Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 23, 1868, Image 2

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    -.;.• , -;i44it.0k.i1ti.1414•6!-;,--P A
WitiMSDAY, DBOEUBBB 23,1868.
• u • r _if':
• Iliarillithit*britketWiletties anathemas Of
tie ‘ ltorkiiiedeb i 'pleirboldera 404 the 4;k
- ;1.
payers, Ire peer peo pl e, and contends tha t
040imatlial "
,poor by idleness, extravagance, or ;Momper
wow.. e i t.ll, K . , •- , 1 • ••.
, . •
• ansettion is stilly 'enough to hams
sesannteci from the shallow pate of ate * original
'hitnself. pr f eseni,
,44111100ra thousands •of , respectable; teni
.P1,,!44,M3i,_40 10F! t i ri°u '. 1 i §04 6 4 0 0 a : and to .•
payers,' IM are poor—so poor that :they can
'not Pity theledettli'srld itsp&ri their "famlllor,
on account of the stwation . of business and'
110 ; # 1 0 1 ln:ought .about, by
Radleatraseality and mismappgernent. There
oiiilhOeiiiiiti A Ofr.:OOl'WOMen . wi s tO at : 6 lOadink
liver oft sharno.iselling themselves, body and'
soul ) for bread-on account of kad'ical hard
ti INS r taw And•lbero are
!;44404044.00nr5inds of .poot , little .oldidren'
.1 0" 41 ! 11 ,0, 1 _!!! t 4 11 1 4 .0 rfae dFoary aqd
JP* l ttr,aoo,4#4bspier,.whose 'fathers' lost
their liyes in the sootitiedivir Itadieal
AitOiltronistoekreve-for , thirty' years to ,
at1it,e444,f4a40-')toviti g ooi:ii;,a u l npre• ,
Jui 'PPP', ;Irv) 1011;41.17:*(.11: YfNiaf°r aqrcr
t:14" naity There , are , bund!cds,of: thou.
!Panot7 pf,,p1311,! pe4lo.—poor by no fault of
thetctorir the wickodoess and ortrnia- 1
Rinco , or i eir liathealrolers. • ,
144 the "loyal" editors 'of ihe.rdider darn-.
) 4 4 1 1 1 '?0! 0 0)ban 2 puavos of Col.:
Y OT,PrOPt e lM b 4 , l4 ,l r 1 00 11 11 Ns wcpk,
and ttln, 414 , 1 . tboy, can, non' ,lmtjdle!
an Vtl v i i ga t ?t,P e rP 3 , 4 P a ! ° l ir9 00,0 0 '
?ti)oo.! l°( !4!9 , wl l l l ° ° !.!kf. 4 4 ii ! !orn , t
"!!"04.4',4 ° b 1 , 11 !° 1 ; 1 1 39 ,us", °lair fathers 004 1
Pr!fq . e° ,10.40 ,f,t hmot rho ac-1
N TPIO° . "O! tI I P, I IP 7 AV:'N9. w . IrP oll 9g4' i i
. i lltare l. ,banittl by p !:loyal" govornor, and re-',l
farf, l te.,apprepriat t e a "Ingle dollar, for the:
sappoM y q i pma ( "Aildrrn of the ,r dollars . made
.tAfi°l!,,MliMlP:!_fpitil!!! these children
Pt Ptak!, 0 110 1 and 'beneFo-i t
Perapa .the Radical bondholders and'
. 4pr i i4Acon y • F that thaso • chll.:
Tlue BASH! does advocate the cause of poor
roi?le,,and it is consistent, that it eitoOd'ilo sot'
1 1 1 , PT:IP000,0i 1 : 0 the Democracy or our
fo,„upb rbu, rasp , or the idlers, drunic., ,
.ar,dr,ilkilsyer, and gamblers, are "loll'? to the:
I•P'Osln•Otib,Ti'ol4,(l#4°.7P4',744o 4 40 0 1 ) redro•
• l i n,l lo`tirti ,w !' l9 . 4 ),,,vqt,:hundreds of
, thou
espeels , mf, or, best , An_ bravest men loto,
lhrel t rf ve+,--rasa Harvest for thoso,villaius l •
,r??f, 6 P, l ),pr i?IPP4tiV I 4 01'190 of. their, fel-1
lowleen. ; ~, •
The contl4etweon the Peatoeratie and the;
Itadleal i parties butoilling more nor less thous;
ftraggle,between denweracy and aristoeraey-R
,thei predncere . and uon•producers:—!
1 ; 1 0 1 71e 11 ., Iho nntaxekespitatists, and the tax-!
Plgo#o4or. o l woOthignlen and I)4s iuqs, i
men generally—between tholdie rich and the:
rothini moor. The cOee of the Demeeraoy:
la the cause,of the poor men--the cause of
night and ;Justice—and that cause the Itlsom
will continue to advOate l , in spite of the sneers,
sad laneautota or the tools of the nego equal
c. I ;
ihsitOu'is again 861101611 j, ill.
