Reading daily eagle. (Reading, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 28, 1868, Image 3

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Second, 7i—all. '
Novoiplis given to the Mutual Fire Insnt•
a nce Col pally of Sinking Springs, that' an
Assessrn nt of one dollar is lavied on e v ery
Ihousan dollars Insured.
'Fug Directors of the Reading, and Wil•
m i ng too gailread„give notice that a ninth
instatment of fivedoli a rs per share is to b e
r elied in and - paid, on • or, before December
14th, 1868.
A VATATABLN 14mo.—lion. William
Hinter, of this city, has in'hia possession an
au tograph letter Of Thomas -Jefferson, dated
washiogton, Oct. 10th, 1802, and addressed
to Gen. Muhlonberg, who nt that time woo
Collector of the Pork of Philadelphia.
Ws woad advise all in want of a good
Parlor Stove, or Office Stove, to call at- U,
0, liebnader'at Stove Store, No. 414 Penn,
street, and purchase the Revolving Light
0(1868, the most perfect base burning and
illuminating stove of the ago. Call and see
• • • at.
Or,n ALMANAC.-A friend yesterday
banded to us n curiosity in the shape of an
old Almanac. was printed in 1822, thus
being noArly• 46 'years old. The 4 imanao
predicted snow on the 28th of November,
1823, but whether it did snow we are not aide
to !ay., , . • '
MIDNIMIT TA/IN.—WO )enrn that thorn
is some talk of ,n midnight train to run fro*.
Ploladelphip 40 this.sitx. It is unnecessary,
to say, that Web an accommodation its very
much needed, and nono , will appreciate Up'
convegience pore
,than the business men of.
TOMMY T!vp:ir n Tuesday night some
sconadreis entered the'preinises of Mr. AmoS
Hartman, residing on the Pike, a few.
above the city / and stole three large turifeys.
At the same time they entered the yard of
Hre.Millar t the 'sitrnn neighborhood, and
prileti,tilta, a number of geese.
Colledors 'of the several districts of the
county of Berld, who aro in arrears on their
duplicates up Ao January Ist, 1808, aro re
quested to make settlement by January Ist,
189.Allsr tat date suit will be brought
ttgatnit 'th'em and their bond' buil for said
"Tam" Bnoxe.—This morning about 7
woe oft. Mr, Vrederiok • Lauer' R
teams, with h Is'ad of lager beer, •was coming
in Third street, when crossing the gutter
at Third and Washington streets the tongue
of,,thelvagon.,breke- off, which, no doubt,
deprived some of their fresh glass of boor
for a short time this morning.
Titus. , :—No saying was ever truer than this:
"If yoti'want to keep your town from Or'.
ving, turn a cold shoulder to every young
mechanic or beginner in business—kill bim
off if
_you can. Look up to every now coni 4
1 ,0.• withli.scowl and discourao him all you
rcaniSittthat won't'do,deory his work; and go
abroad for "larva of his kind rather than to
girt hitiVyour monoy." •
11. stitch in time Haves nine,"
that is to say, by attending to your businesit
in the.season of it, you will prevent much
trouble And eigpense.
A: J.—We have never had any dealing
with lotteries, but wo do know that most,of
them are frauds. Use your own judgment.
0,, have no time to- rummage
.iliroegh':the 'Old 'Legislative. Records, and
hence cannot answer your question. l
TIIR attention of tho committee on street
cleaning is respectfully directed to the filthy
condition.•pf Cherry alloy, above Seventh
street. The 'occupanta of the "Old Bar
racks" at the corner of Seventh and Cherry,
dCosit alttlieir ashes and refuse matter in
the gutter, thereby damming and causing the
overflow of the refits() water, wl►ich is of so
foul a smell that it .is dangerous to the
general health of tho neighborhood. •Wo
hope it will bo remedied forthwith.
STiirKN OUT.—Young men, you have no
business to be idle. There Is honorable and
profitable employment in the world, many
limes more than all ilie peoplei
n 0 n it can per
forin. You have no business oven to be
eery/rots of other men. You should strike
out for yourselves, and learn that the true
combination of intellect and capital will en•
able any Man with even a moderate share of
brains to make for himself an honorable
name and a competence.
FREI: RE/WINO 10014. — We publish this
afternoon a call fora general meeting , to be
held at the Library (Into Odd Fellows') Hall,
on Monday evening, to consider the omit,-
lishingpf a free Reading poem for young
men, mechanics, and citizens generally.
This is what Reading has long needed, It
can be supported at a very small expense,
and will do a great amount of good. , It will
be a valuable adjunct to that excellent insti
th.e Reading Library, and the two
together will Om a new impulse to intellec
tual and moral cultnre in our city. Let there
boa full attendance of all .who desire to pro•
mote the best interests of Reading.
Tug roon BOY.—Don't bo ashamed, My
lad, if you ha,vo tkpatch onsour elbow.c it is
no mark of disgrace. It apeaha well *for
your industrious mother: For our part WO
would rather see a dozen patches on your
jacket than hear one profane or vulgar word
from your lips, or to smell the fumes of to
bacco in your breath.. No good boy will
shun you because you cannot dress as well
as your companions; and if a bad boy some
times laughs at your appearance, say noth
ing, my good lad, but walk on. We linow
of many a rich and gptul man who was once
as poor as you. Feat Oodirny bo and';
. You are poor but houest,you will bo respect.
ed a .great deal-more than if you were; the
son of a rich Man, and were addicted to bad
tabits k • •
Tut BALTA.-1110 following match game of
haze hilt came off on Thuredny aftefiapon, ,
on tho grounde.of the Schuylkill B.' B.!
on the West aide of the riper, bet Ween
the Seeofid Nine acid the :'}Mutters" of the
Schuylkill Club .
Schuylkill. 0. B. Maffei's. 0.
Nomad. p., 2 • 4 Seifert, 0., .3
orsal,l b., 3 SI Magetre, p., 1• 4'
Bhirtaman, 0. e., 2 , 2 , Stelfenberg, 3b., 0 4
Divine, e.. - 1 5 lrw•st 3
Cads, b.. 0 4 oda, 1 • 1 3
gugatdok, CA 4 Oran!. A. I. f. 3' • I
aenloer_, I. 1. 2 2 etiler. e. f.. 3 1
areal, P. e. f., 1 4 Ileifert, 2b„. 2 2
Pettit, 3. b., 3 1 Yeitabl, r, 1., 2. 2
• Total. • 79' 'TOO, ,
15 . ' ' • • '
initrt. 1 2 3 ' 4 5
oaylkiU 7IS 0 9 '
6 '9 11 2 3-29
Rate !Aflame, 2 hours. 3iminutes.
mplre Settaingan o
Scorer, 11.Werusr.or So tx/lkiti., •
RiNTB.—there is universal cam.
plaint made against the exorbitant high rents
now demanded' in this city.. It is owing,
probabty,''36 the, fact . that the supply of
housea is still fir' below '4.1 demand, and,
in coniequence,' landlords,can find nay num
ber of tenants whenever , they have a ,vacant
house. Knd those in search of houses are
driven to Iv any price that may' be asked
of them, front the fact 'that they roust
proiide some place of shelter for themselves
and .families. So that when a house is
offered for rent, a largo number of bidders
are' n the market, and ho is the successful
one who otTers largest price., Let our
capitalists study their interests, and still
dreet more houses—neat and commodious
dwellings, at a moderate tate. At preient,
men of. moderate eireatnatances find it a
difficulty, if not an impossibility, to secure it
dwelling house at a price within the range of
reason or suited to • their pockets. The
course now pursued Will certainly drive me
chanics from' our place, and work
.injury to
our city and its best interests..
-A serious.of discouraes on the "Seven
Churches of Asin`i" wilt bo commenced in
this church on tomorrow (Sunday) even.
ing, the 29th inst.', Subject of the first : "St.
John on Patmos.." : Service begins at 7.
o'clock. Seats free.
There will be services at St. Barnabas'
Free Church on Sunday afternoon at 3
• Universalist Church—Rey. B. Peters
will ,lecture . on ‘.liwedenborgianistn," on
Sunday, being the sixth lecture of the course
ott the History and Doctrines of AIM various
denominations, The public aro respectfully
inVited:' •
Baptist Church.—SerVlces in the 'Baptist
Church to.morrow (Sunday i morning at 10
A. M. and in the evening at 7 P.M. Sun
day School at 1 P . M. ;. Adult Bible class at
If P. M. Weekly, prayer tneeting,on Wed.
nesday,'eveiling at;7l o'clock; prayer and
conference meeting on Friday evetnng. at if
o'clock.' ,
Bbenezer R. church, Fourth Street;
Bev. T. A. Fernley, Pastor, will preach
(D. V. ) . to-morrow (Sabbath) morn in g,, on
"How are the dead raised up, and with what'
body do they come?" . And at night on
"Oeneral Judgment." Public always wel
THE MAN AIIOUT To*N.—Business men
shOuld hear in mind that the EAGLR circulates
more vapors In the country surrounding Heading
than any other daily in this city: We print two
editions—one for no , country and ono for the
City. •
A handiome now barber' shop has boon opened
at 311 North Eighth street, for the accommodation
of the citizens in that vicinity.
A man igot'im "badly soaked" the other ovoning,
that his friends placed him on a wagon, took him
to his home, and dumped him into the window.
Though winter Is upon ui;nficny foundations aro
being laid for new boluses.
Work nt the now printing Oleo of Messrs. Ritter
& Hawley at Sixth and Penn streets, is progressing
finely, end it will bo under 'root in a week or so.
Some mon mill' not shave on Sunday, and yet
spend all tl\e meek in shaving their fellow mon.
Does Josh Billings hit anybody you know when
bony's:. "When a young man ain't good for any: ,
thing else, I like tow sae him carry at gold-headed
cane. If ho can't buy a . cane, let him part his hair,
in the tuiddlo!"
Coffee without taint ill snid to. be used by the
Turks as) an antidote to the injurious elTeets of
Young ladies should not scream unless they are
tightened, ' •
Two teams stuck in the mu►t yesterdaY at tho
now Fianna° of hlosrs. Bushong & Co. A largo
number of men had to be called to help them
'A stranger says in Reading there are "Cm-s
-emi spinsters, ihisehief malting women. ;crumb
ling old bachelors, dilapidated sidowalics,squalling
children, frowsy I and dirty wives and dirty postal
currency." Sahli stranger must be a "crusty" old
A young lady went to ono of our photograph
artists a day or two rinre and wanted him to
take her with an exprestiton as if composing a
Wedding cards, [(cording to the latest fashion,
should ho Wiwi tiiree, weeks before the event
The Unionville li p rmonian Association will give
ono of their Concerts of choice music, at Douglass
ville School House, this , evening, Watunlay,) No
vember 28th. • '
A Mond of ours is very Eevero in his denuncia
tions of the Grecian Bend. lie says his wife has
it, nnil gets hkr hack upao often that it is unpleas
an tf:Oire with her.'
. Unless applications are filed for the benefit of
thebatikrupt lairs, on or before January 15t,1869,
they will notto entertained, unless fifty per cent.
of debts is added.
Real Estate is still going up in•this city.
Fattier Abraham was in this city Yesterday, look
ng after Good Templar matters'.
