• . . . ~ .'• . • . - . . • ~,,..,,, N 7.., 4 w;‘,4 t -- '..1. 4 4".0 , ..v - 5v,.., - 4.'i,..rtv, 2,,1tin:11 • . , i t Sr •, .1 1 , ' • (.) 5' •' I ;• r 1 '' C i ''' : f V. ; 1 1 ..•' ' .' ,' ' -, '• ' • ' ''''• r 'S •• . ; 4 r: 71 ''' 1 •! i ;.( tA - ::, : , ~., ~.,„.; ,;., ,:- t'. '..' :. N .i.b..1i; , ::. 1.k..! :1P.V1.,C.1 V' (A i:. i . , 4 0j ; k - 4. '? ;•?, ,i 1 t 13 . - 4 % • ~,,.. - :.,,.. , , _ I , ......, . ~. ..„_., • ~...-, ~-, 7 4111r, .• . - 1 .- ,:.; 0.; ~._ . _ - . , R , , ,„,...,,,..,,...,,.:...„...,......_._...., ... i„.,:.,...,,. ..„..: ,.,,.,...,,....,,..... .. . „ . , , r, ~.; :4 , ~_• :L., , , ,i:L ~, :„ . .: :f: „ f doitt. , .:: : • 'l' f: .: • .•• 0 . .. : 1 • , , ; , f : ,' ' ,*::. .'. •%. ...,,, . : ~ .., i I .. • ,_ . V '- ... „....,...._ 1 .. , . . .. .. . J t I'M * %'t ' ~:‘ , 1 f `I : i'' • ; . " *• f • 1 7: : 41# :*% 17! % •. ..t . • ! f; ,:f f' I • : '4... f . i . . 1 " 1• :, 21: • • l• f; .f t i• : • :: .., '• 1! ''' • : ,f• f,1,, ! 4 :1 1 i < :"•,• t•il : 1 •• -' • f, ' K ' ': , • ,•‘ ; l ' : 1 ,:1....V 4•1 k, f ' ,l,•, '; ; _% , 1 . l '' ' 4 l' ' -• :. • /2 '. !•,• 7 th 5 ki4,) ..; •; T:4i -1- ,!3 2 , - +.i,t .. .. , I . i • , • • , i „ _. . • , .. ''....k: \ ai1...40. 10. READING DAILY EAGLE , YCOLISILED BYWAY 47/2",8411f0014 (SUNDAYS .10111'711D) AT NO. 542 PENN MEET, i 11 r RITTER & Co. 1\ 0;1 014, autlyered by the Carriers, Tess cents r , r v ek, payable at the end of. every week. hire, c o os per single copy. To Mall subsoil -01.50 per year; 8240 for six months, tr, 1 .3; (or three enoialse—payablis strlotly la AA" vice• OIL LOUIS De BARTH KUHN, : " 1 V F; AND RESIDENCE, NO. 244 wortti Ninth Arcot, Wading, Pa. di m 3 • JOHN W. BICKEL, • - A TTOIIREY AT LAW, Oi:1 0 ICE, .A.r,,”w Buildin, (let floor, baok,) No.lBoCes. Ire nrcei, rottavillu. sir Van be consultod li,c(Annan language, mar 4 . - - V/M. B. SOHOENEO, I,DERJCIN AND ATTORNEY AT / 1 Mee, N. 517 Court street Reading. (.4 t be consulted In Uorman and English. 081-3ta LOUIS RICHARDS, TTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, NO. 13.. 5 ,55 Court stroot, over oface of John WO B. Mph- Ai.— . 1 1 , ri'l• - E. H. SHEARER,' , A TTORNEY AT LAW, itAs . Itz. Almond 1113 olllcA to Mo. 6t6 Court street, net awl . to the Postollloo. thpril 4,1008 f - ----- -- - W. M. RIGHTMYER, A TTORN EY AT LAW, TIASREMOV. .txutl his oilleo to WO Court LAW A fey iloore I „l o g si x th, Itecllng, ra. _______ (Fell, 1867-tf GEORGE F. BAER, 'TTORN EY* AT LA.W.---OFFICE, ixNo. 50 Court Street, (up stairs) Reading, Pa. April li, ltild-lydit w . HENRY M. KEIM, A TTORN EY AT LAW, OFFICE, NO. „C1:29 North Stith atoots, lioadlug , lob 8, 186 , 34 fd - - - - - - WESLEY H. GEARHART, A TroltN WC AT LAW, OFFICE, NCN, MI Conti street, Reading, Pa. nay 2-Iyd/sw_i_____ INASHINDTON RICHARDS, AIJ D E 1.1 M. A. N.----0 F FICA NO. 29, North Sixth fittest, opposite Wu Post 011100. s*- Scrtvoning and Conveyancing promptly tendod to. Vol) 3.1808-tid JESSE 0. HAWLEY, . . A TTORNEY AT LAW, lIAS REILOVr . 1.1. ed hii Oleo to No. 613 Penn otreet,Bohmtiok er Nome Building. klatrunce through the EMILIO lk)ok• Stu:v. jail 27 .1!I - 111. JOAN STEPHEN, FORMERLY of Wornolettorf, tondera ht 4 pioroAdtottal sec s wet to the ettizona of Iteatilitg. °Moo No. ?X North Sixth ettout. Con be consulted at hie office, or fit the Keydtono flouao. (doo 23-#3mgc4vl . H. M. NAGLE, plivslui AN, (U. S. l'onsion Sprgeon.) si) Penn street, Ittudlug, Pa. mr2-1.1 to 2 p. , 6 to 8 p. m. A UDITOR'S NOTICE-THE UN IX lersignoil Auditor appointed by the Or pliant, Court of Berki county, to ru-aut,lit the ac• coma of Sllai W. Fisher, executor of Anna Fuller, of Douglaii townehip, Barks county, de ceittetl, anti make diAtribution of the balance In the hands of the Nxecutor hereby gilled notice tlut he will meet the parties interested In,auhi Nate, on Friday, the 19th day of Fobruary lit I o'clock P. M., et hiB °Mee, $O. 29, North iiikth et reet, In the city of Reading._ Jan SO-St) 11ttOIAN:11:i SUMMER, Auditor. Q • lIERIVFIS SALE OF REM, gs- CATE.—By virtue of a writ of lied fttelas, I'B4 4JI! J out of the Court of Criniuton Pleas of liorks e , tnity, to mo directed, will be sold at a public. I mune or out•ory, on Saturday, the iSth - day 01 February, A. U., 1669, at 1 o'clock P. Id., at the pupa. house of (sane S. Royer, in Robeson town ,lily, s till county: ' Alt that certain mossuage, tenement and tract of land situate in Robeson township, liorks mom. ty, adjoining lands of George Kurtz, Isaac !Writ, (helmet It. Wostiey, widow UatitartnO NVestley, lintel Wagner, '.creas e d, and , others ; contain- Ing3i acres more or logs. The improvements Are a two story STUNK DWELIANG ROUSE, Frame 11 tru and other outebulitUngs. Sold as the propertk of JOHN W. Zhlltahl. Seized and taken into execution and to bo sold :,,. WILMA/it B. liLliktiGllT, Sheriff. ~:11eritrs einem Reading, Jan. 2.3;1869-St puBLIC SALE 01? CUARLES lit)ltTL.—On Wuesits,y, the ltith of February, 1,1, at 13 %Vela it*, at tho rustrlanoe of th'e under. si4iii34 (forme' ly CatiStiati Saliiitror), in Exeter oaanshtp, Berks county, ono mile front Snyder's tiveru, thu following pers3onal property will lw 40111, 3 horses, I' (lowa, mania with calves anti nearly all ficiiti 'Mich cows, 2 bulls, 4 heifers, 2 twin calve?, 3 shoals, 2 broad wheeled Carel wagons, 1 narrow wheeled Wagon with hotly; 1 wood sled, I WO roller, 1 gum spring drill, 1 hay hook with ropo anti 1111111(33,1 threshing ruachlno with four hor,o power (I,csalgi4 patent), 1 largo corn allot. I, r patent), 2 sots of hay ladders, - 4 plough?, 3 harrows, small anti large hoe bar row, l corn plonih, 1 grindstone, 1 large hel/, 1 litp rake, harness and halters with chains, cow chants and many other kinds of chains, grasf scythes, grain cradles, rakes and forks, 12 three bushel bags, anti many other attteles not Coni'Mimi made known on the day of eat^ by en M;-.t:•1 CHARLES ItOttTZ. TWENTY -FIFTH. ANNUAL TWENTY of the Mutual fire Inahrutice Conipaity of Sinking •4prlng itA:utewrs. • • Balance 114 per lait litatehieht 1,091 54 Prutultuu4 and Fo ti received, 2,211 1 24 Agies6tuent Nov. 15, eolleeted, 62 41 -10 41 Id , 11 2068 .34 4,407 03 EXPENDITURES. DirOtoriantlComuillteo reel, 2779 to v. s, Tax,43 77 . , Prutting anti navOrtlsing, '. i 03 ki ° Aulitori f)r 1867, - Iso 01 s , vrolary'i salary, , 100 00 T;essurer's " 100 00 It•wntllt: 370 pnl icies, '• ' / 48 00 .Ig , :lit's f.Jel on 370 policieS, ll9 00 " " for 11111 pg Out 3lo President's fees, lfitOM PAID DURIN6I 1868. , • Nlenolai Ilunter, Berke Co. ILA 00 • w , u. Gilititoro, ''l3°„„ trctrot " ". afam vu Itenr; :•:1100,1, Lebanon Co., 723 00 ILNI l Uttiborger. " " . •8 50 Umrgelimmermin, ss " 50 03 3 03‘plt T. 31111er, •20 03 •• , Joieplt vtla!mtir, Lehigh ',• „„ Peter Marc‘i, " ' LIM 11 5 A Yu Ca4ll In hands of Treasurer, $ 4 1 4 31 $3,07 3 6 3 • " of Agents,' •• 175 68 999 94 Balano(, in hand.; of Agor t i not I 1 hichided in rdinve.balanor., 4i7. 03 • • . The undor-igned Auditoria, uppeltited to exam• fait the .ceountg of 00°11)c:ere and agents of the p ut , ial Inatironce Conaliany of,Slnkhig Spring, ' lel " o) untY, reipuetfully report, teat they h:iro attended to their ditties, ond present the foregoing Statement al the result of their labors'. emits 111.ESTKIt,Audittirs. DAVID IL lIOTTENSTEN I I . • 1 It 3.1.(1ing, De9oluber 21, Mt Amount i tired IA Irma, • c 4774,096 -' - ' JOHN VAN [LEW President. .. CIL AltLI.:3 KIOSsLEIt, /Itltiy., sa li-:k. ' LlArli flltUf Mt, Treasurer— B OCKNWEIIVS OOLUSIBIA HALL, WINE' Ain LAGER BEER SALOON, t'.•nn Street, 8e1t741% eixth and fielentitse . All kindle( heat Itht;tnish winerdways on hand, and iota at the lewOet prices. inol2.3m , — _t---. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RA3I.IIOAW w 7 an R I A rVffitg 74j:time ARA. Dscimasit 14Tp, 1988. FIVE TRAIN'S DOWN TO PHILADELPHI A -passing Reading, at 7.30. 10.35 and 11.15 A. and US and 6.35 P. M. , ' i " UP TO POTTSVILtE, eft 10.56 iht.,lind 5.50 and 0.00. P. M. TRAINS WEST TO LEBANON ilk It 44.ERISBORG.. Western Express from New-York, at 1.05 A. hf, and 1.50 P. M. and 10.19 P. M. Isar IsMrrg Accommodation Train at 7.15 A. Y. and Mail Traing at 10.46 ,11..iM.f and 6.06 P. M. • •On Sunday, the down trains paid, Reading at 9.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. M., and up-trains at /0.60 A. and 5.57 P. M.T (4.25 P. M. down; and 10.50 A. M. up trains rail only between Philadelphia and Reading. Up trains leave Philadel ph ia for Heading, ricbqg and Pottsville at 7.and 8.15 A. 1.,q2.30 noon, and 8.30 P. M. ~ and at 4.45 P.M. for Reading only. The 8.15 A. M., train connecte with trains for Tamaqua; Willlamsport., gara andUanada. • The 8.15 A. Id., and 3.80 P. M. up trains from Plitla delphhi, and 10.85 A. M.,and 4.20 P. M. down trine, stop only at principal stations below Reading. Reading Accommodation Toto r leeavcaltead• 1I 1 4 at 7.0/A. M., returning trOM Philadelphia oa 4. P.M. he Pottstown Accommodtlon train leaves Tontitown at 6.45 A. M. Itetuarning leaves Phila delphia at 4.00 P. DI. The Western .111 - pme tiains connect at Marna. burg with' Koreas train mr the Pennsylvania Railroad for ligitimoro, Pittsburgh and al points West, andtho 10.45 Mail train connects at Harris burg Mr Pittsburgh, Lancaster,_ Chambersburg, Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, Wllkesbarre, Vitt liainspors, Look, Oven, X s,rid tho Canadas. PasAeTer trains leavei r Depot for Epti rata, IA Columbia and 44. easter at 7.00 A. 74.; and 6.16 .M. / 'Through lust-Class Odupon Tickets and Emi grants, ticket!, at reduced fares, to all the prin cipal points In tho Hort)). West and the Cambia. GOMMUTATl6l( l nbatte, \ '' With 26 Coupons, at per cent. diseOurit, be tween any points desired. Good for 2000 miles, between all points, at $52 for familiesl and' buslue= • • Aikisolok , = . Good for the holder only, for 3,6,9 and 19months, between all points at reduced Fares. Scheel -Semen Tickets one - thirL leas than the above. 4fir Pamengera will take' the Express trains West at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other trains at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. . , , 100 pounds Baggage allovred'estehpassbnger. Passengers are requested to purchase that' tickets before entering the ears, as higher fares Are charged if paid in the oars. Excursion Tickets good for one day, by 7.30 A. M. Accommodation Train 1, 0 ;v 1 1 1~1 1 9bMh and return, at $2 60 each. ," i _ 1 i t i MIVOLItS, May 2 4 General Bunetinlendent VAST • PENNSICUV,A,NIA . ' RAIL+. ..azi ROAD. Off' Pdet)INNIM a ng ondag, December 21,5, nea • N0. , 15,, Mall Train, leaves ...... • Reading 10.80, erriVee ;al New York 8.50, P.M. _ • No. 7 Fast Kau, leaves Reading at 440 arw rives at Allentown 5.56; • at New York 10" I', M. Nos. 5 and 7, ran dal lg, except Sunday, stopping at all Wag Stations' between Reading and- New York. , EXPRESS TRAINS: • ' Leave Reading at ' 42 6.44 A. AL It ' 7.81 A. M. tt ' 2AB A. M. 1,00 A. M. Arrive at New York at , • 66 66 41 It These trains run through front. PittSburgh to New-York, without change of oars, stoppingonly .at Lyons, Allentown, Bethlehem, gaaton Jane. ,Brook White House. Somerville, Bound Brook Plainfield and Elisabeth. , •• L . , The 5.44 A. M. train rune daily exsiePt, Sundays and Mondays. • • The 2:28P. M. trains run daily except Sundays. The 7.81 A. M. and 1.00 A. M. trains run daily. West bound trains, leave New York, at the foot of Libertystreet, as follows t Leave New York. • Arrive at Readiag. 12.00 81. man N 0.6, 6.00 P. AL 9.00 A, M. Express Train; 1.60 P. M. 5,10 P. M. l Express Train, 10.19 P. M. 8,0 P. M. Express Tram, 1.00 Mall Train leaving Allentown at 7.20, A: M., stops at all,Way Stations, arriving at. Reading at C.lO, A. M. running daily except Sundays. • The .12 M. Train from New York, stops at all Stations between New York and Reading, leaving Allentown at 4.2', P. M. arriving at Rending at 6.00, P. , running daily except Sundayo.l The COO P. M. train, from Now 1 orkruns daily stopping nt Elizabeth, Plainfield, ' Som merville, Junction, Easton, and Bethlehem, ar riving at Allentown at 11.45, P. M., passing Ly ons at 12.29, A. M., arriving at Heading at 1.00 A. M. PaSfitmgors arc requested to purchase tiekete before entering the ears, .8 25 cents extra, will be charged and'collected gni the train from i i ' , yam pay the fa COMM UT AT ION e Cnductor. I TICKETS good for i Tsventy-six Trips, at 25 per cent. die count between any points desired. MILEAGE TICKET BOOKS for moo miles, good between al) points on this or the Philadelphia .9 Reading R. R., or the Read ing it Columbia It. It., at .52.50 cash for families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, • good for the hOlder,only„ for three, nine atop tweiVomOntlis, at reduced ratcs.‘ • •. P. M. ERMENTROUT. Jan 2-tfl • General Ticket Agent. 114BA.DING &..; COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD. On anti after Thursday, Nov. adtb, 1888, Passenger nßiil% anon road as follows t" . • ~ Leave Reading at 7.00 A.M., •/4 11 14 6.15 V. J. Arrive et Lancaster at 9.15 A. Si. CO/Umbla at , 9.0 A. M. 11 11 Lanaaster at • 13.25 P. M. " " Columbia at 8.80 P. M. RETURNING 1 ' .0. Leave Lancaster and Columbia at 8.00 A. M. " Columbia at 8.20 P. M. 1, Lancaster at 8.2.5 P. M. Anive at Reading at - 10.20 . A. M. at Reading at 5.40 P. M. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make close connection at Reading with trains North, and South. on the Philadelphia and Acadieeltallioad,and - West'on the Lebanon Valley Road'. No. 2also makes close connection with train for Now York. Tickets can be obtained at the offices of the Now Jersey Central,A. 114 foot of Liberty , street, New York, and Phila.. $ 'Reading Thir teenth and Callowhilf streets;Palladelphia. Through Tickets to New York and Philadel phia, sold at all the nrinclple stations and bag. gage checked through.: Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad time, which is ten minutes faster than Pennsylvania it, A. Pine.. • • , 2 ; t G4ORGE F. GAGE, Superintendent. H. P. Mavis, Gen. rrt: A Ticket Agent. deolo4.t • • ' ' #0,6i35 57 CIIRISTAIAS! CHRISTIEAS I GAN . O7X. D POT,. t f . ..‘ ion'kOltr# 04 1 1'4, • BEADIIIA, PA., • • • • : FINE CONFECT IONS ; PLAIN AND 'FANCY CANDY, 8U94.11 . F1id12' • , HUBER'S LEMON M.% CLEAR ,71:11.3 4 " eukinnoß, , A* 11A11 114 • a*Aiiil46. " Also, a large assortaleht rendi Tbys, x. Lefts,. Candy, Baskets, Cake% retzels, Coco. smut Candy, Cocoanut Bars, Cocoanut Stripa. All will be sold eheatt.. G ive mos ball and eel for yoursolvos. F. SOBER. dee 16-11n1 • 9/ 43 13 1,141 73 *3,665 57 • , WILL. Rf.MOVE. AU NOW CLOSING OUT MY EIyI"IRE 2. stook of ~ , . MILTLIUtir Atocam.. in order to reopen an entire new' and well so looted stock, #t ~ No . . 312 Pears sfraef,llifirPerips Telli4l and navie s where I will paylpartleger, sd,tioiAt to keen *ll this latest *tyres of . • • , • • •' , • • ZADVIcIP, MISSES' AND ' emigeblritirsit42' . , .4exp •.. and a. complete assortment of everything per taining to the Millinery and Trimming line. I' express my most hearty+ thanks for piss fai*" and very ,respectfully sollelt the. contlnuitire. Of the same. Satisfaction guaranteed. lan 11-2uitl ' Mts9. Q. B."ICIILLICR. MILEAGE TICKETS, LACKS ASSISTANCE : THE . 'WRONG THAT NEEDS RESISTANQE,I! ItEADING,"r,A., lONDAY AFTE4NOON, FEBRUARY 18694 • TEOCOcIC do ORTU. . 001140/ 7 81M0114 And 11114/4" . Stratt, Hu. militantly , au hand , and sett at reaboaaMt Prices. LUMP. BROKEN. za9, Ji 'a row; OOAL. it CHESTNUT AND BITUMINOUS Ood.L. • : • HICKORY. and OAK WOOD,. LIMB OD 4 , 04P.iir13030 WOOD it TUX, Air dafivar trio dubs titalditaaqita r tili tho city. 1•01 w ,; I • lAPls : l ll 4E i gg i lleairs eattg l atn of itkiiitr o alizig ri a&si i v i ttbV, e pri gle 40014 se IlLgarleikettloa far ite e llettiale awd WOO* ; tr b ogrge t e a l: r a i l I thoet= o , olpietuts for wekt , •;.t•• • • t , • 0 04 . b i nd‘di):VAiAie; Gligti.tra#o4l4 l fti 'Gout, Yeivout ib litflamtnittol Pair' ~ ,; Ne!trahria, Ifeclach?, rains in side:l)mi Or . • • • oln lief n it s : Zit iTa l e? Arals e nq i whre v ikvityr t i i Aki b trt i V oo teguito u s go t i geolnisticimig u qf k ir le c it" libiatelits of the ' P 34005 ' 06148 per BOttIO• t Nor Bale at the Booxsioizi t BIB: rAit & 00. e • • ~.,OtiOrt.gt;g:..YilWOßS, '„ • it:: . , OTEP .L4DI),NRB, /1.00 A. M. 12.15 A. M, 7.00 ?. M. 6.10 A. M. HARDWARE STORM Aug 10 Mc~C Miltimore, DMIII3B LI • HARDWARE CUTLERY, GUNR, ROUSE FURNISHING GOOD + , MITALS, TIN MATES, RIIEET IRON, Building Materials, BADDLEfiY, &a., &0., &o.; &o. - No. 612 PAWN STREET, READING, Pd. ap PENNSi'LVhcM,OHORAL HARMONY 11ELOD119, , -CCH , , • 'GERMAN AND iIIiOLD3II.TPXIII :1 For salCaiplel i-.. ' I.ziouo.l3ooiBviitz. . Walt tiATIONAL , :17 SIOTTAC TIN , 00 fif_OLLOW-WARP LK poluum or,rms uirr O,PIizADIO. r=.? •g.. • , , . , :, t ..: SCANADEL.' I , 'ilt PENN . . ' r, STREET/ ' , , . Would gall thantOritlen et 4.1il putlig to hie istri Kook of Parlor. Mee imitiokilljt kitalfaßßlSlg t n Tiskjaollowiros awl: U9vjall e ping foods 010017 description. _, Roollom and Spouting promptly attended to a be lewslit Ploy. Give plet * dal. (nor 27-Ihnoe LLMVABItA.NTED. =I ina Air KNIGHT'S THIRD ,41+11) PENN VS. Coiitihiint the prhletpat provided ' $5l Penn Btreet;'.'s, GRAND SALE • Olf DRY GOODS. , HOMER, OOLLAW & 00.0 818 and 820 Chestnut St.. ruizAztlibtx!ti.' „ Sates le Conitisetio• ,t4ovetribir 2d. COMpriilng Bongs, . . mums SHAWLS; .CLOAKING 140118 iiiitplUADllo4lllB 1.114"$'1. WRITE OCIODSI.O 4 . 'llo3l,Kit t lf a ciLovas, • . • mouß,Nifro, • ir 4 ,e d g , •„. ' I H :14,44 to the 'lila, repotallon of th H eir ow it le Ooodlosq to (MO tam ofistraoter of their ,stook & Co. woutit mofoly ottlito tbit their , IUrORTATIONS OP PUP PRESENT SEASON, V4lOll MUST BE SOLD Prepitatary. to raison/Ito their New Marble 1 Chestnut:soo'o l ,oo'A WOO, • HeVe never beei surpassed in Philadelphia opntaining an ENDLESS , VARIETY - Of texture In medium priced geode, as well ae the OHOIOEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON C. .t Co. would advise all doalrous of obtain• tng , , GREAT BARGAINS DRY GOODS, J • I To lose no time before inspeetleg their - stook, cellos issured tbet tlAto UNPARALLELED PRICES, At whtoh tho onttro stook win bi dhuiosed of tOust Insure RAPID SALES. octSlsmd&wl (.SW Nti\ki VL,S, . ~, , ,iII4.IOLXIZED OLAT,II MANTELS? . And every description of SLATE WORK TILING &C .. 3 i ~ On hand and made to order. THESE BEAUTIFULSLATE MANTELS Are superior in appearance, more durable, ?Jai it:topples of Marble. Heft and cheapest in the United States. 1 _Grates, Loin . Down and Common, Parlor andOilice Orates for liken or'SOFT COAL. Baltimore Improvod Fire Place Stoin, Beat tiro plieo Heater made. Waiwt Air , Begisters and Ventilators, TERRA COTTA; WATER AND DRAIN PIPE, arcurxEr TOPS, &CA , FACTORY' .AND BALZBROOMEI, • Noe. 401 and 403 North Sixteenth Street, Above CallOwblll, • • . • PIIILADILrittA, PA. wig 1-431 a) TILLSON A AI IZZBIt. U. MARSAL'S OFFICE, E. D. OF PROINSYLYANIA. • PAlLAtlsurata Jan. 19, 1869. 'THIS IS TO.OIVE NOTICE :-THAT on the 16th dayof January, A. D. 1869, a War rant in Bankruptcy was limed against the estate Josiah Hearing, lately hf the firm of J. 8. bash Co., of Philadelphia; and formerly co-partner with John A. Langden as 'J. A. Langden ds Company at Alexandria, Virginia, Of Phila delphia; in the County of Philadelphia and. ' State - of Pennsylvania, who bas been. ad judged a Bankrupt, on his own petition ; that the payment, pf spy debts and delivery of, any pro: party belonging to finch Bankrupt, to him, for far his tun), and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden bt law; that the meeting of the creditors of WO said Bankrupt.' to' prove their debts, and to choose one or More assignees of his estate, - will be held at ationrt of Bankruptcy, to ho holden at No. 131 South Fifth street, (second door) Philadelphia, before Joseph Mason,Esq., Register, on the igth day of ebruary, A. I)., 1869, at o'clook, A. M. P. C. ELLMAKER, Jan 93.-3tl ' Marshal. tu4Messenger. NOTICE IN •lINIIIIIMPTCY. • LALTICAeTeIt, Jaituary 1 . ' 18811. MIL'S IS TO GIVE NOTICE leh tke Bth day of January A. If., lAA War- rant in Bankruptcy was tattled againetth Betute of WILLIAM IL SPD.NCILEB, (who was ' also* member of the liras of Boas & Spangled', formerly of Beading, Pennsylvania.) of the township of SadsbUry, in the county.of Lancaster, and Kate of Pennsylvania; whO has been adjudged a Bank, rupt, on his own petition) that the payment of any debts and delivery of any prOperty belong ing to such Bankrupt, to kim, titan for his use, and the transfer of any property, by are fOrbid den by law ; that a meeting of the CreditOrg Of the Said Bankrupt. to prove their debta,and to •choose'one or more assignee* of **estate, will be held at the Court of BaultiuptCy, to be holden at the office of the: ILegister,‘lfo. 0 South Queen 'street, in the city of Lancaster, Pa, before Amos SLavumicsa,'Register, on the 80th day of January, A. D,, 186 Msg., 9, at 11 o'clock, M. • JOSEPH GAINTNEB, : • ; Dep. U. B. Marshal, 9th distr . i ct, Pa., labiSdf! • • •as Meslengsr. • GROCERIES,, PROVISIONS 4,I7EyiNSWAItE, W.114)08.4L8 AN]) REPAIL. reirz simscßlßEßs HAVING bought the Old established Llidessy Store of A. U. Peocock, and having added a urge ,new stock of goods, would call the attention of the public to their largo assorttnent of • a s UCIAB , % COPPX. I / 44 YRolli i • • . • "ki.llo • 1 • ; : & artgas i Mits. Aran-sital assortnioot of