This is an event of • imporinnee-+to 'Mr.l
PisTe:' , 7 67 7.o guard. •
, Iflhfy!3o4ye 'lto editor of tho querdi
for theta iudnlgins in so eruel-a,flingutonsi l
opr ip,vest, atateamen and most. zealous!
patriota, new, porbepi t on a bo of O e atio s ,
harl to,Oiyine. IY,ncan assure him, howoior,
that the "event" ia.of eocions imp,ortaueo,toa ,
iale i niajority of the illnitriopa.ex-r!esident's
,';',l,l!!!Mlnklf!kOttlf)r it 1610 l'Ir? PIrLYOY or ,
ahoy ;Oita° mole gratitude to
a an ?Fki s f9f:09.P 3 P4 b9P 0 1 1 ,4 during leis;
administration, 4o [ his namesake and eonsin .0 . 1)
tte, i rhadelpldts 1: 1 4(11f.„NF. Forney,. "in-:
I ,, Oqox,rell, know s "is ono , of the;
TA "gefientoiTa l tie °dicers of tho irtnio,s,l
'61'16 CtdcagO,culininnted in ii niotit
dte ` fat 'Thet"ientifon"was'iolloired!
hi it' bingniii at which' Ihiniar 'was' need
411,"tind'the 4 thiet•ionbd,'gentlemanly
apinvii o . :1)6404 hitokicittion;
elimbing alil . 7tYteiff•Fti;elionting, yelling,and(,
tbrowltig the titles at eaph:Othei.' 'The Ci nein.'
erc~`al~wArne'tlie',ui against
'eta' 'eceneip, itf‘th6i I.;Cil
*6O" to be attended by their:fermer
iiiittele. Those r4steriiig drtiaharaell
too in ilia the rank a tifit9 ioi
Such tie ikhod4
fili k6 tif fi;;lo;) 10' ,; • • , . ‘, l *
0 , ~A,
0 , iXiipxon4wltows goomenta on the op eeoh'
,of 1414 accer4y,Jobtocu, 'recently delivered
4410144109 6 v, , 141001 it 904 Wogs it—cayt!
„igThs44 gin of )14Jobnepu's policy
,m)Ali pool, ,pot pro Tent the. PreWrattiti or
.gopeno t rOgicips Nivefo Rnglind 4nd,Amor.;
Tot the 8A0L11.7-77
044,41eittaidiesoi Oil*
~• ,
441...... Thiiii..,l,,: ' .2.0,.
D/T0 Org
• ill • ' LIO O g. 4 •
• 4 ' , • ,
ur re ors poll , , . , A: ~• ~ . • 0
in . '
Atliii' ' . 6". . . I
IPS" Y 9 igzent i 0 co ' rt ; teftd '•
iihd ther4o ilia you . '..,'%, i .' '
in Court on Saturday.
The iirellW ref A pair 614 4 iitelidiatt_
JtAilge Cadwallader by Messrs. iluilia4oollll.
On behalf of the Prisoner, Mr Hoffman Wae:
Alen present. Their argtimenti'leoh.ioK(Ww
hours and alialkand on their coOdatlOW' Ole
Ceuta deolitit4 to - heir
*Mk Buff. contended that the Cvidinee
sufficient to convict. •Seater:W(4%W OR
that there was no 'doubt as to the guilt of the
lidioecrx- 1 11 1 #4,44 . 1414 we, that his
charge to the jury.was more favoiOle than the
defence bad n right to expect, and; lte hall greet
difficulty during ibis :Charge, in his
ii_Ot , iitt,lo4lL.oo#o
had iikniceeded , very' dOin . OKtf, it!Lel l o 4 ,
thee raided that )lelad
they might have gisregarded all the parol evi-‘
den ceof the in thapase,ieWhich:redipect,#e
chariti ifis,toO favorable to' the . derendant, Int
there was enough , in the, evidence of J.
Howard Jacobs,a,witness, railed lit defence,
to COtiVict ~ (rerekliett,4B, t he, jury mire
bound to believe him bemniii he.wasca ll ed by
the defence, and from his association with.
c o) „ .14 • :‘; , f , '
To the argument adduced from Col. A.'s Pre
vious good character, the judge stated` Abet
good obaracter was oli;!epoilltito . .„in donlittoi
caleihnt amounted to' tiotlifeg Where the Ovl
'donee was clear and Conclusive; that casting
aside the ovidenco < Of the, the evidengepf,
the defeneo would belie beitfetitrieletit to ,e6n
'let' Ho referred fp.the.tccoritovidence 19 the
casb,,coiitatning the.acco.•entf kept in Aloxanl
der's office, miltireiehhigeutllCient proellof
guilt, and also hie letters to Atm department.
He also particularly adverted to aletter writ
ten by Col. A. to tho •departm?'ut in Jane,,in
whiCh ho rocommelide4 a settiCOMent of Genei•
al Barto'r. case for
. $1,700, when .tho evidence
showed that ho then had tholacti in his Posses
shill pima whiehmfterh to,(fal'arosted, ho made
an assessment against trarto of $26,000. He
said this alone was suffieiont evidence of mi.
foroanco in baled and
,a gellty confection
men engaged in defrauding the U:l3. lie stat
ed that when he suggested to the Jot; that they
might recomMend tbq dereedautto the mem
of the court, his' imPreision was that he would
bo compelled , to senteuee the defendant 'under
the present net of Congress, whielt was rduch
more severe than the act ef,lBo4b „Ho stati4„,
the sentence would ihe fill penalty of Eli te
law under the' latter act, Which, was a line of
$1,009, nod an ~,imprlsoamont of ,trolto
months. He further stated thaithe sentence
need not be recorded now,but would be record
ed next , week, as' till , prisoner might want 'a
few days to settle up Ins 'fitisiness.
Tho argnment,of Mr. Hughes we's directed,
principally to alleged defects in the indictment;
The Judgti stated ho would look at tile
but it was his iinpreviion that the indictment
was correct.
Mir: A. was tltcu,rentattdcd.tU tho custody of
the Marshall.
