=swag J .1). A__ :I trY'EAOrit. 7 F:A I) I N 0:, • Y 150 - 141 IDA FII4IIER 4, 18881 • ciTY: A.NriT7c-OuNTY, 1.2 P. B 16; j.l—Accotot our thanks foe. Wort. Fav a.—We will answer you to-morrow. . 4 7 )t p . ....mit0 to the P. at Saltimore. Ile Who s ire you ail the Information. „ • p.—There i q is not in the whole of Switzerland I lo g sate. The goverotnent forbids by law any.. t hin which may tend to interrupt or interferg w ith,travol. B.—if you refer to the travelers' guide in the firt r,yon can get all the information you des irio i„ mod to the arrival 'And departure of trains f r om Beading; r; o , 44 o,—Thi young man should certainly re= tu n pia Album, without your request, kw), if he doe , not return It within a week, he cannot 14 00 . golleman. • TOP: KAN AMAMI! Taeeds y ortercoon a pocket book was found In front of the xeritose Hotel, which contained several thotuand d o ors worth tit promissorynotes, To•dsy is an unlucky day—Friday. • Tdis westberkires boatmen red noses, A Isdy had bolter be all the rage tbnn In one. A question of Interest—Y application to the The bolt hones to be mod by bitkertr-Tbarouttb. A wooden ►Ycdding--The rnarrlpge of a block:- but • • Temperaments diverse are very apt to lead . to divorce. . The prettiest girlicin t'hio'City hie 4olel to 1:10 eft ? gaged. Thou persona who persist in keeping late hours general rid in having to keep their bed. . It le elated that three hundred lady graduates of mc jioNl schools are now in gftod practice In the l'eitedStates. The now fronts In .Yeager's bulld,ing In Penn meet are nearly completed and add very inaterlat ly to the appearance of the Drum tees, Why los hilual4uddlng - llke et victim to eans4- lilst 130Ci11410 it's stoned and qattered, then tied ep, end *Skirled' ottllto,ideees antt.devodred, • • A litre new ice bonen la nelkylr Completed near Clove' Ice Dem on the Mineral Spring road. It Is every well ereotod building, capable of holding:a loge amount of Ina "Byend your money where' you make It. Ha mm° your own mechanics. Lot each be for the other, and all for public , improvement—Wm& ty teeing at home, Our town llret—others Met tutlt." • , • , The buckwheat cake and sausage season is falr• ly inaugurated. The former constitute a capital breakfast, providing the dose Is not too often re peated. A .persistent,' diet of bnekwhest brinirs stout cutaneous eruptions Ad a style of Haling only relieved by exhausting counter irritation, EATHAORDIII4IIIr.—WeinOtiCe Un der thls hod thlit Mighler 4111 Ildters are determined to sell their winter 'took before. January 10th, 10, regardless of cost. Our renders will do wOll Er railing and roe for themoolvos' that what we. stied Is true. 1 JA-It =ICE . . DIRAMINTM-110 two races announced to come off at E t insteht's Park to' day will not take place, awing to the absence of the horses. The sporting tnen'avy disappoint ettmier./Allen Rupp, Esq., has retired from the ettrge of tho ilushong House, foot of Penn street , and Daniel B. Rhoads' has taken charge. We wish Mr. Rhoads con tinued success. =2113 ittsrtmi.—The time id at hand for tiffs kind of sport. A grand match for a fat hOg and a silver wateliii anothteed to take place on to•mcirrow evening, at the Drovet's Hotel, Eighth and Washington street& ------4 RIOTOUS CONDUCT.—Last night, tsvo men went to tho hot se Mrs.; Lavin(' Moyer, near Fleetwood; and dethanded admittance, which was refused, whereupon they threat. end to blow down tho house and steal the geese, and made use of other riotous - and threatening language. • .Mrs. Moyer wont nut and gave the alarm by shouting I ;anur• der!" when the men left in haste. Mu. lIERMAfi MAIRBDORF has in his posses• sin a beautiful cane which was loft at his boarding house in payment for board.' It is about three feet long and yory vlain - , with a gold head on it. On tho teqd is the . inscrip tion ""made froni` Vociel tit the :first .ffe• thalist Chapel its America ) and presented by to his esteemed friend." It is supposed to have been stolen. It must have been of much value toithe rent, owner. WOULDN'T STON—Last evening, a woman with three children came to the Station liouso and applied for lodging. His Honor, the Mayor, of course, showed her to a place as good as ho could give . her,but when tto wo man found how filthy and what a moan place it wei, Rho refused to stay, and would rather seek lodging in the' street. She had come some distance, and was poor,and was worthy the sympathy of humanit y. A dis grace upon our city 1 POLICE INTELLIOENCL-Willifoll Webber true arrested yesterday by officer Lewis on a warrant for committing assault and battery on Imnbertine Rudolph, on Sunday night last, Mr. Rudolph was on his way home *Troin church, when ho was assaulted by said Webber, who knocked his teeth out, and further threatened to injure him. We did not learn the cause of the affair. Webber admitted the charge this morning, whorl ho entered $6OO bail, to answer at Court. Eight lodgers found shelter in the Statioli House last night. • TIIF. PRP:SYLVANIA DENTISTS IN CON- YtNtiox.