Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 04, 1868, Image 1
. giIiINIONN. • , - , • . • « , . • . . , • • . . . . . . . . . . • .•. . . . • . , . ' -7 --- ----- ~... - .-77 ~-! ----,- , . . • , . , • • ~ -' - ----- ------ v - - :-.--- - • ,•,,“• •:' c‘•,.t ~, I ;'', , i .-, . ‘. ?..., •-'',,-, ' - f . ' ' , ' ...,,,-,- •: r +e . , " ---- .- • . 4,,,i.. - ••• .e.s. , - • - .. eu A ' '- • -- ''' ', ':, ' . ••- -.',,, ~:-.,‘ , ~:' r, , • , ~, ••-.;•:,,• s.• - : - ; -- ,•• - _ - •••,.: •: - .., -,, -:•••••,..--. .:••-, ..:;-.--.,..;,--.;: :• .; ,- , •..,,;;0;k., : .- ,.::.;_ 5 e7,: - .,,,,;„:.'••;:,•.„' 2 ,, • ;•,,-,!;,•-••:::,•''''''-, ' -\''. -.- , r ...t• , •: - .- -t . •••*,'' • ' -, -," "•'. - 7 1. 7 - ' s '• ' ' ..' I : lasi . ,ss. • , ,t THE DAnil ''''' Z•al. ~ . . , . , . ..- ..,...4........,....... r , • a 4;• '•I 'A '- ' - i 1 ll siamaD EVIIRY ATTIIINC . OOII4 '• •• . . . „ , --. • , -..,,.. 17 ...„ • , .- • . I concr ik in i• , . . i . .., , -.• . - . . . . . •y) x . obisdayi Ititot44) .. . , . . ...• : , . • •c•N 4 ri -- rv"• - ', . -A: ? t ok oi ri' . ‘: 11 4 ~„,) , i , 4 ,,,.,,,, , i ,,, :t . ~,,i , ,,..4 . . t.: •_ . ~.,.,_, . -mit ;1 . ..,..„k, -. . • ING ADligit, , ' 'E• I/D ii L - AT VW /0 i/011 OP Till, RIAD . i ..„, ,4 -, , , A k ..;,' El ..' ' virkkle, •,,. . . E illipwiak* Wr• ' spipfliNN.llllo4lll, . ,- . • 111 ty eal pawl •• ... ~ ,-.i": : :" ..::,••, ~ • ........,a..--- . .. s • • • ----- 010...,' .• . _ ' „ • gar tutikit)iof le r . . l • ' , __ _. ' . ~ ~, _ , . , .. , • ••••••.•••••••••••••••*•• 4.•,•••••••••-* mailii Igo Dalvt NAGLII ivni lt• - • • • . ... ... ........ S ti tt 0 14 N. \ ilif On l it i fir: 6 ll 4.i'll - • . ' ' ' b erk st, ‘ 0 laar i a it -• lace.. All ..totvi r' .9, • si A Itt .11,171)61., y J 1 A bio - iglbs; 'to tail of ton of or• l o t i fi t ,...7T: proL i vsnt Wait oh all litleff i f i t JI,IIADLIIO SAM. , e, wuziast 8: ErrrAii, limns 0. HANVI4IIY. . . 1868 FALL. BITCH & BROTHER; = ere ntgei Loge and Selected Stock of • . NEW-GOODS! At Pirtioo' Row, NO. 148 PENN STREET.. READING. PA. jir Lin 'O. ComouN t Cutter. Ile , Tkotr Stock of{. NEW FALL GOODS! Were soletted is thiCity of New York, and wtil he disposed of at , prices far be• ' low these of any other es• tablishmeat in the City. fingetiou's ailthing made to order.' (Molding constantly on hand and made ti eaer. The iiitoek of Furnishing Goods is decidedly the but end moat extenalre in the city. Call, seenna satisfy • • yourselrei; She rote fYet of bailee the teryleee of the eels- Imkto4 90" Mr. Levi (VOoleman. Is saddest rtatatteeth at all laments vrlll be made up In the beet style erkd lateet &Wong, Remember ITCH & BRO.'S Headquarters of Fashion 1 NQ. Ni PENN STRUT, READING. Portico Row. ~atpr~[sx ar' iv BLOOD ; PURIFIER, ktternider tto suet of "FRDTBRIJ PAOlc ," •To us t• sato es fortune at then* ' to. • so I CLO HIES WRINGERS, STEP LADDERS, ALL WARRANTIM ' WKNIGHT'S 1 . HARI:MANE STORM I THIRD .AND PENN $7B. D ULY PAST yRRIOHT LINE} 1 40711111 N BALDING AND OW tORIC 14011R181 AND MEM RAILROAD,' I. Loarr Rs . dip' at 41, m N ew 4eti c Yrk t a te t eutio.""terr d e o oToloi r l". m or „ oar fAtes4ll - fbotot &May strait. New York. kor 4 Ig o oak tok.,l . Ut tko doltrogqtiltbUrn th 441PlatiNt Artist, R. A Wobok ej l jtret ir Airout. AL k ta. rt.. oad . kat 11-Sktoo i I P ' NTING . .. Vra d ji o , ~, t. ~,, tOd it til• ' k. 4• . .. ': ' '''.7 obi 4 1868 Oil VOL I-40, 16361 rabramputorim6. wiLt. sougar,im‘ ALDER AN AND Arroftxgrit'LAW, OMNI No. M 5 Court Street, Rotdim. Can bioneulted in EntHA and German. . ocit.Bl-8m H lc mu * , - „ATTORNEY Ali L A W. Ofeds. 29,NORTil SIXTH STRUT. READING. Oot . MN w. BIOKULit AVOTINEY AT 4►. Ottlas--Looler 151ulldinsAist noor. back ) r isAin oonialwi llg e :ingri t ien "til . Zs. snarl LAMAIM 111108.113R L AMBIT ND 00UNSICLLOR AT' LA W . 011iaet o. 09tut Elt.:(neariNgth.)Buottio . Pa. al 4 • GEOlter F. HAS!". • • ATTORNEY AT LAW, RFUMINO, PA. Orrlos t N0:540 Court street. NIP Ram) 'Cr .K. NAOLE, • JUL. PHYSICIAN. S. Pension Surto%) IMO Penn Street, Refilling, Ps. Office hours-12 to 2p. m. 6tOB p. 02. JESSE G. HAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -^ Offlop. No. 1) (sooond tom) North faith Bi l let. tletalYoppos to the GOUIrt nonce, 'Readies Jan. 28- : I j olll4' RICHARDIII, • ATTORIfiIY A T LAW. a ta o ro.COoutt !tee et, over !be odic! of Jf241.8. D R. E. mopER, SURGEON DEIVTIST, orricirr-819 rein Urge!, Beadier, Ps. [lnvites the puhlio to call and examine Ms now plan for extracting teeth without pain, All opor '~lone in the profession neatly executed and charges reasonable, • ap2s HELIER'S • • COMPOSITION PAVEMENT AND FLOORING: rIIIIIS PAVEMENAND FLOORING 'GYM I, acknowledged to te the beet, in use. it be comes bard and firm immediately, is dry. durable. hor pud ImperviOup to water , end notaffeotgd by either eat cold. , Alrordors promptly attended to, and the work guaranteed to give satisiactionb apply to • V, 'MIXER. June 18- V. South Fourth Bt. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR pIE PEOPLE. TUN BEST AND CHEAPEST, REINHOLD & SOHOENER No. 41 North Sixth 'Street, READING, PA. frEl SUBSCRIBERS . LIAVR JUST MUM limbed a Orst-oless Boot and Shoe-making °stab- I s ment alid store at the above Mated place, where l. ey are able to accommodate °listen:ere with the bent articles in their line of business, and at lower pricesthan at any other place in the city. The following list of prices proyes say: len's calf boots, $4 00 and upwards. en's kip Note, ' IP 00 en's forking shoes, 1 00 Men's /french calf Congress gaiter., box toes, 300 en's calf ngress gaiters. . I . 225 en's calf almorala, .200 /fen'? klp :amorally, • .180 oye calf almorals. 190 oys' kip Balmorals, 1 26 . oaths' kip Bat orals 100 Women's !gating high Polish, . ' 275 omen's Mt:gross gaiters • 1 , to 250 omen's lasting Beithorals, I . 1 00 2 omen's Morocco Balmoral:4 . omen's Morocco shoos, lg. 9 m e matd slippers, ` k' plied.. 148 .._ . outbe sailers from • 15 eta, to 7k loathe'bore shoes from 30 eta. to 90 Also, a large stook of notions on hand a for The above •prioes are lower Hien at a other' similar place of business in the city. • REPAIRING. Paitioular attention is paid to , all kinds of re pairing. RE • INHOLD & SOMENER, • NO. 41 NORTH SIXTH STREET, • (ASOVII rill 001111? HMO • READING, PA. MIII - - QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAp' FIN or f!'l L i 04 c (/t; r P4 I r I. AN' t f For dolng a family' ,washine in the best end cheapest mannor,it Unareeteed opal to any in the world I • Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the il mi ld T •r a_ntdh i lath W eri wd qual a ltl s g o o f enuTe ADEN loubll uA n i l ol o 2o, 48lorb Prowl street, Philadelphia. an 7-Gino A LBEDYLL & CALLIN'S SjL • ' FitliNoll STRAW • - SQOURING • , • AND - ( DYEING . . ..• FaSTABLISHMENTI • 141 Satins Seventh St., opposite Dewitt. • Office in Reading, Pa. Offices in Philadelphia. 510 Race Street: end 132 Routh 11th Street: • Eneoure,g - ed by our eucceia In oar new method of sow:alit, and dyeing, we hays resolved to open a brano cake in Reading, and respectfully , call the etlent on of the public to our above named estab- Moment, ity ourpoess and newly invented madam, we ere en ledlo clean And dye goods in a very superior, antler, so aselvtpirfeot satlelbotlon, We eleiM and linjeh lee . cents' end Child ren's garments lift ou t them apart or inju-: ring them in the least r whether the , colors are genuine Or 110 t, Oa r y o gs ng is done in very_ best mann er, and thw s n all cues lin sed off in supe or Mlle. Kd• loves, Ostrich eMbets. he . , eaned at short notice. a'ept •45.3m0. A NMI/nt:ons . prout o pee,, oi an I ,scibta bir o . Uhol mu& *MS. w will b• d • N P e a 111111 000 D Mine 14 ' AIIiISTAIIOIII Po*. *lit - " 10140 : 414 . 1 - "iiikr 01 11 *41tulidolisTAIN . oss!" READING, PA., \ FRIDAY MENG, DEOMOiII 4, 186. CITY,OF READING 'BONDS ter sae, it a Dbeeunt. YAWN at • FARMERS' NATIONAL BANK. sept 25-3 mos TAKE , NOTICE t GREAT REDUCTION I BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND GEIGER .3; BRO., • 431 PENN STREET, We have jut recelVed a eplittaild stock i e the *bore geode, which are now o ff ered at the !low ing low prices; likves calf boots, • ( 114 00 ' kip boots, • 225 " French calf Congress gaiters. i 3 V) ". working shoes, oxtra hears, $2 2Do mar balmarals, sewed, 00 o 4 00 B t'7 6 ' '• 160 kip • " • $1540.1 65 Women's lasting, high .Polish, 2 00 Congress gaiters, ; IDO lasting balmotale (best). 3 00 Ladles' bahnorais, 1 00 Boys' hats . g,. a l ters, Ibi, 50 Women's ] Morocco balmorals, Polish, 2 00 " shoos, 2 00 Kisses' lasting ;Polish, • 176 -"'S kid .• ' IVoniea'e kid slippers, ks baimora tove kW, Polish, high heel` 42 6510 25 The above.priors are as low as any other similar place of business in the city. Particular attention le paid to all kinds of re pairing,We also have on hand a largo and well selected stook of FURS, TRUNKS, VALISES, tcp. Remember the namo and number. GEIGER & BRQ., , 491 PENN STREW?. sot 22- . WHERE TO GET ITI • 717 41721 Penn Street, Reading, Ali • FURIktITURE, • IN ALI, OTTER AND INATERIALO. The largest assortment In the city to select potty and orioes much lower than any otherlouse tur i call from persons in want of any article ofturni from tho most expensive down . Is solicited. 'OARPEIINGS, MATTINGS AND OIL OT.OTHS. A full stock always at low advances on cost. in.Callandsee. JACOB R. RITTBIt, febl9 • 717 & 721 Penn-st. McGowan & Miltimore, • DIALERS 1N . • HARDWARR, CUTLERY, GUNS, I USE KIIRNISHING 000D3 METALS, TIN PATES, SHEET IRON, Building• Materials, SADDLURY, Au,, ito, 1 &o. No. 612 PENN STREET, READING, PA. ap2A • - STOVES ? RANGES, HEATERS. , WILLIAM BRIDEGAM, No. 242 Penn St., Reading, • The undersigned respectfully Invites publlo attention to his newly invented Heater, named the .= 133440M:igtiniS3f BEST HEATER .RVER INTRODUCED. THREE Ain& , 4. , ' It burns less coal, makes More heat, takes uplegs "g r. and gives better satisfaction than any simi lar nvention ever introduced to the public. T e advantage of this superior heating appaw tus will behily explained b the Proprietor. who guarantees that be will be able to satisfy all who sive him a call that it is superior to anyone inven ted The advantages are so manifold, and so easily Compre hended , that it needs only to be seen to convince e most skeptical. •In proof of this he resibctfu ly refers the public, by - permission, to the fo llo wing named, persons who are now using those eatdrel • ti• Geo. It. FRILL. Mae. .T.OTHVIINSOS. U. i?.i t Slolo. BILL Jr Co., 9. A. SCROLLS. 'RINEY Jourisow, • Jonw 'Kemal, JOSHUA Kt/LT, Samosa Ai 11118. Wu. Haat ago. ' JACOB KABBlMAN,__Biandon, Orphans' Home, Womelsdorf. .He also invites special attention to the ‘ . BEAUTY RANGE Which is a late Improved, Superior Range for tiailing in and for which he is the Bole Agent, in is its. ' This Range can be seen In operation at elron City Hall. No. 428 Penn street; M Peter Pigh's, irantlin street above Fourth, and at other .bitleh • rarueular attention paid to -- TIN DOOMING AND '11001JTING• • . • AND ' f - . ' ' i Plaatio Slate Roofing. He •employs tone , but skillful Medultdl 41;gwromptly executed. W. Lou, w ,1132D t la r. may 2il , X 3 NMI th. CLOTHING! REPAIRING. iruikeincotax awn). • • A lAD UV 1111711 Miss Flora Gushing wig by aft acknowledged , . fashion's tlfiett. • And many a settle of splendor grand was by het subiects 'seat As she went so the nods all went—wh'ste'er she did wet w4Ol--; ' Oho Joined the Banters rage i toon beetme the belle.- • ' I . Uer Conn and face were limitless. her name with out a stain. Uer dress was iocostotiee•llke, IA had so long Troia • But dire misfortune seised the girl, and caused her mournful, end= ,• • Mime it took her off right straight; Ulm called the Grecian Reed. • She grew much worse, yet she received no pity, but abuse— ' And though she never had looked fast they laid ghe then looked Note; Her parents were in domed grief—their hearts Werevent— , Yet still this girl with Grecian -Vend kept, foitow log her bent. At last when she found that her wiyi hit. friends 1, and parents troubled. And that her forth lost half its Warps, although she thought it doubled, Eihelbald henceforth she'd stand erect—Noble!' when she tried to do, fihe'd grown so stiff that, In one word, the damsel broke in two Written for the Daily Engle. BUMMER imoweas; Ah. soon,','Ye beauteous gems of earth Must perish and decay; The autumn's cold and chilling blast Will cut your short life's day. But should,e sigh that sulniner'e bloom Will °Hilton° and die ? We know that it wilibloom again When summer gilds the sky. And like the frail and tril l nsiont flowers, Are mortals hero on earth! Blooming a few:short, weary hours. In danger from our birth. , But like the flowers again stew* To spring beyond the `rare; And taste immortalJoYs.vfilft past Death's dark Mid lone‘soMejtaie: READINO, Doe. 20d,11348., liE AUTUMN 'PLOWING . FOES , SPRING CROP& . • - I From the Country GenUeman. ?duel'' , is advanced iratheary ha favor of au tumn plowing, which is occasionally over thrown in practice. Turning up the aoilo the action'of the frost • is 'beneficial wh 0 ; there are no drawbacks, A sandy or gravelly, soil, which cannot be hardened or rendered more compact through the agency of late au tumn or winter rains, will be :ready to re ceive the seed of , early spring crops. But heavy lands, or those which hive `lint been sufficiently underdrained, will he very likely to require another plowing in spring to rend er them sufficiently, mellow. These, we ire aware, aril the very ones that I TO commonly recommended as most , bene,fitted by fall plowing ; but there are conditions, in which little or no advantage will be derived, from the operation. We have frequently had oe easion to observe on stubble land, of a heavy character, positive injury done by turning over the soTrin the month of November, On that portion which remained un touched, the roots of the stubble tended to keep - the soil from packing when saturated with water, an d t h e protection afford ed by the,stubble to the • suttee° •-prevented the formation of a hard cr i ust. The plowed land had neither of these advantages, and !the earth being loaded with moisture, set tled down, became compact, and when dry enough for working ih spring, was entirely too hard for i the reception 6f peed. In low places the snow haffdrifled or beCome de posited so deep 1)1i to, : prevent the , freezing and * thawing, which are regarded as so de eirabilel It may therefore be hid down as a rule, that all, e x cept light laid; should not be plowed in autumn without being Overly drained. . WoLtx's IsTirtraxe—lshould not say, from my experience of my own sex, that a wo• man's nature is flexible, and impressible, though her feelings, are, , I know Very few instances of a retry inferior man milli the mind of a superior woman, 'whereas I know ,twenty—fifty—of a very Inferior woman rul• ing a'superior man, if be lore her . cluinCei are that she will in, the end weaken And demoralize him, .Ifs superior • woman marry a vnigaror inferior man, he makes her miserable, but he 'seldom governs her mind, or vulgarizes her nature, add if there be love,on hie side, the chances are Oat in the aid she will elerate . end refine kim.— lifrraameren, if. W. TM= OMR 1111110_ T TE 0111111 PEA .IMI3I A 1110 0 11R w ITITALIST warn wiriss9..lll% itsonisok 41$1111 111411BAXIO, • - IMAM. The has been quite a little'sensation in the usuallitlniet little town of Dorchestordlisui skeltusetts, the past few days. It appears that.abeut three or four years eince l tho spit. itualist fever seized upon the members of one of the families, of the town; including the daughter offi widoi, both. the widow and daughter entering Into the new religion with great ardor. The daughter was marriefl i and alio the mother of two interesting.children. The yoUngman to whom she was married, however,was not a convert to the "now . faith, and therein probably laid the germ of the Unable, which developed in difficulties bo• tween them dhow). It was alleged 'at the time that the' man was very violent in.tem per, threatened the life•of his' wife' and chil dren, and gave other evidences of being of unsound mind.. A eonsultation of phyiicians was held,'who e,aule to . the conclusion that the husband was tract in his right tnind l and a warrant was accordingly *sued to place him in the Insane Asylum at.Worcoster.' He was, therefore, seized one fine afternoon, while at work on his farm, and hustled Off to Worcester; If insane, be certainly bad a deal of meth od in Ms madness, for be °seeped from the asylum, in a week after his incarceration, fleeing to New 'York,und thence to a relative in Newark, N. J., where he ball remained until a few days since, worii : ing daily.— Strange to say, not much effort was mallow far as is known, by the officials to recapture the fugitive l ancl there area great many peo ple in the town who iloubt very much that his reason over loft -him. ,On Monday morning ) to. the surprise of the neigh bore, bit more to .the . surpriso of his wife, ho appeared to her in pro pria peraonati She refused to acknowledge his identity, as hel has been reported as among the things 4114 were for at lout two years,; his "spirit" has been" rapped up by . his would-be widow • and talked .with at many a "seance ;" iu fact, his spiritual ex jatence was .riot considered a matter of doubt by either his wife or those who were of the same Conviction. A hearty. looking man, incased a stout overcoat and other dry goods, is not genor• ally coFisidered an object kik* to melt away into thin air even at the bidding of a spiritualistic wife, and he had 'no notion of taking an aerial flight to the (to him) un• known realms of bliss, manger the cam. mends of his loving spouse so to do. On the contrary, he coolly sat down and sired to enter into conversation with her upon such worldly matters' as her present feeling towards Kai, the health, of his 'two children and other matters of eqlml interest. A deaf ear, hoiever, was turned to his pro. testations that be had not died, and that he had no intention of so doing. as, long as he Could help himself. The wife seized her bonnet and shawl, fled the house, made her way to school l obtalted her two children and half dragged them atthe top 9f her speed to Abe reeldence 'ocher znether,whore the doors were barred and locked, for fear he• would follow her. This he did not do,'but quickly made his way to his old home, where' he met a more hearty welcome from his old moth. er. Mimi the case stands at present, th© woman refusing,tobelieve in the existence of her husbandi andthe gossips of Ddrches• ter have at least a month 1 'of 0144 before them. Irol long the husband will allow his wife to call herself a widow i time and the law will have to , determine. A SPIRITUAL TRIOK EXPOSED. G. W. Jackson, who claims to be a spirit nal medium, has created quite a sensation in fit. Louis in the tying-up business. He was challenged to an exhibition of his skill by - Hartz, the magician, and on his' first trial succeeded in freeing himself from his bonds , ins few moments, to the great delight of the . spiritualists of that city. On Friday night list the trial Was repeated ?. when the gentle men selected to tie him inflated upe!rt !march• ing him before commencing — operations,:, Thai found a sharp penknife ,concealed one Shoe and a coil of rape wound round his body. HiS trick consisted simply in being, tied with a rope similar to the one he bad _concealed, and then when confined in his "cabinet" cutting the one with which helm tied and secreting the, pieces, and substituts ing for it the one he bad concealed on his body, which he exhibited to his audience as having been untied by spirits,. When the knife and\tora were taken from him the spirits Wei to respond to ht a invocations, and he •was released from his. "cabinet" bond ao iocniely 84 When be went lb. 411150111._ A 1110 e 11010% 0 • halts. .111 UI*4)1 11111 Alt #ll etCOM et ov.r . .Pityleiii of delve* 4 ,1 16. Cosittittatoonslistidisits 4 =Hka, • Wu Asti sad to tho PoIRL St.°. • DA " KO Pr tett lon WWI* -[••• pz.. Fess. 0*94.0.-rOltbi, don't ,11“,t9 0 ,4, 1 5t *Aim don't. Of course you site 14140, find have no *skeleton (except. lkstra,iti) ',our •closet.. But • don't get , introdiced Ott the street to Champagne _ Oharlies,, wlee trter watches, 'broutpinr i .liend. rings, don't . work for &living. •Don't ndvertleo (or a husband in nuMberleaa war, juittrUttbe fun of the thing. Don't go to Ode . 41000 wllh young mon-ralways have third Penal' along, evenlf it be a child, Lady 'confidant who , „ . 4 1 9414 04 from her husband, and s : „vb.() b , es so many gentle Men ssegaalutancet. Don'tgive out to ma that you are going 'lO see consist May, who is unite% and then to* 4. to a dance., • Don't accept preseisteswhieh you hide from pa and ma, ,Don't-throseyoquets at handsome fellows, with Written , notes signed "lueog,"and paddle througb puddles because you have pretty an'lthus..:bon't have seeretsv,hieh you keep from ; yonr pother.. ,gooil girls never do, Ther4 paths wiser essayq than this, but this is ,nul„nitegether worthless. Wo'll ley any girl st s trnseenf the amount of a yard of bluo' ribbon tkat acne . of these "dont'a" hit her. , RI:MANOR AND RRALIVWOttIeII often fancy themselves to be in love then they are not: The love of being • 1(404 ft obese of flattery; the pleasure of giving: pain to a rival, and a passion for novelty •and excite , ment, are frequently mistaken foi seMething far bolter and holler, ;till inariloge-Alsen , chants the fair. self deceiver, autt . leates her astonished'at her own Indifference and. the evaporation of her reralitio fancies.; , . • l A. LAWYER who was sometime's 'forgetful, having boon Ongaged. to 'plead the Oikase . of an offender, began ki .'siyhip,44lllnOw.the • prisoner at.the,har; and In beiri the' Obit* actor of being a' moat ionstuniiiate' and pudent scoundrel." Herisiteibetly will. pored to him that thoprisoner Wa,s lls client, when he immediately eontinuid,, but what great and good man over Hied • ibil'lras, not, calumniated by his oorktemporeriesi" Milwaukee, at a latehour eti TtleadaY night, the captain of the bark Dobbins 'Went on board the vessel , and. atter angry *Ms between himself and his wife, he, knooksd het. down and stamped upon and kicked Wet in such a terrible`mannee that'shegave pre • mature birth to a obibl, which he alma and• throw overboard. Ile then aenttot adoetor and disappeared. The woman la in , tik! criti• cal condition. The brute will be at:rested. —The Lancaster. Inteilimper.,,stgel that a few, days ago Mr.. (horse W.. Thatcher, while hunting rabbits in East Donegal town ship, fired at a large hirdy! at aTeri long , range. Unfortunately tho shot was elreaires and the noble bird, fast' beconileerare la our country, was destroyed,, It pgoyett be a very large female .bald eagle, amour• ing three foot in length and Beim feet MUM . the wings. I" fitilarelpida 8v iteitiliniltailioad. - i . • h 0 4,1444 . t INTER Aningivimail I mo, TRAINS, Nov°sobeol Jive Trainodown toPitadelpbi igaistijit Itesid! ins at ,7 00, 10 85 and 11800 On.; ond 4go SAG 550 p. m. • Up to Pottsville, at 1040 a. n., snail* and 400 P. m , - hydno West to Lebanon and Ilarriebney, estern Hares' from New York; al 105 a. ni, anl r , tio and 1 11) p, m, , arrisbUrg ocommodatien Train it tlB Ctn., ait moll trains et 1Q 45 li. 0. and 805 WS. Un Monday% 44 down Mini m)! soadlOir 14 940 a.. m.sinct 4 25. p, ra,, and up Innis', et 1009 a. in,..and 5 57 p., in. The 125 p. su,dowped 10 4 60 l iso 1, syflis can only between t elpb isn ilptrains leave Estelph a for , ,yr risburg and Potter' e, o i l 750 and' 8 1 a. i. 45 noon, and 380 D. is. an 15 15 p. tn., for o_ply. The 815 a. in. tra ins.consteqt wilts 101 l TamaousOir,illianksporchilptra. parialo, Aiwa:* and Gonads, The 815 a. m: and 880 P, lop., tralimfrOm Phil adelphia, and 10 85 a, in. And 4 Jp. in, down trains step only akprincipal jitatio , elow Realm Reading Accommodation a i lean kg at 780 a, tn., returninit losvpi ll.44•lpkif at 515 4 P titstown Accommodation Train.tetsLee keit, town at 645 a. in., returning leaves rpitualliPaut at 480 p c m. , The western Express Trains eonneetisp Beyr 4 l . Vtu.rilo with rigge s : II itt i a i rn c ;A l n l e i ' io l l v Tal , Pndthe I¢lslnatt train "sotto ; ~ mg y ittsburgh,Lancaster, 114 p • • Ununi7s ntltn tip , , Pi alto p, wtri ~ 7w. a naveni.ssinsins in o e lad ~ i -, • Paponder'Xrahodepre ptey ippAat 790 is. ni, and 015 .ru., for mins* Sol _ "bilhOalgee SU Golumb Throng Wirst- clue 'Clo . . a tie alif ishil tea. \ Pints' tic trodstai ITA to th Kaelpist points In to, Mit AV ,1 4,- ' -' -, i ' - With 26 oxporul t E r matt: •• i .14tioes an) , points deal '' • ' .' ' '" 1 " dr . , . Ood for 2000 I s la ween impoutto i o,l4s.Bo to famulei and b nese tins el ; ‘ ir • : • •• , Good fox th e homm a y,„ 71, 2 11110015515 e. between all poi to ai hot iced :root seem tionetent one-thir d us td 0 a I*. _ • Siir liniero 1, to 4 *FM_ _TV 'ton id the yr tepos And it * Lower or 0 . irm . 100 pounds of bsiiiitera Hob' r. Passengers are rogues td,?,py t eta bifle p :Mr o hmlne earn, minor a4 R r xcueston /UAW goodpv9opdst hi /110 Mina Aeeelleo4lo.loe Wralrkto blladelp [sena totem at 8205 tam • `' • ' • _ . G. A, MOW,. Orli 131in't 'fiA4EHOT > WAPITED. in MONEY. WANTED! ' BY TIER CITY 0* ItliliDiNe. . Thiandersined.Siortuci v se t4il ls ‘ PinaneO Of the Cloorsion of the Ulty ej ins, lmp' pout litnorned to borrow me s 0 `, BEvENTY-FIVE (0. • the pupa* of , PO sold °Uri hereby Pm to boo Cettilli opot.pterclat. to par' Vtatiri;o f fßreWl