! • • • '' . l( 11.111 11 1. • " ' " • (,a 1, " - c . ;!•f , ~t • • f;.' • i""" s ' •.' '.` l 't t . „f I 11 1 - .:1r 777 ‘;•''', 3 ain tri ;,; • •. • • _ , _ r • .. of j. • t, • . , 4 0,) - ,r' ,:••• , . 1„,. • • ii *"444"- v 1" • 11414#67 "' ;;•<>l,! ~4•14 t T'l t ( • At; . • • idebrk ". • `;( • • • ',— , . ;i': ..• et** • • •. ;!1, • • • 11 • _ " • voL. ItEADING DAILY IiVLL rtIBLISHED Ismor iivf o r.,:t (BiltiDAYI lfroplrTiD) AT NO. 5i . 7 ,PENN:siligrN TER"& CO. I M I MI i TE Ro,(totivere by the CartterOb'VE* Vestal per ,r eek , payable at the will , of *yeti wpol(. ThrecCents Per •*Mgre cePPY'•'" To liptiltsubeerl. b er g s $4,80 per Your i SOAP fOjia,tia:4o/40 or, * 1 ,0 for throe months—payable strighit'in r • , vane°, DR. LOUIS DeIBAIITHH I KUNK; PFICE AND EUSIDAN6k, 1101 214 North Ninth street ! lng, ra; $ GEOROE A TTORNEY • AT ix He. MO Court 8 troot, (upstairs) Iteadtng. April 14, 110-lytlaw HENRY IN; KEW ATTORNEY ATIAAY./OPPltit;"*. v North Sixth ap3Ote,•*. Feb y, 1804 d , • r , ;./ . - WESLEY H. 9EA01,0 1r ''" a A 'FORNEY AT LA.W;OFFIOE,.N - 0 23. 53/ Court Vet, nes4ing,,,ro.; May 2-Iyditly WASHINGTON RIOHAIRIS# • AI, HItM. A N ,29; L s. North Sixth Street, oppollte the P 74 °Moe., 44 - Sort voning and Conveynaolag pro aptlyat. tooled to. • , „ (eb 0, 06Orttil ; JESSE HAWLEYi t " VIIORNEY AT A:tt UM; AtittoV- Lx eti hie office to Np. 40 (second rigor) North Sixth etroot, nearly oppdotte thb 43ourt 11101180, Reading, Pa. t (Yell £4ll, JOHN W. OIOKEt., A TTOItNEY •AT LAW, OFFICP, „Liam:stir Bonding, Oat, floor, baok,) No.1800eti• ire street, Pottsville. .11. 4 ,. Van no eoneulted in the Gorman language, War 4 ; LOUIS • RICHARDS,, i.) • AA VORNEY AT 144 W, ?FMB, NO. 530 Court stroot, over Ohio Jotm B. Mott. Nsq. • (Sept.2-ly H. M. NAGLE; .piLYSICIAN, (tT. a. Pension Stitteon.)' So Pena 'Arcot, Reading, Pa. 011Ico 1►0ut.8 7 4 412 tO 2 p. W. , 6,t4„B„p.mt WM.B. BOHOENER, A LDERMAN AND AtTORNEY A II LA W.-0111no, No. 017 Court street, Nendkut. Can bo consulted in Gorman Rini English. O Dr. E. MOSER I , , • ca 1J ItGEOX 1414TYST, 'OF#IO, 519 Lk , Donn street, Watling, ra.w (over N. W. 00d berN Clothing Store). Tooth extracted withOdt pale by NitroUB Oxloo yaa. New Bete tootle for Vivo hollara. Tooth 11l cid for 50 cents, All work warranted. (Aug 11-tf: GRAND BALE Or ') A DRY, GOODS, HOMER, COlitaki 00:, A 811-3 and 830 Sto; ritibevsLimi.§.. 811 es to Commence November 20. Cumptlllng SILK 9, buss (loops; SUAWLS, CIMMUNGI OL'orlit4 LACNB d Eatnnowir.itikl • LINENS It WILITILGOODS, ctb.. 4.); I HOSIERY at GLOVE'S, (to., mounxix,G ooDs;' etcq 40. • . $ • ", Ow lug to tho w hie reputation of their liouso it, is noc4los3 to detail the oharactdr of their slob t ic it, C. d; Co. wouttl moroiy state tiutt their IMPORTATIONS Or TIM 1 • PRESENT SEASON). wit tu Is MUST It 'Sat' - Preparatory to'rOniOvol to thoir • _ Now Afitilale' Ohestnut Street, abbio• 1140410 r, Have never been surpassed in rh114101144 contaluing ,t,- 1. • ENDIAESS toxtore in Ine4luktlir.ttehiP4Ai; " e4it A pie ;",• 1, CHOICEST NOVE4.,tiES;OFIYIIittIEASISSI . I, t• :•: It. IC. t Co. would atbildo or Obtnind GREAT BARGAINS 'l6 DthrI.POODS; L To lose nb Unit) : before tospqatag 'thelefitgolci' reeling emretltbat - • 1 tittt / UNPARALLELED ,PRIOg)SI At Which the entiro stock will be'tlispOeo4 OE iqust ins‘m ' ' RAPID BAI.EB. wit4lll44w) OCKMUEBLIS COLUMBIA /TALlras.' • WINE Aim tAdflit nEtttt NALePti; Venn ifereef, /lefireen /ffirth An kinds ot )44! awl sold at the lowest, priests,. i f.,1 0 * /r8 ; GRAND org'xiilG.,•; ekes Foraltnre Wird Rooms at ttisOlß York bey Goode Stow. _ / 1 1.13eidOiftni rtB V l-1- pier, 'shell) every variety of !Pornitureitan bought at retlneell prleesv I , ' Sprlrig SOCIS And Maitteßßea la vavietv, Also Agent Nr4o oeli4 brated Vioreileo SeVang ataohlties. . DAL DEIDEstAN, 0012 -3nali 442 West Penn attuAres Re*Ung 28' F. I1." 4 *7 , C*7 -, rer. 0444.00 A-MWr r tl , ,` MEM MEI EMI EM EMI t MS 3 I I . . ME i ,;: ~,?4) • PHILADELPHIA AHRBEADINAJIAILROAti' asirrairANOXICIINT PPASSRNORR TRAINS ThionitattAlllu t 1868. ME TRAINS DOWN TO I . IIILADRIPRIa d .C 494 k 19315 41/ 1 1/ . 15 4,.*•, gin UP TO rtrrrevu&R, at 10.55 A. aid 6.60 and 111111 11 8 . W115110 tRitAiNOl4 Western Express from 21fw•York • at 1.06 A. N, and 1.00 r. wow 10,45 Harrisburg AooOmmodat on Train at 7,15 A, It, and Mail Trains at 10.46 A. M., and COO P: M. On Sunday, ths_timm train. pats, Reading at 9,40 A. M. and 4.25 P. M., and up-trains at 10.6 0 and s.ar, Id. The 4.25 P. IL And 10.50 A.M. Up trains run only between Philadelphia and Beading. Up trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, Har risburg and rotteriU4 at 1. - Wand 8.15 M.,19,30 noon, and SAO P. 14. and at 4.45 P.M. for Reading only. The 1415 A.R., train connects with trains for Tamil* Willlaulaponil4ludrasBllll7/19) vita andLanads. - f The 8,15 &Mood s t ip r, IL up tralosfrOMPhila delphia, and 10.85 mi., and &lap. m. down trains, Stop ordpat. principal statiotut.below " miming Accommodation Train Leaves Read. that? tif rhtutning Irma Philadelppa at The' Pottstown ACcommOdtioa train letkires Pottitawn at 5.45 A.ll. RetusrningleaveaPbila delphla at 4.00 P. M. Tat ) ora Express trains connect at Barra Ita 11 , 1 sXbrosa trains on the" Penwirirmth• v'Ealtireate l PltOtburail end Wirth* , West, and the 10.46 Mali train connects at arrls burg tor Pittsburgh, Lancaster, ( Ibamberebura, Sunbury, Scranton, Pittston, NN ilkesbarre, Wil liamsport, Look Ilaven,Elmita and the CalladaB. illasengo Co l u mb ia ve U_ppor Depo% 7 , RA. rata, nd Le.neSsOr at MO A. / 1 . and 6.16 WM. , • • 'Through Irina-Class Corr Tickets and Itmi grants+ tiokete th e uce e n d ail the y111)- 0101 pante in North, Otthe Ca di. ). , COMMUTATION TICKETS, 0 With 26 Coupons, At 26 per pent.. discount, be, tWeen any points nesinui. . ' MILEAGE TIONNTO, • • oodfor 2000 miles, between all points, at 054 .-for families and business !inns. • AtE/40N. TRAM, Rood fir the hblatir only, for 8,0, 0 and ill months, between all pollits b at reduced Pares. Behool Season Tickets one-third less than the above. • If Passengers will take the Express trains West at the UPPER DEPOT, and all ether , tralas at the LOWER of OLD DEPO'p. 100 poulids Baggage allowed each passenger. i rseseugers 'are requested to purchase *theft tloiiceta before enterin the ears, as higher fares are charged if paid In - the oars. Excursion Tiekets good for one dew by 7.80 M. Accommodation Train to. Philadelphia, and return A II 60 **oh. _ ' s• ` • ' Q. 4. iricoms, May l] i General Superintendent. VAST PENNSYLVANIA EAIL ROAD. i• - . AIRSAMINMENT Or PAEISENOBR • TRAIN.B; Commencing Monday, &ptemkr 14th, 1038. 0 ocin glipiplN 1314 through trains to New York daily without change Mail Trainleaves Reading at 10.80'A. M. iast'lls ~ ." ; " . ; , 4.201 0 , 11. • Stop nX at all the way stattonsbet wean Read ing ,art riewlirork, malting close Via Lehigh for Mauch Chunk andPhiladelphla, Via Lehigh Valley Railroad, and arrive at New-York at 8.80 an( 9.10 P. M., running daily except Sundays. 'EXPA*I3I3 TRAINS: tettlie Watling . • • 4.14 A. M. 7.00 A. M, 2.28 P M II 41 - Arrive at Now York at II 64 • , IMMOM:I3 . , • o'' ' it . 156 l i i: M. ' Thesetraine tun through' from Pittsburgh to tfew-York, Without change of ears, stopping at Wong, .Allentown, Bethlehem, Easten t Juno. tion, Clinton, White House, Somervillo, Hound Brook, Plainfield and El isabetn. ,. . •• . . • The 4.44 A. M. train runs daily excopt Sun days and Mondays. The O.IBP. X. trains run daily except Sinulays. Z;t: 'l.O 4. M 4 nod 11.0 P. M. trains run daily. Went bound trains, jeaste Now ' York, at Hie foot of brY greo, aa follows I . , , He 'ark. • Arrive at Reading. i9,' I id, . Mail No. 0,. 0,00 P. m. 9.• 1 A. M. 'Hz - press Train, 1.84 P. M. , 6,40 P. M. , Xxpress Train, 10.10 P. M: BtOQ A. M. , ' .14x press Train, j,05 A. M; LOOM .2411 Train leatres Allontown at 7.10 A. M., 'striving at Beading at 9.00 A. M. , ' Vitl 74021.. M. and 12.00 M. trains atop Atall way stattoilsrning daily oXoOpt Sundays. , The V, PM. train rune daily y the 0.00 A. M. and 0.00 :limn Oily except Sunday, Stopping at Blisitbet , Pisinfleld, Somorville_, Junction Heston t ike:hlehera, Allentown and Lyons 0n1,4 Paasen ors ate re c oated to purohatie tioke tiaras en ling the ril s 9.o $6 cents extra will be ehargtid ROA ccniel4e on the train from all who BO the fake LOVAloendtfoto • , P X itlintliVllOUT. Oat tkt,f) , „ ge Oat Xigket Agent. ItlCAAnkill, ,14' , COLUDIBIA PAlL nosp,, ~,i , On and after Thursday, Nov. Nth, 1809, Passenger ra us w run out road as fellows, • Leave Beltesulta t • . 7.00 A. M., 0.10 P; M. Arrive at I l imioiugar at , , 9,16 A... M. if Ai COlUtlibiggit . OA 11:. it. • 0 41 Lancaster at ROO B.s§ P M. P. Columbia at' • • " RSTURNINO : //4 1 0,Y0 Lancaster and Colunibia at B.OO A. M. • . ( t ~ Celiiinfile at ' . O4O P. M. Are,l , !,' LlV ) t i l i it at 8.23 r, Ai; ,re a ea ng at "._ • . 10.20 A. M. ,li,„ 1 a . Off at. ~.. , ' . 0,40 P. *. it i u ral lip ia oa t , add 4 ;peke close connection it with thaws North, and South, on tan Ueda hiardneadinattaliroadi and Weet n the Übanon alley Road . No. g also makes 0 1 0 Offigneagan 'W ta train for lgiew Toris. ; . 1 4 1 101‘0 1 * , 0# by obtained ca lla oftlees of the Now Jong ventral It lio opt of Melly *treat, N,ow 'll4ll4,4 l 4 • Vtilia. pi tunic it. B. Thir teenth at 4 Callowhill street*, Phliadolphit ' :. , rThreegb, %%Tito to New Yak anti Phi adol pnie, eoidat al t hou prineliolo 400014 and bas il hooked 4 rQa_t. , :, ,cuaare run ay rigthugeit i tila ,gted Needing .11A read tiAIeCW.O II I* ten tu awe (eater than renROY/ 1 Wt. st, Time. , , : , . —•'; , , • 000413 1i.,4A4E, ,_ 1 ,. • ,i, • , • • ~... superintenueo., : f.t.',Nioilthe,,Gen. Ifrt,4llTieltet Agent, , , , • tx‘ ::_: , .' .. . ~ . . '• 1 • . • . w 1 .r r ~,:: • . 11 . 1 ',„ .IN( ADLE . " , . . 7 , ; •I! 15't: ' • '.#* • ~‘' 4 . •: , , pablisitAti itf 6.6; s:. • t •I ' •••:"•, ;•-• • •• ,• • •) • • unttia Statei:. . • lIIIIIIIIME IMill bitlifttlittip:* 2797. ' Ottakitkris °tick Avg .110imeilkit hAthi;',Atirolt4 Adteeitetht,),:ia etudn; teis+ j ett t,:: , ' • , l • , 41 ..1 1 the derma* inettlets In sa stern P ‘. „ants, hating a alrealidon of. ovtr• fiv*AolOsha I - `eceited.' !Arica ao?latip Of. • dl'ettliornentiMll 4 l o4 Tifililr i tit 4 t 4 Telt 4 il l itP i a te ) tar ' . it'll; Adler ka' iikariiaaldiDeaioCiratia pr eticleoottag 4ica!Coitao6 eova(l pollikal .doettiaat ofiitrtorifathomr.si I, l la 4 Pwn by et• • .” • . , , „ , aon and Italics. ,• ~ • • - , .4. ' '• 'TRICWONLY 4 ,I I ba'A YEAR. ,rt Pito)lsbea everl'l'vAids4 raolnlas.br aft 1. ..‘ Ait-irop , 4g ,V1.1 7 1: 1 , • - No, 851 ' Penn Street, F9b v t!! M i t i al i r i tr 1 READING' 'PA 'WEDNESDAY A ENOOIi DEqwEit '1: READING, , , . 10.00 A$ Mt 11.45 A. lc 7.00 ppOocric a oaFn. „, • , , • , Corner Second and Franklin Strat a, constaittly on Lend nod at leitonable LUMP. BROKEN . EGG. A STOV E CO AL. NUT • CHBEITNUT AND BMIMINOVP C 9,414 HICKORY and OAK WOOD, LIME AND SAM). HINDLYNO WOOD BY THE 1 3 4 11 4 0 %. the a sr We deliver free desire oherge to en/iitoi tty. CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, I=MIZil ALL WARRANT4I/,',.: , • e;• .•tJ , •'•• APKNIGITS HARDWAIRE STOIUF • . ; • t . - 3 , 3 0 TIIIRD"AND PENN MS. aug 10 r;rJ 1868 FdliL. 1868 BIJCII & BROTHER, Have opened a Largo and gielee!ed stoOlvot NEW GOODS! NO. 643 PENN; STREET, t s ;' ‘) stir ti. Cuttei. l .lll:i' • •.; r , d •;. •it & Stook of • 4. . . • / .; • • / NSW Were seledted in the City of New , York l aud will be disposed of atprieei far la. , 'those of any other es- - , , • talastrnent in'the „, City.! Gentlemen's Clothing ma4e to vac% ~••I , , I. ' r... • I ' ' , Boys' Clothing constantly "ea ,tan and made to order, 4 , h e 9 sti>oktai Fill:481Q CilkiVa tQ f lei/Y . . .tile beat 4114 most utensive in the , f . city. Cull, ildel d satisfy ' : I, e lf . the mere fact of hallo! the services of the cele. ' bratad cutter, Mr. Lori 0. °ciente% is sufficient ir dsiiite. oit iditiOsentsisillbeiiide,UP In the ~. bee s !poi lett st to ion. RtErraber ~,, BlJOHletßaiSi IL . • 11e0qpit"riklg e a l hald04 - NO. 1548 PENN STREET, REAPTITO. Portipo Row MITI NFAlY Bl )4 l )PlWCirineeld:rd pen. on and t o co, w tch wi BO Obellft 1 . . , al '.• . ;14, ' IME At Portico Ron , ' tEADING, PA, , 111111 _ - 1. ,iibmW J(43 PROW°. I (t ~,• • _,".• Thi:`,Prapiietita Daily Eagle, and weekly. Gazette • ik .. .. • RE PREPARE:I)AV Ipo 1 p0 ' ._, i:]''',....=H'% - '. 1;: - !•,: 4 01t . ,' • ; 1 - • ,', i i t, ) .. i . • : ' i . ,' ; ; t' t ti i f r v • •e. ALL KINDS Or JOB ,`, i PROMPITY NVIiTLY -3, lIIMIIMI ' • • .1(• , • P R ,C la I • ;„ „ P Having tun to Willies and good workmen they are enabled to execute overt variety of printlng desired b i y , . _ ;'- ;t • ; .MERCHANTS, MECHIrIiCS, - _ • AND. BUSINESS MEN, • lIMIE =I 000Klio ; • : 1!I Catalogues Posters 41, • - Programme!, • ) 04010* •;' , • , Legal Blanke t Notes, • Receipts; Letter-Heads; Ball Cards, Bills of Fare, Labial Welding ()aids,.. , , buishiess Oard' t o &o.'o We aro confident that all. Work entiuided to us will be done satithetorllyt6 the customer ,both as to style and price. 1 . Our ;personal and palitleal friende are' re minded that theynan Mateally Rhine, with out any disadvantage to the iselves, by giving fi us their patronage 'nh% t 11 to, ' 3 , . Orders by express or ma l will be promptly egeested. Address • ME ~ ~j . ; • • - DAILY NAGIL. AND, GAZETTE 'OFFICE' " 1 :" 517 Pen StreOt e Reading, Pa. - .dune gb. iwo; TRE,ORYIS STILL THEY COME', n • •',.• wuP ntisti , coininitiPs non I):.6.ol;..:::A::itsti),':Sl - (iti (I t •:- ' '` : , 1.,•GEl ; FISMON ri Ati t ; BOOT. AND SHOE MAKER} • I ' 08 2 Ten*. Stileft*, Maiiiff‘f, ',.its.t,ii:.i { , L If I __,I L 1 ' A ;HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND TIIE . FINES I assortment of Fine and liesvy Boots and Shoo* in this oity, also Ladies'. and Children's Shoes of al,l kinds. Bee list of styles and prices: • , Men's ealf boots, home made, • , Is 50 to la C 0 41 •it i lil , 1 f ? ,H c , , 11i ~, + 0 , , 3 co• is ; ;5 75 Bora • , 5 i 4l — s • . •, it - • 5 , 5 ,2 00 o 2lb Youth's '- . " ' ' 14 • 41 ' 4 'l6O " 2Zi Women's klp lace boots, 123" 1 i Women's Goat Polish,. -- 200 di 2 Misses' It ft• _ •• 1 150 11 2 blon's Aret han io,_ a " P UISITEPt ' 1 Women's" " 'MIAS , , .i.s 1 g : • - . ' VIII dto9lS , f ; 1 ' ~.' i i --- i THE READING . FIRE INSURANCE AND , TRUST COMPANY OF !JERKS COUNTY. • ' ,Ortipuiircdylk.,4BPrt CaPisOrr 11480/100! , • l, • 'Office, .Read ng ituntrance Build ing, ' No. 1.1:1 North Fifth street, ,youth-. East Corner of . Court Street. . • , t QlfFibl • 'LOURS; 40],if A; Wto $ DIRECTORS: • J. PatuoLuJONSIS. JAMES Melisionj, Ilusav Z. JACOB 811APFSE - J. T. J4konsoa, • D. E. STOUT JONAB suatasn, J. 4T. VAILENTINKI, 02011118 RIEDEL . rPHIS , COMPANY. , INSURES ALL .1 kinds of Novelty against loss or darn** by tire at rates as low as any other rel table Company aud upon oycryirdark A,nowaldll riteCh, cerirreeies• ,#•-., ; •;4 41. i Perpetual Sri•luneii issued'requiring no renewal and upon which tbe amount of premin tu paid ean be polaimed4 *Ra% lees a deductlon offiye pet cent Tbe. lid tate" Asj,this imbibed are worthy of the lett(' t A-tritirMers and %Imre having Ilrat.olass dwelling houses, barns and otilathillittiStttt9tMee, AeliUtrittuqteilAi the oh peat an is " Policies for one; t thiewo, e, Ave or more years, or for lesstban one'year, issued and no charge Made for Polley? add SttrveYl Whetrireeeredt or when insurances are transferred from °there°, . • eOlthienlipv,uesd ng ; apgryW bstheite dependent insanity UnOlt TpreignOcntrzumita, have now the privilege or egeeting their' insurances aibome institution, well organized, with an tustot Patd illPAlPlaranteed iMitafrice"¢ sent ng as strong tto toskitwof eeenrity t of any other compatLY. The advantage of doing business directly with the Company and the line portaneeor keeping • , portloo 4 of the •large su i rra for immesh igloireUDitlon at hOuie w Ihtile hilklaitW r A eiS President. . ANCONA, Secretary and Treasurer. [nig 11,1868-Iydftw • Oat' IIiVITANOV r t AND 7 AT' HUUII• AS Pamphlets, BITTER Sz CO, 1 ~ r ' ;; i j , 0 1 IMI TUE ill/A*ol* AT 'Tat* siiiimmpinta*:, • yds cratnidoN. ' • •• Frotittastin thst Pre marched beneath the ~ • • • ekes. s • • lona POttlit. ate fib ' K!,P,t mini a nrateb.sco 'Web. by death manna - del • I'l4 Teen each cantina* MI T . roil I ectell letyb,lulttl thom took to-tohood• To think that I should _ 'Who have Mai death ti every taint unthrinithr• • 'To wilts% ibis dad tams hero. In Dactan forest, *Wog ikrrme watch-Ars. Pia-kept tha wolrei at bap; • On Itlitithil Alpi Weed tha ate huts 111110 ► 7 Con what, oar lotion On moonless' ulghtti. tOon the sand: of Libya. " I" I've Set With 'Meta stl4 set • ' And heard the lien wart ind !nth!, forearm • The tiger's teeth have met. . I was star.gufng whin be kola uPon me. • Until I filthts breath. • And saw his jewel ekes gleam t then he soiled me, And instant met Its death. My wetpou lo hbitloll-taloid neck X Burled, hip 'feet bre walu blood dyed And then I hound ray Wounds, and till the tuornieg _ Lay earthed upon. his side. • , nese, thqughthe stars re veiled the peaceild ear • Lies at OWT feet 'asleep; Round us thitittli snore pereNt dead are lying I /4 YOt 140r0 deop. , A low wharriOatilag glides intone the olives, ' Till every hill4lde sighs t But round us here the meanings teem to muster • , And (ether where If. Iles • glad thriingh the derkeete &let, pale 'theve! ire Syldr• • . .. • , • Thos. couched this hlll-alone: Whence • those unearthly Batas? and "whence the -shadows'• • That move swathe stone? If the Olympian ;ore awoke,in thunder. His groat eyes I could moot t But Ws. if once satin they looked upon ins. _ W44ldstrik6 me to Ills feet. . • 'Be looked is if mg kaiser hint there bleeding, •• . And pit any mat to 'al* t • • • As 1110 'mother with his eyes wag pleading. And pity overcame. Bat could not save. Be who in death Wes !miming , en the acoursed,tree. ' • • Was be the Son of 1451? for so In dying . ' seaweed to die for me. ' , &Q 4 All my pi filet" 041 came up before tie, Clued at me from lila hoe , What If lie roei main; and etiould meet Illre liOvr awhi Ravi; Yester4ay inornin, as Juitico Jocko Wll3 sitting itt,hict ;s4lce, ,pitrintoyer tho, election 4otairit4 . ' 'ctingratitlating' good lack in biting swindl6d out of • the nini• nution for sherlif nYoutiliwtan from the 'rural districts entered and ingtiliCd rather timidly . the Nuke was in. Josh() informed hint that he was a Justice of the ARON and 111/101 Betio. tiateaiall4id•Sqaire # for short: ' ' said tho,rinag man, blushing, m i d casting hia-eyes upon thO floor, i'what hake Fellow got to do in thin State, ihoi ho rants to get marrlad.". "The tirstthi i ngihe lost . do," , replied the hatico, - "is toga li woman," • in OkuTehr ,. , , J "Nary liccusc-rnsry church. If' hoes old enough:4nd the girl is old enough, tholaw .COnsiderithey'are and the rest is nobdAy'a Vastness." “That's Just as easy as rolling &Y it log. Think I'll coma - to .1110.ouri to live. They have more freedom hero than over !24 wbar ; come from. - Squire, he continued laying his hand familiarly ,on the Judge'o - shoulder, "I've got a gal odt that at the door, • -I . • and ehe Mad Mo e*fally tuitions. to get aPileed. ; )ya hac , a hard 'time, stealing aWni from the obi folks, and . had to . come dowa,the Illino.y, tivekb) , a skiff. Last Aight wp camped on *cod heroin& I tell you it won't do to, put Off the getting,niarried part any longer." . ,o*ell, fast bring Susan in, and fix the thing allightin five minutia.. Ifilegwart ) th Constable ; will bo here pretty soon; . and h will be the witness." "All right she'S Wild not biro In front of a pile,of cabbages, mid fetch her in. at Amp" • The youn man stepped out, and in a mo• meat retutried'itecompanied‘ by wrosi-ebeek ed damsel; dressed is red: ialieh, with ' 'white spots, and wearing a:heary green iell 7 Lift ing up her iell,'sbo said r. • don't, 4iant.to fooling about this matrylak if you are a real eiaire, it's all right,. but I'vb USA 'of fellawa passing themsal4ea alr for squires that wits 4o squires at all." S- ••' • "You tee no,eif'h out at the door, aireftlite eaot4h tia4tery yet • 'show lett my cOrein . • 4 seed Peace, , Ja n Jeoico duOtte t e o e Paiptcd on a board/ 114 ihere. l 4 l o;, oo 44Pg abbot squire on . J., •;;`..L' . , . , . "0; it's all the gime ; we milled Justice s. I hi Miefmri rtuOtotquiulree. 1 - ,-- ~/ . . •• , . ' 4 • IT • It f ' ' '''f c i o l . *. f ' II '''' . "WAV jlO Abta—it i yoit , file You I catch .Hail 0411 11 - 04 . f4ititt ( Mie:iiri IA!" days.. If i0q , Y48a1.,P8 0 4iPt 4 4141./Alfit Alf",„ . ! . (4'°. übt your work but pm', are •t*.e).: litelq.‘4, tell. a 'kir I to,:- , . f i• i ;.'.' ,1 ~... : 1': :`, ,-i t J` ::4:: •J::1, 1 !,3 c '.;% t atiorf it s * . 81*4#*stid.. iniiii4 tile ,!T f i r; ' l . 4c e 4114 IT ,''', i.l 4 i s k cflo,l * A / tp.k4p_ . l4,qt.**l,;•o., .100 1 ' at each .Outer.; , Indets!,44l, my xopc,,, I*ll. tioned, the twalitWertiviuld mitt sititicifecelpt MED FM =OIRMORMINTII TEN 0 .xPEIVIM. , Om the 1414 •• No were • Ilioitew 114. ' • stepped•up toT 1 , ,• close to bith Odd: ' . 4 1 1., 11. 01. "I'spose you want to saint° thti itTl 4 44 do?' ; - .o 19 111° • "Certainly," , replied dcc „ and, R one arm around the PluMp neck. 9,0 mo her ,such a smack that Blegw,ari„tiong. 1 t , , > r .•) ~) 7, a pen° . Of glass was broken." "gra away, Squire • I" , said • 4044471 kt • , • .• , • '"take as many is Ton can stand nadlr ,r 4) plenty loft' for me, I guess," fi t.„ I "Yon got yOure hi advance, 'Thmusul) 4t the Squire la each' a pretty MAn that he'can her anOthor if he Wants it." . . The bridegroom then handed, 1 the 4sile*sk ten dollar bill, lie became cemutuuleatire, - and told a .ong story ofteuttfahaud 01491400. tle said that ho and , annhoring 'After eaoh other, but her mother wanted her to marry* preacher on the circuit, who hid reaontly lost his wife l 'and had four children .suffering for k step4nothei. hEitisan did hot like 416 tdes'ef 3 1d)ier peeple'S children`, 'find tlfenkdrkand/1614 Of it that ono night' they it* tiriyi 1%6' he neiglaborhotid,ceed pairclardihig *Alit 'Met a fishermen' 'near - Pekin, had. come deriti' river to 'St, fouls tO • 'get married.' Moines said if the preacher made- iari) , fnee l 'ibout it when he returned, ho.viould give hitt a Senna thrashing. The happy couple put upist Oar. nun's, intending to _lonian tiro" Or three days to see the sights of the,pity.—St ZOVit Demo. oral. IEI .WILD*/P .1 ctric . . Ther Corning 1 (N. Y.)'Dieitienl 4 OVerl 'ea partieulais . of a great . 'o!ttlit"ipini "'blob is pre. "ailing in tho quiet town , or ,I,lor O y, ovAr the appearanee . of dangerous yrilk anyai l ls j; Motn:d in the "'pods nearliayery nigntcparfieuhrly in tho region of Dry nun and; Wi1494 Their screams aro represented ie#,,,ecknOlng like tho crying of a woman in distress, or oall• inglioplo one at , adistance. Thtteir!:e h 1 he , corning Wide4pread won't thn . tollitAtiiti i itd 'very low daro venturo oat ,after dl4 onininniiw4 9i l j9Fsi f*.f,,Y0 1 1144 2 4p The first; ipp,earan'e don" of thes•Asiesals occurred hi tho Unison nrigltli4i4c4)o4nt two "'coke ago; It arturep•Vold thit, it. Ahmed a 4 O up the C(l . 4:aer 'Otis 4f, frightening,thelurestesnearly t i odoallto ~ A few "wrings iiAoria#4 geetletwi l. ,yho was in - his'stablo yardlnilkingi:o4;. sar e peceliav4ookieg aalwal pxoislina 49414);he remises, and becomitig alannedi , into tho house, Clio likewise became frighteaed i . and ka6a bit tothe , woods. •, , i,i{ Aftother: gentroiaan parr t ., 'Obthathinit ap• proaching prentioa 40/00 eo ibtaelbus aad.gap#i;atikthatMiettlfaiitia 1, 4 goo to shoot it. ; til)943lVit4llollPi,;Mtfll2 a favorabla pasiOati got `eight of him, ami flied by vitik;ficli; t y,elo• city that Ids fOgbi'rerep?:4' . bbft l l):Olirlifng at : L. 1,14( , Another young ,mfin !wets littt,tew r. evening Bineo, on ho was 'driving..th u titujit i • piece of woods tatter: ,haiting lady home from A soclable t he saw; AA ,Amtisal sptingingthrOngh,the branches and that its eyes ' ', in the luteateolarifilas i , of thet ight; looked liko two coals of fiii:.l.llle acknowledges to have bcoa so tertll4et4liahe ran, his luiree aUthe 'pti;e; 114 times narrowly eseaped having ilialnggy over turned and his neck broken'. i DfittitAit,i4l4ve Seen the same at different' times ittsipiestl,all of-wliout unite in slescril;i4 the size of a largo dog; very :black ilortsotor t ter s 9eliiiwtticV . • , • number of thesis anithals ego tiro ruenst'ire* 41 41116 , for their slaughter. , Ifuntingprtietatro tole organ!ia, tag IitEiTICIDIOTII */$1:7" rigcol, , A V I 0 statiotic3 Of the;Methodist Chateb o 1464k/for 1868 1 . and of the sante , engqiunttionAo tor 1807,• have beeni iedmpleted. • - Theilittate. of EgluisOrs, Pa lilinnbers Pf,,the nr, r , Oh is 1 ) 265 ) 074, Mt inereate of 109049 Oat 1467. The total for the church.*4 sO l A sat ill fr 1 0 3 ' increase of '29,082 °vet 1860 1 2 Thei •Bositorri Chnrchhee eilifere4'o o o.4l e 00,b Most a tnembere, oceasiohed, it, is 'bepeifedpiiy: i , • k ,, 1 #, i (54ange to ether ditilohe ,3 004.: OA } 0 799" 4f separate i1egr04:411f1013071,44i1V-1111- of lrbito itielWer4 ' iii tAff'gf, o " ,/ 4 0 Ver• then ten per cent.,; neon Ate: totalhopisikite " tue4e/ 151 /4 0 i 4/0,i04 4 , *4o.4ei b __ ____ L it,*.• The means Or COmparinithe voigredromecr !hip of the t'esO Vi4ittlk.s i liieltietpelsteetibte r the neon OtieterenclA 4 Is 4 ,:ixllior i vp having their own; atieelen. •.,3".4 4T i itves preachers the Northern Church has Nil , pi iteTeilstr'pf 477 i the 1544tithetti :Chu ts 4 2$ an il.,Orgftatt ii ik gf 444104 ' 9 st el tt a f th ' ern .•cinqgb , ;:*ooPlcit . A vir e ttp Phetch.stiqe makini it total ; no e t filivellii Oa 10 iidi,cor.,eltelnitilehtidsille ,#o,od tciiiite GlkOkßeliONY*linfor ,beth 0ituretre .2 :4, 72 0 , 4 : , . ( .t ;;1i, tn.IV El •} A I 401W-s IP , :r.e,1,1 '/ ,4%!4, A f , 5% ,A 2- WWI " " t I Isl. j , ; f,; t U