Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 17, 1868, Image 3

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    ILY EAUtlituf
R E A N 4a, PA.
w41),1 Y, ,1868..
T Y . ' A N ;CO gt N
aor cr. To AIIirEItTIINERI4.
eh ti..einents Intended for insertion In
‘1.10: I S4KIT f'; AP I°, I)oloCilier t s InWit 1)0
1.01 0 1„ 'II oieltiek 4 44 otherwino
v „in be 10011110 for WM3IIIOII, This rule will
It itif4ed ted ! ; s,)
A Howl; fell this morning at Fourth and
ron ;,trects. Not butt /
T ilt : COW t 1101140 dottlt Is tint of order; nut) .
4.,)111(1 1,0 alletuled to.. 1 fir 1 - i t , ty
MR. EI,IAS Ittitom, of f3pring township,
tlO morning to Mr. llorringimf,skr,ivo,
ta, a he,oy draft horse for tho stun of 0375.09:
notleeil this morning, quite a millibor
who, had min i ° tognr4 foA Acr g iltribn
I,ol(,,,triatoti It 'UMW On tho
ra ipmyit,lns t ijunipod off
1110 down rtswingbr train this
Morning, When' ho full and was flinch injured.
Another warning. -• • •
'A - A
A rEririoN has noon prosoutott younl
oi l by a nuinhor of citizens, asking' for the
opening of Syr4ig streoriont rficorn
vim! te stroqt, ( . 1 ).11 4
41. Le 140
g i ir;.tioxandor caso will come up in the
rood Slalom District Court on Friday, when
A pqring of the arguinoui,tt of tho tiofonso for a
ow trial will ho had. r •
cinusr uttett.—'Pilo ladles connected
nail this church, arei t :naltlng prepar•
• Holm to decorate tb betaltitul titructdr4
riW overgroOnm for tli IMt}iLityit.
ENoAotio. Whiter's Military Baud and
toechl's Orchestra Itafe heen engaged to ftti.
imh tho ettoilo for rho erystal's Bat Masque,
Thesttity (A.oning, Jati.l2th i 1809.
CEI.I, AND HURT it .111f011 -1-marevening
lady named Mrs. Bauch, residing In the
er part of t4o.pipt,
f m 11 1 1 1 ) 9 (1 , 4 10 lin on tho
Olowalk, novoroly njur ninorsoft.
st,r,Evi:•errroile Of .protlialote: oltei tif
~very mnrelliabio . lthapo (mu'
the culls of young men. A figtturo 13 00k of
g old KOCIII4 (0 be the favorite. lityloo,f 'll
Itustumt 'OlscOunt' 'forage
.aer ninety thousand dollsis;#,WOtilt,„',Choy
; ,Iwo pay thrum per cont. on dully balanuos.
They havo over a inillhn s ton
AT a meeting. of tho llo r ard•ot i krlson
•14 , enna Iho following odleora Ivor° rd 7 oloctods
( ;unser, Warden ; Ms. II.? (7 . ltµsoi,
Matron; be.W. Mttrzay Wotdblai,
Tun Birdsbo)'o, Cornet Ilanditorfwbloix Mr,"
Augustus Mintier, ls, tho losdpr i ft ti•
known musical organlzatiOn; en d hell:" ropu
talon that k oxeellod by vory feW 111 the
Mato. • • 4 ;-i • -•,••
AT a meeting of
Counells ! It was ro
hcdw that tho stun etoo is hereby 'appr¢
pri3ted to tint Conunittuo on Law to pttrehaSo
the iiiipors of tho lato Aaron Albrlght,idecons•
id, relating topurveys of property pitldeisby
him in this city. ' ' • • ' •
~ • ,
orrtrim. notloolhiui noon given that:on land
istlertlio nit of January, 1869, all odltoramehool
writers and innilstora of the gompol.wlll be
1.3.. S Ni ovor tilb ' lJohliol road free
1 , 1" thplr egrlilloaloB of of
f ,
_ • -
hum . postago iody lid oloattod In
Oils way. Put a little clean wator in a ton-oliii.
Throw tit l IQ ((My :atanni9; f aud If griw, a
(o% gralitli of titiltiratitili fow
'Hum you can tako thorn out with Moir Mom
o bright ai tho plot uoBt.t , •
A I,l:cculti: tiN Ciunt isTRY Nvlll fro given
at Ow Whwhotor.FonittlO ofinleiry, In Min
,treot Abovo Eighth, /this dvotlig, by Prig.
11.11'1110H-dor, Prlnolpal. Thht lecture is OX
to lig very hithresthig, and should tho
toather 1)0 lino ) a - ,htygo,attondoloo Is natal-
•• •
licssoNA L.—TAMIL Cominahtior liredorleit
Pearson, of thia.o,ity i ho on, ordered to tho
Now York NavyAillrd.L Volaptakidor Pearson
has bat recently returned from the cruise to
Europc off Allinlial•VarrovOtOg-shipi the
Franklin. 110 is ono of the most gallant and
elkelent of life yoffugarplll i cerer th? Navy.
Tar Keystone State Normal School, at, lierhH County, 'tiflll IVe•Olion its
sesmiott on the first Monday alter Now Year,
January .1, Istltt, yo r h how and gentloniffn
desirous of obtaining. lietolikit, practical and
scionthie education, ought by nil moans to
avail thernsoifti Ortho hlfOrded
11,y thbi school.
• •••••• .1 t
1'I)II(l: INTELLtogratio,LJhrntih Ronoy
urroted h 4 night lor .t .At
drunk. 'llll3l,noidlOtk 40 ArdUallt , WO
Ills Honor, Um Mayor, Who 'hied hint 0125,
which Nttiii lio paid own; whorl ho was pa
Fourteen hulgors found sholtor "hi ll°
Malian 11.ouso jaht, • • •
Jlonc ItAr,f,s.—'flio First Grand Ilan of the
"National elute". ofkandom,..vrAlbitt= tal,d at
the Itianaon ottso,Ork ttaltOvelealnitofJ, uttary
A (raotl Ball 1011 tah9 Placa*. 0 /9 P ub n°
holm) of Tarael I.fartnnin,lit Stir tag township,
Christmas (JVC!f
an Q. 2 193 f yt?'
The Finit giant Fall a Tribo,, No.
Improved Ordor of' 'Ite(1.)%109;:ivill tako
place at Library Hall qn' Tnt•ltll 'etkierlinft,
Jaunary I,3th.
------ 4 - 7 ------ • - • , - : , i '
INwAnn.—At a .lueoting 4 City :.COuneilii
on Saturday night; It WAS ' ' rosolvedtthet ~t ho
i ci
Committeo on Viiinuco bq'and the alte`horeq•
authorized to oiror a 4 . ov.Orti I , toilAn,e.Ao(l.t:
non to tho bunt of COO WM Anil l'F'. st! , ."l
paid for tho apprehonsiou and , conviction of
incendiaries,) for tiro apprehensionenil • eon
% lotion of the person or porsolis'Wll . 4o ~itet:on
1 40, or caused to hi), set on lire; op,' leteßern
lug of Bin lltli instant, tho bnilding ;occupied
by the WashinKton•limso c..7ompanA .., I tit.
lintositotto.-A s hisldhels 110 W -0110 of WO
growing towns of •Nolniyikill, VolleY• , /t Awes
414 importance mainly to ,thq Anctensivn Iron
Works of Me..4..5r .11 itl- Cl' litYkO, who, in
their large rolling mill, nail aline, anthracite
furnam, charcoal furlittoo, tiLe. p einploya largo
numbor of operatives: , The Jplitee .l ia tin ' 0.0
one, having boon eetilod OvAir,'Orliirtrg
ago, when small' forges Wbre ' iablis 64
the Bird faintly, (utter, wham , tthot WO ,Is
1181 " 0 ( 1 i) on 1111 Y Crook, which names brelligh
the basin. ' filidel4fid AO WitUtlfieNt ., Ant
lion of nearly or nijoniA,goo.
BAN x mit'rtins' oitel - Awll in nnY
4 -77 . 4 (
Way intoiestod in bankruptcies are reminded
that up to the/ first, of,junuary;noor,,dfochkroes
by the bankrupt law' Will bo loped ~plukont
regard to the .amount Or [Meta 91 1 E 0 1 )011 Y
aurroudeml ; that is, a debtor n -I no
Property beyond what the low ex,empto
allowed him to retain, might still be ,rel eiliold.
of his debts. Upon being filed after that ate
the debts will not ho discharged unless• at
el fifty per mits Of th 9; mltetint. TroVed
'flitli bo paid, oi' rt tiWoritjt 'of , k OW ‘ bfreditora
giro their consent in Writing. •
E r r x a 1
1t) 1 'Alb • 44' It dualagial foyer Ma bro
lien oat in the shape`of an °Won't°. Our by
menial reeor k t has*cs,•9mwd9o : ovory wool(
fo r sonio thno past. Tlio ravages of the opt,
donee, wo repot to,sv, 4
;11 !14f1 exclusively to bus§ 1141)10,$;11V 4 .a 4 0 14 0. 112 "I'
mai WO grievotorelate,tho raweetestoytellett,
best, aro always first to. go. 1! Batit, li
mAndinktbd.fiegiirinby ',. or. 0.4041,.W„ ,di
we hepo thfs ophlepihi .it lay 'lliersao_ nu,
F.;pread to tho,utterrr; dloir co I ' IV
li_tat_oiß,O tbat r Wtl d- r . r - T in
iu, DDyk . golni-lem di f ikiiii‘ Li: '• : . 1. :;
drrl',l t tl , :„ 44 0i...1 tivtarri
. ,
A Tits Gaut . • F *after 4 Thk lee . . : of
A n i l ,. ,! tag t o g yi...onapto i
eur ow • 1 0 , ,. a j oa ri
to4iy we no 1., • wagon roads t•• •• • •• throeig
the strtletpotomerafit five -
~ • att • th ee,: in
tb okn p r l.4 OWN; gra, ~ 1$
,41,110 JOD-
F , ,tk I .
.ot - bta , 000 of the tAtamisities at
t *tidt the 'dealers' **mice ibe
1 top xi 3i taco 10 their simply. Thby
I t
ful i ve to on time by the !Crab:wk. -We hope Ice
In y,bo abundant DO cheep next year. . .
trivENTive imvicAtiorts,trao tans qf tom.
Inte,, copkoo t trive, , oblekoo-000 1 48 ' are .now
worked up
_allying: into provokingly good
luiltettoas 0 •hird of paradlee feathers. ; l the'
initiation be is trill° closer.° And the letter. 'WM
be f.ol l, blidly , tabooed sit , the - feathers of , the
°seism' nt0;; :."typ hafts tot smith" oisrliah
re '.7thlif - Roo* , ' co* - *by ..' T 34 ,rn
m ,oetto itsilture and Icirkey blizsud ift Do
moniplisitedthat , the di ff erence between the
plume titerttodarirei:theahOulder of the lady
auffliVACtit4lehAre4l( 6 l 4 ol , the **Wet of her
ser antja , r 4 , 4 b;ceinabitih4ho, 43 .heer'Se
thestra*..i ~',...,i
• • •
rifinve Piv.s: foilowhig reelpo for
ming° plei, whicharemow 4 •easson, conil
donAlt.rt*lfineeltilxl to the 'editor of the Ger
inaigeArn 'Ail4rapiChy, Ittily Who has nrio4
it rupopAly,iimisin : Boil 0,0,011 beoftpogueto-
denciasll gettoldi then ukop, it flue, with one
mondteetViatwhalt Took of, apples, • two.
pcitiiiidiv6f4ittirntlites , _Ploked , and wasluxl very.
carefully, one pound ` Sneed, half . an.
mine° thottfitltdortod 0 1 0vOg'slisPtet 1 / 4 4 31 on*.
mon and gingen : three pints of sweet oider,ene
pintefiMadeiraehaltro. pint , . of ;, h rendy, with
wirTgOr,V .."10 0 t , e9 tA) YOnr tAii;te..• This
I OP irAdq) l , ol , l6l , l s - , • •
~ ~, 1 , .;., .1
l'aoarstomuso4luoki Work • hos „imititt t ,f+X*-
l i
ridtsdltt obtaininglphoephorne from its mitt;
e 1:', 0,0141190)107 , ;ipa te e d
, : , of , from . 'bones;
ti cpkimpqtype Al :suzipky. It is "WA that
b ktakingAinepa kr, stlatatt,' qr. Phoepileto
o lime, with two parte - of sand or iplowdored
il nt, With tho additioNtl 4 litlinaloot amount
o ehereeeli end .b) , keeping the mixture •at is
Wd‘krat fotk guffloient , timee • • the_ phOsphorue
Will bedieengagod and pass. over. The Wilds
acid, or,filliwAt,ao..rnhinea.with the lime, setting
11 '9 4, the , Pnativatort, , Nme!). bt then doom
posed by, tho carbon, and the,. pilosphorus id
Ilivrdto4, , - ;., • i
)O. IC4F;P:4oi•torr.—At an tdootiori MA, by
tho.CocoolltAVhatnboro Ni). 2. 0. , K 7 itg on;
Wednesday; oVentrig, Doa, 106 h, 18.08, tho Tot
lowing °Moors swore chosen to servo during
the'eakting Friandship year, Viz t ,• ,
'• Sir K. J!d - --r.Y. • .
8,8., itetwer.
4•Ch.,.P win Shatter:
DlSSinger. •
E. 800.-11 A. Borg. •
.P. Seo.—A. tihlthitSS". •). • • • •
Trtourdietli. C. Roes.
Traptoo.:—Dr. 11.1.0istor M. Naglo , A. R.
!Round, 4 , 1 W. Lauer... ,
OPP.. gp ;
100 .00140R A T r ;440 lover of inudlo
shd,uld to hear.,the. performance of the
World's first violinist this evoning,at ISsystone
Orieta.lfoUstf: .The seats' for the concert are
already mr,el t rik and there',will, without
doubt, be a crowded house. An ldea has gone
ftbroad that the fOuidettl Star of this ovoni - ng's
enteitsipment-is not the original 010 full, hut
ilia sop, some other person ;184111111;3f( his
name.. Thisimpression is erroneo us . Lie to
wbontivolvill have: tho . pleasure of listening
tO•tilkht is'the one, only genuine Ole Bull, par
c,rcalef!ca' the. " ; lcipg„of living violinlida t to
whom our fathers and mothers listened long
years 'Ago with'. wonder and delight.
'lsis thus a -link Connecting us with a by
goP‘g 'loPettit l 4 l 4 ,and ' tho, sweet streams of
harmony Which flow fronfhis favorite
mold arouse in the soul those feelings of in
sympathy which are over evoked by
the'assocititibfil of the and shadowy past.
Romuntms.—Numerous are the complaints
we hoar of , robbories and burglaries in this
city. About Vila same the° last year, a series
of crlineff wo i rq imuinitted until the arrest and
conviction era few of , the criminals. Wo be-
ileyolhat thetio ,robborlos aro committed by
young_nion; and, the police of our pity' should
dikeet;,tholr..attontion to . this class, who are
lounging around the la or boor saloons atui
etteet•corners. Chief of Police MoNall, with
°MOON ten,lNlNon Beige!, Lawrence; Clay,
Maputr; Sharman and Boone, aro always on
thelb(oko?ot t and, fro Very active officers. We
wish; wo +could eay , , ti) same of the othor pa.
'icemen, • There Is no use in disputing the
thorn Is too much "dead Wood" in
out pekoe • lbrco, wo hope our worthy
Mayor will hold each and °Very ono of them
ton thorough and otriot disohargo of their re.
speotivo dudes. To see it noticed in the pa.
pore of .this city that the dwellings of .police
officers aro robbed, reflects dligrod!t upon the
011ttro polk) form. .
RAM's ' ESTATI.2 1.11113 . OVIIiIENTS Ir 9
lusat..—it Is fulldor.eeyeara, sinco so much
osteto initirovonuent in this city was aeon;
as during the prosont season. Whole rows of
dwellings, and'all heat and substantial build
built in 00 latest styles and plans, with
al do etnuVenionees tenants. may desire, haVe
gone , ,up.' ,, To all those who tako, a prldo lathe
beauty and elegance of Reading, it must ho
49000 our fultlstliot,ton that so many buildings
hikto'been Pitt'up which aro calculated to In
vite rispetitable people to make our thriving
city, their horne t Ono thing , more is wanted,
how Over; is for - some publio•spitited
capitalists to project and erect, and that its' a
Public Ilall,so built as tOib0.131110(.i to ailkinds
Of amusements. It is h disgraco to a city like
Reading—a city of over 45,000- Inhabitants—to
lenvo this want , unsupplied. Tiiero can no
where bp a bolter . opportunity than' hero at
the present, to undertake such an enterprise.
grist-bliyas hall would ho a 'profitable invest
matt and would add more to' the importanco
of the "city than perhaps a few would imagine.
First-blass perfordiers, such .413 give moral ex
hibitions, would be induced to come hero if
there was o hall sultablo. Tho Cool Burgess
IllinbtrelA would have remained a week in this
eity,if the hall had boon :large enough: 7 Mo
Bull, throe nights. - Father Kernpia troupe is
kept away for want of a hall. Eminent Ilea.
it4trere WqUld not come because the hall was
snot suitable; the Now York Thoatro could not
o sulted,and a number of others who would
liave given moral oxilbitions, to which bun
grads of our citizons would havo rosorted; if
okfor this want: A great many pooplo keep
. frinn the:exhibitions, now because all,
40000 - are OTQWII together,and in many eased,
such characters tinter who aro not fit to'be tot
()rated among humanity, and thus respectable
pti*Ple keep away. ' The halishould be built
art thd first story, and so arranged that staging
'could ho put up,' with galleries, and a plum, for.
the orchestra. It is not neceisary, for us to dic
tate how the hall ohoulo be built,butlit should
buren the inen'elplacostifaniusinnent in Phil
adelphia. A stock company tornietribi this
purpoanNuflauld no doubt succeed: .
„ .
''llitlEP lkf rzcnite.- Unidenborg College,
(lAitheran,) at Allentown, has 140 students.
—4--40inn,11 cattle in nice yesterday,.
Skates Medal hs, Most now, are in demand
byktp.n*.Atae OP T payers in .. both should
ttise thein Ilrundy hO4
finally! 4liodreed' that a ~ WidoWlnuat abstain
frouvballa and parties one year after the death
of her t hulinutd. , rl r paterday was misers:-
Uta k piur}4,,,snd nielanehaly., Snow, bail and
rakefell ) alternately = hem A steel gray sky.
4-41.-..llenry Campbelistown,,
lobariCh ooun i klllo4 a hog ! a ! few days ago,
Which 'Weigh° 810
"A pounds..Chrlstruas
tx i i
overArpeir Ravi) nado, their ap
-4,60;--‘ll is predicted that PhriAtmas
will bo an intensely cold day. Wo sliali knoW
.when Wel:Anti Mund. ' rout fors'
"toors-especially gas meters-this cold weath
er. Wrap them upfwelltWith woolen cloths.
--Tho ladies' 'nett° for sleighing time-1
Never put off till , what can bed
to------When delays , aro dangerous--
leaving the arm/ Oh the ,aidawallts , /
kis fora blow" may be a good motto ; hlt
bow about a blow of the "rind aoa 0
cities it is finable to leave snow on • the sldtr•
hrthis city it is ibidable after many
dhya, mtniht . eAhe disgust, of. the, inhabitants
Sliereate express companies are doing
a fiamanhing", businegfal. just now. The ex
preSsAiragons go dohing about in all dire*.
tions with their gracious
best friend a man as in the world, is a *ell
tilled pocket•book.---It is better to be
lueky than nab, and a titan is lucky if he has
good friends.
:faugsa . 1#040,09;4P 1 .4. . • •
~r , a • ~. ~.~ • ~
• ' -
.11419 r XitifittW
r, • t 4 RADI
*may. . , •<
, 131 rnifinlelphla, iie moneta nutters there is
itilniportent °beige to not Ithein,le a soon
demand ter panda, awl the rates are hiirdening
114)111 " b _ 0 0 11 " 1 ° 0 11 11 MOW 11 0 4 4 0 ,00 1 OW.
of ,quotatiena tor either eat *manor diaconate,
which ern
as tennis i Loons on Ball, firat class
collateral*, Offt per cent, t gamusimpow 4114.741
6 per cent., and 'pima A 1 paper, 8010 Per cent. ,
Trallo.otmllnues In an anatilleteelOri 1 941 7 4 "
tion but Otte Is' it continent tone, and the' idled
Cbspts entertain hem of,ineremed iunivity af•
ter the, holidays.
Busineve continues dull at the Stock Board.-
pity Mans are eicedy at 97 tor the eid, and 10C4
U for the new 1111111011. lablsh (1 . old Pam eeld
ski. 89—interest cur; the market for bovernment
seouldtlekregukine about %helpmate as lad quoted.
Redding Railroad sold at ,411,4--b . ded 1 , 1190 04,
and pantyhose 'preferred at 710 'lra bid for
P ennsylvania Railroad • 47.4 toy! Maio
kilt Railroad i 67 for kilnehlll Railroad, anti W%
tor rhiladelphie end' . • • 4
• Canal shares were very dull ( sales of Schuyl
kill Narlgatiou preferred et ge b. 0. and Air"
bid for Lehigh )(irrigation. ' "
Tam. following highly important letter. from
Secretary iteCulloolt ha. !men prepared for ,tlitt
use or the Approprlati n Committee Of. ttw
House. 11 contains the lieeretarra estimates for
the varlets iteliartlnentil et theireverhduldb for
tho Ilsimi year ending Jane so, 1870, the total
atllOttat .Rettig •11100.000,000. The ApProprlation
Committee arrange their bills atoordifigltt Z '
Tagaseat rarnimer, DN A 7. lee S. IST:
ably to a lo in nonlethal of waitress o in at r.
I.Bio, I bare the honor to transmit f ort e informa-
Mon .or the House of Hepresentstiont i tiated state.
meets ,of the *4l)**l9. tarnished by el resPeetive
tieso of departnatett or r atpropliat op required
forth best seat ending June 30. laiik, all lolletti i .
For civil tint" latilad Di ,00 Oiroasei erfore b t
Int/impart% tetanal revenue. warts, 1 • Pg
domain. ,dellelearg In the revenue. , * rest
odic. Drpertmeatontd en ether_extam I re
de . ex
cept peruas," ladies', aild the Wet at ar da l ;
arts:o4M% ,
rrlT,r.itviz b.„„„„,..,, 1 .. 0.: %
1 4.P4014,1..y, . ~,2„,,,,,,i to!
, mos 86
For i atme es and lottilloattent ' 4,.55.$ 00
For harhomad Myer improvements. • •
puhlin bnildingt, /to ,•••• 8,480.018 00
For natal et tahlltintitat„.••• ... 20,1M1.411 59
m Ur `'.l .- ' • ,•+ $158,014,011 71
ao 4 natuteetet are sled statements showing,
find, the appropnetices est matt for the ge .vices of
the Meal year ending Juke 3u 1 0, made b,y former
note'of Compete et a speeitiontia 08410 chltractllr.•
at fellowt. vls: ' • • . •
For uilseellanecaut objeeta. hielidhig the espenteiSt
colloollnit the revenue kola easteati w. , 61,749,00) 00
For compensation to the Yost.oldee 1./e• --,
partmopt for mail 'apices. . t .
.. f.. 1 ,, 700, 00
For thativilltatioti of Intliansim t 4 10.
For ansitif and lOmpping the militia...: '• • .•
Neu, .)
Fee Interest on the peal* debt,.., M. 128,ek1, 000
, .
Total, " ' $13040,670 00
' Second, The estimated balances of existialt appro.
priatlons which will be `2exPended on June 30,
part of which were required for th °payment of the
liabilities of the present fiscal year but which will
unfit not •be drawn from the Treasury t after June 60.
180, es follows: • .
For the Ovil service. etc., ' ,
.eP.907,638 68
For "'emend and Indians, 24,1568,831 49
For Weir PePartteera, , , + r_.ert 44
For Nary Department ; ' 3,945 PI S It)
' I e.a...er5tni..........•
Total, $68,322.601 37
it is estimated thus of this sum there will ho stotnit't
od. for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30,
1870, 862,080,401 11, leatltig $5.8A312 281 total esti
matod " expenditures for the year ending Juno 30,
1870.11303000,000., It app4ar. by the statemnt of the
estimated balances of existing appropriati ns Which
will he unosponoed on June AIM. that t he sum of
841,830,8 M/ 1)8 may be carried to the surplus rand. •
Wen tt,oett, '
• Secretary of the Treasury.
.Bushong & Dro., Bankers, No. ln, North 6th street, •
quote sus follows s :f
ROADIIIO, Dep. 17,1838.
114 1 "
• /I: 7 r
. 1
• 100#
, ,• 410
1 3th
- 184
Old U.S. 6'B lOU . -
OW U. H. ti's 1862 -
NoW U. 8. 5-20'6, 1864, July and Jan.
New U, 8.,5.20 , 8 180. May and Noy.
Now U. 5.1805 now , • . •
Is ow U. 8, 5.20 '& 11467, July and Jan: "
Now U. 8, 4.20'0,481Pi, s• •
Ton Vorty BohoB. - • ' •
Uold In Now York ,uo to 12 o'clock,
Uold In Reading at lb*sbong BrOa.,
The Grain Market.
ht. Paul
states, that advlees from
lied river sl o w that the suffering at that mettle•
meat le more than over. It le thought that 46,000
barrels of dour will be necessary to keep the peel
plo through to thoharveit. The fish and buffalo
supplies aro very email.
There may bo eauto each eases in echo parts of
the country, but in genoral tho wheat orop tura.'
ott out favorably.
In Oregon, they haVe 4,000,009 bushol6 of wheat
more than they know what to ao with.
In 18.59, the wheat crop of the country amount
ed to 173,101,927, In 1866, It was 175,000,040 push•
els. In I&'9, the produce of Indian corn amount
ed to 038,792,740. In 1066, it was 601,016,205 bushel&
Pr'tell Paid for Flour Mut Grain.
. '
White Wheat Flour per b1,),,i x'Boo
•• . " Extra Family pera. 11 60 bbl It 00
, 14 le
Corn Chop (old) - _ 185
0 (new): ' - lie
Corn told) 185
is DOW) • .
BOA 1 tddlluga, t 1
Common, .. 1
. Meal r '
s OS
Corn , ,
Whtto Wheat per bueltel, 210
R e d II . II 41 4 900
Corn (old) , ;. .....,«115
.Corn (now.) 95
The Igoe !Terkel.
In rig !petit titer° is 'no maOrial change
to notice. Sales of No. 1 Anthracite at
$l2-12, and' No, 2 at - WOW. , Scotch rig laAniet
at si3 V ten, and Forge it's33o2s 50 V Wit. ilfanu
fat:Allred Iron commands $97 60 V ton for Hors.
Biome are quiet.
a The Coal Trade.
'Ruyan, In the annals of thccxial trade, have the
shipments been so heavy, it this eta Son of the
year, as at the present time. The total "ship.
meats from the Schuylkill; Lehigh, Wyoming,
and Lackawanna regions, for the week ending-
No'ember;26, 1868, were in round numbers, 310,-
000 whs. This has boon about the average week
ly shipMent for the past I two months. Of this
vast amount 102,000 tOns were Shipped over the
Reading Railroad,:f4,o2B tons over the Lehigh
Valley Railroad, moat tons over the Lehigh and
Susquehanna Railroad; and Lehigh Canal, 80,000
tOllB by the Delaware, 140,elrawacillsour4 Western
Railroad, 40,000 by the .Delaware and Hudson
Cornpany, 20,001 by the ,IP,oneeilvaiihi coal
. company and st,ooo by tlioBoh4lklllo%eil.
total shipments for the year, up to this time, are
1,400,000 tonS mord, Abet' '4l;toy :rem icupt year.
With, 01 this increaso and Ole eteadir'eepple
mutt require considerable sharp prictioo,lllllolllf
the ope ra tors to kept' coat up ' to the prclierit ex.'
orbitant high price. • ,• , „ ,
- IMADIIX4I.III.IOIBr • . e , • .
stove. Bgtanil Broken Coeli '0 25 64 700 Pa , • fajv
N u t, • • • , 47.7
Reading Moasekeepere Market.
Burram--Frealt flsilsy,-18 1b.,. ' 80
•le . ' Lump, u , 46
Gualsu—Cheese ft - Ib4 • ' • • 5 . ', . ~; .. .4........t1(M
Likup-Liall V 1b.,:,;14 ... ... .......,,L.4.4- " , "..1.„....18k ,, ,1;
• 1{0438-..Egge V (Union,- 4444444 . 4444.444 - 4,444444444 4O : ,!
•AP tLitil"'APP/ 0 f at Peal ' ' - '4444444440 •".
6i, • • ,
,: Dried lit ipuart0.“....4,14....., • ......p.L.111_ , , ~.,
Paiaii us-- ". , lb., .4,.....,.' ........ ....4.4..1,..2,0 5 :?s f.
Muvr—Seefistealc; rOnutl r . b., a.....'.4,•2 1 3
it . II sirloin, , ee .•
VI ' ti rump, ' 66 .... 20 •
" , Beet' roast, :,. 1 •,, , ," 4...64 t 8
' 4 . Booldried i l f 1 i L"./....:..t ...... ....AO
le I Veal C 02101.0, 111 23
le • e e 0110P0, •' - ' . ''' 66 i.. 46 . 4 .«.:614“.4 11111 "
0 16
i, •
~ M utton, ' : • ,„ d . , , 4. 2 _..y.„1
i t Pork,.. , ~ • ' •,- • • 44 .......,...6.44... illil
1 ",- • 8004 ' ,'• ,
~ - 44 ...44....4...44.4. 12 0iii
. 41 • .BauSalle Denby - : • tf, ...A..........i......
it ii smoke d. -' , ,"-* ... ... ‘... 4.4 1 'I S A.
0 .,.. oe. •
11.4318—iiams, '
e l 8110014. ' .' : .-", ,'4 ~z - ..":4:446.14*4 ‘ 4 ..4 4 50 •
Buoux,bzBB • ,411
..... ...................1 1 2
a uc",..„- •,, •. • • !.: , •1 ;
~.. , lit '011.64•6111.01414.•1114..IN
.."-,,*•.-‘00000.0,0*..............,-............. -
$ t 1 ' . Epl i nag E 4
• ''' • • ..4 .-.' 4,- • . ..... d.:!it• IrS.t . STZ . ::-%,
.. , f - T ~,14vi ft t la/ 'lniVrlfh,"•"lll4•
goliarse 4, 14 , • . V it aleirlidO! ' 0 ''',''',*''''' 4 . •
shamiabl y tkibb tottl i cir A . >,•>2 ~,.. , ••• .•
s.. ta7r - —......41. 1 01t.10 ~i ;f'tt 0 • t' , .'.
&ON eiThervionktor..l ' . •
. . - ,-• ~ 0. ?W/ ,i•., . 1
iliOla *kn.• • , 1 ,11 Pt Ili ii OW -. f i
TUII4Iy . 1 , > MP >, ~,•-, . ~ 'op • -
Thursday, IV "
• -41 0 Fiiii to :!1, tea. , : - , i
Ativaryti—We are ,n w., "10 r o
A4veet, the throe weeks preoixiing, Christ
mas during which time all devout euthollea
are nutklagrieresei4tatiolia pr the,.steateal t
all feasts. • ' •
Our Part glitiatatall.alftv,
PORT CUSTOS',-1500- 17 ,, ISM ,
‘ ,
Herron P aula: : In purituatuie of , •and by
authorit cf,a rtes grAtted proy. 1 7 , IP)
by the (re Witel.l ill. ort(MlP. 4 ' 14 Ape
I t
State of enttsylv nia, Farmers' todko 15 . %
rwi, hit fili4tu duly end; rkttlarly mu
lti' ~ ' -tn., -4401,C . all 'at Spifintlt Statten ,
&WY ' P. 01 1 (Y) . 7 g,, • Akcjikko Notat t
Tboe, Y .iikalog ',. NV; t 4. tli., tigSlided by
P. (i. Henry Promer, MIL WA). tl. N., P. 0.
FrankW. Snyder, R. • W..v oii S. 11?'.,..- Pt; o.*
Frank Heisler, R. W. 0: Secretary, P. $).
-Thos. I..aWrOpf. ,11 , W4l..Mt r,4 qt_ i _W s • ' id i t i
Strous, 11. 1 ~ 6. , rreasutor, itro; love i'• i:
Chat:Moll, It. W. 0. 'S. (Mardian. Twenty
Ilrottiers, baying deposited their Curds no.
abidlng to the Laws awl reptiroments of tho
GreindLodge, *ere idttlitted' tat& rerognized
1 0 1 !Illil?P•rl79 -, M)r • TS I V,r, T ROg ° ?- . . i. ?'•M) r ' , U.
The 'L odge , Ik yl og boo n couetltutoil premed.
ed to an eledt oh oroffiderS, wheit tho 'fallow
ing oftleere i xtere, sleeted and duly . Insttkliod
into theft resPectlve offices, rviz : N. CP
John 11. Loonhard ; V. 0.-1101try,Trumbe;
Venn. Secretary—Elias Raeder; Asst. Secr'y-4
John O.Klrn; TreasitiortUthony Roeder.
The, Coring botlgee . were yoprevonted
vhs : L ' Att . ilettolited - Soel,. 41, 04g0.4 A ftHa'.
f mills, , no, OroveAiodge of , rine - urovet
Schuylkill Haven Lodge; Symmetry Ledge of
John Cramitord keitt one cif his hititeei to Pat.
rick Daily, for 000. Youre, Rt.:rotas%
' ' , `i ....i . ..!..., , ..,..:.:.4.•..,.. I , I , - ~ -. , •
Mar the l'Aiit.i.)' '' ` ' ' '"' • '
Streets, Arenttts MIS litighttsys,
What are fro, to do to inako.ltoadilng,a ,oily atrietiOnT - 'nimbi an important ittpstlon,
and should be well, considered. We want
clean atrepOi and side-walks for toot-pussett
gers—streetit that'wonld• bo a prodit by 'day
Ind well lighted by night. Stich form esson.
that attractions to other .oitios,; Tho
Boulevards and l'arks of l'arla ; • tho Park{
and !Jordon! of , Loudon ) Berlin,' • Dresden,
Vienna and Munich, aro tittraetiona Which no
traveler will dispute. Reading has .groat
advantages In locality, and incloso proximity
‘aboundathe material. for making substantial
streets; • The Imptudeneo of onoumboring our
city with a Bounty,Dobj, opntraqteti at a limp
when greenbilokS vriSte as plentiful * AEC - blitok•
berries, instead of being loviod,by a, tax, Oen,,
la now too sadly app U
arent. ' nder aueli ei
onmstancos, shall• improvements and of r'
delapidated ‘ pint won:wilt stroota bo, noglocted•
and reinantnketlalred Cidiittha'building
sowers and _water grains be , deferred
any longer ? hro horious con
sider/4ton,ktfiow -
our preOprit'. Weal:lsom° taXos. ,But, for..ottt
comfort i and to induce otherti to locae among
we s h ould ollbr attractions• commensurate
With oprposition. It is adinitted wo cannot
allow an Increased ci ty, Yet, ifewOrs and
waterdrainsiitO prevent 'tho Booding of our'
'Atreetsi are Imperatively domanded.
We need a sower to drainflouth Filth street
from Po;nn street to the Schuylkill—thisivoulA
drain tbo south-western suction of our oity';,
anothe4 from Washington andSeeond streets,
to connect with the culvert at Lebanon Valloy
Railroad, west of„l3lati t stroot"-thts would
drain the north-western section - of the, city;
ithothe ,r Ao.Convey. 'off Psinifii• Mount' - water,
from Walnut street to, Rose Valley Creek,
which would relieve the city for the presont.
Now, having plenty of 'notarial on hand in
the proposed cutting at North Sixth strootodso
at North Socond street, and at Walnut, wort
of Third street, Aw Ike tinic,—our opportunity.
In a fow years wo:*111 have to pay double for
All our decaying streets should havo a layer
of Spills, to be coated with lino river pebbles,
of which an abundant supply can be had in the
river Schuylkill, above, our city, .and easily
boated to our WitarvitS; - ear islover.4ink grav
el and sand will answer the smile purpose,
'whit% Is stnnewhoif simnel. to the sand used in
the streets of Paris, which , uTo considered the
finest in the worlti.
The wholo of this could ho ended, In !Ivo
year; at an annual ,cost of Vio,ooo ; and, l)y,
ralsingour city assessment from la milts to 2,7 j,
would give us. tho amount roguin'.
We also need -fourVilarket • Vim: is for the
differout sections of our populous city, which
would do away• With tho wretched ishods" ,
which have so long disfigured Penn street. They
would pay a haudsoino revenue. The cost of
their erection could bp-provided for. by• loan,
not mor o t than six ; pot cont. the, menu° ox.
ending whioh Interest to be appropriated as a
sinking ,fund toward litiuldating. the:principal
borrowod, so that the debt of. the Market
Houses• would-never interfere ; with the • pres
ent city dobt'ot expOnditttroa. 10,
PROOkkhINIGS • O$P vO.lluittegg
In the Senate, Mr. Sherman, from the
Mating° Cputinittec, ; r99rted baclS.th9 Cooper
Taiiff intel the resolution intreduC&l by
Mr. Edmunds,last,year, pledging the payment
of the pnblic - elett iti coin •Or• its equivalent.
Ho also reported a rooltikion against the policy
of paying the Five-twenties nod United States'
notes are tnatla equivalent to coin,. T l nl deelark
ing iv iipeeely-iesamption• Oriipede`
meets, which was tabled.
Mr. Williams offereda,teselution which was
adopted, directing the Judiciary Committee to
consider the expediency' of legislation to .pre
vent the discharge of criminals by decisions o
United States:Pistriet,Jiultes in Virginia:
Nt. Colo introduced ei 'bill providing n terri
ritorial governMent for Alaska. , •
Mr. Commis moved to talsompltis bill pro
viding that:the iight•hour 'Bystetn shall make
norrOuetion o f f tho pay of. Government ont
.plOyeoit, 'bee OM motion iris lost--yeas nays
On motion of Mr. Corbett, the'Secretary of
tho Treasury was directed to cOnlinunicate the
coat of.tho total issue - of. United ' tAdtca kite
tional currency:
Mr. Dforton's -, bill foi• 'resuniption br specie
payments was taken up, and' 11,0 Spoke in sup,
port of it, after which it wok : referred to the
Fiaaneo Cmiunittee."
.The resetution een,snring the 'financial vie'irs
oetlii, President's message waellisoussocl, but
the Senate adjourned.; ,w,itlkont,lvpting upon it.
In tho,llouse, Mr. - Robinson, of N.- of
faiid regolulionfor`ihe appal:4lll6'lA of,a Se
lect Comralitioltek.ifinnire.i Wheilei:Amorican
eitize?ts 4avnbenn, tried on 4 pqnviet.r.xl in o rea t
Brit'ain for specebos or fictions in the 'Un'?.ted
States, and to recomplcod mindieatlng meas.
ores, &e. .1 •
Mr. Bingham said , ho would object, Unless
the resolutions Were ieferittd' tci thb "Pgraitn
Committee ? whereappn w ii ithdrav4 by
Mr. Rebirfso;i r, 4 1 41
i Eliot, iptrqdtteqd, bill fechiddipg the
m ug* t flxl46siVef'dii i Le.lonepassAkber
r,914r ing,ll l 9. Palktj,9l
,Sbuth eaVOlitim and Tdo•
neeseo was passed; isle',, :a bill repealing the
prohihition of mill is estionizaqopkin the4tates
of NeeillOtilui sea m , e CarOltna, 11O 7 iidd, Ala
bama and L0n41,aft5.;• , ,,. 1!1_,
, Ur. Srheueb t 'Cron the Nor sed. - Atwa
elmmitto, reported a bill, *filch witpusivi,i
',Ostroding tbottisso Jo( tbe operatioa'ar. the fpr
bacco tax of the act ofloli lad froib the Ist of
Jan. to tho IGtii l ortOe6.'lA69`.
Oa motion of *6:1 1 / a eltbarae t tita President
was isbed foriatirtnatiait W 0404 the PIM .
Pacific -
4'hill.l3o,4tP.seT ROKieter,
,ellt to tako testintinly In election caeca was'
r ePQI L Ma n I Rq ss Cl;
Ou.nlotion of Mr...1 ) 400i IlituAktukin j MOM'.
knitted*ro tclirectei to kilti4 l .o 4 •9tt?l44 l Kl:
ry of intlicting'e itonatti for the cef*kottion
by Nsitieuhl banks Of check' when thi ttioltat•
lut e not iltiA4 on deposit to utect those checks.
lir. Van Dyck. introduced a bill, which was
rcfcrreil, subjectiopieoinikorinders of liquors to
the same proriSitpyfais reotillbro. .
. Mr. Mtkuic).i' offera a resolution of intiniry
as to the',arroit Or Americana itt. Paresuny,
'which viNsWforre4l.... •
A mess* *no reieired from the Secretary
of Stato paying lhat, tio'eo‘drauttination halt ye.
cent's: boon ilea to Spain hi, tbo Hiecut4e.,
'A copy 0 1 0 41111 for a new nickel colon& Was
presented rind referred. .
A re#qttition'ofthrnd by Mr. .Jcinea,
ticks, atviOg fonipti34 itt Ciovernmont emPlpy
tho same wi(ages u males for eimilafeervices t
was allopielk easl2B; nayi 27.. ~091;113ed.
0 SrLENotttliSiidlifArr — Iftea *Wan
It Co., 4,11 l'ort4pcl , r4pwlu, O t 4tiaStonish•
logly loW,prloW. 44
TRH WACO tt , tol6 itood with a
Oorty of frleads,larkay, Nostleo.l3North Fifth
root t whero overyild g goo d l4 to eat' r drink le
rurailhed at sli.ort, notieq. ,
o•• •
"Wiry atfittd yoii tfltti t iithaiiikl . to sec a por
tion of your 'natural beauty with a head of Orli
bristling, unkelnpt thair plipeliaso a bolt
ihilurrnttla Vegetabto flair RtatOreitiveN
will tnuisfortn your hair into beautifill filmy
ringlets.. Nothing so enicaolous has over been of
fined to the Maier.
. , .
HOOD ellAiteit ton c A
811,220)10 UHRIATMAS
T.—TDo drawing of ,the Voptl Will UM En
id' iris°, \Olt lake plaed on float Tuesday. This
is a goat chancel for gotting , a splendid Christ , '
inns dirt , and is cettsilalY ;16 humbug. Purchase
your tickets inunedlatoly, as Moro grd only
low moro loft, nod can bo qnd of E. D. Reichard,
Agent, illisbler)4 Hotel, Strloklaud Bro. and
ltoyeteno4tloons , . ,
• z
Sl.Rion lIKLEII.-1110 largest invoice of Sleigh
'mid aid Wraps, silyer WOO aa"filtiorti, ever
recolVed hi 14:tiding, very 0100 '
doe. 16-81. Vt J. Brietitan, Penn street. -
Bova' Recunk imate ()hoped amt luu*
toWh, by
(leo tO-sti J. L,l3.llowrau, 505 ronn 'Arcot.
tikkrei t i3nieria t—AAi Vailetioa at aimed Ink&
lew prleo4. Buyencwiallnd it to Unix advantage
to end and examine at
dee 1643tj J.L, BTtowm, 60.1 Poem fitted.
• CURtiko , he,CANAAwl OURANek 111 CANAAN,'
Petroleum I': .NciSbli 1 Petroleum V. llaaby/ / Dori%
full to Nor this popular 'writer and lecturer on
Friday evening cos t . Thu OppOrtuutty tuay not
- occur again, - • , • ideo lqtr2t
Injurious /Effects; of Cwet-Ironlitowei.
'rho nubile mind has boon' somewhat *agitated 14
the mind notion Of that rePosltorg of uegfi d 10°14-
!edge, the French 'Acatlon4 of Holonoes," which tit its
late sitting in Paris, deliberated upon the extreinely
'injurious effects mien the health of cajit , iron stoves,
arriving at the conclusion that the hmated 'surface
generates hydrogen from organio matter raised to a
ligh temperature.. It was also ealdibat, by, the use
of utah Stoves, fevers wore produced nearing analogy
to those genereted by marshgas, the hi gh temperature
decomposing the insensible perspirat on, sonorities_
ainmonin, which is always praludicial to health. It
did not require' an expression of opinion from the
141)06 Academy to prove the deterioration of the at
mosphere resulting from the use of oast-Iron and ln
lined eilinder stoves, as it has long boon known' t hat
their use as host generators - hes boon exceeding) n
'jiirious to health. Not alone the occuptiiits of sir vate
rooms, hells, steamboat cabins and hotel rooms eve
hid cause to complain of its enervating effects, but
salesmen in stores and clerks in oMees have had their
efficiency impaired by inhallurthe poloonons Melee*
;Otero, which renders them drowsy. nervous, thirsty,
and.iletplliteed. preventing their usetutness and per.
I ninnently injuring their health. . : ..
. This is not the case with stoves having a clay li
ning, as the deloterione matter oomplaiiied, of le not
•generated when the heat passes through snob a nte
iiiiiiif, and the me of such stoves is recommended by
'the highest scientific and Medical authority, 13pgs a
'& Mamie, Nos. lila and 1118 Market- street t hays
,manufactured a largonumber of the blest apprOred
,styles of clay-lined, gas-burning ,eittlng-room, ofileo
, and sides •room stoves, which."wei offer to the trade
-and to individuals desiring en excellent, durable and
'heater at low rates, W enabiethem to inwke healthful
'alterations in thoiraiready spacious storerooms to AO.
,dinineilato their extensive trade. These unprovided
With stoves, or is Wiling to subetituto a health.itnpart•
ling for a healthdinpairing one. will consult their best
'interest by consulting the rest". Sow.
' Wo would also add that losers, James bear a Co.,
have invented the mestporfeet base-burning and II
lominating stove of the ago. Numerous efforts have
been:made by stove manufacturers and'others to pro
,iiiiee a perfectl balm-burning pi self.feeding stove.
with illuminating window); butiln, this latter point
they . have signally failed, because no adequate
, means was invented to prevent - the mica wind ows
- front be} ig smoked while kindling the fire. • ,
In this now stove the mica windows are placed in a,
patent revolving cylinder, The winiXowa can thus be,
• closed while the tiro is being kindled, and after thec ,
coal is ignited the cylinder can bo reversed, throwing
the windows open—entirely free from smoke—and
presenting, e perfectly bright,ami clear light.: which
eiaiiinr.bc peoduevi in any/ other'd ve. ' ' ' '-
We would advise all who want, he latest and most
perfect etovo to call and see this great invention.
1 . 1.1011 T - AT LAST! •
.Den. Franklin With his cord and kite
Drew lightning from the cloudy sk ies: .
Now, Spear, with his t'ltevolving Light,v
'Thel.ower of detkness too defies.
The object so long sought in vain,
By mechanician and bi. sage. -
Comes forth from flpear's prolific! brain . — ~
• Themonder;of this wondrous age, ' .
' As morning or as evening star, . .
. As gloving sun or mellow moon,
Sli ino fyom the firmament a far, , - ,
8 0 nines - Spear's stove in Cozy room, -
\ Na genius could a stove devise •
More perfect that this minor sun, ' ..
,-, Net Argue, with his hundred .eyes,
' g . . Nor C yclops his jingle one.
, •
i 'Tie frte from all annoying dust--
'Tie free from deleterious gas,—
Iris free from suioke and free hero rust, -
And other excellence It has.
It saves the fuel and saves the health.
, ' Promotes good feeling and good cheer;
~ , - ,n ti those who'd learn the road to-wealth,
Will buy this peerless stove from Spear.
)o are glad to -learn that our townsman, D. C.
ftel nailer, has become Arit for tho sale of these
s toves i t ahie gig, No. 414 Penn street. t deo 121 y
• 1 inn mighty in the saber,
Fiercely wielded liy Ulu brave,
• i.hoi•lOus ip the stalwart, ideaqicir,
`Lliughingat the sternn and wave.
Beauteous in the palace pl3lare, . •
. saving in the pointed'red:
As• It brings the deadly lightning
,Quelled and harmless to the sod. •
ii pt there is a glorious essence,
'Wi►eto 1 take my g"randeSt polder,
Giving to the uses mysurest, •
Sweetest aid, In clangor's
' •
Ate ! before me fly diseases!
• Heo the darkest hydras Pow 1 •
Bee the rose or health and beauty
, •( TAM). t he palest cheek and.brow.
Fly, dysilepsia fly consumption
Yes, al ills ate crushed at length ,
For I give what Tituntin nature •
Only ever neede-sTnixem I
Shall X tell th 'what *vitt ellsOncO • '
. can thus your spirits cheer upi •
Pallid, trembling dying sufferer, • .
'Tie the famed sorsau Valk BY P.I -
Tho gttuvart SYRUP to aptoteeted solution
of ' this Pristoxido of Iron, a now • slisimsery in
10010ln° that strikes at the root Of disease by
supplying the blood With its vital principle or We
etesient--/rons •r• s ,••
genuine has I ,irsowinAwl37tintelo: blown in
the glass.,. • ' •
Pamphlets free.
• • , PLlttilibitlNTVODrietor
'-: • • aoth, StOrew'YOrki
bold. by all Druggmts:'
• r‘':
- •
ounorrientsA4l lo 4elickkitr4ttarßO
it Jewell known that thel3loo4
sin otlrmo
drinking of -the tioseitOss, ek her
eelehrotect epilogs As, prinelpiglAripwies o the
04110 y. 0
1641 •
• Zoo. IP'iliserivos , iriltype Ir•gkei.
, 4
COntai46l9dine 10 ttre sable tete State that it IS
finind" in those spring waters but over sou per
Cent. more in quantity; - containing as it does 14
gridn,t9Mtoli (told eurt00,418401 , (44 pats O ova.
ter, toilh9st a sgveta l li MOWS* , 19alril* 641 , tor,
in MS oountry and Eu se s s aud Mule t rem.
tho world for parsers, &It;
v ajul Lisronlo D • elMaiurli •
J. DINSUOIIE, Troprittor, SO pay Street,
)(ow l'orkii .-t3014 by SI Dyuctfisph ItiM4td& W
positive,- pitmen; and immediate Re
a' 1 4 0 4.. 1 .. ,„4 , ,
14r ' tildes irdoi
Froit piteli s • lipti ititaett!ipielk . ", " ' '''' t ‘t .
~ ,
••-:tv. , 4 1 !(1040. hvvroiluAT4s rmoi voTY'Plo Oe,
hlett4 Ott ot, th e, Itue eh tkeNAgr. f rt4ii mot? •41 .
tic titre to Illt,orfo 44 tre4.l4M l 4o 4 elMrly ',.uir l l , C,
the InhehOton of eith+rofbeit and' C,ltirr itt,4l ,tikor us;
conavikitiA uvoit dittkult surginkt iiierettCw; . .
T ( sAY4/ , ,'s ,i , ut
min,,,toartook by IWO* cgtouai PPl`ttCttku., ,
.., I L '
Its rood is pined's ma+tkalt *IA it. 1 1 9 3 P 04 4° arfP'ti ?
outicolt hittaltos as to hk , aw sitliti , ‘'ekth t't 4 P 9 o ll 'kctilt4 4 ,
dot ogo os to the *Mt, Thotliww t hl t owferrkt 9.10, ti*
tit thA 11441 ta wq Ilet ion, twO imA} 4 lVilltigicf 4,ll `ltkt t
arid a witigto appitoktiott or tho fUM 1% lil rtNIN IPI 0 tho in. w
okeptigat outran' dna It9ll w‘lnwittQli 1/0 • 1111\
vra oneuwagi„ ,W .„..
, doi r
, . :1 o roiroduos J it i, ulk, l ~ i r, 'iezt
LI , ' ti-t ,)
110 144 4 itYlhat 016 c k e O li41 1 1 4 4 0P 1 )10
i .
Ivitil file virinea vitt 1 rlhattio•ititis it
f ( 0 ''f ' : 5 ' ,•'' : 5
Met 60 CIL &II by 4111 &mei% , ,
, . , • egi.prortitaliatiolu. ,
Soo Tall I A. polo KO of iii e 11 4 1441114
ley 4t ROI Old, °all of thll , Wiwi who 101:1
oitablAahhaaviwotvigort., 0
po,. ev,wysik ARA I 1" gOsg,
, t iv ,
E. Mans.** Ot' 00.. Re* out- t
Iteirords me eitmartto 0,9 et Re, w ese,.!
tottots of Igor • roan um, ii i y Owl%
June teat, I was attaokola wit ouralgla 7
abdo_toon and tido, Ante :a t atiatoa
nearly two weal, /Mutable.. tO Solt o •
dy. and after' av slitheat orkktu TV u WV
I , wee sellovssit Ml* low eon%
the reiiit ir tpet i (*tad f oK ttil 1114.,
eortoot. Amy knowi • 'l)t atm
limb , be eve that it w It9P ragnoVillill4
every moo anitalm6tit t o tantlyi sii , .
1 i. ~
ito6P66tMl7s 76V
J. A. WI% V
Itlf the then of Dudley it Plafford, 1 holuiga
Otto. 404,11 . I
g &BRIB.'
. 7 1/61faRleifighis,Arriligfi
, • 10.14 WAB 1 V 11 Bli V P .". , .
take pleasure in informing the people of ; l
ind eicintly (but more plirttoulm)y ,
lousekeepers that they are •suanursetu n
ntroduplng a oat: superipr to all others for the
• lini 1 "9 61 " 1 ' • i; i ' .
—er eao et a el, Ifeedirort i " lir
bl '• • •
i lifoilec i dilleilis a fitil k o il i llt4.,4.llte
il lnideetV's tag Rinteb e r eit si ,' realidVitlJ, •
-Age of this, es It is entirely unnecessrirttdke_4lo.lo I
tort:toter°, Polishing Powders. Brick Bust, bind,
) Askes t _Ao,i Ao. •
I'HIBO-liirer s Palm or ltath. OAP. entelt
'there there are Nay Iminalttee or stqms etpda q
be de, such se taint, Oresse of inYktrid. Maur
in Al i La- .' • . ~ ~1 :, ;:, . It, , ~,,
, o u Vil n a ul,—ri i r, t i e, ‘holitiliti iffit v.. 1
et er mese* let' wh es pen cell t IS,
and whibh it is Impossible to enstuersts Mt le
' D. 11100110103 /MI 111)1110 11A ORM' ?Lin BOA?
for each and every purpose sho l v it IA •
e used in tho panto manor es ti the
his egeeptibb, that it only reptil S ORK-TIII
he amount of Our Soap to accomplish the irmagls. • •
suits m others, and, OkilfrilitAß of. the 214114 •
and LABORsaved,
t WANTIVD, every Perron is Reacting to try :-
HARRIS' •PEARds 80 - A . P• s r
• BIiWARB OF Au, ImlTAndirilt". "‘
hfannfocrtired l'zchieirely by the Mini :Anserbit• '
Soap 1b4103 Arch &ed. J'Affade/pilfa. , •
II Alt HIS &CO .. Proprietors:
illir BURVIOIiDER s MADEIRA, corner ofddi rinh
and Washington Streets, Bole Agents Mr Reng.
The Soap Is nosy offered to the Fuhliost,the•fol.,
lowing Stores :
, Stauffer be Shenfelder, Yocum A Ifousaus..,
A. Pottelger, lr b 1 e . Feu, ;•
I, A: B. Salor. ' . . Oster'.
Biter& (Joone , • F. B. ichthorn,.. • •
D. Keiser, • . • ginnersbits lb Cnbp.•
J. Dilndbre, V' . . WrlgPlerA ;, • 3
A. Swartz,
J. 0.. Thomas D. 1 CI ell& oo.',
F, Keifer & Bro. •. ht,) e r Son / )
J. 11. Hildebeltelv Q. K. oyer, -
W. Stott, . . . 4. i Ins.
B. ileminig. •
•l' 't -
P. kehart, I n•
i 541 11 1 / 4 4 1 1 1 1
Front Otrret, ph . Italia pillar ► 15
—__. • 7 _
Aro, 251, 141 mm Illti4eta
. •
+, • .
, .
. .
, .
13 AtiPiTtt gCH99 I i P4V,t,
oti. hit; icso
olt i ols r l a 114 r 1181441111
Clitl be bad
t 1
( _c..
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i~~' '•r
~ + cis
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