—Tlis 0130 hninhill yore shiee the death of Jobtr tbo :founder of Pottstown. His rchnignslu‘k fiat - cried in ' Ails old family burial groundi'fliat the' Mende' lfeettlog House, in Pettetown. lie died on Mt elli of June, 1708. 1 I ' 4ti ~ was . i-:. l ittle boy burned to death near the m° tit s° / 1 ) 1 4 , 114 0 Alleghenf ,river. TIN ' untlie 'child, ' , With other i children, was playing about alrush lire, when one ofthe other children pushed him into the flames, ' al9 c iled 111 d ' • . !t1 on 0 poor man's' paradise by p, oorrespoot cot.No, says a $6OO house them Li us goad an a ~ '2,G00 one at the North. There .4 _pot 10.094.pi1s or harteorr to provide, and:4,104 RN+ Oats sik.acre..' : ' rektireedful boiler explosion occurred at Newry(le•okTyne, December 11, by which thrunien hie been killed and three others etfirkly Infused. The !jolter was that of it steamboit r on the Tyne. o .7) 04.14. Toledo (Ohlo) . eitizen, who . pretended to make t m 40941444 •CPIKOS •by I taininal trlagne• tisesiPtheshoen sitreso,9 l ,o44 siF eieetriabat• toles clowl i gtee'peretti ytth which he kept up the nectleteryaupi}ly.,., -0(1.1 it 7q 1,, p t }r.,. ttII9GSS it V '1 1 , I • I t4 i k,W.f:fior ckfOrtl, W., aroused her lilts. be4OnlikvePiAtehji 004, OftYing Abet alas heard elYonirAtnockint.. lie *role, but could find ViAttiintitlbek to tho•bed be found het ylitileedi , • • • .•• • I tilt ll ' • e rest cut of the L ehigh dtveretty at Ilethleh? . esAvi issnlaryof s4,oooser year, and Cati t ki4i) PIVICOIpt $2,600. ' i:11060 aro said to largest Wanes paid by any college in the; BtAte. . —Thy Maine prohibito/ lippr le%! to 114,0Pogett twAlatra tis teereate is the sox94%oo3.Piqr eitt(nil OW Ottttof prl ftniniebti gioyoopi? take to on• ufi r4 • . Co-Tlint'opte le , said to be 18years of age, and litlfilOpio,ool,f.' Meted. ' This correction . "rrlitdi b a correspondent, trim repetlis that the P6p,til inisettsitys itp,res born in OW. v.tst " 1 1 4 - 0 U tittlOtlging a girl in the employ yrtlillo4f li iaris4ro;i4 Itiontoo dioradd la dal v. ash-teb, , while its inok t iroma pig l bi?ugin'cupolothes: . r: '1 I • • t • • . pot f ilea recently pielcod •out r 1 fulse tooth id mietake for.s kortisl'of corn, from be. 10444310 Utia,lof Connecticut. lady. 111100. iTaugliter" rescued it. an =I • rl: ro•I r in 'Opor . ironically fearka; ."11144311/0#1414 1 3 moving front New litigleed to' lid &nth, 'telwvold the •InSeCurhy, of life ikr ,4 VTAystittl , i4 Vale 'cation!! —Thu sultan'l u limed nn edict .liberating Jerusalem (*near :from military oorvice and from th*Oilloseitt . of any taxes levied on tic. conot . Otdititaty OporatiOta. 1111111 44A torkolpoadont writes that "it is remark able. stop thtl Ofrib'er 'Of scholars . itt a Sunday School • ititittioii whoit' a holiday Christmas t-co is ounoonced.". , —ln Chle#9 three: million dollars nro dis• trite ysts t tly, ,toil ,charitahle perposes,_and forty thoUsikaa, 0(1110ilti nre annually aided by etaritnbi inkft. • • • • MEI —A Frenell btitulet was lately attacked by wild boars in form The inhabitants weto in. gloriously defeated, and three , persons were wounded. —"Especially shoo whihity, fast women and the United States," were the dying words of. a man who was hanged in Canada the other day. —Sixteen thcamml acres of mineral land in Crawford county Missouri, was last week knocked off at 61 cents per acre.. • 4. • --Threbt salters rero lately married at Du. huque t Toria,, on the same (welling. • An eco• nornieal procedure. --A. Mrs. Win. Schug, of Syracuse, was burnout so that she died by the upsetting of kerosene lamp. '--According to Frunch medical authority, cloctticity is an aotidoto foe opittnt poisoning. —A. Troy lawyer got for his fee in defending i a counterfeiter tRy dollars itt spurious stoney. 1 , —A ma Connoctiout recontly foil upon a pair of aoialora and died almost instantly; ivp,;ilmottrit, couptriei, biole no coil and eimimrativety tittip wood. --An oilic!ir of the Alabama Senate, has berm caught stealing a pair of shoes. —Titroglout ;Gomel% the . telegraph rates her, been reduced one•baif. —Rows etufsed by drunkenness aro now cell ed "benzine exploOene." ' —A. vein of coal has been discovered on a farm in Stonelump Maine. —Compreaßed hay, from I.lombny, i 4 being imported-at Liverpool. .—Tho open existence ur Vie° ''..tinsoary is ptnutte4 at last in Austria..., ' -4bicago gets antelope meat from ()mho, for,apkirita,tweil,d) --Oeu. Rousseau has bought. a. Louisiana suer phunation. .. t: f lihilyetit? ' intl.., is' btiittliag a $70,000 0001 souse, • nefivaine is down on operatic 411/6 111 1 4 117144 , iii-'H, -Inattbiel brewer of Dubuque, lowa, is a *NS" , .i..)10101/111 ; f,floptill.blivim !Inv of ~rix~iy from ' .• :s4lr. firm York Nirolli now went sent sliin LENUANtiI 004414 ri caln* /..! 11.0 • 114101111110 TE, MUNI rot:num/A ~ • ,;'a t i, Al.l 4.4 )0I luct , to iad An; Yith , , • 1, ;1 0 • OitNitAt. D*ALTI4IIII.- - (;(,,; • f.t ?•;:od and . Manufaciwitrie • Nay 6X! 1 4 1 D 09. hANg6IM 0,1431110:1,11, Jana- as ea. We I,oor int atcarwm . mostici % _OM 40 1 11ei IQW "it& ebOri ilnd , , • 41100_411d likgB,, I , octv-zinocbd • • • „ y i t „ , Mil 11.04tItiiii t it :16 Roll by 00.1)1ingibM Er; BIRCH BRO• 1 Da. At /1. ttianD W THIMWECUTER 7 , '? WILUAM *Abp.' 'Aga*, Atitiplar, utsy 5 ly GREAT FUR SCHWEVER tr, FELIX, Wareroom i oorner Tina and Washington atreeti... MANUFAMItY; WASWINOrON • ISTRAEI ' PVT WHOLEattlail A2tD RETAIL: trill): IINDRRSIGNED . R Llf IN. I. rite rite public; attention to their Wend!i Ale Q 1 first-otase furniture no sudvonstattly on kW, and made to ord article s, mastomm - Among other moist attention Is In 'Naiad to tholr unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, • DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROOM Cit4iB; CENTRE AND'OTiEER TAW" BEDSTEADS OF Ti h: ET WM ES, I l ik Anil every o th er article In the r Icne,o( b sin Every article Is mannfitetnre bl o tlise vea ft . their itirirably pranged: tal n t ij olt ; znop.l)9 eo utaehittery..itud a i fin ee . sit and pule ell in an nadarpadaed inattner t - • . .. . Aldo prepared to execute sill orders tor , ' - CARVING, TUR:attitl,' . ' • ' SAWING, and MOULDINGS. All orders promptly wooled. 444 warrAntill Savo satisfaction. sp. O. • lyt. A. myna, D N 'S entre—No. 609 Kenn. silreeS. !leading. (ABOVR J. O. D Romeo NAT Stal.) Removed front. No. 6 Hoke!. 131116 Oreet. Particular attention 'pal& ,to entlng alietteer of ' the Mouth and Qum. ouch at BottrvyiPteterbato-, ral Cfrowth,of Otime. Alveolar, Abacetleti Idle,Qade of the Alveolar jarocestl. • , Fireure4 Pitiateii;and dipeasos to which the nifitlth and , gains bre. iulh. • feat. Teeth extraote4 without rant; oxia ItisOrted on all material used by the Proles:don, _ Office hours. hom 7 hi, to 7P. (deoi-ly .n A.. Gationitrpuirs' ' Extensivo W'arehouti% FARMERS. AND 00M 310f1010,; Who nisy wish to - Ptote 4torilfe. oOtaigisatou to:mon:Ale." Also, aeuperior It FLOUR AND PER, Ato., Furst'le wholoPnle and retail at lower pricetUtia can bb tiurcho,ded elievihore, Also; a lapirlorlot OF Ititokwheat Meal, and Potatpos. Ottlao,No.looilOrthEtitillh-Stalitildbiass feba- • , • . . r ' l4li i iii o'4i No VAL Al4lt • , f •Atitoit LIQUOR'' , :STORE 9 Has lmwt7etwoirect fceru the K4)764liti rofit ! dtis fo tit ei gkolt and elexitat etket. . . 'Avi). '4.11 Or.tiN lilierecluatoiners wilt End iviofy;xivisyxk of the best and purest < 4 .1 7 „.. , 7 7 1 , 7 •'' . . . . . WINES, lIIIANDJESi ie., over ofert4 to the pubtio Reading. ot og. proof of the 'taboo/. that is , r44.1...r0dit L.Ak share of Petrellsee ikottetted. TODIAS am' ITY, otr.xitA,DMl'. c': ' ',: for sat". tkt • , iMitijuisqikTfontittsk.: ,". • no t" lie+ ilk_ OM DEPOZ, IME ri No", ititd, 'for IBS =I lEEE MEE= . 7 414 I log 1 , I i 4 ` 'RRN. . n ~ (.., :,,, ~,,,,„a . ,4 , ,e „, 11,32%. - v•B - iir"m ~. , ~ g..„ ticCOENtl :STREET, '. : 11 ,, i . 1 ~%,. ~ • , - . ~:. -.. : . RiLinixavA:.' . - _ , • as aivotantlfoighand*i :, . ~ ;.,. .7 : , : .• : .'. : 11 " 1 ' 1 ' • 13 S.'S l'. .11';E Ei" }• 9 - , r ~...)..1:11 ~ . '''''fi I:iidt. i'..' o f sv Adai..4 7 , Over. rAtiotian 'I I 14 .tl ."1"11.11147111:: 41 1 , VI I 'l l n rotiiU. . * nor a-m . , tAuNits !llts*Nalt i• • , i .::—, .:.," ' 'ltito2l4o, VA. • . • • . ' l i iibtitiktrttiiikihat i *a n AltituliitOithonsio lfo a ay tri. Anstalt ri ll ti lai mow Owe oo ofooloottoot i ati POP trestitil, 401 fumy mbro super wog* , 0 , '; ..• • - t •-• ' ~ .: ! ~ ,-.7.11 1105.1 i "%Oat iblitOßS, tat i O t i;vt i iti 116 siciek it ff.. l . ~.!***,?, * 1 : 1 ,0a. 0 4 1. r'M . . 0 ! : 0101vitorlrii t i ORTEN: 'BoitzAita All,' AND tAChilt, BIER. : , •.1 . gastric 'amt. . . .N. B.—A atm, oir 'lOU's* will •koo allowed ;knots tarok& , Ma*. f (llllrFArf IsITITR'I3Ir. , • •t, , - = f' • GENUINE 01,00 I) 'PURIFIER, • • • • , • _ . . , 11131T.'!ttri3t9":41.1f l i s friV : estft l aST , - ; • 11 - NLLEIVEI • 90)!IPMITIN PAVENRYT I, ' - AND FLOORI/1111: . • 'The ilvastirqiiiiistherio nixr: Ven:rer i t 44 re 41 b1 lin rlll MIXIO O. c iot itoperviou. to irate; and notinotod by ogler *mot cold., 0;1 • = All °Tart ProtoPtltAttekdod to.tod thOtotk iroorantota to iltvo ostuntottoo. otolk to ELLHRL Mine - ♦ - No. Zt, Noollb,lBl- ./6 DL aractirs , • Celebrated' Herb Bittern. .• . t'‘ • itirkilarter's I.if, , its vilif - ..A.I4D • 1•14)1I0Ig. .: ; .'ll'l'l , r•: - it ~'; furfilAu,llll USItiVALLIO ATI Ito. 121 Nprth Third Street, • ,fllll•ADELtitii. For etite'at the taste Bookstore;c FittounrON W. %AUER,' I . I.I OID At A.; L,P ' , } 9vier ilfth and Wathingto* irtre!ts, Readitof t Pr Sole Agent for Derki and Lebanon connue3, for Ito egololqad • . • , : imrBoN scikix 011PANY, . he matt tlitill and duralAe Rees ever placed ors an: P e:e 4tecit iteto& purete,olar elreirtterev upetior indlagenienta eitere4 to buyers. , 1 °; Or & # ol M 2 _,a 64 , • -,. • . , • ' ' , , ' ::VLATETBM ,fd4DALES , cm band ath ter eel* cheip' A . fiept if; . , • ~.. .. ~ • ME BOOTS AND SIIQES MB VOIVrIM VEOI'LE. ,THE BEST. AND bliß/e.iPgSTI EMINHOU SOgOENFat. Ell ti0,•41 Nosh Biltak stroot, . . •.• - " • ' ' Rgii.DiG fi . 'PA. iUna awasCitllttssitiorg` 41!In ' I:STAB ' lisilletleletie Minted eihoe-uselag eststi. Wilt it tamest the above 'tided Sue where +kr rft Oro 1 1 1 0144 ellot4lPM7tig,the I t • ' iiin i It, of inynam, nu% it wwix I' vtit . tn_st Ativp . L at 10014 10 biti.. , '• u lowitusto; Pricy* . p!9 !coo 111 we gay: eels • beg e. .- .. - •i 90 and %Looms. imakholss i ; ... ~, , i . , ~,. in 00 • 10 ':1 ° ' re e ls ag roits if 14 7 r1 VPit 14 * • 3 1 .1, I . 6 ora ' teitere. .. .. • . s. °3 'ft ' shs ral . - ,as i , 0 e, . SO •I•Yg l i ttif /IV : , 1. , it , ll* • • omit ks ID i si4ongt,_ i . etei 1 int litsb Polish, 275 •,• .a k eall i. • reeeniteys , 7,5 to HO • omen's It_ .11 .14 10 tau • n . ft . ' . oxim i , v y . 05. , . ..r.. •i 4 • ':•.! !or •••': ‘, .•. • ' • '' l ' 4 •ir'' &Ole' •' - , , 1 . 5 eta: to 7 ' • , • bigelletel heat ;' •: • :Mesh 4•• 90 In lan* desk of motinns on . band and fol. 0.10 IT S goy. prim ii.o' tnrise thin at any ' cithe;, IkAqu plid e ,• l 4P;Y l , ll4e f s , ,l P. PO ° l i ft ' ' • e 1.., =EI ,i,.PktR . ,.I,N, O.', ) iittouttott NM to ilil kinds ofis liglNHOLD & SOMENgii, „140 ' NOM'it ' t .':‘,440*046"*11004)' nwaltut , • *Prit Iv* ItAiIgOIC:kNOLANi ' ;''' • : , • ' ' OAS - 'oli t tin jOr t ent ' VlTTignio." :RAT'ING' FOR • CE#EURY in NWT*. RiffratlTU S9.IIRETo. ) 144:Arnie, PA. cselamo, RE litinufaciurera of Ithi ME =MI r ~.1 , , LOTS, ke. .Akr tanzuglinoNt tor 4 5 4 t * 40 la ; # M'grpttopoi;vp A Al, si. GrI!MNXUj OMITS TOAMOUN $0 VOr ,000. Mole TjekeM " `risr iv' a e, Cesll Glfte MO h 410 -- WNW ft 41 .. ..... r PI! 44 it C c 100 000 SI " I" 25 $0 ElefOlit Rosewood rtaito4l ho , 00 to peo it A 191 0 11004 Utto ISO lbl etitialt Slatlitneo to to ps SOO "loges* Boxes.., to SOO SOO rine Gold Watellas it •: 73 to 304.1 7301 1 11%0 Silver Watehee " " 'OO to OP floe REsOrnunts4 jgogravluge, Silver Was% rho ph Album.,arid a largo Roam. I ntent Of nee Id Jewelry , In all valued at ' .1,000,4/00 • • A dance to Draw an of Me above Prizes by Purchachw.ct yokel for 45 pert,. • 'Ticket. dcsorthl‘cach 'riro aro SEALED 10• ZlPftluPtS otang ralacd. Qn ceipt Of ii-giaetitvi kfl 'r cket will he tirftwO, vilthottt cherub, slid delivered at our omen, ot seat by Meaty any address. The prise natued non it wilt be deliVeied to the ticket-holder on payment of ONE DDLLAII. 111.00 will be lin._ esediately sent to easy address, 'requested, by express or return nail. knotolv/int „Our mirel,3 Wore sLoO pay for it: :Amp Jise may be exchanec4for an. ollwr al Meow , Value. privo Moak& 11%16 tatroria eau deperld on fair dealing, NOES.—Wo select the few following vetoes tom the niaay. who have lately drawn Valuable writes and k indly permitted us to pub. Malt them S. T. Wilkens, Du ftio, New York, a 1,000; Mrs. E. Stuart, 7o Nolen Place; N . Miss E. Mon. , Chicago, 111., Piano valued at .650; WW. Curtis, l eW Have Uold Watch,, s2o4 Robert Jackson, Dubuque, Sewing Me.ohlue, $lOO Philip Maier. thy, Louisville, Ky., o.3oo,llarnes Rogers" Wash. !piton, D. C. IdualeaU BOK, .11o; miss Emma Walwarth, Milwaukee, Wls.,`Plano, 000 ; Rev. T , W. ritt, Clereland,Ohio, melodeon, opnuorts OF Tllll PRESS. • , • 1 We publish no names b4 4 lthont permission. • 'ley iire. doing the largest, business' the firm ili lablpi and; iteservet. their., Burnam— wrokk. 'Tr he, imea. i 1 . • i• '"We *Oa IbilitrititOd thelt systetn i land 'know theutio Oa a ,fair ,dealing II rni.-,N.- Y. Heriad, I 1146. 181 A , _ 4' eek 4 friend of nuts drew a $3OO prite, *Moir was , promptly received. —DOI/ Reim, Korea I, MI., Send for circular giving many more reloioneee and favorable notices from the press. • Liberal indueemehts to Agents. 8'11161'4,03MM tnaraateed. Every Nelicsob 'Of 6t4tefl Ent>etapes On((iinB ; i One Vali GO: airiox itiehout for OM) Boller, 13 for Two Bal lara for Five Dollare,llo for Fifteen Loire. , A il l letters should. be addressed to . ' HAKIM% WILSON it C 0,,, /73 Broadway; N. Y WHOLESALE AND RETAII. DEALER IN LITMRER, 14ops constantly on .hand and for *ado at tho LOWEST PRICES, PINS, IiEULOVICiSrItUCE, CIIERILV WM, ABll 6 CllOBllil.l,T, I,III,IANA IWAGIC AND SMITE WALNUT, CAAULINA LUMBER', Thoroughly'liVatiolio4 cover. PLUM PI:NE I CYPREW, AND NOVIII CAROLINA ORIid'ONkYII'AMPORDAR $.:11,T,N,:,G,L„g5,. AtrOillratiispectfully