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Assionloillowsiller,r ......temotOmgesisommimeemessegeLimp-- 1868.....: ~ ; :;044: . 'onorgeolos - A.L.4' .' . • • „am i g o il i no. RUCH & MI opies4 • parr and Selected Stook of NE now, 7,, O. 04111 PaNN STIPP% nib'Na t PA.. Len cousAii, tad* Thook stook of ' ' NEW FALL 400041 . , . . . were WNW bk,hecitl ef,lieve,Xs4ll l owl will be diiiPoied of pitted' tiir be. leei'tbeee . of Orother • wiblisbment in the Cp. fidalipiwiCteassa *mdi to onfin di4lng 'liand'ina was to enter:) '; The St i ed of Fe tag Ciao 4 is Aeoldeily • the bid Slid Diu, Intensive in tbq '044 lee end satisfy youttetves. • MEI IhOt Of lanai do ionic*, claw Nu. Ws fitter;' d:cloiolue, tenlelest ranutto 14141 4 1 4 19inant0w40 11111 " u 0 In Ow lossi !4i4i Rdnisibst , 01031., ,111t0.14 i,tA3 v v , jlesthiusrtero e9f : rOhlon I AO, 11411PRNII STRlllit WADING. Pottle° Row, • • mama' arrram! w0, , , , •4... ,1 '....: 1 ,, , , ‘,..:‘t ,f'' ~, . , MUMS BLOOD PURIFIER, .. ' ' A li t " •W:14=1 3 42 ., tail;: 1 . ', -,:, ,;(,,:-. ', ~ , , 1.., , , i, $ • . bp'l l ll6 WIUNGERS, ; Ir, ME Sni t \LAptERS, IMO IN =OM 4 1 a; IrAJWINTRI), , i AT riiNIGHTS ' . iIARD;WARg.ST:OREII rattolmo sig. II GUT LINK . Dill FAST!' : Riff KIM BSDINCt AitkNliltr YOU Ein 1/IA VMS AND BBB l q W, lA, Chia `.t ilffl t . 4 %,,;5i IMMIN BM , t •I NNW .!' 1 MS i t ! 1 , i, ' 1111 MI ' 'tl 4 011431.1111 S. ipikkor AND A froillOWAi ?tat Otto 4. 101'aresOiligfriss o ISSisittsim ..t", 11.4111161, "4"linfiL rrokiell .4 'L.4 W. !IJ I MMITH Una kin Ir• l o r‘ suniumr, A t ru—i im 3 / 4 . ) 0 N', - . • ) t 2 0T2' 6 .1, '*T R1141:411 - O f PA. O viii ifit:44l;iicou'rtisiieits(iistabs.) , • *44. 41 011. e; I • U. • PR E1t044.21. 0. Pious own" l i ll atertgo tt rAi l M s ith iv. we. .5 5 , 5 ego* nArurai• - • • I 'A A . T` ; Litlir; so.Ap wog toto Nal* Itish &mt. arilipplinw volrt lions., &mum no, • UM! Et r i lr ia lN ii . • drroamsr di' LAW*: . • • o.§-00 GAM great. own. eh* oak. orJok&, WOurds, mg. . 1 • ___r•W' tart :12etstFtelv oc Ea* ' '' • • • I. B.ILRGEONI)II.NTIB2', 010 /00 - 1 1 "Ink 1 '1 10, :- 1 ! * itilits the Ile to ri spit' attn.) hti Dew :rot ettiree ue toe wjttioet,ya .., etmor Ons ta tee West on eetur emanate, .sad . 411M110411DIO• DL A. 11,11111111111,, .. . .iiE 's fii t i T., . OlNee—lWo' 11Nortis *nib . 114, ilteadlois, ' %(NUT DOUR r 3 ir. cemtlll . ol Stoll stoss.) , PltAti t ug tatrimiturhif dismis of ilrg ,r l Lo:ugc l i k unms, '..tiveolar ° A a ' " 141 yontrioustrn4c,„ , „ BOOTS, ..ANJ) SI/OES i • Fpa:pipu IJElB.fr AnD onzA,pu4Tl : ... • 1 1 °)Mt.01.0. .*„01030131 'North OLith Street. • REA .p Pb TUN :EWA& e il essioutera wlu we 41,041,44 M it loth 4 114 WM ti r r iS • • 2 , • ItiriP,b# tote, qp • REPAIRING: LA/V . 114*k . . r istitutio*li! wad todl kbillsof iro• 1 7" ... REINNOLD' 44' pouaINBR I NO. 41 .FORTH;' EIOOI . CIItREET, .c ,„(amm winkloom . • milapact , , pA; I Alp?' ;,' j, ',._ ' ~ • :, f r, , , ..: ' ' ', 16 ...;,. 1,. . r'deipret' , , **Mor i In , tb• bet 6- . t. i OM tikeiltiendiiir roXt ilw r• ~ • saptin i tatZ ) lit er . • I,7tag Vne • t o , • i irt , . stirest,spb. _ - ,-.0744,10 Aumravis`OALLms ~~d~ t ~~~ ~ ~ SCOURING =MI MZEING litatAßLlsiiiintror, 10 hit* 161 * MLOMP"s" UM 01141% Radius, Ba. ' ' . Gees luAr mist, ukd is" =I UM I°st liaarsal 'I for TOT thskii far Otilif MEE 'AND : SIXIPIPT 011111411/11.111. Ii 6416617 Oda '0 , 10 11140 , " note! al itaP*ol ll4l A bed. •With peat apaa ttia pillow Cita kV.AM* boa_ fale mad dalati width • Pow*/ soft. with 141biai ribtta. Sat wlthla the blaalleatlbUod • LNG "u litt!? rots to-atitbl. ••• _ , • Oat* aiotber Sat b old* it. , . b WbGa the day was growing dtat. And bieptautaat Golo6 • Solt lila ;JO* gb WO A. sore elood of shighlw • Wbfivi the ofitablagisdotta mei.* , ' "fat thietaillto bed u empty; • And &a tabritotti to deep.' " . 'ditto heid that wad to teeth, • _ Yo the iipows whito and Non—, - Little Walk 'hod #vetlose blots thereto doom so oar-. Lipawo'lwasod with: boded lidads— , Ake" wasadredfor purest 0 'Wideman* the ohotohiord daWa . Thy hare hidden all awry. • . , Ats, the empty; alike or l o l o we will put tt oat of tieht, Lellt oar hos* should grieve $OO b 0517 YO'rth‘ MU, 0114 pplAthk We wil l UklOs how este ferever Ls the better field above, , Thetyttueg lamb torwhtelk we sorrow ;Itittes lb skew in Xeekse r Wt. " ern* Os.l*4THA•s TILIIIIb. , BY . IDA OMT. , We three'lliedralone--my mother ester belintlllll 'little eottsgei is the outshine of a pretty conntii, it:waist beantiful home tome, with itagreeo lawn id front, and th, large eluole r aitil : trees; and the little, flower , garden Winnie tended so carefully. " 44 0 4 00 4 *Ar'!il.4 l ,4i 4 d*i'Y nie air f leaving a n Weems,' large .enougli us to Hie comfortable, *lthout 1444 . 40 ever eines his death we had lived here eon? if, not 1409: was of an inquisitive,paesionatk,natare. but ontwardlyVl 'MOI4 144E1 been 04 . 'MI! indifferent. I wee 041 Ia 4pear• Thee, tether, tall of my. age; figure; •dark•broivn i wavy hair, high forebeadi deep .gve*eyee, and it ,compleitien altebst , dtirh' as !hi of I was very sensitive and bithild t almost shy., I had stWeye looged for friett4,o 4 9d for love; but never seemed to ash; either; while Winite l i beantifid %inle t With''-her bright, winning ways) and sweet miles ) et ways Okla the love of all`4tho, knew her:: She lies much gayer thin I, and , Wired company much better; and it the th a tr Mho was shont sixteen years of age, oar tuna, who lired &few miles distant, wrote, Milting one of as to come and spend a few.weeks of the summer with her. It was Winnie who went.' I wanted to go very much, bat ate said I would he homesich before I had been there tiro tars.. Aunt Clara bad no muchcompany. Mother said so, too ; so, I I °! 4 " d s • 1 , ' ' • • 'For a day or two I waiver:, lonely,for we Hied a rather - secluded life,: and I missed rintlOs liright thee and 'gay laugh. • But . the fourth day after she had sona t as 'I was:sauntering in the garden, I heard foot- Iteis i wnd lopking up, s I saw : a gentle Man coming toward the gate. He was a noble,, baudsome•looking waif—very tall, a fine form, !slid a certain' air of reilieinent and Aawiewr was ',tidbits on his eouutenakee l dressed In a hunting costume, , and ,oar• riedifowlipg piece in his *O A , • Ho adianced, and hying his baud On, the gate,' with a profound courtesy, And - wide sialle, said is * deep, rich; musical "Miskcould I be itocommodeted 7,lth Some slight refrestapeuts here? I „at: Amer ‘nthlsneighborhoodoutdktre been to aleittehOrigainepoia it Is scone distabce ,to the hotel rhere beh4* ,l 7, nad observing this cottage, , I - ooneleded that if 04'h i oepiiidity of Its inhel4talits*oo44! , ‘ the beauty Of the tipot,theY would ttot sr* "Chdi not," I answered tiwilay• 40 11 0 1 a mind nuuknert While lay WWI drOOPed beneath : t lissorthosobandaome dark "will You wOkiar I tiaosepted the permission with another ore BOSUN and ssilea' or 114' occupant alba little Peradiee l aS becoped It. I led the way to* /4'l)**ll and ‘62dertii 04 0 1414 * 144C1d P4 44 .1 ;6 1feb illi g 1001e?A'',111.*W61401,6 best : /411 *161404;101 thetilat, OrtiOr t tininamoir , ' „ 4 th o ., 111 , ° 441 1' 10,01 4 lia** ll ; ilitt*P l 1044 et 40 4 P4 litszted at*/ biliatied:4ll4ly. iii iri e; to ke t amo i l ow o o d 1 ip * NOW I/4 1110 #"* . CblSrble i. itningen W/ 1 4/4 44 4 been opt auPting , wow, "fit " a *** 0400 5 1140 0 1 4 This 4as our first *teeth% but not (ow last.e caadeQnadiOa k 0 10 7 4 40 11 Om** he wad waled ham, to thtichrt kid 'not. tato, before whoo s h* IIYOI and : tholl ;- knew I had, heard at hitto4,mt tbr ''4 4 4i04 ! .1 7,1 bard poy!siO I kosx mush foe had intro Mid fa% , ' 4 !Barth‘4lo4o4 /,61 1 Oh ° "• . Yet In a !halliard ways he had tald•me so: But I was ce,lef i . aud Solite he,' telling 'me hp would come saga liadit soar* not rare j and; i . 4440 444 4 4 le 4 t4 40 4 4 .0 . down the.reauli wishing It was. !'neat acku. mon thin: • • • • Nmit'4y'aletteicaMe f thn titiettyi : lug Aunt 44 "quest , ins mother, and I to,nomelmmadl4Ply;,aud` we, went, . Mot was better . 4rhin:wp arrived and I'morel than hilfsespeete4 it was oely ruN to . get me ihere. l ';Wliitie ms* . delighted to'see me,' , 004 aid 'ear i ' T 000; ;•4* ( ) Pt 1 05 1 404 to. t01',70 1 1 when we are alone," • , I wu solos V t but oheOhed ihyaOlf; had not better tell her at all. • • jAiwards evening x !walked throitg4 ithe Odeni and down the .avenne'.leidlng to the • ;fast I bOlioo to iii;kniiii'wherp wasp .I he n ber Tile"! 1 ,0: 41 7 111 . 3 0 t°‘ . , the right, X `1104014,0010 upon liv v en*ed 19' bench, under Ili 1e a aphi tree.: llut she was not alone, and eieloping hook, I retreated . ;hokiod,..einion,linshili t and OV *erred 041 in. , They were:, ented opposite ouch', other; hie dace turned.,suliy.tr9P my ;retreat, lore facing it, •`• • d t • ' ilt' si ft Vi i innte had'never 1 ".., I t?; 1 1!.# 1 # 0 ',$: • ` l 6O worm„ 1,„4011:0:it1:,41.414:dre+4, Ctit F lo in the wick And a dander gold +Amin , plimsr. ed artinnd her throntyand °niter bars..anns *ere bracelets` to:nukteh: ;kik *di hielvii - COO w9Fo- 10 4. 0 4 14 4 from :ffiite teeth irithn Mink hod, and on the Poll red lips there lingered ployfutinnile, 144 her greet, brown eyes were full of 04, au shelsoOlogly said ; , , , • ; "Why MO you-go,' yOni uncle *ante. you Ir. bad?" • • Ile tooked ,t her foe n tnonient, tbed, in a rifee:thut inane my heert stand itpli with an 'undefined ism) hOeeld;,in'iinielon., lie tones': , : I .Tecause, W{nnte ,ifersfrd i toes, Neuf Youbefatitirer'''..' ;"•.‘.‘, • I' . Ho* quick the lids ,droopsd, ./uid the orielson flash dyed her fair face, bat the haid ho held' Arts not : withdrawn; land be • • aided; ' ' " • • ' Wiati' le do you lore me?" • • 7.• • ; • • And (hen , in IPFP•bie Wilatt 40 ble tones, the wo,rds came: !Tet i Rank, 1 love thee I" . 1 And then I,aaw draw ber to him, !tire her lips and Cheekihias:d hfitblass . her for Making hfineiilappy; and 'then, with the thoniht , th 1 4 1 , 41 4, 3 0510:0 10 7 Woo no, iOnger mine, I attend a low 80.4 and At!'11000ali* 7-1 ,ide to the ground. ,When I recovered nom miuwoOn it was quite'dark; and raidoivayselfi ',tried to r&' member how I ems there:— when I , heard my sister'sit all tfikfa• i# 4 ) 'f.t' s r.kt' 4 ;itt. 4 oPil!,o 2 e" *Pt despairing 4 44111 1 ?i,t 0 0 1tsmillif'whiki mighty effort; I - soon : joined, her o and sho t , after Oat!! Wait \laa,;:for , ,ittYlag told um alt—ber lorci for- 1 1/rink cOluinvit bee bopiAeiltq 410th, ell:tbroasb, glad 60/ 4 it4i:4 l 24l‘4 l *.fie &situ not sea my iiee. 641 W OioY erittiolly tot hgr inat ou e " vll ~,t14 44, f 1 " t° , 1 0 161/ myself, BO Vies' *AM "Beetle. be is coming ta•iniirrs4,wilit his brother . Soitsis,.sid I want you -youtolook splendid ref. kirt a 'And I biya told bin, _ so tosiii Vkiitoji.,4? 4411.1 th the i)141 6 1*0: sett day was titter Oka twist 'AKA I to.' . k 4101 k4 1 , 41 0 10 4 until • ,! 'me tikey the raft. Ik e a* ' • r i? A l 9t l MAl ll !ri 1 1 so rAiii"!**.#,l4 4 l4#l,!fA, l 9oo . o-. 1 :044' 40104 bAl t f 0 4 " ha 1114 i wow. C.; , :k•');% ...04/itaTtlVortritT4,4o.oloo , dire eat , t. asibut itto 4 11 4 1 0 E, , ' ` 4Bo 4!ei this Mr. #10 , 1 11 4' 04 tile is Fmk" eeid 'r***l*.`l As '; /40011041t4MX*ii . 141 tartly inined soy eys to , bto law; but when I lstard,his gale; *era* " 4 *VeyOU fOprOttoll me so sobp I Butler I turned!** saipriie to PrlmMand Whale, r rr who Aired in•Wu / WintiiVal, rim* wel. not 'ininet okit 09 1 "Why s where did you gat acluafated wit h Ber.lie;# o o o "4ei bolsi 6 , 0 0 1 "a Imola; Norma l s to , tell them, A . stole Into the gatNiaa ta weep out my Joy Unseen. bout vas uktilpoue , 3l trembling arm, and a voice close beside mo Ott *` "flo you fore** we, Barth* 14 1 fold hie X did* i a edied '3 , 4 be told ma Ma °map was Prank. 16 had aahifiliriihr doing so, be" odd. inteept i rfo to paAi hhosiptlor las bts4htoi l who .toseigata Oni tio**oo,therir#l niten mute en for arch other; oith e d /lb/ 3 1 1 4 1 4X kett w 4 it e long• time in the gird**, add when wok!), Ito° Yae mitaite4 Cue *tamp okOd I both mottled 11 tOin t emsnewmanariemanta pAiwesiAt. 111142400. • In reply to a request for enrre • porulents; "dub, Stubbiosi,Uluire* , 13 "PIP. ) * lend!! U.S the following into:4:44, sat, of loot4l history, which shown ere* ramaroli 14 the penollariti*s of the animal king. do,ri 1 4:" . "s o u.;1;ul ib:4ow.rd.l The ,hole Je a !cry balite' Altimal. ,He !pkvuld on , fere fete. He is a: Hobil boo end' t hin' 'travel " partly feet ; with 01 0 1 0' 41b 14410 iher Is stye hut travel fr.et i ,le kg:tn.:quince Offlot 14144 °eta otee to 'ete. 0n the farca (i truelten loin) borso: bed A hose ',kit he' how_ fiiktisOini• i but diltot - ptat'itt "AO l '; frii try te: , ttiv44j.dia Opeholtiti* In theiferiti*ei Whet inolitteilik like' it; cough's; sod .he bed } e2 gigs see,* wound pisyrOilv ritie (they war stu# (11 4' ' wet bed 2 ioes.iirorii 011;0 1 bee preweut the bsy Ibun Wag out thru bee ribs. Nut) day (it topes* me koitsiderP )ifitoli by 'r4bitt horse" :4'4 hes ribs; t sle OiOcb. lionequinee., Fur .thetUe , yid trui c uci who Bted it the "111,' Ake. horlii or 40 how, But the' olaft+oi:, : didir Welt 4° 11 4 Will 10 boi bie orri4O9bcili4 6 4isx I n POlll if* u. the POP, • *ma toot old boolOsiete*noreeur Perr unarlo, , • , $At noira hll7 ,te 141 kid ijk tato boicoo Titer at affreut'kht4 ttv hosies; thof ar cad :hasees,l saw *Ow out . , diem. houesi Thar foist leinehined , dostio,' . not: jelittin mu*: TIO "ta itz,4 l fm#C" Tbili sits fi b. siwhi, fur s; : Thee hirit is av a , gaatipr Altipouirhuit a (suothin like . titer 'tholepin she tfiggiii,) yenie ' got io . speke kind la it or it *Ore Brumes{' ' 'Ayer: ,„ • Aveueoe Esq. , Browertut.e f berentber, the 1,1888. 'A. Inuit/mix Saga.--Thero is a most prolific farin in Deloarioonnty. - it:con. i4kil3ll Kta cr es, 20'04` irhieh ate woodland.:. - - piting the yeir 1 807 the *4ot produce of the bits was lee relieve z:,onta:(comaitt eipoto,vonced 2,0421 p 041044 ot (which 1 • 162 peundi were marketedirek 'king $850,r cheese, lil4B6l4:#lditia anti:Prict $BO2 8 iVele0 1 ;4 08 04 4 00 .4 ! w ' 44o*'44sf 7 O' 6 44 lo *h? Oiik OM% 0,0 *Wit : bulib,titi,o4,oo,4(l Total; $2,24409.:1u good trait:eeasioe 148 worth of chit:lei Intrelieenlerheted,beitge aPplei and other l the taite, 04 '41 4rioirie.*4.41ioiot.00ieroli wew;tecioo,l4*' work Pli 00 11 .4 1 # the precliO4, to citime4,or,Vetrea,Aet Whieliis "14041*iiii,tei mike distit* 1418 §1 1 ., 206,000 rotes 1 404 5 , 0 0 400 1800, 290,0004 In 180 4 29,000, 10 8 , 8 9 1 09 0 9' 144/411,411464.104 of inere#4 - , te:rmitsli not Mite 1411441 i 1)! 6'44" - posit*lA s i follop.k.lo*.!•*o.o4lo, / ,v 7: • Iiii,104.1 0 :0 1 0s07/ 1 4MO: 1 0 1 #00* , "o a f s*: , !*O4 it Ft *mit 1. 4 i t s • cl ,, ` 44 1 ”faifit*oktfor 4 , •", • • • • . •••: Ell ,~ { tolibboi 4l oo 4 te 1 0 1 c 4 ti ai r l AY4 l lo 4 f 1 4 1 1 01 * &' ois* * Otaiii4 b*: 44 liokoik4ektimiei**/$441,t0114 in Oi 4) IMPOrtAlt ' 14 0 le* 4 0 1411 141111:11 04 Ole kWh ThiSiiii4l4/1101011 41 " alt °i t #4 4 0 6 40‘ 1 44ib i lk -f i / l a 114. " 0 4 4 4 1 teweier t ini#6944olooeoo4lllhtitio , ; *Mg ike ti 614 ' 4 ,Llet the oaths were teie mai ibe Stud t. ' 240140 . `Frolliccesouthi Otikot WNW 100 _ A atom* 1 4 0 _id* 61 47 air% A AkeAktiA? OP dK ~ , tAkill,rl r il !' , t ft,Oklth,V! Pt 4 0 PD.i 0 f # 404, S,44AtM 4 , h e d Ye sb g 6 Wallit l 4130 10 A 1 1AP 04 0! . . t } ?lit* bed 1 1644 oti Iktslibi44 l . ll 4 ), At ta l lien 0 41 44 t i e, P l ,l d 0t 11 01 41114 I M!f i n 7 , ol f ki fOM witilk, tor k"r4,49,4wenti tot: .9 the PUtPPIIP 4 00 1 , 14 11 i t #O l , 1144 1 11 9 e , °1 *heti i Pros** "1 1 1 l O c it r r iP int suildenly:lthan the bast was larli 1 1110 e throat sot lA* tkiike, viatiptio, who* it 44 P 109 ‘14. 1 ", , ~ l i tt Ar° l ". . station * ll ,4 0 4 4= PIM?' ' -.PAILerr 1 10 11 44 004 1, it 4 * bt 4 A MOO t° .r s ' n toe stkrib*VMAlOn• L_: , ' a n t kieotid I‘.gent4 tiiil63.444Nwett -8114; le " sqle t tlgetter with oloalti. This is 14i14 1 0;bii " of smPor 009 tVer MOS 16,0401tti1l MO4. Thalotiki t l itue•iiiewinetAtivito doki (- lIMI , . Sier*Ot le - k1044u ISeetif,eit '00644 inillteetieeifttilodiuosereettet“ lined from die Mete itle,, 416 ' 0 '. litiorfific-410.tekte .itsei *Li fete 404/c!..4**** Mr !nava. *nevi einelide.4si 4 et‘ c irildet scite,eletep tt All All!AlliPied "!2 • - • ,• ergeo :.13'011r. b oa u ) k .. • ' -; 14 ' 7 7- 1 , , ItEADINOANDfX I ,OOI I 4V.R../ 1 .; ., , :..,,. .' : ' :•:- ' ..--,' COt.:. 0 ' 4 ' 161 AO': : ' ; 07111iNE5DAt'1311111111834 , .214 184311.1„ '4lo44cerTiaint ' *mil& Road. ►leIV / sitycisipiljiiidAlfii'n.y! ,' .• ' i.,..3..,: 1 I , 3 • s 4irP'4 , . .. 1 01,, f , ,, : ~ -.,:', :•••:-.,, , ,, i . . s, ,- - .: ' • ititrualio(9B _,... - . 140:01tiihis is. ' ...! . • 1 1 : . , I ~ i liti r i , , ,ll a d e lpida, 6 . ; . , ~ i Th 4 , e itoir oa d.., Utortool ''. ‘ - . , •T. i t i l II . • e . : A,,,,L . , ..... : ,, ~, k lye ex 6_ lislit 110.1085 " r4 „ - 1 ,14_ ~eli _ . !OAP' P l i iio PoOsitile, stS iii 40 ii.i4141114 04:4$ 16 " ilis tritt;;. Teitio 1414 g itti , :. ,liiiiipilion, .!i l 4 t o In. i trot!, OW 'whim 'kw*. a.. 4 4 rf tlitiou i iti„..l4., 4 N i ti • ot r r , ;r t ; 1 4 1 1 11 E10441 10 ' 11 4‘ ta' _ __R. . . . . 1141(1. 11 7'. MEE= x • t -e • .••4 • ICI RE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers