Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 29, 1868, Image 3

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    rig pmpc_EAGLliii
FIRST EDITIONI.I2 1.9 ,1: m.
••- -
ovonlng, January Bth,P, I,.—Nreet Tuesday
a t headquartorn, to reorganize by °Net
0111cerm, and wolf° Pr4pDrations for the
lie deg election. . Attona alt. ' td
Sroar; lioxfoi. for Wm . ', Apply lit%Adlor of-
Tot: I los. JOIU4 V.KUN gmn, of Harrisburg,
yr vented Om Orphans' Homo WomoWort
'mill a check of ono thotminuf dollars, as a
ClaLitam's i u ,
up: otoro room In the ticbmuckor House.
occupied by Edwin 41108t 9 r,,b 4 0
WI) rented by Charles S. Erb, who !Monde fo
c overt It into a lirst•class cating•hOtuio.
l'itorgary Sof.n.—Sitoriff Albright sold tho
4 ropr ty of John Kolohner, 'Uppin . Born
l oos hip, containing 27 aoros of land and a
dwelling, to William D. Bhomo, of Hamburg,
forsl,7 oo . I , .
lirsrlah—Tito Conimlttoo or tho Schad
Board,lo whom those mattoris aro entrusted,
m ad a building on Botith street,,
near bo usou as a hobbol bon •
fur tho southeastern district.
R.,..AOAp 11130 1 v-rpm rjab, on oe t .
ier say thitt'therom onO lup (lea Idstty
trains—pamonger and freight—passing Loba•
nono imiy, over tho Lebanon freight--passing
Nearly twice that number, probably, pass
through Reading daily..." I 0
Orrghlal Peak Family of 801 l Ringers
will give two ontortnininonts in this city ~.,an
Irklrwin() Saturdaynvanlngit mixt ITho pop;
n ortirof this clompany Is snillelent to crow
tho lion on both becrisloins to' o*orilowittO
'rickets for solo at Strickland's. ,
This Fair continues to attract our fellow.
Thu crow,dodAtssombjy otWolla even
ing, Is a iireof of the niltiniktitetfuttririlrfed.
Whiter's celebrated Bann attended last night,
a nd discoursed somo ,of their most favoritO
A i r s. Let tho Pair be still `OhcOuittgod.
Vitittsr3tAs Pitts4l.4'4o. - liin4 1144000
Wanton of our County Prison,Olinifor,Esq.,
Was the almoner of many a gilt to the inmates
of thin institution, imlopondont of Viiplobitatili;
stantial faro was givon thonlVirfnenls.
who worn thereby romintl4 f, a i r h um
day,. „ tile;
'fire: Koystono normal School 'itt,icHtitovih,
a iranb, a good opportunity for toaottorto: "With
an ablo corps of professors, Bilis* , of 700
ieluincs, a flue building, location .pnd .appe4,
taw, the teacher thoro may bo ltioronguly
palled to occupy the first . position turtbieh;
, „
Cr, and to militia id the best Etautry; " .
AN ACCEPIAI4 l'AESlliirlo-t-A: number of
Iho kinds of Capt. Levi M. Clerhart; our gen
tlemanly and onlolont clerk of the l 'quitirtioir
smions, prosontod him on Monday with,a
turkey which weighs 25 pound's. The present
came front the Captain's old home, at Born
and shows in. what . Ostoom ho is still
held by his old friends and neighbors.
AccinEtir.—Yonterday morning, au An
drew Morgandale, nn employoo at' the 'Hhifet
Nub of Seyfurt, Isiofslanus gk, (;0., was Stand•
ing under tho esigo,er a roof, a ,slate, fbll on
him, cracking lila ' skull ' 'and ' bicoratlbg t his
scalp, Ho was takon to his home,
.whon a
physician was called to dross ' him , Wounds.
Ills injuries appoar to bo Very seven.
, ,4_,1__.)....:1.—t-.0 1 I •) • '
Emmy, Horsy, ISEsTitoYs . .n.—This Morn
log meow! c a (retook,
~t ligkoll if 31 10: 4 0 W" - tria'l
ore mines of Mr. Isaac Eckert, on Penn's
101111 t, MN lift, ilostrwed by 11;43. 4 , ,Tito 1
cam oldie* -, p. 0 ictipwri.Tppjargii on
WWI was In the building, IS too much
damaged that It enn only be tisod for old Iron.
to the pumps 'aro slot working the nsino will
goon ho tilled with water, so that tho loss by
the fire will bo qtslto lioavy., , 71 I &' i
1 ',
4, - --*;.: ' l 4 ~,
. t I ., ' t A
Comm' rseN.—Upon examining the copy wo
rmd list the word "papers" was printed in
tead of "avers," In alocker from Phlindol
phis, about thd Aloiandor Cab, ptiblished In',
the Ems of the 23d Inst. , ,( 1 ; : -_ ~, ,
The writerisaid that Cal. ',l4's'frlondli litid-tel
doubt received voluabl favors fpnis him, thus
aeasunting for the i N4OII eittlVllteihSt, thoy'ox.
Whited In his eago and th e ir erfieVorlng oxer
lions, and the amount of morropipopt to secure
his acquittal. We do not 800 that theerror is
of any great littportanco, but Boa e ,persons
seem to think othetwiao, we )600 correc
tion. - ' -- r i - 4 ' , • ''•
THE 1tt;A01101 MANUFACTUitiItro G e d. `have
perfected an organization by,olocting Levi B.
sinitityresident, W. 113, Cl riosiner, Secretary,
Ilk JAY illson,Troasbroilitmli3. 1.. McCulloch,
Superintendent. The objoot.of this co7aPY
is le, manufacture lteadtlekl'i 'Patent hint
Machine, they having scoured the' ateht
right of this maoldup for the $ l 4l °I pooro
slab, Maryland` and•Virgiiiiii,''fi d h'ls '
gantlet" tinder tho untia4faotnTlbgl4w,g ;
lii . ttiiintkiied lad '. winter: . Opt be,teVii
in capital of $20,006, mid contemplate com
mencoing business inmsodlatoly. The lest
ness experience' and Oneygybr t4l,'")4oAten-
Fageit hi lids entorpriso Is a sure guarantoo of
„, 1,1 -, , ) 1 .
Foif lit ilk .gTIi E EP U. 11. Cllienoll.A ilarl
cud Concert for tl'o bonOtitkcior,All9,4Prib°'
longlik to tio' or m 117414011 -41 pio, it . day
4 .5,
School, to long oat )11Slied in ibis eld Ch, bok
Place last evening. It was well attonded, and
the performance. throughput l .01101tod , A110
warinvit common( ation..l'4A NI t o. 118 ° 1113 Y*
of Philadelphia; assisted bj? our follow citizen,
Mr. F. A. Shereri direeted,the lokpPyfe 8 1 1 0:.
'rho choir,lyttlt the children of -tho.o ooli
united In tlao awootast stinipsuf soil-IYAPI,CiII
music,' awl the ivlsAci 'li,r,k9.d.u_P:• kw4v°
by a devotiNat JOT aPPrfisr, l 44u ',..• , elC''i t e ar
'iloo, and enlivening to tho hutUtoiy, %WWI 1 4
TheinaV. 't'. A. Fornroy, •pastor a •contributed
by his happy dempnor • and Checirfol".'llSOS,f
-lion to the exerel s, which W)1 1 : 1 .0it,1 )11. 1 0'
watuboted. ', 'l, ~.I,' ;', :.1 , i.• I , 't
-----4 . : 1 ----*--- -, •,,, •
lIRIEF 111 EN TI oNS.—Slolghl ng ,1n It Ini 1
Iry is Mill very good, —A hi l lan , poyliiiitto
a narrow escape fron,i tieing r_t*'`Ovo .f 1 t1) 10
depot, this m0rning.•—A.'.M.,.14409 . 11, out
his hand BoverelY yotordayi While outtling
With a pen-ktilfe:Travol on the railroads
is unprecedentodly largo; this wook fi ntaSy n of
ti) trains haVing Odra : llaiii=l-=-. - -Josh. •
Rillisprs says. by 'ttyl tueatta; k e t married,
if yu hay got a fair ,show.—Sk„ . ja 108 "%_4,9 1/
raat demantl.—qtakittliiteithyl
Nor. l i lope It Will'be, fuote.4l: l l
. 4' 1 4: 1 ”
Nol Aurgessi, Minstrels oPekod; !fitinburyi
Itst tight.—. Th e: Ilanlort lila *late:. at
Naahvllle, TonnosSeo.—ThEi realr l Flittig3f
okn at the Koystone Opera Ildifse,' oit''N'dw
Year'll cV0...--,f781191.1-;rol49oßOtikA/Itlt
Wife, last night. ' ' •
_. ..
--- ai'44= l ----
Btansiton.o.Alka Biroarijmalt4iluarY
Company, bit:Wilt:4h the 1413Ufidtrontor-
P r j, 3o has been oommoucod, is incorporated,
'tli a cspital of 420,909,zhteh, is iyAtanwaßrii.
Uld,to I.lolllCrO*Od 0 3 400 0 4 ~ 'it 414"A:7
i l larla mant Vont otly of Pottstown, ~.Itt : 1. ,
%eat, arlitli concernhn. ?stiller, Engineer. 't TM~Mares of thoaro hold by 21 p_orsolis t.
aft practical business men;' elicit 1 0 11101 ,1
moulders, who thoroughly undorstan , t
business they havo undertaken. It will !cost
%bete, we undorotaud, abont, $7: 100 At2 , i PY ti
their works In . operatton,Artolu Mg i Tine' la -
Ruso of building, patterns, tte. They Intend
c ommencing lite, ntenufasttlT or zitovpiat
commencing al riiady payeci to 4 1 ( 6.1 '
of 11411614 M Pattern a d most apProvodst le.
are the Enterprise, a ;( apjoctdid Cook
litovo, of which they have throb tikes• all hav
ing tbo best modern fixtures ;,th9 Prart 4
%triplet°, ati eteellor4 ''C l otar:,.•:: 7L ~k
m loyand tho hope, 0. VolValftil ' . Y in
fOR b 17.08. PORSOSSiiii all MO later pap ~_,
p mel In the Foundry bualnesaj rts Ills'A:" .
any does, and all being Oxporleneet:r
bomoott, thoro can ho Ito - doubt - 0011 "eutot
-1411% beteg a Witlli,t ialiCeliiii Vdi
9 4 to lus proprioto ' -
, rfi. . _
4 I
__l•4 _ • i
.'. SllooTilie • , 4 41: • vAlr aelailitilteLi.--4A . .
.. - ~.,
g i ti ' ...“ ', 1. 0 ti r w . 4 Itl,W, •
f,. . 15 4. 1 . •. ' 4 I ,*, :. 4
; „ l i i.. t:'f. '
G et I' I . , 'S V.,1 , o** fifOr . '*o ,tro*
Lta u i, 9; i ' '~: r ,
sav = e a . a Fount:
4nd " .' ' ". • I ' ' 'W i I . / 1 1.10Yeri-the
throe Wor_ol, ; , . •- . 1
Readinitts . .. 11450 iinis 21. *ild rlitoL43o
Yard's b oll o444oyoanlt. was as failows : '
. 0 1 - i . .-
Daniel " ,:f,:'
sr , ~, '• .1:: ..., s l ''',, ' . i -
V s rhart - :.. , ..• . • _01.9 ;. o
otr t
' l ' " ' i grioliOP'A'4 , *(44!" , • •
John, Wsitir ,/, ~7 , . r „„ , 1 ., „' 00100
Ititchael i Vot*„ ; ~.,, .. , ',, „. - '0 10t 0'
lii n MeYei.:,- ~ 01., , .‘ . ~,. • -•,.. . .XO.OOO,
,„ • 'ambulrg and Tainaqua,l. . .:
7 41 - weili sou - , tnipvgas 'then mt . nik
arid odkotttv, '.l
' at 04yards.'iltdr..
_ InithabaaOh c and oN
'871404 !alb, , • ...-edarlok,4larhart i 91, the .
Itmdlnkparty l , wowithel turkay. by ' the boot
0 0d4 4 940t. 1-, Joiksa ;Ha u t*, of Reading; took
t 4 4 4 44 1 1 101 . 1)0,g47/LOo r ifar.thOn'At I,x r sit 04 . 0 t
YOR OLVI/#14 1 3 10 PlS•by.t.bß t lYoq9;
Ze7Olitio 'a oh snip,
r and shot or at 0,
ards. The turloy"! 'War : again (won by trio
Reading party.-rodextok-Gerhart Ipaltlpes,
the beat centre Sho i
t.' -.• ... ' ... •. •., •1 '• ' •,,, .‘ ,
. ,
Tit* litSiiiipiiita.':-,Thehotel privhlok our
frlngtl •IXlsk. CokustaKe Bechtel is landlord-,'
we mein tn&Pottstown Station 'louse—is now
crowded nightly w
, h} 404pr0. , A, good many
of the,* tranipor Onnpn tnakolt Mu* ha*
nein etthe thing, ylau4nring abdut frimi ono
town Ao.,ancitlim begging, A MU% Steeling a
'little, getting drunk a ilttio, and working as
litti4 aspoPiolee,
1114 ; Starting out froth Philaciel
. : thw illike n a
illst._XlsrrieoWP.i thence
, .. ; ... i.., - preNktili'i,l9,44 ,l3 Y T . g+sork,
.......w., „... .rothanWii,
r i annuli Lep and Mau% hook to orristown—
end. thed_, most likely over the same circuit
agilpi During the stunner tho sleep out of
doors, but in the fall and. winter they betake
thernsolveti to farmers barns; ha -stacks, ctn.,
aW l ie Statlen.bonses t rolling-tnills, and other
0 ,faiths towns,. A great many, of these'
pair tad destitute mortals aro genuine objects.
of nhatityond for, tar ' 84 09 1 we suPPori
mrboatwit ' t eta all—for Itilis di
oil te "go oto truly noorsitid sittrorip I
an whn , Ltka, laa . i goodtfordiothing,
wetildiet4o i rk.lNliemOind .•elaim ! , ' A 'VW
o t sti
man of the hitter - 'visit our teNtra, arid' after a
su ful'ilay i:of teitging c opend their mot
for:. Vskt i i and,' 'lttreli t ciltrY it.'n,,tl)o atAtion
hi) ' ,xvit. ''hem, frequently, for,. a "p. o,"
The umber of traropirs who are gloom inodct.
ted °Very: night, atthe , Pottstown- Look-Up,
averato frOto 1 1401 to thirty -4nd these are
rn 0 1 1 ; cittlell kid ohlldion-4poople Ina nig frdm
prOna 1Y a dozen alffor6t countrles,and speak.
lug, it may ho, four or five digerent Inagua.
geer...,ltitatorn • Ledger. . , , . , ,
. I
13U171014 SMOOT, I.EBTIVAr; Ai , WYE neTOwN.
Obiletr4o mOrieingi largo crowds of
tOtittlipm.oAt(t:, covid Niqnitz, wore
:" t iq ui tt weir 'lvaY ' ta " the ' - ehureh, in
w lqhthe GeoiWoltf, ministers' to Alm.
sp ritual *ante of his ..people. The old and , .
the young,' tho.rieh and the , ' poor,, the digit.:
fed professional man, and the ,sweating day- .
laborer, were all' dOew,ntewardS this center of
attfaoi l, l4.," olliCivitedisapp, , einted.
