•. ' ... ... . . • . . . .. . . , ,-- " • .. .. . , - ~ • ~ .1 . . . . i - -- ....t .. , ~ •,,,.. A....•:•: . , ~...;.,., , .. : . . . . •,.. i . it...,„ ..._,,,.....i." : 0,,,,.-•-‘-•,. • ~,•,...„. .., p• -\I • . ' . . , . , . , I - • . . . _ ' . . I ' . . ' It .4F . • • •......„,_ • . . _. . • . . ~ •. , . . VOL. 11.---NO. 8. ItI4JIDING DAILY. EAGLE, rUALIMIND EVERY' AFTRRNOON, VIUNDAY9 IIiONPTEDI AT 0.142 PENN STREET, It I'1"1' E . C 0 TERMiolollvered by the Carriers, Ten Cents rtr pityAbio at the end of every Vieek. Three Coliv per sirigte etopy. To Mall Belmar'. I,t.re,sllo per year l $.9.50 for six months; or, 1 ,v5 fur three mout hs—payable etrletly in ad• rapCß. OR, LOUIS De BARTH KUHN, 0 "1(.;1.: AND RESIDENCE, NO: 244 North Ninth Arcot, Reading, Pa. dors 3 JOHN W. IHOK4, A ritOßNAL'ir AT LAW, OFFIcE i 23,30,4,,r Bullding, (18c floor, baolr,) No.lBo Cen tro stroot, giir Can Lo cone ul mar to(1 4 1110 Liolnlin language. WM. B. SOI!OENER, IRERNIAN AND ATTORNEY AT A A w,-011lee, No. 617 Court street, Reading, • cue ilutell la permit and English: 031-3ui LOUIS RIOHAROS, A TtORNIII' LAW,-Corrict, NO. COllll Htruot, ovor 011100 of John B. Itioh• R 1 1, 41 E l 'l.. ) _ jNept,%-ly • 1 SHEARER, • A'I'iII'URNF AT LAW, HAS. RE'. !loved li (aro to NO, 510 Court street, nowt Post °Mem, • tAprll 4, 1.868-tf . - W. M. lIIGHTMYEA, i t TORN B Y AT LAW, HAS REUOV .I. 1 ell htri office to 539 Court street, a few doors 1:elow Vtli, Reeding, Pa. Vol) 2, 1887-tf -:). ' GEORGE F. BAER, A T' kNEY AT LAW.---OFFICE,- N i .o. mi Court Street, (op stairs) Itenitlng,Pa. e Atoll ii, _ 13, 3-lytlltw . _ - ----- - HENRY M. KEIM, A TTORN I?, TATLAW, OFFICE, NO. 41 29 North Sixth rites:l'U, Itorling. - lel) 3, Ist;3-t Id . . WESLEY H. GEARHART, A TTORN E I" AT LAW, 01 4 1'10E, NO. 532,Coita street, Boating, Pe.. May 2Llyil,to WA,SHINGTON RICHARDS, AI, D hi A N .----OPPICE, NO. 29, North lilx.th Strout, oppo3lto the VOA WACO. brs• hull/oiling and Conveyancing promptly at tuntlud to. 3,184.134111 . .... . . . __. JESSE II HAWLEY . I A l l. "1 1 01 IN 1.i.; I.' AT LAW, 11AS RE M0V .1).. ed NI Oleo to No. 3121 ) eit Wed, Sohinuok or House Building. }Atrium through 1.3t0 Enot,H rook Store. Jun 27, 1)R. ,TOIIN STEPHEN, FORMERLY .k_z of Weinetsdecf, Waiters file professional 80r. Vioo4 to 010 citizens of Rending. °Moo No. 207 North Sixth street. Can be consulted at hie °Moo, or et. the Keystone House. Woo 2343nuienv H. M. NAGLE, PHYSICIAN, (U. 8. Poniton Surgeon.) sr , l'onn Arent, Itmillng, Pa. oilloo hours-19 to 2p. in. otoBp. m. A UDITOIN 'NOTICE.--THE UN- Illerslgned Auditor appointed by the gloms' Court of Harks county, to re-audit tho meat of Silas W. Fisher executor of Anna Fisher, of Douglass township, forks county, de ceased, and motto distribution of the balance in the hands of the Exccutor hereby gives notice that Ito will moot the partios interested in said estate, on Friday, the 111th day of February, at 1 o'clock P. M., at his °Moo, No. 2 , 4 North Sixth street, In the city of Hwling. jos t9.1-3t) IR,EN AEU3 Auditor. „1111 , ',ItIFEJS SALE OF REAL, ES PJFATE.HIy virtue or a writ of fort .Inolae, Is. sued out of the Court of Common rims of forks county, to me.dtrosted, will Ins sold at a public vendue or ont.ory, on liaturfty, the 13th (lay of February, A. D. 1839, at 1 o 'clock V, M., at th e pubic houSo oefsaao S, foyer, in Roboson town ship, wild county: • All that curtain :Inset:ago, tenement and tract ot hind situate in Robeson township, forks coon. tv.adjolnlng lands of George Kurtz, Isaac Sifrit, Michael B. SVostloy, Willow Catharmo Weiitley, Wilful Wagner, iteaemod, and others; contain log 33 acres more or toss. The improvements are a two story STONE DWIIIJMN, WHOM, Frame lieu anti other outAniltlings. 801 d R 4 the property 0f..r0 um IV. if igREI B. . , Sulzed and taken Into execution and to ho sold by ' WILLIAM B. 41,RRIGHT, ShorllT. , Sheriff's ofll3e, Reading, Jan. 23,18119-3 t, puBLIC SALE OF CHARLES A. isinteri,.