or . • { • , - 1 , . . ,' ,-• , i ',>' ..,'ri - .: , s “.?_ 'n..l;:' '4l ,' T.*‘- . : , '. • = ' : • ' ' . . . , _. ,- . ~...„ • ~... t. i :- . • ~ . , . . . . .I = . - --,-:-2..: . • 0 0-. - - _ . _ II , , . 1A:..,_,.."1::i,i744r.-,,,..,..;G::,....,.:,,_,,..,_:_..,..,.),::1„....,,.:.,,. 11 - .'PA '.'. 2 ' D ,_....„..... _:,., •711: , .-f. :. 2.--:-,..' .., .-- _ • -r 0 . x ips 'ise- ,„ ,• . . • • ._ ..„ , . ' ,:s -,, i, •:., •,, . :,...:4, - -,.,,,.--,_ ..„........„, v , ~, -„,-,--- • ••. .I' .r.. NI .w ••' •A ~."•,*. ' . , • . . ' .• . . ' . . . . . , - . , , E A GL . - E 1. , . . VOL. 11.---NO. 13. READING DAILY EAGLE , PVIILINHAND AFT,ERNOON, (BusnAirs usciteTßD) AT NO. 542 PENN SIREET, BY RITTER,* (A)._ Egm .,,,,,:livered by tliu Carrlerg, Ten Ceuta r er owl:, payable at the end of ovory wook. Cent , per /angle copy. To Mall übacrl -1„.t„,s1.11) per yrar ; $ 3. iO, for six months; or, l ,?; for Uwe', Mon(lts—pakablo strictly in ad. s DR. LOUIS Do BARTH KUHN, HUM AND RESIDENCE, NO. 244 JNomth Ninth 4trent, Healing, PA. deo 3. JOHN W. BICKEL, rTTOftvEY A.T LAW, OFFICE, i.ocilr Banding, (lit door, baolc,) No. 113 u Con „tr,,ot, Pottivtt o. Ai Cool bo ponsultod In (J • ririttn IRug lingo. mar I LOUIS RICHARDS, A "fToßsEi r AT LAM, OFFICE, 14 . 0: it 3 t , ) Court street, over °Moo of John 8. Rich. Kay._ _ LlSopt. 2-1 y E. H. SHEARER, A T'rolormr ,T LAW, HAS RE ,noveit his °MOO to No. 516 Court street, next ,40 ,i to the Pod Office. [April 4, 1858-tf W. M. RIGHTMYER, A rroltiN.Ey. AT LAW; lIAS REMOV .I. A. ea hli (Ace to 539 Court stroot, a few doors 1 ..tow Stith, Reading, Pa. Von 2, 18tr1-tf GEORGE F. BAER, A TIORNEY AT So. 510 Court Strobt, (up Auks) Reading, Pa. Apt ti It, 1.5453.40.5 4 tvg •iiEl N ifq , M. KEIM, • A 'l"rOltN i tlY AT LAW, OFF_ ICE, NO. North xth atoot9, Banding. Pub 5,18684 A WESLEY H. GEARHART, A TTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, NO. Court stroa s WmWing, gay 2-Iyd/two WASHINGTON RIOHARDS, A I,I)EttNiA.N..----OFFICE, NO. 29, AJL North Sixth s6root, oppo3lto tho Poet el- Sell VC. iting and Con voyancloA promptly at tended to. -3, 181-trAl JESSE G. HAWLEY, A WORN E 1r AT LAW HAS REMOV 1111111i (Mee lo No. 312 Penn Btreot, Salm nek er Hoe to Ititil.ltn4. ttru.nce through the HAMM 119011 Store._ Jan 27 1)1i. JOHN STENIEN . , FOItNIERI - X o( IVontolstlof (, tottavri hitt proteiiloottl soy- ICO4 to tho eltlmmi of goading. Wilco No. 207 North ylx It stritut. Can he coltau Rod at hie office, or at tho Keystono Notts°. ((leo :t.3 -0.41111,1:w ~ N. M. NAGLE, (U. S. Pension Surgeon.) +I.? Ponn itroet, Homling, wit •n h wri—t: to 2p. iii. IW sp. In "E'ATMIE . OF WILLIAM 11. 11,110 ADS .1 I nto 01 aunty township, deceased. Itotice )4 liviony given, that lettere) Of Administration have boon grantud on the above named estate to Levi 11. Itininds, of 1110 9111110 township. All Pei kOng iiiiii . htell 10 said decedent, are rcquoited to wake lo nowt payment to tho ' Administrator, and those who have tiny Clitittis fignisnittlio Santo H 11l plea-o present them, properly authentica tel for actitletitent. ' LEVI 11, 11.110 ADS. an 16-fa _... ..... _ _.... Q lIERIFF'S SALE OP 13,'EA.T. ES k.." rITE.--Ily virtuo of a writ of fort Molise, le. s.l ~.1 oat of the Unita of Common Picas Of Bork!" couoty, to MO klirectoil, will he sold at a puldte 1 4:1 lou or out.cry, on Saturday, the 13th day of !Ternary, .1. 11., 180, at 1 o'cloek I', M., tit the pLilfrile 110 , 1i0 of UWIO S. Boyer, in Robeson LOWtt. tllii), WA ootinty : Alt that certain mossuage, tenement and tract ot tot attnato Ili Robeson township, }forks comi ty, adjoining lands of CiCorge Kurtz, Isom., Sari t s liwltaol 11. Wortley, widow Catharino lVostley, /Wiwi 11 '43110r, •loooasel, and others ; contain. , itlog SI /ores morel or loss. Tho improvomo nts ire a two story STONE DWE LUNG HOUSE, Fiala° Piro and other oat -bulldings, 'Sold a4l the property of JOB '.lr ll'. ifefilig. • :.eizo(l awl talon into execution and to bp sold fr.. WI Ltd ANI B. A.LIIIHGLIT, Sit , ritr. spriff' 4OM to, Ito tiling, Jan. tl, 1810-3 t , 11 1, IC SALE OF CIIM LES Taomt ty, the lOW of Folikintry, I' 0 . 1:10 !k, itt the rosidoneo of tlio tinder -5i3:104 (formerly Christina Mo)uttrot), (it 14olor toAii litp, ntirkilooti tits, ono inflo trout Snyflot's tivern, the following pursontil property will be ,nl4l, viz: 3 110C103, t: COWS, 901141 With calves and 11carlY 411 fresh itilleh COWS, 2 bulls, 4 holforti, 2 twin circa, S shads, broad whottle , l farm wagons, narrow wheoled iVagon with hotly, 1 wood sled, laud roller, 1 glint spring t hay honk with Opel and p011t03,1 threshing twtehhte with four Imo power (I,oi4lg's patent), 1 large corn , ' el. (L e - "IF'l Pittont), 1 sots Of hay ladders, 4 ploughi, 3 harrows, small and large, hoe liar. row, 1 corn plough, 1 grindstone, 1 largo, boll, I hty rake, ItarneiA and lultore with elptins, tow chains anti many other kinds of aiming, ieythes, grain cradles, rakes and forks, 12 three bibliel bags, and many Other patch:is not named. Con,lit ion.) mado known on MO (lay of soli' by 'an 16-30 I ' 011ARL63 TWENTY -FIFTIti:ANNIJAL iL , TATEIIENT of tho hititutil Firt) lustirituce Company of Sinking Spring : ItEURIPV.4. • BilAnce as nor last et:au:1101a Jo. 1, 1868, PrOnlaini and roil rocOivott, 2,113 241 , t iiiesiniont Nov.ls,uollootoil, 62 41 11 16, II ;OM 3ti . 