—For semi:aline the subject of 'the enactment of laws for the regulation of the Whole° and chartering of l a State society composed of the representatives of this grow ing profe ss i on has been agitated, find` in obedience to a general callsistned satrin tine Since, the convention has met at :the Philadelphia Dental College, Philadelphia,' and completed the formation of- a society. They have framed a law which it is propOsed to bring before the Statii Legislature for ; en. actment the coining sesOon. --• , Tns Dispatch says the Skating Park :elk terprise has been abandoned by the original kidnere in the Matter, and it is now apps rent that we shall have nothing of that sort in Reading the present winter. All who wish skate must resort to the canals 'and' river for that amusement, which, by the tap}` is not a ,very pleat - eat: toto,WriteMplate, since it is an old established fact that sea ely a night passed in winters gOOO, by wit out some ono being beaten and driven away . 1- the ice by a lot of miscreants who n .Q a" y resorted to those. pla6eitos' or. pose than to create disturbassee It ladies. WM ntlt some individual the establishment of a park. A;Pytillig in the OP; . . . . ':A SibStkatiCuttait.?-44vetytbingirelatisig .19 spit* tit'. its , levely : iale Cuba, is read l i with a ref' 'j Ow ' it. an gentleinin of this oitybas Tempi" Oat Id bita as a present from ktriiii lii , itiithef,s*,blooded Spanish dog. ‘,.-Itie abott'aislargetta One, pt our cOmmoa tiler doWiftIMX; O l4 .l O etott peed,- bulittluuS eery.. ,J , limbs; ' awl . 11 hrpwn, coating ofillair. ,It is 6 very:ace. , tionate animal, ii tory much attached to, - its new ,master ! hit strangely enough ender 4 itands nothing unless snob& to , in the Spanish' language. Lankily its master is , loineWhat acquatnted with that tongue, bay ing twice visited the Island of Cubs, find itOquired at knowledge of the language.. The [iarlgentleman to whom the dog now belongs poxes hint highly, and would not, part with him for any sum of money.• . . • tisin Wssitefi t —lt 18 only right to refer to a abate() of possible disease which is , pea l y wide spread Just noir, and ,agittns . • which - the ' . public bould - be cautioned. "At the, present time there is quite a,rego for the use of hair "es/mikes" or Plasterers " which / whilst the 'charge of their being " d yes" is, indignantly repudiated, yet in a , short time 4 ,/restore" thneolor of - the bait. The active agent in these washes is, off ()Mum, ' 'lead. , Au , the inikieirity•of cases, probably, a' moderate use of 81031 i a 'When would' be unattended with mischief i but , it is worth remember. Ins that palsy . bas been known to .be pre• duced by.thelting-biintinued , use of cOsme ticreontainiug leak., But of the thousandi of persons who are .now applying lead to their Sealps, them will doubtless be some with an extreme Susceptibility to the action of the poison, and these will i certitinly , • run no inconsiderable risk of fi nding the • intl. toration" of their. hair . attended by loss'of power in their wrists.—Selected. • 1 41 , ' AST of letters remaining unclaimed in the Reading Poet Office, up to last evening. Pardons Calling for Oese letters will/please inchtioa that the, arWadvertised. Mies Elizabeth Allevein, Miss Emma Miss Lizzie Doidlor t Miss Helena Capes, Mies Alice Fry, (3), Miss Ithisanna Getz, .Mies Lizzie 114, Mrs. Catharine Lantz, Mies Amelia Meurer, Miss - Annie Seigtrled, Miss' Maggie Soders, Miss Susan Sands, Ann Witman, Catharine Wagner, - (Mphienber) Mies Catharine Weller, Mrs. Lizzie Weidner. GENTLEMEN& MST. . Daniel . Boyer, William Bright, Thomas Col ins d ,Vo., Jacob' Dark, Philip 'Dough erty, William S. Dodge, (2), Tryon I?Alwards, Fank - L _Rev. , Calvin Fairbanks, Harry It. Fisher, Frederick . Geiger, S. K. Gaskill, Samuel Ciuslor, A. C. Hubbard Daniel Hicks, Frank 'Henning, Henry Hillkert,' Oeorgo 119 elmer, Ilenky Heins, Israel D. Heffner, Jared Heck; Sam. ,M. Hartman, W. B. Ha. .Joli* Oliver Jones,. David Kaufman, Georg e_ Leaf Lewis B. Loose, Harry Moore,'John D. Mozoiti James Intyre, - Adam Rderig, 1411a4 Itodermel, Smith , Roberts, William A. Rico, Charles C. Shoecraft, Christian Schnavely, • Charles Schmidt, Adam Shoerk, Henry Smith, John Sheller, John Stretcher, John Stetson, Moses Strauser, William Shoeffer, T.' A. Trout, Charley William, C. \Vaguer, Charles Werst, Jacob ft/ Woeininer. Ttii STATION nousx.—Tho public build ings of .Reading stand as monuments of credit to 'its . C 1117.01111. Our churches and school -rouses are not surpassed' in later cities for beauty of architecture and spacious accommodations. `, Cho Courtlionse and the Jail wonldiaiptiblie buildings, be an orna ment to any city hi this State. But there is ono building on the corner of Fifth and Frank lin streets, styed the lock-up, and the head. ointers of our. city Fathers, whioliwOrnight safely state is a burning disgrace to the character of the city, and a reproach to the ago in which wp live. , Why the poor and de. graded souls who at times' are compelled to take shelter within, its walls, should bo sub• jected to incarceration in such a filthy. pen as it is, gocit beyond the comprehension of - humanity. This is a matter which keallB for 'attOntion on the part of the city. on the score of humanity, it is abominable, and as for safety in confining a desperate character, unless he is closely watched, it is entirely inadequate for the purpose. Wo ought 'to havo a City JIM), so arranged as to contain proper nceommodations for Council meet ings, and offices for transacting the business of the city. Ale basement should bo ar ranged.for the confinement of culpiits, and . shelter for those unfortunato persons who aro compelled to seek refuge - within its walls. The present station house is of course cooly 'for !shift," but how long sholl; we "AA" Why not build a City Mall at onee t •andA not let our city ho disgraced by tho.building on the corner of Fifth and Prsinklin streets, by some , called a City Hall FLIRTATION IN Hithi LIiE.-- , The Gazette is responsible for the following: Some few weeks ago, a gentlemaniresiding on one of the principal streets of this city, had occa sion to leave home on business that wotdd detain him from home, ho did not know how long:. Ile had a rife and ono or two chil dren, of whom, he . was very fond, and loft homemith a great deal of reluctance. Ills wife was gay and exceedingly handsome,and was very fond of good, cheerild company. It was very lotioly for her'after her husband had gone (rem home, mid to pass the time she would dress in . the afternoons: and promenade the streets in pleasant weather., She was handsome And dreesoa With a gicat deal of tasted and was a very neat, graceful figure on the street. In one of her; prole°. nades Elbe attracted & attention of one of our active business men, who 'after some tuanmayting, succeeded in procuring an in troduction to her. Ile became, fascinated with her and visited her frequently, which she did not appear to have had any objection to. One Tuesday afternoon the weather was so bright and •pleasant that they concluded to go out with a carriage and take a ride. It was a beautiful `October day, and they were enjoying , themselves very much, when the horses bectitne frightened and turned around 'short, tossing both of them out of the car riage:' Neither of them was hurt verimuch, but one side of the lady's face was slightly eat by coming in coutact with some shrub bery where she fell. This little accident ,was. kept from the public for a lime, but 'lealted;bUt at last • 41111 came to the ears' of the lady's husband, and was very near pa* ing that once happy fatnily.- There are seine indieations now that it may lead to "pistols and coffee; for two," but we hope not. . DIED. , • , . • RXTTDR.:- - In 'Exeter, On Decinbeilst. Jot; D Myron, con of Imo Ritter, doo'd, aged a out 54 years. • t , • , - Funeral from his late realdenCe. at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday„ December 7th, -to rwrooend. to Schwan - meld ehurchor high the friends Intl ie.' leave. are respoctfall, invited to attend. •- • Pain Mini VOA: NO. North liftk itroet. Pe.ts Ms store one of the tlaejit cid b*seleoi stooks of fresh drop ht, this kur.laktattuat eaditant , ore err ready to welt on Wants Vojta, la Oat, at ' hear of Ake dikr cr ittglita raalikt mm11.10.81;8 ten 14 tiothiboOttiallsktd runtitsaadtantiemen. fo„rPora r‘Wilre .1. , I ; Wall** Ilibibo all, in • want d!. - . jowl. Parl9otAve QcolsoeSt.o,vet te Call at D. O. ElObstsWeed Sifts' Store, No. 414 Pan ilaiii.ll4i•Ali_obielispoi Atotallkit Ligltt of law; tjcioqi piONSAIO batiolog And; i III NOVPWMO r <fO' 90 1 . 4 14 4 . • tA ,t I t i f 4 larval =MEM LADIEB 9 LIS'. DLILT !ROHM Or BONUS& REA DINO, Dee. Iw , thilatlelphis. there was more detalljtil I.B °P Visierday and the rides of diecount were hither. Cell loans at .7 tog per cent. on Governi men% Audi% to 12 per cent. on mixed ollateralst This eau only be accounted for by the neareft4:. proach of the "Noir Year's" day, Vibtai,Firt MIS Wilt bt rMulred for interest and dividends, as welt as for.the adjustment of old accounts. , , The Shan:lariat Ras leas a ctive; but there wail much firmness. Government loans were o fraction higher. and State and City loans were steady. The . Wier eloiod at 108% for the new end 100 for the ofdgertiact►tes. .* Rending Railroad sold at 49%—an advance of Little Bobnylkill Railroad at 40---en advance of PennYylvanis 54 @f 01 % ;-11 ' deOline 61. 4 ' aid Camden and Amboy Railroad at 12S -- ne . ibenge; 57 was bid for Minehill Railroad t 55% for LOhlgh Valley Railroad I 80 Yo' (latawissa Rail road preferred. and 28.% for Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. In. Canal ; Hank and.Pamenger Railroad abater the transactions were unimportant and Priet9 l were without change. • Ix New' York, money, is in fair demand at 114 sual rates or interest. In Some few cans rathe r r igher figures are demanded. but the stattdard Quotations are 6(47. In discounts a moderate busih nem is doing at 7@9, per cent. forpaper, having from 2to 4 months to ran. The banks continue to forward currency South, but the receipts from the West. to some extent, are an , offset. • IioNRY MARKET. Boehm & Bro., Bankers. No. 16 North 6th street, quota BC follows . RICADING. Deo, 4,181 - IY 4 . 