Tfil43 I)4l.tir EAGLE. E_A_II.I._N.,,,N.A. --8.-Al'llliDA-Y.-IiECEMBEIi 6 ? 1868. oil' I' AND COVI 11;4-118-T-i'llITION-..lit, 1.2 P. • w.—About 450. d ; _You should get your haircut *hen there t t he new moon. and apologise, and if your apology is , you ere friends men. -, • sceePted 5 . ....ger our opinion of fortune tellers and other humbugs of the kind. read the editoral on our second Polio on Monday. ir,—You should secure the services of a boron ter and have your window Aged so that You can 1010. It will not be advisable to sleep. these co o sights, inn c‘oom with the window up. As re- AO ventilation, ion should' have the window o pen both at the top and bottom, which would ad roit the fresh air into your chamber from below, o nd let the foul air escape from the opening Above. Ton HAM ABolltir TOWN• .••• -in• VI •• 'dial Meeting linos in Kutitown has under gone repairs Weide and outside, and has been re dedicated. ma weather for shooting matches to•dny. larms — the onyi who are fortunate r ough to own sled... A g ran d target practice. Anil shooting for game of aii kind?, will take place at Lauorta Park on Monday next. Ono o r the, Sinking Spring butchers at Market this m orning, broko his vpigon while hooking wind the eitiewalk. • Oa Sunday lasi, while John Moyer, of Leesport, ass at church, seine talsereant entered Ms yard, awl stole a large turkey. In abort, the world le . full of hollow pretences and insincerities; and great many outward sp• petrancel, when subjected to rigid scrutiny, aro found to be Wholly delusive. And so lot sit pm. dent people At till times boon there. guard. The Steekhohjera of the Mamie Itrtho Com pany will have t► meeting on Friday, the let day of January, 180, The firm of Doctor. & Klesinger, Bird!lboro', bee been dlesolved. . The bait ,con c ert of our townernan, Prof. - Berg, will be on Dumber . 1611). The tomourieement of th e whits who will appear will be made In • few days. A tesoluthin has been Introduced In Commiin Conti!. that $lOO shall lio given to the Beading lictiof Boolety.and COO to the Reading lienovolent Ocololy. ' Today the Wand Shoottas. Match takes place at ilirrloburg, between aphrtsmon * i f Bonding anil Harriobrit, unlets postponed otii account of the weather. • George Whltnor, Itsq., of Oloy, on Monday last, told s calf, four weeks old, that woighod 103 lhsi 81x hours odor Ito birth, it wolghod 112 lho, A rssolution was intpduood at tho late meeting of Counolis that the Committee on Law aro authorized to Instruct tho City Solicitor to request the Court of Quarter Sessions to Issue their war = rant for Cho opening of Notth Ninth street, to the city lino. Immo winos ,and liquors, of the choicest brands, constantly on hand, with all kinds of ox splint refreshments, at DAVM4OIIIOI Ladies' and UePte philalt Wool% No. lf• North ,Nifth street. Sitvint lodgers were •acponnoanted last night at the Station Muse. • Tnv. Reading Library Fancy Festival and Fair will open in Library Hall ) on Monday evening next. Great rush for Dry (!oohs ot Chiles Loran Co., 441 Penn street. SUDDEtt Me:FM—Mr. John Elz i , of' Maid encreok township, fell dead yesterday morn ing, near Bratwillo, Ile was i 'a highly re spected citizen. • • TnzvEttrox Railroad haw been par , chased by the Reading Reiland- Company. A connection with it from their roads in the Shamokin region is about to be made. To•MonnoW, the now Lutheran Church at Lyons' Station, on the Rust Penn. Railroad, will be dedicated, This church is built in beautiful style, and those who erected it may well feel proud. FAT Ifoos.—Last night a raffle took place at Leesport, for a fat hog, weighing_ 700 pounds which was raised by Llewellyn Kauf man. It was taken by dace wintters- 7 -Ift. being the highest throw. =I Corrnit-r AwAnutib,-T-Ruch Bro. the Beau Mondolilothing Hall, havo been awarded the contract for furnishing the Ringgold Cornet Rand with a now uniform. The uniform is to consist of dark bluo coat and rod pants. A F plaudit' asshrtmeat or Dry Goode at Charles Levan Co,, 441T00n stroetl =I igASONIC ELBOTlOL—Willitunson Lodge No. 307, A. Y. M. of Woineledorf, this comity . , on Wednesdriy• evening elected the follswing officers s W.,M,,—Jno.,_M. Sam:lobs!, Sr. ktplMoier. , ' • Jr. Warden.--N. 'V. R. Hunter. Treiisurer.—E.Penn Smith. Secretary.--W. 7i. Saßada. • I TII6 LIBRART FAlll.—Contributions of Poultiy,, and nil ' other edibles and articles in tended to sup , ply the Sup Pet Department of the Library Fair, to beheld tit Library Hall, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday even, ings of next week, are respectfully solicitid, and re/vested to be sent to , the resideneo Mr.. J. Kttabb, No. 15 North Fourth street, or to the Hall. TllRmrs: - --thismorning was &die agreeable't e and none kit it more keen• ly than the vendors of produce in our mar ket. To sit it stand for any length of time on a cold day at this business, will try the bodies as well as the patience of the tough eet. To prevent this, people must bny readily—mutt pay big prices--nod allow the eountr,4eople to go to their homes lighten ed in load and heavy in puree. , . TOE AUDUJIN AND ALLENTOWN R. R.—Two meetings of this company were recently 14111 at New York, and tho people along the route aro onco more congratulating thew, selves that the road ;wilt now be made. A largoportion of tbis road, between Auburn and Port Clinton, and between KutztoWn rind amiburg, was completed, and, Wall ready for the rails, a few years ago, but ow initb lonia baste the Work was abandoned. Ike hate, resort—the Dry (looils house of Cherlea Lavas k Co., 441 Penn lOW, TUC THEIRS AND Fink C)NT piece l . t " is stated, 'hare 'reeelved the 'condemnation ,A;of the authorities at Washington, and ti recta• inendation wake made in the report. of the U. S. Treasurer that these coins and that the further issue 0f . 1414 o 11. continued: Complaint: is snide that' masters masters nre required to take these tokens an, ,large quantities In payment of stamps, brit ` 'that the Post•offiee Department refuses to idteeive them In the settlement of laCCOlkStle . - . RIAD! NO 'BOOIIIIIY.-4M I litettilog Hof the board. orldanit g en ! , held at Oily ; Hall. 4.oce, Ist 11368. the , otettips tolled: to order by Vice rreeldent,V, mile, on:: election was held, tor ,Oceriot: tbeSec*, for the cutting yeato *heft the 'fello*!os 0 01 0 1 cs were duly elected President—Lewis Brinet. Vice Pxesidentki. D. Nagle. • Treesurer—Jimes Jameson. • . • Secretary and Superintendent—peorge W. Oekeley... . Commissioner of SuPplies—Aines B. Yeager. After which the minutes of the preceding meeting *ere reafl o corrected and adopted. On.motion, . - Resolved, 'That the dittributlen of soap commenes 'on TuesilDi t the 16th of Deeeni. . • • TY. Oa motion • • Resolved, 'hat Philip X. Miller and Wm. Keen be apbointed coileetora for the . ensu ing year. • On motion, the sum of two hundred 'dol• Tara was appropriated to the Committee on Supplies. • On motion. the Secretary was authorized to haire the necessary tickets printed., On models, adjourned. • GFO. W. °Jitney, Seeley. RELtdioils I.IITHLLIORNOg.•••:Tke usual Friends, meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, will •be held fiat day) afternoon at 8 o'clock,in the meet ing housci Slath.street above .Washington. Also meetinir in the morning at half past ten. 'George 'humanqud others are expected to he press t. The p ublic are respectfully invited to attend. Universalist Church.—Bev. B. Peters, Pastor, will deliver the Seventh Lt4ture of thecourse i on the History and Doctrines of the Sects,' on Sunday evening—subject "Unr:. tarianism," ,Tho public are - respectfully in vited. Christ Cherrch,—Servic(;3 on Bunday at 10 A. M,, and in the afternoon (*being the first Sunday of the month) at 8 P. M.' • Rinr. J. Fine will preach in the• Chapel of the- Reformation, on North Ninth. street, above Buttonwood, to•morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Septa free. Services will be held hereafter regularly in • this' Chapel on the first and third Sunday afternoon of each 'month, at 3 o'clock, Sunday-School every gunday at 11 PM. • Baptist Ohurch.---Seilvlees in tbe , Baptist Church to-rdorrow (Sunday) morning at 10 A. M. and In tho evening at 7 P. M.' Sim; day Setool at 1 P. M.; Adult Bible class at 11 P. M, Weekly prayer meeting on Wed nesday evening at 'if o'clock; prayer and conference meeting on Friday evening at 7i o'clock. At the close of the morning ser• vice the ordinance of the Lord's Supper will bo observed. First Reformed Church.—The services in this church, tomorrow, will bo in the Ger man language in the ntorning, and in the English language in the evening. ' .Ebenezer Al. E. Church, Fourth street,— The funeral sermon of ' the late Mr. Daniel Rhein,,tho oldest citizen of Reading, mill be preached by the Pastor, Rev. T. A. Fernley, to-morrovr• (Sabbath) morning, at 10 o'clock. The Rely Communion will follow the ser• mon. In the evening the Pastor will preach a special sermon appropriate to the times. The public are affectionately invited—seats (dwelt' free. Each night next week Revival' Services will be hold, begining at 7 o'clock. Rev;John Thompson, a popular minister of _Philadelphia, will preach on Monday and Tuesday evenings. A special meeting for Christians who-have unconverted friends will be held on 'Tuesday afternoon, at 2} o'clock. Christians of every name are affec tionately invited to come and help in these extra servides i . intended -purely .to benefit 'the citizens of Reading, and not to make prbsolytle TRefItRADINO FIRR DRPARTMENT.--Tlui following are the ofOcers and mottoes of the different fire compaties of this city : OhiVEnginar.—Dayid A, Stout. Assistant Engineere.—John T. Weitzel, John Merge!, L. A. Harper, Otto Mellen, 11. Hoffniasteri A. Frees, J.. A. Bush, F. Bower„Oeo. Long. Officers of the Fire Compgzaiel.--Rainbow Steam Engine Coln an No. 1. Instituted March, 17 1778. President, John Ralston, Vico President, Wm. Leighthaser, Secretary, John Levan, Treasurer, F, Barnhart. Junior- Steam Engine Company, No, 2, Instituted Dec. 2 2 1818. President, R. L. Jones, Vico President, H. L. Mille r _, Secre tary, John 11. Ruth, Treasurer, F. H. Whitt keyman. • Reading Hose and Steam Engine Compa ny, No. 1. Instituted, July 4 , 1 810. Pres ident, A. C. Oreth, Vice President, E. H. Shearer, Secretary, J. R. Miller, Treasurer, A. S. Sassaman. Netcrsink Piro Company,, No. 8. Insti tuted, April 14, President, A. Freest Vico President, oel Batley, Secretary,Sam• uel Breniser, Treasurer, B. F. Haus. Friendship Steam Engine Company, No. 4. Instituted, March 4, 1848. President, I. C. Beclur , Vice President, Win. B. Graul, Secretary, Peter Price, Treasurer, Wm. Schaffer. Liberty Steam Engine Company, No. 5. Instituted, January 21, 1854. President, Amos,Depher, Vice President, F. S. Boas, Secretary, XI; A. Howell, Treasurer, Wm. Maguire.- • Washington Hose s No. 2. Instituted, Nov. 15; 1855. President; F. P. Heller,' Arice•Presidenl, Wm. 0. Von Nelda, Score. tail, Wm. H. Miller, • Treasurer, eharlen Peocock.• Keystone Hook and Ladder bompany„No.• I.'lnstituted, January 1% 1868. President, 3.. McKnight, Secretary, J. Wahl, Treasur. er, J. McKnight. • Ringgold Hose Company : No. 8.- Insti tuted, June 5, 1850. President, John Ro land, Vice President, James BOwman,'B6c retary, ( ice. Price, Treasurer, E. Fredricks. Hampden Fire Company No, O. Insti tuted, June 150807. -President, S. E. An eon,a,• Vice President, Wm. •Border, Secre. tart' ' Herman Selig ' , Treasurer, H.Hartman. Mottoes of The Fire Companies.—Rainbow —"When duty calls 'tis ours to obey." • 4unior—"Wo stiive to conquer and, to save. lP Reading—" Always ready," • • . Neversink—"Neversink while hope en ., couragei." Friondship—"To be friendly is our wish." Liberty—•'l vigilance." WaskingtAn.—"Eicitus acts. Probatits.' 3 •• Keystone—" Where duty calls i there you'll find us:" Ringgold--"Perseverance shalycrown our efforts." • 'lrAnlPde,a, have Ott yet selected one; RITTED.—in Exeter. o_g ' December Ist, Jos D Dirtss, son of Isaac Ritter, deo'd, aged about 54 yew. • ' • Funeral from his Late residence • et 10 o'clock. A. on Monday,. Decembe 7th to proceed to hwirsvold Charebt which the spat and ra ves ere' respectibily tutted to nttend.• • Pisan Dstresf r ts Wit. !io.l , Norti Fifth streetftqalknif. sis la itit No m ono of the t i rttiarat M at -tirAapalyg g sartitg 4? cr onl yt oo • Vit. it *V DM of e 4=Z 1 4 . L td 4 It o II nis., l lWitnt are i an pompom, versed - .':* Pii!!1:0 2 4 OP vAOPrt - onto. rail:" scrim or sworsas. RIADISO. Dee. S• 1 1 10. there was rather more busbies, fn stoke yesterday, and in some fasteners there was a small sidvance In prices. klovernettent; loans showed itomoltuprovement, though the market ,is without animation. and there was' little disposi tion to buy or sell. •At -New York the Wes pro large;and government* have a preference over al- Most every other stock warily dealt in. The ad vance of the rate of Interest by the Bank of Eng land to 3 per cent. has had little. If any, effect on either told or the prices 'of governments In that tot!tet.l.thongh it is reported that cotton in conse quence htul been•slightly depressed In the Liver pool market. MONNY MARIML Bnahontik Bro., Bankers, N 0.26 North 6th street. • ' quote as follows Rubino. Deo. 5,1 16418,: Old U. S. 6's 1/161 - - •• - - 215 old U. S. s's 1862 ' - - • 1111 $ New 11.8. 5,20'5, 1864, July and Jan. - / 07/ Now , U. H. 5.20'5,1865. May and Nov., - 107 4 gets 1/. 8. 1865, new - - ' - 'RH ) .U. d.5-20's 1861 July and Jan. - 110 owl/. 8, 6-20'0, Ass. - - - 11 Ten , tforty Bonds, - - - ivy Gold in New York up to 12 o'clock. - - 133. s .hold In Reading; at Bushong Jr Bros.. -131 A Irr Now York, the dry goods auctions yestonlay were muncroui, end in most eases welt attended. One house sold hosiery. gloves, velvets, rihbons and trimmings, another woollens, hosiery, Incas and nAllinory goods. The bitidings wore not very brisk, Out most of the catalogues were run Of at fair prices. ' The New York Markets. 1, Review /or week. ending December N. • , 'COAL—The arrivals of Domestic wore large. and the market was heavy ; the last public sale, show-' ing a large decline, has unsettled the market and restricted the trade very materially; sales from yard at $$ per ton: PROVX 4SIONS-o,havaito new featur6 to note (a the market -fitir Pork t business in a wholesale Way bras almost suspended yesterday and prices for all kinds pf Mess were nominal. MKALS—The market for American (Ingot) Copper has been excited, higher and active; the eale4, Are 600,000 lb Baltimore, for January and tier.% delivery, at 24c.. and 60,0001 h Lake Superior, hit\ 'January, at 2414 e., tho market (dosing unset tled; there were sales, also to the extent otJob lots of all kinds from 23 1 4621 e. New Sheathing and Yellow Metal aro unehinged, the business of the week being,of a jobbing Character. The stock of Scotch Pig Iron continues ebpail, and with a fair inquiry prioeh aro firm and well sustained; we 'note sales to the extent of 600 tons, on steamer. Pig Lead, Spotter and Shot are nominally unehang od. In Pig Tin wo note sales ofBoo Straits at 29.0., and small lots at 2ilc. • FEATHERS are unchanged, and are selling at from WOO for Primo Tennessee pad Western. • STOCK—Mitch cows continua seam, and in de. mend. Fine fiebh milkers go off quickly, and at high prioss—slo(i(e)llo eachovith extras still higher. The .inited lots brought. in from the central or 'western (portions of that State sell at 975@90, ono lot of 18,: L irith some very p oor, ranged frOm $65690. It is only the 'good cows which are wanted. but owners of poor stock are taking advantage of the searelty and isro shoving oil trash., It now looks' as though good milkers will go off radlly, at full prices, all:Winter. SHEEP AND LAMBS—Reocipto, 35,817 bead, or 8.200 less than the largo run last week. STEARIN—The demand was fair, but prices had o downward tendonoy; tales of 150,0001 b, at 15@. MO. • SUM AC—Siolly Bold at 11500100pfr tan for thelow _grades, and $15095 for tho high grades. TALLOW—The market was fairly active, and was firm; sales of 140,000 lb, at 12%.a12 1 / 0. OVANO—A . fair inquiry for Peruvian at 862@ 6260 per ton.'goldt and 887 per ton currenoy. GOAL has now arrived at the highest price that the- operators will get for it this winter. Dealers have been 'trotting their orders to their immedi. ate wants, and the supply is commencing to am mast() at the mines. and prices aro dropping a lit tle, and will soon come down lower. In the month of January, wo oxpoot to goo coal Nulling from 76 Os, to 11180 per ton leasthan it can be purchased for at the present time. The Baltimore Sun ants: ' "(himherland coal is in great demand in the Eastern markets, and especially for ooean steam ers. The supply is not equal to the demand, and the companies aro straining every nerve to meet their orders, but the business cannot be so rapidly conducted in cold weather. Tho shipments this year, so far, are larger than any over before Made. and will doubtless continue to inorease as rapidly as additional facilities are furnished for transpor tation, The shipments up to this time, , by railroad and canal, aro Over . MOO tons in excess of the shipments lest year up to the same date, and will doubtless reach 1.300,000 for the year. Reading Stock Yard. 23 fat hogs arrived last night, and were shipped Marvin Sg Co.. Shoemakeniville, this morning. Woodland Sr Co., sold 25 hogs yesterday out of a t of tit Renegue sold 15 out of a lot of 70. . Boyer & Co., sold 48 out of a lot of 100. No stook Will arrive to day. Harrisburg Stock Yard Report. • lIAIRRISHURci, Deo. 3, 1868. 11111PURNTS. Ilorses—J. B. Mehrbach, N, Y.,16 head; S.O. Norstick, N. Y. 17; J.ll. Dahlman, N. Y. 14. 1m Cattle-11 l a do Johnston, Pottstown. 13 cattle and 24 hoga;'B . (Indy, Grecncastle.Wl; Neiman le Mitts, N. 1. Y. 114 ; Cassell at Alexander, N. Y., 226; J. Moses, Philiipsburg.22; J. Liolsman, Lebanon, Sheep—R. Barnes, N. Y. 2'2 hand • 11. Brannan, N. 1' . 231 Aull y e re, N, Y., 42'2 . ; J. N, Ham . - may. Y., 2151 Wm, U. bowfin!. 'Mt; N. Peacock, .N. Y.. 185; W. T. Smith, N. Y., 606; IL Brennan N. Y. 417; J. N. Peticook. N. Y„ 219; J, Pecton, 11; Y., Hogs—R. Roper. Lebanop, 74 bend ; J. Worts, Allent9wn. 75; IV. Hedges, DJ Y., 611; - J. N. l'ed 000k, N. 89; Ai fledges. N. 1 „WO* D, 11.8htt. man. N. Y., 682; W. Hedges, N. Y. 127; W. M. Tilden, N. Y. 404 ;8, W, Allerton, 1 4 7.. v., ;J. Holman, Womelsdorf. 20, Pittsburg Live Ntock Market. PRNN&. CRXTRAL STOC)it YARDS, } Thursday, Dec, 3, 7 OATTLE.—The receipts of cattle during the past week have not been large, hut up to the must amounts for tome time Past, Z:be offerings gen erally were of a medium elms, ut very fewcholce bullocks offering. The eastern demand has been light, and the market may -be reported as dull. There is not much Inquiry. for stock cattle. The sates since our report, of Friday , last, foot up 535 head at a range of from $3 75(6690 per hundred. The sales reported on Pride/ lest Were 810 head at a range of front $35(47 50 per hundred. Bo it will bo seen that pricesre lower. The total sales for the week were 1.201 h ead, ; 'against 1.319 head last week The following sales are reported g 3. d, Bootee, of Kentucky. 114 head of choice Texas cattle at 872 per head. snagr,—The demand throughout Hie week has been light, nithoegh th 6 receipts ham been - only moderate. The better grades are in requsett at higher prices, Common and Inferior, 'thick chies es are moat in receipt , are rather dull, but were. nevertheless, plotted up by our butchers at nom in el prices: The labs slue Friday last toot up 4,144 head at ft range of from $2 fOg,t3 60 per hundrad. fri l Several lea sold at na $1 sll4€ll'oo Per heqd,; ol Tbe sales as re ported on rid i g at were B,IOT he ,at crloUF4llll4ratil 540 per hundred, and from no per e Total sales for the week , 1 ead, against 10417 head lest week and 10,859 clad the - Previous week. Mons.—The market has been fairly native and an advant i vi ss 26o.93o. per 100 pounds tilled to-day. pnekerts ow lookin t : 'pound inder good price.: Tlif lerp Ile astd. however; Sufficit to carry on most or tn receipt% ',4 p rice s wh ich will not lustify peaking here. lions averae(be z5O to 800,peqtli for. WhiladislPhia markets. sold as high as PIZ per intuited. grlme flew' ork v t hogs weighin from 203 to 240 pounds may be quoted at 11l 100 .per 100 %mid:, and small *eights of fro lOU MO Ohe n. at fvom 11707 26 Per hund roe. e sale) since our 'report of Friday i i, evening l ay i ids up 10.848 head. at a ramp, of from li(d8 • r hundred. One lot of 95 head Old he his he per hundred. The sees reported ! l ed on Fri sky ut Were to head, at a gen rat range tor 'good to choice at eta 21 per bead . Total sales for the week 12. head wand • ,353 bead reported last week . ,; There were veryfew remain- Inc unsold et the dme toter.' , ... .... . . ' - -• r - •,..- - •'• ••••••,- • -,•• -..•! ' v, . -'''' I , i ,-., .k..,,..?;.,.; - „ ,- ,•,, , 0...4_ ....s'i..' T r.4, a , i'.........,,,..,... 1-,- . . • •..1.1, , ~k ..,,,......,, ~,, s' • • .* lirclaot* P• it; Thi fro At to , ' ire" .111 tiw , ets - - parfietteli; glkolikrt and IS ustautii. , t • .14 (ef lA* *WI ti •i 2 0'01.14 M. • Wiwi 244 w. 4 --Obadr. • /*trust'', Ilknaostessr. 7 a.u. Monday WTuesday:. • 1.V 3 • • . Wednasuay, gir • Thursday, SP Both q, as,* • TUN streets were Alive this 'morning with sleighs. Tee first regular show of the season fell in this vicinity lest night to the depth of 8 or 9 inches. Tow fifth seml-annnal session of the, Win. , ehestor Munnlo Seminary will commence on the first day.ol7anuary t 1869. This popu lar institute is in a flourishing condition, and affords all accommodations, for Indies from a, distance. =l= fla.usni ,von 0401.11:—Moisten a flannel rag with cost oil and apply to the threat and chest. The patient will speedily dad .relief. The above receipt was given us by gentle. tuawwho hid used it in his family . within a few days with entire success-L -4'z ITEARINO,WAIYED.—Benjainin F..Morritt, who was Assistant Assessor in the Eighth Collection District, under George W.' Alex• ander, and who made his appearance on the witneSti stand on Thntitday, was arrested on the same day, charged with being concerned in the frauds in the Eighth District, and upon being taken before U. S. CommissiOn er Smith, waived a hearing, and entered hail for his appearance at . Court,— , Ledger to (lay. , INSTALLATION OP OFFWETIS.--Ulf even• ing the following officers of Reading Degree eircle, No. 2, (If Pit., B. U. (H. P.).C. A., were installed by James L. Hobson, G. C. G., acting on behalf of the D: q). W.—James - IL - Heath. - D. J.—Henry Budding. • D. P.—George Miller. . D. Wne.—Jacob B. Donahciwor. • • D. Fn.—Saml. Mnnshower. D. o.—William Devine. • . D. W. D.—Richard Heffmaster. D. W. N.--,Wnt. Phillips. Ntexy DICK.—At the Reading ' Library. Fair will be found a very good likeness of "Nicky Dick," or old "Petty." whom the older residents of Reading•will recollect RR one of the oddities of the ,town. Felty'e biography is very expressively • condensed in the notice of his death, as published in. thi) Adler of February 24th, 1824, _viz t Dian In this place, on Thursday last, Valentine Lult, ("Felty"being,a corruption of Valentine,)at the age of abtiut4o years; who during his whole life was supported atpublie expense." The portrait, which is a very good one, is, exhibited by Louis Ritter, Esq. 1, • •'TIIE LAI)IF8 . 14 1 r.snvAL, for the benefit of the Reading Library will open Monday evening, December ,t h , at 7p : m., and be continued three successive evenings. The following societies and gentlemen have kindly volunteered theii services to aid the enterprise: Mamnercbor, Schiller Voroin, Mozart Union, Ringgold Band, Prof. Berg and Oclimne, m , and °the . . The entertainmenteWill coriaist of toCol and instrumental music, or tableaux , vt ied each evening. See programme r to beriplib• Balled each day. Price of admission 25 eta, Tickets for sale at all the book stores,and at the door. • THE LATEST FASIIIoN INSANITY.v-IThO Paris correspondent of the Journal of Cont. nitres thus describes the newest crochet in the way of female adornment. Anything more absurd and more unbecoming than the small article which some of our lionesses perch on the forehead, between the eyebrows and the huge chignon worn very high on the head, cannot be imagined. , . Some 'of the American fast young ladies may like to know 60 a to:J(1SO IS , composed of velvet or lace, or whatever you will ; it has a brim turned up in front - like a reversed flower pot ; for ornament i besides lane all puckered up in nti- indescribable faiihion‘, there is a straight feather aigrette projecting outward in the middle of ,the forehead; sometimes a rosette and a bird' replace the stiff aigrette. THE TRIAL OA' GEOROE W. AIg:XANDRR.-- The trial of George W. Alexander, charged with aiding in thoremoval of whisky in fraud of the revenue, was resumed yesterday.— Speeches having been made oa the slay_ pro mug by Mr. Valentipe and Mr. Hoffman, Mr. liughed made th e closing speech for the defence, and John P. O'Neil, Esq., for tl4. Government. Judge Cadwalader charged the „jury at considerable, length. He said that it would be unsafe for them to convict upon the teg• timony of Keller and Dart° unless they were corroborated in the testimony showing the guilt of the defendfint. At the close of the charge ihe jury retired to deliberate upon a verdict. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty, with recommendation to the mercy of the court. : Ens COUNTY BIBLE Soottm.