THE DAIL MONDAYMECODIEII AS. 1868. trition will'iMitYCQest l ew44 'of "loll" eta / .4" :l93f i n tr, igil 1.9. Pr rPl',l l 'Fq. P 1 . 04 11, departments * isbyiti ll* AT, g , been !Roomed in this contacts tinder! s)le •; kirointstitneoll The inept tip' Whit:lint tilikeittia'toifo r iti i . favor of tillingliil l itie"biflCWWith iiiiiiiiia4 - slisohditidltOttilinbli6lif 144:daye itiittt!gfiled —aid tbcre id VisT . ttaiiiii i it,ntditit t*Vol , ei l boles, or iti;se t .tri4,',ii.:4, l ll 4 tO A l i's; tor'ille 4 it country' I rather thaV,14114.0 1 0 risk .041yiogfor lb.,- I . ! A Alread/..thtotatiiiiittrOvathn iutye, been , thrust, aside in the tssefotollioeS . of trust and prtilit by those stlalietiVihilittil thO tailed liOdtpOl . ' \ ”.0 bullets, are sirtaln4ili , l74;,6 i slifcatOliyci4o‘ to fill, iilVii:011; finnitalkinil'loyalk , iiien , 1 whose yitosiotifyi , ;?"(tlis,'dlitli'i ß yipil.,4 ,\ qui'VPAnittlifr..*lmAi , o ol ( lo #- 0 0 68 . 1 . 11 te. sine. .. ,whiehi .they ihave -, ,elung,. 60 tet\ tt-. ci i ) rtlull past„ ,,, l. ' ~.. .', ' 1 ),, A • I ~,.\ .• P4,ll‘ritslo, -- Alse rged soldiers are , 4 ,ard . ed b r , being )sdloWed to Pbeg (without 41 ,17, .14‘10447efeittWorOitrly Aist;l46dltiohlidig 'i')sy tvoailtiitaiv6y,tfiii44.iicOt?')l;iiP;i- I teal lanai iiii 4 l l .lCYtttiltana ft u i ria'4;and display, illitsiliPiailVati Aitt rii i iiiiiiiith'd,i6l(l•o 2 f I ,,gfn ~1;,.,•)„ But toltArtlea flt .ationge—zso ~wo ,are tp. Nei the solalard VIII alslast Iliaice ah ‘flegtial chanee,40 1 14)0474t4 ( 44 0 brigede--fort h) I the tidings hsvolonefforth,thst Ulyosewthe Hileat;hadik.mibed iiiistiliti 'offices ''sh(ill - 1)0 filled by vdiiiiiii,'liiiergkost lis'tli tyibiiiiitiqii 0(.111 di f ilY l aig44;inbi4tii;l; :and littO iho joy of the warrihti,t)i( A Ktn) This is u it• should "lio. Lot tiro soldiers hare the ofileee: o " tVo o 4 ,[ ill • .„, • in the hopo ofiatm o titullniony and that the Union Wainnot.sared,ia , the fault:of the stay at-home Radicale r *hd !made the' Watt a erusado in favor of negroliin . iititt;' Let'ihp soldiers fill the ahriekere who "'go On cowardly ! to fight for their negro go4g earn.,timirAying by. honest work, for A' w►holo doimb ciainge-L-that is, alter they have oliktd,l4(l'Aliihitc_lo.f.44lltlge• .• , N tip 777 .li, tai tir'i - 57Q - 1 - 7:: I. PIISTIAPsB. 7 —k urutelung Indians i i t tili f ''illfeit l idt ?I tiplau'riiii6 . O" • in'tto'il'Oie 'Of' alit I. r;i 1 ui)it 1).;.;;: L i : )?;„, , .;', ~ , purenastng tutor soon win. .p or plo resuits, b l e NA Woji t ei Wri'lllO part Oe our io,iisrnuiOnt, ACC icOo'iliaifLii4t.; 'tiO r .iellitliolo; '(),) , niinoilti every coal!" The 6 4f:14141Y Yndlints", whom ~.; )1 1 : , • .•, ' - ''' • J . • „ ' .. ~ 6tsts,r ii accused of having , utailsaered, hntl It it , ~ 1 , , in their • camp the scalp of the exprposmatt who *Bl fiea? ii•4 l )s • 'bl '.' i'l t 1 b't 1 e a tom ymu t a e weeu l''orii''Xioigeatid'iiiirned, also (ho Inail he was t'.'ar'rying. , 4 '., 3 p. Bh"rl ,i n ivr'"ss no follows :; , 'llle 6,1y06 . 1)30a tnahoi a 'great mistake gitlng thiso'lltditins 41iy coimidorn lo mouth or feed, nns)gr, the supposition of nopessity, Ito the *hole country is literally .coverall rith 4atiti;-112114itti ato inoie buffalo than- *ill +hit t P,I I t eftle, for twEnty years, The turkeys tiro pu n rotts that noeks Of two thousand havli; bat Seatriand , the eotintry is-full oc grouse,' WI," A lAP(l:ri,blilid. Alorde of deer anti ante-, I lop Sid' eVeijithete, find they oven rail throtigh . Genera Caster's train whjlo bn tha funrch. ith r p% Y e: trfut l o r i fa f Z r e :i n h n P ff th h• e n ' l L o t 4 ! A n n ! atititia•gronsa, . lihick. Cattle's sister reports tbyelp millimayp)op, in the kulgoti 14 i SIoN Illuck, Kitile'l dam " , e.,., ,, ,i: • i 'II: , • ' • . lent FOAL McClellan and Clenera Gra a havesemi, Int Pittnto eousultationi , mid!, r tboto , .;* _p i panic in the Redieal..eatripin cOnistqu'auco.+-i Attiqetof impeteboloot should be' prepared at oncekrAktir Dm '; hd needed Soon lifter the 'fth a, Hoak t 'link for--for.;:-Colfa. ' itt,—.A,....—...- ,-.1 } ; - - • - , f f . ) 14 •-•••14 , `• •-•-•1 • •-• 1114,gobl,5ellis South Africa, llove r bean esintliked by At geologist • se* out by,tbe En , flovernmenti, who :reports i tbat Alloy pro .not satfloiently %linable to pay Oxpenses. Old iscitv.atipnot• tip thol'ileptit of thiliPlive feet were ditcovereiL t ilt c. t. 111 iii 4 . 4. 1 -... 4 .--- 'r''r .. " - ' ....- rri • t ; AdiAtionto,a4vicos from . Japan A tutu that thy,. plAais3 snt3ro4: yqAto on plover4or 234, and Oilik ct ( i, Is toine 'repOO'ploil. ' Ileav,Y 'snows - hiiiiTall6ti'lli thittirtherhProiltidos;linil no . „ military operations . tiro.expootOd aiitil spring, - When. is raoonilili ation is 114 od for:, i ' 4 l .rllo 0 (OV. gowept i papl4,ploacy, if at a• lic4y.y i discount. t• If?roakf t 3 i 9 ;ctvent 111grpkor90aifrilcii,(214y rich'uteichin s, ii , th be ail6li;e(l,lO l fit,fo iii Vfi igt 0U: Ail' .. thaiitinilltr of sachit'railei4'Nrill be reduced. 1 , • f , • ! •‘:•. •' i ' ' • , .I..)'Am'grfttMMlL' . ', ••, • •-'''. , . • ( ";.*;Tlif , , PM* ferra c1i? 31 4 4 ';' 09194 or, j;l7 / Ko,,mon t • .oElf, the; troops . 70i2011 aro gar- - . 'loaned 14 , 111, *Haiti' ail & Iraltnid!;` b,787 tit ' tiltittitteiFinititaltisi d t44oo in liiiila r _Mbiooo in British Wri . c . loo the !o p al:n(10e at poi. ( trvitp , yir,esl i 9les 3: Itr i lf , a:p.liiiati c.i nnd other (.. . - rp7irt 3 . 1J11141—,.....t.5.t % 14 ! :, ';?: , I f 44ccAP41 1 / 0 0104 1 iamw4,3iot, cpq0,4,004 lel . 0 0 el! 0, tin Yr?!.l "and English Englis h. thiysin. m to t pOits 4 , boti4en throat ihitllili IA .era'Clisirki'4lll ' be . ' redo eed trithrtio: ' fikiiett.i#.. i f Post- ate. ordSrii will arso .:•nil Iv' t l ri-1711 - t•fv ,-. r- 4-- ;., _ i • A' , %kN t s , pippt p ,t, Bt. Louts has refaiii'd .4 ' tie co .900 Of diellitiOnit 4iiik . tit id ' MO 1 eibikuti thohibtriitiver $860,' , otOt ttillar tot' hating 'boon 'r.ollactod Rh. Ow* pot,' ;,,:-.,!(,-.,:,) ~ ,,, ,I .. . ~,s. f v)iiii.) lnt 1 f!„, r).) ~1: • •., ; , . . =09. 1 4 1 04 , 44 . 1 ! , Y4 F O goi C . 4 On I 4:41114.404i1ta1ina, at Pilti 4 ElAns***O . 4l:(PA ' A e rTOAPS 0, -rev" 0114VC." I,na .- OVllolllllllfor. 6 AMA DI I • • OM ;:, I MI n, to t `' e 'on which 4 00 1-1 11 11 dually, the eight•hour law, the ,diepoL_ the public lauds, And the appreciatian Of the currency. • Tbr ;Air January 4th,. 1869. Me al u Ti Alit " . ' ti tit I e'c rt ' to influence the Legislatur re . • Opiracy lnw in teference to Strikes"; to tbolialt the systelaisittodt*liibtar in the State prisons and to enforce the eight-hour . law.. i The bricklayers and master masons of New York . c4i9 l, l 6l ooo;:lir‘tAtkif),CONWO'' prepstuiloni itt , reference tu sliti l 4 l /4 41 0 1 0% ii 1 11 ih04000. 4 . 1 11: , 144 ` , 44 . liiVil t &Ll , ol 186 D . The liricklayerit if uAittlißilitt 'tillteesof notified the bosses. it: intention" to do ;nand dr ~ , aufnerStserit.oof , tvelight44alvittW tom, nha anticiPaidlieWe '"alibillulee with 4l the proviai ns of tho law ,' the subject.— ' sTearly i s i ver trado,orgaitiAati , itl4l4 city anti 13tatc ulfiNew intifiltitiltsitti . Thiliiintnifed to co.operate 'n th e movement.\ The master Masons, on the , typtkialpilm,-,. , of lain. And trivtlling et!, MI OW? it itittilt s • 4 ) Wool.. frised a plan for - be introduction uto Now York city of a suill ient nut; o ' ountr I mechaitis to talkol 4144',,' film at .40 shall strike. Atpros nt a large Inunt \ boys, es many. as can be libtained, are env 1 ed, huAding opecations 3 4it ifltntitt . epee'of strike last sum hit3i" Coiilin'ulitg ray brisk. t . _ _ __ • The housesiniOs'of New York city ' repor 1 the prpsent ratel,gwpo pf,kf„t,944 GO py day. The ProteetivekAininatiofi of this traft has organized ,an orpp loyment bureau, where members are assisto in procuring work. Thq Clothing clit_tm! ilnk(T, l of New York ropoii that the witges , zoiipataimount to $246 per week. . . The pastry cooks la tho ptiupipal hotels of NOIY tkOrk ) 4l;ll3l . Sitiiii6l6l,o44 0:43 paid fro $l2 to $25 per week, the average being about $l5. TliolStono o .oie„4oo*,ll944 !, New York numbers 1000 members. who :wages of this trade are $5 per day for nine houre . work on ordiegry days audAi,ghtbpnot,onAaturday.. " 'Bid Perm anent.'netiglt Idin Associationf of Now York gives to the modnbets tho work of constructing On buildings put up with the mOlll all ottbd by tholulitlyi , Feknbers Pail% lifty t eents weeklitcir fifteen years, on ono share , amounting to $3OO, are guaranteed tho sum of $ 1006 ;, 4.tutt ,AIA4, 'oyfAT)tt the 6104: of a member, his widow receiv es $2OO cash for every.share held by •11 im. • Tho wages of the calliftp and ship earpen• tors of Chicago have bdn'reduced fifty cents per day, .the tirrangenient to continue uptit February„ let, 4369., , , , • . o„ • I • cr Tile New" Vork Cooper* report that their average earnings on piecework amount to from $43 per day, and that the - entire trade is 'employed at the full: list pf prieqs4 • In reference to the pay of the hands at the. Springflold Armory ) who ,refused to receive their wages until thaqueltionpf . the eiziOeer, law' 1'1118136W hid, ,it is' stated' that eiders`• &tie been transmitted,from 'Washington to pay the workmen four•fifths of the usual wages per day for all work done sifted Aigaiti2Oth, when the eight•hour law went'into :operation. These workmen had only Wen employed eight hours per .day. ;Work will beresumad in JanOttry on the teit-lmur system. • TELEGIiiIIO .- tOr.MARL. r; • MowpAyi Dow 28i • 4rg:061601.14p 31b, appl i cation , fu,r, ;040.74F be held 'on Alio. 31st inst. W hsltln has : boOn fa r %Ink re sp itacl , ,qutii ,F,el),Nnyy "id 11 1 1'1 0 0 'as.Yl,(4 ll / 2 :ACl l ilo l .oiitbikiltie,tOnstif, wns (tvnittpli:byfire,olv Nile4neildq One wonviu was ,suitoinic"(l, two :other4 iiera Bevdrett [led , ; , I'. ,1,1.117-. 4,4oo';gPisPi/P4,clititetif '‘lrAter)44ric coit_u.'Atit,i in ,qii f tno4TharBpV I.lis„ $10,0; ( 99 1; 'rha iitabroti 4:lhorch ) . 44)0tit, IC- Y., was, 0 1 49 1 .114Fq04 15r4411,14 u' 't )411,)11 1 00 goods dotder t il' of Nevelt:Wit t sl6'4lo:si' it li are stated at sl;4 l ,lol);(o:•,•Thisir'',l)9ciks surPhie . . • , 1 4 116• I ipliiihtii0ii,citili; I;4' iltso4ittg hi gli:-=; 071—.00 iricA' i eosf. , :!Fif ;i:ovc, 4 g 0,9,0 O t p:or'si*ii. l Tho ootizoritios ~Ofj.3,telkiPtifil,:4ol,VOLO' Rico woo ithposo .I , .. l utitioitiloi.,: c nv'Neifie l i froth Outiditlithi)o;* ; 4oeAtidAi r oliV;iliiiivoo.4t , ' T*6 'iit3ll '' nod ifs' boy4ded Irkiwitid; 410,,1i; skating, at,t.rOtioytbi , ctitntdai-iiii , , Satt,ifday l „: • ;, ~ , Lathrop, Loildin4ttot kO.-i 411,goodS firm Of Now)(rk l .liavelt4teil foiligiiiitlini;tejiiiiieti Mr:•)Villiol4'.ctli,flOli_,o !A TM4010 11 040 1 ,'. terd Vl' of :APO,' 'TOY, , - .kW ivoik,'l, , ?±?:. Year's; arciod:SebratiTi.o.lll6AiroOdifikditi of Odd: Follows, was cirang !t §er,i,lin,Af i tließFand Eli t eampoOit ) - -a#4Wtts : alsaa;pt ~!Itt)1114:0„, _ The weather was;e i oilt i elopml) at t aarldatetr. S. C., on ..c hristioas- day, f iiego - ,..tba,salt wato,oq_ o ,l l of , lk l 4ok:i l :,',.7'" l :',V ,- :: .';j t ;'„'._:]!, mei, liiiit i stilt. DielidWit,iiatditAi a iliki4 . l l in-law of qbprlda ttotekiiiiiiilo4i'elo, novelist,. IconiiOittOd iiileiddi t iof:Oliefil'Oiotn'bhilitiiin ;day' "lit's: Dieltehil , fis;all d'kifidow;'itrid.iiist)r,* ed to lin ildigetitc. , ; , i. , :; 1 11 0- , 1 7:,:i,',," i lY,c 4 ".., ~;,,,, d i atna el,- illOkilitionf :a , priAoineot eltistorlift, PoWt i iiCiieV, it 'l'.' `* 4 lo lulteeti tlia'ivail4la ears ot Ailt,iii**Miaiiit'lnl,ii!tv,:,,,,,a , a . Jton el pi,dfAillte,f4oditi4wo l litkthhorrelieri, arrested fii:ll'43i:Vn i 4ti'ktliOefoliof fi4iiiiiiiii* ;i 'doted the poli s eetkiii,i*loo:o,4 i the . :intend depot, a fewloc,rifor sinc i a,! - i 4 , ,i.ii.)-,--,-",:ii,Y.:f.:;,11 . Gienetol • 1141444 U '';4l. YAiellA j Ili piton dent . 1 ,4 11 ,c4 i:44'. l _,PPfPgil*.o, l 4PinAtltl* t4cll posed treaty; viitb , the'4lPatyfel wlit Tel l ' „o ,-,. ~,,,t . O „ i.._ 2 __ f ,_! .. 1 . -iii e . .-1 , ,i I ported to tae,Aeatcan,tiongresa o i In same dayv ; 0 , .i tt - ,,;:_',;i; '''' " I ') '''' T.,1;5: l 4 r,r,!-: yo, ~ , , ', 1 t: 1 Clabitel,Mattieqaa hiiiiito ;Ijsters, Hill 11 Coliiitiliia iiiiiiiii; 144 f ftiegigiata iii . ii iniii ,- det4d'Oiil Wiltaitli!folih-.131641130414‘ thowbotifet itirYthe'bodtos coteu*Edit 48kkimi , negtoes aa l iktectodlit itio'Vrti32.-,V,i t i.4 l A after itof f dlo l4 i!pfttiiitt ti egtto itl ykyrr ol . o .rm itt . gthisinificiigia4;l4iNnetii;;:gtalit iion' l7 oi i ittao.o4l; *lriffli',4 l fl,* ( teVtide , coo; .., ~. :- tr 4:. 1 . . J 2 • i . of ,1 , Vi. , ;; • 1, titttryi;l34 Idem 'Di • and - 'u • -JO. • _ WO . several hundred thousand . dollars, and about CtOpopook use thrown out: of empo7ment. a 4 4 4A t , . 01:1'' ' i.. *woo\ clittsil TO LET:—THE STABLI NG IN TILE 4A. , rear of the ' Delmoidoo OW ',has been et In thitteSlAM order n_ed now . et. ilor 1 en a —l . to cO, A L: : GZII, A # , All . . Novi or; ilt 'WI - I: i ::. t 'E I• 44 I 1 : • 4 .. 1 _ 46 unlay , night, Irbil', runnint to the ere in rebn streehierlided Eagle wooled from the I a we. Carr of the Liberty nip Comilarty. he tinder w I receive the thanks Of the CoM• ny by leaving it at the Zusine Holum. (it r of t 1 .o.Beelter, Supreme Greed Comm upreme Lodge on. C. &WOO 131 *S i at the ball of the euDatelmite O'clock. ,' •I "i' I , _ (IY., LNG(101A) C MET r ya e sk —T ssi be or of tr im above tit Tn u l ; . E u4 lll on lik ransiottn. - 57Iihre 23-10 3- HENRY, Loader. s r •OHti . . 'r, t.•fl g $ 4 i l t r 4; I " - • 1 „ f l am %TV yl lent fee and the ; ties or , 1 • -• , f ,' ; ,` fore the second Friday. in Jannar3r, 1; ; ' (the soh day ) the grocery store of J. 0. Thomas, rner of Fifth and Court streets. - iI , N teect OttOe m is e a el m w e iga remoi g4kOmul artot opuntrag me °Meer, where a few shares are on land. N. ' :,,.. 1., monthly meetleg libitit i r , ; .s tate evening of the Bth ay; of anual order at No. 28 orth at stree 5.,1 vf nd COWL treats, at J. 0. holailSlStOre. By of the resident. . ' ROBERT wiIuNER, i deC ltl-td • • , Secretauregiggb. 14atin , _ramtlifiltilittsox TA 4.almaminr.,_ A REUEL OFFICER. . _THE 010112, 81015_01e• TRH ;V) noo I RUMOR, ANOY AND yea _: f. I, TS. ‘• , • • TRISATMEN - I 11t..F j.l i.; ~ I •,, 04111 ' CH O_ • ~.1,..70 ` • :r , v •_. ISLAND. 0; eol i th* Mmi • f , r l, le bo o . a imblished. For ~• , i its W a jk - • LUNIMISKY_ , iee - a` mu ultestnnt street,Philsdelehlitt •f• • • filiFY NEW 'YEAR lei4i?o9 t I ,et)r,o11.110. - W I biii k tE , OVEItA HOU SE , . I .........1 _ql 14 AIM t „#, t 4 Y ANL SATURDAY ZrENINUS, frAAT y„4, i , oy .s XA N DIV ) , Wi t ete , ~ . 5 'lt! The celebrated and original- • , 01 frt . : ni,,11,, 11,,i1( Ik. ihsil.M.)t)itowl qm :,'IT :11)i; TEAK . . , illll44allrAr: t I - .7 , tom. r111.1(±1 41 411 , , , ~ Irti•ri'll ri q 1.7 1 .4 lift,: ryi;.4,l,*;j4() . SWii4sJi;:lig,Ll 4 ll it //IN op, ,b, :pi ..;,p.. ~,, n , ,i4v•, ,, . - r, i 31 , :y .:11..,fi:; - -ri , „.. in ,Assisted by the celebrated Artiliks f I>>. i , k .t 'ill el iitti4 it Ativ#tittfinisoli,' ' 6 r-g4oti ofro"dili. WJ. WIILTC MN. i." . i'i /I; tiolo•Ratvist; ILLIAM LAVAKE, , ,-• ' ' lialladist. '. 1 , 1P111015.$ TO SUIT TUX TINES. ) gdmission 83 cents.' Children 23 cents; Reserved oats 00 cents. Tickets for sale at Strickland's. 4 dead, 29,80, 31, Jan 1, 2. . pOR,_SA.T4,O4 TWgl to:ifSORY BRICK notlas. 11010 Washington trees. inquire of W. M. Rightmyer, Esq., 689 Courts dee2l4 1 FIRST DRANO AIIJ, OF TNT NATIONAL CLUB, ripo BE GIVEN AT THE BLANDON %A. Mouse; Blandon, on . . NEW YEARlfissirEnNur,tritx. 1, 1809.1 been n igr gag A o er 1 ratai c k • J. ALTiItrUSE, Floor Manager. deo 21, 28, 80* . • • • A..rJOHN STEPHEN, FORMERLY of 3T0m,91.4041,1 ( 0n/Amt,bli proroplenid ser ileeS td the, eltiterul' of KeSalng." Moir NO. 207 North 814 h street. Van ho consulted atilt* °Mob, qt the 0 D IS Keystone House. • (deo 228-omddrif A V 16. 4 1 1Ai --- ' TB 4 v,. AT 520 FRANKLIN STREET. Dee 2i-t( , (mt. ' 'I\TO TICE.- THE. SUBSCRIBER pateoravaroaartroarm pear eau, where he prepared to Won to 6'l kinds of collection!' from one dollar to thousands, and all kinds of conveyancing done at the shortest notice, he 'also sots as counsel for Ailministrs., tore In settling upEstalefi reasonablo terms. MATTHIAS' MENGEL, Alderman and Attorney at Law. Kai INNUIRIMINK rl ;i ;1 1 'l - 'l7l /, I/ HAVE IN STORE :Ali" I 1 .11 ENDLESS' VA10.14 1.0 •• • .`,1,1:410"1 . • OF • , A;1:7;1,: , t fr Az() - • 171 OToy r. Ka, a'zi) . 71/,;'id )1' .:(:,.:14.,:171'‘) ~(Y ) 513171/11. •i:Cfttkii P 102 1 1 1111) )(I L I Y !IT Vii k ft , 'DEAD )14111541. 014410 :', l o l lFei • .1i17./. - 1 1414,1 . 1 ;11"11tA, , k o eftif wAlAttsoolftat 0f7,49! OMWWII • • tintitityoit(ielkitone's. 4 fti itltorri r )4 14101).if.), , i; VlVrifirerifill) ,0,1(f Al!kt4-AKijIMVJUJOINF Wivz,t,tll.7.(ttari I.lunz . spy , . ! 4).5 , 111”41.A . ' O{/NR‘ .01 de63l) ' ' 33 rr.Nirlynitlit, rider, the t this eve. ge at deo 28.1 t 1111 =En N N trt IC" litaisatagtmdeiliotwil O t u el46 6741 ,4niv; . ~ lllNVAltjellfi) A ,06.3 AlaXo/13V1V.V.1 440ek,g110)11tittrila (lIIA VIII MIRO , I „ • ; , i ' • ', 18 4 s 1 1 tif jk '? 1 ' 1 4 ' YR °VI I I . ' A aln '• il (I4VN Ormq 4i x .dvd,P. (1' ,IA II Ind UENTS FATic.X:AgitititYl l ' ll . ' ik, ArEpinglitorprOitutilov,:ii .! OP -low ..vb 4 di • . . ax ...,_ . .... . , , fialtairgrA nitloo, CI 0 / 1 441'11X/ 0 177 0141.71 1144 10ii11 0 1111i14 oil r 11 If 1. 3 1tP7M1411 1 714011147 hits ivr a alit qi,.5;r1t1,0,4 i s . 304009kt#40411rit ) ; 1.1 !i; - ildiviitsol/. ittioirolt4t om mtrp i Its, eiplii;. ,- , • I,ely 6 swis i _iimpuss 1•114441104: . 1 . tad for the uollusst ea cc . k 1 AT:L EVIR tS I p.t.t.,0 moil u .. J DottoT A Arf?in , a4r. 4 , 3 ;\ .00 yaT t ;?111'1,401411131 ;KIIITOLPL (LASS .CASE,. ERNI (I OD ..-{9I4VES FOR SALL ,(1314/.1111.41, Apply at tue ADLER OFFICE OV AUMY 4OATa; . , i AT -- - 1 • 1 GEIGIEit & IVA()" I I .I"ilitikritAtuit\ toe S"3AIairANAI)I( . 0411 1 Elt Alit From 03.0 q to $lB.OO, ior Vaiioa and Multi. .Call soon, At No. 431 West ,Penn Street I doe. 194w] ' GEIGIER 1 300' REW4RD. • baM)I,4OVII?Ar pursuance of A ra r t vouoll vwBBl - 4 by N ' oi l u•owooi., and Common Counolis, hereby offer a reward of two hundred dollars,in addition to the standing reward of one hundred dollars authorized to pe paid in soh oases,) for the apprehension and ponviotion of the person or wens who sot ton pre, or caused to be set on fi re, on the morning of the 11th of December, inst., the building meth pied and .difliek.Wititoinoil/10~tOse Com • patty, in this city. By order of the Com mittee. 444 . F. 11AUS. 5043 1 . IRYURTAITIE } TO PRIM , 11118 TOUR PRESSES 1 OKISALE. I (I cr9 • FINE CHANCE FOR MAUIIINASTS AND MANVV4V:TURERS. , t ;o4aS,CaliTi - ; 7 f , L e i 1: ik .0 V. TWO MOINES 1 • , ANir . '"in BOILER , ,S "4" lin 'to 0 • • foots tut' 01'4 lc ., )1-4 1 11 , IE4 s Ir. It) 11010 10 Tho tollowinglitUittarshitailiyocl for wile, at 1 i s.d!antagtrous rates. .., tt i9 • . • • ,ORR 141041.14141.414 I Lit/t beet( no Nrnili . "!" ',ONE HORIZONTAL ENON ge5F I #l l gßE ' HORSE POWEIC""' ""f a tit , ortppliOnillgilik Wit teof tof 1 • ON FIVE •110 FI•110 B OILER. tA itt ( pirißdrAW a. ',••• ,ts, ou. 114., ..-1t614.1 *ill el f n 6tAid 3I Wit f4dl Jsftra* r. ONE ouget., imp; 40p a'soltirElk! ONE STAN, , Na' 40014 ,91 11 k*: ) , " tfa itiO 7 _ ' ' NOTIOLittirtqUIL ~ , 3 • .% , No e y " ID.; tte q . .. i, , . 1. ~. J ; ,,...k. i A *:, HIV I; . :ida ..'" -, 2t0 ,t , 14/ .: P. , 1 , %rt'. , . : ) .• •►• •:,. .0 1 0 FOR THE .74 - uo . alkaci 15*ISJ ,1„.1 , , , Ak , ~ .‘. 0 .‘.1, , if t:‘ :ITO% f nrf llt',I It', .tt' l W-gol 11 . 41 rtl,' i l :y, 04 ,' , attoll6 1t.t.".11q rflinvi,44l,; viiiiii 4i'll-A444 cil t.pit , 1, 01;41 no elf 'To t)::,*, ;I r, n 1.11,00.Noe:y ' - .-toir NM 1 451 PENN STEET. KENCH, 8110. ti....a...,..,...,„,....„ 8 .. ..__ , . r r . 2 frtALENClEtikOitti cOl V4Bs.. • . * " 0 1 114A41),.giikAt144,13aAltili )li • 1=17.1.4 . 64.11.11:E. wyt , rv,xid 4 k0.u)1 4 / 4 rwmimAkykß, • ' , ( oe s •:1(1 • ;14 rric +1 j . . 1 11 gt flll,ll fit 1,7 11.41' . '" , 1§1414(0111M1 ye .1 0 /1413 SILK ). t . ALPAOCA' 1 1'11 '140 4 *VA: {", ' it • J t ii kit o icr o \ oixtrigote „ •• • • • 4. 401. ,-r . ty .„1:6 , 1,11W;141.t..ti,(021;1 ' 144434iit'PnW4:47F4-1441Vi I , 0 1 4 1P.1.1 vo; 4 11 , ti " ...iir.:.4ltiv. Jr, Lt 4 14111 Dies1C 4 : 1 0 1 4141100004IIMP1401* : , 10411 f . _ t • . • t!li fawn. • vs, ous re on ••^•••••• ow +0 r*, ••••• 7. l fai-A.11),A . t ri.;o•7l"h - , 1 ot, i .i'lyl , 4 I),f- i t et...7,141'; . - ! ,, ittO. ?r•f:).10 . 1 . 4 iNfit, 01. ` 431 ft( 7 .)tt : fig' 0,' , 41 - i . ile, :! I' ‘,•• it h:V, 'lb ir.)?111.1 f.y,q. I .lini . I ”taftlitilti I iptoi 1 . .p. room' 1 • • 7 .x.n T .t.,, , Alin _ L EI S ) S esic z la,(....--i.:to. ,) ( z0, , , ..1:, i “.,--. i n i s o w: p.',) ~...' ,Iwor %1 I, O OE HA LE Br . .,LLityff Of 40 1 01101 MM 4iess,lB.iy - • ' ' . • ~-:•: i I •, • v.,... , 44,..>„). , ( 1 -4 ) Alt, tin ' AV LE/It 8 , . ..‘ it V .4 „Is , , ... ,plitt, ~: !hc EA*O4 IY(+J : 1 4 i %!;; ;" 4. .tit , _, ,1 :'1 11 "•,,,....1.N.,‘„,v,..„(vi.,...„..„,„„,..0.,:,.. q .,,,.. o ivitt ,:i t oholsoor ..ii ,•,471, :154: g:4111.? ~.t.,,..„,..„,,i ..„,}1,,,.,.4,..,. r , ilO f 1 0 .0.3 1 litiVitiVili cl'ii Atithillikkiiitittilikig' ittifitetbOOtTOlWidobttodeCto return hitillAttliti ~ k W it t 1 1 1=p fd ici t e r Ad *OM VI ;0( lotto I•tTxoy lt atiiiiTitififlaibf ili t tikli su 1 I fieT i rrarytr e Y , 4l it i ingetvo ir wi At! . . o k` 11 ,89% Littl VII iii3 l # r * * * 7 3t 7 :l-. '' •' ' iti l t til NW iNo ofi 4 O•sioot. u. . ' u "n. ,'. l l 43t Al i k ti A7: 1 ?-4#044 :13 , 100 kr i ' ' :'• ' 1 : . . t: ::, 0 00 1 1 . 5 4003ttrY .1 % 1 4 ' !e l t i ,l ' iTi l *4 ' oo' i. • f . I' . . : - • ,--- • . , , -AI i 0 .i'fitl't.l M . ` f g i l l i n gzU r z s tilt e il l :e iv astr 11a/lie . I t i i , , Ily loform the eititoq i itrA t tit ,e I,i they are manureettl . ' i• elv i r i s C it a tt nl c e etrr. e _ r fleteel n et e t i tf i gigth at - Iftrr i V itt 140 44 /0* i t 11 .fflrrn•MlVri;, - 17.7M a ir ,#:*"4rvi,,,i* - ^elritilkie toe* *0 11 . teliiiiiilllll 'I I . §FP / Or k lriWi l M , 1nik 1 41,%:14)).4).# - AP •Plif f MEE ' , .J I. .1 7. tke HE litAniNd Nig. Irtsqiiioc , ,- , . Alklifi ii ,r , . 1.1 t Ott COMPANY or skfiKs °ogler*: 1 , 44....:# NI I panoutd,,hir th mgr iCtipitelp figig t Oilik i 4 Office, Reading ilnatce ' Buitflinu 4 'M. Je 3 Not l eh Pireft lfredo 0 4 tit Aist,,P(Ak* , ) 0,1 v oiols(reet., , orrio HOURS 'MONO A. M. tO 8 ; 11 -. al. I, , ~o , byki, or i n d if i i $ 1 id P 0001,41 Jottitt , T l ii rtliji tiatilij in e6 i ctg.. VA, itriOf , i oblf,t#4lll, (.1 'a 'Avntion„ t tionAel 811Athin s t T 't , , , . . aLgivitait. 1 tot Wfiiß4O'lttila it. Ir ' r/rlTur 't , ' T'''s ' CompAzly INsultES , ALL kinds of property against 10as or (lotett tiro ot rateaplnvt hilitayOtheArellagie lan(1 uptm every plan known Id Btoelt.lnattraTel ito (114114ati.liro r oioiti ff (4060,iiii 1 1 arid anon We Ithe a Omit, og fi . ?rfoloped a itu r t me, lofted' et 10 tiVe r petit, The a( vantagee I' h e met od are Ortmy or the attention oftnigPierti flt a l l rfl o rit W ; l e l " %Ill n dtig t ,l i n ti tU i l i r i ggo l rnry 4 ,l4 l :being the 4ea ilt and *stoat. ii 4 oli fii 0 " o MO for one, trp, ttyr fp, eor more years, or for leeethan one year, iea and no name 'sada for Polloy and eurVef . f iligre 4 0 4 00 when Maurancue are transfer r of reOln• panlea.4 i ; ) I/ l'o* rrone offloading *4 ,,, pithert4 depen ent mainly upo*prel • Ye ill i th privilege of 7 e san . yea to home hsi,ltutioil, it 0 t ia 4 to i Ad sate 1)814 NO .0111 ak $ lID sent nom; OttVng a 1 11 Awl AT, any offier co f try « e t htalge Or dOfilf business dirie ith t e :lotto tit* ortehoe 0 'k doping Omi° Dor 0 bf tba, eutOli paid for inattranol itiOiffe 404t?l • • will heopOttelated he ritINGL J XVI, re pt, ' JAMBS hie 1 alf, V e Went, B,V. AtttMllll, beereter ,t tileo orer, i , 1 gulf 0 1/ 10 t0.11 1t 0 ji t , k ; ......._ I__!- . , L I - i ', , . , ,,._.-,-k---__.!_-___ p4OIVIC 11, Atik0Ab i likAltraie , , FINIS D. t t .3 1 1450 Miles Built. I o= ), "% ) • TILE• UNION PACIFIC 11. B. CO. • ?.1 AVP Ir t ns •,• • OENRTAL PACIFIC RAILROAD A. R. De , r... ; 1 ~.. ~ i.j.l. , .1' ,', IlaYa added ativon Hundred (TOO) MHO to their .03t4 1 11 *9 , Otori 7004;40pm ft large local pasienger and freight business. The thromh***o4 o 4l , 4lA4oo444vWcqm plated nest summer, when the through trail° boyrall , !Tat.lir riOlogiliPo4o44*l4tir emPloYeit by the t powerful companies' In Proßtagi l o, 7 l l oVibo efiatsAVO*PhAltsY,l4o goceayOminpletioni Oili tip 'talks remain to heAttillf Of ,Wlibgt:ll4l .11X0 iffittli44o4. the rails. , Arita Stoiloge 004 4441, 0 0 , b4,U4 10 4,1*140. lionrodul tonipany for sale at par and interest, market glottis's , * Gold Bonds fit, Ipau PaSido Raßivad, and lnteriiiit: • • • ' The wind* and interest of troth 1)014 ire . PaYable }fit ,/ 01 1 1•'', 14 ! ;it . • DE HAVEN &i,8R0,4 ropti,Eß o OOL - • • , Nci ) 40 1 8011TH =THUM' lITREET • ti0v.z 1 4,471 r y • raiLADzwtiii. MEI tM4.IOMtEI 1I I: L , OFLAND'S i tt k A rr , , 1 . Eg A 11 frhitS, .1„ D t I , IA .nonguni elltiliitt TONIC , • The Urea , Remedial for all. DlNlox* 01 the ' 1 4 , A , R; 6AvAlaulkula 1 il 1 1 • •I kt if ,` I , , • ' e e t i . -:., f lILL a k . di'', h i - ,1,k1k1 . ,"„4,1-.; -, tt, '4., , ; , ,‘ 1., NOOFLANDIS* •.c4EIII+,IAN ' BirrEux ,r 3 313 1 e i!ii..l , ;I: .f: , ,i i .., • 46, le ~ , t en=tr igia Iv;*3 tto,y4•ll, 0 d 1 - 41 . rdelis)'ol Ito et e 1 eittigalt kelVitta,p rP.4%. =en ~ 4 et 1 " writ 91. w 9 'ltt( • . • • tcSigt4t4i?l** 4 tibisiiiion Of ingiCeillool; 0 1 t h e %mo s recteivitivta het pll~. alvitra"tie ' 4ObJetain ti's he txitulitut, tot Of 00 ;IRWIN , go atatetlivnil use - ' ; . HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, ) , • • ,1 1 .14cd . s 1 :;-. 1, 0 %wow' Aquoily pot I, ontt content the alet r i t i r r oVrttl ioll a t oli4:t w attt tiwraoet potatable. ie 4111914411,41r41111:Tiltly"bet!' irti °44tatililnriotirolatrrivt'44 tit um .8 toniW 0 h , lieu becomes tiffee‘. the result of which sittifet the patient sulfur trap' sorerikor ipmof ther . folloW big d4o as es : • .. 1 ii't.,/-4.1,) ,fil?!...', ,••• ‘ utisauvidiens th: tafilmltl'frard re,, Fu ' triiiii •ki $l4 - 9/11.4041d1t et•thei titOnnek auiek Mort - burn, I) f ognnt • fir Food) Fulneen or%kilt In the - litoilidioliii :Murk; •lirtolioniN , f ;•• f : .901,1ng at tho Pit or FletiMikuri 5 ',: Abe : . . . i t igiy piling of tho Head, -- nut* •.og 1 bp} West:ilea, Muttering mthoirea t to , , rig or Sufi Ot'atilif when In to Mini_ Posture,. D mem of 1 • Vision DowokkWtibe botOrt the Night, - 7 ( :rtV 0et.../1044 Do, &bury ~nwe 1 , , bp i AelloivoNts of the ' , ..Bletnott eti, rolnia HP OUP, Book" ) ChlietiVmbeit etc., riudnen tuthen of •-•... Nest s BurnliegA tr=Constast Iningin. trwt or Evr,Ali tiii of Spirit& i.o'4 - „sl.lCi'k) ‘/1 /..ii 1. 1 „ ..: • „ ', , • .Thesufftert 9,111 . ,114.0k6 isglibcB filitutlil tail. taMii,,,,, _tee 010111014 IMO kettetion,efik for ALI case. urcluteing only that w n Ith he is assured tro A IV ptiglitiOrld and Input. :dee , • .sebek- •ww* Neoris,)l iEI skillfully ' r• ' gll= eli f ariV 1 i a111 1 1 4 4 A l i n. 1 ' • , vOr the cure Of thcee 4 1lowica, , Aut.ine 4, • . . we would Ilill fink tilo4o W9ll4no‘fit fe• ino ' • BR3I HOOPIMPTI;6IOI9NR4r4 BEVARS. *tall HOOPLANDIAkiaiIIArti PRUPARBD #74oisoN, tail ,:f=)rrlo ,T=JilitiittLADELpiliA,Fi t , .1i;) :11 :1. •,,,,=„)...,, ,•, ! ,: i „;,=, =, „ , u y ii : tt r ilOrrhAlnee theytere Mit "atm " . tb tki efiqUaqr Altn! • 'OtinunY; dining W e Mt?' ',mire uhuoubtadly per ( eruial m t ,lan benefited su ff ering buinanl9.ta li # terelitekit, than any °Orr rpmell les )(now!) to he public. t ' effectually' ' ll hese remedies wilt •eure I,iitr, Complaint, Jaundice, A) f_spepsiu, 'Chronic of Nervous Debility, Chronic Ditiallien, Discitio 01 IF the Kidneys and all Disetuseu ttrielng from * Disottioliti 44Ver, .4 , tomjayilor Intestin( i . t I s PA is "q ')( I - ..1 i • _X, t - 11 . 0 4 11ILITY ) • ReauNtnyirom any Micas. whatever: PRON. ,TRAT ON OF.THR 41Y01'.R111,ituturvi • . twaveroZabor,-,frirdoltipBaxposre, '' """ ''' l'eviik#,' ite.r •'• ' ' r ' 'the no no medicine extant wield to theqe IC. Mettles. mph OtteeP, teen Idoli vigor ea. ported to the , wholemystem, t h e appetite to strengthened, 'food le enjoyed, the etoinatii digests promptly, the blood hi pollard, hi. cont. plezion -becomes etilind mid healthy, the )Whew nee Jo eradicated from the CYCB, 11 blOOlll glees to the°Melte, atilt the W 43410 fuel hitt Teti, invalid beeeizies a etrpng and healthy being. PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE, And feeling the hand Of. time weighing Ikeinill upon thsitn, with all its attendant ills, mei id the , title of thiti HITTERS, or .the TONIC, nu ellxlr,that will instil new life into their veliv, restore In sa measure the energy and ardor of more 'yonthful 'days, build up their shrunken forma, and pro. health nun happiness to thou 1 11 ,1 4 0Mf?fi'k r !:',1. * ; • ' ' It le a irelbestitbilshed I Met that fully One-hall of the genial° po*tlon of our population aro bel• dom in thp enJoymotitT r oof good health; or„ to use their own ex • preasten,unever feel well: , They are bingo ovoid of ail energy. extremely nervous, and have no :reit te. o this °leas of persons tiro B 1 VERB, or the 1041490,11000405py-r9oolXialcad • ANA DELIOATE 011iLDRIO Are Made strong hy the itso of either of i eio remedies. 'They wilt •onro every clam of 111..V.c. AghtUr., without fan._ the of oertineates have ao naaulaicit as the han of the proprietor, but op ice of the PIA lieation of but a few.hese, wll , be °bemired, firemen of note and, 0 4 etand4 tag OAS they Mutt be be li eved. ' ' • . , oii. ti e d. . Woodwe.. ‘ Ohicf lualiatfitlAlidicPremo Owl of .64 i • g . O Muth . ildoidendia tiernian'llittera f is a good tonic, tisefut in digkeasesof the illgeotlve °Wine, lind gm, Cousin incases of de.' buity, *suit of von action in MO byele Your s two, iy, , truly, 10;)DWAKu. 9) lion. Ja mes • Yftompson, • 4°PrPkeniB , anal Of rtnolgytyarila. • 4 . 1 I nmanstrrita,Aprli 2B ,i o66 . "I consider Iloolandts German Mots s gehtablii Osedfohte in 'case of attacks of Ind!gi* Mut Orllyneosia, I can certify this from toy everiencof it. Yours, with respocli ~. ue A - le :414 r e3l.4.**Weq.x.sPtilv) .I't I from Rev. Joseph H. Kennard,' P. p., ititillir4 Mt Ml* *past 414"10, PhUadelpoda.. Dr. itookom—pdar Sir t lt I r have been fr z oquedi c l t fa t 0 i n e V iri rtirr:: prdlng o F root OFO so Outs - of my appropriate haros I hove In' alliWir•Moes declined I bid. WISIt is eletag ptoofinapill varloui instances i and pathway*, in my own faintly, of the octal , ' nestof Dvitoonnn44 flormon fAtters, I depart I. r once From ,tny Tama con ,to express ,101 f' oonv ton that, for general debility of Vogl' trie#, or Liver Ctenplainl, ills a We 0 ,t I o , I oubt n • lont,somitweltleasebe owes bo lni tit r A4 those s or ( irpm the abejt!suses. T N 7 . 1 114 4 71 ta1 14 t ll . , 1 'ate ow i t 1 1 , t,. , ( j ,- Frog Rev. E. D.Fendill, Di flit lifffiefifflr 01Irofiklete, Phitedlpftki I ' , eriVed fleelded benefit from the 06 of , s, tlexinattalf,tem ptil feel It y, will. ffigallld !Rea ABA MOBE.VAIDAbIet O P4 . Are sulfaxisis front general' deldliti or num .denwpaiens of the 3,•-1:. •• I , l°, .VOlCtrej, fritlll , - • ._.• '' ;1114"....." ... 1 4 6 :•-1. 0 H! -- ''' ' • ' ' ' :•/`..`,' , .. 41, • t --,, , . ..' '''" V ' attIJTION ~,/ ;..);1. , •+t s:i = 10d1'•w gris, IM • ItMllllratlePotell A ritfrilt 15) the . 4 . 4 .to e m h Wale. Al ptheko. . •e ridiftti , egotrt e trlt i r 6; A t i ,9:l 440441.11,PP01fik,,1,Pt_A., ~ , ,i ~ 'il'..;ii"t) loriody C. Mr JA091,50.N aOf =II ME = NOTICE, PE