111 1070 - 107 0 0, 11 110; 110 Old U. 8,6 1 a 1881 - Old U. 13.6's 1862 - - Now 5,20'8.1861, July and Jan. vow B. 6.20'5. HO. May and Nor., ow U. 8. 1865. now - •U A, 5-20's 1807 July . and Jan. - Grip. s, QA's . Ten- or_ty gold ln No* y tie tip to 12 o'clock. - • Gold in Reading at Unstrung & Bros.. - Di Philadelphia. there seems to be less activity In tho breadstu ff Market, but prices have under.' i i gone very little change. The demand for Sour hs fallen off. The wheat market presents no no feature, but the demand- Is limited. Cloverse'id ranges from 11060 to 87 60. Whiskey is dull and a fraction lower than our last report. . Li Reading , there is nothing new to note. Far mers do net seem to bring much grain Into the market, and perhaps are holding back for higher prices. But it is not advisable to do so, Judging fOr the future. A largo lot of grain Is now shipped from the West, which is bought at the ruling pricei without reserve. Several herivy orders have been sent West this morning for grain, and we "have been informed that the orders will bo ow at prices far below those now paid to our forMeis. Our farmers would do better therefore by selling , their grain now, at the present price. }lvo loadi of ho.rttoro brhught to town Hilo morning; which tvero disposed of at $1,13@18 per ton. Rending Mock Yard. Woodland k'• Co.. have 50 hogs, which will 100 disposed of at sei69%. Itellogug Jr C9.,60 hogs; at enlo. Boyor do Co 100 hogs 0,39%640. • . • All tho stook on bond is in good condition. UHADIifO PRICXS. White neat Flour per bbl., Iled . ...R.Vra Family per bbl. Corn Cltop (old) (new) ' Corn ( (old)" new) Best filiddlingfi Common Bran Corn meal _ )1 • PAYIN G mon,. White whsat'per buollet 'Red .. • •• • - Qorn (obi) corn (now) NIWRII. in the annals bf the coaltrade,'haVa the Ph ibm ents been so heavy at this season of We year, as at the present time, The total shipment from the Sehuylk 11 Lehigh; Wyoming and Da4skatranna regions for the week ending November 20, 1188, were, in round numbers, 315,000 tons. • This bas been about the average weekly shipment for the past two months. Of this vast amount 102,000 tons weresbipPed over the Reading Rallroad,KOM over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, 50,000 over the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, and Lehigh Canal, 83.- 000 by the• Delaware, Lickawanna and , Western Railroad, 45,000 by' .the 'Delaware and Hudson "Canal Company, 20,000 by:the Pennsylvania Coal Company and 23,000py the Pennsylvania Canal Company and 33,000 by the Schuylkill Ctinal. The total shipments [dr the year. up to this time, aro 1,400,000 tons more than they were last year, With all this increase and this steady supply it must re quire considerable sharp ) practice among the ope rators to keep coal up to the present eihorbitant Prioo, Tua Mauch Chunk Democrat says ."Coal ope rators don't look as pleasant as they did a few weeks ago. Their smile-producing material has "come down." It adds that money in that section of the eolintry Is Yeti matte. The coal business has been- vary good Of late. but sales ere made on three and four months' credit. and paper has-not yet commerical to mature. Other business is dull. The spring' trade was dull; thoraxes hardly any summer trade at all, anti the hoped for revival in the fell has not come r As a contiequeneo,"stime. business men are standing in a dangorotis tittitdde, with no telling how soon disaster, may overtake them. Our banks aro overrun for loans; a man in need on applying for a few hundred dollars is very apt to be told 69 cannot be accomitodated-4hat the banks have their hands full to supply their SegOliti,customerablislneis ree,n and depositors. 'Surely t the, prevail* is of the severest kind; The Vrospect ahenli ot business men le Verollreari,and it is feared thit thin wilrbe one Cot the Ir9o*in ters the' poet people have had to encounter for a leng 'period of years." • ' , REIM:ONO PRIORS. i ' • Nu Stoi t, e, Egg and Di r akeu Coat,' $7 25(4400 atop • - - - OZi 300 Bituminous Coal. „Ix the housekeepers' market there is not rnitch loWeter• IVe mark butter down tbip morning t o o 48 for, fieidi I Peidezen.hatqlsene up to 42 cents. 'Thera-'moms to, be a good supply . of butter And eigs iti 011ie bit noti. the from Philadelphia and,liew York.beinw somewhat slack. .and lilt should thus continue, we mai , loilk for a decline. Cranberries ire plenty at 220 , 25, eta. per quart. -. BRADINiI 141181 i KiEPERS t MAKET. ,„ . , turrhi—rresh dutry ii . tit 48 !', „ Lup3o. • " t.:45 Clignit-ghee2o ik Th u ~ ' ' ' 23 kAll47:.krtrillsit.. - .. , ~. HOGS—F.4gs - 11 a01eti,”...,. . . . 42 hir.llB*-'Diced PePli, 2030 • Dried * qunrsi-- - ' " 1 litymnixo—: " '. . tb, ......, B 1 or--iffietaleak round it r 6., ' ~.... ' .: '. tdrlotn. " ' ' • '' 20 •4' 1‘ ' •-' - " rdnipi.• 1 : `" oat d.t 6. : -t, • ' ' ' l3 -"‘ ' ' 8 441. 1 1 1‘ '' ' ' ". ottietk i .' • I ,: ~, „_ , , ....:' ' M a -,...1 6 " ' •;i • , •1••••+-;”•••.•, , r-1 , . v......, -, , , ~.4 .....,... ... , ... ~. „ 1...,1 0 "-. .Porgy ••• t . , ',,, •:"e•••?'?”... . i %) • ''' ' I '.. *ate- -i r, ~4 .44.:t.t.,.... ' a• . ..5. 1 400010.#_941. , tr Jrn bl rg* '4'; f'.**.••• - r* . !*4 . , T.T. 25 - • i il ti ' ll 4., .i .: ..4 , •,..***..!”.rf P'"• 2 6 • '••s, C. l 30 *-n - 1. ! is- 1 4 , 001410' ,10•7:!: ,".• . '', -, ..4%, „• •,*4!•!* , !*!.5100-•-•,•,. , ~a . ~., lt , sf•stsira ... p ... oliato• ' , ealrit7 4 : 3 4okena 1 4 i, ~ "•"?..4""".'..1. '• •• .1.. ..„, , • ,i4,4 , ,;ryie....t. i.. . 1 " :' "%Milo& IT '. 1 ' ' :••• - ~,;•::.' 4•-•• ''' ' it t ~`` '' Ai " • ' •• • -aic , - I.- 1 7, , ~ tr; Oje.‘l I i' , . A.: ` ' t , „ . o ! teoss to . II • . untotiolo reiser pair,41 ; .:..,441,_ .P.4449 4 .1.1t .bPa1ti114*.r,....--••••••"t••""'"*41741.400 ig ...-=:-:+-=-7 e•' .-:- llf A Wl* Pe ' Ail %Ir.'. ?...,::'-',' 1011 Sits tiOtli '' -..- .- "4 - 4 c 41 V4vAli:Ous awl: LI) Wanks. 1 ) 's e Ai l 4 14 aPelea at IThid 11. 0.-4z .::.....4.4t ... " ' • Ode lif • ,Thmomftet% ,; 4), , v, i; 1 14 1 er .: , ~;., t irk , 1 :A r,, iii, i gondiii, :‘ . k. hoi7 ;; '," !` 7 1M 1 Tuesday " . Z4° . • . WedstWayi,.. ~%. , .. , Thursd - , , . - ' ' = ' iir ' Friday, ay. , , W! • . .:.,, , - ,_......_........4,...:............ =EU A. Mann, Dentlit,itias moved his ogle, frotu - No. ti North MO 'N0,..6091 Penri street; above Bictlrti's 144 3 181t0re: CHAR. MoWETOKRILL t M. M. ) P. D. ! Alfred Mayor, R . u t ,D., and Prof. Roeper, all of Eehigh'Unilietasitylkro now in Read ing, on ti ' • lintilOark-Ltir. VI M. * , Yeager' , returned last evening , from, T'hilaileplhip, where he had, been as a delegate to the NatipnatPile: tographio Convention, the &caste we believe, from Reading. The Convention adjourned Yeater,day to ; meet ,fa Boston in May next; , . Tine weather , of ",d a te; tho ugh cold, hah . bekii quite Aelightf,id for We 80480, of the While we heir of !iitiOW. , ideinis in many, ,parts, we'. have not as yet,.with 'the exeoptioa of a few fialies, had , any in this immediate: locality. §lleighttiff , with us ih still in proipeotiVe::!,—( BILL Pon ca:sit not be allowed to paste bills on the sidewalk. Last night . one waspcisted O n, the pltvetaint!'cit lrifth"and Penn streets', and tins morning i little girl stepped on it, when she slipped and fell and hurt ..heraolf. The . paste .was frosted and hence tnade it slippery. litsv 134 ) 13111 CoLumntA 0. K.—The nee stenmer of the Vigilant have been on trial for three days with the following result i 'lSt day, 240 feet; 2nd day, 201 feet, with one fall of water by the aid 'of wind,' 13,04 feet. Brd day, 28G foot. The Columbia boys imn4ned they could with their Engine , beat the thy:4ring, and on Saturdayafternooti made the attempt, which resulted in throwing a gociOtream:„ 200 feet; thus leaving the Ameskeig Engine; few lengths Rhea—Columbia Herald, • . „ Mn. Q. W. OARST has completed,. his new factory, and has got it into cesslitl bperation. Instances Of this' kind show what the energy and enterprise 6f American mechanics will do. On the' lath of last August, the Platting Mil) nhd (Obis gentleman were laid in, ashes by, the hand 'of an' incendiary; now there is a now:fse• tory, much larger and more extensive, with all, the late improvements,in ,Suecessfut operation, on the same groun4 'where, the old ono formerly stood. ) Ace DENT.--Levi X.' Moore, Esq.,nropri etor of the Variety Works,corner of Carpen ter and Cheery streets,tnet with'an'tiCoident, day before ,yesterday,which might have prov ed serious. Hissleft hand Was eaught.by the belt attached to the largo emery wheel, breaking his little finger; and otherwise bad ly bruising his hand. This wheel is used for polishing heavy castings,and makes about fifteen hundred revolutions 4 minute. Had MrAtoore not been able to extric,tito.his hand th'e moment alter It was caught, ho probably would have lost his• left, arm,„ .1300 12'00 1150 1&5 1:10 1 35 1 10 1 80 20 0 0 1 06 • 1 • 011U11011 Pi:task—These entertainments nre now coming into favor with the incoming Of winter. It would be somewhat anornalohs to hold them at any other tine.' Every eliur i ch must have its annual fair nnduttetion;' It is an excellent way to win money for lienevo lent purposes, hut more generally to lig*. date some debt which is proving burden some, 'People take it in good feeling : to pity large`amounts for very insignificant articles. Pastors and managers discover that the best tneans,of,attainiug success is to enlist the services of the young ladies. PomehoW other, they have a WAY of magnifying the merits and worth of small things, and, mak ing them of great licintinat , "Grab bags" will be found a. , uaeful means of de-, }doting the pocket'' books of the young, while the older have a natural penchant for edibles. These features should ? always be in starting a fair: 4 . . KEiP the ball of improvethent ' It bas had a pretty good roll , for, the wholo season, and it might as well be 'run ,but to the end of the fine weather:" While inAhe improvement of our houses and - lots, hew would it do to look into the improvement of ourselves. There arcipronably very lbw. people who might not' be betterFd by laying a aew foundation arid repairing cracked walls. There ate some ' rough edges that might bo planed • off Atith :Omuta/co, warped panne% in the former smooth dia• positions might bo replaced, and then per haps to , colter over•tb . e many defeeta that years have loft upon us, two or three co is cif paint might hide the airiperfeotionfi Mid at least enable us to assume. a virtue tholth we 'await not.: 4 . • r• TIM PENNSYLVANIA STAYE' TEMI!ERANCE, Utitox.:—The Board of Managers recently held a Meeting at the otfice,',ll6. South 7th Street, PhiladolPhia, The Agents reporled, there bad been near. three hundred Temper ance sermons and addresses delivered by them in, divers parts of the State, from the 15th of , Atarch to the first of September. They, also took the first step for. =the call ing of ,a State. Temperance Convention ;liarrial,Mtg; Felirnar,Y , • 11 0 5 ifp's It is expected that the lab Ors of the agentswill proceed with aceelereted ,visor, now that politieat excitement hat gonO pet, Frinds of tho cause in any pArt or,tholiblte desiring speakers to address.Tempetatiee ,theetings own be - accommodated Wiltbk to Bev. Pennell Combe, • .rob StiOr William del ltliebOlSoe ) ',115 /, ,•-: cts. V. bus . ' Our Weruerstnie , Letter, Wenxravit.t.i, Dec. "4(14 .18tlf). Ep. DAILY AGM S : iS Apt much mews sepreson in our town antlAricmitY. , D. B. Pucks, the present landlinld,l bad an tittaok of biliotis colic, but: le quite ! Well again. , • Messrs:Geckle - iv 'ttz Alatirer hare procUred a lease for top yearapnlgr,,../acolt Bergrn4n's farm OD the: So t Xmi istas th p a Tilos° of mining coal and black iron ore. There are . four hirgi atone gnatlies in-this place, but ReubenHaiqis.bt by :far thai best. of all, as excellent marb le slahEi" ara!topoto be taken isht. ,ReAbets Hain is. supposed to be the strongest man-in Lower Heidelberg. He only weighs S7ft pounds arid is ; ahOrt of six feet.. . The new house's will soon be finished,atid it it almiSet lime; for.fallinrweatheg : 13 ihigh. Wm. Rath, who is calculated the best team; titer in this place,: is going loiter° into Mr. R, Hsi bonse_ by, p ext spring. , . WOW); loss fnAtiiing .6 hay ladder wagon fall of oati(thresbe4)4oo. The pa t e !Wise re:44 ! Roo, er tdirtitOilii (4 1 Ve7 Truly, _ .‘; HEAVINS-' l l fisineao; Dee. OE; '0 .68 ; • Ramon Mule EsoLskribe " eTe' has since the Ist of theittai t ‘ more in harmony with the r ea s o n; Via I sm fully persuaded now, that we can :safely bid adieu to fair Indian suinmer until O M Sol " idtelltiiiriliteleet his bright Axes ninth of \ the equator. , • Tho health of this community is , about tolerable. Many of the little folks aro deAvit'ivithfthe MeAsles,'lrlileh is of 1444 ' co43"ogoeoq 'PRqn proseitatal. - • The public houses oi . ‘"A‘caps,Oreewatraltild Albany township,' this county,' Wes etttered , on Monday night. and robbed of $O, ati4 eo,4,N,artioles: of clothkug., in , ,thd asentng. , of, thal same,dayi the "Corner fiturch, in the same township, „Was also entered,"it is supposed by the same thieves, but they wete seen by Mr., Lins,,,vho gave an'alann o when.they deeamPed. • ' On Saturdaylast, the Shoemakerville Cor; net Band, under. the leadership of Prof. Lsehle.passed through this place.en rputo tothe Strauitoin Thtltalioa They treated our citizens to some of their excellent music, and acquitted themselves admirably. The organisation is a promis ini4°llp, cud no doubt inake itsi,Mark under . its present leader and teacher. • '4. G. J: ,_Ff,~ ._tF, ,c. f MEM '.:Tin: TRIM, or Giontik•W. Ar.xxstaikit.-4: In the United Stated District Court, yodel,* day, before Judge Cadwalader t thq, trial of Geo.W. Alexander, charged with the fraud' ident removal'etwbiskyor with conniing at the removal ok Oonceablient of it, Vrtti roe slimed. - 111,itiicsses wore called to contradict material purls of the testimony of David C. Keller and ot hors; also, .to prove the good character of Oil defendant,, to which quite a number of the eitizenti of Reading and its vi cinity testified. Some of thiim bad known Jilin for a loog time, and spoke Of him,inthe highest totem( , • I)': Benjamin Moiritt, gaily Tie representntlies of ,the Goitiirnmeat.to fugitive from justic,was cal ed as a witqesa for the defendantiandlestified that he never connived at the removal of distilled spirita 'on which the tax had not been paid, that ne arrangemout by ,WASI made between Grolf,Barto, and himself, which the tax was not paid on whisky. • The witness was questioned very fully as to his, whereabouts since the arrest of Alexandol:, and said that he be c.aino alarmed Wien hebeard that Koller had made a statement at Washington, imolleat ing him, Groff and others in R consPiraoy to defraud the Government, and went to Cum bOrlomteounty, stayed there sorne,time u then ' , wont to Lancaster, from - there Came to rbil ndelphin. He further said ho was never 14- side of Koller's house. • 1 Revenue Detective Brooke.WOß palled liy . the other side to contradict Merritt, and de. tailed at considerable length a conversation ho overheard between Merritt 'asd Keller, at the how of the latter, in which the former told the latter he'inust not go back on hink : that if ho (Keller) remoined ,tirm . all Would bmight ; that they had always been gdod friends, and if Keller had said anything, At WriSkingtoithe' "'should make it known' to Merritt, so• that he might haVe a - chance.. This conversation, Mr. - Brooks stated, be overheard while concealed in the cellar of Kelley's house, near, heading. The evidence *as concluded on both sides in the afternoon, and theispeoches of counsel occupied the rest of the day.—Phila. Ledger ofto•dgu. IMO COURT ,PROCREDINCII4. Reported by Louis Richards, Aitorriey at Imw, 630' :Court Street. FIFTEENTH Di —WEDNESDA Y . Catharine L. Fisher vs. Peter Marshall and Adam L. Fisher, puardians iof minor L children of Dall . Tikhoi dtte'd, T. 1866. This 'was an action of ejectment to try the title to 146 acres of land in 1I i Mho% .township, said ,to be, worth' from twenty to twenty-five_thousand,dellitts. ,nn accomit of the amount involvedi' therefore t as well as the, nature 'Onto facts, the eao was ono of interest and iMpertnnee.' Benjamin Lapeks,!frither•Or died in 1842, intestatilleaving two'children, o wit: nary. intermarried with George Small, and Catharine, did plaintiff, intdr- Inarried with' tho now ! decinised'• David 1.2 Fisher; 'against : idiom minor children 08 claimant of tills proOrlY., Oda ..qietion 'is brought_by,their mother, Jranjoollo4.6l44* died seized of the übdividell.,Onozbaltof this farm, which dock:4o'o hits ObiltiOrtiaPeter ' Limaks the= father of Benjonain*,,ollite died intestate in 1850, ileizetlW,the,Other undk -vided one•halflof this fartni',Whi#ll .portfpn was afterwards, by' tirrangetnent4 all his "heirs,; conveyed by. tho Mary aid Catharine' Fisher,. then Iktlibirt ininority,• each of the 'latter thus,beeeintnii the owner of the undivided one-half Oft .tli9 whole: 'On the 3rd of April, 1856MaryBpiall and her husband, joined in 8. 000t4v,ono of lior onidtalf toll)avid:k POW hipibs t *od. of 4 10 plfE, kill in her: minoiktr, her'ili114)011111)1mild Lineks,•Tor'hiji gnaidian.* 'lt appeatild that the guardian advanced the purchase money, and took the husband's bond for security, Aftpr Ws. Fisher became of ago, hati'giier: dian'handed over this' bond to tier; and' it was-accepted by her as part of the money clue her from' her father's estate.* It (lid not however appear with certainty • that it vine her own money that was thus advanced. the guardian testifying that he paid it by a cheek on the bank; aild'tltielie'diitinit keep (Cfsep arate account for her. • The defendantteen• tended that it wasia mere loan of money by the guardian to the husband on the' latter's bond, which lie took for security. op the other hand . the plaintiff claimed that tho'ben eficial ownership possed. , ,tolier,latidpot to her husband, the nominal 'purchaser, .as a resulting trust, under the principal of law that the trust or bencliciarownership upper-. 'tains to him who advanceS the Orchaso mew hey."). (COnthihed le4hirrichF.) - =I Cost of Indian • WOrs. , . Official records, it is assorted, prove t)ml the various wars with the Indians during ihe last forty yearslave coit the Goverrnimt, over five hundred millions of dollars,besides a largo loss of life. The calculation is miule as follows: • Tho Black Hawk 'war four hnn,' &Olives and- $5,000,0004 ,the, Semin ole weir, fi ft een hundred lives audisloolooo,6oo, only fifteen, hundred of the udians being warriors; a wnr with the ere ks and Clufrn keen about the same time 1 coat ,$1,0?0,• • 000: the Sioux war Of 18611 'three htindred lives and $40,000,000 ; the wnr of 1864, one thousand lives and $60,000,Q0,0 ; she , Cloy,, enne war pf 1867, three hundeed lives Bad about .$12,0001.?,600 ; th ,Iritypi trouble on, the raeitle albini tdr tliOn l if t' I & ehty. . yeitrei about $800,00),000 •; 911.4 . e carapaiges against the . Navajoes, '4304000,000. •The whole trouble in New Mexico, of Wbicktli; last: item` forms a raiPr 0 60,00,x• BLA.NX.,V9(f i Ib gar Aide a large B ant o wth be Vfilobeep . ;`. ' . • -.(., -0 21 MO , ll* OR, 1 4 0 1 41,iiik aohti lleakkolteakieumoithau t arakikot,• 1'1%73'031w', iktilA ali aaittiloidn'e..' l ' . s.''' l ' l ' , 2N) isVeitete_ tkunum sukeeing 'Wild tee4ltete nil htgheet Mini*" the title iihileeepotie. f *lO 041143 i I *lto. tit imi Oen dey his 01.444'04MA tf u. 0 'the Inhettettoti a thterefortn luta 'tier *lill 1 ,e Slut eattelit tfliin dinteult euilketteo4oll* • -` ' 4 " 1 ' sA yittig: •• , '9 ; , , 1, ,, ' -•• TN . • NSTANT" PAIN' CUR - i f actompli+ 4 eltuple enowerd epolkei* ., i , ' 1n '44 ttk.l 04 perte,itty tkieticit, eietite"pOpeti, t! 9 e.? * 9 eel fret)? Ite*ose reta belie eoptteahoe teffike:oll4ittelk*. do's' No as to the ettult, Tholisetu*Ot ilueittUl#4.": (I !'lhAt tht9 .l l lo49ll 9il)butilnitlikiii 4 4 i t", e t It tout it *IWO eiptletjlen Or Ituktitie 10 calirtl 9lo ww. ok4tliel Guilder UM* trulitatitteUteiiiiie*r', 4 :'' • WE ORALZEiCit i nn ' ' t liditti ' • , '' ' To Produce, its. ETA. : • . . . ~?