PlBl', Wbleh*, the,, &prated linud,
had made for . the oelebration of Chri s mas, t were 'et , such • a character as to surpass
the niosteal3guine Moectations of its ttatirtJ.
est friends. , Jnstio% cannot be none ' by.'nnr
feehle pen to the taste .thitt.WaS,.displayed
deoorating , the nhurch, , The f.featoons, the
wreaths, the cross in front of the pulpit o , the
pictuto representing the, birth'ef Christ' With
the etar if,..thtt i , two tviii6ent
maspees, ornamented With: I irnucoplre and
Wax-oandles, to the whole an:appearance
of whichtle . Me n eau be 'formed, 'except. by
tiiotio;*ho Nero prosoot tlio oeocie , le4.
TO ekerolzeS Ingle , inorning were .opened'
'with prayerond the reading of. • the regular
gospel lesson by Prof. ;Mr.
Schaeffer, of Ktxtztowp; then 'addressed am
sohool, Making the eVergredn the 'basis 'of his
'remarlos..- After some , aueStionsmt . the Lcird's
tpyroz • •40p010044,40.,43,C4hi5'
&inlet' • is, lIMM. ; a :trerY , olute4
elNuollt, ( • dresa,waa dellvered, , by ,Boy.; J.
Fs .4, . Schantz. I, The. mtereises wore inter
spersed? •with''musio; ' which retleoted great
credit eittheorgenistiind'thnChoirf• • •
.Leleboolo and 'Mr.;Schaeffer -, a .. dick,
logue was spoken by ;Jiggle Groh and P .Willie
IlernPer 2 t, the hiatory of the tolidol ' read
li am,er;:lielitot,Pootim.o.ndont ;,
waso,ting by bore of the 3eirdOk Depitrt
irtentiand each member , cif , the aohoot*.aa
Preeentedmith one of the cornucopire .on the:
trees. After, the benediction the 1500 persons
who had assonibled ~10 the ',oherela, went to
their homes, highlyiplease4l with the, success
WiltOli had at last.crowned the °Worts of the
behool," Vo much praise cannot ,bo, awarded
to the pastor,' the, St porintendOpt4 and'. all
. othbra coiliteoted wttheolieolp ,tlie very,
able maaoor ;in Which'. thtiy ',oond4ted their
coloblatidn of the Sa*ioiati birthday. ..t.•
Islo4'diit'oN for"
Si.“,lottrOki Lvirrisnart ' Cannon. Ittit," I.'
3. i livarivro.—Micha 0, 1. Christ's _Birth out .
Joy, , weal the enribbling idea Of the diecourse.
Imagination can conceive better than Ithe 'pen
write, the glOrleaef , thot, morn IWO. tiellereg
in the Lord of Li Wald Glory: . The internal an' %,
external evidences of the Savior's Birth proved'
the authenticity, or • prephetto declaration.
Bethlehem was the Scene of heavenly gmu'd-
Our, , and the entrance of the Son of God into
thitiloweAytorio atfortied a 'won ;Ineoncekvit-,
bre lhon dlftnity alld(Plety kfid , liolinetis 'Was
considered aright—were embodied in a sermon
'devoutly listen L*. , ; i ,',. - f . i'' . , ,t,
UEV. INkfrudd FILAIL—Luke • 2,1, ii. What
multiplied;plaLleal InlheaVeri tend Varthi did
the Saviours advent occasion. Tho contem
plation of the peculiar .ho n or ;which was con
ferred on the — trirglif--niether of our Lord,
should cause us to remember , that angels . re
jet& over iiiriny kiinzier who','r'elsonteth ;'th e y
ileem those " highly revoked" in whose hearts
"Christ dwells by faith," and are ready to con
gratulate each believer en Flo important a bless
ing. It had boon predicted many egos before
thne the•Messlah should be born at Bethlehem;
yet,tr knothdf of Jeans rf Sided . pt 7% . ,
th§ , '; ititi*OOM ,sl,*tr` or seveoty, Alma'. fr'6o,•
thatncity. She was not; lioWever,, directed, to,
go,toßethialiern 4jhat i would have , appeared
,plueti pie effed 'of design. ' ' But AngustUti
Ciesar; the Retrial], Emperor; being left tolol.t
'l4,y,gie dictates, of his ewn fkobition, rapacity,
or, , policy, i Issued an 'edict, that, an account
shonld be taken of the number and degree or
all the subjects in his extensive ernpite,whieli '
in 'a tilnigletiortif,atyle wasi then 'conlixionly
calle'd uall the *Orld," because it contains all'
the most civilised an best cultivated regions
which %vete then mown. Such' an: ae-
Count Ivied ii) Ile taken of tho citizen§ of
home evefit Nth I year.tronholv *eke`
pointed for such purpose, who made a regis•
ter of each citizen, their Wives add children,
with tho age, .qu,editim ,trades, offices, and
estates, real and perWrialef all of them. Au
gustus•floif eatepded -.this to thypprovincos.
Three times 'during 'lila reign lie caused the
'lke dosorlptioii , to be' made.' The • second' is
piat i referred toln,the teat, *bleb was Wined
b g Pir YerifiX4oo:olitt*iyitti bOlyi t Thai)
Ci 0 0 iiiinqt - ,toticillqr. aqua ;In MA,
04 / 43,40,04itio'S`oiqicip;ptlioNssorIptlon , ,
or survey, - and Meow:Mal tlm lospina.the tax
thareueeni- 1 Thus ItileaSedGed , ,to t&t, oeoa4
sibnllythailetermitiatibtibf,4lo i • , Pi ; . ~i
to accomplish His own•purpriseil AT. pr. tr.,.
Lions; for, Mali ,poniqua. svomrequlred td , re
sort to the alty to whiSh the'family had * be
longed, it became incumbent on Johepli 'and
Mary wing the lineal descendents of David,
to go to Bethlehem for 'this , purpose. , Proba-.
bly they,himi to watt somo .i.line,infore they;'
were enrolled ;In the inte r val , Mary Wes de-'
llvered s ofAy c lptit-butrix Son. (• '304 pp .:event
taught oWLefdiattlanilllttin. tentradtattde.:
par rir 4ttp,desplecutha, , world iwAla
its lltlerib t leOfttee 4 end: forined an iti 4
cell Wet ' eve Af i goOfet ow ixtruipeo)cable
a gill, , ri,' ,hrito , ilatixityt We broid , thg
wolidro s d play of 'Veatitellis *au Noted in
holioltiiiiineaniuoli"oonidlOitittonewilibonkiiy ,
an Ideet - oflthwittading , featOresof s llong,tekbe:
retnerribered Sermon, Mile is?loirin services of
Mass.werOmelebrated as, follows i,lst at ON, a
in.; 2d; 7. 1 )i 4 3d„10 , ;;44lTespeca , and • Benedio
tio n, 8;{ p. m.
•".. t pantinned in Beoond Edititm.y ,
• • ,
kFarnii.—in 'this otty x , cm Sunday, the f r ith
in t. Moo A., wife of A. T. tt. Kefrer.,.
a 1111 4 1. , f liff l 4 1, 11Y *
to OW her renemi s tm edn • mom
*flat 111polgekNOM Wrestol, !4) 11„tt o t
,tkend,42/04M401%ti Wut s lo •
re teraCtilmileCtitirok s teklt
front tl}onceto,t eyerelMof34,llfr*,:,
811INK—fn on th e semi 14t Wary
Ethribettiloraiok On tiro Mr=_Of her AWN ' ;
'l2le relatites and friends lire lCollpOittlq;
V.144t0 attend the funeral from the residence ok
her Parents, No. 941 North Sixth Atm% 011 There
.4ay, at 1 o'clock, P. Without further notice:,
Bervites at; First German • Reformed , . Vhurcl4.
poiierai to irtioood to obith,ifi
thiii elti, on the %lib _of ps4
eenikek • Mlsa Margaret L. Allgaler,*,t44,
yeax„or 'her age. • .t," `a t 44X,
The relatives and friends are rtuipeollmAYLlkvis
red to attend the funeral, onlgyiedaY **IA M I
o'clock, from the 'l • o 4 , 4 4,o4:ooiiitti s oo:il V9 l *
,No• 21014eittli ittgtstreet it te,pg9tke4 to Bt. Pe.
ter's Gathollo.Ghercl4 41011, from, 9mneo to , ti%o,
11 1
;TO *Masi% 1 „,„.0 r 5. ,e , ,
for T y 4044 . •
Co,t44lreanßeo /coo Ultk
thou' Iftrila iselop st„o9k *Argo ,
nstonfolngly w prtods. 4,
if i Tie the penaltyptrialure that al InUAllf , e
and withor.” Tho nret Inroad ape* our roo k .
al oharmso generally dellulefl 4y.. tilt) ka. , Aril
In mteit Cam% proMaturell. Let, all Who . -Quid
prbeervo' theft.: natural 'eatPlllary-•ade lbhtes
make haste to apply that Iloitiritilllllls' noyi
fi narrett'll-1 , 411014440' 4.41 r 4"li'PrOr4.l,...ffferg-
Marche., '• •. , ,:', •• :: --, A ...14 , erry,-, YfF 41
roe& tylEiltkt ,
'- r
t • e money ninsliet..! ) .3f, 0;
IN there , ' but little titanic° to
record in financial circles, Um doraund for 4:m10-
LO being quite dotty.), but 11 la freely tuotoma
wo coutintie to quote ocktifiloduss , at'etri Ofik'
cont. uiiigimfortnnont dollatdrils; 414.1,10)?5r0f.,
ion mfzed meuritlee;is lib 0061.1110 Mil nellOthitiOns'
above and• bolOw thud° figure's. 'At' easkel 1140,
of 404 tro Ntit bo 4°4 to last:,l4°E ri t
Pro', l o oll ml° same pdistrlite tho
,payment of interest on goVornment Utld:
otbor:scoliritide. ' ' '
Tredo is, hi fi vary , unietiefactOryotOndltlOu t ilio,
traneaotfund hoipg,moolly cUsullnod toPtppll lots
for Itnmediato oonameßtlOA. Aiuoalf rho I)ry
Goods houses partfouldrly, we bear 14 uhiny
for owriPlahltosand Ike operations of the what),
sale grOcore anitproylston dealers are pkbt for
Oda period of thd year. lirotiatitthri' aro
sivoly dull, and
et *l4 al l dosorlriens are
drooping. The stook of Rout. Is codefelorahly in
( "C.°.° B t °, P ° o4 l htqtYiltrt' A v,kt.4 tAlt4 l
tkonco a any shipping Volum
' The budiness of pull *pool(ott
morning wail yeryliglitB; time Jif The num
bers being occupied In discussion of the prices of
mats, & o. Uoverdfiionfoltobils' dreVo stoady at
100+6)100 1 4 for tl o now issues ; the old were oiler
od at 07. 14bIh aold Loan sold at 844..
Reading Railroad was rather bettor and olosod
at 10 1 4(;)19%.'. repins,ylvenialtailroadtuld ;10. 53%
—a doolido (5f anti CamdOn itntl'AmbBiy Rail
road at 129%--no change. 454 was bid for LICA)
Schuylkl Railroad; 65% for Lehigh Valloy
road, and 91 Or CatilW46(lltalirogyl preferred -1,1
Bushong A Bro. ' n0 , n1c029,6 lie. 19, North Mix stropt,
quoto as follows t
, • , • liskomo -Den. 29 1868
QlO U ' -1 gid U. 5. 6'a_ 16'f,'3 1104
ew U. 8, s•2o's, 1 184 . /
I, Ju y - . 106
4 _,_, .. i- .
ow U. 8. s•2o's 1805, May auk . Nov. ! - • 1 0 18
r ., Now U.S. 1:435, now,_• - • . ilo
how U. S. 5.20 , 8 188 ,7 July and Jan. • . llt
- Now U. 8, 6.20% 1808i'.., .- , - .4; : f " f ir . 11 0,
Ton forty Benda, - • - 1 . 105
'Gold in Now york. , uo to 18 &cloak,- • I 131%
cola in 'tending ut,lpOong ift4.lres,,) I 131
. ), ,
,The ~Orakip s *Al4llkf4gi!lrNy
lx.rhiladolph la, there is not much Cloverseed
'Doming forward, and the demand is kiss native.
,Small sales at $368 25. Prices of Timothy aro nom-,
'1;161.'1. There lb li Moody deli:Mild - I'or Ylatsetil,tditl'
:it is taken on arrival at/$; CO.. .
The '&14)1'6810n in thO Fleur 'market; rinoinaed
`last week is, if anything, grin r than t . 'q, and
prices, ptirtiOuitirlyVoc : t,ho Iwo t ~ ! ele:aro
.drooping:`. tholnfitilryrit adn nO t 6 s 101 l lots
for tho supply Of tho hometyado at 1i4?...50?7PM
harrol;tOr superfine ; WO 50' for Oxttas ; $7250
' ior lowa and Minnesota 15xtra Fainily4:s7 000
8 12% for Minnesota do. do,; $OOlO 50 for common
dna choloo Ohio do. ath, and stfedtorianby . lots,
f t
yo Flour is steady at $6 75618. In born Meal
tlothing"doing. ', . - ".. . \ v. . ,', ... .v iii'
The Wheat 'market is - almost at stand, and
only a ferlyiv 194 pt Roil at $190(0 0 `for fair
and sfilolco` Ate Aetiteady 'at 4;110.. pepi. is yory
dull, Saleb' of Opoo bushels no r"yelltair tit 80090
colitsoapotildin4 te firrnesit, alid l sosllbUplaol,B pti i
do. at $llO. Oats pre Otto tityvo, with Wee f'
Wostorn at 71075 . l 1 r
Whisky 18vory !julat, ; - ,i.kat,ateatirat 41 , 1,961 05,
tax paid.:
, ~. -„. . In 4 nine r toga. . • %,. , t
White Wheat Flour per bbl., 11'300
lied " E4lto, gifinti t y petl)b). , ,,,f, 1300
41 4 ~, •, I. t' , ' lll . ~ 1 . r.1..4... e ..... ~11 ao
Corn Chop (old). 185
It it (now). / .,...,..f..t ,: , 1.-.,:0.i 5 - t 110
ContIola) 185
' 6 , ncilv) ~ t•rr-r l r .. _ r, 1"y !nil.
13 44. luill i fPgdi; ,I,T ~ 4 :';','‘," - VI;11, •
Common,' ' " ' ll
Bran,4 , „ ~,-.... t , I— •r"....f.f.• ••,IYI • ......... 40
Corn 81oal v t ' i , 1
. 4...4..4.:1.1...44;t ..... 180
, • :
~-, FAYrIZ, IO -114 / 9 48 ,* •-/q ,- / :',' i i
Mllll.l ArliOnt,,Por bushel, ......;.`,....,.. ~ ~,..2 01
1 1
•••: - ,ef....0 ......... . . ~.:,..4
Coni (Ohl) ' 4
:, :CM?". ,1, k
Corn ( 11 PW)7.•
________ . I ,' i.,_ . '''.-
Tris anthracite Coal )onnago • last, week frontl
thb Schuylkill regton v(ae about ,f 1 , 00 ",W#4,
against 31,011 tons in corkeilponding, wook,limt„,
yo i l / 4 -an excess ot about 9,350 tons ,' .AU the coal,
t4lons' wore moo or less intetrupted •by
Vbistmas obsOrVaaceS, but enough of the wook - l'i
rottirns bovo come to hand to show an increase .
of 22,000 tons as compared with
_the same week
last year. The 'shiPuidtili *Om' ill itheleli6ini *
for tho• year roach about 11625,090 tons, swellit i lg
the Increase over that of last year to the same
time 'to about 1,100,000 tone. The ; trade of the
Spbuylkill region Is pretty much confined to t
Hoe ItailrooM mid t/o 1(140011p
for consumption n flu little coal
lashippod from Vont Richmond. „
pgg anti Brokon Coal, . .
atoye, - • , t:•• f. t
Nut, - - • -
Ee ft , • .
ituullneus Veal,
Rending lloutekeepers , 'lllniitCLi.
, .
Iluirna—zu . reah dairy, le , .
' 1be,,.;,;•:• -I -., ft 4" 55
,_ , - illiMPi ./ . 3 • /41144,..11.4 S . 1.•4 40
Caisasa—C loom IR lb.,
..,;4.4.6..b1.2 01 1irk 2 ,
LAttp••••l4Ac4ft '
lb, ,
Noinf--Eggb VI ttorelif ' ' " • ' ' ",,;,.:!;',' '' 4"
' f
AP P LBS —Apples If peek, Gig
• " ' . Dr1?(1 1 11 quart.,.. • ..L.:,1.1:12 , .. ',
r BMUS MA"... 4 lb., .y4.iti,t. ,f 1 t
Blita•r—ficeteleak, round If b.
• 14, ..o , . c' f ,
' 4 44 '.).'"isitlola, '• t • • t ...., .......
1, ,• 48 rump, - " • • 2..1“.;..11W"
' 4 • geof roatt, 4 • , • • -4-. 4 ,',
; '''' . ' Boor drieus' ' . '
• , 4 :' It. ,I;r!ilitit . 2,
Is Veal Cutlets, . ' ': s4 ....,,.,;„..... i .„ „, t ,
1. 11 chops, ,'1 I !‘ SU... .1. ~ ‘ l. , ' itl.. 2 ..
" tligti (I ;'. I' 2 . . 11 •S ' a ii 4.4.44
" r 4
II /or
. 4 4 atta*. '' ' ' ' 111
33 ,1 40114
_... ._ ,_
41 ' ' 4 Imoked, ' 64 ' 25
11A i g cli i h t li r , : v . -C I I " P ' . + 4 re:C;••• .. g..).1:312 ," D1
0 1 11V$ 7, '• • ' , 4; . ' , , •••,•••••frtlo•••... rl;, - -:
''''Ll4l Vi)ft 1 IVO; } ", ^ill 1 . ' 4 ll •.:"%,,
r#VtiTii - ''
-;--.- 0 e . i, , •, ; tir••"•",""I l l' , Y1" 4 If 61 i
' 44 " „ dr 4 0 1 4091. '* 4 ' 0t...v 1,. I
4 c - ' TOrideO /WO , ' .'' -I `. ' ;."` "
• i f••'' ; , I 4 4 i. 4 .""1 .1"I!' .1. 1 , Itl
, 44 , , ' ill ' (brow
.is ~ , . ...... 1 .. f .y.«. 1 _.., i « 1 : ,,, •
' . l ~ 'qh,p s kerlff , il:1,;1 xix 41. .,, r.t .,, t im!v 1 0
F!::! 4 1 OTt ; b r t y411 1 . , •r,.....44 2 ,: mt,
••• (1, • .„ ,
, eatkOir Ai"; '1 , 1•• . 1 ,
~_,,,„ •••••••• '
i •••••••-..- ,
, -
. . . .., ..- .1 . tl,-, , !, - ~ ., . .t ; • ,
f A inTuzg—llemlook•Solf ) ,,r :vpresim , ,rrt li - '
it •, - . Oak ,; ': '•!`." ; i ' . . ii ~•:•.«, . .ert..4., '' '
~. • i- .
: ir,f•
... f#Onolts, i i`i:i1.40 . 0.......•. t ..,,,
c i s, / A l ''. ,'' I t • .-, ''.. , ° l 'l' I
l '' ' .alf ..,,........,, ~ , , 1111. 4011 • ••••••••• 1 ',,, ,
,$ 1 ! '.. 4 , - 11pfter, , 1 , s , ~, ,• 4, , , rl , - r ,
' "I'AlPi. ''' '' ' • it ' , $, . $
, „
E 523
Tint sf+
•'9I .1 •
- $7 00 per ton.
7 25 li
625 "
850 "
a l ky l ,
.„ • .
0/mutt. KUHNS, Ok I L . I ~.,, , . loot
raised a flock of tulle ,'', -. . i M I A
•whlell weigh over two hun i ad pounds. '
7 kl4 ) t 4 1 4 4. '1= r i tt a N
Main t street, has o Waken
/filch Is fourteen yes old: It semis to bo
lull of Wo, and maYliteefersaido Uwe yet. '
f SOCIETY NATUltitiiiiti" O :M4i i : NITIEIS'•
AT/8T9.4%-iiikl lliattentnrirtak,,a
soolety t oritto . ,NV
M. Yefiagpy's Phil? 030rx, ,1133).4 ,Pohn
~„ oto . A , r p i *
u u , tht ao ,
1.1144. Li ray,-;buidoiiic 0 611110 4 1'
'Me* Vdn if -01'11 t
; . • , ; - • _ .......—....._...,-,............ l, _ , , -
,i, lita.sorio. Tho DistottiOnegraty:'Xittild ;
Mostar J. L. Stichter, accewp# ed by a nunt.' ,
bet of distinguishedi MAMA ‘ om ,Reading,
',visited Willieelseu (4 1 4 Eticoi sObt ikt,llYß4sl
- =40% 1 04 .QT ' truelitonaS
Inswed thee eersion 013411113 e 1040012i0
'year. 1 'This I highly n reepeotable "Ltr ti r
surmounted all . its oarly ditlieu t iiio ' d`rtow'
presents iilitilii; tifht on itirl" !ilia' 41gor.
fox !, . s ~i At the, tablo piki? l
~ 014),(0)4
(end et i,, 1 ityloo4ooB,l, k'IL 9,f; At
:brethren I l io I . Iteaditite•altetwio e ma'
,whop the how Aritdioxtrttolorktorl . fill ro.
,grottod to
i: leavo such a pleas Ant baet,
, , i1:1':flt ilD,..'s itiLA. ,-1,1& 0' nqu 41,1 ri'M
STONING A I.lAtl.Nirkk 1 1 6 41Aifili—Passongore
by the • Phllado,lphlC•alA 1 01141 • 1 4.:_itattlyr:
;train, reaohing hero last n igh t at'aeoftt -a o
o'clock, report that somo distanco this side of
Lebanon an unknown individual, without the'
Apr of ho law beforo hie; eye, oe threw,. li 71.,.
,sized s no from an ombamment Ut tho tr .'
'rho in Saito struck the wAodwork of Cue o the
ears be wean two windows. The concussion
)prAttod a loud sound and startled the pas.
'angel; No injury, howovor, was done. Tho
iinalt for this crhno is ample, and parties
Convicted of the offense must expoot the most
oondign punishment for thiS criminal antle
oity.—/Tarriabaro,Ntate Qii9ixt.. ~,y. ~ ,
"1..11.'11ii 7 I ti',W,,ii ,q1,1•?0,, it) -
GRAND LODOI4 MARONI - 0 OvnoEns.—Rovs.
ft. li. Mattison and John P. Lundy, of this city;
And Rev. Henry S. Got; of Idahanoy city, a
'brother of lion. J. Lawroneo Gots; aro among
the appointments, by R. W. Grand-Master
Richard Vaux, as Grand Chaplains of tho
Grand Lodge of Masons, of l'onnsylvania.
RovW George :W. 0111tiolatighll orly,of
elth , byalSoitne br'thti
Coldsoplt L. Htichtor, of No. '62, thi bitY;
is ono of the Building Conunittoo oK_tho Now
Masonic) Temple, at Philadelphia.. The same
'gentleman has been to-apliltfted,l Dbitrtot
Deputy Grand . Master, for the county VI
kIaNA T IMM I N M°l 2
' I. • _ t t on
riprorarlous pylAtkear.'loo,4l 1 M/. and at a
rather unseasonable hour Officer Lawrence
founti'llbi,;attitefebrnoi .
' Itliurl 1- an w e'9 ant s but t ?: here r eio ‘.o w, lgt iit . F
•-Noimants that little ki A
1. But if•it &drop lii;.
• ,- " lloNealta - IP tood and strong. •
Ltutritt td the polace of
hetises„ yelept thpcity, LoeklyP t ,Pu
during the balance of the 'flight gitvb full ve4l
to his poetic Imagination. Like all of Raturo 7
poets, Lewis was dead brittlieWthis morning,
and consequently, had togo, b 9 hind the bars
for 24 hours longeil k 1.111 -3'
• Sixteen lodgors found .aceommodatiopa
in thel3fultltht lidifia last) Hight. ) 1 9 1 ' g . ) I )",/
—(cyottantiouft6o-xicssecution. 4
—Rev. Goor o 13ornomann. 2 Luke 34: Tho
nativity off, el l t 4 sOurgepf ~Won to
all bolioNetlf, tralthabithaf aldlMUrhe a
tentively regarded by the GorMan Catholics
tif this, congregatien.Au the aftornoon,,Vatiker
I;filtdena`d 'doliVered ' - itti '4:Avatar ou'ir,nnAjAtyv
Mars was celebrated at spooitiod times during
the day. .
,i. tort ~. ..r
Fawn GiiitioiiriiiiiCei6iii ii4iln Ilnv.
B. BAusmitx..-Lnke; xv. Wikon the angels
had rondorod tholi 4 joittilt fitiotallons of 'Clod,
and bonovolont o,ongrOulations. to„mon, on
this most,happy 'oceahlon (H
, the Vision eap
poaroci, and the sit:fiords, conferring together
ou the Wonders NO, oh they 4 41- vlesEack 4
torminod to go I thediatoly tit tith 641
whoro they wpro soon onablAd pcl.,_firtd Mary,
josooll, and . tho ife4.lforif ISavldur, exactly
in the situation which had boon described.
liallinwitnessed Wis instruotive„soone, 'they ,
publicly reported tho whole transaction, and
the, assurailoor given 'theta, that•thbr.ohilayil?.ti,
"the Saviour," oven "Christ the Lord:" mow
howovormoluily ,obnc*Vol, 'awl, nao(ll4atod
on, all these'wolidorferlfibidclits, *whit% wore
so ,ouitqd,-gq onlai•goher.e4pootptiOua and en s f
liven her holy affections ; and thO-Tfihephird.4
returned-to th'ele humble 45Milbyntenti ith
Joyful, thankfullidarts; gjori 'kilt iiii4 b eSS
lug God for His distiuguishbd tors to' tlieniL
-oWithotitiodttoVeilly Watt hi the inystiitry of
godlinoss,,God was manifest in tho flesh.'
' ,
VOilitrrlt STREET M..ig."C'ltirßalt: limy. , T.
A.•FilltriLl:Y.—Early Prayer mooting. The
Cbristplail ikeypolon wT,woachod, pii.sunlivr i
ir , olArtitkb AA. it, 10r,Acod. 4liCtolleVing
oints—Go 's otorna purpose to save man.
he first pr 01460 Fomie hail boqu,hovoring for
4000 years. TholoVOlinbl bf Betblbhom mado
it more suitable for liim, who through rich,
for oar' isakb's ' btlaanie i4or. lAt: BettilehOm
our World's history beg i ns. o)43 I t t r hasdnii t t u i t oncod
Ngh?* * : NO* 4 4
th ou • d , i po tad II ' gt at Y."
Cglllo Soo, where tho young child lay. Tho
t:lain of: Ow Nan 9pwpOditiAltp u .wators
avo gusliskt . OAt'ini fi' eleftddifts.APlllONvell of
avid has overflowed the earth and the na
tions now may dt, Ilk. 11)V,9µ dl you learn the
WAY to God, go to Bothlotom.
/!iiri" PAO!. lIVAN* I II44 I e•-lt'' , int
Usq.,. gept. 114 1 3,0kethPutt. 4 , ii.ittlieLia ;. _
Bunions in: tlie , ,ealWriateroom oft UM 4140181/1
and 'O4 o trtrly and sqrtir it - v . rorivi Adrntrablti
It MlbW e ci,arrdtigOlbjtV,thOb i talligOttfer}
of gas 7 i ll ; pe' leopt 1 0 4 . 1 '414.g:140 iillglite t1;444 01
it tail) tproteated 1 Old It. dannot :be to WU , or
putout, while it can be turnedien atOrideloyAt
bin& inotiou. This will be it} '
bolt ictbambote er-Alok ' l A4'}, tittil *AI *tiff a
pard against thleVes 0 44 0 0
, 4 ,040,
bosidos avoiding the danger 'come/410dt Upon.
clout(r lighting of the gasp WSW ii ga it lit" . . • .**.:4l*,fotiv.
,:1111;611A. gilt ' ; ,Il-ii
f * f I: ---.-...4.:4-44411 1 G i ' - , 1 LI i, Eli At
',um 11 , 4-I , nsrtn. - Ani`spA'i ' "ln` i I S ' at' o,,,, ,,w '
i.l I s Hint to
a. 4a .lawiputltto s mosoir,
gii. &mon :—From •threort• I .1111II:Jt
hakloon the custom for ItakttA 11- : , I. t 44
to' ay .to,thetr "Join's." ilibittl 1 Ire' _gift
I t he.w4ges %night be, wilthoutleforitta '_
l e
'cod pried Mr tnaktng al*lrfor?Ment*bObitl,
h99 13 -9r N PPP?qh 1111° 9 1, 95:1 P,t„ 8 ) , 492 . r °te 1
dozen.' . ~,,., • i'.. 1 ., .3i.'.,1
Recently thefeVoras Pladeci in 'tno !lands ' of
ono of naturo's; l 44 ,lolll7 IShocanuXers," by a
Nyell-known Bodtidalter Boss oflhis city, a
p,atr,-.0fy444-115kyplimlitiouistrittay 48kogiapj"
of the No. 16 order . which took tho greater,
part of a ardii6ValdiallefaihikAhVidlndTu f Fer,
andeonsonnentl ~ . , eLltwice . 44 much lie
t o .. ox iptom alb : Ifkilt4dulitl - to e to
oak° a pair 6, • • • • . t • "P's boots;
and an this pi y . 1 4 ;. 1 ; . . : t" in this in.
htance at least th. t sid: . 7, : , ' ere entirely',
ad almost said ininously to o - low,atulthitilhe
44 custom" of paying the same price fot all sizes
would be Amore honey itklgost MitiltAr; at
In the observance," ho slily, as a hint for t
futero, pl. .: , • n' , * r ral W I ttl. Bo ,
In One of t tlf , - , . ' '436 0b.114 some.
thing IMO tho of owing guage :
bo6 " g r atrinbr I V l lititt if lg r 114109 f ma t
ages ate or ma •
leg Pontoon .11019atLT—W.kAgyrt General
Sherman had ne bnpir ' gocir. I make them
Wa r liVell a ggiC " . rirgln t ehlii i !
whitlows open. ~..) ;;l i na , • M. lif.vt
, ..
lu?ridt'lnt i tt l ertitneltrfi l rnarak a
choice lot of flour from Michigan amber wheat,
which he will soli atfredadddlprita. deal 8 $
- 17 - rT -.-"'
, The itthesiaiitietti." "
tepee!** toll* DAILY 11MeStt th.)
.PUILADIRLP" ) Deo l ,R—la tho Alexander
„we ) this nagtin4 t tyo!i ~ t hel at!etien of the
Pend being esitid to this fa t `ei ihat the D uni al.
was tentehted' to' Mitt '4alikse* loirrlsonment,
witheiit Anew
. ,
' IR gilloaplarkwakFlopoasa to palvel off
thc, it . .4,oo s #, l l4#o*VorAti cimoikil east
of'•ti4 Illaikolii t i , loto4 i ii ft*elioo *wood
, ~ 'wig , . 1 , 4 s * ~,l `
aifolliOisii.. 004 gicluganin Oktalottesus,
, „Po, t , t
Asseolitipia t 111,qappotanila, Illinoio,' SantOka,
Wasltingtou, ro ypotanun and- Polesipia.—
l'Aila. .Lager. ,., ~.
'llare T '11.14 4 - 6 . ' Alt C E O.F
• .tL i ktil . it? It': -''
V,,_ ,„,,,, z.y.l.
. Non nWt.nOto dopri Kat this bleesing tow
(I t s•
'Wit& 1 1101102... , -140t0h041illol tot rod
°" ea t Crimtiou 4. ' ll ' It obAr 1 - 1 11100th akin
With °W t . bbd I. w lir 40eiros tho' same.
Tho Oa syateals • mien with the tirue ‘ of
SOHO UIAA, andothere_utatteous (nooses, eau.
pot psilicd heldtb. When' the blood is , int
pureol OS Imo tO fOIIOW.
Ali :b y tamely 'warsliow in those Pimples.
Blotched*, getters, gores, Bona. Gopper•eolored
l'atohesi, lleales Ao. Avert the •OlUaluity by
vUrifyin t ;doh` with tip
__..s • , v.,_ .
SAIIA lli: lit OT AND inti /IMES,
SAHA N" 4 $ vrt I IiII'ATIONS,
l IT
t it
AhlAil i ... pit NU JUIt)EIS,
Bete r - tic k a am kohl.
how tunny titeve - twviros of By in tho
Systb. andin,that_ condition ()onto. pinto mar •
riage, knOWrng little of lie baneful nnuoneo ,on
'no constitution: To snob wo say STOP. First
cleanse yourself ot those impurities )of that
sortkinimiofeetion t rieh in , teeny eases is
holtUltarrilithb Oil itutlyr,) before you bring
rateory on yotnrseif it orespring. rrieo .1.0
per bottle, i
1 lii i ' "
Z ' 5.4111,4 11:42i 1 8 iitt '
Tue MOST CKSTAIn Itaisater 'Watt Vow.
Tea l A Poaltive Vitro I
fo r all Ditetur f l o tripthefrovi •-finflacreqon.
Containd u'd Id Inkial, no Balsa m,' n Mo i roury.
Only ten Pills t(eixttikkari Ureffebt a cure. They
aro entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any
unpleasant taateiaml 'OIL not In any way Injure
the stomach' or tiOwOIS 'of the most delleato.
Cures In from two to four days, and recent eases
twenty-four. hours . Bout by Mall, Prleo—
Male packages 0, Venial°
B°l9t4Ts.(tYrqtrilMPfip plb ~4 by
Druggi 8. - • • "
•• , bESSIONO rropvl9tors•
(top 21 I I 011y4s,ea 14110, ghlividilblit./
1, -•_ • 13,, I 4 A ,
41ghti• in itti) l Bolo . ',.%
Fiercely wielded by tho brave,
tdorlous in tho stidwart atom ov,
‘% lAughtliget the storm and *aye. '
lloaethowilri the Palace pillars,
llevieg to thepointod rod.
iti IC . brims the deadly.l og
ljupll,otl *kr to mt.
t • • .•'
4 Bat therolB a i glorlouiressoneo, • • !
Where I take my grandest power,
, 61Y lag tO the aaCie My Buren, •
Ihteetest atd, In danger's hear. •
800 I boron nie fly (lleeaseQ • - •
800 the darkeet bVdttul Nillar I
800 the roso or health and beauty
TaLo the palest el4eolc aut). btow.
Fly, dye.pepslal tlyconsumption
08 quilitrittOtrOlhod at /entail
For Iglye, what human nature
I , l titlliFev9i t , •
81,01 I
' toll In what great atomic()
Til on thus your spirits cheer up! ,
" trOnlbl thg L 'tlying stiftbrer;
the famed "ran U 1 Ali 81•1111 •
t iii ' a•k t pAti_VlAN ur, to iwbtootto solution
of;1110; ren t ru now dlteeyery' iit
in9dlcil 0, that. stri 9 At' the root of disease' by
soPplyifig th9;hiciod;wlt,ll., its Oat ps:hicipht: 9r We
dement—iron. ,
The genuine hw‘ !WfugiviAtrf Smut , " blowo In
the glass. ' 1 '
'0 Pamphlets free.
- J. P. Dl,NBMoll,ll,,Propvlotoi*,
- • , Ott INV ist. I New York.
blyiv id 4d svittprut i Akokits
It Is well known tlint the benefits ftorived from
silrinking of tho CoNonnss, SAItATOOA, and othor
toolehrated ,Springs •Is prinelpally. • owing to trio
!iodine they contain,
Dr. /I: l Atiatiteei liigtihe Water
Conti'Wl Minty In tho ennib putO Mate tint It is
found 1n those spring waters, but over 600 per
cent. mcni, ipantifit, containing as it does 1 1 4,
grains to,eaelf fluid ounce, dlgtmlved In pure wa
ter, toll/tad a /Went; 'digeoVery long sought for,
inlthle country and 47e,, and is , the best rem
edy Intt i lmNvp7l(l for So. gia l Vance,* ball cum,
Ukortiai l d all OrpAto D eat Cireularp re%
INOltOath. r ( oprlator. Dey street,
NOW Irk ,eol,d;bYa)l7arugglbtie. , L4o2B4tAlaw
ire linVitottl:*B. ' f. ':( ". . ' )
1 .........t •,. r
' lk . 7 , ~, ~,, -_ ,
1 ' • ' liitit Tonit, ,
Anghtlifth, 1817.
Ali iv me to call_youxattentlokto my PREPA
1 The Omponent parts are Malt/ Lorfu Li"
!cull 'lll3, JUNIPIBEABIES.
NAPIOX 4141'A1l 'nose-401m i DC vaeu4, ; •Ift•
i n or norr a l by a stillatiOn, to /Orrn a lino' gin,
Oubobs oxtraotod by displacement by liquor oa
' tained from Junipor Berries, containing very
liUto sugar, a small propOrtion of Writ, and
more palatable than; any now in use. Tile aotivo
properties are by this mode extracted.
BuoMprepogrefl by t Pruggista generally, is
of a d lorr: qt IS d plant that - Mite its fra
grance; th action of a flame destroys this (its
active prinfilplo), leaving a dark and glutinous
?rob, 4111 no is,tho,eolor of ingredients. The
B 01 u in ,ipy=•ptoPartitiOn. f potornipates; the
s el est'qUantity of the Other itigredienta aro
added, to prevent fermentation y upon - inspeol
tion, it will ho found not to he a Tincture, CO3
made lu
i - Pharenagopreg, nor, )0' it a,,Stfrup—and
th r ef o re tea he used in cases whore (over or In
ila mutton existS. In this you have the • knowl
cd eof tho ingredients and the mode of prepare,-
tie io
)45 ..11.t -•, ` ' '.• , ~- ~ ... . ,
. 004410 you will favor It with& trial, and t a
that upon inspection it lOU meet with your LlP
,lpr,obatiou, With a feeling of confidence,
• - I am, very respectfully
4 , ,.. 2 .1,4 i(i' ( 1 ,, i . in T. nELMBOLD.'
{ ItOrni Philadelphia g and Years' Experl
-1 if Co in now located at
„ If .Drug glu, Chornical ~Warehouso, . cqi
44 rdentitnyi now Yew ' i 1 , ,"• , s
[from:the largest Manuinoturibg Chemists in
the WOW.)
I am achNikilitilllvlth Mr. /UV Ifelinhold (he
occupied the Dru Store op . osite my residence,
andwas sucaes4(9 ib a y noting the business
whin° .others 51 • . Acapally so before
him'. I have be th , iMpressod with - his
F luiptotcx mid. , 99.terwitai
.leit ,
4 *rlikkslo4+d,ok Woraaal, MfeNficitir
, ,MI Chem eta, Ninth and Brown troots,
~ , ph imialalfg• - • --, L - ,1' i - '
/UM 60 1 0 *MOO EtraiioV ntivi tor 'weak
ness arising from indisdret Mt . he exhausted
powers of Hat >io arejteemnpatiied by so
many slanging pttlnis, nis; atnong Whloh.will bo
found, Indispoci ion to Exertion _Loss of Memo•
ryf titrait94llB 'lkiOryiffr • of , D A or , yore.
bodings of .my ii, in r act, UniversalJoassitudO,
Prostration and Inability to• enter into the on.
Joymer44 otifoelety. - 1 .1 ,- . , -,, f f '
Thelma ittrtiOn, onto' Sheeted with Organic
Weakness, ,requires the aid of Medicine to
strgnOlen_Mutlitivilgomto tho - System, which
lIXL=DLD'iIIr, raNTIIAOT lIIJOHU , invariably
deNV,loslo.tfUttnesit• IS taibmitted to, Consump
tion or Insanity, ensues.
HELMUOLD'S FLUID E; ;{W 44watt, in agile.
tione peculiar to• 'remelt % is Unequalled by'iuty
other preparation, as in Oblorosis, orlietentiog,
Painfulness, Wai frosgiOnia4Ugsomary Evao•
nations, Ukse UMrras State of the Ute
rus, and all - comp Milts incident •to tho sex,,
whether arising fromjmbitg gt dlielpaticm, im
prudence in, or the decline Or change of, life.
Itsmagglaysymnp i jivra4or, kmag, , ! situ Ix.
aldlut lOrm" - -
trod Bites,:ana alt as* 111444.„‘t ~11()
:nom, klagasia
A[~p 11tH of %ha Ina grikllo44llk Afkot 001011101,04
Mew* la ttar vita 44 has altokly oclool4, kvilfgAiny,
toammi. 4 . 41,4am:wk. 4* 6 4 141 4;i1ip oh* I
coaulucat town Minh sarglcal oik , s'allom. • •
• SAYRE'S, .
wlll icc.tnnplNh Drttmpleeletrtaata*licalietun :;I1 L,r
Ito effect I. vititttly *Witt pootiotiiie•rtittt.' ,
cotlrekt tomato's" to to be ae appikablo to thochll4l mit tent
der ago as to thOutult. Thowe‘e•le of iTettesttit tie, to,
urythitthtel.uon~uon,eaiafAct t•eriyl" I%ll?<*hti*t‘etey.
nutl a goats epplkation of the cur ttlll;eeii,laiiCtli•
• eltrptkointlTcrcrof~ie _ ~ritl~`m~rac~~lot ME { . " .
WE okataimot vinvitoixiii •
• • To Produoe its Eiituil;
No family Oat ptice peiimitet
ite virttiaBl& bd ii41.14114:4 40 :;
J• • •
Price VI 13 o 11,1404 1 P
• • • 80•Preptsi c i T higioni4". "
See!bath Or- ana 64'n•A.
d e c o►'l*4olll l olll —
Ina 412 tk
I •
N.tan Liti ft 150.,
g . r
it aMame p tame t e at ,
Moo. ot'ysiur ' POI) thitt l / 4 ft* '*
Jabursak pooka l ya SU)
hen na o i
allsrlY IWO . Wens; ta , *
Ore and (Aar est alit#llollll9lli to *r i d .„: .;,
/ INS teilovea ma lieeoll
the relit( that I eouldl keareitr k
senses. From ray ko,owtedse itiort aiii
firmly belt9v9 that it, !Hullo r,ut
11Y7 OSUMI ilitllllllo,l WSW/Up 1 , :.
°idle Atm of Dudli*tiatia:Wli
ante. • • ;. • I -47127111Nei
• ,
U „
0 A." ' I
p E kL, s. ~.iutv : .•
ritt; WIN fir ANL , ATUAN 11 , '
• ALt. P , NM TRAt...
POR, IV NG 01N17168 N.i . P t, ,41,.
4 A .
tako plsiunkto in informtni the p .;4 of
and eloienri , out.mors petite , .., .•
/10"ebc'eP"sk?" trilA tr M r i ' 4 ' i
.ntrod tga -1 4 0,0 I! qjl , .
%Hips n kOrtto#o : ' ''• 'f•' l • , ', 1 , -, •
Pi —4P or .01 anise 'P a t e , Ilreellourkii mot
ble, .__'
tl e
su ND—Xor Oleartipg ten °UAW' at fats
sane t me) met r 4ll, • 44
Ourcope it st.o t l l _
tag° 0 this kli t 6 MIN a iti
h7to ro.llo inp roirdon. , t
As fitglie2. or 'A • 1;1' 'lf irilitie 111 4 411 ite i
or A AOl Or i
Fhero thero aro arty impurities or sta e VOA I
ansbl, ouch as Pai n t , Croy? of any Op .411 arr,
oltitil d. Ina :1? the ii( ii4 . d' '
an t 0...". ri 0 , r ivitfi ,,
Or or. imrpolp,t, for WP 0 to n•I
an Neaten it is int 0 me to a mem
time. ,• . 0...' ~ , ~,,,.. , I , l l',
DIREOTIONO /OR WHIM 11401110 4 Milt KU?
for each and oyeri purgoso above me do od. 4
ho used In tho Ism truMnor mope
this oadqption j Om tt d t n reslairog
11 •
the amount °rout on t om esplpited • , ' .
suite as others, MI, NEITWARi 4 4 t '4
. / ' 4 , 4
and LABOIt otWOOI.I ' ,
.. ,_t . t „ ; b, ,
WANrsn.. *vet* rerion 01' Ifsnantg wiry , '
' "lIRWIAIiN OP ALL zurrATlONlit •if
Attila/adored EK'etasi` silk '4 l 011:"V - Mks , 3lt
soap MOOS .Aron ASYssi, P 4:!3 PIO
' HARUIS e rt•P
t iii ii i
.10,•BURIK1101,01Crt k MADURA, corner A t
and Washington Streets , Bole Agouti foe alai.
AT'ifi WANkiiii IN iivntV.,7oo...
_,:TV IN WILS tiligrAßAN •,.' ~ 14:
Th 8240 is Ow• orets4,lo,the h 4 4 4 Pt
owing bbt ergs i ~
Eit,OUflor & Shonfoldor, ooptllVlEfiliifiii t
A. PorrOlgOr • erh no A nom.
J. 4i' 13. Sgylor. H. &W s fa
llnfer 14 mod% . I , :: •• j i MU i 4 ,
, t °IT, • 1 „ . . l,' 1 e , n., , ,,
~ un Ore, g. O 504 / ,
A. Eirra s.• ' p
. Ke iferut, • p i 4034 • : 4
30. & Pro., at osr
J. 11. Ilittleboltei, 0: . ov er, W. Otott, •: , • .1.• e t e ! ,, : 1 - i
..lionnnig, . • • • of.
. Dehart. ". " ' ' ' ' 'J. i Pi Pr,.; 11,
cotoger. cm ter. ,i •
e.,:, . ~ -1
QUNDAY 1 A440.04,..
Ij,„ • ' " I s); i't
, • , -• t • ro,t
'z ' ;.0
f ,. BINGING': 1300K54
11.111, !:s
).1 %
Ole. 251'
• Oenlie •. , • ;.1 t•. _
•••,7 (}'_•'";fl
lien be
n 1 /
o•t ,
THE NEW litittii#lollll4'
1 1 Malt
,44;t0i jeCiri 4
' K
, 4 1irdOt
THE SABBATH SCHOOL 1.)1* -!":461"43
*HE fiABBATIII36IIOt)VinItt,4)'"?.,OII"O-4,
- • ,7 ••••; 4 't ,,, ... - '" 1
• Together with a variety of other xThristri _ 1
forrhpolai . • 7117
T '7
i,; 1,',411191,d
i l i e '
, 7 -0"
~~i,if ,' ~'~/.
3; ,/
1 tri !'if!? t_
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