THE DAILY EAGLE. • • • , • (4 • • . . • •.‘4.•' READING. PA. FRIDAY,' FEBRUARY 12,180. MiIIIOCIIIILTIO CITY NOMINATIONS. • For -Mayor : HON. WM. 11. GERNAND. - For City Treaaurer HON. WM. HEIDENREICH. • For City Auditor: • DR. W. MURRAY WEIDMAN. DEMOCRATIC WARD NOMINATIONS. .FIRST WARD. common Council—J. 8. Pflogor. &hoot Controllera—.3. Bproehor, 4 yours ; Jesse G. Ilirsvrley, 2 years. Auessor—Ueorge W. Ptleger.-- Julge—John K. Ifoffmaater. Inspector—Owen O'Reilly. HIWOND WARD. • &lea Council—Samuel Robin Hon. Clontmon anmcit—William Orogory Helm. &hoot controller—John Denhard.. Atrsenor—Willlam Z. Bookor. Jaage—GOollge Struben. Inspector—Michael MoGrann. THIRD NV Al). common Council—Jacob Milkir - o.llchaol Ri ley. klehool Controller—Charles Scull'. 'tumor—Daniel G. Knabb. Jade—David A. Stout. Inspector—Jobe 11111. YOU tun WARD: anninen Council—Wllllain C. ICrotime. School Controller—William M. Righttnyer A Reaeor—lionry 131:Ionian. Judge—Hon ry ICorpor. impeder—Daniel Rahn: / IPIFTII, WARD. mniola CO t 4 nc i a—tAavi•lVonder. Asects6r—Jelin C. Birobookor. School Conlroller--J atnos Mulligan+. Judge--Wellington Van Rood. inspector—Joseph IC. Harvey. • 1111 XTII WARD. 1/1021 Council—Daniel Miller. Nolittoi Director—Danlel Coyle. Judge--James Hoffmaster. baspector—Jonathan L. Reber. Ammer—Philip IC, Miller, - incvntiTri WARD. Select COMICii—IF r odorlok W. Lauer. Common Council—James T. Reber. Ammer—William Erniontrout. &Mei Controller—Daniel Ermontrout. .Tudge—Llowellyn Wanner. impeder—Jacob Body. MULTI! WARD. Select Mundt—Christianlok. - Common Cosset/ Nicholas Heckman Jacob R. Ritter. Aeseasor—Josoph MaMerger. Schoot Cotilroi/er.W. Umboulmor. • Judge—lronaoue f4haltor. Inspector—Amos Vogor. • • NINTtI wAn9. Common Council—Addy Gohry,Daulol Hin molrolch. • eseasor—John 13. Klomor. &hoot Controller—Jacob Rlsslkunior Judge—Jaolcoon Hhorman. tri Inspector—David ICllno. Election on Friday, February latitillea IMPOUTANT TO VOTERS. trxtrilet from Eleetton_Lews for the City of Itendlpg. Ughßowing extract from nn Abt - passed by the Pennsylvania Legislature on the 28th of April ) 1864, entitled :" An Act'. revising(tho. charter of the municipal corporation of the city of Reading," will bo of / interest to our citizens nt the present time. BallCts should be prepared and vo d in the manner therein de scribed: 1. Si artoN B.—T at the . klualified voters ) of the city of Reading, at their annual, election for city officers, may' vote, , for said °alders, upon two written, or printed, tickets, orl slips of paper, one of which sliall be bonded , " city ci ll officers," and contain to names of the midi dates for mayor, city censurer, city auditor, 'and select and comm n councils, for whom the voters desire to vote, and the other shall ho headed " ward officers," and, contain the lumins of the candidates for alderman, eon• stables, judge, and inspectors, of elections, controllers of schools, and assessor,,for whom they may desire to vote. Tim Eaglo Book StOre, ADLER office, DAILY EAGLE and READING GAZETTE & DENIOCRAT have been re moved • to 549., Penn street, Sehmucker House buijding, op posite the KeystCine TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS in the DAILY EAGLE Will hereafter be charged at the rate of teh cents a line for the firSt inser tion, and five cents a line for each additional insertion. TIIR IGASTERN QUESTION. Turkey is opposed to making further con cessions to the Peace Conference. Russia is extremely hostile to Turkey, although ostensi bly in favor of peace. The Russian troops are all being armed with needle guns. Greece re fuses,to resume friendly relations.with her old tyrant, Turkey, and the masses of the Russian people aro in favor of a war with that !teethe power. The police of St. Petersburg are kept busy tearing down inflammatory placards posted on the walls by unknown parties, urg ing the Russian people to send' assistance to the Greeks in their "sacred war'!, against the Turks. The French are preparing to interim% in the matter, and a general war is probable. A Polish legion is being formed at Contend tipple, to fight against the Russians in the ,event of a war. It will be the war of the cross against the crescent, 'turd Christian nations should not hesitate Which side to aid by sym pathy and advice. ME Radicals talk of throwing Hans Cleary overboard, and nominating a now man for Gov ernor. Republic—ans aro always ungrateful, Rens ; but never fear—they cannot do it without tbe consent of Simon Camoyon. Simon it King of Pennsylvania. When Simon says "thumbs up,". you must obey Orders, and your tiotnination is certain. A outobor of recruits passed-, through the oitq yesterday on their way o Carlisle bar xacks.—Stals Quaid ofllursday. What bp become of the promis i od_ "retitle-, Con otibOrniy," which was' .toi take place pftpr 1140. election, according o Radical raporst.;-Iro we riot to heve "pea o?" ' Tae Ofrmantoten Telegraph ip sorry to see that the legislatuie is " exemoing , from titgi: tion a large' portion of the ,property of;,the Commonwealth," , adding, ilsOch a course i 4 not placing all persons on ;ta. equality befort the 1aw." 33 ' And yeti if we Mistake bet, the Telegropli has beep quito.iinieseried itit'tlenunielw, tion of those who demanded that government bonds should. be taxed alike witkall other species of wealth. If the one is not plac,ing ail persons on an equality before' the la* How can the other be?—flarrisburg Pdtrioi. Since the immaculate Major (?) Frees has cut our acquaintance, because of our ()pinto of bis "Family and Agricultural paper," we have been unaware of the pranks he has .been playipg. Ile is a sly old' fox, and one of the most inconsistent of men. Our friend of the Patriot has . tripped up the old, villilior ,nnd - densaggue very nicely. We again warn• our Democratic friends against patronizing a sheet so nitmlacious, inconsistent and illiberaHO everybody and everything which -do not accord with its impracticable and dogmatical notions. Celine In Blew York. Crinte has become so prevalent in New York that Vigilance Committees are proposed. The Metropolitan Police, a Hadieal institution, ap- pear to bo totally inefficient, and silent mur ders with slung shots, - knives,and worst of all, air•guns, are becoming so nurneFous as to cause a general feeling of insecurity,' Westchester, on the opposite side of the Harlem river Tims already organized a Vigilance] ,Committeit, to aid the police force, and otlibr neighboring towns propose doing the sante. ,' The police in Now York were appointed `by the Radical Governor Fenton, and not by the Democratic Mayor of 'New York, as has been alleged by Radical Journals. In some instances tho pglico have lan 'discovered to be lit league with burglars and thieves. Such aro. the effects of Radical rule. When the leaders of a party 'are knoWn to" be 'dishonest, what/ On' be 'ex pected from their tools? Cm - r. DANI Eh R. Cmtutt.- 7 —Wo cordially en• done every word of the following notice of Capt. Daniel R. Clymer by our ne . ighbor of the JOU mad Resigned.—Tho travelling publio will regret to learn that Copt , . Daniel 11:Clymer, Ticket Agent at the Upper Station or East Penna. Railroad Office in this City, has tendered his resignation, to take effect on the Ist day of March next. ,Captz,Clymer has filled this posi tion for thelast ten yeays, and given universal satisfaction. At the building of the Lebanon Valley Railroad in 1853, (now a branch of the Rending Road) Mr. Clymer, Mayor of Reading at that,time, signed the city bonds for two hundred thonend dollars. Without this aid from our city this invaluable link of railroad (the great route for our troops during the war) could not have been built. Capt. Clymer's host of friends will join 118 in good wishes to Mtn in his'retirement after this long and arduous service. Ti't steamer-Cimbria sailed from New York on Tuesday, for liamburmltaking out $703,000 in gold and silver. Paper for American tax payers, gold and silver for Europe bondhold ers. 'Rnlt for _Grant, Congress, Bonds and Negro Suffrage!. llEvoLuTtoN Ix Cunt ittgaining g s reiid, and there is reason to believe that the Spitn- WI troops aro in danger of being captured or driven from the island Wort the campaign ClOSeB, as nearly the whole. popillation is ready for revolt. IVonittaromn4 sign no pe itions 10 favor. of a protective tariff. A proteetive .tariff makes capitalists richer and workingmen poorer.— The workingmen of Yingland have been ruined by a protective tariff. Tun Duke of Aesle has announced. that he will not , aceept • the Spanish ,crown, -per. haps it, would be wise to wait until it is - offered to him. 1 • 'rue; KING OF 1 1 11USBIA I it is SS d, is about to becomo a Roman Catholic, and 'ho crowned liy tho P.opo Sacred Emperor of Qormany. Tux Sao. Eourst of August 17th, 18(18, was observed by several corps of European astronomers, who, went to India for the pur ,pose. The German astronomers have just made a report of their operations to the Ber lin Geographical Society, lint as the eclipse was only visible at Bombay for six seconds, the account could not have been very satin_ factory. Ode of the observers, however, kayo a ourious'description of the'peoceedings of the natty* During the period of the i)elipso the .assembled . natives .paid no attention to the phenomenon itself, ns they were entirely en grossed with wntehing'the tent and the opera-. tions of the European magicians. They be lieved that the whole thing had been got up for the amusement of the Governor of-Bom bay, who was present, and after the.phenome-, non was over they addressed 'a petition to him that he would kindly allow the exhibition to bo repeated. Tut: New York Times ii‘nys t : "Ono of the absurdities of the hour is to find tho same Congressmen whoraro crying otlt for a reduc tion of the army, crying out also to "annex" St. Domingo," "protect" the Antilles, "re cognize" insurgent Cuba, buy the . Windward Isles, overrun Mexico, (or Sonora, Chihuahua and Lower California at the very lenst,) invade Canada, aid Crete, and devour the Sandwich Islands.. Conceding that this and everything elso could be done without resistance, the mere garrisoning would keep a big army with more than it could do." ' A new use has been found for petroleum re. fuse, which promises to bo highly advantagous to polonists tCanada. By sending a stream oVair, by me ns of an air pun*, through a cask of petrol um or paraflino refuse, it be. 'comes charged with the vapor from the petro• leum and burns with the brilliancy of ordinary gas. All that is required is to store the vapor in a gasometer, - when it is ready for uso. Can. ada papers state that this now mo de . of illutni nation is very general in. that country. Any 1 The cause of Forney's S , recent con version and sudden• discovery that there is p "return of good feeling" in the' South, has come. otAt : ge has 4one into the real estate business in that section, . rind adv . ortises flam ingly in ",bOth. papers" Ter enuirrants t and lands to buy and sell. For a y will turn out a red-handed rebel or a doub le_ traitor be fore he knows it , THE executive' mansion. purchased by the State fa r the fled • ramodatidn of the Governor, must have been left in very b'ad'cotudition by Gov. Curtin, 'judging from itul aniount of Pion- ( c i l y it has, since cold- to put it m proper order. ov. Geary drew from the State Treasury, the lust year, for refurnishing and'refitting the executive mansion, the snug sum of $12,850. Ex. , , , ; Ms 200 patent trowel bayonets, which have been making at the Spriniffield armory,• soon, be Fore leted and go into the 'inds of troops for trial. Disaster to the Amertesati 11, • DeltrAw*, - jire broke (Otte evening ofilieiffenlf.t in the held of the American ship ;Alitlikaj Onaton, 1,315 tons, lying in the lA Bare s dock ; atlffavre.. The vestel had recently Wilted with. ever 4,000 „bates Of cotton. Uts bare was in course of being discharged, and only tthbtit 450 bales remained on board when smoke was seen to issue from the hold. The hatches were immediately closed and six engines set to work to•putup in water. Tbp fire, 'however, continued, to smoulder until the following afternoon, when the, vessel was entirely full, andAl fuitlyir ilanoeLaiverted. One, life '*a+ unfortunniely lost. ' The lientenant in charge; named Thomas Burnett, a native- of Glugow t had gone down to his cabin, and was. found there suffocated. All utteinnts; 'to mist° animation were without avail. Ti 13. S,teamer Delaware, which was sunk En : 18611y side of the 8. tnan.of war Colninbus, in the southern bianch of the Elizabeth river, near Norfolk ! is now being sheathed, preparatory to being raised. The Columbus was raised last year, by the firm of wreckers engaged in ba tt led up on marine railway and cut p. The Delaware is being encased in a jacket of yellow' pine, and will be putpped.qut by powerful steam pumps. The rema ins of the big ship Pennsylvania, and all the other vessels now sunk in the Elizabeth river, will, it is asserted; be raised In the same . JOHN 11. Vounes, Esq., for more than a quarter of a century a prominent lawyer and a well known citi:zen, of Philadelphia, died on Wednesday at hioo#ldence in Rest Philadel• phis, aged 71 years. j Mr. Vogdea watt 'll mem• her of the Hoard of Trustees of the JelTareon Medicat;College, and an activeromoter' . o the success of that institution:, His health has been declining for the past two years,and dur ing that time be withdrew almost entirely from professional and business pursuits. INDIAN nu Helena Montana, dila pnteh, says a wagiparty of I,ew Doreen In-` dians attacked Sateral - lodges on Blood's Run river crossing, near Fort Shaw. Six wore killed and six ,Wounded.. They - carried .Off trienty-liya horse's. A detachment from Fort Shaw pursued bUt;did not overtake them. —News from Athens state that the irrita tion against France is so great that the sailors of the Freneih vessels of war cruising in front of the city have been forbid4n to go on shore, so as to.pievent a tight between them and the Greek p'opulation, A rreet Of* Post °Mee Robber. Ponmatui,-Feb. 11.—A Gentian named Guenther, who it is alleged robbed apost-olTice in Germany of $lO,OOO, was arrested hero last' evening in response to a cable telegram. lie arrived per steamer Austrian. Tut: expenses of the Fortieth Congress for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1808, amount to the enormous stain of $1,207,601.34. This includes stationery, police, carriage hire, pay of employees, &c., and ,is exclusive of the sahib , of the Members. —The Queen of lifriflagascar gave some time ago a magnificent reception to the officers of the naval station In that harbor' on the oceii , sioii of a treaty she passed with France. Prince Itasallire,, her son andlthe heir to the crown, to be educated by the French. —Tho 'cholera, which hacl made terrible ravages in the French possessions of Senegal, on the Western coast of Africa, is gradually disappearing. It is now in the interior of the cOnntry, and its principal ltictims are the na tives. . - - --,,The latest Paris frishien is the "Con• ferenee hat," an Astrachan fez, with the beak and eyes of an imperial eagle in front, and Grecian borders all round. • ADVERTYB*IIIENTB,'• , wI4VE 'WHILE° YOU LIVELsqI CHOICEST OYSTERS 4.111) FINEST TERRA. I T THE CITY-CAM DEHAD DAILY A• • • ITZAND'S RES TAUB A NT, fob 124611 No. 19 NORTH SIXTH STREET, A TTENTION, FIREMEN.-13:ulges will bo is- AL sued to tliose cowponies that have paid the assessment,on FRIDAY EVENING,Feb. 1,2, at the Common Connell Chamber, between 7 and Bo'. clock. E. A. HOWELL, • SoorOtary Firemen's Union. Fob. 11-2 t WANTED, ' 75 SHARES EAST • PENisfSYLVA NIA ItAILItOAD STOCK, BY! BUSTIONG & BRO., 16 NORTH ISIXTII STREET. fob 10-Iwd NOTICE.—The undersigned has this day as. tic:whited with litin as a full partner, George. G. Thlnunill. of New York,and the business of lin- POrtingUnd dealing in Choice Minors will be conducted under the firm ,nanto ,df Lattinan & Ilan:milli, at the to stand, EO..M. LAUMAN 1288ohth Ninth street, Ut, January 27, 1689. .* • Philadelphia, Feb. Wit -1 t 1 . ILEWA.ED.:-LN double barrelled (ion was it fowdaye ago, while coming to this city from the farm of James 8.11111. The above reward paid by leaving the same at. fob DAfp , .7' • TIM OFFICE. IOR btinold 'at Private Eiale r ilit Stook of J. RODGEICS I BARBER 13110 P, with appurtenances, at. No. 253 Penn. street, Reading. SOld on account of going into Ober business. • fob 9 LAUMAN St• IIAM IMPORTERSAND D E ALERS CHOICE LNUORS: WINIS AND SEpAitS, 128 81:34UTli NINTH ,p TIttET, I'HIL/kDELPLIIA. U. ir. tAuhrAw, Peb. 9. DUBLIC SALE;--Will be sold at Yubile Hale, on Saturdny, the 20th Fob, 1809, at one l o M., at the Keystone House. All that certain lot dr piece of ground With the throb story BRICK DIVKLI.II.,IG,IIIOUSE thereon situated on the South X astern ,ebriter of Third and Franklin streettit Reading. Bald lot being 30 feet In frOnt and 100 foot deep Mbre or loss. The'house is nub stunt( tl baying,baon goltereqoutly thoroughly repalre, and hal all tho modern conyonienete— with g , rangeS and bathrOores, ife, • • • Terms will bei tnade AkiN JANE lIOUSUM. ty. y . ),•roif, .41[4eWnecri I Ifebkdd, YTIN DUNG WOOD—If INtIIIING WOOD.—K incl. !lair wood for pale by tlie arrol or in larger quantitlONdellvered to any Part of um city. PEOCOOK & OftTif, and Wood Yard. , F0b.4.4wdl , ' Or. of S e cond and Franklin Sta. vOIt RENT.—A Second Story ROOM, at tho r corner i)f Fifth and Washington streets, suit able fora Lodge Itoomor other purposes. Apply 'soon; to • N 0.60, cor. Fifth and Washington sts. 0. • ikLi. Om best And !kind styles of Note Pipet, ,Pene l _Penelle, ete. t tor sale at tho PAULA CHM STOHA NO. (11.11 Pow; street, opposite the eystono Iptge., ., ', jani:p3. IN G. 0. 11/mit:Lt. PROILLIUTIONI—Nottee le hereby given to the °looters tof the &worst. wnrdi of t4l Oily of Reading, OA alt el ion rotquy con will be held in said.bity on FM D AAA c!). ! , it, 1 "bett.,aen the hoursOf $ n'oloott.k. M. ' annn , &elm p. mr., of said day, for the el on t thw: 011011tins01floori for the valuing ye:EO it 1 r,,: idae peteongualified fot,vor fort o y ilio • One non qualtded follqedty n ':tor two y rt. , • ~ I. Li °PO . tplalitied for,City Auditor fox:llre°. i nport. • ' -, hie_Peteon qualified for Common Council In First. Ward. , ~. _,, , , ' One pkreon , qualified fol.'. Select ' Council Ip ,•••: • • . nd ward. ' •,, i" Two pinions qualified Vir Common Council In Second Ward. TWO . W 3113004 114101fiea for Common ,Counell in Third Wird, • . , I ' ; . 1 i • One person qualified for 0011113i0i1 0011tiOn f in Fourth Ward, Ore person qualified for Common COMM! ill , One Fifth Wa rsord. n pa qualified for Common Count* in Sixth,Ward. Ond porton quailed for 'Select Connell In Seventh Ward. - One person qualified for:Common. Council in Seventh ward. One • person qualified for Select Council in Eighth Ward. ' Two persons qUalliled for Common Council in Eighth Ward. Two persons qualified for Common Council in Ninth %Yard. • , , The electors ottfirst,Ward hold ' will their elec• Lion at the public house of Andrew J. Clockihart, in said Ward., Tho elebtore or Becond W Ward Will-hold 'eir election at the public house of Jacob Wentzel, in said Ward. - The electors .of Third Ward will held their eleettou at the public house of William Item in said Ward. The electors of Fourth Wird will hold their election atthe public house of Amos Esterly, In eatd Ward. • ; The electors of fifth Ward will hold their election at the public house of burin We t! or. in said Ward. • The electors of, Sixth `Ward W " .gilt hold their election at the public holm (;01 Daniel B. Rhoads in said Wail, • The cleotal of Seventh Ward will hold their election at the pudic house of Evan Mohler, in said Ward, • The eleotore et I-hth. W - )1d the eleotore :and wilt election at the pu lio house of Houry Orloff, in said Ward. The electors o Ninth Ward will hold their election at the public house Of Andreae Wise, in said Ward. • fob 3-td) WM. H. GE RNAND, Mayor. GENEEAI; IkTELLIGENCE OFFICE. Just Opened, at No. 218 South 'Seventh street, au office where general infortnetlon can be had. We pay special attention to furnishing good ie. inale help for prliate fittedlleS ind hotels. Whose desiring such help would do well-by giving us a Call, as all servants furnished from this offloo'w ill come well recommended. Weelso furnish work for those ont or eirtiployment, such as clerks, bar tenders, salesmen, watchmen, sad men of general labor. Wanted, by a gentleman somewhat advanced in years, a , situation n watchman I can come highly recommended by Influential citizens of this city. Also; a good country girl, capable of doing general housework . Apply at this omeo, No. 28 South Seventh street. Jan 20-Bind • i - _Reading, Pa. VALENTINES! VALENTINES! ALL KINDS Or YALENVINES, COMIC AND SENTIMENTAL, TENDER AND AMUSIN?, FOE SALE CHEAP, AT THE EMILE 1100 K STORE, NO 542 PENN STREET. Jan 29 MONEY WANTED! BY THE CITY OF READING. • The undersiiinea, Committee on Finance of the Corporation of tho City of ly?ading, 'la ompor oroa to borrow the sum of. 'SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, for the purpose of enlarging the Water Works of the said elty i and the said fietatnittbe hereby give notice that they are prepared tO issue CON tincatea for the same at six perneht.. interest, to parties loaning money' to Alia city for 'the per- YOso above natQed . Persons desirous of iavest nk In this loan, will apply to either of the under- Signed Committee, or to William dleidenreloh, RNA City TroaSurer. rnruxtui DER, IRL - XlLl.lift, DA EIL, SPOIIN. ' jan -2a, '6B-ly _, MOLINO HALL lIESTAURANTi . • . . 9.16 North Rightls SP*. , . ABRAHAM STOUT,- PROPRIETOR.' Choice *lnuit and Etdablea. en hand; also o a good stock of Alee and Lager 'Deer. Lunch every day: All my friends aro invited to call. A few boarders can be !ilmitottiOdated with - _good board. (Jan 21rImd . . e— , . ADIOU.RNED gA.LE, •Ok .VALU4I.- BLE REAL ESTATE.—WiII be sold by the 8 übsorlber, at the public house of Jacob Green', in the village of Leesport; Onteleunee - township, Berke county, on '` a turd ay, the lath of February, IStig, at 1 olelook P. H., the following described real estate, to Wit t • • No. 1. All that certain Tract of Land situate near Leesport, Ontelannee township, in the 4:min ty of Berke, adjoining lands Of •Valentine Hart man Leesport Iron Company and others, cOn taining 10 acres more 'or less: • No. A certain Tract of Land situate near Leesport,, in the township of Ontelauttee, said cotinty, adjoining lands pf Leesport Iron Cr pany, Lintel Fisher and others, oontairkin 5 acres more or leas. • 4 No. s. All that certain melibnitg• and piPeotof and it the 'village of Leesport, in said county, adjoining property of Penrose Wiley, „Helene. Ulmer, and others, containing , 1 acre and '4% porches. Tile improvements cor.sist of a large Illtwo story DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Baru, Wagon Shed and Blacksmith Shop. The above premises are tiltalge fora tavern stand. No. 4. A Lotof Ground ill the village of Lees port, adjoining property of Penrose Wiley, Tobias Clouser, decrause4l, and others, contalntng 40 acres strict measure; No. b. All that certain YRAUE DWELLING HOUSE and lot ofground in said village of Übe- Port, in said county, containing 14 perOhes, strict measure. No. d. All that certain BRICK /lOUS*. and tot or pieco of ground in said village of Leesport, in said county, containlngperches, strict measure. ( 1 , ' • The above properties will be sold in the whole, or by lots to snit, purchaldro._Conditions of sale made 8 an knovrrt FRANKLIN' MENUI 4 IO. J,)4t I s . PAINTS, OIL AI4D GLAiS,9.--IVITO. crill Pure White_Leati, Foster's Englis Nita White Lead i Liberty Pure White Lead Pearl Pure White Lead, fled Beal French Zino ' ranch Glass, all sine ittnericanGlass,llll ilses,"Liniseed Oil, Putty, riants, ao., &o. For sale ohtap, and all goods war l ranted as ao/d, by • ,iIIoGQW,&,I 4 I & Mir/PIMORE, Mt 111-4 t ,\- .• ~' AO Pelinksreet. (ZUNS, XISTOLS t 40,--A ruLt'AEP sorrnsont Of Clans', (Nliglieb Wire TITO d,. double an single barrel, Vino's, Nerolv no tly'linWater Proof Cape, Powiler`Pitilar , Bap, abot Pooehet, for sato abeap by MOGOWAIII , • )111114/KORZ 00t.31.41 r,us VALENTINES LARGE AND SMALL Committee on Finamie. =MIS DR. JOHNSTON, tiLTII4 4.E 'L . 4 0 1 oSgil AL 1 OPPPLOro. fito um ',Ww.sitOth ''' 2 . 411i11i _„ : TEUI!ONLItFiIYSICI : AOVERWISINtk, :v A Ildie dtecibilertlibo, mo - 241Dortitlti Brody zan :),- 2'44 1 80P5/ 1 " KY t_ :O It.Q. 4 9r R - . -I ` - ' DMIKASES OF IMPRUDENCE. abobbefs At Blywrixt-NOVIVIORy‘p / :Perms* Rubt , . by Igrlorqnt AN:tenders, Or that' Deadly, Poison,. . ' Mercury, should apply Immediately. A OURN WAURANTXD OR KO CHARGE, lii wlto IA ONE TO TWO DAYS. Meet, Stricture i Seminal Weakness, Weaknes la the nick and Limbs, Affections of the Kidney enditindder,involuntaryrniggikar.tiossiiiiketenor Goners' Debility 4 :erVousnetui, Dyspepsia, Lan Lnor, 'Conte ton idetut i • ion of the earl, imidity; Ttembliug, Minna4s °might or ddiness.Diseatielipttliellead,Throat Nose or alcia, Affection* orthri: - Liver t Longs latemeoli or llowels:—those Terrible Disoravris [ arising from the solitary Habit* of Youth —s to Ler aml solitary praotioeS more fatal to their v taloa than the song of the flyrens to the , Ilierinore Ulysses, blighting their most' brilliAnt hope., o aqt_leipatioris, rendering marriage, ate, ,iiitros - • slme. "MUM:* = MEN itspecially, who have Downie the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whbal annually swoe_pe to au untimely grave thotutands of x onus Dion o f, the most exalted tal ents anti brllltint intellect ', who might otherwise have entranced listen in B eruttee• With the Men den oteloquence wa kedtO eceteey the living lyte, may call with twill eontidenee. TAKE PART,ICULAR NOTICE; Tainistare ;tome of the sad melancholy ono t produced by early habits of youth, via ; Weak nese of Lho Back and Limbs; rains the Road Mullion of Bight, Loss of Muscular Pamir, Pal pi tation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous trritabi lily, Derangement of tne Dlgestivo runotiona General Debility, Syniptonis of Consumption. do MiNTALLT.../ he Maul °foots en the mind are much to be droadod—Loss of Memory, Dontusioa of ideas, Donn:4810o of Spirits Evil rorebott• lois. Aversion to' 3001Ey• Belt-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, do, are seine of the evils produced. • MARRIAGE. Married Persons, or young Mon contemplating Marriage, being aware of physical weakness, or ganic) debility, deformities, !to., should ,apply itnrnediately.. So licho phoes himeolf under the Care of Dr. J. May xeligiously confide in his Minor as a gentle man, and confidently rely upon hie skul as a physician.,. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, USIPOTENVK, IM.PEIMIENT TO IiIAIMIAME. By Dr. Johnston's marvellous treatment, weak ness of the organs is speodily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of the most nervous, de bilitated and impotent, who had lost all hopes, have boon immodiately reflovefi. All impodimenta to Marriage, rhysloal or Mon tal Disqualideation, Loss of rroorbativo l'owor, Nervous irritability, Trembling and Weakness, or exhaustion of the most fearful kind, speedily cured. • • DR.. JOIINSTON, • Member Of the itoyal College t !ti urgeo n 5, London, Uraduate from one of tho most emlnent Colleges In the United Instep, and the greater part 0 whose lie has boon spent in the hospitals 0 London, 'arts, philadelphia, and elsewhere, ba • effected dome of the most astonishing cures Oa were over known many troubled with ringing in the he r and ears when asleep, groat nervous. nese, boi g alarmed at sudden sounds, bashful ness, wit frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured inane diately. YOUNG MEN I Who have injured thotnseivos by a certain praa• Lice Indulged in when alone, a tat* frequently ' learned from evil compadions, or at school, the Wrests ofWhich are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured readers marriage impossibiba and desttoys both wind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the bone of hie country the darling of his parents, should be snatched , from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain teoret habit. 8 oh persons morr; before contemplating . MARRIAGE, telleot th t a sound mind and body aro the mot necessary requisites to promote connubial happi• ness. indeed, without these the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with tAlt) melon. oholy reflection that the happiness of another be.; comes blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibod the seeds Of this painful disease, it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to theta who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this borrld disease make their appearance, 801 as ulcerated sore threat, diseased itose,nocturnal pains in the head ' and limbs, (licences of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin-bones • and arms, blotches on the bead, face and extreinitieS, pro. grossing with frightful rapidity, till at last, the uslate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horridobjeet of commiseration , till death puts a periOd to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns.” DR. JOHNSTON, 0111/102 1 No. 7 Solna FABIiERIOK STREET, Left-hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Wail not to observe the name and number. • Letters mUst be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diploma bangs in his °Moe. - ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Butgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, willnessed by the reporters of ,the "Sun,""Cl fp. Vor i s' and many other papers, notices of which have appeared aga in and again before the public, besides hie stan ding as a gentleman of character and reepenslWll y, is a sufflOient guaranteeto the afflicted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. May 26..113611-Iydawit • 100A0IFIO RA I LROA)) NEARLY A. YLNIBLIND. • 1550 Mileo Built. THE UNION PACIFIC. R. 11; CO. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD R. R. CO., Hate added Night Hundred (WOO Miles to their lines during the ,current year, while doing a large ideal passengei and Sleight business. The throligh , connebtion • wilnundoubtedly bo tom, Waled next 'summer, when the through traffic will be very great. Forty thousand men aro now employed by the two powerfureompanies pressing forviard the great national highway to a 'Paddy aompleilori. OnlY 1166 miles remain to PO ,bui lt, wilicit mostly are graded , and ready (Or the rails. ' „ First Mortgage Gold Bonds, f tho Union Ps.cifle Railroad COMpany for sale at par, and Interest, and First 111Ortgage Gold Ih l nide of tlio Central racing Railroad, at 103 and interest. , - The principal and interest of both bonds are payable in geld. , < • DEMYSIIkBRO, DEALERS fl OtiVEERMENT szeintyrips GOLD, 11T0,,. • , No. 40 SOUTH THOM STREET', nor! 7-4ativi .• rintstkrtuquA. RITTEILISMORSE VAND CATTLE IPOWDICILB.—These powders, which have been .1a constant, use by many far. fliers in thia,CondttfOr the last thirty years, aro not surpassed' by any of the ;varions prepare tionS that hate been gotten:lll) , ot late, and aro paraded before the farming community , with a -great flcinrlsboft rumpeMinitEougkenne of them (some up to OUEISTIAN RITTER'S EXCE LALIL POWDERS. The felleWhig certificate is dne out of a thousand that might readily be furnished : Me. OHINIITIAI UlTilti—Dear air I.—l bitvelmil your CATTLE , POWDZItti for a cow that was hide.b•und and had hollow horns. I paye her but half; spoenfal per., week, for lwo weeks, nd Otte spodelal .avely "Alto Weeks. I have nied but one Packagtrof ttiepowners, and the oew Is therognhly oared mid *Wes :nett milk than ever before. ' , AARON CEITZ. Reaeling;MAy l& leak ' ~• lar" The above rewaera art for sale !at the 14eLa boOk otorf r • - • Pan 80. AND TDB HOOFLA N D's G,E RN A . 1 A N D 'IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Tim tlreat Remedies for rll. of LIVER,I STOM4OII, OR nionzal GROANS. LOOFLAND'S GERMAN I;ITT'F.Rs Is co poeea the are Autees (or, a.l Inedloinelly terined, RaNats of tt,tg" ' lioqie, 'and Barka, making tton, highy ooneoutratee, and mitt rei) . j l. alcoholic:to mixturg ef L t ind, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, ' le tt oenthinntiOn of all the ingre , iter,tt Or lh /Miura with tiro purest iluttlitY of N, n i a 0 . 1 ., Burn, erange, do., yanking ono of rho man ),1,..' sant and necuable remintics tsver ett\tted to .17 public." ' - • Those prefer ring ft Medicine free trout Atict.% lie tulmkxture. will uou . , N HOOFLANIY6 atiaLVAN Bill Ells. ThOso who have tio olkjoctlon to the couabi t ,, 04 of the BittorS, as et ated, 11'111 use HOOPLAND'S GiMMAN TONIC, They ere opt equally Rood, end contain . Salim Inetlielhal vixtuca, the choice betuve ll ` l `.; the two most bein pgalatub a More muttor Of taste, the Tonle bere t Thu stotuaoh, from a variety Or eutzes son I , indigestion, Dyspdpbta, Nervous liebility, ci. ts very apt to have ito functions ilerunited, ; , Live' Sympnthts,lmr IN closely lea t v6 with the Stomach, then become 4 'm t .' C r ) ml, the result of which 8 that the Nu i ent snr.o . from several or moru of tho to ilou ink; (Ils e " t , .Constipation, Flatulence ) Inward-Plies, F 4 nem of ]Mood to - the Head Acidity of th. Sternlieb, Nausea, 'kart-burn, Diggitsi ! for hood, Fulness or Weight in the , , Stornach,, Sour Eructations, ' Sinking or Fluttoringtit the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming,of the Heal, Hurried or Difficult Brent ling, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking orsuA SCBt.lg c em.ili,;4 when in a - Lying_ Posturo, Dlinnexi (l• Vision, Dots on Webs besot° the Sight, DMA Fain in the Head, Dolleicney of POropiration, Yellowness of tin Skin end Eyes, Pain ih the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Einsiul o! Heats Burning in the Flesh, Constast 11114 4 lugs of Evil, and Deprossion of Spirits. The suffororlroin these discuses should Eir;, oiso,tho ktrestest Calla 10)i 111—t ho selection. ot t rotuedy (co his Cll2O, puruliiii3lng only that w t ost ho is assured from hisinvol.thmtions and 11\-,. ries possossos true;;) merit, Is skllltc;:r eon/pounded, Is fleet/ from injuilsui ;; gr °menu, and has estu 411011 for itlielf a itv, Cation for the cure of those discuses. In ligi4; noction wo would sUlkutt thoso visit-kno ll ; t medics— , • f' 110.0.11 LAND'S GERMAN BlTgni, • lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN T010;, , ,i'-, A • PREPARED BY Dr. C., M. JACK tell,;*; • Twenty-two years since they wore firtit loin ducod into this country from Germany, dun, which time they have undoubtedly pm font? more cures, and benefited suffering Innessli)‘,, greaterextenti than any other ruined lea to the public. c. These' remedies will effectually urno CoMplaint; Jaundice, 1)) spopsla, Chronic,: Nervous Debility, Chronlo Dlarrlicea, the Nidneys, and niI NIM ,lliseiteetutrlkingla: : A Disordered Liver, il6"' tomaoh or intut4 DEBILITY, Resulting from any Cauee whatcvcr Pith T11441'.10N ,OF THE YS:1'16 1 111, Wm' by Severe Labor, ilardahipa, .14oaure, , Fevers, dec. Thereßs no medicine extant equal to then rt medics in such °mos. A tom) and vigor hi:. partott to the wholoayetonb appetite strengthened, food is 'enjoyed, the blow digests promptly, thn blond is purified, the co! f plexion becomes sound and healthy, the )010 nge is eradicated froni the oyes, a bloom glycol° the cheeks, and the Weak and nenv, invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN .LIR, And fooling the hand of time weighing heir,' upon them, with all lts attendant ills, will C.) in the use of this DITTERB, or the ToNIC i e elixir that will instil now life into. their re m restore itt a measure the energy 'and WWI more yoUthful days, build up their thiuniq forms, and givo health and happiness to th remaining years. NOTICE. It is a well-established fact that fully onelt: of tho female portion of our i•• r al dom in the enjoyment of good health; f: m to nee their own ox - prion,"neverft , well.” They are langu ovoid of all etaii extremely nervous, and h i ve no Ipetlte. To this class of persons the BI 'TERB,or t TONIC, is especially recommends( , ,WEAK AND DELICATE dIIILDREN Areimade strong by the use of either of Om remedies. They will cure every ciao of WI ABAIOB, without, fail. Thousands of certificates have au :emulate , : 1 the hands of the proprietor, but, sp .co will al,' of the publication of but a .few. Those, it V. be observed, are men of note - and of such eta:: ing that they must be believed: • :'TESTIMONIALS'i •.• Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, OMef Atlicettf the Bypreme Court of lb., 0 rOILADIMPRIA, March 111, 41 1 tlndqloolland's eratan jntters a•B`°' tonic, useful In dls- en3es of the UWl ,l ' Organs, and of greatZ2l„,benollk In m00..# 1)1114 , 0)41d want of norvom action In the . hyous „ . Your , O. W,-WOODWAIID,", Hon..james . Thompson, Judge ttl the kht i prenle Ooiirt of Pennsithottfo. tA.DIII,kIIIA, Apr,tl 914, 194 "1 consider r IleOfiend's %Geri:llan 1 va/uabie Inedicine in 'case of attacks of IrsiVi tton or pyspepsia. ' I can certify thls from c 1 experieOce of it. Yours with respect, 'JAMES THOMPBON.'A :,- . From Rev. Joseph' H. Kennard, p. D. l'u3tor piffle Tenth Bapttg• Chircl,i, PhOodelphi. ~ , • Dr. Taoks'on—Vear Sir: I have. boon frognent! requested to connect my name , with fccointo Malone of different kinds of medicines, but t prdhig thopraetice as , out of my _finproliii. l ; sphere, I have in all eases declined; ,' with a clear proof in various I n staiieti and particularly In my own futility, of the ircti'-' ness of Dr. Heollandlu Herman linters, 1 dcfki-'' 'for once. from my usual course, to exprem fall conviction thatdor ge-neral lebilily,4/ the f r j li Sem,and espeO , ally for Lever 'innpl.tini, $ a atfte valuablepreparaffort. , In some cases t may I , - but usually, I doubt nOt; it Wily be ye . benttO to those who suffer from theAboyo,eapsY,•' ' . Yours, very resp ectfully . If. K.kiN;lfil , . . , •'• Eighth, below Couto:Mil . , Rev.. From E I).Fendell, . ; . Afistatli-.SVItor Cilirfsfidn i ; Chronicle. l'hUad.ll4l . ~r i • .) e I have deved deemed benefit frotn the IP' , a Ilootlantl , s Dorman bitters, and toll it my pi , `; lege to recommend themas most valunbletc:sc; to all who are suffering from general deb}lity frorodiseases arising from derqngement cf . .:if liver. • ' lours truly ° ,g 'D kENDA L/ ' , , • . . ' . ~.,,:..' CAUTION. i , 4 ROoftand's Oerfuanlinmedins are noun terla.; a t? its(' that thh eignaturesof O. 7 JA(VON II (~ Abe wrapper of each t o it MI otherii . Counterfelt:• Penal- p t-Offide and ; g l l3' faCtoyy at the Germs (Aldine 4torel b e ' +fiteuSt , reet,Philadoli)hia, Pa. - ' . , , ,' 011itAt.LBS Jr. 1474" rroir illtri formerly C. U. JAOR 40 A O N 3 Er For sale by all Druggistsnd ties", atediCh4o#. - 4,1 0416 BITTERS am rt klilliADIMY111.1„11