He is confined hi I(loyamonsing prison dui
i the night, but is out. iti the eTto,dy of a
Marshal's Officer during a part of ever:y;(l6y. '',
The friends of Col. A. deserve great k eredit •
for the strenuous andprotracted struggle they
have made to avert ' eoavi6tion. Some of
them have no doubt received valuable papers
from him, and it, is but right they should stand
by liiol,l •, ), f,„•; , ;,, 1, , , .1;,,', , 1ff , t , ',l' 4,i ~1 tr i •
I understand Col. A. has been sentenced
under section 31st of the'Act of. Congress ap ,
proved June t1 4) ;P:141; ii i oFBA'ii l i: 4 l l l,°,M N r,
Add b 6 'ol:tii Illit
.I‘;444(l,llinterity asses•
sor or 'esslctaat 1111aCeBOri who iluill.euter :upon
and perform the .dtitleskof bib• 'Office' 4 ivithont
having katfeilthp`bath Ouffirkritidul#ol(eribed,
by this Sat; . iir *AO, iliall,Ti fulliliegleet ; ,to
perform any•theAuties, prescribed. by 'this
act at the time audio ,themeni,io ) lo,refft Ow
1011490 i .O.t.iiiico eball known)* mair:e anYAdse
or frandateak fist or•valutitiOn , orassessitieut,
or .8 101 l debitind•or`,Tetely,e j ani 06i
fed er.'re*ardi :.atbat' 414109 - ;11(ose,f provided for
herein,. for , the . perfpxmauco of at;iy
~4utt.,.; et
shall be . guilty Oft eXtOrtio l . o ;'.wit OPek#Slfin
in aloe, blialtoitKii konvicitioul erect.ati *my
circuit or distiiet court.. of tile ~I fnited- State*
havrpgjurisdietlpix Chi:ll'o6'4'o44o,V gitiliY
not exteoiling Ono' tlioUsarld dollars, ,or Jo
imprisetfieon*foi, tiOt;•Cioieedlok? qelyekii. o
botk,'at tliCd*T Otiorf‘prfAtt\' 6o tol r ;°o4 'f i l i Al
b o `ilismi abed. fteM.4g4o . o , :attd 'shall le fororei
disqualifiedi from holding i arly. offiee under the
gooernitiokl pc ,tim;vhitpus,tit4; 4 - -'' • ~ -
x ir
, ;, , ockiii ~.,,it. ,',4 • ~...)', :1 i .:' C;1• 1 1
tin T O : E f sA # -44 : t1,1111 k:Y I A I CPPIO"P li 4 *- fi
made a , mletalte,liii.inbitirg. Mme say t , .thaf,:the
Resdiok. o ,afett! 3 : - iifit's + "tl.4•iiiikC iiiiiic,tltf. 414
01410 • that ,il I CaniatOltee(l'; th 0:".0 1) 1 1 014#1,
d 014; c a l fioiiiihtaiatii 'testy, and. i thin)c e
maingoiliqicif:'q4l l 04, 1 e4iii ',WOO i*iikai
a very importautdserepce r , ,Whp .i papor that
first made PrOinipont : this linprorrOotit.kiq
jotir4olispl;;( l .( l kil:t l iittlti: )04. 1 t)14 1 1 , ,0, 1 444
so n u m7 :Pa,Plita;to,?gaeOety ahOlf,''4(loo6o
teepive the erinlit".`:;,Weliney , that:ol6foot
Partiati l o Pata-liai i pt.tiiy4 .01*:,44114i#ViOisl
throng!' P n o9BPPl' B olo , 'A`, , s ll t 4 l l r ln6i l i l
of Ihe,rigetibies.for kio,ptosiono.4 t a (lisitilet
of the edlicatip4l i ppOorieKtipmx N r, )( ; ) i,,,50,1,
and ' in4° T 4 ' 6 l f '• ° t r , rtl i r i t A l Y i l i ik t ', ll .(o;
aniiniereat'a i p i cointne94 ) ,l,3 notsitilitio4
torietio i of enp0ri•, ( ,,014.,y,04i41 4 , - ,104440 . 4, vv .
f°r° °° lol 7o ° ''' t h e lk° 4 , lo ,?,l: ll A` n r,Vt#l4
ve4 „ OttelltiA) l46 ktil ‘4ll4feAti ‘°l'l26“elL'il
should not be likwit pelqi,9o4tre we sod, Itl
noceselp , kif , ontoitifttiq . noftciotttl **.; rMili..loi t i eitii;ikeot.t)ittllier4olo4,49
and reada!#9l4kacltAl l 9lA)**s 10 8 ' 0•
relete'o but juliatoohttp:litkoirellaiil
~., . )4,,,, ..m „to. •4 11 0 .. 0 'A ' )1 , 1
if / 1 41141%3 0 01*.010 , 11UP1tPt0,1141 1, ‘L, ut of flAoSLei , l
' ti".s.ll;;Atn4iiV
r Aq'l!-r c i 4i X l. 4 4 o4ii t ;fit 4 4 7l l 4 0* lreFn
,P4ll o l lr l , 6 ,4t l o l l ll 44 ll4 frrligt
r, 6 as ..1,4 1 4 0 • m .
eingAilbliat' 41444 -, on.- oo :
4/401w .:,.-,, .!:
allioit troops, 4 1 44
invest the Paratki)l4(ll•otArVaol:4*#'
AdtiiiraLpsiii: 4 . otilkorAinonqii tooodik
10 , Feratree#004;loritopetc6T hR iAlm
river liiisot.kilb i iiteu,q l Opo r t itelkiits‘ Kp.IN
panioit . ",bit;:it474iiiii6o4/statißr; : •'Brre
1101 140F0 3 1',!0:4VeY' MI i1gt 11 01501114414
of the Nro •
pitypikitivripitokt , t-Sto t ...oAffm
ogatutivthit i 4oii . ii s iltawshi.,i,,i,i' , . -, , , , ,-. ,' ,
- 0 4: 1 00 41 ‘,:*Wh' &It s 'AitOldt!ii
PortPxl4ol 4 ok k ' -- ,lt ~i;.11 7 - 4)0,1110 ,
~ , ,4%
wawa to'ok poi f•' -111 f ". 4 re'
tUrO4lO4l! • I htiiPAlPkittkr ll o 4
f ai
400.00' 414 0 1 rid n.y. kmrii , t•A'dii.'c
• , •• h * ,, 1 i. n,
A'breirtiit Itthe $4.,00. 3..:;4 7 47 . ;,' -I ; l '''W'-';',''
- '.' .• .' •'''' i • , "..,v' t;• ,, t',it i ,,, '' , NA
, t' , .t,t ' i' ,, It:•.,'•:-,f;' . 4 ,,, ..,,, .; A, . • -,4„, „
. V
` 4°4 o ll lo o l l oitireMlittrAnilin. l l!'ar , u•r" , ---N
104; 1 000 1 4 611 0 1 0 0 6 NOoo l otl r gi*
144 (0 4 4. # 1 .4 Oti for,
2 h o ltetlhi bu t ittiftt
',tem to " en . er ige alt
itolatittftE'rtas_r„lQ. +.,' +a"
No. thilp4 ) itekle,Pit *lt ff.
Itani*ites to the
Workingmen'kUnion were el . ;
A. 'ePtistrUctiou train ran`off the track of the
Mammas *irgloispiesteidAY,
killing three or four Mon, and "mortally injui ,
iug "vPis! 04ni• ' ' * "
titigiOillikti, Wit imittitit*: iffastabi
prowling abOut .'railroad depot. r
The *ling fi rm ()andel & Co., at fumis
villci,- yesterday, '
Jacob 12101itholiorlifathni ,- Of Oinivessomn.
John A, Nicholson, of Delaware, died on Mon
-4/0410 6i. .
.• T4O aew.,brOge across the Mississippi, at•
poubquei,kowa, was fipiehOlm, ,Mcwiay.
cost # O9
igtor l 44ioh ,l i 40 ,1 014404.4#
0. •
• r
A British'.iloop has been seized; and her
cargo Confiscated,-' at CarthageHni, for alleged
Want ofaitahlfest. ,An 'English war vessel it
4 xPe§44 4 1 00:0: 4 041144 .0 0, I**
Later .adi,icee front Chinastated tha t owiag
ill presence of British tnerehimia; satiidaction
tutit been givgn to th)s'llilthilt , Consul for the in
inks to misilonaries: The first Protestant
chinch in China trete dedicated at Rankow on
,Npreu k teata
broken outin Northern China. The trot*•
blo with.the foreign . era at kimono 4 ‘ growing
oten,t#loT l
inc i'ehols the);
chief town is'reported captured. -
Altl•ed Huttgr, a qr s Irlto;yrm, t con,lloed
of the murder. rit liftwittlirmt
fitly_9ftt 0 , 1) P / 1 4 14*,
`atia Porter, of General
Grant's stag, brie gone,.to Arkansas, to in
qUire ittio,the vitllitia troubles.
62 L
Caleb Cuishing .Imsll!!ft,,AtAinwall - ) tat T
Alm" , the U . 8. steamer Antic. He
goeslo itogota' on a, 'special message+lbo os
Government. r ,A11)0t:0111
Oen. Btolt .. quAßez h ed the stay law in
yo s bok WOO, ?July let.
. . . A•
• One hundred cotton cases, itivolving 144 a
mil ions o arn'herntigettt,: a 6l. Court
ol i ,94l44odjiideetitithi;
A Female Suffrage. COnve,qion'
OoTfl r li. yestaitliti l initNill continue until
, • ~t-Lw;,,) O.l,ILLoyi
~I rwci''''PJClettatl4iii Otero lynched at Carroll
ghliklAlgrtiMilOttailrPh44,,nignp.,- ,; ;I;
9iro ll ,ar ;PP rpoNtiiig' P o * V l ° t 4 ,Y .
/114: 1
publjshed,- wittbing throe OptiOSA•ll';
. 4 11 g 0 1.,t,414.0 . ;0 1. 97 o:sligiin.4, l : l 4 4 1 4,443 t
entrimarily dealt with: ,
or Wometbdort, tenders hts proiesstonst or
vioes tine •ettlegasitlit t sOlpg. Otttoe No: 907
North Wee_ niofqnsulted atlas onto°,
or KS t epicene Ft .' (deo 23-01ndtt*
WfdiAirliii,lN. STOItE- . I
• -
„ v i ßt y
- ENXEss •
won Tuz
' 'Aali*rilliiaaOkl at ter, low k Oceo.*
early wind 'fli,ttlio 'your selectioui.
# E )>` 7 )!(, 1') tf,o
. ,
a tc , ‘. ' - 4iN'?/ i 4l P)hilleiziii sTitzpii
, .
-.,'',,- `*,?.`,::,:'"':;••.!
'+a' 4tl ~..-.; 1.,)
• ;1-771 7 7• ,+++4'+ • " " " •
- +1,1: •
:• IB
, •
- • ,L - I t 1.. „
• - •
' - As(rti,f,c4r
npauo !S.
V - 0) 149 . 4 11 1e?lk PPP ritltrf , et 13ttli*3
I F- ft.:X/1M lipllAi3til44lCl4ll
1U47440T 1 4440 1 4 ;o ‘ !, Y,f, 4 7 ,h t ) 141
IMilll4 4 i.ITP„ )r?
• • •••• - ,
ActiPigi luttalfOXQlll
3 11 ,61111.4*10 1 / 4 . it kid
iltfilMir*MATlVA* y!te,!, 11,1‘
`. • . sift '
e litatr4lo444, trq tfYi Ard
- t• , f 0 41 , `“ ,. .>) OXilff i141.0;',/:1?), r 7
' ..4-i#A0 1 41 . 041„ ti t , 'w
9.W1%.1M1V.174W17 .3 1 01.0. ft.
, •„4 - (1 txu' l4loll6M 101 1 1 4"AriJitt . ittt$
A*** Stelittellttlitititttlhoeilsi OA ter tilie4ge
e.dapteit -for the Hellthtp Oattel -4, sn , 71 A K ir ;,41!1•
Cu. „. ,it . . ,
71% 0 . 4 tcrit,tll-1;
. .
. ~
_ ..- . •
A i .0 ,x.‘,lA AINk , ' ' •
1111., S :ji , Rir,ii,..;,' , ,,, ; ; ; ,
,„*,,,,, 1 0
..,,,,,,,.„ v TI
,ilI Ai 1,t1414-lii+etl iireil.v 0 , tsv 4rt u
~ .11, , 'qvi 0,1):tfil ocf!.. 04f) Nt4c`d.rltt 10
tth )1F:t.r.)100;4 siiii eitr iodit:el - 1 1! l'N'L'. ll :Ski '
. r
gl)fl)cfa Irw 4.1160 (7R :zoil t
- , i _ • . .
‘J4 14) tit W ;it
.00 A ita`l7,l2
014 fir
6 UA6.k.i,a,
HE 1140 (101) fISTOAKES
Z.; ;rllOl A;fl •.1,11
:f. Apply nt the
390' ARBIY coos,
1 ()EWER & BRO:
z' •
11 tyrj:iri"r ' •
go eta tteNtta
• •
• AND OT En I,ti
Zront'B3.oo to 018.00;
Ifor OttpTi Muff 'eau soon, at
No. 431 West Penn Street
I dee."l%-lw) : tiEltifrat & 111 W,
;300 REWARD.,
TIV loWitTilovigiEn!
uttp t egf r
vininanoe a a -rpm utiou piteri-1 by t n o cot'
and Common Vomit:die, hereby offer a reward off
two hundred tiollamin addition, to the stantlimi,
reward of die hundred dollars authorized to b I
paid in each oases,) for ,the appreheneion ani 1
conviction of the person or porous who sot on!
fire, or canoed to be net on tire, on the morn Logi
of the 11t h of December, inßt., the building obeli-,
pied watt mhodity.ho W to Thipigkoo UOSQ Com.'
pany, in abtkettyz,w tk f‘ 4,1'4 1 ,111A . , 1 , i
By order of the commit A j _ I %:, ;
-deo IS 8 t . ' . 11. F. 11Alla.fifea,y.
.fairli(),ll.B,l, tv,„rit .
1 4
VOA ).i.§,SEIS 1101,, SA g:
.0.:,),.„,..„.. 1L ~,.. kfi viiffni.'l:4,o:),,
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1 1 W0v) !ENGINES
PO' l'olitr!)
T.,0.!,.()j.L! : 4 , ‘.
, tato, W?l4 1.1u.V.1
:- • -p(t to t! frio , :c.;46iir'tpf ,
, • 1;440 ifit filij -
irliefollewin , . 1 , ...piety so oro4 for pa1e,.61,
IPAIVOIntagtO4IB it, offmni
4sl#94FSATq i ktiilM i i)
.4 porTgpd,, :
441 ;,
0/101,44/47/i O O4L,
• " .141iiitilog;P".1111,01 .
14,351 PENN. STEEL
• •
-01kys -
. f. LENOi , CNNI
,03A0701itti.V.4.10A39 (MA AVin,l3OM-011
.0.314 , ,vrt, ...
v""?, :it ,111•4$ )1;t414 ,
t lt;i TOINVAriIIIQI*44OI3#O,4.I 4 4
)441, t v l • it Ur ti Itt*r e; 1 \01 tqk , t-hq
tim ":41MiAefilM0PrOMOMATiWit
DU' ftirALl43li i iii • : I
ifile&tattli`ll itST
,It. Alban 9.1 , • 47V1
• • • • , ' • , 41,44 itti 4 - 1. .71 ot%l Nl*
4 44
'(%12V1,/ rli# 011 t 14014f i t t lki.!
1±01 , 41:1 q c *44ot; /to
.1 11.1;01t.0 -10A NA% MAO " • 14
z „ iton bort
J )1 I' s (IN 4tveciii4.14,,14-C4 sift
• i'4l44ipmetkAfroqainild pot
Fr ~ ;, 1 1 0 1 3.4V.W4Enti - it.. 7 0 . 11 0, 11Y0 4 1 3
t' 1, tt7 t jlifoltA - ct ti Wl* •trim;4•l%
IntiMPA Lott A teofi it
s . ..xtr. tuirk.ttlittl
i 4!4l+l,:nti t Its t:f,f ot.
POPLIN DRESS Anitito.u l if,vo%,, , e,
4;1 4 ;1 fvt, ; Ant 011 tf
idj jot iokrtit4 4 l . 4.. foovo l iogitA t f•
F •
- •
ARViItiRTP‘. • "
I rtyltlym „
,4 . 0
- , , , if ,:$ It , :q.2 , -. , S' iiit.o" l',..#ri 4:0 0 4 I+o )(1110) ot; ,iy . To
POR ;mix n. i• tlift 10 VA — W."4l6i .4
' deo . l'A''' + 4
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....4.c. 1 4,i r ct..,.. . . ~.. .. 44.4.44 - 7
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•' . ''' ' ' ''it(ot:o
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itp.l7o 4, rnl. '.
id 4'o - '11%.4.110 1z i I , t 4 1 , .I`faitti X;1'11 %I 0 . , t1: t .5).;.; , ,t‘i1r '
+ ~ , • - 1.1,1 ff ff,tij'ilt fl.',..fleys-s4 ti; s 14 II
..!,10 ', -' l ' iit ' ' .# e " ' ,• 4 1 1 1
tqr .., A K IstAitiit .., sl
..„:,,....,„ „4,5., „,„.„. 7.„, f# 1 .# , ..11.4 ti., m
-fro 430,r; il
' I
• #
ti,J,ltsOillptit'll. it , t
,1 141111 Y COMPANY OF BERKe l tiOUNrn
414 40 ---
' airital *Om
. 4, ' Jule, 1807. L o ill
.o.t4 ' heading indt7 l 4 , B 4l lAftle4 4 16 11 , 419
,era IV A ;trea t mouth-Roat• %mop of
if I (ck r Ootirt 'Woof.
''',l, - iti.,,,#4 0 ,0, 1001 4 , 4 rlffr#kg . 44101 4 4VA:41:
, , it ,,, ~,„,1 , i __, , .11).kuvirolukte I 4..„,„ p A
IaNT 4 vultlx.lousisfo,,, i .,, it 4 411111nNwiu NAOI,T 4 , , 's
Ms Nr 4, VAN *Sono i ,Altvopt ) ► Nivosk. lIA
tlilt ikeicsoor. 0,! ., i; , 1 ~,.,,,,, ~,,f ,
OPIA., BHAvralt,, J. . AtturnaNo.), 1
. A 1 WU. Of. OXOII9/ 1 11/111.41$ .14 . 4 , ' l ': 1 ( Aci i .
itrXitslo l fattrinti4oo4 .., , m * Al 4 / 4 4.
101(14 property.isitil4l /00tOttinoinm 1 by;
lizit itt Sates te tow ne nny other rotti leal o n=
mamma every phtuknOWfrrilD Stoc k In
witapantos. l t A a ,—,N,r§-4-1 jg ,A, at,q
If POrpotual Poll ei l loutoilli Iringnprehipailli
anit upon which MAU:Munk retulthir
4 41114131
,p er eotnie4onnXtri .eW, ttotstb IllAte t
cont. Tno UM" USW is pt . Amt,
ifigii l it i tst the 444 rLiveiii m r ylt( r in toprutri_ll4,l"',
ottutrUillaWelesitslrovitlO iluictinti mg aged°
ouvfm•st ihoureilie. = .11146 put ,14t .•1001 In is i
.40rOliqteel l oXfOtOi two,,ttitoomt or? tons VW, i
sorter Jose iSpLAntuornsliwauoultane(i*t tentage..
lkolmlo , coxxoney nal ourNOP" 1 1410 , rePfliredi or'
, Notify% Let 14,04.0 NO rftfutterrOlfrOtnsitigerern
_IOW WHO iiinli itfi , Irt rt)1, ,,, ,i, to him tykyieda
5 . 40 11 , it SPA 104114:Hii44 , 16ibitAttritfiSitt,
°pelt ttniinnrOtelgneemtcyggyasee
tnit4-th ,ii es larettecting their Otte titeel
no hOme institution wait organized, lor th an
OM VIIIINIAMA:at.'4f t , '.. 4 ' ,11
1 iS I VI Prt4 4 , * ' ': i
1i o 2 1 1 % .4.•t' ',k 4 - i' 1 4 4 0:
inAtos o pid 4 0 i ii ~ , ;A r ,), "
11111Miinnreciated by all. , . "
1 i ,, i ,4 - . rititiotx, Joys lawh i p,, /
; _ ~, JAstEs MoKNIU it 3 to w"
, I N r . c rIAN(ONA, Secretor e st Or. . '1
".. 1i,868-1111/tiv .,- 1
,:k /41().)ii010' " "
-- -1
• • '
IEMETS I' 04 1 11,feMi I - - ;
q. , , . Ix t ~ ((t Ott f.O -- WA47 , etr.fiki, 3. if /Pl.!
.VIo i
..„,_ /L ....i,t4 S t la strfulAits'.! , 4 •
:if,. 1 1 et p.p. U. 314 I RKt*MMoost "!
.nlifilinissn rotir#et, b iltrailbli/lbri Abb.'
A.l. llWeeii Illiab end Nor
.. : 69, -4 ,
It :661ritit4iiti WAD ,'. , •-' : t't,
, AMocr 3f ol l attßFi: - ••• I ' '.
f't ivy t .,-.
. 6 r fite4V " POFM'i; , t V ;04 'MI, , t 's
1 9 0 1 A: i t 1% 6.1 4 0 .' it Vytirill'
li• u l;
- Of '1 ' Alli 1 0 4 'WIC, ".. • ititoi, - i
. 44 i" ' - : ) ; 4 ditr: . . : : , flot Yr '
. 1 , 41t114" wilily 40 ilbstr. o oPit: 'l' to
~sfr;l4- 7 0;
i t itkl..i l Vig k ii t t. irt OM% 114‘ 1211 - 44 111 ;
' -,, • , ,,,i:i ',Alt :If ' ' ',d,' ''. l - 11Egt;A:41 .
pAvivdolt4it . ‘ifkit' An
.it-,l;t:,,ritt is tii;'' 1?INRILIk11. , -
. ,iii,N.r. 19 kiil •fy A Jsi .o'ol t at i'.'4?1 , 1 A . 7.
, f• 11-0,:v,',;.i
; •
1 .. .i . 54:6,,,,v,..v i ame0na ..,0mt.5. ',,,
. 1450 Mil@e. Built:
• • •,
ini.4)l l -4 1 5114 gliftilli?l
ni'4411414 mit. 1 1.1 k 1:4110414,
If added aorta Ituhdrad (700) to th eir
114104 WP 1 / 4 4144 Pi r I e lftildrOP 4 Pit4$41.40.100
large local passenger and freight business. The
ti1 t 0444149 f i 11f0 19 / 0 0 1 0141140004 1 431,1b5401%
plated next.,autranor, a, l en tbe tb 41i tram°
naiployed , by tba two I , o*Ortl ` Companies' in
11. 1 111/90 M0 4 0, 414114OVAPNINOMPY,00.
siPti y cetripi 1 Ivu. Only M SOO nillea frauds to
b o */Isol , o l 4o4l4lfilles ,
mfmny to r t par and Internat.
* 64,l tra3tpagfiii 004 07108 gchitgi *NS
ratite I/AMMO IDS sOffl IlitOr4l7
ThO Prineltisa and , littereit, o f Vow, are
Payilble In gold HY •
• 411 if, ' of; KO atl l ,:tit,
' DE ii ik. , , vE N; &in t o.
imAtos .4#'.itt i ettl o yerf„pzoiluipple•
Pitivt • - rcT7ti
•• • •
= :
; '';,':v4 - ., i'l 'lticßiMplso,',l-44.%1
9 0 4r ia„.10.A*n's7 'T
: ALITTiitS:-.
. .
le t ,
The great Wined for all 111 of of the
LIMA ' 111' 091/0-RILL'44I
:•• ,
k k 1
110OrldiNDIf:,40,ERIAAN, urrtas
.00 A
twe naleZgatli z a s t e
Brl" 'ftn % l ake , amwoiing ( lAt t t i , l 4 ,
ipahrlms7yvirgiat , er(tite S'fit;
''''°44914t 1 141 1 41 1R1 4141 5 4.14 4 4 V4 i
•-iit k VN , • - ,A • .• ' ,• t
11111 1)pa % C S , 1 441 q ) tet
Tt :OtTeON to
. •4%) ,
(1 1 $ 1 9401arrinqui.
Ortit t lio
Immo o.le4zOon t 9 i kat c6141*
ion'or e `ll
ailtioree bta!l,44, uma,
' - '• --
/ 10,0 / 4 0,30 MARKO TONIC,
AWO Oiitl i b* c l i ltikoli* i..4')l)(i)i_ittia
same medial 1 1 t 0 iPC INotivit i t
tweteing &mere matter of twits, o'reltiebeihg
the til°4ll ki Otuti Akt:ii` ' '
eto I
elk elits,eticli a
%Pr v„ ti,alufr.:44» ,
Liver t ay inpmmeille se eibto.. 14 it
!Fob me ft t omarib , thee bettmes. t .
eeitberretsffiK,litt I pat thS pattpst %utters
• 1t0119,9VR MO 0 7.44lontillifitqlsesLsVA :
1. :
. ' W; S i( e k .441 1 1.i5 1 i; . 1 Vi ./
' ' l i t
°1 . 410011,' ; ' 99 4 1Ack Ail ALORgt 4quity ag,
bi- : • ,1 ~. lOWA, leart4nirn, Mama* •
. ' • tbroo&
.FulnemaoryAbt in the
•, • ' lik,Wa4Wediati.iPafttaions,
-TV 4. 4 . : - 1 lit o triOtil kl , o,f ' i
s) fDI . * Av. lat a hati„
i 4tiltir .si i l l' ' klk 3 1 441'1 PUttedlig
5ath015.1.410 • hok rig or Hu seating tiousdiem
- when in - R Ityi l'ostroe, Dhenote of
. . Yltieriollyilar et 11 , • jhe Slglit,
• $14 4 ,14it
o t e ea
1p scion
.I`..t Or, , . loft /,
fie, : . dolt .rPO,In in thij qit'Paoke I
01 , 1. : v (w t .!. tiltiMMA L e liMhii.,ef f
Hes ; 1 inidoi h n the Fldsh; eginidakt Infsgill•
trigs or E y awl Doprell. pf Spirits,
f , 1, 1 t: tiriflo"ll,' t ..1 •
, .oiiejiliatiOiticinOtticidiatethawaho u ld tecki.
coisivtimik.coutimo owti
In .cclectio 4 if *
r o b h rt; ease purchasing only tbai •rogch
he 11 %Iced torn his investigations mitt Ingt l.
ties poesessotv knotimQvit, M s4lllMlty
compounded, NMI*. traria injuriosii I n.
aredtentsi and has can, shedicy tofslt ail
ration for the aamer,thene Atacane , Nulls& •
motion' W 9 *OM wipphit poll y 11.)citowil .
0 / 011400 7,$1) .ti ' I of il .vi f$ f, c.sll ,I i, •,1 ,••,,,E,
* t ll , O P
-• tflat A
y 111T2M18
f)il ":t1L)1"1'if)..,T411Y.:4,(1
7 , t,t ,i; v,i
,0 ,W ti wtz , l.s.t. , 0 ,t,tti., ..i , •, , • ~ ; (t
t,T ' l ' ol ,10 1 1 .oitirtl 64CFRIAN l'olllui '.,
afr , •aa v 'l k
7 4 4 4 . tti 301134 13111.A wf DELCIIIA, PA
Tit* . 454
4 FSVARtillfeA f AiloY)kdeo (trot In ,w
.13Y1ro t ' , . ovookr. N9n& 11cynitiay, 4u fig
1 4
OM' . ~,,' A. eetlNA7,,4llllt46,tlA.l:pormt
mo cur—,a ( , neje( it ring mein t yto
a gritateriAtent, tha any aklicrrctitA lcp kitmtn
to the public.' • - .3 .12:11 t l ! ,. ~ , I r
These . remedies will eiroulimily Niro fig,
Garopiatut, Jautulleuipp; ape l isilt, eitumii. p 1
Nervous Debilitx, Olirenie Diarrinra, Itisent.t. of
the Kidney an an pitteittien arbiliig h via
a Disoril litv i ei l F iO l n te l rel. (l " , .
kivA 4- i
i „ jt .
' • • lib 1 i
. )
Res Isithig i irota Miy• ' 'Oinf/TO Whilirl , C;*; PPM.
,TRA.2' ON 01017111 syNTEAt,filduccd
b Yi l tri L eMeat i P l iffTVi u "'
, i , ,(. ~.,
~.., , ... ~1
Arelno medicine exist) critinl to Ilaq , e i l .•
air qatpewe, )A fon 1-6/0 , Hoye PI po-
par 1 t o wholeaysttii, , the appetite I.
strengthens ,', toad. to enjityett, the rtot n h
dtgeate prohiptly- th^
n , AvuiNTlPAryB"."tliit l ";Ti . ,i,'„i•
INt lo eriti, mea d teii Pfram -( t ha l t&l . e. l e t i a I ll ilai t m» .
lye* tisolthilfeh Mohan meth 0010 hid% oli ,
avalld becomes a s rang aial healthy holing.
Mullenling the hand of tline wyibhlug pestle
upon-I hem, with ell its attendant illy , will MA
In tho use of this Ill'rTElittlivelthe• 'ltiNlettn
elixir that will instil - how life into their
restprO In ' measure - the .entirsty and 'ardor vl
more youthful days, build' up their shrunken
re for m m a s en g in n a ds vea lyti re ilk .. o ‘ altlvAnd ll
ilagmfis9 to then
r• - )11:43 4 110:111,#.3•I a,
- • ,P4INOTI01414:
ligt ie it wel l-eetabitalliddl•fittiti. , t hot: ild Om OW i
of the female portion o our population me sel•
dOm in the enjoymoix . i. Oksoqd health i or,
to use their own ek. prosslon ,f , nevei fci I
Weil. "• They ereAlefiP , itovpid•of nil ent.i IN I
exAretnely nervous, and nivo no a petite. 1
To this class , of zone the Di ‘Tilifia, Or I.a;
Nigigh t ,l l l .. , , , i4M b i t flel i fYL . i • 1 -, 4 =f ,
, lf.l it 4,, , 15 r i i.,,1,, 7 1., pip/ ' , Pig.' ,+01„) '•
Ake mode strong by tho use of bit her of These
remedies. TheyAlluptc,i t pypry el,Bo ot NAN.
.481dUB, withonm,
Thousands of certificates baste no •linininioi In
the !mode of the prof/WALL . , but op leo will allow
of the publication of but t tow. 3 liose, It will
log that
be ebeeF v trymeet Dif belieVed.iligklNMeiccfpletcamkot such maw!.
, __, .11,_,
ciri er ireexecopme *owe two
...., , • raiItADBLPRIA J MA TO lo g .1;:il,
': l rollibitnalit'S 0440 ill(ierifiV Vgoo l
, useful in die- . A • caeca of the digeni I%c
2Metneittliff 4 , , qaotolinsofdr•
unity, lentellflen i" , ' 3 Tr: °. . WWI in turhyste to
• 1•i ;i i t 4 • Punairli W. . W 0
4 • t f..! 4 ; Id t 'tit ok. $O, iiirommune
~• , ~• :. ill, kli .
On. limie• Thomind ,
g..;,,, , t . ...
Jude mom*" O. of row omit , .
f r
. ' • Liii . 1
If P1464.1)4141' tiitt6'
' 'PI er • foollalldfa 2 Unpin littera . I
titft i VgFitiVgg i gArtlt elgBll6;
11Stbeiletiee e it. . Youre f itrith
• FtLerzli
1408 A3O 314140: eaft.YfroWTAVlftto
-From RSV. ,joseph H. Kennard, D. 11, T
m?,WhimiiimiThitS Wetilettm4o,4 . /OA 4 A : '
' 'On! traekeete-•peor Rif I have, Lon frequintly
$ 0, 8. • ~j , s , 0..,t,,
.., R, "un-'.
surd i ' lit 'I 4 , u nci• Fa PrlAte
iiPtiefoi I. its it! 'ailligereasea de vein ing
'with et eletai.prenif injj l ll6 Various:l aa to uces
ilikflportlabisksi In in , wn famity# of the useful..
bees Of Dr, Hoe , A t riamitttere, 1 depot
0 . 01 1, 00 ,Ironl • - c eotri to express irY
i 001iV,1051.06 batircir: p, - , ad/ito/the spy
teisi and tor Liver , pb, &I t it isdmittql,!
pill NV IS I , Insi !Ai!:
at usual .)- ogitttafe iv oßtsp*le i
I:0 thOoe w 6 mover Mira
Yrn. very r i esneetfall
:, ':t1 4 24 . 131 )1 1 • (1 :IMAM 1 I lk A l a
tti: hi, oil ,4, ),( lap k,,,p, 'l,- 1,v3 i Ll' A r 11
... '! ' ' i n t - fent Kelr , to o f uienli,,, 11- , : .
410' 'lB :Ogglign:AtiOrtift*de, thite(.o""
~ .
, • i wive it'Enisr.est decided bbnell t:keiii to
,ft * 0 c', l
rwnws•uersniittototrateti alfrittit
pate etlreoligm • il g enigmbriii
from 410elepit arlidag from derangement of the
PirkitXl i R')111P11 1007 1hVgl 1 1 .
: • ::-Aillhorit 1,,,iti61(%4.11011rii,‘,0, ~, {4: 0 , ? 1
. . . ... .
r ! fi ! .111. tio n'.OOlA itllti,olllC 1 / i r , 0 i it 3/
10:0(1 - ~
._ , ..poipj Wit/of .iit! If' i4: O - 1 :". 1 !
„...,„ ;4413 t,‘,;me„ro A elin., .
~.- -- • -,
---'h.. , -4 m i 140 s attieiritt
, AA. , !...v-• 4 4 - ' . k.s „ Tr AO* I 0 : 46
',111.. ' ' ..; . " ITT ' ' ' ll nii14”(3',"1.4, ti: I f'• c":
;,•f' El 14 1 14641/iiii N I'o tO 01 il'o!'LZ, 1 1::
i' :3 , 3 L'' ',,,',., idirgiWgi'llWilr' •
',.''''' iii7iMag 14if:,,,,...,:.,-- - . • . c4 : 4
,*l-liotiktffmsgolor.wepi• MOWS
.;:- , ,i; -, . , i-.%,.,-,, ; -.,----.-.. - :„.. - ~ .. , • .. •
. .
01 .
"` `~ 11l~1~Ve