Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 03, 1868, Image 3

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E A I 3
00142N...12 1.2 P. 111.
new buildings threqghont the was snspende4
ye dodgy un necouet of the cold teether.
"I don't admire ladles' cliffs,' as the bnobaea
ItVl whoa his wife boxed hi s 44rd.
WWI Tout will be je Allentown on December
Mb. •
The style of a deep and earnest thinker may be,
end often is, far from ornate t it may. he rugged
end ("13 'uncouth. •
The new Jail at Allentown will be finished some
lime in January.
A . man 'rho hat et wife or sweetheart named
Lite ie not to be bolloyett in anyilitni , for ho is al,
I mo gum to toll Lize about everything, •
legorJay M. C. L: Bloat, employed at the plia
lei mill of Fink, EiscuLowor At Co.. was struck by
p iece /timber and slightly hurt on the hand.
pout) fr.—" You think you are a great man,"
rill An linpettlnont fellow to a gentleman whom
he had offended. "Yee. lam areal (helper," re•
plied the gentleman, gulling the action to the
The pigeon'mateh to come off at Harrisburg
on Saturday, will be nttondod by a largo number
of people from this city.
No man lo flt to pilOt others by big - Oo li till he
ha+leadyeroonal oxporionoo of many atoms. •
Tu•mnrrow Id radiant with the hue of hope; yes
terday is ,sombre with the Shadow of experience,
s ee that your chickens and \ turkeys roost. high
'until the holidays. Thieves aro about
Carpenter! Phoul4 secure well the boards on
icafftlldlng those windy days. '
People who carry thtir ammeters in their hands
„ r u notleir tongues rarely hare. one anywhere
Can one Etna op to his duty, and lid down at tho
um. limo Y
Mr, IL Weitzel Is at preeent engaged it erecting
row of fine briok keine" in the ♦loi'nity of"lticks
i 01111."
If you visit a yowls woman, and you aro • ono,
and eho's won, you will both hi one.
Christmas toy books for solo at tho llamas Book
It bee been woll said tbat the thing moat likely
to make the angels wonder is to see a proud
wan. But pride of birth le the most ridiculous of
all rankles ; It Is like the boasting of the root of
the tree, instead of the fruit it boars.
Yesterday was ono of the coldest days of the sea•
eon. Look out for attain. '
A Mao Lovsa.—"Charles, do you really love
ray daughter?" "You know I do. Dlr.. William,
"flow mach do you love her ?" "I loVe her—l
love her as hard—tue hard as a horse can kick."
Mr,. Simkins said, "You Way have her, bless you
Hard pontoon—awing wood with a hammer.
What kit goes when a wagon goes, stops when
a wagon stops, Is of no use to the wagon, and yet
the wagon cannot go iyithout It? The twig° of the
eta celebrated pliyolelan..thitt he never gild. in
company. "I drink your hesltb," but "My service
to you."
Imagination should be utoili4t and retiring; like
the bout, emotions extorted i 'froin It aro always
less forcible than those that spring spontaneously.
A, 8, Whitman, hiy., late of the Daily Timer ;
will take oharge of tito Itaxeltou, Sentinel. Summit
to him.
Yeetortlay afternoon Mr.' peter Ifummol, rest&
ing in South Eighth etreot. want out to tho Stook
YAM. and purahased a hog weighing 285 pound.
for which ho paid e 27.50, , and white driving • him
boom the hog foil (load almost instantly. To all
Appearances the hog was In perfect health when
pu h ased tch of yeitorday.
We have been peculiarly blessed with good
weather this fall.
Cheap generosity-04in/ a wan a plooo of your
A gauge that often indicates tha dopthe if a
111111'11 Inert -gage. ,
How Is tho skating rink gottlitg on?
Flour has come down 4 12 in Aitontown. Itow
much in Reading?
Amon It most properly' said to be "ripe for any
thing" when lie Is a littte nzollow.
The public school. aro literally Jammed wit)
Bra.mon nUT "crowning not" of the
recent Spanish "Pronunciamento" was the de•
thronetnent of the Quoen I
A "dorg" wee kicked by a mule yesterday, whlels
mete him loop the place "double quick," with a
needier dental! "ugly ours" howling after him,
A young nun who recoirod K blowing up from
hls sweetheart called her a wind•lßu.
Nomnber bad five Bundaja and fire Mondays
Mr year.
A number of witnesses In tko Alexander ease
left this morning for Philadelphia.
Loko Ann.—About the year PM, the Legislature
of Penneylvardspassed a resolution that"no mom-
Ler thereof should coma to the House barefoot, or
eit his broad and oboes° on the stops."
The boys threaten to go skating on Saturday.
A day's length thisireek is nine hours and forty-
Sre minutes.
It does not look woll fora roan to put, his logs on
the table of a Reading Room in a Hotel.
An effort la being made to got up a skating club.
Which Is the most delightful operation, to kiss a
lair woman on a dark night, or a dark woman op a
fair night 1
Nsi.O.L.ATION OF OFFIO/09.—,Gast evening
Nin g the first meeting of tho term; Lady
Jefferson, 11. C., No. 5 was visited by Jacob
B. Berwick, D. G. C. W., and thofollowing
officers installed :
U.—Lydia Hoffmaster.
P.—John R. Hoffninstei.
Pt , —Jos, S.' Moyer. •
Pat. —lvans A. floffmaster.
Ptess.—Mary B. Lots.
Patess..-Lucy Kendall.
W. D.—Melinda ICendall.
W. N.—Aug. Burger. •
8. K.—F. J. Grotovent. •
DRUO3.—Dr, Light. No. 1 North Fifth
street, Reading, PC, has in his storm ono 'of the
hest Rad host Hotfooted stooks of fresh drugs in this
titr. Dr. Light and his assistant are pivrays ready
!ha r dy n ni g ht s
who_ayoin,went, h i t
any hour of
or night. Dr. Li ht sod itit assistant ttr9
both accomplished druggists and gentlonson. iontoA
We would advise ull in want of a 'good
Parlor Stove, or Office Stove, to call at, D.
C. &hander's Stove Store s No. 414 Penn
Street, madpurchase the Revolving Lighi
of 186 8 , th e N a o3 t, perfect base burning end
illuminating atoll 4f Ag Age' Call and s4°
TuN t 'storo :now: occeipigd: by'i.Edward C.
fliwor,in the B climuokerliousihis for rent.
Apply at this'offieo.
SACOiI DM, of Birdsboro "' in rAised a
pumpkin meastirinjt ;Tieheiv in ,c tecumfer
once, end vi4 .. ighing 126
. , .
READINO takes up the Hob sbafe of sales
of stock In" our market recently. 2,200
shares sold ye,stkrday.—Phita. Eve . Her
a/c4 y esterday. .
Wiwi. causes the rush at the dry goods store of
Cbarlesloyan & Co., 441 Penuittreet? Cloitud toe.
, gni to IVILVL ESTATE.-44. Frederick
iseamau has Sold his property, corner of
Chestnut and Tenth streets, to D.l), Maurer,
ROI. Real Rstate Agent, for the sum of
Stit i tt.--The 'demand for slate west Of
Pittsburg is increasing very rapidly, and the
prospects at present;are that the trade will
be better this winter than it has been known
for many years.
A CommAs Evo celebration' of the. un.
day School of Christ Church, will tako s place
on. December 24th, at 6 o'clock, P.• M. A
beautiful pro4ransimo is offered, and wo have
no doubt it will be a pleasant affair.
A Commirrna of the 'Washington Hose
Company of Reading, have gone to Washing-
ton to secure quarters for the company, who
intend to visit that place on the maugura
tioa of General . Grant aH President.—Euston
• ,
POTOORAVII•AIbunts awl pocket-books at tho
gAOLIS bookstore; abid cheap. •
Potice INTELLICIENOE-4 John- Murph y
was arrested yesterday by officer McNeil
for being drunk and disorderly. John • had
np money this morning to pay the fine, and
hence ho was sent back to stay until to.mor•
Six lodgara 'worn accommodated in 'the
Station Rouse leilt night.
AT Chatlee,Lovan & Co 'a, 441 Pent !greet. can bd
found tin excellent an/corn:ant of dry goods.
• — o —
TO •11011,-011 Tuesday night, an
attempt was made to rob Mr. William Still,
residing in Neversink street, below Binga•
man. .• Mrs. Still heard the noise in the cel
lar and got out•of bed, and thus disturbed
the robber. It is supposed that it was
Crattos who attempted to rob the drawerla
Mishler l s bar the same night. •
limn TURKEY, Pattie do fel Orem Croquets, Beef
a in mode, Salt •Terrapin, Oysters in all styles,
Chicken and Lobster Salads, Game, Soft Shelled
and Devilled Crabs, Pyramids, Pyramid and Fancy
Cakes, Fancy leo Creams, Water Ices, Jellies, Fine
Pastry, Fruits . , French Confections, &0., etc., at
DRY REGER'fi, NO. 15 North Fifth street;
and eleven o'clock on Tuesday night; as a
.man named Johnson • was on his.
way holm) ) while crossing the street at
the corner of oth and Buttonwood, ho was
violently assaulted .by two ruffians, who
called him all manner of names, and finny
commenced pelting him with stones.
A tAtunt lot of toy books can bo bad at the EAGLE
DRAWING NNAR.—The time set apart for
the drawing of the Gond Will Gift Enter.
prise at Allentown, is near at hand—on De ,
comber 22d.• Persons desiring to purchase
tickets would doNY , pII to secure them in time
as the demand is fmareasing ;laity. Tickets
can ho had of their agent, Mr; Reichard, at
Mishler's Hotel, and at the Keystone Sa
Dena 'nro said to be plenty on tho mount
tains and in the forests west of Harrisburg.
A party of hunters went out from Manada
one day last week and slug one tine buck
and saw several more which tliey shot at
but failed to kill, Game of this• kind is
worth looking after, and after the snow
comes so that they can be followed by their
track they are not so difficult to kill.
Tug store of Chnrles Lovnn k Co. is always
thronged with enstotnetp. People eennot full to be
suited there-441 Penn street.
BUTOIIEIIINO.—Tho season for killingiput•
ting up and salting down mammoth porkers,
is now going °Whereabouts, and those who
have. fostered, fed and fattened tho hog kind,
are busily engaged in storing away safely the
reward of.their prudence and foresight. An
abundant' supply Of sausages,_ scrapple,
shoulders, hams and pudding, creates eom•
fortablo contemplations around our winter
Brt.strato toy books for Christmas presents. oat
bo had at the ROILS bookstore.
&melons CHARAOTERII.—Thero are
several suspicions characters prowling about .
the city just now, ivho don't seem to be en
haged in any particular business, and who
ave taken quarters nt several 'hotels, stop-,
ping only a a time. They must have
some motive in changing from one place, to
another, and landlords sliould keep a sharp
eye on them. . Several boarding houses have
been robbed nt Harrisburg and Pottsville
lately, and just such men have been Rasped
ed. If these strangers cannot give a satis
factory account of themselves they should
be made to de it.
• A srumna assortment of stationory can bo found
at tho &atm bookatoro.
Tin TURF.-1 1 0-morrow afternoon two
races wilt come ofl'at Einstein's Park, The
first trot will be between' "Gen. Genryi"
from Harrisburg, and iSeroggins," from
Carlisle, mile:heats, to harness, best 8 in 5.
The se,cond trot is to be between "Sassarac"
from Harrisburg, and "Johnny . Trouble,"
from the sam4 place, mile heats, to harness,
3in 5, The last race is •to ben, pacing
match between a sorrel horse named "Ken
tucky" and "Siranger," both from Harris
burg. Should the day prove flue,there . will
no doubt be an immense crow in attend
ance from this city and Harrisburg, to wit
ness the contests. This will close the trot
ting on the park for this season. It is very
seldom that so many good horses come to
gether at one time,
and the trotting will be
exciting throughou t, no doubt. All who
have a taste for the turf should not fail to
see the closing trots of the season between
these fast nags.
LAIIER I S PARX.—On Monday last, some' of
our German sporting fraternity met at the
Park, for the,purpose of having some sport.
Our host, Henry, had about a half dozen of
turkeyti running .about; . some agreed to
shoot at a mark, and others to play at cards
fur them ; and son happened that /3 —,
erfok player, soon won two of. the turkeys.
Certainly,.beer and wine did their duty, and
after late in the day, some tried to start for
home, others were not prepared ,yet ; though
at last they started, but ales! opo of
11- 7 —'s turkeys was missing. • Neverthe
less, bd shouldered the other,*and the party
left and went up Walnut street. On reach
ing the Herman Chgreh, said gobbler be•
c a w° gergeoeggahje b). flapping. his wingi,
and . drew the bearer down, which created a
good deal of fun for the rest. Finally, they.
got started again, and on reaching the ilq,-
ker Meeting /louse, they found to their
horror that the gobbler had beep /filled by
some ooe or she party. • '
The ee4 day, the gebblerwes Served to
the party e i a lutuba
814ent,Pitis.—On TussdaY> lett •
fire oceufted at the tosiieuce o r.,Bm: 8111 4,
in Washington Street below Fourth. A lit
tle daygbtar came' up-the cellar stair* with.
NIA In her hand, when a lot of 01(1;dd - thee
hanging there took tire.. h WM not disiov
ered until sometime afler,when it was found
that the drehad made considerable headway.
Everything being shut very closely, there
was no. air, and hence it burned Slowly, and
did, no further damage.
this eity. on the Ist inst., Damn
Mawr. sited 90 years and 23 dos.
The relativ es and friends of the deceased are re
sPeetfolly i nvited to attend his fimeral on Friday
afternoon, at l o'clock, from his late residence, 249
‘Vashington street, without further notice. Re-.
Bilious services In .the Ebenezer M. E. Church,
Fourth street, below Penn. Interment in the
Charles Evans' Cemetery.
RITTER.—In Exetet, on Decemberlat, Jong D.
Rirrsn, son of Isaacs Bitter, deed, aged about
r 4 • Years.
Funeral from hla late residence, at 10 o'clock.
A. M.. on Monday, December 7th, to Proceed to
84:thwarzsrati Church. which the friends and re-
Wye., nre rovectfully invited to attend.
illi MAIIIIIiii:
llgAnixo. Dcc. 3. 1863.
Ix Pitiladelphia,lho money market presents no
material change front the prevailing dame which
has characterised its principal features for want'
days past. Capital is in abutidmit, supply to Meet
ho wants of borrowers by cell loans on stock col-
Morels from 6 1 / 1 10 7 per cent. There is vory little
now mercantile paper being created in the preseitt
apathetic condition of trade, and the !United
amount of first-clam obligations'which find their
way upon the street aro taken at from 9 to 12 per
cent., with exceptional sales below our lowest
quotations. Tho banks aro discounting to the ex
tent of their means; and capitalists are more dis
posed to neeopt satisfactory paper, The rem ittan •
ces from the country aro extromly light, and
among the wholesato grocers and dry goods job
bing houses, there tiro many complaints of the tar.
(Mess with which the proceeds of their sales come
The Stook market was dull end fooble yesterday,
as will be goon by a glance nt the transactions. (ley !
ornment and State Lenns were inactive: City el%
new. were steady at, um% fur the now and 100 for
the old issues..
Reading Railroad - elased at 49%—a deolino of %;
Pennsylvania Railroad was also a lower._ Caw=
- - - • •
den anti Amboy Railroad Fold at EN—no dhange;
57 mu bid for hlinehill Railroad ;55 for Lehigh
Valley Railroad ; 34 for North Pennßylvit3la Rail
road; 344 for Critawigsa Railroad preferred; and
2511 for Philadelphia and Erio Railroad.
MATnJO in Wall stmt. Now York, continuo
very quiet. The Erie litigation has ceased to have
an influence, but there is a disposition on the part
of capitalists and speculators alike to await the
opening of Congtes.s and the developments of the
annual reports, beforo embarking largely in now
Buskonff & Bro.: tankers, No. 16 North 6th street,
Quote as follows
MAWS% Dec. 3, 1868,
Old U. 8. 6's 1881 - - - • 11.*4
Old U. B.6's 1862 - f' - - - 110),I
New U.S. 6.20'5, 1861,Jtily and Jan. - 107
Now U, 8. 5.20'5, 1865, May and Nov., - 107 1 4
New U. S. 1865. new • • - - 110
N. U. 8, 6-20'51867, July and Jan. -11 T
Now U. 8. 5-26 es, 1868. - - - 110
Ten-Fortylionds, - - - - 1054
Vold in New York up to 12 o'clock, - - 135/s
Gold in Readingdt Diiiiliong & Dyes., .s. 131
--- .
Wit ran report quite n brisk trade in the grain
and flour business of our city. Tho demand is
mostly thOugh for home trade, and purehasora
buy in sniall lots, thinking that flour will decline
before long. Ail around us flour is coining down
in price. At Allentown It has declined 52 on the
barrel. Our prices it Heins are as firm as a rook,
but we' hear of
. parties who Intend to purchase
their flour at Lancaiter, and when brought here,
with the freight added, will be nitleh cheaper than
wo now quoto flour in this city. Our mills are
miming on full time, and millers aro not afraid to
nectimittato - lots on hand. Even if there is a de
cline., the tionr now manufactured by thorn, can be
sold nt a profit, ng they limy wheat at the same
Prices as millers do who soil cheaper, We now
pay $l3 per barrel for white wheat; while at Lan
caster it can bo bought for 8124011 50:
White Wheat per t 1)1 * 813 00
Boal 6( ' Bitra .'aniily por R 1
I, 12 1
60 00
•_ .
Corn Chop (old) 133
" (now) ` ' - 1 10 0
•Cca'n Old ) 10 , ‘... • ' 1 3
• ow) 110
Best t n ithilings A 130
Common 100
Bran • 40
Corn meal 150
PAYING "'tunes.
White wheat 2
per bushel 2 10' 00
Corn (ohl) . • 115
Corn (now) ' ' 95
llousexusexas and others will bo pleased to
. that there is a considerable deeline to-day in
the price orcoal, !Vito price of egg, Otero and
brokh, theie is a i'coline of 25 and 50 cents; Nut
,hfw Come down rio, coats. Pea, 25 cents.
. Thus far this year the Reading Railroad Com
pany has transported to market over their lincs i
tkroo millions Piz hundred thousand tons over the
amount transported in the same time last year.
With the increase of freight now in force mut the
increase in quantity. the stockholders of the corn ,
pany may expect quite a handsome dividend in
January next.
A Boston piper Pays : "During tho past ton days
at least twenty-fivo large schooners from Port
Richmond, Philadelphia, Elizabeth City, and other
coal-shipping ports, have arrived, loaded with
some teti thousand tone of stove coal, to fulfil tho
orders of &stens in Boston, Charlestown, Chelsea
and Camliridge, d{M• contracted them, it is
said, at a low figurit some months since."
'filo7o, Egg lind Broken Cot&" t 7 2540 00* ton
Nut, • - - - - 0 25
Pon, - . • • 300 IS
Bittupinoui Coal. - - - 25 cts.ll bus.
Tux loather business of our city continuos brisk.
there being a demand far all the leather our tan
neries are able to turn out. Several largo orders
have boon filled on Monday and Tuesday for Phil.
. F
Lihirtoia—liomlock Sole, ifi lb 3103:kt
, ...4 41@Mo
" - Ilarnom ' ..
Calf Skin. ' " 4644100
1 25@1 80
II VPPOrg .. iCK47Oo
IS Kip ' .
Burrsn'—Fresh dot*, It lb 1.1 60
Lump; 40
Onxitsf--Cheese* lb„ 2022
—Lard 24
. .
Hons—liggs i 4 dozen. i 40
ArrLns—AP IP pock. 20@30
, Dr yd *A quart, , Itl
Pszonss— ' lb t t., 20
MsAT—lleefsteak, round 13 p'...,
.., 2O
sirloin, : 31 . •
0. 41
. • rump, l
a. '
" ilea* roSst, —is.
I. • Reef dried 11, .
. 0..20
" Voig cutlet's. . 23
etrOps, 4, 16
" Murn, 14 16@20
4* rnr !. ' 18020
I stetik,. 20
eautige fresh, " y 5625
"• , , oupok.ed. l'
Hot—Rawl . ..
• ' : Nloi , , If,. }
. ill ~ . ,imi .
10141 — ... ,_
i . i , irotlyterrir.mir•ver ,
'OVNIRV I 4bIOkeIIi laire, . "
7 ig
i .
dressed, , .
1 ? ttrkies live, " 5..„...".:;...:„.4.,
dressed, " ~....... l i t l
•." 011iekens live per pair ' '6OOl ' ,
~ . ,
yvial,?iis le bsi}el / ,
• , ,
. 8g
, * '4.11.4)4 1 11i 1 6 0 i.
"47641111-14:7) " •
(„ Oat y Atolls
101 8.11. n tts ,
aura; 9 botai *nu 19 minute, .1. 1 • •
W Oak of a* .12 o'd. ck , •
:.--eksiidy. •
- A.ll.
Monday. ; , 89 4 • ,
Wedcwitisy, • IV
Thanda*. / a* - •
• • •
nOtita that, tho work of
repaving the iidowalks is going forward.
Go on in t o good work, -
Cutter Etroutpt.—Col. R A. :Mimi, of
the Liberty Dire Company, ennui to be tip ,
Med upon as the nowt Chief Eueineer..
Loox Our FOR THEM.—New counterfeit
two-dollar ,billa on the Sixth Nntienal bank
of , Thiladelphia :.ore in eireylation. They
are very poorly executed and Oa easily be
detected. '
EVRRYBODV goes to (Index .1,01111 k Co.'d for
their dry goods-411, Penn street.
-1-----o ,
SeAare F6YER.— . We learn that this dia•
ease is pr . evailing to some extent among the
children In tho upper part of the coonty. It
is of rather malignant type s hut thus far, has
been treated by the physlculns with success,
SUDDEN DEATII.-Mr. George ?Munich, for
n►nn years 'a conductor on the Philadelphia
and Heading Unilroad,died very suddenly at
nis residence in Philadelphia, on Tuesday
evening. Mr. Minnie!' was well known'
O'whSturr.—On Tuesday last., W. P.
Classier of this city shot an owl, in llern
township, which measured three feet .and
seven and a half inches oxor the wings. Ha
brought it to this city, and it can be seen at
Obediah Koller's Salon - in Penn strept l,
between Fourth and Fifth. •
A emostrY.—Mr. Andrew S. flossier,of
this c4y, has received from Mr...l)avnl
lievnolds, of North Carolina, a curiosity,
in the shape of .a bitlith of swamp moss,
such as droops from the .branches of thq
trees in the swamps in ( that State. It is (11
feet. long. •• It ehn be seen at his barber shop
in Penn street, below Vourth.
ERDA Y was one of the shortest of the
twelve short days of the year. The sun set
at 4.28, and will continue setting at that
time until the 14th, whoa the days_length
en.—State Guard of to•day.
Neighbor, you aro wrong. The shortest
-of the twelve short days ot the year,' 1868,
will be on the ?Ist of beceinber.
4 Pon CLINTON IrEms.—Our Pori Ciinton
correspondent gives us the following items;
Rev. rh Zweizig of Reading, delivered
an excellent sermon bust Sunday evening,
and was listened to by A large audience. •
The measles are prevailing hero among
the children• no enso proved fatal so far yet.
Fochtthee, merchants, dissolved part
nership, and business will be carried on
hefeafter, by J. D. Focht.. Rseowrin.
Mesoxic.—The election for officers of the
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A. Y.
held at the Hall, Chestnut street, Philadel
phia, resulted us follows ,
R. W. Grand Master, Richard Vanx; R.
Deputy. Grand Master, R. A,Lamberton.
11. W. G. Senior Warden, .Samuei C. Per
kins. B. W. G. Junior Warden,_ Alfred R.
Potter. R. W. (1.: Treasurer, -Peter Wil
liamson, R. W. G. Secretary, John Thom•
tm. Trustees of the Girard Lodge Charity
Fund—Joseph S. Riley, Jacob Londeiudager,
G. Grissom, John Wilson,,Sr., D. Drittain.
Trustees of the Girard Ilequest—llon. Daiil.•
- M. Vox,, Samuel 11. Perkins, James Hutch.
inson, Chas. M. Prevost, George Thompson.
The (Akers elect will be installed into
their respective positions at the annual ses
sion, to be held on Monday, December 28th,
When the Grand Master ivill make his up.
polutments for the year.
RECORD Youn DEEDS.—Wo have no doubt
that many persons in this county are holds
ing unrecorded deeds which it would be
well for them to have recorded, as directed
by the.. provisions of an act of Asiembly
which requires that "all deeds and convey
ances for real estate in the Commonwealth;
shall be recordedin the office for recording
of deeds in the county where the lands lie,
within six months 'after the tizenution of
such deeds and conveyances, and every
such deed and conveyance not recorded as
aforesaid, shall bo judged. Vrwdtdent and
void against any subsequent purchaser for a
%%Webb) consideration, unless • such deeds
be recorded before the recording of.the
deed or conveyance under wiiich such sub
sequentpurebaser or mortgages shalt elaim."
Tins is a very impudent notice, , and these
holding unrecorded deeds will see the in
portance of baying theta ' recorded without
further delay.
BALTS.—Tho First diand Citizens' Dress
Ball of the Liberty Steam Fire Company,
will take place at Aulenbach's Hall, on
Christmas Eve, December 24th.
The ball of the Young hien'a Assembly of
this city, will take place at Aulenliach's
on Saturday evening, December 26th.
The Leesport Band will have a grand ball
at the hotel of Jonathan Hartman, Ricbland,,
Lebanon county, oil Friday evening, Decom.
lber 11th.
The Mechanics' Brass Band will give a bal
at the public house or Charles Gechter, it
Exeter township, on Saturday c4ening,. to
comber 26th.
Harmony Ammbly of thin eitymill give
their ball nt Aulenbach's Mil, on December
The Neversink Active' Association of this
city, will give their First Orand Party at
Aulenbachs Hall, on Wednesday evening,
Decembei oth. •
A LA Mono.--The. latest style of ladies'
dresses is surprising if not, beautiful. Just
imagine, you who have never seen the latest
style of walking dresses,' the picture of one
of the old fashioned mothers of the past gen ;
erasion,` with frock '
looped up, on wash
day ready for practice on the kitchen piano,
and you have the "stile" for youtig ladies
of the present day. The:only differencels '
the ancient dames tucked up the whOle
dress the modern belle has a lot of extra
"bagging" to imitate it, hanging on behind.
Ono of these fascinating ereatnres thus ar
rayed, with a pair of high heeled .booti to
throw her head forward about a foot so as: to
give her the true 'Grecian Bend," outvies
Solomon in all his glory. %icy this cur •
vilinear thing promenading. the side walk
with one of the stilted young Adonisea, with
tight pants, short coat and delicate 'little
cane to match; and you have p, p a ir that will
beat the "what is it" or tI;Q 4tee childron
all hollow,
917A;4TT Awl quigttityArp the two dosiraMe Ott
teudaote of •"Barrait's ieuetable noir ]tosara
tivo.'l Tile bottles are either -oorked thimbles.
nor the preparation mot
worthless conippund ot
deleterious - miner**. its lias been pnwed b 7 the
Award Committee of , the N. State Airrionlinral
ERCiel.f.--Dover Japairer. ' • • npy,3o4q.
Anygwrzep .
the • . •
lOportilt ' by .74A RNA* Allorney
lair, Ott) Oi!trA Street
vitlimsruoiVz—iiki•trilii•Xt.' •
Catherine LAI teher vs. Peter Marshall
and Adam L. fisher, guardians of minor
children of David 14. Maher, dealted,
JidtPClBtlo.': This.was an adieu of kteet•
aunt to reedVer the'possession of 10 acres
of land in Deidelberg township, claimed •tly
tho parties under separate titles. The trial
rebutted, this Thurstlay morning, in a verdict
for tho 'As the details'of Oda sage
are somewhat lengthy and intricate, a report
Of the same is deferred until to•ntorroi. AY.
R,\ Livingood for Oft GoNltuari and. . - S.
ltiehards for deft, • •
2 P. IN
61 4
' 31a'
Jacob Ahrens ye.' Statidt'a Perry Bridge
Co. 70 April T. 1801.' This wes au getion
on the case to recover the sum of sleloo, the
contract price for rebuilding the Steudt's
'Ferry Bridge over the Schuylkill River in
Bern township. The plit'offered in evidence
the sealed contract between the partieS,whieh
wets objected to by the defence at iitadmis•
siblo inthiS form ofitetion,the propr.ferte be
ing covenant. The counsel for tho pat then
took anon-suit, with leave to move to bake
it off in order that the legal question may be
more freely investigaed . hereafter. J.
S. livingood and F. - L. Smith ,for Ed
win Shelter and .1. S. Richards for deft.
- - - - - - - -
thItUCR: Ruth vs. PithOlC and Pitts.
Gold Oil Compn4, 129 April T. 18(7.
Referred tinder A,et of 1705 to Geo...F. liner,
Henry Rhoads and Edwin Slialter i Esfe.
W. 11. Livingood for Of., 3..8. lliehards tor
deft's. - • 1
Samuel Wortz vs. Abrahaint - 4. ,Kissinger t
continued .1) apidication. und at eNs *of
_Three remained open upon the List
aftertho of the above, nonb of
which wero ready,lor trial before co•morrow
morning, and ki) Court then adjonrned un•
tit 101 o'.eloek'A. M., 'on Vrittay.
Tilt: TRIAL, or gliSintir.
In tho U. S. District Court, bean lndg
Cadwalder, the ease of George W. Alexan- .
der, charged with 'removing . or aiding in'the
removal of whisky fraudulently, or with con•
coaling it'qvith fraudulent intent, was re•
sunned yesterday. Testimony was heard for
tho Government,:the object of which wai . to
corroborate the statements of David C. Rel.
ler and _Tobias Dart°. Several witnesses
testified to the construction of n-reservoir at
the rectifying hone f Keller as n recepta•
'de of contraband whisky ; also, to a visit or
visits to by George -W. Alexander,
and an inspection of the reservoir by him,
which they said was eight feet deep, and was
under the floor of the rectifying' house. At
the time of oho of the defendant's visits it
was about twothirds full.
Jos. G. Holmes testified that Ito was a Oo
vernment ' sterekeoper at Keller's distillery
in March, 1808, and saw the reservoir con
structed under the floor of ' the rectifying
house. : The whisky that was in it when
Alexander visited the !duce, had beon'hauled
fraudulently from the uistillory of Keller's,
the tax' not having'becn paid upon it. On
the cross:examination ot. this .witness, ho
said that be had not Made a report of the re
moval of this whisky' fraudulently to his su
perior Officer, and the reason was that the
assessor (Alexander) and the assistant asses
sors, had a knowledge of it, and they were
all his superiors.. The oath ho had taken on
entering upon his duties was what is , knoWn
as the "iron clad ;" be had no recollection
of taking any oath to faithfully perform . his
duty. Alexander had told witness to show
Keller all the chance he Could, as he had
been in the army and wee d good kilo*.
Keller had told him, on one occasion, that
hp had paid money to Alexander,- and wit
rim saw-Alexander soon after. in referemie•
to money duo to Holmes. Alexander ad:
witted that he had money, but, said he want
ed it to pay a debt of honor. •
Lewis h. Assistant Assessor in
the Eighth district, was ,sworn. (Returns
made by Keller to this witness of the product
of' the still were produced, and Meitell said
that node of them : had been liWorn to.]
- About tho ldth of -April svittletoi'.iient to
'Reading, and called at the offlce . dr Assessbr
Alexander, who invited bins privistdly . into
his room, and asked hini ithe swore Keller
to'hikreturns, and said he need not do,somi
'it was not necessary. By direetion ofthe de
fendant,. in February he. vtsited Keller's
place, frOrn 8 to 11 o'clock 19 fluidityl'et that.
'time a return of but ten bushOit it/la./nada
by Keller,
On. the.cross-examinatiootsiOidsv. it was
read to the Witneis beadqg Itigfultnee in.
-whichlt was deposed that 'theltasealser htut
told bins to go to 'Kelfel-,Tdistillery every
day and make a faithful whet •he
saw, end' ho was aisked,'lf 4'ss true Or
false, anti be, replied, that hit
.00t1,Unt toll
anything about it, he didt4iinow whe
ther ho had' sworn to the IcOntetitii. or ndt,
but his signature was to it; unirhit might
, .
have done so. ",: •
The defence was-open4,llf.the afterndeti
by Mr. - iloirma‘whn . Balo that Oey'' . o:xpeet
ed to sho' w that lic:witnelises
ernment bad Ma O. difterent•ltatepients nt
41ifferent tiniesAnd4ere unwdrthy of belief;
that the prosecution against Mr. Alexander
was Lot commenced until ho had proceeded
again , his prosecutors for conspiracy to
move hint from office, and to, blacken his
character; and, in addition, it . would be
shown that he bad borne an irreproachable
John 11, Jacobs, of the Ilcading,llar, was
than called as a witness,.. and testified to' n
visit ho and another friend, of the defendant
paid to'Keller, the chief Government Wit•
ness, with a view to . ascertain it the reports
circulated in reference to Alexander were
true; .and said that Keller then denied that
ho had made any charge against the 11581)8-
nor, or that he knew of anything improper
on his part; though he did sarthatthe aSsis•
taut assessors, Groff and Morritts, wore iM
plicated in the frauds, . •
The friend who accoinpaitied Mr. Jacobs
testified to the same effec'
- A witness was noiv exiiiiiined to show that
the largo \ reservoir at Keller's rectifying
house had 'been made and placed in position
without any•nttempt to conceal it, except
that it was floored over and a door cut in the
cover to•enable the whisky to ho easily taken
from it.
The defence put in evidence the written
testimony of l3arto and ICeller, as given he.
fore U. S. Commissioner Smith.
The We was not concluded at the - 10-
journment.—Phila. Ledger,of !o•day: •
From Vottotwille—tinny Dead Hind
Murderer Iny lug.
Weds' to 1).411,i EAGLE r
Porrsvu.i.E, nee. 24,4868.
Duffy, the man who was Shot; by Threoll
pa Thanksgiving clay, died yesteklay. Pur
cell, the assassin, lies in jail, and it is thought
will, not live long. He has an attack .of
mania (train.
D est V 404611 of_tbitatitttle—iii Dippots
eottot Cloattii4l
- YORK, Duo. 2.—Nothing
blackened walls .of old' Fort 1 4 afayette are
new standing; but the destruction paused
by the conflagration, it is uuderitood, if the
fort is not entirely febuiN will speedily,
repaired. One of tbe engtaora lives it'as
his opinion that bad tbe. Haines reached the
npOlUiee • tieckily . Oiery 'ens,' at or aliQut
1 4
Rohe, Headache, Rheumatism, calda, Limas,
tits,' - asitll aoute - -, -
_ , ~,.,, , 4
To iallerhia !Minim ox'ttrectits'ettout4 oottigtvt4 trip
tilArst elm (4 tho I uo.plilloettlibur.-1,11 . 41. 0 0 11 4 bit
m e3 ,o i n otir mrUtlfkilmk***93. isebitimi,.fetoirlotoi . .
tho 111111(1400u of chloroform and rlitcf l 0 047;0. VA" - 1
con+oo o %tt noon (1111kull surgical operaltoat, • .
- --Y.
• ' ' SAYRE'S . . , ji .:_-' - N
• •,. , - -• Ulle i
will.nomplll,ll hi gimp% opplleatt",l • - <!- A,
• 114 effect ix porfrfily it'
entirely harnile44 m ha as applleatio tothochild 4it
tler ago al to tlio adult. Tliousanibt of tayvetcily mono tato
lay that 1111 14 hotictt in,buttt tad lioyotyl 10 Ord rikv,i'svlr
!net 4 applirationot tlin * turt . , vtlll;i , ottsrlgeit tu 41
sk4tlct tintteretottt4 tntts,lntracttl9tiot
To Produce its. Equal. •
Nofamily that once berotAcAsti#oo)lb4l
.•-• with ils virtues 16in be itilbblii;i4l‘ , ..
Price 11001. 841 by all biu46l4:
E. P.IIBI4LER tic C 0,,"
• Bole Pit:pridel.4ll4d" Ito Pa,
Bee what J. A. Dudley.oye, 00481.01 'ilea!
icy Stafford, one of tits nest lintitmottl.
eeta & blshmentkin thia country ' • ,
O. 69 EintiFsan tir.,'Nent
• Jetultry 6,
Jr On., 'Reading, Pa. , - ear Sire
ft Affords am Ocuar° to iron of the tw—
eifeCte of your ' Pain Cure, , in rytornomo. la
Juno last, I yras attaokod outlast*. Ili Ant
abdomen and side A ft er statig as intontel o te
nearly two wools% I was lipluoodle try lent:, we
dy, and after al. application. to ,04" uttetitt) .s,
I-waa telioved row seconde.. po 1-1 ,4 1
the tenor that I koan3ol DON IS Al
senses. From tny know edgo of the iittpars On
Ormly bellove that It will stop nom stir'
(ivory cause add almost inplontlyi .k 7 •
Itospeotrulovor h
Of the firm of Dudley &jZitaffCd . d,tiVjteltiWnttgo
.t• • • •
litEA RL i
, .SO AT •,'.
TRI: Cill'NST, AM) .ftwtrrifigis
ALL punposhB _ ,
.LO2ll 'XV.SP .
111 bl GANA T Ahi /4110 A 2 , 1 . Wit P., COM PAN t•
take pleakuro In Informing the Page; f ril l
ao . vleinityl (but 'more' pertioui rY , - • IgO4
lloustekeopers that they are mon tUrtlitr al.
introducing a oap euber/oe to IN 9 :#llOl',lLes
foliowing puryor_ose . 2 i _. _ _ ___
PlrT—For Olearting Paha, Wood -work, Iv..
bl IE' 4 I ND—Por Oletiiitog :filil tillihiiiir;,sit Alio
Caine tlttle) Metals of au tteaOtiti Out.l • ' ' :- ,`,
frousekoeverrean at once set t o ereatir.
Sage or thin, as It t h e entirely grreoeasorytditO AI
i i
he otororo Polising Po`miets; Prick littit; sa.t,
A es. &o: &O. •
BIRD-4 o . Palm or Vktti..esit. Mediil ,
Is ore there ate' any meurit eiforgal a tiptin t ini
bomb, such as Paifit, Grease orsinyklndiPtiphiro
Ink, &e &0., • • •• • • .• • - ' , 2 .
TOMAH and last—Por the thoistitutr 004
other purposes for • •Whieh soap le in 'aOluiltOtitleve
and which it is impossible to entuneeatli at tali
• DITIOtta nil% USINCI 11Ride PIAIOIO4II' ~,
l'i tt
fei 4fte and every purpoau a b ovo Me tr'l 0
be tin In tha same manger as h 0704 Aklith
this exception, that It only rower , u 1 .. F
th am punt or OUT NCIIIII to tocoplp lent a aamkte•
Butts .as others, and ONB • Ti11R of chi TISA
an LABOR caved,
WANTRD. cam Arepts to MOM, Oft
btaiitifricturcii Ecchistrety by the Or+ol:4lluSit
Sop (b.,10.3 Arch Street, Philaqe(phia.
It Altlt I 0& 0 0 . , Froptletpre. '
4 43
• Ahr BAKHOLDER A NADitiikA; 'OM - Oft
and Washington Streets. Sole Alfertir' Or ')} tea WI 4 ,
'no Soap Is now offered to the Puhito it the tol4
lowlog titores :
4tauffer & Shenfelder.' • YOOll 4 lignerint.
A. Figtelger, 'He lob & Ettini a , ~
J. it IS, Saylor. E. . IDiteter s . ' , i
BT 1c tioone, , • ' IP B; Biebthojrn i ,' ':•-v
D. K ober , II Innoratatig 4 Llobp,"
J. nndore, _ • C. lietreltlnseri • •
4. Swgilt. - - P. WI 4904.
P. e or k Bro.
T . 141111debefteii
T. , RUM,
D. nomfnia..
P Doh atf ,
w. Boyer.
00t.17-Iy , •
HASSON it ItioLAli t :- ''•
- P•LITMBERS, I. ., •
GIAS, AND STEAM(' • I. lo.lll**liii.
Ani:ltanuraourers of ~
PIPE RAILikO ..0441'04Y
. LOTS,- &o. `! •
lia 1 1 4411ri1Umovsvern fitaarT 4
000 . mo. __ •
from the Hereto*, Dattaiii to
the pewsod elegept etoro p. ,
. 1
NO. 411 rim siO
e' iirist;c.l.'t.
Where cwt.:mere will And !volOristrittfteek Of the
beat tori Purest ' I
ever Were() 10 th hitps, .6f iftr f lik
proof. of the above UV „_14151g„ I %ill .
lhare of p.atroruigelligniOlita. r AVB. A W•
torrahr.or‘sistir I 'rixiirflwrvillmiq I I
• CANDIES! •• "",
• 'CANDIES ; ;
ItEA ° :'
• .8
, : P. ,
At Ire; 107 mr.rsie
1014Tal)Readkii."• , ; • I.4 ! ;:f q. •
t o g a preparia d t i tei9Vap l 4, 1 1 44ti o n
ali kindrof platn and 11444,1.6 .
atipipkyal i t dayon o?astotl7; cgs , .1.
ryAND PEN OLDS* et.,pi6_, " fiAt
et adigerent poky. fousoot Aw - alwr.
um* t'
iI itO CGD
Or Ij4
J. 11 ,
b r 'er . - ' ."
' ;-,
J t
1 fa. .. f, ..!-,:.
J. lfg&
, ott 4r. ilohlor., '