Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 28, 1869, Image 3

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1 .1 ;
1 - 'PI 1 A •
tt ADIN , PA .
• •
......_....-:::::.:._ -_-7 4 ,:-. 4 .---___.—=.------•
. - iTTiiiiBl) ASpalriox'W SW i lln - oii
.:- 81±rotaie-t ...
cC4 , 10 4 '
• . e •
CoMMUslok7loNB nten o 4 for pubil .". on lit
t ho E*or must be accompanied by a respond.
file name, as a guarantee' of sincerity 'on the
part of the writer. The natniwill not be pub.
llihod untostsco qpidimparry•=ent.
Corresponelotatilh ii in tat tnunf•
cations short and to the point. Our, space is too
lhaltod for very long artidec . .
write only on one stile of tho paper, and as
ntaluly as potolble, without' nourishes. :
:.: .
. .
P C l 4. er a' tit
yoOr Oa Out 4 * ab,„
and out of tho itatiOn 1000. •
if. Di. 1f you go to a lawyer, you can get
tho dOilrod information. ,T,bat's not In our
J. ladtlifid . a perfect ric t? glve
you hp_inity)R t 'MPH ) rtarqq% pprnido
si an ybOdest owe , cideer•ulay w,)m
In Osslpattou.
Mn, W. lA., amps t hAtopeneti a now sa
loon uudor tin) Uoneral Tay or lion* in. N.
Eighth street.
ilusitoilci 414:04 (POMP a•Aktraaa
ilo their
counters as s ,,
eirv ememob :
°use mex tend
L 11, th Banking .
c„ of mkulesr).-, WA:WM kr t rif it ea*
the foundation for'ltio 320* piridf , 0 .;of
Manuel Lbailig, at nighth's4 ilt#p
— (,
w vrrias DaliK.—A savings bits.
bo N on o op S en A ed' at ,141.41,1400,12Dttv bank
l , I APO,
ProslilontondAYlti.lplittetfitedtts . tihtte.
Ned, ratritl: , -4itia n iiiiSis Rambo is tearing
out tho front of his building in Penn street,
abovo.Sovonth, to be replaced by a splendid
upon front. ,
HATA; by ITEM , ESAViiO4,4 E. W. Earl
Hold on yojorday to Jamesf . Philips of this
city, his niansion on South Fifth street. ret
Dries paid paid is said to be eleven ,thcstassiki
rcr Luusc.-4tiligitljbaohtslor friend of ourils,
s'',4ngratubitipg.lhimsolfon the dangers from
which he and all such viireteltosesczed duript
the Leap Year just closed. pip far bash.
°lore I ,fir )
11 . 71fa4NtlitViii;Antblo.'—Tholl , ollanpoS! , oam
Fire Company, No. 7 of fl Philadelilhlo4ll ,
Reading aNtli4llol‹,l.*l lll June next.
We kip! that they will find things pleasant
when they do.oome. ,Ortig.) unibbcol
,- •*; all 1ini•,,,, -- ---.., ,_ ,
ItHAL &TN ALIT tile rammulars oi mo
o4toto • or ,CCobio.,AfOrti Si. ~ ..0 ~..147a
houeo inolcif i :tit ; • ' *49, n 6.... ....,.oi ./ 9
David 'Dowial , ' Mt• (i lie PP P I ' 1 . - - Aka
othor, pfoi:vt4 AxotlV i i 9 , 4
9 ,; ) )4.t.k *IW;
t i etsti
. , , of•J , 1 ti,mil, ar Mt intl4 jr•quft ,
M br)P.k 3) ?P. 4 o l :4 , qt 1430 , 9 iMVAti 1110 0 7_4
oiler. ttiotigh—mapy i tty . go, , iykipg„ ) 4 g ig,
fu)K47,49, 1 f410Pitt9 1 ) 1 t .9)4l4llfri.conkt r ,1,4 1
oprlopt untlfloto In fill. Tikoks"ang QFAIII*.
will bo greater noxt than It' was lain otttn
8011 BRODY says that the three groat evils of
life sro • finolse, poverty, and populatlon." . A
cure tho first to to, go Into a dungeon the
BOoond,,w i ckrk altd No_atty 149 third, a &tor
bilnattaii tripogobogy,sairitor miserable by
marrying her.
TRH Carmen:for Adams county hold monthly
meetings, which aro generally well attended,
-and at whiclonArything relatlug t , to tho pro.
d notions of the soil are Investigated and dis
cussed. Berke county should not bo behind
in this matter.
FINE rittilitOliffvr- 1 41 - r.'' liVAllla in Ok Von
Mod i
e 01'140 . : 7 gotittiliiNth stieot;pioPared a
roll of the membors'of Friendship Fire Coin
pony, No. 4, which is a vory pretty specimen
of oaligraphy. A voto of thanks was tendered
Mr. Von Nioda by-the Friendship, on Monday
ovoulosq ( . .., - ; - 1 4 .!):;: , _;1 i v ;,.L'.i.' l l 1.:t... - ;q f,,
~- :1
, . t
ttii . 'Oro'.
num in theVinniter von Berk," ,otlitio,-voeldenlK
ally allPialdfi ' t4ealtlOW k l ehtliorbf rlfth and
illsehldgte - #90414 , 14.40;arlWrig'144t, - ,
bad MVO , i rli, l l4 4tVernel4. lint - Ott
aoldnplAa jot' . ( lyapiti ned,:enottnib:lll4;t $l4:
ho is stilroOnflbed to histeenv. ,',; . , ‘• e •
: ' , 114 0,) illp .4 , i , tip - •?. i; t. i r 1 ~ i' , l ,'l'l•' - 1.
BRUM/ COPWN.-49449UAT,,q/lAL AN 4 ' al*
'lloi4LTUltil(i. sonoress...ThkseYetiteeiltii an
mud mooting of , tbetßerks•Connty , A'grictiltu.
rel indiNitleulttit i al Eloeletyl , wlll l bp'h id 'at,
the Coot House, In this city, on Tueada ; the
2d day of Vebruary,t44 aWric, prnt ! ..o . 99!*;
will ho eleett4 tO'earlie &tying , the year: t.. 1,\:,
..- ;A 1" A. 167,..-,.. 4 1 , t his CONTiNUE.B.—Tho ro glom intoroat in in
city stilLeontinnes,l44 the , )Ystlene},Oharoligs
aro thronged night a ft er pt ht. Miff aro itn•
preaßid wit ti the; Irttlit 4 ;tOO 'OSA' -, 'I. o
have already toiled ttieslo otlf. 'Alit If V— i 1 fills
Ding Alone.: ', iMa : 'menthol* f , of- , the 0 several
°hatches are wartning up and theednAttg 3 i03i4 4.
(ma in the good work. 14.0 .114...,•: ,
P Eorrat in Tow rt.—Tilde worn rialto a largo
nun of people front the county in the city
mac% at Mutat lighffeiA)YeK9p l 4 te ,
livelY., We htid olorK6' 1 4;411, tomoTplis PO.?
our °Gantry Oleneitsi solo:9 i [W4* 1, pa 4 Ats ,
money, , 'and 'many otMsvatabeeribeW fed the:
vE,.(ititETTli 1410 4PrirP f ille B Olg a' ', A rt
ery , Mt% attt. rite :or mo r ,11 14 o r l ),
t 4 attheir Wags o 1 j'A*b kl 6 ifiol
~ ;_!i , 777 - Tioi, ~, . :,•I, i s , ,i,
IT would 1500 , 91 s uartl i teggn i ; soma pa Aux met.
chants 7ert already ' PO - paring ibr the spring
trade Judgin g front the fact that an int
tuen ot a ef goeotals,ditily teeelltdd itt . the ' e -
press ofliceek - and the freight depots are era s
mood H. , 'Neale notleed ‘l4oeral 'tonged , on ,
t r eq
Penn'street; leStelileYi'ttit Atitiit . ! l i s.i.0 1 , 11 1 :
sines.s at Om pi; titiAli Rgil,q • .FlusbuT4,
in a month, et ji.litt :.t 1 .MI k ./("( Ar
again, and we atvett,i. o our share of bus .:
nose, . ~..., . f f , .;; ,i'l!nk;liw 1 ! f ! •!'i.l , ill ! ~.1,
h ~,.,, Ait , \O.& .• . 4.,,.j J ~ .f •': lli' '•
P 014 1 .0 Al79 4 l4.,!*Tothg,d'Okigent POIIO
lioadqOarters thit itiotinei YeAtertlay, , Wail
a fast, a famine. T he reports from the
differont:s.itbanOt'i(tifot' l4 tltattl'hronsi)!Wellt
"all quiet alontettifibilt4. o :7 4, (Yagildoliall an
Lb) efficient Pf4kottfoof4 fnlitutge td kob treed .
onler throughout ,the,entire"4slo,ind :thls ~ is
the reason sthliwo have' rarely **thing of
a scrims nitOrtyWreport.