solli3ltetl:hnd pkoiniAlY attended to. For prim, call the aug 55- $1 1V• BRICK, 01?) Un the Corner of fourth unfit rine. fitreelp or, tultiross ;T.' • IiF4ELY Feb 28, 10434fdi /WADING PA, PIE CRY IS STILL . THEY • COMEI 4 THE RUM 00i1TIMJES iiolt BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, • ' • 653 . /tan &vie, .Reading, Pa. thrAS CONSTANTLY • ON VIAND TIIRIFINEST assortment of Fine and •Ileavy toots and Shoos n this city, also Ladies' and CbildrOn's Shoos of all id& • See list of styles and prises: ell's eel( bits. helps made, d. 44 *iv f , Uoy'a " f‘ . 1 i ' • routies 8 , 4 'f! Women's ifip lace boats, oiprttallSoat polled], i l a l ena 4_rotta, 1 WNW 14111/.8. nri l eurg 6 0 , . :I ardt"On'il 14 deo.? CIIRISTMAS WI! i,t11,1! . 1.t, ~&:,:.,w,iji§pN ELASTIC; LOtigNSWIVII SEWING Qualities that recounuenitit aro . . .; iirido range ,of worit: with its ntleehtuentß. Bely ing anything that Anal be dorm by hand. • • • • 2d. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of fabric. 3d. Veins finer tweiltes tor the same thread 'than any other maaehtfie. ' • 4th, icirspliqty of construction. sth. fikeer). 6 tbt /NO nropPragn9 nn4 7th, royularlty. - • Sahli now exceed NOV. Vt:rly rates 10.000 in u less oftmy other eempanr• Terms to snit All panhaserm. ' prrsittaini SIRPENTOIV:, (lateral Aireati 014 Penn St t i &Mine. : 4.11+11n ViATCE.-TITE A.TTENTIMt. OF -1A itieehanlos and laboring men is called to the Fortune linilding end t aving Aosoolation Ot Beading. . The shares are one dollar each and limited t 01500., nirtedl a large number Of shares are taken, tearing a,feter Mere for Wannest. Plan the same as the oltarmoide.!' ' ;Wong but the legal rate of interest. charge) on loans. Thom) l e r: litl x isti better canter) to 'petite 0041. Idaho give notice to ' tlitme irtitilintre en ' bed, to pay the initiation fee and duos on (heir shares on or before Pridtivtikt eth day of Ill i n ,fseteiry, lets when there will Rio a nicotine. of. the Board of !rectors at Ili r. x., at tho °Moe of the tinders' ed. a • : - , . • , , Ter' Anther nforMathin:oll at - the St Ire of Jane' y.. Thomas; grocer, corner stti gml Court f l i ii tryte, pr at the. reehlo_uoo of; Robert Wagner, . .eOrner Fifth • and court' eireetni Or Oft the un elpigned; • •J. ILOSS MI LLB% seeretary.. , 40011441 j • • Wilco NI COlirt street' =I ICE.ELY, r.A., A general assortment of YELLOW rINE, AND 51101110 AN -PANEIL4 ME AI/800 N. T. GETIO, FASHIONABLE 1. i I ; BUY A, M4GIIJNE, 1:1=21 . . . , , iif*44lll.-IWUr-il h01i04,4414011. 1,, t aie, ~,4 " - - ,t o k riAiiAletiW4ol4xlsi *sus osoweifriy.t lawntoev t onikwiwiit# ', Brocuamigemeohl therworkuor go . • , nls*Aliss'oP liilpittn NOM.- . Rens/in EIS Mars t IYO , Tti*A4 ! 'Per - /WOW Oitiornorast is, Or that •' ' , 4 1 finNiritt should a p pl y Zui . • " •1? , • 4 viun'w4uttANED owe ' lAIg Ic, IN . • 110111 ONE TO TIV D 4 ii,', , . Olaet, Striature, Bonitos, , Weaku ,_ Wren lathe Eaek and Limbs, Affections of the dna* Andilladder,lnvoluutary /Ascii he 'ol, OeuOrai Deblitty; liorsquenessi • pidsi'Lettli suer; Pori ytrits, Viartutill Si Wapiti. tion of the_ Girt,- Windd4tr, sir , f orrre tere• of Sight orti ddlheitil.p/ifts 4, t, he rose or ak u 6 Amotloati of ,i , via s Stortiaoh or ‘Boorols..tbose , errible , Dlstoct arising frora tr+olitaxy *Otte ofVontb+asetssor ind solitary y loos more fetal 4o Sher violist* than thelkontr llto syreati to. the co tV of Ulysses, Wig tug thetr twist' lirlill oi aptidipai lons tendering Marriage, 41145,v rid pal.ge. • :YOUNG 11E* • ..: . 