( . , ...' ' ( f ' 1 ( 7 , i .tzt i' r• '.,1 -I' ; 4 i ' .:. 4 f f .- . ' HA • I:1 1! T 4 r? li ":. ' "?.... } , 1 .., t" I ~, , r ., ~, , ,•,( . • ~ -.- ~ -4, , • i ~,,. 1 t„. ?, , i' .• r l' 1 r m ~>.,, , i /.1. i ,l . ‘f 1 - / • 1 t .1. Mt ,i all 7 #, i 4 . , :.f lli 1#*1 . 11; '' . 11 'W 1 )t• fl lit) ;‘ , . •'' ' ,',# •;' ;.- •;' ; ? , I1;t - .1 'll 4 . 0 yr , f rio! I, ~,..,.. -.••••-- -4:: . •.• y f .-- l r 1 , 't NM II RE 1 1 ri FUI it I 1)1 ik to , TE AMS 1 i ,er wed:, ) . hrre Ceti PI art, 81 L. • .V 5. for to % arsCO. me ir 0 ....oB•gan - • 'I •, if FICE IC I r North N, ... , II ? • r I' A 1 .1116 11 i ( te r • li .... - . .. 1 1 t. C I, t. Ii - LOUIS fiIOHARDIL , , ‘ J S Art et 'noo 01, flrohrk 8 ra, i.4oP --- ..,, , . , -- 1 -7 '. ;)iii] ti ioft tits i• , tho Vo W. tfi. RIGHTMYER, • TTOIINEY AT LAW ILIB BEirgir -1 ed lila Ofnoo to 659 Court elreoto tow ilOors • ' ~,tow Sixth. Retolitio, Pa. (lob S. Mott - As, 1 [`' • lIENRY M.: 01P1,1, t , rrTOHNEY•AT LAW i orvlogi No. t 9 NUrth Sixth ite'ettl, Beading. , . Fob O f 1868-tfd ~ . ... ~,. s , 1 r ,' WESLEY H. GEARHART, _. ; l'Tortiax AT 1)4W 1 OFFIOE I N O . 0/ Court otreo, Boactlps, pl. ~ May 2-lytl4w. i - , ), Tiate ; I . Ai , , or 1 ,X9t•iVtr.i., READING DAILY' EAGLE, I' Uli IR IT ED Bromr-IiFTERNOOIfr (sugi) , STP BXOSPTBD) AT No. 642 ektirestßier; _BY IL I'l' St , CU: TElllt9,doltYotod pq-AholAloitrLetd, reps Costs er 'reel:, ruiy4blo 'at the' 00 Of overt *sok:, . hr " cents per single Copy. To Mall siilisorl yl.3o per Veer $2.80 Ibr *WOW/ or, .VS for throe pnonths—payablo strictly in ad. .ince. DR. I,OIIIS De OMITH ANI) ItES[P, Htf_Olis ZIO. 244 North Ninth otroet, itosuirig t res.. Cifiall JOHN TTORNEYAT LAW, OFFICE, Looanr Ba ud ink, On floor, baok i ) 40,1p9Vna.. Atreet, rottsvltiq, hir:,(40,00.-Pt?thuS 01741 1 $ io ourripin ianguago.' • r WM. 6:;ildilittifi'Eit, , LDERAAN AND ATTQIINEY , AZ. 1,A1 1 1.-oEnoo, No. MT Court st.reetyrtegluXl. .tn bo constAl Nil IP. alai:mkt/ nail:11004h, 144 TTORNIY AT "um; millet; Court stroot, over onion of, ;oho 8, • LetePv,*l," E. H.. 80 EARE - 0,, TTOitliEr' AT • 1 4 AW„ HAS .11,E-_ Amoy oil Ms otlloe Ndr.o6COUtl , stretOti oor to tho Vosti polo. . lAptit4; IO6B-14 '''ogoHaE s. . ti 0,1510 Court , Btroet, (up Stairs),R,eatllngipa. April 1809-Iydit,w , ;, , WitS4 l o. )Ni ,1110 HARDS,.". LDEIt MAN e:---(WFICE I N 0; 29, A. North Sixth Strodt; oprioulttt the Post 01100. Borivonlng and Controyanalimg promptt load to. , Probast-trd 1 . , „ JESSE 0. HAW EY, A TTORNEY AT LAW, HAS REI6.OV- Ikp‘ in to wo 512 Penn kraut, Solimuok -0(1 11189"1sl g . • ttimugh the BAOLIS I nc,llonso Building .. dtranos .gqitStoro. .Inn 27 . JOIIN STErligNVFOttliattLY of kiNtruieletlorf, tenders. Ids professional ser. loos to the citizens of Reading. °Moe No. WI iortli fiiktti street. Vac, be consultedatli,teotmmae, it' at the Keystono House. • ( deo 9,,-41piddiff, * Hi M a NAGLE, (U. 8. ronslon•Surgeon.) , to Ponn stroot, • onto) t0ur4..1.2 to 2p. Cal 4toB p. nu. , A , UDITOWS NOTICE:L.IITE UN.' dordignoa Auditßr sppqinted by the Or. )hang' Court of clerks oolidty, to to-audit tho no• count of Silas . W. fisher oidoutor 'of Anna Mho', of Douglass township, Berke bounty, dIW ceased, and make distribution Of Abe balanoe'ttt the hands 9( the IC xooutor tiorotn , &Nos notitio that Ito will nfoot the parth3a intdrated In said cat itto, on Irlday, the loth day of Yebruary, at 1 °Mock P.,18. his ofiloo, No .. 29, North Bixtb stroot. In tho o il ty Of BOadin ' • • Jan 30-3t] EINABUB 8 ALTBB, Auditor.' SIITIIIFF'S• SALE .. OF `REAL EW TATll.—lly.vlrtuo of a writ of lion Matas, l&. Hued out of Alio Court of Common Pleas,ot Berke county, to Inctltreotod . , wi ll Do mid a.t ,a, vobik , vontoto or ottokurt On taktprflaYl tli; lip ' 1 0Y 1 " , February A. u , i 869, at 1 o clock . ~ at the pOlto h 01101) 0t 1 . 1 40 8: Izoyer,kn Boboeol ;Awn' ship, said oonn y: ill that 001 , 11 171 9 080, 0 110 1 0 949;lt arl tragft of laud :AMA 1 11 9 08 09 W0 1 1 1 P) Der 1 1..c9 111 1* t y adjolatiw l an d;o Osorg Iturt i ztAiiittsinifr; tl i. I+ll . olmol 11. Wostley, wiclorl, atliarliM Utistic f /)411‘01 ‘Vagaor, ttecoasodi an¢ 2 _ Othurti ; Opntallir, log 33 aores,moro or less. via illiAtovottir era a two story BVI7 J:1 whiLm (A . lio 814,', •'• Frame Run and of ter 'out-bullt ings, olq ` as the proporty of JOll 13r. ffeRRIC. - • * Seized and takon intolozeoutton and to 1)0 sold by IYII.LIATti p. 1 tthipstu HT, Sheriff. sheriff's Wilco, Read lag, Jan. 23,1800-3 t PUBLIC SALE 0.1 0 •!()11AELES BIATZ.—On Tuesday% the 10th of rebruary% 181;9,14.109 1 °100k, at the rosicienee of tho under sighed (formerly Christian Schaffer), lit Exeter township, Harks County, ono mile front' Snyder.% tivOrn, tho 'following potitounl property be sold, viz : ' ' ." • • ' ' 3 horses, 12 cows, some with calves and .nearly all fresh miler 00*5,2. bull., 4 holfers,..2 twin calves, 5 shoats, 2 bro ad wheeled farm wagons, I narrow wheeled Wagon With body, 1 wood 8104 ihi roller,*l gum spring drill, I hay hook with rope and pullies, 1 threshing maohine with font horse power (Lessig's patent), 1 large 'corn shel ter (hosalg , s patent), S sots of hay ladders, L. ploughs, 8 harrows, small and lair hoe bar. row, 1 corn plough, 1 grindstone, large bell,' hay rake, harness and baltora with ohlklOe s ' cow chains and tunny other kinds of chains, grass scythes, grain cradles, rakes and forks, 12 three Mtge, and tliiB4l9 9ther aqinkos n ot mimeo. r e COll,l jt lone made kuown.on the day Of sabi by au 16-301 • • (MARL= BOIITZ, , fIRPIIANS' COURTfiA.T.E.--P — ['HSU': Want to an order of the 'Orphans' ,4,lourt 9f floral Bounty, will Do so W at Public Vendue, On, 6atarday, tho '2lth day of WoOruerlt, A. D., / 8 09 , at the Koyatouu House, In • • the Vity of Reading,' all th e within mentioned and desOribed pren2l4 sea, to wit: 2No. I. A two-itdr3tlllllCK HOUSE and lot of ground situate on tho East sido of North Fifth street, betvteeri Wilibington and Wel• nut streets, in the City of lionling, containing in front North and South on rfifth street, thirty feet end to length' or depth two hundred and thirty foot to an alley. al _ -- ' No. 2. A two.story .UEICK HOtriE awl tof ground situate On thu liouth , 111(10 O f f enn street, between 8430011 a ;Alia If rtnit B treots, in said oltyintintabulng In frOnt on Penn itrout twenty feet, and in dopth one hundred hndlieventy feet. ~' ; • • , • • ''. ,•• •• ' iii No. S. A two-Story iIItIaB . II6IISE and 10t of ground, *haute bn the ElOnth side ofanin street, and adjoining No . 4 1 , containing in front on said Pena street tA loot, had la goptii 173, • II No, 4. A ono and .tbreoAttarter - • ' ir MUCK HOUSE and lot OUground i J ill te on the North stile of ()her rY tillbk et oo ,_ ol / Front and Second strobte t in the' Said 0 ets 'owl*, tattling In fronton Said Cherry 01101/ ,/ 0 06 four inches and in depth 00 feet, . ' ' No. 6. .A ono and thcOlynattOr'll9*•Bl% ItOtlsE, situate On the orth' hide at 01. alloy, between FrOut and end 4 street4,l4 eq, containing in froht ,013 aik d' Cherry' ley 13 test and 4 incites ' a n fn. nest I 4'PAII!' l' it l t h" the middle housek ' No, 6 . A ono ant story BRICK notr3E and lot Of round situate on the North side of Cherry all e between Second and Front streets, eontabilo In pone IS feet Ind 4 inches, ; and In depth 93 fee i s . • No. it, being il font ICH had STORK 1101.18110. innate on the . Soon eldo of Neiterilok street, Y.ASt of Etghthstreet,' oillitainlils in ftent ion said Neversink street; about 70• feet: had' th depth 103 feet. Late the pri))36l4)! o r 'Millar Wanner, deoeased. • '• ' '' '' '' '''' s ' .. sate to commenee'at I 0'9106k 10 tan krt i th6cin i *hen due attendance will' be given, and th terms of sale Made known by SAMUEL WANNER: AdnVortl. CATHARINE W&NN ER, 'By order of the court.liiivi A t. joss, Clerk, IY. Y. LY0.10; .4011044er, '- , tan 1104 t Boopus .0914-erv4A 4144 . WINE 'AND 14431)i11t R10114041400t, Amit stivoe, issamis Staik'sol All blade of bast litietnieh aide always on band ua 11 5 0 14 a 4 tbo ptiOtte s (ttgl~ p 1 10 c-••, :,I , iTN@ 499 MEI ME f 0 I ' ~, rtin.6pEt. sgAbE RAWROAD. it ilfif.ram*s_ DioisisAltrri; 1165.. 'lZlLlERNSULN,irstatlitelTfelealg -25 en 6.85 P.• 'Ur TO VOTTAilialist . maiii.lt4endlueiroi • . • • ( , • . • TRAINS` WEST TO LJlO.ll3lOl‘ /511AILIRIBITILGi1 Western 16_xpresscrom•Ifspraliork, as 1.06 41.: and 1.60 P. *Gaud rale P. , • , • Harrisburg Accommodation Tratn at 7.116 A. 14, and, Mail Trains 8410.46 AL•kb, mtd.6.06 31. , . On. Sunday, the down trains pass lteadlegat 9,40 A. K. Mid 24.1CP4 tied to Mm it& MS A. M., and 6.57 P. N. 4: : The 4.15 P, K. dewe i , log A. Y. uti tralpt • run (Mir betWeeri PhilalleiPhla &a A d./leading._ • ' U_ p trains feayie Ektiattelpida torlteadlegv Maw risburg sp4 Pottaville LicantaLit. 11111 twee t ing &SP: 11C4 and et 41.45 P.AL for l o ssansi, only The 9.15 414114tritifeomineets Orith Maris for isMoisnai gala mid UMW& ft . :" • • • • ) 1 1, .e. The 6,45 A. M.,andiy P. M. il l s trains : from PW,io delphis, unit 10 . 36 A. ,emta 11. davm stop only at prinoip stations below Reading. Mediu& Accommodat4on Train Leaver Rosati iOK at Lao A. Jag returning from! Philadelphia at 4,,,4eP,5kt):-) I • .) iv , ' 0 4.•-• • The , Pottsteirit ACoommtwitt d Ulan •OM lllr Pitcairn at 6.46 lisit lemma 411,004 del blest 4.00 P, • • T e Westerullixpress trains connect ist •hu rg with Express trains on the Pennsylvania ; Railroad for Baltimore, PlttaVarkh lipidalljp6inte 'Nest, dthe 10.56118 U trel bouneets at burg for Pittaburgliit lAinoeste_N Chanthersinitgi • Sunbury. Boranton. iPittstron, kesearre ci d i t u vi Ilemsport, haven, Elnitra slid the • Passenger traits leave Ulmer ,Depot, !for se rattvlilti*L(2o/lIIMASIUM .Usuclister at ?CO at 4 Sci inci6Jor.m4. i ; . Throuf first4Olasii 0011pod4lokets• and .11115. grimtes kat(' at reduced hares, to all the prim clpin po to in thili Rortly. W i elt and the paineles. l . • OgititiTAT/0? - 4 iltWENotipdeli,4 10 Per'; ,be ,41 0 (i ' lMo PO' VIC% ettk Polo 4 deemed, , , •• , i • • • MILEAGE TWEE . Ta t . •o' ; • Good for 1 1000 mileit;'betirglidA ll .o9 l o,oiht $ 4 "fOr f1, 11 0, 11 M 1 ,0/ 11 busbiMS VOLC • , • • •• OEOO4 TiOnTds , —(1 • H Good fdr the holderonly, for 9 dl4 Month., §etweim an coin* at reduced Same; 80901 aeon Tiokota eneehlrd lab/ than the abased ; r t are t i lie tr tt) anieh ltr n fitiFor a V il L i t i DVl4l l ! ;(11*It.4' 100 pounds Baggage allowed each picreengero-' • Passengers are requetrted to purchase their tickets before gil l i s tering_the °Misfits higher fan.' are charged if id fu the dare. • • • _ •' 1 EXcersion T tketei goOd for tine dayj 7.114 Ai AnoomModation Train to Philadsipola i and retturnt at ail 65 eaoh. •• , , • „s, . Et. A. NICOLL% aft. 9•291. ' . ' 'General fluDerintendent, V A MT A HIJPIS:IIstIiv:A.III4' ":11414-,, ' Awstiv ENT' bp', iA l3 s B Zi r a,alll:l l 4'44llo cons ~,, . L , , outait o Deoember,_ 1 ..10 4 2%. ' i - - - • n r•ills Ma 3 :f lu.k .lesvoik .1 .i 7 : ' - i .. ...., i-ifceillgiit,4:44ki, ~ silly** . a:. 11' t T r 1411s*VOs /14 dinjoy. V. If., 'or; tlvoe'at A 101 Otrn 545? 1 ow , 1(0 14:106 1 r. * l , 1 Nos. 6 ' a ci , *tin (hill ; q oeppluk o,oto_pking it all Way Stations be W elk Re 141131, 4tiii Acw, Kok*. • . - i . EXPRIUMS TRAINS s . • - •1 . Leave Reading at 5.4 A. t II II II .' 'IS , . • . - , , , .." :. '.' VA A.M. Arrive at New York at . • . • .: 11',00 A. S. •,i ‘i ~ a .1 ' • • 19.15 ALM. o' 1 44 .. " l •' , • , I 7.05 P. IL do ok _ die A. M. Thtliti t aine run through from Pittsburgh to ow. ork, without change of care, s t rktonly t Lyons, • AllentOwn, Rettkiebetai7E liunCO' ion, Olinton white ffOniti floaul es Bound' , ViriPlalntedantl, oltrakopth,, , (~,, , • , e 54 A. .WU run daily eieeptaindayi 1114 Mondays. • • • .• , . • .. The Lar. IL truffle run .d illy except Rupdays. 'file 741 A. sc. and 1,00 A. a trainable' daily. eat bound trains, leave N ow York, at thereat brLiberty #letlaa follows k. . .: t _New or . • ~ i• ArrieSig , 11 itsutift, ..,. mo.„ , Mali No. 5, - : , ; , OOP. 19, " p. / 11 , , • Express Train, . 1.90. P. .IL 0 .li . !sprees Train, 10.10 P. 11. lk_ P. • "'gores' Train, 1.05 A.A. ,Mall coin leaving Allentown at 7,200 A. M. tops at 041 Way Stations, MT !vine at Beall at v.lO, A. Moßunnlin# daily ficiep.A. Ounflaro. , ', ,' , The /9 M. Tralit _tram New; pork, lope• at all Stations bOtwo n NeT f. ,or and Read' IA leovint Allentown at 0. NP. , .arrivlrl at, eadlpg at 6. P; ir I daily except andayo„l. .. j ' ‘,. 11 1 4 ikui .00 . I'. . in , from 6W York, • rune d *WPM a.l ighlitbri Plainfield, Aim in r Wile, Junction, Easton, anrthlehem.st. riving at Allentown at 11,44e 1 1 . . 1 posOng Ly ons at 19.29,A. "writing kkt, ea qg at. 400 A. M. Passedgere a reqfteted . putornide tiokete before entering the care, is Vicente extra will be charged and collected on the train from c all who pa re y too fa to the Con TAT O du TI ctor COMMUTATION CKETS 1 'good for Twenty-six Trips, at 25 per cent. dis count between any rum desired. e ~, , MILEACC TICIIET Rows ,- I ~;, i 4 for 1 1 000 MINI goodbOtWeen all ,points on t is or the Philadelp hia 4.. Reading B. 8., or the Read ing & Volum la R. R., at $51.50 each for families and firms. SEASON TICKETS, 1 - good for the holder only, for three, six, nine and twelve months, at reduced rates. P. M. NRIIIi,NTIZOUT. Jan 04(1 General Ticket Agent. 4 RiputNEi J . 8.4 o ,9PJ l 4fa#.l‘ 4-e4k 8011 ." ' On and after Thnraday, Nov. 26th, 1888, Passenger iirffr RE road a s follows. 7.00 A. M. Leave Bending If. ' ' ' 6.15 P. M. Arrive at Lancaster at 9.15 A. M. .. 14 CO/Ur4b/01 at • t '1 - 412 at ' It , l iv, LanbahterOl . : , . i & P. $ 44 '" 4 Columbia at ' . RETURNING : Leave Lancaster and Columbia at 8.00 A. M. 16 Columbia at 8.20 P. M. " .Lancaster at •• • &25 P. M. Arrive at Reading at 10.20 A. M. at Reading at 5.40 P. M. Trains Now 2 and 4 make close connection at Reading with trains North and South, on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and Wekt on the Lebanon Valley. Road. No. 2also make° close . 4 1 conneetion with truth for N w York. , Tickets can be obtained t the ofilces of We' New Jersey Central R. R., f tof Liberty street, New ,Yorlgo ar I t ihila4 & _ / 11:11.i Mir.' tdentli and Ca OW 1.11 sAmht, olladelphta. Through Ti Iro th NeW York 'and -Philadel phia, sold at all the principle stations and bag gvaked through. _ ~ , gro : rtukby 'Philedelb'hill and Reading' Rail tlme l _whieh fatcn minutes faster than Pennsylvania R, R. VIM& • GEORGE F. GAGE. lipperlntendent. X, P. Xinhoza,Gon. tat I TiOXeli Ageht.• , !.', . doolo4f . • . ChRISTMAS! CANDY' I)e91 1 , era: or zioitrir BEADING, PA. FINE 'CNFECTIONS , WAIN AND pkitoiriiiizitor;" " • ; • Huews 40 4 0 14 OR CLEAR ;TOYS ouPsaimi Att, Aftlißdi!tttil , i{ lads amiortnent. of natant Mt**, Mix. tures.Uandy Basketa, Cakaa ma' Pretaal Zap aunt Candy, Oenoands Barad Coacanut Stripai All will be sold chop.. Givornt•is 0 4 1 Useti'lledi for you ; z , 110/01X• denl6-Ent :;•• t‘ • s W IL L','REM y All NOW OLOi3iNetstrir Mr' ENT/NE L stock of s,) • •., : !‘ In order , to reopen an s wane, new and well ser. looted atiock, at 1 ) k& .VT TIMIP• street, beilevesß Med aomtPriarti, where i willvay pluilentax ittAkation' don ' t it alt the heels etre. er , • , i i!t(' )<' ,l I &.." 013 14C,1 111 Zakalti P ; VMS it' Awn bitablAtir i atilitl , AV ) . A Wrifire trakiN it i. Ind a 0011plete y Wnent 90.361. r t a teinatit . ;l4: . 111 ri tat! 1 e;,:.: / roll yerjrkfroolerall stigt, a, ,- il li tne ar010 011 04q 0 ,40, 1 44 raw , 41 ;1 1 • •••••"••••••••••••••,- ~ -. 0 . ‘ "•. 4 . - , ,;• . i , : i . :,, 4 : r, _ i , s .„ „. ,•,,,..,.. f , .• t •:"I'Vsli ' ' ' U ',lf ,: -. 1(.1 •• ;41' , . , , g 9 ',.. ti ~v.•., . . • 1, - , , .. rr , ' • ;/: ,f(o l 'sf:Pr9 fr e 1 , 1 CPI ,i 0 1 1)1111 1 ;411111 1 / 4 4* I I S. or eeo~ r , eat, ;oftalst* ltrieor el" ' Ol • . .11701.4101%7 prlttrUes in Ali th on ex reraileora prel i nVit ob, ; a Ti l t" ta tr, u 1VI I T1 11 1 : : - 17; 4 1 441 Rridiefs, 0010 4 7c44/4 Ahamugisrt t: r; ,, Y/ fio• : 1, 11 .1- t s •,:,, Mut; Nervous & littlammatbisiPtsinei P. 7 M.: 111 fli •• Neuralgia, Headache, BOWS fri t '?! ; e Hae 01 /dints, 7." • , Ie • all snob. wee 14 !ea, he we Wlth l; 0011 r Oftener. - It ti toed, tu neeti In all thole Conn) te whigo talrplaPPHosttlo sictairsio to , wt. a n d t h e - subset! et can eopse ear one • recommend It in enn'of tin but Idnlttelstial the •• ;' ' , • ' '3 .1 .14 ' 4 1 4, 2 ,0 vpio r;Pattlei 1, . • ; Forliale fit . the "MULE" iiOOII.BTORIE, • : • ITB & , . , I ‘. 2 ,2 •2 ; , . . • ~,' ~ I '. , 4' • 1 , 11; , '", •,,..' ~,..- , ' '.l , , , , :' .I'i ~,' i'.z.r.,i : '.::', l i.". ', • - ~..-, • i IK, , a „, t, • :,.„ t.,, ,„,.-1 „„ t•‘ - rt It , : . :+ti ,',. li v, .., 1.1 't . l. `, ~ 1 it .4, r! i./ Y'l. ?' .1 , . 4,tvi,1 , 1., ,, .• Nri i.lOl '.,' In :.• , I , •:t1 )11 4 -4 .i* . ! .:. ')! e'l 1A 10 ',. II:4 .fi , 1 , 11 i1e1 . .-'4, r - ,,1 ~ . - q , ••I_ , if , 1 1 , 0 ,', ...,',) 1 , 1 -.1 ),, , r! 't A , ,‘, ~' ,„,,.1.1 , r,) 1, ,: , ...lp , ~ ;•,,r,•,,,:+ r.l I 1.. ti 1!11 ii•A; •• „ • kit DW ElTfil(g-; ME MoQowan (Miliimqre t . . . . . . .„ . \‘. ' . • )•( ' • , ~• . . • ~• , - - 1t.7 4 5.r.r.w. 4 ..rit5,cirmtv.... , :..1.0..,;::.:A‘,a.!%14.1...4•1..,..y.4.1.-......,.t.r.....? , ,,, , 1.,, ,, ,, , , , , , ) , ...,, , ,, , ,, , ;t•r..7...•5ztAffm - .4.. - zmi. ,,, • , •_•:.. , .. , - ,,,,, , , i,...,! , cpp,.*.,, , ! . , , AO 0%4X11”V55...).0 4 . .. - 41 . 1 - ai.,! lilAttikvei .oit 4•.: : . ~...; .. ' ..1 :,' 2. , . .:1i / I'. . ' , . , I: 411 41):: f Pi , tp, . /.,,1 .01 , 1 . •'' .!...• 1 .. ' "1•1 ( .. i .. 7 .' • • . • : ;!, '' • L I .', _ •- ' . . • . . . . , . 11 , f / • '•', '.li )10 . ;:‘ , ;11 .... iill 4. • 'l, I+ ~,i : - ..- !.. - . --: ~ ' 'i' \ - in-A t , lf t . (.0 t. re'l l i t i' --• ' ' Vu'llsb t . -- :I T :•,,:,,. -,,.:. .f ,,, f. .. i, • . .:j , - . ,-. ..': I" ; -.. l'i • t i...- I . '' 'A'•'.•=::;• ' ' 4 ,* -,, .','--,. %.'• J , linKVol., ' ; 1 4 . 7 :. ' ..:"liiiktss“ • --", Ili 1: ..-., c . . J.l,:ii t • ot ...._., . • 14., , , , ,,,,,,,,, ~..'„4 ... .. . • .•:,-.. .... ~ 5V_.42.,. 1-•.• ,k '3.1);.11 i” .. rte y,. t , ;, , , ;, r,; ; , :I 10 2, , - i i t ' f_:. , I t o .ii, . , T. I:lt,i'rel • , , • 1 SIJ l':::;:t 1 1":• - ".‘;''S 1 P. . ' ---- ....,..........----......--...--.---..--...--- M "—'-- ItrMlr; . 1 1 1 .- ;i ' 41 ..,....E . A\ .. 'Cti .e ' tit . t::;l4#4.."BESlsTitisoi.”.-1'..,., ,r, , :( ~, • t:-, i_ -,.. , 1 .-.:: (, i__ . - ‘ --- pßooocKop. • , 1 . 1 ' • • 1%11..111 i=oolunsptis gay land. *si r Nq a y e rosifhigiolf; • t . i•" •-; '' I - 4 itit"OtiA4 'r' • • , tev ittuoirifit 1 HI oWritm d'OMEilitcOD , "tik sil .1:114 *11 , 3 LI LIMWAND SAND. LINDLINGROODITIIII, Wi:fh.t ,V.F.Wetilhirtiekatixthisitaistiltoikvttti‘tt pi 11t..!-.l4id CLOTHES WRINGERS; 0.; • ':1 1• tr. t -,` .1- • ' • e •t.f :; f,11 0 ;.:;10( , I ,•.?! 1(1 f STEP • (,) , f:!..:; r}o hack , been long ill 'of sever* typhoid fever.Bhe , aaa gholly proa l voted in mind and todi t and emaciated •to vthe last digre;4. It was that' MiC wse 'fatting totO, (tit depietnied ioadition of Of ; the powerß of ',life th4.piecedee ; ;consurOptioO. Day, ift9f day 'wey4itsf4,. h•r,; buy 01,.recupe!, ratite .powet seemed lost. !Half dead: and alive;! the little • 'efeature'''neitiit 'ncr moved > and ate uiiriton 604111SiOri: 'brie ditY; on 6 ; 411 whick theyom,,Faya of ~he atm impart In the eatly cool weather of' spring. Wein. loluntarily leaped sleet, and were instantly k with'll -fac " a etre, t_e tthat virtue t .._ a g one out 01'111N" wl i ei 7, 3 10 tsland us A i° sunlight, 444 warmth 9‘ the Axed, and .entered , ! that northern chamber, the dormitory of tlfe poor orphan. 1 That insPiriting influence the invalid had never ekperien ed i theslight e s t egree daring the whole other eicineest api owing ,to I t 4 111300440114004 not a Otur 44196 l inn* light had Byer eneredthe chamber. We were ihocked, and for its' first , time considered the depth of Ile!heit• and our 0114( remissness in iegard to her. The air of the room, had been pure, the T O t eiliDge Oft the infirniary Were lo ft y, 'he attendants had been faithful and 8414601 M rC;thlng seemed fl'Aillgo in fact) tR, "stole ealth. Yet it. 414 Aot come. Ow tthe eon , Crary, there seemed a constant down*ard ten. dency. 4, A, sun-bath in the warm iays of thid delielousibpritiltdaY fe *hat this' girl itiiinte, 6 we instenpy f eat Vei tie sitter dutierioi This 1 1 -i) o • 1 , +? ' ?irk glaP r ve°l'e'll4t° °l . ° ChOgib PTI placed the )htio ipatient in ,geother ; Nem i having $ ebuthern aspect, abd tonseqeently, filled With sunlight, The invalid immediately , recognized the change, end asked, in her weak ' wi y, to have the curtains raised, so as to let in the ful blaze of the light. ' goon Phe wanted to sit vp,and directed tha thet easy cheir t inwhiph she was propped, ;should be so placed es to allow . 1 ;her whele body below her Owe to be i exposed to the direct rayd of the ens. • It was Al net' ural tendency of disease, seeking forl,all life' renovating influences. And We have never met with so marked dr so rapid improvement as Immediately began in the body and mind of the girl. 41 ppeti4 and atrongth increased daily, and;with theta burst forth egain all the oyoubitese of the child's heart: . Another analogous case itlthough'ire do i not,demonztruie by it the , influence Of the no alone, we .cannot forbear tO name, because Vouch examples we impress perhaps on the minds of our riaders principles . under• little the whole qbestion:' lady 'Oged about thirty ) residentin the northern part of. Now England, consulted As for, undoubted • tuber.; cular.disease of the , langs. , Her, house Was well situated i , :and , bn . the bide:' towards the south'Witi ft small pittiztv'reetini on atone stepel which wax raised two or three feet above 'the gronnd. The winter wax approaching • and rules were to be given. Having full faith in thise , divine in OuenceX ofpure air and penlight, We"direeted that she ihould sit' out.` on thiti piazza every day Atiring the White; unless it werotoo stormy. ,It was ao arranged as .to abut out the cool air. op tktge isidah to •ivi mit the full blaze of sunlight , itt 'front.. Here', a;ccording . to our directions , 'fish.; 684 'JO sit; WrtiPp i e4 fkiix;reedjng'Or'writhil Xereral 6 01 ° , tch41a 70' 1 r i S and with most excellent resnits. She 444 di t reeled frequently to mile • deeps inspirationo, Order 16 fill ~t he 'lunge , with . pure birt Showell never chilled, bectnise the :nutelf rays and her ' Warm ielothing prevented iti,^2llhontrfer "took- cold" there. Oo the'Cotattirti the'iorily influences exerted 40:0 were 0,140; easier attar eso ;9! that IlihaaaTar a storm came, and praveiltwi the resort to the` piazza, the'lifrelld anted 'R i f - Consequence thoisi4eMiiki will'preve to`Our 1 104 be c,t reckoned amongthe auras , ,pf,coßligpvtjo,? rtiii hell be doubted; br4'ivo'-trust , that o , at )lait, 64 , still.oonvioce!'some skePtica.that ttUblight bus rii.potetit influence in. , ralsblit tbo Wpm body: frotrg .vinous ,smakuesses :that ). sometimes are the precursors of fatal phthikik -4-Adarrlic mmitAri,ybt wow , Dullcittn.) .1 aUt4 iwltaiws volontriPPEN.).,;, r t ..",,,. -..!',. - ,:, 2 -..!;;-_-rr* 1311'. Jololo . 4tgli. 1 =A MIEBIEEME 1 'But ~;1 ; s ffi tell you, /Irmo Wilkito, 1 1 ,,tu t ttpt. viols ; !.9, /rye it you of sty.tto woll.toao uPl4O4l' zulPok t* that ot, 0nee.,,,N0 -,wottitut' yb fl olTr slgq prianeing around.thie ootogiu4itY Q 149 44, VA°OO pede while abet whiter ofmtne ifleau help it; so Yell can just take that old ”Of • tithed% you brought borne and gladden ' 4 ihe heart , of sotnekindling woed,intut with them w fbr ride on themzyou'doa'S it yoU do butohmaa; tbera qtr.' Witidn's . 4 . fit "No I don't kno‘ , anything of the kind. k Do You think going to let such a looking , woman rua you dress up le, Bloomers and mount, a high hat and go around tryang to show. off that figyire'--," . "Mr. Wilkins I" 4 !Gto Waggling around the thoroughfares of this towp,loolcing like an old hoer-Cask propped np on two lege I showing thoseankles which aro So thick that you /.couldn't get t(1110 of them through the eq uator . ?" • • "~Pilkiae I'll scratch— t. X should think not: And, liesidei I don't know whereabouts ,on this ter r est r ial glbbe'you expect' :to find any! wheels. strong odoitghli/ beat you. You'd smash is pair of Is l et:iron ear wheels into smittioreens the' min. uto yen eat doWn on 'them, you would.. Tho , s beak th ing you can do is to walk,' and on. the ground; too; where the cruet of the earth isn't thin ; or else sit in front Of a fire and molt down iOni avoirdupOlo." "Mr. Wilkins yoU're pqrfectly ecandalous.", 'Bat I'm not going to put ,up with it, I don't intend to have you flopping.aronnd town on a velooirbde; and very likely falling off and breakiag'yoar bones, and then ha4to iot of f? qty 4°94° and, Rost wriemexaminations, and savripg you up, and, discovering things . with hard ',Min! 'motes in 7onr hinge and yOur'iiver, and your physique gei)erilly. think' not I It'a bad enough te'hayo to , submit to yoq now, without baying ' your gore spilt around over‘thc „ carpet, and is pareelof sawbones blasphereing ' , o`nraiatotny.'' • • iiett Ashamed to 4446 • "/ 3'o9 •'tct that , ,yon ride that velocipede eue r for 4 divorce. (100'4 believe in a Woman exercising her- nuncio on an*Oinch`conttivartna. You'd d'good deal bet. ter a scrubbing brush 'and 'oedoliii'and tackle the front door steps, with lome,aand and a chunk o f soap. That's the k ind of exercise you want, in , my opinion.” . • . 0 11 re Wilkinei if you'll only,lispiq-,—!! "Or 'else pritetiee carrying: a conl•eputtle ut• and dawn stairs Avery five , minnteo all 'Atty.' Dut ns for the mother eta family anira flabby old girl of yoqr, , yours ,nndertakiog to ride velocipede, why its simply. ridienlouttl ; , "Mr. Wilkinsil—m "The)ieif 1 thing know, I euppoge you {till he puralugyoUraelf in tho Rapers us 4 ifitA• ame Wilkins, the chamision,, per t otle pediat," era running mile , heats ou, the. (Aeon pitement for hundred•dollar purdee,best tiro ont of three/ beanqul itiihetnele wOn't it be? Afid4ll,oo 1 euPpoilf you'll want me to bet on you Fill back you zP; IPA not 9n 9o eP `of blicash do you get. Not a single, solittlil red. Do. you ouppoie I'm going to throw away hard•earned Money - on euct a fanatic as you? Yell, I should think not, I wOuldn't' put up a dollar on• You . if / was worth untold billions. I'm , not i proud-of you; I Want yoli distinctly to understand that." • " Wilkins, that's all nonsense." And a pretty example you aro, setting to your children. . Here only yesterday Holofer nee Montgomery made s'ieliteipede, out of Om flour barrel audvlien he and Duet philne,,Alo*ander tried to mount it it broke 001 7 ',:ftRa glr7 Jane on the lef and Jawed fog Wo o ., *hill, , Holofernes Montgomery fell over On the cat; which yo*led and , Spitted' around and scratched Holofernes Montkitn. ery over the frOutis ple' ee ? so that hie beauty entirely deitep,yo,, and 'he is r ?okti More like you than eyer.„.ll. say 4',15, per,rev6 outrage one, and rinlll,9l.g9ilit to stand it;" • 14 Mr. , if yau'll. listen 011 you something." ; , ""Ohl dOntt Want to hear it.' Well' dial z eOntinne the coureOtiOu.''l'm tfroct Of 'hJail jpg , . 0441!w , vo o oPede that PM 2l ° PNevet mind now. . . wont to go to' ol)fitit dustrgtive yorly tongue:* chance to I you" : V)! ) t,•;, thOtir4' 41 1 yog i Yfanfi, • • •re—• =SI EMI /11l NMMEMfii B=InIUS ,one, and 89 ,bought: p 4 „et' the pallet Money I saved. Dut yon treat me jike such a brute, `that , . • "For me did you'eay; Sahli? Well, 'then never tniiid r : 't say? Never,- mind; .- wonit slo.,- it . again, Sarah 1. Don't cry, Sa—raht Oh well, cry tlien ; who cares? You're 04,mtist .aggravating ,woman tllt ever lived. get, on Witt voloeilied6 to , riArrow morning and abandon yon as sure as rit Wilk* ti 11 ( 'Pt names, ins. i d E r 1110 :LI • .') , v.. • ,• YOR GARORT - OR CASED BAo.**4. Writer in the' guennst - 4411/141' view remedy for i gurnet Tills never fulled with i bira ahcl others who have thq'nf:. fteted animal ri few'4iiissei 'of 'amyl,' about 'a halt a pint. at a time, once or,twlen *day, uti. l cure is effected. early stages the disease* feiv•inesien Will 'suffice; and *lie sumo result is effeetqd , ,witether tin) beans be csry or goon. In t the 14tVr;Oai? tireti hips of thoivines and beans rrnayllo,'given, as eews • .41' A. • will eat them most ratillY. • This is fibbut tlio rempdYwo',,kinve Seen recommended, and-if Ana effectual ds Vouched for, timOt prove . Of very groat valuo to those who have itlid'ea'io of Mikh's(o4ll'. Oar get often proves ietlftrotbleiomo'rnd difficult Of control, especially i'r afiglcie4l t 'during the early stages' of thtt seen Eases of garget in ?oval , that word being fed ica meal 0611 1 M:what aiutigr,to .beans its composition,) mingled, With oatmeal once a day, Pea and - bean meal s , , when fed to mach cows, promote 'a flow of 1 probably there may, be sorrio' medleinal ,virtuo in the beans ns to opoiato favorably in allay ing garget. We hope', who -may have trouble With thiiir:sfock in this, way will give this now remedy atrial, , that it may bo 'known whether it be of value or otherwise.—firika 'Jerald. . ‘ 011 . 4015: or THK U. ft. ilgr -. , . •• , +' • 1 s6.ool,ecittuf Brauer ! ' ' READING. JRlllliftrY 18, ten. . mum I3.'re €4.11 1 :.14'..N.0T101t; r 44 . 1114, 11 -.11.. on the IGth daV of January, A. D. 1869, a war. taut in Jsanhtuptoy was bowed -against. the yea , tate . of-Namuel rL 4 . - Wm./it, of lieldolberg town:' bhip, in the county l if t Barka and State of ronn -liylvania, who, has on aklinigod a nankrupt on, ~ M le own DOINI, th t the paytiont Of any debt§ nil delivery of., any:proporty.holoarring to etkoh., aukXupt s t.o 11111i01.' ror bliillo 6 and the staitsfer Of Guy prOporty by him aro forbidden by law ,hat a mooting of:thci orAditOro of tholield Ronk. , rupt to prove their dobta;and- to ohoottu ono' 'Or z 'nor° Aseigneobothia vatato. will-fro hold at a of of Itankruptoye,_ to ho holden at the °Moo If , I. Idaltaberger, 44 1 / 4 40: North 1111;th /allot, 111 diitir, Ponnayltranht,'oOfdro If. 'M4lOlllOl' or, togiotor, on tho;;i11 dity t oriel l uary s t a t.A" . 809, ( ttllo'l4oolr. XIII •:, 0 . !).. 1 . - °I. .. .F, . 14104 i i. 1 I Jan 2&-2t) • - Doppty. u, S. ~ as °moonset*. 5 rithicia 1,) -,( f LANO h texiiii, &rattier/ 12, yet?, Ibis IS Id , 9t:VE 24 - erridk ila l i t n t ilX4itt'i l it Y ailiariZA.4.l'airt7artilt7 of WILLIAM PANLILEII, who Itio also a Wernher of thA Mtn of notte t 0n:064y, of Reading,' remleylvtlfila of the to nehlp of , padebury, In the County Ike aiterr. awl Mato of reunsylvanla. who riff 400 3 1, ad inuiikl4o - hla own pet tion f that et waym iit - er^` any, debts and flolinry ot , allYproperly 4olopg 'trig to Hubh Bankrupt, to Ulm, Or for ale die, odd ,tlte txtiliefer of any pr operty by him aro forbid. don b law ) that a meeting of the Oreditore of • tlto ea (1., illaakrupt,„ to proyo their,tlobto,,and to ehoose'dhe +or biota aseighefV)f file eatate; *ma L 60 hold at, 110 court °tibia k tey,,to be holtton at the °Med or the Register, o. B Booth q mita street, the city eti.adoitetorl'a.., hofore Moo flLAlrirAleta, Ergewilder, o the 80th day Of • January) A. D.t " B at 12 poolQo , • • .706P.P41 ,P,01).11.1. B.,Mattial,9tb fllstriet;Pa,, ladic.dt ai at 0080mra. . PU SALE.--IVILL 31E S OLI). bt piddle Sale, an Thursday, the gBth ''of FebruOry, 1860, gt, 10 o'clock A. Al„ on tilt; pro. interin blawatswny:toninbliip, Harks •001.1bly,' near iutztewn, the following articles, viz t 10 .11 ratio, 'Whereof one. Is ti good 'Day Waal , mar°, ono good bay iladdlo mare, two young bil borsee, work singl and double' Iti harneisii tw good bay, mares, ono is a good- driver Binglo or double in hatilees, one gtoy Marl-with foal Hite colng, one-throe wear old ay maro, ono tIVO. year old eolti Ono ond'year o ld roan horde colt,' 2 setts hinfi gears, 4 Botts front gears, oollars, blind baiter* And other halteril ; 'lo' !load of' , cows, homc rummer anti sorao fall cows, i'dovonshlrebolk 'gkiat hanber :of Mire?* '4 , sheep, X ewe and 1 Wick. (Joreey breed) 9 ,plunta-, Win angelus, 1 largo witent With hddy, 1 two horse. 'wagon with body ' , threehips mac hi ne , (nearly new); with high . shakor, 1 excelsior mow. or and reaper, good grain fanning mill, sleigh, sled, 8 plows,barrthae, three ' TrirrOw plow, large onitlyator, patont ha y rake, j straw cutter ( Californla patetit);llifild cuttin g box, lot of swinglo and double trees, plow guars, g sotto I' ay ladderti t iog chains, cow chains, hay, pitch, ' dung and allake forks; 2 beds and bedsteads,. largo' meal Cheat. cooking stove and pipo, tab % toarrole, and a great ,varloty of house anti nternilia w il ltn to mention,. , Conditionb4; piailo known On the day. of ' . • DAVID B. LEVAN, • • THE READING TRuST,COMP/ital'' ) ERKB COUNTY. (friVang!Tff erstivp,lB67. Oftice,. Reading, Insurance Building, NO. 19 , 1 North , 1 17fh street, Sou t4-.7eae f C o rner o/ -• . .., • ' anal Mies& . • 947 1 /CE 49P 4 8 FRom'sA. M. to 8 I'• M . • oligiFol•o2B4' 0 ~11 1 111101.121,111, . Ji t atsa MoiimpiT; Uinta*/ Z. Br ett lisstr, ' "..r.oros SH,systrit, ly, T. 4AoKalps,• . A ., •D. E. 870177', owds iinktrza, J. T. VatkillkS, • UpoicalAfasoli t . ci , TiA ,0:01,f;v4,11Y INsuntsi ( ALL kindi of prOPerty sigaintit toes of Ohmage by' Ore at rates as lOW as apy other rableConipany . and Upon every plait khoirsi to Stock inbitrance Companies. . • - • Perpetual Poticleirlisied Viiitaiini iid'reistwal and upon which tbo amount of premium mid, can, be rOOlaimea at any thlic,lesti it deduction of fiVO' per. cent. The advantages • of *blip, method . • are riorthy. of the attentidn of larders' rind tabors ' having first-class dwelling houses, barns,, and, other hutiding j e in ton!I or, country, as being the cheapest and safest: • - •- • Pollqies for one; two, three, Are or more years, or for iessthan (me' year, Issued and no Charge te4d9 for PPlic/ 'Pic survey whOti , r.encwoct or when Insurances are trAnsforred frOm other com- Pigdge• .• - .1 Qt , ~.' '.' a n d , I , • ~.. , ; TAO citizens of Rcitding .vleinity, hitherto dependent niainly u n d pon foreign compahles, have now the prtvilego * effecting theft* insorames. id'ii borne inptita o,' Weil Orgabiteri t with 4 ad. adequate' paid in an guaranteed, capital, pre. renting Ile strong ' a • bale of security as that of any other. company. The advantage of doing. bWointaallirortly L *ltit - the Company enhe • portance of kesplog some portion of l a rge,, antilop/1M for Insuranets, in oirbuiation at homily Iffki;te appreciated by ay. _ • . .• • = -a. PitillieLm JuNkB, 'prosident •‘ . . " A.3 1 / I sB lifoliikTlGllT t ,% iso Proficient. . , 81. COG A k 811 00fOtary and TrOalititery . , - 1 . IMO Of 0/04944 ' 4 ~ 1•. . \,. , r ' • ' . f• ( i' k i ~ MEE ''..1...'.• . '!;';? . -': I : . '.''''' •iiii‘..,;i:',:.l,/,._, ; ' Mal fqksoo l, o4 4o AM,