4;467 03 ----- -+- 4(1,60 N II R ES '. I).rcc tors and Committool0 IT 0.9, 2772 61 t'. i. Tax, 4s 77 Printing and advortlslng, 03 00 Au Iltors fort O, 50 • 0) secretary's salary, 100 08 Tleainror's " 100 00 Iteenrilin: 370 polleloi, 148 00 ' ' figeill'i fees on 370 1)1)11010s, 118 00 for lilting out 370 ' policies 01 5) l'reslklont's food, 1 23 12 1,145 73 1).4 3(.4015W PAID DURING; 186 . , • Nic.x)lai Itunter, Bork Co., 50 00 Wta. 11, tiilhnot'o, " i 9l 00 Mtriptro. II lifilitto, ", " ! 1,200 00 Venn (00.1: Lebral Co., 723 0 01 Iktritt l'u S. thorgor, . " i)" ' 350 Gmrgaltumerin.th, 'I " `,` • 50 00 J 64 :pli T. Miller, " . 20 00 I ."ePh UK' sot', Lehigh Co., 1:200 00 Peter Mac 4, 6 ~ ' 1,10) 50 4,510 00 In 111110 g of Troaehror, 0314 31 0,675 V 3 " of Agents, 175 133 939 94 Ilphice in hands of Agerti not -- dyln.led in above halation, 417 ° 1 1.1 1 1 ' er 41Kne41 And (tors, appointed tOexatri IncUtc nce•hitits of the officers And impala or the Mutual I niurance Company of Sinking Hpring, 11 " ki county, re3poet folly report, that they have attended to their duties; mid present the foregoinz statninent as the result of their labors. .1011 Ni iiilfz-iTifdt. I Auditors. lIOTTENSTKIN, itoldnuc, l),:ceinbor Amount inin red hi•l ci • / 4,90 G JOIIN VAN REED, President. al I Cif K ES ALER, Seely. BM iHa. Treasurer. BOCK Nt TIE [ IA HALL r. WINE A'..sTi) LVIER BEER SALOO,, Peru► street, Between Birth and Bererestt All Ir.lnchr of bust llholnl3ll WlrrottlWAlSOnfiands is.l ROI at the lowest Klee& scorr FOUNDRY AND MACHINE " 1101 '.—North Eighth street, Itrnidittg., 411 11 n't4 or tnaChinery and other castings. Machine ft e, ctiuncell 'machinists. Pattern work , 1 " hezlt. Pattern Makers, Orders promptly ou reusolluble tern P. t 10A1111 EliT McMANUB h CO. PHILADELPHIA AND READIN EME G RAILROAD. WINT illifillilliMO/ PASSENGER TRAINS DECEIVER liirit 1868. FIVE TRAINS DOWN TO PHILADELPHIA, passing Reading, at 7.30, 10.35 andll.ls A. al., and 4.25 and 8.351'. M. UP TO POTTSVILLE, at 10.35 A . 11. 1 ant 5.50 and C.OO P. M. ! TRAINS . WEST TO LEBANON & If ARRI. BURG.. Western Express, troutow-York, at 1.(55 A. Id, and 1.50 l'. If. and 10.19 P: IL Harrisburg Accommodation Train at 7.15 A. N. and Mail Tritium at 10.45 A. N., and 6.051. N. On Sunday, the down trains pass Reading at 9.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. N., and up-trabis at 10.50 A. M., and 5.571'. N. The 4.25 P. M. down and '10.50 A. M. up kralna run only between Philadelphia and Reading.'- • Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Har risburg and Pottsville at 7.30 and 8.15 A. M., 12.30 , noon, and 3.30 P. N. and at 4.45 P. N. for Reading only. The 8.15 A. M., train connects with trains for Tatuatitta, Williamsport, Elmira,Buifalo, Nia gartrittld Lanada. • The 5.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. up trains from PLOW• dolphin, and 10.35 A. M., and 4.20 P.M. down trains, stop only at principal stations below Rending. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Read- I tv , at 7.9.1 A. 81.,yettiralitg from Philadelphia at 1.441'. N. The Pottstown Accommodtlon train leaves Pottstown at 6.45 A. M. Retuarning loaves PhDs- - (IOWA: at 4.00 P. M. Tito Western Express trains conned at Harris burg with Express trains on the Ptlimsylvaitia Railroad for Baltimore Pittsburgh and all pointa West, andtho 10.45 Mull train connects at Harris. burg for Pittsburgh, Lancaster, eitainbersburg, Sunlit y, Scranton, Pittston, Wilk m esbarre, Wil lias' ort,,Look Raven, Elmira and the Canadas. PiteV n ongor trains leave Upper Depot for Eph-I rata, Litz, Columbia and Lancaster at 7.00 A. li. • and 6.15 P. AL Through Firet-Class'Coupon Tickets and Emi grants' tickots at, reduced Faros, to all tite prin elpal points in tho North, West and the Canadas: COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 20 Cmlpoits at 25 per omit. discount, be tween any potits desired.. lILEAGE TICKETS, 2000i0 oodfor miles, between all points, at .52 • -for families and business firms. _BEASONMCKETS, Gooil for the holder only, for 3,6,9 and 12 months, 'between all points at reduced Fares: School Season Tickets one-third less than the above. iFir Passongeni will take the Express trains West at the UPPER DEPOT, and all trains at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. 