ik, - ~, - :t . r .1.. ..• -", ~..', ....,2•;. rr. , 4 4- ir4^}MAtiaii... , -..1 . { . . ,, ii k:.- ii.A;'.X 4,4, 2C: 44 V1 , " ... ** 0 * ,. .. 4 7 ,,, CV , A•4. , k•-• , -, 9 •-• , , -,...;•,-....-0..:Ar.;. rf; .- :',, . ~:.0,; -” -•0 ..... •; • t;•.--;?... •-•-•••• .4.*"'Zit •'""" c '°"'" 4 " 4 "..'ot' ; ''f - ""..'"'"l'''' 4 " * ""'".'""'"'";. * r' ".' .. , . Si ' ' _ t ~ , ,,i r I r 4 -- i :, r i 1.. f r i. - I*‘, 7 2 ' l cit . ,t i vi .1 1 ) li ...: 9 lirA.). ~ ) - • aw l ( ;:„.... , lE. . . . e , T - ti , ( ir :1;!,t,i , ,,i ~•,:_i •:' . 16 • 14°,44 9* l' ' , Jti -. .;41 '' , i -2 , •1: 4 II li . io ' - - -. , - f 0 .A . . i l l I t .ie) r ) 1 ... I a , f • 1 ,,• (, ' t 1 . C3t l j: r. :.. .. . --1. t P '`.. , 1 il t• 1 ( )1!.1 • , ~ . .- .• • ;••.14:.:.1J t.i - vo. Y. , . • •'. iil_Vi' iit.)4 ' .. • , . - .; 1I s i • 4 . I •: 4 . ... 'I 4 4.4 PM MINI I4 ' . . .. I ... • ......,..............,. • •.•matem ... . I I . 4 1 . • . ' ............... ........-.—.........—......... I r 1 ' '*, ,), • sa , 4 I 1: I. t . - . ` ~i 0, 289, VOL. 1:- READING DRYLY kAGLE,. PUDIJSUBD - VOID AT/ sicerrso) , • • , AT NO. 517TgNil 'STU& BY ItITIER* 'OO.--i ,•, ,Z p Tratif),deilvero4 by the Carreetly , kol* , 4 l, per treat, payable at the end of every vooki, Three Cenci; per floes copy. To, !dill subilerl hors, 1100 per year 0.50 Pr 1110 *4 1404 ) tor, f.1,1/er three Months—pair strictly In sp rains°, " .... ~ DR. LOUIS . De BARTH KUHN, ' 1111 CF. AND AESiDEII,O4O;, i . North Ninth strobt, Rending, pi. 1415 d s • WM. S. SOHOENER, • 4 itrLDERMAN AND A*TORNEI r, IT I„ily,--0111co, No. 617 Court street t leitelingt van ho conoulted In German fuld English. 03144 GEORGE F. BAER, • TTORNEY AT LA.W.•-•0111 4 10Ei CIL No. &10 Court Btroot, (up stairs) Reading, NW • April H,1130-Iydaw HENRY M. KEIM,‘' !, A. HY 'AT LA.IY,•OPPIOHt . 14'6, ta North Sixth stoat!, Reading. , yib s i 18684 M. , • _ ._ _ ____ .. - WESLEY H. GEARHART, • A 1T0HN.13,1( AT OVTIQE, it 6"/ Court etroet, ReadiPi, YR. b*yl-Iydate ---- ----- WASHINGTON HIGHARDS, . . . AJ.D V. Rl{ AN . --OFFICE, KO. *, 20, ti. North Mitt' hileet, opposite the Poet, 011100. sr sci tvontng and Gonvoyanologrrompt4felly et, tended .o. Web 13,1868 JESSE 0, HAWLEY, TTORNEY AT LAM', lIAS REM4SIr , al hie office to No. 40,(Heoond floor) North Math Moot, neatly oppoette the Goo* id9me, Roiling, pa. ,treb U-g • LOUIS RICHARDS. • A TTORNE Y AT LAW, OFFICE, NO. /1630 ()out otroot, ovor ottlOo of John B. EMI tritc Eaq,(Sept.s-ly., . - JOHN W. BIOKEL, • A TTORNEY AT LAW ) OFFICE, 111.booaer Building, (let Boor, bnok,) No.lBo Ow I r e great, • Pottsville. U Can bo ooniulto4l. the Uortnan language. , sum' 4 H. M. NAGLE, pIIYSICIANI (U. 8. Ponnlon Burgeon.) 10 Ponn street, Itondlnd, P 4. °Moe hours-11 to 2p. W. oto B,p. m. Dr. E. MOSER, URGEON DENTIST, OFFICE 519 faun Pa,, (over E, W. Gil , tali Clothing Moro). both oxtraotod without In by Nitrous Olido Gas. New Bute Mimic for Ire hollers. Teeth filled for 50 Cents. All work ..rranted. G.IIAND SALE DRY GOODS, 110 MER, COLLADAY & CO,l .18 and Bqo Chestnut PHILADELPAIIA. Sales to Oommenoe November 3d. utoprlslng EMI DRESS U001)3, 811AWIM, ULOAKINU CLOTIIB, I TACEB & EDIBROWEIIIES ) LINENS a 4 1111Tii 0001:03, &0.. HOSIERY GLOVES, &C.. MOURNING UOODS, &C. • &Cap &ell (Mug to the wide ropufattoO of their Mood a leadlosi to detail the character of their stook C. & 130. would merely state that thtdr IMt i Oit,TATION6 OP TUJ PRESENT SEXBON, whltelt MUST BESOLD Preparatary to removal to'thilr Now Marble BUilding. Oheitnut Street, Above Proidi litre never been surpassed in Philadelphia maluing an ENDLESS VARIETY. texture In medium priced goods, Aewelkae the 010 EST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON •• , • C. Co. would advl so all desirous of obtain: ig GREAT BARGAINS VIM GOODS, I ro lose no than before, impeding their etOok i Ming assured that tho • _ UNPARALLgLED PRICES) At Which the entire stook will be disposed o Mast insure • . , 'OO3l-3md,twlß APID SALES.. (4.IIAND OPENING OF, 1 - FIRJ. T •••i owl Furniture Ware noolllB as Mel 4.o rr Tort Dr y Goods Store , D. H. Heideman,. tliP• vo• , r, where every variety of Furniture can be, °ought at reduced prlolie. Bpring Dods And Vittrelimmi In variety. Also Agent for the ode. hilted Florence Sewing 'Whines. I D. 11. !MIL L MAN', 442 Weet Penn Square. ding Pa. ottls.u n di 13ociotuilibs colimunA HALL, WINE AND LAGER BEER SATikiiii Pen* strew, Dettreets Sixth eilmd teeerithi` • All kinds otbest Rholnloh . wlnoittWillibn hand tad 1014 at tho lowest prim. 11231111211=IMMIIS , PHILADELPHIA AN au=D READING RAILROAD. ren i gn i gthiiitis Damns* Dim M. t ins MIAMI) iDTZ VillA i llirrWay int Readlni,at .Q. d sa g an.. M t :um 6,116 P. Vi e girMAll ' 4144 1 :111,4 1 .0414r0,4,01fad 1 1/AiNI3 4 WDItT TO LEBANON 4 nexamßuito.. "4141 1. Weetenrn PM Mxp and Iresso .l9. M. 0411X1310111.X0111,11SAO; Air Dr. 40. . , 4 1 1 11 114 ri ditaMIVIVIMTAt if M. ,On Standar. the down tral4 pass lteimlllik at 1 40 . i t; I t att i t i Vii*ir4 PP", t , l PP'ti A C. ' s° The COP. K. don h,d and 1040 A. K. u trains kzn only etwey, Sa. Up trains leivil twat b ar g, mar -1 burg and PotUrrllle at 7 and DM A. II , _. DM W s li ge t i l tifi.MMlCUSUlra fOr kin i iia, Willlaineyort.Elmlrs,lltithilo,Nla• q Ind an liti 1 4 iii' i4Yriii4a - • The &ISA. g al 1. ;„ and /0.00._ 41...411 . d i kl. .1' _M i t e irzt*.l, a .; ' 3 1 111"61 td rdt tr i Tr ain iried' 1 .?. k I Acoom aon t aves - IDS &ALI front rhlladllpidas a. 4, . •.. ' • ' The (itistidik ii4iiiiidev6i6iiPtraitif iiikre. It i Pottstown at 044 A. M. BetuarahigleareaPhlln• delph t ta d at 1 . Pak edi al in i v ),v 16 i e 4 il ' ' • 4 ' " . n.ffso t i n: at Mep. road let timore . Pittsburgh and al pole West, andt e 10.411 Mali train connects at Arnrg tor PI burgh b Lancaster, Clunnbersburir, 'Sunbury, koranton,- Pittston, Wilkeobarre, WII; MamspOrt, Lidek Haven, Elmira and the Canada/. tiPitasenser trains leave Upper Depot for Mph ta, Mrs Columbia and Lancaster at 7.00 A. M. d 6.16 P.V.. Through Ti Jew% !Init. grante e stake at n if ee, 8004 prin. • olpid pointe in the orth, W et an the Canada. ) COMMUTATION TICKSTO, With 96 Coupons,. at A per cent. dieconnt , be. Breen any points desired. MILEAGE TIONMTB, Good for 2000 miles,between all points, at pi -+for families aril business Arms. i r `• negliTe• ; • Good for the hbldei Only, foro,o, 0 andl2 oicintbs, between all points, at rednoed tares. School Osseo Tickets one-third less than the above. , I,Sr Passengers will take the Express trains West At the UPPER DEPOT, and all other trains at the LOWER or OLD DEPOT. 100 pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. yassengers are requested to purchase the ft oketo • • AtElmthe cares as ,hiiike r . far og •$ it in we ,• t „i f Ira , good for o ne day,' by %SO 4. M.;Looomtnodation Train to Philadelphia, and ret rn, at el 60 each. G. A. MOLLS, May 23] 1 ' General Superintendent r , VAST PENNSYLVANIA RAIL -a-14 ao , , ARatNMond *P Doe E m NGE I 4 41486 46.1101 oars. Six through trains to New York daily without change , : to il T p : ln ti i i r l: t a gi v i e l s Reading at 10.80 A. li . ast Mall, " II 4.20 P. M. the way stations between Read i g and New-York, making close • connections f r Mauch Okunk and Philadelphialla Lehigh .I). alley Railroad, and arrive at NeW- ork at 8.50 and 9.49 P. ht., running daily elcept undayS. ' . EXPRESS TRAINS : I Leave Reading at 5.44 A. N. II .. 7.81 AI AL It It 9.28 At M. I' II /A A. M. Arrive at Now York at , 106 A, M. II It II 15.15 Ai m. I " II it 7.00 P. M. • , • .. I. 6.16 A. M. . i Those trains run through from Pittsburgh to New-York y witlq change ef.eare s stopping only at Lyons, Allan a,' Bethleheti, Balton Jena Oen, Clinton, Whit e House, Somerville, Bound Brook, Plainfield and Elisabeth. The A B M, train runs daily exeeptßundays and da.: .1 ' ' ' • Th 9.48 P M.' tiwini. run daily except Sundays. 1 1 14 , 7 81 A'. )1. and MO A. M. trains run daily. Nr t‘gnd trghs, leaVe New Yo t, at the Wet of Li e y street, a* f011ows: .r.osvo New York. Arrive of &Obi,. /1 1 04 A ; . Mil N 0.6, . eml P. .1 9.00 A. M. Express Train, LISO P. . 6.10 Pi Mi Mapress Train, 10.10 P. M. . tpo P. if • RI-press Tram 1.00 A N. Local 1411 Train leaves Allen wn 047.20 Ali arriving At ittaaltig at 940 A. ~ The 7.90 A'. M. anil 14.00 11.1raink stop at all y stations, running daily except Stlndays. The 940 r. IL traii) rune ,dully 1 the 9.00 A. 61. and 6.00 P. N. run dal y except Sunday, stoPpllll at Elisabeth, Plain 61d, SomdrviliN Junoti n i . Rastonißethleber4, Allentown And Lyons on l y. PaseellgerSkre rer4 to puroliWACtioketa before entering the r 4, as 25 cents extra will be ekarged an a ecniedt t e on the train from odi who UM pay fare to the Vondtictor. • ; . . <, , P. Y. )IRMRNTROUT. ; 4 460 74f.1 ; . • Otlne7alllol4Ot Agen t, =1 • RADII% 84, COLUMBIA. BAIL ROAD. • il. • On and after Thursday, , . ... Nov. path, 186$ Paasensar in II .on t . road pa follows: • Leave Um , •at i 7.00 A. M. , a ,i. 0 615 P. M. Arrlvaat Lineaster at 9.15 A; X. , 4 " , coloprtds at • Mb A. Y. il li LATIOMterAt 8. 4 4 P. M. " " Volumbla at•• 8.80 I'. Mc • RETURNING I , Leal , o.4)3oaatei and OoDonbla iit 4, Columbia at 11 - l o aboaster at 11.65 Arrive at Reading at . 10.50 A.'6l. • 66 at Reading at ' ' 6,40 P. M. Trains Noe. f and 6 make olotie connection' at with trains North , and Booth, on the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad, and West on the Lebaston:Velley Road. No. 9 alsb makes close oOnneetionwith train for New York. • , Ticket* 'pan be obtained at the offices of the New y,Cleutral. RA , foot of Liberty, etreet s New York , and Ph L.. Wattle" U. U.,' !Air+ teenth an Cal 4 skeetli Pfkiledelp_bia. ,Through Tie eteltto Nett' ork and 11011061. phis, sold at all the prittp!Oe etettloM Mid bag gage °hooked thrpngit. Trains air.. ranky Philadelphia' and Reading Railroad tleae L y ]i 1)2 is ten ,lAUtpl faster than yenttliyivailia At; • z „ C1A1416,. • 7 . • rintendenti R. F. Get. 74. A Vo le Agent. ' deolo. f-- Ins 6 R*AP/NG APLPIV, The oldest german Newspaper published in the f 1 ~ The"Readlng Adler" b the best advertising me• 'atom for the 43ermark Dhartots In Baden:Penal- tisiiiikoiteatsiionor 6 4 /4 firs stioxiitid copies. It eontalue tmentpelght large coining" of advertleem end! sad °eternity selected reading mat. ','l it} 101 ter, The lidleVie Demberatio 1b ON. olpie, endeavoring to loonieste the sound political doctrine', ofour forebithirmas laid down by Joffe ~oga~ariw'li~oai PublisbeeeieiiTtialary • ,Y • 4 1 17 AR & CO., - • 'Fiebini /Co; 851 gortit Otretk • , NaII'AIILTIMID !It 1797: Circufalion vele, Thousand/.., .5 I . TRICE ONLY $t 60 A MAIL 1 18 1 ) tt'i ‘,. IN. G, )", 1 . . FRIDAY .AFTWOON;InIinr: 1 4; 1 4: Oil I ;it, tuy,'"'l 1;11:-N.1011:;(1' • • room a °arra on;i a er soxed w Ai " *essitsaus or NM . toniniikle LIMP. Swum wto, a il o n ig, ocutionyr OHIBTNUrAND 1 7 1 co; ilflAli:,- 0101 CORY 04 0 4 0 k !MOP, ;LIM' 111 M ID B AI rf Ly. F2O I I I7, ! ) 9 D, i th N e r ei l t r y 4'dolitor :1 0 iy a i i 1 I, 1 boo loos to o pr iition on N ita a 1 21 vol. • ' • 0 11 , • t• • " " thas "KW CAW 4414' Rheas role. ME R 0 . 40 0 014 ftitfi .... „, ' .. .....,.• .:1. , . il '''.l,l•l_ . 11 alimu r prith f ii i r il s ii 2 4 : In ainlilyailiar . li , . whim . , ippo L o. , : ._ ", • • 101 sisifitio? '; =I 1it4 1 28 dente per Bottle. For 8010 at the: "111014" BOONSTWOL IMIIIIE CLOTHES WRINGERS,. p• ~! • ; , ~ , i l ..2, : ‘ : , STEP. LAD. ERS, MEI WKN1011"8 qtARDWARE STORE 4 7 1- • , WIRD Amp rxitit sis. 'aunt 10 • • 1.868 &00 A. X, 15.510 P. X. 131011: kiiiteviiitit; ilex.. opened a Large And Selected Steck of NEW GOODSI *o.. 648 PBNN STREW. ! 1 ' LITZ G. ,dotsmAw, Cutter. lig I 4 NEW FALL GOODS! Were'S4'3leated In 40014 of New fork, and • I will be disposed of at prices far be . 1 9w•0414 0 ,of. *Y. ogler , • . • isadishminitil the L' ' 1 cit y. . Glootiosettii aotAing mode to order. Boys' Clothing omistsntly on band and made to °rani. . the beet nna ' mout eztensiei in the : 94. • Calidlokain4 "Oa) , , • no sr* 44,ef Win 01 Pink« a th• odo, WWI utter; Mr. Levi G. Creliaaaa. imalleleat jgearayAle 604,0 geneerittwill bauteft FD to the, bat Slits 'kid Witt WWl* . , • 11441441‘411; 4:1; l on! NO. 548 PENN filitElk READING. MI FE NEVI?Ur 'est* por4 at. o ee. w 'will Mold wsya- Mop!' , . - 1t 1 )11 R. I+i 11 ~aQi - . . I. 1, • ' tri4IiANTRD; !I TALL. At Portico Row, READING ! PA, Their Stock of PoWdo . lkiw, OB iit: 1 ( 1r • .r lit • The , Prautiotar_O . a, ply ! , tK an *EitdWeakicf•Gaiat • " ; cf: :.J etiw! ,3 I , s ti" ALL,,mIA9V,:ps - yQn;: OM PRogrny; I%lgglArs' ' I , .11 ,* • , ~:; •‘ •:; 10 ~.:1) 1 , '!• , Hiving implo facilities mid good *oiltmonii , , ;boy atoortstblod , to - oxeogto 9yoltyivatlelY of pkintlng‘OtialTed br • MERCHANtO, - MEOUANICS I - • ;,, , 11 P t . ;: aboks, 1 ‘( hsters, Handbills, Trogrammes •• r Oiroulare, Legal Blanks, NOtee, ; Receipts, , de Bitll ; */' , '! flyterfrplsil =I KiedOina )ar,de We are confident that alt •work entrusted to uff will be done satifactorily . to the customer both as to style and price. 1.11 'Our =personal and poljtie friends ;are' re Winded that they can' Mite ally ald'uS; With any disadvautsgstoA, honahelves,ky, giving as their patrOMfge in this line. ° Orders by'eXpiess or Mall NI•111 be promptly eieeuted. Addrese = : • • l ' ! GAZETTE oFvuig ,"' 511 Peniftiteet, Reading; Pay 4lnne 25, tea& rg 3 / 4 ::Ni:.:,0. -, 11,1N::::g'S:', , :: 1868 EMI W BOILERS FOR SAL.K IN iiivlii,TAN'fil'i:iio. - ' .. 4 r ioiiii4l„isi. j i IVi 1 NUFA f( 4 "1 1 ; 11.171 1 1 1, 4. The undersigned offer for sale; at reasonable rates, . : " _, : ORCILL.ATING ENGINE „OF . FiCfOR: ' CIO POW'ERO • ONE 11+! , ,Iii.ONT Ai, ENGINE OF THREE , .HORSE POWER. ONE 41- ONE FiVE•iIORS E TUBULAR Apply at tho ARILBIIOOIoe, fir aaciries CHRISTNAR , C CANDY•:.: :zrztrm inuthi; ' :! ; 11 *ADP14 , PAf 4 fI I ~! F 4 El P - ,CPAYAgfrl o `lslf)f) Vt4.4AVARtikIiQT . • etIOARIPR !••• ;•• HUBEWS , LEMON- OW CLVAIVTOTI , Vh stlrgiiitja .Airif 6saritteh(ot 14414Sl xvi) iiiir to 'an Bpliketi t . *Vekalut - - mut vsndi Coosatita, Bars Otsmisn,‘W , " All wlAl sql4 deep Me ilymezes • • • ' • .J nee,ls-1h31.l • •• NEI • • '; : t (.1 I. !1‘ c + i !: . , ARE I;filiP4 l lL'ltED - To` DO -• • ''' t k 3; v . 004):il2A t,d .7 I 4'1k,t.,1.3:r0,,5if-, I's' 4 f '}'f ) j 1 . , t . • ;tt. , ') ; ' :11 1 1.ND AT, ; FAIR' P, IC. lEBl' , strolt;Ak; r. owl! •t••;:l ; ramphleti, „ „ ;Bp, of Fare, i flustnis4 Vards, 4ã., Sr, 'CO.,. DAILIA,IIAGLSZAN.I? AND NE milliA...immiill. ~ 1.. ~ " t AND' s ME „t . RI I TTER, xocollto. MEM ei )) .7,•::1‘;! '•.tl ' : .1 , • !II ;;' ) ;::I ; t t!..; :I i. io% 0 7 . ':. ,-, ' ) .., -; ‘, !,. ilia , tetilyakaillia/tAkiii,MlZO L itliti t " I : I 11•i sq154 7grra lliu r ' S' a ty, wto w so! at 11aVITTI4tIgt,,I, - i attritiNgottiVil a ri t o B :4 9 ll4rbargi 1 I iMTabaTinit sVIWIIeIII4 4 : i T • - •'. 1 , , - ••I • • ;',!. t‘ '• •tr I. , 't tihi jVi•)...!;1.411 1 I , ' , .), ( 1 t ' INIIJI 6.9lo4dbllrealietaintali :.) inanolpt: .1 t : ~ I 0 7 17;14P,;:c.;.1 „.4 1 ;•: i.-fr, I; - . 11.• 1,',. ,-,..i;. , ;;,; i• .' , ;;:.1 ,: .; .' ..; ;t . 1 1-; ; ••;;J:liiitt* t i ':, 1,, • ` “ -.' o_, nan ifilllKlV3 4 4 .clog ne. sfog. ;:; , 0 „ i... . , :,, . . „ 0 ~,..,, ..:,:.... ~.., , ~p, „ !,..iyt I './.. )l'illi; ~tf -..•,, :11 , ~ ,: il. r : , ~.., 7' i r t' ' `.• ( . 1 1.: C`),''' l , ''; 1` ' . * „':' '1 • ` ~ 0 11011 1 1 . 1 9 4 VN 1S * 44 * . I , • ' lel ' - . . i ! 'IV , ' 1 1 .1 ° ,‘T• 414 F1 D F ,4 ` ` •• 1 , ' ' '‘,` „, ' .. . iIIEINi `'3 L~ F'th:;4 • :4:: ^1; nq rA._,l2`.', ; .1 1' , :,;) .11: .: , ' i; rt! ! ,1 •7 ! ‘.1;;!) 1, • ! .) . 'Liibles o MEM 'ti.( Ell r ~ ~~F EMI =EMI 111 fl 1:17. ( n, c 1;, ~ ~}!'~.• • • , . •i ;I: s - 1:.,'; ,--iri .1; .tiT , Arii:.,x; '.a) qcl .:-.n.k • :s;;T ' Fj r: "- " . 'f' -' ' ' '•- ''• , r, t ..c_, L. .11. ;:if•., fi :9'4( ,""i., , , - ,.: ~ :i"(1'" , , ';.,,, c, - ", I ~ . •!, ' ,- - '.. ~ .. , ,„ • ,-, , , • '.'.. V. 1 , .-.. ;; ,,...‘, L 3. .', ir.,N. ,• ) , , •-: vtd , k. 15,2 , ' • , , P,' .- c.,g1,, ~.• . i , •-, • .. 1 - 55 '. I .. ,5 , ' , '4440';:;. .- , ' -'4 , p • •i'pf',, • , . f . :, • . ... ';') 'F•L' 'ifi t :Y 4;i'7t';`.( •01/4 F' ~`,“.; I—.•'k V4'4l •.f ; 1 , , , 'i ,3 ; 1 ... . ~ . . ... . , i '... L.. .I . •' 141111001te , MOINSJi t i tt 11 . : -.,. I , ERE ' - `' '=~"''' ~blidOt.` illOfillti r t ! 1=1:1111E1 bototilititot tv,. 9 ,009 11 •13.0 tr7o CI ;NH! et/ fT . 1 :la. wonsey's utollogy. •, I ; ,ThivbeF4g6ndimr,) 131,7plopix, I „ lir°.!,!kvi:44!fren..ol4,,tls! A. MIMI I•i, ;;,•:• „ Slates 40 nel 9 Aterenolls, ..: B P•9? ,rI P / ?V cl .Per l3°9l " o 1: • • •If • ' . : • • ; 1 ,, • 11 •;,. t , Antikloteet% Buition'ax vasir, U ME f d lYpijlimm's7!**_p_t_ittlißryfilep . nan . ReadetE "ncqf ► v. . 4 / 1 1 ;i:11i: 4 1 Parket 45,, atirbn's fierier pitiohool BookA, MEE "11 41 pittendezei , ,BodklttOnit;' Yillt,h'iootto of Blank'. 'll it 0110. : . '• •t , t; til~r! 1 ~+{ ' f'+ ' (4'l,4tt, " 1 ,' )) .! • ),.):'1 41 ! , ) Ponnook's 1114ory of England, Orem. and-Romet '~ . ' . 1 , READING.' - • 1 I Mitchel's intermeillate and Primary Geographlis. 'ltb loge. nil litoLvis64 • • 41938 " — ' EiT . 4l * AND' . as4kAms.. ' • • REAMEITOWN MILANI!! STAGE LINE ' matended•ta lb, ditatinkr o pro 114,444 at : 81. ni ti trkyreek? mast Via ay at p, , . -, day. Itettints I ciao and a Yes lit IN m. . . ,tt serves the ilogilleca9l POO 9 Star '' ' - ;rule m)). Oggiltrateille. : AdametOgir.• . behwatta. ? ' kiiri n taejt , mArtiiiiiplAoß LINE ," 'i Leaves ogertottn ate , °Wal l is: in., Attliee, ' Ait Readin at 1,0 Weigett s nd t timing; . leg,. t ' p Ri m do g a 2 %1;011,4 r 1 7:14 , V ert itfit ' d in, I serves • 1 ne V e,__, rno e n ; 'Uteshville, Yellow wide, W,,arlylSS and ( ' , 00", ; . .I.li MAIL liNt iriAoitOr ' ' • L BEltNyi, : ~ ~,, gawps -Bet e. at ..1 . o e CR! 11 ,;, a. no, rit es ay, Beading at, 1 o. etoom,i *.Ali' •neturtoink. leave' Reading at 2 o'plook 4 p ./ iiitrrv: l ilifaribilri• at 9p. in. It servos li, ~ Wet . / MA, • i villa, Rett rsbutip 5 el, go ii linB . Holsters Mills. i' . , ;,, a . , , , 1.. BLI I SD A,LL *OIL A00_414011 LINN . , = t g iliffi iv Leaved eyitiolp oadu k )Fe4,aedtift d,p4jtti• . 1 41 a o t ts . itiVtr. • 161 "I kra %it: arY r . n a tt ri ir PS It ell airy 1).4n. 1% "tiled • ouspA itedi e L stu a Tt lt t a ry .• . r 4e, • Fi I 4I4D AOUN - 14a,v0 , H I VI. Al. I . B lWodigil i sp and Jpodoi at sk 000 ,A.m. A yes at It ,ad en, Tamdep Thu ay arta ,Bs relay at 0 dea r 1 R. m. supplies t, en.n. ...kenwilleoloannit , ittmos.,Mgrftto . typ, 11 1• 1 014VM011419AW BrAokA, , ei rtil ri atin c iPen /WAD lifil4 LIM ' ,' • ,'. ' I t,. I mayes.Lottal e rvifile. a Trial, ThgtiabiLiitta,', ' 9kSaturday r o.v. ml.iati..l Yee a i 3: l l na at o'oloo .a. ra. „,a PS* , &Yes * ,IF 1 • 2 o'eloe , p.' V. , Vet ii b frit Ile et ~ . ork.p:m.:!!,Dery 1,,E4 . , ay and Lebtoba. 1 i' b it E l U l d it ll4 l l 2 4 ;.i' . ' ' Dia 7il Ito rfie ' In; at p: m. 4 Arrives at 10:30a.tti., 18up uverritztown j iteinnolde Station, ITC ,': ' h ' Millw c til Lit t M g t- • pre1M.02,4 t : 11 . Ille an Ivor prints. • ,1r ) I :•••• ' BlRElO cieet ' Tri- wee .3+ ,13tagh . ? I ra et! J on • Xoncjily. oliiesagy d ay at a. tn. m— itres. at . boto'. at i. *turning. ' !Om , Pa t n rd lr. r ilifyllTeleir it's gitit r Eire t tgrrove t , . i wa u ftee, pOland. iiionyll}e and waft "TOW- • land., • ~ • I.', , ' .- • . . • • • pig 9 , ROBtBO4 .' . • . : Seml - walegole — eaves 1114Ioluel. day and Hatetday at r:80 I. E. and a sae at eaa tng at 11 a. m.i tt • p • in i iiii . ni - n - Ror ; i Elemlireeidy ‘7 * A . o.iiarea,itea4lng •Tneir. • .ay and Saturday, at s.70:11; bi. ' rises asilead4 .ng et 0:30 s t a. tie jet Addrigai iTayirte t x.ovrer eldelberg. Mr* tldthatir. MIA% inns aid •, ,•• • • Ost. i gi k i lii TO 011 ,.. ~,,' '., ' Tri-Wiehlt b Immo . 414 hOUrt % oesdayi • Thursday anti et 1.8442 VIII at Lew Va rt fitt k ins. 4 P'• 1", FP " - • e lt 4 ? ut . . 04Tille , gad ,oprvivrottort o symim ! - -. Tri-wee 17 ,Y. B a li yea ziwltasdin • Thursday and rasA 14.11 a. m. . vet at eas- . ' Wr in sin a Me n . ' 13 _, P . ! K t tb Y" ll l l, , oftl!i? and 1 1tEt41111118611114310 81 1 011431881M0 . :' ' tll Tri g e ad Y aNd i t=rarr;* rik4 ,o,q t rir,erst ' entersburg 'll6 p. us. iloptafikm Warm a and • ' i --- . .0 4/51 "' 241 14 ' , , , I VOW* DULA`, .• • v, m . .• ILI tilL A OtA—Clods 11'.14 ',.', ' , &Avast.'" . Br. ar. ' ruladebblaTArylvas stop, W t nnd ir,.w, • • ,‘„ ~ " tetarairitlOL A. aga ejr i l i • , , uarrOurr-Amvetat 102 u II; 11411 1 141R1) p„ sr. n •____..- pAss atN wit. sad POS. • • ' ; L" l 'l ue-- e m am ve :thnt a ir so l :at. . '': : • , Aii4irroirs WI% - intF.tini IT es ag.i 1 4 ii. , ... 14 . , , ,i 4 r t5g"."...11!... ; yes at T410*.F'...1 • "9- ( 1 10egiIt Si:U. ' it. Antrim at1it(10.4.11..•' '• A. ' ' ' • Clegeffitiboo r.• it. • Arttieiritikiii A.. 11. • ' " ; 'am. sirt:cic„-:-. ._ . LoluestS, 1ifit , 412 . 01,* Inn ' s' *moo' at 9:90,10L A :::' • • ~. al sit, S. ON ' • Milkilar, l o l l4 11 2.0• 1 4. -1 • • .- ' ,•• ' ..,, :4"l!"MnilPATIii-OPfol thisitivlLVAOtt"APlF' ;*siTit.., IA .414/0.1.4f. If .; , :0' %dosiosoolo4. at. cast V 1 4 1 4t -8 14ftis o Telek) ' i i :3o •: ) r!r , ,, i ' • a faaarl at A",* - -.47.0 ,6 1 .14 1. 105 ' O4 ' -0141 .0 7 1 9 : 0 A• X ' ME 111 :Li 4o' j'• , t KZ IMIN d:;~s 111 Ell r It ME I= I~~efp~, , ~ , 0,1„ - • oti; • , f'•• I .1 . 1 BM EOM • I ; ! itiiitTrtibikt4itik*."; • Motitte'ibithe oliVkeit deRAi RAt 19)ilqs, 4 441 1 .14 , :n; I , J • Its hOpoe Witmer 4E14, • • Xi* Vkist itis , ;• i"" • 4_ 04 4F. 11 ,10r. 411 4,1ti5ted . i( , . , ettlxi thy, spew s 1141 e dint I tib llXei y •, 1 !TAO sPitt,Xe+r 45 0 . 1 . 1 1 1 Yliw , pot not pist rostrsin tox "rot fii thii t4ttfid list tti oiil, '4 t , ,;) 11,1 . . d it , ;.! ,• '; , tho New tewedtpOnlino *.'• 14vo,potpr 449 . 41, , : e „, ifoottio,th'e nioOrn • Still tihd OkpliettVir.todin I; 4940; 1 ( 0 1 49 1 } 10 Acce4, ll • Thy future 14e to give, • UtirObli dirk iiroes tittletiew !, 1 • .1 u• • '„,atett‘42 1 ,1 4 1kT14 1 ", 11 .7. 0 4.:,' ! ,1 1; '• .; ( when mien entail beano, glen o ' riPprion't's Begin In * Mitten itn eildleee lelV4 . Wtthin the old Year& onve Bury ehoh thoUght of wren*, ' Heed not the eternal *Moll , / ) .F: 888 CoOrt}P strong, , As with the }NW "route birth' New hbtes.noWjoYe'are born, I koor,weer!ed ehtid of earth , ' thy liosV Vont " •' ' And with , the Now Year% rleihg ray—. . Begtn, a hißltoripte =1 Eio VlTO:that whim thy years ' ' Qf Rife, fore , or shall , Beyond this valo of toari ' In the bright' real:tie pittoe-; r_ t For thee, a happier 1,110111• _ Dimtuod by, no °loud' of teax, Upon thy soul eli4ll dawn i du encilmie, bright liitifflYettr & (attain IN ; A 'correspondent of the Oil Isonis•Deinocrat, ' writes from Vienna, Illinois', under date Of 22d lust, as follows t . ', ,!: ), ' i': ' • \ On last Saturday, two desperadoes, . calling th'ismaelvee ."Toias Radgersi!► q were :passing t, through this county, when one • of :them : rode: boldly Into the yard of ' Captain A; Fratibliti; r nd exchanged hisjaded,anlinal for cried the aptarn'a finest horses. As Soon as the Cap tain heard' of it he and some of , his , neighbora I went in pirsuit of their. On baler eloieli" pressed by the Captain. the thief, stopped his' horse, drew aleirolveri and , taking dallboiata ' aim attini, shot four ttnieti. , • The ; flea% 'shot;'' fired 'when the Captain Was .60 .yards 'behind,. shattered his !shoulder • bone 1 Ito second f' struck - his horse near, the nOstrilsi'lVoutliiiig tha animal therebr wholly= nnetmitolliblei third entered the . Captain's -breast, id , the fourth, fired as the tnfdritlfeil. animal : dishetl by, entered the Captain's side,. causing listantl' death..' This occurred, about ono O'Clock.'- The facts becoming known, immediately are whole neighborhood was aroused, :and hoksii:: . won ‘wern on Ovary road and pa i lbviii 'Abitibi) inurdorer could poaaibly take,t afract ~ bits ea. slaps. ,Iling hotly, \ parsuad, old, Bn4ingiihat: his horse was giving out,,ho loft, iiita antl jook to the woods: ' ,110 was then quielclt:VAPPred, and ho and his partner yertillte,n-Plaeidynder { • • a strong guard at a house near ! ' ttii Wine of iIE =I . the tragedy. ,o)t About X , o'clock on Sundoy,_ ninraisig ' four yaokened men forted their way lute the, ions° fihero the prisonqs were being ;worded, nd atten4ied:tO *pest the niutd*r`illun the wards. Debi CiOn 11 . 0 in the ,hiii6) they ;sp i t reinforceu!cntsvegatafereed thelpfray into : e house, and dragged, the wretch for,th l tn,a . tir9e !OPP) .4Pug :word 'was !spoken by, the ; en ' , tkad thonnrchn...,, er.iid-not plead a eYllable of, mercy, • ge,l Wile ri man of very prepossessing appearance,,,qnite' i IptelPgent ? and claimed to be q soa of One