-011 Tuesday, tho lOW of Fobruttry, 10), A t in o'clock, at, tho roeldonoo of tho under sigtioit (formerly (Atiltlan Botintfor), In Exeter townihlp, I.lorki'e„mitty,'ono inllo from tinyclerle tavern, the followlng personal property will 110 mom, viz : horms•ii It cows, sonic) with calves and nearly all froAh inllch cows, 2 bulls; 4 holfors, 2 twin calves, 5 snoltts, 2 broad wheeled farm wagons, I narrow wheeled iiragon with body, 1 wood sled, I lanil roller, I gain spring &In, 1 hay hook with ropes - and pull los, I threshing inaohine with four liorsa power (lAmilg's patent), 1 largo corn oho!. (I,c4slg's patina), 2 sets of hay ladders, 4 3 IntrrOws, small and largo hoc har low, I corn plough, 1 griuistone", 1 largo boll, I hay rake, harness and bailors with chains, cow eirtlns mid many other kinds of chains, grass scythes, grain cradles, rakes and forks, 12 threm bushel bags, and many other aiticlos not bawd. Cononlons wail° known on tho day of- sala by tin 16-1011 CHARLES BORTZ. ril NTY - TII ANNUM. TSTE 111.25 T of tho Slol.oal Fire Inouratico Couipany of Sinking Sprliig_t . R EVE I PTS. Balance apor laqt, kiLtionipht .1.111. 156,4, • PrelilllllllS Bllki Fa 8 recolvoil, 2,113 24 .Ises3inont Nov. 15, collected, 6 - 2 41 11 " 10, 1, 2,368 36 4,467 03 . It! X PI.:ND IT 1.1. • DlreetnrA luta Committee tees, RES 2770 50 it. s. Tex, . , 48 71 Printing and advertising, 03 00 Att , lltors (or 1867, ISO 00 Secret ttry's salary, . 100 00 Treasurer's " . 100410 • t liecortllnl 370 policies, • . 148 00 Agent's fees on 370 policies, 148 00 " " for filling out 370 polleles _ President's fees, • DA 3f.4 a A'S PAID DURING 1 868 . Nieenllo Bunter, Berke Co., • 5 0 0 0 - Win.ll, chimer°, 4,,' . 4 00 00 • %Nang it Anna n, . 1 II 1,200 00 liver,- s. Cool, Lebanon Co, 725 00 O uld IT etherger, 11 " 350 ' • lioe rgeMinewrintin, 3 ‘ 1, 41)1k T. hiller, • ~ 11 1 , 1 20 CO .1.14,T Mauer, H ser, Lehigh C 0.,. 1,100 00 Pvier Maroc, ~ II 1,100 150 4,629 00 • Cash In hands of Tronsir6 $5 675 63 , \ 114 . 81 • of Agents, . 175 6 3 •" 3 04 !libelee in hands of Agortin t included in above balanoo, 1/07 OS The rainier-dgned Auditotis, l \tppo Mod to OXltril• 1110 the accounts Of tho offlocra and agonta of the Hutted litsiiranco Company Of Sinking Spring, perks county, rcipoctfully report, that they hv, attended to their- duttes, and present the foregoing statement as the result of their labors. MIN lIIESTFdIt, , • Auditors. vii) IIOrgENSTI,C,No • Reading, December 21, Ailment insured lit 1813 ! JOlll 4 l ‘ VAN - RNl3,,r si reshltint. CIiAIII.ICS KESSLERee!Y. 5 0 111 -3tl LEW ti 1104 4 11 M Tressnrar, • B O CKNIUgIILIS COLUMBIA HALL, \VINE AND LAGER BEER EIALOO'N, Penn Street, Between Sixth and Betletith. AU klii44 of best Ithottash wino alwayson hand, 8 0b1 ut thu %west. price% ' 1n0124m PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANOEMENT miliNFlEr io PASSENGER TRAINS Diteamavit Ilan, 1808. FIVE TRAINS DOWN TO Pl4 l / 4 ADELPNIA, passing Reading, at 7.30, 15,55 and 11.15 A: mai, lour 4.25 and 0.35 P. 11. UP, TO POTTSVILLE, at 10.35 A. M., and 5.50 and B.OOP. M. TRAINS WEST TO LEBANON &HARRISBURG.. Western Express from New-York, at 1.06 A.ll, and 1.60 P. M. and 10.19 P. M.. Harrisburg Acoommodathin'Train at 7.15 A. M.° and Mail Trains at 10.45 A. 51., and 48.05 P. M. On S inday, the down trains pass Reading at 9.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. M. .and upiraluS at 10.50 A. M. ' nd 5.67 P. M. The 4.25 P. M. down and 10.60 A. M. up trains run Only between Philadelphia and Reading, Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Mr- xisburg and Pottsvillo at 7.39 ph and 8,15 A. M., 12.30 noon, and 3.30 P. M, and at 4.45 I'. M.'for Reading only. The 8.15 A. )1„ train connects with trains for Tamaqua, IVilliamsport,,Elmira,Buffalo s Nia. gars and Latiada. The 9.15 A. M., and 3:80P. )1. up trains froin delphia and 10.35 A. M.,and 4.20P.M. down trains, stop o nly at principal stations below Reading. Rending Accommodation. Train: Leavcsßead lug at 7.30 A. M.; returning from Philadelphia at 4.45 I'. M. Thii Pottstown Accommodtion. train loaves Pottstown at 0.43 A. M. ltetuarnlng loaves Mina* dolphin at. 4.00 P. N. •-. . . , The WoSterti Express trains connect at Harris burg with Express trains bn the Pennsylvania Railroad for Baltimore, Pittsburgh and all points West, and the 10.45 Mail train connects at Harris burg for Pittsburgh, Lancastet!,. Chamborsburg, Sunbury, Soranton , Pittston, Wilkosbarro, Wil liamsport, Look ifirgen, Elinira andthci Canadas. Passenger trains leavo Upper Depot for Eph rata, !Atha, Columbia and Lancaster at 7:00 A. If. and 64 P. M. Through First-Clan Coupon Tickets and mi grants) tlokots at roduood Fares,lo all the, prin. olpal poldta in the North, Wsst and the Canadaa. With 713 Coupons, at 25 per cent. discount, be. twoon any points desired. MILEAGE TICKETS, - C 1 tied for 2000 miles, between all points, at $52 —for families and business firms. SEASON TICKETS, dood for the holder only, for3,o,9andl2menths, between all points, at reduced Fares. School Season Tickets one-third less than the above. ,sirg Passengers will take the Express trains West at the UPPER DEPOT, and all other trains at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. 100 pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. Passengers are requested to, purchase their Micas before entering the cars, as higher fares are charged if paid in the oars. Excursion Tickets good f or one day, by 7.50 A. M. Accommodation Train to rhiladelphia, and return, at $2 65 each. G. A. NICOLLS, May 231 General Superintendent VAST PENNSYLVANIA. • RAIL ROAD. _ ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER T RAINS, Ccsnmenchtg. Monday, December '2.lat, 1868. • No. 5, Mail Train, loaves Reading 10.34, A. M ., - arrives A ontowlM. NeW York 3.60, P. M. ' - No. 7 Fast Mall, loaves Itoading_at 4.20 P.M., ar rives at Allentown 6.65; at Now York 100, P. M. Nos. 6 and 7, run daily, oxoopt Sunday, stopp_ing at all Way Stations , botwoon 'loading and Now York. EXPIiEBB TRAINS Leavo Reading at 5.41 A. M. 7.81 A. M. 41 _2:13 A. M. 16 U 1.00 A. 31. Arrive at Now York at 11.00 A. M. 11 16 16 12.15 A. IL It It It It These trains run through from Pittsburgh to Now-York, without change of cara, - stoppingonly atLyons, Allentown, Bothlohem, Easign Jane tlon, Clinton, White Rouse, SomorVllle, Bound Brook, Plainfield and Elizabeth. The 531 A. M. train runs daily except Sundays and Mondays. The 9.28 P. DI. trains run dank except - Sundays. The 7.31 A. DI. and 1.00 A. fd, trains run daily. 'West bound trains, leave Novr York, attho foot of Liberty BLn:it, as follows: Leave New York. - ,Arrtve at Reading. 19.00 M. • Mail No.o, J 0.00 P. Di. 9.00 A. M. Express Train 1.50 P. M. 5.10 P. Df. Expross Train, ; 10.19 P. M. 0.00 P. U. Express Train, ' 1.90 A. M. Mall. Train leaving, Allentown at 7.20, A. M. stops at all Way StatiOns, arriving at Rending at 9.10, A. M. running (tatty except_ Sundays. The 12 M. Train froth Now - York, stops at all Stations between Now York and Reading, leavin7 Allentown at 4.2.3,1'. M., arriving at Reading at OM, P. M , running daily except Sundays., The 8.00 P. M. train from Now ork, runs daily. stopping at Elizaboth,;-Plaintleld, Som merville, Junction, EaStoll, and Bethlehem, ar riving a$ Allentown at 11.45, M., passing Ly ons at 19.29,A.M.,arriving at Reading at I.OOA. M. Passengers aro requested to purchase tickets before entering the oars, Is 25 conts , extra will be okargsd and collected on the train from all who pay the faro to tho Conductor. COMAIUTATION TICKETS good for Twenty-six Trips, at 25 per cent, die. count between any points dontroll. KILEIA(4I4 TICKET IIOOKS for 2000 miles, good between all points on this or thu l'hiladolphia 5( Reading R. R., or the Read. in it Columbia It. lt,, at WA each for families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, good for the holder only, for throe, six; nine and twelve months, at reduced rates, P. M. ERMENTROUT, Jan 2-tfi General Ticket Agent. 11Q BADING Br, COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD. .. ~ ,... . On and after Thursday, .."