Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 15, 1868, Image 3

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    Tilt; DAILY EAGLE,
T111:80 V, IWAJEMBEIi: 15, 180._
-- - •
• .
- r a , ig sr I: DI TIO N- •42 1.2 1 0 . M.
stifiCE 1 4 0 A DifitliTlSElN.
‘l l ; eivetti m
beeills intended for insertion in
ivonair V A z ET AND DEMOCRAT, Wild be
„ado belore 12 o'clock on Kriduy, otherwise
e too late for it This rule will
t:;er " I "
a doerell to.
havo neither time nor spaoo to giyo.
our 14Ieas about Business Colleges. - Wo
s3 y this touch, however, that most of
not all, RTC worthless institutions.
, R y Buten Is putting up a large portico
frontof his store, in Penn street above
Third. -
. ,
A I, 1 Dy's poeket hook (empty) was found
in 7th street, botweon tChorry allo
.opl Franklin street. Tho owner eon !Jaya t
a pplying at this odic°.
SnooTtso 111ATen.—On fiaturday, Docent
yah, a shooting match will take place, at
0, 0 public house of H. Van Buskirk, in Price
tom, for a hog weighing 400 pounds.
t nice WI/yards (with bullets.)
1'i:1'1101A:17M V. NAHR Y—tllo .vorltablo P. M.l
(« hick 14 Postmaster) of tho Confederate Xt
deliver 0 Lecture in tho Key:
Op e ra house on Frylay !wont* noxt,
dis ',abject will no palled:be Vatu
It E tut Nn boasts of a pair of telegraph opor.
Ron , w hop combined length is thirteen•feet
f•rar inches. Regular bundles I—Exchange,
Tito Above ointment, iwhtch originated in
the fertile brain of a Scranton reporter, has no
foundation in fact. 'Piro story 'shows . signs of
(ol udderablo"strotphing."
CUBE FUR Vont; tWitill) JIORRIIIR.—Tako a
ionip of alum, tho size of it Ivainut,:powder ft
~,1 4 dissolve in warm water. 'rho horso must
1 ,, &mulled with this liquor and it witt throw
Idus into a profuse porspiration,'and to will
in its well R 3 ovor : it i 31191114 11Q aA soon
,0 yea awl:kola Ids conditieft.‘!.Bo.lisyri,anOc
Ml:` , tif!ti. A. A. Ilmeonu . AND'W. 0. WAR.
" At orsolitiylkilHlnvon; linvo obtaltiod n
for a m m
ow-molting nobitio,' to tako
of mw-plows upon Thp
, n w IA molted by steam from 1)11).OH ,c6nnoo-,
with the engine. The it>vontio i s whloh is
4.1i11 In bon porrect success, will bodratotinoell
upon the Reading Railroad Oda wititori—To.
SIA:10118.—WO notleo tI
morning, ot thu Exprosti .oitioo, twb of thq
Driest hielgliM WO lutvo yot' soon. The woNht
aim duel not oxoood !mind& Thoy are
dlen ap in handsome aty io, being ornamont.:
(4noll gilthl, and tiro RoatH and • hitOltti
lined with rich volvot, They, wore built, h
rothielient by henry S. Nollors, end or° (11.
pr , tc‘l to Levi Linn, ;Stilton, .1 1 n.' •
ENrvt.r.tot:Nok:—A. warrant.wits
otertlity issued from tho Iktoyor's Court, on
„allofMrd, llughos,ogoiust Jamoa M. Ilughos
surety of peace. Ho was arrostou and
lirmight ill‘foro 111 s Honor, tho Mayor, who
placed blot makr ?ZOO Urllt foe futuro good
swims Bteclui was arrested by °Meer Law
rote° for,llist driving. Ho was fined 01.754
SR lollgers found shelter in the Btittioll
kni , o lamt
'I • 2
ColtIll;t41'01 , 11)EN't .
of 1110 Attrttill Hays
Ow largo at Morgantown is very noarly
0 , 1111 ,10 yd, and presents n very Jim) appear
mire. .1 Igor() will be oligned it, In a short
min% l'relerratlolta aro being Thado to 1101(1
t rand 0111M11. It Is 110140110(1 by those eon
rtcteil witli tho intuit that Reading, Phila.
mph la tool I ,aticastor city will bo roproßonted,
3TRI t Ito in esleal talent of the reapootivo, 1111109
%11l VIP with enell'Ot her in reeolYili4R l Plauso
and eucumiunts front tho ropresolitativea of
Ityrks, Laticastei and elleator. •
conttlo I,lotapAis.—A \yolk up
, •troot Nyuttld he sttillolout till
the time of the your. No neod of Consulting
:u almanac when ovary storo window tells us
ilmt Christmas i 4 coming. Gifts, gifts, evory
hum Gifts of all kinds MA YttitteH. Gifts
the old and the young, for frionds and ros
talve., for patrons end dopohdents-,itifts: to
plow the tthetiltivatod or artlatlo taste—gifts
(,) suit thu slim purse of the kottinstress and
the pletherio'pocket book of thb rich. The
Iry g01)111 }ltem; wore novel. HO tempting or
:litritollve tag the toy store's )34 bowildoring.
such tikplay of whintisical incongruities aiul
;ih on! comicalitios; such ot?iputtriiies and
mini:Miro gems . t' stick ,• outre,
[wird Imporsonations. And an one of
IlleNo says IN plainly as if it,Werd printed, and
InUltlY :e if it were proclaimed by Hound of
noinpet, h turps is ccooging."- •
Tit ii VIKING rOvres •AssoprATlOkr k Mei.
hat night, according to previous announce-,
mont, and had a very good attendance. The
eNereiseN of the evening ItiOro 6f trverY Illt,or
csting kind, 'rho mooting being oath:Alto
miler by the FreSidee4 NiK:l,./010sytihitner,
o hymn was sung, after which my: Gecirgo.
Prear offorod up a prayer, and another hymn
boing sung, am minutes of.inat meotingiworo
read end the reports'orthe. (Mt:Alma oidiUmit
toes rcecivoti. 'l'ho Editrom of the Monthly.
viper, called 1 •Tho Young Peeplo's - Record,"
then read the' dlfforeAt ' , l'coldributius
Written for the Paper. Miss Brenholtz, soh a
Mo, which waft ' very Well •; renderedli Mss,
i c
MIN read an tssay bn' I.Thh' Gritnibler,"
Mel' was very good and .to the point, and
seemed to Ito lvell recolved ,by all present.,
Miss Hurl read a solection ontitlod God Known
Why," A ".Sleighing GleelTivas sung. by
Iwo gontlemon and six or eight , ladles, with.
an iteCoiapatillllol4 .on the molodOott, 'with
pleasing oltbet, after which the. meeting ad
journed, all presont being pleased with the
evening's witertsinniont, ' ''' ''' ' ''' '''
itri.tig von Ciitt:EN.,lT°.‘ver
try to kale in two directione itt'• Pnee. • ,Thle
feat has often been attempted by now begin
ners; bat never sticeetlsfully. It itiWeyfi e'ide
in borrow.
Eat a few apples for retiealiMile ;Bah°
n Iwo skating, and ho Kura to throw t cores
en Ow leo for fast skat ors to breg4' their shine
over, Vast skaters aro yotirtiatfiral enemies,
should not be alloWed tbenjoy thenisolVes
3, sit down occasionally, no matter.whoro—
ught in the way of thql,:eat,ottho party, if you
'here want to. ere hi'no law fel' rovont a now be
ginner from pitting down Whenever ho has Rh
Inclination to do so. • • .; , -. , ',.,-,
4, When you meet a parttiallaily baadOonio '
lady, try to skato.on 4QUA silos, Or ,140r* vase.
11113 is very -pretty, and sure to create n• son.
'Ation. If the lady's bil(brothor Is in bight, it
''ral . .;lto%l.let'rtiliktf ibo aiiiiiiilil:o it 4 ii'aco. :
knock 'cm down. c•lt.inakes great fun, and- 7 :
they like it.
6 . If you skato intb ole;liiV th 0100, tako it
"' OII Y. Think how you would fool If the water .
was boiling hut.
7. If your skates aro too slippery, 146 now
'pair. Keep buying new pairs- till , yo,n And a
pair that aro not slippery.
S. In bitting down, do it gradually. Don't
he to, sudden; you might broalt•tho.leetr
l'. When you fall headlong, ' oxamiuq the
'gram of your skates before yOu et p. This
will make overylxxly think you g foil, NOM IS °
your sknto was looso. • 'llOgitumirs alwayi do,
Yen know.
10, Wear a heavy . overcoat, Qr clo k, • tin
Ye" got tharoughlk *armed, itip, 0 d Man
throw it off, and let tho wind cool yet . This.
will ill 'uro You a illio cold that will last you
as lung as you live. ' '
11. After you get so you skate tolerably,
wOli skate yoursolf sick' Innutiflr .' DoU l t
be reasonably about .It, ;1 OtAtC't Pie V; P u t
hettra—skato frontlet - My—m(4W it . y93_,' f.a, tl
stand up. .1)o this °Very do s anititiwan be
sore to make you sick at last; • Via 'the* y ou
1 04 Y die, and thßt.ydiu i p lAD excalMtt . ig ;
t will 110 sti6ll a good'c*Dirl, tq c vip j ust of
be young peoplo. . .
. , ' •,:•7fr„;,/
ME NF I P U I S i r -19 1 1 191 1 kfit ; 4 jilitirri Itrit
ASSOCIATIPPWAM I 0 14. Ci l f the
Chairman of the geneiid Co s; is WO appeinted
at the first meeting,_ a second meeting of the.
Association was held last evening at Library
Rail. A konelderably smaller number who
present than at th 6 former meeting. •
J. S.Richards, Rag., upon taking the chair
stated . that the meeting had been• called es.
pokily for the purpose of hearing the reports
of the two committees apr hated at the prey!.
oua nohlAn ttoo-PlTl*ltutlon
and the pctipvtatv or_ 4foron . irfth the
Read Ing Coidpfutif.mind 'also for tteh-•
oral discussion of plans for the .success or the.
Association. •
A. K. Stauffer, Esq., stated that ho was tho
only member present from the Committee on
Conference, and. ;Would therefOre 'report that
the committee JIM Met ' the Library Comm
ny on Friday . evening, December`4th, ,
and proposed to them - that
in case they would paint, paper and fi t tip the
two front rooms of the building and supply
them with the llooessary reading matter, the
A ptil n woad give the Lib} y'' ovally
81 . 01X 1 Th;th e 4 MA the :th at 04 4; neat t.l
The 1 Company refined, howetier, to'
consider this proposition, but.proposed to tho
committee that if the Association would assist
thorn in paying off the debt of 0,500 which
was still resting upon thorn, they would then
maintain a •Freo . Reading Room at their own
exPenlith l '4lll/ counter proposition did • not
moot the Op robation of the bominittoo 'and
the Library Association thon proposed to rent
thorn the two rooms referred to for 25 per cent.
1,.44 then the sum which they at present bring
--050. This wan all that was done.
Tho Chairman thought both propositions a
little too vague and indefinite. HO stated that
it was necessary, for the mooting to consider
tho whole stalled:- He rogrettedlikat the on
otomgement of the projectsy young men was
not more marked, which fact had at times in
duced him to doubt the. success of tho object.
There was still enoouragemeut, however, in
the ' fact .that , , will • • thepoo
plo in Reading were very are 6' to attending
public meetings for such pur es, they would
always give liberally when periooally applied
to. Ho then called upon the Socretary to road
the sketch of tho ConstitlitiOtt which had been
'prepared by the other committee.
l. After the roading of the proposed Constitu
tion, Alle•Ohairtilan 'Added , a few remarks in
which he stated his opinion•thet it would bo
well if a committee of the yonng iron would
call on otir merchants and others and [lvor
tain what they Would pontribute. lie wished
to see the young _men Ahemsolvoa take ,'an
interest in the matter. They had boon appaai.
od to' through:the newspapers to-attend this
evening, and notices had been sent to the
members of the committee, requesting thorn
to bring in young men ,with thorn. 'no.
matter had of noceaSity boon thug far in
tho hands of, oldOr Men boom* tho younger
oneFi touldniii bo induced to tak e
an interest
in it. In spite of tho disc()ragoniont .ho
thought'it would be well, In view of 'tho de
sirability of the objeot,to.appoint a commit
toe to wpm* and see how much money could
be raisod. ._, . , .
Tito Rov. r. Sehmuckerthon made some
07c0000 remarks, invoking tho union 'of the
propesed association with the Library Corn
. .
pany itself on the g round of tholt 'objects being
so ifear*' alike:" He' thought the people of
Reading would bo pleased to assist a single
institution, and' that there would thus bo much
more 'likelihood of its -.pOrmanonco. 'Tice
Yearly expenses of tho Library ho estimated
at twolVo or fifteen hundred dollars, Accord.
ingto the proposed Constitution, an annual
contribution of $2 was to be 'required from
each member. It would thus tako six or
iSevtiti hundred members at this rate to sup.
port it, and he doubted *bother that number
could be found. Ho felt well warranted in
thinking that some agreement might yet be
'offectod with the Library Company to unite
tho two projects, which would be the cheapest
and most foasible plan.
'• . tloo. P. Baer, Esq., also favored the piojoet
of tho union ore the atoopiations and proposed
that the committoo'Kliotild be continued and
that they should mako further efforts to come
to terms with tho Library Company.
Peter D. Wanner, Esq., favored the same
plan, stating as his opinion that the young
mon would not support a separate institution.
Jeaso G. Hawley, liiaq., thought the advan
tages of a separate institution outweighed the
apparent disadvantages. Tho obstacles may
scent conalderablo but they are not insur
mountable. According to his calculation $775
per year would defray the oxponsea of a
reading rboin, and this stunt° thought might
be easily raised by an appeal to the citizens of
this community, urging upon thom tho argil
moat of elevating the standard of literature.
Ile did not think that in this progressive ago
such an arm; could fail of having the proper.
. •
effect, ' e.. , ; • . .
Mr. Stauffer made some additional remarks
in favor of the union with the Reading
Library, when Mr. (iron, who had just come
In, stated that Mr. S. was in
,error in stating
that the Library Company ad proposed to
maintain iffree reading room if the 0,500 debt
could be paid off. This was simply, au inci
dental suggestion of the Prosidont of the Com
-00.1 ' The , Vbrary ' Company i preferred a
separate aisoolation, but would rent the two
rooms at a reasonablo figure.
Aftor considerable' additional discussion,
Mr. Selirrmokor moved that the. Committee of
Conforortoo be continued, and be instructed to
confer further with tho 'Lihrary Company,
with a view to coming to an arrangement with
thorn: . .• ' . . .
Mr. Hawley moved an amendment that the
committee be instructed to ascertain the cost
of maintaining a separate institution. Both
'motions 'wore finally adopted as original reso
lutions, their object being regarded as COM. ,
patible, with each other.
further discussion by' A. G. Green, W.
Whoolot, Bauglior and others, a reso
lution was adopted on motion of Mr. Baer,
Authorising the chairman , to appoint a com
mittee of two . young mon front each ward to
°Mt the',44lof other young men, and canvass
tbAcitY Nyltil a view 'to akicertaining what sum
can be raised for the proposed Object. 1
A. motion was made to addito tlut CoPulrdt
toe on Cconfoienno the names of a number of the
gentle Men present, but being opposed, this
was subsequently withdrawn. The meeting
Laucks,' Esq.,
residing on rlutn street, was slightly struck
by.tbe palsy ono, day last week. , Ifshas naE,kr
ly idobVerod ftonxibe strokal and Is again' able
to bo out. f
BItiVF 1111:IN't10144.—T110 Ito ding sports are
ninising @florist& halm agrand fox bunt be
tWocit Thibitinns 'and New 'Year;-4--- 1 -1110
Soup Society will 9omineneo to Ishii° soup to
day. —7-4,Spiinp 'ono, :snot,' baying the fear. of
the law in hi Mind, stolo, a young dog from
Krlok's cellar 'on §itturdily.----An of
is being made" 'erect a' Soldiers' Noun
.inent;iu the contropf,Pcnu square. Snow
i hicliob'doeiv,l4;.6olnd `M arti 4of So
county. Tir o men who trusted WS feel
ings g et swindled. ‘.• Ms motto now is, "no
trust:''. 7 - 7 - 7 7;-The number' of poorly-dressed
de , s44vitigliebple hriki Noixi blithe streets Is pit-,
,lable-Councils,ott Saturday night appro
'printed three hundred dellari; 'to itnt Dispen-.
riary., of (Air young mother hi,
Ohio bit MY her onild'S nose in a' dream.",
' • •
• ,
lYs would advise nll lovers of the dr/4mA to
attend , the rare Hirakspeorean treat ' E.
Franklin; Esq., at Library Hall, this 'herring.
The elite of the city have purchased tickets,
and Ivo may expect a true 'entertainment.
Secured Seat at Strickland s, 75 Cents-LW pu
pils of public schools at half price. • * ,
, . . •
nomeArgkocHlsla groat vartety•at .trho 'store' or
Charlds Eovan AD). '.411 Penn street.' Call hiet
see ( try goods cheap r there than at any other
place fa the etty: ,' i. • • • ,• . ,
. .
""" - : --- ; 41 - 7 ------. - •
I` - i , , . ' • .
lr you rant tbo vory best Of moats, wlnel
and llquOtei OAtillAVilttostt i lf,' No. 15 North
yirth strpot. - All kinds of meals furnished at
'Bhort nolloo; cooking in the beat btylo, ' ,
• •
• •
_1;40,07 . 10 for this drawing of the Good Will Gift
Zi pits° Of Allentown, le rapidly approaching,
'dud We. Would htlVjeo those who want to.try their
• het a t i Arrangement , Wide is oonduoted .00
Ofitinbleffi ro
rlitelpic;;to pulieeo their tickets
h ' A IMO tilfinber ottlokete have already,
been disposed of in thie'city, anellhere tire but a
few more left, which can be had of the agents, E.,
W. Rolohart,"nt Mishlerht hotel, lieystone saloon,
or at. Strickland's book store.
• -
Shit for tholaAotr;,
f ~ i' ~
- 4P
Daily I,tevlow of BusWiese.
noi.ontO, Dec. 15,1 R.
IN Philadelphia, the tendency 0 ; the money
market is .undoubtedly for greater Stringently,
With In upward movement to : the rat" orn .
count: This" e net at 11l remarkable can
Ing tile near apprgach of the now year, sad the
quOrter day of tho banks, when wo shall ud doubt
tness'an Increased pressure for capital.)
Tho drain of currency to the West and South,
partkoularly the latter.continues:heavy, and nu+
tEI there is some decrease it Is not likely that the
banks will feel disposed to extend their loans
much beyond the present limits. Trade is high.
ly unsatisfactory in all departments, but the
merchants are confident or a more prelitabio
state of affairs after rho first proximo.
