Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 01, 1869, Image 3

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    'lll4l DAILY
IMITION-111 1.9 Y. M.
Apornrcsuoth aro requested to hand in their
orertipement9 as early In the dity as possible,
.1 our rapidly Increasing
, etco , u t lf,t . trnr ri t r uf rupols u
in go to prey, shout 2
,cp4rjain , R , l Who
(t 1 rT
regularly, will 'confer a ravOr by leaving no foe
hi 110.1(46r, where all complaints of Irretalar.
Hy or latent:ter of dcllYpr ^ y n1) . 4,1r promptly at
tended to,
coo It NoAl , i9/4 3 iMe t tul & coy Asu), : s•vlovmvii
the I.Act.s most to ac 6 Co'fii anialby ti'responsi
tole h ainc, si guantntoo of sincerity on the
pact or the writer. The mono will., ri,ot.tstspqb,l
utiles. , so desired by the corrospondont.
Correspolulcidg should make their CoMMUM•
hllOit a n d to MO point, Our Atiacto is too
melted for V ncy ! WI% PAM% "A.l DAT •
Write only on one side of the paper, and as
plainlynepossll,lo, Without nourishes. I
?rms To fi.lbvicitinfrilino.
All eilvertisereents intended for insertion in
this IYSOKLY Ups ITTS Aso DiaitoenkT, l must be
liinded In before 12 o'clock on Fr 1447 ?, 0111001 W
tiler will be too late for insertion. This rule will
be strictly adhered to.
, Pri'M r
I,. ? LilOqt u y eVeny)g,
), at headri a or t . b . rtodrgan • • • 14.
ing °dicers, and make preparations for tho
spproitching election. Attend all. - Id
- - - •
lloxnfi for 8010. Apply at Adler of
Tug Court WPM f3look IsltOpPrld ] 011145
on account of tho driving sloot.l
I 1 1
s watclentootings in tho various churches
l o t n ight wero well itttoidod, tho sorvicos
being of an iniprossivo cliftractor.
nu: ea rriprii of Ibo fair° vii t l o 9 title
iled they relurritheir din n I RI& •Lb ir
patrons!, fur the k reception A , and the
“ilim»pv" given thew.•
PREAcIIIN(I AT Tut; ALUM llous}l.—Rov.
A. S. Iplulthich will proaoli at. tho 41Itne Jlbuge
on Suutblyi 'rho Dlroctorti nYo'rritiklrlgefrOtto
~ 1 .
to liavo pronelting ovory Kuntlay.
•- - I
Tun entployom of tho .109/43 roWni p h IX
mineoro tlutuks to. Eq.; fo tb•
rollulon morvotl up by him 1111811 ton boy
wll4ll ilitt long lifo and If ypy No'w
Mu. Jowl !hum, of lAnctistor, died' fit DAV
elty, on tho 29th Iti no of hW
age. Ho was the father of olir,',6l)l i ttit. 410,
(doomed elork of 8?loet Councito: B.
ON A ItiliAwAY. 7 4,l,4sliwzgilng a
four hormo tomn fitart nl on ill1)8WRY 1111 1 0011?
Kireet, but fortunntoly tilt) batik° Was' pn, And
tlio wol . o emnurod hoforo thoy 'got fiiirt.
ly Marled.
~.1 ~!
hum Conamn of Eibarruntim,—Tho Wading
Library Company hdo;ullovirigA fro° oourno
of locturom their hall, during the proment
winter. Tho Apst will ho deliverod,Hvit}o,llo9
lu the month of January,
, • , • o‘;
Norm; lout a "Hlippory time" getting hand'
from the watoli wootings, .hud i •plahtp.l Who
streets ate l tholaidowalka One° itA Einlooth dm a
Wo nottedal gait° a number who canto
down, Ina • 1 , 1,1
• s •
Horitobb'n OnottkwertA' 7l
wore colour/ding
NOW Ytair's ovo by soroancling different par
ilea twit night. Viol*. WW1() ,Attractod Um at
tention of litany a pammer-by, who lingorpd
amino to Ilitott to Ito9holl' i s doLototts ntrOps.
Tat: city of Bunton has a dotootivo whoso
solo 1)114100M IS to 100 k after the thilives who
moat 11(fsrspapers from doorstops. Wo think
Reading should support mitob an institution,
for wo aro complained to altrapst Torrday i. by
parsons who hays mutiloted.'" A it as
I)owm.-I , :arly this morning
NI sign of ' , Thomas Ott", 11,Ittors, tit front of
liquor, store,tiothOt• Or Fifth and
Pena stroota, was blowntwil l , :010 ltorticti.
It fell against the windowtitt•bt'dkb otakif thd'
hugs lights. In this east), !!'.l;hors Cat" got
his bark (been. • • • 1 11. I
- - • ---
Nr: %JILT AN ACM tniNT.7.l(mit a4 IVA) iiloll woro oxainining a pistol hi a saloon
op !own, it wan noOlouhilly dhichnrgod, tho
commits taking, Qfrgut iikhll titotiAtitht a few ,
Indies of a man who was shilng
,at a tablo.
PorAoli4 o4inponn,7lto4lc bow/Pug
thoso deadly weapons.
,T 1
W c are pleased to andou T noolliat the 4 'Head-
log itlannerchor" Nvill givo n Concert this
evening at lillftery, 1411, ;'rho ItilowtVADOto
o( this orgattization, , ever estimated for talopt,
will, we doubt not, attraec; s Igo 53104,
our tierman friends, 'and Others; Neil' I
promise themselves a rich trot.
_. , _. A
v ' .', , . n 'i 4 ,
1 I yintl .
.iiVWITIikTANI)Iii(I th,,extionto .no eu.oney
of the weather, the good old Kniekerbocker
eustonvq( tii ak lug' NOV, l r eikelf :Califs Is, l b§ pr g
eitensively kept tip In 'this cityto4lay. Tho
banks and many of the largo manufactqfing
establlshitiont4 are cleled s and tip ,filaY,.;•lti
Pretty generally being kopt as alto lilaY. ~,ii
flout 'OttrAli'S 4 o did' t0g1i..,0 _ r of
the be:tillers In our prim pal hotels havo 1 to:.
lv suffered from tho detredationl, o
ol,h, til .
thlovo. Boarders at ho blsi oaniaot
emeriti in securing
,thoinclothinwand r
alu -
Nes train tho grasp of theke 11644111g° ed in
dividuals. Tho hotels- of Aanr;••neighbotitig
cities era Ilk ;Mee Infested, ;': ' ' , .'"l ' '' ''' '
Tat; Li.; It •as booli'sata that lifeiis ate l a
vestibule, and ag ritoVo through it wo.tivt .
Ito cortainty at what I mouiortt 611111Itrilt.ri
will bo (lotto. ' Our ptittehOtigA oh'oart . ao t r.,
Journey towards the groy n e, I}Uo 4 lq PaMINt ,
what or whera will bo Our stopping lace.''Eo
day tiro goo out friends in ilbalth4-btolwrot
w 0 hoar of their doeeaso. True, t t4t
"I,lfo is but vapor."
.. , ~
cur, ICHw YEAL—Onco more '46lfoivip
e"ino 1110 'Now Yekr•ln. 'rho Old ' Tait went
cat in rather a litoritiy mood.' ' Old Father
'Pinto, Perhaps, was angry ht seine of his chit.
Ikea for their oomittet during, tho past 'Year,
hisice his ilisploasitro, in idatislng.;t to rain.
Rut, novertholCs.s, lot US all turrt ovor a now
leaf mai resolvo to do bettor , thoi oonitig
Year. We wish all °Ur pittrims A r kiti - Pli,r ROI
Year. . , i ~,,,, i 1.1,11 .‘“), ,
4, 1 ..,,.,
.1- ,i ,:t ) (. .11 f• it
I , al.*'.'s , If
CI l ict•mcisios.—TTil l ay 18 CINIIIII9IVI
foist celebrated by tho , ChtiVelit'ttrebltiin O
rate the active ol2edKilePtiltTrP ristii; °
fulfilling fill Agliteousnoss,w i e a mifiranct
cf. the meritorious callati bf our rodomptlon ; 1
,tilunt()lciti)o.itishaett I tro l lits b aMett a tt a t . g abAs v' tVtrtn r,°alnnd
putting us under tho graco of the Gospol.
'rids festival is called by squao•thO OOtsvo of
I liristinas, hut by most ~peoplo New-ilta,r's
Day, as bohig the [lna day of tho yoar.'Y ' '' 1 -
Pohici: AFFAlRs.—l'ittrl94 - 41oppenr wiF
out celebrating Now Year'g trio lAsit biht. '1
drinking the healths of a groat many peopl ti
o Artonius Word, l'atrlck 811040 Y VW°
his own. l'attlck booarne drliik , 444 31 el
disurderly ;In fact, it wall a teguliti Id
I"benzine explosion" with him. Patrick was
riaging in tho ~Isfew.,,llrettr gwith tlioo_ lad
fteers of a N'OrY ' disooidant f tiatitro k hada 80
Patrick has stentorian lungs, which, howov r,
Were not in tun* this this .elOtatildn. At last
°Meer Schroeder, of the 3d Ward came along,
and through his, ,mognetio Influent* droitt l
Patrick down to. the •Station rionAoo ta
Patrick In peacefoteltimbeis (it 'hi pgsl4 , ' ,
ao at least) spent theflrpt.part of tlAilt a f v, )
'ff oiloo
In conshioration or this' bolog 'td Pot , , 444`
111 0 Now Year, Mayoi ()emend jbenevolenti
disosod l 5 he ,Invarhibly PO I 4 4t pop*
oix DY P . Aying 81.25'044k r Ail' 1 - (lA. .
1 ~,, " 41 , 4-.1' t . 1 . ,, '
,• • c',' t .1
Ir 1, 1869.
Tun NNW "X 'pm 1004erpd I_4*lmid.
plght by thee. : . _ bt ithilb4ilbi brig': Whim's
lv l rm • 1., •: ; : i t il at • •
i l A, l inti
It viCliSo us . h . oro • In bytho osfO • • g niilso oi
gull A tilible;Ait* 'Th'' the \ bailloPerVer , the
even ng,l , rplacenAcOrkt. Rionti Cv00,4 ,wma.
ll: t ' lr ilt7 t itpt. l o44/6 4 .
H 8 v i, . , , i
air 14 ? ,,,,. (i tkit
c i t ed lit,' Yu• P tieti r all;isi 3 / 4 4ihii i )iChtirthech °
e / r , tprowded94w,gationwe!, profat c
Nv rossmn , the 410101IIOf
aro tho strostarlescre ells& until taldnlght*lth
I l i a Mlec4 tt r Ti.l).fl'imo t c . ,t i ?.7/o, l ,oro„ii i ivut ,
~,,.„; , i , ,.ii ••,.......4..„6,....4,....,,,,.,,,,,,,,..,, ,
Ilraicthoiro Orirt, `-i,VI - : ; 1 erV3T,
E.:iii itteorgliti? 9.
the, oF W , ~Oe mir xere t. •.• e I tifoctbb,
on&tmwterkri 111• , ,I, To i, ~,,,, , 40 „ _.,„, I . : , ~„ ~;:,,
neilloVal. •,' II 'Greehleikti .: 3 7:- 1;) , -
110110 , tr..._Wd ...•••1 ',t` ' 4.: - -41,:i.d. o f f.. po:w. o ts,, ,
0•x1.,4t et4ii;
Ta • , Io ean 4
P o lA ,4 rtrr;•o.rino valao Is,
R. . . vilegl•st. AVE. ziels!9tV 3 / I .l.Charleot
H., . , do „..?,,, , ~ , ,•1 i I (ri , ;! ~ ~' ~',••41 ,'-‘l , O 4 ~i.lj
. 18 !MYPTIM ' r P r l l 6 . ''',
. 1 iii ,t4.
Altypbmalift In 10,be .hirlieki h iP o ,4or,el l
&SAM* Atip 44200raiNg;t0:110/11re,i
Nam omPito dam : .). , Dapietzruarhu l / 2 ,
%g 1 yp oto ~ . trt 4 tibbn tWciazet
mid ~ • •. : ptiti , . 4, 0 ft tron ,
snail vir o Aeb,e, , a Appgonnt .el p. 9 Wee
and le , rehediof . 'UM elites T. 11 8 r‘ChOli
up w
.iiitti, ' e ' loweit ••' bx e 14 ! ) ceP ) % br
;, rc r 'oja ... ',ir •F . it it p • cO d Air I r l l 7
.4C) ~ ‘.. 0,,, , • : ,
~.. A., IQ it ,o,r, lt,
I:., 4 4 ~ ic;',1144 .. •rta, i ttrt, • • Ole . 10P !
0•. al ^ tilWii from, tbe UAW I partial), von •
i n ...u nm a n opuitito r ou t o ij n• (i, I ii Ltd . .") 1,1.1 11
6I(1 na,,r,,,i I ~u , hot , if , i. , 1 , , Wc—.1.1.1&34i,
Al t i l ' Ir. ti 0 1 0 4 1 0tittdif i
' . i %ea 40 " T• iNil 8 41*Oit.ik.t4 . 1
h ' SEEM • , J)) ii iii . trare i ai3)so
e t upon man fort • oat yo al the r wants..
T • ey ehouldtbe real ffeiliArith a variety
0 frootliand4bele roots .kapt scrim:dowdy!'
olMikit ill: theylhim/liiirnk gnaOrs o'r As Arun!
ocilYaki gotiipbtY, vilbvf•tddy be bet , 901 ~ , • ,
the , 0ttixt , 9,14 1 4% epi jp4o.4qo4o• i ltit 0 J
f 01kowq, 1* ppayl eg, if 1 ,J.yeu,, yr Ave ,
e .i.talha , breedinglbirde fibpuld now,,be lae.
1 tod ,for all kinds of poultry. Old , tootle'
H oAldbili:t .. : , tiiittAl' Ur/toys. oritwte,yeerxi
01 ar o '` ' tAtt(irtklimv 3co,4Pg J.:mm( 1 '1)10
hnv,94 1 3*,,WMP,f,4 6 R0t . 1 0.4trA t !ig'q
pan e ,.k , IDA trtln II ,lit., i f i li,, ‘,/,a H; , i, . •
L nitukis MENTrons.i4tappy-P,Tow 'freak- ,for
all. ~1 rip, 41'14r, Is' ',4 'ALOItiY . ,TeIRO:" :.Ikilt ,
hhit it
'VI ,fro= pm ik' ) li , i tre rli ttkir .. , *l9
8 -41,1- ii. "fg . e (y. xiarrt
froonorrow.tal I ntain an 'Milne , amount,
o reading mattor.--4 1 9tiok of a wlfo'A is+
n t always the diiAli , diuilfablo• ' , id' doncioatio
WO. 'ilihedmicy, be , a "Wick un."• , --4L , ..T%V0
yb,tl,(llf lb eil l woo'fikkiik akee'O)Oltthlti 0041.
ikt, gti;io7+ , ,-,i—mOtst:a•Of tii o PatltCW) ll ?rl
4 tykerphi u0.p1am111,461049),'..ti-ri- 7 9 uow9-
paper r.arriereare in their' glory t0wday......6.0.,
There is' a man ittto i rrsordelllng axes,' a We ax''
h! raid Iv' 'h' he, 1#01:1,0 : 11 ‘ ,A04,0itt)
vioil t f /40(010,410,, I,iit , Or atoqr,..r!, ,W 6 rat,
gll. . Ofiribtax opt* Osiy, aimir . 40pi.;04p
zone will profit by the hint—after tun float,
snow OtOrMe----45 . 111b r , Wittall 'meetings wore
Irgely Attspde4 hop night,r , rrr-4191+ 1 4 AO
woule4 ktee,eaell other, ,, fr oin .:foree o ,:habit. ,
We' think"ii ilea , habit. ..they should i break
tlelfftlitetra"tr l o l ) tolli, tl'Hoo ' truth of waste .
"ri ‘ t *f.t.ifiittbiiiit ei --irAdtchts*Vh Ar,o Joo n
reit Yin netb 'Phila *hi& to bUy• - ,eprfug,
goods. 11. lady w reoently..expreSsed , tho,
opinion that editors have a dWgni in Vlaolng
n allot . reports under ?)?erriege,uotteeti. • II:
t O thinge7l,Y git. wAtsTirist, A
1 Ifdd'Upnif , ogtially,
s suggaa v0. 7 -r,..- pi
I rgo loooinot vo, tit...1.414 p la t laid up in tho
a op for ropaira. ' '
i ~ k . ' .
~ ..i f j : • 3 2 .. .... 7: 1. 6: I • t; 1 1 , •
,It .1 y 1 • ‘ ~;.:
ti • i ' Vutitaitii..44 ` hei ' ollowingiliit of letters
rithain uncalled fork:Abe /leading Poet Office ,
J nr' , l:,; 11. • , Teieeue': s oulgltig • AUr "these
lattisol4l 14an'tripplOroliat . they, ira,•a:
vaithed Iva o Daity.,..441e.,., it., i ..1,:‘ , ::',. , '.i,
,•,• • ' • . LAILitW 1 1 TIVE. t 1 ) • .1 .1,
1/ 1 1188 i ? opPYA : da r Vo. /ill', tipsannaliAlthatip9 ;
Mr o, O.' aontel,' po. M. IltiokWalter, Afra.,l
Mary Ann. Drown, - Miss 4 . : Caldwell, ~ Idre.
8/trah Craig, t4racot ._Darling, , Mrs; Catharino .
l i t
Fryi , Rntilb qr th A B9Eip,porl,t, Oblgdr, is%pe ri
1 i d 4 t 4 4 00" i ti lT 4r d rg ° NitittePirt ,
e___, „,
,_, 1.. mak
iyulawly Alba luyvventgen. , r 0 0 , r , ' , , lt- It) • 'ft.
1 ' !:t i ti 4 t i . " ( 1 ?, : ', .. " 44 / I :CfP' g 0 04 : r p; ' ." l : '' ' Ii :
i j
( Y. I
(iosett Aloright ct 04:0._, 'Will ant Jtioxinueri .
AIN Wain J it, J. , 4 . Blttlhie,) , Nobh , Willha, , '
( ) TAY! Th i o)ilhirfp' 4Yer#i t A 3 PrY4,rAXII,ht.
1 1 01 ., 4 # . I W; V!, 112_4,11 o t t.„1,041,,,,01 kit, 40,,,r.t. 15 3 ,144;4'
14.`..erouoriotc,A91.1111101l4' IX,. 3.4%00 14 01A011,
Potor Ocadhart, Vol. John.Hata,,lt: At: Hulk
W. Walton Harper, Chas. R.' , Keeh,i i Henry (
Soudan, DavidKllne,' JO F;3(otpllri Stophon
Icnitu7, NVitil o artip:iyhatelt,' Lie , lid ,h n t for,
1 ttergnoli k it 4 evei arios'a'AC 4 o:.THr4lll. ll e g r ' ,.
1 en; Maprer, iiin '4! . en elf; -_01) 4 . l'H.
eti oivia.flv.' 1 ,Ch •' N, OtO f t t it:( 2 ),'
co lAelp,h, ./Alf ' 9 ilitii4 EhMOI )1 1 07
dor, i.'W: &MOST& Uo4 olin iiirlltt / ohni
11.)1111pottaistioseph H. flootb,John•Jvtieholli It.' ,
Ww &Mel; Samnel"Slovi h, tW lltanv Scott,
AhVglihr)o s Wll4 o .Pl"Oiiq, LYM Ihiii,slititi f i
WrelGl,ti l .$40111..1}„ ,
_,O:ftti i 4) ; ' Idtit4 `,1. 0 .1;
; it rfe11.t44.§.4,4111 11 1, WitY,il.soh.4get,,
an AlitiViO.Kerget It ?ft , )Nsii Y'' gltliiil f. I -hi ;, J , I
010141,:1..10., , : , tr.1 .t , viiiri , , 0) , vl/:,11,..,, / , i i
1.. • -
~ _MP44 • 'r( 1 r i
o le
.13-ititta Ulgcnt.)
IT'ketr::4- - .ReKrk . l
Il noticed In your oXeollent H 04101', the Suggb
t on that*a Stook Company should be formed
f rAIIV biltpefiettf btillblidglaloirblidhialltiri dig"
t oatro plan, for thtYttdeohnitbdation of a great.
Want now bohig felt by the oltizons of this '
flourishing ol It is a good suggestion, and I
I for ono, will übseribo my namo to such an
o torpriso. Ihope you will thoroughly veni
t late the subject, and I hope many will bo In.'
duped to take It undereonsideration, and make
up tht:+ir mitiditoltike up the' projeothrld push
it through. ENTERPRISE.
Life in the Country.
Lifo in tho country in summer is ex,tromely
delightfal. , You may cast 3rour,gyps In what
eyerdirectienVou'ivatit 't&—hotO and •there
you will moot law fields of grass and grain.
Tho grass ready to be penetrated by tho
scythes of the mowers, and after your hay is
put away, your grata is ready 'to be gathered
into tho barns ; or if your barns are not capa-
Ole of holding all; it will havo to ho stacked ;
and after harvest, your ground will have, to bo
Anoltati id pkoultalidlii ;for lYbitr 3 ilextUschiPio.!
What a floe time you have hi the country,
going for refreshment to the spring-houso for
a glasti of pure milk,. which you can hardly
over got in a city ; for it is generally mixed
*lth water... Then whenTailltomes, yoxi • Can
ge.oa,t and gather, , shellbarks, • chestnuts; &cm
'ollie igeo,the seasOn that farmers gather In
thpir.opplea and tnaltO oldor , for , the,. collating
'winter Then *hen winter acmes, flud. like;
titt is.C2vered with snow, prevonting thew
In in IV thifig In the . ilidds t we, find,
,the littlie barn, throehing krpl . n, or
in'efidlhg fa ening intpletherita ' in
• preparation
forth stirthriftitk. •u is Mat) ouatoinary tb
fixikpion a htoextiootilight" Medallic; 'the big'
wood sleigh, had hook hi two of the thrtn ,
horaea and take a, partyof your nojghbota out
for. a alelgh fide to !owe friend ' s house,' li ving
3 fliyi popes itiyiiye yborti,yon, rooolyq i,refreeh l
wont to the way,of soma ird cider, and ,# .
Mt .Put will All the pvii , n i , iy,l9t . m :ft 1% , 1
a 0 to Piots' away; and Bp us w,111„ ilia, t o,
appoaranco. In the spring t you (old ' h 'r
the sweet warpAng of the , birdp. Vegetation
again sprhigii i'o4h IA gretit," thf itan,opi 1 The
farmer inakes preparations to pu In the sum
platiffiOnt)l3ll4l testa I /cWia him. , :, il;ii ~ ,
Te (.5,1 1 A D o;' it
YOCiat.—ln thla city, on the 30th of.Dccombor,
Bunn Ytkaols 'Yocum anti ditutibter
of John Treat, aged 20 yoara, 10 'months awl 12
days &1 , atit. l, l l 4 .1,1
L it
Laiii.ryksplol,4lCipflysq l BROblclor iFtaw-
Ter or l'hysician. "Swat floor, ituintrO at AU
todrtattoet: • • 1 . " " ' deo4lol
? t; --77 # ) ; 1'
V Oi l 1 . aye. o
with. fohlr o .dfy 6. tt, oriels •
Mplf r o s p 4 4= 14iy e dorlo s z o zo l g r o:f t
64 :400 1 ) 1 . 1 4WW[PFIgett. ~C ia and iwo:. ,
I ,;;,., ; • • . 4;1
PO D OVRIBB fOr - 010 UrkeLli. .
• •:7.1. •
. e
%Tr -- ---:- -
/11 ril 1
" 1 4 94"wesotini r i im, .00;giii41 4 4 - 1140090 ffe;
,u ta i rtria anV
' ile t
uouhanged. Trade is very-dorma nt is all de,
paiiments, but 1 g 'Mehl' ibbiliditiaovtb l eiffairs
: 41 " 10 44 1 4fir $44, weg,k. ' oil IL) , fr,
- Thalitistnees at the. BLook.l3Mird teitterdlir
agortifiti wail small, ae• there - woe but fine sge•
simi, , S4SloyerameU,t . iminii wei.6 'birch* at Wed.
,Reeditre qud a tat,tea.... State loan* we re ,Oteadt
witictho Bab* of the'firat wise at 10601001. CI _
I ,ol4o7 . ciaOptik Mete filAiitibt3C):l !ox •.. ,r.fs
,",Ue4fdluit. pal ii . osut , ertosedi , vory 491 at:' 49.
reid4l 4 4alailaVlread was firm iiti' 4 ,..,.A
CatM449l 4 atii, Airebokl,tallTead,iiit. iii44.l taw
cltailrbad advanced te4l2q. • ' '•' '''' " 1 ~,+•r , ••11'i
'•;) 11 / WA
•1; . .* : 4C4ii i.. ..4 10 . / 4 ' 4 14 ,0 11 .ii.444P404. P* 4 4:
theie wes,ilumilteBl4. ..; , ,-. ' ~.)(,), . ‘1.1• ..) 'bill . 1 h• :I
atembeng ik p#o.otio - „ia.iiS 'ei )(ttli Arm*
't,,, 1 v." - ts.. I. 'Vlte /WHOM* l' ',' , W xnc , ).
Q., 1
...)., . ) . •.' , A + - A , ALs)ssizmif,Sau,'"4 , llll,9‘.;'l
f.. r,"l '..:10 , 1, .• I
•P. i- 11 , .• e:'.•, 4
i eng : ! ' ' ll WO Plt4,; ' ,,, !.••••J 1 '
Cm / '' '• - - •ti rlit,
o t w t ;t ; ..,:,$.. ~! , 1,.,,, ,A 4A la V, lit 4.) l,t .1
c r . 1.44 n I .: . I.l'L .)1,..,.T.10‘ , 1.:11y.fl 1•; J .
1 :i .
I 1
141: ;166 65 44;.i.
II 1 . ..,, ,
dleße.l , • at Dupe:4 4t . f1i.,., .1h
• :7- 1 4 .7M TT'''. ' .1 % ' 7-77-'
. ,
Tan d Qmet l Artnou p 4044341 , 9/4
t * rikhatiA s l lo44Ciitag - et :la :I
y„Alet, ttOtrl
49 brut hai 41#4:4;
In Hinsiileßew,lgimv.orot beew gold ob.t $11.111114. •
44'1 faircaAlivakoll,oftlfrifiltititArtt "StfilOS l :y
4:1140A0RW*04 4 4.:',.;:0.ii
wa was mitt te I _,
.:f „vi.)•;+):1 i• .All 4. Sc,',./ ~y 1( .0!ifi811/0,f
, -
: T ...1 r; 1 -,.l; . tifi
r lipi k . ,
i lly pi. _
' 1 N 1 hiladelphlivtlatkil IN akrfitlll4oWln
. thq i
:il hi a A nd fb , "3 L " ri. VM7794 4 11k 4 / 1
"P"tvr:l ' v hd rYNT FP:► Mll Ili% Win W..:
iiiicos o . •4itno! y are n g initial, %%MO lattEil
ittly 1 4114 L iitanitflot rip! •••• I Olt e i tolp66l l *
aV tit* 64 psfelstltitim. , 4j . 'IN .:16t451i Balife sqf,
forgo At VII per _ton, wltbout flndble Tauter& -,..t
Ilo' V/0111''ilarkki econtln ntW'tlJt • Milt 4;istie)
* . 1 . 1 4Pitg l i!Ati l tAMPgrtieql„rf fiF4l l liitiint att•)
Ipqrtlno. Ali oaf Ni DO barrolo NO bartdialotvh,
trpokonglic mid 411131 nosettillxtro.Vattil1i'ittlf 4 25'
,0e I. to% buirctic FOXPialiValllll • dtto Q. On ilbotob
I.lins i 200 barrels AOloer.Ohloßdo. do. at $106;
10 ,54 , And AooY.loll* 011. 1111613. i 400: bitprible 4,A,
itlour 8614 itt47 7608, InetflinNpli6 l ,lo;cA i tkee4m,
1', 43 0 1/ Lert i 99 l 4 °l C.,, l #A ? 1 ,0t 4 / 1 4110 1 . l ithfirel ' l el '1 ; ' .1 i
,) he wheat in artiet'is 9 pllouil price are are fully
(lilt( per bushol lontr, :1,1qUof)1000 busjols good
4d prime Root it 01' I P 2, and 400 bushels No. 1
Tiritg.ats4B9: I 40911 1 41410$1141dettrb11131eveolbAki
vpo. The receipts of Corn bavo fallen off and
e market is 4411 Wolff afpottorn t 80Q
~ aceordini4O 4lfyofs;4loo6 b oft; kite
at 86®870.; 1,500 bue,hple old,XiAloir, id, 51 10, and
kiln dried Wosterneatiooo %Oath htti steady at 74
076 e. for
Western; l poo bushels black do. sqld
4 M
0t: ''r . 1 '-' ".' 1 ' I •,,': r'" , :fl .r ., Plamii , o• )4 , , i
.. I Vhisky—Thq domapp, is 10444., tilnAl vales
, itt! al 02 0 1 (: 1 421 ;v 1 , b4 ipa trod Wind Otakigos.
i. APoiiirß(rif,cl l3 l , l,l i 1 . t.
white Wheat Plour per WA., $l3 00
.4 i ti t s: ;-• ',', l i l i .) Pi l S t i l ilt.P9V,Y P110). 1 1 1 1-, .77,1 , .Itg3 J i
~c rn Chop (old,)
, 1
, )1 IV .1 InG l 4l/ . ..ii.t.r..1.,:J...1.4X.e.3.1/...1...1L-AA..,,1i1 85 t1t,
rn (o ld) , 1 85
' I n0W).1.4.....1.4.:A.,a..Ar:..13.a...11:411.U...t1.6.1,10
Best 3 iddlings, 180
Cemeaon„ ~'.4.4.1,:.t...Ut.0../../.4./ '- 1 00
'Bran 40
,tm.'r lBO
'White Wheat p0ri1nahe1,...;;•4 .41. 210
',cl it ‘II If
':ic t s , rrnii
( (:::: e ll w o ) ••••it i. ..*i .. Tifq.....;pitm.::T.T....-1 200
-- --' ------ ---
Coal Market.
s',' gaud IlrOften Coal, •,„, , 7 - $7 00 por ton.
ovo. - ~ - - 1 - ":" - • 725 "
6 25 111
f l id: . i ' Alt ',''''' ( 1 . ; 4. ,' , )' 4 0..k `, l ",v !I :". 'AVM ~ l, til li.
,• tuinineusCoal ' i '' • ',- '• ' .; 2501,8.111)u
if -4----- tV f --- i - t=tz -- " . ±'"4l-'-07i - Iro -- --1-.414-ti-4 , 71
:- i . ; tome markets.
•/ 0 Lou it.—:44l 614 mite s 4telru9 l- iiin "(441 . ' i o,
al thoptederit, l biltifilid'iltfrand f .Rush Id
MA hicreamo Within pll3, 10Xt,, 1:(001Ci 01 1 4,Y„011 i DO,
Coiiiiii)lloit' ' ld ' iiiitele'o ' ff. There ' iti no •deinttnir
other than lex: immediate tortio,trade,llllictris •
i lkon in small quantities. People hold back,
Still hopi„ng th*t flolit hvill:(16011tio;1 7:'
aitiN.—Not muoh grain is brought to this olty
p' the farmer/1, 1 80=40f thO , ttails boirigli ntbn-'
11 Lion that will not warrani a saf,o,tomey o rith
h ) load of er in: Joe Wiestoin grain %vas re
p Wed ye.stll . .. at ) , *h h indAtly.takep, iiio glace,
o gtan'n6He elneconverted lad l fidtte. 4if th'et
i !
d 1 ifIllu"T ‘ntii hug thprofwgi bp 1111
ahu du ' o f ‘Ol ea In 'this obulitri, Allibli
AvAll havo to bo sold Ot t o fikt4l;,4ory low figtiros,
, 1 ' order t,o,trat Wihto,ti . iiil)RarkPp- , ;1 , •1;;.:
e t AY. —liiifoloads of. thS+ Werdtitofight to ' this
~1 ty yipstßrOpy - 0 e fikrnlersitcylp llirp iptpp pc.
An edge° kioldittbiaho of it Alio, foui Idatd4 hi
looso straw. lHayop,splpi at $1 1601 por ton.
':'. i MirirEn.—TlpS Wail (4 bytt lN
phia and New York has somewhat fallen off, and
h uq much is IcriMl Vic 'riMtillti :Ofilealers hero.
bro ma be a declin e to note in a few daq i
'T o IMovbrOi/Aou( 4 • itors {OOl ,
s flirt, lit, tho 'fili } fply'lliay I ",..,' great or
the domandi aui1'...h01,4 1 9 .tip redatltioa map take
piano. It now sOlis in some of the stores on Penn
.stri.6t; iti 4411 leciiii: , 1 . 1 •': 1 ) c•I ;.'• '.i 'x, " ) t , 'j
lin 0 1h—tega. 6 904 1 : PP en •At cop a. i• iit i
i• 1 n r1 11114 deil ia l" PRlAlgtePl• • .it Itti s' A , .
, ; . 1. •
THURSDAY, Duo. 814-5 MK. "
Cotrox,--There is no ohatgo to notleo 1n jiriber
,WeinaM.l ; ftbont 200 babe of, ;1¢141.4100 gill4 r *
lOts_at 2S@2( q. per lb. for Uplands and New• Or-1
loans,•,A • . i•. t , T,1 , ,
, ~
I.oinotsun.—Tho market contin,nes' driil l 'ilni.R,a
o crude at 210. in barrels, and standani white o,V
30qe. per gallon, on tho spot. - !'!••
kinoosn►ss.—Wo hoar of no sales of l eitherSie‘
gar, Coffee or biolagepp.vo;tby 14)4 nope Cr-• ; ) f
i Reading Housekeepers' Market.
)BUTTER•--Fresh dairy, 111 lb., 50
li Lump, ri .
ns i r-qhise til l b., J 1-0 • 41 " 44 11 0 1
iIAPOOIIid ibO y'' I • a'. t• •I: i...y. 4....1••4`.1.2
11008-Eggii doman, ' 45
AP ri,Es-lApples tift peek, 20@30
; it, pried I*l (mut ! 12 .
1 tl.iseutliss-r • ,"? • - ;Ib.s . 1 4.1 %' s • " . 20' " 1
1 liteler--lleefsteak, roues]. 11 b., '2O
111 II Et itiOnp " . •213
ii ritnl6 l , • . 3 1 20
i IS
fl " 1 eat roast, II 18
• le Beef dried, is ?A
I " , Veal t;utlets, - St 23
)II " shops, is
I" Dutton,- I•1' ' ' , tk' •••'t 11 3 46 ,
A i i , f4„ ~ ~,,, ~. , Il I. it 6..........7.v.ta1harDt0
Btealp ~0 .1.1., 11 ~ 1 1 (. .... 'a w
, is
.a , ; 1 14 U ngb I lt l it ed T ri ' .1."1?tt....10 2 5:.
4 t 8
1 , 4'04 4 •e i 1
4AMB-4ltking, I ti
j l4 '! • + Mooed,' • I ~,' •. • • at: • : 1 ,, ~.,-..., ," 1
'bluetit:J:lEBs-- is . ~ ,,, , .L.:, 'A A ' '
:81.Dnii .... . 4 . I .* A I ' ... 1 . i.41::114;.4.:20 ~ ' 4
,Rouvrity-Chlekens live, (4
~ i1 ,,,, JA. ,r '1
Ili „ P 1„, , P. . . 1 4/ .1 .. t
Turkic% livel • ,' A l . '' ) .1,„.. ' 6 ~'
, ! CI " dressed, " t '..4: " .
1 • 1 ., g , 1!•';
• , ", , , Chickens ill! 1 11 .Pr , '"' s-t•••••.l..l 6o aig i dal
Polatbed r bsisliel; • '
,!2(chP Ilr'; 11 :0 1111 7 I "Frkrit' : l'AlOt*A"' r -
t .r •rt. , :tr..)0 , 4
r' •
1 , o , '
I.c. )
: '
.i;,tO ‘ '
i t
, r 114 I L a . A
'1 :
D,k r t .. .
.s/4./., N
ig• . i
1 1 u . ! .
1 4 ia 1
, 0
o 1 i
0 or c
1, , :,: t ,
, i
)I.J VO„,p 4:4 0
ezaucAcu 0 M
.Pl.r j?. ( i,41
13 '01 1 0:0# . .' 14 ,t0 . ,X 14 0 7 **' , 414 1 i i i4A.V:
Also t _a lamamprtpu)nt pf TOVA
t; Ait
eres • usgdy , napketit flifileett PAW totitlp
mint 6114
rvitir#4 4 o
" cdo .13.1 IVA r
1 , 1
:10 ill ' r .V)11,
- )11ANIVATA;), if I
Daily Review 44
Fl ip .l*.t 111. f
11111 Yr? I .1..1•Fi..1..)
6 r iti, iir c . _., A ,.
4. , V,' , . . ili 4 1 mi•
ii°NW 1. 0 .14,... 4 f' ' ~A 1. 1 Aiiiihrfor. etli
Willi R.WWWI I .- . ' .' ' - ,t1%7 arta A .L.,61
-Deal -- - .104q11 etas !Mr, 0417441
7 AL
rs d' 4 tgiw; ll / 1 . I()( )1. .itf t, 1
, w i u _ Il i
. .. it Ife l iff i il , :l ilsolti lo va i mity 4to gizz i L I
lehtuid .• . . .
((v/ -- —0, 7 .U.1.C11113:1 11'1:1;-.0
EXEMDER the Peak Family to-night at the
, tone Opera House. Go early.
. 41
" nEET . A py __ sii. - _
d iii 4 ii• liiii7Witomil4 Bi
tieh ono resolve for himself and herself that
1 , tter use of time sp4l ( pppOrAnHities will be
tercide during the Nigir"Yeart, than has boon of
MO past, Have any boon; taltravligebt, or In.
diolous, Lui l lole • t, t ri teirr*t 4k . u ' " I :i l p 3
lible, form' sip ii at e w, stejh ,
, *
shall' noeha 1• I u rl tbo eta'. . •
1. - 1 •, •ii , )4',..•••,••i• kif44l-41)ni.m fl 4 Pt. Finn
....* 1 1 11 .'er ..;:', : : . .a.,143h . a . . , ht
tht. 5; - i l aI• ' P. WM* .'q ~ :. ;fr. ..!
i t
I ltio m 4 tireat On' ( :th*tliii 2 •'• lit • 'o'
paoious mosses of a oonvOnlont pocket.
~Tho ladies, not being so wpWit4RPAlteltzwluk
<potshots, either enscence theft. littletender
digits in a miff oelildbilitibtflol the folds of
t h t i b d .. ir -RIPMIP•n4A9 041PAng AMR gig •s t f. /
--1-- , • , •0 .(...m.l:a 'id I .1.7•4 E• 11.1.1 , ..-.)1.. off - 1;6).
i1.n.),1 niptat 1,—.1,4111ni i t , !i 11 . A l c• oihe:‘ 1.;4::
'L' I iVlllllELlort"diarremog-Ndmitiisoip
'CO the suggsePon 0 tin EvangelloillWll4,'
,wi i bo oWitbd%Yloilakisllkitls WA laidlbiiii as
;a, sok fu ns prayer. " .
,v tli Ateltiqf tbeilfttOrtaleihlalelt .. 0.
4 ° Nlrou d t t r m il reNt lif fli Ab dBa irrpeste f. o49 ll4e r. ch i 1 ' ' i
X ice out, and attend the several meetings
toitalllllielkild'ai SkiroloogolibhlittehldOW
4 1 the places indleat i qq t t ore (A the
'Churches In wbioll'ltre rificiti'7llbetin; Will
ihfe held Volexpeottid In tideettlia. Igo toll eibbyr
'W In Molt Vespootivo churches : . 11 ).'"u 4 or“) ,
eotictai,'Xanuary, 34.--:SerinsOns II the Pas'.
tots. Subject , : "Prayer and m tives for
; United Prayer." 1 1')I:i TI 1:I /. IVIg I : i
aL Menday afternoon—At the Otterbein Chapol, % l
•WOrth Bth street. Subject : "Confession and
Thanksgiving." I
(' I Ifestlay afternoom—At the Ebohozor M. E.
t uroh, South 4th street. Subject t "Prayer
fo Nations and the Extension of the Rodeorn
le,r s y l e C d i n nAd d o a m y
a . f " tentooth—At the First Prosby.
;te an % ,.. Anblq9o ) ~ , , F ig,, gimillps,
all palegeb. , "` •", "t- 1 . , 1, 1 , )
' , k, Thursday afternoon. —At the Baptist
Ctkurch. Subject : "Personal Consecration'
mid Activity."
t' j -, 'riday afternoon.—At St.Matthow'stuther-
ari Church. Subject: "Tho °id-pouring of
th,e Holy Spirit and the evidences of Ills
special presence."
, I`attlegatr*
~§t. "terli„4"
kif ‘ g - Tit,ii,ll.llm IA attightt " ()illiNatiA '
Sabbath afternoon.--Sermons by all ,l'astors
on the "Sanoilleation of the Sabbath." . .
lc t I
The evening services are to.lie Irongettp .
14 the Pastors, whotiever it' is' ebMod
pWiont to hold thooi; Wo true thit the t
13 11 0 1 =7111,7A 1 l r i arn V. ?TA
TAT! MEN 1' Willtalt i gUeßira i lkild paid
of t 40. 0 ,414WROPPirtifMn'AO, !tit 18 1.1 0 P.$11 6 1 :
3 tuayiot vecemberi 1 15 -,•0Q101A4011111 VO:- v I
C 10 tip:x*ll:2a 11:01 r Illillialtheifilltie•Ten* ft 1 , 7 r , , ,
Mai? , 7V i 1 '. , iti. tstl '.7. C. ,1 J! 1+ ‘''' ! tiA ' . i . : yr ifkk
I t
l' ne tfrr OMIT= i' ' 1 . 11, CAI
CSt I also 4tRIP - . I 11 .01 .'•'i '4 . 0 I:‘ ~ A. ..
B ilditig,plittnua l .q , , 29 25
•i 1..; mu.,l
0/07 . ( 4
.0 r) ./. 3I •'..t 1 4-4.-..4..j
on. • . .
Cash paid Policomonotud ivitntesses, 143 08
Peter Jones, Treas., Reading. School I
District, i',';1'..17:4)1%:). .1111 14 25
Elimes lA, Aioa, for Assistant gnglopr, ,7 pok.
pomptitti olon °tool holificivia
N ni. lloitienreieli, City Treasurer, 49 06
8107 04
91 i
buildin4 permits were Issued during the
Month of , trale t ill )V11660;11 ZI W 13
) (l`ivo-story
`1! ante shop, 1 • 1
( I t o ild t ati ) i rt: 4 f ~ 't -, II i,%1 to" ir, a 3 N A 41: : :: ;w:171 ,
I W3f. EI. GERNAND, Mayer.
