Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 04, 1868, Image 2
TIIWITA • fvt: .; RE 4 1410.11 , k r0. , ,,, op.A. U IrIFII*IVITIIIV Olt The f;nitaint itending is disthaed to be. ecniiootirgilinefioertiii!tg 'eitY must be apiiiii4baetiiii Vets Oft : Or e 9ral pereep. lion, 'Os antral and 'henttliy jirCciid!? . iiidlie of the float agriculture! regions athe4orld; and to the 'tkelteit of tnines'ef 'iron ntid ' Ohl; facilities for cheep trinkinitintiOn i its identtful Wild whole• some tinnly' tifiliter; 'nod more thnooll,the indurd'ri,:laiiiiiteiry, and. basintiss energy or Inhibidtuip batinbine to render it a plait) yhteli'm l Ot tl inereeiti in population, nsefultiesC ehn be seen the eviden cos Of its futui.e. The hills which intrOnna' it i'eptiY the tionble ofthdr remo- Val toe hptlding purpogem, in the rich stores of hulf4lng stone 11mOstone' which' they stipplyChfount is a Man Of building stone, ot qintllt.T. \Valet of excellent quality ri , Mlolfibuncl t: q f unntity whits 'fel:piper / I"' laid to supply amity of much great'ei fending is likely to' beeonfe for many — Yet .. .till: . Itnilroads and ennuis con• • , nest tha'City with the cbal fields of Re kill and thioreteds 'of Lebanon, and fur nislCoir k r alth cheap and con venionlirgna'p'Oftation for 'the 'products of their lahcr.,, The Corporations which control the business of our city ••• show a cominonda hie spirit of Anterpriao and imprOVeMers in. which they afe imitated by thoSe doin nags on A smaller scale, Our citizens; as a class, are•lnthistrious, • persevering and fru- gal, and (rob, in a great nioasurt,,froni that insanedeilto•for 13u4deu wealth which leads speculatdrd in other pikes to rcsort to-ques tiOnahlelneans to obtain; it. Such being only a , ifew of the advantages posapased by It eading---advantages thr sur passing thoao o(u inajority of tile htinild Aowna in inir ;its,l3,taie steady advance in' 4 I proaperitinn, populationenuno na on • ed., It it; true, there ja n great drawback upon lta pr,Ogreaa, at. present,, in the scarcity . of dwelling 1,14 . 115 . c3; bat wo. hope the tirne will oo9n cornowlien our enpitnlists ivill re. alive tbq raft thatit in morn to tbeir future , . • inleroat to s Ivor. ,money in buildinp and building lot's in their own cliy and viol., nlty; in useless :govern ment bonds' of 'fluctuating value aud'uneer tain poiOnboriti iipeeulntions, controlled by. wealthy find, selfish awiedlere, nt Aii!ont iipints; 'our 'capltalista wish workingmen to settle in their eity l they must neo that lows - are provided for thOno who . '101e„ not' , the • tneana to build 'houses for themsebies, Thu mortgage net, which:Wits pnssed by , the last Logislui turn (mainly,threugh'the efforts of our State fint),tor, non. J. I.)6'dy Davie, who is do serving of the thanks, of . our entire cornmeal. , ty for his action in its behalf,) caused agrent increase in.the number of buildings ,in our city, and the good work is stilt going on l lmt not so rapidly as shonld be the case. 'Al thouili a large number of .buildings have been erected during the past season, tho de. • :nand is still nitth greater than the supply; and until, ,tbe "producing ;classes can find cheap find pornfortablo homes for their fami. lies, we'' must expect th6m to carry their' skilled labor to other tnarkts, thus increns, goat of the labor of tho so who remain, antretiwijni .ptir, city in growth and pros! purity, opoii the chnratter of tho people of our city dud', io o ity,ltow'evey, that the future prosperity of iteading and Berke county tic pdlidif Speaking of theta as a mass, they are pialtjaad frugal, 'without being mean and ninardiy; aulet t orderly and religious ) with. out Puritanica self.rightedusness; imitts trious;:witkotit the , narrow l minded bigotry which' 'Would forbid occasional . recreation and relaite4.4o ; tsuffigioatly Onterprising to keep pace with the proper spirit of progrels; withontlielog lad astray and raided by lavish expenditareti fer. ;low' or rivalry with other towns tiod °Wee; contented with plenty, withoutteing tntane after profusion; patrio tic, stithottgaiiai.ieistn; willing to sacrifice a littlo 10114 occasionally to a proper, spirit otmooluixaii, 4414ing to do their duty and foil w ; the golden ,rule. \ • B Gtr` 4 floPahkll;go, ndiantekes of locatiort; prOdneta and frensportation Which they posdess, uiusf and rrW raise their city and connty to wealth and greatness, it those who make their money hero will expend it 4 4 ire; oleo,l ;and invest tat borne; instead of *tutting h foventn!es itbriittd i which 14 ny 'or may. not liaing an oder hte return for the ,trmOle, rod anxiity . which must altiays ne. oru6~:l'rgti o uch Et .conrae. • Xa4"ltidf cf►italtatq; then, ,letive goldi : bmid and :atOolc.'SOpulations, in which niillipns 4trtyAli,t'aii`c,iitklty as they are made,'io thine ,400)400ylicipiake mid lose forturiei, by fraud and cunning—and who could well bo rA t ic[xs , 19 IMPti ogs 1 0 . f, 'MEI spared fretnitinong till people of one . 'great ~ cities-4n :-Inlt t ia,t throne, in busittss . ..,-„, -, T 1 at boat°, ' rlik c buildi, .., ovhich vino. , e torn froui.that VT *by iti pitt in the l e w or t - I money Anarket cause ty Y lying legi K. ttmat kiro is the on y enemy wne the" pi - efit / builder has 'to dread—and while the many reliable insurance couipanies, whose ago* aro well known to every business man among tifremainin existence; the fire•fiend need tm loner inspire tear 'of heavy loSs:,or,rtiiti. . 1 We-would say ,to,all, iuore espoeially to moneyedtiiimlfyou'aishyOui'olin City to prosper, you must assist it in doing so. ,In• vest your inene,y where yen make It,und yOu will confer wealth upon yourseives,blessiugs . upon the working classes, and prosperity upon your beautiful city, w,bieli o with proper effort on your part, will become soon n city , of which you May waft ho proud. , . FOR rilE J 4 wns, The Jrastifous WINTER BONNETS IN Tho;devotee of fasision might now holdly flaunt her lait now bonnet and defy; her critics with the plea, `The head and front of my Offending hall tbiatixtent-netniare," which would certainly ninke it an offense tot worth mentioning. - Knowing, 'ns we do; however, from a bitter experience, that Dorcas, although eccentric about" timeo, rind seasons, has a balancing his ae. Counts by lits,and shad of resistless energy. thelender little ears loft'unprdtected by" even a suspicion of, ribbon, a shadow of liair,and their rosy tips are go ing "to Lido the pelting, of the pitiless storm." The winter bonnet is a sad misnOurs i er for the fragile little structure, just largranough to servo as a stern to a flower or a perch to a bird; bat as it is till that Dame Fashion .vouchsafes us, `so must accept the boon with „thisulrfulness, for it, might have been worse might have .been-ugly as well as .use less—and it is a matter of rejoicing that if it' its Petty it its also pretty. The Panchen may still be considered the prevailing type, . although it is much ifu: proved from the original form by a rolling front, the high trimming being much more becoming'to Most faets4; it is also rolled up; wards or kinked behind, which is more grace• fill than the 01,1 cut-olt or snubbed look that cuuld only 1..- ); qn.tially qelieyedby floating lace streatuel., or falling festoons of dowers; In the shapes wliieh still make a pretense' of iesemblanch to the honnefas it was of Old; the humbug becoMei still more glailng, for they merely "the likeness of, a erowe 'have on," and are almost-as shadowy as the vision, ary procession of llanquo's issue.. In the desperate attempt to still be a . bonnet, the crown is tipped up on the top of the bead; in the place where no crown. ought to grow, and only serves to spoll.the,outline by,a port little useless excrescence. Every shape in the mode and all the most hateful variations upon the prevailing fash• ions of hats and bonnets are displayed, end the Variety seems' no endless that 'We can only conclude that Ow fashions aro decided,. ly "mixed." Laces os veils,., streamers, strings, etc., tire, fiF3 much used , ns ever, and the modest little, irseatlin of small blOssoma arnrePlaied lip the Antler titrection by large, full-hlowti gatio'relly pink, whieli 'are Glinting out - in .profusion'.hoth. on, hats and bonocts,.and the deep huff flowers so.gener ally used during the autumn have . been superseded by the inore'delicate shading of the ever Ckquisito tea COse. In lints it iS :hard tO partieularize shy. special 'Aleph among the theltitude,,elthough, the high 'crowns, resembling the phi, pictur., oscine "cavalier," with trailing plume,,seem rneat , artisiically appropriate to the prevail ing modes in coattail°, while nono tire posi lively Ugly; except` the flat dish hat, poised abcive the forehead, niakes the Wearer • ap pear in momentary, danger, of tripping on Ater nose, ?Pe richly tintekbr4asts pf ,the peacock and of the:green, Indiaplinasatit; and the sinikbealitiftireolorbd priN, ofiQr a speeieS'of eraiimentalion'esPeeirilly Suited to winter, and tO. the 'neivlabries of "eham; eleon" dress goods. For riding, the English hat still. continues to be a favorite, end'the sweeping "Willow" (blither adds' the SoflCning g7ieo reqUired, Ono ,of the prettiest styles' oaltihited is: a "Military j" it is high in froth', and declines backwards, giving h a very heenining,shape. Among the etriking n‘isnomera. is a rather low jockey-looking structure, turned up at the sides, with a `decidedly "fast" air,' and called the. "Grecian." Olaisical . shades would arise in ghastly indignationvainat it, and especially at the bright bird_ With gilt tering plumage that appears crawling over . it' to glare defiance at all beholders. ' • . • • The Doh Wnr . 1181 .411.1stosia. Arizona advices of ,Novomber 'l4th; says the I. 4 e4islattrre assembled' at Tuscan ' on November 10th. The troops attacked an Indian camp and killed seventeen and wounded (korty savages. They captured so,veral,tun)cs and a quantity of arms and provisions. .• 4 ,large party- of Indians attacked a packtrain near :Preseatt and killed three Awn and 'captured a lot cif rifles, pistela and ammunition, and drove off the.animals. •• ,i . .`Mails taken from the mail ri6r 'by 14 7 diens near Pt. Wbi6l4:i were rGep'ered and Aelivered to the Poitmaster of liiekerbarg. Some uneasiness is 'expressed in "regard ,te the imtbty of a party of tniners,cwlia went ; to 131aek Canon. some. ,tlt Limo ‘4.3 „491hing: hOs bean heard front 4t,, by, some the ioqiti &Us; front Nei f tleo 4 , have joined the Apaishci in • ihd piettent; War aittinat the whites. r Th 6 Indians* in The!, neighborhood! of 'Wick erburg stamp eded n,large bard ,of eat• tie, gorses, and mutes belonging to theNtili threlfihi'n6 Odd' . tneddeded •ih drivirig fort 'heady , r,. A I . ):thors4f ,reerkii_ta horo .._arr4pl-. for Captains Grant And ht'Dowoll, . • - ..Y .::.P Z . ' , ' . .1 1.-. : : iff ~vtogo. ' ,4;i j..tA - ' 44 , A i:(prox, lit& 8:141T. : " I ' . 'f* ., .j., - dis4n on everywhere bereisao 9,041*,tif, m4l noire suffrinie arOoiiialp:lik v, ` ~ it, et * .. tiCians pret)r the :iiiietititit'44 '.:*t A karat tho * polls'i,4 , ' piii: ft* do`fiii: of speciefin the pOcketa'ef the people,: Thiiy prefer the rustle of the ireenbiteks and'negro sutiage to the nittalh ilia oiickuttet of gold' and silver kurrency.' Charles Sumner is a politician . iqr this Ithingy.i , ,-, , ga 1 •propopeetto, effect ii by a simple bill,entirely Ignoring the fourteeath itmendinenrtirOO'C4natitutt,°nl which doei not'appetirp hitn`ot any more value than in oia song Others hold that is necessary. to acpbroplish the work by con• stitutionat amendment, and us the last atoendrucat expressly placei it at the option i , of the Stat fl, whether to enfranchise the freedmenji not,,they,Clahn that it is neces sary, befor such an amendment be adopted, to pass on as ajtnhstituto,for the, clause c ie the fout:teent - amenilinent giving such a pri• vilege to States. Senator Trumbull expresses. his belief that the act pruvidißg : for a. March ;session of Congress . ,will he repealed this wintere.. He, however, advocates the. measure. ,/ts the laws. of the different States now stand the elections take place at different seasons, so that there is never a fulkeongress until De cember. It-is thought the provision for a 'March session cause a uniform time for , such elections, so that a full House may be, prepared to tneet and organize in Mardi. ' •• The I!copln s ' It, 19 stated that the / recent strike of the Now York ,coopers for an advance of twenty five per cent. on whisky inirrels has been successful. The German cigar makers of Now York, formieg.(lniori No. 90, recently ratified the Constitation i "of the International' Cigar Makers' Union s a i dopted at Cijseinnati . in September. The seCtion that only white men should be•admiss* as members was paised under protest. The Union numbers: 11100 members, all of whom are at work, at: the advance of $1 per thousand: The differ. cat manufacturing Companies in Lowell have agreed . on a time table; which will make the hours .of labor of their employes the same throughout the year, namely : Front. half-past Six in the morning until half-past six hi, the' evening, excepting on. Saturday afternoon, when the mills will close at five b'eloelc. Wur.Kt.txu, W. • V., Dec. 3. —• Walter Brown, the champion oarsman,- who left Pittsburg, I r a,, ongueltilay noon, oti his un dertaking to,row his canoe to Cincinnati in eight Consecutive days, for one thousand dollani, arrived bore yesterday at 3 30 P. lie inach 80 , iniles on Tuesday in five hours, and tiQ miles yesterday in - seven•and-whalf hours. 'the .14 'hero this morning at 4 o'clock; and expects t4;} reach llatietta, 4 distance of 84 miles, in-twelve hottrs. Toy morrow ho expects to make 100 miles in ten hours. Ho is in goOd trim and confidentor 61.1Cpet311 !. 7 General Sheridan , * Campaign. Information has been received from Mullins that General' Sheridan' a' forces are moving trim Now Mexico; rort, Hayes, and front other points, itt separate 'columns, tot the Southern country, where the Olimate is , mild, and to which tho • Indians are re ending for. a Winter, sojourn. Gen. Sheri dan is establishing a bath) of supplies on the Canadian river: Tha.indieations are that his:plan of Operations will ho suecessfnl, and the Indians summarily punished. The Indian agent,' Wynkoop, ,is apprehensive that innocent Indians will suffer in the cattiS paign, as no discrimination' can be made 14 the commanding'General. TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY FRIDAY ! Ace. . . ,rn Philadelphia, on Wednesday, :in the Oyer and Terminer,'lnfore Judges Ludlow 'and'Pierce, JeOel►h Ileivere, the yodng man charged with making. the mistake in compounding the prescription,) y which Mrs. Ilechtlest,hor life, was in orirt ) tind enter. ed bail in $2,50010 appear and Answer the ' charge of inanSlaughter. ' , Clifford S. Phill44, 'Assessor of Intel:nal Revenue in the Second (Philadelphia) Dis trict, accidentally AO birnseltl while gnh• ing, and died yesterday. , Itothingrorunins new, of Fort Lafayette bet a ruined mass of brick and mertAr.i.-- Thiire Is no' tire on the premises. , Aoldiers are still on , guard. ' Several unexploded shells remain among the rains,‘and may go off at any moment. , T,he ,loss to the !govern ment will he about $260,000. . • The Itonsid , es, so well , known in connec tion with the actions in: Charlestdn harbor, 9 ding With ihe boinbardinent of Filit 'ter, in. Whiek she took 4 prominent part,has been sticdessfullY raised. She new lies about a mile above League: Island, ,Philadelphia, and will be taken the Jetsay shore in a ~„ few days. bir. , DaVid Ilayd, Jr., had par chased her Troin the finked States Govern- . merit, and Capt. I. J. Merritt had the gen eral superintendence work. • • nen. Sheridan hai honed field'order 110,, 6, •in which he thanks his troops, and ,con. gratulates , Clen.'Custer on his regent victory , ore*. the adiatni. The following property was captured*t the Artdierr Eitht hand:nil and severitpflveponies, 2,128 bu lo robes and skins ; 686 pounds' ,powder, 1,060 pounds of lead, 4.000 arrow& 700 pounds -p;il!ten, besides rifles, Pistols, •bows and an Immense' quantity of dried mite* isteat hii provisions: In thi U 4 S. teireult Wart al 14010014," -Xe4tetafb llPtiest Ould.b?gan his argum,,ent Xn favor of thing the indictment against *Yeff6r4olo4Yll4; on 4404tretwfl 044 by th - e , o ,o,TAPentlt Amendment, disfranchisetneit vasmade 'Vie 'only *nat . * . Itir trie&son. ,Gforoknor, , Vella Attorney ;1 1 efchtfet• Ate 'prospeng_tro, Contended that 'the antandaOnt 'itripo4d not lieimith 'Nth' we JOilioisdit day Mr. Dana closed for the . opreromeiit and Mr. O'Conn.r for air . Ddt+is. 1111 ME AIABOO S4I3BIONA. Who Great Rowing hin telt. Errs l l . , , . • 1 '#- "q4:4;; ,, !••,: , -... , '' t• ' . .. ,• •0,i,„„ , .—;. L' J ' p , " . i,g L ' f,' A Y ' V •,;;-i . w .. i.if.i.`..,ehT 'A• i r ' l,'• tl.->7 . ,• ,•„1A j'n -,,• : ~ r ,...,. . ~.. ,„ J,„ ~,..„ • : k ~,,.„., ~ . f $ i - , 41 • . s '.).) .' 1 ,t, g - . A ko , ~,`, •,..i ,' • .t. f..s ~,, ' N ..r1.4 10 5 . , s ,, r,tf ..., - , 'l' ', •4 ,'l ' ir ..,tt,—J, it, • ME= T - KLINE,%-EPPWIMER 4 CO. =I BLANKET SHAWLS BiIOCHE SHAWLS, • CHAIN LAIN WITS, PAISLEY SHAWLS, it, MISSES' SHAWLS, BREOFAST,SHA) LS,' Matilk4lN ... 9Jll9 S, . GENTLFIMEN'S SHAWLS, Also in Stock, a fall assorttnent of Silk. Ye will be sold by the yard, or made to order in nt:ebort notioo and plo4or,ate piens; • . „ ANNOUNCEMENT - EXTRAORT)INARY. 1 •. , . . , . .. GREAT SACRIPIO4 - NOT IN' MEN BUT 'IN MONEY 1' . . ~, , . , - ‘ WE OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCEt TO TIIE• RETAIN. Tiipip. At A . , SACRIFICE ; OF 01,000. , NO SALE - T• 0 ' BE. TISSID. '' ' MUER & IAERS, OF THE CHEAP OLOBII,,DRY Glooriiv STOREi — ARE DE.' 'ERMINED TO SELL THEIR ENTIRE 'STOCK ,REOARE,ILESS OF 1 : COST.. BEFORE a ANUARY 'IOTH, 18dt:t. , . •.. , . . . . , . , . .. . ' • . THE GREAT C HEAP GLOBE S TOR E . . i, . , • AlEir NOTICE THE SACRIFICE : 1. " . . ' .11.011 now $l. OO • Cmpiensi (1101101, fonilowly - ' • Wool PIIIIIIS, { 6 .' •- • ' ..0 . 2•23 ' ", U 0 Tycoon Mop% " • ' • • .•• • • •,• In .4. ' et k Pitlfilinfit , t . - - '.'• a . '2l; 8 111 1 18 4lieW 2 0 11 *,4 1 111: 11r6licoem, 64 ' - . 15 1 * 10}i " -110% • • • u Itiriels Dantrodce, os • . . .. • - - ' 9.23 " • I. 0 Wool Delaleatom, , so .., . - - WA • " 'OO EVERYTHING, REDUCED To ALIKE' QUALITY , ,,OP .GOODS. ANA PRIOR EFFECT A HALE. . . .... . , . . " SALES - CASH :AND Cii.2ll ONLY...- ALL IMSTILT4',R & MCCERS ASK, IS A CALL TO PROVE .WHAT IS HERE. ASSERTED., • ,-- • , DON'T ' GET INTO TUE l'11().NG . STORE iikhflptlikllt No. '533 PO . Rilii() itoiY,'ktli s llN i Val r lIPTA . § / D A M': eiVTO g ß ehn iC ient i lliq i ih, " MAY l ate f 2V66; ,_' NorK.-- 2 rhis .establWunerit pins no connection with- any Itotise using`; tit', 11i5S10','"of advertising. dee. 4-2 w. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.: I°€Er4-A black spatted hog, weighing about 240 pounds, was Intssed yesterday torn the Stock 'Kurds, at tho Now Depot. It was lasts ace at Ilara`pden. A suitable rotvard will` be paid If the hog Is returned to the owners. -, , • CONRAD & 004 1. d 4 3t ' at,tho Stock-Yards, Now ltopot.. ; 4 4 11 T 4 4:) ' 0 11 , dart i .e: l l2l43it T ictr r$ ', ! t:il tn 61, no titjhe Drover's hotel, at the 'eoinor,of Eighth and 'Washington streets, on Saturday oven . ing,'Doo. sth, DM, 'llokets 25 cents. , .d4-It DR. A. 1,1134 R, DENTIS_T, Office—No. 609%. Penn *ticket, RomUlus, (Amyx J. it. BROWN'S HAT RTOHN.) ' Pp:loved front .No. 6 Noytls.Mll,strtet. Particular attention paid to gtirrnii diseases of the Mouth and Gums, such tu3. Scurvy. Preternatu ral Growth of Gums, Alveolar Abscesses, disease of-the Alveolar process, Fissured Palates, and all diseases to which the mouth and vuu are sub . Teeth extracted Iltltout pain, and Inseited op nil material used by the Prol'ession.• Office hours, from 7A.M.t07 P. M. ftlealAy, LOUII4IOe BAUM KUHN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, • • NO. 244 Mont Muni Street, Reading; EU?. itOe 3 • pOTATOES ! POTATOES 1 I 1. . . • • REIF - F . & 8110 • ODD '{t9.l, Just received two car loads of • Potatoes. Witioh.vro hate iteleeted and Will warrant togiVe entire satis faction. We have fi ve di ff erent kinds of Potatoes, Mercers, Prince 'Altierts,Peach Blows, Chills an d the &dimwits. Nettie give us a call, at the Odd Follows' Hall. * deo 3-3 t• • • • ItRIFF.IcARO. 01 , 1CM-11m me regular stated eting of the PlDemocratic .Assoolation will lieulteld at their Hall, on eaturdatevening, December sth, lust:. at 73 Impertant business will be tratisa,o-; tee—a full attendance is expected , •- • , •J.BA.ll.oPresidiati Woittioutf, fZiecietart. • `.40-st tiIARNIONIE 11111114 DINO AND SAVINO 4101SOCIATION.—Notk4• is ( hereby_ given t an OloOtion for the'followintr named'oincerdef the aforesaid Association will bo held at the Pub• •lin House of. Mr. llottlieb Rehm, No. 83.1 Penn street, on Thursday evening, Dtteelabor 10th, 1868,. at 7% o'cloels. : One President, one Vie°, Praia debt, one Secretary and one Treasurer—each to to ere for f t io term of one.restri ,and three Direct. Oft, td servo for thti terra of `•• 04.04 Y. 09, 0 .4 A l'un°' tuft attondenco of members is earneatlyrekuested, dee. 2-3 t MICHAEL IVA . , OAT Certificate's btP(iliniifeitil ranee Corn- Of No; /ista, ile.oo, 1865, and No. 142 sio.oo. 1867. Application has been made 'for dupficateo.• • • WM. 6. airritit_, noraKive2tow , • • , ,ROLIMOR VI`ORE 'HOOP" TO LET; :Is44 l Petio :164 t. Oin &lin:ticker lOuso building. , , Appiy,at "itnaut 'HAND' R: AVVIJIN " • TWO TAT'IIOGS: Al the I)OveTe,ffctiel tbr. L'ightkeflYtteyntirtonw4 l ON 13iTtiltDilti:IrEN1110 6rn; 1808. hjahe4iimber Of Heide thrown tekei 'ehritriCiovrest number takes secoad choke. Ttek otits cents, , -•••,• • _novltO ••• • •" 't • • ';.•' • '• >•••• lIKACOAC.VoItTIf; . ! • ; • Corsusr Seam; and Ranklin /SOO, . , Nave '6ipticatl7 ,on hand ui ''sc;tl reseoniOs, LUMP. BURIN; EGGAt BTOVEI 00Aki, MIT ' emenaUT AN]) Byramisaus COAL,: • RIGICOIIX,',44 OAKI - V .001 4 LIMN AND SAND. gINDLIN ' GIVOOD BY TUft ."? • '• - < :" • ; ilettee; e4eitiliehize . ' ' 4,teari the ol „ • , reb29 *MON DEPAKTRIENT, IMM coy =I ---04------ 1011 ) BLACK 0140TH' CLOAK% V CLIINCHILLY Ott:MR . OI' I OANS; ctioAks, FROSTED BEAV.p.It QLQAKS I . ; WATE4PROCIP 14,01)4,118 1 ,1 ••. CLOAKS,'`. • : • SILK VELVET CLOAKS. Velieteene and Clanking Oletlnk r ith,iell the-most . durable and faublonnble manner; ney,4 Ma=M=lM TIIE NATIONAL - • • • • N'7OWN.'l l ll , 7,‘ 'AND "INALOW-WAIik.NAI - OF TIM OM - OF' ftivADINU. SCIINADIBR, 414 'PENN STREET, • • • Wouid cell the attention of the public to hie !ergo at of Parlor. Wilco and Cooking Stoves; Henget'. 'Fin,Hollow ivaroand Il°o44ow:quit gnothinfeverY description. Roofing nod Spouting prOmPtlY ittondoa' tO at the low* price. Ciivo,nhu cal l. plov 27-3incia, 'AMERICAN 1110111 SE ICESTAURAbIT. Corner Of J.Pourtli and 'Penn • , etreets, Runes nt.t.a,4 AUlt. • Proprietors. having taken poteop mon of this saloon, and haVintr on 114114 a moat Om plate Ptoek of everytitina in the eatinjr. and' +drink tug lino, we aro propared to moot our ,frieniisand opommodato them in tho_best• manner. eters served in even( dee. noy 17. tao' • I .l Vollit3 110TElie AIITMAN, proprieto r. One of the beat houses 'outside (gale large dais. t is located on the line of the East Pennsyl i tnia Railroad, about midway botWoen Reading an Al. .lentown. MI trains between New York an the Vpst, as well as alt way tralaketo_p at wreak. and immedtately in front oldie Lyons ROW • i-Hverything ip and abont tile hotel is`uneir named. A first rate Liveryfinable is alto kept. in permeation with' the 'Total. felak , VidKMUERLIVCOLUMBIA . . , • ,WINE AND 'LAGER- DEER. SAGA, Pettit area; bettoeen :Sixth Seventh. i • MI hinds of best Monis)! wine always,onlisrid end Old at tho lowest price: . uOV-112-8m NEW O R0C,816," Ar: PROVISION STORE) 4 . 4 -111 .7 • H 101- ; •: Alitookto.i-&itoisteivettstot nt,th4 N. E. Cotner of Eighth 'and - Franklin fekt, where he w il l lte_op oonetantiron Aland a largo and Well Releeted Stook of Gioderler. Provirlona; whleh he will sell at the lowest. market - torte% A i share of public( Pittriinageis tespeotfally. ablle itoa. Count!) , preplan Dougkt and aoldi • 4.40.• • • V. E. Corner Eighth and Fra nklin: neVA-lna , „ 3 } , , JOSEPH REBROLTZ, •.NO. 7to PENN/ .SITILEBT I I , . . READTIVI.tIiA:. • • ' • As constantly on.hAikalthe B E ,SYBERF,', , well as sd , ' kinds ottnoat and Impinges,. liter pudding, blood puddinl Frankfort • achwartenn Wagon & o„ all of whlo . will ba sold at tho lowest. prices. Also, allkindso Sausage wholes* and rotall. atm 6-3, • , ,KierDER & t, DR. SPEVER'§, • . Celebrated Toile' Herb Ilitteti. , ' ; • • •• • . • . ~.;‘, • • - • • - k,;.! WIN/38 e l AND LIQ TO ,‘ • • • • t ue° fidie *T$ !IP No -; •I• • ••••,,, • , 121 °kb' Third' Oink; • - " IhiITLAD*III.4:, $ • ‘•I to •r 'i•. tligtasleiNcol.rf. • I=l A Manufacturers of . . . . I.;` , +Mt' t , 1100FLANIPS *ND ~. ~~,. • ,„ fr d'ilieni * Tnt .1100.411 - --.. au, . 0 ;',. 1 ~..,,„...,„...._ ~.. so44'tire g t ROedieir f or all Um, vg t idtor i'M ONW SkOePgiet(t* ' ,9, 1 1/(PW' :.. • ' ‘ - ''' , ';:• -• ••;:r". :. ',- .':', - •; ,, r-.!;-'_ : + ..;: T :- Roofixid'illo*tiif , `BittiAiti :. -,,...,,. . k;.;, titCOittille ri ci o ntr i elftt(tr as the are tet s t, e , eto • %,teift7 t • , , task as a prepare lion 1.14 t r. t di, entire l y free , /mut aea q . - tNixt any kind. )' , ,f. . I= 1109,FLAND' S GERMAN TONIC ersnblnatlotiorsill the inaction 6 I t ' b. with the urest boll of Stara t* C ft - 7' . s te mi l king o no oFtiiikrao4poaranjitlik scrosnble remedies ever offered to t o 0 1 )0, Those Preferring Medicine free to Alcoisti. adinticturot wilt 06 - 1100FLAN'P'S GERMAN BITTER& Thole who bar o tin'olajecilon DI the eolnirtstloa of thelittere, us girded. will me i { • 11G011,ANP'S GERMAN TONIC • They are both tenslly . good. tilld contain tie fame medicinal virtuesthe choice betweenthe too belts, a poro matter el taste. the Tonle bolus too mss T palatable. '• • A , The et mach; from a yoritty; of. causes, sui t s Indigestion, Dyspepsia ; Nervous Debility & eta, le very apt to p have lts ikuotiono do wild. Me Liv er, sympatising ;us close/11y ;tett does with tbs Stomach. th en. becomeslYnffected, the result of whieh is tat the Patient suffers from several or tuoro of the following diseases; • cohertinption, Flatulence, iliVfo44 Piloo, Paliath of Mood to he Head, Acidity of the Stotull r Nausea, Heartburn, Dispiayer fethlauti uess• or woi g ht in the Stmnach ,;our Eructations, sinking or Stuttering at the Pit of the litonmeh Swimming el the Mend; "ferried or Dlllicult lircatiting, Fluttering at the Boar C hoking or Suffocat ing 13ensgtions when in t; ing Iltioue ss of Vieitin. Oto or Wcba dory! 0 argil DUll • Pain in tJo Dociololiey of °riots. tion, lellowness oftho Skin lind . Ryes, , • ' Pain in the Side, Mack, ChM, Limbs. etc,. Sudden Flushes of Heat, limning in the Flesh.. constant iniaginuigr of end (heal • The sufferer &ern those diseases thciuld exercise the greatest, caution in the selection of a remedy for his case. purehtudnir only that which ho Isar sated from his investigation and inquiries, pot. grilses true merit, is skill(( ItUlly - eompounded, it free from injurious ingrolJdionts, and establith ed for itself st reputation for the cure Como: In this connection we would submit tease Wan knovtu remedietr-..' • • HOOPLAND'B'.OEAMAII•-•Bilvillia AND • II 0 0 VI, : .A. N D'S .01 E R 4111.11 Tfl lII° antiage ne Da. O.:M. dgestßOtt, Philadelphia, Pa Thirty-Ave years since they wore liret introduced intotits country front tlermany, during which time they, aVo undoubiedlY,Poeforotod more cures, a* bone led suffering human it y to a greater extent, than,any other remedies known to thekublic, , These remedied will effectually euro ' Mill. Cora. Vela, Jatrudlue, Dyspepais, Chrotio or listrous ability, . Chrogio DiarrtihCia, Inoue' of lb. idneys t and all Diseases • arising froM ,fs ltlge ordered .t# ver. Stomach o f ntestines. ,1) .0 . 11 IIII,'Vy , 1 ' • - , . , , frem: any Gaulle rihafetteri Prostration 4 tiyarm, induced hy.ef3l'yete Labor, . urae tips, lixPointrO, Aqtylre toe 1 There Is no Medicine eXtatit egukt,fil aid ism , tulles in each oases. A tone am! Viler In lm anted tq the wio oYsfn; the appetite Li steengt engd, oe le e njo yed, ti n e stomach digesht•ProPer . the toed is uritlefL the ,complex ion becomes Sound andl heal b, the yellow tine, Is eelleatest f ro m the Yea , a b loom to givon to the c h eeks ,, and the wenicatu. nervous invalid becomes a strong sad healthy being. • , 1 iPEI ONS ADVANCgDIN 'MEV* );,! ; And feel fee l ing the hand of Sure weighing hosing upon the , with ail its attendant ilin, will An Is the uee 0 thin BITTERS, or the TONIC, an el lit tha will nstll now life into their veins, rester/ id a ate the energy and ardor of mete Youthful day , Intlid up thole nbrupkop'forgisi 'and giro i i 3 hag th and happiness to their retnitinitit pram, •. Reapithii „ot tit NOTICE Ii ter' well established fact that fully (ino-hall f ol thefemalo portion ofourtpulation' aro seldoM it thlY enjoyment pt good hollth, or, to uto Melt own expression, never foe woll:". TOY ore lad, devoid of nit energy, xtromoly norms, ash ave no appetite , o this class of persons thO DITTRIIB, or the woo, keespoolanyrooomoo9q; AND DI:LICATII ODILDRIIN Are Made strong by tho use of either of this' reMmedies, hout failTh ill cure every case of biAltAd• A. wit Thousands of cortitleatee have accumulated le tho hands of the proprietor, but opneowill allow of the publication of but tow. Those, It will be ob• served, nro won of note, and °lnch shunting that they wuat•bo believed. TESTIMONIALS. *ton:Georg° W. Wo odward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, write' c "I find Iloodand'a German Bitters Si a good foal usoilil in diseases of (tie A digortivo organo, Ando groat benefit in mew ofildobility, and want o nervous notion in ilia system. Yours truly . WOODVTARD. . . ilOn. Jambi 'Thoinpson, Judge ortho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania. , ".t consider Rootland's German Hitters a mho ble mrdieitie in COO of attacks of indigestion or dim popsia.,l can certify this front tuy experlenee of it Yours, JA M ESec S TOMPSON." From itov, E. D.i'Ondall, Assistant Editor Christian Chro fele, Philadelphia :1 have derived decided benefit from the use of Hoollatiel's German Bitter*, and feel' it my privilege to recommend them as a molt valuable tonic, 16 all yrho aPe suffering from general debility, or from 41aeases arising from derangement of theliver. Yours, truly,, D. FEND4LL Prom, 73,05 r, Zotioti4 . Xeigtard , D.•as Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Chutch, Phila. . Dn. JACK iI4M-I)RAIt Sin halfitbeenfteqUenr ly requested to .connect toy name withecem. Mendations of di ff erent kinds of medicines, but Pt' (carding the practiceNas out of my approprl ate s phere, thave in all eases declned.; Abut with a clear proof In var ous instances, and rattle- Waal in my own family,:of the use of Dr. /hol land a esteem Bitter*, a depart for once f4?ln ms, usual course, to eapreas,ruy epayietion int/Qt peneraf fhb, Wu of the oar, and esteetafttiof vtr dimpla int, iris a safe an ea/uubh praouration. la some cases it may fail; ut usually, I doubt not it will be very bene fi cial to those whosuffer from the above causes , lotika, very respecifidly, • J. IL KIiNNARD. • Eighth, below Coates Ht. CA TIO .N t t,•, t iTonfia acre German Remedies s oe ouliterielted . Bee - that the signaturolAofil ALJACKAurS Gon the wrapper ofeaeh be t-J_/ tl e. All others are cow' terfeit. • • „ Principal °Mee Itur s tomilaft Medl6iue Store, Nu. (PI Arch Street. hi eIP4 1 4 CIIASLES M. EVANS, Proprietors Formerly C..M. JACKSON & Co. . ' PRICE. quo land!. Pairee Blipro o prolottle, . ,-:- . $1 . . . . - Aaltdoien • - /I Ad • German Tank, Pat up iiikUut bottble °.4 4 4 ' 11, pee bottle. or a halt dozen tor SO. . o notforset to ezetoThe well • ettlet• log Pup; hi ode tO get the itemstiti: , .. t • - } 4 OR Attit4 el 011112 . • rek meat • . A ?;;;, ? • Viltiti ' • • =I De~~teasl i of 8 i ti . March 10,1867, PIIILADIMPLUAI April 28,1868,, • {'~` ~ . . ENE