1 - Especially, who hive become the victims Of 8011 , Lary Vico,. that dreadful and, deatruntive 'habit Which .annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Mon Of thttniost exalted is& ante and brilliant intellect, who plight otherwise Intro entranced listenin g• Senates; 'wit 4 the thou. dor a of eloquence or , waked ' tO etetaq . the lititig 1 lyre, fluty eitil*ltn full conattenos. • , . • ' r ,• - . T. 4. FAILTIOULAR 14013,01§. ‘, 1 Telt* are 801Iie of the sad inelaitelioly efireets ,produced by early habits of youth Tit I Weak ness of the Beek and La üb., Pain* In the Dead; Dininesa of eight, Lost of Iluboular Power, rot: tattoo of the Ueart,l)yspepsia,liarrows / 14, :tity, , Derangement.. of , the lalge•tivit Qs:moral DebilikV,:frOPtphy t iconlinesti , liiiilTALL:t—The elefol e talinilie .i t s much to be dread .6‘l , o** 6 Olridrk .4,4' . On of Mead, Depressions a Sri Wilms,' , ,WU jugs, Aversion to &KOLA delklilsivaskiadre y o Solitude Titnidltys 110. p Ave seine 0$ the a 1 1142 44 43 h. -. , , , . .. , , , _• "it A.Bitilt.G.E." ' /tarried Persons, or Wing lien amiteinplatiag marriage, being aware of physical Weakpeali, Or, garde debility, deformities,' 'go., :alitinid apply innuediately. ', lis who %dues himself under the carnet Dr. J. mayreligiously cenlide iri his l honor, piii ajLei i dile. tea% and confidently' rely tiff . = lua • ali tu #OI 9 OIaVg4SgiiiIROTANOY I , nil FiDESIXAT 1 1'19 4044444 Z 1 , 13v• Dr. Johnston's taarvelleusilreatnir weak* , nets of the organs is bpe int py ooroll out U vigor restored. Thousands of the hest Ile 004 de bilitated and impotent, whO bad ' loit ail nor*, have been lannewately relievest , ', • , '•: All impediments to fifer e, physical or liton. . tal.Disquulitleationo. Loss (ofTreereatiAre Polder, Nervous irritabditY, Trelnblin • g and weaknesa. or exhaustion of the most, fearful kind Speedily , Cured. • DE. JOIINSTQN4 - , . Memborof the Royal Coll ego ofgargeens, London, Graduate front one of the meet eminent Colleges In the United States, and the greater part of WlloSe.life has ,been spent in the hospital* of London. rarist rhiladelAili,lln.4 elsewhere bits elected some of the most aswikutheu •WO five 6 ever lc ' i maliY,trenble ' tti .k in he load and ears when asleep,' at fie 1 Prozwi 110 iboing alarmed at inithifti lioutiasi n ,wlthlrequent blushing,attendedscade with derangement of mina, wore cured lame diately. " , , who u pave /Tiro Oliepteeiveli by a eerton ti fnw, 1100 iflulge In When aleneo, habit frequ ritly Warned from evil ifomPallielts, or at Si% the effects of vi lib% aro nightly feltr i en whelk leep, suid if not Cured renders Dia riagb 4mposslble, tind destroys both mind taut y, sioui *MY iniguldiately. i . . ... . • i What a pity that a youti o r t niati, the Int, of his ofiuntry, the darling of ils-parents,' s ouhr be snatched frolif nil pilaw sand enjoy elite of life , by the• consequence of deviating D'9o the alb of ziaturo and•indulging in a, certain Beeta fibit , , •61cLob PertiO4l itufktilOtotpponteloppliting i • • : 3f4TOUAOit : , • • rnneet that a sounn mind and body are I:be Moat necessary requisites to pr,ometeconblib al happl4 doss: Indeed, witiOnt t hese thejeurney through life becomes mi weary pilgrimage ; the prospect darkens to the view 1 the mind bons shadowed with despair and tilled with thomeisn. ply rolootion that the happiness of another be. 00)4P8 Milted with ow owp. • • , , DISEASk OF IMFRUDENOE. v When the n atuttled Ana itaryput votary et lOtlfe fi mat hat iaThiaaa t4l nu main' cage s t cam ptip tit. p Mod eol r oto et asirimp,,or dTeR.d . o deters hint trona applifitig to, thoeer who ; ►in co:Mention and reOpeotoliity, eau •alone befristet kUntdeltiyill IL' till the eOnstitlitiolial sylnpteran of this UOVrid uteeeeqtehlte i pidr d rpeityivice, .1;0 as ulcerated "sere throe 2 4 mule liOse ; nocturnal pains in the head and 11 ha l rnes. ef deeiness, , 'lodes on the shin...hones and 'arms; blotches on tho head, face and extretnitieS ; pro. gressing with•frightDal rapidity; of at last Abe palate of the mouth or to bones of tho rime, fall in, and the victim Of. this awful' illeeßee 14007.11 horrid object of commiseration, till death p it period to his dreadful Sufferinitsi by Send our him to ~ thet_undiseevered Golintr, front *hone& no travollerretUrns." • , =I ' 'DR. sJOHNSTON'ii OFifiqn ) Sobiflt 'Fisia>3>eiito Flrphstogf, Loit-band Ode going from Baltlnhote atroet,*ferw doors from the corner. rail not to observe , the name and number. • Letters must be paid and ocutaini a stanp. The pootors Dl6lo2na hada In his 00 1 09,} ENDonsm..vairr Or TUXrtrgos The many thousands cured at, this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johuston , witnessed by the reporters Of the si Sun,lt "CUD. per," and many other papers, notices of whit% have apptlared agai awl again before th4poblio, besides his standin gan a' gantleman of 6 disot4r and toilDonolbl.l4y, b a5 11 0 3 16104 1 11414% eto,th. afflicted. ~ • , WIN DISEA.S'ES SPEEDILY (MAE)). May 1668-liddbw* ' AT'BYIDY/4 3 (1 , 4 1.4 4 /Va 7 , SCOURING AND DY.I4IISV ESTAgt.!SHMO . T,' ;11;14,8ourii tert, sr.; ciikriissze DEPOT. ; 3 50 )10 to' $7 I 1 O ,Al 75 .1: v I 0 " 275 " 223 • • 100 . ,01) , e4, ?fit • ; Only calti apL 132 sour. 11111 041A01. . . • ,""vv",".. !:‘ Knueurageil by tint` simeava in oUr UPPlAletliOti of Bemiring . mid . , Dyeing', -we. have I veseived le open a branch oflite In Bending, and keelPeettillAY tall the attenttat of ttie ; ploallu:'Our. suoyo named establishment, •'. ' ' ' ,- .: - . -,- ,Ily mi r pmecas and 'newly intent •Mithinevy; We ore enabled to Olean anddye ilootif in *vii ry Superior manner, to as to . gtvo -IPeilgel. eatifnue* tlen - . • • ' • We etenn and thifsh ttilleio,.(leUtiO and ;obit. drone+ garments without 'taking thetas. apart.ot Injuring them in the least; whether; the WWII are-genuine er.not. '. • •• : ;. . : .l , Our Ovein g is done In t_tte very beit maunpt, and t. 40 lePtig In 04 eivie,snolPll6474AuP!3rifir stql o. slid Olovp,s, Osiricti VeutN,pi, 4.13 ~ 11 4 0 44. 1 1,t, hert astute.•: •• • • • ' ~• „ , 1 ,11001ITA.N.r. To: .i.: v.O Iti r ,ONt. • • - • ; • • Par 1114c4illisOtiis: I • ' ' .i C V , I N E VOI L A .' • ' ! • . 7,, WOg i g r i tg r tnisX , Eft ' ' I ' I le leounuended to the public ail amedicine that wit destroy Anil; expel Normal in ;Amery Ammo wh re they aro 'mown prr .e.alat., ;The_ propr havtol wil•Vomect iii e l t btimilclal 01T901.p 10 , Werra Debt or in s maity, ; catels, tint or. pp) long a tithe, tiiiit) . m . I, fd ,Iwitillefl Of City aglE , iall it' WPI• # over iou r erma , iftte..ertery,trate•of ta:r.,zzr t t Pipl4o,44o4tr i zil t?, nor bp 1 1 f e l A' --' - i r ` , , ~. lilacs 24 Opt s 4 4 11 4: .: , li - t ;'• I • BO* by aft tin:mulcts: ;. • :::' . •;;, •,,i - . ~,' ; ' .. r .' ~ ...L, ..; ;•• •:. - i;' ;; -.. ,;,., r, . . ' FRENCH!, lIIVIIAIMS I (th, .itgetits, '. • ' - ' - ‘railt4sOniti..t.i: ', ' ,finha-iintil ....•.,......:-: _. ; . ..____:„....—.....-4...,..-1. 44. , .....11-1-4.1.:.;' . „ .. .. _ 1,11MilE113::: L•ll3llWit.ll,,` , '; BOAS — B6'`: , RATi1)0131,1811;': e . Cotner 4th 100-8 - pruciriohit. .''.. 774q,ikattit'll,',S1 /tolF,kg 4 4t eKOtilL4 • Tuir.'• MA'. bitztrkirk:liiiii oft* • axivENixim "tri,Aii‘ rti . 'TIM 'Citr. ,, :' - We liM'e iniiiSinntl'en . I(alkd"a laije `kaionits ment et ail k Inds of•lni Minot, which *IQ 1)4441,44 wskeil Mt at theloweut •inarket.iptiee.slin,ci4anti‘ . i ;lea to antt 4 purehasers. ' AVO. P. /10Ati - , - ' ,- ORA. ' W..ltilliDsl4lloBll., Yoh: 2.14fil - MO krunica iitemd ' ' • It pENF.tiir4VANIA tilollAb HARMONY , 0111IRCII MEODIE,s, ME GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT !of *ale wt the '4BAOCE" BOOKSTORE. 861 Penn Strut. yattr; NOTICE t GREAT REDUCTION BOQTB AND sitayspuisat, pAP4 ADD fLointßai GEIGER & BRO., 431 PENN MEET, ' We have just received & splendid stink of 110 libel!. goo., whlon are to offered at the follow. Ink low priqebt • • USTekrinkotl4, • sl 0) S i . boots.. 325 • • , iniok ealteougreas gaiters, 300 I V' weskits/1116(qt extra heavy, 22 to to 2td ' alp' bahnarstlo,_eorted, • i 493 ' /I ST' ' •I. 1 _ I t'o • I - , kip • ' il 50 lel i ittlliton't lutinf, 41alt Polish, l . Coliirtell gaiters, • 1 4 ` • liatlnt baltuorals (best). 103 Ltllest bilssorais. —i Co ' - , Mel* 1 00 byelilta,_ . tO i lYStnela a Aloroccto bat murals. Polish, ! ' oboes, - l'A Nimes' lasting rolleb. 1 IS Wptnen'a kid slippers. &I ' 1110 Y• kW, Pollabihigh heel bilaterals!, • LI ill to 325 ' The above prices are as low as any ether shahl place et' bueltsesa In the city. Particular attention is 'paid to alt kinds elle- We slim hereon hand a large and well selected WAIL of • • MS, WIILItiItS, VALISES, &u. Remember itie flame and number, 431.40 snmer. • opkr.:' .‘ MoGovian'& Miltimore, HA W 1Z E . CUTLEItY, O LIES, 1101/8E rUBNIORING 00QD8 ' META,LSI TIN PLATRA BLIVET IRON, Building Materials, s&i:ozny, &v., &v., &e., by. Not, 612 ~srßxert Immo, J'4. *D 24- . =I ROOBB I 'IfEATER* :1V0:3144m inttp*itim, MU No. 242 Penn St., Reading The undersigned respectfully invites publlo altention t? nerrly invented beater, named i Mit• IgireTONE REATERII IMO HI T , 10141:pa Evfn 11;1'40'01=p. '., , , tOon; Nioss, • 4....,....v,.„.7,11patita1tes or lot ' .EI Aires ter eaug int th an spy Owl" , . T01,491 1 10T0r rie SOike public... • gtiipflifilt4,lcal . tlto P r P : , lo . * * ritsgipit filar,. l e T 6 it 4, lo g o • 6 .igZu't pH , la an'pa Int to sity ril. j e t A, , IP , ran atm *re so, paring ,- $0 wit, ap NheAdit ospyrodf'" d il Is e rl a " 2 Vi i i 4 the ra t hn t utsw 6 the. o ow DS nansevi persons wilo Y sie 1301(1 61 111 titre oatro t • iii *RILL. liaa. I Prtanon, . • : .. {fru, i . tat d; 00.• . • . 0u,44 ' ILEXIK 111101ri : Off tfrOitti ~. ' _ VailViliVtir :: l ! 111111: %COB eMp i fir T i z t il l iia._„dont, ••- . ' , • • ; Or, It& Oak OtaemOm Mk 1110 lintel ipef brit ... ollo3A to the 144/17 V #4149P L 7 44 fgril s t e ltnloV a ri to Iry wren MI oPla t i r 41114 Pkterttne l i:o4 4 totho , Ow jii41044 Pad to ( TINF Asensio AND 011,013 1110, AND • , ', ' Plastio'Blate'lloo - fg ‘ f 'I )' i . „ i 1 0 4 * O O4O nOna liiitli i iif MA a t e 0:44 . 1 = 14 , 1417 1,""°t400 ! l a n ai) 14 kt f ' - ' IIIWRIIi ." ;• '' ..., .-*. .. . :ifillt• r t;:g0,0,„:4 4ND DD ALOyArApt:,O Vtrai;elyis ear C ^ CANAL ~ . ..v , 3.: • , , ~. . 4i4-yEIfIi:E4IIBET; , • 10; 40* 4.o44j,tio„.tiiii: p*blte to Ks leto I, oar. owl IRgOforea,Botti , i Cul*. **only:ads ofevetp, - I et ritittilboittla iwomptty attehd . s(1 to s in 40.1011$441itte. 'i 411!/* Os *call, I*9l` ' 2 ..n01. 4. 7_ .__ ......... T , 4.7 ) , - 44. ; L Oll : PRAT9T6 teritt l 0 Ou t tine *es *Zee* Ad' file kli I. tics Irotabltelmont, 1 C0111%1;414 the t/teelPel .1 PtuVided with 1. "1 REPI►'IRINU. G E Itt El It & 13 WO , , DEALEne IN - "'''M , ME