; READISp b . iMit i lt i r t fn i: 1 r. l .&'
1 'tA Aty ?.
i Prom%
, During the inoptb„pf.Aciar, 301 indi
viduals have beenrpretiti tlib•le-up, as lodg
ers and such as vAelaAetAlStio,ilawi t0 . .,1 , 4t4
'Odgers Bil, drunk 28, assault and battery 4,
hist driving 1, larceny 0, pgitiing.§,V,agritids, ,
sarety of peace lobiiiiicibturil,iAlildrinittiik
i f
I.* or 'louse 2. Of the above p wore women ,l
a prisonors g 3, , 0 loffigrfrs II igatiVities of
1 dgors. American 57, Engli It 15, Irish. 03,
(lermtur 20 A . , 1.Z0gr99» i lykg, y . ,;., , ,,, 4 11 4 ‘ 4 ,0,,-
Seotelt G.
'" '
1 ,
r a i t i i, , 4 4 ,6100 i r, lit ~ ' , , f ci it:'
‘/. t . l 'v PP:
, Flitlh\l' ) Jan.. 1 1,,, i 1 / §63. , ,
.I:l ^ Lb7' , 7o 'II , ' , a Oitnili , 1,..4 1i - t.t ._ , P 7 ..; a „
In the` libel ease 0 Airs. villonsotpagotnlW
It 0 ' r elitEkV4o 3 :ooll)"46ol ( fJß,s2 l 4ol4oo,4
,600, the damages elainiedrihnitigatrOjoo.
new trial :hall 13e4hatsVedift.Y.1 'l' 4 LI 'II.
The Whalen case carne , :before th)e),Oeurtiof
liners and Appeals at Toronto yesterday. A
t ilnelit)4locepictitl9i r f R o de iif dr4(414
Ellonhie on a writ of error or an appeal ariii
i6g, the Court attlintkiti tifitir Mtaitlay, tode
eide the point. . . .
• A 6'4 i`tilJbtiA6 l l2hP ii. li.,litiliB.(intyl, ' de.
, etroyed neat:l,4so l ooo worth o ,ProPWY ,IP
'c udigilid.Nikite ,16 out Ogl. WWI Ila
;. Storms' woollen milli at Pittsfield, Mass.,
.'were bur i ml t ien i cßdpefslavinig4i : 64,oss,
1. 0 100/ 000:
IA fire at 887. il3toott4to; /NO York, last
mght lf dpstroes\s49pnlyoTt p,f roritn,, t
Tiune , latvie,been':B3o ., bn9kruptOes irts)liii4
alkuW:tk,thiiiilit'6;l f o . •;' . ;`,"'l , , , , ; '-,' ~i "..!':.“ 4 . , ~.i,1 ; , I ;
' AVititi Ahlibti,,Vaer. l Or :Senaitit' , 4l:tbitif,..if;
orlti:qtypltyN,Allial at'COncia'di,N,,'A, l „ y 0,,,
f rdii, ' '
l' t
..,,,,..! (OA P.'.lt• - , ,
ii;iihaM'YOUngi let' a recent' totirnt?n ig
iat 'Salt,
Ilako,2threatened to exatiiifiltiileg4(4l4l4i f :
motel! sisters" if they did liirto%4. ';1t4,014
viith 'the " Gentiles."• I • 1,,,...., . 1 .,1 ;. , ~,,.
•• L. -.4, .•, .•, •
Ind l 'hiladelphia, duSin't.l a , past oar f ins'
4•1 • J
4u4ta, ivero held on 39 , Itoilit l etA;44,l in oti.,
elddi limd 42 suicides.. "' "'''.l (") , -.-.13 11 . ". a ".;o 1 , f.
The Turkish governmen,VA64lo4of, , i,
; fleittly ~ the • etose of the prett!ewutictql ‘ kth,
F:uri;e44o',;iii'Ao Aast,g, ',.lioihkuitieikt'sAiit:O .
' t i p, Ar 9, tili l A..lvil,knikey9.*. .op 9 „ifp..
~ ouneed, Curter ildikesiarehanxioustyfirtwatti
id' i
• 0 K 1 1i 1 I. 'I :I. A
Ail VP ,1 9421, i A t9;ifaVi°fli 1 ,elliteXll An
r e aticas ire L , nilan k yfist,rdity,,yi le‘duaby.
persons. irrieg6 4 iir r etitiaa• ih s cilds T etii , e been
titkett i VltOrtito tefill,i3 ll'riff)7. !I .f.t:'
TIpN., •
. A physician who had consumption tof dove%)
•Years, with frequent bleed ini r r theltßigs,cUred
himself with a medicine ;rip 0yin1,0194.11/1
- lon, when his case appdatd hOpeless, and w
iven up byseveraliiineriti:n e neu •
is. lie is Llie irilit, hi c w h dit in
'his own pp fsen; br d ay ed eof its
if 'duce, and he can ascribe the degree o health
;be ikow t eujoy,s .. othbalmttlioulptqf pis W 04,11
nine di Midi bet .t. g bet titter' llesplilf And at
'extinction of alitope of recovia together With
A want of contiderteain ail fetal "induced him
I to hazard the experimeht. To t hose Suffering
*tArs uitrigY, her,Proreraktnetpient whist"
',he Mont y (Mews will eraalcate the didease
'and restore health. He hapw4tpessed recoveries
'that seemed beyond fillPoirWhen the worst symp
toms existed. Callor send for Circular.
VV2 I / 5 14Itriltibed
b ree a.
' For Salo by MARNE x Biltelli ist, Read
pg, Pa., and all RellitglAWl(TAH Drugg 9'l - Nov.z-ly
. , ... • .
3 .r ty„•iriT
. .
_ , . . ....
ii i , A. Ottoman's, - 10.5 Mort l iplip l ekinst et hike pa
4 a cholas lot of buokientna notiet sum, - 11,
, a 100 lot of flour from Michigan anther wheat,
Ar 101 ,kt R A ti e s. ti b eet tp,,im4kri,, , feprfl ki
- •f .....1.4a..- • * i • k +t '•
I oils tho penalty ofnatnrethat ill must. fade
'O4 wither. o The flrtt Mond upon our pereon•
al charms Is generally den oted by the hair, and
In most cases Welk y,"tLaritlrgho would
'preserve their nature capillary adornments
i* a , yMsatoovilmfoillus .potonoy,
. I ritiNVlT6 le, Mir llostotbr.”--=MoVord
- ‘ g ' tiodtt-iw
, . ,
40 1 / 1 1.i1.E.:11M VORT AN GE qF
o r A T.T u
utax :am mrtrlibmit., .
~., .
it , ,' '..* ~ ; 41' -.1 1 / I f t h
' ' ' ' idess e s•
4 0 ) 4V %. ."'
'' 4' . 'i t .' s ' ,• I ' lir 42
with' 4 .lry i 'tr .1t( 44 o Ve '5 .,916. 1 me .
n ,
'Tboild 4 005 ' etnd 'rd • bon4e virus al; ,
1301t0F4.1,44,A4q1otjuki• cutaneous dhleaSerS, ottlit
net haft KW boalth. When the blood Is int
pa re, disease is sure to follow.
All have timely warning in those Pimples,
'D otehes, Totters .Botes, Il it si Vopper•eolored
P tehes, - Seal: •- , s ' , ,Ave ti, th e.'eet,aiult.f by i
p rifying the -%.k . With the' , . , , ,-,_ ,
AMAIII 1 g ;
.. t' AND 111t4DilulChS,
, AlitAltl . , `v• .4. I ANITRIT 41H/9,E 8 1
NAHA • ' S. I 1 V AN,V., Mt utup• ~
ul tas a rut kola: • :
': Dow - a moo the Tim, of Syphilis in tho
,atateutnit u s iAallketi„4l,tVeo_ute plate uz:
ul f
nage. *lry Della! nerill V c riSß t
. . TOli ."
? a 6"
el iittl i Ttt
•lean• • feel( ve Ihtee , i mp , ea ~
88 . 8
jiM i t i t i v us yit i. ..l 4l .iTiialltare l eN‘kfciyeZrta l /
miso 1. • ! : 1 4 Y, • . ' •-• laid l .oloprinir, , titi:: O.'
i boner t I,• 1 2; :x \"; -,.. ' , ,•',•'; '.', ",,e , , r. .,. - 1 ' -
rt *.-.,,,-..,,..\. :v .11.1 , a.r -;.
.:. .
Li i
, ; 4 ' 4 s2r i kaarr. 4.. ,
~Tus If 41. arfr imiDtaor 4vga,l.alse.
, - lei, ..L 6 m , 1*(141A
i sl47r 01l Discai' • - " 1 ri: , ..Miscretion.
'. iCentains no MiKeial . b iiii elite, ilo Mercury.
'lnly ten linsjo s tfiallo;Ofince &pure. They
ate entirely vego bib s , Xing no s emen nor any
u pleasant taste, GI w r Viet in Any way Injure
it e stomach or bowels of the most delicate.
urgosiaAteck WO Parli t Ang MO Itti CIAOk .
1 twenty-rour ea.
alepaorea Li ri e... i ail Ptah. rrioe—
irole py ikrym its . , 111,00,07 :l and b y,
ru fr I t YE BM ND 11;V1Itle rfetors,' k i
!deo 20-Iyl ' 916 Itaoolitreot; kilt adelphtu.
; 1 ; f .t . ,P
ryo PHYSICIAN& , ',,. I{:! '
zfirixongi ktigvat ltit h i lin7.
Allow mo to 6alli_Our attention to my PREPA.
Til o component partd are 'IIIICIIU Lo t to L
.—Buohu, In vacuo. Ju.
iper Berries, by distillation, to forth a lino gin.
" iron= l i t rre l Ml t a t ttirtr ° . l ;:ty .
ttle a4 4l,a,emall pro t joil 1 spiland
blplitioVny IS lit 8 }im tW4.
proa ti a putbS t In inter q 4n1.; t ) t) t t
. lido iu, aa prepare by ruggists general y, is
Of a dark color. It is a plant that omits its ira
grausat the aOtod of a,daliet. tlestroya.thW itta)
°titre tintlplt), lea`tiOwa ARlrk
civet . on. Mine le the,6oltititif ingredients. Tho
uobu la ter pOparatiOn_proil,putinates;, tlip,
male qUllinfity+ of Slie , oteor ingredientii. al* 1
added to prOvent fempolatlon ; upon inspeo.
!on, i twill be found ` dot SO' be 11; Tincture, tie
ado in Pirrumeoptea l , nor, is t . i a Syrnp+ond
herefore ti.UellSed lei itta9M. *herd Wier or hr
tu a l tiVtiVaibial i taittYA De pliOUrtr,
(11 , i t th y 4 n tio ode p oparat
10 , ~, 0.., ; i .11n ty . 1i ,, l 0 , r 1, ,. It I'l'
11. ping that yohwall favor it Ng lth a. trial; and ,
r r at oppn InspootteM it willyneet 'With your ttri. ,
olMtloll;',''' , Witli'dfeelip tr Of Vtonnden oe,
I aturvery.retieetionj4; ,
/I.,_T. NlAth .
Chemist and Drugglitiofad cake' EX oti:1
. once in- Philaderia, and now located at
his Drug and, 1ma490" z Wifgelleo44oi; t fig
Broadway, No* ork. ' .
tFrom the largest Manufaetur:ing ChintilStB In
i r.'ttllbWarldij;
! I am acquainted with Mr. h. T. llelmbold ; lie
tcenpled ly tildDrilg.lttp,ro ppposite uky. ToOttlenco,
nd WitO 0008erail lIS benduCting . the business
fihere others had not boon equally so before
lini,, , ,lllipve)bppirritvorably tinpronsed Witts ,hip ho'tipter anti OlitcirPrise.
rinitof Powers Ai ; Welghttnanf !Joann's:Atm+.
, If inglOhentistiq ItiintA and BroWit' ItreOte,
, ),:rnilmtelikohlejo r ,,, 1 ,, i ,1 t , cht N 11 ~ i , . , lir , !
' Iliiinnbrites Frittib ZITBACT ntrOntrao4. ;wo4l r+ ,
less arising frotarinnbserettoni ., ?Cho' ex Rutted
owers of miter° which are accompanied by so
- nany alarroiritfey'mptemili among *hien 'still be
sound, Indisposition to Exertion, Loss9ftVPlll-,
Iy, Wakefulness, horror of Dlsoasei or ore- ,
tidings of Ev il t , in fat% UniVerintl assitudo,
'rostrattpp i liyy) nobility to enter into the e.i
oyMente Or On ty. ileac:it :Wiill'iir ante
. Tho Constitution , oncg o a ld
o _
_ i g o
I t r rVit g eari r ifyllg t •Ortite' ilie fixt y itei c i l s l 4lih
ELiirno IPS EXTRACT DUCH iiivtirlab Sr'
(kis. 1(110 tretittnent is submil y tect to,,Consum3p.
ion or Insanity ensues. •
llsr,unor,n , s FLgAtH Ex ;ROT Anyone, in affivi
lons peculiar to Wernale is.uneqnalled by any
thor preparation, as in C ilorosis, or Retention,
'ainfalbesKtor Suppression'Of Customary EVittitd
talons, Ulcerated or Schirrus State of tho Uto
ui, and nit , eomplaints•tincidont: to' tbe*ox,
bother arisiintlrcun habits of dissipotion, im
prudeneb Di 6: Ito decline tit change of Ilfe.,
Hsi x., ,B„Iff l uLO, Erra.Aor t efogy.xp.J.lsi
apy 0 IY.T:wit , red ex TWortie
roin; if .OW . 'yAst " , 9} wit ar,
t i ,
iefilplA 0, J. F i t• 1 It O, 9 pcniio, , 11410 pr. ,
r t? o
. o h i a n n ifitterk i lrie rii ) : Y t t to lli gi t T4l6= u 4 ) 4(
hi 6 IOcSOMI r.9 1 444/94/ COWAN'S, 194,MOrenrY,,in
Irtneso (Menses ,•.. , , f I,; 1— : ii.,l•ltip , I'
URCABA•MBOLVOipiriplitavuscr,lllppuvr ;Jo at
Iseates Of 'thd btgane; whether in malo'or fe,
ale, from whatever cau49:l44loliiititillsol44(l no,
atter of how long standing it is:pleasant ,inT
Hato and odor, " lmmediate' I n action, and more
trengtlignluta any .01 tine propartitiops, pf
ar4,01 . „ WI r,' Id It!! ' 1-4 ...":P? ~"!1,..7 "a
Mose su (ging from brOken.down or delicate
onstitutions, procure, the remedy at once.
Tho reader must bo aware that, however slight
ray bo the attack ctfittictAloolto diseases, it is
ertain to a ff ect the bodily health anti mental
, All ths,;nbrittimaffiCrktitrOf M Witirlof a
1 luretit. II .t ours EXTRACT "BUCIIU is
ho greatest Diuretic.
Sold by Druggists everywhere. Prico-11,25
cr././IN or Q•Bott,tles - .for $B.lO. :Delivered , 1,0
I n
l eatiran r
ons estitti IpPlesrl4o symptoms in ail ' tainimu.
Address If. T: lIELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical
'Warehouse, 691 Br dalkY,N X.
in ar 'RunufindiiisWNE Ur
street-engraved wrapper, with fac.simile of
tiT Chemical Warehouse, and slgned.
Leo 53-2mood&Av3 H. A'..n.s4ipola,l?l
ti1:111 0 1-
I am mighty in the saber,
i • laortgelylwlelded bY the breve, '',";
tlialifettalft thillstalwart steamer, ,
Laughing at the storm and wave.
,n' i , AlpituteCiall In the p laCe pillats t .... ~, , ,
Saving in the poi ted rod.
As it brings the de ly lightning
Quelled and harmlesevto Masotti/ - 1. f i
But there is a glorious essence,
Where , rtalV3 ply gtra#4lll,t power,
(living tollkeltAeattlyFritirest,
Sweetest aid, in qangolos hour.
• berot o 14 0 ni dieelks I f:
8 ' •.'
o tho uarkest hydrae bow
1 the Toe° of healthoud beauty,
' l3 Take the paledt ohmic eta brder. '
Fly, dyppepala I Ily c,onsumptle: I
Toe, dro crushed at Id gth,
For I glvo what human nature,
r i : • , Only OVOZ 40,(14011”BMINUT/L 1.,
• ,
Shall I toll In what great esse n ce '
.1 can thus your splrjts cheer upt
tremblific ilylng sulroreri
Ills the famed strummer( Synur.l)
. .
. ,
The AVILA NOVIVP la akoiketadaolll
of t tho r ()moo, °taxon, o. noyr, diacoyary ,
anodising,' that` ettiktis at the rtiet (if disease' y
'supplying the Wood witii its yieuf Rlintiple . or We
element—lron. 3} e , : , • i
The genuine has ursativien filrittrim blown • 110
the glass. • i: I
Pamphlets ftwo. A 4 i 0 I
i ) 1.4311
47,0 P. to iiiiifiltE, rietor,
I 1 ;
.„ No. 84 poy Et.,.Now York,
;gold by all Druccusta. • •
• t
&ER 0/14re DIY Aik* 81711 vz dap
It is well known that the benefits derived frOin
cly kg-9 -tlicVox€l44se i emitegoge, atui, other
eel \ T sio ,eeria%
. to,tho
;'?-1r; ."444,i5tt4441 Wit(fr
coatabis laltne in the-sante' pare state that It le
lonia la theist+ sprlnt waters, bUt over 600 per
mak .snevw its guritUtteto *ordaining as d bee 1%
grars to &eh fiuld . outtee,dfdetfiged pure wk.
ter lettficoatis eoleenAl OD • lei:: sought roi l ,
iw is gotnitry ad_kitidt d.le the hest's* •
e - dylnlhe Worldling • • ,r
Ulcers, and all Oltenia . . Circulate free.
- ±Preivrletelr,l SS Dey street,
NTT( 9T4. MAR bYPOlTiriatuff :,-(uttdatr
`44 yam( 411 'oiil 4 " IMAM. T „ .
IM e X i
51' , 1 • J
It! [I • '}
s n 0
• C(l$V .
•;t„' ,
'44414144te' ; 4
t.. • (rek
iJSIVIIMBI LXI, prop itor
yff .A WI .
~ of :,
6 .11 •
tiolif3i gia4stle, #fiettfAtiten - lowl v i '
trf . •?5,71,v
Trost Biteoi sid-swokmate:psias,, , .
sn; 'btlidattSt faiths! Aosta tltitimettlith. 1114/,;s 4;
hlkhed elm: et the to• IThei smith el;
sclitnell it% •Our ollat tisit tiltol : ithlid4ratitljted, tr7ifrOtled" .
Ho tabulation of chloidatut 11%4 'tittwir to inky tliit 'MOW+ 1 '
co'nscg urn t upon difficult surslcidmtutloT,
",.I • !
• iti,effett 11ikAtiii. 4 0 44 % 444 `"
rldir e elit LiVtliteeii Di ilkL Aide 104. `. •
der ago ea to the Molt. 'nomads pt treeetil tyro to*.
t ifYib" WI 11, n044,4 1 0 1 c1, 1 1mil Mori!** -
And ties f4)04 1101 4 0 04 i KM P r tiftot , n l !t i P"' -'4
ekottad e_ttilleor otkAttatrittlf, Ix P. • 0
111111.1-111 Mar
uO 4 mom
No family that once becomes aciptainit4
wigtfie virti4etwai be leitiona - ,4t., A 1i"
~.. 1, ~.A L lzi (6; t••'i 1 . ' 1 14 iLir t , t 2 . 2 . lj . l . lllllllN .1 ;-
n 1 41.14 U . VW f'ir 1 "I. : lII TY W IMOW;M ;
I . 't ' 11 , Ei..141814LER1110041 f :Ohl
1 1:
. i s , il 1
8.0 whoj, A. Dudley, lays, of Ws
ley A_Stanord, ono of the larowl who giital4
estatUnkMonWn ihiItROMMI IL; lal nr )11 n t- •
7( , 7 A i ° • C I? 4 9 PI A : V' , R. • 4.4, ~.,.
a mintiit 'k 004 1 CO.• kW i• 1? I
At. igOrtie mt. 'Mout WA. .iftin4 L i ~
greittillitti l :to ' i f t 'S AM ' lt i"
1 bdomen and side,. After en er I r ia t ier
early two.weolgo, I pas laauma to. ows
y, ana after akuopijOlitionito mkt a - ,
Imixf.evigit kik a ‘llita,Sooofilift i I
the, roll ,tpikt„i ,eop . 2 (17, , SY WV t i
denser.• P rosy nkritfIONHOSFY(III
flihtly believe taut It ittl . it4ll: . ,' ' 1
Overy, CO MOM iailmostliSPlßKTO.'/' (I ::("A I 1 1 -- r .1 3 . (
"Pe° th u l Yl°7Nuttur
Otto Arta Q1,101,0f A likt ) %l!orloyikcil
—444..........- - 44..4 ", --- • ' , t , .' "," 4 '. '
.. .
KA. R AT'S it , 0 '. A: I •, 2. - • : t i 41
• • I ' . ~ , !t• i t
.1. 3 E A R L' ''S 6A. t'
4 ~.
.--,- • 1 , ,.
~:i ' •
Tli II ORTIAT ':A At NRlti ft 'I4OA ' *PANT 7., ''.
talt l 4i pieitiuieliitntoliijltit thlijoe4tohl tiliil4' ! '
tnd vicinity l (buktlnOrtopszueulerli ' I ‘ O " ..
ousekeepors that they ate mane Mo tet pi Mi
ntrodueing a oap superior to all o th ers ler sae
tlllO -E ref 9 4 1 :40 1 4 14 1 : ' it'S'i TOVif .
ail ~I, - ). ~ ,. .. .,. • ' i ,• ' ,
841(tithigot , Ois 1 (and Itellietair is .thik •I •,.'
i gt.
l ame t
_9131 b an, i Oissorir 1 viii t • ~,,,
• Itoesake peed t Omit ~ "
re of this, nil it le entirety to ifi l roTk rag'
erotoforo, Polishing Powders, do oat. ileall.
shoe 0., o.
t 14 )
• ?NI ozi s r ,.,,,„,,,,,,.. 4 ,.....
Fere ar P a rgpn timpArittlog silt( ipm A k i i •
Ahtol, oh lufrctlit Qtesed o ins Ainu.
i t , jtiy. ho e .:,•t• t nit tit t. t nurs.• , l 4 : C 4n 1 ,1 7,11::
4 4 .11111,1 1 11 ea raat.rfor ithe thetearill V 1 , axe i t! ,
pt or purposes for which cosy h IgA9ci law r i
bed which it is impossible to enamors at
plinterfOMl, i yittANi ig illilla' .P ri t
for eadietutt bvti ebo bv.
°val i d i n awl jta sr tut at '- ) : r ''''
giorta, a ‘,orty•lr • PI t
Ott OUP b r owl_ 4 boo 1 a
nolttr aS' to! 'i a '1711411 CI •the ••7, v. '
land LABOR lived, , 1•rp.,7, -.,,
I WANTED, every Perim% (It Reading to try
p k
v i41,1 3 14_01-1 1 . , .,
1 ~ .i,. 1 ,4 , 14 1 1, 0 ;M : 1 44./UrriVrlONs •...,.. I
iirsil r a V,' rk'6lllfiltatitgr4i.: '.
,-,, it' iftiti i ' ig``
• ,-. , ropribtort. t,,,,.,.
air BURKIIOLOO, A MAlntitu, corner of tut
kind iVashinsetott iqreeto, Bore Agents for It .
AtigNTUVA L NTRO IN: llVlikr Oalr'/100 4 .
t i r
; L •,. ; , • ,TY,IN ,1 01 4 V PI.THI4 fg 4 004! I 7icOrli '
WIMBAIT. In 4Pw„ctfccOditp thtkiktilla st Q. Tait , :,:
161 1% it t ti4ll 1 -' i ktiliii ''Ait ...
tita i t 8 fb lUr.' . 1/ 706 ottl__. '
A. Pottolgor, ' llerbins & From.
gU b B. Saylor, . ',
B. f s . Beleter. Aow , ,
atiti, & 11oton , o.t ..,v.2 J . • i 510.901 •- 1 if , . .
.. 1 1 . pti l eilrovo; 1i:.!- " " ? rarlAgi ,wri"': - .,
, A T : w _ a i i „,,,....., .;‘,l ~.,. .... , ily. 01 l. ..
0 Thorni • , i, :1 , ,I• •',) ; „qates&ode,' !,:• 11.
. leeffor & Jiro. , M. Klrer & lion
J. ILti ifildoboltvi, . '
itt.fli I 4
4 ,
',./ I', , ,"! • •
F ,:,, II :bq a l !? ,111 , , .:. i: ~ .( 4 : ) ,r,,tti! I'm. futkill
V 1 Boyorct ~ i ~F ../i Ott AP 01116 d ilt ,r i;'rli"is
LOOLII-1Y ',-- I , - i i+.' ,. ; ,'.l , , •t'.:l oar) owl y Iwo ill
.N,Bplio9L.n.„ ~, ,3I I. nittl..".E
;I .;.-, • i • ri! : , ii . •01..n. , ..itvil , ifj ftt iti •
1 1.: • ; .•! . .!if. !, .0ff,7,01../ ' , III 11;;: ,, mit • ; ;ni',.,, ',
. - .-I•ilP.i •••.:0 , / t,fiv e 'drio,.! ~v
• ,3 - t .!
,'" „ •
t t• 1. tt, / A tr t , 71• 1 1 `11 , 119
••• i" Ini•(( ,Y . L . L.j.101(
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• : ..1 12-104:1
niAlf Je:';! ti•
fir 11, , r;!..tr0,•ft:Tr , r•. ,
If" t',
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No; 001,reats Nivea, n • 'f
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g i tppylroloktv 1-c, ;.} ji• Viiir•ll•
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• • t • • I 4 ) I nir' Y -
‘,„, • .:• t,'
- - ,
r_, ll L - '•
Toieth or with a variety' of Geier
,1010116 i /N 4"
foroottoolo, kg. ; 11.77' ft
• ,, t 4.Y,1
1 ., 4
, 1 ? ;
.. .
"(ti r,f
~. °;!.• 4, ;
ckri.bbhaaN • : r-
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;1, t••,11
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