The btistness at tho Stock Board continues dull.
Uovornmeut and State loans aro 'without Change
in prim). City 6 , traro Amer, soiling at 1044 for
to now cortaltaton
Reuling Railroad sold to a limited extent at
48 81, tho closing price on Saturday; rennaylVa.
ilia Railroad at 63%; Lehigh Valley at 65% and
Camden and 4% mbuy Railroad at 13)—an advance,
of 1 ,4, •
Canal' shares are very quiet, with sales 9t Le.
high Navigation at 'a b. o.; 20 was bid tor Lehigh
Coal stooks wore more active; about I.o4oeharca
an ?diddle Now YOrk an ?diddle coal sold. at 4, and But
ler changed hei de at $7.
flankand Ita engor Railway stocks Woro with
out quotubla cluing°.
Money Market.
holiong k Bro., lholkere„ No.lll, North Gth et Not
quote us follows :
IticAoitio, Dee. In, 1%8.
. . . ll4
Old U. B. (Pa um
Old U. $. b's 180 .
Now U.-H. PAre, WA, July and Jan.
Now U. H. 5-20'd log% May and Nov.
Now U.ll. IbIA, now - - •
•Nou , U. 8. 5.20 1 61b117, July and Jan. • -
Now. U. H. 5.2.0,1, r •
Ton Forty 119nds, • - •
Gold lit NOw York no to 12 o'clock,
Gold In lternllng at Bu bong & Bros.!
'the Greta Market.
Tuft flour arid grain parka 1'6311111m vary (pita
E Philadelphia, -It ' seems the supply is Just
about °dui) to ,ho demand, and thlis,prlcoA - aro
hold on it pretty thin hold—not vavoring,oithor
Way. 'lf this , should continuo, with haidly any
shipments to foteign• countries, it will leave us
an abundance of. grain on hand. Western mer
chants hold back,thinking that shipments to Eu
rope will soon commenco, and honcdAtho supply
la limited here, and trade moves on slowly. Yes
terday only a few hundred barrels were taken
by the home consumers In lots at $5 504075 for
superfine, Cell 75 for extras, $7 25@8 25 for lowa,
Wisconsin, and Minnesota extra family, sStploli
for wilder wheat do. do., and 01033 for tam
brands according to quality. Rye Flour is Sell
ing In a small way at $7 5008 Ver 1)111.
la Reading the Baum state of affairs oxists,thOro
being no demand except for home consumption,
Which Is mostly bought by tho hundred and
quarter, excepting bakers,who buy by the barrel.
Since Saturday them was hardly any grain
brought to the city by farmers. Our mills have
on hand a full supply-of grain, and hence no extra
inducements are uttered. No doubt a largo lot
will be brought to town during next week, us our
farmers will want "bash" to s i ettle up the year's
accounts. Our millers now pay ;e2lO for white ,
wheat per bushel, $2 for rod, and for corn
(now) 05 'cents, iwitito at Philadelphia $2 is paid
for white,o 05 for rod, and 80 Cents for corn now.
We would Whit) our farmers not to hold back
for higher prices. CORI and (*5111114 else may
advance, but grain Will not. Thu prices now paid
for grain are Critically held by speoulators, who
it they would' submit, and feed tint market at
only a reasonable profit, would lose thousands of
dollars. But it will eventually come, when 'they
must 4 4101 out" and the grain market will be
overstocked, and prises must tumble. At the
present time, there Is as much old wheat stored
In the city of Chicago, as has boon raised in
the county of llorks thie 9011801); and Ibis added
to the immense crop of last fall, will leave an
abinnlapco on hand. if the wheat crop hi Eu
rope had been it failure, we would not now
have any of the old wheat on hand, and the into
crop would just then about be equal to the de
mand, but as it is, Europe has enough grain until
nest harvest for its people, thus leaving us all
the grain Providence so kindly gave us. Specu
lation now bolds back the crops, but It cannot be
long before a chtunia may take place, and we
predict that wheat will be a groat deal cheaper
after Now Year than tattle present time.
Prices Pohl for Flour and Groin.
. ,
11711 Ito Wheat Flour pot 1)14., • $l3OO
lima. " ;Extra Family pot LW 1100
U. u H u .1 1160
Coro Chop , (old) , 135
" • " (new) 110
Corn (old) 1 133
• " now) 1 10
Bost 5 ladling's ) '' , t 130
Bran, T 40
Corn Meal, 160
PAVING rnioza.
Wl)ltp Wheat per bushel, 0 10
liod ' 6 lt II " 00
Corn (old) 115
Corn (now) 05
, con!.
la Now York, the market for Domestic coal is
hotter supplied, and prices aro unsettled and
heavy; tho high prices check the consumption,
especially with manufactuiers ; sales from yard
ut Milpor ton, rorolgn 1s in fair demand and
IS firm the supply is fair.
•Though it se , :iined to ho the cry a week ago
that coal would soon raise in price hero, owing
to • the strike in Ells Void regions, we aro not, as
yet, eompolled ) tei :uffiark up." If, however, this
cold weather Should continue, and the strike in
Schuylkill county should not end, we have nO
doubt the pries will advance within the nest
few days. ,
i IMADINO 141.10g3.
Stove, Egg awl Broken Coal, 66 25(N7 00 por 4
Nut - t • 1 - BIN)
Pon, - _ • 8 54
Bituminous Coal, 25 as. per bus.
~. -- .- -~-- --r
Rending* ilonseheepere Market.
IN the housekeepers' market them is nothing
special to report. Prices reniain stationary, and
considering it being so near the holidal.s, aro
reasonable. Looking over - the market prices of
the same time last yuar,wo tind a yast difference.
tatter then sold at 0 cents, while at this tithe It
sells at 60_13oute. rorld liqus worth,4ll6os t v a t it o
ndw' selld 'at $04111,1013 per 11`tindrapOCtinls.
waßeet S up VI sl6oslB per bemired, ma atAho
present time itsolls at $13,10015. York seems to
ho quite plenty, and fareamik readilyAlispostv of
it at the above prleos. 'A
- large lot'ofappleS were
received yesterday Which were shipped from,
Mae, and sell by the bariol at 04345; • •
liortia—Fresh dairy, V lb., to
Lump, , 45
Ca suss—Cheese tai :11), • 20102
I,,,ino—Cecil lb,. •
. ' . , 21
Boos—Eggs 3) doz n, 12—Apples 11 , wall, . '. ' 2o03)
et Dried 31 guar t, 12
rituals— " lb:, ok ..... 11)
Base—Beefsteak, round. gl i l t b., i.'2o
14 0 sirloin, " 20
41 0
, . rump, „ '` - ' 20• "
Beet roast, -, 4, • 18
" ' Beef dried, , 0
. 20
" Veal Cutlet, : 0
0 " chops, u ""
" . Mutton, ' - " 16020
rOrk, " r2o
" steak, . • a 1 ""'
" Saustwo fresh, 1 . " , 22432',.1
.41 ." • 4 1 1:10 4 .0. ' I "
irilifit - -/(OMS,
44 Sl(eet), II 4 ' 30
fiaotyLosSa— • ai 20
Sloss— • II 20
I'oOr•rin ... "olllCkena live, 'li ). ' ' ria
' 0 • " dressed, 61- ' . 1,0 '
61 ' Turklus live, .1 ,• • •
• • • •16
, 0 46 dressed; . " " '"' , Is "
66 • Chickens live pPe " '—. '' 001000
ratatpos v bushel s '• ' :'' - ' "- ' "156.100
1. • • , —,,
roterioet to" the cost Ofthe DerteenC'Ghe
reek' 'who keeps the P. t bliCihittioky
(3ross,B.oads n the Rey.
stetke Open:abuse on Prhitty' t 03,
0 0eyeed be Canaan?' , • , • .
'Ol ire 09100). •
, •
sun rise., ‘
pattie'Atmentite4 , • .
. 7 26 f eati SttS 13.
Day's 19ngth 9,llo,lltalOiralAuAW,
Statiitt iherynomricr. •• ' •
x' 7 A.M. " 13P, M.
• ' Soo if 41tVit k.
'.• ' '
Stulson • ' *wilding In Sixth
street, bet*oeli 'Elnt and Walnut, died • tilts
morning of Consumption. Iklr. ,St k utsoil
well known In the city and tntieh respoetekt..
Tan "Greotail Bend Minstrels" gave a on.l
tortainment at Birdsboro, litat tiaturday even
ing, to a full house. 'rho audience "Piero high
ly plaseil with the performance, which thoy
dcaire to have repeated. . •
has boon taken Oat 'under the
free railroad law fora road tient Lebanon
Furnaces tolCortiwall era , banks,
,undir the
title of the Cornwall Railroad Company. The
'surveys. will be eentmOruXxl at an early day.
Cor Jin4Ntiau NUAvitit, of Arn4 'town
ship, "Wks county, has two mammoth ;steers,
fattened upon his premises, which ho intends
sending to Philadelphill market about Christ
mas. The two will weigh abotit 4,600 lbs.
• •
GICAT;:,O}I OP lioun.- t —Tho, passenger trains
on tho kPhiln. and Reading Railroad, com
menced running on thowinter titho-tablo, yos
terday, Dee.- 11th. Tlio Accommodation
Trains leave Reading and • Pottstown as tor
morly, but tp.a Reading Train loaves Phila
delphia hereafter at 4.45 P. M.,"iriel.oad of 5.15
P. M. and tlio ,ThSttstown Acoommodation
Train loaves Philadelphia at 4P. M ., instead
of 4.30 P. M. Tho Market Train will leave
Reading at 11.16 A. M., and returning leave
Philadolphia at 12.f30 noon. No change in tho
13xpress Trains.
• •oell
• -) 107
1 ' 9 ,4
. . Ito
• 104
- 133
Wnarr wo retire at night wo have not that
security that tho strict enforcement of the law
should guarantoo to as. For the past few
years respectablo citizens of this city and coun
ty have boon assaulted and robbed, and the
offenders have esoapod. Wo arc glad to learn
that two the desperadoes wore ,captured by
Chief of Polico Maoll and caber Boone.. Mr,
William T. Lyon, associated ao W,lth
ono of the best detective organizations in 'the
country, in connection with our police force,
is using oVory effort and means' to traoe out
and arrest tho other undothotors. May facsi
speed their °Pea l•
COUNCIL —A. mooting of the
Councils was held on Saturday ovoniug. In
the Cominon Branch there was a ' bare quo%
rum. SOats in the Select woro full, A great
portion of the throo ' hours' tint© each Branch
NM in session, Was occupied speech
making. - - $ •
A communication from the P. t R. R. R.
Co„ relittiVe to' constructing 'steno-bridges
across said road at Elm and Oloy stroots, at a
cost not exceeding $23,000f0r tho forinor,:,and
$40,000 for tho latter, ono-half of Which to bo
borno by tho city, was received and read In the
Selectßranch, oltltiollco when a proamblo and horie3 of
res atty° to teoutract and undor
standing between the "city and the railroad
company worn pasf , ed, as also VMS a rosolutiou
instructing the City Solicitor to examine the
records of the Court of Quarter Sessions rela
tive to the con (inflation ofScetions 2 and 3 oftho
TOpographleal ,survey. The foregoing wort)
cOnourred hvby Common Council.
The Bolect Branch returned to the Com Mon
the resolution appropriating $3OO to the Read
ing Dispensary as amended by the Comthon
Bronolt, with information that. the amend
ments had net boon concurred in, whereupon,
Mr. Goodman moved that the . Common
Branch recede front its amendmont,-;--init
upon opposition being made withdrew his
motion to roeodo, and moved to reconsider.
The motion to roconsior carried ; when' Mr.
Ilawman'olfored tisa stibstituto a 'resolution
appproprlating 8200 to the Dispensary, and
POO to repair the room in the roar of the look
up. The Prosidout declared the substitute
out of order. An appeal was taken front the
docislon of the chair, and tho chair was sus
_ Mr. Maltzberger then offered resolutions.
appropriating ROO each to tho Donor:dont and
Relict Societies. These resolutions were on
motion of Messrs. llawinan and (localman,
forrod to the Committee on Finance. Mr.
llawman then moved that the CCinmen
Branch concur in the resolution appropriat
ing 300 to the Dispensary. This led to a
series of dilatory motions and sore long
Speeches, but was finally: passed-7 members
voting for it, 2 against and 2 refitsing to veto.
As it , quortun had not voted, a call of the houso
was demanded, and a quorum found present,
—but the President refused to 'sign the reso
lution am! thus certify to regularity of its
passage, and as the body had been' three houks
in session, the President appointed Messrs.
