READING';. 1)A.,i-yf DifcrtWea It ifiliAllilitialifl filittWitiriti'olftliii 'ltil crease in our Fountry, • when those,high in, nu., thoiitihi r i4 example Otitiier4ry::,it hina . nowVariL l pil l eii bijairt)le 0,2110;e004 in gala pallS4 oilliii;netirifor:thoj :ptirci;l • tii of ilaiiii 131%'f, ,00b , stiCittitllir paid to 14 the a Willa r d 11 1.4 4Clii11111all I. l ; : l ige r (LUC; Oil: is, who • 71C 1 411A I f l'ill!ifi l l(11) . 1) A ' n I ijaith I tptiiiii f. :+4 the venial* do; tigB6 61 be l liarinient,lnad(; for iff/ NOU 'to iii 'iltlic;liii'ii .. (iiieiti:taiN rOteow: -,; 4 Ilk.oi 1 , 4101(,, !tv , ii,.,,,. ~,; ii if -,1 ing acts. . . A V I.oft,ip 4 f)iiu ,t,4liP, I ;1,„ . : i_•., l a - an u nm a no minister, Daroll rstogerpn, re• coif JAI Firstrtinft *het $1,200,000, -, h4lnbir Ihe , ' hatVvrii#lg4Bt#llllq4ll4,PAltri. p iV I.J t s r. iggs, wose d t hat, he tt sore iatrokliette . payttlbbtrti:t itttetecot[of' 'it, 6 " iffetteti Pi kit°4 litsiln 4 thug a 0-49 w; Y 3 r e; got ii otiti of $ OQ, in green. bedleoliontrlittr SherTetitiy of the; treemuryiL7 Th i Opp w i gs Adlrpausqqy ~reppid, but it is corkihlyhclitiouc "tioncaetioti, showing' that thoNbasirrkhati bokolne ti sort o' secomtno , thttAilt*ltift9lM kcogea;qn,(lo,Vosit," ' , It no a tine a 'cheek (or $7,000,000 in coltraies drawn'Angustii tinttress'endorsitd`to' the oat, of ,the h ikleEsrs. : WsN, of Now Rork, forlhl(ll'srlngF . , of Tionflon: Oh ihis the coin woclitti4tnipl:sto is' surii)incea flint' this wits the mi l . 4 1 112P4 r i ,forfyanic4 mo ‘,occounto. of tho Ite 1M tinier ntent. ' t itbre'was than a sopa ratithillokfer.slolo9o ijiqoin , made payable to W. 1, lenitlys, ,an_lypir,;l(eik, ,ned inunedi ntelf itilitheiTAl thiti iteie Ewo ' others, ono for $25 4 0X10,4nd.0ff0 fdr4186;000; both.paiithle in New York, 'Thep 1. transsctiop p . were ali, be , twg4AtAtigiNet hti'd ' August 4; 'and they still leftlii loilenge oft SUMO ;of tiro' 'coin in tho l'repsnry qt , Washington, ( 'lll4 balance ! stranirrtiiitity,' Youthhied'in . the Treasury until the ) 9o l o,Boplentberovhen another' el oek for, $29,000 'was h eseipted for in the Input) of 4., l'utiiitttiiiiii i 1 Oh ibili• of' BePtetaber, the hits it #4lOO wits drtswnlLih.a similar check; re.• elfttilfr bli tiro ) °,1 8°9 .". ',l ; its stuperitivis,V!ece of ,rT i tputity shou ld he .s,trio it t ,) 1 , .1$), ~, , 1 .. . , .. investigated at, once. It, is not strange that i 2 ,ip , 1 11.•,, t• ~, ..• . • the pubite (1010, lc merenswg, at 0 the rale 1 'WWI til f:lft,r , , • „ • r ~ , , , eleven million!, , a lonth, S yhen, rogues S. au.: thority arc petAilic..4,l4if phtuder•the national (roaster sithimptinity. 4 lintels 'ell crintidnic, without distinction of party- or position, are forrotgl efitifidfuhisbiti,•iirilie milt . Cbtilinliii to ittareadeoand.!our laws' will heeome Poiret lesA safititiope(atiVe.., t The'ruleVS of our natiOu 01001-sot a goo akaniPle to the inastes orth`o pecipleoindlif they fait in the peffnrmaece of thallimportant drily they should' be punished withigro)tptness wnd,seVerity.,. .. „ ; ;I i '' APPIINIYit7_)ff.U. • 1 4 If s lt ''bo remombered that a fraud upon tho . if". ;tost.ii ../ , . ..1 4 t . Untie ties tioxernmen , nfvelvieg Opycral iiktill n n es Id . 1 . •, ..,, itTh hundred tottsout ~ ,,t(4l , , was perpotrateq,- of Oa 0 l t . ',l/1 ; . . , 4 . some mott Its fbo by cot., tun portico high in .att• r ; R It.: .111 .(I I. i . - . . . 4 thority, In ,coliiieetio9..yiqc, th e, pale ,of two 1 1. 0 ( •ceon vi 4 ,- .. i .: ' ..` i .. iron-ehuls to A ortt, ~,An l i n vesttgatton, of rho 1 var. , t o,ti4 i ti.l , , , mutter was, pr,oupsed, and a . Congressional i n d j . t , eommitteo was to be nppointed for the put. tn. , 1 What has become ,of , the report of that edfaitititice‘i l t .And w'll'o . received tho money? Aslio l P i a 4 kly . 'of‘.