated with
good board. , uan
fob. 15.1
RACCOONS.--104 rucetyecl' a full . .nollot*
meta of Muskrat, Mink, Rut and Rao :loon Traps
for sale clump by •
• • 812 rtinn street.
Got 81-I,f
100;006 B1t1(1XS,
of the eri. ) best kiwi, itiaile anti durable.
ihe o trA l e r r t sigigt F a t t e gOZ: ll . 4 ) l t l t * at i ;on7 , r I II P.
Berke oonlity, • `A A R ON HOWER.'
. joirkl64.l - ' " •
75 li• E S
r'~ ,"''t;.~t;. 11ANiitt.~
•" „
1 . A 1, E 1 N
LA ti 6 E ANTI) tiAt ALL,
- ,
- - t
FOR SALliq - 111!,.11', •
NO: , -,- ) . 42 . P.I''NX STl{ El":1';
•• " ' . •
, .
The Groat Itemetlloa .for all Diseases of tht
Is com;ostat of the lure tutees (or, as they are
Inotticint lly termed, ",h4fracts) of lioota
florin+, a, kit Harks, ■ making a propitra
Lion, highly ooncontrattio ' um), calf rely &co from
alcolsotioadlnye of a' y kind.
i!) 1100FLANIVB "IX)1411..),
1 •
Is a combinntlifn of fill tire ingredients of the
Bitters,' with the pnrest quality of Mantaa
Rum, prangis,e., making one of the most .plea
sant and agreeable remedies ever Coffered to
• Thosepreferring a Medfeine free from Aleoho
Ile admixture, will psis •
Those who have no objection to the combine
ten of the Hitters, us slated, will use
They. Are both -efnally good, and contain the
same medicinal virtue(, the choice between the
tWo being a mere matter of taste, the Toniobeing
the most, polatablu.
. .
Thu stomaoh, from a variety of causes, such as
Indigestion, - Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, vie.,
is very itikt to have its functions derituk.zetl. Tht,
Liver ' sympathizing as closely as it does
with the 8t o mac h, then becomes affect
ed, the result of which a that the patient Millers
from several or more of the following discus es.;
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles,, Ful•
nAss of Blood to the Head, Acidityuf the
Eitonfac4, Nausea, Hort-burn, Disgust '
.for Pod; ,Vulnoss off Weight in tlio
Stomach, . Sour .Bructationq,.
Sinking or .Fluttoring at 'the Pit of
the Stomach, SWinuning of the Head,
Hurtled or Difficult Broat dng, Fluttering
at the Heart, Choking or Suf. orating Sensations
' • aLying - Posture, D 1111110.913 of
. • Vision / Dots dr. WobS tumor° the Sight,
.Dull Pain 10 - ilio Head, Deficiency
of Perspiration, YellownesS of the
Skin and Eyes, wn in tho Bldo, Back,
' Chest, , Lhubm, etc., 'Sudden Flushes of
boat, Burning the •Viesh, Constant
'ings of and Depression of Spirits.-
Thu sufferer from those Minnows , should otter•
oiso hpEfrentest . caution in the nolectlon of u
remedy for Itls emu; purninniing only that which
he is assured from his in realilittlons and inqiii•
rtes .possesses true merit, is skillfully
uoniponadutl, is freogib..6l,frinn Natans in•
gredionts, and has ostalfiviiied for itself
Latioll fp" the COIL) of these tllsonpws. 1)1011:icon.
!motion wo would sub mit , 0086 well•known
mettles— • •
rit EIIA R C4/11% . JACKSON,
'l'l6ttity-t wo yearKHillee I hey we're first mitt, -
duced Into this country Dein libetfuiliyolui
which time thoy have, undoubtedly performed
afore cures, end benefited 'mitering:lmmunity tr,
u. grout er extent , other remedies know])
to the public. - ; I
These retnedies- -- 011 ctreettwilly cure Livei
Complaint, Jaundice, D 3 spopshi, Chronic of
Nervous Debility, Chronic Difirrlicou, Disease 01
the Kidneys, all IFIM Diseases uriHt ng troll)
a DleOrdered Uvor, Ptoutiteli or 'Must Met
• :1)1 41 ABILITY
ne4sulttuil :frma, ally Cause whatever; I'lio4-
by Bever6 1.400, IfardBhipa p ' Exposure,
• Therolls no medicine - extant! emelt t these re.
'muffles in such eases. A tabu and vigor is itn•
parted to the - wholesystem, the noputiteL!
strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach
algests !promptly, the blood Is planned, the corn.
plexton boomnes sound and healthy, the yellow
Tlnga is eratileatett front the eyes, a bloom Is
given to the.eluSuks, and Wu weak and nervous
necomes a strong and-hohlthy being.
And feellug the hand of Utne Weighing heavily
upOn them, with all its attendant Ills Will find
in the 11140 Of this 111`171.:116; or the 'IONIC, an
elixir that will instil now life into their veins,
restore in a measnre the energy and ardor el
more youthful days, build nit their !brunken
forms, and give health and happinens to -their
remaining years.
it well-eatabitehed fact that fully one-hall
Of the feinale,portion of our population itl'e
dein In theenJoyment of geed health
to use their own ex- pression,"never feel
well." They are 'align tl, tieveiii of all energy
extremely nervoinicand have no appetite.
To this class of person :3 the ..131Trrli1W, or the
TONIC, le especially recommended.
Afo made strong hy tholuiti of either of those,
rtituelltes. They will our() ovory C 4 030 :Of MAW
ASMUS, without full.
Thousands of certificates have um :mutated In
the hantis of the proprietor, but sp Lee will allow
of the puhi,teation of but it felv. nose, ft wii
bo obsOyed, are won of nolo and of Such ..ttand
tug that tiny must be believed,
Hon. Gco. W. WoOdword,
tiniq Jos - lice of the Noprone Court of it.,
"1 (Ind Ilootlatults german Bitten' Iv IL good
tonic, unoful dia..ALeasou of Um digestive
organc;:and of groat banallt-in caeca of do.
batty , ant i W ant Of aorvoua action in Melva() m
Yours, truly,
OEO. 1 11 r. WOOD WARD."
„ Hon. James Thompson,
Judge of (he Supreme C ure of Pennaylvankr.
• •
• rittLA trfilA, April 28, 1866.
"I consider ' !lowland tlerinan'.Bitters 9 a
vatimbie enedictue in caset of attacks Of Indiges
tion or Dyspepsia. I can certify; this from my
experience of it. Yours with retweet.,
From Rev. Joseph it Kennard, D. D.,
Pastor tithe Tcnal Eciptiit Chureh, Altaileftthia.
Dr. Jaakdon=-TDeus Sir: 1 have beeii frequently
requeattut to connect ttlyintinti With Tectenmen
datiOna'of different Janda* of Medicines, but. re:
mailing the out of my appropyliite
spherei I have in all crises declined ;, hut
with 's, clear proof i laa.lit • various tn staneee
and lint tieularly iti wydiVit family, of the useful.
ness of De, Ifo c niandis German hitters, I - depatt
for once from my tumid course, to express my
full conviction that,/or genera/ .4e/1/Wyo . / tivil 41,0-
!epi,onti exprcially for Litvr Comp/A tint, U is a agfe and
vahtableprcparu 1014 In Eibino °uses it May fail
Wit usually, t doubt not, it will be very beneflela
to tboie 'wbo suffer froth the above Causes.,
Yours, very respectfully
• . J , 11.1(10NARD,
• • Eighth, belOw Coates,Street
Fron Rev. E. D.Fendoll,
Astitarit editor Christian , Chronicle. Phitadtphia
I hnyo derivpd decided benefit from the use o
Hoofiandla Connell hitters, ant feel it my [idyl
lege to recommend them a most valuable tonic
to all who fire stiffening from general debility or
from,dlseases striating from derangement of_•thet
liver, 1 ours, t.ruiy,
• ..
~ •• • • D. FENDALL;
L •
) •
Moo!lan d'S German R ornedlCß arocountorfelted .
80e that the eignattira of C. M. J AVE BON Is on'
the wrapper of (quell , 2 bottle. , All othorsrare
oeunterfeit. Pi)ool- pal Ofllco and Mann
factory at the. Gonna!' ed 10l no Store No. 63
ARUN Street Philadelphia, ra. ,
.• Formerly O. N. JiLOII8()N «O 0
Air For sake, b y y all Druggists and dealers in
Medlelneh: • (Jan 1 0 1 84y001Y
Alll GA NS.
rHILAIMPIIIA, March 16, ma,
, • •
RV.4 Nib l'roprietorp
. •
A. February 13,'1t4•9, at I clook, tit ho sow
publW totle, at the public liotose Of John st
Stouettaburg, Itlartou tow ush p,.lie c „7 1 :•.
A two story FRAME HUM k: itiol lot of un
82 feet In, trout or I ) l '4fultli,
) (forutokly o'o 1)1'01 1 011 y oi )(my m'
FOr. - .
ebiotalOns will I,io Matte known ac t oAv
sale: 1)Alt El's pEp t . t i:\ '`,
N. the ahrivo prbporty wilt not
It wilt bo retite4Vublioly tut tho boy' ot sal„"'
fob. 6-24 , • I), u , iiErl4:N•
r Li A" 1,1 ,
T li sAnttr 0, the 16th day of Jan , 1) .
► A.
gives notice of bts appointment zIS.
of 111 lam Gorling, of_Anttly township,
comity of llerks arid State of l'etunsvh, r
within said diattlet. who has been akiin t i 4 l
bankrutt upon met.i petition, by the b bt ,
Court et tutht til _
F.•lt. 6t;lVNltiCht.:ll, Assi itllt
No . :;$) 12/101111 Nth .t,l
To t he ereilltorti of saki Itstillittipt.
would remmettullY cell the attratio3
Itttekstere and other', to our large
•taSTE - ,l{S, l'l ANU rs, if, A N; k ; t .;s ,
Nvitielt we have constantly on baud, a i
itrellarett to sell ‘ylteltsale Mot retall at
est market rates. •
Please give us avail and examMe
[tiro' purchasing elsewhere. Orders
country promptly attended to.
COI*. Sixth and Cherry b uvt ,: .
Basement ot the City ilk.!
Jun 3%)-3t j
t r y 11l be pold at public sato, on 1 2 :iki t iv,
yoth day of Februitry, A. D. 1,k0. 1 , ai r the
Housela %Ito city of ltetollog, all the
interest of Jhlta tiettwartz, itecelt , e.l uu , ,
cortalit tract 01 !ali efitttato 1u the city of it,. 3 ,7
tag, adjoining Ittatts Eckert,
ttoccased, lltestor . Clymer uni t „ ult . :
coot 11101143 1 .; acres tame or l ess .
Salo to C.ontatonee at I o'clock P. M.
ELIZ.t st lIW
Executrix of John tichwatt c, tit tvam...l
LNISSOLitTION.—Notteo is hereby given t.
Litho partherbldp heretottoc extsthig
the mot vrsigned, in the Merchant TattotoNt
nest', is 11118 day tilsBOlveti by mutual '
All person* Indebted to rho hum, al,.
OOstelt to Utak() payment to Jtunes
tot all persons having . claims
,against the •
re to present Weal to toe payment,
• 4.1.:1* INVUNI)I-: It, •
.1 .01 E:3 1,1
inn. '2:4, 1869
BL,IC SA GE. , 7 1V 1.1. fi B E SOLI) A,
~ k, o bit o sa l e , o n sat away,. M are II 13,18 , ,',1, b ) i,
subscriber, id the residence of Levi loyet,;,, [t .
I'u' or titililln deceased, la Oley tow it ,, lttp, it„,.
connty, near , I rleft onelairg, Itto following 1,,,
scowl pral)orty, viz :
4 hurtles, 1 mule, 2 eints, 3 lloiferA, s 3 ; 3 , .
1 wagon, and Mal," 1 brootbalteelcd u ki ,
1 spring wagoo 1 mower and rvaptt,
hay rake, 1 pa ir hay holders, 2 1411%,..
eintlvators, 2 harrows, I winnowing 011:.
pattnit, straw outtor, hill set. of 1101 m.,
saddle, lot of ()Outdo and swingto 1.u,•,
wood sled, lot of chains, 1 grain cradle, k,
household fOCOLLOCC, Slid 01.1101 al lielc3 IN 1,
111CCOOR 1.0 MOM WO.
yule to eohatnintoo at Iti o'clock .1. M , ~!.
Conditions w'lll b 0 made known by
fob 13-31. w) ' i , JACOB 8. I.ll' 1 Noool,
t. ..._ .
. _ .
81tle, on Sato rtlety, t he 27th tl Ay of Febtn,.
1869, at rho K H
ovstono ouse, Reading, tot tr ,
v101'1114(3 Banking 1 louse property, situ:au.
'Market 801111 J, aunt tho north-west nu,„:',
Fifth anti Penn st roots, Itoad ing, lotuly 0, , ,c., ,
E lt
by . ‘V, - Earl Co.; Bankers. %lin propeitk
sIBI4I Of a four-story MOCK 111. 1 1IADINU, I.
front by 50 foot deep. Thu first now 1 3 h : ,...
sou ely fitted up for a bunk lug estaallillutt
with brink fire-proof vault for books and pail , ..
The suemel and )hire. doors life well adaptor
business purpOves, avid the [(Milli litkorti Pitt
u and ltsetl its a hall for tneo_pirgs of sense,
'r p ho witoio of 1110'1'1)pin . Hoot's tau iv. 4 tl l o I A
broad and commiallotts huttrway. 'rhea, 1.,; t j;
datsettiont under (Ito Imiltling, with areltei l lyro:
miller the ptivoitiont. l'ho upper II
me, It,i•
large rent. The property is nity,t oligilif) nr
111 I'd for business of an s• deseriptionodat 1,,
of the most desirable lit tho city of nestling
,• Halo to kmlllolloo al 1 o!olook I'. 'M., wiles, ,
tidbit's t f stile will be ttiollo'ktiown by
' feb li-.1 I (lEOItliE D. 5T1T7,1.:1,, .va1,.,,,,,
p _ _
• .
U , 4I(). SA I.I.—IVILL BE St
nt public solo, On ThurstltiV i I Ili , t‘t
February, IKu, at 10 o'clook 4. M. oil Ihr ;..
mlBOB, in 11faxatowny township, Iterks 6r.
near Kutztown, the following artlele4, vo
lu horses, whoreof ono Is a gaol i bay hi •
11aY0, one good baM,saddle Mare, two you!
liorBea, work shiglit ittublettnio' lit harts,,,.
good bay Mt iv ft, one 18 a good driver HP ; ..
,I0(11)10 lit harness, 0110 grey: mare with 1.,,,
spring, ono tbreo year uhf bay inure, (4.t , : ,
year old colt, one ono year out roan 1 1 ,1 11 (.
2 setts hind gout's, 1 setts li ont genre, Coti•
blind limiters tiod to her halters; Is ,1111:
milch COWS, sOlllO summer and some het , ~
I.tievonshiro bull, a great number of Soto
sheep, 1 owe and 1 buck (Jersey broedh I pI,,
Wm wagons, 1, large WSgoti with lash, 1 . .
110181) Wagon with Maly, 1 threshlng now
(nearly new), with 111 1 ;1% shaker, I excel:4(4i,' ,
et. anti" i.vitl)ol., gl/1/11 H Ell ill 'drill, tonally L
slolgh, sled, 0 plows, 3 harrows, 1 flues r ,
plow, largo ottiti vat or, potent hay take, I I''.:
cutter (California pairlit), hand enioug tart,.
of swinglo and 110111 on trees, plow gear:l,2v
hay ladders, log CiliklOS, COW Clutinh :my, r
dnng and shako forks; 2 beds anti Lettstut
largo MOW chest, cooking stove anti 1,11,e,1,
'barrels, and a groat variety of house tat ti,:
big Utensils too numerous to mention, ,
Conditions will be Made known on the dr
sale by DAN'I DS. LEI.O
Jan 23-St .
O11,1)1IANS' COURT SA LE.----PUE , '
oilt to PA Order Of MO
Honks County, will be sold ut Public I'e:h:-
Friday, the 12th day of March, A. D 0
~ 1, 3 -
Wine house of Jesse Miller, in Atbany bits , .
Burks county,
- All that certain memsuage, tenement lull! .
Orland, Hituato in Albany township,
ty and Stitto.of Poinsylvania, bounded a!,:
scribed ad follow s, to wit : by hinds of to
Morkeit baiLO hillier, William itnytler o let 4
for tum othorr, containing 16 , 1 sores 3::
porches. litoKe Or les,. The improvimientlt •
'on aro a LOU - DWELLING lioUttE, a pump ,
by with novel' falllog water, a large thot ,
stable, corn crib, a good saw mill with gol-ti
ter powur; also an applo orchard with
choice fruit trees; about ono hundred au.
woodland of tiro hest in the township, awl(
acres (live of which .is meadow laud) ct
fartnlngAtoul. It is lielloved that there ,
abundance Of good quality of slate oa ILA
mists, proporty is lying sin a woo '
from Orwlgaburg to liutZtown, Late turf,: .•
ty of Peter !Cane, Ileeemud.
Halo to commune° at 1 o'clock In the afle: -
when duo tatendanco will ho •given, AG;
torus of sato made known by
PBTEIt LIN E, - Exte
By mho . of the Court.—Lscr IL t: ,,
publics sale, on Saturday', Feb; limy 27, lsd,r
lesldenee of the subscriber, in Robeson 1 ' ;*
ship, lierks county, on the Schuylkill Ica' Y - ;
mile from Birdsboro, FOUR IOUS() RI A
No. 1 is a brown 1104 w, coming 8 Yew °' •
spring; No 2a is bay inn se,coming years°
3 le a bay hone, coming 5 yearsold; No. I l''
horse, coming 4 years old this spring. Tit--
excellent horses, and weigh ;Moat 1,),c I,`-,
each, 17 cows, three arc now in 1;101, 9 s -
In profit by day of dale i and the balance in.,
2 bulls, 1
. two years old, and one a V.
Heifers, 1 two yews old and 1 a yearling,
/ 111 11 H. 413111, 1%0 cal ve , 4, t; nice 'shoat'', 1
wagon and ore bed, .1 three -liorse %ago , ‘,
bed, ma bet wagon for onee or tis o horsct!
wagons, one is a low Ilan ow...wheeled %or
the oilier a low broad-wheeled wagup,o
Mi4l, nearly now pair hay laddere,lpalr
flats, first-rate mower Mid reaper, 14 7
nearly new, Ihteshlng machine in g
loud nearly vow, horse rake,lleall)
;towing iuIII , rOinn . , fodder cutter, cum ..,
iron plows, 3 JUckendoin prOWI, Lan
)1000 Wow..y, boo harrows. 2 spike loin
8 1) 1 en41d grain ermlied, eaytheN csi ll4, '
Riess, lead gears, ;oilers, head and build
housens, timber and Coy: cliamy, ti!
forked chain, forks, rakes, 2 barn aliOs
grubbing' hoes, corn, oats and clove; rt el
bushel, !to., /to., together with a s arlety
hold furniture.
hale to commence at 10 o'clock preci:c :
rlitions-ra credit of ten 1140114.11 d will he
al) 101111 d over $l5; siz per cent. will be Ow
for cash. JACOB IV O P ,
Amos 11,mreNyYmn,Attetkineer. (4).
orill Ptlie White Lead, loster'd
White Whit
Libert Pure White /A WL :
Pure White Lead; 'lied Beal
Seal rench
Mass, all sizes,•Ainerican Wive+, MI e 4. 1,
Oil, Piitty, Paints, &e., For cht3;
all goods warranted as sold, by
3111,T1)1 0 , E , f ,
612 penti
roosals will reeelveil at MOO
Pen P nsyl p vania, until' be
February 17tht 1 0 , •
Graduation and hito.onry of the
Valley If ailrond, int:holing the OP"
Nosipiehoning tunnel:
Specifications and information, a.; toib•
in data% may be obtained on applicatic, •
ignifitloor t is Office, Mauch Chunk..
JEW Z4` 4 o J. 11. M '
net 31-tt