Brubaker and Ilawman Committee on the
Frontage Tax bill;-and declared the Connell
adjourned, and thus ended a long and by no
moans a harmonious session ,of the Common
Branch. Select Council adjourned •at the
same time,several of the members having occu
pied the 'greater part oftlitt throo.hoUrs session
in ,ventilating matters relative to the survey
and the P. it It. 11, B. Co.,
PIiOCEUDINtI9 OV COAltittlepik .
WASHVGTON, titeSenato n mo•
modal from the Union League of New York,
in reference to election frauds, was referred to
the Judiciary Committee.
Mr. Morton, of Ind., introduced a bill pro.
vidin for the redemption of United': Staes
notes, and requiring the National banks to re
deem their notes in coin. • •
Messrs. Williams and Ferry presented bills
amendatory of the Naturalization laws.
Mr. Stewart introduced a' bill to punish the
holding of office in violation of .the hourtcenth
Aniendramit.; .
Sills were introduced by Mr. Poinerey,'ere•
Ming a Department of Indian Affairs; by Mr.
repeAling the,act Oxing gig time for
meeting of Congresii; and by Mr.' Wilson, re.
organizing thd,Supreme Court.
1 On motion of Mr. IlendersOn, the Secretary
of the Interior was requested to communicate
information in reference I& the Indian battle
on the Washita rver, '
After a brief Executive sessitni Messrs. Oat
tell had Willey offered resole iotig censuring
the financial.portiona Of. the Preeident'a, Mes
sage, The resolutions 11:ere referred;
The House resolution for a lielidtir recess
was concurred in. Adjourned, '
In the HOMO; a number of bille.:wero
'iluced, and Messrs. Ashley,• of •Dhio, and
.Loughridge, of lowa, presented each a consti•
tutional amendment. •
, Mr. Garlicld introduced i 1 hilt legi4jzipggold
contracts, which *al) retOrietl.
. , .
'Mr. Paine offered a the or
genization of the inilitig; ceitain . B,outheri
Siates.l I - • " „ ..•' , •
On motion of Mr: Arnett / Tennessee; the,'
Reconstruction Committee were, directed ,to
investigate "Ku Klux" .outrages.
Mr. Stokes presented a bill granting.twenty
Per cent. additional ,competisption to, Oevern
went employes, which was laid on the table. t
Mr:. Broomall,. of Penna:i offered a pream-„i
ble and resolution, denunciatory, of the finan
cial proposition in the President's message,
and declaring, against "all- forms of "repudia
tion," and they were adopted; 'only six mem.
bars voting lib'. • •• •
IThe nays were,Adams, Grover and Jones of
Kentucky; Archer
,of MarYlafid, Trimble - of
Tennessee, and 3iiingeil'ot Ohio. •
Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio, presented:a memor
ial of the 'New York Union League, nlleging
frauds in the elottinnt in New' York, acid by
-moved the appointment of a special connbittee
to inv,'estikto the; motto.; The 'notion •was
adobted- by ti party vbte.
ots 4 tritra tig ay e i n . w g 4 ll) C ti e t e li v il d o u f l r l i' L lil in e do S ifi ge rht ta i b r ie
with the public interests to. communicate the
correspondence relation Alio Alabama
AWN', • . , ,‘;
Mr.'Butler, of ltassaelinietis, intro need a
bill_ "to enforce tho United States laws ih Get+
gi , A . l
Lei teh't bill failhe li*ilitibh'of specie
payments was made 'the special order for M.
first Wednesday in Jattuw. •
• On motion of Mr. Wood i the Committed ou
Expenditures wore directed tt; inquire into the
alleged improper use , of $2,000,090 of the
Alaska purchsan,_Anoney. •
Oa motion of Hunter. the Steratevy of
State was asked for inforuuttioa relativeto the.
wading of a Commisaioner to Spain.
'On motion of Mr. loch, the - Foreign Coin ,
,ruitteo were directed to consider what action
,should bo taken 4 rqarding unjust diSetielina.•
lions against .I.7mted Stateanterchant IfeBlollin
Spanish West Indian pert& • '
On, motion of Mr. Stpher,_ot La:; the
tarp Committee were directe d to inquire into
the e x pediency of allowing. military organiza
tions in the Southernfitatea. Adjournedi,
11(AUE--In, this city, on the 13thsinet., Caviare:sr
11.4m5. I • .
Tho relatives slid friends of the family aro in
vited to attend the funeral on - Wpdriestlay (to
morrow) afternoon ' s," S o'olook, from her Into
residence, No.. ilionth Ninth street, without
further not.lie,,c Serviees at United Orethren
eh,nroh, ilenth, Ninth street; to vreeedd 'from
thine° to Aillenbacti'e Cemetery.
sf ,.
• ~
' G us SG — Skein St iStat-
Inpu Iron llitOist,ke
The public mind hats been somewhat agltate&ht
the recent action of that ropoattory of useful knowl
edge, the French Academy of Sederteets, which at its
late sitting in Nit% deliberstptt ta.lon the extremely
Injurious cffeota upon the neattit ett eist.tro -
arriving at the 'conelesion that the hea tsurface
generates hydrogen lOW meal* wetter r cl to a
high temperature. It was also sate that, by e use
of such stave!, Coves a were produr i hearing elialogY
to those generated by marshiest, t °high teinPerefu re
decomposing the insensible perspiration, generetin_g
ammonia, which is always Prejudtelal to liteelth. • It
did not requite sit expression of opinion from .tho
French Academy to prove the doterionaton of the at
mosphere resulting toils v ie of east-iron and gu
nned cylinder stoves() est it ong been known that
their use ee heat geferottore ote been execedingl in
jurious to 'wrath. ot alone tile OCOUalati of private
rooms, hails, steam oat cabins find ho tel roomshave
had cause to complain of
ii ‘ta onorratpg eirts, but
salesmen in Adore! and elor ain einem have ad their
efficiency impaire_d by halt trig the poisonous atmos
phere, which renders them drowsy, nervous, thirsty,'
anti debilitaed. prevepting their tactfulness and per
manently injuring their health.
