Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 16, 1868, Image 3

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    TilE DAILY - EAC S.
j - { ,B A PI. 1•1,43. ? P A ;
I v EDS E4DA V*, DEUIpI DER lo s 180.
. . .
vory Roy; V. X. Gartland, of
i'illl3,lolphia,Verfornied tho ceremony at the
I , y ) D g of tho owner steno of the Catholic
I well In South. Fifth 'street, on the 4th of
r 1 I
181:1',ith'efo ivere 47 bemoerata, In
tho !Iwo of Itcpresentativoa:
' #
night watchman, Mr. John 11111,
lixy bon placed on roan atroot, between
s i x th a nd Ninth., ~JJels pAO'hY the citizens..
Dade): INTELLIMENON.—NothIng . doing ja
aw clroles yos!..oydoy f ~fjoyonwor,,loit o r s
t o und AliOßO' In tho loht night.
A- Ft, ropmt of MO trial of,fpie•;i,.,'W., j ,4lei:
savior is to lie published. In book form. The
booli will contain In the neighborhood of 400
YESTERDAY afternoon fta'aittilif and hot
littlo daughter roturfiod from market, tho
ilangliter tilippod and foil and hurt hersolf
A sow r,coo3t 1 , : IN 1.. —,ta mos Jarttoson,Fisq.,;
tho trelooror of tho Reading Rollo! Hoofoty;
acknowledgoll tho rocotp pf: 04 , ..frotykditov,
Smith, Esq. _
-•-• --
_li ILLEp.—Johp )Iritil, I c t r q effii,4ont 'of
l'org lifeiliOolAr lod 61114'•
Old IVlMiiigum and i (II licadi by a
Wok of earth fatting oporilitto, ,
Ax election for thirtbon Dirobtors of the
I .. arn iors' National 'Bank of Madbig, will be
held at tbo Banking House on Tuesday / the
twelfth day of January noV.
If iIAVY rAr.,-Mr:
/ 4 lierirr, iry,
' TotiVO
towomlilp, .oulf hot rook, f our wOokit
old, which wotghott 161'ilentrido, whon dressed.
It volghed 121 vounill after It was four dayti
si - ----
n o Nwr forgot the Concert of 010 fall to
morrow ovonitig, at the Koystonit9Ma/ousel.
'llk %Olt; In oil probAbility,:bli the‘list ppor.
tatty tho citizona of Reading wilt havo of
hearing the groatest ofllving yloltntsts.
Mn.h itaarnom W. timnm.,,. formerly prO•
prietor of tho Washington flOtoso at Hamburg,
purelmod a tavern 'and 'toto Stand at
nohlmboro, Wayno county, Pii.;'for the sum of
p;joo. Ito NV 111 ta ko possoaslou of the proper
ty In April.
COM IN(1 EVP,NTS, &4 .—lt is said gist coming
ovouts east their Ithadowg totero: ',Jukt now
the shadows aro the hideous false floes, dells,
Kris Kringlem, devils In boxim,[dons can.
dlo, rte., in tho shop windows ov9ntB
Aro ChrintinaH end New 'lrehr 4 MA but
• • •
nlito tivm distant.
. ,
GEN Ell() WOOOOl.lO 414 Wiinatitjur.
, chive(' a hog at tho ReadirtOok,Yard4 of
Mr.llegass, and niterl4 lieddfriVett dijray
from the yard it died, ;. p,itretutlidrs .
linnimol, wont back and s atod his misfor.
tone, when Mr. Tilllegass kindiy, rostored
Another "unto him," free.ot oheric%
INCHEASI . NO Jivsitigsser/She work at the
Heading Itailioad'alioldl is Steadily Increasing,
A now arrangement wont into oporatiop
Monday by which WoVlt'lt bo'botAitmod
(iv and night,. ono „ gangworking (Wring
the day andtutottibr duthig f tli6 About
thirty now machinists woro added to the
taco. ' ; ,
Su:mitt No,-Wo aro infprtriod by our court•
try mash's that Thiry enjoy exeolient sleighing
;it present. in , the, town hipp; i ltieluend;
I t moms loli k hiNxiitimti lintrl' pf Longswatnp,
they had s'i.xtoon I»eitet 1. 'mow, which still
mfortls theta splendid hlb glib*. Our citizen/I
%111 rind the sleigh the bolt onnvoyanoo When
I Iliteildo Or t hie 01711 nits. ►
w i: k ar a th a t a .young man came near'
twilig drowned yesteiday., Ito Wan on the low
~n the canal and brOke through. Ills orlon
for help were hoard by 111011 who worked near
by and who came to bts *Matinee and rasouod'
him from , a watery grave.; no iwas. , almost:
ooduntsled, and could not have struggled
much longer. We were not able to learn tho
young [man name.l) y ,
- .:._....... . 4 6' . ..1!......z .
To :41:.‘soun Vynri IN TIIPOmln•—•/%Tilmr°
the length, width -Mid •thiPth hr the t, lu In
feet; multiply these the oe diukonsionti togeth
er, and the pxelluct liyl.l lOut ' etlf the last right.'
!mid figure; those 'to the left express the
numhor of bushels of , •velltelied. - .cern. • If,
meme,rett In tuqlms, multip ly thO tureo dt.
mensioni togetb fer A and dly de, tke i produot by
4,300 ; the" qttettopli *VI) 'o,' :MC number of.
bushels. ;
-- • '. , -46 ittl i- ~
rtoire.—T,ast . evening',` twV cl./
out u o Clock s ow .
North Ninth troat, two. young mon 'had a•
tubittiolorstatit litg )itt :Irogard to ono thing or,
:mother, when. hey procoodod to blows. They,
(monocled ouch othor,pcottypattly i . for emu)
1 1
tinio. Ihn IA
i not ' low 1116 n Ihtfirf rod and,
sclutrated them, thoro to no knowln 'llOw tho
atlalr would bavd in - itilifittbd,,' , it hitittaadd
about the time tho Catholic Church loot lout,
Rad the rokeo T( of tritolridlfqracelyty"
.. ,...,_ . ,. 2 •
_, „ x . I ~..,,J!....
SKATERS, TA It NOTIOn 1101% , of the
"Luling semions, IptilowlpFb cfr9lAtiral"
.Intoi!al of Iteafeli, 4 n t illyittioeuttir-frienus
Indulge In the recreation of akatlug no small
amount of' tllgootnforti " 4 11006 starting for
the ice, bathe your Mot In' tOld , W'atOri:dry
them perfectly, and glvo them a good rribbitig
with A eraalt'towo), isttt l 'lp'itiptilfor Violeta or
heavy ootton'etookidAv, arid-yatiriM4l will ro
!unlit comfortably warm for throe or four
hours la the coldest w.athar) t i • , ..t
Air tho M 4416004 kittlfd Fortuna Building
and &trim A ssoelatiou, tho „f,Olinu(hig lrnmo
gon t I mod' woro ole toxl,ettiourfi. folr..the e mut*
tog tom :
I %—ttobort Wagh r.' • :4 f , ,.• I
V. P.—Thootal O. , yoknor l ',.; l ", ":
Bess 1 1 / 4 tal'or. , . • .
Troa3.—bas 0. yrtionuts, •i t.
hirectont,-401108 0: Thbmtisplotin It. Miller,.
elm% Binge!, 14.1, illrutnintoh,,
1. Sellers, it 1%1 °Vold :Albo4 AC)(013 Ravi('
tit than
whom no shrewder busittosstlutni eSlit lived,
used to shy in los old ngo :' • ' •
"1 have alweys pom4toroir tnlVeithiltig
erallyantl long t0, ; 116,,,the greet mediuut of,
NIIVCCSI business, Mid the prelude to wonitify
And I intve intititY It iminvnflablo 14110 too, to
atlVertiso to t p ) dplll3l 1% On tho busiest
season, rung eiiporione o d'hOing taught, mot
!hitt money thns spentiis tint vas by
kekitig my busltteS4 'doothvoaltr,hothfo the
public; It bas Soeureil', , .ml4 , ;pl§Uky, 191004. Pat
wouldot her wise hay° , • f,
uItEAT ENl`lint'llliPoLaadrlinele WOOk ir lYi •
of Jimlubor fkhe/Ifalliingftviplielttise r'
Viaduct, St. Vatil's •I ts
billiottd, Brant, it a stivi '
t hat (ho conetruetind of (him railway nit; one of
the wondets ‘ of ,modern ouginsoing." 'fbe
viaduct renteßatifeti , idthe'thigiattittg oerossee ,
a ravine more than 1000 feet wide and MO feet
deep," The paper, after complimenting the
chief englueorki, insygi that, '9[0114 4f 1 the ae"
tual work , W 6 l intrusted to the. ',sit 11 of ex
perienced American oontractors. Messrs. D,II.
Sampson, Samuel Drlesback, 0. 0. James And
1)r. Reinhart aro among thdia 6flohir:ntry
men who have been connected with It > This
is a big feather in the caps of our old lends
James and Sampson, , Both, are / thorough
Americans and Ponnolvantnna by birth, edu
('ation and feeling, and no more energetic or,
trustworthy, men Could ; have N been. found ta'
bare Ontktrucitall t t lio lwerk l , Olio iftlends 'Ot
lul. Jamea in Iteading,"(t o plae6 o his na.„
"YitY. and 1)10 Llear,ohlapo to which 1w Mee
so O ROIinOW 111h1 110 I,l3lhilil
land of his blrthi#
will Join with us in,our mite lt ,
. nr,alawto no
worthy mid' eathUnble ' tt4Oht„ePrit)q:,l .t.mij.:_ l l;
is also - Mt honored InOtnb*,i4,l)tei'e ri " .
Borratlve of all Arta,” bniing_s e t o gdpit I:with
distinction In the hlakettePuitll and :hive are\
pleased to state haws we' m'Plaisli la hia' heart'
for his alma nutter.
1 ;') 1 ( li ' ..., . , n, T '
/ '",l ''
,` "'
..,.'n ii,f.t.h..:;
,;, , ~, ,
9 n ~ W l;-4lis reuhiyla
"Doi Jil:4* l itottow,hig ite the
. 41%*
Nit 'N 1 1 01 4 111 " t tll -41141 6
Mollifkial 6 PrOPOr. shall eidgruite
*hicti` ttVo tgiturye el ' be to to
partkoracrottooi Month, may ; kt the disoro
)l,lon, affirmative ilite of a majority
of ail :thetahets of the Beall of Directors,
or C°lit irit l 4 4 l2Propriated to , institutes
for the prov of the teachers of the
amid 4
111 10Wrq : 'IVovided, That hi• districts in
whit/10moms are; or sball be; kept ofm,
and hi operation, the thaximinn term now
olved `ION and the teachers employod
the year, the lbrving' clads u to the
nulber of days In the wheel month, Shall not
apply any further than that the reports and
met, Wise Of the eobool shall be kept in word-
Wee gnitavithcand that District ; Institutes
mkt piratic thereby dirookld ; acts or
DlAter Or 1006 itieeNtideat herewith, be eed
arb buebY rePokled." • ,
.;;' Tr, . ArerSestart says, s
.<, ( 444. liver ftett Williams' sr. , a colored
man ;real in East Oran townehfp, and for
merly a servant tbr Stonewall - Jackson, per.
fbrmed , the remarkable'
feat of walking
twenty:eight Mlles over monntain and valley,
in fi re , bOurs; • leaving Seventh and Penn
Stitotli, Reeding, at 0,30 - osolock, p. tn. Wed.
utiedey, the 2d inst., an arriving at his home
pear Downingtown, at 080 o'clock the same
aq, Making three dope to whet his' whistle
(Allay 'ton 'locomotive, luta nO better en%)
once at the pleir tavern, •lifOrpntown, tied at
Loag'4,o6enoir ; end the next day be out and
t rti e rosT d Adty . W al l f ' ft c . ie wood ,at:l
tOniAll i roglng Mt 'iv to St.' ,Lotds and
, Ph
_ln get; little opt otitis way, and
4eiliegioliiestienitc, Walking with 'a 'flukey;
he . will walk over •.; the • eanie . ground for.a
i.w oflifFellersiand if ,be . seeePte the
;Vi :and 011444 without 4 I WAYughting a'
#o 4 (r. I##o liceli ii re Mobs,' he *lli make him
a kit: ,of kto 'ahsg gobbler,, to come Niel
somewhere.. W lliams - is over sixty years of
age, and as active' Ws be was at thirty.llve.":
••BIDIRS COUNTY Binut flecwrir.—Wo aro
glad to' learn that this expellent soolety is
pn4 wo i rk h this 'city.' The
agent, r. (ow* week agitbeltan 'the /visite./
ticaverthelrottrtlx Ward, and Mot Couipleted
his tiro week's work,: cslling upon every
fail y, lAtwessi Sixth and Ninth streets; and
bettveen Penn and Pine. The following is
his report •
-: Number of fau3illeS visited 272.
Number of families destitute of a copy of
the B blti , 22 , '
~,,..Nntber of familie s supplied by donation
4 1 m. A •
.Nuniber of Bibles or Testaments sold, 29. '
•Money collected in aid of Um work of sup
plying the ds.stitute, .14.93
• It is thus seen theta largo proportion of the
families •visited—one . twolth were without
thp Bible,--showing that there is a groat need
oft his werk'l t ielug done.
:We are sornewhat•survrised attlio small
sum contributed in the district visited, to
wards the supply of those families who aro too
pooi to tittrehasO. Only en average of live
Oents per family.
•• We hope that the agent will receive from all
parties' and sects a kind response to his api
peals for aid: he work is really a grand ono.
f 1.
9114 ;Weinerarlite Letter.
Wsnrisl;aviLkt:, lea 10th, 1898..
PDITOIT. JOAO 1,13 s—Thiwo is not much
to retitirt this morning, although things are
moving in, the right direction at, present.
Them Is now , a ear of elegant amber wheat on
our) aldilugidlreet through: from the far • Word
EmOlte ', is Alto right • kind
p *Wet for,OtirtnillerstO ieeke geed ficlur,iut
o IV Wheat hero iS einlaiderably inferior, that
is, to comparp it with western amber.
• our old friend, Mr. 3no. Whlskeynian, the
preterit turniiiip gato.lrooper, is Ili from the
riffeott of having taken a bad cold, although it
,is not horlous yet ;* hopo ho will gioon• bo con.
valeseent. • :, • .
We 'noticed • this morning n alight fall of
snow. /Sleighing is in eteoliOnt 'condition up
tho•pike, but toWards Beading 1 t Is pretty we ll
played out.. • ' •
Void 14,111003 g pretty fair at present, .but
grain is Coming in almost to an over, stow ;
atilt we manage to get rid of it at tho present
dulinemi and fluctuation in prices.
Butchering la brisk in our town, By going
i!tong fitreet ono can sea' the ',porkers
11 / iniging trilok and fat, • Yours truly, G.
Onsititivu 'MB DlPPEnuxot.—Whilo Walk
ing ox riding through Penn 'street Wes() cold
days, observe for curiosity, it no better Motive
can be served, the , difference in comfort that
WILMA between the apparel .of the ladies and
gefitiernentwhom you meet along the way.
Hero cornea a gentleman Wearing a heavy hat,
Alpine perhaps, with furs about his neck,
looking very snug and comfortable ; a long
board, perhaps, protects his face from the plero
ing blast, dad two great coats to keep his body
warm to say nothing of the vest, and heavy
flandols underneath it. His closely ' fitting
pants., Of .hsavv t; woolen fabric, set hand - -
761)tlellitPlfolettix74ititanr4a°0ntentudi in
n f
the wily snit the. isit wench or American
cal . Woolenstookings, tucked up to .com
lbrtablo underclothing, and lined gloves com
plete the ontfit. .1 . 1.18 tr think how comfortable
404 persOn must be, .
Here .is a lady crowned with a bonnet,or hat
•that the o,her sex would consider, cool in the
Simmer. Her face and care aro the
keen wintry blast. From. the taco we skip to
the foot, ftot4tuOwing how to MontiOn the in
tervening clothing cotrectlk, perhaps, and
find a pair of cloth gaiteis. The body is com
.fortablo, but , the
.6aula exposure of extrema
tics by the other sex would make them wear
blue instead of red noses ell' day, and cough
On Ines all nigbt: lcid gloves pro
tect (7) fhb lutild-' Why proceed ; see for
yourselves when next you walk out.
. .
BRIEF MENTION6.-4t seems to us that nor
enading one'a laslv ;OV4 those nights shows a
fervor of 'devotion that Is not soasonablo, to
my the least of it. Fashions in cattle are
said tif,be changing ' and. many farmers are
now going in for the Dutch stook as the most
profitable description to oultivato. There
is now living in our town a man who avers
that ho can remember how a silver half dol
lar looked--and has a faint idea of seeing gold
00113. -- " -- A wino writer on to bo com
fortablo,in cold woatiter;!,recommends keep
ing Away , from, the fire as much as possi
lbleol----443auer-krouti sausage and scrapple
are nowsthe trump articles iii the home mark
et-Totir, eititizons composedly consuming thorn
Without 'asking any questions.—,Count not
'youriChristmas chickens before you are sure
of your birds,. remember rough roost robber
'ramble rotmd rural regions, slyly, snatching
fowle ninnbor of
Inuidtarebointnitted by itisono people through
out.this country is getting to be very large.—
!Wild winds whistle around corners and in at
oroviow4, while , blustering Iloreas Nilth his
itio chains fast atoning Our creeks
Wad . ponds. —lce • men have commenced
tai}ri# It Is from 4 to 6, inches
_totn -- „yosterday tuflioti the streets into
;dunk. Ilepiember, you esn have any-
Ihlng done b; 'the Yob printing lino at this
lea:Ve wi
ral snow-blrd nadrons have
arrived; and • are shivering and pklpping in
off ge,odrubers over :our fields . Look out
r l'unl; and brulatfol thiS 'wintry weather—
fit if Rid down you must, do it. when' nbbody
Is looking at you. , -- , ---,--.9unday was the cold
est day of this Winter so fae.-4iending the ;nor
'coal snloW in the thertnOideter 'that it got
into the i rogions of cold 'oorufort.—Ole Bull
till itivtieOnderti4 on Saturday, afternoen and''
ovening neat, at the Academy of Music Phil
adelphkr.:te-'4,-Whiush and milk wiciablea are
the latest. Wo would not wander many miles
to partake of a pan (nil of the boarding school
fodder. .A big brother with a pistol be
hind the bridegroom *us one of the concomit
ants of a inarrlage out West reeently,A.
man bait been tenteneed tothltty days' I inpris
ournont a 41040•• f9r stealing an umbrella.
Oar county prison Would not holden that class
.01%811 with according tor law.
ItminwAtia.4ticat reduction to Batt the waft
prices an immense stack. Buyers will find
in4Pit assortment, cheap, at Stich-
ItertsrElith tin
. 1,1,141 *Wide. • dec. 91-11 v
A coleb;ated chemist says: "1 consider, after a
careful comparison and analysis, illarrotEs Veg
etable Ilairliestorativo, by far do host hair pre
paration in the market. It is the only ono I can
fully endorse:4-4/01ton Alumni. doe, 9--lw
. ' *NW'
• ,
*MIS iteirlair Of; ;
• RNADIII . O6 Dee. le, 1%.%
uit Philei:alpha*, the pressure for moneystill
continues with but little probability of *n abate
mint until after then commencement of the new
Yet. The haat tstatetncitt made public fester
day 41011 0,11. ithOW S %lat thitsairiSttlinttetts are
deleg their utmost, toaccomniodate the taerc4n•
tile community, as their loans exhibit an le
treitse of 12tff, 4 4.1 over them of laitwooko The
other Items,With the exception tithe amount
due to banks, show a decrease. The Legal Tim
dere have fallen' off .Ill,Tiff ; the deposits
re 4, Ei fr
nd the circulation $1,24. The banks have
testy( their reserve resobreca ex,m, and lee.
sOned their Itemised Ilabilitto 11PDP77.'
There was but Ulna attlytty at the Stook
'Board yetiterday morning, without any essential
change in prices; all the hotter °leis editnread
dint Canal beetle aro held drutly.,City Sixes were
steady at for the old, aut.1100 1 ,40100% for Out
Mahon g R 8r0.,' ulcers, No.lll, Nortlk *1 reel.;
o,tu Aut folow& t
•• , I
• RlAbixei Deo.
Old U. 8. o'll lltd • .
Old' U. 8. Vs 1808 • - • '"
Ndw &awe, 1644, July and Jan:
NOSY 11. S. &Vs IRA Judy and Nov. • • 07
New U4'. S. leak new - • • •
New U. 8.5.20'a lan July And Jan. • • 10'
Now U. 8, 6404 tva, • • • - 110
Ton Forty JP - woe. - • • • ' • 105
tiolA 111 New York up to 18 Wolook t • • 13574
tlold• la Wading at 11u:thong it Oros., 135
The Uny Merkel.
• Tanta toads of bah wore brought to the city
thta biorbi►ig s which wore dlatioiniit Of at Coals
Ver•tou.' .
• - r ice* Pots' for Flour wild Or in:
JIMADII4O 11110.11513.
White, I' heat itlotir per 1)10., $ 4 3 00
it 4
e ~ .Extra.Extra Foully per bbl
1' at to
Cryll . COVlOld) .1 y 85
' 9 " ) • • 1 10 85
nellly)' 110
Ii 1(
Rent iiiiiiiiiiimi • . . .
connoon o ' ~...1 51)
Bran :• , ' . i ... 1
Vont 4114: .. .. -..!
. • ," 4- ..... -1 „ so
' Ito
PAYI?IQ r'niord.
111111to' Wheni,por 210
Ittd s k 1 .3 (X)
Corn joltt) ' ; 115
Cool (neW):...c...4 ' 95
The Pelee of Ctonld
.honk the Lattrapter Expi eaa.-
Tux' ifarrtsbarg 'Telegraph has an editorial at.
We, explanatory of tita enornibuS attritin) in
_price of coal *Min MORO six wpoUs, which
it declares is not attributable to strikes mown;
tho minors, nor to an 'lnereaSe of don • of
transportation, as hue boon alleged by the deal.
era in coal. •
: In regard to "strikes" at some df the mines",
the writer says they did not continue more than
about a Week, when the "strikers" went to work
again without having accomplished thefrobject,
I ,tio that there was little diminution of the quan
tity mined, from this cause,' To confirm this
and to show that there is no geareity, of produe,
Lion; it Is stated that ."of the various printed
tabillsr statements of Goal shipinentsmine•tentbs
of them exhibit a much greater number otter's.
mined Of not shipped) titan over before 1 ,, Mul
therefore, so far as the coal at the mines 1s con
cerned, there is no cause for an increase Of price.
As to transportation, the 2Wegraph states that by
tut act or Assembly, passed last winter, railroads
are prohibited from increasing the rates of
transportation pf mud above-the -prices fixed in
the act ; and those rates are the seine us have
been charged by the railroad cempanies daring
the whole WHOM. The plea of tiloreeveitUst
isausportation,then, is of no avail.
The real cause of the advance, which has been
so profitable to operators and dealers, and so un
profitable to consumers and oppressive to the
poor, is given by the Telegraph as folioWs 3
"The matter, then, ilea Just hero. Coal companies
and coal dealers have entered into ti combination to
get better prices for coal than they heretofore had
reason to expect, and in that combi Nation—or rather
"Corner"—they have boon eminent!strceesful,We
know • this to be the iJaile—to pro .e. which we
will recall an incident Which occurred in out oity. $
few months ago,: Several dealers in coal called, upod
a gentleman, ulso a dealer in the article, and while
several of our eitisens were transacting business in
the roma, took him to one aide and stated their ob
ject to bo -whet has since been brought about. Tho
gentlemen at first protested, expostulated, then Ar
gued, but to no, offeat—the greed of gahrr-larga pro
lits.,inereased dividends—conquered all opposition,
rink fintilly'the gentlemen acknoWledged that ho woi
compelled .{o succumb to their wishes—or, should wo
not rather soy? demands. A few days after there
was n sudden the in coal, and we havdaince heard of
several enormous dividends being declared—elect,/
crate on the dot! , ie in one cage, near Pittsburg, And
who has hoard, sirco the inosease, of a Seal dealer
breaking up, or having the appearanoo of a man on
the verge of bankruptcy ? Not one! Our word for it,
the cry that "coal had to go up" is beaus; and the
only way to bring it down; is by inereaAng competi
tion, or the invention of something whereby the de
mand for coal will be greatly lessened."
'tit is true that the dealers have 'thus con•
epired together to enrich themselves by xqhhing
or frooshig the poor, it is to bohoped.they•will
moot with retributive justleo soon rintltbg
tUoy havO well burned their tiugOrS , tnthis World,
to gay, nothing of the hotter tires that aro said to
be provided for their class of people in I he'rnore
distant future.
asituma rums.
Rom Egg and Broken Coal, 01 ?Le VI 00 per ton
\ II
' '
Bituminous Coal, - - _ • "..28 ats, per bus.
Ittntling liouseticeporto Morkei;
Tan housekeepers' market syestorday after
neon and this Morning was pretty well attended
by bah cousumers.and producers. We noticed a
nunitter of farmers, Who Carrie to ri;er,liet, in
sleighs—which would indieatO.tbat eleighing Is
good !tithe country.. Batter 'stuntiiVitat earl:Lac
ed, over Saturday's prieei,lfoithgat Otis
per lb, A man ran the risk of asking CO ceitia,hut
people' passed by, and wo noticed: afterwards
that he made up his mind that, his butter was
net better than any other man's, and finally loft
It off at 53 COMO. Eggs tiny() gone np two, cents
over Saturday's prices, selling 0.,t, putt, four cents
apiece. At some stands they could be purchased,
at 45 emits a dozen. There was a largo lot of
poultry., home very fine, (dressed) geese were of
fered* at $1 50. - Geese (live) at $1 21 Turkeys
'were much higher
,yeaterday ternoon than on,
Saturday last, and ilia supply did. not Seem to be'
so largo. They Wero,taken away at from id to $1
per pair, and $160®05 to $2 upteee. Drefts . Cd
wero . ' worth 18 cents per lb. Vhiekons in largo
lots, selling front CO to el apiece, or Id cents per
lb fa dressed. There seemed to be a larger quan
tity of vegetables than on Saturaay fast., Some
fine (Ohio) apples wore Offered at 33 cents por 34
peek, and these, of our far/nova nt2r, tents per
peek. Sweet potatoes sold atilt,' og:i3 touts' per
%peek; Irish, 18 to :23 cents per half peek,. Cab
bare, sofa ''the' hundred ; !Lead,'
at ms coals; small white beans, 10. cents por
quart; cup choose, 5 cents ;'dried cherries, 20
cents per quart; drioti string scans, 17 'cents
per quart; turnips, 20 Dante per , '3, 1 , peck; 'enfons,
40 cants "per 14 peeirpn advance ot.o cent* over'
Saturday's. price ; pop corn, ti
,CtintCper quart ;
pickles, 15 tents per dozed; et'
%pock ; lima beans, 53 nano per quart; °matter ,
ries, 23frt0 cents Per quart; dried corn; 30 cents
per quart; chestnnts, 3.` cents . par quart. A
large tot of boot and pork, which seta at,_:pork,
4130 1 4, Beef $15010..
..,..., ,
#IITTSII- 4 reiii dairy, Vi lb., 55
II Lunni, 45
Cazasz--Cheese 31 lbb, 20622
1.r.n0--I..ard 11 lb • • 24
EClOR—Eggef doz n ' 1 42
tryLag---Apples V pe ck, •• , 20133)
41 Dried V quart, 12
savors— " • •lb., s 20
IlsAT—lloofetoak, round 31, b., . 20
sirloin, °
Ir IA ruulp,, " • . r
• ii .. Deaf roast, ,:. . it 1. v"ift
I . Bea drioll , ,
a, ..,,,,,•,
4 20
41 Veal Cutlets, 111 ti
ill " obeys, 0 4 le
Pork, - Dlutton, II 1433)
0 . • o ''
" " steak, J , II z 500 '
" . Sausage free]) •11 224k25
41, • " sniollod, , "
. I 26
Illsts—Drarns, . 1 . ' or •
0 , Sliced, ,i •". st "7"" • • ' 22 •
SnourraxSs— 1 e - v ild %
' 2°
POULTRY—ebloketit, nye, - ' '4l gl ." "' .• 13
is " drelestal; • ri"1,•,.v.4..*
' /6
14 ,. •''' • Turkles liver • • I s k '... ' 16
i - . -tt,, - , 4 ." • ' 2 ,‘
I .- I .v
, P,
,dr ."11,:t1 1 1:77 1 ,7
' .11: ,, :t;Y1 .Al 4 ;,11 . 111 patibwvm.s . 740.'..m.
-1 4 1 * C4110'
1 0* s
• •- ?AO.. 1511.
Monday , '
'Tneada) , ,, r_ 7
, e 'd • % i t, 1
Mkgbadamly p t — ou ,
e •, •.
` l / 2 1i614 nAtilt STOOkt t WM IsOld Infit'WOOk at
03 per share.
I . ,
OUSIIONG it; BRO., 11411kOra havo OVOi a
million of dollars on It will bo two
Years la J*uuiU Shwa Ow: Oultscotood ; the
baoklng ()saltless.
170, YE Illm.Hnn t4cit Monday Air. J t
Ci. Herman (Ninth and , Piaui) attd Mr. Ron.
luau Rauch will shoot . at Lauor'a Park for fa
a !lido, 2Q shbta cifb, ► 60 Sittda, Pkli::ktiatoh
will no doubt attract *groat mica. - •
4 , 4,181,ft Sa.tut OP. 1'14103014AV Pitopturir.,-
tie said ptiblla Gala,' on Batthrtiat 800.
igth,A V
t o'clock; at' the tasfdenao of
Itachaol Boyer. No. 101 South Sixth atrek, a
lot.of household furtilttlre., Soo culverghto
, . -
Dutatt.-4-On SatordAy noon OA Mr.
John Reichenbach, who resides-near
town, Lehigh county; was at the depot at that
plow awaiting the arrival of thopassenger
train on the Last Penn; Railroad; With which
ho Intended to come to Allentown, he dropp•
od down as though Ina fit, and When those
who worn present attempted to plcic HIM up,
his body was dificovered, to' bo The
cause of his death is euPposed to have been
heait disease. :Yin was about"(ls years ofage.
Decoasodhad bee tj employed- one' of thke
Companies In shipping ore.--Allasion bafty t
Noes. , .
Coot IliMow MORELS, Wilt give opa l
of their grand entOdaineaents at Lt rary Ball
this evening. 1 The m n*end, 01. Ti is tronPo•
flood no 0110;17 at our hands. i , The , , are fUlly
skilled In iho rrk , tpixithiellitrta`th y Assume.
Their travel-through l'onnsYlvanta has I.etr
a porfoot ovation: .- Evorywherathey have ox.
hi blted • 'to largo anti • delighted' inSidlenees.
Cool Burris is e whole .sho'w within hinmolt
Mr. J. h. Campbell, late Tiookley's Mitt.
strop, Jio)ohlyn, has reeehtlyjohied th'e cent.
patty. Mr. 'tarry ,Mortimor Is an oxeoliont
Scotch tenor,. and 'Mews. 'Atkins and Fox,
ologglsth, in 'singing and dancing have no
equals. They. should' have a grand reception
is this city. Go early, hundreds of pooplo in
tend to see thorn.
notAnAY SrOuTs Rimirs.:—lt 'snows that
this year (ho good people of Om county aro
dotorminod to enjoy t ho holiday season by their
peculiar sports in an unusual dogrdo.. Wo
find no loss than ten shooting matchos,ono fox
Otago, ono wheel-barrow match, and several
other sports advertisedln the "Adler,"
Dec. 18, a hog of 600 pounds will be shot for
with No. 0 shot at the Halfway Reuse; in
Maidoncrook. •
Del i 49, a fox pintso will start frop tho hotel
bf rt, ,D VisitOr v irt loritsl44)l• = ,
On t 1010alne day tt hOg of 400 rounds w 11 bo
shot for with balleist . Van Resitirk's, in krlco
- DOO. 26, rifiofilmating for s hOgef 600 pounds
at J. B. Mailer's, in Frltztown,
flame day s almoting with No. snot . for , s fht
ox Klinbstkorner, near Topton. .
Sarno day,.riflo shootingifor a fat ox: oft 1000
ponmks,, ptWm. Althouse'o, in tiltroustowni
Doo;.2 o kAt ,h,oiol of Nathan ,Landis in
Pike,' nit cutil 1200 pounds will bo Shot foe.
Doe. 31 and Jan. 1,, shooting match fora door
at Mellor's, in GroonWieh.
Jan. 1, radio-match fora bull of 2000 potthdla
at Abraham prick's Mite), 'goading:
Santo day, raffling fur a wagon and slolgli
at Cyrus M. Ruth's, in , Sinking Spring.
Jan. 1, and Jan. 2, shooting-match for g begs
nt Muth's. in tfirtking Opting. ' ';. ')'
Jan. 'l, -shooting-match for 2 bogs at the
hotel of J. A. Slittitz ht Sheridan Station.
ann. 2, a turkoy of ' 4O potinds will be pushed
for with a whoolbarrow at sameplace.
Jan. 1, at the Douglassvillo hotel, a hog will
be shot , fer.wittillesi and another ono raffled
for. s ' • • " " • • ",
Jan. 2. at Hartio placo, shooting with No. 0
shot, for a fot hog.. • ••
Besides these, which will ail be largotY at-
tended, a number•of similar sports of a more
priVato °nature will bo arranged, and if wo
should have fine sleighing, which frdtn all ap
pearances is quite likely. the holiday week
will, ho enjoyed all over tho County in the
good old fashioned way. •
Our liamburw I,etter.
Erman 'DAILY liimit.n:—At no Limo id the'
history of Hamburg, haVe so many of Its fair
damsels, old maids and young widows, been
led to the. hymeniol altareas have been „dur
lug this year, and it seems as though tho end'
wore nut yet.- The cause of lids, is owing, no)
doubt, to the magic influence of the fair sox,
to whom Is ooneeded •by Venue the ,right to
captiVite; during tithleap year, LOl ' l4 batehas"
whose faint-heartedness doeSn't allow, them to
"pop the questibil,t' and be,joined Jn the ,mn
tual relation of husband and wife. ,• Poor fol
lows I has it Cane to this? No use rousing•
any unnecessary antagonism. Thoth is noth
ing manly about yOUilurcept your Whiskors.
,Indeed it wore bolter if leap year Came oftener,
in ordor'. that those drones of 'ecielott wore
brought more under the implacable darts of
Cupid.' Dot Imu digroasing. ; •
fJll4hing - fs exoellent, and. ette pap Ole: are
taking advantage Of ft. The skating park is'
nightly thronged pay tho beauty and fashion.
of tho town, iyht Inigago In this healthful ex
Thobutchersibrowers and restaurant keep
ers havo begun. o store up the usual supply of
ico, wherewith" to cool our parched tongues
during the next Summer,
' • Slaughtering cattle hOgai and Malting sau
sage, has begun in right earnest among tho
people hero. Iron know old liorlut ban a rep
motion-abroad for lictodSausage,andllombarg
in particular. .
l'otor Burkoy bought of U. Kemp, a lot
of ground, located on White Oak street, thisi
boro ugh, for kci2o.oo.
Jacob f.(4ob cabinet:inaker,offerod two
bonftesillidlota[situated• on' Main, "street, at
public sale,_ Settirday lost; but tin) hldiling
'was of such it Oharactotas to ,warrant a post
ponement of tho, snl -
, shOivna day two' ago,' by :rotor
tialtis;r: M. of this place, the - 'drat eta three
story brick building, which he, Contemplatott
erecting next Spring, on the present site oft ha
, Post Odle°, which will bo an ornament tobur
bo ough, and furnish' filitt,:funple; room, In
which to carry' on both - the iitatidncity,busf
nem and thol'ost °Meg.: H
At a meeting of the Whoa' DirietOrs of tit* ,
porough, hold on Monday, eVeninglski . a reso
ntion wits passed, Yelpdrlng•'the, teachers to
attend the County Instittito. ,", •
C Ellitiairo#' l bee., 15.
In tho , sonnto,lllr.,finginiT,Otii,t4n'roreign
Committee, reported two r . esolutionkof' tym
path). w i ttl Spain. • • - • •
Mr. Willey's resqutiop censuring the Presi-
dent's propoSitions relative to the public debt,
was reported' from the Finance Committee .by
Cattelhibliti its 'consilioration!iiaiobjceted
to by idr, Ifecreety. z ,
; Ur. Edmunds . 'introduced a bill,' which waa
referred,.pivolibtifit:arMY'officers from hold;
ing civil officdsitind the holding
,of two offices
at the same time.
On motion of Mr. Sumner,the PTe4Ont iraa
askocl., for ilformasion up to ,tte Venezuela
Cldirnit onitnieei‘on.' ' • ' •
, • Mr. ; Stawartts
~14111 to 'Knish., the hOldiag, of
office in violation of the Fourteenth Amend • ment, was referred. ' •
Mr. Y ilson!s,hill repealing the prohibition or
militia otiganizaiions ••19 the South, was then
taken up, and Mr.iEdniunds moved an mini' ,
Juni continuinethe prolkibititiin in Mississippi,
ii0o: loth; 1668.
exec and Virght‘ -1 00 inistaidasisilt
*eta to t aria the'bill'ai attieOwli\ pasta.
Adjourned'i . • • •
h thaThasi l Mr. Clati . l 'of Kuos, , Patto•
dated a.bittiu rafatectea to,tho hillane t which'
'was referiad.
.t is
04 moiiOn or sr, ugmiasis t 410 cowskerve
000040;40,..ftere; oitatto to, Oitaidet., Alto c z .
pedienciot prohibiting the cattriaga of petco
hum by. patio incant • "emit&
Mr. Whittembre offered a resolution vacating
411 c vil t4terat ip tho ISoutit tilled by .dioquall
fled petkonc,,* but :objnetion 4as triad° by Mr.
Chanter;,‘, l 2 - t. ! X
'Oa 8040 - ()Otranto ,on Ow low York'
election tranda,eas announced, Mr; Laurence,
of ado,' tioing %airman.
, Mr. Schenck gave notico that ho would move
to go into ComMtt,eo gethe Vholo on Januar!
6th, to cOitsideiiht Taliftbill l .whereupon Mr.
Mooreheadashed hint to yield, for si motion Co
go irtto . cOMmitteo nn thelarlif at'onee.
Mr.'Achonak consenting, the 'notion ins put
and carrie4-404103, tzky• 69;•and tholioust,
wont'into Committee.
Mr. ;Hooke, , of N. Y., spoko against. Aim
bill, and the tactics by which its pasiago Was
Pike, of Me., moved ,a redaction of tho
proposed 4ity.en copper plAtia,,l'or the bene
fit of the' shiphnitd4 irtterSii ) , but his amend-,
meet waiieleoted.,
• Mr. ,TIFIA*O alolte4;1• .„etnendtuent to
exempt 11:thaldulty copper wind for eldpbuild•
ing, which was alto rejected.
Hoare. Plio!ps !ktd OpikMiss bfrotod'ohtOnd•
monte, allowing draWinicka on copper, i tut tho
Ifni Co adjourned without (Prolog of t
t. Wrosa•
The citi l 'ef Caflit is now perteetiy quiet; and
theyrefiellion f ended. IThe insnrAentihava
• •
given up tnew ante to= the, military'oflicere,
and, the people generally are returning tho
arms they had sfteted. Perfect quiet: now
prevails,. though the soldiers still patrpl the
streets, and military guards are around the Ho
tel d t e , Vilie and,other pu%lie buildings.
'Ab6Ol-11114 pereons basing been attested
for altempting to ineite the ,workingnion of
,these\tY,to robe against:the slovern moot.:
Tut decisimi of , the Supreme Court' in the
case now beforo that body involving the con
etitutionality of too legal•tender act, is looked
forward to with great anxiety. The court has
not met in consultation yet, but it is expected
to do'so, f dneing the work.
r CIIRIBTMAR,—DoyIa eiede t iooklog oratmi tool
.oheatat fa largo ailaortmonl, at ivaaonable pri cosi
at attoiltorfa s lritth and roan otrtots.; •
,• (100. 0.4 w, • • ,
- Way don't you go to De.visaints. No. l¢North
Fifth street, and get some or these ozoollant
oysters, ()oohed iu the best etylo, fried, roasted
or stowed t Call and Sky , theta.
&a non )nrgent Invploo tit Sleigh
Bolls and Btrapf, saver plated ' and othoOdi avcsr
roonlved In 14104111 g, very cheap by
ITO; 2ris6l' • ' J. Li ersclittni boo "gin street.-,
Doves Butioli l-,Tie ;best, oboap!st :Lan&
8 7 i€11 a(1 7 8 11 t
1 1 "4.11 11 . T
0 . r . tottri . R.so3.reitit etroot .
Baarii! SKAraa I—All varlatlOa At oxooOdlaglyi
10aPpr10118 2 nuyara will tatlt tat halt adintatago
to 45311 an 4 o . ,xamine at • •
doe 164t 1 • •• di 1., EPriarrgari s 600 Penn xtroot.
Cl.llpitta ng qUATULAtt t • OtraiSEM ni (Mil/JAN! I
.Parolcults V. Mato,/ Petroleton K•Enotky/ / .I)orkft..
fail Co itenr thlt poonlm , writer tutu lboturer on
Friday ovening nest,. l'ini_oppOrtunity luny not
occur again. 1 [duo 10-21
• lojorlowis Efibcto• of Cord-iron filoveo.
Tbo publio mind has been Somewhat Billeted by
the recent action of that repository of useful knowl
edge, the•Freneh Academy of t3elenoes, 'whieh at its
late sitting in Parts. deliberate upon the extremely
injurious effects Upon the heal thl nt castdron Stores,
arriving at the eonclusir that the heated surface
generates hydrogen from org anic matter pitted to a
high temperature. • It Ira also said that, by tho nso
of inch stoves, fevers wera_producedi bearing analogy
to those generated by marsh gam, the hightemperature
decomposing the insensible perspiration,igeneratin_g
ammonia, which is always preJutlioial to health. It
did net require at( expression of opinion from the
lireneh 'Academy to prove the deterioration ottheat
mosphere resulting front tho tile of mtet-ipon had ult..'
lined cylinder stoves. a s It bee long teen known that
their use as nest alleraters hmtbeeit aktectilianic k in
jurious to health, of alone the fNlennents 'of pr vote
room, halls, steam Oat cabins and hotel' rooms h a ve
had cause to compleitrefA r ts ,enervatig e eta*, but
salesmen inatorsapd tier pin fees rive led their
efficiency infpa red bY tria Mt 1 0 'Po B onds fatness.
'phere,,Which t riders t etndEw y,' nerved . thirsty ,
and debilitated.'preventing t dir usefulness and per
manently injuring their.h • :
'This is not the oak, w i th stoves baking orate, li
ning, as the deleterious matter complained otle not
tt:iterated when the heat passes through Inch a Me
hurt, And the we 9( emelt 'doves (a recommended by
the highest scientific: and medicst authority. tirlIAR
Sr. BROTIIIIR. NG& 111 8 and 1118 Market street, hay
manufactured a large num ber of the most approve
8410 of olay-lined, gas-inyrning sitting-room °Theo
and sales room stoves, which' we o ff er to the trade
end to individuals desiring an excellent, durable end
heater et 19w rates, to enable theta to make healthful
alterations in theiralready spaetelks Storerooms to no
commodate their extenslVo trade. Those unprovided
i l
with stove , or wishing to substitute a health-itupartl
int for ojt 111th-imp:ring one, will consult their best •
interest h consultin the Messrs. opear. . ' " •
We 'won d also add hat meson). James Sneer & 010.,
have invented the wet perfect base-burning and Il
luminating stove of the age. Nunierous efforts have
been made by prove manufactwers and others to pro
duce a' perfett base -burning' or ' ielf.feedinst ?Wye,
with illuminating windows; boWnli this latter point
they have signally failed, because no adequate
means wee invented to prevent. the mica •vrindows
from being smoked while kindling the lire.
In this ne* stove the totes nindowseraiplitaid In a
patent revolving cylinder. The windows can that bo
olosell while the Are is being , kindled, and after the
colt). ie ignited the cylinder can be, reversed, throWini
the windows open - , ontlrely free front amore--fin
Presenting a perfectly bright and clear light, tale '
cannot be produced in any other ;tore.
Wo.would satin' ell who went thy 4test:ond most,
perfect stove to call enclose° this great invenllon. .
.1f on. FractkUn, with his rd ap4 hike , .
' :Drew lightning film t h e 0 1011 Hr Pill"
Now, Spear, with his "Revolving defies
t, • !
iThe power pf.dirkrktim dedes, ' 1
---: The oldeelen IOW; so In vain. . _
IBy meohaniblan - an i Sage,
• comet, forth Item Urea prolific brain— -, •
'; i *.The*loder„of t worwrogs age.!
As morning or its eveningstar,
. Meowing sun or mellow moon, 't Shine &out' the firtnatnent afar. • " '
i So shines Spear'd stove id cosy room,
N9gentus could a stovollevise
mote perfect that Shit Wittig Md.
Not Argus, with his hundred eyes,
N9r .i; Ip_ l 9Pl. NM bl.s OrtAtle one. i -
'Tie free from all annoying dast-L i'' -. t• 't
'Tis free fromlieleterious gas,— ,
/Tit free fromlnfokty and tree (tett fast,
And other excellent:tilt has:
it saves the fuel and•saves the health.
r , Promotes good (*.link Add road cheer;
AV ``motes
loarlibe fool to Wealth, ,
I uythtft painless dove { tom Ow. , •,_...
We' are glad to learn that our ' townsman; V C.
&bonder. has becalm , Attotit: tor:thy nicer ttieso
Stoves in this ens. klo. 414 Yank street; dect.,l2t w
. f ;lii4E.NO:tt 1,172,451.i1tAZ844111:
en sutra FARMER, Druggist, writes front QM.
Allod.: "Chaves lust sold the Met bottle of AL.
LE:Os. BALssx. It sells like 'hot calms,
and gives parrsasaagATTIIPACTR+L
Yells, 81.Alititir ' ft littrralt, Chip Y's, . Ma l
write: 1, We wish you would aim it: good sup.
ply of ALLIIIII°B Lotto DszsAli t salt tictting to
o, l ' tile orMolitYfitentelittOMit ate eonn
•trYr- #t Bens 1 %114 "lid Styes oldire filf. , Option to
;hose using It. .
. V. L. At.tAtir, a weitiotOwd druggist at Hely
.London, Vona., yttlitlia ati 'l4l4.aaj.inVis LUNG .
, BALBAIII is • favoraoly r i i %ekref i A u t i tio a ffl icted.
lie says: ,40i have 14 13r, foot dozen
bottles toyer zny,,tnintater••lOW lk: ,
,liitten goOd
sittlefatftlolo ~ ' l ' ..', 7 'l, , . ~ •-,, • •
, liany 10044 . 'th e il k .*, reeekfed
'from all pasta ilititilt ,- ~ Iff errand for
111 , 1rOat Wiforn isirm ,- .1 Ins so re
cently,oftextd for le; Wei afro % ,t. , undrods
of dmvoimtogo to $ . •- • i - gold. IT
cease, and Wat accounts' its great sueeeett.
'Nona use IN who do not, irt'Marti, rimoiximend
it to Cho* frieadtit Unnoe Its atelq,-qate. Price
---- ~ , • ... ' n ot 23414 , ,
Av 750 Palm STIRWt. on can b eholp 011,
rEb7 4l ' Mk" amthitextrae 4 ,4
4ov 0. I 000, IteadC,
' - 0
trait Bite.; entis4acmtcrdesoiS , ,‘ , 0.
in) 104,i4 litibitA t eitatt4 ilt(itillt 'W 4 ol l lll'o'4*
htitteot alit at tbo kg° plattroclOor, 'Mica tbr %Aril .4
IK I elK4k 3 qt.t 0red4 ,104 0 0 0 *OOP'S l ei lv ll I " tt
U 41 4404 ", tot thimtil** o 4 t 4 1t 6 310 OPt:v:I l ft Mr
ivule 9 r 4 APllt + fi li c '4 t i t ri" WC t 4ii i r' '' '
tot, ,sy, , J .,
.. ''
, ''''SAYRE4' I ,'' ''"" '' 4
... STANr-P.AIN, -
vitt ,IttArnoil tie)lt:ml;l4 *Okla IliPp*h(l4/161tt 4 - 11 , •.
' Iti afki it veabeitr iiigitaLioss 0.144.4441400..
outlrely bativat4iimitg i be ta ipiticams tei It* n 414 hi.
drr opt us to tbo adult. Thousonds of ourtrofol noses trik.
Itty WM tb,* to IP 1 140,0 1 5 t IP4 1 %4'0114 4 0 9441PottV.
ond a %NO application 0 Olt , tirrotpl,cts‘,ltolo,ltt ptto
' okot , tiodintrktt 064 0 1 44 . 01 1 '01 1 1 1 Priff.,+!rt or t-1
. • To Per its .riool;, .1 '
, , :,,, . ,
ilolionity that mica breams* aorta fain ,
.144 t/ ifrtkiatsa NvOi WiiithaitUft."'/I
, ;• , , . „• .. •. e: ~,, !.1 „„ ,love.
hien 60 Me, Beta Itr ill Druggists. '
it. lIIISIRLItIi 'VC?'
, 1 4 arl l
* bilt h '
l ef f 4 4
Bee what f a A', a klai•z. 0/1
tag il •
ley A Kyle ono o tee i •w •
eatabltilmenWin thttcoaatt7 4_
• N4. tilkilatarit ore. Mem,
NOiteetiet 00•• Xeetil •
!ip i tVi p olr ill g s iip, f "I n kilL
.1 mien I was at liti
abd and Ade,. fter su t 1701 ens4l7 I
()arty two weeks, i v f au Induced toter you
hand Toe oir appreupn„ to icer, A or
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t • *lel tutt rout
Alum My Mow ilte• di,
timely believe that it w 1 sto p t r 4.l polo
every cause anteimost Instantly.
AtereetfUlty,loyN unt
Of the dr= of Dudley A Stoiol.4T, lihaa ii 4,.
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• 1 ) EAR' 14 SOA P ,
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take pleaanro Id Informing the people of R di
mid vicinity, ( t tut_toOre pettiy igo l e)
4i r t
igr:i e nlfSba; 4 grigrio a r t i l O il a gt et* o ° As
f il ilin eg i r m elitie Paint: 100d-w i Mk t ilt
RE D—Xor (flettnlng (awl oHablng at the
nine t me) stetals or au deism easi s It
Llousekeeportin at (ice ste le • iitadviti
tape of thla,ae t entirety' ono mart* *se
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whey° there ere pry- iptpurttes•V tie) I t o:.
0 01 1 '1% 1 4 UPI , ( M a ll ) P, it fi t .1117 r
DR ii end lest—Yee thei(houladvol *is
other purpoxra tor which poop is In oonstant•Pe.
and widen It le Impossible to enumerate attn.
thne. ,
ntiVnuntlit ton Alamo it4lutie ti t& ker
for eaoh knit ester Ontpoati siorti metal ed , ire
be used in the same vent* en AO latkir
this excdptlon. that it otuy ragmen $N - 2
the amount of our Holm to sooomnllsh the smile
eitir t svAre, and iniFIIIII* I O.4t Uti'.TLIII
an vA v i An 4v e u e ,q, ) ,- n'll i."111,t, I
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1141tinIfi' vviAil IA i.
'2l/mitithchised kichoiiiely . Sti VII, 'eMar,Ainfrie '
$002) lb.k iva 'Art* iSteti.t; PAiltorl4MAAL 4 . '
it A il, Et, i'l3 a , * 00 :. •PtoikristOli, o ' ,
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and mkohlngtoa Otrects, § 9l O 6 r
i A4,..•
It*N "AtrilnA l thag , ~,P
Tho Soap to noirottorM tb thee lid iitliiiiiii
lowing Stores:
kttnutior & litionfolder, Yoompl & 'billions.
li4 Pottiliet, ‘, f I' erne knob,
J, •*- 0.15.710 L. ' . . , .rit o ,ii; v .[,
narer r & upon,
1). Kehler, ' , : iltnibtarlijaAriAbily
J, Dundopo , O. Ilettelfinser.
. 1 5 t Aaft, , fi t h ydrigo,
-- -eoffr _. - 0
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Prone street.. Philadelphla• Askifilime
SVPDAX 8040Q1) ,
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