...; ~ Nov. 26ti1, 1869, Passenger If Ins wif run on t ti road as follows: Loavo Reading at 7.00 A. M. II 66 1,6 , 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Lancaster at 9.15 A. M. I " " Columbia at 9.25 A. M. 66 66 Lancaster at , , 8.23 P. M. ti . " Columbia at 8.30 P. M. RETURNING : . Leave Lancaster and Columbia at 8.00 A. M. " Columbia at 3.20 P M Lancaster at '3.25 P. M. Arrive at Reading at , 10.20 A. M. " at Reading at 5.40 P. It Trains Nos. 2 and 4 make closo connootion at Reading with trains North and South, on the Philadelplaaand Reading Railroad, and Weston the Lobanon Valley Road. No. 2 also makes close oonnoottoh with train for Now York. • Tloketti can be obtained at the of of 'the New Jersey Central it. It., foot of Liberty street', New York, anti Phila. Reading It. It., Thir teenth and Callowhill streets, Pailadelphia. • Through Tickets LP New York and .philadel phia, sold at all the Principle stations and bag. gage °hooked through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad time, which is ten minutes faster than Pennsylvania R. 2. Time. GE9RGE P. GAGE, • Superintendent. E. F:KIIIIVBR I Gen. iert.A Ticket Agent. de6lo.tf • • 1,901 84 K6US 57 . . CIIRISTAIAS! 'CIIRISTNAS! - 7 CANDY: DEPOT,', No. 107 NORTH .FIRTH STRRRT, READING, PA.` FINE FINE CONFECTIONS ,PLAIN AND FANCY CANDY, b!UOAll FRUIT. , HUBER'S LEMON OR CLEAR TOYS, SUPERIOR TO ANY• /JADE IN READING. Also, a largo airtnlont French ts oys„ Mix. tures, Candy Bask ts. Cakes and Pro els. Coco anut Candy. Cocoanut Bars, Cocos-au Strips. All will 12 0 sold oheap. Glve Iva a call and soe for yourselves. V. 1101/4a • don 16-3ra L 9! 53 23,19 1,14 G 78 0,665 57 .'stook 0f (.4.09 , 1#5t , OUT itY NNTIBE MILLINERY AND DRY. UOODS, in order to re.opon tui•entire new and well ece• looted shock, at : • • 110. 317 Penn Omer, elerd*n Third and Fourth, whore I will pay partiqular.attention to keep all the latest styles Of • tADINSP,IIIIIIIEBt AND CHILDRDNISAAT • ANb BONNXT N.N.A.K814. and a complete inulertment of everything per taining to the Millinery a nd Trimming line. I express my most hearty thanks for past favors,. and nary resPectfully solioiS the continuance of thfl sameo"gethilkOtion guaranteed.. - fan ?"2i ll ll Kl4B. U. 4.XXIITAII• COMMUTATION TICKETS, WILL• REMOVE. R,EADDIG, I PA., FRIDA AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY , 5111869. TIROCOCK# ORTII. „ Corner Second and IVanklin •Strfets, Haye constantly on band and sell at reuonabla prices. , • , LUMP, DROKBN, EGO, & 'STOVE COAL - NUT CHESTNUT AND BITUMINOUS COAL. HIOKORY aid OAK. WOOD, LIME AND SAND. KINDLING WOOD BY THE • BARREL. •Oir Wa deliver free oiantro chute to any,Vgl the ' IMING'B QOMPOUND ARNICA IsININEOT. I4tileseriber begs leave to (*lithe attention Of thublio to Ibis new and valuable preparation of ARNICA. combined wiche.grtain Vekstable Ex tracks: as unsurpassed for its Licalins anti Curative . prcrrties in all those externalcomplaintsfor which Li merits are used. ouch as WS, limbos, MIAs, Galls, Rheumatism' OM, Nervous if Aficimmotory Pains, Neuralgia, Headache, Pains in side, Back or Joints. -In all assets cues It may be sued with a oCrtainty Of relief. It Is good, iu fact, In all those Complaint* where an external applicatidn to required. for Man or Beast. and the subscriber clan eonselentiously` recommend it as one of the best Liniments of ths, day. , Por.Sale at the IAOLE" 800K1310.111.1i CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP L A D:Di ERIS , 7.00 P. M, 6.15 A. M. HARDWARE STORM THIRD AND PENN ang 10 McGowan & Miltimore, '`HARDWARE, 'puss PUBNISHING GOODV TIN PLA.TES, SHEET IRON, Building Materials, SADDLERY&o fto &a f SADDLERY, &q., .1 .1 • No. 612 PENN STREET, READING, PA. al) 24- THE PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL lIARMONII C asinine the prieeipal. CHURCH MELODIES, - • Provided with GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT • - For side:at theq ; "kAGLE" BOOKSTORE. 851 Penn Street. • , T HE NATIONAL srovg. Tpt Aup HOLLOW-WARE EN- , PORIUK OF MI g CITY OF READING. D.L C. SCHNADER, 414 PENN STREET, • Would call the nttentlon ot the public to his large Nook of Paitti.Otiletippsi Cooklon , Staves. Ranges. Tin, Hollowware and itottselteetlins goods of erer7 desert ption. Rpollps &Rd bottling proniptly attended to ttlo 19Wtift puce. MVO Ishii 011. [ACV 41-313101 Price 25 °elite per Bottle. RITTER & 00, ALLINittRANiND. Erl M°KNIGHTS DRALICREI IN IdUTLERY, GUNS, I METALS, GRAND BALE or DRY GOODS. HOMMR,sCOLUDAY & CO., 818 and 820 Chestnut PHILADELPHIA. Sates to Commence November 2d. Comprising BILKS, DMOS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKISCI CLOTHS, LACES tit EMBROIDERIES LINEPIS & WHITE UOOUS, are;.. HOSIERY & OtOVES,.