This is not the !case with stores laving a clay 11-
nine, as the deleterious matter complained of is not
generated when tho heat s Palmas Alfrough such a me
dium, and the use of such stletis recommended by
the laglinst acientille and rue teal authority. SpitAß
SC PROTillill, iOll. 1110 and 11 8 rerket street, • have
manufactureda largo number's) the most approted
styles of clay-lined, gaa-btug sitting-room, odic
and sales.roont stoves, Whice rvi h we offer to the. tretle
.and to individuals desiring en excellent, durable tied
heater at low rates, to enable them to make hetilthful
alterations in thoirairendy spacious storerooms to fie
coutinedato their extensive trade. Those unprovided
with stoves, or wishing to subatituto a health-impart
ing for , a he one, will consult their beat
Interest by consulting the qeeeret Sneer. '
We would OK add that esars. James Spetkr lit Co.l
have invented the mot per cot base-burning and il-)
lunainatint stove of the ago'. Numeretts fforte have
been made by stove manufacturers and others to pro
duce a perfect base-burning or self-feeding stove,
with illuminating *lndorse: . butlina this latter point
they have signally failed, because no adequate
means was invented tet prevent, the mica windoses
front being smoked ile iclndling the fi re. •
In this now stove the Mies windows are plaood in a
patent revolving cylinder Thehi
whitlows can thus be
closed while the fire is being 'kindled, and after the
coal is ignited rho oylindor can be reversed, throwing
the windows open--Jentireli free from smoke—and
presenting,a perfectly bright .and clear light, tnbich
cannot be produced in an g other stove.
We would advise all who want the latest and tu'est
Perfect stove to call and ace this groat invention.
lien. Franklin, 'with his eon' and kite
Drew lightning from the cloudy skies:
Now, Spear, with his ”Itevolng•Light,"
The power of darkness too defies,
The object so long sought ie vain,
- By mechanician and by RAVI. .
Comes forth from Spear's prolific brain—
Th,omonder;of this wondrous age, ,
As morning or itis evening star,
As glossing sun or mellow moon;
Sli ins from the firmament afar.
So shines Spear's ateve in cosy room,
No genius could a stove devise •
More perfect that this minor sun, '
Not Argus, with his hundred eyes,
Nor Lyelops, with his tingle ono.
'Tis free from all Annoying dust— '
la free from deleterious gas,— •
'Tits free from smoke and free from rust,
And other excellence it had: •
It saves the fuel and saves the health.
• p romo t e s good feeling and; good either;
And those wint'd lonrn the road to wealth,
Will buy this peerless stove from Spear.
We aro glad to learn that `oar townsman,l), C.
Sellnatler; Ma become Agent I'r the sale o f these
StoVes in this ctty, No. 414 .Penn mrCet.. deo 121 w
- - -- -- - • —-- - - - - - - • --- - -- ------ ----
the peculiar and important relations whit)) '
they sustain, their peculiar organization, am
the ounces they perform, are subject to Many tif•
borings. Freedom from these contribute in our
email degree to their happiness and welfare, for
none can be happy who aro ill.. N'ot only so, bu
no ono of those various female complaints can
long be.suffored to run on without involving the
general health of, the individual, and ore long
producing permanent sickness and premature
decline. Nor is it pleasant to con suit u physic's)
for the relict of these various delicate affections,
and only upon the most urgent necessity will a
tree woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm
as•to do t r . Time sex will,then thank us for
placing in heirhands simple spoeilleawhich wil
be found e Icaolous in relievieg and curing al,
most evey ono of those troublesoine complain :
peculiar to their sex. ' •
HALItnoLD'S ExTBAOT OP . Deourr..4lendred :
suffer on in silence, and hundreds Of others upe
ply'valniy to druggists and doctors, who'either
merely tantalize thorn with the hope of a our t
or apply remedies which make them worse.
would not wish to misert anything thativoldo
injustice to the ()filleted, but lam obliged to a
that although it way heproduced from excessive
exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborlou:
employment, unwholesome air and food, proles ,
menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and fro.
(plant childbirth, it is tar oftener eaused by dl.
root irritation applied to tire,MlMOUs membrane
of the Vagina itself, .
Whon reviewing the causes of these distressin :
complaints, it is most painful to contemplate the
attehdent evils consequent upon them; it is but
simple justice tO the subject to enumerate a few
of the many additional 'muses which so largely
affect the life, health, and happiness of wont())
-in•allolassoa of society, and whielheonsequanily
affect more or less directly, the welfare of the en
tire human family. The mania that exists for
precocious education and marriage, causes the
years that radar* designed for eorpereal devel
opment to be wasted and Perverted in the re
straints of dross, the early confinement of school
and especially in the unhealthy, excitement . o
the ball-room. Thus with the body halt clothe.
and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, per
verting in Midnight revel the hours designed by
nature for !deep and rest, the work of deatruotio
is half, ageemplishod. ',
In consequence of Otte early etrein ' • upon he
system, tinneeessary effort is rev lred by tiled*
icate votary to retain her situation In school at •
excitement,hus aggravating the e en. on
lit over, another in keep
the mind morbidly sensitive to impression,Whil i
,the now constant restraint of fashionable drew)
absolutely forbidding the exercise indispeplable
to the attainpiontand retention of organic aft
and strength; the exposure tonight air 1 t I au&
don change of temperature; the complete pro:
tration produced by exeessiVe danoing, must o •
necessity, pp:4mm their legitimate effect. A
hust,an earlyinarriage caps theeihmaxefrntscry,
and,tbe - unfertunate onb, lathed* tits %telly re
gardlessof the plain dictates and lM
of her delicate nature, becomes an unwilbr.
subject' of medical treatment. , This .is brit
truthful picture of the exlserlendo of thouttand•
et our young women.
Long before the ability to orterelso the, fun&
time of- thegeneratiVe organs, they require al
education of their peculiar neroue systoml)cotn•
posed of what is Called the tisane, which is, i i
common with the female breast and liPS,evident
ly.undor the control of menial emotions and tit
800;atione at an Carly period 'of life; and, as we
shall subSequently see, these emotions, when ex
pessive, ' lead, lonl before, überty, to habit:
which sap the vey f 9 orthel vipthaserebatu r e
h a_s selkompletod bolt dOye °mutat . . • , . , •
For remale_Weakriestiand Debility White' a or
Leucorrhtea, Too profuse Menstruatio %
n, Exit atiel-
Lion, Too Long Contitlneil , 7PeriOtie_ L rer Pretlapeus
and Bearing Down, or Prolapeus titer!, we, offer
the moat perfect spooltle known ; lIPLOOOLb'S
VOMPOUPD N4T)1.1.07,0P Ruiz. Dlreetions for
use, diet, had advloNaebotn ye . • ,
Females in every period o life, frOm' infancy to
extreme old agelll turd it a remedy to
Lure in the dischge of its funetione. - Strength
is the gigrY, 9f nranh,oo4.„„ felt/ ronerlthoo44 Mist
Botuts ZATRAOT /Went/ Is more . strengrening:
than any 'of the preparations Of Dark Or ron, in•
finitely safer, and i more pleasant. , Hatmeetn'S
Eirrairey illuotruilurring . reedited it ther indorse-,
Mentor themOttt prommenl pbviloins ih the.,
United States, is now offer : i to &Meted human),
Vasa certain cure for the . .. . g diseases and
synitnoms, from WI
.litteVeri' . • r Originating )
General DebaltY,_ ontak . . Pt) Deprea.
sion,• /Mbeollity,ll6 - pia to the
Head; Confused Mou t - • n Irma.
billy. R080%000.0 and, etpletinnalr tlbtr
Absence of Idusfthir Mir ; Lois . t Appe ite,
Dyspepsia, N W.,elp , • Dieorgani.
zatlon Or ParardarAtie rgaos . = t . eralion, ,
Paipatation:clf the Hitart.iiirtif 'in, I '' , theca)). '
coMitartte IVA NerVOuV444. - Dabin • , . state of
time ettsteer. - To insure tbergetii;bie l 'eut this Out.
-Ask for Ilatarloto's,. Take,er.' - Sold by
Druggists arkd DtallortievAlisaw4-41i2ift
"per Dottl xpr 9,botUe# fo re titml to any,
address. lbe sympcommunise.
.49rA te lt nk .1 1 1i 1 A 141 , 00 4 8tierui rAfr 9,4
N ee
Lb 1' rehoteee
' .89-ir Nola; ARV GENUII4IffiIIMIS66NRIT
In streetengraved- wrappeli wail' fite-elifille Ot
my OlterMleal WarehOuse, and espgii.,, 1 •
pet li-Nmeediltirl -..' .. H t • - Spl i zr •
Reaastii4sll.\lo4"OcH;Co4l .
. •
riost Bites find 411 s oots pilaw '3 ,
ote4oo li r gi - ku:so6l4
highosi of, the /tae pbtleiktff*:` Nqs. l oll4atT •
MeMeow to onr own dni niiiktwOldf ri ‘"
the Inhnl Ikt of thloio&nn Iffiti ' ettlit f u iniky • t
confluent nem dilllcAt surgical vend lons
~ 1 ~ i 1 g
. k
SAYR F'S''' -., .‘ .
• .-.. •
vin fe,,,,l.l i i ! coptAwlk.l4l!'i '" P":.t
1 4ia ia
Ito ( OKI is lillitvl l 7 mogiqi, Ito It i,iti,killiqq6' l *.4"'
tikt Irrly implies* as . i 4 ,a is apptit.ittiti t 0 tit.ifillftOi/ii. 1 '
tter ago M to no adult,.
.1160.3itAi'61iirOnitatio0:44 'I
tit). filet thls Is no Action, hat 6 i'Ai i tbilkvilli iliti t , ( 4IA tkirtflt •- '
and a single application of the cure will twtrflue• the snow
ektptical ratercr of Its tnall mlrrecOmat ifirt#y: i 77 h
• WE ORALIMIQB - *it ' vitt#4,o l . 4 ''',
. , -To Prodwe4ta 2404 , •;':;::;:.
No family that once peco)oi deqthictltrel , > , :
with its vitluca ivill bo;icidiglif`.# 4 ' ,':',.
I . Prio• 50 CO. ' Bold by all Drogitsto.
IL'ect• '
' Ei, ll s llsllll i' 01.., ~. i._„ 4,! .., ~.
... • , sourrppostonhvmhwit; p; ,
See what J, A. Dudiekasi.,ortbs jirilk_lot it d
toy ilt titoffoni. one of o.1 1 11911‘1 1 ,1h:4f 1.,
ostablionmentlin Olio* a i
No. W ISSIIKVAN er.irtrelfOgitoriii i' ,- '
Anl4lll roo 'Mt -, ... .1 te
E.llittlll4llt A Do..,-- rt
It offorcia me ileum to vest of the INID
l r lt ts let!ryso r '' l it i l l ob e k u eT w it,
abdomen apn ohlo i .' 'Aftoiisullo I 4, ;.-: „
i;lVl4lll(innjitat!l:44 ' -6 " , L dw ',
Wan ro t e yed in's . w otto4
~, • • . , 4
the roil
o that Ii could itohtot
__IIAL I , iiii
rtulU belroW r tga r riAnaP :.= ' 4 4 tw
every cam anflohnost instantly. I ..h"•,. ' ri4l
1 Itepreothilylom
iho firm of Dudley A Ste Ii4:41:40 1 1 ) 474.•
gusts. • I t * • .'•
. . ---4...1.,.... 4 ,...4.....44,...-.44.‘, ,
: „ ! :, •• I • • . .., ~,, I ~ ,• -
liAltll4El' , ~ ,
• •
.1 1 t. Alt L . S' 0 Air ti ' .'itt ,
Tllle 011RAVE 4 57 4 AND nor A firlOg R''
All PURIVIt'S l'llAr witi. by
tako 'leisure in informing tht t pi if ./t
and' y leinity ib (but voter Pa 0 04 1 •
IlouiekooPors thAl,tney, axe,
introtleoints °op anpertortti au o
ollowln_g but Nest , ' i • 1 'lt , ' , . to.
IT'D—For Cleaning ?day ? , WoOdoiretks *at, -•
SE cIND—For .01ean i 4g (and Po lishing at !kg
saute t tue):Netail of . 4401 as .1 ~t ~ .
Housotteopors lion at nee le a entai l : l E
toga of this; as It Is entirely anneal to k 0 I.
he etefore, Polishing Bowdete, Brieiti Itiktv o
As too. do.; 00, l , li ~1, ..
. lED—For b Pilot or m ath Balk 4410 1 '
w ere theta ire any 00 Malt tie ei stint/ ~ (‘
hands, such as faint, Crease of any kill • Wu(
Ink Aro,,Ao.
roußTli and last—For the thousand and ens
other purposes for which soap le In constant ewe.
and whioh it is tinvoulble to enumerate atthia
thno.. • ' . ‘. :•1
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11 AItIL I 6 & 0 o'. ;. Propilele& 'ar!i f .
Wei ' BURKilotantn 4 MAIIIRA, corner of Ilth
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