Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 05, 1869, Image 2

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    THE 1)11.1,Y ,E4(41.141.
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moditanuktio CITE WOMISATIOXI.;
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HON. WM. HElDl:ring CH.
For Oily A.igditor: ,
Common Council—J. H. Pfloger.
Nefiool Controltere-3. Sproclor; ' 4 yoare ;
Jess() O. Hawley, 2 yeario.
A eeeisor—Ooorgo W, rilogor.
Judge—John K. ifollinaster... '
, inspector—Owen 0' !Willy.
fielect Clottnea-141hino1 Robinson.
Common Contien—Willltun Mx, Gregory
:•• ' '
Nchool Controtter—John Denhert.
A giseatror—Wlllinin Z. Booker.
Judge--Gooygo fitruben,.
In vector-1U !ohne' pfeGranti
• - Tarim WARD.
CbnintOn (binteil.,JßOOD Miller, Itliehaol 111.
an Irolkr—Chatios Henn.
A aseaspr—Dati lel O. Knabb.
.fudge=-David A. Stout.
Inapector—John 11111.
Vommon Conntg—Willlant C. Kronen.
&hoot Vonfroilee—Williani M. Itightinyor
Asseisoe--Ilenry ningaman.
Judge—lionry Keeper. • ,
hispcdor—Danlol Hahn.
f VW3,'Il WARD.
att »IDIDti
Assessot-:Jahn U. pitrohookor.
&hoot anarotter--James Mulligan.
Judge—Wallington Van Reed.
Inmicelor—Josoph K. Jrarvey.
annmon Cuunelt---Dantel Millar. -
&hoot Director—Danlol Coyle.
litspeclor--Jonnthau L. Reber.
Assessor--Philip K. Millar.
Meet (bunch—Froderlek W. Lauer. .
vommou Cm/flea—James T. Reber.
Assessor—William ErmentrQut.
Aiehoot amtretter—Danlel Frmentront.
Jadge—Llowollyn Wannor.
Inspector—Jaeob liady.
MOE Council—Christian !Mick.
Ournilion Council 'Nicholas irooliAlan,
Franklin Ilrnekman. , -
Assessor—Josopis Malsberger.
&hoot Control/rt.—W. lUmbonhanor.
Judge—lrenaetie Shaltor. •
Inspector—Anton Foger. '
Vommon Oottneil—Addy Uoliry,pattlol lIIm
Aasesaor—johit 11. Kleiner. '
Moot Controller—lnoob Illsmiktnor.
Judge--Jaoknoo HhOrinan.
lae4elotu oft Fridnyaebritary INN WO
THE, Eagle Book Store, ADLER
GAEETrE & DEIOCRAT have been re- ,
moved to 542: Penn street,
Sehmueker House building, op.
posite the Keystone House.
the DAILY "EAGLE will hereafter
be charged at the rate of ten
'cents ti line for the first inner•
lion, and five cents a line for
each additional insertion.
FRUITS OF RecossraucrioN. , -;-A: -Memphis
despatch of tho 2d inst. gives the following ac
count, of the result of Radical "reconstruction"
in that blessed region of negro equality t
. .
"A train from Madison, Ark., brought in a
large number of refugees from Crittenden cowl
ty,• fleeing from a party of tiagroes, represent
ing themselves as militia. They hung It plan
ter named Gibson this morning, and commit
ted every species of outrage. Sunday night a
planter named Cullen,
who had boon at Little
Rock mid sold his cotton, while camping six
miles above the city, was murdered by a negro
who, after robbing him took a wagon and
horse and rode into !Attie' Rock, where ho was
arrested and lodged in jail..l
Tho Philadelphia Evening Herald says :
1 .
"Negro outrages continue plenty. One,
thdother day, set fire to the.gin-house of a
former employer, at Milledgeville, Oa. . The
building_ was! destroyed. Auother,_ft woman,
poisoned ton persons last week, in- the house
of a Mr. Broadners, in Rankin county, Missis.
sippi. Again another recently' stabbed a fol.
low darkoy in five places, in Columlius,•Geor.
gip. Once more -- a dark ruffian attempted to
outrage Mrs. Howell, of Live Oak, •Florida,
lad week, but the courageous woman brought
his career to an and with a well•directed shot.
And yet again a squad :of Clayton's militia,
commanded by a negro, recently stole from
Mrs. Burne t an 'old and very infirm widow,
near Rochester, Ark., two horses and a .mule ;
' pursued by' Mr..Dashiel, arme with a sheriff's
warrant, and attended byafcoTtable, they
shot Mr.' Daeldel . dead. Ano he instance is
reported froth Mclntosh county, Oa.; whore
white men, charged by blacks, withihoot•
ing at a colored boy, aro afraid to avail them.
selves of, bail, although declaring their in.
nocence, as the negroes haie threatened ,to
kill them.,"
. • '. 4 Hail.colutibia, happy Jae di" 'Rah for
-- 1 ---,.
Grant I' ' • '
A 0011WCIUNDEO ttleolLLlt STORY•
The following despatch, front the "hub of
tho universe," is going the rounds of the
Ilosrow, Feb. 2,—David Sisson, treasurer of
Post 15, Grand Arniy of the Republic, was np•
preached from behind, in his office, yesterday
at noon, by a man who presented n reyolver
and told him to mike no noise. A struggle
ensued, when Sisson had a rope put .around
his neck and whs tied to a bolt in the floor.
The robbers took a gold watch, a diamond pin,
and two hundred dollars from him, and then
sat down and ransacked the drawers and desks,
getting four hundred dopers mor'o l Sisson
escaped* gnawing.the rope '‘vith his teeth,
That story will do for Boston, perhaps; but
in this part of the country the 101 l treasurer of
Post 0 . 09 O. A. R. would have some trouble
to make the people believe it. Ms a capital
idea, however, and we commend it to the no
'lice of the managers of soldiers' fairs, &c.
filleh'a 040004 of the requires no
• ,
tv/Ouebbrs troubles 94 it 41054, and
caws all deficits beautifully, . ' 4 Gnawing the
rope with, hie won't even ." do' fel' the
rfitqlnee"—they "understand the ropes lt leo•
welt for that Got up a better story, "loyal"
Pavid 1
Tnir. IsbEclrlOil.
it t, a few 4ays our city electioPT will takq
plae - p, and it is the duty of every ood citizen
1 0
to e, tto the e lis an lOst his/A*ll,4lpr the
catittidates iktn who ` electMf our c ity guilt,
eridly - w ill teetive e most''' , Unefite ' t. To the
tax-payers of our city . this election is one of
much importanCe, is upon ibe officers elected
depends much of the prosperity of our city for
the coming two years.
Without disparaging the merits of the liadk
cal candidatei, we claim that the ticket select6d
by the DemocricY in an unexceptionable one.
We feel assured that the tax•payers of Reading,
with Out i distibetiOii ) brpartY,' will Cant their
votes in favor of our nominees—not on account
of political or personal prejudices, but because
the chOice of those gentlemen will be the best
thing that can possibly happen for our city.
The very successful, orderly and economical
government of our city during tho past two
years; has been in the highest degree credita
ble to Illikyot , tElernand, and satisfactory to,
every good and law-abiding citiimi offloading:
Performing his oftentimes delicate duties with•
out ostentation or abuse of power, but with
firmness and , impartiality, his administration,
has been a modelone, in every,respect ; and
our citizens owe it pot only to him, but to
themselves, to give such a conscientious and
faithful official a token of their high apprecia
tion in tho shape of a handsome majority.
Our candidate for City Treasurer, Judge
Heidenreich, has also given the utmost satis-,
faction in the discharge of his responsible du
ties. Never have our city finances been more
ably, honestly and economically administered
than they have been by Judge Heidenreich.
Ile is respected by men of all parties, and no
honest,unprejudiced personwill deny thathe haS
been a model official. Ile is in every way wor•
thy ora reelection, and. we .hope to see him,
receive the suffrages 'of all prudent tax-pay.
era in our"' city. •
Dr. W. Murray Weidman, our candidate for
City Auditor, is well known as an excellent
physician, a model citizen and a gallant isol
dier, No better selection for the position could
ho made, and we call of ori nil good citizens to
cast Mori ballots In his favor, as no ono who
knows him can doubt that his ditties will be
discharged with - ability and fidelity. '
The Democratic candidates, in the different
wards, whose names appear in the ticket a
t i ho head of our editorial page, it is not ne
emery that we should mention individually.
They are well known in their respective wards,
and thiii have been selected with care, and
with eppeeial roferenco to their titness•for the
positiOns for which they have been nominated.
Ivory tax•payor who consults his own interest
and that of his fellow•citizens generally, will
give the whole ticket a cordial and hearty
The election will take place next Friday,
February 12th. The polls will be open from .
BA. M. until 8 P.- M. For places of holding
elections in the different wards, see the May
or's proclamation, published in the EAGLE
TII E New York Metropolitan ReCord tippeOis
this week in an entire now. dress, looking as
bright and cheery and'clean as a silver dollars
if any Of our readers can remember what thnt
precious piece of metal looks like. With
each successive issue of the 'Metropolitan
Record, the trol:4nit pen oe its editor, Mr:
John Mullaly, s 4oms to gather fresh . and in
spired vigor, andtlio enemies of our country,
the enemies of
i t o Union and the Constitu
tion, and the e ne Dies generally of with() men,
are made to feel' is vigorous and well-directed
blows against the ir rank, damnable and trea
sonable horesiesi j . ! Long life the braVo Mtil
laly and hie papor.l
$13,000,000 MOUE I
'The forthcoming statement of the National
debt for the last month will show an increase
of thirteen million dollars ! Republican tax
payers, how like it? Will you continue
to suppOrt a party which is daily dragging you
deeper into debt, taxation and misery for the
sake ofconferring all the wealth of the country
upon a privileged few ? Unless the tax-paying
producers of the country are willing to become
the slaves of the non•prodUcing money lords,
they must vote the Democratic ticket, for in
the success of the Democracy lies their only
hope of release from the terrible financial bur
dens they are now.conapelled to bear!
WE aro indebted to 11: Brobst, Esq., of the
House of llepreientatives at Harrisburg, for
important public documents.