—The man agers of this Society have secured the servi• cea of Mr. Gross, of Lehigh county,who will' proceed at once in the thoro!:gh exploration of this cotinty, beginning in_ this city on . Monday next. - His work will consist in visiting every family in the city and con nty,with the'purpose of sup plying . the poor with a copy of. the Holy ocripturca without charge, where they cannot afford to pay for tho book, of sellifig to any who may wish' to buy eta lOW - test,. arid of soliciting pindiwith , which to carry on the work of visitation and supply. Mr. Gross conies bighiLreoc.itoroooned for success and effieieticyj oxp . lorlitlon pr Lehigh county WAS teetbetad by with perfect satisfaction to all parties; Hsi. is a gentleman and a chtistian, and we bespeak for him the kindest consideration. • , . NEW Lteliaux Booirs.--41ie Managers of the heading Library Company have put , chased anumber anew Hooks (4 ti) insti. tution;, which wilt be placed on the shelves next week. These new additions are mostly juvenile publications,—boßks Of travel, !!‘- orrivi histor,Y, and general literature, In eluding Choice Story books by; the beat au thors. It is< intended td lit ..%P.tut alcove especially for the young folks attached to the Grammar Ind Secondary Schools of the 'city, so as to encourage. is 2tbem . a taste for read. lug. A. number of pew publications arolo eluded in the lot 'jitat reeelied. • Since the Library bus beep opened is the new ' Hall about five hundreds.. new book, - have. been added to the stock previously on hand. With proper assistance tut the part of our'citilene t at least one thousand'', hew volumes can be added every, year.. The institution" is one that commends Wolf to every' citizen ) and every familyBlll44,, make it al pint to pure chase at least ono abate of so . Shares at $5 each, may be subscribed fo by Calling an the Librarian Mille Library!' tuns any of ;anon and evening ig the wet ..ANotut O Sr:oolqt O. e learn that urrsogentints,itre bp fig roadO by which a Pourthldethodist.Episeopal Church trill ho built in this city. An association ofgen. !lemon' hive Secured a most deldriddilet Of 'ground at the corner of tomb o.tol Chestnut steels , on • which_ it'• is proposed to eieet a new Chapel On Tenth street, 'The location ve cannot conceive &situation. better fist elt for Church purposes. Thew sociation olloded to is, entirely independent pf the Chorelf„ and propOes, to lOok for and seeuresuitablo properties from time to time, which may become' , valuable for Church or Mission purposes. Thus whiloaubserring the interests of the Church, the omitoolation they be made profitable. to d o shareholders. A. meeting of the association and those. willing to join it, will b hold in the Ebotte• ter Methodist Episcopal Church thig Mat urday) evening. ' Rev. T. X. Yeruley .is Chairman, and John Orissinger, Esq,, Secretary, •r r • 2*. IL MG 97G' NI O 4 • sTo Witten iamb for the riot that , the Allcintorin Good Will enterprise IA conducted Ina tliir won kier, The ticket,' aro being !unfitly. sold, and those, who would try their Web, should at once prcenro ti tleltet, whichocan be tiad of Mr. Relchard ( Agent, at Alletiler's !tote!, and at the 1 4eyetone I3elOolt; • QusixtV aid quantityare the two desirable at tendants of "liarrett's Vottetable, Hair TteAtorn tivo.i! 'The bottles are neither corked thltubigs, nor ,the preparation itsolis worthless compound ot deleterlous minerals. Its Ate been proved by th'e Award Committee of the N. 11. State Agricultural Eloclety.—Dceer Inquirer • n0v.90 lw. groyne siatiesonoingas. • deported bk Louis Richards, 'Wormy at • Law, 530 Gaud • . •j) rialINNTg i!AT*WIRDNIAIVAY. - . , • • • Conliatied. • 11y this owsos It 'WAS mnintOined that' the pia': was in% osted with the Legal title to tho entire property. The dens,' claimed title to the whole estateolitiler the 'following cirount• stances. 'Bonn) Ain't° in •Deeember, 1858,_ 'Mrs. Fisher, being then pregnant, end in a _ sickly, condition, A nil there being . reason to apprehend that site might die in child,bed,ot fail to begonia the mother of *living child; expreesedrthe desire to Wifivey the .whole title to her husband. Accordingly she wept in company with heVtuabaud, to the office of their counsel, V. I. Smith, Esq. t in Read. ing, to whom she signified her intention,' Mr. Smith testified that he advised her of the effect of this eourse,Which would be to place her property under the absolute control of her busl and. She replied' that she preferr. 0 this to having'anyoore of the - estate to go to Virginia, meaning to her siste , Mrs. Small,.who resided if that State. bite we t s then informed that in order to carry out her wish it was necessarycog a deed. to be exe cuted from herself and husband to a third party and 'front that parti hack to her hue. band. Thikwas accordingly arranged- and a few days aUerwards deeds were executed throw h , hit. Smith - as the immediate ahem or ag t, he retaining the papers in Ida pop- Bessie I.' Mr. Smith further testified that about six months efterivards 'Fisher called on him and told him Cult it was all right l that a child had boon horn to .his,wife and that the deeds were now of no value. Mr. Smith stated that he told him theyeiight to be des. troyod, and that Fisher theii said that' he would take them with him and destroli them' in the presence of his wife, upon which he gave them up to him. ' Mr .Fish r ;lied hi April, 1800, and when hie ndminis rater cattle to lotik over his pa pers the wi e Dandled hie) these very deeds, which, it was shown by the defence, had re• mained ever siuco they were executed, in the, husband's desk, to which tho wife had access and of ' which she +carried the• key. Here then was a paper title at 'least to Mr.. Fisher's heirs to one-half of the property. From the circumstances, of the deeds having. been thus preserved, it was contended by the defence that even if the linsband' and wife had originally intended that they, should be destroyed in the event of her Beets in child. bed, ' this intention was 'changed and the deeds made absolute by the consent of the parties. The main inquiries to be determined* in this ease were, first; w hether the manner in which the purchase money to. the .Smalls 'wee paid, created n, resulting treat . in favor of Mrs. 'Fisher, the plaintiff,- and,, second, whether there was a legal delivery of the deeds between the husband and wife, or whother.their'effect was nullified, by a frau d' on the part of the husband in negletting to destroy them. _Upon; the first point. the Court hoid, and so instructed the jury, that if they were satisfied from the evi dence that the money advanced by the gear dian came out of the separate, property of his ward, then the beneficial •ownetship was vested in Mrs. Fisher. Upon the - second point the Court held that if the testimony of Mr. Smith was to be, accepted as fact, the deeds were only provisional, and it was a fraud on the part of the hashed& nate, have destroyed them, unities theury believed that the wife consented to 't heir preservation after they had been banded aver 01 him. This cage Was carefully prepared by, coml._ sel and fully and foreibly, argued before the Conti add kirk At, tatneioti for trial on Wednesday , morning and occupied `,:iota a late liiinv,the' Same night, resulting on the following 'Morning in a verdietlor the , plff. W. IL Livingood for phi', Goodman and J. S. Richards for deft's, SEVENTEENTH DAY—YRIDAY. " • ' , • ~ David Pieter vs. Reuben Bast, 85 April , T. 1807.. Thin was en action of ejectment to recover the possession of a town lot in the Borough of Kutztown, sold to the pilf. i, 1805, at public sale, as the property of the deft., by the Collector of Internal Revenue for this District, under the Acts of Congress, for non-payment of U. S. tax ' and penalty, upon a lot of cigars Manufactured by the deft. The amount of the tax was $485.60; and the amount for Whleh the property was sold was $lO4B. .A yehr passed without re• demption, but, although the,sele became ab. solute at the 'expiration of that period, the plff. lids ;lever succeeded in obtaining Iles session. The defence undertook to call in'ques tion the property of the notion of the U. S. Assessor in , levying the' tax,: but Judge Wpodward instructed the jury, " that the validity of the prOceedings was not a matter over which this Court bad jurisdiction, that the requirement of the Acts of Congress ap. peered - to have been very carefully coin- OM with, and that the piff. was entitled to a recovery. The jury accordingly found for the plff , without leaving the box.• Boyer for phi: Becker for deft. , , RIOWITENiII DAY-BATIIIMAIG ' Franklin Pelmet vs. John B.fiebieffer, 27, April 8;1807: ' This Was an' 4CtiOtt Oft apree missory note for $1472, given by the uel.%'' on the. let of January 1800, end payable ,fi -' teen , months after date to the order ofthe OE The defence showed that this note was given for Abe ,purehase money iif, the good' will, . figures and furnitere of 'the General Taylor Hote l ;' in North Eighth street, ia 'Oh; city. The, de fence alleged that shortly after the first of Jauntily, 1880,when Mr. ilelnieffettookfios session,: he,disixivered 4'60 , ' limy articles which should have been lekticcording to the agreement between the patties, had been, carried away—masa bed clothes ,queens ivprei coffee mph silver .plateii forks, Sic., A. large number 'of . witnesses Avere, called. upon both akiiii, among whom *ere ' till bar-keeper, .tbe hoArders . p the house antl . relatives of both: potties, .who 1 . 1 ,V9 in wlti ikbiallt tbe prtraiso before And. ' o. l s, TwAYPilw"nvek% e n,• - Awe :no Unto ,et , tra Chained iVdeduettoilli6 bioliteVO 9;4 note,.'ree the:value °Me_ tsidt4-11* alleged had hinotue'renieved. , l, contended that , *tatting:kW • • 1405t 4 , , t away' whiett, bat that the atiielatkitee4oloilititk " 'stair snob at had *a esrpatialtp• , ',l 'h 'of Aide •• " • • b; noest \ and the ehatipe Of • - thsiok followed \*. half past one.' .Thtto had net been rendered up to the ,tietelikty4 paper went topless. i+'.-f,. Smith thclellt.4 Ertnentrout and J. slik Richards for deal The above wicthelast MO for U 1,114006 term. • • TOR AATIFICIAL Xt LAWD tlo* is;1111 01 .. construction in the lower Ott, of ‘barail New York *wilt, when. completed; 440 W an area of about two 'keret: T 6 • poitio(4,ll4. outer Apo, mitsive'eribt, •thittifs4lridd at the base and twenty feet at the top, OW of oak %Ober*, firmly jointed, bate hien. so sunk•as to leave goat . tf4 fettaboao high•water mark. ' These i 10 ,Aukt i; hi.r s been filled with heavy blOckit . 