CI PIMATYTNIV; P•A . WIDIMPDAY, DBOEIpEIt 80, 1868. t4l CI 7 / 1 liT th/ Tkimilotainitaading f .withia•tbvpitst •eigh yoars; has increased itilrieptilatiole `iiearly ono hundtedper cons. The l oit, bas been divid,e4 intiaine3 ,,, and two,:oftliem will, proba. l blyiie'igiiiii:4ll;fde4 by an lat of tho Logi;l4 7 , turethiiii:inter: Tho b9ilzont9l,curvey of the city is about cornpl,cte4, -l i'lle water worka, iariiir to onlargtd. It 'hi Fonteinplated, to Vuiretleiv, city biitliiings l for, tho "use of. the litii z iili'ankt'ounclis. :it is very probe* that a neiViiieOinViiiy will ho chartore'd , by, tho Legtilatii;:o. . 'Tim passenger. railway will be built !text fpriug. Several streets and allop .re 9 open° antistivalitene ~. ronci •.4 t; ' i • 0 v predelit pioaiiets i a very mi 4 larger ,nunibor of TOMis9.Wilf . , boluilt , next year than during the i lireiniiii A Y4i. ) l liiiierprising,,c\Otive busi• near men aro s ‘ ettliig , 111.9 , daily., :Ace° are a few''oe.theestiiiyfaets and , rea s ons which give • , •11:i t"" importenco fo,.the yfoceedings of our . City ( Faititre;', ' i t' hO ,teeilo - 9f the city of Reading and !!aside to K now liiio is required .of them, bitt A e lutil i ces: ''lt'etiligei its that theio' on , Aliaitnces idioald io published in an tho paperp . ofthlii atii'liiii itlnay,lieiifild thi?t, this would bo too exWeniii;: lh if such should be the case, thmlliet itiest . ilmgs o ul4 bo dono, wh i ch tAq (I) 4 ' •t wilt bo to publis lit: the m in,tho chilly papers of thlitity; or at leriiii in ono of either political party:" 'this would bo fair,to tho great body of our taz•payers, as it would Inform both Dem. oe'riiiiiaiiii Republicans as to what takes, placo 'in 'Cisiincil's ilfecting their interests. Certainly no Dowocrat or Itepublicnu can object to thi.4, fOheet"Couttollors have set tho example, lmoat raspoetfitlly augg oat that . .t, 4 1 1 1 "i' . (1 odr at lord e o blow's°. We , venter° the ageortion that . tbero aro not fifty (Melt iv aid Ittiow %vbat : tho ordlatinoOtt aro. ,Is jitat, we submit, ,to ea. forco latti e riiainst thq. public wilon . thOy are flo4 nitl'l/91r can hie bo. in for:inia ,; prints? Tho eilggf- '.lll the l'..iPalch of lust oval, ids is a P')o 1 : C. 4.11 the proceedings of Couu t i)'1 1 ;111)1;.i'lle ti i 11.1 oof jho daily p Opera baying th.) bacc , at circninlion in this city, vithoheiihalgo, and I , .‘t t4oa4lvortiaing of the citytti'giviti to ihouo :pipers, to recompense tbbria Cotincil procOeilinga. • , frnisVoohington despatches state ral Grant, hoe expressed his intention of rooting ont. the whiskey, irailroad awl insular rings if ho has to fill every civil Wilco .with a military . or, pout piaci) h a lige. • Patbspp r ip that enac t ho may find tho rove. dy worse tban tbo , disow); ,We know some military officers .who ono kind , of ti steal " Irbil° in tho army. ' I=MC=ISM==I Tai Philadelphia Morning Post ie to he en larged ekn4 inap,rp,veci. It is a well conducted 'poor, and ikdosoreing of success, for though ita politics aro of tho most ultra Radical him!, it has homasty enough to toll the truth about Radtco corruption at Harrisburg and ohm titer& ; The rust will hereafter bo a two•cont piper. Tin Now Joisoy mifitia,whioh wns riltvays In livery effoo 4 tirO condition s is to be reorgnnied, to'as to savii otponso and secure uniformity of dioss Why is Ponnsylvnuia so far behind Poi ditisoy and Now York in this matter? Tun city of Philadelphia is bocon►ing rotor• ions for rapes, robberies and outrages. Pl)ila delphih has boon under "loyal" government fOr , somst years, holm n reign of crime may be expeeted • TAN Connecticut Stato Dclubcratie Commit too have officially denounced and repudiated thci'llpv York, World. Right. Thu Dotnocrocy eniywboro should do the same. "Bike' POi RO! is about to enlarge the bietratt.4 Democrat. As "Brick" has recov ered his ;health; the Radicals may expect lively time: Horrors In Arknuens. Matters are growing morehorriblo every day in this negro•governed State. Tho black mill. I s m committing tho !wildest excesses. Waretho State overrun with banditti it could not be worso off. It is inn worso condition, in fact, than in such a caso,beeause, with the spirit and lawlessness of brigands, the militia are robbing, burning, and murdering, while claim• ing the'protection of legal organization, and backed by the bogus State government. gad not theao fiends tho support of pretended au. thority, . the people would:moro rondily,.and ' could mole etreetwiliy, rise and defend them.- - 1101Yee. ' Ike following is a sample of (shat is going on In this State: Myyptie l Teilli Duo, special dia. plah from tittle ;:ot , ', to tho Avalanche, to• aiiht, suttee thu the foltowing has been ob giallo (torn reliable fin:liqerti ; On the tanning of Wei 10th , four compuoica of militia, cow • Minded kt . ool9nol Ow Williams, from Rome mid Matthews .(.'ounties (tho latter• colored) entered the twilit of Lewisburg, shooting in Oa*, , direction, and marched to tho store of !Mote &Vox)? and sot Jiro to it, after pouring coil iii oo I,hp 400 r. lloword was Moro, 10414, 1 0 , turned, aola'. Mr. A. Sweel was WM' frotti 'being 'burned to death by great isettioos. During the progress of tho tiro Mr. Croy yitaillitor dotvn, his. pockets rifled, Nad 6{e ,body, ,thrown Into tho ' flames. The **a 11,W1 eiteakied by, the mi)ltia, who go' shootiogitod shOutiog through thotitteeto..,,No Ott* is permitted * leave the towo without A 1 1111V,M) , •> 11 .. , ‘' • , ; (leiter* Sherman'', Issult . to Slat G life ' rol . W4lifitn fie .. toll Sher spoctilitt" rhoplcago . ' there' : bra ~ tho ,o tunit 1 . nee • dog .ioof 8 . righ hich ‘, j pr I and fully tl/0 v 4 4 usittutiooo. 0 it. only on • , . did, morof.—liC,Akingiiinitiji". gratulated the soldiers "that they long to that class of our people in w waa planted from youth the pernicious dOctri,u9 Of lstt►to power,and that the citizen should 104: A. palatal? govvityle&r thitithe General Sherman s intent so ho line chosen . a clumsy (04110AT' 449 1 , I To bold, to "State power," in estiniiion,, is""pornicious doctrine." It would seem, there fore,tbitt he'b'elitlvArthAt States have no power!. They aro nothing but .mere provinces of the General Government., In saying this, lie eith er BhQtrie,4. l 4:oPi,:io:o4lcli 6 1,09!:Q* 1 (41:- lion of oureenatry 'Op Whichihit,ertvArki be i had 'the iinpnetinCe apptiiit);',Ortie regard of its proVisloni.''llo" memory of those who made that immOrtal . in- Strument.l, Ito .every Democrat' it in the most wanton and 'cowardly manner. It is t? t o regretted, thatiot4 opp who does Understaal the -tbee'ry brotiflitititdans diet opt rise after ho had concluded, .and make the criticitms whichW9o44ltrOY,lr inept i• ea by shdh sillnand'',Vintlietive partisait speech. Heaven save us if we are to take our ideas of Governmeg from such, meg as Sher man. litt speaks' or trai`oriOaf i ,school i 4, which he was reared as a:better ono than that which inculcates the necessity of Stato power. His sehpol schoql; ~ tyl.4t j 4espots art, reared. 'his thlachotil'ef IMPeruttism. It is school which every . ' lover of his country shdul d bate and detest" Wha i pagits 9f history are'fruitful of eases mhere its pupils have dug the graVo of free institutions. This man wns not only impudent in his re. marks,. but he was , unttruthlul, ,Ale seeks 'to convoy' the, impression -that lei in particular and par excellence manner ) loves every portion of his, country alike. 1101'414, 1 1m evince it? When ho arrived in Carolina with his conquering hosts, did he 'treat her as ho had treated other members of the Southern Con federo ? .niarlio 11440 M 4 . 461 von , &tine°, anil every step of his progresil through that part of our country was characterized shocking rapine ant. do,vtiltAtiny, i quelty. If ho fovea all his country alik6,!it.tattafbe aitnply, the Mud, for ho has given the best evidence_ that ho hates the pooplo out section ,of the. Union with ''maliguant,,app • bitter intensity:: Ho hatOs them worse than he does a foreign' • . ' The bemocraey,, do ,notoyarit .to ho, 0404 their political lessons bysuch menus Sherman i They' repudiate iron the _beginning all .Idit political philosophy. TitOlfollow the great lights of Washington, Jeffe c rson and Madison, in preference to the dim and tlickoring•orbs of these modern days.. They will not pith complaCcqey Sec the forin,nfgoVeranietit inado 11 our - ancestors derided, to which they aro at tached with filial affection. They spurn and despise the motives ,Nvillcll proirptcd Sherman to ofl'or his cowar;llt i nsult their political lifer° we to be governed .1?)- his , cc t unsols, ;.itates•would not only hare u'o ' but 114 People tlitintselves would be in the Santo cate gory. AU power would be vested ip Bomo or bitrary and reckless ialiiittri'd4l4. Sherman affects: to think that State rights ,are dead, because, at present, they aro trampled upon by t< hiOcous , ,polipicill faction,.which•, has., usurped the control of all our public affairs. :Ire will find, in due time, "his mistake, and :that the pooplu. I NY,All,,givitileatO i ',',t heft'. ,froM the :iol3llly efOtholdoil-'who have inflicted Upon thon4'sueltinhiiibbi't.S4toi:ights, win - live and be Mainfainid:liing nft'or" ton tious upstarts whpllia o,4solltbtk them ArC" forgotten in theimazos ;of tho. uaU Inquirer. Tragic AlThlr Itu 4enneitote-. fir ' - I 41 ,1( (Correspondence a. Tonle A/autocrat, u-4(1.1 „ , ettArrAxtimiii,ifeec'UlAr 2:`2.u—,Aiitigle occurrod'oti Stilt Oroik;. forty miles below lire;' a few dars It seems that 71trJ'.11banb; Vieltoolieneyekatt: tempted to Whip d boy lidbadd'Hutoli!dolydlo rosistO and IQtt jiolo4).:,i,A,,ditf:olAiii wards # you,n4 11\4c1,1is t on, .riteintt,V.teoll33, hie; brotherand a man panted Smith{ visited the. school' Iloilo fOr th4:o2ltoweil chat) tising Ekon°, and iipt Oeding hinitheryi . .thAti procccds4 to his residencef , Deane 84W ,thinwto coming; mul fmticiiiating •111 10 orratkd, tame .2 himsolf,na alpP di4 ,Nr• , ( 1 10 1 1 '1)0.94 4 ; 1, to boat tho house.theit'urr yol Outehl:i son said 'they ,infend4 gWik thrashing. Moto itnotuttelttci';.v,thet) •Sritith drew a pistol und,sho,t Was if signallor all te.prodlico 1:45f614 7 .`" : 114tie 11119 S; and instantly billed CYruil ilkiMbipon i likethet of tho schoolboy. , :- haoiftml3 fired when Smith, whO 111.144 1401!40, Area another barrel 'of hitireileuter it' 110 e;, the ball struck ) but tailed 4,TEntneiliately , dieable' him. Plamilhei.‘titriO4 three halls in MA hody, s Int,llc4pgyp9ads which resulted mortally; IA a , few minutes. "Rwentl. minites after the *iitfair 'eohitudnectry ';l Heap;_ Cyrus Ifutchigon; Smith cud 'g604,,1 1‘ y dead . on the ground within a few feet 'attach -iitheri bgathtr, , ,Yett escaped unhurt. k r intoroatiot .easo I; -repoOok at, ~ A lll A lady, 1 1 0, 1 ‘10.0094r$131 1 ,; MO, two , yeitra:Opfoto• Out idi!ttkr,yrtlia i r . tio(ll rroviOus to Wit' phe Arid itia44 , o.Wlll,l4llvilig for VroPqtY qb4041 1 44 0 .,c 1 011 8 1).#04ita t foTeo, hpr (!eit4s ; tV,o elikt4el, Oigttlo,, i tilitim ,the property. It wiii...fV0Y1 4 ,3. 1 49 i 'triA Oighteowdays, tkat,tio bust'" z to ? oh9l4,receive $6,000, and 116 W go as direoto4 t - Tns jury i 4 ,A 144 , case ' , Ot t , t act o editor And prOpri494l,ifAbliagari4wn gave him a' !.°PI, I 4PPjO,t-1 1 11'..ffilglit'di* Corporation -for, *l6uo datolloa , forAillowirip bia Amp; Ntp., t`o36'lattdruyod Py Mapk i in '18p2 3 , Secessionist.' Iltiermisoft,of damp* for an iiSi•tilae t :','l:llja, 4 4igoelltati'icrte taken' ai'iV'lrui3op4ttat.ftiippnit i tfrfiktf•Aaler throughout•Oriryllind:, .1 ;-- " " • • SUONCilalik4o4ol34o l6ll , ' r • - 3 -- ,t (4 (.n7i-rt Milk ma I ( MI ! eL nsinotrzom :e4, 101 4 0 A 4 Wt P lic 9' th(gpielewoK2%( / f ‘ - W . AMM . %grow ammul•Mivret* ..ft . , OR BALE.--Bno pair of Black Ponies, in good teoadition. Will be cold t eheap_ if applied for 40011. Apply t 9 , W. Y. LYON, Anetioaeer, deo M.. . . . 413 'Chestnut street. 1 t SHIP —Notte Is .ritsottl o TtivtVeleinriattnoishi z .. betw:en JESS'S AnaKX and JEREALIAU itUrralT, ear. 1 1 , bg'On the business of Coaehinakers,. .wa s die- - Wed on the With d of OotoberV DA, Me,. : .IWithiltiMilivi sot . 4i i i , lfilt 1F 66 1 11614111 14 11 —i gt vas-. u AI 140 , 1 . aq. 0 anted, n Nor !Xi street c ar i ero h bust• nese wlll be continued by the undersigned, dee 3-10teod) JESSE - bitAKE, o IostftEMPTORX sA T.F. OF PERSONAI. PHOPEIt• LTY.—At. thl i ftP,X ,tcrpar, Ott r tw p Penn strojtt, south ei m en Ott wiluistlDAT EVENING. Deo. 81st, 11368,5 t 7 0 elbek, to be con tititted until tho whole stook is disposed ot. The stook consists of %all aorta of Millinery Goods, Skirts, Ladies' and • Gentlemen's Purnlshing Goods; Gloves, Ifosiery,4ewetry Alburtis, Vanoy Boxes Wo : ted Collars, Yarn, (orsets,Bonnets; Pat . A v . e arca/ l eap t p ten , • U di i 6 to their advantage to attend the sale. 7 , NBC -MARY BAHL *. Y. LYON, Aintioneer.. • dooBo 2 t I' AST PENNSYLVANIA RAIL fItiL ,ft or . A, NAN: VIPANSV4FINX AlStitiNc4,' tr goa P dop, - ,..u. ber 'Mt; nos,' 4 I: .., , - Six through tinins tO New • - , ...1.. ~..- ..". York daily without change N i t Si ... ,''? • o cars, e A . it Train loaves Neadibig tw- • - ' 10.80 A. M. ? • Eldall, Is • 11l ' _. 4,20 rad. • topping at all tlio way stationS between Rend -1 : and Now-York, makin close connections ) liauchilo n r lloy Ragrljd,Sarll P 4 tV i e t tirr y . 6 ' d 9.42 P. ~ rUnn g a o cop n aye. ' --- ----- --- -- to Tol Vi al EXPRItSS TRAINS: flavo Reading at • if . . it , ',., ,, )%c1i • ..•• • ; , ,-,) ~ , •I-•,..ii 1') • dirty° at Now itork it '..i i ' r- , 11.00 A: if! ~) 44 12.15 A. M. 46 44 ) • 4 411 , 44 • ' 7.00 P. M. 0.15 A. M. Nrhese trains run-throng:l 4rom .1 1 11,41,irgh,tg. w-York, without elfati oof Mir Ift•Oppifigonly rLyons, Allentown, Bet lohein, i k.'B l 3lon Juno 10n, 04 , M a Iliptalcrika l oinerville, Bound lent A. M. train a runs daily 'except :Sundays a 4 Mondays. o 9.28 P. M. trains mill dai4roxcept Sunday.. The 7.31 A. AL and 1.00 A. M. trains run daily. leat, bound trains, leave _New Yorikat the rpop,. of Liberty street, as follows.: • • ' Liktve New York, ) t' , `l ll tiAikal). at Raiding. 12,80..*4 v) (1)1 )„ 3 Mail No. 0, • ; 6.00 P. M. itVi P: 17: grga ' ff i ii i i i i: ~ ' Ali 7 ' 1 0,40 1", M. Express rain, - 1 111 : 1 1.06 .11[, Local Mail Train lovas 1440 Wit at 7.20 :AL, arrivinyillear O. . 61. pue 7. ~ix. Itly,ou . trin. stop at all way 1, 1 Oran. nlyi ally except ' Sundays. r , i The S. .1 1 . M. rain runs •daily i the 0.00 A t 2dil and 5.00 P. M. run daily exceptßunday stopping a Elisabeth, Plainfield Seinervillivlilliction, .F. lon,Bethlehein t aUttolftilanil Lyons only. rw vogues d to purchase tickets , b PlM:friTtfe earth.. 25 cen ts extrflAtll ps i , ) 8 oaarged and co lected on the train from W 'WWI i pay Mb fake to the tAYti i rlanfiml) 1 SV-4 a.) ti‘ +ma. m. Di li ENTROUT. (moral Tick 4,g0p.t., . uls aqhfauemie wrimiNge A PLEASANT vat° Boardi ng can 1,0 accommodated gontworeotyowqrgis Tripd9Fot,,. l. rlo; . J; 1 ) - , i; 'l , ?,•1 11; ,'• OR RENT, at 1.10, 8111140iiii . •Eiglitti 'a tea e throwaonvantalit mina, • toi a; flxmlly !Mini M only:Orte OMier rtoab. • I.4psiloompian•olvonldit tha let -• t idea 5 . 19-24,* - Finkl a i f F IF YO „ OTICE.--Untnal Vito Insumoo CoOipooy,ot .111, Sinking Spring, Berko county. Notice to tho nOsinbers of said Company is hereby givon, that an Assessment_ is lovied of ONE - DOLLAR on eVory thousand dollars Insured, (which. is As sel.ssmcnt No. 10). The following places are ap pointed whernone of the Directors will ho to ro. cOivo said Assessment k'or tho townships of kfuhlonborg, Alsace; Ex ptor, andpity o 1 nendinft,tiippents can bo made to Wellington, Van .111-6deako rethi street, fly order of th e Board. AOO pa-lwdl OHABLES KESSLER, Sect'y• To LET.-TIIE STABLING IN THE P.A., rear er tliejlethhonleo restatkrupt, has been pht in first•eldds order hnh is noW to' let. For p*rtleulars apply to V. C. MALTZBETIGER, deo 28-!td] U 8) Penn street. rill - AKE NOTICE.—THE STOCK pr•,llilll4ln't Srld Savings' Association, are iteieby notified ‘0 pas , 'their in stalment fee and the duos for their shares, on or before the second Friday In January, (tho Eith day) at the grocery' store of J. O. Thomas, Owner of Fifth and Court streets. is also given that any ono who desires . •P) b cono , ,a member On do baby eallitig•oktbe sem ofiledrewherdn'few ebitritsard'On kind: 'N. xi —Tho first regular • monthly ineetint, will be held on Friday, on the evening Of the Bth (ley •of Jg,nuarry /If at F 4 t No. 28 North litd - ptrel, S. Y . corer Of iftliand pourt b 3 tree te, ht'J. l o:Tho As' s ore nyy order Of - the 'President. , ROBERT WAGNER, !deo 23-td , . dooretarypre tem. . . _ rel. JOHN STEPfIEN, FORMERLY ' ..11.. , 0r Worm)Wort, t ondos Ms •prOfoatdonal aor-. vtoe t viti oltilzenr Theling. 41 411419.041 Nor I l Orbot. 0 j)eousal otja, Took ^or At t rsOno ut4o. . re we dd3r BOARDERS WANTED, • AT $2O FRANKLIN STREET.' 1:t0o 224 f •• MIS/Mt MIRE ..A•tt 1. ft s — r --- 7 .1 ; I. , WE HAVE IN STORE ' ENDLESS " VARIETY o i 01. „'1;1'10iS ; : d irt , Ar " kel ' , • Da 4 11 9WMPlp ' / ITI.I.Oft'Or. Wifteit `MA.KH''.A. JY) c .I,', 4 11 .I,', OLM iPREBEND 11 TIM #1 . (, A , DE)I4I , 4r)T 1101111fi, • ‘v.1.(,./..•.!. tr . /J. t i (l :l4 v lttAill r ififl!i Colt 'early and Inaba YouY aaiOntiOiinV* l ; l 4 . l' t: - 11: Ie;I " "! .1 , • , rktfr fir , 1.:v1;EAGLE;1300K11 , 1 0 00E ) 1:1, 4 dee 23) ss #BIIN 5.44 A. M. =I ~ r ;,~ ' . ' 1 EMI • .• ,tv% „1 - e • .1 MO , li , - ''' - 1.• .41 . • t ICI I , . iu., '',r. , ,-.,;.,41?4 , S N 8 It E' Tr' ''6 i - % ...„ ' , ••► ' ' —P P •B ' --- -• : - ' ' s,i. • , ,'A . lii -. ' • ' i • (4 -: , .-0 i fts l) . 0 N 1 0I F 1? , • , v • . , .. FOR THE 1' • t UT ITT! *IA lEr 0:L I D.- A IS I. i A l o 4,0118, * ti l l ' l% ll l , l , 4,llloolEN . .NEi LAVA 13014LAIM 44., 101: :"VolltifitisralTlVlani7. - 4 NT:i J . ) FIN IS E l 4 l3 l 3l3 R4k t t;Pi " yt • '‘ , mut nErraerlfrekrzir ,, .4[1.-, 1 0 114WilICKS11 , PT V. i, 'in. ,P4XPVD., a t l i t lDEVLA...4llZigli s .(.,11°140 'l 3 c, C4E,N'TS VANUY PORDSRED " ' *481i711-11,10MST/TOH/JIDA $ . , . : .01:410 Kti r r If P., CT. I; •f 01 V', \ f't '' ij lie t f ti 't y . i 1 , t , i 4 IX4I . 1 ipll attV- ~•!."14134'..49,“ - , a . KNl"S‘rff ll .l l l( 0..".; i.... t • Falsely t.. 1 1 , .)').1 . I . 4.lPitkiii tilt./ T s 4 ) : 4 ,5t 1 3 ; dioiiii Sname t tnen e pm; i • e , sappted for the itoliday ea 04, ' Arkw - Alibvititfrommturics, '.„1„ . - insTlyipp PATIONALCLOS,, 1r14015% GIVM'ATTIIBIILANDON /Immo, Blandon, on -*Mir zfr. ,t, oem 4ir 4 good String Band from Reading has, boon engaged for the J. W.W..NavoyalltOtlobtlatanagor. de° 21, 28. BO* 441 1144 i 1 t : Tg I . , ', 4 1. ; phi A oirt' C ri 41•D2 ; 0217tItH IC: i OAD P 1.04088 ND. minor the trito l t, f t,lg‘l7l9 , e it ngrk i . 004-1 w 10371M0'81mA strOot t Plillatrelphia. TlAr'.Pr NEW ; KEYSTONE bitRA TIOUSIII 1 Elt 'l 4#l44ol l ,l i t n tt Att4 r tll iTi 4 I JIUARY IST AND 2D, 1869. ho celebrated and original 4, 1 PEAK FAMILY) VWISS BELL RINgEItS 1 /insisted by,kinoolobttlt d'Alit l lsts ' , ' ' i ; y DllB3 KA'T'E HUTCHINSON., Queen ofSong. A J. WHITCOMB. 8010 Harpist. WILLIAM LA-VAKE, Balladist. 4 l'i PRICES TO BVIT TUN TIKES. A mission 8$ cents 4 Children 25 cents; Reserved 4 8 e t o s 2o sl: v oe , t 3o rts t . Bl, T itt io n ktts 2. for sale at Strickland's. 114* OTIC E. -- THE SIIEBOEII3EII t w ho ou h l ite d into o rin menk'irg:Nl3s77:e e e r t s , far Penn, Jibs w bete ho is prepared to attend to sill Inds of oollectiOns from one dollar to thousands, and all kinds o (conveyancing done at the shortest notice, be also acts as Counsel for Administram tots in settling up ATTH &daIAS tes o M ENIALn reasonable , terms. Alderman and Attornoy at Law. — T --_, gitiorninE XCiJILSION TICK. ETS, at reduced rates, pill t b e tiattueeaddif4 the it h rtUl d tr aPl y pt t ALl ' o l l i t i teaf; , 4 ad and Branches, good from Wedneaday,JJec. MS, to Saturday, Janualy 2, 181)9, Bent. Supt. cultkitill-W2t O. A. NIVOLLS, tient. Supt. I ItOSADALIS runriii4'Mile: BiAD, • FOB BALM 111 DRUGUISTIST BVBRYIVREAR. ltoa 18-ly • . CARPETS I CARPETS I I _ i B. 11. MARKL , AY & CO', No.llB Ilium street below Franklin, be tAtifreittilltittltstt'llpivbiktlllf.ittireiots; r • Itespieifilly rnf l o'rbitge elthßeot 14 1 4'111111r tindlii dotty. that they aro manufacturing the very beat In grain. all-wool G'arpots, ever offered in this oily. La test patterns and colors. 'Wholesale, and retail 'at N'witork prices. • . SVe invite the public( to examine our goods before pgrohaslng elsewhere. and save 25 per cent. Buy out of d fl a rs i t .3 e in tass hands and save manes , I 1 ,7 _ , 11 ,1 . , g , ARI 7 .K t L , , .lt CO. ' 'tlf 114.1)011TAN't , OI TRINTERS • • ''' rAi,`, 1 ~1 i,' , ... , f '', : • i t . iiioilitlititS% FOIVAtt, !•Ci: i A FINE•OIANO 1 1 4 A I ISTS f‘ AND MANUFACTURERS. . , ;.s,l`l'i! • ;".;LI !TWO ENGINES • ,3,;;; 'AND". TWO BOILERS ~,',0.1 'ru lo.a so Ilit t-VC:HEAP. ". :4+-1 !! I 'rho following quictilskoryla (panted for este, at Nlvantagtoue rateo. ONE OSS/ILLATING' ENGINE OF FOUR ! •." '110R811,00WER:i,-:: prithiditiV o ttga:klioitycn . armEffetisnin B uitTusuLARUPRIORT i; OThEas pin nvE4tOttsif 11.11tti•Alt joknonk,_gyleMpgit_ rim" I S it ADLM A I W °A rtt Iwo c mt s . To Ind D 0 . diftV4.lll • in • ; 1 1 At* ".: I :4 1' 41111V Ir 4 4 ',cl<; $.,4445.44 - • NOTIOESI TO . QUIT. • .111LAlik NOTICES TO' WIT 1%4 :% s t!?rlt q Aift"4 4 4's,Vrs., ." ens mem: 11111 W 11ZU ,==lifMn! , . .ra AMA , 01 . 1CA:j4 VIA A)}11.1,10Alf it 141( • ItilitiO*oo2itrt lava / •••- i ; • - l •-•±' • s•r•••( ) ::,,o•ti•rpg ; • • • " IT; A 1.•,:4t, 1 1.,; t ;. ZAV - ittilfr i ftheOlliiittgAND , Glitirtf ; • • Vatssoxpritypiors •I • ' ' • , ~..„ 1 44 iiissirac timlinitts4:4o, ,„: • • - : 1, , 1„ . , . .. iiiiiiidei trm, ilitattii,tc.' ii '':',.," i. , ;,t i.l .. c', g t, , . , 4 .'- ' '.‘: f',..1.:. ,o . i ,f,- , , f- ..14:.•‘..",..1 , tii • hAtaSi.VAlWratict,Oft.' ' ''' .'. l ( ''• '", l ,' • •2• ' . '''. ,• H I, '.. .0. ~. a. ' 4: , • ' , o'f , '. i i r •. - , 4 j •' ',:: It t ,7 In I,iii .', - • , `C , , t ': ;1 -, ;i ' • i...Y,0 10 . 1 00: 1 ,r,A. ~ AP,. ,- 7-,..-A :-.„,,, ~> -.., I . -, i • .i.,,34!, -i,3, , . ~;, ~-„! 4., • ~•,.f • ~,.:l i .4 , ~,,, , .,,,,, , I, ' ; f, ~,;1414„pt,D4F@s 1914 , 4 , 1Tfi t 4 . preps 1 "••,-.V ~ dpreps moods Ateilmlw4,ll4loo4Oklettli ' , h'-.-1--,5,-? r 1 : •:.•; kl l' i nt,fl'i 1 . 1 . 1 , ' , .. , ,,\ . 8 -XEW:': AIONSEITIONISIXiiti7 • • - . I itql „' :, t , .:4; "4 1 . 1• I rl ' - '1'',,' , 1 , :/'lll , .' .201 P+/v,.1,4, 4,-3, r ~r • 4 r , „,.r7 i , , ; ! ! t.i,;!%., i : :4. 'OCi , htN't 4 .11" ;;.: , .•'S 4:..': . , .1 . 1 - - • v:cC.l efi 11;,,r..!.'.•i't 104 * 4; . • , '' 4' , V. - ' ,. :1 I: ; ~‘, , ,1.' .1_ . 4.‘ , "" 4 fi.. , 11, 1 t‘ 1 - ' ( ,'="tii.,ili ..,•,; . f,.. ! . , r ; , ,,,r , ~ 1.. 0 , ( I , w „, : , H 4 1 , , ~,1 ( , i..%; P . l 0 ti i • .: "1 ,- . 4'': ':''iii 1 "•;:, - .10 ::!,p ~ .-'l,kie 1 t A11.20' ~A .s ;',. - ' M %. , ~..., 1,: C , ,, i”:, - ..):1 . ,;. 1 100,stii. 1 :Utit-. 1 ,4 ,to'.l ,- 1 4 1 / ,f it ,*1 7 , 1 fi 1 . • f.‘N ‘ .o4't j 'lt , Iyit Irt''.:, , / kills; , ' , A •': ••;1 ' • 1 . I t' 1 i , i•:'t / al.t.' . ) /4/ •: • ''a:• , r,' . r. ,,,.. r"4 ii ...,' 001 :jll,, f,l /01;01/ fi, 0 "; .'0 , 4 l'll - 1: ~ A )1- J V:11 : WRi..) ' -1.',.:5!1 , t • •,!!. ,•''' . • :!••1( ..';',')./•::' 00 . '' :r: 'l ' 'I 'in 4 1 '."! r.:• ~ ( . 1, •"L . , , ' i :IA iq s 'I, ~..): 'e./ t / '•'l.' , ' '. '';''': :It • ' ,'‘-:', , 1-, .'t.' ''-' I'qt , et k I .. tit),i; • -,,,,1 „4,.11'0 r, ..!i;...•1 ~', ;. .' 0,, • :Ilk . , ' ~ ' , '., ' . • , ,',. s " . 1 r ', ' ~ , f . •As - W' ri - it S • „ •Plet , •• %I. ; 'I .” • '.t „ trim ; , :. •• ''l• •.+ 'VAC t j' • 3,1, l' ' ` l*.W.: 3 '• GLAS ll B. , ts t . laitOba woti. ! t 3 3. , ; . 1 . zt ';f• ri tti .! 4 ` t •CZ 1 -I,t ; f ",01. ; 4 I.t.ri, • 1 pli 11E4TEllit: 1,- AND:.::; STYES ‘,.:13t.1: • ..1•'•1 ;II i • :. );•,.-•;/ r: I 1; 1. • •,,1 ,•, ui:+s • ',Fot)l{,-. ,t , i);.t) .: i. • .. .. 1 • , ,:i .1. :Applyc'et!, the , , 1 1 i —• :,-. • •,, .' :, 'I . " .• ~ : 1• .... i • 1 • I : - ; ; • • --:, ,, 1t, t , ,1'l •••• ,;', I ' '':, •;.: s : : 1 4:4r• , i;i'-.. , .)- 'i - ,-- li 14; ' • •'.; ', — I 'l , * RENttlitEtt4l3 Ilig. REAIN . CFARtlNtiiittiffot • , ~.. Akipi,,.. :_l'.' . IRUST, CO 'MPANY D :OP SOO VOUNTIir: n , .. . ~' • ; ... OnieftOgeit) July, 1907/ .)" ' 6 1 00111804.00i. Offlep, Rending lOuteoW 4141t1ttitig,: • .NO.' 'lO North . lytlo ;iscrtifiti•Wit ,"t'f7 *tit i g i • : ~ i• • . , WI Wig !r.' t ::• i ' •oFrio3 itpi;itgiltoy,s#:**W.lo:2: 1 %,, ~., •.,., . • • • .• ~ , . 1 . 04 0,,,,,, ed i .us!! ~•, :; , $ r. 4, ,J: PalittiCe ioeies:i r ' ' . - . r I.llll4trillii."'llP;* tetlt,'' . olCso S SA TB* l''' '-- 1;: 1 i "- iv f ipi lir ' , .1 ..,',: 1.. q 4 190 01 • • • , , yi! i i,fi ds (grrA t ilAr i ix t t e tr or ßEZ s 'A•L u ji re at rates asiarlid3:44gtalf)#erretasclonati a,nd upon every plan known to Stock WIMP tompaules. • ~ ...:-, .. r., •.: it f i > , 1.:. , .. ,, v)i,-k t: . (perpf)tnal Pollefelafana4kOltry 1... r , ilia tivn iviuolitligaiumun le. ox -.. : ho roe, 'wed at any time, less a ednaMego Alvo‘ Per.' cont. The• advantages of mit in oft are i :1450hy Ot the attention Of titretetc Whom naving dest•olass dwelling •ntissa t . s and Miter Duildings, in town or oanntryomF g the oheepeet and safest. ,„ 6 (,,,,,„ u .. „ ' Policies tor one, two, tiirco t 1)1 4 or more in qr for less than ont year;l66ll • nd no o argo wade for Polley alidAturtep *herr renew lat wptui l htin insurances are talanstesreltivuusstlairbont4 1 • l'Ao !Matins Ot Bead (Upon", mAr-upo) now MO rivU aOf ink aPO 11 titiOn, ad tiAtO pain. ci 'and sent a eostnygg a lit rilitifil= siTtYt'n t Dorto - ow) 11.10 anent' paid rot h o' *l4 be Malted I i • • ••, J - . PRING El 4 , ' 4AIIIIIIB •Iltolelik , 8.E., AbLOUNA t fiaairse , lingesl,V,Eldwir.• .. .. , .....u.„J;. • ..), ~,,,,? 0 „ VAC WIC. 'AA:: AL '• " ' , •-' - . -/rk4 , • . . , z , \ .14501Milee Built. . • k •• • • TILE UNION'-I'ACIFIV li. U. ,;,. CENRTALPAC*C RAILROADet. Mareiulded seven Handled Oitit)iiiiei to their' Hues .4 11 4 3 $ thf A9311.:7e#6,1r.10Wi400,zi. huge local passenger and freight Wanes& Tao mugugh f!onnestloe ?AO, tiPsPAlr,.ta Otk gdeltbd next snmVser, when the throu gh Cisme IvilLbkVerp Vela*tli:Ortol2.9, 014M*14192r employed by the two poweriol companies in torele, l l# !Ohl, tho t gFea,_ r401c403_ ~140mkg Ift‘ speedy eenlydetion. wily a e nines Semantic) be buds, of. Vileh..loo e teilliedele44, 00; CPR. the MIS: • ri eStEtteigq9 o l4 4 0 0,9 i 1 00 1 ,41° 4 rikitl4t Railroad comp my side at par ina intone% and, inlet Mortgage ' Gold Bend, of t,tr Ceeirel S ruble awed, at lee and interest ;`' `^` "'' ' '''" The principal end interest of both WWI" are payable I!) 7,r4(1 13P-rJ .1 L DE HAVEN' & BRO DiMitat nt,,tioyismisyrri's!teviettunk uQLD, MTV., No. 40 IMAM !THOM STREET. ".31114wirs PIIILADERN4•' -V./,1;; 111 A' 4 J J : , 1 , r, OFLAND'S Gi .N. tTTEts s . • U .„ „ cr. iftnimuria .3014 c. The Remedios for ML b two of bus 82 ie '0 labotrit 40.0.131,,,.1.'0".4e.....,4,..,,ret, ...'- ' ` l, ~, „,,,, _ olfi,ctiiia' ' ------ ' ~ , • k l, t, , ~, i , t ,-ii • i ~ it*\r{:lkA eii V1'5r7 t,. ,47. 't ; Pk 0, :`, t . - 00 PLAIMS''VERAIAN - nirrEitN. ~.s ..,(_, , 4 . k om34lpeaor thitcirk tot 44 they us' edi melt "&ithitolli)ol it b o Le, triun Barks, Milking A r,,,„,,,, ,. Concentra tend outirciy fro— . /he:Weegiaietwm EV Or 8 /Ong. frvill • ,• .„Xt , , 8 d glual4l4 Toro, '1 , . ' • 1 .1' is a combination of all the ingredients of th tit .tterii with tho purest quality of &rata (y: a ,ihnoloNtAmgerlinnittlitintone or the- and ..4 .. ~.Insane. ,. te meet plea. Sint lasugoabio remplies ever offered to :tits 1,11100. ;14 H F IM ill .1, iii, .-,„1 ..!1it... ,- s;: OUtareferring it Ideoloine tree from Mocha, nto,p*/}llUte t• ; - : ' , , • . , ...;' : • , 1•.. • • , • • 'lt N 7 4 iIroLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. •ttni , ilil:,..-; ~,i.r..v• •' pin k ottaa.* hitsitOito Ottiettlett' to the cou, i ' liFtifib•LitemilliAtiktiA l lYll - 14 0 ,• • ' .; ' Etooppititois.ditiiidAN Tomb.' . - _,11.01 'l...__l••ti'.ct,l) RitiFAVlvutt, anu . ul l , the , il li,, i n 4 o'obotee between ASS? sio Irma ins taktterof tasteitheTonlobsin g i , meet palatable. , ~-. • . • . .. he stomaoh, from a variety of oauies,'Such iti d eation, Dyer tierr i us llebillty, v v n amt r te jay ita et,lo deranged, • The a t El 4 8 '4 oaelr IA El„ , Ova tit tbe 8 t °Mut:l4i then heeoMea all i rt.,` , , tbe. result et-which a hat the pationtan sni , l ilt iv ialsev_ oral o: inorolif t i lt o o c tio l l i l i olv i i t i t tedl i teas V i e : ' I ti, I " A i ler Inwaril nos, Fel t,, ~.# i f 13 ~ , , 4 , ead;4cllttpe :- Skalach, Ne it; l *tit-W . l'6,D • - , -ter mood, Fulneaa or We ht hi to - • 1 ~.. • Igo , . ~, . ; , t o lisu 1 04 i , ts , AI iing at' hb rit et ' ,4a ,'y, „t. i l t' i n the Heed, - 7 ~ - mob • 4 , li. , : , g'or bitilleeatirigSentittem' when In • • g Yoe two, ITheneee Of •! I Vialett, DotOtri re the Sight, - . ....a p. 14 tie; ,lottolouoy ~ , .' • : . , 1,1 p, T , .Itl ONE4'itif the 1 .. 7 • :I , , :11 1 8k,' lt4Fo4l4the Mae, Beek i 8 . ...1‘416 1 4)/Arai ;," Oto.LBtuadett' Fituthip,ur eat, Burning In the kleeh, Constant hewn. ' i Inge of Ev ll •4l6 4 LlMMelett of 4Pirilei 6.: kiV, ~. ~I— % ':11) ,i' l i t li , • , ~ , ,1 1 :,. , bauflre, %Pests 'aispAses should leo", • PSI • t 04(4 nauttitot lit the' seleettow et it tem ' r case, purchasing only that *duo bbla Suudired from his investigations and heel. r 01l pimbeillees tpinelgilgclt j oht skillfully ~, , ithialf hi Tree ....... ili IkhirlouS 1114 htbi d beffOltebihdted for ;itself a reeu., ou tett (soupier trasse 011sease4,.., in thin Dom' Nee we would figi*lt:.4lo'do'*filchowß,lt! 1 4 e di e wre , . 'i , : HOOPLAND'qA*IOI4IkI 4317110 . 8 .. . . 141 ?,‘ 1100FLANDlti 43 1 40 , 141 4 ( TOMO? OISPARED nx .I#l7l KIM troV/450N, , ,_ TWfantViro - yearsairom thoy afore drat, hum duttil in Shiri , 'Oonntly from) tiorwany, during ,v 21141111. a they =bairo lindOnbtoilly yortortmal taora*fitoili Attd benefited suffering humanity to a greater extent, than any ether remedies known to the Dublin. • ' L ',:', , ' ‘ e.,.. 1. , These remedies will e ff ectually cute ,Ivor ,Complaint, Jaundice, ' Dpprioptilit, Chronic or I l Lirvous Debility, ()brunt° Idurrluett, I!lmenso of t t e Kidneys i and all Dlsenees a Oki !whom s: isordoxect i Liv rg ,) toumoy of i t iitoatines s , f'""'•‘ 1 _ L I . : . -D i L TY" I c, ifeattlang from any Glide wha t ever; Pllo* TBATION OF any NYB'./'./Cilc, itiduovi by; ZabV• fiqrash ..fir . Elposure, I I.' • ' Ftvero t t AV•' • • There'll* no mndlome extant coon etc 'hewn ie. algettin OPOPMetl,i Atom_ and y 1 pr plk • • pa to tau whorcityotem, the appetite Is atrepgthenest, food to enjoyett, the otomach. digest, promptly Wood Is podded, the corm plealon becomes sound anti htMithy, the yellow ago 1 eradicated from Musics, a bloom Is gThen gio.enttekerarnt.the w norvout O 161%11 coomee a iftronnd althy 'mason§ ADVANCED IN LIFE. 'And feeling the hand of Unto weighing heavily Atria tluum, with all ita attendant ills, will and lb the use of this DITIIIIIB, or. the 'WNW, se elixir that will instil now life' into their veln4, restore la a measure the energy anti ardor ol - More. youthful-days, build up their shrunken forms, nudging i hmsitti snit bagginess to their *maiming years. - • - :•.,\ ,NOTICE. It is a well•eaUthitsholl feet that fully orie•ball Of the female portion of our population aro lit+ doin in the enjoyment o lpf good health I of, tis us their own ox- Proasten,"noverferi ell." They are larign , ovoid of all enorgy, remely nervous, arid have no aretl to. this class of persons the 111 TERI), or the T 1 4 44 . 1 .4 9 ,t4t 4/B „PTTMV:Pr mI224,n4e ' „ WEAK • AND DELIOATE U)I U Ake made rong r he use of either of then 'Yemediee. -They iql/ , o ure, oypf„y, coso of MAW /‘.Bl4UBs Without 641' t , ThOw/Ande of Oerthloates have no :melded In the heeds of the proprietor, but pp ice will allow of the publication of but a few. ILoso, It wit be observed, are-Taqq, og not 4 of auohstand' fns that they Met DO hehdYear. • . , —.6.. , TES,T,IIII.9NIA:I4. • NV.. 4411.°W:( oodwaid, oraiti.loactl far Po !wiry , courg Rol • PiIItAMILPIIIA. March 16, 1441, ll gur l l 0 ,1 44 tiezetti dt Milts I it b toma lON 6 al ill* eaSes that igeotive crwhantireittailufewnerorf . ," 6- t! tr y o eon ton itit ifs tem Youre_ f tralp l • '1 • 3 ),! ; URA W.WOODOIp." . Hon. James Thompson; "Olds?cf 9s4Btrerrle Ansi of Penaryttnnia. '•! iritiansimmA # Apij 1 ,166. consider • .eteofiand's German Mitten , s rolgito,iimookm JP , CatlQ Qf attacks of Indies» on or Dytiptstatiit. I can certify thlit front firperience of it. Yours with revect i 08 A ti ,Ittfil_ftAlfrlPClliti?", From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, 0.0., litoritkrifthii WWI Apfist Murat, PhliMdpitia. ' Dr. Yeekson—Dear Sir s I have been frpnuontlY h, 14 , Ail .. .. en. i'alaeauctsgr''''' IMltatritollioWt ' re' Icy t 6 prim on an out of my ap rOpriate frere, I have! In allliercases deal ed I but i b i b a clear proof 10.11, 0 ‘11 variously antes WWI petticubsrlyj v i i my own faintly, of t ueful* v.* of Dr. Hoo 'll Q Miters, I depart DM_ ~Once from y natal co ,to express ml ran oonvlctfon that, or general &bore, the no. = l l 4 =2. h yorltar t e 4 " l,l lNo B 4 s s Wiiiiiiisligtitinititi not, !I.'Ft" vombondo to Utose wh* suffer from the's ve natures. ,:, f , i , , IX?",res no t e rMitluittAtuf ' 1 141 '1 ; -•;'; r Frog Rev. E. D.Fendall,i, , . , • 4iwisi AI (tor I Meate(falo 40tofttete, 19stkiellpkie •)t ye dertveti (10014 ed benelli Etta the tuy.t 01 tivnigark Xlltte,r, Aug feel It, my prole' *laid the* la &Moat valuable W % IN -.. .P Werke eultering from general debflftYo 1111911.001 'ram derangement, ciao Ot 'el ; 1 , 1 Oitril Unlit '• • . •••' "••‘t :I, • •••i••. 11). /1111DA0 4 , pl O 1 . , -Fe=eltbotPamA Oueniro rr outelro t3tckl; lt? QSI g * 40 1' 4 111 A P ,*g n r"ff 9 *WOO 1.1.000 N 00i. : II ~ Ell