NED 0 1 1/ALDWIN i the "Irish Giant," has been ,
iadieted 14 the Essex county, Mass., Grand
Jury for indulging in the prize. fight with Joe
Worinald, at , Lynfield, on the 29th of October
last. • Worinald, who was .released on bonds
some six 11101118 since, has gone to Canada,
and will not put in an appearance for tkial.—
There is very little public sympathy for the
."Giant," and there Is hardly a shadow of a
doubt but that he will be convicted and sen
tenced to the State Prison. W. p. Northend .
has been retained as his counsel, and the . trial
will ,commonca early next week!. Edwin C.
Farwell, who went security for the appearance
of Joe Worinald, has alko been indicted for
perjury, and will bo tried in a few days. Ho
wont bonds to the acnount of $5,000, and Was
accepted... When Woymald absconded ho wits
called upon for rho ' amount, and it w as then
seeertained that ho was worth abselntely
ins. Fafwell is also in jail, and failing to re
ceive bonds, he will not Ibe likely to escape
conviction and sentence.
THE Ocorgia Statesman says tl t Harriet
Beecher,Stowe "has now the effrout ry to solicit
patronage for a now paper, of which she is cdi•
tress. Is it possible to stigmatize too severely
so malignant a foe to humanity—ono who,
though a 'women,has so, far unsexed herself that
she can watch, with the sittisfaction of a Mo
hawk, the Writhings of a prOstrate and suffering
people,and seek to statithem as they writhe ?"
The editor of the Savannah News adds : "Not
content with the 'blood money' which she has
already received for her Hecate's share in the
infernal incantations of hypocrisy, falsehood'
and envy which first conjured up t he demon of
diseord, andhen Jet, Nolo the furies ot sec
tional hatred * nd 'fraternal Mae, atm is now
seeking to invade' 'our Seuthern hearths and
homes with her (also morality, her pernicioue,
demoralizing and debasing fanaticism:"
Berlons4eeldent at Montreal.
%tomcat., Canada; Feb. 4.- - While ,p con-
Icert and ball, at ' St. Patrick's Hail, was in
progress last night.:--2,000 persons being pres
ent—a cry *as raised shortly bdfore midnight
that the root was giving way, causing , intense
exeiterflent. All hnmedistely rushed towards
the street, but while the last were getting out
t h e ree f , f e n with . 9: tremendous erath., Sever-,
al persons were tulared k , but it is hoped that
none were killed. , .
oThe snow storm continoes with g re atrt fury
an d ro m an () travel will bop topped.
mil ,„
. bur wiscootaits t ere, ... - •
' • . 4 ANEsN'II.I,E WiscoNstN, 'Feb, 1 , '69:
t pK. \iI,;EA I: LE : •-• 1 CIIIII4. 1101;1111 to thiq place in
t l d b iiiiiiking's traiii, ttililtou etiiiiiiittAky forty: -
al M
...the . Myers ust\ ‘, lbiel 14 one:,ef the,
hest kePt hotels to the 'Attie of Witecntain.
Everything is, in etiplivie tirdei here, end of
the best. Mr. Jiyeralias a, peenliat'faisulty,of
waking his guests feel at koala while they ate,
with ho w ,, ,
Janesvill l's in n . the' ex t iiiii . see t h eiti part of
the State, and is rather a pretty little city of,
,10,900) inhabitants. !It is. Pituated on, thtl Chi•
sago and.Noithivestein Rail toid,t4ntiles n'ortb,
skf,Qhicago, and tis miles west of Milwsukee.
It was settled in :1A30 . ; and heti' been 'keine
steadily forward, both' in baguets and po`piiht• .
lion, until, it has come to be one of the beet
business towns in the interior of the State.—
The Rock river
_passes through the city, run
ning froth I.dtke-lintogen Iv estOrard through the
State of Illinoii, nhtil It empties into the Mitt•
sissippi at Rock Island. Th stream , as it
passes through Wisconsin, is s mill and slug
'wait, and affords but little wa t er power. At
this rpointthere is a fall of ,aljett 6 rects . which
affords • power , enough ' to.dridc.ileien nearing
mills and two: or three other manufactories.
Thyoughotlt the entire State there 14 a general
coMplaint'df 'the Scarcity of watee:iThey;tlid
not have their usual spring and fall rains, rand
the springs and marshes from which the streams
Are supplied are becOming dried up, and the
streauittlittyel, been. mnuetially - lolv 41 wiuter.
The mills at this place aro not manufacturing
now more 'than' half their usual quantity. of
There is a good deal of the'hum of busy life
in this place. There are no idlers sitting and:
smoking in the hotels, or !eaters standing'
• Uround on the street corners, but every perso:
appears to keep jogging along fIE if there was.
some object ahetid'of him which he desired to .
accotnplish.. The streets this afternoon are
rather wet mid the walking bad, but still the
women appear to be out inTull forch,,tramping
thrmigh the slush and m.ud. .The ladies here
will compare favorably with those of any other
cityßeading excepted) for beauty' and style.
The apPear to dress with u great deal Of neat
ne6 and taste. There is one thing I ' notice
4ere, that the bottoms of their dresseS are not
so far' above the phvenient as they are in some
of the cities further cost, but there may be ft
reason for thit. • i• -
I will remain here for a day or two,iMid you
lay hear from me agala heforoi
Deeerterm .80Verf1.11 / I nA ll o lo4l *
) From the Memphis Post, Jan. 29.
• On Wednesday of this week three privates
of the force garrisoned bne, named respeelivo
-1 Myron strong, Ihrincin Spriljgatcen; and
Stephen Madden, till 'belonging to Company;q
Twenty-fifth Infantry, wore tried by a general
court martial upon It charge of desertion . , and
beiug coutieted, were sentenced to have their
heads shaven, their left hips tattooed with the
letter (signifying desertet,)and to .he dis•
honorably discharged from the United States
service. This' sentence was executed yester
day: In the morning the barber 'of the batta
lion performed the job of shaving the hair from
their lieads, leaving them as bore us a•
shaven face. Then their pants Wetelakell . ,off
and the letter D stamped with India ink 'upon
their hips. The officer of the daT, together
with a guard, superiised the execution of these
- penalties, and the soldiers, however muck they
Might have wished to make a resistance, made
none, and they submitted to. their disgrace in
silence. In the afternoon, at the dress parade,
the unfortunate fellows were brought out in
their Cadre* with their shaved heads; tincov . -
ered, and marched (headed "with the drum :
corps, and followed by a.guard) in front of the`
whole command, through the navy yard to the
various offices; and then into the city through
severid of the prominent streets. After being
exposed and paraded i in this manner for some
timeAthey were .then formally dismissed, end
ordered to leave the garrison, which they did,,
with an air of deep shame and mortification,
better concelyed than: eXpreSsed. • fi tropg had
been a cleik in .General Grant's headquarters
in.the army, and deserted once before, but was
restored to duty by order of the General, on
probation: I.lis second deSertion was on the
28th. of April. Springsteen deserted on the
Htli.of March, 1898, and Madden on the 29th
of July, 18084! '• • . , • •
PROCEEDINCiS OP c0N01.0484. _
In -the Senate, the credentials of Senators.
elect Tipton, Of:Nebraska, :and Stowarti of
Nevada l .were presented.
Mr. lf,tifnunds -introduced-a bill for the-bet.
tor security of printing U. S. notes, ete.
The Suffrage amendment was considered,
Mr. Cat ell introduced a bill to provide for
the conversion of registered bonds of the
United States into cotipon btfAds.
Mr. Osborn introduced a bill ,for 'a line of
mail steamships 'from, Fernandina, Fla., and
Savannah, to certain European ports,
An evening session was held, at which no
business of general importance was transact-
, .:
. . . ,
. . .
fn the . Houie,the discharge sif,lteitry,Tohn;.,
son and Florence' Sentinel 'wai bederpd, they
having testified before the New York t.l onimit•
tee; : the discharge- of Scannel to bilolport , his
paying the costs of his arrest. ' !
A bill was reported and passed, abolishing
distinction of tonnage dues against Spanish
vessols,Where'no discrimination is madeagainst
American vessels.
Mr. Moorhead movf,d that the Tariff 4 bill be
taken up, but objection was made.
The Indian Appropriation bill was passed.
On motion otr Mr. Schenck,. Representa
tives Wilson, of JON . and Pruyn, of New
York, were appoinied tellers on the part of the
House to count the Electoral Notts..
Mr. Logan introthiced a bill " providing for
the paytnent of tho National debt and reduc
tion of the rag of interest thereon," which
was referred.
'The Sonata bill, amendatory of the act pro
hibiting the coolie trade, was concurred in.
An . evening Session, 'exclusively for speech
making, was held.
Fame; Feb t G.
The latest advlces from Arizona report the
Indians preparing for a general raid.
,Senator Henderson has gone Co Cuba, it is
ruinOted,'oit'busittesS ler our Gotetanimit.
• General Giant iri in Now York.
The Georgia House of Itepresenttitives has
refused to refer the,question of negro eligibility
to a committee.
Lewis Davis was hanged in Cleveland, Ohio,
Yesterday; for the murder or D. P. Skinner, in
September la9t.
In New York, yesterday, Stephen Boyle was
Aeutenced by Recorder Hackett to 40 years'
imprisonment for attempting to shoot two po
licemen-20 years on each indictment. ,
The reiettuevollections in the Richmond dis
trict of Virginia, for January were $126,000-
This is four- time the amount for the corns
pending period of last year.
The I 4 ight-honso Board announces that the
range lights at Hilton Hcad , S. C., will ho dis
continued after. March 15.
Chp, H. Dopny died at Baltimore, yc ater.
day, froth 'an overdoie of laudiuthiu aged 56.
He was .a teacher. of Prench, ,and' fornierly
(hod Master of the Odd Follows in Maryland.
Tne Eturomit VoTE for President and Vice
President, will be counted on thesecond Wed,•
nesday, the 10th of February, at one o'clock,
In the chamber of the, Rouse of Represents
ayes, in the presence of the Senate, with the
PreSident of the Senate' in the chair. The
Ren a t o tams one ' and the Uouse•two.
The presiding officer, Mr. Wade, opens the
envelopes and , reads the' vote, and the tellers
'record It. After, the vote is annntineed, a or.
tiflente thereof will bo sent to the successful
candidates, Grant and Colfax.
Girls to a skating IR,lntett. •
Hut,o l •reh. I. A skittiiig innit.ikisn• VA) 1
b M lA4otween Ada linallnul, 4,l l 'New, limns.
k ti
wick,iiiiil Miss Nellie I ledll; or Chic ' • took)
place at the rink limit night " Cie an icit ..1
of 4,e01 people. Alter a v exciti ' out '
the ma *l[. *as
,wen b , Mies : au, eBC
iikkadinOta IP 4/% Miss ad me av ch l•
leuged Miexpettn ' to skate another match for
the vain*amotint, at 'O4 (rink,' sigt Saturday
, renlng dela; c., ;.; );.. I • • ),•.
• I 114 e
i Wvather. ' ,
A!viiesT, t'c ' ). 'A l i at. ki
e non or •,*
t, yet ceased,end the cowl. are baaly blocked.
ere Niro., thuilder itOrtii hitt lifgbt. '
. _
0. TRAY K.D.—On the 2d inst., n 'red heifer, onq
,Ityear'old. - - titan-leather strap on. Any 1101110 ii
giving information as to Its 'whereabouts will be
suitably rewarded; F. S. BOAS.
.feb:6-3tdltwi , Fenrth Kat Flnestreetq.
. . .
XT.OTICE.—TIII , : 111VJULA11, STA . 1111) loft HT
-1.11 lug of IliDoenoersAlo Associatiolwill be ,
Word evOil it
On lh,Oebruars• , itivp,)nt du i
otdoek, itt. roehte. -A lull MU)
Hefted, as business of importance will bo tranei.
acted. i y.. . ISAAC B. rIBIIN8 1 rcebt:
I'. 1). WA smut, Seere4rx. (fob S-21(1
`4 OLI) lAIROLOST.-4 iitive /oat a goiCring In
k.Jrthe WHIR Ccilinty House, Iteedhigr. The ind•
or is requested to return it to the ownor or leave
it at the Emice
Vub.s.3td*l+ - ,tlißetQ TeaOttar•
OST OR 'STOLEN this rnOrnitig, Feb. 4 , a
1 4 1(1)10'011NY RUSSIAN BIAR)DHOUND. • The
receive a suitable reward , by batwing
said (104 at t JACOB SCHWENK'S;
, Cor. Third and Chestnut, (Laueett Ciardon.)
It tvOo4l for sale by - the barrel or In larger
quantitlemdellvered to any part of the elty.
Coal and Wood lArtl,
oOri Of Bectonl and rrankllA
NOTICK—UoIriI) 93 P. 0.9,A. • Tho °Moors and
moinhmEm ikro reonostod to nttonda mtutod
mooting on Friday, Fob. sth, as bumhioss of groat
importune° will bo tranmactod. By order of tho
Premtdent. • ' .JAS. L.:BAUM, IL 8 . :
huh. 4 2t.d]
• •
ATTENTION, FIREMEN 1-rho No* Iladgea
will bu i 53111,41 to all Companies who have fur
ulshotl .tho assessment,on . FRIDAY. EVENING,
February sth, at the Common Couhell Chamber,
between the hours of 7 und 9 o'clock: ,
. - E. A. HOW EI..L;
' fel) 4-2141 secretary Firemen' itUnlon.
NOTlOE.—Tlie theinbers of Seminole Connell,
No. FR, 0. of U. A. M. are requested to attend a
stated meetingof the Council on WEIDA Y EYEN
INU, February 501, at N. o'clock, ika' Important
business will be transacted,
By order of the Council.
fob .34W) CHAS. IL IVE,LLS, R. Sec'y.
fob 4-til
• • AT
On Tuesday Evening, :Feb. OM, MO,
(Aortic—How Bright and Fair, (from
opera \ \Yin. Tell) by
Quartelle.—Even lug Doffs,
Duell.—ltow Beautiful is Night, by
Chorus.—Come with tho tlipsy Bride,
(from 'Opera Bohemian Girl) BA IS
Doors open at 7%; Concert commence at 8 o'clock
AdllllgBloll 60 cents. Reserved Bonts 76 °onto,
to ha had at Strickland & Bro., whore a diagram
of tho Hull can be been, also at Ilantch & Lyons,
Aletlowan and Initiator% I
Co., and Journal Piloting Office.' MS '44std.
WirpNor "f t "°
this as
day been ulaHolved by ' mutual consent,
mine L. Boyer withdrawing from the Firm. •
Jan. 29,1869.
A. K. Kli►e and H. Eppihicao have tide• day
associated with themsuiVes Calvin K. Whitney,
and will continue the Dry Hoods Business under
the Fire► nu ne as heretofore of
fob 33tl KLllity, NVP1111)111f, &CO.
PituCLAMATlON,diotice• is hereby
kjgiven to the elooters of thd several wards of
the city of Reading, that, an eleetion fee City
Officers will be hold inlald; city on FRIDAY,Peb.
1,1849 t between the hours of 8 o'clock A. M. and 8
o'clock P. M., of said day, for the election Of the
.following officers for the ensuing year, to wit •
One person qualified for Mayorliir two years.
One person qualified for pity Treasurer for
two years;, • •
One person qualified for.CitY Auditor for three
One 'person qtialifled.for Common Council in
First Ward.. , •
Ond person qualified foe Soled eouncll
Second Ward.
Two porsone qualified for. Common
4 , Counclf In
Second IVard.
Two persona qualiflea for Common Council In
Third Ward. -
One Donlon qualified 14 COMmoli Courfell In
FoUrth Ward. •
One person qualified for Common Council in
Fifth Ward.
One person'qualified for Com Mon Council In
Sixth Ward. •
One portion i qualified for Select Council In
Reventh Ward. • •
One' perBon qualified for COmmon Connell In
Seventh ward.
One person quttiltletl for select council -In
E lg t o h p l o V rtlo rd ne ' qual 11104. ' 1 for Common Connell in
h v lh p l e Va o n n i ; Common Council in
Ninth %%turd. • -
Tlio olootoro of First Wart) 101t1; will their elec
tion at the•pnbllo hough otoAthlroW J. Goodhart,
In Bald Ward.
The eleetora of Second Weird .will hold their
election at the public house "Of Jacob Wentzell.
In Raid Ward. -
The electors:or Third' Ward will held their
election at the public Matsu of William Rapp. in
said Ward.
• The eleatore of Fourth Ward will hold their
election otthe public" house of Milos Hsterly, in
said Ward.
The electors of Fifth Ward will hold their
election Lathe public house of Parvitt a Weiler,
in said Ward.
The electors of Sixth Ward will hold their
election at the public house of Daniel B. Itheadi l
in bald Word.. . .
The eleetorS of SoVentitWaril ' Will-bold 'their
election atilt° pithily hou e of Evan ?dishier, in
said Ward.
The electors of Eighth Ward wll bold their
election at the public l►ouso of newt Gra°lf, In
said Ward,
The electors of Ninth Ward will hold their,
election at the public Meuse of Ahdreas Wise; In
said Ward.
(oh 3-3td] WM.M.(IIOItNAND; Mayor.
Malan hi
U. S. BONDS 84` STOCK (;OLD, sir, V E COU P ONS.
•• • littoroo '
()pest nt 9 a. tn. Close at 3p. m.
Ausi;o;ip 4,llnerrllNr f .
fel) '1.1669, •
1119 -Worth .E4ghtMiNreet.
(Amy() Winim Anil Eatables tat haat; t
111904 ark Of !tali JAIKOr 11 , p or, Lunch a Mry
(lay. nay rinano am savtlA ta ettlt
A few baatilem can ha aeoeitatintlaiati with
Hand board, 21-hold
IYAI; Y. LYON, Auctioneer.
BANK}illiS o
NEW AD V ElltilliilKOl EN TN.
Pet:N t: it A GIN TEI / I.luMNUft of ficE:,
„;4 t-,,.., . ) .
. r i
il ' ..
tuff opempoot .IS SD advent li*reel
an 000 W 11 , ge al int alien be
, si
We yep tat lion to Pohl lgood
it i _ , h 1.
113 p r ( , rival Ifitmlli d h I •Th
at A hla
.tes lige sue elp would do Yf tby g %Tilt - us a
cull, stall servant, turnishM from this Mike will
90•9 well recomatsaded.,,Ws ahlek fuksgt vrOrk
for tnose out of employment, such sg d ark., bar.
Itth(ters, salesmen, watchmen, and men et general
Wanted, by antlemau somewhat advanced
1 1 )
14 years. a OW lion as watchman ; cap come
highly recount° ded by influential' citizens of
this city. Also, good country girl, capahle or
1 dallit tio4ofat houseworic. Apply at this °nice,
No, ita South Wetenth street •
Jan to - Onnl , Wading, r*.
Jan 29
• .
The underalkiketl, Committee on finance of the
.Coriloration o( 111 e City 'of Reading, la empewe borrow t.llO OULU Oft-.
for the purpose of enlarging tile Water %Yorke of
the said city.(nd 'the said Committee hereby
ive notice HI t they are prepared to home Cer
tilloatell Mr II mune at eta per cent. interest, to
parties Mimi g money to the 'city for the itr.
pose above e med. Pell3ollB dealrone of Invest
, lug in this loan, will apply to eitherof_the under.
signed Cominittim; or to William Heidenreich,
Elm., City Trcauurer. FREDERICK !AUER.
• Jan 49, V3-ly Committee on Finance,.
NT BREWING NOTl ( lll.—The BOOt and Shoe
I Manufactory, well known under the old Arm
Philip !miss it Bro." OPpOOlte the Market
house, hp undergono ►
, thorough-chango..the
undorsigned having taken the whole establish
went in his own name, and. will carry on the
same with wuob moro liberality unreatrAlued
and to the groater , advantage of WA cuStomors.
I consider it my duty,. theroforo, to inform all
my friends and - aceualntanees, and tho old pa
trons generally, that 1 . will; keep constantly on
hand a largo assortment of men e, women's and
childronN Shoes and Rootft, of Kip, Calf sand Mo
rocco leather; 113; w4ll as :Lasting Calton and
Galoshes of all kind& I also have always on
hand llertuan Pelt Shoes. Custenter work Is
peomptly and,carefully attended to, Km! Shoos
and Hoots neatly and at low rates' repaired on
short notlce. Thankful for Oast favors; the
dorsignod wfsuld respectfully, solicit a. share of
public patronage. PHILIP LENZ,.
. Boot and Shoe.Mtinufaotory,
jan 2o) . No. a/ Venn Nuevo, Heading.
. I
The undoreigned offer for Halo, at reasonablo
ratee,• -
. I „
Apply at the Aiii.utt Office, or addrems'
.'Rending; Pa., Jan.l9.lB69.—Dir. iirmle. Krause.
N 0.25 4 South Viftb street 4 sayav,tho M. Oil Is
the only thing irldoh has 'giVon stiongth to his
broken arm—isaa used It in his family for Ear.
aolm, Nenraigla, and frosted 'foot. performing
QU~n ;pare w,Ortderhilly? quick Ana :radical
• E. YOX, Proprietor of ifeystonn lions°, eertlnea
that throe bottles of 00011 cured a strain in a
loitei t yalaing the cure at 'lig, - •
JOHN KISMP, Poligeman says the Oil cured
him 'of a severe fraciture of i ie collar bone.
The above named person aarc well known in
Oita' Vicinity, and aro living *Mileages, • e
!laving furnished Rath ample testimony' at the
times we advertised with the
i t 0,y4,110
,epAtt : loT,
gtvlog ibosepopuifkr Opon Rir
I deem It nuneetesiiiiii to add More fmes. -
The Magic Idacsidoittan 011 (Jo. will forfeit
• • 40000 •
If any dozen remedies combined will furnish at
many good certificates frontprominent 61tirend
In the ell, andvleintty as tbala'who havb haen
cured bythe alma the iilaceillontau Oil— l oan on
PROP: 111 1 / 1 1p1101111111
The Oennan and Engllshleoturerof the Cicimpa
ny,stoppleir at the Keystone UOUSO and purchase
a bottle of the .011 4 or metre advlbe and treat
tuold Ave 'of ehame.
Also—Hold by J. K. IdeCurtly, i)Oeter Ziegler,
111111 8 , 8, I,!an 18
NO. 542 .PENN
' r
BALIIiI.fIIE Ana 11031 1 1T IL
-244 7 ,0ur., 0
I:, ottor Plat pANAOVERTISINkI.
491,01ceoieilied tlktiinwt .Certaln, Iv"
Itottktily tn - tb6 world tot "u
gl cf (n Six /loin : if . No 2Viltinj I t , '' 'A.rto,, p 4
et bl i l igiM int Prelenders, Or Ma . Doodly 9 ‘ - ', 1 " 4 "
if r( srouril; should apply ./i+iiitia6ty l , ''''''
A , CURE WARRANTED 04_ No eliAltug, 1,-
litoll ONE TO TWO DAY:i. -
Meet, Stricture, seminal Weakness, Weskile4
in thu Back and Limbs, A ffectiolik of th e K ithie 1
and illiiddlit, twirOluntary Discha4es, itupor ene ) :
tionotimi Debility, Norvqitinessi Dyspepsia, 1 4 1 4 ,
LionlAiNtr 141Witap_t:911‘11i041 of Ideal, Pidpu
04 Lim itoisyl t , Tlinidlty, Troll:lilt lig, lii itthr !'
orsiglit Or Utddinoss, Diseases of the Ilesii,yhroil'll
licsio or Skin . " Affections of thp Liver, i.w i . ,
Stomaeli or I.loWitthi-r410.510 Torribl ks Di. s.or
. 0.
arisingfroni the solitary Habits or '1" out it -st e : t '
auil soßtary: praet lees wore fid al to rk b i e viet ,e ,
ru t in rim son of the ilyronti tO tho li a ti l ,,, t .
Ulyssus,b4. Ong theirmost brilliant hop es ::'
antloipatlOn , renddrin l g marriage, de., 1 1 1 44 ' .
agepoohuy, Who /MVO 000010011 M victlius of k . ,„ .
tary Viep, that dreadful and destructive 1, 0 ;4
wihich alinually swoops to an untimely gi lvt
thousands of Young Mon of the most ox&lli m i tc.
outs And brings/41 guipllect, Who Wight ()Melvin.
have entrigagott Liggoiling Senates, with the than.
demo( elestivoineo or waited to
the thin
iirre• lhlW call With fulroglutltionco. g
TessY are Bonie of the sad melancholy etnx,t,
produced b sari)' habits of youth, 11 •,,,, 1 , ne5e of the ack and Limbs, to the Ilv a d
Dinutesivot Bight, (Axis of Muscular Power, Pala
tation Of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous irrilabi,
POirallgOolOttB of the Digestive leunctioua
oertil m
Hymptoe of Conuuttiptlun,ae:
UNTALLY.--Tho wand etleets on the oiled an d
moult loin) itrottilo47-L4BB ol MOOlory; (üblon
of ldtep 4 , l)epresgions f.f Spirits Evil itevt,o.
Aversbin to SoCluty, Self.:Diatrulit, L ove , o t t
Solitude, Timidity, AO., are some of the ,evil
Marriott PersOue, Or Yellag lieu contenTiati bt
marriage, being aware of physical weakitess, or.
genic debility, deformities, Ate., should apylp
Ile WllO places himself under the care of Dr. J,
may roligiously 0081140 in hie honer as a gentl e
man, and confidently rely upon his skill as
11,11 )I
By Dr. Jointston'stuarvollous treatment, arm,
floss of the °roans Is twotallly cured anti lull vigor
restored. Whonsands of tho most Iftavoub,
Militated and 114x/tont, who had lost all Uopes,
have been immediately rollavott.
All lea pod knouts to Marriage, Physical or ihn,
tal Disqualification; Loss of Yrooroativo
Nervous Irritability, Trembling end Wealniq s ,,
or exhatifitiou of the moat feiuTul kind, iipequy
momberottito lioyalColloge ofaurgeons, Whips,
tiraduate from one of the moat eminent college
in OW Unlt t ed Statee, and the greater part of
whose urn has been spent' in the hospitals vi
London, Parts, Philadelphia and elsewhere, in
effected setae of the most astonishing cured 't
were over known ; many troubled with ringin;
in the head and eareivben llsloop, great mu vou s
nose, bell* alarmed at, sudden sounds, bashtui•
nous, w itliTrenutint blaehingatteudcd umuctimn
with derangement of, hint{, were Mired hast
Who have Injured themselves by a certain pie,
Lieu indulged in when alone, a habit frequun,
learned from evil companions, or at selwoloh,
elTeots of which are nightly Nit, oven w hen asletri,
and if not oured renders marriage impeastba,
and destroys both mind and body, should apply
immediately. • . •
Whet a pity that a Young man, the hope o( hh
oeuntry t the darling of his parents, Mould
snatched from all prespeota and enjoyments of
life j by the coneoquonco of deviating from the
path Of nattito and indulging in a tertian secret
habit. buoh persons X veil before contemplating
refloat that a sound mind and body aro the then
nocesaarY requisites to promote connubial ham.
nen. • Indeodi Without these thejournoy throupt
life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the promwo
hourly darkens to the. ylow ; the mind bvecquei
shadowed with despair and filled with the mein.
oholy reiloet ion that the happinese of apother
comes blighted with oar own. 1 .
When the misguided and Imprudent votaryt
pleasure duds that he has imbibed tee suede of
this painful disease, it too often bappons that si
111-timed sense oftstutme or dread of discover'
deters him from applying to those who, trout
education and respectability, can alone befttenst
tain t d laying till the constitutional Hy mptem, 0
this ho rid disease make their appearanco,kud
sou Wee ated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturne
patnti I the head and limbs, dimness of sigh,
deafness, nodes on the shin-bones and arua,
blotches on the head, faoo and extrenittleo, pm
grossing with frightful rapidity, till at last tr.t
palate Of the mouth or the bones of the noun WI
in, and the victim ef - this awful disown) becototi
a horrid Obi oot of commiseration, till death p uti
a period to hie dreadful sufferings, by sandhi
him to "that Undiscovered CoMitry from wheuo
no trivolloT returns:l •
Ovni kV): 7 Boma FREDEntail STAMM
Left land Bide going from Baltimore etreet t s few
doors from the corner. Fail not to obsom
name and number,
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp, Tts
Doctor's Diploma hangs in his °Moe.
The many thousands cured at this inoututios
year after year, and the numerous 'mooing
Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johuito,
witnessed by the reporters of the " Sun," "Cup•
pai l " and . malty abet papers, notices of 'whin
have appeared again and again before the public,
besides his standing as a gentleman of charsctit
and respilbility, is a suMelont guarantouiolti
'Valeta & •
May SIC 1868-11Altw*
pxoll , l67llAltfit6A b . NEARLY
Have added hight Hundred (MOO) Miles to leto
lines daring the otsrront year, while doluif,'
large local passenger and freight Wilma. 71t
through connection !will undoubtedly be 00115
pleted next summer l i when the through mitt
will he very great. Forty thousand men Brew ,
employed by the two powerful companies II
pressing forward the great national highs* I°
a speedy_completiOsi. Only Moo miles remote I °
be built, of which mostly are graded and rele4
fox' the tails.
Flr . et /fortgagotiold Bonds of the Union 1'11dt!
ComPani fOr sale at par and Interut•
and Flret,lll,ortgago Gold Bonds of the Cents'
Pacific liallroad, at 103 and Inter vet.,
_ Tho prlneloal and interest of both bomb
payable in gold, •
DE , tygNiitimi
4101.1), ETC.,
In 111 ST.I A N
..,AND CATTLE POWDERS.—These povir
which have beett,ln constant use by marl 1 ,`, ! ,
.mere In MIK county (Or the hist thirty year/ ,
not surpassed by any Of the various parr!
time that have been gotten up of late,
paraded before the termini community its ,
groat fiegtiehof trerepete, a though none ofttf,-;
come u gr itilfri WITT EIPS E Y.1.1P2t
POW - !• The o lowing certificate is orte
of a,thopsand that might readily ho furntille; !
Tale. CHRIIITIAW iturvaa-Dear Air 4 :-1 have LI 0
your CATTLE POWDERS fora cow lbid; t •
hide-1)1041nd ikrel, lokd hollow horns. I pre(•"
but hone :Spoonful Per' week, fot two 0 ,!
and then one spoonful every two Yee"'' 5 !
have Used but one package of the pOvider.
the cow is thoroguhly cured and give" m
than ever before. - AARON GO
Itetyling, May.lB;
Lair The above Powders are for Eale w a i t ,,!, ll
Ratite beok store,
Dn. JoiiNtox,
1550 Miles Milt.