II 'ltwolaidtoo ~titt !AM Ormond, , moven tcoquaih the • • 4iinit Joirojion 1:04?1,4 1 on 66 ? c; :e ntry,tmt,o!"!!keurtion .'•• . • .kfilgiaof "the period" oointion k to thus formonten "How ebe.ml—four or ar•NrAtt* to one man I when thafaet le each voinelfbrthete.thnoe ougbtlo 'ive four or dv istisbandr. It would takenabout that anmbSr to support her,decantly.” z.` • , 1 1 ( •-•1 6,thelllreult Court at Washington, on atonft t , the suit' of John &glee ageing fkta4ton, for damages to a farm by iteneoupetion by V. S. troope, wait • die thesontibrod) the plaintiff being ordered to pay Oita. • • . , riegroee, two,of them women, were atteniptlng to cross' the Savannah river, neat Savannah, recently, In a small boat, witon,tho'boat •upset, and three men and one pribeitOmon wore drowned. • —4Bo' DoSotOilfo i choitaw county,Ati. * fe* oiegrO was murdered bi snothei bootuta halrenpunted, Radio& • Lou and pyoolnimed hlindoll ti Democrat. McKnight.' a' lesdlng citizen of Bordentown tie's' Jersey , and closely ideni 111.0 . 1091 in4rnAli mprovements o US Mat, "lel thn Sunday, mod 71. —Thejole of A very pretty Coolie gigs in TUO slakes sttention; lihe was sold'ss Ifellisk 'girls 'fere to planters here in old this", to AY het passage, ' ...The schooner J. 0. Runyon, from Phila• delphla for Alexandria, has been totally wroOk4d off Hog Island, ,The crew. hare arrilad at. Norfolk. Pe. iltowni Maine, the other day, a litticsid . ten years !ea fitted tea diillars tot etiadias, *act was ootanaitted for wait of ' ' ' -4:11111101 Ai Vlocenttown t N. :1 4 wits kilted ty'ik' gen* coolt i Saturday week. Her We was so badly pecked that lockjaw caper. veiled. • , . , enprmo Court of Florida is hear ing atrinent upon a motion. to. quash the prooeedinimagalust Lieut, GOT. Cileason. _ r4p9 tied that the.Morrla & Hoax Ralltoidß" Jarioy o haa beta lamed to the ThilaWark& ip Lackawanna Railroad. • -.4)lmeteid, the . defaultln4 Post.offico 01.44 ea beeq sued , b$ the United' Statue to tobOY4* 480,000 1 the Amount stolen. it ot itt iti .. kh r al t l i e 4 .. A lt t i lt al "Whi te terro;M h e l li t 7 ' re-.." ...mum' up to the neck. 11 . eallforuip grape growers, it is said, get onAy Ores/Orton of a canto pound for their orgp:oollvate4 at the wine press. • . gotpo of the. leading eportamen' of Rar litan have made, a movo to stock the woods n that vicinity with birde. —shines Moore, • the wall•known billiard player, way shot bra negro in Daaatur e NUM; as fel! dokys Igo. • . . ..-An radiant' ,irifo eloped hoax her hue., batitl f gad he foolishly' soughtceonsoletion by . cutting her throot. p-At • floitolk, Virginia, moon*, a hog was sliughtered, 17 months old and woigh• ins L• ' 6B pounds:" —A Connecticut minister lately tuarcied two couples and was married himself the state day. • —They have shot a white fawn near Sae ramento, California, and think it a great en riodty, .A. New York church propollea to have a ML band, kirks and braea v iikthe place of an organ. A man wait instantly killed in N. Y., on Saturday, by falling from a third-itory dCiw. 1. • —Ripe strawberries wore gathered Nov. 16th, in Virginia, pa' the James River.' - -- • • —A pleasant New Jeraoy aurae buttered the children's braid with arsenic. , -4. Jarseymati bas • starved "himself to lISSAb by way•of a new sensation. • 4 man wius drowned in *tank of coil oil Patrolls, Canada, last week. • min in Cluoinnati bought a Aliw over. coot to oimituit suicide in. - . .-44140 441 it yean old pieniat and compoier kis Anteved •'. ; • '' ,. .43irreratiticlies of Imo* fell on MonditY at Agklo 059teg0.,' 1-41ke " . 'oungeat mother in England le 6 iirlpf eleven years. —San Francisco, is trying to invent earth gaske•proof houses Oerolst makes brit* from rpindeofirkou. yonag lo "olit l 4 oft )1041;,$!00. 0 4 1 001. * ' " - ' '',..4 < \ ii loppees + are ‘ lfrely is Texas at this 1 -, . ~ a year: , ' •., _,. - '... i,-; • % • . '',l • . • ' , . . ...E*Queen ` lsabella to about 'to Start a ‘l,ol9l4l,tier• I —Progre!sive Quakera now wear MOO' tubes, IRE MRS g - PIO*, blik Stack . 4 . $ o box*, Aeety . Sergi, $ white to. bail, Urea bead yi with s. Os, ,which (rent: him, .whoa the INEIMI *II LL*UAVI. stsol6 , soutts lift, wolfed et the JIMILILBOIESTOR_Vta fp line of, boti to Ire In the YUVW 1309 0 01/ pity *hie :oral be sold at or kowfst D IN4 Ltroul Po WO" rolveataire a .01‘ 1 1 Taw, era 1p wept of books to's_Slierrala ear $ More patio elsewhere. we bete • • : 5744:11bu ty' . s New Method, with oimpA . Composition Books., • .• C " • Pawnlle's Vitenoh %doe. ' AmuloietWo Monsuratign e • Stoddard% Arithmetic*, Tether's Phloeopby, 1134Won's Grammar. Ray's Algebra, otlit4lol aooditotes If. 8. libtory. ftreenloareArithmetlo, Tenney'. (loolpty. litttender. Th9mitai 3$ tyMplol7{. RI Alottolllnarlee. , Pons sad 13Penholders. Mates and AOJIte read% tbanoarian‘lvopy Boob. Anthotee A/ n Virgil. ittOlion' Cow, EWo9dburrolil t r o VlK o ari a t t n i, sigattaderE Peake4V,WateotAlberles:ot Sohool Book*. 'Crittenden!. BoOkke t n o t frith Bette of Blank-.', PENN STREET.. Pennock's History of England, Greece, and Rome. BEADING. l• I, Maher. intermediate and Primary Geographies T" PENNSYLVANIA CHORAL HARMONY =I Containing tho Drtnoipal CIIQRCH MELODIES, Ili Prodded with GERMAN AND ENGLISH TEXT For aaleat the :!'EAGLE"'BOOHSTORE. 861 Penn Street.. 044garkgWATVA; apwl% A *moot. *Own 1 I IC 351 . . • 5„.. . 5. : GEN. TAYLOR )10,041; .841 North (0644,,, 'Maim a SgIICINNt qt th , "'1 1 465! of. • - READING, Pit t Sussings, Praimitimir. .104 m CITY HOTEL, ocoutru SIXTH sTrunst, orearpouto • •. *gm% ,sauna moderate. A; Y. 1181 1 /IALY, ileoprietor. sus 6 - . . R. 0 .6 • • ' 4/11# PIM PREMIUM Of 0 louver Media To OARRETPB HAIR RESTORATIVE .0 lit. Stati &ricaltnnil Boelgty, at ui Par o holden In moue, ep. 20, M. • • witamegrios • Vegetable Hair Restorative hettoise Ors, MU to ib Natural Color I Wa— wa* the (matt of Ili Iltdr t clasps the se* Areas trortithal ante Mu t eradi ates htndrulf 444 utnoteltertate4 u treoiitztlApo v uPer hd I s the mos popular rsll- A t able artkle thrimt e • ..k ib Ehal,West. ore. tad Soh INT 0.7" J. Os BARRET!' & CO., Proprietors, NANOII I / B TF.O, N.ll. Sold lid 101 Dramlods and Dealers km • ' • rotten& Medicines. H & BRO.: I H. LiCurr, IV. J. TINERWECHTER, WILLIAM WELLS. maysly 10: 134411141411:010:0104 SCIUKEDER & FELIX, Warotoom, corner rifth and Washingtori streets, MANUIPAOTORY. WASHINGTON STRES, BELOW FIFTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. IllEl' UNDERSIGNED RESPEOTEIMLY IN. vite patio attention to their splendid stook of t-olass furniture now and constantly on hand end made to order to suit customers. . Among_ other articles. appestat attention is in• vlted to their unsurpassed EXTENSION TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, DINING ROOM ()HAIRS, ,CENTRE AND OTHER TABLES, BEDSTEADS OF THE LATEST STYLES, and ever, other article in their line of business. .Every article is manufactured by thomselyes in their admirably arranged manufactory, with. the most perfect machinery. and skillful meehan and finished in an unsurpassed manner. Aho prepared to:execute all orders for • OARYIISO I TURNING; SAWING, and MOULDINGS. 41.11 cordon, promptly executed, and warranted to glee satisfaction, ar. 10- J. KEELY. nIOLEOALE & RETAIL DEALER IN LUMBER, • • , BEADING, PA. / Keeps constantly on hand en 4 for eat° at the LOWEST rmots, f A general assortment of . WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE; CHERRY, OAK, ASH, CHESTNUT, INDIANA BLACK & WRITE WALNDT, CAROLINA YELLOW PINE, , and MICIfIGAN PANEL LUMB I ER, 'hornetly seasoned and under cover. VIM PINE, CYPRESS, AND NORTH CAROJANA GREEN SWAMP CEDAR SHINGLES. telitno.reiatArg.e.TlifiTehimmo , ' NEW BEIOK OFFICE, On the Oornei of Fourth & Pine Ste, Or. address. S. KEEL?, Reading, Pa. felally n BRAT REDUCTION IN VURN.—Ladies Ufdealrolis of purchasing Furs should call at the National Fur Btore, o, 341 Penn street, *‘•%•3o doors elow t EA01,11IAN), ?here they will find wcilltleeted etc* 'gum: , which will soldat small pro. Is. vikrietiof fert i ej LERIIIINII tUFF4I4I) ROB ways on and. • to order, altered LIOETSTER NEW WINE HOUSE, No. '652 , PRNN STREET, • • READING, PA. • OSOAA ORM% PROPRIETOR, Ihnopr in all MON of Domestk Wino of tits beet ° M I4I. LAGES BEER, ALE, &o. 1 ; - rOORTANT NOTI9F TEE :MOOD . WILL, FIRE. COMPANY, 00 AkIANT9III!'i Would hereby annonuee to the citizens of Reediot that: owing to a cOrtshlerablve number of elokoo iodulni upsold as well es coupons unreenne er_itte outepeiled to rostpoise tie eirstriejs iini e is um or Dece_mbei. , Tickets can be bad, tor.a uore ti e. of 11. D. Rieobarti; ArittiPlough sad tnow hotel, end et l!itriCiii 'a a JSrO. ttOr.6 - . 1 it , ‘7,72,',4-4ii,,,,i. 1 Agents, Reading, Pa. LIMO, la a a' ai Aal. 5 NI T" ESE ME A'READING- AP.LER.," The oldest German Newebsoor published In the United States. ;;''l . RSTAIILtIIRID tH 1797j11 Circulation over Fivet Thousancli Tho"lteeding Adler' kith° best adrerthileir dium for thiGormon Dist;totola Eastern 'one vanfa, havhaft a ilitoulation of/i3vot eve thoisand imp*. It contains twenty-eight lathe Alumni of Advertisements and 9stofully selected reading Mat- ter, The Adler Is thoroughly Demoeratio in,prin• Opts, ondeavorlnte to inculcate tho sound political doctrines of our forefath ere, an laid down by Joffor son and Aka son. r PRros ONLY $1 60 A.YSAR Pabl lobed every Tgonday morning, by Feb. 15 Dt: EUGENE BOMENING'S CELEBRATED SWEDISH • BITTERS Cure with certainty all chronie derangemtnts of , the Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, is the most row- . erfld Tonle of the 'Digestive, Muscular and NOr you System and the most Reliable pretervative against all kinds of Fever, Dysentery, and Infec tious Diseases, especially against Cholera; Typhoid 'add Yellow Fever. Price 75 oente a bottle. Six for $4. For sale at the'! Eagle" Bookstore BrivrEn do., 851 Pent) Street. 8431100 L COMPANIONS . ' We have just received a large let of those desira ble little Caskets, whioh wo are enabled to sellat reduced rates ,containing a Ruler, Beal, 'Pencil, Crayon, Pen Holder, - Slate Pencil, Gum and Spongts, . RITTIM CO. 1 Eagle Booksk • TRAVELERS' GII,IDE. Tam followipg table shows the time on which all Passengor trains, on the different Railroads, arrive and depart from this city: DEPART—YOR PFIILADIMPOTA% Reading Aooom., all way stations —.. 7:30 a. m. Express,_ principal stations' 10:36 , Way and Market, all stations 11:30 &press, ptinolpal stations 4:20 ND. Way and Mail, all stations 6:30 . , ' FOR POTTSVALK. * ' . Ashland, Tamaqua, &o„ and W. etatio4e,lo:lls Lin. Pottsville and all way elation& 540 p. in. Pottsville, Ashland , Tamaqua, &o , .. 8:10 ." ' FOR HARRISBURG AND ?HA W1131 1 :' Express, Lebanon, Harrisburg and west, MO a. tn. iteeetn H i. Harrisburg and all way stations 7:16 ' arrisburg and principal stations, 10:45 ' 4 Past, Lebanon, Harrisburg and the west, 1:60 pan. Way, HurrisburgAnd all way stations— 6:05 Express, Leb., Harrisburg and the west, 10:10 " Antnyn from Harrisburg at4:49, 7:06.10125 a. m.and kV, 0:25, 11:40 P. m. • 'OS NEW YORK Ana_prinobal way stations 4:44 a. M. For New York and prinoipal way stations 7:00 lor " And !111 WaY a tdatiOlie ...... ..10:30 • " For ,le J . 2:40 p. m. . For - ' " U . 0, .. • 4:2o'p. m. For" P . ana princlpalway attens, :11:40 ._ 1— Asalva from Now York at 1:00, 0:00 a, tn. and 1150. 6:10.10:10 9. or. East Pennsylvania , Railroad. SSUMMER ARRANGEMENT. COMMEN I OINO Wednesday, May 20th, 1868, RIX TRAIN'S! PAM Tg NEW YORK WITH. OUT OIIANOK OF OARS. On and after Wednesday, May 2Qth, 1868. two Passenger Trains will leave Reading daily. (except tkindalts,) for Allentown and Way alajlenr, at 10. N A. M, and 4.20 P. M., atopning.at all lltoveY Sta tions between Readin( r arol mew York, makins also close connections or Mauch Ohunk and Phil adelpbta via Lehigh alley It_. R., and arrive at New York at 3 . 80 and 10.15 IP. DC_ Four (LAhrough Minns, Trains , ill leave Riling aUr, (except Sander. ) for New' York an he 111_ leaving'Reading at 4.44 and 7,06 A, M. sad at 2.40 andll.4oF M. . Those Train, ran !brads's Prom Pittsburgh to New York, _Wittiontehatute loare t _StopphAronly at Lyons, Allentown Beth's em • kfftrOne Mar)* ton if BonsTarrille, Plainftel ani k imisabetb, and lITT VeAt ItieW Yoyk at 10.1X1 A. 419.00 M.. 7,20 P.. . and S.OQ_A. M. . ' . . The 4.44 A, train will not leave ittitding on Mcitdays.. The 7.06 A. M, and 11.:40 'Pad. trains ran daily, fkinda_ys included. , , . Ttairot leave 'New York yor Idbarty street Oily, (except Onndo) att . A, M. 42 noon; 5 5 'and LSO P.'Bl and anise* , ' adingwo.lso? noon; 4W0. 1 % if r and at 1.00 a n 2AZA..St. _-_,, eB. . . tido (ma NeW x ork taxies daily. Sundays inoluded„ '.1... -,,.`,':, , A. flulr d itenndrits will,leitse 1 . 101 ) 13 OtrY , 0 at ,8 Ai .; stepping at *ll - t sun intim ate 0 tr, l e r Allea fin. IA 10 A. M. Returninx; leave 1 ktswl4 .44m PJL , ASsiveat UMW_ .ar at e til _.: , i _, L ' ~. ... , rammage» i re requanow I me 'two SMniete no. 1 137 0nteril thOe Aill tea Oxtra *ill gig charged an ' toll 4 tbik treal.all who pay the fare to the iuctoy, ', . • 44e 23. ? 9. Pll44T4,4lo,4ktidffupt, ,4 MN ME MEI IN s=l EMI =I MI lIIMI RITTER & CO., No. 861 Penn Street, 7 7 ' . .iii - ii?..L . # l..it'oiii•-• , * . (Revised sol4thilB6l.) ' , • ARRIVAL &VD ' , ..=1:01 Dail 070 , ,• • .13T4113141411j, .11M11 . 1 . 13- •', ~ ItICAMBIOIVN ALAILAN 13TAOR LINIII ' • k i ta Rateride4 to Uniqi to -- wee Reedl. at 'Oa, ta ti _trl-greeltly„:„Kuelday. today and au4- dg,, *Warm tarps Jaya *O4 elves atjp, ra. 1 it terns the followiat stara rest 01neag( ' , Omni:. Ootlgletaille. Adanietows„ Sairok, Title. terettewo BO BRTOWii MAIL ANDO AGE LINA . Leaves Boyertorn at 0 o'clolia.in.. AMA* at Beading it 10 o clock, a. ra. taming, Brii Rending at 234 p. m. Arrives at oyertqww t v p m. It serves Stonersville, Br:mall:1 via, ifreshville.YeUow House. Early:4llo add Boyers towp. • ~ lIRRNVtLLII MAIL AND'IMAOR LINE • Leaves Bethel at 3 o'eloct u , a. M. arrive* at Attu R:illiftlaatt2?'e o'clock,: gi t irtv go g l it u theire l at 9p. in. It :serves meta e a, LOlfer Aro . , era. ville„ Relarersburii, o ell TWO:11004MS a*d He ors Milts. BLun BAritt MAIL AND STAG/1•L Leaves Reading on IRanday, %Veda:Way and Fri, dat Rp'eloelt, a t ra. ItetaTaille k leaves Blue Ba ay ll on -TuegdaY, Thuriday mid babarday, • ar riving *Alit:adios at Of t u'elook, p. ;a. it giggles Mohn's Store Kner a, ilowmansville, muddy • 1 Creek, Torre il ill, Weaver's)llll Sold_llllo Bali, i.QU A MAIL ANI) TACO LINK Leaves Read ins on Mon ay. Wednesd and • Friday at 7 o'e l li s elc, a. m. Arrives at Reading art Tuesday, Th da_y_ and Saturday at 6 stelae, v. m. It supp lies Mt. Penn, Bookers:villa, Joanna Furutiee.Morgintown Talhotvllle, honey Brooke: Cambridge an Bouthllorepita e. • ; LOBACIISV LLB STAUB A D MAIL i:INS rt _ Leaves Letniihr o vilton Tu ay, Tr and Saturday at. ot. ol .a. m. rrives at a s a t 914 o'clock ; a. m. ginning. Leaves a aa at 2)§ 'o'clock, p. ni. Arrives at Lobito sr le at 0 eit o'clock. p. m. It serves Alsace, Oloyand lio chi:- villa. _ / RBADII4I4 TO COLUMBIA Daily by Railroad—Leives i stadini at 64 t . In. Arrives atlo:3oa.m. Sapp Itatown.wei olds Station Stevens, Sphra 111w1 Lill*, an leini,Skortins Rill, Land svillo and Vet Springs. ESIOIIIOIiR TO BIRO V et • , Trl-weokly by Stago—Leaves Westchester on Monday Wednesday d Friday • at 7a. in.. Ar rives a t Birdsboro at p . ra, Returning, hares Birdsboro on Tuesday, aursday and Saturday at 7g, la. Supplies ()airier a mills, Blue Rock Vomit's. i Wallace, hroblaud, Mei:villa and West 'White land. ' READING TO ROBESON Semi-weekly by Staire_--Leavesßoadhis on Tiles day and Sotur4ay at 7:30 a. in. and arrives at Read lag at 11 a. nr.' ' • i by' It'org *Semi-woomt by' Bra oc--LoaVes Wading 'On day and Saturday at 1 :30 a tn. Arrives at Read. Ins at 0:30 a. al. Supplies Addatia's Tavern, I:ower Heidelberg. North Heidelberg, Krick' billis and /lost. LIIESFORT TO NORA 'l`ll.-weekly by Btago—Leaves Leesport Tuesday. Thursdayand Sattliday at 12 m. Atrives at Lees port at 3• p. m. Supplies South hvansville and ilolltown. • . COXTOWN TOYIROINBFILLB Trl-weekly b y stage' - Costown Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday t 49 a„ in Arriverat Cox town at 4v. in. Supplies Kirby villa, Moseicm and V irsinsvllle. • • RBIIRERSBUROV STOUCHRBURG trrl..weekly by Stage— eaves Rehrersbuffues day, Thursday and Satur ay alit a . in. Arrives at Benton:burg nt 6P. In. Supplies Winteriavil e and Host. , - READING MAILS. • - f. - T WICH DAILY. New York—Closes at 1A.14. and 10 • v. er. r SI Arrives at A u. and 2 P./1.( Philatlphia--Arrives at 10:30 At' L and 6 is. gr. Closes at 10 A. Is. and 4 P i al. Harrisburg—Arrives at 10:30 A. /I, and 4:30 P. as, Closes at 10 A. M. an d 6:31 P. 111, PottAivillo—Arrives at 10:30 A. I/,' and :30 P. w. • • Closes at 10 .s , a. and6:3o P. 11. ALLENTOWN AND RASTON. Arrives at ZOO P, U. 1 ' Mem. At10:00A. v. arsamarowx—throo times a week. Arrives at 7:00 v. v. I Closes at 8:00A. at. 1U Arrives at10:00 A. V. • I Olotee at 2:00 P. it.. Arrives at 10:00 U. BO va J at 2:30 Pe at. mescal av tr. La—three times a week, Arrives at 9:30 A. U. I • Olose at 2 1 30 P. u. . puin—throe times arfook, Arrives at 7:00 P. M. I tllO5Oll at 5:00 A % tt. Bum BALL—three times a week. • • ' Arrives n at 4;30 P. 11.snoI . twlect a week, 1f COO at 8:00 A. V. • II RI un— Arrives at 9:00 A. U. 01080 at 11:30 A. V. ROBKRON"" - twice A week, - Arrives at 11:00 A. 111. I Olose at 7:20 A. 119 N. T. GEHO, FAShIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE 658 Penn Street,. Reading 'Pa. 131 r AS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE FINEST .11.1 assortment of Fino and Heavy Boots and Shoes in this oily, also Ladies' and Children's tihoesof 'chicle. • Mee list of styles and piton : Mon's calf boots, home mado, 10 25 5 60 kip_ 400 500 calf balmorals, .2 2 60 00 to ' 4 0050 1111 _ Brogans, , .2 QO 2'60 " Congress gaiters, 275 450 " hove kid Congress gaiters, 400 500 Bus' kip boots, 00 . 826 haltnorals, I Youths' to boots, • 17A 60 ' balmorols t . •_: 1 25.. 175 Women's glovp kid high Polish hal- • moral!, 850 100 Wsmen slastinghighPolishhilipals,2 00 . 850 goat patent leather tip . 200 826 Kid slippers,• 100 175 Misses' goat patent leather tip hal morals, " ••• • 160 240 Ohildrop's goat patent leather tip hal- • Morals, 25 190 ' ' N. T.' GEM. 653 Tenn Street. 'rUUE ISEADINO EIRE INSURANCE AND TRENT 4 Xm)P4PIy or DEICES CO. Oaassisiin Jet,. 1867. • • • CAPITAL $160,000.00, dlice Binding Insurance Buil4ioo,. No.l9..North Fifth Street, S. B. lliner of Mull street. • . RPM 124endl ulnae hours from B'e. 111. to 8 P. i. • Dlllll,lo*Ss J. Pringle Jones, James rite Knight; Henry Z. Ynn Rood, ' Jacob Shaffner, J. T. Jackson, , I), E. Stout, Jopim Shelter, . J. T. Valentine,' ' . GeOrge Moser. This Company - insures all kinds of . property 'against loss ordamage by treat retinae low as any otker reliable Co m pa ny and upon e re ry plan'k n own to Muck Ininrance ComPaujes. Perpetual Pollelea Issue retiniring no readmit • and upon Whit% the amOunt of Premium paid can be reclaimed at any time, leas adeduction of dye per cart s The advantages of this method are , • worthy.of the attention °thinners and'Ahere bar bng first - class dwelling houses, barns and other uildings, in town or iruntry, so being the cheap est and safest. • Poliellis for one, two;three„ five er more years, or forleaq than one year, issued and no - charge made for Policy and,surrey when renewed or when in, surances are transferred from Other companies: The citizens - of Reading end . vicinity, hitherto dependent mainly upon foreign companies, have now the privilege of effecting their insurances in a: horne institution, well organisod,with ettedeigate paid in and guaranteed eapital, presenting as strong a basis of security as that of any other own. pany. The. advantage of doing' kindness directly with the Company and the linPortotutte of keeping some portion of the large mune paid for insurances', "in circulation at home will bvp_preeiated• by in. I J, PRINGLE JON S. President, JAMES MoKNIOIf , Vie e President, " U. ANCONA, See) , and Trans. k LIMUART k 4RETH, MACHINISTS, BRASS POUNDERS, And DEALERBIN itiohinitste and Stinufgoiere SunHo, No. 627 Joni $29 IrsAirguiriviurr, • iiinw • • RRADlffilt. PA. tAtTP.R'S Intgwilyn ItRADINO. PA. 'no slittagiberreopee‘ iftol7 . arrnonno' es to dismay: Ito tnat '3 likellnY enlarged Ills Brewery to nOoolderatpla e ' ten -and Introduced qtesm pow pt In all Ito anpartaluta, sad is now, •resoa: suppi all demands for • , • .suPrano, ht4t,T tisatro . ta t b(oit *ad dlotant ted 0 sej, 4tralnlPtiols• • R l l ki V i t Wanno tOk follows • • - 4 , '• BROVT STOUT tons. , . Borruritif .04 - ANT? mows B.}olll. siadoit Mtn: : . , guggitage ibe awed A N nji abroad. • • 1 Jll4* DterioNAvft 1 . I= Iteagiii'sViiiiiiv . ,;. ' ~,,, ',.:, , wonto,4444oswit•i. sku, pf'`4ite~'ri~4b~~ t 1 1‘ ' 4v ~. ••0 s • 11•1410 no; Dlotl , WorostO (*mote** Dieticaair, Atitees (Irmo I %OA ',Nat" pakt,obbsees Pionini*dAt Cliftw Poi nisatktlis ,4/ ,I ( I. ' . : "HAOLW• 11401(0TORIL 851 Penn Street. neat Tom!. inn% follim 113110.1 la ' o omi t r oom ts, :wawa oft loint i d toa , oti of Ann iCIA, oOtti WI w ...,-, tracts; i t s unsariposed Abr t a nomor ; I nv, vtoportiii in 011 Ulf*, eittenabloiquaalaht it 141 nizynts are oda, BUM ea • Cuts, paties;: Chq fu, Gout, Nervous dr Afiammatory Jai u, Neuialgk i IteadacAe, ittins *Mc EackorJointe. • •In nil well 0980Ittit197 b 9 ‘ l 9l9otb INI drone!: Ill; end. IP Ilin4 0101 . 00 ? whore an orterno applies% on requited, IT or lieut. and tho•auboori or oaklopodoto recommend it au one of tno htst Laliontiol dol. . Vor Sale at the 41 11AGLIV koovton, SUNRAY SOHOOL SINGING 1 BOOKS EAGLE BOOK 'STORE, • i MEI HAPPY VOICES, HAPPY 'MICH% E - NEW GOLDEN s • 't 1 HE NEW GOPEN THE?,) •,:, - .. t- _ ~_:,, ABB Tll sadooL.pzat - . - t ,..,, , ,, , .• •::, ,! 'a -- .• ::, ~, ~. • vlliiisiiiiit SCHOOL, BELL, • . -.-1• I, • 2 •,•••,,, • • ,•.• .• . ,': ." . •-, .:ii1•,,.. 2.) :,,-, -... :'•••. ••. , .., ;t2 ,•.. fot'''' ' ;' '''' ' i i4k iiiierii ° ilogr . 7 *. kre 1 $ lll 4 • 1 ' i . ME EMI • { Cr , 7 . ME= Ni o etiati,a . 'o Coma* 404 Wibitter'ilMi67.o6 tai Vi`Qro eaten Sobool Dkusalp 'r Prioe 25 dente per 'Bottle, RITTER ils 00. Al! TIM Ito. 1141 Pena litstot, Gat bobrol , . El V