Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 03, 1868, Image 1
II TUE DArta l t 4 '.: G rusiannm . (t 3514,41 ifteiloted) . ,\ AT TO 01210111 OP Tina UADUW ADLER, NO. sin vim wraitir. p Ti k e Be:LIM DAILY RAQLI Win 14611%111404_40 ohsartbers to the et tott 0101111119111 WIRE. TO s a m b sa ribers at olear.priLile *wo g ...t• be veld for tar ly , ln safjokoc .Al d a s eapapiii be et ii to 0449 tem or nprosig priber ''Forteentqletatevu tothetsenoil44 ' aroma 'mama Malla Roul. • IrgaaWg IS. RlTTint, .71113011 G. TIEWILTIY. 1868 FALL. MUCH & BROTHER, Ng* opened a Large and Selected Stock of ,NEW GOODS! ♦t Patio Rows NO. 548 PENN STREET, READING, PA, or ben a. COLIKIIto Ostler. 1111 M Their Stook Of NEW FALL 'COOPS! nolooted is **City of New York, and ki disposed of at prices far be• low those of any other es• tablishment in the City, • ildndtinen' • Clothing made to order. Bois' (nothing oopit Andy on hand and wads to order. The Stook of Fuiiishitig Goods Is decidedly the but and most eitensive in the 04. Call, see end Nutley yourselves. , The mere het of haring the services of the cele brated setter. Mr. Levi (1. Coleman, I. suMelent suaraatee that all primate will be snide up In the hest style and latest fashions, Remember BITCH &, BRO.'S Headquarters of Fashion I NO. US PENN STREET, READING. • Portico Row, OURINTIAN ItITTHRT NUINN :BLOOD -PURIFIER) tlelp under t)te wean of "IfFIDTHIVI3 tete. M valuable &Watt rowdy at th e' .04e" CLOTHES WRINGERS, STEP, LADDERS, ' ALL WARRANTHD. Al°l6ilGrHT'S HARDWARE STORE `- ThIRD AND PENN SM. D AILY PAST FREIGHT . LINE DETWININ ELUDING AND NEW YORK MORRIS AND ESSEX RAILROAD. tures F e ral*" a i tt o. tn. and 6W ' York at 5:20, 130 II Wl* for New York at Reading p►elicit I eige_,e before 2 teolock.p. m j , Or for Read- Ace rooter Dareles sireet.• New Yotir. before 4 • "P• li i motill be delivered at ether Rolotarltli- Cut testi ment. F. HALLIDAY. Con Freight Agent, M. & B. U. L R., . RADOM /m R id Agent. M. kD. IL .. Reding. not 8.3m0s ttbt ,*t. ti 4 ~ 1868 111 MI MI ~ • t. , . - 1• , . .. . . ' ~, • q : fr • _ . • , .. , . • 1 - 1 i'• V • • . - , 1 I 1 . . . • , . _ . . 7 , 6 . '1 : : : 11 , ~,.. fr _ ' • _... , - •••• ........,..___,,.,.......,........ • ' ''. '. ..,', .;• ;••. • 1 ''• • • '• ,i , i Altri'S. 4 4 0 ••." ''' ' • ~';'• ,'. •'••• ~ ' 1 •' , , 4,4 I v 41: ~,, ,' ' ,Tt,-.• an..,..,, ,,,,„ ). . 1, 0 •'. tAm.'„••••j i . . .••• .5.., A , ~ ~ , . ~.-:-. . . . : , ~,. •, • • •I 1 , 41 • - , ell ~ • • • . . • , ..,•:. .„ . 'f'l7 .• 4: '. , .... lqr , , •.. • , , , , i IL I • • . 'II:) . ' ' /i't ~,, - • ,; f Y . . • ;, ',. ...- virlj. ttp . . . , 1 . ..... N ..... k .. ~. "kit. , 4 1 46 0;14:1, . 4 14 4 1014 A" _. . . , r ':: :. ' I ' ' . ' .....'. 1 V 1 : ttu 11i t .......5 . , : 0 . ti, ' l :; . '' r i .., ..'• -- ~"..). ',:.- ;) ';'''.. ' . . . . , =I VOL 265. PAOIRESSIOWAL. WILLIANI:111. OUGLIVINA, . . . ALDRILVAN AND ArranNirA r LAWN 0111 lee 614. Court Street, On be eonealtesl In &11f& and Qinnen.,' 0et.144:n REMITIR. MEM O ATTORNBY ATIZAW. OMNI. 29 NORTII EtIXTU STREW. READING. . Oot 28. TWIN W. 1110K111114" ATTORNIT AT LAW. Oilloto-Loner .Bullttlims, (Ist tool., back.) No, .1(10 centre street, Pottsville. ilsi.can b e , oonsulud the german lanIUM4). mart 11114411114 1111 1 10KNIRs__ATTORN117 NP 00UNPULLOR AT. LAW...OIIIoe: X? 6 ,0 utt Qt.. UMW ailth3RIADlll 11114 WOMAN W. 1111AleIt o • ,ATTORNEY . AT LAW, . • RUT:pill°, PA. 0111011 t No, 840 Court Strut. (ap its irc) 11 ar. XAGLID, • , PHYSICIAN. M. Ell Pension Si/rigou r ), 140 Penn StretitAendins, Pa. If ' Ogles hount-12 to 2p. m. 6toBv. m. • . E HAWLEY, t J . 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, OM" No. 40 (r and IlOor,) Noah Sixth BUM. marly oppolts the Court Houle. nosding. • Jan. 28- L OVIS 1110111AIRDA, >, • , ATTORNEY AT L AW. QM oci N 0.630 Court stre et. over the oaks Oflohn H. RiohOde, EN.' ' feb6- DR E. NONE% SURGEON DENTIST, OFFICE -dig Penn 'Street. Readlair, Pa. Lirites the pnbilo to Cali spa examine his new Olin for extracting teeth without pain. AU oiler atone in the profession neatly executed and charges reasonable. ap2s D R. A. iltaltil, : - • DENTIST, . • Oftice—No 6 , North Fifth Rt., .liendlosr, (MIXT DOOR TOtr. &BELLY% 9UOI STORM.) i t P Mettler attention paid to outing Mimeo of tbe outh and thims, suohAs Scurvy. Preternatu ral rowth of (lame, Alvgolar Abscesses. (Memo of t e Alveolariprooess. Ohmura Palates. and 1111 diseases to which the molth and gums are sub eat. • Teeth oxtraoted without pain. and inserted on alt material used by the Profess[ P on I Oleo hear., from 7A. M. to 7 P . M. : . , . 34 • -- BOOTS' , AND SHOES FOR THE PEOPLE. THE'BEST AND OHBA:PESTI REINHOLD & ,SOHOENER No. 41 North Sixth Street, READING, PA. 1119 SUBSCRIBERS HAY JIIST EBTAI3- Beheld a first-class Boot and me-making Wah -1 mint and store at the above stated place, whore they 11 able to acgomtnodate customers with the host aroleo in their line bufliness, and at lower prices th an at any other lace in the city. • The following list of P. es Prilee eilre say: 1 en's calf boots. 00 an d99waribi. • en's klp hoots, WO en's 3forkipg shoes, 160 en's xretwit calf Congress gaiters, box toes, 300 en :s o4lllngrees gaiters. 226 en s almorals. / 200 en'? it ,P almonds, , 150 oys ma Balmoral., 1 160 oys' kip Balmoral'', • ! 126 oaths' kip Balmols,_ , 100 , Women's lasting hie Polish, 275 Women's Obngresstra Ora • to 260 Women's lsting Baimorais, i • 190 omen's Morocco Balmoral., 2 00 omen's Morocco shoes, • f a ' 165 omen's kid slip ere. . 65 . i ll lasting Polish,• 146 on s' tailors from 16 ota. to 76 oitt s' and boys' shoes from . 80 eta. to 00 lso. a lug e stock of notions on hand and for sale. The above prices are lower than at any other similar place of business in the city.. • . REPAIRING:. Particular attention is paid to all kindlof re pairing. REINHOLD & SOHCENER I NO. 41 NORTH SIXTH STREET, (*horn Tay Omni soma READING, PA. 1111 f .. )tl E E r N , ,OF E . _ , I\J . C. , L A N . p A SOA p u,.Ei. ti (~ ~ E i'.l C. 1. A'i ( t, l, A I • For doing a family wealth* in the beet and cheapest manner, Ouarantet4 °anal to any in the world lies all the ottenstli of old rosin soap with the mild an latheril w analities _of senuine Motile. Try le eplen 4 Soap Sold by the ALDEN CII ARKS. 48 North Front street, Phltattelphla• . an 7•6m0 A LBEDYLL & CALIGIN'S • - . ranting STEAM • SCOURING AND • DYING • t•STABLISHMENT, • 1141 Studle Helmuth• Xt., opposite Depot. , • 05lee in Reading, Pa. . Ofllees In Philadelphia, 510 Race Street. and 1 9 2 South llth Stet. • Encouraged by our sweets in our new method of foo urani and dyeing we bay. resolved too pen branch office it Rents, eta ritipeetthlty call the rAt t im ot the pno eto our above named Nub. "fiy ode prWat an 4 newly Invented machinery. we arp enabled to clean and dye noode la avert opener manner. 'Flo eve perfect fon. We clean and an Ladles'. fiesta' and Child ren's Intarments 10 out tales them apart or Wu.- fin them In the least, whether the colors' are At Mine or not. ourol • ns Is done In the ierybest maFter. Ind thk• s n all eases lilittheol off In.supe or style, • Motes. ustrielt reamers. 40.. cleaned at shout :toffee. sent VI-Brno-. NENtrSPAPrit A Wire ot . old numbs. MO; 0, mid at t 0 0., kohl chop. " 00011111911ATILACIULAIIIIISTA111011111 MAW 31111111101111111111ISTANCIR. • READINii; PA. I TILUNIDAY VENINtI, DECEMBERB, 1880, ITTER 4 CO., 1, , t botsellera, Stationers, DI ' - ih I 1 f t if PAPER OF EVERY OEM MON. Poo- rotiRANIALBUNN. P00KET800K8.4.0.4 • No. 851 Penn Streetl (Near Aurthq Rotas constantly on hand al On* and well seleot- •d Moak of MLWELLANEOIIB, 801100114,10 BLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND STATIONERY. such as Writing and Wrapping papers. Envelopes. Pens, Pencils, Ink, Slates, Copy BoOke,Paeo Books, ko,, which on boutht for Cub and will be sold on i f terms as Morale is those of soy otherbouse In the Oltr—we respectfully Invite Merchants and others who desire to mike putohuss In ourlhao to favor no with a oall 11. fore purobasingelsewbere. Order bi mati promptly and carjtilly STOVE g Tr l :T • • I ' c 1 1-77 T riri : i / Ni). 242 Penn Step Reeling • -The nt4weisned respectfully Invitee publig attention to hie newly invented fl eeter. named the • 1 nitTONE HEATER 11, BEST JIEATER EVER INTRODUCED. THREE. SIZES. • . ri It burns less Ooal. makes more beat. takes ttplees room. and gives better satisfaction than any, simi lar tnientlon ever in a rlueed u l: the public. The edva_ptege of t Is sup or eating appara7 tug will be fillip 110 mid by t e roprjetor. who lusranteis that he will be aide to satisry ail who give hint a call that it is superior to anyone inven ted The advantages are so manifold. and so easily comprehended. that it needs ' only to be seen kikconvince the mod :kept eel. In proof of this c tee tMliy refers the pu lio, by permission. to t to fo owing named persona who are now ado, those eaters: t ego. FRILL. Maa. .7. 871111110011. U D. masa. @JILL a Co., G. A. N 10110144 MINIM JOUNSON s Joint SiMisions. i f fr OSEIIIIOIItLY, 8111111111 ADAMS. W. lIIIITEIL. JACOB ICA Flf AN,Blandon. • Orphans' Home, Womeisdort. • Ile ilso Invites epeeist attention to the BEAUTY RANGE. Which b slate Improved, Superior Bente for rling W i rd fgr.rjoh h canes= le: A t i s tn o t i , l l l e s piCirlfel7 Vo. 42 8 Pon **tarot l'eter ti 'e, renklin Meet above /owe, end et other olecolt Paul:tutu attention paid to • . TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING. Plastic Slate Roofing. He exployu ion. but *Mal lieobaulerall zatrouiptly oteeutud,sud ri i *Ve• n { J 2 A A lat ti ' "Penn ut. AID WHOLL,AI,II DRAMS 111 ME , I ItEADIN I (}, PA. , RANGES, HEATERS. AND 11.11011110 INS IMIDIANR. Richard M./Oen ----* formerly of Alien- pare, town, at present serving in Company B, 2d U. S. Cavalry] sends the following account , . f his exPeriefice among tbe Indians to the Allentown Belly News: , , , Fear Mohurasox, Nasaesta, I November 6th, 1808. 5 My Dxs.a PASSIM 2 On our leaving Salt Lake Citylait Fall for this Post, I and three other Men from , my, Company were one 0 y sent out in pursuit of some deserter's, and ad orders as soon as we would catch one r all of them , to return upon the trail and f low it. rintil we would overtake our Company agaiMWe toek.bOt, two days rations with us in oni , aiersacks arid started right into the , Rocky i Mountains, but after a two days thorough search could nei, find anything, and; me to / the conclusicm 4) f , return to the Com ny. Aftdr descendint into the plains, on count of a largo prairi fire, we were cbmpeed to move in an entire opposite direction I ' hich wo should have i \F taken, and thus los i asks for several days 4 we were just then front half starved from hunger, not a singe game coming to dui View, by which we Vlore compelled ono ev'tt• .1 . .19 'rag, just from mere hunger, to kill ono of our • horses and ii 4" upon horse flesh until sh;ne game would turn up. IVhile getting our supper ready, it seems tome that 'a let Of Indians had espied our whereabouts, and all of a audden catte upon us, killing twat of my comrades outright and making me il!nd the rem . ining one prisoners. They. into O ded to sp re our Hveifor another opportunity, 1; intendi g to hair) a big war-dance as iooti as they would arrive in their village, and then proceed with' us as they usually do with their prisOners, that is, tie them to a stake and burn them rive. • Well, after tying our hands and feet to gether, they fastened each, of us upon a pony, and so we went on for two , days end tyro nights at the rate of about ' 19- Miles an hour. , I , was more than hnif dead after ar• rivingin the Indian Village, and was taken off by a dozen of the uklieat red skins that ow traveled on the prairies, After wash lug my wounds, which I received'froni the leather-straps with which I WAS tied,with salt water ; one of the Indians Chiefs,who spoke some broken English, had mo carried before him, and after giving several severe kielfir on my belly, which brought me to the ground of course, asked me whether I was a doctor or not. Well, thinks I, if a lie can save my life for a while, I might play a little doctor, and after giving him tonnderstand that. I was a doltor for all the soldiers around on the plains, he showed • me one of his iniys who had kind of a tumor on his back, . So I goes to work, pulled out my . poeket knife and commenced doctoring about the poor little Indian boy, and after about six weeks 1 1 was fortunate enough to cure him. From that time my life was saved, but my' poor comrade had to die: In spite of slimy entreaties to the savages in his behalf, they held, as • soon as the little boy had been• . mired by me, a big war dance, tied the poor soldier to a tree, piled a big pile of wood around him, commenced dancing, pulping and singing, shot an amountof arrows into his arms and legs, taking good care not to hit him otherwise, and finally set fire to the wood-pile and the poor, man was roasted alive. 'Oh, it was a horrible sight for me. and I wished that I could have gone , aside not to witness it, but the Indians had thrent• sued me to do the same to me if I ever, should try to escape from them, and thus calculated to scare me by forcing me to witness their proceedings. ' - . • • After all was over I was ehowu into a tent next to their Chief and told that I could live in their village, but was not allowed to go outside of their village; and altho ugh in ono sense free, I was, always kept under strict surveillance. li° Chief, who took a kind of liking to me, one day told me that I must dress like they did, paint sty face and body and become a regular bean, so 'I had to give up my clothing, was besmeared with color all over and dressed like they were. Nett day he brought two equaws l and told me that I must marry them,, and without much ceremony, talked soMething that I could not understand, but which ,Must bait), been meant for a wedding, sermon, andSo I was all at once made husband of two Indian ladles. Now I was in 's great fix I I bad 1R. 4 1 1 1 .not the least idea of ever' getting. married, and all at once becoming so to two dirty, lousy squawkilthwhotai could notconverse, and to whom I felt about the same aversion is I would to a dead carcass: How to get rid of them, was mt 'reit trouble for' some 117.131 r , us OM TRY one mum days awl nights; but no plan fit to bring into execution crossed my mind, and so I was compelled to play Indian husband for three long months. But I kept these two ladies on uregular war path, there was hardly a day passim; when I did not get up a fight between them,and such a scratching of faces, pulling of hair ) ; and rolling in the mud, you never got a sight of in your life. One day, while the greatest part of the Indians, under the leadership of the Chief were out on a buffalo hunt, ,my' - good or , rather, had luck wanted , it, that our, village was visited by a friendly .band of Indians, who were bound .for some other' hunting grounds. Of course I got accquainted with' some.of them, onefwhom f invited. into my household, and it did not take me a very long while to perau , rut whio de him to buy my two wives from t(l7 d I received opep ny and tivo ' 1 buffalo robes. 1 mu ob 2 serve that I wouldjust as Jove have sold ,them for nothing, lir, of c4nrso I took the, pay as it had been offered to me.. Thus I became a . ,hiPpy widower ! On returning, fro i m the hunt,:the' fi rat thingaomebntly bad to tell my Indian s Chief, was that thad sold my wives, and now you ouht to have wit: 4; what a scolding I r ceived from him. • nesse . 1 lie threatened that ho would have me skinned alive, have me knead all over and laid out on the prairie for the mosquitos And flies to torture me to. death,' a 4hipg that made me rather shudder, and I `was really afraid that he would , bring his tiltesti - into execution, and so I came to t pi conclusion that:l mustleave the Once as quick ea pos. Gible t and Provide*. favored me that night yet.' . • .1 i I . • i I , I had been their prisoner fer'ittearly eight 'months and neverlihw a white/ man since that time. . From . what I could understand from my captors was, that a lar e emlgrattt train was expected. Ito pass fo ' • Salt I Lake City, arid that they, the Intilans, contem plated to. attack the • train ' and If pitseible . tiptare it, and for ;which reason, in . order to Insure Success, every able bodied Indian; should participate. There was a good chance for me, now, and I calculated that if I could steal away from the village and•meet, the train in time to warn them . of the andel• . pated attack, the Indiana might easily be repelled. , . • It was a pit*, dark night, when I slipped from my tent, mounted a stout pony that I hdd already kept in readiness for this 'Min* eney, and off I went at lightning spied. I rode until about midnight,when to my great joy I could see camp fires in the distal:m(46r which I madt as fast astbe horse could carry me. Upon approaching the fire, the noise the galloping horse made 'aroused the song, nel, and' you may Imagine pleasure to see white faced and hear myself spoken Win good plain Pennoiltanin Wok. Although . still wearing the dress ofan Indinn, I easily made known the purpose I tame for, and was heartily 'welcomed' mid - congratulated upon my good cow.' 'Preperatiene were immediately: made and repel any attack , the Jed akin' under my old father-in-law might make, but probably owing to the discovery of my et; cape fine) them, they naturally ' must have . come to thq conclusion that I must have giv• en information to . the Whites, and for this reason they probably thought it wiser to stay where they were, and let their former brat& et-in-law rip. In conclusion I will add* that the emit grant train was escorted by a detachment of U. S. Cavalry, with which•l returned to this Post about three Weeks ago, where I found my old Company again, all ofathoM had formed an idea that I was dead and eaten up by eitherbears or wolves. - Eta lam here again, all well and in good apirita;and in fu ture shalt try to avoid meeting or making any too close an acquaintance With the In dians. • As you all are aware of .the length of time of my enlistmenktwo years out Of five Ire only - expired h And I will therefore have to serve three wore' years , before having the pleasure of seeing you again. I remain your affectionate) son, M. G. Company D, 2(1 U. 8. Cavalry, —Bill McDonald, colored, has been elect ed a justice of the peace in Smith county, beating-two white Radicals, who, are said to be much disgusted at the negrea toudence t , A donhie•headed negro ggirl is in Near Orleans. The two beads talk, with, each other, and as one possesses a septino, and the other a contralto voice, they sing duett nicety, •0 • • • ' • • li~lr; "w ` t l la4 a ar, w litsted a tl tokuumespol op mart Pa br Wry —Mrs.. street, Nei quantity o, maker. Tu( rested _ aU and asked (Or as tow minets'-itivalel:beNN accompanying the ofilemw. oho Igsaper• milted to rattle mi t failing tiOdni• •Pkt °f ceis. went up stairs tad ftesiStatta issa cut her throat with a mar suastrikdea4•4 • . „. t it iial —4 charter has been take oat, u.—torthto . ., `five railroad law, fora • tat Irak the Lebanctil Furnaces to Ate . weg' On Beaks, in Lebanon rxil, %irk • • 04 tit the 026** , 611 • .Rail 0041010 •, 6 officers Int the first - y . ,rke,„&pr,jr Colemart Presidenti 3 .. ,D; : ' ' Usseork. Samuel P . Darr, Rear L. Pah, Verb Cold. er, lieg M. Max ll and Outs R. Forney, Directore. • : • ' :-, • , —The now Postal 00.00,01 bet tmin the United States and hitiglatid . kikl-been eeivedi - and has met the of the Postmaster General. tt will detiettesebitp4 'proved by the President idao t ,- nagetki . ) as agreed to , abolish the double WV, will, atter %Unwary 'st i r 180% while ihe' United States igt*. tot th rates on newspapers, pamphlets aid:'atikil periodicals. • . , • • —On iVedneseay Jebn Clay. . 4 ol'agie ' man, about thcrty•nine are Ofees s 'e, SO NO of Germany, and abi kiMitlt by' noOripa. tion, was found dead t' 0011,046,04 u a quarter of a mile fro s 'SteelttOpp. 5 Irons county, shot in the Il t templei- nab tional refolver, was lyl • at,Aig het, 'i;sritb which he bad ;:orurtkit ''', ,sulelde, ' - . . , —At Montgomery, ' L t ree' ' tly- &man named Vilna irwffet MI. I ,n Wits T, Brennan. Three da , &glee* d. ow of the murdered-, w an rill 0 W i murderer, ao_d, wee in ; ; WOO btroi'..i4t is hot pursuit Brennan a p I ,hie to k li t :d4 dap tared, and lie lek SW V, nel t' .. 401 " t h, murder of his wife's II hub, 'f ' - • -, , . . , ' , • • , —On the night of th!,l2t4instint„ t t i negre man entered the told .ea of,M , t . s omas L. Murray, at pi:lnfer, X. 04: 11i? s c lti to commit an assault i tp,Okek I ,„4. t'l of twelve years; who was leening Otte , goals of the•rooins. . The er of,ihto ild Warm. ed the negro, and • made. ble ' inkcepe through the window.. ~ • • , ' i 1 ''':., —Some six Week,' a mil Montreal deserted his witch, a -Aloe 'ed ;with a' widow, taking with h -Ns w t. Inone7, i which she had deposi " 4q , bo l )Od row hitt her entirely . des ~ tee ; Mir 'wU % bait since become insane lir ft ttoilblf6 ,ltd ilk now in jail until she i llOsti' bb ;';. to Beau Port Asylum. '2,1, :..' ' - 'f• ' . ' ' ' • Ai ;' ,3 ', .'`'..,..._ •: , • 4. San Frinnisoorgiiii* Ott"! Grant's of mafor la'PidAllrh A :kat and, owing to an info i n ty iti' intioir 4 • I t o elector's name,the EfOretarytif mined% to give the certi fi catolo the Vit 040, The matter \ goes befdierbe fluorin's , court. . . „ ~,,,,41 "—William F. Foster, colored, Who ling to have been hanged on the ad init..; in Belli. more, for the murder of :Emmeline Perks; has had his sentence commute4tAiMiirkoat meat for life, by Gov. Swann; Ii much elated at his escape from dela. —Alice Bottom!Aged .70years t wee burns ed to death in Pottsvi Oast TOO* night, by Ear clothes taking fire irons a batch with which she was lightiog her' pipe: She-lived alone, and was found dead next morning. ' Philadelphia & Beam ."Railroad. cxeiwea n aIL 1100, Ur girrEß Annor i l l. l4l44§ENOMS. TRAINS, Norm I give Trains down to 4' i elgh,a,staga hog !kit; Ins at 7 80.. 1085 and 1 80 a. M.; in 435 at , P l i l; to Pottsville, it 10 10 a.M.4 and 550. 114 ion P., Nano Wed to Lebmipi nail Rforkbarge • Wistern IMO itoOl NOW AWL illt /01 a.'as , an i5O and 1 /9 p, tn. , arrisburg ccommodit t i v e %WA 715 a. oh. an min trains gt, 1Q 45 a. 1 1: n 46 05 pat. . On genalys, • tare down rus. mg kolas at 940 a. En. and 425 P. m„ a n OP . MLUISS, OW s. rk.and 657 p. m. • ruionThe 4 25 p. M. d i w rgi t i , 1 ITO wilaing tybetween it Isl sti ty. P trains leave is e_P pt, .sr rt. Mg and Yottsvill 7. 11141 . II; . in noon, cid 380 p. m. an 615 p.j i mat a only. The 816 a. En. tra aleopg, Tamaqua. Williamsport, Jaltitfts,WO, , , 19 1 1 b Ci a l it n teit. pi. and 8400. tn. t o tratifir . tl' We . adelphis. snd 10 85 "m 404 4 . as st,o4, ()my atprineiposuogi. . t OV . itz 4 lo styling Aocommomon wrg up rpm/ lag at 80 a. ns,, returning leaves r 1.1,4•101, 5 1,5 1). m. • i t •: - Pottstown Accommodation Train via fop,. t0490t 845 a. m,,, reututing,looo4, i11m 1 84 9 19 atp,m. , . ~. -• ~• • The Western &Dress, %roti_tiret, al , „Thlrril ter w el eitp"u p t itextger mai n e : Bu ilt. ,or a thnore t . wi ; an the 1045pa1l tram r a or ( na ps , Pittsburgh noaster il , ilo ttyLitr i p t , Wanton. 'p Upton, wi es Look . lisven L El mint an 4 addl. 1. ” rjimengserrainsjtSge Map EWA at i9O Sk ot t and 615 p. m., fur signs* -ta • sfawamt a s Colambta k * -• •• ' "h Throng • Viruteelais *SU Jig* hi. grants' tie Os at ter 0 ptlasipal pointatn tbany t With 2f . empons. t,25 ger Oink :i • , , 'batman 1134 0ood " fo ui r t. 90:0 " s i n lbe i lig i rplt at *AO Dm i l, families an bml ems . ••• • -, , •' \ . HgA,7O I , fil„ • Oood for *holder o fog ', 9 mid! swam, ti e cin e tiltl i n g agtitue &It e‘ot°, b00t ."4" .4fir Pgmengers wU •• I. 1 sigr p raips 1 rgt th4ymrpcf,ll9o „ , , . ~ituke 100 pounds of bylaws 0111•4 . 740.44 t, Passengon are,requwWfp tittuyet. ate before eprnAtnemUS,lllll Of Oi. UAW aUr pst in a Mg, ••• : • . Emirs on ikets goodierdsif ant. hi 70 a. se • 0 AteoMin 044 on Train tt? raiii4•llol6lll4 Mary at 82 65 each • ' •• • - • G. A.• 111 I- i L ; ' Oen% fiva'S MONET WAS/NR!* • MONEY WANTNDI BY. THE CITY or, RAADtNa _The tiefteratined Somil*lfisikoilis: 01 th e 1 1 2:=Vole v it t atet l itua 4 5 61110 'l4k4 t SEVENTZFAIETiItdOM the pump! 0 , Wale ag V the41.44111y, nereV VT/ u„. land to Imo Clerudeati t t o Sreiriti4lt; Mkbi ZATJIT 0 111. / 10141 Nit '„ " • -‘ U 4046 04, . go