.n.tow ( r ifr ( '
r,T" AI Y 4 Or 040S 0 P/144•4 1 3pt gi;44 ;14 1-
0 . NqiJ:c . 3't Il 1 its, ; :r . •,,") 1,, I D. 9
1 OW ~I,_s ...,1 Ali : ,orrt ~1,1ti., , :i y.l HSi
Toe M4smittuaMi4Prof..Fraokfiltotteh has
made sitetigetr V i a , par t ;, , Hovittd Boyer;
to have pobtl ift . ;ph total iNVII b 44 V t.
bo piliiiOnt it th hf uerede. ' ti 11,.
by applying to Mr, 'lvor . at the entrance of
the) KeyttbliOsibinithig i evittihlWaillWaS
commodated with nabstowaussyttheir ladies
to and from the Hall. 1 :t 14 it OA 'il.
Mr. Roth, the Costumer.frone Phlbsdelphitt
ariived infthisviVtldientortff t, , : le , 'Om id
iambi AV the Royistbliefffelite, era .. 1 dtil
for ladles and gentlemen can iftg' , 41 . ..; A(
li/314 - 13ria I, .11„11/..v.. nvlttfi. ti',f
Tnn'ili Duis , l4 - 014,00'eneTillt*OUTti
—A. g late* mar tithe , :co mune; - of She 4lapcuay7
andso 41 4% , 11 Vtr! 4 PetVlel
time , tett ~ . tiii .` 14,1PMLY0, dt
here*" • :1). :44 44 1 0+
lead or4t,ol)eui. ii 1 base- 0 01 the at 01 ow
cointalinityAnter4 , 4.4Bll • `old betvreen . noW
aml.thelet t eritptllOA i' /We havalieterloOvitp
Jr so rolitit'4rendues In our oounty as ado to hike
plm) 0 4.1 8 0.. %VOA rillirt.. .". f
nt 4v .. • -41t1 ir 1414 x wQr. 1 #.14 II
sold erre . . .421 Arm to their. IKIIIB or . . . 1
.hair dirt
rift - 6'6%lpin orpoiricl,
I. !te..p•horeirt .. ' ilntoptt , pi# 0;44,,
FuLplitli t r l i ttV i er,*.
g* 1 sAk..4 . 4—.. i. 4. ;i
tongeklAslul an, mr. , la , eirigooteretited:
law* Vid'Obefet vgoing at sonietlAng elsg).
°leereligeth, WE. ..edvantsgeot thliVOli. d *.
. 0 1., rfsiK "OAP raumnhn. soiellpplk , d eepoipeek
TO , '. 1 . 4* " T :A V* . I ‘ 4h tl e t Ml 1 ii t - =
' be ' 1 ":+ wirifieletaboejoilkobUti
in e ' '' ' ' i1 i t 1 # 14 9W 4 5 4)11.41 "
6 / 1 1 1 , 4 .# : I A " j '' f '
, ~,,
SALE ovtit t iiilitaTiii i tieffaiarlit.—sar.
. . - • 'NI 414 .
ill*eal 4. ,
, M . tit , 1 14
, •,
)46116110givEVW41.boiiit144,thit ~ t
Min tia#l46/ 1 4 4 V1 3 ,AitOk l Eth i
Inure • ,
&fa ',4osheit illiPaii i i . purehashd =Or
of ChaeNt'i& liektolV-Vitietti - - Wit 6 4
Mr the SUlllOtrAr9Witi:l, V.) i :-V1 n-t•tel , ..'•
r 1 fiMritt TERVitnititl; ::i { =,
ri 643 e. tr , u 0404104. 0 7.. Aitetr ,
riltglk ~„_ . 10N.% tp,in Ot t a ;r , 14 . 4 u tti
lIMP AJake .OM ,414; poll 'IMA ,4) 4 ' lt I ' n., ‘.,
..., ..,_
....i ti lla•orili,, t t vii i,...,.,„
..141 ..! OW titt r•to • / ix.• •
. filftait 30,411 :o.24lstiollt: 4 , * .• • li
. . . tacit • : . bnWeitesnel . ....... • 4181
'' ' ' 0 6 1 1 al ' '. ' A . OttiiitiOn'Y .. • fetlitnii,l4lA•
.'',Athi s i. ,• t • y i jOitfinv", is . • ii 0 , ..V
,Ora__lt . 0 , ,W4rit , %t o ; 1.4 .' ' •-r
a.- 4 ' • met •• h..: rsatpk;:, ,F . 1 141 . , iii
the .hre&o111 toldn sj i tall esPa.
Oteel,critntl pfo , lt, le il2 o • u tot' 14:4
elan4n4wir."Ofewtqlielinit . " ' ' ilk phiee brit i
old pioneer is anfirpottablo4milpin Mein •
~..,_tittlO ftr,19KW , Mq..:.:4.,P,. M4P , MV00.9/F.
A. 24 , o sfAt,Pivriilli:foz , :i• i, ~.; 1 .41. ,:;. : ,, o' •: , :f
, -•• ' ' "trt JAClO'n!YelMilia;" {ii4i '. ' i 1
I • 1 ?.,414 - . ,e4WallitOnt tit iltllli4j r IT.) : - hi.: 4k. 1;t: i,
cl r'. la r A ;Ilt ' 101y) i ,f a t * i l ,: 1 i
s h. v3. . e . t ,
i . '* . l . P aiih ' 111 SO 7 ; AO 1 61;' , I , '•
I * * ( i 7 J.:'''!'
„Ms ?, Woad
to the Welkip,7: 1 } itict i 10, r ptiZithlit"
,karn - Vott i • %fast . de' oh " t a ifontibfdtlilo
flqqpn'ffhe'i i Flittetl:yt Vnt,t' tin lit '
vvor t .. fro por-...;
. h • 'laid t
:InL -iiii4.; , itliepiliTtlipllt 2-;: 1 , .:'10 :,
,th :,:•: - :-,at his. farthin firdeer foOttni.: , 3: - I , ft. ,LI
~A , „.,, ), 1 Av i lp f li,
4 : 4 1i , 1 6 8 r e r , ,ti.;-“,1 11. , - 1i fd •
; I ttoi
•,.. , i". fair
,-,- I A?
. - 4..", i, V I
f :AO it`';l , ln. ) . i ,IVITT"' . I .‘, - tni,.,., J• 'l,f 0., I},_
! ~(;,,:: 1 .-0, l; r "..1 . 1 , 1 1 ,r , 13 1 t>..);, •.) ity.2o 04. f•t t
I ;r1 rwtr,t ,It :1;.1'.."..".4,14,:a.... , c.. 3 , ttit'.VAV.i: 1,9,1
' i i iil l Ei4kATV474.Li r illi:}4ta4 ; l4 l ,l4,44 l 4 ` ;
iyoung man outlPiTed eihui la heir to 510,000.
lsm robe" ofyoungl o riJa 10 1 / 1 directioll calif
lookingibtthe same , ap: 4 4o:*oo.4lStnitty r Aliet
r int thrivisatlaetts t id WINS slio_ tOgyihet,
f Orr* it ihhlr. cold i,,while t_b_ti
Gpq 0 tbk i mi,,t .1 ,01p 4 1,k40 . 4 „ ,04%,
—ll-Tri DAM 14,yorycki to, min, lo::..t 4 , Pint(
forte season', • id many piacea , wares :panel,
traystaßopt I,lss AloettllOßltlip i arts il sSi
"---- 77:171 11P rO IF: " 174 tt e
Still - wf W b ft ntls • b i 1. I o
hoot thltt.tbis yharnidet .tai .onliicky l ti eh
it'bokad Mil *ill diitted"h t ritlity,,L- 1 -4740iir'
SPIIOt tifictipl#4 l *lt i.0 1 4,t, rtlif; tt t 4.
talk° ' boa , and ',olindid,l4,6 , A, ~ nsta l
sty.' )13upervisorst ,ay.o ..e ,- trott ed:: iouto, caber by
themselves Or filentisliweet 41011 E of brit
.Tiffitteeti of tha'rehlgrie# tuiftiPoiltrfaTelhatt
iiit*O'tlited'hlingL l 4iinnOki"Peierittigt'
tolls us that the,q9l7,gcs4 k r,un orck he oiler'
klutlira f f RIIPII, III I. VI • 4we" , 40441.,Atim i . 1 04 11 1#1 v.O 144 P 01*- e , •
til,6Orwelty, to ,now a te..lgenereitypotectomt
tinted *Oh • h -,ilciven-yw-ltokAesite 46 Itolt;
t'hgaitt.. A•lritootritVgahßTlYlS
t ti a tmo: pgitU i litc:ol4lketiNl,
ay ornetvapaPersinn imam* vi ,
niltheir nests out id the °Pint air-4h itfl'ae ;
worded , tilt ail indication OM 'lllidift "Ndp
[lll ,
nd an early sprina l , . 1
)i. i . • , •:0 ,
1 ...
) _ 7
,efri r.7A r: •
4 4'4 4,
77771 1
t l O o r7l l
. • l ! ~.1 ,
, 1 i
140,M110ki P'ltuomorunlaated3v s'il : ;llfhfi O
( . ' ) I” I ''''' . : 411• !`` , /P 4‘' MOticMii I ''
l itPAA f ll lo7 . ll o).* o o i , tf f l'Pet► t nks. ,
I want to know who put oh.thefalpt:
tiers? -,:
~..:,; ; , :1 •-'.o:,' ~1 1 • ;, •-Iflfl 7 y. . . '•71011111 4 tbli i I
1 ? ,0,,,•;•' ;P
%.,...;. ';.,' I f'. , ' , .li ,*t.-Ifult ,
ag e to ' 'MI .:41 4 111 1 g 4`' . .'i,"'-iiit''' i'at'ytol:
1 ,
ft, had sent it . in' time. , :In order :to , pac _.
im we insert it- . ,t0 Ow l ,It contains rano
sound sense, for .Whidh the Writer is so well
tuld favorably kno*n. , L-8p0.3! - . • !-•• ' . , II:
'Ees:; of Bioria t -f-If . the' National .',11: •
iin't sustern'theMielVei.viitli • thla '1 1 thlIttill#0:
1 iftfroak Uncle Sarni let, them/wind+ up, and i
et Cs have-in their place piltrath bank*. f - Atv
r getting this large' btfintlNfrothlha' itoiferit4
lent,lhey,want : to get our ()none . ) , : ; without
,Privathbanfis pay - p p Intorest
Alta d reolifilihhald frovii - tbegevarifOSAttalt4l
llt,af thO i Pft:feketS. o f .t,AO, - PeOPIC4r -; !ASS:P:4IIO;i
tiara: ,ago t'began , depositing: with v'private
ankers Oust phut 'thotinie - over 51,000 twas
pant' -. Tiorbou'a - forAterandJhb l /0 0 ,tbek
I 'Mae - kill", laY,Steoolft'aad h4O. plop tt: • ' etired,
40reit on.tnYA.6ls 3 4lt Nta0 1. ..4 11 101 1 . 11 :1400;
100. ; ~, This' money the National Banks got 'oo'3
're. • Now .I can make itiltyltatilny,a gob&
I NW: thiniiil'Pe.j o Y., /1 6 T' -Iftf.lilluti,
qboor ' a Avpic:. < ‘i...fimi 'sot o g o): 4 l*OtYY•
00....07:4140, 0 Y•*; ( 1 .40 6 / 1 01/00811 - 0444
itooketipantatt olgarsiA.nould.tellthe,peoplO
Ablator tAvoi.atidlahottfl,[thoib 000 . 4 fialres
hatvbtild dpenihtshe
:..: eyhartittfiiikalitii:Ottald
big bugs shako in their bocite lath Abliteton
kite some inerd'ohtlifi nit estidi4l. . M.
~T f•.•.: ,',, ~.;•:, ,:,...'„:.4 -,..„,,,,,. , ;;- ,t,:K ,lir)lM , i(
i rtin ' ' Ngist "Haim's' PAINTING! ESTAiiihriv
toprr.--The r.oniqyal ,1W. 0 4. - F,-#0 4 14 1 , 04:11"
ti4pibrithio 444 ~,v:' ttiliAli , 01 19)4i;
!ling of tip rieW,Vsglo Yripting Bpi
. 0 ng. .
aso cninlattilanditell-daPM Tdr it bliiii-.
808 fOrmhiehlits is intended, ttutt a P*o4:o
he tbuilding and• its difihrent•departmentawm
rONitiritdreld i ld43o'eur Tptidere; ,' lOirm - tpli
°TONAL v,iiii,brokiilliti;vo bill fmn e r
ticiaqa)fArtlO*44 l .4. 44A+Pd)41} 11 1,, qd:
t i tlif 4 i ( n t re 4 h:l l lllliniPtlit=r4c . . was
niched and ready for occupancy ~ ,mittle.
Wiliti:lnikg f:.6.0 5
(Imm oV* tCb P
tlieellibP44o ,
rgy displayed by fessrsoFinlisSzOpenom,
r, theldaster Builders and Contractors, and
po., Master lairlehleyarev.lvilio did the brick!
vork in eleven days. Tho building is 40 feet
In depth and 20 foot In width, and throughout
is constructed in a substantial and thoroughly
workuhandke manner. .
' The first flpotfor. baserae,pt,lo 4 devoAed to the
ngine,PrAW.Pitekfrig reou.‘ 3 lhlbis de
artment are two of 'PO'S Power Presses, one
three-revolution and the other a railway
ress. In' a separate bhilding is the boiler
oom. The engine was built by Measrs.Wrlght
toetrailt 7lll .l 4l i lN idt Po Vgitl 4 oViVlZ Y r
th have performed their work a mirably.
ur readers can form some idea of the amount
f work done hi the press, rcom,when we state
that the aggregate number of impressions on
he new threc•revolution press alone is 55,000
or week. The packing room Is a busy place
g" l if a li e r r :Ogg i lliintM 9 4Mt`
ho I mat's, who are engaged folding and oar
ing o ff the pavers. The press room is under
1 )e
embargo 11414fp.Ifenry,pt, TIVOr) t] for., ;TO RV.
wiTtlys}o , li3aliiMl4 pioaiiMan,of 114:11,10T.11;
°Moe, htio etitititiest-pkliiterkl(reg, and, yr*
!oat 'hci!Ue,'': hi til , '4l?fft#Liniiitor,o , citofroi , t.:,
( Thseebond goof is doilitedidlho_i 'Edit ,4l ,,,
*own: -In thitiroom• 7 Meads. •1300ki 1 0 2 mirtli'
Sandersoßtuld Smith. are iinntshlts - Of the,. situ 4-.
0tk0n,.. 1 , ) ,: *Jere .. is where all the'editorlalelmal
pimp Arid 'miseell.., f UlicAllatteribil , prlarod.:
ARA(' ttlirVit, ; , APPltia.tilliEtirqcoWo
suppose ri d er t.: unnebt on pp i t ut•
isumumissary, at,lpmt ltmettict .Orgy,e,.,rat
Olptasteftil to' thb pacidcaligotOfcatt rgo
cliaitetif '-
./ , •,. : , , ci . 1 ,), „
••Th ' t hird; Mot' Iti" iieiefed eta ' thi ,lblitifig'
Departxnent,'hfidet - thktbbinVoet 44i.'OhititFol
A. /41t6holiode .f - If any of Oh treader* wish ii:fib
specimens of printin'g,frem a mgitmothiktliter
to the tiniest card, ilharley an Ida efficient
Assistants !.. 1 :, , , he ones to , . ++„ oh .. k
Om ' 4; ' 07 40 4 e-fr. 4' : ' l ' .; 1 . 4 . •••:i k
xi i .. o • 1 ,. ow 1 WV. , .-:,,,. .. - - i i, d
i (
__, lk y .A,.1 , i't ,
i ' he, on • hor le thi, corn ,)•' ; .) ss. ,‘ f
the Es,Gps - fwd.:o,lw. his is up . po i
foiiiiiimshi k t Of Mr: - , iifieferf' ‘: : 'bhi
assistant, Is r. kleirt 4 a .
' Thgtifttliti . , V4ll4lMteit tinAti A *il lle
foreman or t . - •
.. department is Mr. floozy
Iliaftinalit'iti” A..) iI i't • , 017:11,-iy ? ~,(1. ...
0 1 Iprovii,... 1 I . - ..010044,07,400p1
4 . . 4 gc.. , , ~.. :0 4 10,104 , 4! 1 Alloiln
0, o 04: . • Pre i' A .04 1 04 r etotietcl rim
ixoisto(t. . . timers& bylaiatatotin , eteVatory
*Mob hi vroriged by *trawl 1 ' A rt r lMAY . tr,,ll . ‘
fit% ettatirilohtf INlNKO . pfded "
,y 1; •, 171 ti .
Thailhaosoa Itopic . ,lll,44liti Wild' in :-'
A0411 ,- WOOTentistrefiC. - It is very bawl
et •A,.. la :• , , Aitterigi Mira.deter "::ni ,‘ .c **.wiwit , '
1160 0 ; 1 24 1 * Erli/ 0 1 4901. UV • , VOA
0 •Aap i rtftwiop 4.xonlha moo . . - ,rt
tt4.4.11 iow 444 IA , fd•tii. #4I tt , ft? 0-. o (l.l‘flif taf
tiki: : We& .h ~ „ 11,0041470:1iii*,
I W' .ll 440 04 0411
A. ) • 1 ) a , . $ .I , • 191 t, 110-
. •• • ; • tt•-a, 1140 .1
LEFA N.—ln the rillaseidsLeeivert s'4ential4 -
~.Stb, Franklin Levan, eon ,t J. It-end'Wlul4
J'ev 4 nOlg I ail I Asr4t
4-01044),Thonoy. wow , \
r vaiy, but, rates ter *mower. Onoloo4
tidy anti Ann. • Tire worry - or,Mirreney nal,
Wieland's:se the:eetlrlttAirth'e look m rhea.
*4 the dttpoeittoit , otlf °titters-eel:44lu X id'
iipleigit in the , rrrehaee .el: Soutilmi lands, mr4
)0141 1 4141 1 0Pkit iiiiii;lakbenr
I li
;co' ~ . ' eatidiii t g WerettialliltappMtecle i t d et .
, 'Pag . )y) The latterj'aiselleitporiltu W.
A. . bsnridentliiiliVailita4l.4ol- hande r dt
,tatito4lptiumAxivtql,ll44ll4AoOit 0: -
Tii*Jo4 6 o7* oo 9itii.igkth ticapOo'
feat le Aim DiAlithaeroieinica V , ifie'' ',4ll4ll 4 o 4 I
:tide period. 4aMonsiOietilikteln tot lienpgily'
iii l 4, l APtallati l i , 4111844MilthAletallrettrindtentelit ~
'oureelrierWint betatfolathdAliet tallepeittert* 1
atteMPtiiill teimieletatrattia ipiNdPiallethatik .
I l l a r fg rttarlY3 l for ilitt l k ai p4 l W:toliett 6 SA /
i bit qfq 4 49 6 4#oMOlN ' VXoo44it
18 60Anteinelleerojeo tiko,46, i st s i
"riXir 11,51 kilt
tiara dlatrio* an it le , 10 re
0 1 4tioNSTPAPitilim0.044 ,4 magarbtrOtisi
to bitoWoudownitspicasoiNitobee *at k t
I. • addideikallkeeite 1 0 , 10iktragailhatOP .. ' 1
~_ , •
iOirMlA9dthoull. - 1 1 ';11 im .Ivlffe ;•li at'? 7 . ,:x , ;1111 , 0-401
1 ! The 411014114 . 1906 : ilp ktkilKto#
4 k 1 040 1 . 1 440.4144 , ' I • :Ittli!Witkeis - 144t
'the rates remain at quo thane. Ttipergth
Itellr"*111% ;#ltrPralr;t4*,
.. 1 tte ! „ .... ii _O l , l O
_/..._ iiiiiittipkto* hinit%
-API: /Woo d'or priogeosig 1511)a It , i},ll ~ q,
I ' "Of * * I V if liS tkOttet:o4llellt
1 th, - o:o4 l ****44; 444,1 *go , Air
ual .change :SA iprieetot livedvern t
Menli .Loath .
';lore was Ones litifttidlii&iii*Wiiit, i hie ii toe
, eneraily witiii li‘ic4i.l• Atitt6/Irkthipaitifige4
anlkitW e l rOVPiet filt# 4 liir ( j% Y . !' ` 1 *!
' : • tiblitil.4o4 4 Olkitiltigreraedile6ild;itt:
i r
1 4 1 8 Het 68---closing a4B 1 birt.yirahleAter ,
1 4 04 , 1; W4aal i fio 00 . 104 . * tci t ewoi t y, f ;
, oxeeiii,litul soill — AV km* tr i lw wato,bo, , biat.: ,
offer for Nottb Pennsylvania' Railroad 1 )MN.filit.:
46 . 0 - 11111 Hai Irooi 'tifid? M. `itir`Vittailf . kik
I , l rprkefi...l' ,_, •,• cz..1.-,,.‘?
i ti usual Meeks ;miaow& twit >mow 'itttenttbd i ,
i l 'Elolitlyiltill Wei tiltieti itt 10% hiuttlitaigitttirtga'
, • '
IhP49*A B Fg! , xticOoa il itcsolk• e k h *Mt
%, .::).•1111 :1 tt i
011 U 8.0 + e goki .t,y:•;;:b 00,04
QIA el o:we lowa 1 •.:- I! J . ` ,°`-'•‘' i3 1)
'Now U. 8. b. 204,1861, Jty and Jan. • • 100
116 Z . ,t i f
le g . e r irt t y.l
' Aldfii
Aew U. 8. -20+e 1860p,bt. &radio. it
ow 11. 8. 5.28+0,105t4 ei 4 100J•1 • • iow
Ton Forty nendfh, , _ 107
CP old in 116101Yotk l6 womaK 11 'l7 14
Gold In Heading 4tilutsbong & Woo., - 130
••• •••• w - Al.O -4
I 0 fr • a •
FLOUll.—Thilftehli4tiorouilfuartft still pre
vails, and thaesel cf-idgff of du ilderovou3ont.
People buy very apahhilglit i l iull A i4t small lots--
'oven bakers buy satin+ bliehiftl` iN$45 barrels at a
f,tßitestypqatimr tolrgrao ila t ittclAt Omni,
rrthbillbilailalliowkifttaktendishllt-Vi thbitll4
kets of Phliadelplqam44l9*, Yo, v t ioo pri•
, 08 here it
a *CM' Min." lifilfeteM stow, in
4 :o
rilerP.Pl tOillect9/7110M0(mloEstook , au hank
ram inicat Al* IpT,lrsl , 4sed 0 it.d i Itlifiti i 'WOW *6 z
dein 64 itioli'bt idiottM3o 0:: 4 14* '00,0 7 ..':,' '',. ` - ";' i
1 W#E4T.:7 11 R tV lo' 11 4 , : 1 1 ° - f,14 4 1 0 1 .! Y,iift.,4 l :,,tikoc
:h3en - broughtAnto tits:l'ol4F. ''' Hai:Mors scorn to
old back iiinitiolpating a', hial{er ptice."4ltlla•
dOpors $ll4 , o desire la, buy ' , act f 04,404,
iiliy .I , lllettt , ehauges bands,, $646 few t demon,
topkloiterldtterdity from farmaiv—whito_ wlibatV
,4t, Sip. Rod was taken at $175. 44,,, 44,1i4cit - of
'rya at $1 40@1 45. Orders latrie , been tehto.fof,
Western wheat, which, when delivereii,int i Ait
ofty, will be at prices somewhat less thliti!44„k
Quotations to-day.
county have been shipped yesterday. It was
taken from fanners this morning at 00 oonts per
bushel. - --
CORK,—We' heard of three loads of corn being
brought to yesterday morning. It was taken at
so i ols - rse, °3ooflomf,o:?.. rtirtantlor
BEEF. -- At the - b * oneekeepura Inarket Fester.
flay a largo lot of beef was offered, at from $l2 to
10 $1 hundred.
POltlL—Pork continues scarce, and is thinly
()oath:knee 'UM ate lo a Wing ,
% •, VI
..... m e k . V i llol4_
.. ~ ..p
to t
er .bbitro"ef
Corn Chop (now) , 05
Corn now
Deettildd Inge, 180
common, , 93
Corn,, to
Meal s 180
ivAtaht p94bukaxe . 0p...0,..,
1 101 0 is, 4,i. wk. i.ll 76 .
IY° 143
ate' , -
,orn (old) . 80
Oro ( . w ~n •', , aob '• ....w t . ou
eli••• /11.1•••31MEL M1'01.1.M11.11,1.011.10
itTia loads of hay were brought, in since Friday
set, 4 loads being meadow bay s and was taken
t $l4 $1 ton or ft 2000 lbs. Timothy was worth $lB.
Long rye straw CAR ( ?) n, . !? l ii!ras
1 Vhi Ic IMPA:I'"e ikii.lsl#'ooot6B: Talißi Il ltittirrie .
y exchanged for manure. Nearly a I nu, 'av c. ow)
V XS! RI Orsitk 5 :' , l',''. a t i P:11i1..T., I l':',1:::0 Vf '4(
ay imothy 'f "" ; 00 !or 2000 Ms
II 44 *
ottdow lisp 14 0)
44 1 . 4
op, Byptittry. t r . ,w st. . l ., o ,l . .o. 7 P 1
W r"
1 T lat s . osr. Y• Tti.-16ge!
r head were sold yet M'd • . h i e" are sold from
id:it:l2lllA =o r Villitingictra
'ittilipped to Topton this evening.
v ffriliCti. - • ' evenin g.
, l'i - tr.:i X iftfi Ok~p lt"
tiurrsa—Freih Milt?, ittiblet 40
" Lump, . 4 30
Er z ttt. h dW i l - A l li tymvr ma•r:r6r..#M
kaos—Eggs ft dozen aAI 1
4 ' ,, .80
AprLgs--Apples lip peok, 284)30
is Drit4 l • .. It
Dumas- 4 , - Vta rr zzo 2O
At vAv—BeeflAsk, roundll b., , 29
" . • 047-I. l v.rmAio TW - di..;.t1i A
8 4 1 p) .
i t 4 111 1 't I htlk , 0rd..1.1a .. ..,.-
rbff i ,, totifAL ,rvit t le: MAI..WOIMIrt
t ,
a OM
13 . 1 / 4 "5" 1 6 3. 1 : 01 V4 4 :1" 1 "
Not, teitt ISO ,
t e t t tllnfiliW
:4,47441411,04, 4 041444-boa4 l o B -
4 • •`•
... . .
if, 2 g 1t.1 d 4tl4itt-ttei' 189
16 0 3
4# , It 31 kQIIA 4,414
l~ aR~~
-'; viv-Att.
Grain and Mour Market.
BRLl.itia ratans,
Ras, and Straw Market.
Reading Stook Market.
- -
. • , W./ %rem it LK' .1 1
Felk ii tto r y
, 1111 v : 40V , r,ft:3 '-'f.;,A^ - olh d
t , ' , mt ., : 0.44'10411
ticaa *ratan&
tit flue cut chewing and smokingswaaallat
e bends
A uf witogiabtoiltowildfowl ffiAelrlit
• I
Inlited gla U to dantu tun.
We'dlliggioNa, Aiwa
un. - 61 AV too edit - ante of
:k o*M &KAMA Beet* , OM* SO %lid 1110 , ),
'pensary, and Is in Nrpfil A ktmlitlon.
• OttAlithi § l . ° Ehii °, llo`lAtitrk'N
three-stopn brick! tesldenoe, at No: 146 t
Ninth strilbt; Ago Mr. Antos L, tbr the
intim of $2,600. This is certain V• a very cheap
:firoerty, considering thelWpfiladkil*hMt
meat e stat e has been, and is still, selling in%
ails oily. •
' A •
t_f OM; old friend Richard Dock% who 'When
he lived In Reading, was a woman hater, has
takenunto - himself one. of Jersey's fair
kdaaghters. We oongratulate Richard UpOn
105 success, as he &Served d better. fate than
baohelo yeagi,My t kcay i , rifftof
Ufa" not `ll, Ohl IbVii *tit btrto
Du. Aeon Sonataz:propiletor otScheeta's
Bitter Cordial, called on us today. - Ito Is In
'excellent health and spirits, which is no doubt
in part owing to the excellent qualities of his
Cordial.' Doctor &beets; says that the demand
fbr hls,Cordlal is Increaslng_dally. For Par
lonlarssett adyerthtemontin READIN4I
t 214 1. 1 4 .4;1'it4:2 1 " "elk.-1 4:41 lalno , fovil
‘64 400 tdiiW /1
•r‘.l) - .91q
Horror; 1f,A414 t--Tiro money ,whlclr David
Michael lost was some diPlatlc* fclutlti
.ing at tho out doorknob; sugar a tie . ow/
it canto there is li tnydlory.
An old - Irish whlnatilitur atoTen 1250, but
Om was found out, awlVie s tnone t ygiron back.
Mr. Strasser sold hlaihortato andltit to Charles
t imxt, LIA t o.rCito bought,,a4
hourdibldloiWhl Paciffthan 1 )0 1641 1 1 ff
11,000. • 134sars n.
I 'SUSPICIOUS CuAnietEns. evert strange
looking men, white and . colored 4 e In the
,ity, audit b@ , 4140 II I te i i: AX •I , eye
n them. f, n Iris
f the oity ng he day. They are either
g ro ve from Jucollote or elsQ Rrepitripg fqc
oudltaabalitylit thltionybail
The above artio)o l fromenq Of °prett pappra,.
Ifas given'kifftuatibituitibiAssObtlitrulitt y .
nb* in
ur midst, who justly think it inaproper to
uspeot °Very strahOS,'OntilEtinaigns. Qne
this cl4ss sends us thck following, ,rhicia w%
ould r peptfully-Wildrientnifthe fiblitia'clf
IheseN OMk Were.aUepleionS than petite : -
-I Epiron Bitots :•Ifir ri eti fileiti '
"" riciWittil
tittle article alas) equutp ori,itplittip, 4kr I
think it Is en 1118 41 0 WM Y antaffr soPPthg
in the place. • . ' •
i I qUkt,Arangepika this Tclaliedaut I analook,
ing•fora place to start a manufactoryund for
the latithreasdaytaxliacht,beed Mind ten It
autakirts of your beautiful little olty.vA. l
• twinS , E 'elrol-r!;. - I', ~W ~t 4 r'! 4 ;,1% V. , :rt rj
,vz,ouNip,zmir,olihyl co , ' -, 11' . t
:3.01,t 1 , , , 0 Vsatr tV,..r.)....ei A,. •tt e'll Hs ~./
iNPORTIRD sir '; toile' iltnniAleinh ,li':o,44## l ' . 4
i , Lim, 63.0 mum' slant; "
~:' k Ll,_ - V il 0 vt A ,I
tallirli ar4D pirrrn DAlns---TuaßbAY Ann
' r - r l ',„l , 1; wBDI L E R 4 SW ,• t't.,q •,,,.1 'fro', i', it r.:t ,
Supan istiokor ve t nitzaueth..lkraurer• -118
ea. T. 1868 . - 'This was a foirssuedliet.:
x Wee Ruff° 13or0A[po w y w ill
' r t Il y
b all. 1 7 : i ' lifer 'thkirtilid tY. ortieb MTh Mk
enneif le Yerget,late of the city otßeading;
hit% t vas attaalirtlitildelioildant, who.'
as one of his sisters, on the ground that it
II % n PlS lrtai ?TX XV ef 4 12
Wine de MI t f b • tti t . The
or in Controversy bore date the 4th da • of
0ckc=1152410 119 4 1 1 . t -
er was made the sole legatee,and also the
xeoutsix. . It appeared that Yerger was pos.
seed et ;ROW ifirreVitli%Mtigilll he ,
and Ofew porsonsi e eots,excepting a lley
P inimrance Upon hisown=j,o9, in the
!utuat LifalnsuridbeoilM 7 46 OfNewYork.
For a number of ezg iond l i n t i e lVeatic i ,
fi e =orrivi lit 'll
hl ',
. . . iet ..' 17
to hAt r A . 04 4 i e t e gt 1 ili t t i At ' t
I s t
'he my ildeneeastlede fropea ,i i vo ~ 1
as submittsciltiattid
the T o intei ti l :
, y i t i , , 6t,
e b v i tirr g iet j ahey lived tosaktm; - ,01 ': 1 4
al Op mancoe , ia,S,MM) /4100tItes, ep ,nt t li t
°forting to "the - testatothaS aler.tfuul "a, ; .
Waling towards him .c4ver 4 4 tiOrti
f t t legal ' partner. ,`• r et tr,,L• 1, , , 1, irk?,
ne r. Dunclore the attenA . t 4 1 1Waihi•
[ a
%I . s 3l o : 9 % . det i c i l e ilc y l v d as ' tlct4eugrott:ii -
n • , aook resto ,b s t t
bediiintisin. in the matia.llll4l4r
ug *execution of t ti,,,r . 1% . t, ~, rt, '
ropey supervened in View p er'`, f, me:,
er• Ills rheumatic attack wicat Kg iltoute,,
nd abVere character, subi sots • tilm Airo.cis ,
o ukon.rowAtimse suffervirl l ,',. f 1 yr
mititirrilliertni ' ty 4
hat ill bo a d foub . o,ea
i tt
ulyArntlViepten*orlemae inn altustibu tut
erly help less so .11lb s* womb** anis wdfizi :
()mod, boing_tinpelo to,i
• v without
ep t a
e if tutd
istanee. ThisitrbaS ph quiffering had
n roderintiVfir I ' itieropittrot
• It was alliaNy li g'ift
_felai_VAle ho
as in t ifitigipolkdittomai bmillistllleiplessr9
ml Mental exhaustlcin t he was pressed an
Halted by thtotillnititifitti fiiiktiacYrill in her
half, and threettlatieMigAlWPoOr House
n case of non•compliatcoe; and that' theft**
out -was • executed • Under- such - a state of
eutal duressiill 411 rtif Or g holly invalid.
he testimony tipolatthicitliclint Wig so vole
, It e ir l i442Vi a r ia I la IXiteclM
T V e t 9 Alef dtttb f at gi stAt l t e _ d ed
ho ,aroctr ad a, aplasq4bipg, wit t ness; JiOth
these „witnesses- , teethasurl' 'to its due
axecntioh, and , that • Yerger
ti tifoitinis wan alleluia:mils affiviiiiniv 'ulna'
n e d un t o h r e y w a i n ik d w u it o s d wxt ersta tto ndl i n o g. vil T o lief i o n r o m e e o r f t h w is
bled thakimertqcsiptd forilpyft.,and
ant to holkiciaddWAtubere trYintershOt tying,
irections, iniintstimrWaf dcfroltitiell in Jude '
actitMaM e Alla i ll t rilaft e k
n nt Wi e eDal i gfatitilcigantlia l ltr
I:a r t h irrir. k ' ' ti l l . VoriVil t retr n o rest, ', and
use his own optealtidtipliall'ilevilling him
make a will-in her behalf, - threatening him
hat he should be sent ciolithe Poor Sow, un•
ess he did so: While making these state.
l' e
Monte he wortitinnualtbkientOltyliadaPPear to
be in a condition of : est mental die plat and
uneasiness. „, • ' ; *fir Ming
gist she •I•. `• 6 - ?II 1 Agit king 1
cure of h '1,.: not everytidn there Were
) W4411404 '
his six let - ens an ra, ' •
- It Was shown, Inorwayor, that' he. bad at
: Inpted
,to exeoute"setther ' will, several
no .' . ‘ z kvarta t9 4 l l / I = vac#4' II .•.
', r. '.
sZgattntra i till"
t at
e atte , ' 't ,i't s tl i dnlt: t
*MOB ~ ~';
other °ate sta t amsat, v 4. ,
1 loottifter Irm . ... MI
( " l iMitt*Flermitittm
nbsrsoteF , t
.. . , rge s eolar ons,
"Pree ft i ta =i l l il h e d t giL ne •
ne)!l‘.o , is I I .
tulatic v ara t b d at i l i zt , % A M
;Attu pals plaintiff Whia'had ; . . - . hi* and
taken : oigassitolereb* mil' en • - sh -to *II
hitoo l ' i rwhithowsecite• the. 'WhOle latter
;:toliAibi' 'periqd oftahlwe44,o4oll
IMO no.
....—......,.....-- ~..,w r
mo.and 'a ft er tho'VviWailirat
Ns t dag:rdiNt OW: it t Waal
01..40, ..tbes', ,
1 they wornali more or toss abdtf.
ig hisilluess, bat' the origesito and
oyAirtareeter. of their statements
i thrOClAtlitel3litlftioil the one
nt o trove y I his oase A the res.
. Asettty ,
01W 0 statoututs a i i : k 63/I‘looo9 _alto.
,her atitribTA% Mitt t l '. tidiMblee: .
'' The psmJo* first
the . J ur y t hat they yepin
t4O- Wallet irtilig first place *bat Were their&
ationaln whtehlher puttee wore living. The
jaw Made an intendmeskili agstreotiti testa*
by a party livinginillegil fetatienk Viral
he person In whose tavern) will was drawn.
non this branch, et the ease the court based
their rglieloppo iihoWpfejog xeviere4) by
z..Letvrie, ' Mapco, lu Dean vs. Negle,y S Wright,
tilt, in the °etas(' of which it is' laid 'down
*",that the influence MI sOliiiiilV:rolation over
-testamentary dispositionlanot,proldblted by,
i law , except when a nd ' t reeds tiVbi :the
`vo- - Iv( ,i, titttit ale to igtelk tre
le lual . 4dir 0. •v,rwwit, ta.
In the untaw•
%fill ,i %he'. h tvrthr
,hal Vd t t' 'tbe 'WI*,
I la vinyn - Ol e
it ter that , nh , t,
justified en
1:1 in
t of written
;both sides
,-; -.:.•
-4:4 aI a ' ''' i l e: ; i l l ll 7i; : 774 ll .:i t li A:s:l4 : :l#B ( 94ll l. 4ll:.:l‘ ' ‘vl\9 l l'%tillif:l4:l: l Cl"diirth'l l e.:4n • ll4.l:::ftle ' El6ll • :lttir r lll.l''lVc;3r42l-7 1 4..1:10'611R.47::::81‘ 2. . 1:111 1 1:#11;13:1 1 1°);"lt- •
None but thosedittkiirkiltiiithikliftiselng know
al its loss. Thifi tt*
l , tupleti, blotched and tetterod
ao dtslipo
novoretlftiown (ionic sin tit ekia
witb m
jefautt, a intalt aottt. itttlit inittuti
'lnotin whose aystoins'nro filled wit i tho virus of
hOliOlll,A, and °Mot ontaneniia,clissaso., eau
iof have good health. %timid.' tho' bitfod' is Mi.
tore, diseatiOlapUffl t9,(o)ickW,,„ , . „ ,
All bay° tlntiaplwarningt nu .thos e Viniplee,
totohom, Tettote t Bores, Dolls, Coppor•eolored
atolloos ecal7‘l4ol7/ 4!cri, )1115P i calumity by
porifyini t Moe ateni with the
344.114. 11411, IA AtOtg AND ItEltil Jtileatß,'
WARR ITATIFIV'RtiOIv&ND itiiiiii Molts,
, Barer° &world% takes a firm Wt. • 1
I.low many have the virios of Sypui is In the
i s
t f iro ni sMNiriM l Nintalitl l igra r A t t
t t e nyt t orfl ifiliVil i ta h a
s tot. vim g, _ lot MI la _
at ri ng
°roll tory ti b co thin 011,)lia roy i
leery on ' younsolf and otflaprlng, . Paco $l.O
et iftei fie dior. LHA iLS)I I 1 . !!, ft ;k.') ,rr ,•,..,1, , f.,•,,
' • ir -- viod' .
, sA 4.102 1 4 OLFTI
r mw W 5, 9.4x)VP4itt.ntwoori Wren t-.‘lanw If
Tee I A. pftnig,tixft :7iiro t
ali•Diseases t oirisf)4/fron'inthiful, Indiscretion.
ContsingytoAlgora i llll4, Iltamtinto illvenry.
my ten rine to mar taxon to drarot Retire. Viey
)1 1 4 0 ttti
as " .
4 ' 1 i lrfFil li i lfrrliggArAill t ea
• w trYtelli '.. v ' i ll rell' °W+ P 5,, ,, 4, 1041iit0 . ...1.44044,,
or sln ron w 0,1,04 4FAlN'oupipt Nopop_t pionw
I tOPRIXtb. 14 1 )14.4) , 401 4114 .stl3PAil , 14419Cfr
4: 1 1
alo iitieuages 11 , roma° t.)., ' " ~, , / ,, i i,, ~1 Lail
Bold by Ilarvey'liiroh, Itolidliiii, 'Pd.,' and by
DM:411014 1 D & t6: l l , l6llVei r oil,' '
915 naCer,atroots PIO naotplan
1 o rnysibillifis? ;: f" i '_i : I -.: 1 -,' !' I
. u.l Er MitStroatti v Atli/is ekidt h L a tka.
Allow mo tonal' 'our Latent ipn to my PakIPA.
•giaileenici ientilt(TlMV44RYl t iai
1 4 ' ' 446.4ri lf-1- 1 1 11 01 11 1. ill , f‘0 0 1 1 1). 2 1 1 1
1 gulp : :: , -. : r f fj r ift l 7 9 :p tl i ffi lc r kl C'i P tt i li ' 94)4 9 414 0 14). 1 1 1 111 11! ; : 4 1 ) : 4 1
Itt• • i igil t a,a II 'OO4 0 „Ca t ;slilt ken
•• ore palatable tin A' tti rliclof in'nliti, The kW
, •opertles ary this mode oxtrsetesi. „ , ,
Buclin, its teakrett ny torliggistS gElherallY, is
; a dark co or. It is a plant that etqwg,er,fra4*
• ance; the action of a /Awe, 4t : titrolre this (its
;tagaido) ./ leaving's' Ohm war glutinous
. e hi le the colorer ingredients. Thu
' nob M My preparation; pfa?mitlltsts.; the
. 6 "attest quantity of the olhor ngredlents are
, • dlittalmin'lllit (Waco tat OA i's u paw in OW
On. I hviu be fauna not to no araltulttaxhaut,
. allalalliatwoOrgga.ner. J 4 It ei.§Yrea7ralel.
tereforo ri can be use i n cases
41 where lover lowin#
Il l l g#l4'crittft94,
'At, -3 -4._ : . -• • ,
orilikittas4 4 . 4%, itwim t leo emitfv,A,
tat upon inspection it wiltwerwluryailai up.
' ; robation,— . With electing of confidence,'
I amt
I r a! IM PIIIIP TAIn ijY Ot4R
Chemist and 9,rul;gisfe qt 10t years' Expor
in ' "rttiPtir 1 1 %,1 4 4 11 ,RW 1 WeS td :Bl Bl4 .l%
tam apqnsgt i ott withAdr. MyT.,,Moltabobti ho
finpied tile irrng Store opposite my ft:M(lmm%
llndwasr 00040814 bl in' dohducting , flutibusinohe
listaoailterid had, nOt; Akan Aqually ' so' I before
rip thive beenqtablrimpre#M; With ;bit
ha tor audlell TOO: ~:•, ;,-.01 11
. yo ; , .ri.tg3 Lir '/LLIAMAVIEWIITMAN '
Finn of Powers St •Weightrnap, Manufaottiro
adfig:ChebAstspiSinth , and( nitwit , 41thietti, '
rlditt is ilphir,•-•.; - ; el virl - I 's i, t ,,- ; H.,,,•
~, i. i=t
lislitilot, " lit, tblikoliAdelluoktiaoi weak
essatising from indiscretion. _mho Tausted
owers of nature which, arp o ggcntypApi tiy g•
any alarming symptoMeVeadmvg•wlite • vill •
r t
unt], Indisposition to Exertion Lose of Blom..
y, Wakefulness, Airier r Dtseasesiit.,
, riawaygoziotetri iv
joyments of society.
ThoConatitution once affected with Organic,'
keakness, requirilitho, tilitsf Modloino to
. rerigthea and in 1 Wale' tilts system, which
' : EL111101.1) 1 8 ..EXTI AOT DUOIIU invariably
. ( aorilla#oo,reirrtitta n AT lP.
1131300Lys Fixtp raTaairr Moony, 'in lace*
ons peculiar to Females Is unequalled by- any
. th . , r . ...,1001). 1 841 ettfV2, 41,1,52119 V
a " '. . k
clig - ; .. 11 84
' it& 1 1 1116 e '
.at . . .r Soh re§ 0 tel,
, and all complaints incident to the sex,
blither arising from habits of dissipation, tut.
• rudened in; ot.thist.deAltnertxtiligiggigilif.i.
Ilsi.,llaoLuTS'irme"ExTitAdil Meat! AND hi.
, tr.OV an ROSS Wlll3ll' will radleall, exterminate
'm the System diseases arising from' habits of
' I
o f ilr n o 4 ll4 n l O 9 '''° , 1 0 ne o i , •Attla ten s
. b ti l ip o,l d l b nve hos 4 uple ox int va d L
• angerotui remedies, Copalva and Mercury; in
11 these diseases.
Dail IlxklWalUV/Incip, Z3o.ll.l,M4l,cigvan all
Weasel WU% brgaffil, Whethol In male or re
ale, from whatever calms originating, and no
•.itt irit •bow long sandiUg. It is ploasnut In
dijoatiMmddtaterfn iititteac add MOW.
tong' ening than any of the preparattonlextf
ark-or Iron. • • . • - • • . - . .
These sufforktg(repOrpton-4wAr oligiiettp
• enstitutbilfd;rrocurovidninedy at, ogee. '
Tht reader mast be aware that, however slig
ay be the attagg ldiseases, it is
• enitti to affect $104#11710. and mental
ewers. .
pint trifittlUDlT2 Z1 40 4 4 1 r4 :1 4 ik
ue t I .
Beo d by. Druggists everywhere. Price—sl,2,s
.414110/1114410Atbettleat foraaltolDenewei vs
ny address. Describe symptotaiiillllloOreMad
Watt OW!.
Address IT"
•' aehouse o
va g
tnv Chemical Warehouse, and elfinott) P' 1 ' ': II • (
1 eO2B-limeodaw) 11 1 'I. 11141,1411 V
a / o"4ll2leAireV A WlTrli,:ifi , -'1
I I *Ai: tarzfik.P44l#l4s,9AYßAGA*, r vl: ~.-fr,
neMaittlynkititir.olydpiarotsiceaffok 0*
Ooldegite ant" int tiii i4 , ;(1, 1it.04 iin'4liiiy
Wed; . oitmen: iikiiimie w vi
4 2 t ..' - 4 , 4itt 441 1 4171471
l 'itii.ww;lP tittryttietteo a eibtaaneraf , - 1 '
„ _
....a -pc . f ' Prevent' nciaroo.
.ov* , 2460 ~ v u i t ha r t/a i ,
i t at :-; 7 ',,,' ',..., io " . • ..-
, ',to:4100 bk 4.-
ipmionmrmm=rri , r 4 MT lo "===ll=
4i[1 4 1
mho, Ireaduhe, *temo3m; Eatlda,
Yr9o /IWO. 011 a All Are Oil& : : ,
~ .. . 1,, , .1, ,s ;
I ti i , qA ;i • ~i 4 i i .;; • l i t A r t ,:
i. F1 .p.1,4, 1 m.,,,it Ise •,1 , .Iv
alaf t e l A i iipi 0( pa t r ,;,. 1, !1 „„i;h4,, 1% ; ot I:6tv.m4t i ot
~,liocot t p our VqliAiriittii 14:64 #ll ir61 .4 )Wphi
the, Iplut4Pott s
ot ii4i6iiir AA kthic:AVIIAI 4te iu‘l4l •
toriscspealiwon 41111COL l iarleAl opctitilo)l.s' • °'.
'3) , tv','
' • SAYRE S i
I N si7 4 o 'I ,411.
• ~,t • :•., , ,N 4.• ..,‘ 1 , 0 0. )i..; f at.
: 11 0 *41 03 40 1 1)4 1 4V41.0 1 M r tl I tUA l Cttlil il i lin i'l , )
I'4 ll gi ec ts4 4 Pill t s4 liN4 44, AnAlt - r litft.M.l ;
't 4
ontlrely lisxm/041 ea tio beim applk44 di,•A` cit
c htl!rp , ', •
..der se as to the "Mt, Thotaati4i ot iiitt roitti * lo•
,ticr thee thy. Is no fiction, but it (Act btirlit edt controvetiy.
• I 'M p •lii,o) apt itspootiviillettna vim iftsiatiorslia akar
'lttlitltil iltafftftotttlitAkkyWhtetwil'poweti , IA :- , • 11 0 ',,,
3- , Vri i ' l eitatigll4*• . ' ' ' 1 0 4 1 f 1: '
. .. _
' : 14rofamilv that once becomes.acq a ainted
';',ivith its in:rifles tvitt pa taith l oyd, t,''
, !,
Pali" 50 epil ~` Sold ty am: DrAglite. ' •' ''
: I
• • I -
E. mitiiiiii l ai' d 4!
, • . . . •• pi " .
. . v , Soli Proprietors; Aiding, Ps. .
‘ ', 17 . f e° g a tt l oitiNsl l ili e lat4let t lfrjellor de
.ww.litumense inth.soolsoo...._-•; , t• •1v.,,,,.. , 1,, , t •
~,• •.' :, !,. ),1., P?. iiiXi*XxV44 l .Bl.l rfirjraitit•
~., I R. MISIILNIk & Co.,..'neadlet 411;444 •. ' •
,It affords , ato. pleasure to epee of the sweetie':
i f
e_fteots of your "Pain Cure," ;1 1 m oYril peso.. a '
it I t k lmit a l rk ell ia . a toael f t at rrAf k. &hall o s; :
; tellrVprq weelti, q t yfas tudu4kekojsy nu, reese n .
4Yi and iiltEr eiV i dopltottiori, to y utter tokytlio.
I was !alloyed Itt a fers,eeeorede,v Pooraddlwerset '
the - f that I , lq -- "-vvoly . beli've oiy
sonspe,_ From
... ky , ...flied'.
1 iiiinii bitlifv*. 1 1 00 i pt r a ilLlktly I •AO fi4 1 111 1 1.441 1 /
it tverr caufs t o iti.t MO% ' fiskial . ,
, t 1 I 0 00 . 4 , 0
• , ~,
• , rAtp4i6 11 , ,..401)
0 higy Nis z •
PI 0 II y i . 141kr . . 0 q„ .
0 1 tii i ihelit i ' iti "' ai I I
ti ' htitz,,tr.
II pQ ?.i
; -;
SEA, ill) or 1 ,•• AZ W i t; 1401 ,1 - ,1 ,
i Aid AA • 1214, ilt-4 1 F 404' 4 )
41 ° Itidr 710Z 11 76011 IT Al
'i• ';,-,4 0 4:14i NV.
i ti A s yttal`lk r e i ; . rAlitielptft t Arzi,i
Housexeopers) ; that the are Ina uf et IF C. .. 1
introducing o oap superior to all of ors for the
following purposes:
1 LRB'prbf,ciletudnit NtlntieVi r sofkrisk , Mar-
I l ls 64 91fti— i ti (111611 1 041' P.44 1 41;00'
144 4 t estd?. eta!' of all a pttoof." 1 ''-• - n,'
Housekeepers can ot oneo legit :se ehiktellitenl, i.
tago of this, as it, is entirely unneeessert to keep as
t heretofore, Polishind Powders, Brick Dust, Bind.
4 hA.! O w l) i
, ••ktli' lf of g iiiii - 'ar:itttth sit
who? hey& ttatlyiraptirs lobar IS S tf 'it
i Il*riP , IVO VI Flint% ereesegebrltinik, 1„
1 ti Sta. •ao, . l. '" f
• FoURIIII and last—For the thaillil l iteld'll la
• other purposes for which soap is In constant use.
' and St 44E ,it, is irupossihLe to enumerate et, his
• time. ii:: , ..-:;• '. ,eZ .': 'r , 4. i` , : 1 ,` f .., AP11•.
.. } tkuisictiONs rok,usutoll4,4tel.l.ksus IP 4,,,„
1; t r iinl tl Aire e a r aliMgr il o7l44f i Vil lt il l : Ntti j fl .l ' •
Oc i
14E4 bill - '
amount igcepii o n e oi l : l r a k ' ) 6 ° I t ' a ly a:tgp r ii . d?th e slu m p re. .
I suits as others, and vNse-TIIIhD of the Asblid
mid 1...4 1 3 4 11t esygid.,;ly -, ; , : ...t, ~,) ,fl , ,i,g ; e„ - /..,
1 r; ,, _,1PA14Y24741 •stry;Jitr 1,
ostrsOi As NO kits if:, ~
-.Ai di illiAtiat , y , k,E.A,Wk-a ()Aoki.' ,3;
Manufactured Eirelutitiely by the Great )t earls
1 Soap GNI:A „Siro/5 .Street, l'hiladelphia.
' . 842 It LB' &43 p - ti l i ttOrtit4ri; '
; .11)* Due taro:AAR 414srogtitt. ' eertier' is(' Fifth , '
j andiWabilingtouStreets.tSoloAgents for Iteadth i r.,
1 1
The Soap Is now otecid to tt!? Po,bUe at thlt (ol••
Irmo o ir k ti r i ,., i .:;,t, :,, i .,,fr „,, i,,;,.,.. .
toe y 8 iliiiiVlkr , 1 , . cAPPA 48414 1 )' . . •
iAr e ger .. Opine kkroSp, . ,
3,k• Bel*ldr.f' , ;l .iv* , ( .`l4: l o- Beistar:'' '' "' •
Hafer k Boone, F, Difflehtheht, 1 , / 1 • •
i D. Keiser. , • Ilinnershlts et Buhl),
J. Dundore, , i ' . Heffelllnger.
goky l it i t_s A L L a r I
~ i. vl , 1 i :fpfi ti tts il t tl.t /. • .
IfWeifet u aaoi pi Imitli
~ lii nallti 1 't' • ,
! ki/14,4116leheite‘tra ..11 , 1iihiCt.PoYitre) , iti lit 4;1
1 w Etott, , ,
f i n i r t a h l i no. . o i l j,; ,
11..lIerntulit •
I to.rser,! , T J. Kline,
•, Ott a Rader, A
I flb t 048 1 16 I , ill'S)' , l '‘''''W ' i!};3l, i I + •1! I. i' / .•
tog 841,V.-Iwilel vaunters-ant:; PholVivg. At , •
al ore•rooin 4O Penn street, lately oCoUpled,Dy,,, ;
Lpwie Rohner, nearly as good as new, Vasa Do
Delight at a lbw figure, by applying soon at
Tel 181, , Ditaindavki I
•,.. , ,,,,v, .t• 1.3 , ;: : , t lc:: zr o ,it," 4
' • iii i -y-,... tity , .
L i
BOAS,; & itp..UDENIVUSH',"
Li ~ ,c gortion 4tkincsprg9e,Str l etr.;l.l
,tgwrm-risinbol,rArdonAth.wfts,Dept f ,:almo, , ~
THE , BEST:- ( 0111CAPIlierc`VAND 1 1131910 1 !/.
wiftre xispol OThilaildt is. We *WA.
Ine IN Oil hies or, p04.1‘141
pos el oir itt t opSwe tn et px• 1 4 4 44,
t•. to suit pnrotasoriwili.i- 1 ' °1 04 4 -Z 0-, 1 •
110.1. /30.48. GAO, W. BAUDIRBW3 4
• ob. 4-ttd
1 .:t? ~ ,,t) •idSOPICP, OF. liteitt c , .! "I -I , ltoi, •.r
I lam migbty in ttillek t ichwyti '; 0 1 " 2 il''' , - ) .' r,
Fiercely 010140 d by the brave,
iGlorious in the stalwart steamer, .
. 1 ,
,i,il ~ / f iikli ll Cl". P 9Mit n Nidslflt4. 1,,i'l
1 ;;?;i; illeahedorts in * Ste IfehOti toliblYeVl l '• 1 ' ', ; I '.
i Saving in thelorelewg rode
~,,,, ..1).:. • .i ',l ,
f . As It kluge the deadlylightning ,
1 - Quelled and harmless to the pod.
; . feiii i W hg kil ; 1•J II r• 1 I
t Jit)itli)4l4tlfaigitr •• • ,
r. ,1:. I Where l'ilike y githifes inrbi,
1 Giving to the Rana myetr Pi/ i; s' '.') +,
i' Sweetest aid, In danger's hoar. •
l i ' ", i l3 - e fh l e b t e g r afre fit= t l oi : 4....' , t
/ :1
r a 'god She:Tose of bee And a '1.7 r : it ` '' '''
. ; 'Peke tbe. palelt, Omar adt ( , ; 11, • ,', . ,
1 ply, dyspcipala I fly conanniption I •
• . Yea l ,ll/ lila are erne hod, at length .:
i! . .7•1f0r:1 givelliblit hthWah'itatillrgi , . ''" •
ii` .. '1 , egillit4l.or 4.ol4ol44.Vitexavitt . ./ r' ! ' ‘.
• Shall I toll in what g ree t dieene7 IJ; 0 , l ,i
i I can One your spirits cheer up!
, .., yal ild, t rota el I ng t _dying 0 alVrep i , ,
; ........., iFie the fani:ed "FillluYt * tic ' 97 " '
'.. ;
h tiPillY+l AN'S* A ;(%1 ~- i v it e i l ' , i c o r,. .
2' e . JAL. 1 ikto r i g o Woo, .
itthe Frotox !do of Iron, •ii esfil ve in ' '
edleine that strikes at the root of disease by
a pplying the bleed with its vital principle ar , i i ife
eirrAtottio I) 1 -, 4ii.,Lfi Wt., u:a. ~; ~., c .
/ Plh'ithrit.lfur.,PlrlrF All 8 7 ,1 itrRr:McrOkifiL 1. •
to Our. ! ,
iPatripmets rree: ....h;; - .. - ,l ai=l 1 - ;‘ ..%.,.
J. P. DlNflidOillf,'Proprietor,
, No Btl Del , St., New York.
Brillitlf,44RXl/111011144, . ‘ V:i.t. ft:,:'' ri f 'fill r 3 ',.d
Obi oititi ba*Alf?riK/4415.3 4 014 t*ii i nig ' t.
1 JO ' , i',l, t'l."
.1 1t to well known-that the benefits derived from,
drinking of the (Immerse, Saumrooa _end of 1 i r
eilliValltfuliktillickiftolila 4 llit kriv/ 0 8', : i • 0
I:NMI WAY oinn o • • {.l , t - , irtt 'Air i'il, 0•, , ,., ,
• 'Dr. IT. lit . ;vie 1;;4 *42 1 ~., . ; ..,, ~.,,. ..
Contains lodine in the seine 'pure state thai, it is
found in these spring *eters, but over 600 per
von, inmorglim, eontalningAlt door
ne'soiwtmelaidilonileeidlUfflk fel rare a.
r i liffhoui a Metal, t#4ollwOary} *ought
in tins eMintry anerkuroc, B aro le t e best rela., ,-,
edy in for &TO ula, Dower., &ZS RoYeuno,
Ulcers and ell (Aronio'D ea. circulars tree.
i J.
t , DIASIIOIII3, Prppietor, P7_ at l
~: T ,!. ..
NM 044 4e0141-b, allivireggistiw A lite 964 le
eta, }t ' ~ )1 - t.,CAt Warri 1 ' ,
:t..A.(lersigned . , appointed Vine Grant of Go:n
inon r of /corks flouhlyirdlt, the account
of : erg ,A4kuurvAmitto , ,,764,5tuus *fit.
Ilia ',Yr
tik igOtilingir - 43Pitt ( tfingv
remaining in :the bands of__ the' _ aselgne*. i _
hereby gives itotice that ho wilkkleet all per.
,v,:o Interested in .said estate. tha
(lattokirebr4olll*.ii i ' Iln She/after. , :
mu, at titi idlisa.
—ptu 134 Q ' " Jointtra
.1 o
ooui4 sciarooly
knpwlegjge of the
ovo owk
• i..