+to jfarlify thiie °ripe . :00 , ihetetegui*Je4 , , lath "ili vidtwa will he' tiii,oe - 0,:',,' 4 :.; , . Prioo 80 C . 0.,: -8014 biell.RiNiOstk ? E. MISHLER & CO. l Oak PtiptitiAtes iiiiitkint. Pa. , haleEice l l A, Dndiepire. t 1 • f`tertAier „ tor* tafford. one Atf Man !F 6 It wan Ithuiente in gm ountrs t, ‘ • f ,i. rr 4 , , (NO. li l t iit, IOW , 1 It. litiantta * Co.. Rea IlatiorAe axe plOnsure to timeil th w in - eots or yOur "Polo Cum in - ow rie j eVi June la. t, I wee attacked with \ a abdomen load %de l Afi t tijniut ~1• a , , nearly tyro weer 4 I was natt4 4 l 4 4 / At 4. 94 Ir* And aftirp#PPlioe onto inir a , was telleve e few leo% /t i I. the rent/ tit qoultisior4 pen ; . 1 songet • lfrOM ta 1000111.444 0 tloir .i amity bpliove t itt, it - r il l OOP V.. . A every cam and almost nistanuy. • tiosvietinilyleu% tir • ~..i , , . ii „ . 4 ., orth dm of Dintle), , Sao .Re %r Arts.' ''. ' ' '' ' ' ' ' I H . 4l,:cxtt,a, , , PEARL S'o AV :' , 21 1 01INAPIA57:44ND V.Edf itifi , ! i ~. 11 , . . i 4 14 4 104,07fr0 reilia fLi TIM - (ift • pAT . AtillitlNM'..,SCiAr 1 .1 lq . 1111 ialioilOasuro'in Inf.ortiilng WO' toopl 'l 6 ' ' i and floinity, • (hut 'tare .parilo p tair y,,1, ( t i c llousekeopeno that they aro mg tu a introduelna a Soap auperior to all o f on or • ib Pl h n i t -4114:4n1i iliis 14 4 :‘ '41:66 PAiar " ko .. bl ,_.— i 14U— , or Oleasigg .faill 1:0 14 „ 416 samb,t me). dais of 44lif mil ,4 0:; , Housekeepers nap et onee fp, i • tape of this, as it la entirely u sot k 110 he a l i etofore, Polbhino Powders, Ur 0 oat. O. As es,ilte.; Jul. . RIRD—Wor 4 Paha or Bath Allooki.%o a r whore that° are any imptuitles or Atom, 0 . han Slob as P slat, Orelule,of linyle01., Il totlfittana 1;4-1' r' ill AbouelifOi , ato % s is l Oo - ' other purposes for.wh e .p9oP • n llitl i t.t and which It is ID4OBBIOIO to onuutOrst. I time, • , npkwomes sot USING pii i lllia . Irity t P ... l'or eaeh and ovary, phtpOse a TOlrl •• 1 s k he used td the bonito Outpost' f 4970 y 1 this saaoption, that It only reOuT 1 the amount of our Sotto to beam ta b t • suite ne others, and UNII-TIIIR bi! thr and LABOft saved,' , . WANTRA etoru Perlon In Ronfirif.trii 114.RILIEV.:PEA,Ri.:;80A„It, BIAVART4 An". AL:I4 IMITATIOIff o hfanttfactured Pixchesivolit 2 , l . :tkik. 0414144 Soap MOO Arch Mired. ilifl.lo/10A II Ait It . I S & 0 0 ... propeieoror t /fir BUIIKIIOI,IIIIII A M Atilllolli ' inrnistlf Filth and*Washington Streote. 7 Aitintior. iyOnt. AGENTS WANTV 1N,,13% BrK•OLT.I.M.Rq VN• TY IN Tull UNI EU NTATism..l ~ ~, The Soap la now offered to this Publioift this "fot4 lowing Stores t , Stauffer i t stlonfolder, - oeppa 4* %OM. .- A.-Pottotrier. • ' , oLissine•C*irrota t J. e Ir. Saylor. . • .U. llts atilt. `1.•: t llar,tr & uoone,- , , - . Dark tpioik - D. Kober, lip_peionits i iitibP • , J. Ilundor o, - . u L effellintisr. . A. Swrt, . . n o• • J. Q. Thointl_,:i . ' " . ;:f tir, F. Ke if er A & tiro. —•• ins 00r !it''. , J.. 11, Illidel?oltol..., , ' ... •0. 4 • °rat"' f •,,, 1 W. FROM • J. of ne, B. Ilenunig. J J. Igh, it, Debart, , ~i,. l ine _... , iv. B a er. , ' ' ' it Bo ier: , •'oetay..ly ~ • , • , - , t •, , ,„ .. "=.' lIASSON & . NOLAN, \ • B GAN AND NTEAM. FITTERS,. • • And3lantif443tureit , • PIPIT Aitutrui citittEßv 4 , r • LOTH,. &q. , ."!-- • • . • • • . ;,', :,• • • •,-1 •.!"if 113 NOITTII t OWDNI6I • ; Pl 3lO /2 44 1 1 , PA", :;• - • • ' 4 ".f,P , "P.;;... • • ; ••-•••z! st•EatolliAltain'a ''";' •••• • BARTOII'.7 ,t LiqtJoit . sTsant4, NO. 437 PENN STREET.. • ' lirifore ituitOfiiiititivllllltillai:46lloiiiiiiitiottaAl .beit owl puteit, ii , . - WINES, BRANDIES, WILIS &4etBr o t fferid to tioflloot y r-. pra m of :19701 11 rn:ptotr414. i• ak :n: TOft C°I"TrtioNERT t OMPS-0749N8R11 01 tr" I ,- „f. t? t:`r r t' i ) • • ! 1 4 - • tveli , OAN S Egt • ' TOE • OR VA , • • atifhlr.)lll-AVeop,Jrne,. • , At Ni. 101 Forth 11110 Oltnireet, ,; ' ; tt, n ;,; k 14.4 ti •t (jlihll)ll.saisir• • • renow prepaied to funtlab our Minos with_Clog lootioeryocrAdl,,a,o4;4oo,(3ll,e,O, whoisimo Arid Teton', < • t Also all hinds of Olin 71Pallfr i likOts be • Cream of all Savon oonttantly on Ito . A, tali tio solleited. • • frianop , . , . Goof, .Ifilf**446llP ll' *, . f¢ - • " puovnic.--00 ~ . , iiimpir o coaflittftt i,l l ,:t . : ~ li% ;._ I 0109' I e new e l! ' , 4 ,1 x..! . ellen) and 101,1-* •• : •1 ! ~ SIIOEB 4nd NAT*. , . „,...,...,......... (•Ott it4theed '‘ ;--, i' ' `.....i L. Wiliggilligf• '' Ii HOLDE ' 4 i l iilliett P t E A ßlW DR tor fal• ti S . 9, , 1 , 174 ; ,', ;4 ): ~-,.,; 41 Ih.! 44 ; ii; , , ' , )11•34,'-,4 ' ' .' . ' ~ 1 ~~ v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers