DAILVf F, A.D I N 4:34., :PA. -7itfiSDAY. DECEMBER' 1; 1808. AND got4tirxiy: SPITION.w.;III 1.2.. P. 'llll. lola will appeal -. to-issilinr ? • Q; You eitn' paishiss lagotica tielrat ,14) ,airs st the upper ItesuilnyPePot. L.—An Idtowboat is the . wheel ;diced be tween tiro others to tralgter Wallop front one . to the other without ehansbni the,db4otion of Pito" lotion , )(MS L. The canary btrd less native of the Oa. mir y Wands, from whence It was brought yorope in the sixteenth century. and made is household pet. T. appears to us that you never wife mem ber da, Sunday t3ohOol. If you refer to ahem , of X VI, Dth verse, in. the book alit. Mark, You will dud your question answered. Mn. JOIDC,KEPPLZMAN fleeted one of the swoon Scales at his • foundry oat Fifth street. " • poL►ar bursmosnos.-4Not much doing in police circles. One mamas arrested yea•, torday for . being drunk." Six lodgers men. pied the station house list 'night. , WOOD LAND SOT,n. 1 rank DAVilli IMP tioneer, sold .on Friday last, five acres. of wood Ina!, situateditt Centre township, the property of Cyrus Snyder, to Adam Boonei for the sum of $,121.05 per note. NEW BUILDINOL—Worknien ate justa Qui completing a handsome three-story brick residenCe for Mr. Philip. Ermentrout, in Wsinut betiteen Fourth and Fifth streets.. ?dr. Joseph Miller built 'a neat two•story blielc Wine in Franklin . street, .between Eighth and Ninth. . A oplenild lolidPryCloAe at phirleslonaii Co,, 441 Pena atroot. morning Ox Saturday Captain Woodward, with the detective officers of the Philadel• phis and Reading Railroad Company, - cap. tured Mary Martin f lianoy Miller,•Bridget Krouse, Francis Walter and William Peter, in the act of stealiog fromthe company's cur.—Phila. Daily Nem. • Tia following atO tho school teachers of Buscombrannor.School Districts D, Evens, Samuel' Bill, Atnbi Roberts lesAel' Dhaker, Samuel Olitnacht,- Alvan Brown, aniel Link, George IL. Va lentine. ..I B. Lohman licebnor is the Secretary of the . Ruscombumnor School Board. WVDMKON, Hall*, PriVate or Public Portiere flir niihed with Dinner*, flingionr. or Collation*, gotten my in the boat style Fi f the culinary art, by Janos Darenger, 15 }fort itroot. TaA.VI3 So.—, When two ladies meet in the street, they first talk 'of theirldrenses, their neighbors' and their' own virtues, the latest. engagement, And finish off with a grist of common _plate talk as long as Trinity church spire. on two:gentlemen meet, they talk of their aching heads, the.'virtues of ,plain soda water, the devilish good time last night," tho streaks and angularities of these lady acquaintances, the gaylwalking pictures about town; betties, dominoes, the !narks of liquor, ladies, cigars, what's up and seven, up. PlMlots Lsw.---The following decision has recootly been made under the new , pen sion law of Ali 28th 1888 . . The fasts of the two; 'Which was s oldi eration of the parents of a deemed for additional bounty, were , as follovist The soldier :isms. killed on Decogaber 14th, 1803, leaving rt widow and Wants, but no child. The widoWromarried len January 6th, 1805, and thus forfeited her rights. The second ,comp. troller of the treasury has decided that as there was no widow of.the soldier at the date of the sot of 1808, the next living heirs named in the law, and the claims of the pa• rents Were adMitted. • —.....„—....... . to resort for Miles—the Pry Goods house of Charles Levan & Co., tit Penn stmt. , , LAW OP TUE 1100.—Persons meeting in carrihgea on a highway are to turn to the right of the centre of the highway. It is not the centre of the smooth or flint traiol ed,..part of the road, but the centre of the worked part, oven though the whole of tho smooth or traveled part bo on ono side. In winter, however, whop the road is obstruct ed by scow,. the centre, is the middle of the beaten path . the rule rquiring carriages to turn to o ,tho right, does not Apply to the :fleeting of a carriage with a horse•ear, nor. with a traveler on horseback. .11,travelor on n highway ,is boutid , ti) hit‘fe 'his . harnesk tud carriage in a roadworthy condition, and is liable for any damage to othqra occasioned by his insufficiency in this particular. PIIII.OBOIIIY op Itr. Egavrn.--=Sieltness is very largely.the want of will. Everything is 'brain, There is thought and feeling not only, but will;" and `.will includes •in it far more than mental philosophers think. It acts universally; now as u; on mind; and then just as much upon thp body.„ It• is another name for life—force. Men in whom this life or will-power is great, resist disease, and cominyt •ltliken attacked.' To array a man's mlntkatid will against his sick. IletSi is the supreme lEl4' of medicine, In. spire, in men courage :Ind. purpose, and the mtnd•power will cast out disease. "NOP; ins ails her; it is only her Imagination," sald the nurse.to him one day. "Only", the imagination ?—thatis enough. Better suffer in bone and muscle than in the imagination. If the mind is 'sick, what can cure that?- 7 &lecled. ALWAVA reeelvins new goods—Marks Loren it Co., al Penn sheet• FALSR Patrescg.-tr-William Stott keens ft store down. by the venal, and one Mary Burk, wife of Patrick Burk, came to him some time' in the summer to make arratige , meets •to wales° goods on credit. . She stated that her husband had $1,600 deposited in ono of the Banks which would make' her good for the amount she would want.- Mr. Stott was not'satiafled, and refused to credit her. Some time afterwards"she came beck to the store in. company with Thomas Mon. roe, who Works in the' Shoot , Mill, who vouched filth° tenth of what Mrs. Burk had told him,lthout the money, affirming thet ho kneW • that her husband had •$1,600 in' the i Bank, and on this representation of Mot-7 roe's, Mr. Stott tontiented to give goods( on credit to Mrs. Burk, and did give her goods . ; to the amount of slB.' Yesterday Stott , as certained that Burk's familY had their goods packed and were to leave the City in -the 19:80 A.M. , train, and he. catee ap to AldermaP Schools er's office end m ado complaint agoipst, Mrs. Burk and non*Jionroo l. for 'pro , curing goods on false reptesentattons and had them both arrested and brought Witmer .tho':.charge.' Mr .Bteitt •demanded payment for the goods, and tkeithei er the prisoners had the stamps!, but OrentOolly the' matter era; arranged by an order:on So felt, McManus& C 0.., for the aramint ) „at& the prisoners were disobargaiL:l;.i.,l • - *Antis don' fa il call it the store; •Ot lovak* Co.. 441 Pootkitseet t 1 (704 w 1 1 .41 w P ti floods Out v ods to iiiviitoso. - . • ' OLE, rii) , (4,41V4i. - tiAoo*l'ii4i .‘,',..,•..-:,.-,,,.., ~ , , ~.• .'A n.se, ip . . i5p0ri,, , ,..., 4 „v... v ., ~,,...... ra.,04 ***,...4,i,,,,, J.ini. :1.4.4,,,,„,,,h,0it„,..,; Oiditin yea - On 40101410 n 00000 Of OIL : - Mallet's,* Kfttsei vs. 400 . 4411: ,-: - Con; pined oispidicatleriaf deft . _',.,-, :': -•: - ' .• '• ,• .r' aCttb.:fklentacker arid Frederick ~' nip. 1140,11tur ofinitiOr C.iiildratt of Pitiiiel'Weid ner, deted.rs. - Adem Beittitulidi eta', Record *mended oh motion of pith., and 'cantle con tinned On applitiation.of dells. ' ' : • , Same Va t Orin ilefilenger, If at...... Sy, -Same vs,. Daniel amppett,,4.(ll. • ' Same is. iTeltit 'St Hearer, 4444. Cont.k ned upon ratnegrounds. - : '''. : • ,i ' .- • 04;' - Dawson Ordains's' vs:''AdminiStrstors of. David Levan end:Jacob Potteiger.-402 . Nor. l. 1660. , , , This was an ltetiOn of debt brought up6tt a bond for. $OOO, siren, to the Orion thalOthdaY of July, 1888,, kr:David Levan and Jacob Potteiger_, 'under ' the . fol. lowing' circumstances:. - Somiolme itt the 'early part of July, 1866, a lot of 21 Cattle belonsing.te Me.- Coleptan were stolen from' Ort‘of , hht ferule' at ''Elizabeth;- lAneaster county. The Cattle were. taken from the .taro in the'night and • driven off towards - *tdings distance bf2B inites.At Shillinfre ' tavern they, were 0014 by a Ilan Calling him. self John Miller, t,o 'Jacob Potteiger, one of the defendants, with *beta Dail Levee Inill• tbeti in partnerithip: ', On the Bth of July, Oliver. P.. Caldwell,. lir l ,Coleman's refiner at Blizitetitt; came,- i n conipany with the Sher!' iff of Leban'oti; , 'tounty, ,to Beading, having received inforMation of the disposition of the cattle, and'called upon Mr. Potteiger, at thecorner of Eighth and Washington streets. B 1 this time tha tattle had • been nearly all doptitied of tadifferent Parties by the letter, and as the beet arrangement Abet 'could be made, the bond in Suit Wa s drawn up, the conditional tart of winch 'stipulated. that Lo• 'vaa 'awl pettelier were, to, return . the cattle .'IASOO'd order to-Coleman withiti 80 ditys,ac ocKtnt tor Mich as hadalteady :iftett aold-ror Pay their , value. It eeenrie that the *ties could not afterwards agree upon the amount to be paid t end this suit was brought to ob. taint a legal recovery. ' , The question of the fair valuation. of , the. cattle was the only point. in,dispnte.- Mr. Caldwell, testified that the lot consisted of 8 . drove cattle, 11 thoroughbred- short-horned Durham; and ti . pair ,of work Oxen. The drove cattle he estimated' at • .$BO per bead, the thormighbreds at $OO per head . , and the oxen at $826--4he aggregate . .tracuntbeins $1986. Another witness `for the Plff, subs mated thti value of the cattle at 8} cents per pound; live At eight,at about the same figure. Wm. B. ' Albright , Who was landlord at Shil• ling's when the cattle were', sold, and who i was 'called. for the defense,thought they were ' 'worth about 7 cents;per Pciund,aecording to whit* estimate Alio let would bevel:mounted to $1,588 70.: " Saetitel Ouldin, of Amity township, bought Bor 10 of these cattle for 7i cents perpound, end testified that Mr. Toteolger had - asked him 71. ' - , - • The Offs% Claim, with interest, amounted $2,226 48, th amount in which deft ac knowledged themselves indebted i beins some $ 7OO less. ' Verdict for ,pill. for $2,020 88. Firmantrout - for plff. , Hagerman and 3:13. .Richarde for deft. . . FOURTIRRNTII DAY--TUESDAir. Cleo. N. Tatham et al. va. Jonathan \ Greg. Pry. On trial. BUBRCRIBIS for the BAoll, THE MAIN -4130 UT TOWN,—A %stern opor !peaks of two mon who NW out of An "in to:lotto& buggy:' ' • • Ovor•o4aata and furs canto la aloe today. Ice wee formed on the pondetb.ll morning, The lesturo sooson is upon us. That no leaning 111'1%4141nel • • , The !measles opposite Ifaritsbura are covered with 11130 W, - Tbo coming your will begin Its existence on a bad day—Friday.. We noticed yesterday at the Express ,ofilee two deer, labeled for Robesonin., lead the proaeoaings at the Young Mons! meet ing at Librery Hall last evening. . , The protracted meetings at the Fifth street M: E. Church, oontinue with much simmers. ' Readingbas more Leaflet than any other city of its else mid population in the United States. ' • . . „ A now water tank has bean arooted at the Shoot Works or Bogert. McManus dc Co. i • , Alloon=unload's'', addressed to this office isnot lie sinned by the real tamp. Otherwise they will be rejected. The name willmokbe published un- Jets desired by the ooriespondent. • ribe.Junior Steam Fire Engine,' which Loth been Undergoing repairs,' wntit into service bust night at 7 o'oleek. s ' • . . . Proposals will bo received Until Docainbor 19th, 1868,,fei furnishing the Now **eel louse on Elm street, above Ninth, with Desk, Chairs, ke, , , persons having elatasa against theLlberty Steam MO Company, N'o, 5, are molested to pre sent the earns for settlearot„-bellire their nest dated meeting. A Doan /OR PIITSBURO,••-ThO ppkindart Ot broo groWeaterrone le one of our inhere ie rpaka of the "smoky pity" at Pidebursh: A 'term. like that' Is enouth to*, toga?. the iron workers rick. The weather deseires mention. It [a All that could be. asked• 'The person 'rho earl And fault With fluoh ileniber ought teso eased and exhibit. ! ed: . • Tom Thumb. Commodore Nutt, Mrs. Tom Themb, and Albs Minnie Warren aro at Radon.. Coatis tailing, and it id thought that ins month tr ant' this it will• he nitioh lower than it, is to-day, l'his Wilk not be inweleonie nens to tho pbor. ' • *63 , are fowls the moat every thlose far mers keel)? Beearise for every grain *ay Wei a peck! ." bar:knoss comes on about 9vao'clook thesis days, which makes them Very short. • ' • Quitting advertising In dull times is like tearing Out a dam because thewater is low. Either plan will prevent goqd times from direr coming. If cranberries are dried a short Unto in the sun. and Plated in bottles tilled' with thew , and then closed with sealing wait, the• betties will keep in. food eenditiOn for Several years. Mace' the Intioduction . of the' new style ;Atop hat, our ladles' men ban very emits hem at* All theY lisie to do is to tOtweimil with ft ;show la the hat and smother, fitielle"On the arta,' term Datros:—.l4, , Light. Np ,1 North * fifth' otreitt.,Ber Pa....hai ill Ms siert& ono or the estetlitt4 aefstooko of huh drui hi th is taK ILW • 'ltaktent eirfaterets rtettea tte eve in want at any hoer • 4 triar i ls t. Liej ilia his arKiftut a , oi 0 # 1,41 7" Ito it,leaken. V ,„ . s t re •' '' ' ''' . 4iliiiii ' iiiiiiiin)idteirabli itk; Atuttsihril, 4 1 to. y„,,,„„"me Rat ReilotV tl ig 47:lbb iMiti , taii r reOr&4l thfilib 0:i no r s Ire in o _eltlifititFV_LsP,Pio a , til e *di ,tZTSCI rli. 7 "II B oa 0 10 6, beeKief f ~ , t _ DOT It. , ... I:','l'r4. , r : ' '' . WA* ' NM Wit 'or V illini f - '' Sl. ; .:._' #l l l4 l 44l.litlii. the week epeurat i on swetatiril" k:',lrear market. and 'WI loans Oa (41/1111.1014 11144 **".4 1 1100 4141 MC*? Rat isttb: rudeti . l ;01064atteifiis rmalsrlties at Tfel 'tier. , 1, 1 •_.. 7 b.! °Orssa Of Aitntantlie were tight, but, esiktutio7A Were `reirmitahla alrensisPrfat la 41 00‘r # 4l ot l "N' Md. nothing bat drat class short obligationsOnabi Disbud underAllo per etnt., , ~ ~ ...' Thismi*Onsentln doelrelmniaday Were reinark. 50i,,,,, 1 44. without much fluctuation ,is prices. \ u uQterolsert 'mum Were quiet. State loins dosed, at 1001 for Ou t aeries, 100 for the second do., .ad NW for the ird do, City !Mum were g lash._ 'Sr, and 'the nil e add to some extent at 103411' 1034 Arsdint Railroad Was wit ski strong, and timed uttlet:at 403494494. - Pennarirania Railroad was firm and in demand at 54;4. -Camden &Ad Amiss* Itralras4 add. nt 124-4 decline of g I til was bid tar Aline 11110tailroad I 1553 for Lebigh Valley Railroad; 40 foi )3101011Rar010 Pieferred; 30 for the &canon sin.* i ,St for North Penns. Railroad.* 80Si fbr Catalytic* Railroad. preferred; lid 2 5 % for Philadelphia, and Erie Ralipaad. In Oarial Stooks thore was less fitfulness. and 24:4 w as the bid for Lehigh Navigation. Bank and PaSlBl4ol' shares were without essen tial change, ' ' Irt Neir York; the week closed upon a deoldcd renewal of the speculative feeling in the stook Market and *driller tone in prices in general. This activity, was not to well pronounced in the earlier portion of the week. rhea extreme oration seemed to direct operations. The favOrable bank state ment of the previous week. the ease in money and the virtual elimination of Erie from the Hst gradu ally removed this hesitation. and a strong tide of ipootHation set in on Wednesday, which by Satur day hal carried Prices up as many assist end seven per cent. for the prominent stooks. The money market worked with great ease dur , ins the week, and the rate on call loans ranged from fair per cent. exceptionally. to els at some of the banks. The statement of, the associated banks Choi, an lnoiciai 'in circulation of 490,000 and a decrease in legsltenacri of °vet. 111.000.000, An in crease in loans is counterbalanced by an almost equal increase in deposits. The sales of government gold aceonnt for the de crease la legal tenders. but the explanation of the decreer° La specie is not so readily' given and hence there is an apprehension that the purchas ers of the government gold have been putting it away for a "squeeze" in the etlilUllll week, espe cially as the demand for gold to pay for imports will bolero for the rest of the year. The customs receipts during the week were nearly $1,000.000 and the otports:of specie over 11600,00(k MONEY At AREgT. 13ushong & Bro., Bankers, No: 16 North 6th atroet, • quote as follows . . • Old 11., Os 3881 ISRADING, Deo. I. 1868 Old u. s's 1862 - New U.S. 5,20% 11 1861. July and Jan. . 1 New S. 5..20'5. 1865, May and Nov., - 1 ew 1.1. 1865, now • . 109, 1; U.5. 5-20'a 18C _July and Jan. -109 i Now U.S. 5.-73 s, 1868. - 109 Ten-Forty Bonds, - - - - 105 • • Oold n New York up to 12 o'clock, - - 13514 Gold Lu Beading at Hushona &Bros 6• • / 34% Ts ,Philadelphia, there is a decided improve. meat 'in the Ploui market, and for the better grades of Extra Families we advance our quota tions 260. per barrel, with the remark that the de mand is mostly for . this description. The tradi tional Prr/adloes which have existed against Spring Wheat Maur are no longer recognised, and most of the bilkers 'now prefer , choice brands of this description to the low grades of winter Wheat families; solos of 400 barrels lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota at $BOB 76; 100 barrels good, Indi ana at $lO 25; some Ohio nt $l9O/1075,.and fancy at VW. Rye sloails bitter, and s oominands $750 (4.143. •In Corn Meal no further sales have boon re ported. The wheat market remains without quotable gbange ' and the only sales reported are' small lots of Red ' at $202 10 ; 1,800 bushels in Indiana Bed and Amber at $215, and 2,000 bushel, KentuebY White at $245. Rye comes in slowly, and Western 60/upends $1550167. The market is very bare of old yellow corn, and it lommandi $125. There a is a good demand for new, and 2,000 bushels. sold at 410110, according to dryness. Oats are in fair re quest, and 6,000 bushels dark and prime Western sold at 67071 e. Whiskyli quiet *ales of wood and iron-bound barrels at $1 0601 08; duty paid. RAIDING PRIORS. White Wheat. per bbl., Bed ' M i tre, Famtly per bbl, MI • Corn C hop (old) • new) Tun o ld Common Bran Corn Iriegl PATINA PRIOR& White irbsat,pir buetel Bed' Corn • Corn (odd) , . Corn (new) Tut Reading NitOad closed its dicellear Noy. 30th. !the insreased 'demand Caused for coal after the result of the late Presidential election 'was settled ,by the October citations, has coal this road to make units bases on the coal tonnage from Schuylkill County,. anti will Mmeallastyeer'a quadtiti a few thOusand tons, This, net profits however. on its coal tonnage, will show a consider able falling off, owing to the low rates at which they Ilferecolliflelltd to Ant the rates eftrantporta stiOn for a large portion of the Season on coal, to compete With other regions. ' The season is rapidly drawing tp a close by the canals, aryl the demand is stacking off at present, owing .to the extreme high prices, caused mainly 'by the BerantonAuctiOn Sale of October %which' *as the result o speculation on the part of those who bad Coal td receive from the Setentrin Com pany, pnrchaecd at lowefratts. The result is that consumers of coal have been and Will be taxed not, lasi than 04000,000. while the *reducers have derived scarcely any _benefit by. the Uncalled for advance. Prices are noir Needing, and there it'll! Probably be another Contest to December, before wegea. can be reduced to meet , the reductions on vial.. The advanced rates of freight in November, 'ought also to be taken off en the line and toPhUa: as it would be an outrage to keep them okin the present state of the trade. seentslrenge to as that tha&trietore Company sheeld have bid so large a quantity, of coal to de-. liver qn their - sales previous to the sate in October, as was Opresented. They have tent attire coat to die shipping ports near New York. than they have 'sold atAuctioa this year so, far, and we have al , was. tialaratooct that they only sold privately' . the aprplue of Coal sent , to :market aver the gußnttty sold at Auction; Under these circumstance*, we cannot understapd why they , , should base ter be-' magi hand in their deliVeries, as represented: tiro it be poelible that "it ring"' was termed at 'New Ye* tO ran up the prim ,We should like be eiligbtened on tle sad set by those who ire pasted up.' There is aiwir' itirrible eatery Wh4i the 04608 Of OW are ran - .lto ,10130bnilklit ceuntY singed by &legitimate delimit by the liow York 'qua genera* i hat Whoa the' woe wig tin up at. ,the Nil york Auction itafta,'%totoly , wood for by eh. 0110 trade. and aolidemait by the torodu9eri the Pwise York 'op- PatiPto. be inice:***°4 tttb AitieCt."'llfsere ;Thirnal ; * l iiiio i i i- H - : ook Ott CAP IS , ~•*-•-... 0 "N , ' I ' , ~ _ .., „,,,;:...,, - 5 .,„ • : Pet.• , '•,' :. .- • _•4l !,; .;:.«,.,i.:•..44.4 , ; 4. p ' 1 ...• .. ~, ~ !,..4.i...4'imi. -.‘ i ! • IN • ' IN • !! , v. 1., 61112 liffa ip .T A •,,.: ~,.,-,! , "7 .,••••- -,: , --- !; - . 7 1 :. - ,A • .± ,- ;-..7 oi • si ps - '. , . -:, -,, st a - - vikAot: ' istotumec: ~ .i N u if i n . go.Worr -.Y. - - - •`.. - P;- :i •.' ' ---' i :'-.:-:. • . 6 , .1 — ',..:' , ,c , •"; , 4' , . 1." , ' , V. ,- ; , , ,, 1,:;, , .•,.„ k- ','•• .",NN:' - '; /- , *.'.!,„ ,, ,',,, f , : sot— 40.11 * 4 1; ; 63PP:b To ton * • • _ TO4PAT 404 . 510ve i ei lie nbnamninn' the Brat 4,7 ofletiOr• , AK , . , ',. ~ . ,• , • ... , iso.--,-Mr: Daniel Itheitni 'a highly . re. spouted eta the oldest china • ot :this A:4, r ? residing at the earner a T 'l4 and Wash • ingtou streets, illed ibis Pie nig• ' Ire irSe between 90 sod OJ rare of a e. - , En. C. IL Barran, or Aaronsburg, - Cen tre county, Pi., will preach in the Amityville Reformed Church, on Sunday morning next, December 4th. Mr. Reiter, we are informed, is a natty° Amity , torrnahip, Berke county. , • • RAND IlttiNICD.-9110 1111$ 1.4 *.telct Mrs. liiller,residing in North Teo at tort,bad her hand severely inui.boi li ng and one of the children threw. cip into the kettle,* which caused the lard to take fire, and in her pfforte patitsguish it, she tiara• id her right hind. She is unable to be about, and suffers much pain, • Qoannuntested. • , • ReanittO, bee. let t 1868. EDITOR Damir EAOI.V;—I noticed a state• meet in the Votes of" this Morning', that the income nett on the market sheds this year will not amount to $2,8Q0. This la a polo. take. The Inatome will amount to over $B,. 000. 1 earl prove this ) and, if neceseary,wilt do ao. A Sturm) Moon for , teckeya took_plece at Latter'i Park yesterdio afternoon, Small bore rifles wore used—distanci about 66 yards—filly ;cents . for = three ihots. The shooting was very good. • The prizes were two large turkeys, one of which was a handsome white one, Weighing 22 pounds.', We did net learnithe, names or the winning marksmen.. Another match' wilt take place at the Park next Mon* afternoon, , STATEMENT of• moneys; received and paid eat at the Mayor's offite,'ftont the tat to•t b o 80th day of. lov r , 1808 , inclusive, vlz • DR. $2O 94 88 00 To cash for fines t feesand-coats, " Cases of drunkenness. " . from District • Attorneys Morris and Shearer, 20 28 441 ;County CoMmissioners, ases returned to Court. 6l 06 r building permits . s 66 26 By cash paid policenien and *fitness-. es: es; • - sB4'oo S. M. Rea, for Assaistant Engineer, • By emit Peter Jones ' Treasuyer Reading school District, ,- . • By milt Heidenreich ) -City . Treasurer, • $l9O ,88 • The're- were 22:permittr issued during the Month of 144 A-ember to wit: i rwo-storyi brick dwelling houses, Two " • frame 41 Frame Stable, Frame Butpher shop,. • Total,,L' - During te month of Novembfir, 242 inch- Musts have been put in . the. loolt-up,as lodgers and otherwise, and such as violated the laws : Lodgers, , • Drunk, • . • Assault and pattery : - Vagrants, - - Poor House, Before Aldermen, Run Away, Suspicions, Trespassing, • • • • • , 2 °t i the above 21 were Wonienfas Lodgers, 15 ; Prisoners 0. ' • , • of Lodgers: ' • • • Americans 47, English 7, Irish 6U, Ger- mans 66, 'Welsh 8, Scotch 8, French No groes i s NM. IL GERNAND, Mayor. Reading, Dec. •1, 1868. 81812 03 ® 1160 1 110 138 1 10 130 100 It MEETING TO - ORGANIZE A W I RER WEARING ROOM ASSOCIATIpN. A meeting - for die above:object was held at Library Hall on Monday evening Novem. her 110th, MS, at 71 o'clock, and was largo. Iy attended. - ' motion G. A. Nleol s .Esq., was called to the chair, and Louis Richards ivas appointed Secretary. John. Richards t Esq, stated that Ole 'object of the Meeting would be best.ex. plained by a set of resolutions which he bad preferred and which Ke offered . tor. consider. atton. The resolutiona•were as fellows.: 210 200 116 96 Raotved, 7'hat in the °Anion of this Meeting, _a great necessity exists In this pity_ for a ,irree Regd. Int Room for young men and others, Wording, as such an Institution would, toustay• the unapsifor passing their event:Ws agreeably and profitablY, who have pow no such o e rtunitn .. • r• Resolved That Imm t o measures Jll.O ,te / Inin for the ordsnizatten of a Fr ee Reading Room As. goolation, and that all eitisens of Roing whn de: sire to promote the best interests of ti e town, and the elevation of its young men he socited to give their aid to the effort • Netolvecf, That ottr_th adhere due tO the ClergY of heading and the Wilton of the city papers For the inte t zst they have manifested In this enter prise. 1 • • • ' -,.: • • Reed , T That ,nrge upon' professions men , merchants. man astute* and especially t 6 in:. telllgnt median zi andarig Pen Of to to city, to 0 rcpt eadu theirir lies? . ed h , tira l t a Slim o 01 taly to be s u a l l,,Adeo "'tram thaviirious wards,of iulebitr. bir OPPoiumrts TOW duly it shall be to meet at M early 'day is in ft. cable. to prepare a COnetttution, for the pro *osed Antoolation, ascertain ' whenK:: and smote 1 7 onus s suitable robin , erloinan min be obtain • collect Rinds for the p ro oPlietotnd Centro 1 1 to take all proper etc $ or th e unteentsie. ont* - .Rss pf thro isa tattoo. , ooked. rat so d I:emulate* bri e Wiod to confer th e kilittnenlofthe Li. brio_ ,Comnee*- (If lie POPO. 0 1 1 1 .011:4 Mai whether the co.opera on'oftnat excellent nstitu tien cannot be obtained. so as to promote • mu. cum sdrantage of, bout orient OWN ' Mr. iiiebaids then of Dine reupirhitin auppOrt or the resOintiotts.' lie • said that he was glad to see so large a. numb* pie Sent i.ti . this evening. _ This was .tbe 'attest .11100 leg for an object or title kind hi had -,evoi‘ n in this tu w ty.. *sot' the; most t rape ' t inititutione in ,Rding lumi • been set on toot in meetings, that bad beep . attended byl. but bait a dozen. , % Is t want in 'this . place lb an Institution of o biad proptilud, , The young men • 'of: - ing 'We tto:plaSe :to spend theili, r eVallinglit kotlitoi, ' tit • I .144 thO sive* Ou fig latO g ie_C 4.- 4,. `r4S) Out . ,dgienigto.o4 10 men fat sriatlag t titiiiiiisilatlithir s h ou ld Inquke, . 1 s #heilleff ~- ' :•: ant::.; ' 1 icovidOu ati p is ' nuitie , , 11#'' their , :',ltu rp,senient. Haw i te i lleititt Ws: ji,k nt *MO a , eoin 'to are rf l * . eereeMil OP be Obtained fort '0 putt*haof a Free] W• ins Sown; iiiid4hes the Citizens 'will' dp 'to "PPlraririg The‘wolo.roons nudSt, a gwhi9Vi4bei'ilt. 11401 - 1004; Ml* $l9O 88 .== = OR. 15 90 17 25 so is IE 203 28 la=l -7- 'here P 1 = 1 • lull ?slat 0 ' it* should a wl tar:fiei, , ,,ltriti for &W and it Ilicield be iniPPlied,with Work 6 Of stied to iplArellt Otels; : it Ude initiner *AgfulnrtAli • res 4 lial Weida, ~brt - P+', MOW. ' : O 'was Ciitilideat ant t)tere. Were rely Oew pnisoins who would not gtee is. tuna moonlit to stichnu object. ' ~ '" ' -; lbw:, T. A. Fernley followed: Ho 'toted Ault , head known itistantet Whore' $9O l ll men i.n,this 04 bid-tit 4ulted'llliville metes, Of institsietion, andthOe Welt nitabireWhn,l would gladly *nil themselves or Oki benefit* of o • •project - tike .• ' thit.: Where .0 1i our Topes' men - go f . Churches are indeed excellent: laces for . ahem". , but they owlet be provided. In addition with the means ofinstruction rind innocent anieste meet. hey ought to be full , of • Wits; newapare,. and magiosines, ' Ile' was riot ono of that Ohs* who thought 411 newspapers belonged to the devili and eppieciated their value as popular instructors.; The!•,expedt• en j oy of thji ',prefect was palpable. , The only question bi t low can the expenses 'be defrayed P. - We hay° had committees abroad collecting foe various public obletts. 'He was in favor of putting another committee in the field, 1 and they would - ail succeed: He did net believe io much moneywoUld be wanted as ' was summed. '. lie thought a judicions•committee could effect an arrange-- merit to combine; the project with the Read ing Library. There could be such an Ar rangement made, and if it ought to be done, -then it will be done. There- wee no , such word as ,fall hi the American vorlahnlary, and if theood of the community dictate such a pro ject, the people will not auger it to sink. - Rev. E. .1. Richards was the next speaker, Ile said that he did not come hero to make a speech, but to oho* his interest In the proposed association: More than ten years ago an effort of this kind bed been made and failed, but ' there"was no reason, why this should not sueeced. • There had been trouble for twentyy_eare to, keep: up . the . Tre a ding hihrery. Diciwit grand end . tilefill ,reselt ad been ' attained, Of, which this build.' big was the inoeumenti ' The importance of this movement be did not consider to bein ferior to the LibrAri Aasothition• It will reach a different•olass. He did not see why some of the rooms of, this bending could not be secured and opened for the purpose. There was now no sere place open fbr young. Men—no satisfactory ' resod for 'an evening's entertainment.,The people to the of I us make provision for wants ofthiskindoind multiply the means for literary improvement. 1 What after ell was the, amouht -recoil* to set on foot this Project?. - , • If he hadall the money that was 'pent for cigars in a single evenin he could organize a free reading room. ' He hOped the town I would be canvassed and that the matter would have a trial. Ile had always felt an interest in;youpg men lind•would never cease, to feel en interest in them. His own leans were' 'Wilted, but ho would cheerful! give 1 them all ho could—his services and is ere couragement. , • ' • i Rev, B. Peters explained that he did not receive a notice of this meeting in time to announce it from his pulpit onlirinday even , ing last. Had the tinily° reached there - 1n time he wouldheve given it out and advocate ed.the objebt of the meeting.', ' • ...,. Rev. B. Id. Schmuckerstated that the notice failed' to reach him also. He held that the , clergy are to holhe aide judge • of the pro priety of reading fromlhe pulpit, the notice that,may he •banded thorn. Other persons' opinions on the subject are no law'to then). Ile fejt the most eordlal symptithfor this 11,, movement, and would , give it h s hearty co-operation. Ho would suggest that all the facilities for literary improvement be 'con centrated in this building, as there was •abundant room. The projects should not be divided', but should be carried out in coni neotton with each other. • ' , H The' resolutions.. wore• then Considered I separately and adopted. . The Committee provided. for by the fi ft h resolution was thmiselected him the seep,' wards 'of the city, the names • being suggested by the meeting. The Committee consisted of 87,and was as &Hews : Rev. Mr. Pattison, Jesse 0. Ilawley,Capt. F. S. Boas, Wm. C. Wheeler, Jto..L. Do6g.', lass, Dr. C •H. Hunters jas. • RolandL Prof. 'J. p. Baugh'er, Dr. • 8.• S. Stevens, Daniel Byerle, _Daniel Hertel,* Dr..D: A. Uirieh, Rev. Mr. Schinucker f "fredetleir Limier, ' Peter ' D.. Wanner, • , FranK.Warron; . Leivls Briner, Win. IL. Strickletrirl y •Dr.4no. It., Brook, Thos. 0, Zikunern)ttn, .Abner N. Stauffer,lno. 8. Richards, George F_, . Baer, Jacob Pricker, Wm, Ardoldp..lito, • E.WoOteei Ilenry_VroiseiWm, Gelger l Jne.l3.Behaeffer, Rev. Mr. •Fernley, Rev., Mr3lloll6rda A. 41 , Green,. 0, A, 'Nicene; A.: 'v. ' Bbini fr tot!. B. RIO a Peters, D. Young Jones, Leiiii.rde. , 1 Oa motion it was: •reSolvedi,thet .Ino.!13. Richards', Esq.', be ehairiniinofilie Conn. , tnittee, end that the Cdrineitteih'ave posirer to• fill viteencies end make !MA) additions' as theyinay: deem proper. Ili.: Richard!) stated that be Wonlitgive notice to the members of the - ; Oomnittlen , 9f the dine:and:place ' of meeting., • "' ' . . 1 - On motion'the meeting then adjourned, to meet again at the call Of the Cheirman of, the Committee. • • ; IMMediately after the adjouriunent of the 'meeting, a meeting' was' held of the Cern- I mittee. Jao. 8. ilichards, Esq., took the Chair and Louis Richards . was ,appointed Secretary. - • On motion, of , Rev: Mr, Fernley, ti.Salv 1 Committee'off - five was appointed to pipet* 6, Constitution for the proposed Assoolatign.. l The Committee selected were as follows 11 L. . _ J. 8. RiChards, A. G. ereerii George p, Baer, F. B. Boas, ROY. Mr. Scbmucker. • . • Tho chairman of the'lluiteamed Commit tee e fated Viet be Weida give notice of the time and place of meeting. ' • • •-, Oa motion of Rev. Mr. Fernley, a Com mittee. was' appointed to coder with the Reading Library Company in regard to the: adoption of .plarts. for obtal e ing money ; for the no* Association. • . , .. The • Committee eOnsisted •of Rev. - i. Fernley, *v. Mr. Richards, Reif. Mr. air terson, Dr. -D. A. Ulrich and A. lf.,Btau er e ', i :The Committee were instructed toMeet it' Dr. ITirich'e office t ,oa •Yriday evening 110114 at 7 o'clock. Tbe Committee then adjourn ed, . LOtaill 14611/111D1 Sec'y Death *Sim Ostia* fa Rebtothill I*i* i 1ig14 , 14 Ord;nisi Spu- PoirreruitAi. Dee. I.4ates . rullehithe *contd.lo Wlllaplin . of. J. Claude *hiti,' died in•the county YestSMsi morning, from ,the "wounds , rei4l tired the ref4COltKe. It IS o,ltilOred, ke' made 'eSsfelSisS, prior to his 4eatti but the of it 'knot made *./ Oa Thinks Olag Edfird kareell .DatTyi fa' a' 4rislitss ho* atDelawriure * l nes, bes#uss Dairy *4140,0 "drink with kitaiii7insikat member - at a tainpioinoo soote* One'shOto4iol Daff,f hk.,thi'" left thissils lie le It Is /mid IPrk O t gr # 7l o::' - ' l 4o'o ol oss 4S jail 00 1 01:Iwrio*V., - iii43lo:4 h 1 000liti . c tioteite,iaidie,',.. rtitiiidieli,Oiltelt.l4te**:' ~. ~44'• To alletlata loniatosOketak 1001411,~ AI It4tioit r i toft or the 11 #6140 0 4414 1 }NN: Menne Nigir mil la our olio dashtet "'frailly,. _ the tatoitotka of tlitleptone obi ' Nottegooot tiPon 411 Moull 11 VOM" 11, ' • ." . ' • . SA.YROS , , 3 , :; "kI "0, tt STAN NT PAIN , ;, ,0, i. vim imenpllott tkp stattla 0 1 1 *U1 44 40teiiiii't?,'4C ; • Ito of is *heti, aunt lud i NA 4attleepareltuiro to entirety barmiest Mto he ttiaippllteMo NONltitilkg4 ll , l lo der ay as to the adult. Ttaletaaado 44 oiKeit*litilltel. tity that this lea° 01991"trat a- tett 100 111 feuttesuief o and a sitter: applleitlenot no chili telt istittaitt "boat . skentliakeldlttetSPl o!it a Ml tt,t4 t o l il o : , *k. •WE Ottitiao' '4OlO , . To Pita** All /11114 l'„ kali:unity that once tiacvitia#g, , .with its virtues tattl.beitlithaiaiit. . . . Moo 50 . . . It 8000 lettatatir ?fo'7r 1 6 11 i 4_7 1 45:1747 twOroly Wow Ikad llev . . i t rill La ly be el awry ; 04i, Otttlo Vat& 11A.BRIII* PriAR !!A f teffet Tfl'OA WA ,'T GitUAT AMI to plgonre hi I%zo , Folto regatilst ntr4 oho/ A . 4 LiblNwtrast. .b 4 -• , 0 .• . 01 ~ ~ .. s „. ~,..,,, ...1 : , :.;:t . p l e idi l li C atAittS, ' . 1:ousel A 0: t " ). tat o fillee tt kr A li." o l l7 l4ll l4l . 7ll l2 llt -:.. r l ' ' ' '-' 717 Aliti 0. , . - . • -'- .....-t , ' 6 , 414 I 0,40,0 flortsi.ezrixwottvp:: , , , ... ~ •o kt i) 'or nrpomos to - Akoaltooli., , li' • ~... AU -an whoa it 11l OISPONIDIC t 0,411111, : iiii ',: huitorrost rot Atithht SIM ..,, 4, „. te r a i rtlat i gilsl4 l lV 17, '",''. 'f . e.':'; ' t - • this, except , li t witio..7. X. . 1 A . I_ . ~.: tho lunO tto kor oar . , t . . . 7 11til Like.9 1 e rl , S I M' , •'.., : 4 . 1 ;A: • and..tatiso owroar-' '.., ' - ~,. . •._ , . ' 'lir.d / 4 12'.VD. wry Aro* f* .10440.0 te *4 • R A a It. i a , . 1 0 ,0 A - 14'1;f *VAT • , • nswARE O 1 , Atti . iairt VOW s t ManstfilthireCiatli t li - ' • ' Sodp 024143 z ret red i. ' / ''.,„,,a, Mir Bilizgot,i4s * giniiii, " :00.514. ,I 1 and Weatlilleo6 13treeta , Edge. WS ror, sof. Aotbinwigrlda_ trico If . TY li . . , ,.., 1 The sgag to now *Pored to th ir P• ', ik 0 aft !Ws 1 t o ttlfor'i iltedelder, **iiii.kiitt i *, , .111, 6 14.t e kra e r i I ! a J.. hi l i • B e lntre A. By'r!gtr, ' , : • , .... •.'r.- •‘ " t ii WeF i rikt i • . ' i t, ' 10 13 :: . ' JI. it 0be..,4 • ' • :. ; .yor ' ' W. fltott. . • . MN • `-. ,i ' igia nlgl. ' . , ' k • . Boren . • ' • . ' lt, *lii., i .. - nottr.ly ', ' " ' - ' . ' • ' ilAssott NoLAN;,. PLUM-BERS- G . AN AND • sir Omit 0:1010,11*. PIPE RATIANO OEMETIOtt . 1,0113, " • Its 110111 1 111 ignirlINTS:11P1110410. • READING, ' Rxmov ALi .• sir orr, to . _ • • . 13AltliCrt itir:Arsirtametaltea , g° l44 :* 11" A! •?, • •• , ' t ,,.r-t1 • ' • • 0 !- ; • Itrbetli;" eetetaidim 104i . t*Oistiii.teek"i4As best purest' , • " ; 7•• • • ' ' (' OAS" t I: : ',' ' •,' •.-';' - '7,Y, i ', - ' , 11'3; , , ,, P;;' ,4 " * " 3 w' . • 's .. ' . . ': -:' '.- ' -'.., • 3 •,,'• t'-... ''',::..''•':,-, -.;• ~ .._'" :, i :. -,•, • - 413.CN,403;.1tett . _,': . .. . -'• ---/:", -.-: ' ;';'-:::•,"•-•,_-•-!-' b ir.n- ,-.;.'"," ..:i .i): - .: 1•1 - 1 3'. , ,5 , '. , ',' ; ,- . , -; , ,,,;,t;• , ,;:•.'...1 3 , -• .3 , , ~. -•:•':,.-‘-,-.: 4• •. i d i f I ii , ~.. „Mg '. . - • l yva te r ' '''?-. 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