&e., MOURNIIN (10,0DS, &e., .le.'' ()whiff to the wide rdputation of their Mum it L needless to detail the ol►wraotor of their stook 11.(). dr Co. would merely state that their 111POUTATIONS ' 07 THIS PRESENT SEASON, MUST BE SOLD Preparatory to removal to tholr New Marble . Building. Ohestnut Street s above Broad, Have never boon surpassed in Philadelphia oontaining au ENDLESS VARIETY Of toxturo in tnottluta prtood goods, as well as the OHOIOEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON C. & Co. would advise All desirous of obtain ing GREAT BARGAINS DRY GOODg, PIE TO lose no time before tweeting their stook, caning assured that the • UNPARALLELED PRICES, At width thwentire stook will ho disposed of must insure • RAPID MALES. r oetBl-3nuldcwl • •Eh\%l3\ MARBLEIZED SLATE MAI#I2'EXB, w A And every dosoOption of SLATE WORK,TILING, &C., On hand and made to order. THESE BEAUTIFUL SLATE MANTELS Are superior in a_ppearanee, more durablo, hat thoprice of Marble. Beat and olipppeat in the United States. Gratoi s Low Down and Common; Parlor and Office Grates for Ilene or 8011 T COAL. Baltimore Improved , Fire Place Stove, Bost lire place floater made. . , • Warm AO Registers and Ventilators, 1 hi TERRA COTTA, WATER AND DRAIN PIPE, CHIMNEY TOM fie. FACTORY AND BALESROOI4OI, Noe. 401 and 403 North Sixteenth Street, Above Callowlilll, PHILADELPHIA; PA, Haug 1-erul WILBOR & M. OVIIOE OW THE U.:1 4 . M. t .'4 N 0.601 Copier STRUBT, • ' RiADlNO.:January 16, 1869. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICI4.I:—THAT .A. on the 16th day of January, A..D. 1869, a war rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the es tato of Samuel L. Brown, of Heidelberg town ship, in the county of Berke and- State of Penn sylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on ids own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to' such Bankrupt, to hint or for Manse, and the transfer of any property by him aro - forbiddetv by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bank rupt to prove their debts and to choose - ono or more Assignees of his estate will be , held at a 4 Court'of , Bankruptoy, Le e holden at the oMeo of 11. Maltzberger v No. North Sixth street, Reading, Pennsylvania, b fore 11. Alaltaberger Register, on the 19th day of-Pebruary, A. DOM, at 2 o'olook I'. M. " W. F. WALTER, jan 23-20 Deputy O. S. M., as Messenger. - NOTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. ...• Allows Tit an, January 12, 1809. THIS IS TO GIVE isTOTICE _IL en tholith day of January A. W., 1869, a War. rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of WILLIAM 11. BPANOLER, (who was aleo a member of the Btu of Boas dr, SPanglet, formerly . of Reading, Persylvania of the township of Bndsbury, in th county of i Lancastor, and kat° of Pennsylvania; who has been adjudged a Bank rupt, on his own petition.; that•tho payment of any debts and delivery of•any property belong. lug to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and. the transfer of an property. by him are forbid den by law; that a meeting of tho Creditors of Dm said Bankrupt, to prove their debta, and to -choose one or more assignee§ of his estate, im held at the Court'of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Moe of the Register, N 0.6 South Queen street, in the city of Lancaster, Pa,', hefore Altos Eitavitakitu Esq., Register,' on the. 80th day of January, A.'D., IE9, at 19 o'clock M. JOSEPHGAINTNER, • Dop. 11. B. Marshal, 9th district, Pa., ianl6-2t as Messenger. U. S. bIANSAL'S QFPICE, • J, N. D. or PEONSYLVAItIA. PIMA MUMMA Jan. 19,1869. rrHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE :—THAT 1. on the lath day Of January, A. D. 1869. a War rant in Bankruptcy WWI issued against the estate Josiah Bearing, lately of the flrm of J. S. Lash A Co., of Philadolphia, and formerly 00-partner with John A. Langdou as J, A. Langden Company, at Alexandria, Virginia, of Phila. delpida, in the County of Philadelphia and State Of Pennsylvania, who has been 'lid judged a Bankru ) , on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro, party belonging snoh Bankrupt, to him, or for his se, and the transfer of Any property by him, are orbidden by law ; that. the' meeting of the oreditorslof the said ,that. to prove their debts, and to (Moose ode or more ilsaignees of his estate, will.be beittat a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No.lBl South ?fifth street, (second floor) Philadelphia, before Joae_ph Mason, Regirter, on the day of.Fobruary, A. H., 1809, at 11 o'clock, A. M. P. ELLIIAICRIi, f lab 234 U tr• 8, iillrehalo pn A4o9s4llBer• . wino" =I Writtoti for the RQading KAotag TO MT LITTLE DAVOIITICR DIARY. fIY PR . JouN:sTirttint. hate a little darling— a girl just three years old, Of matchless form and feature, she's east 'ln beauty's mould A awoet, thongh tiny rose -bud, a pure and per fect gem ! • As graceful, and as fair, as a lily on its etam I Her very smile gives life, and hot very leek is ' glee; She says slices mother's darling, but sweetly smiles tome. This littlg darling's beauties, no language can untold, A lovely little cherub, with lbeko like bin:llllMM gold, That round her snowy neck in clustering ring 4ets cling, And glisten brlglit as the plumage of, an angel'i wing Her very breath broathel, fragranoe—like sweets from balmy lea; .; She says she's mother's darling, but sweetly - emileii to me. I often gazo with wonder, into my darling's Oyes. The ,splondor of their hue must be borrow!d trout the Ale's! Their . glattialit witching sparkle, shine , out as Wire and clear , As sunny gloomy—of diamonds bright, or beau. • ty's gloaming tear I For such a sparkling sunbeam—go, search o'er land or boo I elm says site's mother's dailing, •but sweetly smiles to me, My little darling's cheeks do tlio rickest WWI dieolosu,—:: „ The whiteness of the Illy—tho crimson of the rose ! But in her mirthful hours, still Weller tints aro born,— The rich and changing into of a rosy sunnsor's morn Of this charming little girl, I'm proud, as proud can be ; She says situ's mother's darling, but sweetly emlles to mu,, My pretty darling's rosy mouth, no other's can eclipse, OW !lOW sweet thexectar, from her little pout ing lips A perfect pair of rubles I and, When she smiles aro seen Two little shining rows—like snowiest pearls between, • So pure and bright a dew-drop • you never yet did see! She says she's mother's darling, but, Sweetly smiles to nie. Hsi foldsd limbs, how chaste ! they are bright ali starry bands ! • N And lovelier fur than any Fay's Iran fairy lands ; Swcoter—fairor=more beautiful (than any ttow'r :that blows,. - - • - • Moro pure, and far, than wreaths of northern snows This darling's to my t)080111 I EI bowy; what pearls are to the sea ; She says she's mother's darling, but swoot) oualloa to mo. When at night—ln spotless white, this darling . ' kneels to pray, I . . ..'.• .. ' The very angels stop to 'gae, and wonder what i , '. she'll say; I AL the . music -of her voice, they startle With' surprise Thinking some white wing'd seraph has fallen ' from the skies I No angel's loveller—so Mildly beautiful is she; She says. ihe'S niothers darling,.'but sweetly smiles to mu. , .. il k Then climbing on her mother's lap, she nestles ~, on h r breast ; • • , fler silkm/ fringldeye•lids full, she sweetly dropo to re t;' And as we \ gaze in raptures, wo Speak in accents milt),' Lest we 1. disturb the slumbers of otir `beloved MOW • • . • • Those Jewels light my loving heart; as moon beams light the sea ; • • r the mother and her darling. both belong to 1) .. me., Roi,orsa, Feb. 4th, 11369 . . • . . —Minnesda. is a fisherman's 'paradise. A paper dill° State tells a story of two brothers who set a net, and at, one haul captured two liundred fish, the smallest weighing eight pounds, the largest: . twelve, and the average more than ten, the most of them being' trout. —Henry Frey,of Ackermaatown, Northa ton county; who had been missing Since,.th e early part of December, was found on Sunday. He was nearly eighty years of t ' ie and had perished in the snow, which buried him until a day or two beforo be was found. —Bailey, who killed his wife's lover at Na pierville, some time ago, is said to bare ruined the wifo of a mechanic in Marengo, lowa, as lately as last November, A Duca• port paper suggests that the Marengo molten. le should now kill Bailey. —The other (lay each Senator and Repro. sentative at Washington found a cake of highly perfumed and elaborAtely ornamentedloap on his desk. Most of the members left the soap where they found it; no being accustomed to —Carrie Yrister, aged 0 years, living with her parents 'at Muncey, recently vomited a pin swallowed by her when seven mouths old. Hor'delicats health frOun that early ago is at tributable to the presence of the - pin in her lungs.' ' . =NM ---The coal miners Who have been On a strike for some time -past on the line of the Pennsylvania Central railroad; have re sumed work at the old rates-46ur cents per bushel. They demanded five cents. —A'youtx rascal, named Michael McCuo,in an altetpapon with his , uncle, John Halev, in Scranton, the other dab drew a' pistoi and fired at him t hrough a door. Ho' has been bound over. $l,OOO to anSwer. —A Toronto despatch says klutt 9 / Mr. HOW! and Sir John A. McDonald p have settled tho question,Nova Scotia eo fur as principles' are concerned." An increuso of money appropria tions to Nova Scotia is involved. --=-Work on the Inonnmen't, nt lierrrishorg,lo the memory Of the sOldieri who fell an the late war, has been resumed, Large quantities of stone have recently been received fore the rouediitien. EN CENTS PER WEEK. —The Now Lisboa (Obi()) Piar lot grieves to learn "that somq of out school'. girls carry toilet glaisee to school ' and paint, and powdet when they should be engaged in their studies." —AI Malaga, Sparn,during tho insurrection, women poured burning oillrom the upper win dows upon the soldiers,andtho soldiers murder ed ovary holptesS htintan being within roach. —Zebulon Welters, 85 years of age, died in Baltimore on Saturday. For 64 years he had been in the employ of the Bank of Baltimore, and died their chief clerk. - —Alexander U. Stephens is reported to be in failing health, end .unable to assume the; duties of his professorship in the Georgia' University; —General Forrest has made arrangements to assumotho building of the Selma road. Ho says ho will never more-appear lu politics. —Gen. 11111)04n, ..the ex•Confedorate, has written it letter, urging emigration to Virginia, and denying hostility to,Northorners. —A vigilance•conitnitteo Las .begun opera. , Lions in Jefferson; Spencer anal Blatt count ties, Ky. Thief stock ib below par.. • —Seventeen houses wore destroyed by fire at Meridian, Miss., on Saturday. Loss ostimated at $75,000, insuranca $4,000. —The Newab of gemporo has deereod a prohibitory liquor law, allowing no one to get drunk butlimaelf. —The Montana Legialature,itiat adjourned, fixed the capitol qt Belena,and the penitential) , at Deorlodge‘: --A, doubt° doso of niedieino entitled an old lady to a burial .cortificato in Now York last Week, --Jelin Allon's claim to temperance is that he has signed twelve pledges since Christmas. —Napoleon has suloctibell $lOOO to Maxi tnillian's monument. ' —Masked higl►Naymen make it lively about Cincinnati. I . --England has 8,700,000 caitlo land 20,Q80,. 000 sheep. purtrATE! SALE. WILL ,BE SOLD .11. at privato Sale by the undersigned, all that cortain two-story It ELLINO HOUSE, with two story lirlok Back Building, two.story Briohjitable and Lot of tiround, situato on the West silo of North Sixth strool t between Walnut and Elm BUMS, in the city of Iteadimr. (being No. 236loontaining 40 foot in front and 230 10 . 0 in depth.. JACOII 8. LIVINtiOOO. N 0.22 North Sixth kit:, IteaditiK; Pa. Jan 1040) IVOTIVE ,EBY GIVEN ? that Charles' La rinittoo•Of Ann Wan• nor, a lunatioi beks.ni—cid his petition to the Court of Common Pleas of forks County, ptaying to be 4Umi ar od ,trom Lis said trust—.-aud that he will be discharged on the 3rd day of February next, unless cause be shown to the contrary on Or boron) said day: I W, B. lilt14801P,“ • . jania - StfProtlionolary. . . ' JANtrAnit 4, ISO. Q PASSED BY tiii) Board of the Douglas)) Mutual Live Stook Association of Berke county that they will in sure Horses as high us two hundred and fifty dollen (250). This resolution tttstire effect on and afterlifureh Ist, 1869. • , By. Order of the Hoard. , ) Jan 23411 • • 'SILAS W. VIBIIEII6 flooretary. N'o TICE ' HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned Commissioner, ap. , pointed by the Court of Common Pleas Of Berko county, to, numhal asset-i and make, distrlbu• t lon of proceeds of SheritlN sie of property of James Pautricia of the City 'of Needing, will meet, all parties lnterostcd .in raid distribution on Friday, February 19, at 1 PC, at his oMce, No. 29 North Sixth street, flondlng. . Mk:NAMUR, 811ALTEN, Commissioner. ltgAnixo,4l9l. 23, 180-tit AUDITOR'S NOTICE—THE U - dersigne4l, appOlnted,Py the Court of COui mon Pleas of Berke county, to audit the account of Jacoi O. 11111, Assignee of Jonathan nlll, of Idaldencrook township, Berke county, and to make dlstribUtlon of the balsam remaining in the hands of thu towline°, hereby gives notice that "he will meet an per sons Interested in said estate, on Tuesday, the 9th day'of February, at 1 o'clock in the after. noon, At his (Ace in the city of Rending. Jan ), 6-11t1 JESSE.% AWLE Y, Auditor. OitPIIANS9 COURT SALE.—PURSU ant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Borks Bounty, will be sold at Public Fondue, on Saturday, the 10th day of February, A. D., lee% at tlio Keystone House, in the City of Beading, all . the within nientiOned and , described premi ses, to wit: ja NO. 1. A.two-story BRICK HOUSE and lot • of ground situate on the East side of North Fifth street, bawoon Washington and Wal. nut *Amu), in the City of Beading, containingr in front North and South on Fifth street, thirty foot rind in length or depth two hundred and thirty fact to an alley. j . No.• 2. A two-story 1111,10,K 110174 E -and lot of ground situate on the South side of Penn street, between. Second and Front streets, in said cltyi containing In front on Penn etroot twenty foot, awl in depth one hundred. and seventy feet. al o No.. ground. !g a o l a •s t i i :fr o t l i l ,l l l l e l% o K ti rl o tign i ng o it i =street, and adjoining No. 2, containing in front on said Penn street .20 feet, awl in docpth 170. • . • No; 4. A ono and threer.quartor story BRICK HOUSE and lot. of ground, situate on the North side of Cherry alley, between Front and Sceond streets, In the said oily, con taining In front on said Choxry alley 13 feet four ifiebes and in depth t feet. No. S. , .at one and threclidarter story BRICK HOUSE, eituate on tho North side of Cherry, alley, between F r ont and Second /drools, In said' olty, containing In front , ow maid Cherry allay, I:3 feet and 4 Inches, and in depth 93 rot .(being) the middle botany. • No. 6. 'A one and three-quarter story BRICK HOUSE and hit of groupd , situate on the North side of Cherry alloy, be weets ticecond. and Front street°, containing in rout 13 feet aud,4 Inches, and in depth US feet. No.B, being four BRICK and STONE HOUIIEB, situate on the South side of Neverslnk *treat, Ent of Eighth street, containing_ in front on Bald Nevorsink street,. about 30 feet, and in depth HO feet. • Late the property, of IPI//kma Wanner, deceriried. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock In the, afternoon, whoa Quo attendance will be given, and the terms!), sale made knownhy ,SAMUEL. WANN ER ' . , CATHARINE WANNER 5 sin oF''' By order of the Less; • Clerk. W, Y. Ikons, Auctioneer. Ilara 30-St rro: • RA.ILROAR Preposals s be recelve4l at Maw* Chunk, Pennimanla, unp February 17tb, WS, for the Graduation and Mason fy of the Nesquehoplng Valley hailroad, including the' approaches of Nesquehonlus tunnel. .) Specifications and Infortiation, as to the 'Work in detail, may be obtained on application at the linspneerts Office, Ranch Chunk. jan itEl-itj J. 1 1 / 1 110011.1111AD, Fresldent. WANTED IMMEDIATELY., , 1.0.)i;k8 OF It'YE 4,000 SEU traw, for which O F highest market price, Will bevaid. At the West !Le/Oleg tAMAchnic and BollerWesiol, by miLLNIIIT a KINSEY el liler 8000 4 WI 0110110414 ArOete s API% 2641 . 'oll4lali • !ki 11 .*: MEI MEI