rifi - pl - _pitzl•:gA.G . LE: TIONJ)AY, EMBHR:110, 1808 • -CITY:AND COUNTY. ED1110111.419. ,11,111, P. M. - - Secohd, 71--dits Polies israLtioooF.—Two men were arrested foe drunhduness on Saturday. Five l o dgers wero acOommodated. No arrest's esterday. Four lodgers last night. „.. bta, 1 1111.1rgTdAltLY, Sr., died in Limerick towns hip, Montgomery county, on Thursda ' lot. 110 was the father of Dr. J. B. Stea{ • ly , Q( this. city, and wart a well known an h i ghly respected citizen. : T o m,-11 you positively .know %dm has your umbrella, why don't you go and ask !t o r it; We therefore decline to publish your co mmnnication. • . , '- C. 11.—The first charter granted to the w a ding Ilailroad i extended their road only to Heading. , , . , Ltssamr.—At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the. Reading Library, the free use of the Library. was .granted to the Clergy of the city, subject to 'the rules a pplicable to the use and vaults of booki. 'no Clergy are requested to call upon the President, A. P. Boas, Esq., who is authoe , ' ' lied to issue tieltets.' FIREMEN ' S BADOES.—The badges of ou'r firemen aro to be of oroide, of an oblong them witlftheworde- "Reading Fire De partment" in raised letters, placed in a eft/ de around the badge, and the number German 'lnver figures paced in the centre. The numbers aro to run from one to a then• mad, and each fireman will be required' to wear ono at fires. STRUT Eynontort.-tWe notice that many of the boys of this city are permitted to run the streets until a Into hour at night. Those boys ars, gstling en education either for good or evil, 'Do parent's ever think which it or what may ho the result of this training? Candidates for a drunkard's eternity, or the penitentiary, or the igiionilny'ofthe gallowS, site_cdvalel on the streets at night. HOLIDAYS APPROA0111)10.--Thoao happy dais , to 08,100,4 1 ::1140.1,01140111 1 ore r,op* SOprOaehillii 49d tdr,eady thriactiyho beit(e seekietoptAtbitiorticjis kir o‘,ol44ittie to dintmee of :'ate irrrattgitik chilli I;` and the Old closli An s ' - 101 bid. Lehigh Gold Loan s(, Reading Railroad advanced; lag of the Board, but closed sylvan Railroad was firm at tendonoY; Camden and Am 128'4; Little Schuylkill Ralir Bill 'lo.lroad at fi 7 ; wa a Railroad, 35% for tabigh Elmira Railroad; 30 for Cat fcrred, and 25% for Philad , road. In Canal Stooks the only change was in Leitligb &vitiation, which closed at 04, 20%i was bid fo'r Behtqlkill Navigation preferred; 10 for the comi raoh etoOketittil 12 ea titigiadidana. ' Bank and Passenger Railway shares were with'. out quotable change. IN New York, on Saturday, the stook market was strong and active , with An increased voltkutycif business: the first effect of a revival of the specula tive spirit. When money isl so abundant it is very difficult to keep it from seeking investment in the' stock market. The terrors of the late crisis are beginning to fade from th memory of operatori, and the temptation to trytortune is for thaimo ment,in the Ascendant, . T q '!.bulls", had. IL all their own (Wring thetnaintng and the earlier portion of the afternoon, I?ut later in the day in the Long Room after the boards anti on the street the "bears" were putting out large numbers of op tions at three, ten and thirty (14 , 8 in preparation for another windfall as the sequence of this infla; tion. There is no cause for the sudden rise in' Values,' Ind those who : aro. regretful of; the dear bought eiperienee of the nisi month will be at We pains of learning their thstly lesson`over agate. There is no reason Why ; aq stock is worth three to four , ,per cent. more to•any than it was on FridaY, and those who suffer froi the Inevitable reaction will have their own lack fjudgment to blame far rashly experimenting wit i their money. i The money market w is extremely easy, and while the quoted rate on all loans was five per o i l. a great deal was dontkat. our be;ween brokers and' a great deal at Sik'bitliellitirike.`There are mall reasons for this. The rainey tied up by the greet Stook speculating cliques has been returned totie banks. There is very 11t4e demand, comparativ- ly, from the West and S iuth. The Sub:Treasur r is reissuing eight milli° to of throe per cent. tort 4, 1 fleates in .plaop of o.ltose'ettneelle4 AO Patty 18$6, nine millions more. A ftin, the payment of th i n ternal receipts into th !Sub -Treasury, instead id 1 into the nattonal bank 1 . relieves the necessity for, making so frequent saleof gold to obtain curreney and make the circuits on less liable to sudden contraction from the ndenoy of the officials In these institutions to si eoulate with governmeht balances.' ;The es.s ' iti' ' diet itWrittliamt its tbe, stock market, where l!tn incautious speculatiVe feeling was the retilt.i ‘, , vt!: - " ,`i - ' • • ~L ------; L ! ; I , ~ . „ lifroNsq•ALtatßr, ,- , . ,' ~.• • , ' l)re, No. , loNort4 Gt4 : qtri)it. [sit folloW' • RICADINO. N0v..30,,11 , 168` air and Jan. - 111 day and Nov.; ; -. 1 11 07% W ly finflA n. . • 1101; 110.2 s 11:1V 130 ,1140191!g h lirc". , DA4 I rjuoti QM U. 8.0'41881 , Ohl s's 1802 New U B. 6,20'0, 1864, , Now U: S. 5.20'6;1806 e NU. s* 8. 186511 1671 , now A . 8, New U.S. 6-20 a 1563, Ten-Port Bonder, - Gold 10 ew York 4) Go l d In coding at ' to 12 o' look, - - inhong &Bros.. - Ix Philadelphia ,thali'lotte inukiit was fir • m, with a fair demand for the better grades, but common qualities nro negleided. Sales of 3@400 barrels lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota Rxtra Family at $7 MOSO per ban* the latter figure for choice; 200 barrels Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. at $9(11. some fancy at $ll 1V013; and extras at $84075. Uyo Flour sells in lots at $7 50U7 75. Prices of Corn Meal aro nominal.i. The receipts of Wheat are small, - and prime lots command full pylees, but inferior, sorts are not wanted; nut 1 mien ofgood and `choke Red at $2O 210. 1,100 bushels Delaware nt $2 12 ; Amber 'nt $215 ; 400 bushels poor Spring sold at $1 40. 500 b us h e l s Ry e soh' fast 57, There Is a fair demand for Corn, and prices are belt maintained ; sales of 5,000 bushels nt $1 2:41 25 for old yellow slal 10 for new, and 5122 for Western mixed .Oats aro steady, with sales of 2.000 bushels Western nt ss7u7lets„ 1,200 bushels Delaware nt 57 cents, Whiskey is steady, with sales of 100 barrels, wooden ' boanclo• et , -ajl 0610 s—the latter fur Western. - RRADINO PRICES. , White Wheat pow bbl , 91300 lttti Extra Yamily per bbl, 1200 .. ... i Corn Chop (old) 1 35 . I fib (nevi ito Cointo l la). w) , I i V . 135 .. no 10 Beet iddllturt 1 1 30 Common 1 Ou Bran Corn meal 1 60 PAYING PRICKS. White wheat per bueb . el , 2lO Red ' 20 Co'rn lold) ' • ' - • ; , ' . 115 Corn (now) • 03' AT the Housekeepers Market on Saturday morn ing, prices ruled, on on_avgrage, ns . follows: Ap ples, :0.'030 cents per )4 peek ; 'onions; itti eents per peek: Irish potatoes, 18020 cents per )4 peck; sweet potatoes, 10025 cents per 1 / 4 peek ; small white beans, 15 cents per quart ; walnuts, 12 cents per 14 peck ;141)RoTo• 5(410 (lints, per dozen ; blush meal, Oconts Per quart; hater per pound, 48850 cents; eggs, 40@45 cents per dozen': cup cheese, 8612 cents; red beets. 12 cents per )4 peck; tur nips, 10 cents per 34 pock ; cabbage, 4, KO cents per head; honey, 35 cents per pound; apple butter, 2vF, cents per quart; chickens, (live) 60881.5" per pair; chickens, (dressed)lli cents per pound ; tur key, (live) 111@81.75 apiece ; turkey, (dressed)lo6olB cents per pound: cranberries, 25 cents per Quart ; gopes. 99 . 4p¢ per pound ; sour.krout, 12 cents per quart; beefsold at 812 per hundred. Hot much pork offered. READRig QUBR gREP . ERIV M4R9F. Borne—Fresh dairy. lit lb 50 LIMP. Omen—Cheese TD„ :I /22 24 Arytate , - , sitiles %l; .Peeig.4•••••-•+ tEI quart. PeAcants Miur—lieentesz, 'round • , " 20 t, rut *. • ...... " Beef roast, - *AS " Iteef driod. • " 20 " Vent outlets, " 23 111 ~... . ' chOpo," -- Mutton. If ••••.. 1 ta . IVg . I Povki it i `;-;;•:,..!..; ...*: ..:1.1,,, --, , - , 1 sy 6 " * Leak, 4 ► ' ' " •• - Sausage frpsb. •' 4•• ...... La •••••• 25 al /I smoked. " - ie HAM"TraMS it ........•••• e 6 t. " 'e•''', ( ..,: . •.' ','''' , is ' r i . " 7 “:::::::::::. ._ _ Z it „•, ' "' r .• ' • " ' • • ~ d te m e s k- 14 - ••• • •••lit 000000000 -J"!, , ..43blekenit live per pa ; ''• 02101 • Potatoaltil bushel:4 • • • 4.75a100 112 cov EDITIoN mg * 11,411 O'CLOCK P: NIN zt-T Doily 'Atom .e. Sun rises,. 1.18 I San sof • , - 2 Digr'elenoh.o how.* awl 24 iniaulet • rAllt,To,o( tie iftatiet..4o'dock .41.• WWI N. ig.,•Cleir. • , ' Monday, ' s The drawing of the goodwill QV ft Enterprlge take place at Alleatoira ea the of Detetnhor., tz a pout R Caora.—lt is tail& that the cranberry ,crops is t3aath Jersey the pre. set season here , nevera. peat: apt profi. table. Mows:gm—Wm' Briefer, aged 12 years, and a resident of Auburn, Schuylkill county, fell into the Delaware,4l Vhiladelphin,on Sat , nrday, hOin a canal• boat, and was &Owned, - Baum, Esq., a well known citizen of ainblenlmg township t residing near Tuckerton,' had. it' stroke of palsy on Batiirdnyinight i fro M-the olfeets of which he died this morning. td at 944g9114- to 49 81 at the open inlet at 4969: Penn -5116 with an upward loy Railroad sold at lad at 45,1, and Itlinit id for ,(lermantowit llski Railroad ; 40 for italliond pre cipitin and Erie Rail:- • • , TALL 81;111OTIN0e; , -Tdr. William' imenlen, at the Harriaburg trotting patk,oa Saturday s shot nide birds in` auccession. This is eons sidered in sporting circles, good klxboting. • CUSP: OFTni Ysia.---The business year of the Reading railroad company. closes to• day, and the clerks in the different depart monte have beenbuity in squaring up their books and sending in sreports. The titian. cial condition ,of tie road will show a favor. able exhibit and large increase over previous years. • AN apparatus for heating rallway eAk . s t somewhat similar to' that mentioned in t E.totil sometime ago, hes been tried on a western road. , A aeries .of {pipes pass be neath the twat, and along the aides of the OtCri and are connected With' a! 9 , ltudridal tank of water which is converted into swan by means of a coal-burning stove. The steam continually circulates through the pipes and imparts heat to every part of the cur. It ip asserted that the apparatus holds sullicica coal,and water to lot fort tweoty- C f our hours, and requires no attention during •that time. The experiment is reported to have lAA sat isfactory results. '" • • , Aconmaz i7 --On' Tuesday morning last, Mr. • Henry — lci robin ati,; foram an 'on . the Di Rion Repair Department of the East Pena. sylvania Rallioad,4ot . train, thinking that it would, stop where his men were at , work but as the traindid not stop hejunipea off, when he was thrown with great force, ta the ground, thereby sustaining serious , His , right,nrm ,was broken below the elbow, his shoulder dislocated, arid his MO terribly btuisod, 'He was brought to'lns home f. No. 916 Walnut street, in a senseless candAncm, when medical aidwas,sunnuoned and his wonudO p roperly :dreSsOd:, is nuder the; skillfu trentment ;pf Dia: Kohn nil•hteponough, and this ripening was*• bitab4ellits could be 'expeotietl —•---- : fArriamprs.,n Oirrtiog—Bot Snar.4-Abotit twelve o'clock on,Saturday night, as officer iteigel was on his beathe observed a boY lid IC ivemaii 'go" IMO ' Mart ' (Mogi -- betWeett Second and Front streets. He • watehe . l them, and soon 'after "berfidiltio ''wol*4l scream when he-proceeded to the place and ra t fi l ta‘Va a n t et P t t a l sln f l e fitll Y t7iV i n i g l‘ her with an umbrella.. Ho took both of them into eustody,but the boy struggled and broke a*ay from liiinotn&itin down the alley. The officer followed and hailed him to stop, but the :'absconding, priseno 'met` heeding his command ! he fired two shots; 0110 AS we learn this morning, took effect in the hip of the boy. • The officer gave upthO chase, and , re• turned for the woman, but ottLiti return lie found that she had decamped. 'No further steps were taken to arrest either of tiled'. Tho Boy's name is, we believe, John'llluide, and he resides in the neighborhood of the island. The, officer says an outrage was cop• template& and thinks that he had a perfect right, to shOot the absconding prisoner. r - The boy is about 10 years of age. Thruenxits' Mr.wriNci.—The teachers of Albany township met at Heinly's School House on Saturday, Nov. 21st, for the, put.- pose of organizing an Institute. Eight of the teachers of the township were .pretient, viz: Messrs. John R. Lord, Jelin Wagon- • man, C. C. I/rake, D. Loose, B. 11. Seifert , Amos Greenewald, F. IC. Strom and Miss Mary, , Hartman. Three,. viz: Messrs, Ler:bola, Bouseher end' Francli Moyer were absent. After the meeting was called to order the following officers were, elected : President—John It. Lord. Vice President—B. IL Seifert: Secretary—Amos Oreenewald. Arne,t Secretary—F. K.,Strpuse. After the officers were elected, the subject, of "the best method" to teach the Alphabet was discussed, and also several other, ques tions concerning school affairs were' ; taken into consideration: and talked about. At 11.45 A. M., a ;recess of 20 minutes was agreed upon. After the time .was up the lnstiCuto was called •to order .by 'the Presi dent. Details were then made for giving the best methods of teaching Mental and Writ; ten Arithmetic, Writing, Reading, Geography and Orthography. The time for holding the next session was fixed 'upon the 12th of December next'. No further business up peering the Institute adjourned. 4f. Thetiactialtro t to** • • I=l :r" : """r 1- 0 , .. ,4444 . IMPORTANT ARRERT"- , An old. oftlider se. cured. —A man named Nathaniel Dorwart, formerly a resident of this city, was arrested at Peach Bottom, Drumore township, this county, on Wednesday. The arrest of Dor- Tvart was made by a detective who was em• oyed to effect the arrest of the , Party who \ roke into the safe of Mr. Andrew Kreider, at Annville ' Lebanon bounty, ,on the night of the 23d o f April last, and who succeeded in abstracting from stild'safe, Monde to the amount of $6,200; of which amount, $6,200 was in United States bonds of 1802 and' 113p7; the balance, $lOOO, being a Union Pacific Railroad-Bond. Dorwart, under a nuhiber of aliases or assumed names, has for seine time sueceded in eluding the - vigilance .of the detectives who were' on the search for hire; but it appears that he balk finally been captured and will.now be brought to puitipe, and pay, the penalty'incurred by hie various burglaries. Domert is accused of baying committed the•robbery at Wentz's store, this city, some two years ago j ' an account, of which was - published- in the papers at the time of its commission : he is, also, charged with several iobberies in , Beds county, and other place_s, the facts of which it is thought best to withboldfironty publication at pre , sent. We are informed that Derv/tart 6as been laten-to Lehanatt; ponntyt where the 'Will be fried for Alie ',burglary conniittedin its litplyti ird thattriensorethaya also been talten . to eventually secure lila trial for the offences contmitt4Whint in this county'. it let stated that Dorwart's wife has for the past:;tWO'yirat#heenfesididgy,Rhiladelphia, and that ti i pare of "the `-' goods . stolen from Messrs. entes' ' store, have been found in her possession.—tencetk7 lotelligeacer. '' 'II,- ' . r..' , • . 1 " ADVERTIEIV in the RAMS; '' TREMII4IIIOII At`COUNT :11111. Itititnvc AtiovirrY.—The following is, tit, statement of the Reading Relief flocriety 83 furnkhed by M. -400aes: Jskmeson,: Treasurer. • 0-- 1807. * . . Rends in hand, Cash oa baud, lattttlit'inf 740' Boh d, Henry Clay Furnace. Ledge•o2, A. Y. M.,. Cash, L. R., Collected 14.0: Shultz, If. A.,`Mublenbetg, • Collected by .Philip Miller.' Tee\ onia Lodge; No. 807,A.Y.M. 1808. • J.7Deininger..cash, • IJnknown donor, by the bands of F. IY.* Nagle, 'Henry Randenbush, Interest on 5.20 Bond, Either - High's estate, by.Telhu Nagle; . • • - Henry 13ushong, Philip Mahon& Interest on money. loaned, Collected by the Girl* of" the - Washington street Grannear School, St, Peter's C. Society tif St. 'Paulin Church, Collected by A. Yeagek., Interest on 0.20 Bond up to date c By Rent, - Henry Woodward,' Judge Woodward, Cash by 1.. R., , . 2 lye. .01° 1867. Cash to A. B. Yeager, _ 1868. Cash A. .B. Yeager, Evenings Dispatch, Cash I eager, • ,Cash A. d 3. Yeager, • Cash Philip K. Mn cr, ,Cash A. B. Yeager, . 'Cash for property to Arnold PaWeilet, : . • Stamps. Philip K. Miller, Chrißtian Shultz, Cash 'to Shansi peO3lotiser, panes glass for house, Recording Deeds, Reuben DrlSsel, stone, .Wm, Stubenor, mason Werict A. K. Stauffer:l:44, Peter liututnti ,I labor, Win. 0. Von Nelda for hpse, Win. Dickenson for plumber ;w0rk,...,.= • . s .18,001 Vitman &Marley for paving, 65.00 Stamps and Envelopes,Dr. Oakley, 68p Peter Brown, lime anaand, 8 00 P.AVesehe, 18 IT: Buell, roofing, stove,'&e., '92 op Andrew Davis, curb stone, 34 60 J. Keely, lumber, 92 60 Daniel Span, carpentPr work, 88 46 Leymaster & Soiling, pointiugj 36 83, ; ~liplance in hands of rreasurori I= Our lititiadelphla Letter. • Piiii,An t s, Nov. 28, 1808. 'Boma 141toix:—While this Is tgoing . through the types. the Twitchell case .ta kis sliming anew form. Mr. Mann, late District' Attorney, will bring Twitchell and his we. man before, the Judge upon a writ of habedi corpus, asking their release op bail. As tile, Judge is neither blind nor drunk, the parties will go back to prison for the:petit juily - to decide. It will be very hard to got a jury who, have not expressed en, opinion,upop the ease. As the young man and his woman went down to prison in a carriage, she said to hint : "George, you. know that I know nothing of this 'matter. Prep 'me and let me go home .by telling these peg le that .I know nothing, about, if you:OW lnurder mother." This MS' equivalent to=baying "My dear, I have no.doubt : that yitu' s did kill 'aiother_; just oblige ma: by saying so.) It ionises but little difference' whether you ate hung or not, my dear ; but t my love, I do not like the idea at all of going down to that .nasty prison. . Very. disagreeable:, indeed. Just Ay that you killed Ma l and, 'he :Wog, dear George." But George, thus appealed 'icti 'couldn't see it, and .kn itting ;his breves .baid-r"Ca milla, you know that I had., nethiUg to do with the drab'," ' ' = They ore tk lovely pair !y: ' , ._,..t.-' • . ,You will not find two men inThiladelphia who do not believe Alin guilty, liht hot so 'with the woman:. She is as innocent of this murder as the'compositorliiho' is Putting this in his stick. - The man and woman are itept in separate cells, fed on cokes , and wines, and allowed to communicate with each other, which kali; wrong. It is the duty of -her friends to persuade her to turh,State's evi. deuce, add te'tell all she knows. ,They will not hang her because the law supposes that a woman acts in obedience to her husband— or one who is living with her in that void., tien. You will find - that "Yours Truly!' has' been correct in his statements. The woman knew nothing of the affair, that night. Let her tell all that ho said—what ho whispered ' about in his waking moments—what he`mut tered about in his sleep—and George 11. Twitehell will hang I The_ woman, as she ' said. wont to bed; she told the truth. , De. pond upon it. • The friends of the_ prisoner refer us to the Rademacher , case, where allerman Doctor was found lying beside his dead wife, and they say that every body believed Dr. lade timelier guilty for weeks, and that evidence finer than a cobiveb led to the conviction of Langfeldt4an obscure shoemaker who had been coceo ed in prison four years—who was notl kn wn to three men in Phila. delphia. And they refer us to the fart that some Probstl might hav l d lurked about the place, add' have muideied Mrs. Hill for the s6,oooslie carried in her bosom. , To there people I would say, Alien wore two sharp dogs in thd yard.' There are tie marks upon te fence of a person getting in or out, 'that way 7. The doors of that old fashioned house are as Thick as'a tdanls 'Chit. . . fingers, and are kept double locked. How could any one on that Sunday night, in the heart of a populous city, get in or outiof that house;,without bein! seen 7 - Let the woman stay by berSelf in o cell,, and if'she,eandot Fe influenced by he, man in that time, she will disclose esiongn to save her neck, and put the rope Brehm~ the right neck I • ! His friends say, that a man who has run-' ning enough to expend g 1 7 , 600 in the name of his woman, instead (Wins. womon!amoth pr, and then power enough to induce bill women to convey the property to himself* Will, is not the kind of man to de such a clumsy murdcr. Are not all edit loots In. sane? • I: It wits - it bad Idglitto'ieVtlii Teritchells ther and son—standing together, weep;ng and wringing their hands, "I wonder if the old man direr thought of a scene like this? A young wife surrounded by her children is pale with.grief, and weeping. The hnsbapd passes raNdly'throeih the rosin and says in tin angry manner-, 'What are you crying for?. Is not your house comfortably.furnish a? Don't you get , very thing you want to 1311! $1, ,900 211 000 00 26 60 26 00 2600 .600 Oft 6 00 XOO • 16 23 $3,893 24 $3,816 01 •,, , 7,7. 24 $3,893 251 JAIME; JAIIINBON, , Treasurer. 1 eat, dn, hie), Or a\ &lir Iv thirtai'' Oka‘ tiOspoo ittorul ' Wllret3 , city whi thanib l / 4 __ ~ , pirty; wO find Ar selnfkires i es t 6 ash iiiirg In adulterY, and en Alleged' inuedc*.-' v. , ',v , -'' Minot be kuipilsinik If warblOWlt OP . SOTO , dtbeii dikili* 9. '. On ' ', %Ask la the , Altnltlin institute Waw a own siwkitlita report that was heard halfit Italia 41t, k.W. glare must hate put in (Are. pOiyiii of pore. i i t 1 6 dprf,l, Chairs, tables and , dettkA rtv, I‘ll to pme4.. , The,dpor of the, L 'aikfe WM. I. lb' 'Age, au4 the ' tiovea Iran f:Or they I, 0 ' • • hands On Ole tax UppePlilAtfts kit:4 Pt.„1 1 ,, 4 ttw. An earthquake, ' ._ ... 1 : .', • ' . X., often Wish soma burglar,4tag, pt, to rob me Wouldn't tenhon td .. ' td Wouldn't I—it ho found nt4tht if-i )1 1 1 and collar him, and make , hicijiiii, .IF he found? lie would be 'a luoltY nrg at, who would find Anything in the hosts of ; , - , Yours truth, I . , 1- , ..=: We. xOOO 1600 14 00 41 10 4 0 0 20 00 20 00 I 1 2$ 2000 1 83 (16 OQ G o t ;10000 6 00 6 00 $2OO 00 200.00 000 20000 200 00 '5O 00 200 60 , • positive, pertpatkent, end medy for Nourttigini Toothiebo,l?sr.; ItoadaOhodlhetiiiti*Wdo)4lie. rront•Bites, and ail emit° pains; 1,760 00 2 00 188 Q 83 00 2 00 - I 1 allovlato human suffering shoultl orketttute (4* lilitheer Min of the limo philosopher.. VIM thi March of solencs. In our own day has .heady ochtered, by the inhabilion of chloroform OA Ohm' !it Itlk, 1 49 fial ' 6 conimpteut upon Allfloult evil* opt 001040.: I 2 13 86 OQ S'oo 50 4 76 sArtts t N,STANT PAIN, cUltri Atifte4ompiliat hy'eltylo mitwatil applicatiam. il . '. , ~ I Its/ enact to iteteetly weight , amnia luispeit lee imp • entirely battles, u to be tie applinable to the child ottv.i. der ago m to the adult. Thousands of itt'cotaidlti talhutti o Illy that !We is no Act lon, but a feet beyond all controvegii, . t and is, illogic •Ppitcattou of the curewift • rerivittrt the m. 4 *.t , e,d•oftfrprdit.i,tr,4:typito))?lt,iyor.l,,, , WE, 011,1111INGB TErik , Wo4l o l) ' ' ' ' ' - 'I . TO Piodttpb,liti 4viii..'. "' I ~ , NO fa /ON tha d once becomes acquit inter! ' , toith itemzrittes foal Le toithout it. 1 • , tette, Ctif t . ~ .01a by, all PFP4 I 4 4I * ' ' E MISHLEE'so , 1 1 rg , P,I , Rae iiiiirt4ire, Isidtaiii'Pa. , de rho .1 . , A. oft Atm Al Nee I* *MAIM. oncof tho'larlailittwkONltto datut 4a bilabblenVtiol44.oor47. h 1 1 ; 4 1 ,. — t r , , , p ,: 44 0.. pt? .nana yli w T. • u t ow , -.• n, . . al ' I.ldUwata ill (kW SlalilP 7 . 11 1 , 44 Wia 11 -4 1 It affords me p °mum to epen 0 ,thlo. womb tat offoota of your "Pain Cure," I 417 Vitp'ol4o. ilk Ju o WM, 1 was Attacked: wit Keuridiala IA fly ob onkqu Wee nie itter luftetitirpaely toe e tiy trio I al indUeed tO YOUr tope+ rid afta datiCto tOi IPY!I4 til l ilePlAo. was. tiollyo 4 l Ikta ;Ow l Sepottuli Ip AU a war the' retie that L'eoula acarni, oft, t OIN attach. rot Mil khowletto of he pre tlitionA firmly, belipvo that it will stOp k'.lll frosllll,ol/ every Onus° and almoat Instantly, . , Respootfldly. voirtl ) ( - . .. ~ i • ,j. ~ ulna Oftbe firm of rift!tite i3,4lifilt 6,1 holoialiktiron. I one. • • HARRIEV• ,• , ' •••• l'' . :~___r. PT AR J '8 1 Cit , . -P. ' 1 THN 011E4PF 1 87:41Vr A ililn'e tcy l p evil Atli P(litcuSlol 4' ti_ gy ,_2 _ 'id/A FOR, WARING U OTHA 4 4 itT4/1./14 THE GREAT AMERIdAN SOAP; tOMPANY take pleasure in informing the people of Itaadir,,, and tiloinll Diet Tore Portleulariti I T 60.,41 itousokeopore that they aro inoiluinctur lig ft rot ntroductng a imp supyrior to all others uti . the 'following purposes: , , , ~,. ~ ' PIRBT—Por Cleaning Paint ) ! Woodirorlt o Afar - hleoti SE ND—For °tannin (and Polishing at the ,same t me) Metals of all desoriptions t o , Housekeepers Lan at one° seir,the grind advan tage of this, as it s entirely unnecossitrg_to kede as horetofore. Polls ent irely Powders, Brick Rust, Sand. Ashes. dm., Pe. THIRD—For a Palm or Bath Boap, eviellilly whore there ore any impurities or statue upon the hands, such as Paint, Wens? ORB? kind, Mater.' In &e,itto. ' • ' 4 • YODIITH and lost—For the thousand and ;ono other purposes for which soap is In constant use. and which it is impossible to enumerate atthis time. DIFIROTION4 90R 1/81NO lIARRIIe.PII4III,IIOAT for each and everY purpobe'above mentioned., be used in the same manner to an,OlteLilo,3R7 4 this exception, that it odly,requires rits-wns, the amount of our isioap to accomplish the IA (+- suits as othersrand ONE -TRIRD of the T N and LABOR saved. , ' IVANTiciD, teem, Person Mfrs Altnl IP 1 5 5; . .4 "S AV -1 . BEWARE OF ALL IMITATIONS! Manrert E.rchateely by the Greet Amerle Soap tb., Uti Arch *red, itodsl.ohict• /X A R &0 . , Proprlptufs.; SS BILIRKIIOLORR & MADSI24, corner Of girth and Washington Streets, Bola AgOOta for Rts Ng, AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY COUN'- ' TY IN TILE UNITED STATEN. The Soap le now offered to the Publl et the -fol lowing Sis : . , Sta_off m or & flhenfehler, •Yoonfn elldettito: A. Pottolger, Harbin° & From, Ikß. t 3 for, K. 0. Mister, Itafer & Boone, tit, Fiftheyn t D. {doer.. , 1 ill i ltig tit , MOP. J. undoro, 0. jjeffp ngek, . A. Ovoids, • 'P. Ohne et, ' 1 ' i 1 / 4 J. 9, Thonioa. D. P (heti &Co.. F. Koffor & Bro.. Isl. litter &On. S. Il.lllldebeliel, ' 'D. . foyer, • W. atoll, J. Jtr lee, i ~,•; D. nommla, , P. Debut, it'Vfne,' W. Boyer, ' • Ott Bohler. 0pt.17-ly . UASSON a NOLAN; ( . P. MB , 6Afil AND STiAlk :10111CWHIN, , . Andabourptarero of , t, )/PE IFOIV'IIYPIPPRV UP moral ci•am*Hkiiicitit oo2Bmo► CANDlits f .1%t1" E VIMA:11,1, • B. P. t BII ER, 3117, *4o* "in" 1 4,iwno i MOS* • 'II now, Iteport4 to fluidal 9 . ..ollirie con' tootionet Candios and le. - ii' 1r tale sill dynts . f' ' ' _' f ' ,1 1 ' 4 ; .I‘ .'''.' ' '''i Alle a kinds of plain a d. fano Oaks. lei °ream of all flavors tomtit 7on h an d; A cell is loIldtail• , ' Jassy . tnl MEI ME , , i, LOTS, &o.