Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 29, 1868, Image 2

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"nreAlTrird:`,' PA .
• La OA tabkivis. o '`fi
TtillitifirVialifitigeln jegird to the etir'a::
..t.;.. i ...IA "0i1 ,: ,.. .
less nee nT, • li p toe eh.ape• of terrible"
accidents, seem to be "entiiely disregarded by
a ) oFif PNPMion of to, oc. people. .Though the
newspapers teem with accounts of. deaths from
the Olin 10411) 010 of . korosene, 'many persons
pallid in filling (hair hinips' at night, ireg,uont
ly ev white they are lighted, while othors r
still in re care l ess, pour coal oil on slow fires,
"to ke them burn taster ." Such actions
are a t only careless, but actually criminal, as
ever one who is guilty of such folly is not
only ndangerhig hit or her own life l •but the
lir and proporty . of others, and Should be
hel amenablOOihe`laWs' for SO doing. •
Every intelllgnat,Pqrson ought to knoiv that
an intlamme* gas.constantly exudes from
coal oil, which Will frequently , convey tiro to
the oil from a !/istance of .several foot. It is
not neeemeary that the Santo end tho oil should
he brought into contact to produce an explO•
lion, • •
as' ill "4 i tinirudent ' Pertione sappose—,-
explosion! nearly ways result from the igut•
Von 01 the w s at l 'a greater or less distance:
This tacc,sl i tsig p i i h n , generally known, and, all
eeneihte 'Tacos,
,should act "accordingly, by
Mins their letnPs in the daylinto; and carefully
keeping coal oil as far as possible from stoves
or open flies. `'lt, Would
.- h 0 well, 0.0, to r... 1 i;
. .
• ,1
fleet that it is putting this lives and Property of
stortvllfsers And their employees in 'danger to
ask them ,to draw_and measure coal oil tit
night. coal,oil !should always ho purchased in
the daytime. ~By using proper precautions in
the handling.ofthisdangerous dubatnneo, many
disastrous fired hit& horrible deaths '
may rho
" • " •
prevented. ,
1 1, '
CAPT. PHILIP FORNEY, a son of John W.
Forney,' fought n duol in Washington lasiWeeb,
with ita officer of the Twelfth U. S. Infaufryi on
Recount of gratirel in front of Willard's
1i01444 Weapons, •• • pistols:—killed, none—
woundedl, diti,o;'-seared, two, ono very badly.
Young Forney • was formerly an ollieerin the
regularomy t but ha is now ,tt clerk in the Ag:
rioultrirni Department. It is rumored that his
opponent ,wns slightly vim ded, and that tfor•
neyleft has Washington. As the father's" two
papeys i both daily," have alwnys (Might the
.ydurig man that it is right tokill his enemies,'
it is not to be VeOntlered . at dint ho should try
his hand at duelling: The old gentleman
should Sot'a bettor example.
,111?*, 401 TILEI ItADAUAL VAMP.
'`lie Dlapateh bitterly. assails Capt.
Rauch ; ono of the editors of the Rao.
Araians, because that paper has dm courage
and candor to tell the truth about the thieving
of the Radicals in the State LegislaturO. As
the klither .Abrahant is said to ho backed by .
loropy, and the Dispalch by Simon Cameron,
the tight promises to bo a very interesting one,
and the Democracy arc anticipating pleasant
t in watching the contest, caring
little which whips, so long as Radical rascality
is exposed,
A Burnam% PitaironcxoN.—The Nevada
Territorial Enterprise of Nov. 28th, says, l
moot "insular phenomenon was witnessed frdm
that city the preceding morning, at 4 o'clock,
by miners and others who Woro astir at Ilia
edit' !lode: The phenomenon was of n ales.
tidy Ohatieterf and was connected with the ris
lug of ;the. morning star: Some hundredi
personssaw,the wonder and on in as
tonishment during its duration. 'rho sky Avas
perfectly clear in every direction, and the cas
tern horizon was peculiarly blue and brigitt.,not
the slightest sign of mist about.the ridges of t h e
distant eastern ranges, yet the morning star
rose of a blood-rod-tolor, 'and with a
. bright
white halo, apparently live or six feet in diem,
ter, surFounding it. horn the lower part of
thld haki r thero extended downward a tail op
paretttly some eight feet long and two fectin
width at the tipper:part. 'The tail was slightly
curled, of:aaabre sliapo, bluntly rounded at
the lower endow(' both it and the halo appear
ed to be filled with thousands of small and ex,'
ceedingly brilliant stars This strange sight;
!noted 5 . 01110 fiftewor twenty minutes.
.tisl Nation recently suggested for increasing
theitiength of motet tubes subjected to great
fOrees; as cannon,' Cylinders • of
hydtablio presses, etc., consists in heating Oa
cyjiudar and.coating,it with a layer of copper
arid, Alp,
,or i . of pure, tin. )ly means of a
rnaCliiito, 'strong iron or steel Wire, previously
coaled With the same substance, is wound
rohnd the cylinder in a continuous' spiral, the
tarns id olOso contact, and several layers beitig
n3e,de . one abovo the other, tho • cylinder. being
kept hot all, the time, so that the 2viro remains
,101e0det condition. Iron rings ina,y be
tho"spiral wrspidngs aud oh
t r g o idiiiry degree of strength imparted, so ns
alatoti' to 'obviate the usual dangers conse•
110 %Ming. • .•
' ,t 7 . iieriairmemagiaa'.+*•■.. l o%.•*o. •
'OI Wonland Ptorts,—The House Carpen
tereVitteethrdithioni was 'organized in Eau
Freotleo. about tit een menthe tto rot: the
• purl:A:l46f Ifnildinrri ed-opetatiio mill. After
litieffeiltrufgle to raiso tho 1110111511 tho mill
wasi"bullt,' and in Juni last lho Union cont.
mdgoe&to tbutraet tor tbo erection 'Of build
lute 8114thaVIIIne fOntteeti houses; involv=
lei sii•orlientliturtilof $65,000 1 'have been pnt
lOW tete idle:turtle of comPletlon.. recent
rigWti 'Of the 'Condition or tho AssOcintion
ehkeillita thetnill'and real iodate owned by it
are Iwpt h $ 1 10,00 0 4 encumbered with n debt of
.81000. • '
..., i Tattoo" Res ,
lo' rdvtion I .::, üba
p sto bo ore so ' thm
bir Ming-
.7 . claw • . ;go,
p, Mogi °Gas f. the
r tho lo o . orei
~ . . , .
among the baggele captured
tionist& weraLiarsoistair"
previously recoived by tho goiernment -401
that tho strychnine was to be used to, pow
Vie Spanish troops throughout tholsland. Tht
official account of the battlo" Mates that 'IC
go vernmentlicops •44t1;;;“;‘,up,With Abals4l
tioniiits on the 18th inst., eighteen' miles from
Puerto Principo. They stormA44lle/Areft4l4
cd camps of the enemy and attacked them whit'
the bayonet. The latto were routed, losing
many mete )4 Villitil t iiitt i i;•ounded. According
to the official account tho loss of • the govern
ment troops•iyas,.sliibt,, Ugly, 00' 1.1 ,
,nmin was
revolutionists it ilot . gitiep s `4,§tikiill4#o l 6,ol• l ,
that 700 horses - wort eapyirtilki ItilYllo#ll,.
account of tho affair' Stales 'ikatte l go
ni oat troops lost keavily in kiped and wounded.
ThoreyOlutio ni Ms also, d,finithei.M4iiiiiiMit that!
the government troops captured all their arms
and ammunition. • •
Thoppeetta publishes a'''ciatente9 t that thl
New York El'CrOnisiniSnolAtin"niinn of the
goi'ernment of Cuba. This declaration is wade
to defco4 the honor ,of fipaitt -and the dignity
of thr.; Bpnoish ashidgtbd
against the attacks ot%that paper.
• (;et).-,§nlitvo has fq,Sintiago wilbt
tmopm,iti) tnlic coblnuttul bf the eastern depait ,
anent. '
The revolutionists have, destrord the light
house nt Lucretia 1 3 4 hat, Odaegaring the na4l)
nation of the lialninia channel.:
The etatenients of the government in relation
victories over, the insurimito Imp very mue4
exaggerated, and intuit tioltilcoil 'with
grain of - allowance. The truth is that the re
volutionists are giving tho government much
troubly, i and it 11 , 041, not' ,bo surprising its
'they iih6uld succeed lit redeeming the island
from Spanish rule.
~ .„IConuutitiioalktida
Capital Priplishinent.
Much has been said and written concerning
eapital,punishment. , In -.apciont tithes it irM
universal. Wise 'then dilrik it a'relic of bar
barism, inexpedient and ;unnecessary in a ell,-
ilized age. Theabolitipuiste pre ipereasing in
niunhel., and we may ettfili expecte universal
relleal at no distant dayo Some of the United
States have repealed it, substituting in its
Place , imprisonment for Jiro. • The titnto_
Maine,as Usual in sah'iniohle enterprises, took
the leading step. In Maine, the criminal when
convicted is to be imprisonc4 for one year ) arrl
after that time 'until the 'governor and his
council, upon a certified copy of the proceed•
ings in the case; shall itstte,ati order under the
great seal for, his exectitioir.• It is not made
Obligatory on the clerk, however, to send any
record of the proceedings, nor upon the gov
ernor to issue any warrant thereupon and the
Consequence is that no Criminal. has boon °n
ettled in Maine •sinee 1835. The law is simi
lar in Louslana, Ma”aehusettfi h‘,d Vermont,
In the latter State no wieehtiOn ha's taken place
for fifty-three years. In Rhode Island and
Michigan, capital punishment has been re
pealed. In the other , States Of the
ls,still it i tlforce. In Belgium it 'is repealed.
it has alwriYs been observed that when execu
tions inmased, murders increased. This kind
of - punishment is very Uncertain. The maxim )
"it is better that ten guilty men should go
free, than that one innecent man,,,should'
suffer ) " constitutes the legal lore of
a jury, and the uncertainty of tho charge often
defeats the just 'Renee" . there
danger thaC•criminals;l4' theiejinpnnity l 'ivill
not only'be;etteouraged themseivecto
in crime, but,will,ctiopurage . othelis'alo. l ,
death penalty. tleee,net:.conternplnto thelefor. , l
'nuttion of. the erimitnity:::ciiie,Of Ilia chief ;01~
jeets ni panisinnent. ;y Tho ri only l ,:thing
-seems necessary t0 , ,b0 • done is te, expot the!
criminal from thOivOrld, qt 3. s'otirt peti
To every 'impartial and 'tinbireed, Tind,
clear that imprisonment for lite i s, morn efreek
tint exemplary punishident than eideuiloU:',
tlt A M 111,Y851i4 . 18
have' peke, iitid
have roast hoef .for bie faido,•intd
day for his fire
wars or rtihl. 9 o3 . 4st , ev A rB:l7ot•ciry, ; ly i ' i ly II lOy,
his ticighborand
th e w'ulf 5 ihe:„ ` 104 4 4444 AO!
leopard wlll: 'donrilii wioV i 'ol9 skid and "the
calf and the yating,lion•attd, failing; ,•iogothii;
afidi he whitq tshinq'ot . l.l6ol.6l
with the celoO'd Dinah-=duda'l 4 ittro
lead theirt-4—nn4 iherO nOYl . Odiger
iteciessitY, tif' l "lliat.4
irbmcs;" AOl,, ,egc##;,r, in hard
o ny —Sal sit cr— era Aalfonnl;t;
,•. % ' et L,
. 1, t 1 .404 1 41A, 441 1 4 44,7 •
A conoutititi.dr.c4 l o'to4",f4t4i,i'ilffie ; `'O' 4 .lo::
Pittsburg Yostieday, , which ;lirtattiddkithr
Moralizing the Legislaturetoilhooofrpnchisi}:
'tient o f Afe:,e 6 l4o.i4eO . i .i .
; The citizens of 4tiihkeYivilu,etYpiAliciallikeite'
'said to bOilooing Hf,rom the 'rpiliti~vitihq
gone ilt,c;r'e; d tt , ,
dischargoillq,Jilk:{it t ifTlATgiii/W tiet4c*llo
incustodjt. • t t.`av,l
, .• .• ig
Bear Adiu9.l, Apkf i ctk 4 i l ; l l4 l ,,tfas'e. P9T,FeAttd
the Furopeati:oilei4b::-fleitt•M'Otalli'ana!rini
Navy Yiir ear Atnifal ,r99r
1 0 4 t, ; ~ f r.l73;i/Ma
Gilley rind despatch isaYa . that'thi
on thi",), ) ,lOW:hogichkt(4l_ , lt„itt'Viiiiiillaiiit'
mules within a few .31P)14, 'a`r ”:
•, „,, ti“
. 1 tsAi
Gen: Grant
Philadelphia. L(5 , ,,,A; : A. tA A 4 . 9 rcriA •
I li p lu
The preseut , !easitivhau:ppr,:feli.kastripia
to the heigi'giidt'li t ,'Or,*4ponl4lol44lll`itie r t
them will lietit i. efotgilOtithitiV lAtialtiethigit
crops. • r; .
. •1 4f. ") 4
A 141 i wholpg prcparca • presentoom* :
,the 9 1 tio,,,I4e0,0[It j uFe 114 4 10" •W ir ' l Y.' 4 " 4 ";
miles to tholiity cmcitimtlte-q
v!L tse,,lll • , tt.
• Boston will-h ave matt dt4ll' nropc
li y thciehiMid
0 eoige 114(149 I ,XF,4,4lent tik; * tati'
Vennetsca - blatieW hatt,foo:',#ettiftid(
in Memphis ea:the charge of cmf)ezzlirlsBooi'•
000 of the State Selie'6l.l4MO: t 4 ; • 7 ; 1 0
'1 . ,
t i l o lo42l2lorraa
(dark. Five persons were , injured and nine
, .
The Rev, Dr. llogem,Jvito has kept the
Episcopal diocese of Tennessee in hot water
for the last few .months, .bas finally been re.
;aired into the ()hutch of Rome, and r ontly
xiiiitillirAnattilialtitintittifi USW
Ale veilfitillikl, `thifßlW NIS of ri3
I Mr. William Kincade, a well-known circus
performer, died of. disease of the heart, in
3altimore ) on Sunl i t. Ile was in the thirty.
g l it h year id/41AV ; . 11t,•Crt,IPI JAI.
i Brevet Major General Alfred Gibbs, former•
li ailistinguished cavalry officer in Mexico and
i' tho Array of tho Potomac, died on Saturday,
til -,0:•, j • , i . - ,
l aT li ni ID t 11
41 4 11 I . 1 i
tone . meeting on Sunday evening, duringwhich
t • • 1 ,
a man wait stabbed. .
The Board of .Managers of the Soldiers'
kl . ation* comptery,,,at getlyibtirl I , itivo- i do
elded id druieeititb the 'nfenuntent On 'the, lst
July ~.,
a July next. • •
Mr. McKee, `p a . Mteshialppi Congressman
eon, was raulted'on ~it',Missitisippi steam
host on Saturday and ,slightly wounded. Ho
iNured hp iiisigie.l n t',• il A
Faun MAsows.—lt is estimated that tho Ma
genie order, at preseat, cc:attains: about 1,2500
000 . inbriberti.'.' Of thit number", 160,090 are in
England, 'lOO,OOO in Be:Minna; 'and 60,006
Ireland. Thorn are about 000,000 on the con•
tinent of Europe i ,o99o illthoUpyus:lfitlktep t
and 40,000 in Otlv4 iiiks of the woria l . In
Englopcl•theftre , tw, t4ree thousand per
ions initiated' etteii year, the Masonic body
said to be overYwhere increasing.
, . .
~ —Great d,isys,p,PS the e.4.he
(itiver4,l4,4 pqo persoh's' toinporarily residing
i# , Thilildtkand numbers Of them have. beep t
At their own•request,' committed,te
,the ,iiiiik ,,
.hOuse as vagrants, , , ..,,,, ~ , ';" '''''''''
I.A.t AD -----
vate Boardlngpo u sei t ,o' aocomuiodatod
23 South Fifth WM. !germs moderato.
OB BENT, at No. 421„ North, Eighth ' Arent;
three convenient room ifil tbi 4V family having
'oil Child or none. P 0880691011 given on the
Ibt oy4ga f
.Tinhary, des
"' 4 1 1 , - )11:118111'411P;VIIANEIN.
!PROF. FRANK 13TotICH would hereby retard
lira West, g Wenn thatiks . his of OW
Olaskat Awf,ror,thq beaqtlfut gOl4-401004101+1)0
111,Ix *Molt thiSy Uhtisticaas,
H '
ve, e shall evpuregaritn moeit fiattbrleg
ken tot thithcappre6littbri or' Services;
41 1 0SZO r . - Attc•',•
I k „
OTlCB.;—ldutual fire Insure nCIV-COMp`any of
Sinking Spring, Berke county. Notice to the
members of said Company is hereby given, that
an Assessment is levied of ONE. DOLLAR. on
every thousand dollars Insured, (which is As.
SeSsment N 0.16). The following places are ap•
ppinted whore one of the Directors will be to re.
°sive said Assessment I
Wor the townships of . Iduhlenherg, Alsace, , Ex.
.oter, and OlW'of Beadilrlt t Pii,te can be made
tb Weilldgt6n Vali Hoed, 415'Vela YMA illitreet.
!By order of the Board.
'deo 29-Iwdl ' ounntEs KESSLER, Soct'y. 4 1
t • ,
rear of the, Dehoonlgo restaural has boon
p in flrst.elkett ordeeattil is iniw t lot. For
Suttonlard apply to V. 0. MALTZBEI(IER,
idea 28-4td) 639 Point street.
...IL holder'' , !of t.lfOrtifue; tukpotqg lost 4311vIngst
•MsoolatiOft;aro'hereby notified to Vag Iliefr in.
'staltnent foe and the dues for their shares, on or
before the second Friday in January 14;9, (the
Bth day) at the grocery store of J. ( J. Thomas,
;oorner of Fifth and Court streets,
. ;Notice is also given that any ono who desires
10 becieuld a 1110(Ilber Ilan ' ogilliiist‘oWthe
soune oftlerr,'vfnete'd rev,' tilAres are" on )ipl.
' eN. 11.—The first regular monthly ' meting'
will be held oir irrldf i r on' the evening o the Bth
day of January, 186 - at 0.7% o'atele i ati 1.19. 28
north 141(streAt, 8., .corber of ift and.oourt
'streets,lit J.V: t , 8.,
store. ' y rder•bf the
President. ' ItOBEIIT WAGNER,
'deo 28-td ~B ocrotarypro tem.
L.L...._ . ,
-. 7777 -
Of Worneladorf, tenders hid professional stir
: ces to tli Mtizenyl . 4 . • d/efg. ti sbnlleop i r
,liorth 41 t ktreet. 11 i , consul Ali 0 o,ty
*pat thb Mono Ou i. . ' VI e w•-8 dd:
4 30AltD10*IVAITTED,
Doo 4,4 f •
v.'l 3 / / 1.
TaXiYi V 15e . . , :,;
"Ti`iS, <i,": ;:f
, 1-; •10 ”J)
Ot 4 111AICE
t - .(y) flrtri. - 1
. ,;};:1 ,, /1: 1 C;C . •
; •
11. • tTO'll 11. (.1.14 At.)
- ;10 . •5,. ,
PE. AR!, $41114",.;0444 (At HOME,
'A 4 r- 11
'I! OP/
tico 233 . ' • 85 PENN writtrir.
WI, ,'
r A o.„4
I.lAuthiskitri - " k"Apkiwa"
etiv,trt ~ .it.i i 1 1,Agitt' c„, VLIBI , i t ..) io 4,
rib Llr.m 004( i
i . 2,
1 rifitg4itait6 A .41:11,r•Gon.tio, ii,1,..1
i „T Pv, :1 P,.rf,r6 Marlin it KA. Ttl if, 'PUT')
IMW el littrßilnYAOhlit
{ 311 T 1(), IP;, it' H:40(13 , . t. 4 Ale 4 ,;... f re; A :1! I, LI
1 1" 00S4
ittel4t tlttenee. 1"1” 44' f i* : t11 )i
; . ~.
P lit t ai l titACitt,l,l3ll,ipj
ti- a
0 t 04.01 411(4 1 i-2... - Vii Op -- FR;il",(' y r
1 .:1 itof ~, c ,iii,f It-.V.,4!)/ril tifgo - Vi!!n , ii , 'V , V ! I ! , V:1 , 1 t f • Cti?
1 A iliiiiiltiiAiiil/214'04*4 . r) Pji A ;,,,
1 :,,v ', ' , a. 1 _ , .1 4 ...f1 5. 11, :. - 3...tii,
! . ' , T
f Pal eely shawls, 'llan koL Shiltio,Lattleillthiatifi
• opted for tho Holiday aaloo. •
*kWT ItilgtOrth
xifouso, Blandon, on
NE1,tY..41+4 1;4 4 409.
Lair A good String Band from Bonding Imo been
qignged - for th oopWon,
' 3. IV; ALTHOUSN, rlbo Manager.,
.1 \ ri;e Attla ct' "‘•
a fr , It Ittl X,
14_410._w 'A"IiEISIOI,`OFFICER; ;
I Ono of t4ogiOSt*O4o4l4o,oooo:bubllMlOd. For
lob y_ • CUMMISKY
I deoz-lw 1037 Chestnut et root Philadelphia.
ti Ann!' tttr irtsa t" 4 V
{ EY STI 14- O
10U S
ARO „ flt 414 ,1 41 ,
j;ANUARY 18T AND PD; 1869.
' celebrated and original
f • i
t 1.
. .
iiB i t d k y b " 4t, 11 0 " 0
8 g 0 Itda f teNtist; !,T
i 'i.-,i
AM KATE HUTCHINSGN, { -- Queen of Song.
A. J. WHITCOMB. Solo Harpist,
WILLIAM LAVARE, ' Balladist.
I .
Admission 35 cents; Children 25 cants; Reserved
Seats 50 omits. Tioketsffir sale Rt. tltriekland'a. ',
-- 4,d00t11, 29, 30, 31,Jan 1, 2.
ti ' .
OTI C E --„V i g, „SID.) SCRIBER
.A would inforabiti - old friends and custotnors
teat ho has his office at N 0.21 South Sixth street,
near Penn, where he is prepared to attend to all
kinds of collections from ono dollar to thousands,
and all kinds ofeonveyanclog dono at the shortest
notice, ho Om acts as Counsel for Adtninistrap
Ors In settling upMATTHIA EstatesS
MP.NORL, on reasonable terms.
! f i
Alderman and Attorney at Law,
i i imm Excu,RsioN TlCK
irr§, at reduced ratee,
• 11l be issued for the-Holidays by the Pniladel
tla and Reading Ilailroad,to all points on Main
Oad and Branches, good, from IVednosday, Sloe. .
$llB, to Saturday, January 2, Ibli9, Inclusive.
Ideola-dt3l-wt G,A. NICOLL% Gent. Supt.
-,-------- . _____
.10111iyil,h7'BY DRUGICIISTS E VERI'II7/Rith'.
, ..
I B. 11. MARKLEY 4; CO:„
40. pi l l alimin tatxee‘i TisrtiEr t irp '
I t tr
i A etrtlllntly i ncs oyouqls. *: t - I
Atespe`oti'ullylnforin tlie'al lias of Rci d ng - and Vi
enits% that they aro manufatturitor the very beat In
in, all-Wdol Carpets, ever offered in this city; La'
it st patterns and colors..y Wholesale and retail at i s
ew York prices.
:We invite the public to examine our goods before
Ma:diming elsewhere, and save 25 per cent. Buy out
of first class hands and save money. f:
'd.ll-3nl I B. 11. MAItKLEY A CO.:
- - -- ; 4 - - 5•Ft Vil:7 - 'i - 1 . 4 V 1., ti';‘' x% ,'
, •$ :: , $. ~,,,i_w•
V;1 ,1 4
; 1‘)
:5 ~~
. I A6 !•1 •
it) ; t;
j W
, 0 'B
0,1 L . E R
- • " 4 1
I ; 1'4 :1 1 (1
r rtllßE bULD VILA.
' L IU ti ?)" ,t '. 9
•rs F 't. IX , 1 1 ;1/ ., '1
I 114 11 3 at, vt)
alio following rillidtiltietriAlie6l for sale, at
a4lvantageo%s rates.
~ t t .)
ONE 0r1J1129 18 7 E4GMRP, F4UR
" 1110 TOW
ONgiloitiZbil v eti;
019 tit tot sant:a:4lW PLUI
Altift,' ) 10;1
014 E v4iio %A , ppit,toiLun.
FJP:Oc77",' , t As 7
ONE 138444.1011 101FIMPicaLdIANA
1 . 11101
A4pecilslAte 101 nt.r.
um, • • ra•
.4) - 410 I, an 3 hie
111.4 1 1W0/ y14.2'( IT
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.6.,1,0741 A13:141414' 11, , .. V rl ow();
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• . :,1',::.•, 4 :4 4. , '), { l' l /* ,‘Al l ig ' g li f i leA lt Pl T i l i
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I , lvt, AND. 11 IN .11 t y ,
ttilirrit l CCMPAAX l . 4 ,o l ,..fkgßg COO, :0;11
. v I , • I, :,ti Lz.l' 'I L.ll , " $
fr et4oB l, O r . g i r V4 1 057 409tafiftil,gte.ftru,i
r(-r:A. •,., , ( , iL t , ptt .-
Wk,, liteing t ,itgljtrstwe— t r;h io
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40 0.!ep e, 3
1 ~:;0 0 10 $,Aig#4 1 /L 10)1 4 4 14 04.ti1# PO4;1,1 f t
1 Diu.`, tt , I, I, , , , rnm gur oily t , ‘ 1 •, , ,
J. PalsotaiJosep, ' ~ ~ , 44usts blairt9tirrri 'i
liktiltv itli 'VAX UlliliDiyitAtle v AllMMlNa g 3 I'4' • i
JaT. ffaoksolt, It , It' I t.D. A 611'4 14 tl. , ,: t 4o '
) %Naas SIIALTiIn„ j 4 'I tit.Mll,4 ALIsIiVIAIN .1 i ),, , P , ,
1 t,i ilt 1 P ..USCIMIJO,RUIBB/I t
pifB.dokritstt ilisnitutiritt
( ! Wade of progorty l agaidat Otis 9r Oa
eclat Yates al lOW its any other i'el lab% i,... i; 4.,
and orlon every , plan known to 13trk l ; ,v .1 , ~ %
901111)101161 .' • 'w' 4 ",. ,
tPorpetait roi toles tested net 1
and upon which tho attiottriteo brio& tom . demi'
be kfeoiatinod at any time, loss a tlodbitti .it , ray*
bat` emit. Tito advantages of this method are
woitli4atft the attention of IttraierS'ud , °theta ,
Navin s dtat•olasa dwelling 1 ohtitUNii, ' MOO mitt
Other nildings, in town or dotitArytali 1,094 tqs
ohearkist and safest. it, , , ti iv.)
Policies for one, two, thmitt4 or more years,
Or forJos a than on t ic legAll sgiLdit TV,
I ct
Fig t ii Pai r in l'l: riN:iTs iti - o tran BM te fri:4l 7 44l:l?itiatt•
F ty. ,
n ti -t; ...,'. t•t, it
''49 Z i tt e t i at o tilPitn i o t a t: 4 1 3 :4 1 4 l a r gt
It z a
gmebo,roo t o rti oyerreo rt g, tr ,....,
iq a, opta 44. X, u
_e_tkp l i i r a #l.4m. la Ait
auerim vrq HA lio% wog 1 ,r,
Ileht riff as 8 rcdigt a b , 0 11.690 Y AR p, 2.4,
any i4 ottlor oOtopitity t . Jig .M 04114,46 C r uoiult
Ims qss dinfilY Mall Ini, VixoPtilaY An t It `lout
Put got 0/ AeoPidiCaOate,,penko,4 Of ikilsrlill
FT, s h „,n lo ti n ul yi s e l " 4 ", l4° ! l4 , lllll .t .
..,.".,apip l u l l
.„, t .i.t.,. 0.2 tt0 t t k i f
r i a t
`rl ltroW i tigtraidelit. :o,‘ i
; 8440 41-42„„
...bra.,LsoloSeiSifY 44 Usivitgerk, , it,l ,
ow fit,,,•,. f.r.pir.. -,.: ,T ,I t• 4, ~ ~ t ; i :-, •, cr,,:
- p , A, OL ,, V I
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A yi L nis hit,t OA.P
t ,t,t.t ‘ A J
4 :
lA )1 .14 .7 , I , I ,'0.“ 1 " 4 0 si v ' t
IP.' l
itY. --, F It . t , - , z , ,N.1 ,- Fri , At r r grk 1. v,, t- -I- - 'l, - . 14,1.60 V
1450 Mi103;13 Built.
it I ty. , t. r•Z , : .3blr) off
. ,
( • • ‘,.0-,kr. , ),,i :'.i.l : , •3'i1..-iy7..5 ty.AlO, _
;IQ :5.i.iv.,6011411.,,1re.tri
have added Seven hundred (700) Mlles to, their
lineillturtnie the ettrreatcnytekrtirldbaidolb/Ois
loge local pas Singer andlreigbt bneineas. The
t brobermottneotldir 4 irlil'Andiyablettlytitt
liieted next surqiner, Whin, the through •tralllo
1 1 1111391)***1" P rt Ol iti VO! 19 . 00 *
employe by the two 'Do r erful companies In
rites** ferttaxittheratetittintetentiktgannit
.4 speedy completion. Only $lO titles remain to
be bbh4;bilishlalt 211 . 4 011tireo1edAttel
the NIL t •
Ffribliorttlelool4 itOadatot the ilatOtt VOW
Railroad company forinte at pars and littered,
and First Mortgage O l old •
Ronda olA4pcletritl,
Paola° Railroad; at 10and Interest.
The principal. and interest rot both botids are
tiayable Ing?lit I i,, it 'LliV„t) :VAIN
DEALERS it )-(l4Wititttitiitti
(101:11, ETC,,. .
• Noo:OtioUTiii.iiimo STREET,
nov • ' li4XLip*MniAi
- •1'!.; . • • -
: 1 •• I 3t; 411,11
'~~`tlantas'.s.r,rt'~ia ~'
• f i
~ • OF ' D's.........
. .
1 • - .
. •
• t
N .
LO 1
. D f q T T S RS
..... .., .
in4NPLAND I B.;-4111111AN
Great Remedios tor all Dieu of the
LIVER, Oro ACM; OR /0 'P/t/1
. v, ~, .
iniztiti.tglin,, 4.44butfitApott,l
apo t t e itlfrkfl Ivalog a ptv r , stl Q
tall% . Otirillllt tel i !Ma ()Mire!). rye
•• OP 9f Curs owl, . . _
;I:)IOI3IPLANDA GiE,4lolii'rNiVi
.: •t.... to #0; ~,,, , .-..„. . , „
fis a combr i roi it'Nhe 111411;0 lents of Illa
alal l & l t il lite:Sof i lnilk lug& Of t g mom gr,
°ant 4114111 Mi t ? " ?Ff 4 WR I A!Av • Px! )1 Yertti 10 lb;
uni k rallfgalr ti Ckne frvm froth Aks, c ,.
. , RooFidqiNfl .g r if**N , , l ,nArrEIN.
:it()iii4freA/ OON Ott tOtt to tli ti a t ,
r tAp„lnt euktos 1140
%%4 it l itiVoth - tfuttly gook, and contain thy
rams vi nee, the obolee between to
two betng a mere matter or taetet tlle Toatabelnil
the meet palatable.
The stomach, frorvarloty Ot Causes, such hr
Intlignation s Pjelle Alei! Nervous Ihnnilly, etc,
very tLb .1100 to f Unetiods dolffkflgetl., Tki
l is Thertliellitiloanstqlnig, alithecnkMbeol4llallillinttirt.
sp oi th s o ey rOil e
ra ul ‘ t i o t: l; ? litol p, i
. is til tl o ni g t the
t i o4 p i a n t il lu ti ll: esa n e tt e ls :
Vethist ' ipa ' 00 0 _tiriatp ' Ile"uhsq Itiwat , d Pilau, Fut ,
) neea of Blood kr thd Woad ) Acidic of the,
fitomacb, Nausea, Heart-burn, oigekt
I for : , I efilor'Wolght the
ow t 4 ; : tin" Ertictationai
, t.I . `, Sitfidng Or itittering at the Pit of 1,
t, 4s .,liriEntnin q of the Head, ;
it ' rkltilroat do Fluttering
ikt th e ; C hug or Sufi boating Sonahtlee l
when in 6lortng . rooting, I)h»nons of
litelpp i Dett 05i Webs betOrn the Bight,
- 4 ' Dull Patti id din Head; Deficiency
, ' orPeripostionc Yellowness of the
' , ' lOU
Eyes, Pain in the Bide, Beek,
Chest; ' Limbs,etth La tiudden Vitae* '6f
Heat, Burning_ltt 9/011tedi t Constant Itultgin i
} hip of Evil.. "MIA Aoprttssion Of Svirltti. -
ttt /. ti • . . ~.
theillt tram those 4M
18008 shonhl eser•
OE4 the' 6 test oauttom In the selection %r a
ielmealy) r hie case, purchasing only that wi, IA
eis assured front Ws votitigattens and (milli.
lea Mace 'true 'MOM, •Is skillfully
f B9.. s pgitolikre t t eimfyalioottiii:
11:; , ••
I TA 9t,ltlkeeo til 6 ee tate . agile .
nedt o ire would an 1 t Moo wall4nown r l i,
tfledista3 4 %
! HOOPLAND4 1 01t 1 11161/4 '' 1 1 rEe' len
. 1 k
,~'i !` 1 ~
+i:'~.! 2
1100FtANIA3 Ut IttlAti 'WNW, '.
• ,...,_,
Isj#PAMp 43x, pk r * . s 4. VA OtroN,
I.‘ ,- ~-,• , f ,i , ,i-[ • , if
1..,, -• : , rsMADsueittA EA:
is_,-,c1,:7 1. 0 ~„, „,,,-_,. ,
Tweilty4wo years sine° they were first bale.
fittOssitillto thtthootintry, from: tiormany, 0141
whiOhitimetthey have undoubtedly porfpnu
ore oures, and benefited suffering Innuanlty to
• greater extent i than any oth,VrquetikosipqNn,
the public. -
tThese remedies will,,effectmd cute ly cu 14 r '
mplaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic of
ervous DeWitt , Chronic Marlines, Disegso of
a Ridl e y
t ot AlriDifittpieli a t i e ilif from Mord e if teishn , et tiers
e f -!
. - DEB11:I, TY .
• in,
;Raulfifig rani'. any Comic tvhoterer; 1108.
TAT 9N. 6.4' . 'PIM 8 i's TE,M t indueol
by , abOh'ilUtdithil)B 4 WW44,40e,
*I iti
Revers, cl2c.,'
~. • !
1 Thttreit4 Po Thedkokille eatantt equitiliili,l( 44 l i l''
%%diet In itch ( aseic. ' 'V toho • mitt Vigil , 114 1111*
parted to the wholesystem,s the it/wellto 14
atrengthened, food . hi 4311.14) 6 43,'41, tilt) stomach
digosts promptly,lttablotal Is punnet t i the corn.
lexion becomes semi(' awl healthy, the yellmt
ago *if tradApatml ) Vona. tlit .oyes, a• bloom I.
Ivan tOthe Citeleiltio; atut the Week anki herrota
nvalid becomes a strong and healthy being.
bind (colitis the hied of Unto weighing, heavily
upon them, with all its ettenttuut ille, will ilnit
the use of this lllTTlittti, or the WNW, an
Hair that will inetti now life iuto Ault. v6nr,
Teeter° in a measure the energ And ardor of
Itliort youthful„days,,bulici .no heir shrunken
forms, anti give' health,' 'and' Lap Thiess to their
rmAl i Afig9mh .. l , , ; 1
' i l e ' '
ilt t ea well•es bliehdr aot that tut yonc•holl
f the female iortion of our ropuiat ion aro eel.
out intheenjo inenp te64 .
ollltialth I or,
to use their own ea- prenslon,"nevor feel
.F 411.9 They arelati , ovoid of ell energy,
remedy nervotts, and have nolpotlte.
... 4 ,T0
this class of w room, . the ril Tfiltsp or the
Ifllailifeelpeleially recOliunen
I titiic 4ti.O.'DETIIOAIh' ifilitti#o 4 .
iAre made strong by the
.utio ,of either of th ese
medics. They will cut% eVerY 'CJ Lee of MAR
ahtUB, without fail. :
! Thousands of certificates have no nim u lated in
the Mende; of the proclotor , but op ice will allow
Of the publication e but a 'few.. lees°, it wit
I¢e obeerved; are tile ' of' nOtp and of S eel= eland.
pig that they mutt be believed.
TEti t .,cl4,Alo.A.J i ts.
4 ,"
Hon. °o. W. Woodwird, . •
4fiff itunainiUd#loiilito (twit of AL, •
„ ~ t. , ti .4, Fl iAlpl 4 l,4 l ll,A) *F ehl, ili y ipth
le i M i lt fribadllidi tioniian tltters l l4 a ow
Onto, V 1 11 tr dlo ad 4 4 41Leasos of thoillosTs
Owns, ore tionalltju 00144 or 1
billty, WI wpn o nor
torus action tuthe ogle at
ai ti , sl=P:ol if -i , P 3 F ri dir”WOODWARD °' 1
. . -
Hon. James Thompson,
~,wuri t, n ,f,,o4o, a ciersuan Mess , A
rib lb' tame' of litteeltd of Infilktop
on or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from tuy
iftlnti 1 th• i?.?ltZdariVll o:'to
FTn.Rev. Joseph H. Kgard, D. D.,
i itior vi it av erh i i i 4 det . le; Il' I; A ac i de i rhq , .
Dr. laiskeors—Desr Sir s I hstV , been frequently
groZt t ell b aental l it il l n 1 10420, b r ut e r:
rir the prietieg as out of my appropriate
tre, I have 113 11111410reases dectfued; but
a clear proof 'DAM various instau , ~.§
particularly in Amy own fsketity, of the 11944 1 4'
aloof Dr. HoolloMPAGOrtaah.lifttore, I dept
r once hem my usual swum, to express my , „
1 Cenrietion that ,for general debility of th e Oil' ,
IgigPlirregfiffor: P l agyealAittisgaletsl '
t usually, I doubt not, it will *very befieflehu
Moses who suffer from the above causes.
• i • t PA Il r irr Tr, l i g i l f tli g tik
nin i y Ir—i
t Pi bOtilrit,tii ~ ,4 site P, , 111....110 , ary ni,} ,f 1 rt,'l l
• ' Fren Rev, E. D.Fendellii— li .
. ..
414.1.4,8 110 flor 011#0164 Ottioitiie 4 ..ftaaltiO hl 41
' I kiwi derived decided be:NO.ocm tile Coe ~
..,,,,...., n pi rikm , , 1,44.11,
t re e tilp
i Etir ... . „ i. , ;. . 2.2 lief , ' 5- 0 1,1 1 1, &bum r
' •"'". . • • URryti ~ .dliiinisinicns of the \
, sir..k , rll L 4 t;i t - ly," ,
$ $ i.c 0f.+,44 Nirl,4 . ,-->44;t rr,1), , ,X24D ,
4 -:t 't - fp l',tl 1 . 6 . 1 ''' l '.l. A ,f4A14...,,f1'. ,)* i 1 ,'• ' i
. ~r :f'c ,oik %,.: Ie , •
' ,Vl 4 ,2i:i i l4'lil..4 l }ffir,r& i k y
that the slitnature of C. .14011802( ii
• .4; •t or each bottle. All othe ere
•'' .` •• " 019410 014101;
• as • e eaonne etore, 6.
Atte Moo* ‘ 14".1k ,
n 1. it (1,31#1414104: 14 . Arti. l lo , ir?Pr iet P rA
f" Tondo* C; iioooB fXf;
~~` ~ t