ri0i ,,,, ,4,0* - Ws* bits led tbe, city of St. • 16i dfitAtips for hothatons ' $ 4100 lit ths City hospital, by which trta=dtt i eltritent ra o r ti n f : sil jitMed Opoo biol. , • ~ INI El \ - ' sivOkiptptiinp(l a Itolto is the bosom 9liktOtl.‘ In In Madisoc 'county, N. C,, a os Gays oho, in a fit off jealousy . It trans pi Aisaards thst she had killtel a sister 4 4 the (intended victim by mistake. Tho 'Ourdl4 lll ie In Pa. • —The Bt. Louis market is stocked with Ftims. , 'Rocky Mountain goats and antelopes om,the Black Hills, buffalo meat bagged rout the phtform of a passenger car this aide of Cheyenne, deer from all (limiters, . and birds innumerable. . —A bold robbery was committed in Lebs noa county a few nights ago. A bolter be•• longing to a farmer was stolen from a barn at night, taken into.a field, butchered, the meat carried off, and the skin and offal left behind. —A Dane ties invented an ice velocipede , the tire of the wheel is made of grooved steel, like skate.runners. There is a box be. hind Ahe seat to (tarry provisions, &e., which heretofore have beep carried on the head. • —Thotnati Jones, a farmer of West limit. meal township, Chester county, died on the 18thinet.', and just as the,' funeral was start ing for the graveyard on Saturday, the be reaved wife fell dead upon the floor. -14evi Martin; a negro, has bean Nen • tonged by Judge ? Pearson, at Harrisburg, to nine 'years and atx monthsin the Huistern renitetitiarY, for an outrage upon a white girt fourteen years of age. -'-diet. Dr. Breekinsidge Was - ehnrivoried stayknv.ille, Ky., on the night of his recent trOlOge. The pollee were culled, but were crarpimered, and the disgraceful affair was i" . ully Carried out. • ....The amount of fraud now being devel ,oped hi New York, in . Erio i eleetion,whisity, petroleum, Walf street and other &vitt. manta of fraudulent industry, is astounding {tie world. lady clerk in the employ of Wood it Carey, Chestnut street, above &youth, Phil adelphli, has, it icalleged, stolen $16,000 worth of goods from them within the past two years. , —A New Orleans couple bent on matrimo ny, iecently had to elope, because somebody WOW Shrill dying in the bride's family. and prevented &wedding in proper style. Oightful amphibious beast that kills AIM end dews up men and Is like nothing ,fitlikitgit . eifer seen before, has been seen and 'hinted sear Jerseptille ) Illinois. ,—Two men who were moving,. with their families ; In Allende county, N. J., recently ; loitered behind the wasons, lost their way in a mow storm ; and tro,ze to death. Ittutl named L. Ogaden has been ar• 'Westin Fentress county, Tennessee, for rnorderingtwo old and well known ladlis. 110 got $76 and With caught. Minima In a Nov York Court recent. trboldly:offered the Judge, in open Court► a treated en*etope tall of notes, As a bribe... The gooterieemoa doubled. I —A Kentuckian uraa recently married hit shirt sleeves because some one stole his - dress•coat-'•and his only one—on the eve of -his marriage. --"Another Innocent couplo have smother •ed themselves to death by blowing out gas• light in choir chamber. This time i n don' Ffatlol6oo. grand fox hunt copses cant Marshal too, Chester county, on Christmas day, in which fillteg foxes and forty dogs \ will par ticipate. .r-A terrible ghost in the tower of the ruin• ed tirentir Church in Charleston, 8. C., has turned out to be a neat of owls. ..-sTohn Barton stin e accidentally shot him wolf dead in Warwick % Chester county, a few days ago, white gunning. —They . use lumps of silver ore for cur rency in &tads, and also . to gamble with at faro" and "poker." —An Ohio farmer has raised forty bush• els of a new variety of corn iu two yearn, from four kernels. -"The avataggo decline in grain in Chicago the gait month hat been a cont a day. —Wm. •Still, of Philadelphia, cut hie throat Monday night. He may recover. • —Dosy• times are ' reported among tho latabarmou of northern 'Wisconsin. • ‘AWild turfeys and partridges are very ,pittatiful in Fairfax county, Va. —A !Meow Sunday School is about to he established in Petersburg, Va: ...Already a man bas been lost and froz• tin in the snow In Canada. . California epplo tree has blossomed tor ita fourth crop this year. peaelktrees are in blossom at Tells. —Paris finds cockroach . oil ',venom wheel•greue. , jet fir© 'to a forest of Atitnotireee. • *disk. wood .is fifteen cents i pound in Wisconsin. iipiill!op of ~• : f , titothly . geode; the best is I, good • • wits.. is danieiouity ill *lth *mall pox. mtxlitisvi.Assots. scgoo;.:3l9oNUl i Just received at the 4 11AOLE BOOKSTORE, fpll flue of books h use to the Publio Schools in thle city, which will be eoid at-the very lowest prices. It would be to the advardalte of such who are ip tont of books to wedeln our prices before Prolaudag elsewhere.: Wo have t• . , . WYoodbures NeW Method j with Germani3 1.7 • ' Cotoposition 'looks. Pasqualles French Course, 0 Dtik onantlo's Mensuratiou. Eitoddard's Atitbdietles, 01 Paricer's Philosophy„ kpullion'e ft rammoir, liar's Algebra, Cutter's Anatomy, S Ooodrleb'a U. B. History. 0 9reenlekreAritharetic. Tennby'o Uoology, Dav(e'Le'icender, Thonuu' liltymottijoY. E• I , :Dlotionparlos, 4 l Pone and JUPonholders. Mates and (Wale ?onoIN zipuneeriaulJeopy looks, Antlinn'en Virgil, Dullion'illY Cesar, Eit;'oodbun'oEietnen tirnor aernivitondert tiohootivOaskets, Parketi&Vratioti's:Serlos:of School Booke, 351 Crlttenden's BookkeepinEwith setts of Blank-. POOR,/ PENN STREET. Pennock's Mstory of England, Greece, ond Rome, READING. Mita el'a Intormadlato and Pilm all Oeoaravbles THiG PENNSYLVANIA MORAL HARMONY Containing the ptineltliet CHURCH MELODIES, Provided GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT ) • . • Nor uste'at the “BAOLE” BQoKsToan. 861 Penn Street. Vl._Or • :ilgnigt.tellzt; 0 NRWM 1101111;1014 *IOU/ 11 =I E MIN! 111 len L . 11141011.0,e '• , . GEN. TAYL9ii 841 NOrth MOO - Streets try4in a Saari qt eA‘,4l 4 :* • PA, a. B. suaipawieni. rafidrietor. elo4m CITY.IIOTEL . 8011711 • .SPETH STREET,. • (Near Penn,) • READING, PA. Wang's moderate. • A. A. ICIATERI6I; Peopoieter. ant 6 . . 11111 • i* FIRST PREMIUM 4? .Of a Silver Illriettal 4 ' ' Wee Aweitoso To . BARRETTE HAIR RESTORATIVE 16 g. ih i •?4. h i c v e ttio; pc i tr u zu s zt .L ocatri a at 11A3ItiltETT'S • Vegetable Bair Restorative LI ' Restore* Gray Nair to It, Natural Colors pro._ woke the youth of the llalt s changes the libe , Al= g l i e n t dr i tl in a i ndltgo humo rs r yo ltalr falling out t a superior i Dresalny 4 it ordain" no In %Mons Ingredlentr. and to the mos _popular and reli able A . article throughout the . 4o ,r44diVaiit, Ilottb, aqd ..de. "V 1 ' South. . • ~„ 'W O V :. - . - J. 11. PARROT 6 CO., Prop4etors, MANCHESTER, N. U. • _ .. - - . _., ..- . . kohl by all Hinges& and Venters in ..Plitent, Medicines. ll,' BIRCH & BR ' O . , , (iDni. A. , IL LfGEET, .. • W. J. TIMERWEOHTER, • ._ . . WILLIAM WELLS. Agents, Rending, Pa. . ntity 51y . . GREAT 'FURNITURE DEPOT. SCHRCEDER %mom, corner Fifth- and Washingtat strode, • AIANUFACTOnY, e STREEI :BELOW FIFTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ILIR UNDNICSIdNED RI•ISPECTFULLY rite public! attention to their splendid stork of t-class furniture now and constantly on hand and made to order to suit customers. Among other articles. especial attention is In vitod,to their unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, " DINING ROOM CHAIRS, CENTRE AND OTHER TABLES, BEDSTEADS OF THE LATEST STYLES, and every other article in their line of business, Every•artiole Is manufactured by themselves in their admirably arranged manufactory, with t he most perfect machinery , and skillful medianca , and finished in an unsurpassed manner. • 4 Also prePared to execute all orders for • • CARVING, TURNING, SAWING, and MOULDINGS. An orders dromptly executed, and warranted to live satisfaction. ap.lo. 4T. KEELY. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER, • BEADING, PA. Keeps constantly on band and for aalo at the . LOWEST PRICES, A general assortment of WHITE PINE, HEMLOK, SPRUCE, , CREBBY, OAK, ASif,'CIHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK A WHITE WALNUT. • • CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, ' MICHIGAN PANEL LUMBER, Thoroughly mooned and under cover. WIDTH ME, CYPRESS, AND NORTH CAROLINA GREEN SWAMP CEDAR . SHINGLES.' aoltolted and promptly te2fit r to. rea gi t r i gle , &0., call at the NEW BRICK OFFICE, On the Corner of Fourth & Pine Ste., Or, &darn', J, KEELY, Reading, Pai febl Ily GMCAT INEDECTION IN EITItS..-I,ndies desirous of purchasing Furs sbould cell at the Nations) Fur Store, No, 341 Penn street, three doors below tho E*o;,s Office ere they will find well selected stock 'FIIIIB, which will o sold at small pro. A yariely_of fancy tEitliflliti and TFFALO RQIIES ways on hand, to order, altered L: LICIITBTER'4 os9 3n3oend NEwWINE HOUSE, -14:0 . 6152 PENN STREET, READING, PA. • OSCAR R. CHRIST, ~ PROPRIETOR, g il i tt tl rtn all kto4e of Demesne Wines of the but TAGER. 'ItEgR, ALE, ito. soft- • IMPORTANT NOTICE t THE GOOD WILL FIRE COMPANY; OP' ALLNNTOWNi PA., Would lierobY sin'ounoo to tbo citizens of flooding %moven' tokeonsidemble number of tickets re migrant timuild at well se corns unceturned., t ?Cora l :Me 'VC: ca: gl:trtion:: sport tige. oft. D. flienbia4 liffi!lh_Piwlg u 4114 arrow flotol, and at li tri ok aim a we, nor.s and ALSO. . , .4;?- , : . ,Ss., , 41:1i lie It i 144 li . i'Oti kt: iiii e READING ADLER," The oldest aeri k r Newspaper published in tho United States• ESTABLIBEIND Ix 17 9 7.1 Oireuldtion over lYve Thousand l The "Reading Adler" is the beet advertising sne- dinat for tho Gorman Districts In Eastern Ponnsyl• vania,„having %circulation of over five thousand copies. Itcontains twenty-olght large oolumni of advertisement/18ml carefully solooted reading mat ter, Tho Miler 19 thoroughly Domoorntio in prin olple, etuloaroring to inculcate the'eound politioal doctrines °four forefathere, as laid down by Jotter son and Jackson , PRICE ONLY $1 50 A YEAR. Pub!Med every Tuesday morning, by l Ifeb. 15 Da.•nuanNs 80.1101NINOTI • CELEBRATED, SWEDISH BITTERS Cure with certainty all chronic derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Icidney_s, is The most Few , caul Tonle of the Digestive,_ldusonlar and Ner vous System and the most Reliable preiervative against all kinds of Fever, Dysentery, ant Infec tions Diseases, especially against Cholera, iYphold and Yellow Foyer. Price 75 cents a bottle. Sig for 11. For sale at the " Eagle " Bookstore RITTER & do.. Penn Street. SCHOOL COMPANIONS. I IVo havolust received a largo let of those dosira. blo little Caskets, whioh we are enabled to sell a reducedrates, oontalning a Ruler, Seal, Penbil Crayon, Pon Slate Pond), Gum itn. Sponge. RITTER de CO. Eagle Pookstere. TRAVELEfirGUIDg. ' Ts■ following table shows the time on which all Passenger trains, on the dliforentrliallroads, arrive and depart from this city: DIPAAT-FOR FRMADILTRIA.. Reading Acoom., altway stations ....... .... 7:30 a. In. Express, principal stations 1035 ' Way and Market, all stations 11:30 Express, principal stations 4:20p.m. Way and Mail, all stations ' 0:30 FOR POTTEIVILLI. Ashland, Tam aqua, &a., and W. stations,lo:3s m. Pottsville and all waystations• . 5:50 p Pottsville. Ashla n d, 'Tamaqua, Ao ' 0:10 'FOR WARM/111RO AND TAN WIRT. • Express / Lebanon, Harrisburg and west, 1:10 s. ' m. Aeoom. Harrisburg and ail way stations 7:15 arrisburg_and principal stations, 10:45 Fast, Lebanon, Harrisburg and the west, 1:50 p.irk, Way, IL:rriaburg and all way stations.— 6:05 Express, Lob., Harrisburg and the west. 10;10 !' from Harrisburg at4:49, 7:06,10;25 a. ra.and 4:10, 6:25,11;40 p. less IVOR HMV TOR[ • And_prindpal way stations 4:44.a. in Eor New york and principal wtystattonif 7:00 ..... rOr and all way s ltations .... , . .../O:N 4 ' For 3 81 . Ili . 2: 4 0 p. ta. it ill If . . For , 4:20 p. in, For " - andpinolpalway sta'ne, 11:40 '_.' Antova from Now York at 1:00, 9:00 ii. In. and 1:50. 9:00.10:10 p. m. \ East Pennsylvania Raiheal' SAItiIANOEMENT. COMMENCINO Wednesday. May 20th, 1868. • SIX TRAINS. DAILY TO NEW YORK WITR , OUT CIIANOR OF CAP On and' after Wednesday, May 20iti, 1869, two Passenger Trains will leave. Reading daily. (except klundaYad for Allentown and way stations. at 10.30 A. M. and 4.:11 P. M., stoPping.at all tho way sta tions between Reading and New York, making also close connections for Manch Chunk and Phil adelphia via Lehigh' Valley and arrive at Now York at 3.39 and 10,15 P. fit. Four (C through Expres„ tem; Rending daily, (except Sunday,.) for ' Now York and the East! leaving Reading sit 4.41 and 7.06 A. M. and at 2.40 - and MAO P. M, • • • Those Trains run through (rem Pittsburgh to New York, withoutohange of ears. Stopping only at Lynne, Alletown.. liethlebam, Salton. lump. ton Sommerville , Plainfield and Elisabeth, and arrive at New Yer_k at 10.00 A. M.,12.00 M.. 7.25 P,M. and 5.00 A. 11, The 4.44 A. M - rainleave, Reading. 4n! Mondays. The 7.06 A. fit, and 11.40 P. M. trains, Tun daily, Sundays Included: Trains leave New York. foot of Liberty street daily, Aexteit ir ßuzi daps ) at 9.00 A. 11 1 413 a.B R t • .11114 - Orlykftt RetlifigAti.lso. 6.00 an 10,10 Y. aad at 100 and 2 15. T 01 1 0 0 P• train frOm Now orlileavesdsilly.r Sundays inelnded. A Sunday Exeurston_Train will leave 'Reading ,evary Sunday at M„ stopping at all station/ and 'intermediate Mints. Arrive' at Allentown, at 10 A. M. Returnions leave Allentown'. a 114.00 PJI. Arrive a t Rea ding at 6 P.M.. Passengers are retmested, to purolume tickets 'fore en the oar& tia-16 nerds entre/Mill eha and oollooted on lb* train from ail who Date fare to the %indgetor UM) V , V. mom% Ina. afili Rapt. rarrEit & co., No. 341 Penn Stroet, ;~,IItx~{UIfi~LA~YEQUIi: Utorieed Nov. lib, .&114trile.le ANIS DEPARTURE{ 0 . 31 P • .Altp.: mama. i.EAMSTOWN FIAILAND ExtendettoUttian Slatlon—LeaVes Reading at a. m..trl-weekly, Tuesiday. thuriday and Satur day% Italians same daYll and arrives at 7p, tn. Itttlarvitalhelollowing waned Pon OMpeat Cumru, Adamstaven, ochwaris, Rearastewn. BOYERTOWN MAIL AND STAGE LINE w Leaves Boyerton at 6 o'clock, a. m., Arrives at Reading at 10 o'clock, a. m. Returning, leaves. Reading at 254 p. ta. • Arrives at Batertown, at 7 p m: •It serves Stoneraville.. Brutulieldona, droshville, Hausa. Earlville, and Boyer" ! town. • BEIttIVILLE MAIL AND STAGE LINE Leaves Bethel .at 6 o'clock, a.. tn., arrives it Reading at 10 o'clock, ti. Itetaralng, leave* m Reading at 2 o'oloek L P, . aniYes at Millaturg at 9P. tn. It serves Leini4eha, Lower Bern, **n ettle, Rehrersburg, Bethel, Tuipehoocon and llpisters Mills. • 111.1.114 BALL MAIL AND . STAGE Lin Leaves Reading on Monday, Wednesday • and Fri day at .8 o'clock, A. in.Returning,' leaves Blue Ball on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, •• sr riving at Reading at 45i o'clock, p. m. 'applies Malta's Store, knauee a, Bownwavillo, •a4M/d7 Crook, Terra Mil, WeaVer's Mill and Ditto haII. PIQUA MAIL AND STAGE LINK Leaves lit on M.anday. Wedspasday and Friday at 7 o'elec tn. Aarrives at Reading en Tuesday. T hursday and , Saturday at tl eltlook. It supplies Mt. Penn. Beekersville, Joanna Furnace. Morgantown, Talbott ille, Honey Brooke, Cambridge and South Hermitage. LOBACIISVILLE STAGE AND MAIL LINE Leaves Lobachsvillo on Tuesday. Tlstirsday and Saturday at 0 o'clock, a. in. ,Arrives atfeading at w. 93 4 o'elook.a. . Rethrninir, -Leaves ending at 214 o'clock, p. nt. • Arrives at Lobito Palle at 6 o'clock. p. tn. It serves Alettee,Oley and,Lobachs vine.' • READING TO COLUMBIA. - Daily by Itailroad—Leaves Heading at 6 p. m. Arrives at 10:30 eon, SuppliesFritstown.Reinholds Station, Stevens, Ephrata,. Millway, -tiettn,Sperting MIL Landisvilloand Silvvoings. WESTMIESTHR TO 11IRDSBO 0 Trl-weekly by Stage—Leaves Waite eater on Monday, Wednesday ,nad Friday at 7a. tn. Ar.: rites at Birdsboro at tn, Retarding. leaves Birdsboro on Tuesdayliursday , aad 'Saturday at 7a. in, Supplies Geiger a Mills, Blut Reek, Loag s, \Yonne°, Uwehland, -Montilla and Weal White ' land. READING TO ROBESON • Sornl-weekly by litago—Leavesitoadingon Tues• day and Saturday at 7120 a. tn. and arrlyes at Read. lug at 11 a, In. , • READING TO IIOI3T j' 1 Sinai-weekly by Stligo—LortVed ReWirlit Tue day and Saturday_at 11:110`a m, ArriveA , lag at 0:30 a. In. timpplies Addam's Tavern Lower Heidelberg, North Heidelberg, Rriek's Mille and LVIESPORT TO NOR Pt Trl--weekly by Stago--Leaves Leesport Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 12 In. Arivefi at Lees port a ct" ) . in; tinpplios south hvansiipo and Monter). L'OXTOIV3 , TO VIRGINSVILLN Tri-weeklyl)y Stage—Loaves Cox imp Tuesday. Th ureday and Battirday at oa. In. •A dives at Cox town at 4p. w. Supplies Kirby Oho. Moselem and 11E11 RERSTIUIIO TO STOUCHSIIIIIIO 'l'ri-weekly by Slap—Leaves RehreraburaTues day, Thursday had Saturday atll a: tn. Arrives at ltotkret Aura at 6 1). tu. But)plioa Wintorsylno and - READING MAILS. TWKIR DAtI.Y. I\ of ' York--Closes at 10 A. U. and 10 P. U. • Arrivesat IA. U. and 2P. ' . l'hilaVphla—Arrives at 1003 A. U. and 6 P. 11. Closes at 10 A. U. and 4 r. Harrisburg—Anil/ea at 10;30 A. U. and C3O P. Closes at 10 A. U. and 11;30 r. W. Pottrillo-- , Arrives at 10;30 A. u t ant} C3O Y. V. Closes at 10 A. U. an t i, 6:zig P. U. • ALLNNTOWN AND iitisTort. Arrives Ot 2:OOYr go • tiIOACUAtIB:OOA • 111041D7fONYN"' - 0 , 114113 ttuui' ft week.. ' Arrives at 7:00 r. U. I eh:18081a 8:00 At 11 DRRNVIbLV,' iltliVegatMo94.3l. . Ciosei at 2:00 p. 110YRIFEITOWN. Arrives at10:00 A. >,t.) Closes M L, O P. , • Loa,kesiavime—direo times a week, Arrives atll:30 A. It. I • Close at 21,40 re V. rsquA—throe times a week. Arrive's at 7soo r. is. i Closes at MO A. L. HMU4 nAs.r.—thr/o Cant' week, Arrives at 4;°,0 r. ts. close at,llloo A. it. 111i1DELARKG—twiee a week, - Arrives at 0:00 . A. it I ' Close at 1130 A. IL ROIIPHOW-4410 a week, Artivos nt 110 A. H. I 010110 rail:11 A. LI ---.—. N. T. GEM, FASIIIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, • • • 658 Penn Street, 'leading, Pa. ; .iIIAS CONSTANTLY ON RAND TRH FINEST assortment of Fine a nd Heavy Boots and Shoes this city. also Ladles and Chltdren's Shoesof all hlnds. See list of styles and prices il( n Mo's o boots, hoino mode, .. . / 4 • - 16 25 • 5 61) • 16 in 400 to 500 " c k alf bahnorals. • - 250 400 /I in 2 61 k 44.' Brogans. • • 2 00 00 2 6 150 0 " Congress gaiters, . 2 'l5 460 " Glove kid Congress gotten, .4 00 500 Boys' kip boots, . . 200 300 6 4almorals, • 150 225 Youths' kip boot's, ' 176' 260 , -- 1 balmerals, 125 175 Women's 100 kid high Polish bal. • morals, ' 8 50 • 4 00 Women's lasting high Polish balnprats,2 860 R_oat patent loather tip , 2 8 25 _" Kid - slippers: ' 1. 1 76 R l iese? goat patent loather tip bat morals, . 150 ' 240 Ohildron'a goat patent loathor tip bat ! !moral?, • 126 190 . • N. T. OEM. 1 april24oolll • - 66.3 Penn StreeL iME. READING FIRE INSURANCE AM) 11 TRUST 40/11PALST OF REBUS CO. ORGANIZED JULY, 1847. , Office Read(ng /murnnee NW. N 0.19 North t iVth street. 8., H. Goner (If Gburt street.. Oftleo hours fiori 8 A,. u. to 8 Y. u. . 1 DIRECIToIdIs J. Pringle Joni's, Jaimir Moltnifeht s Henry h. 'Valk Recd. Jacob Shaffner. , J. T. Jacksotf„ - D. E.Atout, • Jonas Shatter, • ' . J. T. Vidontine i 1 . ( loorge Rimier. , • ' This Company insures nil kinds of property age inst. loss or damage by fire atrates as low as any other reliable Company and upon everyplan known to Stook Insurance Companies. ' Perpetual Polioiee :issued requiring no,renewal band upon which the amount of premium paid can e reclaimed at an ' time; less htlednotion of five per . cert. The notvantagd of this method are worthy of the attention offsrmers and pthers hay. Ing first-clad dwelling houses, barns an d other buildings, in town or canary, as being the cheap. eat and safest. Policies for one, two, three, five or mori3 Year& Or tor lest than one year, Issued and no charge made for Policy and survey *hen tenoned or lib eWlh eurane es are transferred • from other companies. The citizens of .Reading and vicinity hitherto dependent mainly upon foreign companies, have pow the privilege of effecting their insurances in a home Institution, well org.anifred,with an adequate paid in and guaranteed capital, presenting as strong a. basis ofeecurity as that of any other corn. party. The advantage the oig business directly with the CemPanY and importance of keeping some portion of the large enure paid forinsurenees, In circulation at home will be aPprpelated by J, PRINGLE JOES, President. JAMES bIeKVIGIIT, Vigo President, 8. MANCoMA, flunelo- I ENIIART A GUTH, . 1, , MAOHINISTO, BRAN FOUTIDEBO, GENERAL DRALERB IN Machinists' anir Manufacturers' Supplies' No. 627 AND 629 FRANKLIN Bizarr. i an 23. LAILEIt'S BREWERY I. _ 'READING. PA. ' • The anbagribeilespeetfalli announce, to th Pub' Ile that he tr recently enlarged Ma Brewery to • conaideratele extent. an d Iptrefteeit steam wry in ail Its departments. and to !tow toad? to 9911P110 all demands for „ • . ' SUPERIOR MALT LIQUORS ' , For i Mal t shne and distant eentattptlon.. ite thoter. w . anaptil keep in, !art Oblate", t! sit 41!°71g ,t. DDOWN'OTCitrti IPORTNItb' • 110 - TVLING ALE, Awlii;Oitt•spn., 'how •-- N. D.—A liberal iiitentst* will -14)111'444 114 la abtoad. an.* CAPITAL 1160.000.00. And RERDTNG. PA. !!), lollics44l4figovfi D ICT " AtWrIi • Webatit'eUndttiii4 Webetat'sAcideONat t y, 11,14 witibo 1130 &loot (Rev, ltd 3 7- 'f U r ablte?'ll CO • 140011libat Webater'sPrimut Mot a Relds' RN A& Did nary, W"reastees Oat4alive Dlothauyi Woreester's Moo) Di*sof Adler's German iind gnileh ilrUossir, Oehicoblogoo,ll Pronouncing German Dipticagn, For tate at the / "iLkOLV BOONWTOItIi. 351 Pelin Moot, nou Foutb. T WHILTNG% QOUPOUID ARTIIIII Ilbsortoor pogo o f ,to too moo of duct% Ito to ttto ROW Or vslut prom of ARM ;tom toed *I ir s iir v, • traotai so unsuroarsod for la NH ert i t propertlealn all those extort) gong o Lintoloikta are tarodatioliall Cuts, Bruises, CAafcs, Gaits, Montana% • Gout, Nervous d htflansinatory )14nt, Neuralgia, Headache, Pains in. side. Back or. Joint.. . In all eu2lx omen It nape *mil itlth a elr of relief. It le solid, In lln 101 those Cone to where an extern id ANA Nitta le required, II u or east, and the enbierler olitLcomelen I* recommend It as one of the' belt i•taftedtsaltio day. • Price 26 Oenta per Bottle, For Bala at the."EAGIA"tiOKOISM BITTER & 00. SUNDAY SCHOOL SINGING BOOKS , AT TUB EAGLE. BOON OTO► No. iNii Now Street,t Can be hedl ~, . HAPPY . voregs, HAPPY VOICEO, TEE NEW 410tDE11.01116 THE NEW GOLDEN CHAO THE 41MATILaciti3OL Maw Tll,B faiip* SCHOOL BEM/ , tool/ Toseibor nett **WWI of 44 4 0 Nal rif for sobook. • SU