THE DAILY EAGLE. • • • ,' • g 4 , • ". dik. ks , 4. 11,11AING. sATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 18119. OIMM:Ella Mail TIIE Eagle Book Store, ADLER 0111 CO, DAILY EAGLE and BEADING °AMU'. & DEVCRAT have been re moved to 542 Penn street, Sehrnoelcer House building, op -1 ouite the Keystone llouse. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS HI!! DAILY EAGLE 101 hereafter loi charged at the rate of ten cents a line for the first in4er tion, and five cents a line for each additional insertion. CITY I'ItINT/N(i. Now that the election is,ovor and our eiti zons have quietly settled dow)i to the result, we wish to call attention to the fact that the Council Proceeding:l,ot the past year have not Keen published in a way calculated to inform (ho great body of 'tax-payers as to what was going on in Council, We look at this ques tion from this stand-point. The Council Pr?- euedisigs are required by law to be published. Should not those proceedings be given to the public in the papers having the largest eircula• tion in this city? Will any business man claim that these proceedings should be p u b. fished in a paper having thd stualleit eircula lion? ‘‘IOI these questions before ut, %Ant would n fair business man do? IV° answer that he would have those proceedings published in the political papers of either party, provided that no Neutral paper had a circulation larger than_ either of the political papers. , In order to solve the question as to whether any Neutral paper in this city lies as large a circulation as the LADLE, the proprietors of the EAo►,a aro willing to compare subscription lists and make affidavits thereto. We claim that our subscription list is more than three, i not four times larger than that of the Neutral paper in this city. `: __No submit that the city printing should be Riven to the Emmy: and Dispatch, because they are papers rend by the great mnjoiity of the tax-payers, both Democrats and Republicans, mums AND BWlLUttililldl: : 4ol./lINAL The Journal of this morning, in its editoria columns, advertises us in a style that paper. Progress is ono of the fundamo tal print plea of the Democratic party, and, when the Editors of the Journal so announee,it, wo eer• wilily can have no objec4na. Will the Editors of the Journal answer the following questions: Are you in favor of conferring corporate privileges where privato onterpriso can suo• cc:Wilily • accomplish what is proposed to be • done by a corporation ? Aro you in favor of National Banks ? Are you In favor of paying off the National debt; and if so, how can it be done? Do yon believe the administrations of James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, General Jackson and Thomas Jefferson to have, been advanta• geous 'to the prosperity and growth, of this country ? What do you think of the purchase of Alas kit? Would it be profitable to the City of Read ing to widen and deepen the Schuylkill ho that steamboats could run betviceu Philadelphia and Reading, and if so, what would it cost? 1, • Would it be right to have a paid fire del aft wilt for the City of Reading? ~ Over which streets should the passenger rail way be built to Make it pay from the start? LIOTTICIt VI OM IiEN. ItIcOANDLIESS The following letter from Gen. Win. Mc- Candless, whose name is prominently men• tioned in connection with the Gubernatorial nomination, will be of interest to our readers. If other prominent Democrats, in times gone by, had been equally magnanimous, the Democratic party would have been more successful than it has been for some time past : listaitsinui, Fob. Oth, HO. J. WARREN CONARD, My Dear Sir :--1 have had the honor to read in your edition of the 4th inst., an article on the question of Ooveinor, and for the kind expression of regard therein contained, rela• live to myself, I thank you. In this contest I am- entirely unselfish, and young enough to be unagnaninious. If ileneral Hancock will agree to accept the nomination of our perky, my first act shall be to decline being a candidate,and ask my friends to wheel into lino and support him. Tho Democratic party should have Icarme \ tl by. the bitter experience of the last foty Vears, that it cannot, in either State orNational . Con• vention, ignore its active, living element with. out incarring defeat. Yours truly, W.M. MCCANDLESS. SPAT); has declared that henceforth no slave shall be held on Spanish soil. Thmi surely passes away the barbarism of our century ; and we may justly take credit for our great share ht the glorious work. The first blow on the shackles of the Spanish slaves came from the pikes of old John Brown.—Faller Abraham. As none of John Brown's usdless pikes were ever used to strike a blow at any one, we fail to sea how they could have produced such wondrous results in ,Spain. 'Brown's pikes xvere made for him by . tt swindling Down East Yankee, and as a matter of' course they were entirely worthless, and as great a humbug. as Brown himself. Saints must be-scarce in the Radical party, when they attempt to canonize such a crazy horse-thief and murderer as Old John Brown. • WHY cannot Turkish baths be established in Heading? They are a decided luxurz, in many vakes a necessity, and if the bath is not taken too frequently, they are higkly conducive to health. Let then „,iice become an establish• ed institution here, and we are sure they would pi eve a source of profit to tho proprietors, Coin : .is the only 'safe and relial,le currency, because the vatue of coin never IlucPlates• Whet; a nation consents to use paper as a sub• stituto for money', the people consent to be• come the slaves or the money•changers, who aro generally mer without bolds. raper mon. ey is a - fraud, and 11CUTtle to nay nation which makes use of it, because it has no real value; and if there is coin ,enough to pay the alleged value of the paper on demand, therc. is coin enough to use as currency. tor to 91()NtIli. TIIE DISPATCII.—This paper hmjust eutere4 its fouith year.' It was started by Messrs Buckwalter, Elliot ak, Shultz, three years ago It was-a qUestion df serious doubt whether a daily newspaper in this city would pay, before the Dispatch was started. The Dispatch has solved this doubt. It is now a good paying paper. Some time since Mr. Buck waiter with drew from the firm; selling out his interest. to his co•purtners for $4,600. We wish the his• patch success pecuniarily, but condemn its course politically. -, FusERALs cost too, much now•a-days. This system of running the living in debt for the sake of conferring a doubtful honor' upon the dead, by trailing after them a long string of carriages, half of them empty, and half of the remainder filled with persons _ who go to the fu oral perelyjot; a rido,is foolish and lvrong, an should be frowned down. $76,000 tdoa - m, in coin, was sent to the E i n ropean bondholders, on Thursday., in the steamer Donrm, from New:York for Bremen, via Southampton. Americans, hard over your gold and!silver—your European 'masters need it—to laVish it on foreign luxuries! White slaves, pay your taxes ! . IluowNt.ow's Ktmom iriust be a pleasant. place of r6sidence, judging fano the numerous murders and outrages toneantly occurring there. At Memphis ' on the 6th inst., a 'row occurred at a ball, in which live ,men were wounded—one daPigerously, two severely, and two slightly. 13rAnr I)trrum iq being denounced by 'Had• cal journals for "'raising a dbigroceful row'' t the House of Itopresontativolt on Wedium day, in, regard to counting the electoral voto of Georgia. The alter Radicals are becoming jealous of Butler's notoriety. THERE is puch excitement. among Americans in Paris over the disaster to the steamer Pereire. and the death of i some of her passen• gprs. It is chUrged that the steamer was being forced rapidly ahead against the waves, to make a quick passage. .- GEN. Scuormr,n, Secretary of War, insists upon necessity: for retrenchment in the ex penses of the army and navy. lie thinks both departments should be consolidated into one, and placed under the charge of a civilian. TUB EXIIOIITION ON iVIIALEN. Dearing' of the Prisoiser—No Definite Gan tesslou —The tr.z.bibli ion - Public, nun Largely Attended—Tito Affair Passes utl Without a Disturbance..- OTTAWA, Feb. IL—Jame'S Whalen, the al• leged murderer of the lion. Thomas D'Arey McGee, Minister of Agriculture for the slew Government of Canada, was executed upon the gallows this morning at a few minutes past 11 o clock, in the town of Ottawa, Canada. The prisoner had, up to a few days ago.conditet• ed himaelf with great unconcern, and even in dulged in ribaldry and obscene jesting in view of his end. It was thought be indulged hopes, almost to the very last, that he would not be hung. Early in the morning people began to assemble outside the jail, in Stewart street, eager to witness the revolting scene, manifest ing that morbid curiosity which many, both men and women, always exhibit on such oc casions. ' By 10 o'clock the'streets were crowd ed with in heterogerioua mob, told many per sons had perched themselves on the tope of the houses in the vicinityl for the purpo4o of obtaining a better view. The morning was dull and cloudy, with a drifting snow from the east. At 101 j o'clock it was estimated there were at least 7,000 persons in the vicinity. 1 Distuib anee, and an attempt at rescue had been feared, and precautions taken to prevent it. Eyery• thing passed off quietly., _ Inside the jail a select company had been admitted, including Sheriff Powell, Jail Governor Powell, Sheriff Temple, of Frcdericktown, New Brunswick Drs.-Bell, Van Courtlandt, Conover, Sweet land, Mr. ' Frazer, and others. The Sheriff wore his uniform and sword. The guard, in side and out, consisted of regular soldiers. The arrangements for quelling any attempt at rescue were very complete. Various surieWes were freely itirculated in the crowd as to how Whalen would deport himself in the emergen cy. Some said ho had fully made up his mind to confess, while others were sure ho :would implicate some other party, and furnish the public with enother feast of horrors.At was earnestly hoped by the more) thoughtfo and considerate that at least some light_ would be thrown upon the mystery, and that he would tell who had fired the fatal shot, if he did not. At twenty minutes before 11 o'clock the fa vored few were - admitted to the leading-place on the, scaffold. At this moment not an inch of space within view of the scaffold was un occupied. The -suspense was intense. At a few• minutes after 11 o'clock itho door of the corridor opened, and the sblemn voice .of Fathdr O'Connor was heard in earnest prayer for, the domed man. The prisoner . as cended the steps to the scaffold in company with the officials and three Catholic pfiests. Whalen walked firmly and.erect, and seemed but:little moved. lie was dressed in a suit of black, with boots carefully blacked, and his whole toilet made with the utmost care. IL. wore a green silk necktie. Aithe walked up ; ho was repeating in unison with his confessor and spiritual adviser,' "Lord have mercy on us." A death-like stillness reigned through. out the great multitude as -Whalen stepped up- on the drop, and remained firm and upright, almost righl,while the fatal noose was mbusted. The executioner-stood at'his left side, clad in a blue calico jacket and pants, and a red and white striped cap, his face masked with black crape. When the rope was adjusted,. Whalen was asked by the Sheriff if he had anything to say—when he made the following remarks: "I beg pardon for any offence I may kayo committed: I forgive all parties who have in• (jiired le, and I ask forgiveness of all whom I may h ve injured. fled save Ireland, and God save 9 y soul!" The signal was then given and the drop fell at 11. 1 15 A. M., precisely. 'the wife of Whalen visited him yesterday, and was with him up to the lime of his execution. She seemed to have suffered greatly;and• was very bitter toward the is authorities. It reported that Whalen made j a full written statement, which ho gave into the custody of the Sheriff, and which has not yet been made public.-7'rfbune. 1 The Collection of the Whlskey Tax. Feb, - 12.—The tables just pre pared at tho Treasury show that there are now 81R gaugers, I,o94.storekcepers, and 653 ware houses supported 6y the Government for the benopt of the trniskey distillers, at au expen se of nearly two millions annually. • The distillers paid these expenses theutselvei until July, 114643 2 1 and there is pow a talk of goitig back to he o ld system. MONSIEUR TONSON COME AGAIN READING O. K. Gernand,Heidenreich and Weid man elected by Handsome Majorities ! A Democratic Select Councilnian in the 7th Wa.rd! The G. A. R's .and " Loll " Men generally " Kerflumixed 1 . " OUR RpOTER PPAI'S Ills WIN(;S, ANT) CROWS MORE I)EPlA\'l'l,V THAN EVER ! LET US BE JOYFUL! The municipal election yesterday resulted in a &orients triumph for the Democracy. city ticket I►as been elected by a handsome majority, and wo have carried a large majority of the ward officers. By this vote Reading has determined to remain In the Democratic col umn. She hos no love for Radicalism or Segro Suffrage In any shape or form. Our beautiful and growing city has likewise determined that her future prosperity and progress shall not be hindered by the seleetion inen who aro b► sympathy with the bold andi - reckless majority of tln present CongresS and State Legislature. She is for white men; at all times and tinder all circu u ►stances, to govern and control the destinies of thh4 nation'of white n►en : 0 Ar.: NER .1 I. c 1 Tr TICKET. ,c IvAims, First, 118 5 .(1(011 ii, :151 1155 119 .113' Fourth, 1i:1 .251 Fifth, '23i '239 Sixth, :AO , lioi Si.Vtnitli, _ist Eighth, ' • , NM I ' '255 Ninth, __l till 1:6 Totiti, WA RD l'frlit r•n«T WARD.' 11 EN(0(11( AT. .i 1 11 kill(' A 1.. Cl/(r/ram. Council, 1 Cuomo)! COtineil , J, fi, I'lloger. 12.1!MattlIfIll, (Inthst el'. :112 .7 inlge, .I ridge, John K. Lioffnitif,tor. 132 yranklin W Liman. 233 MA-pee/or. : ' /avec/ta t Owen O'Reilly. 13:1 R. U. linrlc ha r 1„ '2ll A, ~ f .vsessor. Ciro. IV. I'lleager. 1:15 ,T, B. Maxton, 2O L'ichout C‘natt oilers, , School Controllers, ' 4l.Blrecher, 4 yA. 13:11A1nn. H. Pliillippi, 21(1 JOBdo (1. Hawley, Zyi. 1331 SECOND WARD. DEMOC RAT, RADICAL. Neitet eb It Heir, 1 St led (Ibiou'd, Snmoel Itoblimon. n8,1143110' U. Ilain. • 3SS et»11»1011 Council, l Common Coittwil, Willl iFix. :163 George W. Grant. :372 Gregory Irvine. '026: Willhun IkL%ister. 317 .7w/ge, I Jur , George St rnhen, 31giGeprge Ilittily,;. 3:...". inspect.,r, 1 " /n.s)ialur, lineliftel MeGrann. :110 , Dan iel ;RI (11.1., . 317 A ssesm»., r l ,,se.s.mnr, Wm. 'Z.1160:4:11% 115311PaVe Erdman. sehnot efintroner, l •'ichonl Controller, John Denham . 311 1 Jam es M. Roland. 3 TIIIRD %VA RI): . . imm or It A 'r• . • ClantilOn COUnCii, : • CnntniOn Cutinca,i 282, , inliii It. Vint z. •TAvoh Miller. 2 liclutol 'telly. .21N , ,jotiopl t Shearer. '2 iiitige, I ' - jmlye, • DaVltl A. Stout. '267 1 lienry Johnston. '2 - inspector, /Av. c/o'', JOlin 11111. '..71-Jacob S. t;ooil hart. '2 % iisv.mor, :I sse,vsor, Daniel (i, liimbh, 'IN I.lozienh Shearer. ghoul (Im/roller, l , Nehoot ( 5 )111roller, Charlet+ Scull. '26.1; bawl.' FOURTH. WARD . . OmWWII (,4.0.1i/Cit, ~.1 CunittlOis (Imi/ell, W Ulllllll I.; . fi.1'011.“... 11;5 , 11. Maltzla.rger '255 .Tiorlf)P, Judge, Henry Kerner. 176 J. George Seltzer. 251 /nApector, 1 in.ipector, , Daniel Bann. 172 Cliarle3 A. lti i iwel. 256 - T — lt SSeASOI', A5.,e440,', 11011* llingatnan. 175 Philip Zlelier. 2.16 School Controller, i &hoot thntroller,‘ 11'in, hi. Rlglmtpiyoi.. 179,Chas. 11. Melinight. 216 FIFTH {YARD, ummovit kr . I itmAt(.AL. . CV - Amnon Council,! Onbinion Maned, Levl Wunder. ' 247 Marlins Ale!lett. 2 i , Judge, Jiatiie, IV. Van fleet!. '252 Geo. I, Knopp. 2 1114)celor, ! hisptelur, • Joseph-li. - Harvey. 218 David Fox. . '2 Assessor, ils.vcssor, John C. Strnlieeker. 21ii'John E. 1 (Jager. ~ . Re.hmt Controller, ! &hoot Controll-r, James, Mulligan. 217,Sainuel Free:i. ' _. SIXTH WARD DRAI OCR AT. ' , R AMCAL. cbianion onnwit, ,' i Common Council, Daniel Miller. 191 Alexander Jaeoba. 178 Judge, Judge, ..1 nes Holtniaster. 197 Win, Kriel:, sr, 1:0 inxinctor, Inspector, _ Jonathan L. Reber. 2,3 .Iwiepli 11re1sforil. 179 'A A.V.ISOr, Assessor, Philip K. Miller. 200 Charles Seiders. 177 &Imo' tbalruller, • School CYnitrollers.' Daniel Coyle. 19 , 4 John McKnight, 4 ys. So Lewis Winer, 2 yq. 8 0 :SEVENTH WARD. mimocttior. U A PICA L. liar el COIMoli, Be/CC/ Oilin cif, iretirk V. Lance, (7 Aaron Steinbach. 266 Common Council, Clmmton (Amara, James T. Reber. 273 Abner li.Statiller. 21 , 4; Judy!, • .. Judge, j.lewollyn Wanner.,Oillettry Itimatis. „...:", Inaptelor, Insp , 1 actor Jacob Brady. - 2:..."s,Sainuel 11. 'rda. 1'27 Assessor, Assessor, • ' W 'm. Erinent rout, '...ti,s l Amos Yeager. School Controller,. 1 School Controll6c DaillilErmentront. '272'.1. T. Valentino. EIGHTH WARD, I ' 1) EM OC R AT.. Sobel ( %lowa. Christiun Slick. 2ill i Common Maned, Nicholas Heckman. V.ot, Jacob R. Ritter. 29;1 Ju(rwe, Irenaetts Stoller. 298 1 In viiretm., Amos Fogor, 29'1 • A.,,,,,,r, ' Jo'eph Maliz.herger '29') , 8,4,001 (batronee, Win, .I."mbeilliatier. 999 NINTH . DESIOCII.A.T. RADWALS. , mini non eintncib annton,('motrili Andy Gehry. :MI John 43. Ain holly, lin Dun'i Iltminekoleh. 2.52 Wllllnin Geiger. , 219 Judo+, it Judge, • 4acktion Sherman, 1312'Nnnevino N.lirgootl. In! InApectur, hi viiec tor. David lillne. 310 CharlPs Weber.. 13.1 , A prowl's ' A49e*,or, John 11. K lower. 242 (.3,.11 . Koch. 150 AWO , OI Milt - oiler, School Mil roller, JaCob llhisikumer, 3 . 1... r J O)il]. Si:Amen - el% 114 UM . •rti~~•~r.,~„•~•, -_.~_~. .1 trdi(or. c 6 .r. .0 ..-.., F.: , -1 v .4 4- , '74 ... 't CD o—.. . .... r-', .1 c'. , V . ' ',-..; .1 et cD .1 .7 .I L '-'" . I Y I • , ';' I ' i. tr . - -"A p = IA2 '209 351 35,1 2711 ':l5 IN/ 241 '211) 191 17 4 '275 2.13 9.17 '26 31'I 151 I 1.1 "02 311 :11!) ) 1).1 217 ) 237 UPI 171 '271 .114 211 ;' 114 21 Ili ti: 235 ) '2U 000.1 22q) '2l( It 11)I( k r RADICAL. SI he. 01,1111, Charles ItrenelNer. Ilmothat Amos Drookel. -. 2.53 Daolel Gro.ys. 2'57 e • • J. ItoSc dy . 259 Jill4p , ;(111e," Albert C. 31111er. . 88ordor. Solomon lir.rto. :t . S. haul(.Litt) 01 te limy 8. Eckel t.. 259 YARD. Tat: WoRKINI; laiorlighkrs of the Metropolitan Gaslight Compannof New York conipkon that they only receive i‘‘enty• five ce,its per lamp , per month, their duties tieing to, light, extinguish, clean and repair the satae,'while the lighters ,eotineeted itlt the Manhattan Company of the same ctitYJN ceive forty cents per lamp for' precisely iden tical services. The operative plasterers of New Yolk•eily deny the statments that they are about to strike for '8 per day. The laborers of T;il;owater, Staten Island; have resolved to demand per day after April Ist. The present rate. of wages is 75. In Baltimore. City Councils, iecently, a peti tion was presented front the assistant engine men, hostler:3 and tiller men of the fire department, tu.king for nn increase of their s a laries. The peti tioners state that they are twenty•ona hours on duty. and receive onlyl 92 per day, which is less than the pay of others in the employ of the city of Baltimore, who are employed but eight hours.'per day. The Working Women's Association of New York have adopted the draft of an net of in corporation to be presented to the Legislature. The act provides for the incorporation of the Working IVomen's Association, for the edima tion of the ignorant, the employment of the unemployed, and to provide refuge for all wo men what need help; and teach them indus ,trial occupations. The capital is fixed at $100,• iOOO, with power to increase to $500,000, each qihare to be live dollars, and the power is con ferred to purchase° or hold, or take by will or gift, such real orpersonal property us will nut exceed the nihonnt of capital stock. The New ,York clothing cutters aro still on strike; also - the job printers and sailors. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. In the Senate, the bill for the better admini stration of justice in the Territories IN'7lB re; )orted with amendments. The bill relating to the public debt and cur envy was vonsidered. - Mr. 11'illiu►ns' amendment to prevent the conversion of more Hum two millions of cur rency into bonds monthly was rejected. -The liver and Harbor bill was considered in the evening session. In the House,a bill was reported and passed, giving $lOO,OOO to be distributed !is prize mo• ney to Co►mnodore Winslow and the men of the.Kcarsarge for the destruction of the Ala baton. The Reconstruction Coin\Rice reported ft bill reorganizing a Proviiional (loveru n ►ent in Mississippi, which ►vas ordered to be 'whited and re• COlll 111 itted. Mr. Butler' s s reSolation protesting against, the eountino i of the vote of Georgia was dis. Cussed, anelinally, on motion of Mr. Logan, the whole subject. was tabled by a vote of 131 too. A motion to reconsider was then ,tabled, which prevents any further bringing up of the The "Air Line Railroad'' bill for a railroad between Washington and New York was pass ed—yeas 99, nays 61. The Tax bill was considered in the evening session. zir•'nrz'''•")!" . •°''.2l Tui: A I,Nlinury Dom,Aa.—l , ire months Fine°, a Dr. Ridley, of Boston, amputated the leg of a live•year till son of his, who had bc;en in• jured by being run over by an omnibus. For this damage to his son he collected six thon• sand dollars. It now 'turns out that the buy's great and next to the grew., toe were alone in• Jured, and this not sallicient to require more than two splints, bandages, and a little care. But, to recover damages,- the Christina father gave his child chloroform, amputated the leg below the knee, and recovered pay for the •daninges la. alone caused. It is not long since the inhuman monster WiliMaking'speeches against the Southern people for whipping ne• gro servants. What a regular ( loyal Yankee will not do for the almighty dollar God only knows.—N. /". Dentocdtt. AxciEsT Duxotioxs under theilite of the old Saxon and Norman castles at Guildford, Eng hind, have been uncovered by the corps of en gineers which has been detailed for this work. One dune'on, CO feet by 57 and 9 to 1.", feet high, has.been 'opened. h six hun dred persons." Six mote- dtvgeons are sup -pose,d to exist. Guildford, thirty miles'sonth yest of London, is the chief tg,wn of Surrey county, and is on tire' river Wye 'in a break of the Surrey dowps. It .existed as a royal domain in the time of Alfred the Great, who bequeathed it to his nephew Ethelbert _the reign of Har l ot(' I, in 103 t), Alfred, a royal prince, sun of Ethelbert 11, was sci4ed at this place and confined -in,the.dungeons. Six hun dred of, his Norman followers were .also cap tured and slaughtered. • AI? em'A LIK CIIIVKI;NM.111:F.- -- FaSeVer• Il months past, farmers in the vicinity of LAM* b:rtville, have been sufferitur fitom loss of poultyy, sheep, beef, buffalo robes; &e. Fi• rally the depredations became so frequent that a number of them formed themselvcis into a Vigilance Columi,ttee.' of'- their number was Mr. Mimi' Young, a well-to•do,-,respeeta• failner. Suspicion at last fell on a lad namedlamidett,ein p loyed by Mr. Young: this young man, however, turned State's evi.dence upon his emp?oxer, 'who it appefir9, compelled the boy and brotheq.,to help high Ilkee his neighbors. The. r,,espectable scoundrel was Itch! in $e ? ,(100 bail Ilk appearance at Court, nod the - Mount - At boys in $2,000 each. P.ta.intiA v.—The fall of Villetwdid not.etv sure the entire defeat of President Lopez,who, it is believed, has retreated further into t l n in, terror, us has been his invariable prtketiec after the Brazilians have driven his army Oat of the entrenchments. t The 'Marquis dC Crixiits, the Brazilian. Generalissimo, as is reported by the cable, has proposed a truce, nreparatory to peace negotiations. Lopez, it is stated, has shipped large quantities of gold ''tb Europe, and will probably seek there a refuo from his enemies, both domestic and foteigtr. I THE elakii . RHYOUTION.—Letters received at Washington, direct from the comMander.of the revolutionary party in Culia, dated in his cimtain•the assurance that, even am,now armed, the insurrectionists can holdout against the Spanish forces, and that all they Ilea to make the revolution a positive 'meccas is more artillery, which they ale hoping will bp,' seat to them by their friends outside of the Island. The representatives of the revolutionists at Washington are, still pressing our Government for recognition as belligerents. Anuono, ?R. . , - ALTOONA ! Feb. 12.-- , originated this morning, about; two o'clock, .in the building occupied by the Vindicator newspaper, and front thence spread to the adjoining protierty, destroying tl e frame dwelling and 'printing office of It. i:. o.. Kerr, and the frame store and dwelli gof J. Bitkowitz. The lire 'aas the Work of an incendiary.- The loss on ,the buildingamd 'contents is estimated at $25,000. The insurance, if any, has not yet been ascer tained., ~ The McConnell Murder. , Cult.Apo, Feb. 12.—The Coroner's jury, found William A. Robinson guilty of the• tour der of ex-Senator McConnell, at Jacksonville. Ile was seen to enter the house of McConnell the morning of the.murder by several . parties. gle is said to .have owed McConnell four hun. Bred dollars, and the chnin'of evidence against hint i 5 complete. THE first Protestant religions services "ere livid in Spain sioce the Into revolution in that country. An Epiticopal clergyman, in gown and bands, - otliciated. One or two priests were in the congregation. The clergyman, Pastor Runt, the'Algerine missionary, was attentively listened to. To-imvs .tovnit IsEmEsTs DO AUDI Nti.—A geiCitleAutri :in!! wife syt, I...ontleulo aft ho aat ccontetta . t '=•t)At it At N0 . .4,k)i tvb ltd . Li OUR jiliOUT LL NClL—Thero Will be a sour Olirout Lunch this (Sattirtia% ) oVen reh.l3, tO MRS. C. !TELLER'S : 4 :tloon, No. ttil North Eighth street. Lfcb 13.11(1* TOTICE.—.I special meeting of the members of the Junior Steam Fire , Company, No: ig ill he hell at their hall on Nlcatilsy evenim:,%lFeb, 1:501,1S0, at l'Lc o'clock., Full ratenance quested, JOIN 11. lit Tn, •It Secretary. OTICE.— An ama ned meet ing of the stock liolittlrs or the Reading Library Company w tll bo held nt. Library Hall, corner of ittn and Franklin streets, on Friday evening, the luh of lehruary, at, 7 1 6 o'clock, W, MURRAY ItigIDMAS, febl3-tddi Secretary, Mb:l .:TING 01."Tilli MUTUAL 11U1,11,D1 NG A Savings As flii , lation Will be beht tm MONDAY, Feb. IMI4It4A, at Rack's Hotel, 5 ii a nd Washington strosts, at I' l o'clock. All per. sous aro invited to attend. Commit too. fob 11-1t11) K EYSTONE OPERA HOUSE'I SIONDAY, TUESPAY WEIMESDAY EVENINGS, Feb. 15, 11 t 17, 1/:).;9 lIASELMAYIut J THE GREAT I DISTRIBUTES . DisnunuTEs! 100 1)" ‘ S"N Ts 1.00 NIGHTLY Embracing Chamber Sets, Furniture, Dress Gooch Silver-will a, Jewelry, Flour, Coal, tireenbaoks, Watches, tte., act, A rot iesioN, 018.- 7 ltesErtvaCu SF:ATS, 35 cis. Doors open at 7 o'clock. TocOntuteheo at 8. - IASELMEUR'S MATINEE, OVEPNESDAY AFTERNOON. Admission 15 cents to all parqi'of tho House, febl3-11.d.] W. H. STRIChLAND,Agent. • trirILIVE WHILE tOli LI YE (.11010EST OYSTNILS A N 1 4 ) El NEST,TERR. lIN IN 'ha,' CITY-CAN BE HAD I/A - I.T • IVEJ ND'S RES TAUB ANT, pl) No. 19 NORTH SIX STIt IN ET. WANTED, 75 S II Alt E S EAST PENNSYLVA Ni A It A ILI ZOA D s'rocg, BUSIIONG & BRO., No. Id NORTH HINTII STRl4.llll'r. lob 10-Iwd city from 1,143 farm of Jameti 8. 11111. Tho ikbovb reword will 1m paid by leaving tho mono at, lob 9-tri 'l'lllB OFFICE. VW: SA LE.—Witi ho soh d ut l'civuto Sales th e 1' Stool: of J. 11.01n4EltS' BARBER SIMI% with unpurtenanceA, at No. :a, reran t , iroot, Reading. Sold on account of going Intoothot bilitnesi. lob 11— T At3MAN ~k. lIAMMILI., li -, I PQRTF:teS AND DEALERS CITORT LIQUORS, WINES AN!) SEGAItS, 138 SOIJTII NINTH STREET, PJIIi,,AUI:LI'III.t. O. M. LA UMAii, FOIL 9. • VALENTIN:Es! VALENTINES! ALL 1;IN bP V,4II:ENTTINES., COMIC ANi) SEN;IIMENTA ; \\ -I:I , :NDER AND:A-MUSING, • 1 1 0 1 CHF: AT. THE EAGLE BOOK STOiLES NO. h 4 2 PENN 3TIIEET. Jan 29 NION WANTRIYI • BY TIIE CITY OP HEADING. Tho underilgneil, Committee on Fliinnee of the Comm Mimi of the (My of Reading, 11 empow ered toliorrOw the BUM of F;NT Y-FIVE• MOUS AN D DOLLARS, ( for the pOrpose of en targlna• the Water IVorktlef the sakr.elty, am( the said Committee hereby give notice that they are prepared to lagne Cer-_ titlcatea for I Ito same at Rix per cent. interest, to parties loaning teoiley to Ihe city for the per poke above named. • Persona deslrdos of invest ing, in this loan, will apply to eltherof the It rider ied committee, or to William lleldenrele.h, E•l4 , City Treasurer. Ilt I:liEltlCK LAuI ft. DAYIEL SP RN. , Coteinittec on Finance. Jan -2 1 , 'O-1y M OLINO 11ALC, RESTAURANT,—_ et, ,219 North I:ightls Strd:st. • ABRAHAM STOUT, PROPRIETOR. ÜbolPe Winos and Eatables on band ; also, a good Block of Aloe andwn. La Door, Lunch every clay, AU my friends arch Invite d , toicall. • A fow bnardern can bo aoo2m,modated with good board, (Jan 217bnd A LI. the 6ost anil latest styles of Note Parwr, on. Pencils, ote, for Street, t th 6 EAGLE BOOK STORE, No. 512 l E?nn opposite the KeystOnollOu se. Jan. 29. 11. C. JONES, JAMBS VAN HORN E, P. M. EII.WENTROUT. Eff U. C. il ANIIILL VALENTI NF,S LARGE AND SMALL I=l2l E A N I)) 1 E s ,i AN D 1100FLAND'il GERMAN TONIC Tlto (Ireat ltotootlios for all Diheaß(A NTONACII, OR 01? (1.4 2s*N. HOOPLAND'S G Ey.MS.N ls l eompose(l of the no (I tor, a i med lc malty 1.1‘1111041, t 7 itt YN 1 ni )100)A, WWI BarkM, 11131.1111: It • • ti(lll,' LI'M ,: 111 i VIII. Ll'' 1 liko/10/1C Wiintallrel . gf (IP A kind. 1100F1,AND'S liEltM AN TONIV, 3 1 14 i v ion of all the , Ilitte with the puremt y et Mint, lironAeott., making one et the sant and egireekthiereinekik3 ct'r'l ()nett Those preferring - a liietilehte tree ( " 1111 AitY• lie,toltutAture, NNW usu 1100FLAND'S cminux itll`rEit.4, Thom) t. ho have no object ion to th e con, , ton of t ho Bitters, OM stated, will eau 1100FLAND'S GERMAN ToNly Thoy are both equally good, and cant a t a , /MI MI UltletkillPl V1111.10:4, the choke tit'tNs t'k-, : tWO being amore matter of taste, the Two. the most palatable. Tito stomach, from a variety of van., .., iniligost ion, Ilyspepsh!, Net volts Pelqhly,, ' is very apt to have its functions kleizuw,i, •1 ',N ur % sympittliNing as 00,civ ~ ~, , n ith the - SLomach, then h t . 0.,,,,., ~ -. oil, the result of which s that the psi ...lit from several or more of the follim iiigili‘ k , ~.. Vongtipation, natplenee, Intvnrd Pilo), 1. Bess of Mood to the Head, Acidity n t h Stomach, Nausea, heart-intrn, Dis4n. l for Food, Fulness Or IVeight ut trio st ol y iae h, :%tour Froctatiehm, - Sinking ors Fl uttering nt the l'it of the Stomach, Swimming of the 1641, I lunged or Difficult Brest ting, Fluttm at the Heart, Choking orSut ikcating sch, when in a Lying Postnio, )Thee i .„ _Vision, Dots or %Vohs flelore the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Detieionev of Perspiration, Nollowness of Ili a Skin and Eyes, Pahl in tho Ride, Isno Chant, l.itnbs, etc., hidden Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constautilntt ti ings of Evil, and Depression of spirit,: • The imonir from these dlzietVe3 1)110111)1 ,), Cleo till) greatteNt otte Ihm in the nelectliii l , 6 rominly for Ms Calle , W 110111 1 ,414; 01113 Ilya ~, ho 131l),IttlIA ) 11 tl'olll iliti I nvet.thottonet mid 1 , rte:t po:3Busses true , lot i it, In bklid . ' compounded, 1.1 ll'elt 11'01i1 IIIJ11114)I, 4C grettlentr, 1111(1 bon 0:410) ? INA for itsilt tt ,„ lotion fur 1110 Mill) Of !Niel(' lillitlalilll. illl:i.) 011eti011 WO yould sub LIMA host) wtill.kb,,L, Invitee— HOOPLA N D'S GERMAN nnTßizs 1100FLAND'S UERMAN TOW, %KV AREI) H 1 1)r. U. Ift. if -1 elitlON, • Twenty-Iwo yearft since t hey wore ilt , t , t; (Need into tilts Country ' filen lleetuany,,i l rtl)ittit time they itnye undoubtedly pinto more cures, amt benefited suffering hutnnnlu a greater extent, titan any other remedied ki. , l to the oublle. - reintellett will, effeetnitily rule I. • Complaint, .lanntliee, I):t tiveysin, Chteiti, pharmoit i the Ichtneytt, ark - tall "i="7 Dtseattett 111'1 4 111g( a I)lHorticred Liver ''' Etonnteh orlon tt': DIMILITY Resulting from any' Caned — illhotevcr: T. 11.4 170 N 111 le IVIR oig,„ by Severe Latier, /tardetipa, Exposure, Fevers, dec. Theres no W6IIIOIIIO oxttint, Noini there Medical lu stash otiseS. A tone and vigni parted to the wholesystent, the itypeolt strengthened, food, enjoyed, th e H„fi, digests I,romptly, tht) blood id purnitql, tht plexlon,beeoines sound anti healthy, the ;Ingo iK eradicated front the eyes, a blovt , given to the cheeks, anti the weak and here EnvaUd beeontes a strong and healthy being PERSONS' ADVANCED IN 1,11:1; And fooling the hand of time, weighing hill upon them, with all its attendant ills, f , ht tiro use Of this 1111"14:10i, or the. TONIt., elixir that Will instil new life into their ‘c.. restore In a (measure) no energy and fioli•r MOTO youthful days, build itv 1 (holy rhttak.: forum, and give health au , ll impidnop:s to 11. remaining years. NOTICE. It le a woll-atitabliehed fact that fully ( , 111.... Of the female portion of our population an, dam, in the enjoyment of good health, to.tito their Own ex- pression,"tiatt , • , They ar