111 ;i1 1 14 !.. the outer amico 6( . 00 etdrtil UM jr been faced with otik ovor. pliihkioas As an 'additional proteettOts t aide acitttit, hare been heaped egaitait 000 444`i) the wall, at its mow expOsed pohiti, the bulrra\rk s , defamod Purrectl7 secure, Within ' this eneleaute sand sod btokesa stones have been thtowtt o and driven upon which to . efeet Oat' hospital', via other necessary buildings., . •:—The French paiiers state tint' ieilettsi approhensiona aro entertained of fitAlitit break of the Arab tribea in AigOria t in tool' sequence of the severity of the winter 4 tiils. Tho Empororlitherto his been ap in vain to rolait the Striageneyort e resew,. tions entorced by his army: t,. —e "conaene mon" 444' 41 0 Unit T ed h States Treasury dating ey the pest New. 'id • $49,N0. aohe, Readaohe, Inteumattem, Bis 6; twis t ' Frost Bites,, and 4on,te pains A TO . 41101 a t e hymen ideating ittost4 tvostlnete Abe hlghVt Mtn of the int, 0110300. *tot Ibe,a t eclehie In out own hie vilmatty titreettn.t the Inhalation of chloroform eint Ober to OW Illarelo 4 eunecouent upon dlMcult surecal oplerellons, r sAygr4- 1 / 4 NSTANT , 4 acotiteplish e r mple athwart!: appliesithni, l Ha effect to perfectly magical, width , proPerfilltiliteso entirely harmless as to be as applicable 10 the ihild of lea. ,tcrego as to the, adult . Thoesanda of enmintal ekties tit). that this to no fiction, bat a tact beyotlailventriMtroh and a slngto oppllcation et tit? cur/ w 1.4, roYitrok skeptical sufferer of its tralyitraptpope 00,1 1 , 4 WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD ft** , iti EVAL ; 4 , isfrofami'ly,that 9ttoo 00nKia of tvith ile virtues toiii b 0 toithOut Price 80 eta. Bold by all Dr tioshtts. E. WiIEHLER . „ 0 e• 9 it • 1 , Bola Proinieforail*Nts Pe a Bee what J. A. Dudley, says, ot jinn of 1i.4 ley 4k Iltatford, one or the largest wholesale dna establishments in thk country No. tv MaItiVANSI., Ni s ei& datni c art 6,1 , 1. Sitentan Co., Readin • rit.‘ - • WINO kaffords me pleasure, to era bt 'the wind ,a$ effects of your "rain uurf • .414 4 . " a June last, I was attacked wit i *nett ot abdomen and elde After supsiring ntensely nearly WO week% t was induced. tp try yo sm. dy, and after al l application, td mY tater I was relieved in fete soor.l. tao WI the sai l er that could scarce y. eel4oVe senses. AVM my knowtedil o thoprOgra. finny believe tu t it it stop V.lll Rom MO every cause and ahnoat inptently• Reapeottnlty.yogrt. - Of the firm' of Dudley R aif ord, WhlTrutif s trlstip gists. sat 14, I.IARRIa! PEARL SOAP', I TIM' 017IMPERTen_alilitliqta r it itt , AhL PIIRPOV AT. IVA WASIIIN CLOTH, Idilli .- TIN 111 U AT AMERIOAN SOAP 00)IPANT take plessme in informing tho pool or Iteadl i t ird vainity l out *CIO nlllOlllO 141 g onsegeopens that they - are mann. pattrilia" Introducing a pap superior to 'all oaten r•li • follow`ag pgrposoe: Pliii . T—Fer G l eaning Pala!, Woodlrolle , ku. bl . HE ND-7-Xot 01001nIng And Polishing M lbw same time) Metall Or ill deters one " •,' Housekeepers can at (Meese' sae greet adtaa4 sago of this, as ii•is entire)).UnDWP44 l 7-4 11 1.1 1 P Ate heretofore. Poliraing P owders, priox Milli. Dina. Ashes;4te., ke. 11(1)10-Wor a Palm or Rath Oesp. , eg r e l otsits ~ A bbire there are any inipurities or stoma oh thit it snag. ouch as Pelee, Grease of any kind, Ewa eititteind last-For thith'opian a aia ante other burrows for which soap Is in constant use, and whie,h I t ts laistpsOlCto ectltgorit it this wagonette AQa ustra miastat riot gook for cub and even' PUrPose WT4 1 491 ;F i r. 4 be used lathe gain e inanher u shyer kw this except on the i r. only renal , ' .. HIR the among 0/our vie aeiimy iglu gagla t ;ilts Iv et ere, an urtElltun Or 41 v ,and LABOR saved, " , , -'‘ *. 'i 3 ,w., , , - ! , 4v• • . '• WA N,TED. ivory Pil.oilik SaadiNOOffi) HARRIS , PEARL 80AP. • . , , oßyrAuli OW AM /NM P l ll-: gonWacharec, ArAilusiveli. iPY 14. i r 41 0 ,Wit . ' Simi 0;103 'tech 4greet. rh ma. ' , HA Tt BIS & V 04'Pro* r&" '' ire- BaixlioLuti.i a idlallig • comp of lifth and Washington imitate. 1101 •. 4A 5 l ead ' a l. 41 . „GENT. WASTIID IN. y • ovN. _. Tv la TUB UN , din s': ~, The Soap is now OClffid atilt Pibli 'tit lb i•r lowing ili c eros t s ' Stemiret Ohonfelder, . _ , ~. ,Itlkousum. A. rote te r, • , , , • ',. , ; e snots, Jr *AU. Neyler.• oi , , ,„ i i ! e ,T. oers • ' Its er & Boone: ' ' ' .. ' i n i u bi ; fri P. cher. i 4. ON, pp ; t eg: et wait. A. warts, ' i 0 ittio; iri a ftm . ` •' 1 ' ' •ef iii . E„ , : ...,„,,,,,,.. : ,....„.,., .. ~,:„.,.:;:„.,,,„, epinini. J. ig "tiny - ' . 1 , ri 2 i .. I ',--- i f , ''' " r i LEASSO ‘ ti I c!..ANt • • , pliumitE,ltSi ~ 1 GAS : ANA. N1C141 1 1 , '1,4,1110E t XI. ‘. ~,. . • '`' s ~ 1 ' .f ,. 1.1, Aniptaiuticiiiieri at - '' pin „ RAILINfi .'svic-;, , PRMEI'LIti • ~ t, 1 •.... ..:,,- .4 ' LOTS, *a. , , imosoirrint :sirs , 101111101110614* * • READ a l ' PA. • / ~ : 4 *.l*Sa 9 . . ~ , • 1 =I