Industrious People—Tho young Indy who reads
rOlllllllCeB in boll, the friend Who is always engaged
when you call, ond the correspondent who cannot
Ond time to answer your totter. /
Unpopular Pergonages—Thii fist titan in an omni
bus, stall manin.a crowd, stud a fltort man on n
parade. •
Strive to do good, and you will be looked upon
with pleasure hy the righteous.
The time tables of the Railroads have under
gond their usual autumn changes.. Traveller's will
take notice. '
Poople—A . lover, nhont to pop thelptm
lion, a roan who not like to bo eltot at, and
a steamboat company with a caul of cholera.
Some smart statistician says that the birth
sine() the creation of our world, have boon
and you had better believe it than hunt proof.
Iluniblo Persons—The Mishima who does liis
wife's 'churning:the wife who blaolishor husband's
boots, awl the Wan . who thinks . you do hi►n much.
The hand Nit can make n pie is a continual
feast to the husband that metrics it: •
Draws aro the . navela that we read when we are
fast asleep. •
"gnaw)" is trump in ourtnarket;and our ctti•
veils eeeol to be disposed to eat and ask no otos-
The Pennsylvania Railroad has &12 ioeomotivce,
a larger number than any• other Railroad in the
country. '
Genteel People—The young lady who lets her
mother do the' ironing for fear of Spbiling her
hands, the miss who' wears thin abets on a rainy
day, and the young '
gentleman Who is 'ashamed . to
be Boa walking with his wife.
trine kylovralhe mat *lto never refuses to lend
you moneY, and the follow who is courting your
sis.ter. I •
• ' ___
• .
FassiiDanos. — Dr. j . fight. No. : 1 North Fi ft h
street, eading, Pa., es in his store ono of the
ti k ne(d and boat seloeted stoojts of fresh drugs in this
city. Dr. Light and his assistant axe always ready
to wait on pTons who are in want, at any hour of
th , day or n ht. Dr.- Light and his assistant are
bp • aocompi hoddruggtsts add gentlemen,versed
in • hernueology.
. .
- -
15 .?2
, 11 4 1 : , 1 4 , I.*
THE Aitliinfl4 •
- 71 •
raso. Nov. V. liCo•
Vhibtdelphis. the money market has under
gone an essential change.
The movements at the Stock Board yesterday
were very small. Government and State Loans
were without ersential change. City , Loans of the
new issues sold at 10 2.V# 1 03-
Reading Railroad was quiet at Pennsylva
nia Railroad was strong and advanced closing
at 51%. Little Schuylkill Railroad sold at 45).L an
advance of ',4; Madill Railroad at 571 1 --no
denim; and Lehigh Valley Railroad, which was
active, sold at UN. an advance of %. 1244 Wee
bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad; 30., for
Catawlase Railroad preferred; 2:0; for Philadel
phia and Erie Railroad. and 31 for North Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
Canal Stocks wero quiet. Lehigh Navigation
advanced to 2 .
Blishonir & Bro., Bankers, N 0.16 North 6th "trout,
quote na follows
HItADINO, Nov. 2s, 1844
• 107`
- 110
- 110 1 4
Old 11. S. Ws - -
Old 13.14.5's 1562 - -
New U.S. 5,211'5, 1861, July And Jun.
New U. 8. May and Nov..
New U. 8. 1130. new -
N. U. 4, 5-20'a 1867, .July and lan. -
Now U. 5-20. 184 S. -
Ten-Forty Honda, • °- '
Hold In New York up to 19 o'clock. - -
Oald in Reading at. Ilushong h Pros .
New York Market%
{Wei eliding, November 28th.
WOOL—There has been little doing in wool for
the last week, and "dullness" continues to de
scribe the condition of the trade. Purchasers have
boon few, and they wore more Inclined to nook
parcels upon which a COUCCEIOII could be obtained
than to buy at current rates. Holders,however.
,as a general thing, wore firm, feeling continued
confidence in the future of wool and believing as
the condition of the mosicy- market improves a►
corresponding change will take place in trade, and
'with an increased demand for woolen goods a good
business and higher rates may bo fairly expected.
The stock of wool continues light with small re
ceipts, except in California, to which there have
bebn considerable additions by recent arrivals of
Fall Clip.
COTTON—The demand was active and the sales
again foot up large prices showing a further ad
vance, and closing very firm with only small offer
ings; the scarcity of freight room interfered with
the operations of shippers.
°HAIN—The market for wheat opened strong
under a good demand and a falling off in the re
ceipts, but subsequently, owing to an advance in
freights, the demand abated, and to effect sales
holders were compelled to submit to adeoline, and
the market ehwed heavy yesterday. Tho business
of the week has been confined principally to Spring,
in part speculative, tl4ough fair to export.
j •
PROVISIONS—Thero is again to note ayery
dull and unsottlod market for Pork; pricos haTo
declined and have a downward tendency.
DRUGS AND DYES—There was a fair jobbing
delimit for all articles coming under this heading.
and the market ruled quite firm,
The Horse Morket.
1 Nicw YORK. Nov. 28.
After a fair Autumn trade the Horse market has
gone into winter quarters. In other words busi
ness is nearly suspended, aid is not expected to
revive until after the holidays. There aro few
mils from the city railroad companies who pay
81400100 for strong, serviceable. but not large
homer and a gentleman occasionally renews his
span either b exchange or Purchase. paying any
tram 900 to 81,200 or. 41 style id much of an
object, and to wishes to pass his competitors on
tho road, 81,500 or 82,000 is paid for a span. Such
sales are rare, for with the high prices of feet Land
nn idea of economy during the coming Winter,
most of the would be purchasers will await the
opening of Spring. Partners, who have nearly
completed their out-door labors for the season, aro
more inclined to sell than buy. So very little do
tnand Is there for lower priced horses that the Ca
nadian department of Twenty-fourth street, is
empty. A small number of contract or work horses
aro selling, and there is a little demand for the
West India trade, but, take it all in all the trade is
unusually quiet, owners with stables full of horses
remaining absolutely idle. There is a good show
of stook in the street, among which is quite an in
fusion of the Morgan and Black Hawk blond in
horses brought from Vermont. while Pennsylvania
turns out some heavy draft horses.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
The demand for Beef Cattle this week was not
very brisk, but prices remained about the same.
The offerings amounted - to 2,100 head, and lair to
good Cattlo sold at from 70 8 1 ,6 o• per lb gross ; Ex
tra Pennsylvania and Western Steer's sold at from
6%490 , 61ml common Cattle at front s@o l ,eto, per lb
market was quite active, about
19,000 head were offered and sold at from filiNe. per
lb. gross as to condition,
Ilona)---Tho demand for Hogs continues good
and VOO head were sold at from 411012 per cwt.,
Cows.—There is no change in this market; 200
head were sold at from 815(46,1 for Springers and
from $.50085 for Cow and Calf.
Is Philadelphia, the Flour market was inactivo
yesterday, but good brands. of which the receipts
and stocks are light, are hold firmly. The demand
Is confined entirely to the wants of the home con
sumers, who took &WO bbls, at $7,`0648 25 for
Northwest Extra Family and 58 B7(0) 3.' 11 for low
grade and choice Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do.
including some fancy lots at El 2.")013, and ex
tras at 80 Wkii OA Rye Flour sells slowly at 57 SO@
o. In Corn Meal nothing doing.
The offerings of Wheat are light. but there is
not much demand; small sales of good prima
Penns. and Western Red at 8,2 ,1 3.2 10 per busholand
Amber at $2 15. Rye is scarce and may ho (mated
at 81 550 1 57. The market is well supplied with
Corn; we notice sales of :4,00) hush. at $1 23 . :24
for old yellow; De. 041 la for new do. and SI :15 for
Western mixed Oats are steady at. 70471 c, for
Western and 500i5,f50. for southern and Pennsylv,a
nia. No sales of Harley or Malt.
Whiskey is unchanged; sales of duly paid
$1 0.14P1 os._troodputi . iron Intend.
DANIEL PARKER, 201 South sth street, quotes
Fish . as follows:
White Fish, 14 cts pm' lb.
White Perch, . 15 ' , '
haddock, , , , 10 ~ 11 GI
Fresh Salmon, 2.1,
Codfish Steak, ' _ 12
Black Bass, 15 G. .1 11
Black Fish, 12 .. AI //
neck Fish, 020 .6 46 .4
- Eels 15 II II 11
Hallinit, . -.. ,2) 44 .. 14
Pickerel 10 1. II 11
Lake Pike, 14 0
11 11 1
Salt Mackerel, . 2 ., 2 .1 o 1
Catfish,lo 41 Of 41
' Salt Codfish, 10 .. 11.11
' Salt Herring.(o II .1 4$
Scallops, I , GO " " qt.
Lobsters, f 12 14 40 lb.
Oysters, ' 50 " " 100
T Oysters prime, GOe. to MO iv lot
Fishpurchased at this market will be I
arid delivered to may part of the city- fro o
Burps—Fresh dairy, t tb., 60 =
Lump, 40
Cusszs- - Ctieese V 11)„2002:1
LARD—Lard; ih 24
boos—Ezgs dozen ' . 40—Apples % peek, :b)(0)30
Drifd il quart, 12
PRACIIF47" _ . . lb
-- 20
1,9 11 .n4
map, '' ~
~ Beef rout,
Beef driptl, ,
"Vonl cutlets;
" chops,
" Matto%
" Pork,
111 " steak.
•' Sausage fresh,
2 , 1
• , '•••••••1Q20
411 valy
GO 111
. 25
HAlA—Mtrall. GS 25
" Sliced. ..
SIDAS— • if
Povtaar---cillokens live. "
ill .
. , dressed. 4' - ..... «.--
! Turkies live !'
. ' drestea, , " 18
.. Chickens live per pair 604100
Potatoe3ll bushel, irsdoo
. . .• •:„ 4 ... , ; i
,i t ,::,,,.. . ,
s H oo ND 14 1 4 tr, MN,
lt cdnmiay.
FrotaY. ,
15A tu,rdaY,l
Fn jackets, Jaunty bits of female omits!,
aro now in vogue.
SEVCRAI, communications , and interesting arti4
cles have been crowded out 'of this issue. They
will appear on Monday.
A -now paper Is talked of in lialuburg. ,
should think, if one does no recelve the proper
encouragement, It would nut be profitable to start
a ,
BvEsE3 ukt Tue rueMIR or Alba'.—Tlie first Lecture
of a course upon this subject still be delivered by
11ev. J. Fry. In the rihlty Ptherun Church, on
to-morrow. (Sunday) evening.
TtIK holies of Wotnelkiorf sie endeavoring to
raise money for the pinch* of an Organ for the
Lutheran Church in that place. eiretilarA have
been toldresreti all over the,eounty to apnea. sub.
seriptiong. I '
Tng FANCY Fates ANo leFstivAt. to eome off In
Library Hall week tiller next. for the-benefit of
the Reading - Library, proultses to he one ofthe
most pleasant and agroeablo aftaira of the kind
over held in fl ooding. • '
Bonus certificates, manufactured to order, aro
often published in praise of some worthless hair
preparation. "Ilarrett'a Vegetablo Hair Restore
tise" does not need to resort to such means, fot itr
merits are too well known and approeiated.—N. ).
Sunday Divalch.
Rmieetty.—Mr. 0. A. ;Under, of Hamburg, was
robbed on Tuesday night last of clothing. valued at
about tn. -It appears that he had some days-pre
viously hired a Welshman to work in his molting
shop. and whilti Mr. Xander was nbsent from hoist
ire IVelshman decamped with the clothing and
has not sincerinon'heard.from
' r
TIM boot evidence in favor of the rdmainitli
Lots. in Stollor's Subdivision of Lebanon, to be
sold at the Keystone House. Hooding. to-morrow ,
is the improvements already going lip on those re•
cently Fold, and the renting of thelirst house. be
fore the cellar tips tiniohed. No better and surer
investment can be mode, than in this property. .
Tint Lebanon and Pinegrove Railroad is progres4
sing rapidly. It is expected to be completed in
the Spring. The distance is 2: mi les from Pine
grove to Lebanon—and it, is also proposed to run it
to Miinhelin, Lancaster county, u distance oftwon
ty mites, when it, will comma with the Reading
and Columbia Railroad: , 1.
La/REIM/7, 4 -Roy, B. D. ZVVOIZIR of RendlOr hold
ii i
communion services in the now church t Lees
port, on Sunday lasts Ile administered th sacra*
Intuit for the first time in this church to he Lu
theran congregation, numbering between 60 and
60 pr i l i ons. In the evening he preached a ion
to tit Lodges of Leesport, Whim had assembled in
the e urch. There was a large attendance' on
both occasions.
Accingwr.—On Saturday lost, a little girl aged
10 years, named Mary Wunder, employed in the
hat factory of Messrs. Kula, Arnold & Co., while
sweeping around the machinery, had her apron
caught and was drawn towards tho nmehine.and In
her effort to extricate herselfshe put her hand into
it, when it twisted her' arm nearly quite around
and broke it' in two plades at the wrist, and dislo
eated it. The band was also terribly, bruised. The
little sufferer resides'at I.lll3Yranklin street. This
morning she was doing well, under the skillful
treatment ofDr.Davis,who attended to herinJurier.
SHAIIPENIZin—A correspondent in.
forms us that, in answer to an advertise
went, he - paid fifty'cents for the accompany
big information: "After filing your saw, lay
it on a level board and pass over tholide of
the teeth with a whetstone until all the wire
edge is oil the teeth, This will make your
saw cut true and smooth, and remain sharp
longer. Your saw must be set true with a
sawset."—Scientijle American.
consisting of 16 metnberY, and Under the
leadership of Mr.. Frank Gilbert, we are
pkpsed to learn is in a prosperous condition.
Th_O band has been in existence for some
tinte, and through the continued efforts of its
members has becoine equal to almost any
other band in the county. They aro re
gularly organized,with Paul S. Miller, Presi ,
dent; FranciA Gilbert, Secretary ; and
William Yenser as Treasury. The band bad
a pleasant excursion to Pinegrove,Schuylkill
county, last week.
2 1.2 it t IoWLOCK M.
.T 443
YAW ienstd. 9 hour* nii :ti minute.*.
• pate'af SVe Ire42tirs,. 12o'dock
wind IY.—Ctear.
State 41 Thertainnear.
A. U.
33 47 .
' 34q •
Tau BAi.►,.—Tho resat of 1110 match gamo
mtween the Clipper and Pastime B. B.
.11uhs, of this city, played on Thanksgiving,
as follows :
CliPPon 0. IL Paatime, 0. It,
3 Ilaus, p., 1 '2
1 1 , t o u u tli n , g, e. 1:.
... 2 .
Fisher, p, 1 ' 4 Pence, p., 4 1
3 Milli, H. P.. 1 3
Souders' lb., '1 ,4 ' 2
Stitionel, 26., 3 2 Shaeffer, 2b., 3 1
Schroeder, ;iii., :l• 1 Parker, 3b., 2 2
'Zeigler, I. f„ 2 2 tlocultnan, I. f., 2 • 4
Miller, e. f., :2 •• 2 Horner, e• f., • 0 4
lletautig, r, f., 2 2 - Shaeffer, r. f.„ 3 1
18 23 Total.
1 .2 3 4 5
2 2 9 4 2 4:-23
71 2 7 0 1-18
Scorers—Pnititne, P, Eben; Clipper; W. nut*
Ilonm runs.—PlistimO, 2.
Fly Willi eanglle oby Clippor, 5. Muffed 3.
.. • , •
I tMinio 4; Muffed 4.
Country Correspondents.
Eorron EAoI.E :—I should ;think an oeea•
sional con»minieation from different sections
of the county would prove interesting to
most of the readers of the Roux. We may
consider every district or township a auburn.
of the city of Reading. They are connected
by business relations legally and commer•
many, and I might add socially. There is
perhaps not a (lay. that there are net raj•
dents of the country attending to business in
the city. There is a mutual interest in all
sections. But the thought naturally arises—
what can a farmer or a resident of Amity
write about that would be of any interest to
a resident of Albany or to a citizen ()Inca&
ing? Jt is a common idea with writers to
think that what they have to say will not be
received with any plefsure or profit by others.
It is well that a person entertains rather a
low estimate of his own acquirements and
abilities. It makes him more careful in
what he may :have to communicate, and 'pe
feels a, greater necessity 'for self.impre e•
meat. I However this may bd, I
read . with . eoniliderable
interest the articles that occasionally appear
in your columns from Hamburg, Fleetwood,.
Wern4rsville and other places, and I hope
your correspondents will feel encouiaged to.
continue their communications, for your
promising. paper. I should like to see cor;
respondence from every villageland tewn•
ship in the county. ''he agricultural,
mineral and' manufacturing resourees,
the condition, of the crops, ithe
kind of soils and many. other matters nlight
bp noticed. Indeedihere is no want of Fiat
tdrial l and there are persons in every seetion
of the county, who, with- a little practice,
might soon become vainable,correspondonts.
A Couvraukt.
(We Would be very' glad to liaie a cones
pendent in every towe r , village or township
in the county, or hi those parts of neighbor
ing counties which adjoin Berko. We hope
our friends in all parts of the county will act
upon the suggestion of our corres pondent',
send us 1211 the news from their respec
tive neig(ihorhoods at least once a week.-• .
Send us the facts, and we will put them WO
proper shape for' publication. The name of
_correspondent not be published,'
unless destred:—ED: &tux.) .
...P. • . • yp. ••••,.•
k • itt
• A. 1441401 , 1*ln! TuXott,r—Lest wok Dr•
Jame,: N. Ileffiban of this city, operated oa
:' Concereus tumok of the, &id ,speoloss
Mitotic on the left hip bf\lhapiverin of Mrs.
Nathan of Illehtutitid township, this
county. This is tlie,t.hird Alum it was cut,
loving been removed on tiro former ocest
sTene; by Drit. Lentz of Fleetwood and Trea
ter of Kutztown. It is thought the Toole
of the tumor were extirpated by the opera
tion of D
Dr. J. N. Hoffman who is one of**
ARM skillful surgical operators outside 01
Philadelphia. The wound measures tine°
by nine inches, the .ternor hart: 'Weighed
two and a halfpounds on hs fi rst, one pound
on its second, and one and trA er pounds
on its third and probably last ret4val.
Delp is doing as well as could he expected
under the cireametanco, having been under
the careful and efficient treatment of six
physicians, (Dr. William Hoffinan of this
city being one of the number) during the
triple development of this dreadful tumor.
'We have personal knowledge of the above
occurrence t having been shown the specimen
by Mr, Keith, who has its preparation in
charg4, from which sr make these obseria
it is SAW can be first pot into use from a
beim on :the Welt Brandywine north to the
Vennayltiania Railroad at Coatesville ; 'next
from Wilmington to the Philadelphia and
lialtimoie Central R. it.; next at the Birds
boro' ea, where the masonry of the bridge
across the Schuylkill looks as if almost
teddy for the superstructure, which the
company will doubtleae have forthwith put in
place, for iutertrado with the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad. p
From Birdsboro' to tho Kast Brandywine
Railroad crossing the' distance is 19.80
miles ; thence to the Pennaylvania R. ,R,
crossing at Coatesville 12.1,s • thence to
the Phila. & Baltimore Cenal R. R. crop
ing 17.92 miles thence to the Philadelphia,
Wilmington A; Baltimore R. R. 18 . 70: ' piles;
total distance from Philadelphia & Reading
R. R. to 'Philadelphia IViltningtois Ind
Balthlibre R. 02:50 mi les; to Welt street,'
Wilmington,' 08.74 °Ales. As the „East
Brandywine Railroad , ' is operated by the
Penne. R. R. Co. j .to whose main road. at
Coatesville the lest Brandywine valley
north and south is tributary, the Reading
and Wilmington'. ' R. wilt interchange et.n.
'Adorable traffic with the Pennsylvania R. R.
at its poateaville and East Irandwine ,in•
tersecitionsi also with t Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad, wit hich it will , Inter.
change iron ore and coal.
Jiro meet expenses for construction the
pompony offer bonds for sale; and as Reed
ag and Wilmington aro botheities of means
nd thrift, whose joint names make the,
official title of the railroad corporation e there
are markets for the bonds at the torrnini of
the line, in communities identified with the
work, and interested in its vigproua prose•
cation to early completion for publio use.
At the Presidential election Reading poll.
od 0282 votes, Wilmington 4,178 vote_ _
showing that Reading eantaine about 40.00 Q
inhabitants,' Wilmington over 26,04 as.
Mining Journal. _
P. It.
41 '
51 0
PIIMAI:4I.PnIiA 'AND' RIADINO Aktil;16111611 VAL
'brAor.—"A Beautiful FigAt—Thet Reading Mi a
Company has • purchased the Treverton RAM ad,
and are making hoonneotton with it from the ha
mokin region. •Judge Packer has purchased %w
-hen of the Trerorton lands, Saul Is also extending
the Lehigh and l'ilahanoy Railroad to those latls.
They have a beautiful fight. It is in this way that
the Reading road Is squandering its money to get
the control of everything, and compelling the mil
trade of Schuylkill county to foot Its • The
consequence is that collieries are' abandoned, apd
we hear of butane new colliery progressing in the
Schuylkill coal reglon."—Portsellie Miners' Jour
nal ,You. 21st.
Contemplated as a donkey. BMWS
oars aro'ttn illustration as distinguishable in
the Miners' Journal as a veritable electro
type or wood cut of the animal in a show-
bill. The donkey, moreov . er, is apet among
children in the household, just as the Journal
is apet among miners in the coal re ion.--
The bray in the stable, and in the c olliery,'
is a familiar sound,: for it signifies that an
ass—eutertaining and i .-is near.
"Write me down an ass ' s! Said ogberry,
but write himself an ass tan .Ihionan, and
make as much fun In the doin§':,it; almost,
as is evolved in the humor of Shakspole's ;
- The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad'
Company's legitimate field for expansion
west, from the Schuylkill towards the SUS
(vanillin river; and' inpursuance of this
policy the Troverton Railroad, 181 miles
long, was acquired. Of,' tonne' the next
step would be the connection of the Trevor.
ton Railroad, by a short link of now road,
with their .system of roads:which reach to
Shamokin. Judge Patker's Purchase of half
the Trevorton landi tyler the Reading Com
.pany had obtained the Treverton! Railroad,
puts the Judge in the 'position' of Initiating
opposition in the transaction . ; and fairly
.terpreted it looks fig if the Lehigh Valley
Railroad Company mean to 'push west of
Shamokin, perhaps through 'to Broad Top
and thence to the Pittsburg- and Con-
Railread, since ! a con
nection at - Shamokin with • sthe
Northern Central system, and at the same
time with the Pennsylvania Railroad Cern
pang' s system, gives all the advantages which
are attainable, unless grander western tlispi.
rations are cherished. And so, looking at
the Lehigh Valley Railroad as a trunk line
from Easton to Penn Haven, and forking
thence, one prong to the New York State
line in Bradford county, the other prong
pointing to,the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company's system beyond Bedford, not omit
ting the absorption of a New .Jersey road
from Easton to the Hudson river, the cor•
poration looms into proportions which huli;
cote a necessity for extra kick-bone to bear the
immense outlay and investment in prospect.
Whether what Hannan says of the Reading
road . —one of his sated loves—he meant ur
irony levelled at those counties in the Coal
region which are saddled with interest, on
the cost of parallel roads where 'there is on
ly tra ffi c for a , single line, can be judged as
well by one reader as another; occultneg of
purpose froolllk to lark hi the;de_pthi of Ban
nines paragraph, under the frothy white
caps on its surfaeo.—U. S. Mining Jourital.
18 •
LENT Soetenr.—The annual meeting of the
"Reading Beaavolent.SocietY for the • Relief
of the Poor" was'held in the First Presby
terian Church,. on Thursday, evening, !for.
20th, 1868, Nicolls, Esq., President,
in the chair. The meeting was opened with
prayer by Rev. T. A. Fernley. Minutes of
last me log were read ' sad approved. The
report c; the Board of Managers, preparect
by Miss . F. Smith,•was read; adopted and
ordered to be published withihe proceedings
of 'the Society.
During the past year the operations (Obit,
. Society have been conducted upon the same
general plans as heretofore. •
The calls for assistance were more nuttier ,
ous than in any, previous season, owing l io
the•COntinned severity fit the vrinter, the
scarcity of employment , for • the laboring'
()lasses, and the tneresied population of the
city ; and yet, so earnest and successful Were
the efforts of the ladies who collected foe the
Society, that the managers were enabled to
relieve all Worthyapplieints, withotit calling
upon,the churches for collecti ni l as ; has
sometimes been done.
The reports ihoir that 21 . 0 fa ilies, tom
prising7l6 persons, were iisited and assisted.
.. . -
ltalt tAlifitAtiltary tii divi4o two
of thelvirda iteielit of :rein alweit;:=,—as 1:1e
ilki 4 I.l44 tl gili 404 1 0004 *
44 1 MMkgt . r$ •
heet beta dortailekastra!eiA,ltie, it
414 11 ,4114,
.14„ 61 001109,10,R,V,„Ortttee 1 ,
.c•kas. It r- , 1 4.,;‘ , -, e ll D ' "4 1 gi , "V
i t
atinli. , . x , ',-, , ' . 1.:•!. 4- 4 :-...:4,,,1 4,, • ' , 4...A',.
' WilOiel,* +- ' it OKOk i d l tifi l er ) 1i '1
tiors 'l)ll4** 0,4400 N 10 spikAtr,o 1 ii
wiloke :,b,eilii ' 2 14004 ( .1; Ut 6 (4o 'f
Chetatiee charity, ina:iiiiiieitnia4,of ,n slit t.
thy for the iteet , , eihove ciretietelen4ae 410 te
my hire, 0)6.40414a - ,VOtriihrtibte, 411: in
thernselre!,; fey ratans tiald itliithi4m e- •
cation 4)f its benevolent end' tittle* m' s
alon. . K F. Sawa. SeeitiliiY•
The Triantrer also made his annual ra
port, width was approved; and'is 6 Callon i:
• TittAktlltillt r a ACCOUNI'..I '' t• '
Reading Bonovetent Society in aeconitt
with J. L. Stichter, Treasurer.. , ' . • l '
Nov.' 26th, IN? '' ..: On'.'' .- i.'•'.'.l.!
Balance in Treasury , •;,- •, ', $422 IA
Contribution‘of Lady Managers -; • ;. ,, i 03 845
Collette(' by Mrs. Ladd* Miss Janie* I, ‘•
• son •''' '. 7 i : - 4 102 .',O 1
Katie Sulkies Sleigh' arty(donation) ', I 2/ / ,
Sundry contributions 15 IX /*/- '
Ono year's interest on $1440 • , "'S .
To,paying 14 orders
Balauce,in Tressurer's bands , r)
-:-Appropriato aud stirring addrenel, wet()
then delirered.hy the Rev. Dr. ,Pattlaon, f
St. Peters' Methodist Episiopal thurell,en
the Bev. B. M. &homelier. of St. Jame.'
Lutheran Church, after which the
officers wero elected ,to servo during' th.,
caning year ;
President.-0. A. Niolla r Es q.
Vice President.—A. P. Rossi Escpf.,
'Treasurer.--J, li. Stichter,
Secretary.—Rev. E. J. Riehards.
North of Penn Sfreet.—Frotu River to
Front street, Mrs Lewis and
Vivra 'to 2d,,Mrs. Galt and F a. Jame ►
24 tofid, Mrs, Icestdor '• uu4' :Mrs:
BuSbiingilul to 4flu.gia, BaiteFoic.mis4
itth to ,50, Mts. K. Do'lsollifi . anti
Mrs.'J arsine ; 6th to .
Morris; Othlolth, rd. eels end
Mrs. Birch; 7th te'Bth;. Mrs. Hayti mid Mrs.
Quier ; Bth to 9th, Mrs. Kuhl and
Cobtents ; 9th to I,oth p 'Mrs. Trskter mitt
Mrs.liebtnuoiter ; 10th t 0,116,
and Miss preen; from 11th at, to the
Mrs. Good and Miss , Eckert]niavventh .liv -
yowl Elm, Mrs. Vollmer and , bfra4neol)3 ;
Ninth beyond Walnut, Mrs, Hart ;and Milia
Bostwick. I •
Sena of l'gan street —.Prom, ',Penn t ! )
Chestnut and - Ritter to 2d street,, Mrs,
'and Miss Rhein; from Chettnittial'ini
and Elver to 2d, Mrs. Rich and litra;Pholps;
2d to Bd, Mrs. 'lGFirich and MISS glmentiont;
8d to 4th, Mrs. AtitChter and'idiint'Vee ;
4th to Gth, Mrs. Bunting and Mrs. Dovsher; oth, Mrs.. Anderson and Miss Babb ;
Mk to 7th, Mrs. Van llord'and t K 061 1 .;
7th to Bth Mrs. Ladd and Mrs. -I,iv •
iagoad ; ,eth , to 9th,_, Mrs. thallat:and , Mkt
Jameson; oth to 10th, Mrs. !ruttier-I%ml
Miss B. Smith ; Out 10th st., Mrs. Olynivr
and Mrs. cone. .‘'
11118. - ,Tontr Itttike;l:lirictress.
MOS B. P. entrif, Becretar .f,
—A vote of thanks was ten dered - tiro Hey.
'Dr..Pattison and the Itev.': Mtn.'Behmticlwv
for their able advocacy of the dust,
poor ; and also to the Board of ManageN
for the .faithful and. einalcat. Manuel' in
which they have discharged their...duties.
Thtmeetips kis closed . with i rayer by
Bev. Mr. Bausman, •,. • ,
linterearlusc Railroad Rutty
The. Court of Appeals' Neitc!4rsey, aro
now engaged In hearing an= Interesting i.a i 1 -
Toad suit, in -which ;the ;particulais tirti :+ 4
follows: In 1852 the Morris and;" EsBex
Railroad Company entered into' ft Ootiii:ilvt
with the Sussex 'tailcoat compariy,'Where•
by the former was to pay to the •lattor !lo
per cent. on pasiengers and 25 per rant.
on freight passing over, both
. roids, niol
over any fpturo oxtonsionsor iirp .,erl
(Allier of the roads.• Since thew the Merri3
and - Essex railroad has been iootended from
Hackettstown to the Delaware, end , from
Newark to Hoboken. The SjOrritt and Essex
now claim that the contract 60 tint npply
to these extension!), or if it doge,,, 114 t h e
directors had no right 4o• make such coil
tract,- which claim the F4samr road .-contest:f.
The official majority for General grant in
Maine iv 28,039.
The official majority for Seymour in Kiln
tacky, is 70,820. ' . ,
T 1111,7 CHEAPFIRTIIND DI, ;4 nuclx, l i lt
take pleasure In informing the people of Rend itn,
ind vicinity, (but more PROM/1101Y all
lousekeepers). that they are itriAnurpaturing ar..l
Introducing stoop superior' to am otnar* for the
follorurposes: • •
PI T—Por Cleaning Paint ' , Woodwork, Mar
bl,_ , •
BE ND—Pr Cleaning rand Polishing nt the
same time) Metaled all deserliti t ral:t •
wat once se t o
Housekeepers o groat n ran •
r°re of th fp, as it is entirely unnecessary to Witco .14
otator°, iolishlog Powder', Hriqk Huai, Band,
c. •
• THIRD— or a Palm 'or Bath Boa p, especially
where there are spy Impurities or Caps upon t b ►
hands, such as Paint, tiretutenf any is ad, Primo"
In t6llß e lrand last—Poe thcibonsand and ono
of er purposes for which soap Is in constant n-o,
and which it is impossible to enumerate at this
DIRROTIONA Vol 1101114 HAIN* 1 , 141114 ill) P
rea •
Aild,overy Purpose gbove mentioned. ' 'Po
be us edin the same maanerAlanyother Sono with
this exception, that it only require* ON E-TH I RD
the amoankof our Sostjak tionepplish the Same re.,
sults as ot erg: ant . l ONE-TUARD of;the TI
and LABO eliVed. • • •
WANTED, seen/ IcOd!,lot i stero i 1
HARRIS' - 811e1).
Mannfactired Ere( ho& bri, tha (1001 ti merle
, Soap 41.403 ..ilichflireetiPlaknielnkio.
' HARRIS 4 00 ~ ProntiOtATs.
MADXIR.4), corner of Fifth
11;14 Washington Streets, Sole Aunts kr Sending.
The Soap ti now offeriA to the Public), at the fol
lowing Stores: . • .
Stagger Shenfeldir, ornsuaklrmiso to,
A. Portelger, : , ['rhino ir
B.Saylor e . ..C. flestir.
'fea pon!, 5 fn,
, Keiser, • iota
1 45;
g t i • V': 41 '
ffe T fft;2 4
.Ifildebe ewe ,0, .1 3 oYlire '
V 1.44 •J. triline, •
Zet.l7 erl
y, . •' . , tOtt c' •
-1 •
_ . ,
Noricsr4h. if , oriebbitiles nod la
barb, inep' is en ~ Ike onaltstAni id iHz
sioets q
and doles A 9 , 'M log. Tbe shores
my ll eseboind 11141.4 _ (teen hundred, Alteioly
*singe pirolDer +noire* trelr el
i aving n for
motet - or alsrorsil• 1 out esir Jr 0 , -14bAttr call
es it ip order to secure tb'ent.'
?or farther IntOrtnnUou prll ;A the store of
'Jo les O Thonolte..nrpeensioragrillftli isnd (lowa
str sets. or at Abe residence of Itobirte.r others N.
E. oorneir Vittb and Mort street/ 'OP do tile' tincii.r
elittled. •, Jr ROSS liflLLiilß, Seerttas, • '
oot 2 9 imo • '•; • (Hsette62l Court , Sin et.
ii 7 ol - 1
; p ll.ll to