100 pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. Passongera are requested to purchase theft tickets before entering the cars, as higher faros are charged If paid in the ears. ,' Excursion Tickets, good' for one day, by 7.80 4.. N. Accommodation Train to Philadelphia, iiid'r,oturn, at 42 65 each. G. A. NICOLLS, Illy 231 ' General Superintendent. BAST 1 u " PENNSYLVANIA R-AIL -41:jaARi11NMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS, • Ctnnencing Muntyecel2i4lli6B. Mall Allentown 12.05; at New York 50A. M.'ollivei No. 7 Fast Mall, leaves Reading at 4.20 P. M., ar rives at Allentown 5.M; at New York 10.05, I'. M. Nps. 5 lintl7, run daily, oxcart Sunday, stopping' at all Way Stations between Refuting ,and New- York. EXPRESS TRAINS: Leave Reading u 6 " It Arrive at Now York at 1:11 These trains run through from Pittsburgh to Now-York, without change of cars, stopping onl) at Lyons, Alletown, Bethlehem, Easton Junc tion, Clinton, White House, Somerville, ,Bound Brook, Plainfield and Elizabeth. ' he 5.44 A. M. train runs daily except SMidays at cl Mondays. - he 2.281'. M. trains run daily except Sulidays: 'he 7.31 A. M. and 1.00 A. M. trains run-dallr. West bound trains, leave New York, ACULQ . IOOI of Liberty street, as follows: Leave New York. Arrive at Reading; 12.00 M. Mail `! -. 6, 6.00 P. M. 9.00 A. M. Express Train, 1.50 P. M. 5.10 P. M. Express Train, 10.19 P. DiX: 8.90 P. M.' Express Train, 1.00 A. M. Mall Train leaving Allentown at 7.20, A. stops at all Way Stations, arriving at Beading at 9.10, A. M., running daily cumin Sundays. Tho 12 51. Train from Now York, stops at all Stations bet warm Now York and Beading, leaving Allontownitt 4.21, P. M., arriving at. llehding at 6.00, I', M., funning daily except Sundaysj Thu 1 1 . 1 10 r: K. train from New ork, runs daily stopping at Elizabeth, Plainfield, Som merville, Junction, Easton, and Bethlehem, ar riving at Allentown at 11.45 P. passing Ly ons at 12.29, A. M., arriving at teata i g at 1.00 A. M. Passengers are requestdd to purchase tickets before entering the cars, is 25 cents extra will be charged and collected on the train from all who pay the fare to the Conductor. COMMUTATION TICKETS good for Twenty-six Trips, at 25 per cent. die count luitWeen any points desired. 'MILEAGE TICKET BOOKS t for 203) miles, good between all points on'this or the Pldiattelpl is,o Reading It. 11., or the. head. log t Colutriblar, R. U., at 453.50 each for families and firms. ' SEASON TICKETS, ood for tho hohlor only, for throe, stx, nine and welve,months, at reduced rates. I'. M. ERMENTROUT. Jan 2-tfl General Ticket Agent. EAMNG COLUMBI4 RAIL .LID ROAD. On and after Thursday, Nov. 9uth, 1838, Passenger Ara ns will run on this toad ai follows: Loavo Reading at it ~ ii Arrive at Lunen3ter at 9.15 A. N. " " Columbia at 9.2.5 A. M . g , 11 Lftheaster et 8.245 P. M. " " Columbia. at 8.30 P. M. : Leave Lancaster and Columbia at - 8.00 A. M. " Columbia at 3.2(1 P. 141. " Lancaster at 3.23 I'. )I. Arrive at Reading at - —10.20 A. M. " at Reading at . , 5.40 I'. M. Trains Nos.- 2 and 4 make close connection at Reading with trains North and South, eu the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and }Vest on the Lebanon Valley Road. No, Yalso makes eloso conneetion with train for Now York. - Tickets can be obtained at, the offices of the NOW Jersey Central It. It., 'foot of Liberty street, Now York, and Phila. Reading It, it , Thir teenth and Callowhill streets, Palladelphia. Through Tickets to New York and Philadel phia, sold at all the nrineiple stations and bag gage chocked through. Trains aro run by Philadelphia anti Reading Railroad time, which is ton minutes faster than Pennsylvania It, R. Time. GgonGE F. GAGE, • Superintendent. E. F. Kasysa, Gail. Frt. a Ticket Agent. doelo4.t _ 1,931 51 CITRISDIAS! CHRISTIAS! CANDY D 1 OT, No. 107 NORTH FIFTH 8 RRRT, READING, P . A. FINE CONFECTIONS, PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY, SUGAR FRUIT. ~HUSER'S LEMON OR CLEAR TOYS, SUPERIOR TO ANY MADE 'IN READING. Also, a large assortment of French Toys, Mix tures, Candy Baskets, Cakes an 4 Pretzels, Coco anut Candy, Cocoanut Bars Cocoanut str i ps. All will be sold (*cap. G ive me a call and see for yonraolves. B • F. HUBER. dee I.6sm •0,665 51 WILL. REMOVE. y AM NOW CLOSING OUT MY RE stock of - ' MILLINERY AND DRY Goons, In ordtn: to re-open an enttre now and well sew looted stook, at . • . No. 317 Perm street, bertiossus Third a nd u rib, whore I will p a y-particular attentlea to keep all the latest styles of LADIES% MISSES' AND CHILDREN - PS HAT AND DONN.Ef 7.4IANNA, • . tind ti,eotoplete nssoyttnent of everything Per tnining to the - iitilliftery and -Trlimning line. exprose my PlOst hearty thenitsfor past fair.ore nod very. 'r,ettpeet fully nolioit the. eotttlAnance 0 -the same. tiatiefttetiott guarenleeil: • tan &-Yind • IlltS. 'O, KELLER. a ' FOR THE GOOD THAT LACKS ASSISTANCE : FOR THE WRONG THAT NEEDS RESISTANCE." READING ; ; PA., - 11tONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 15, 1869. . PEOCOCKA ORTjI, , • Corner Second and 11-cinkUn Sir teti, Rave constantly on band and sell at reasonable prices, j LUMP. BROKEN, ING, * swat COAL, NUT CIIESTNUT AND BITUMINOUS COAL, HIOKORY and OM( WOOD, LIME AND SAND. KINDLING WOOD 1Y THE DARREL. B' We deliver free of extra 'barge tom pert of the eity. feb29 IM . . - BUING'S C OMPOUND AENIOA LINIMENT. The Subscrer begs leave to call the attention of the publie to'this new Mad valuable prepares i on of ARNICA, combined with oertainNeigetahlb ES tracts; as unsurpassed for its Healing ond Curative properties in all those externalcomplaints for which Liniments are used, such aa 0441.1 1 Bruises, Chafes, Galls, - Rheumatism, Gout, Nervous & Inflammatory Pains, Neuralgia, Headache, Pains in side. Back or Joints. In all such eases it may be used with a certainty of relief. It is good, iu feet, in all those Complaints where an external application Is required, for Man or Beast, and the subscriber can conscientiously reconitnend it as one of the beet Liniments of the day.. • price 25 Dente per Bottle, Fotßale at the "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE, BITTER & 00. CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP LADTERS, 5.41 A. M. 1.31 A. M. 2.28 A. M. I,UO A. M. 11.00 A. M. 12.15 A. M. 7.00 P. M 6.15 A. M HARD W,AItE STORE•; an g 10 McGowan, & Miltimorer 1 DNALEREI IN II A D ARE , CUTLERY, GUNS, I' . HOUSE FURNISHING GOODM METALS, TIN PLATES, SHEET IRON, Building Materials; SADDLER', &0., dco., &c. -- N( 612 • PENN STREET, READING, PA. stp 24- • 7.06 A. At. 6.15 P. M. THE PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL HARMONY GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT!' Bor eale:at the, ' THH NATIONAL srova TIN AND HOLLOW;WARH EM PORIUM OF THE CITY OF READING. D. SCHNADER, 414 PENN STREET, cm • • .•. r . Would pall tie attention' of thl public fo hislirge stook_pf Parlor, Offiee and Cooking Stoiroii Rabges, Tin, H ollowwFo snd liduscikoopinggoqi Idf briny degoription. ' Rooling and Spouting promptly , attended to a the bout price. Give him a call. Dm 27.,3nacc ALL WARRANTI:D.,,, AT WAN,IGurs THIRD AND PENN . Si S. containing the principal: .01IURCH 'MELODIES, Provided with "EAGLE" BOOKSTORE. 861 Pepn Street. MIS GRAND SALE DRY GOODS, 818 and 840 Chestnnt :St., Sates to Commence November 2d. Comprising SIIAO, DIL.ESS GOODS, LINENS a WHITE GOODS, &c.. ~ 1 19SIERY t GLOVES, ,t e., MOURNING GOODS, • Owing to the %Tido reputation of their House it Is needless to detail the character of their Omit H.C. di Co. would merely stato that thotr Proparatary to,r6moval to their Now Marble El II live never been, surpassed in Philadelphia Con gluing ENDLESS VARIETY of toxture in niedium priced goods, as 1611 as the CHOICEST NOVELTIES OF. THE SEASON 11. L 0.a. Co. would advise all desirous of Otaln lag GREAT BARGAINS To lose no time before inspecting their stook, soling as i sured that the UNPARALLELED PRICES , At which the entire stock will ho disposed of Mtist insure oct3l:3nulitwl SLATE i WORK,TILING I &C., Ott Land and rondo to ordor. THESE BEAUTIFUL SLATE MANTELS Are superior in appearance, more durable, hat Oa price of. Marble.. /test and cheapest In the United States. Grates, Low Down and Common, Parlor an(1•0111co Orates for Llano or SOFT COAL. altimore Improvod Fire Place , Stove, nest fire place - neater Made. 1- • Warns Air Registers and Eentilator.s t TERM COTTA, WATER AND DRAIN PIPE, Nos. 401 and 403 North Sixteenth Streot, Abo . ve Callowhill, PHILAXIELPIIIA, PA. aug 1-Can) U. S. MARSAL'S OFFICE, (. • E. D. or Pelois PHILADELPHIA Jan. 19, 1869. Tn" IS' TO GIVE NOTICE AT on the 16th day of January, A. D. 1869, a War rant in Bankruptcy was issued agationlio estate Josiah Bearing, lately of the Brut of .1. S., Lash &f Philadelphia, and formerly co-partner with Co.,' John A. Langden as 4. A. I.mgden do Company, at, Alexandria, Virginia, of Phila delphia, in 1.110 County of Philaitelphhi and State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt, oil his own petition; t het 1 he payment of any debts and delivery of any pro perty belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, aro forbidden by law Lthat the meeting, pf the creditors of the said Bankrupt,. to prove, their debts, and to choose ono or worn assiggeos of his estate, ulii be held at a Court of Itankrupte9. to lie holden at No'. 131 South Fifth street, (second floor) Philadelphia, before Joseph Mason, Es q„ Register, on the day of February, •A. D., 1869, at 11 o'clock, A. M. fan 23-311 TIIIS 1$ TO GIVE NOTICE :-TII AT en the Bth day of January A. D.,-1869, a War rant in Bank rtiptoy was issued against the Estate of WILLIA I(. SPANGLEIt i Who was ai,i a member() the firm. of Boas t Spangler, formerly of Readin Pennsylvania,' of the townthip of Sadsbury, I the county of Lancaster,. and State bf Pennsylv nia, Who has been adjudged a Bank rupt, on hi: own petition; that the - bay went of any debts rid Altdivory of any property belong ingto sue Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the trans 't r of any property by hint are forbid den by .ayr ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the sal Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to oboe: one or more assignees of his estate, will be I dat the Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden a he office of the •Itegiste ,r N 0.6 South Queen . root, kn the city of Lancaster, Pa., before Aiies BLATUAKER Esq., Register, 011,111 e li)th day of Januar,' A. D., 1869, at 12 o'clock M. JOSEPH GAINTI(EIt, Dop. U. S. Idarshal,9th district, Pa., as Messenger. ianl6.2t PUBLIC SALE.:—WILL BE FOLD AT public sale, on Thursday, Starch 11, 180, et the residence of the subscriber, in Spring town ship. Berko county about one mile south from thevillage of Sinking spring, the following per sonal property, viz .• 5 horses, 0 cowe,l2 heifers, 1 bull, l fattened bon, lsow,lollogs,lot of chickens,6bee hives,l threshing machine, 1 corn sheller, - 1 mower and reaper, 1 horse hay rake, t ,winnowing mill, 1 straw cutter, 4 plows, 2 harrows,' 2 cultivators. lot of forks and relies, 4 sets of harness, 2 four horse wagons, - 1 market wagon, 1 wood sled, 2 pair lity ladders, 1 pair wood ladders, long straw and 2000 rails 100 posts lot of cord wood; lot of po tatoes, 9 bedsteads vtth heading, an fi-day clock, tables, chairs and other household furniture; lot of blsicksn its, tools and other, articles too numerous Mention., . A Salo to emin nerice at 10 o'clopirs , A,' L, when couditions will he mallsknown 6iP • • fob 13-31 w tiKOIIUX KRILK. EMI HOMER, COLLADAT '& CO., P/111,A1)ELPHIA BUAWLS, CLOAKINU CLOTHS, LACES iff EMBROIDERIES ' ete.: dc.,' dv. IMPORTATIONS OF TIII3 PRESENT SEASON, wu rou' MUST 1W SOLD Chestnut Street; above Broad, DItY GOODS, RAPID SALES. And every description of CHIMNEY TOPS, Cc. FACTORY AND SALESROOMS, Wnsoiv fi ArLLEn: P. C. it En, Marshal, as Messenum NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. LANCMITISR, JlMlllitty 12, 160, A StiIt4NEEIS NOTIUE.—FRANK .L.x.ineser, of the City of Reading, having ex• Ike utvd an assignment of all his estatO to Charle4 it. Schaeffer, In trust for the - henent of, his cred itors, on the sth day of Janutti y. Notice is hereby given that all nersons having claims on said estate, 1%1111)re:100' them, and all persons owing toonoy.to said estate, wilt motto Inantelliate 'no 'lent to the undo t .-Agued. C. 11. AEFFII.II' AsAgnee, Jan 9.441 &11l Court stacet. Reading. )111 V Al' E -:---1V 1 1.14 I H XOl .ll ttt j)tivAte ....AI L NI.• the nader,ignekl, Mt that certain two , stote 1101;SI.:, tt ith tuo story Brick Back tao-story Brick Stable and Lot Ground, Nitnate on the Nest 81( iiiof Nottit Sixth street, beta vett Walnut and Elm streets, in the olty of Iteadina,(blithe NO. 2.16) coat:titling 10 feet in front and 2A feet in depth. .1.tc01.1 F. I.IVINGOIitr. No.*::: North Sixth St., Reading, l'a. Jan 16-Stil JANt'Aiti, uTioN wAs PAssED By thr • lloanl of the Douglass Mutual Live Stock Atlsociation of Bells count y, that they Win to surellorseA as high as two hutotreq,and Ilfty dollars WV). Thia resolution to take 'etteet oo and Utter Match Ist, Iso. Ortier of the Boat it. _ jiiit 2-3 t I tiILAS W. Secretary. 4 . V . STATE OF inte 01 Greenwich township, Perks coast . , neeettsed. Letters of mind n i tat ion to the eAtittc of he abo v e n a m e d d ece d en t having !we lt granted to the tutilerAttnoil, residing In :saki I owaslolp, lumen Is hereby given, that till per sons indented to saki estato arc rcAttesteil to make immediate piamoit, mot those liiiv lug claims, *lll Paseitt them, plopetly I:Wla:titiva te.), tor sottletiteilt. DANIEL, MI:ITZLER, Adal'or. F ST AT F. OF JACOB SMITH. LA TY of the city of Heading, deeensed.--i.ett mil of administratiou to the cslate of the above-named decedent ha) Dig .heen granted to the tinder slgned,resitli a 1.; at Schutt 4ville P. 0., Colebrook dale, Tp., Relics Mont y, notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to said estate ale re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will resent thee', properly au.. t hem Wad ed, fur settlement. lob 6-4.1t1 ItICILAIt F. SMITH, Adin'or. A uDrrows N .........devaignett Ammo' . appointed by tho 01. phalli,' Court of 'kirks county, to re.autl It the ac count of Silas W, Fisher, executor of Anna Fislter, township, Betts county, de ceased, and make distribution of (ho balanee la the hands of the Executor hereby gives notice that lie ti 111 meet the parties intereisted in said entail', on Friday, the lath day of Febi nary, at I o'clock P. 11., at his (ace, No. 211, North Sixth street, hi the city of Reading. lan 30-3 t) IitENAEUS SIIALTER, , Auditor. If! H D STATE OF CRISTIAN ECKER. late of Marion township, Burks coma y4lec'd. Letters Testamentary to the estate of the above named decedent hav ing been );matted to ihu tnt- LJtslguell, notice is hereby given that all MT• sons indebted to said estate aro requeidell to make immediate payment, and those having ClittlllB NV II 1 ,present them, properly anthenti eate4l, for settlement. WILLIAM DECKER, Tulpehoccon, DAVID DECIi ER, Marion, feb 13-Ct w Executors. . _ . . PUBLIC SALE OF 01.EY TURN PIKE STOC li.—W be sold at public sale at the publics house , of Jacob snytler, iii Exeter township, perks county, on Saturday, Mai eh 6, A. 0., 1 ; 30 shales of OLE Y TIT ItN PIK E STOUR, beton 1;' lag to the estate of William Enabb, late of Oley township, Berks county, deceased. Conditions of sale made known at tiny of sale. AI,IIEUT liNAll 11, in mist rattn's. MAIILuN KNABB, • feb w • • _ . . _ DAVID SHAH AWN'S VENDUE.— on Tuesday, yebruary 22 1569, will be sold at the residence oft he subscriber, in 'Maxillae ny township, Mucks county, nom . Kutztom it, the following personal property, vri. 1 three year old colt, 3 cows, I bull, 2 heifers, 1 one year old ox, 4 hogs, L. broad wheeled Mt ni wagon, I body wagon with bows:anti cover, I pair hay ladders, I mowing machine; 3 plows, I hoe harrow, 1 sled with cast iron soles, cavil a .re, 4 plowgOrs, check line, Y plow lines, sets I an.) kee harness, large thing hook, 4 nets, 4 boti. acne, hay hooks, cow chains, (lota leg knife, of Lon, wagon tongues, one body, wagon sp o k es. I a rge nnit small ; stuck of hay by the toe, also: beds and bedstemis, 1 glass cupboard, 3:1 youths rag c ar pet., coal stove, 1 butcher rope, Arty feet long and many fat othig utensils and household foriliture. Salo to COIIIIIIOIICO at In'elock A. 11., when con. d s ittons 1% 11l bu rondo known by . DANIEL /MARANO:. PETER 'if' nik, A uct louver. itch 6-31, pu MAC SA LE. ----W ILL II}: -SOLD 2.. at publk, sale, on Tlitirriday, February -Pith, at the restileneti of Dr. P. .1. Tryon, in Exeter township, Berks county, (about ',4 0 1 ll 'toile be low Stonersvllle) tho following per.3onal pro perty : A pat r of black matched horses, I bay trot sing horse, oni strawberry-roan intire 'Colt, filrell by Young's. üblitil stallion Billy Mi.tapha, thine your old, 5 cows, all in profit, I hollers and one year and Nuti 1 old bull, all Durham stock; 1 Sontlidpn it tick, lull blood, u Well drew Iho II rsl piculluin at - the Perks County Agricultural Fair in Ms; 1 two lon to wagon With patent splii il'es 1 light horso uagon, 2 hul kit:3, I p .ir of hay huders, plows, harness, shovel hallow, grain cradle, scythes and poles, splitting axe and Wedgvs, 4 siAa 01 Yankee liiirimis, 2 check lines, lly nets, blind halteis and collars, double licit Anglo Uses, log and cow chains, PA Ice,; rakus, 6)0 Chestnut rails; bedsteads, chairs, stnve,i, kitchen furniture, and ir any other articles. Solo to connnemin at 12 o'clock M when taws of 81131, will be ninth; known by TILY4II, A MOH ft VSN AIIOIOIIOOE. (jail :30 COURT SA, w ant to an ()utter of lheOt phans' Uouri of ttetky Omit y, will be Sold at publ ic weilitsse, Oil Friday, day the 24th day of February, A. 1). . All that certain messuitge, tenement and lot of ground, situate In the borough of Iternville, 'kirks county, Pit., marked In the general ohm of said town, No. 49, bounded on tile Nort is by an alley, F:itst by' properly now or late of David Berkey, on the South; by Main htieet, and by property now or las it of Lew to Porr, containing In front On Main sit rout, IX) foot, and i.s depth feet. This linproveinents thereOn being a too story liglCK HOUSE, a small two story f11,131E HOUSE or 81101', Stable, &el. ho Above will be sold in two our pai Is or to gether, as may best suit put chamers. Thero will also be sold at the same thee and place-1 wagon, chest, copper kelt le, iron hct t bencht.4, -taolere cedar staling, tlll./3 tout other household furnfttire. Late the property of Lon,‘ let It, „Filbert, do:eased. Soto to cotninence at 12 o'clock noon, when doe attendance will be given and the terms 01 sale otatle known by ELIZAIIETII FILIIEIt:T, ~. LEVI 101"Elt, , 1 A(liit'orm, By order of the C(!urt.—Levi 11. Levis, Clerk . . fcb 9-a fIRPIT ANS' COURT SALE.—PU HSU ...rant to pit - order of the Omious!, Court of HerlN county, .0 ill be sold at ptiolie vendee, on Saturday, the 27th day 01 Fein nary, A; D . is ~,d at the late W (elling lions° of Jo3epli kller, , deceased, Pt, IVaterlooville, Windsor 10%118111p, said county, - Ilic following described real estate, situate ill said Waterlooville: - 1 , 1. All those two contiguous Lets of Greund numbered •1 the general plan of said village,Nor. 11 I anti it. upon which 19 erected a two story BRICK HOUSE, and a outs story FRA Mk HOUSE, bounded by the Centre Turnpike, Water street, a sixteen feet wide alley, and lot No. 3, now or late of Dav!tt Slinik, containing IV perches more or less, 2. All I,llWe two contiguous lots of inbuilt!, sit uate in the villa go aforesaid, on which ;a ereeted a one and aha 14..0ry FRAME 1101/SE bounded by Water strec sixteen feet pith; alley antrlot t \o. 11, containi g :17 pet•elies more or less. - 3. All that certain piece or parcel of land, sit nate in the viliage aforesaid, and upon rt' li lel; is created a FRAME STABLE, bounded on the East by the Centre Turnpike, on the North by a tlorty-three feet wide road, on the West now Or IMO of John Eck, and on the South by lands of the Schuylkill Navigation Company; containing , about 1 acre and 2u perches. - 4. All that certain piece pritract of land, situ ate In the village aforesaid;unon which lEf erected o le and a halt ,stnry FltA Mk; MOUSE, bounded by lot NO. 4, the property of .1 onfol Mengel, Cen tre Turnpike, lot No. s t the property of Sarah and a sixteen feet wide alley: containing about 1 4 acre. Late the property of JemptiMilk,r, deceased. Sale to continence nt I o'clock, I '. M., of bald day, when due attendance will be given and the Ismael' bale Wade k now n A P..3oti H. MILLER, ,Adnt'or. By Order of tho Coml.-I,mq H. 1411130 i Clety. fob 0-St I TEN CENTS PER WEEK. DO YOU REALLY 'llllNli 11111 DID? - waited till the tl% Amt ytt eratt , ; I '.trnyetl along the hyttsh\lttle' Amt_s_tolN Iy ell home; when who tlymht vole() bellied too But him 1 woutil ItiVve bid; 110 !tatil he Cattle to 111ottuts-- po you realty think he did I • ," • Ult • Sali that vlucc tto pitt tett 111. 0 4 thought of naught ao swoot As of tho N•ttly moment. Tito moment. pro Hlmula meet. • 11u shoTredint‘ nittNro, lutitshthled• A cottage home lay htQ ; Ile said for int. he mitlo it— llp Jenny think he did • IIA ea id INltcn 111 , 4 hit ant► - me Lao snowed at oaten divine; Eaeli iilght.liettreatnetl or ango:o4. every taco wa:+ n►lau, Sometimes Ivrolee, tt hen sleeping, World all his hopes forbid, And then lie waked up weeping— • Do you really think he ilia LIMA lIItIANN All will agree that there is no bean grown at all to compare with the Lima, especially w hen green, but even as a winter Lean. Used in the• winter it is different fronl nit Walls front the fact that it is nearly equal in quality to what it is in its green FIMP, Ilut all may Inot , know that is the, mils( difficult of bean& to raise. Its principal enemy is a wet spring. It is of So large a size and infirm that when platited,if the weather is moist, it'be• conics -soaked through and rots, sometinies even after it has sprouted. It not unfrequent• ly t happen s that two nod oven three plantings are necessary and the crop fails aflurwards. AOMCiiilleS a hot, dry August, renders the vines barren ; sometimes heavy rains just at the ported of intim eseenee will' "do'' for then.. The best mode to taisc beans RnelTSS fully is to'select a dry spot fon the bed, plant the poles firmly, elevate the hills, and set the seed perpendicularly just under the surface, first grousing -the seed with lard or hatter. If the soil is - rich anti not too wet the chances aro that a gtiod crop will be the result. lint to insure a good crop as nearly as it can be done, plant j-the beans in a shallow box Idled %with the best soil about one inch each way, say about the middle or 20th of Aptil, place the box in it hot-bed, or in a sunny win dow of a constantly heated. room of a home, and start the plants there, When the period arrives for transplanting—that is, when the period of probable frost is over—set them carefUlly out by the poles, taking as much earth with them, FildliCiClldy moist to atilierts . , as possible, make a hole with it round•pointed stick of suitable size, and draw up the earth and press gently. Shout 4 ilitst threaten, cover with old papers, wor hay, the for met. being-the best, as it is easier tit manage, makes lcsis,dirt 'and can be saved for future occasions. A few clods will keep thu paper covering in its place. t But this should bo what might bo Ailed the early or first crop of Limas. The second crop should he planted in the usual way, and from the two it would rarelk.happen that enough for summer and winter use—in ease the plot of ground is Jar i o enough—would not ho se cured. AR GOOD AS It' IT ‘VEIIE ho. —A mouse rang ing about a brewery, bmpened to fall into a vat of beer, and applied to a cat to help bite out. The cat replied "It i s a f6olish request, for as soon as I gt t you out 1 shall cat you." The mouse replied, that fate would be better than to be drowned in hoer. The eat lifted him out t but the fumes of the beer caused pus s to sneeze, and- - !the mouse took refuge in Hs hole. l The eat culled on the mouse to Gem° out "You, sir, did you not promisO that I should cat you?'' "Ali," replied the mouse, "but you knew 1 Wm in liquor at that time." —Cincinnati has 2,-?,oool.DaferP. j T A 'l' E ()It' JOIIN BEQIITEL xulitto of lit hlelberg township, lierloi county, ireeeitseil. Lot:tors of Ailuilniritration to the es tate ot lho riboro decedent, liar° been grunted to the sunset thin'. At l persons intleht e e l to stud 0,1 ate are requeBleti to matte tintrieithile payment, and those baying claims will prurient them, properly authenticated, for hettleinvnt. 1:341 AC BECHTEL, Atiministiator. •Jan 2-Itl Robeson la P. O.; Br rk» Co.. 181, I E OF ~PE ItSON AI, PHOPEIII he bolt at'pliblie sale, on 'Thursday, Isliteeli It I, ,ISI/9, at t lie residence,' of thti subscriber In Oley 'Tow ityilsip, !lurks county, one tulle West ot the "Yellow Mune," theleittire slack and tainting utensils, consisting of one splendid six multi team, with ore Nvtigoit and har ness tinuies . !l and years olA), 1 1111111.1 With colt, 1 mitre seven years old, .1 good young cum s, 1 two Boated carriage and harness,l trotting bug gy with harness 1 trOtthig sulky, I twO seated sleigh, sloigh hells, 1 broad wheeled oar wauon, I broad and 1 narrow wheeled faint wagon, 1 t au lotto wagon with lied, 1 nioWer, 1 'wise take hay elevator, cot n speller, winnowing mill, plows, harrows. S , tiitivutors, forks rakes, all kinds of farin'hatileSS, flay !Udders anti listurbs. tltubt COW challis, grass scythes, gritill silovels, hoes, ,tc. Also, 1 walnut begre• tart' , awl other articles of household Kate to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., when couditlona will he made known by. feliii-lt) 1,1:11 .1. /11:ILT01.1 ( .1"T. ___..._ , it.E`(;lSr.l'Elt'S TO Al, P BONS (JO N ir Nie D. NOtTCEIS HEREBY GIVEN, ',THAT the following fleet:meta have been" tiled In Me °Mee of the Itegilter, to nod for the county of Berke, and that tile same all! be pregented to meth ph a 08 , Court foreon 11E10 MI e, on Sat urday the •Illth day of February next, at 10 o'clock A M., at the Court House, in the City of Mauling. 1865. Filed Decvoiber 2.1 Aceoulit of Samuel Gelss, dolNti mot of Ellas GC.lBs, tleCCOAed, %Vim %LID Guardhut orlialliel L. GcIAN. Filed Doeember 30.7,Aceonot. of El)bruin' LOI uud .John S. J)cglcr, Exec:M.ols of 311dhattll Lou;;, deeemeil, who wto; C;oardialt of John Bober• Food 144:ember 01. • Account of Elizabett► Spl. twit, (iota(lluo of Edward N. Johnson. 1869. Piled January 1. Account or Jneoh B. Gilbert, Executor 01 Molly Gilbert, deceased. Filed 4atinary.s. Account' of 1)1111aut It. Zie mer and niter 1). Ziemer, Adnalnistratora 01 Peter Ziemer, deceased. Filed Janua ry O. Account, of Etgene Fleming, Eu i ctgo r of Rebecca Stoltz', deeeaked, Filed January 9. Account of David (fling, Guardian of William liemig. Flied January 11. Account of Baronet liathinan, Administrator of John Griffith, deceased. Filed Jan uary'l2. Account Of Veter lister and Etiliraitn Drelbelbis, Executors of Peter ?biter, deceased. • kited January 1 . .1; .Acconitt of ,lobn It. Romig, Atholni4rator of Nathan Troy (lecetoetl. Vileti,Jaituary 18. Accomn tj ,Ilennevlllo Balt !laser, Executor of Elizabe lt ltalt,tuttser, ,tli!- -BVaneAl. Filed January lg. Account Of igiellolas Heck man, (Suardian of Xin ma Hothetiberger. Filed January 18. Account of Nathan Administrator of Dinah Bpolin, deceased. Filed Januar], 17.. Account of Christian Sae. saman, (Juan. Dam of Lewis Henry Yohn. Flied January 19. Account of Henry ft. Esb latch and thiylti ' It, lisli bac!), Administrators of Chrktian deceased. • Filed January 20. Account of Daniel L. Wag ner and Jared Howie, AdoiplibiratorB of John Howie, deceased. Ylluti January 20. Account, of Snt(); Hertz, Samuel Heitz. and Daniel litimlncl, Adiniviint in• tors of Sam mil Hertz, (Iceettbed. felled Jfutuitcy 20. Avtlouittr of Jolm t;lemsol), Admlobstrutor of William Clonson, 4104 . 45et1. J. D. WANNY.It, lte'4lPler, OyYlO,l l JalluttVy h4OO-4 It PI