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I , - ..- , , .• .• . . - - - a ~ .,, ts '.,. • 1., ').,r ;I I ! ~ ,r,, ,, a..4 1 1i,t '9".' ti 1 1• t '.; : r . .• ..r•;:,i' 1 rl !" ' "..I',. r 1 ., ;, , „ ..1 . .....--r-- _ .......................... --- V TT . ITA OL* //..."11U. 9. READING DAILY , EAGLE, ' pUBLIVIED zrmr 0 , 14111N00X, (susDAYs xxosrric) AT NO. 642 PENN STREET, , RITTER. tk.' CO.'. 'Wilk delivered by tiro Carriers, Tos vent. re frerkepayAblo at the on 4 rot &dry week. Thrte Cenia per single Cop/. To Mail sal:wort her,, $1.50 per year I $50.50 for yin months 1 or, 135 for three month's—payable strictly In, law . . _ DR, LOUIS 06 SMITH KUHN, (IFFICE AND• RESIDENCE, O. 244 Usortti etreiltißOagingt Pa. u deo 8 --- JOHN W. BICKEL, . ATTORNEY A T LAW, OFFICE, 1, 0 84er !lading, (let floor, baok,) No.lBo Con. tro t r oct, l'ottovilto , **" (,)an be oOnealted In the tituaata languago, • blar 4 - - - -- -- WM. B. SOHOENER, AL"RJI AN AND ATTORNEY AT i„tiv,—onico, N. 1517 Court street, iteadinx. ttie be consulted in German and English/ 031-302 ' LOUIS 1110HAPDS, . A TTORN EY AT LAW, OFFICIt NO, ix 3))Court street, over office of John' S. Wok (Sept. 11 ' E. H. SHEARER, : . , A TtnTORNEY AT LAW, lIAS A .01,.0y0d iik woof+ to No. CO Court etreot, next door W the . I' (mt. Wilco. (Aprld 4, IS6S-tf ... W. M. RIGHTMYERT ' A TTORN EY AT LAW, HAS REMOV a plhl4 ofireo to 539 Court,etreetLa f_pit doers heirar Sixth, Iteeding t Pa. ; (rob I, if 1157.41 , GEORGE F. BAER,, A TTORNEY AT LAW.---OFFICE,No. mo C6urt Street, (up stairs) Reading s Pa.' April 14, 1113-Iyd& If • t - , ? HENRY M. KEIM, ATT4RNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, NO. to 249014 Sixth steete, Reading. Feb 9, 181-Lfd I''YASLEY H. GEARHART, ATjaluttleEt r Y o43 .l t lj tc L a Li g ii , r O a F .1 44 .IC E , NO. May 2-10/twik WASHINGTON RIOHARDS, A 1,1)14111,M, A. N ,---OFFICE, • NO, 29, cm. Noyth Stith Street, opposlto tho root (Moo. • Sorlvenlng mud Clonv_oyanolng promptly at. tended Web 8, 1068-ttit • JESSE O. HAWLEY, A TTOHNEY AT LAW, lIAS ed hie °Moo to No. 512 Ponn street, Sobmuok• Ifoutio Building. Marano° through the Biome Book Storo. Jan-27 - - - JAIL JOHN ST.ENIEN, FORMERLY of Wotnoledorf, Condors Ms profceelonal nor• vlooe to Lilo citizens of Reading. °Moo No 4 201 North Sixth Street. Can be consulted at his office, or at the Keystotto 11ouso,, Mao 2.3-43mddiw H. M. NAGLE, • pIIYSICIAN, (U. A. Pension Suigeon.) Sio I'onn stroot, Reading, Pa. wilco hours—l 3 to 2p. m. 6toBp. W. A UDITOR'S kiderillguad Auditor appointed by the Or- Om. , Court of "forks county, to re-audit the ac= count of alias Visher &scouter of Anna Fllher, of Douglass township, Berko county, de mood; and make distributlOn of the balan'on in aria hands of the Executor hereby gives notice that ho will moot the parties interested In said (mate, on Friday, the 19th day of kl'obrnary, at 1, o'clock P. If., at his orrice, No. 29, North Sixth ..treot, in the oltyof Wading, Jan 30-30 IItLNAiIUS SHAME% Auditor. S,ZITERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ES PQTATE.—iIy virtue of a writ of dor! Midas, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Berko county, to me dirootod, will bu sold at a public rundue or out : pry t. on Saturday, the 13th day of February, A. D.' 186901 t 1 o'olook P. M., at the public, house oeisaao S. Iloyer,ln Roboson town ship, said county I • MI that certain mossuago, tonomont and tract 01 land situate in Robeson township, iter . ka °ono. ty, adjoining lands of George IOU; 'lsaac Sifelt, %Yostloy, widow Catharine Motley, lo lurtuol %Vaur, floooased, and others ; contain ling SS acres morn or lose. The imp_rovemonts [dare a two story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, Franto horn and other ,ont-buildlugs. Hold m the property of JOHN W. 411441111. Soltedand taken into execution and to be sold by WILLIAM D. ALURIGIIT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oleo, Reading, Jan. 23 t 119; PUBLIC SALE ()F .01LARLES iitiitTZ.—On Tuesday, the. 16th of kobruary, at lo o'clock, at. the residence of the under ,,l4tie4 (formerly Christian SeliatTer in Eketor township, Harks county, one mile from Snyder's tsvorn, the following , perilOnal Pr9PurtY Will he dal, viz : 3 horses, 12 COWS, ROlllO With calves and nearly all fresh mulch cows, 2 bulls, 4 hollers, 2 twin Niro, 5 shoats, 2 broad 'whoolcd farm wagons, narrow wheeled Wagon with body, 1 wood sled, 1 load roller, 1 gum spring &El, t hay hook with ropes soil willies, 1 threshing machine with four horde power (Lessig's patent), 1 large corn mho'. ler (I.cialg , s patent), 2 sots of hay ladders, 4 Ploughs, 3 harrows, small and largo hoe har row, 1 corn plough, 1 grindstone, 1 largo bull, 1 hay rake, harness and halters with chains, 01W distils and many other kinds of chains, pass scythes, grain cradles, rakes and forks, 12 three bushel hags, and many other articles not named. Conditions inadolknown on tiro (lay of sale by CHARLES BORTZ. - TWENTY-FIFTiI ANNUAL A •TATIIikIENT of tiro Mutual ilro lusuranoo Company of Sinking Spring RRORIPTB. • Ddlanco as nor larlt statOitiol.4 . . • Jan. I, 1863, ''' •, 1,031 6t Premiums and Fors rooo l vod, 2,213 2'3 As ressnic nt Nov. 13, collected, • 0341 It " 10, " , 2,348 34 4,407 03 -- . - EX PRND ITURES. 1;10, 57 birce to ra and Com:nit too foos, 2779 •50 • I:, 3,Tax,• 49 77 • Printing and arivortising,_ 93 00 att , litorts far 1847," - 50 00 secretary's salary, • • . 100 00 • ' T.Taitiror's " lOO 00 _ ittx , orilin; 370 policies, • • 143 00' Agent's fees on 370 policies, 148 00 policies for filling out, 376 President's foes, -9) 50 • ' • 23 12 1,1413 73 LIA MAO ES' PAIL) DURING? 1803. • Nicoola3 Hunter, Becks Go., 80 00 • Wm. ti Ulllntoro, • is $ 4 90 00 M%riotroi II " 1, 4 200 00 ilettry S. boot, Lobanon 00., • 725 . 001 • 14v1(1 Uluborgor, "' 41 • 850 Geo rgel , ttnmerrnAll, " . 60 00 Joit•ph T. Miller . , " " •,40 0) Vat gor, Lehigh Co , nA — Toter dlitroc, SS • 1,190 50 ion 00 • Cash In hands of TreeoUror, '4914 $5,675 63 „ „. , " of Agontil, 1 75 °a •u" of ty $6,6415 57 1 41sece In lianas of Agerti not Included In above balance, SV7 03 Thc eimerlned Auditors, appointOd to exam llie jecounts of the officers and agent' , th° PRtlttlAi 1119 UMUCO Company of Sittidlig Spring, otics comity, respectfully roporti tlaat they " 4°6 attended to their duties, and present tho foregoing statement as the result of their labors. J liN DAVID fI . 110TTION3TE1N, Audltorii , Reading, Decombor Yl , 160. amount Insured In 1849, _5778996 , • JOUN VAN ItHisD i ProsMent. an CUAII,LES KEBI3IAR, 1 1 ;:3t1 ••• LK Wei ilitiNKß,Teettaurer. BOCX UE ra'S COLLTISIBIA BALL, • • WiNg Axi) Luntß, BEER 84 4 4100/41 Po anlireal, Between Sixth' find 11.ivinifi. All kinds of best nisi' wine ithrayii.on bana l foul sold at tilo lowest prioeS, • [a012.2141 OM PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. . , WIX.VER ARICANUBMBNr ILZ PASSENGER TRADE'S Dzocunsit Urn, 1868. FIVE TRAINS DOWN TO PHILADELPHIA . , passing Reading,_ at 740, 10 1 84 i And 0.15 A. sA.;.osail 4.23 and 6.85 P. M . • 4 • I UP TO POTTSVIILE. at 10,65 A. M., and 6.6oand 6,00 P. X. TRAINS WEST TO LEBANON &HARRISBURG.. Western ExpreSs fromNow-York, at 1.06 A. M, and 1.50 P. M. and 10.19 Y. M. fr ' Harriablitg A.oeominiidfitionmraln at 7.15 A. M. and Mall Trains at M., and 8.05 P. M. On ‘ Sunday,•the down trains • pass Reading at 0.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. IL, and up -trains at 10.60 A. M., and 5.57 P. M. The 4.25 M. do p es i f,' and 10.50 A. M. up trains botlyeek 111001phia fo r Road Up trairis Ittave - P iladdlphla for goading, Har risburg and Pottsville at 7.30 and 8.16 A. 24,19.80 noon, and 8,80 P. M . and at,4.45 P. M. for Reading only. - Tho 8.15 A. IL , train conneota with trains for Tamaqua, Williainsport,Elluira l ßuffalo,NW Kara And Canada.. • • • The 8.15 A. M., and 8.30 P. M. up trains from Phila. dolphin and 10.85 A. M.,and 4,20 P. AL down trains, stop only at principal stations bolow Reading. Itoading Accommodation Tra ! ln't;' Leaves Road. ins at 7.80 A. M., returning from hilad'elphia at 4.45 P. M. The Pottstown Acoommodtlon train loaves Pottstown at 6.43 A. U: Retuarning loaVes Phila. delphla at 4.00 P. 24.• • Tito WeSterti Expressr trains conneOt ati narriii. burg with Express trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for Llialtimoro, Pittsburgh and all points Wost, andtho 10.46 Mail train connects at Harris. burg for Pittsburgh, Lancasto ,r Chambersburg, t3tinbury, BorantOn, Pittston, Wilkesbarre, Wit. liamsport, Look Haven, Elixtiret and the Canadas. Passengor trains leave Upper Dopot for Eph. rata, Litiz, Columbia and panoaster at 7.00 A. M. and 6,15 P. 2d., Thfough Finn-Class Coupon Tickets and Emi grantsktlokets at reduced Faros, to all tho prin. 0441 polltt9 in tho Horth s Arast and tho gonadal!. COidIdUTATIOtt With 78 Coupons, at 25 per cont. discount, be. twOon any points desired. MILEAGE %%METE, Good for 2000 ratios, between all points, at $l4 for families and buotnosa arms. BEASON TICKETS. Good for the holder only-, for 8,0, 9 and IS months ' botween all points, at reduced Faros. School Season Tickets one-third lees than the above. 'Jr raveon_gore will take the .t.lzpreep trains west pt tire UPPEft DiOPOT, atull,all other trains' at the LOWEE or OLD DEPOT.' - 100 pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. Passengers are requested to purchase their, tickets before entering the care, as higher fares are charged if paid in the oars. Excursion Tickets good tor one day, by 7.30 A. Accommodat i on Frain to Philadelphia, and return; at oi 60 each: - • U. A. NICOLLS, May 231 General Superintendent EAST PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. t • AItatiVEMINT m OP PA2BENOR , I 2 I. I T I VINB, tnen° n No. 6, 15, Mall oemb et :l;4th, l eaves Reading 10.80, A. N., arrives l Ailintown .0 New Yorkßso,P, M. • , .r7o. 7 Fast Mad, leaven Needing at 4.20 P. 24.,•nr. Moves Allentonfu tit New Y0rk.10.05, P. M; Nos.l sad 7, ruu dally,exaoptSunday, stopping at an Way Stations totwoon Itowling and NOw York. • EXPUPS TR AINS . TA3 a v o flooding 5.44 Id, .81 A. M. . .9 .28 • 1 1.00 aM : Arrysiat NOW, York at: te it, A These trains run through from Pittsburgh to Now-York, without change of cars, stopping only atLyons, Allentown, 'Bethlehem, Easton Juno tiOn, Clinton, - White - House, Somerville, Bound Brook, Plainfield and Elizaheah. • The 5.44 A. AL train rinks daily except Sundays and Mondays. • :. • , The 248 P. M. trains run daily except Sunda)* The 7:31 A. M. and , 1.00 A. M. trains run daily. West bound trains, leave Now York, tittliefOot of Liberty street, as follows: Laws New York. • • Arrive al Refglinil. 12.00 M. Mail NO. 8, • • • O.OOP. M. 9.00 A. • Express Train, • 1.50 P. M. 8.10 P. M. Express Train, • 10.19 P. 51. B.AO P. M. Express Train, 1.00 A. 7d, Mall Train leaving Allentown at- 7.20, A. N. stops at all Way Stations, :misting at Reading at 9.10, A. M. running daily except Sundays. The 12 M. Train from Now York, stop* at all Stations between New York and Reading, leavinv Allentown at 4.20, P. AL, •arriving at Reading at 6.00, P, running daily except Sundays.. The LOO I'. N. train from New 7ork, rims daily stopping at Elisabeth, Plainfield, Sore merville, Junction, Easton, and Bethlehem, ar. riving at Allentown at 11.45, P., M., passing Ly ons at N., arriviegat Reading at 1.00 A. 51, Passengers are requested purcbase tickets before entering the ears, As 25 cents extra will ho charged and collected on the train from all who pay the fa COMMUTAT I ON tor. TICKETS • good for Twenty-six Trips at 23 por cent. dia. count between any points desired. MILEACIE TICKET ispoics for 2000 miles, good hetwoon all _pinta on this or the Philadelphia & Reading R. R., or the Read ing it Columbia It. It., ut $32.50 each for families and firms. • • r , 1 SEASON TICKETS, good forthek,liolder only, for throe, 81x, nine alid twelve mouths, at reduced rate. 9. • P. IL ERMENTROUT. Jan 2-tfl i 1 General Ticket Agent: READING So. COLUMBIA •BAIL :no.A.r,: .. i Nov. On and after Thursda', 26th, S, Passenger Mll M ils Ifrlnt road as follows: Leave Reading at . :, • 7.0' A. U. is is «0.15 P. N. Arrive at Lancaster at 9.15 A. M. 1, I ' Columbia at 9.25 A. Id. " $ 4 Lancaster at • , . 13.25. r. M. is ft l 'Colatralla at ~ i , . , 8.30 R, 11, RETURNING: , ; Leave Lancaster and Columbia at , 8.00 A.M. 0, Columbia at 3.20 P. M. s , . Lancaster at 8.25 P. M. Arrive at Reading' at• • 10.20 A: M. ,1 at Reading at 5.40 P. Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make aim connection t Reading with trains North and South, on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and Weston the Lebanon Valley Road. No. 2 also makes aloes 00nnootiOn, with , trdiu for Now York. ; " Tickets can bo obtained at the offices of the Now Jersey Central It. K., foot of Liberty street, Now York, and Phila.Beading IL_ A 1 411 .• teenth end Oallowhlll stroote, Puna' oiphia,- • Through Tickets tO. New York and Thiladel• phis, sold at all the principle stations and bag.' gage ()hooked through. Trahui dim e , w hi chhiladeiphia And Reading Railroad s ten Minutes faster than PernisylvaniaAt, 8. UMW 1 GEORGIC F. GAGE, • Superintendent, R. F. Mayan, Gan. Frt. a Tioket,Agent.. doolO•tf CiIItISTAIA.S! CANDY. DEPOT, No. 107 NORTH .rwp,r,sruidit, tigA.Orro, FINE CONFECTIONS . , • PLAIN AND PAiNCY CANDY, SUGAR vizor. , HOER'S LEMON .OR CLEAR TOYS . / SUPERIOR TO ANT MADE IN 'BRADINO. Also, alatige assortment, Of FrOeli TOys, ittlx turest_eantly Baskets ( coo& altil‘PrO4olo COOO7 anut candy, CaotoanuL pate, poixiAnut strips. Alt will be Sold ekeap,, GlvO toil see wee. Call to see for yOurselyee. • f B. F. lIVBEIf. • dee l.xxi • „ •,;• •• ,1, • WILL REMOVE. I a l& 0 /OW ULOSINO , OUT lII' ENTIRE ACKLLINCRY AND DDY,GOODI4, • in order to re•open in entire new and Weil so- . looted stock, at - Aro. 317 Penn streeti beieabe ,s Third and Fouirth, where I will Pay Portleplar,atteritiOn to ke,eli all the latest styles of . , LAD3E3'•1118111C10 AND air • • viND JDONNICI I, 7IIAMNA. • •,‘ and a complete easortment-ot everything Per. tainlng to the Millinery and Trimming line. I express my most hearty thanks for past faVore t. and very respectfully solicit the continuance 41 - the sauce. Satisfaction gliaranteed. ef-fuld SUS. 011: KfllgLl/i. FOR, ackni 7 THAT. LACKS FOR 'THE waorgi. tow. NEEDS RESISTANCE." O,,ApIN, ` 44,::$411 . 111) . .0 : 'AFTEOI9,WiI vg; . oJ 4 tity: 0, : 1869, • ME 12.15 A. M. 7.00 P. M. 0.15 A, M. icorts;4.&tend i enaptinikk thveu einurtalob oA hod .ana wU mr,1111014411 tßoxim. *OO, A novs 'OOAt, ram, CUPT#,Pf4O )I'lloolflUB COAT EMBRY :and OA, WOOD, . tr TUB **'**ol6ll,4li, trie wagiiii to 0114411.0 i. t ,, , t 1! ; ',' • ' "BPI •suoo t 7,1 at thiuu lb, to this new and valuable prepare los of ABIII A. combined with certain Vegetable A, treat; as unsurpassed for ita U lipss and On e: grope Westin ellthqs, external complaipts for w Lin n:ints are usedilUch as OA Bruins, Quifes s Galls,' Rizeinuatitut, b• out, Nervous it' Afiatamatory rain., Neuralgia, liodoolle, - Paiiis hide, Back or loirits. 'ln sll suet' utiles it nAr be used with eertaidli of relief, {lt good, its fast. in all these 00mbleints whereon external application is required, for Man or' Beast, and the applica tion can '