‘rerettelitnent and rOfoin"lB . ' aJ, fiti.. ~ ~ • • -. nclw In Ipeople like t powpb to ,would 9 , have these questions ansWered. . i5.1.1,f01 4 6 4,,,, i „,4,,,a,;,..;"...1.,. ; ;........... nio, itAr,ixYabG,lo6lT complaing of thb action eilthbl'o‘tio, in f.)oettting trio Italians who wo o concarnetiiithebtolititiiup of thO bartachs of tit'eTapal Zoßaye . s,.. As several ..,,,,, ~ 1 i ... • ,:, • : . .., ~ . . r pMOIIO I Wel" 0 kilted and wounded by, the o'o - ). Bi6;i t di l e act t lltough plikt .of the programme of atia&6.v4;,te,i.,...y0t,;t10.,.,.:%‘att looked upon by t ho' l'riiial 1 o rer nMait t 1 ' a tv;lntird er, and Ivas pun i s . he l d ac c ord ugly. ' r , 11 i ,th the example of . • iiti Erigltt ftlitl ilk; T.'enians,beforo them" , wit) fail toted how a Italian gererittnent can demand ' ntiti l O;mlBn'(is i' fitetien in such a case, t)IO.A. 1%4 T f E;II66IMOV -II lk: " IOW? . Member of Congress !nig heeii indicted by the Orehlt States Cii.euit . Court. ror'4hilation Of the post Office lairs . •' , • anAlitittio'd % f' l the franking piNitoge: 'Wender if this (1413Pshiit'retently Tumid in the Dead •,,• • , • Leiter ()Mee, una6r IV CongreBstnan'a frank, behindrio the "toil" mombei from North Cafillina • I ''' ' ''. , . . . , . . . .(fovrilionAte) ha's itt'tincil a proclamation stating that tho clebt‘hals beau reduced $2,411,811.1, for t thtS Noi'eml)cr 80, our national 'rulers coati tell •tt • SI • , • trie panto sickr t! y.,in regard"to the national ‘lobt, Ate!' increases at the rate of eleven millions R monl,h; oxt l!MMI Tit (loviiit!oics:r conlpinitis or tiio. cOtiiitti,t' of lOW , Ain&lead miesion'ary, I'idek~fi, iii distribuiing paiuptileis Oleg the Cliriethittli fur 'Ow pur pi:Oh:9of inciting them to rtivolV f ' 04-1 1 IYrll9n lo Co!lAtferlell. :11101.1hMlfijSPSIrl of 419,411nriekunster (ien eit3,7e leart i t , there aro nowtn 72 national eee teliesln'the tinitbd Stntes, and repOrbi have • beg '1.044614 820 foetal' jtosis or 'private grounds. Thetotal number of graves roaches the enormous.. intober - of 810,228,--of which the oiritipaulatofibolfl 7s , 76l linv.o been satisfac torily j4enti clod '4! he, bahnice77-140,167—sleep INlkPirill,grp:Sc.a. TO establish thesis cern°• terseg,_bolieet thlfreilittins' of those who died, twaitity gild adorn 'aid grounds, los already cost , tl goyosput,q9l $2 1 0.00 A 00.9.,, . ffuell *nr: What t haiote and 'desolation, whist ar,fewillti expenditure of tile,: td with-. pf,thp , or, dcbt entsiled upOn the no tint), do'Welichnhilit this sickening record df notiolityllisWisat Isdrrol l end , siultiess4wliat ip to t lit,p l 3nn fo i tii:ed ones whoa pidtdre' k n I 'Attd for whdt' ;w P i si ft 'tire expended I Only-lo flee the itteti 'Nothing !Orel—Wit , liansgeri $ 1 ,0 0 4! • • " • • MEESE 11=1 , . poacof ,l „ '''' iai .. ' 'o n af tbeio# rieCtiOn iz is • ' ribed b ,' correspi , of a ltio j lose till*if.R. F. icad pal lap. city.\ Lon FAY, ri pep the A limportsitss NSW tom• • '7 — " thettismoi Dre017: 4.. • An important law case, involvingllie:OW tion of the limit of the poweri delegated to the tegiolaiure of Ponnsilvania Under the consti-: iutions of the State and the United States; AR It WO! hetro - ott Mottderrdttitclit; s 'that ofthe CUmmonwealth vs. theireiifiSyliania Railroad and Canal Companies. In 3foreh, 1664,. the Legislature passed en act requiring the 'envious dams on the; Susgnelninna river , and its tribe-, taries to be remodeled, at the expense Ottheir owners, to allow the passage of, fish. The de• tendants have ref Used to cimpti, • WAth,thelai;, ard, some mooltiS: iridiCted, in Dauphin county. , Ry Aiinieut o. : 'C, m inipi; speit'l verdict feinid in melt case. "ShOtild , idgnrentbe ontorod. , tigainst .007defendanth t i lie dams will bo.ttlintedas,nnionndeS• , Gang ; issusgr.lso4* .; tis suggested by a coternporary that the fellows who roam the country' iii*Str, pitiiihtng at,this place and tOrne weak. n3i mica 04 tinstittpatinisionen ; and then, after 'possessinithemsolVinf It:ff their properth'aliandoningtbeto;were shut lOU ; I)6 ' t.r.. ample would he very salutary. 'Toil We are not advoentes!of the,ishipping post; but oil' 3ttrikes i us Very legibly „that : , ther9,. are no fene9:whiel3 ponid, be , . in Any Fay .so apprepli• ately. expiated 'in the rind at the r wlup• ping post; ns this now COO prevalent one of der calving women.. and • fAundering them . of their, - • 'property:. Suck.- seoundrele deserve *to be Mashed, nalted,-',' if tOtthroughlho 'world, at least through the piison yards dr the. town in which they commit "their heartless Offences; alas° fai as suelt'casessire conteribid went* 'decidedly in the pillory nnd the whip. ping poSti , --4Phi/O: :Everlisig•Star.. . , —Puring the lasi summer, a fox in:Meriden, Ct:, - killed fifly-three"turkcytat one lie 'Wes ..driven • away, tad ; another. place and killed dine.,, Re was again driven away, bdt nuiringCdl6 kill eighteen' More at another place, making eighty 111 aii, . • —lra A. llakbr,. principal' of ono of the 606018 of Chicago, ,has boon arrested .and fined for brutal treatment of his pupils. rounding With his fists, lifting 'n'eltil4 • from , the floor by. tho cars, kicking, and siwilar amusing devices wo re e included in his "method" of in struction': • ! WAfiIIINGToN' I ' Dee. 16.' , ' Tho Wiwi) (Committee :will forthwith (yin:- ,h'n4l the Malik% busineas, with a view of eom7 truth,ef : tho countless .rutueriin,eir-., cltlatiow;cbarging inalfeasanco the matter. In tho,iilifince of Baron Stoechl, tho Russian ninhiter; l3odiscio;.Beeictari of 'Leitition, is lobo.etilled , as. a ivrtnoss t but he' niarpletid diplomatic Immunity, ntit refuso to tostlfy., if, howcycr, eheeselo speak, ho right? ablq to maio inptio riiro'sciosiires Omni the 'disposi , tinn of the , Tho statement softonsPienously paraded in the Tribune, with referonco• to the' expected decision of the Supreme Court on, legal•teudor notes, is both preinaturo• and incorrect..; The .dechiio r n will MidOuhtedly ho 'hi favor 'of the . ceiisiiiiitiondity 'of the notes.. • '.To•day will Virtually close bOsitiots' for this week iti,Lbe.: la 3 , Thursday and yriday aro set Aptirt for . tho ,auttouneentent,_Af the deaths of Ur. Stevens and Mr. Finney, ;and no 'other, Inistness bp done. Many members itt Interim leave for thoirlinnaos: TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY. l'uunsnAr, Dec. i7.—Tlio ship Jahn Duncan, of,st, Johns, Now pranswick, pa bean "lost at sba, ,Mitt Ell'atC3 pntettger woo 4rowucd,. , • colored soldier ,of. tit° Fortieth :Infantry, iltunetl , Lowis Tlicompsott, Was shot dead bn Tuesday by Wni. King, a comrade at Raleigh, N: C., during ti (putrid 'wliiin on day. ' King ,Was arrested. • ' '• . • lIOn. Erastuo corning is lying dangeroisly 111 at Albaxy, New Yoik. The extensive iron fontultles of Troy, N. Y., are all closed for what is known as, the winter vacation, leaving more thou three. thousand operatives temporarily oat of . employment. • • . . . • The acting hishop of the new diocese of cen tral New York, with the advice of the Standing Committee, and in deference to the 'wishes of the ministry. and laity, has determined to call a convoi 'ion for the el'ection of a . bishop, in place R6v. Dr. Littlejolut; declined. Tho electoral body will convono In St.' Paul's Church, *remote,' on the lath day of January, 1860. • , „ , • - The jary.ompannelled. in the Mills kidnap" ease at St; Johns,' N. 13., have been dis charged, benig - unable to agree on a verdict.— The counsel on both sides distinguished them selves by -calling each other liars, and the counsel for the defendant taok the judge to task very severely._ • Gen. Itoseetans, 'American - Minister to Mex ico, was.received with imposingdemonstrations of ivelcoineat,Vera OW.' • , Peter Menton has been • sentenced at Bing. haulp,ton,, ,twenty years' imprison went, with laird labor,. for an atrocious milt on a' little "girl. Ho acknowledged his . . guilt. ' . • fhb Alabama' Legislature has passed bilis opening all judgments granted by Courts in the State prior (o May 1865] and allowing the statute of. liOlitatione ,tO. run daring ,the,rebel lion. Th'c latter bill,wipos.out debts:contract ed during the the war. , • Tho IteeollairnetiOn o,olMnitiee - examined Governor:l3ol°oi as to affairs in Georgia,7o , tocattY-i: i , .) , 2 , • - • • 4pipell4,of,..tho; copper. piApl -cOns k t ifiVeon, .Bti99(c by the !diet. They are eeid to bbleiri . liable to tarnish than the old cai t i ff ., VA) sip Tis in 444i44,,,.- 1,11.; v:-ere burped on Ttteiday. Loss' 02400. ' ' • To- I Ales Sov t,- - TO ALI, ifOTEX., ANDICITS. 4-1 taurant keepers,. iknii ail , other Tenders of spirittians Inalt Wirier& • 'Any remit or per Solis, in the trityof and elsewhere, who win hereafter fartilint any In taxterititig tirlahe of any deserl piton. tOADAWitri , GOODMALN I of the city of 'leaning, who is a pepsin' pt, knowit.interapol rato habits, win be protoonten' tioeiirtthigt6 laiV: • JACOB GOODMAN. I ItIAD12(01 December 141,80.-lw O 4be . tt ago wat I I 00. tors to set MISES MEE , tali dm lr 0 VINCI' t z,o y g*) OUR lIOIfoRED DEAD' UWiltiC/10 ThE R SONS TO TON NATION'S GRATITUDE. Post Nos 18, Grand Army of the Republic, APpreciating th p a rted being eby these children of our d nett*. w ho a rs striving to obtain an edgeatton and position in the world I their own intelligence—they being scholars Ng t0RK, 4 .0g114 1 / 1 405 1 , for the edactittonotflOiders* Orp king no charity, but deftly justice at the hands of those for the protection of whose country, lives and property their fathers surrendered their lilies, have ConOluded to give thorn a wiMi coldrulgo k yrotuix.. l 4!NEFlT, orti, jfaturday and Monday Evenings, •Jl)et. pith wad *lst, - • •PROURAMMICt infan.t_a„,Eserelse i yndir t ompplar, ol a t life. r b rotSong e ilfgn d V company Drill, Mont.°. Johnson, only Syn. old. nave Drill . . Drum Come,. • . I ' Might Drams. Drum Solo, by O. lepton, D rumm Maj. 6 yrs. old. Son ic—"Jtiel before the • • • Solo;.-"Shall we gather , b y the River." Song, Soseohis.fito, - • • r a i n* gieyougli.<• Liittt;Outtft4olkaoii. FlKALB—WeenZehinig &see mooing Monte. Tided*. SJ Ole.ilieserred /Mote, 8001*. Children fonder 'lO team AO Cte. Doors open at 7. Performanoe to eommenoe at 0. Sir Tickets can bo procured, of the following members of the G. A. it., via : Michael Walter, John W. Selders,__WW:ibtrgreavels, (leo. W. Grant, 11. If .Jaeobs, A. K. Stauffer, J. Rtes Miller,' John nolseulloili , Bach, ~A , ) 19 ,,„ey, Johrt eo. . Darell, Henry k A. , IL Elleitor, Decor it . Christi et. D. ark ey, Thomas Weber, William A, S e nds, Wm. Mon or, John Toed anti C. D. l Elliott. Also, at the Journal Book Store, And st,the,tloorof Ole Han., I • 000 ,174 t PUBLIC ALE OF PERSONAL :PROPERTY, IATI.LL BE SOLD AT. PUBLIC v. Salo, on SATURDAY, December 19th 113611, at 1 o'clock p. nn., at the restdepoaar'' ebel-POT-- or, Nb. 104 South • Sixth • Wee% , th follootid Household, Parlor and Kitchen furniture r s One 'Hair Cloth Parlor Sett, oonsistlng of six Cushion Chat rd. 1 Rocking Clan, SOON, Marble-top Centre Table, Pier 'Table, g Sideboards, Bedsteads, lot of Bedding, 3 Bureaus, 5 StAves, lot Of Chairs, Carpets, Oil . Cloth, Mirror*, lot of Tinware and Qtleeneware, and other articles too numerous to mention, Conditions made known at the time ornate, by deo 18 t d • WM. ItA.,J kiYON; Auctioneer. MN GEO: ALEXANDER. • Full report of this trial ivillioon be published In hook fortn, hy,ilacob 110iTtnan t one of the Coun• act of Coi.l.lmtander, containing all the eVifieltel. tho speeches of the Contuse!, the charge Of Judge , eadweader, they erdict; the rkoebns for, and ar guments for and against a new trial, and the opiniOn of the Court upon ft.. It Is t hpyoud tion the,most remarkable caselitilltlefegUnlit ttat hes lbleers trlettitilibbt section of count du- ng the last twon y years. The book wi lL y con tain in the neighborhood, of Opp a pe, In order that all plksees may obtain tit° Jim 'price:Will he merely nominal. lir.',lttorth siettehen, is the authorized agent to obtain sidiscribiim. • dog 10t . • . , , CIIRISTMAS!,',CHRISTRASI, • • CANDY DEPOT; No.. .107 NORTH FIFTH STRRAT, • READING, FA. 'FINE CONFECTIONS, PLAIN ANDiFANp).': CANDY, • ' sualta PR el . HUBER'S LEMON OR CLEAR TOYS, SUPERIOR TO • ANY MADE IN READING. .Also, a large assortment. 6( French •Tays, ;Mos, Candy Baskets, Cakes and Pretzels Coco anutCandy, Cocoanut Bars Cocoanut Strips. All will be sold clump. Give men call and see for yourselves. . B. F. HUBER,. • dee ' , . ei F tio .—T 11 A N N OF mechaulos and laboring mon is called to the Fortune Building and Raving Association of Reading. The sbarep aro one dollar each and limited to l&IO. Already a large number of shares are taken; low:toga taw MOO/ Or diropali Plan the same as the I, llnrinonie. l ) N6t ing btls the legal rate of interest charged on loana.:Thoeel desiring had bettor call early to secure thenh We would also giVe notiee _td. tile* Wbo Zukvb subscribed, to pay MA lnitiatirin fee Mid deb Oh their shares on or tuiforolfri4dY, the Bth day of Jannery, 18t0, when there' 'Will be a meeting of tub hoard of DlrecieFf at 1. 1 4 AZ the, ?Moe 'of the undersigned. • For Dirthor WOrtnation,dall, at the ;Hare of, Jones 0, TiMpota, groceif i l corner M„h, *0(1_1 Moro, streets, or, at ttle rdbidened of Robert Wagner, N. E. corner gum as _l Cfnirt alrects, f or on the undersigned. , 4j•ROSS MILLER, Seeretary. • deo It - td) • ' ()Moe Mt Court street. IDIPORTANT TO PRINTEII§t; FOUR PRESSES FOR SAM A, FINE C;IIA.iCE FORIMACIIINISTS AND MANUFACTURER,B. TWO' T.W.O . 0.6:1:J11-Iti ?Ito following 4 °Covell f or' .11, I advantageous rates. ONE OSCILLATING :ENGINE ,OP .• • - -HORSE POWNIL , . • ( . it. ~.; • 4.0•. ONE HORIZONTAL}INOINN Or IrTI. PE lIONSEPOVVEX' 's oNit BOILER: • ONE riVE - EONSE TUBULAR SO/ TWO • , LAVON r OYLIN PROMO. P11,04003 0 - ADLIIIV AND'I MZEM‘ "'- "El 7. - • • ONII • • t4IIIALIA - I oTo D •, ; , .‘t . . • ; • . oNF,plipINlll. 'ITEM , a Iv 6:41.11 Apply et the Alter Oftitie'eriiddOW 1 . • . nrrrEß • • fdeo THE TRIAL ENGINES,i. . AND =NI :TO BE. SOLD (111:EAP. I=lMl3 ,);13.• .n. DA Y l i tiai r 6A l (*all • A JENtiIkINN klt LAVE COLLARS. Ell Irv; or ~,v tifitlt:TtlQllleteft vor t?;11 , CrEtTS EEM. ISTITCIIL'D f A. . .•, 43t, NTS VINE KID ;,-; . t !hula, Blankel Sh tor Ow ) Pal ',dap 1. El il .Z' 11 tf 'l' lt I ',G • T'fl3/10,WA • , i -.., WI OFFER 'OIU /111.1 f -- .„ ..: )000 ' t , " t . 1,. i . c , . I 14 j M 1011 LH It &`IIIOERI :1 DIV t ‘ TERMINED , STO LY 10' • I 1 . , ' ' .l ,4 1 . r f . , - ;e h •- , : 4 10 : 4i , . il ; lfi' :, - V 'l4- A s t:V 2l 4'. ' ''''''''''''' • . .'.', ..",' "iii 4 ; .':: ' iliotx , Cliti 4 i A I* ' 4i ' tit' 1 i 011 F 87011,E ..........." •• , t ~_ . I I J ttl. 4 . ,4 1 • tit , 1$ or _ ‘.- .- . '' .- : : _. , ' •:, ~ ', '.' ..' - ~ ' . ' 8143, Obit' 01,00 IlitaTll ll l ll4 2 B f! !'11111Ti° . j• ,•, .... • - Wool Plolde, 66 • . • . •. ' I '.. ' ' ' ~. 1,2 ' , 6 : ...Mk. TpeOen Reps, ell ~ • •; ' ", ' "'' - • ' 31, p' Phselloas, • .• 44 • 7 " ~: -'• 22 1101.4'.iniOty 20 0.411 :0 11.Alleoen, • 66 - - i s ea 1.404 , es :a . 2% Ili ‘ Liner, Dortaitske, " , . - 1 ' • .. , -., 2,24 • - ' 4 '• '- ' il, 5 Wool Deloltoes,- is - - • - r, ~ 1 •- ,- , 6 4 . , , ". • ,50 'EVERYTIIINO REDUCED TO AVAKE QiiiipTir or, GOOJTh ANJ), ' , nag EFFECT A SALE. . 1 • , ~ , . „ t i e $l. :id til ii q•‘l'i ''.; • 'l' , • „, ~ , - . • . . SALES CASH , AND: GASH :ON LY,, . ,•• i. ), :•--,. r . •, ... • •.• • :.• ••• •• , •,..- .'- ~„. N. • CAI . . . • ALL MISHLEIt &.. MEEKS- ASK, IS A ' L: . TO PitOVI:INHAT' 13 IIIRI1r," . . . -r. , ASSKRTKO. , DON'T GET 'INTO THE WftoNa'STOIM 1161VAIlIR8- , N(A. , .&ii rl6liTiOo 10i 6 NEVIN mons BELOW SlrilllA ND PENN ETIIEETE, NONTIF NIDE.;:` , 'AIINEDEN,AIf , 44IE j'?; IN GLASS LEITERS ON ONE WINDOW ~ ON .171 E OffiEllt BIDE, ." . I.IIE GLOBE 1.17011. E." . 112 SE 1 ENGIN',EB II St)ILEItS FOR SALE. 1 •\ • L/li I 1 LA • Y 4 g=7 1 IMPOWL'AN'I' TO MACHINISTS • J it k '" lt it 8 • AI A uIF A t 1 _ Thiupdorolgtiefl ofyor, for nate, at roitapjahlif rates, (f NJ O§cILLATING ENGINE OF FOUR* i'• I = SONE II ORlZO i ratta 01!".IIIREE 1 ONE EIGIITAIORSE TUBULARUPItIGIIT -) NE 0 TIT U • LAIt Apply at tho Apbtat.?llloo • qr ashiross ~ r ; . i• • 'J 1 t CHAR;LYS , "RULER'S n FRUNCII,„O4ND: CAKE ESTABLISMIENT, coßiditiddia*kidiAkiNtliofts. .if ' He respectfully desires t 4 return his thanks tog, ,i)ls ~- Aiiiiierous , frlonas and eiticeue. t . f . Uftillni In general', for theliticrat manner , n Which t oy,petrerilein) hie !OE, CREAN. ESTA IJISIIII NT iliftltit tile Stutitrier lidasoni , and he hags. them lep4spil L •th Wipe , 1 . 1 0 •4 i 9 choke "'row% ContectionartthiS 3it, (01 tlayluenson. Estniii..lal attentleresialiskeit'fbr his new, and rUSTUAS TREE P4OIIIIEB, TUE . ONLY NES IN TUE EN ITEDISTAT.IO,--Illii OWN IN ENTION, (No colors). 1114 stock of Candles, CakeN.Vriiltqlpl l oooool_l9 l 4 l trY n equal tAI any plat has ever yet been moron to tbe`pnblio.. deo 14421$ • ! t. v • :-., . ..;'": e i 4- --7 , 11 - ME ~ !~ , . • I MIMI CEYSPONE OPERA , - 110p1. 1 1: xxim ',BfutaLi• , . mortfkiiruitir 'ARriONwB ONE , da ir ,„ A AT yr netalayi ogireidag, i ; , 03444411ir: : /Itho • AtiQiiiieliOttifkridinytneivoritioi r 11188 RAlRl44‘"lititbdtbit:',l I. I .7 , , soi:t rz inoi rutreal u r t h a t m, frl , tono. 7 pr i litigishit Arimptr„rl pp LL4p. *lir., bat peACI Omega) J)txxiiit 4140. *st, Stric kland Br" Book • BWoiegaiiiill4Q4.;l4l4lWitey:66ril hag, Doe. Mb, at 9WOOS, IB ' , /Joore wen at 7 o'clock. Ginintenco at Rei'v/pcfr. T. R. TURN BUl.lft Voidness kfinislttl'• fleanyttl . ,l I ;ji l t (I. l ;;L:fr+ - ' olriatikoMilr). o Elcbmoolor ones d no. ' App a A. 41. 011. 11112 MIME rOINT API,LIq,UE 16401 M t '• itsifriiiit hu t FINE E 13 ". $1 tt.'lo4 &'1; re ?` FINE HEM, BTITCHED •civ. ~!! to. 'rico... 000 FINS W l 4olocikk :11111 1 1 1a ') 7'4 1$,411:1.) • O'" . 1 P f 4Pl l O IMPI)i(1; tib "MA g04431150W GEN4B FANOY`WitiotRED #NNOVIN Nora.—ThitidkiNtbliiihtheiit; ighus np connucti!iir with 4 any 'um% using -style or advertising. dec. 4-2 w. NEW ADVERTINEIIENTN. AND ANI) " I\ .e•.s _ .? AND -. • „ .E • I I'-'? 1 . ' t • `.14 14:: • , • N 1 .1 . a 01444 k • ' • 7 0 . 4 004' 7, - xi',• , •14, 4 , 0, =Srll7= ;-‘ f t 11)1 421 ki ,I I. I OINT APOIAQ,OR LAOIS r ': • =I IME 4 1 ‘ 0 F! , $WP* ( VLI4P4,; 41 ,D 0 VM. s . • ,Ympftgot?g,eD 811,-rog • 3.., , 'VANZ SILK ! MIIDIKLUII, :.2. • • ;At , •:;.; : V' a . 2; 414 PALIMAJMIIRMAIAM . : ',/rii• '1 , 1": 4 F.. , T; 1 4;44$0 4 11 1( !,; .r•f ,:! ' 1 1 ,05rVtli viitosa PAnExiso,) Dress Mood., et reduced prices all especially 7.„ • •t,• : • • • 4 10 I,*; , ~ :• ---- 7,17 , '7. - --:-.---.------- - ----- --".--... l' -i i • ' 0 - •• ' , tl., ' ........ •,, .4 ~....h., . , ~ • i iX 1 tAt)ltl)/N AttY I : '''' i ' ;70, N - .:1 . *4 . :Pf0r. It i4ON,EX.,t-:. EN 4 4 TO TUE RETAIL TRADE A A 0116914 , B*IS'S B 1 2' I L6i3Wl inty EIRE STOCK 40ARULE88 OF UARY Joni, 18G9, •:, SIRIV ADVERTISENIEFfiI.- A'ItEsENT:3., W .: ll.4'.g.LTlt 4 :.)Vt;,1;,8.911 , • ' 'LUCK-STITCH sinyixo - I r ' t ,• ' .• . . ~. . ' , Qualities tfifit, recompiewl:it- mot .0 , hat, '',W ill 0 ilimte, (4 yf'rli, with iia sciteektneritit,e,err ine epritilng tinti.,llleY, he done li7,hen4. ' ' ~ . ', 24.1 1 0901' owl oxoolicnco otAlitCh; Rifle imifiOth ikidtkur fabric. • • ,' • , .... . • , , ~ , • 34, Using finer needle.; fur the Ritmo thread than anrother mnbh hie, ' , • ,'— , . 4tii, Rimplielti of eanoytietioif. - ' ' ... ;'I sth, fipeed. • ' ' . • ' - \ , 6th, Hue of e,ponttlon 014 rentingeinent. :', , ' • , 7tti, reptilero, ~ , „ 1 fitiliyintAr n04111%50,41(1, Yinrly iii1 5 61411,14)1.1 in e - - 4 peps o any ,utlier eettiprin'y.„ Forma to, suit all purchatieip. '•, '':, ..„, , , .1..,,r; ;i". :4. , ( 1,;, PliTEllBClig . 4lt (lAIIP/t ITil, • • :- ' 1 • fletiertil A genie -' ; • . 614 Penn 81, Reedine. . 7 int „- • NOTICES TO,QUIT.; 110tTAX1C NOTICES TO' QUIT,' FOll, sale by the quite or single One, at tho Book- Store of • . I RITTER lb CO., dee 9. 841 Penn Street. • BiIEItIFF'S SALES Ok , ' IIEAV TATE.—lty virtue of sundry 'write 'of Elia dinont Ittrponos, , Levort Pietiry, mid ,FTert ltnxns , tel• sued out of the Conrt of CoinuMe Pions of Borba count y, ttr to tiFfeetorlovtil bp Sold at Publie Van.' due or out.cry : • Also, on' Friday, tho •19th day Of Decethber, A. D., DM, at I o'clock P. M,, at the Keystone Rouge, In the city of Reading, all that certain two-etory ,rRAME MUSE, •with frame kitchen, and lot or piece •of ground • and ' enrtilage appurtenant thereto, 'situate and' 'front ; int on tho South side of a ten refit wide alley, bo ween 'Ninth and Tenth and Wabhington au Walnut stfeete, in the city •of 'Reading, Wept dud on• the East byiprOperty Of John' Staff,. South by Hannah Frey, West by George Ds.totey Ond North•by sold anew. Sold as the property of Ed ward dnirety, owner or repute d owner. Also at the gains time and DI e, all that cer gltain one story BRICK DW ELLING ROUSE, and lot of groundi litigate on the- East , aide • of South Eighth street, hi the city of Read ing, bounded on the West by said Eighth etweet, on the South by property of Bartholomew WOI-1 dy, on the North by property of pattlit Driscoll;' and on the East by a ten foot wide alley, onntaln. big in front on said Eighth street, twelve feet : and In length East and `Vest tosaid alley, one hundred and tbirtyight foot more or leis” Sold as the property of //ernian Deere& Also ) at the same ' time and placti v all that ear. RReintwo story FRAME D ,WELLING HOWIE, nd lot or pled° of grohnd and Ourtilige ap purtonant thereto, situate on the West slue of North Ninth street; bounded on the South by lot of Francis Hartman, North by property of Charles Smith, East by, said Ninth street,.and West by Jackson's Rope Walk, in the eity.,of Reading, Bald house is in front 13 feet and in depth ve foot, with aback building 9feet Wide by feet long. 'Sold he la property of Atnnuei 8. Yoder, owner or repu tedowner. • Also, a% the eame time tend place, those two certainr two story brick ctivellins bonito and lots of round 'to wit: No. I. Situate on the North sale of Eastlierank lin street,betworm El event': and 'T welithetreetes in the Olt* of Iteading,.bOutidOdon: the South by said Franklin street, North bya ten feet, wide alley, Eger by property of• by property of containing in front on §:art Franklin street, sixteen feet, more or less, and hi length North and Smith to bath lii- No. % Sitliatip,On the pouth, 8140 of Frankllit above EleVentn Street, in •the OILY of Readld bounded on the North by said' Franklin etree on the Wait by Props AY Or OMIT /Oahe, tin the South by property of Jacob Becker and on the Easpy t property of Michael Knerr. tiold as, the pro yOf lames Double*. •"" • • ' A so, on Saturdatr, the 10th' day of. December, ISA at / Otieek M., et the public, house of Petkr Sehanyer, n Itodtbeltylite, townships Nor I , r•Aillbatcattian • teammate sill trust of land situate in axa why township, Berke county, adjoining lands Of William Moyer. Henry Bern art, David Heffner and others loon • taming ninety-one *Mee more or lees. Thep ' im provements are eta° story STONE DWEL LNG 110USE,Jog barn• and other out buildings. No. 2. Aiso, aiftkat bertiotiinesiesiage aid tract of land, situate in said townshiP and rininiY, boonded by lands of Daniel Lelbeneperger, Ja. cob Ilooh, David Refiner, David Kubrut and oth ers, eontaintog, ono hundred aceee more Or less. IThe Imprfrtemienior tWo etory ;TONS DWELI.INO HOUSE, log barn anti other one buildings. Sold as tine property of Jacob so Leibertorgw, r • - Bg b lietl Mid taken Mt: ! execution, and to be ld y D. ALBRIGHT, ettlettt deg READING. P. lIIM BM =I ..j DU% A. lIMM 4- 7;:i 4 '' ' Goo. fisTarliFriprit Pc i il . 1 4ibrae if ' . R oOltrAN . G 4 .34,1Ap Q., 1 •,,A Ny !, . Oitelt 011rT8 TO TUX AMOUNT 01 fi-.2;\0 0k ''''" -..- "PM, irk*e. lir••• • trim • - ,„ 5 Cash Wits„ ................. . Race 4.le,tre 11 6 " I • ... ....... ' 114 , . . _. ............................ i 341(1) " " • ................................. " 1 i nCO /00 40 " • "" ........................ ....,..,.„,..: " XII " " .......... ........ .. ... „: ........... .. " to 1 / 300 " is, .............................. ... ...... -, so .41141. • • "A — , r 4' ytt.o.mak*.e.u. .......... .... . ...... ". " " , ..... ............ , ti ..1 1.10114 Ilesoi&iiiiiiiios.,.....tath Skt to r_jo .l a H., II i Allelodebas “ ^,s to he 153 3eir bit liaoldoes.i.,;... .... ..... '' 60 to I 71 se Illustad WA txt, .... .. . ............. ;..,. " «5 to %0 i 300 Tine 111(14 Walehe's .................. '' 1319,a,, t onne Silver Wattiluts o „ 4 ,; ,*( , ;13 11 .‘, Lae Oil l'aitatfig% srtanlnd Itnigevlngt.; fite; , are, phiovoutswei ittblinA taut a l a rge moat t , ' went of • rititioldJo*ielty, lit all v net t in - , misoslo brow any of Me Qtr. Pti.tcst \r, '''' "raping a &atcd :AVratri for 25 tkati. '. Tllitatt.:l,Bollloll._efth. Prize aro bRAIAD 444 in nre Mil IPt ... 1, 4 0 .1f0.111111y .uux,.4. lie to. br wine .% o bettlell Wicket will lei ee, :wit lout choice, and (delivered et our office, ot gics-utbvntalltoater address. The Ditto wailed m a vrs tni t i k t antirt it i o , 4oo l loitt on :vine" It t; rites el I 1 Itu• ineolllt4WlOn.ktqfftligtteref, site tcu ttot , tc , 4l ti entroas,o reim inin: l •, . I, 4 , , ' lint fait blew triiiti your .INize is brfor t • s e ,, palt for if. ANY 11 1 4. 1 ,1 (IYOS 04.01045 ed for on. ()Vier off ige fuifie-VO ll l. ir& Menlo. ttittrsniretn depend On fair dealing. ~ =IR fiCihtl-iire select the few following names from the mum` who have lately drawn Valueble Prizes ato,klndly pergon ted 4 , 4 to vo. nett tfitlin 2 .. - .. ri h. 'CW 1 14 4 1134 Hititritbh New :Yorks V v isa t, ilioart, ti elsolt 1 400, fINT• Y., 43001 lisa .blon. rOe, Chicago, 111.(Pieno t Valued at anse ; , mitiN I New liatreu,Oold Watch, asali 'lobed Jacky x), Dubuque, Beale Rubino, loci Lybilip Met`fil. ,thy umlaute, .4111x4 Ja es age Wank Inlighel DP .4:t li Ott D OXAAISO I Mit', NM 111 ll w yrta, iterate co, Wle., nun, S3OQ ; Itev.T. vv. rut, Clevelapd, Ohio; lueledeon, 3113. OPINIONS UV TUX PRESS, % We publish ao moues Without Dertotv i i nn , . "They am doingthe lsratist Intstuessi the II iiii is reltettlentl detlerro their sueeese.—Weeny otitdote., •f• _ _ the al ivehave exarelatal their systeru l end. know m AO be a, telt Alenthitt flrui..-...1. I'. Etrold, 110(01. . , - Iwh•ilohitmi izilktirorrititront, 4. l o l4l4 h t i l e ro it. tnir u ki j ; rip i t ic e ,: Mareikai /MK ; . '' . ,` atn_u or ( Ocular ithinir Mau)* wore reterencti raront a notlees front the ince% 1,11n,r11 indtiCetriente to Agents. hat lefaotton goatee tooth every Package of treater! Rotiflopes contains Cht•• OW Gift. ' arsiz Tickets tor, Oao Wiley, Is tor Tao te. , l. iars, 113 for liire Dollarti, 110 for Fifteen Dellis. All letters should be addressed to ' . itetunit, WILBON it (hi, 173 itreadany, ii, 1 • J.. 'KE LY , . • W:HOLESALIE AND R 'TAIL DliAbElt lli , . •L I II M , E•R I i ( READIN , ) I'A,, I Keeps constantly on harid,and for sale at the i' i 1 A ) Wg8 ) 1 1 , ; ERIC:FS, i , • , • A. general asaortinoot„ of Ml= • WHITE PAK, 11 544/.OVHI•IIPAIICE, ellEilitl OAK, CIUtsTNIIT, INDIANA BLACK 'ANp WHITE WALNUT, CAROLINA ) t lloroughly neamonec i t and under cocci. UM WIIITE PINE, 6iPIE6r,V, AND\ Nonni CAROLINA GREEN diebA S ILI G . - O tore'treepou>